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Cuz Chat 40 - Dolphin Breathing

The Cuz Chat Podcast
116 Plays1 year ago

The Cuz Chat Podcast has returned with Black Magee and his cousins Cuzzy Cave and Jorge the Ruthless Deception. However, their usual co-host, Mitch, is missing, and the group speculates that he may be involved in g**g activity since he was previously associated with the Gladstone chapter. The conversation moves on to updates on Cuzzy Hump, who was involved in a flooding situation with Corn and Mango and reportedly got punched by Humphrey. Cuzzy Humph has been living in a cabin arrangement at the back of George and lisa's house. The group also discusses their plans for the podcast and their excitement to be back in front of the mic.  

The conversation starts with a discussion about Humph, who had been involved in extortion at one point. However, the reason for his current living situation is unknown, but it is suggested that it may be a dispute over household chores. The speakers acknowledge that when stuck at home all day, small disputes can arise. Currently, Humph is living in a cabin at the back of someone's house, which is an upgrade from the trailer park in Tok. However, one speaker suggests that he could find his own accommodation as he is quite old. The conversation then turns to living off the grid, and it is suggested that Humph is living off the grid of the IRD (tax department). It is speculated that he hasn't filed a tax return or paid tax in at least 20 years. The speakers conclude that Humph's lifestyle may be cash-based to avoid the need to be on the IRD grid, which is probably one of the better grids to be off of. The conversation is casual and meandering, touching on various topics related to Humph's lifestyle and living off the grid.  

In a conversation, two individuals discuss the concept of living off the grid in New Zealand. They highlight that it is challenging to find people who are truly off the grid, as those who are self-sufficient and not reliant on the power grid or other amenities tend to keep a low profile. They discuss the cost of investing in being self-sufficient and note that it is difficult for most people to give up the standard of living they have become accustomed to. The conversation then shifts to the value of energy and how it could potentially become the new standard for currency in the future. They debate whether energy would need to be cheaper or more expensive to generate for it to become a standard value. The conversation ends with a light-hearted comment about a dog, who is not living off the grid.  

The conversation between two individuals involves the topic of living off-grid, with one person stating that they could live off-grid if needed. They discuss different jobs that could be done to earn money, such as plumbing and coach building. However, they also talk about the challenges of living off-grid, such as having to be prepared to fix things and deal with any issues that arise. The conversation then turns to a dog that has been causing trouble, destroying items in the home and wrecking the washing line. The speaker admits that the dog is a lot of work and not what they were expecting, but acknowledges its intelligence. The conversation ends with the speaker stating that they are not trying to sell the idea of having a dog, but that it is a lot of work. Overall, the conversation touches on the challenges and benefits of living off-grid, as well as the responsibilities that come with owning a pet.

Can't breathe in
Cheer, breathers.

Introduction and Host Absence

Welcome back to the CuzTat podcast. You're here once again with Black McGee and not my bro, but my Cuzzys. And we'll get to where the bro is in a little bit. But joining me this evening is George the Ruthless Deception. Welcome back, Cuzzy.
You're good to be back, Matty. And disappointed not to see the the other Kazi and your bro, Mitch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's definitely a void there when I do the intro. It'd be nice to have him put in an appearance one of these days. But what are you going to do? And also joining us this evening, Kazi Cave, all the way from Perth. Welcome back, Kazi's dog.
it's been a while, isn't it? Yeah, right. You're right. Thanks for you. I think you were the one that sort of said, Hey boys, boys, boys, it's time. It's time to put back on the headphones. It's time to saddle up in your chairs and you're in front of your phones and do another party. So yeah, glad to be back in front of the mic and all that sort of stuff. We've got a fair bit to get through today, but as I mentioned at the top of the show, um,
Yeah, go cut it, Mitch is missing. And I haven't really sort of heard from him. We've been sort of discussing this podcast for a little bit now. And he's been pretty silent. So a little bit worried. You're mentioning off off air there, Matty, that he might be sort of in the gang and the gang affiliated sort of world.
That could be one possibility, yeah. From previous episodes, it's quite a bit to do with the Gladstone chapter.
So who knows? Who knows? But I'm sure he'll be pretty quick to correct us if we're just trying to put words in his mouth. That's a little stuff. But yeah, you missed my bro and I hope to have you back on board soon with a bit of an update as well.

Life and Conflicts of Kuzzyhumpf

Speaking of updates, we also, I mean, yeah, we haven't had one of these for a while, so we was trying to get a bit of an update for Kuzzyhumpf. So I don't know if any of the Kuzzies here have got an update on that about the old Kuzzyhumpf at this stage, or do we need to do some smoke signals? I guess from my end, it depends how far back you want to go.
I sort of saw Humpf a little while ago. He was staying with the kazi corn and mango. Involved in like a probably three or possibly four way flatting situation with Banahita. And then I heard that Humpf had actually punched him over.
I don't know the details of the situation, but... We're getting this provided. Well, I don't know, but long story short, he's now been living around the George and Mrs. House. It's got a bit of a cabin arrangement going on at the back of the air.
that's where I was bringing up to date. The last person I saw that actually gave me any updates was actually Woody. Not young Woods, but old Woods. I actually thought that
cause Humph had actually been involved in a bit of extortion actually at one point there. In regards to Woody, sort of the words I got from Humph was that basically this, I thought he was all that. And then, I don't know, likely it's been a dispute over possibly who's doing the dishes or something like that. You know, when you're home all day,
You're going to have like, these are the disputes you're going to sort of have, aren't they? Like, oh, who's making the cough coughs of, you know, I'll get up to, you know, it's not going to be anything too serious, but. Yeah.

Living Off the Grid and Future Energy Standards

When your experiences are limited to four walls, yeah. You can't help but nitpick it all sorts of shit.
Exactly. Exactly. Well, there you go. A hump update. He's, uh, yeah. So at the moment that he's, as far as I know, he's living with George and us and he's got a little cabin out back. So it's basically probably better off, better, better upgrade than the, um, the trailer park down there in tote, but
Yeah, it's going to be beautiful, I think. Surely he could probably find his own accommodation. He is quite an old fellow, you know. I don't think you need to be flatting with someone or living in a cabin at the back of someone's house, even. Well, it depends on the life you want to live, really. You see me off the grid.
off the grid, yeah, I guess you call it that. Yeah. If by grid, do you mean the IRD? Do you think he's, when was the last time he filed a tax return, you reckon? You mean when was the last time he paid tax? Well, that's, that's probably the bigger question.
at least 20 year ago, at least. Yeah, I would imagine nothing that he's been doing has been outside of cash for. That's what I was looking for, but to me, yeah, yeah, off the grid of the R&D, which is actually probably one of the better grids to be off of. Yeah, if you got to be off the grid, yeah, first one. Yeah, it's a good start anyway. Oh, thanks.
Is there a community of people in New Zealand that are off the grid? Oh yeah. Yep. I'm not talking homeless people in major cities. I'm talking rural off the gridters. You never really know, would you? There are many because they are off the grid. So you're not, you know, they're not most sure that off the grid. I'm telling people they're off the grid.
You have got your average fucking person who lives in a tiny home on Instagram that claims to be off the grid. The people that are actually off the grid, you're not going to hear from them. They don't want to be found there. They have compounds and they wait a little bit. You can't be on the grid to tell people you're off the grid, you know, because then you'd be on the grid.
Yeah. I'd love to be off the grid, but it's not as easy as, you know, it's not that easy. I've become too accustomed to a certain standard of living. Yeah. I mean, you can have it if you, if you've done it, if you, if you, you know, if you worked it all right, yeah, I think you could, you could have both, but you have to have money, you have to have a lot of money to invest into it to start with, you know.
To be that self-sufficient and off the grid, meaning not lacking for anything, but just being off the grid, not tapping into it. Not reliant on someone for water, for waste, for power. Basically power is the biggest one though. Yeah, he can't go without it.
I think, I may have spoken about this before, but in the past they had the gold standard when it comes to currency. Yes. We're sort of running into problems now when it comes to inflation. And in the past they had the gold standard. In the future, I think we'll have the energy standard. You know, one dollar is worth this much energy.
And to me, that's something that can't be changed. Even the value of gold can be changed. The value of energy is always going to be the same. It's got to be cheaper to generate and create for it to be a standard value, you reckon? No. Well, that's the thing. If it's cheaper to generate, it means it's easy to get.
But if it's more expensive to generate, it's harder to get. So it's worth more, but it's still the same thing. Which one of you is looking in the bowl? Which one of you is doing the dog bowl right now? It's a dog burrowing in the dog bowl. Chowing it down to you.
She'll go for a good minute, two minutes. That's her next favorite thing to do after eating, drinking. Is the dog living off the grid? Not at all, man. Living hand to mouth. In the grid, bro. In the grid, yeah. It's in your grid.
Probably could live off the grid if she had to. Oh that, yeah. You probably would have. For a certain amount of time until it gets like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No problem sort of picking up work. We're doing a bit of plumbing, a bit of pulling pipes up and
A bit of a coach building on the old coach destruction on the old caravan there. The dog has been a bit too frisky with all your items around the home and stuff. Yeah, so we still have a go at anything, you know, and if you want to go off the grid, you have to be prepared to wreck anything, you know, have a good crack at it.
Something should do it. I'm where she wrecked my house. Give the 100% everything so we can ask for. Yeah, well that's it. You don't expect them to pull the drain pipe off the house and out of the saddle and everything, you know? It must have been a challenge there or something. It'd be like, I reckon I could get that off. That's exactly what's going on, Matty.
um after the eating you know completely destroying that old punching bag and then funny thing is she would have been actually had to jump up at one stage and hang on it as well yeah but she actually um pulled the washing line as she wrecked my washing line too because there's a blanket hung up on it and then just yank yank yank yank that until the washing machine the washing line um
basically bent up. You're not making, you're not selling having a dog at all. I mean, I'm not trying to sell it, but I've had a few dogs in the past and I haven't quite been this ADD, but she's very intelligent. A lot of work, which I wasn't expecting.
Not this much anyway, not this much hypo. Do they grow out of it? Supposedly, yeah, some of them do. I think it's one of those things like the more energy they got and that sort of thing, if you can train it, then the more rewards you'll get. But along the way, you get a lot more action.
It's good and it's bad on the same thing. You can get dogs that are more low-key to start with and you just don't get as much... You can't train them to do as much cool shit out the other end.
Yeah, right. Some of those assistance dogs and stuff like that, they go through EAP to training, a little bit of reinforcement learning and stuff like that. But they've got to be a certain temperament before they can do that. Yeah, that's right. Well, I sort of thought maybe I could get her into a few
situations, pretending she's a seeing eye dog, you know, but no one's going to believe that a seeing eye dog is going to be pulling you, pulling you down a set of stairs, you know, jumping up. Definitely want to try and avoid that for sure. Jumping up on people and sort of just rumbling, you know, fights, playing with other dogs. She's never going to pass as a seeing eye dog. No.
No. Oh, let's see how it turns out. I've got the early days yet. So, um, but it's good to see the one year old, good to see all the snaps of, uh, cause yeah, you've got a dog now to cave as well. So I haven't seen too many updates though on that, which is, I'm sure they'll be coming. Uh, speaking of some, so not too many updates so far. And hasn't chewed too much.
Well, I just had to pull her off my shoes just then. Well, there you go. You can learn from Joyce. That's the bizarre thing of ours, you know? She's taken my shoes, never chewed one.
Never chewed her, I'm just taking it and put it somewhere, but not chewed it. Oh, really? Chew the fuck out of my ride on seat. It's like, it's just selected stuff. It's like, what's really hard to replace? She's just sitting in the yard going, you know what? Fuck that seat. You know?
What did you say? I don't need the water to go down in the drain. You know, it'd be really cool to start a paddling water right here. I started digging the shit out of the yard. She ripped the front of my caravan. All I have to do now is show I just get my phone.
and show her a picture of the caravan of what she'd done. And she'll just look down and walk out solid. Shamed into submission, ain't she? No, she knows what she does. She knows what she's done. Is that the end? The equivalent of like standing in a circle, walking around the dog, just going, shame, shame, shame.
Whenever it hits my mind, I'll just show you the picture and just go outside. Pretty funny. I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. I saw a different picture and she won't react, but as soon as I saw a picture of the caravan, I'm like, was this you? We'll see how long that one lasts. Yeah.
All right. I'm back. I'm sold. Oh yeah. I'm back wanting a dog now. I was, I was out for a minute there, but you've, yeah, I think it's all worth it in the end.

Farm Life: The 5 AM Call-out

Um, speaking of snaps that we've seen recently, um, you know, we've had a few Sparky snaps come through. You were just actually out on the job before we got stuck into this podcast. So yeah, being, being pretty busy there cause over the last few weeks or so, the old snaps as well had some challenges.
It doesn't stop, mate. It doesn't stop. But, yeah, this morning, 5am, the old phone ran off, some farmer, he goes, I plugged something in, plugged something in, and then something had been popping, now my backing gate doesn't work. And I was like, mate, you've blown a fuse.
If you've got one there and you can replace it, you know, just replace the fuse for that. And then you'll be good to go. Oh, no, I can't find one of the C's there. I know this is an hour drive for me. Five o'clock in the morning. I don't really want to go. Oh, can you come out? Danger fuse, drive back.
Uh, it's good money though, but I hate it. I hate it, buddy. The guy had probably done the right thing because he, because you could end up pulling the wrong fuse. You know, you could, he didn't have the test equipment. So you actually probably done the right thing, but it still costs me getting up at 5 AM and driving an hour. It was all good.
Like I say, you get paid. That's what it's all about. We've also had, you know, a few episodes or the last episode anyway, where we went into, well, not great detail because there was a lot of questions more than anything else about the old slip and bleed.
If I can remember back, there were some questions surrounding the logistics of the slip and bleed. One, I think the
the hardware used or the machinery used and getting it to the site. The construction of the site obviously, materials and yeah, what your, how you rated the performance of said, slip and bleed. Yeah, so I'll go back to,
I think one question that was asked is the location of where this slide was. So it was on Mango Lake, but on the other side. Well, back in the day, it would have all been bush there. You would never even know when it was there, but there's farms all on that side now. And a mate of mine's got a place there.
and obviously he's got a digger that we could get involved in. We spent a day sort of digging it out, shaping the whole scenario and loads of sand and whatever else and sort of hit that with the old axe and saw and we ended up actually building a little
that little bit out into the water there and then basically at the end I said nah it really needs a ramp because if you don't have the ramp you're just gonna fly straight into the water which could be quite dangerous so the ramp was intentional but it did give us a fairly serious back kick and I was the first to use the slide and
As you see in the video, if it was a little bit... And there was actually quite a lot of rocks underneath it when I landed. Not in the water. Yeah, so I sort of hit the water head first, looking backwards, but... It was pretty safe, because there was rocks there, but it wasn't until I went to stand up that I sort of felt the dell there, but...

Mango Lake Adventures

Everyone had a good turn and we sort of shaped it and put a bit of polythene out. It went well. Oh, it looked like it had a fun look this year. That kick at the end looked a bit quite nasty. Yeah, it was nasty. But it was safer than no kick. Yeah, that would have just a lot of speed straight into the water. Sort of launched into the deeper waters.
Whereas if I had no kick, it would have been, yeah, it would have been average and it would have been not a lot of fun. So, but anyway, two days later, then it'll be washed away. Uh, all the weight baits that come through there. Yeah. Yeah. The whole, he built that little retaining on all that, but it just sort of washed it all out from the under. Yeah. It was pulled all the way. So.
Yeah we'll have to come up with something slightly different there. So did it pull the tarp or the polyphyrine out as well? I think it was all there, it's still there but I just pulled all the dirt and sand and stuff out from underneath and just basically collapsed that whole ramp so yeah and that was overnight so well you know within a day because there's so many wakeboard boats that go through there now. Yeah right. Yeah.
There you go. Misresolved. Misresolved. There was no injuries. There was plenty of people that were too scared to ride on that, but yeah. Don't blame them. They look pretty severe. It looked like he's a fun though. He reminds us of the swing in Okamaru.
Yeah. That was a good swing man. Like, um, that was one of those things that you just, you know, when they took that down, I was fully actually fucking heart baking because that was a good place to go.
Yeah man, it was a perfect spot. For a cheap foot, basically, cheap thrills really wasn't it? Yep, because you could swim over to that point as well, what was that called? Pinpoint. Yeah, something there, yeah. Pinpoint, yeah. All those rocks sticking out of the water there, that was just cool to like, chill out on and stuff, yeah.
But just black there. Water's so black. Scary as shit. Oh, it's dark. I don't actually know what's in it either. No. Well, you can't see. You can't see your feet. If you're treading water, you look down, most of the time you can't see your feet. It's too dark. Funny thing is, we all hit that swing, no? Oh, yeah. Carloads of us. Carloads, for sure. Oh, yeah.
You know, we'll drive into the bus. I'm talking a bit of a go check down there, but I thought it was good. No, it's fine. What else we got on today?
Well, there's, you know, in the podcast here, we're always, you know, trying to throw up new things to try and learn and invent and that sort of stuff. So we want to chuck in a bit of a new segment here, things that you, you know, only just recently learned or come to understand.
And yeah, this happens all the time. I don't think give it that much sort of thought. Just so you're not labeled a bit of a dumb kit, but some of the things that you pick up are quite handy. So I'm all for like little tips and tricks. So George, you were sort of had one of an example of one of these sort of things you learned recently. Oh, yeah.
Well, that's the thing. Sometimes you just pick things up. And I was sort of watching a video the other day. And it was the difference between an idiot and a moron. And most people won't really know that it's an idiot and a moron. But do you guys have any idea? An idiot and a moron.
It's got something to do with one of them realizing that they're an idiot and the other one doesn't. You're along the road lines, but basically a moron is an idiot who's procreated.
What moron is an idiot that's pro-created? If you're an idiot that's had kids, you're a moron. I think we're just talking about one of them before.
That was a definition I learnt last week, just flicking through a few YouTube videos that had some definitions of things in the English language. I thought, that's a goodie. So it's a proper definition or is that an urban definition?
It was like, no, no, no, this was like, um, a psychologist taught different. So that's why, that's why this is the two pro creators used to make it seem official. Yeah.
I had one I used the other day, and I probably didn't come up with it. It's probably been said another way, by someone else, way smarter and cooler than I am. But it's just that I'd say that I'm only smart enough to know how dumb I am. It's better than being too dumb to know. That's basically the reverse of the Dunning-Kruger effect, isn't it?
Oh, the dumb people are too dumb to know they're dumb. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. It's basically you want to be on that side of it rather than the other side where you're so very fiddly smart. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. But that's been pretty good. Have you guys learnt any new little facts like that? Something you didn't realize?
Yeah, I learned why they actually wrapped cucumbers in plastic the other day, actually seeing a video about it. Oh, yeah. Always wondered why they wrapped the cucumbers in plastic. It's not just for travel purposes. It's actually keeps them fresh for longer. Yes. There's no air. I actually didn't know that. Just like a week ago. Yeah. I always wondered why they wrapped these in plastic. They've got a sweet skin going on on the outside.
Yeah, that's yeah. Well, that's like, you know, the air that they put in the old fucking chip bags, you know, it actually protects the chips from getting crushed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. That's why there's all those ghost chips on the top.
I see one the other day about you know those plastics sealed packaging that you get on like most fucking things these days that's a real pain in the ass to get open and you got you know you gotta get like a Stanley knife or like real sort of decent scissors and stuff like that well apparently the way to open them is you just crush them
you just like try and crush the plastic around the item inside it and it loosens up all the adhesive in there as well and you can just kind of peel it open.
You sort of talking about the most, quite a solid teeth, clear plastic. Yeah. Yeah. There's like heat sealed all around the edge and you know, sometimes we have conformed to the shape of whatever it's holding as well. Yeah. Yeah. You just crush it. It magically kind of like just opens. Breaks all the hard glue. Yeah. Yeah. You just got to kick it out and you squash it for a few seconds. But yeah.
I always just get the old knife out immediately now. Got bit on the belt. Yeah. Well, it's yeah. Yeah. But even then sometimes you like slice down the size and it's still fucking like stuck together still. Oh yeah. You're right. It's little, little in its little pocket of whatever it's holding. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yes. Well, I missed to get it out. I'll have to, I'll try it and report back. Just give you a little waxing paper they have on salami.
I'm always a son of a kind of boy eating them. It's not me and I'll start chewing on it. Well, you're not supposed to eat that. That was the same reason I had the plastics on the cucumber, isn't it? To keep it fresh. I actually don't know because I've actually eaten my fair share of that wax and paper. I actually had a moment probably last year when I actually was today years old when I found out that pickles are actually just cucumbers.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought they were holding the sticks. Yeah, so, well, one's pretty nice and one's pretty gross. Yeah, that's the same thing. I mean, they're both yummy to me. I love pickles. I'll eat them just by themselves. I never used to like them, but yeah, I'll hook into them, bro. They're fucking all good.
I'll hook into the old cucumbers as well though. Oh actually the other day this I can I don't know if we're off topic or what but I thought of an invention. Oh yeah. I know I like to think of a few inventions sometimes time but
A bit of problems when you put something in the microwave and you want it to be stirred up when you fuck, you know, you have to stop the microwave, stir it up and then put it back in. Yeah, because the bottom's... Yeah, wouldn't it be better if you had something that just hung off the top of the microwave and just stirred it as it turned around? Well, the table, you know, what you put the microwave on turns, so the function's there.
Yes. So we just have a solid piece from the top. Yeah, make that stick to the roof and then down and then it just turns and then just stirs. Why is that not a thing? Because the bottom turns so it just needs to be. That's what I'm saying. The bottom turns so it just needs to sit and the bottom turns as long as it's got enough grip. You probably have to have a little grip pad on the bottom.
Or you get those, the plates or the bowl or anything's got like a figure eight indented in it so that when it hits that indention it just follows that line. So that it's not only spinning but moving the plate around as well. There you go.
Because I don't know if you have you seen like those things they use in laboratories or it's like a spinning around, but a middle, so a magnetic. Yeah. It's been real fast. I've seen that before. Yeah. Centrifuge. Yeah. Centrifuge magnet that spins it around, but.
I thought, oh, that'd be cool inside a microwave, but it's probably not as bad as you think. Cause you can actually put me to inside microwaves there. It's not actually as bad as people think. No, it's only people like thin metal and microwave that it sparks out like that. Um, yeah, I've actually heated up earrings inside of microwaves. Hey, earrings.
Like bearings, like palm bearings. Like if you want to heat them up to do an interference fit on like a shot, you wrap them up in like a water soak rag and then just heat it up. And I'm just like, I heat it to a hundred degrees. It's easy. Easy as fuck. I've actually used it. Yeah, it actually works. And that's straight metal in the microwave.
Holy shit. Because there's all the water and shit around it as well though and the rags and stuff. You just don't want to be putting tin foil or CDs in there. CDs? Fucking hell we got CDs these days. I haven't seen a CD for like five years. I've got some but I don't look at them. There's no need for them really. Nah. But one day they will be.
You just had a seedy plant.
Yeah. I wonder about that. Like if the, you know, shit hit the fan and all that sort of stuff, then what technology would people revert back to and how would they care? Well, do you even current technology, you know, still going like still based on having access to electricity or power? Well, yeah. Okay. Let's, let's take electricity out of the equation. Internet. Do you even have any DVDs?
Nope. Oh, maybe one or two. No, I have zero. Even if you did, the only thing that can play those DVDs is maybe, you know, your PlayStation or obviously you can play them on the computer, but even if you need them anymore, you know, because it all can get it online. But if it's a bit of online fucked, you're fucked. Yeah.
Yeah, right. That's some DVD sort of stuff would become like major currency if that ever happened. That's part of the DVDs? There's something to be said for something that's really tangible you can always use. Yeah, tangible. Yeah, you can physically hold and play. Yeah, as opposed to something that's in the cloud or, you know, out online.
I hope it does. I hope they do. We can rely on like not, you know, cheaper energy solutions than what we've got now. But I wouldn't mind starting up a good DVD collection, but you know, it started up because it's just that hassle free scenario. You put it on, it plays. You never have to go into the problem of, Oh, there's like in the shoes buffering or
We can download an update. Yeah, that's right. No problems. You know, you just put it in and it fucking goes. The biggest thing with that though is now is do you actually own that digital content?
Because you might pay for the license for it, but you don't actually own the digital content. But with a DVD, you have something physical to say, yeah, I... Well, exactly. This is my property. Well, it's very hard to own something digitally, even if you had the NFT, because you're still falling under copyright law there.
Yeah, you're renting or leasing a license to have access to that content. Exactly. Which is even your games, you know, your PlayStation, online games or whatever. A lot of them, you just have to be online to even get most of the features out of the complaints. Yeah, that's true.
I still buy my games in CD form though. But even then, there's nothing actually on that. There's no data on that disc. It's just a way for them to check for the license. Always f***ing update. So then you've got to download the actual game. Yeah, constant updates. As soon as you put it in, you've got to download it for f***ing 2 hours and you can buy it. Yeah, and it just takes... You know?
Back in the day, your PS1, your PS2, even majority of a PS3 just put the game in and out of play. Yeah, pretty much. Now every time I go to play, I'll have to update. The annoys me with most things now though, you can't just buy it. You've got to have a subscription. Yeah. I was looking into getting like some editing software and I was like, I would have paid a hundred bucks for editing software that done what I wanted it to do.

The Subscription Model vs. Ownership

But anything's like, nah, that's a monthly subscription, you've got to pay. Yep. A lot of these new AI softwares that are coming out now all like subscription based, you know? I just hate that bro, because I'm terrible at forgetting that it started as a subscription. Yeah, so am I.
So I just have this thing about not starting them, you know? Can't have too many if you don't start any. Exactly. I'd rather outlay our homes for a lot, way more than I'd probably spend.
I'd much rather go to a store and buy something knowing I'll have it when I go to get it rather than fucking around having to wait for it or not going to check it out and making sure it's going to do what I need it to do. It's called like buying proper tools, a cave. You don't fucking know how they are. You don't need shit tools.
I buy it once and then it works. I actually fork up good money for my tools and you'd be better off buying it once than buying three shitty ones. Especially if you're breaking them or going through them. I was having their problem welding up Rosalina overnight.
Because I grabbed the welder from work, and I knew that the bose welder was all good, but I was using this one from work, and it kept cutting out, and I was just getting pissed off, you know? And I was like, it saved me just looking like a video. I'm just going to go and get a decent welder, and then roll it all up. And it worked, bro. You know, you want to got it, and it worked. It was like, sweet. Yeah. I could have, you know, sat around using half-assed shit. Yeah. Getting frustrated.
Looking, looking like a complete idiot. Yeah. Yeah. That's even, yeah. Usually the job. Yeah. I pulled trades on blames as tools, but you know, a good tradesman doesn't use shit tools. No, that's true. That's actually true. It's like, you know, frustrated and sweaty for no reason. You can blame, you can blame your tools, but you just.
You can blame, sorry, someone else's tools. Yeah. You can blame your own. Yeah, it's like, what did you buy this shit drill for? Exactly. Yeah. Gotta have a say as well. Thanks. Doesn't look for your tools. Comment.
No, I stuck out of the chair bro and I tried to move the chair and fucking started barking at me about it. No possessive. All right, we also will move on, we'll quickly move on. Another topic we've got here is back to you again George, you've been a busy man.

The Sunday Cup Challenge

You've recently had the Sunday cup
which through our extensive research is actually New Zealand's premier mediocre sports tournament. So why don't you tell us and enlighten us about the Sunday Cup? It's basically a long distance event of many different sports that don't require any fitness or strength or
You know, they just, it just requires sort of skill and distance or endurance. It's endurance. And the fact that it's two days and you got to get on the piss, you know, like it's gotta, it's, you don't have to get on the piss, but it's more of a peer pressure thing. Whoever you want to go, yes, no, it's not easy. It's not easy, but anyway, so.
This year we've got the new new addition to the events was knife throwing and axe throwing. Oh yeah. That's something I really enjoyed. We did the simulator racing up at the cave. Yeah. The tent and bowling rugby, goal kicking, basketball shooting, lawn bowls, pool, darts, beer pong, washer box.
Yeah, so nothing too strenuous. It's just a whole swag of events. But to get to actually stay consistent or frisbee golf, to stay consistent is the hard part.
Well, some people have their good events, some will have their not so good events. We've got some questions about scoring because I'm a bit of a data nerd. So I'll put you into how it was collated, how it was decided on how points were awarded and if there was any points taken off for certain behaviours or missing out on events. Yeah, so if you finish first in the event, you get one point.
and the lowest score at the end will take it all out and then yeah like certain events obviously you get your playoffs or whatever and people get tired and at the end however wins there's the cup the Sunday cup and what happens is everyone goes around the circle
and basically pour some alcohol in there and as they pour it again and they'll give the winner some advice to carry on from there and then once all the advice is being added up and all the contributions will be made to the cup the winner will then have to drink that up
And it's not a very nice drink. It's mix of all sorts. And, uh, by winner, do you mean the person that achieved the best scores or the person that achieved the worst scores? The best player, the best player still gets punished. Yes. Yeah. That's the only person that does get punished. Yeah. That's not easy. Yeah. Yeah. So.
It's, it's a rough day, but, and there's no real payoff. Anyone winning at all. But the bragging rights are immense. So yeah, depends what you want. There's no argue. That's, that's okay. It's one of the calls that rules are made. You can't argue a Sunday cup because you know, what are you, what are you going to say?
You've done all these events and you've come out on top. Well, there's no argument. You were a participant, so therefore... If you've won the whole thing, well, there's no more shit to be talked after that. Yeah, a few seconds of pain for, you know, a lifetime of bragging rights seems fair to me. Yeah, and you get it every year, you know.
And so we'll do odds. We'll put the old TAB bookie maker fucking sort of thing up for everyone at the start, do interviews and, you know, happy odds of winning. Yeah. So by the end of it, we basically had a two horse race going on. So we've got a press conference between the two of them at the end. Yeah. Some questions before the last event, which was the cider beer pong.
So yeah, so Bearpong was the last event. And then so if you're 14th, 15th, you'd play, you'd play each other in Bearpong, but it wasn't a direct match. It was like, how many shots took you to land? To sink everything on Bearpong. So 14th and 15th would play, then 13th and 12th and you know, all the way until you got down to first and second.
Yeah. That was the last event, so yeah. Yeah, basically, yeah. So it was a big night for the boys after that. That's cool, though, doing that sort of stuff. How many of the boys were there? We had 15. I suppose there was 16. We had 15. Yeah, we stayed at the Hilton out there by the Brits there. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
But, yeah, there's a bit of a actually 3am wrestling match that went down. I think I'm going to send the video to the cast. I think, yeah, we did see something about that, yeah. Very low, no context, kind of, apart from the commentary. Yeah, yeah, we'll send it to the Barf Red, one of the boys in the old Barf Red.
Yeah, that sort of upset the old neighbors a little bit. And you can understand that there's probably a few people on the old summer holiday or possibly, you know, your honeymoon or something like that. And then there's just 16 fucking basically peanuts, you know? Give them something to talk about. Well, they were talking, you know, definitely talking. And that was sort of the beauty of
That was sort of the beauty of wearing uniforms, because when we actually ducked out on the Sunday, we just went out and muffed it. Oh, okay, yeah. It got bigger, don't you? We didn't know, you know? Yeah, we were very incognito on the way out, which... That's the one.
Yeah, we didn't get tired with all the things that had been done. And then as you're walking out... Check out time, you know? And as you're walking out, you can go, fuck, did you hear all those loud cunts last night? Fuck, they were annoying, yeah? Exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just a bit of suspicion. It's a mission impossible subject, you know? Like you come out in full disguise, you know? Yeah. So, yeah.
And whenever you're doing anything like that, the key is having the uniforms, like we have the uniforms and nobody really asks any questions. They just assume you're doing something important. That's all you need to have is confidence, like in that situation. Yeah, it's not like we're doing anything wrong, but we're just, we've been just like when we're in Queenstown, we just pull up to any old field and just start doing our kicking competition and there's no one else anything. Yeah.
You see you in uniforms and they just assume, oh yeah. It's just going to look like you know what you're doing. Yeah, exactly. And so QVD actually brought us down a whole lot of balls and tees and whatever else, do our goal-kicking competition at Topo Nui there. Oh, what a good cut. Yeah, yeah, that was sweet.
Any, um, any vaping challenges that have come up? No, I'm always part of the event. Um, you're, you're on a bit of a break though, aren't you on the old vapes? Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Um, since I got back from Japan, I'm not sure if we've had a podcast since I've been in Japan, but, um, we haven't actually, yeah, with that, that did

Vaping Pacts and Penalties

happen. That was quite a little while ago now, wouldn't it?
Yeah, it was a few weeks back, but I think it was pre, it was definitely pre, uh, post the slide, but, um, since I come back from Japan, had made a little pact with, um, one of the boys, um, no vaping or smoking. And for a year at least, and whoever sort of, if someone gives them, they have to get a tattoo of a, of a cigarette. Can they pick the location?
I guess you can. Yeah. I sort of picked out where mine would go if I gave in. Behind the ear. That'd be a great place. I was actually just going to have one on the side, on the side of my finger there. So you could lock in.
I haven't got an in yet, so that's been all right. It's been a lot rather than I thought it would. Is it the health ramifications? Were you taking a break or just doing it too much? Yeah, it was just health addiction. It's never good to have an addiction like that. Well, if I can tell you, I broke out in a rash and everything. Just trying to kick the habit. Cold turkey. It was about two weeks.
Yeah, two weeks into it. And I was like, this is in Japan. So basically, we're still smoking darts over there. I've just gone from vapes down to darts because, you know, 50 megas, 50 meg down to, I think even those even reads are probably 12 meg. Yeah.
Yeah, that's a nicotine label. Vaping has quite a lot more then. Yeah, a lot more. But because it's not compassing as it's a little bit, you know, getting all the harmful
combusted, what are they carcinogens or whatever? Oh, I guess not. You could be getting some all sorts though. You don't know what you don't, we just don't know. Actually don't know what's in it. Oh, the actual herb itself. There's not enough research to actually say yes or no, good or bad. But I knew that it was affecting my health anyway.
with us faping all darts, but they're both faking you out. And faking is one of those things that when you get, when you start to get on a roll, especially if you've been drinking a bit, you can punish it back, aye? Fuck, you can have a lot of fucking weird boy. Oh, yeah. You can just vape anywhere, too. Exactly. Yeah. And some of the lines are nicotine as well. So that's it. And like I said, it was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be to
to actually kick the habit off or I'd just stop and then, you know, have a couple of nights and I was like, oh, you know. But no, it seems like an hard man. Yeah. And the years is a long time too, to try and stay, you know, off it when you're probably around it still quite a bit.
Yeah, yeah, but I'll tell you what, if I don't have made that debt, if I don't have made that pack, I would have already given in. I can say that with my honest to God, I would have just said now this is too hard. The stakes have got to be high, Ace, for it to have some impact. Just some accountability, bro. When you make that call to say you're going to do something, and then someone else is there to hold you accountable, it does actually help. Yeah, 100%. But, yeah, because of you.
It's a lot easier to lie to yourself. And make excuses. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But there's something on the line, which I don't even have any tattoos, so... Yeah, no, neither do you. It's one thing, yeah, I haven't really sort of jumped on it. Is it all tats? No, and then the last thing I want to do is get my first tattoo to be a Siggy.
I'm actually vaping as we talk about this whole vaping thing. I don't think you've stopped vaping the whole time we've been selling.
No, that's what I mean. You can store it anywhere. Yeah. What flavors, what flavor are you running the case? I got myself a passion fruit and mango. Yep. Just hitting all those receptors of like, yeah, I like these flavors and I'm getting a buzz out of it. Oh, and so getting the buzz from it. Um, definitely just, um, just the flavor, get to the flavor.
And the first one, what sort of megas are you running on that? I actually don't think that they say that these don't have nicotine in them. Oh, okay. That's what they reckon. That's probably too much then because they're not legally allowed to put that much in there, but that's probably why they don't tell you. No. And where you get them from, they want you to take cash from Duke. Oh really? Yeah, you could be sucking on anything then cuz.
The thing about New Zealand is we get the old test, you know, we get a lot of, with the test subject for a lot of that sort of shit. Perfect sample size. We got the old dairy decks. We got the, now we've got the vapes and, um, yeah, initially they'll come in out, you know, you'd get a, you'd get a 10, 20 mega vape. If you had a 60 mega. Yeah. Yeah. Like, bro, you think you've had a head rush from a fucking dart?
You hit those 60 mega and with the big cloud baits, you fucking know all about it. You can just fall over from ripping one of those. Really? Yeah. And that's how they get highly. And then you imagine you smashing that back 10, 20 times a day. It'd be like two packs of darts a day. So you can imagine the nicotine. You can imagine the nicotine.
addiction that people are picking up or am I poisoning your body and, you know, making it taste nice. Yeah, exactly. Got that bad that I'm actually on a job.
working around and also vaping oh shit so it's always in your pocket ready to go oh it's always in my hand oh jesus the thing about it too yeah it's that easy and you can just dump on it because it doesn't smell like it's like a dart or not it just smells like whatever flavor it is and
No one seems to really care. No, that's the thing. It's been, it's a weird thing, like, cause smoking has been like out ruled or outlawed everywhere. And I feel like it's almost as big as smoking was in the sixties. You know, you go around, you look at how many people are now vaping. It's gone. It's gone on a wade.
out the scale of whatever, since I've been alive, since I've been sort of around, and how many people sort of smoked. The level of people that are vaping is like double that. Yeah. People that were smoking. It was more like seven out of 10 people are vaping. Yeah, it's crazy. Well, you'd say it's probably 40% of people are vaping. And then before that, maybe 10 to 15% of people were smoking.
So that, you know, as far as addiction goes, and it is just an addiction, no different to any other, any other drug at the end of the day. You know, if people are going to get reliant on it. Oh yeah. And I just know that that would lift all experiences that I have tools that I experienced fucking getting off it. That was pretty hard. I was not expecting that physical reaction. Did you?
Well, yeah, like I said, I've got a rash, but gonna ration that about about a weekend, about two weeks. Yeah. Yeah. It was uncomfortable. Yeah, exactly. And I wasn't even a heavy user, you know, like all in hard out, but it probably wouldn't be too many people that were using it as heavy as what I was doing. And then, and then stopping.
I don't know. I feel like there's going to be a few people that might end up trying to go that route later on and just finding it very hard. Well, this is the thing. It's still fairly new. So the long-term implications, a lot of people probably don't know yet. The long-term addiction.
10 years, probably. Yeah. 5 to 10. Well, I was saying, if you compare it to the smoking in the 60s and that, what was it, like 80s, 90s when they sort of started? Well, that's, I mean, you might not even get physical, you know, you might not get as much cancer from it, but you might get serious psychological effects, you know, of just the fact that you're hooked on something. Well, substance abuse, isn't it? Exactly.
Addictions, addiction, no matter what form you put on, really. Yes, just substituting it for anything else people get addicted to. Yeah, and well, basically another one of my fucking thoughts was if I can't actually do it now, I'll never be able to do it. I'll never be able to stop. You'll be in too deep. I'll be in too deep, yeah. So now I'll just give it a crack and then see what happens. But yeah, if I can do it, yeah, I'll be stoked.
I mean like once you've done a year, surely you can just kill it from there. Hopefully you won't even need to, you won't want to go back.
No, that's right. At the moment, it's still like, oh, fuck, I wouldn't mind one. Oh, no. Oh, that's nice. What have you got? I'm a month, I'm a month in. Even the stats, you know, I'm like, what am I going to do? Are you going to give yourself a pin after like the first month, the second month, give yourself like little things to mark how far you've gone through?
Yeah, like sobriety fucking pin. I'll just hold those pins on the inside, bro. I'm only feeling a slight achievement from it. My name's Lord, and I'm a mountain. We should set up these little reminders on your phone, saying like, hey, this is your one-month anniversary. Yeah, keep doing it. Yeah, keep it up, pal.
That's a good point actually, I'm so sure that keeps you going Yeah, I
That's sort of how I got off the vapes anyway, doing two weeks hard on the darts. On the vapes to get off the darts and then you have to get on the darts to get off the vapes. I just sort of hit that hard for two weeks. I burned the shit out of my throat, you know. Worked hard at it.
Hard work, hard work. Yeah. Punched darts. Yeah. So I was vaping and then just absolutely punched darts to get off the vaping. Holy shit. It did work because I'm off them at the moment, but probably not what actually made it work to be real. Yeah. Your body would have intervened at some point.
Yeah. Well, what about the dudes that vape and smoke? Yes. Well, there's plenty of people around that do that. Double dipping. They double them up. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to pack it up. I'm going to pack it up. It's just like an expensive here now. What's it an Aussie in us? It's like 40, over $40 for a 20 pack now. I think it's about the same here. Between 35, 40, I reckon. Pretty expensive. It's ridiculous. Oh, it's crazy.
You don't want to be used to stubbing them out early. Excuse the pun. Excuse the pun. We've got a couple more things here we wanted to get to before we wrap up. One of them is the wrestling update. For some reason it's come on my radar recently that there's a whole bunch of wrestling documentaries out there from
from pretty much like the early days in the 70s really right up to like the 90s there's heaps around around the 90s and then obviously more recent ones as well, but man I'm getting into it. I think I'm actually like quite addicted to hearing all these behind the scenes stories of like wrestlers from
my era, which I consider the 90s era, uh, going into the attitude era. Um, and then when sort of WCW came on the scene. So now, now all these stories, they brought up all the wrestlers, didn't they? All the stars up, didn't they?
Well, it's a lot of it to do with, yeah, the storylines and the actual people in charge, fucking it up for some of these wrestlers that have been around for years and not really honoring their contracts. The one, the most recent one was out of it was the one with Bret Hart. Yeah, with the one with Shawn Michaels, where
Yeah, him and Vince McMahon fucking screwed him out of the title because they didn't want him to take it to WCW. Yeah, I've seen that. He screwed him at the end. Yeah, screwed him at the end and then like spat at him, spat on his face and then knocked him out in the changing rooms. Yeah, he fucking just one punch knocked him out. Yeah that's right.
I listened to that yam on that broken skull, stuck in the stone core. Oh yes, yes. I've been watching that one as well. So he was talking about, that's the one I've seen. He was talking to Brett Hart about it. Yeah, man. It's fucking good, bro. Yeah, it's interesting, ain't he? I think now all of those, like WWF is not a thing anymore. So I think that's why they can talk about it. So, because it was back then with that era.

Wrestling Documentaries: Addictive Stories

But yeah, watch the one with Undertaker, that was fucking good. Actually the both, the two he did with Undertaker were really good. He's not spoken, like he's never really broken character at all through his entire career until he finished. No, that's true. Yeah, he was saying about it because like, even when he's out around, he's the Undertaker. He doesn't drop that facade of, yeah.
being a character. Yeah, but even like the, you know, you knew it was kind of choreographed and that sort of stuff. But, you know, when they
how just the links that they would go to to put on a show and, you know, uh, rehearse. And then even in the ring, you know, giving each other like tips about what they're going to do and that sort of stuff. Yeah, that's true. You can say it's fake. Like you can say it's fake, but you can't tell me it's not real. Yeah, that's true.
the fifth
I don't know if it was the Undertaker one or the Bret Hart one where they were talking about some of them were I think like Brock Lesnar and Vader they were the ones that like pushed you right to the limit like it wasn't just they'd go out and you'd finish the match and you'd just be fucking battered and bruised and yeah just really edging up against that line of choreography and choreography and
have you seen that mark mark hunt taco about um oh dear broccoli is there and all that no no what's that is that on youtube or uh i think on youtube i've got netflix too catching all these ones on binge binge trial oh yeah
Basically just talking about how fucking broccoli was on steroids and they basically made and fired them in that day. Yeah, well that's sort of stuff for you, Bob. That comes out a bit later on in the timeline. See, didn't Mark Hunt actually drop humps back in the day? What? Probably. Yeah, I don't mind getting there. Really?
He said we'd just score together, apparently. Oh, true. Oh, no, I didn't know that. Well, he probably definitely got dropped in. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. I totally believe that. Yeah. I can't actually deduced up Sunnyville Williams though. Oh, fuck bro. Oh, that was a recent fight. Yeah. Yeah, man. Like it looks like he's just take, he could take more abuse.
Well, I've always been able to take a hit. Yeah. It was actually a boxing skill that impressed me because I always thought it was just a walk in smack, smack, smack, walk out, take a few hits. But he actually outboxed on me quite well. Yeah. Oh, my God. Especially after you got beaten by Paul Gellin. Oh, fucking God. Yeah. Yeah, that was terrible.
I don't think he really trained much for Nanny. It didn't look like it. Got a poor form there. Got a poor form there Mark had. Oh, that's right. Speaking of poor form. Has any of the Kazi's got some poor form stories they want to share before we wrap up? Yes.

Travel Mishap in Thailand

Yes, I do have a poor form story. Let's hear it mate. I didn't have one.
We were in Thailand a few weeks ago, and we've been snorkeling out of Pee-Pee Island and had a bit of an upset stomach that morning of. I thought, oh, it should be all right. Had a few gastro stops. I was like, oh, it should be all right. Anyway, we got to where we got to. We were having a bit of a swim around. Oh, but before that, the guy on the boat's like, you know, there's a tall urn here. You can press no shit in in there. You know, I was like, oh, yeah, we're all good.
So we've got to get to where we've got to, swimming around out the back and I whispered to my missus, I actually need a bit of toilet. It's actually coming on pretty strong. Pretty strong. So no, you can't, you can't do it. He said, I was like, I don't, I don't care what he said. I have to, everyone will start swimming around. So I jump on the boat, get in there and it was just full water come out.
So I'm wiping, went to go flush the toilet, wanted to flush it flush, and then just all come back up. I was like, oh, fuck. Fuck, what have I done? So I got the scrubbing brush and started scooping me well down too. Fucking it in. Still wouldn't flush. So I did the old sneaky walk out.
Cruise back out for the hunt of the boat and told us all the fucks went in there. Don't go in there. It's bad. Real bad. And then about an hour later, I see somebody walk in there.
I still used it, but the look on my face when he came out was not the best. Note to self, probably take a few more gastro stops if you go to Thailand. Yeah, I used to have gastro for a week, like a full week. I had it. After, or while you were there? While I was there. Oh, fuck that. So I got it on a Saturday, and then we left.
on the Sunday and I still had it like a week later. Just from the water or the food or? Oh, fucking could be all of the above. I didn't use any of the water, but I might be in the street food or the not just any street chicken, constantly. So yeah, that could be. The Japan. We went up to the old the old drift track up there.
But there was no one there because they'd just been snowed out. And it was all frozen up. Is that the mountain one? Yeah, the drift track. Yeah, the drifting. And the bro needs to take about three to four shots a day, you know? Big man. And he's always needing to take shots. If he needs to take a shot, he needs to have a feed, you know?
Well, we got up to the drift track and it's like, the place looks like, uh, post-apocalyptic, you know, there's like a zoo, like an animal zoo. There's, it's fucked up. I don't know. We were in the middle of nowhere and there's a tall up there and the boat's gone to take a shit, but it was frozen, you know, cause it's fucking whatever. And so he's done his shit and it's frozen and then he couldn't flush it. This is a shit cube.
And who knows when anyone was going to be back up to their drift track because they have to wait till the whole situation thaws out. So that shit could have been there for days, weeks, months. Yeah. Yeah. But still frozen. Well, it was just a very offensive off. They could have had a whole nother animal fucking enclosure.
Just some bit of shit. That was a weird place, bro. There's camels, fucking monkeys, and a drift track in the middle of an absolute nowhere. Yeah, right. And some frozen shit. And some nuggies. Yeah, and then a tood. And a tood in the fucking toilet, bro. That's what I would've come up with, man. And just, whoa. Whoa. Yeah. All right. Well, thankfully, I don't have anything. Sometimes you need to go.
Exactly. And that's what happened. And yeah, it would have been the similar situation to you. You know, you just got to go. I hate it. I wasn't going to, I wasn't going to lay it while I was in the water. It was just followed me around. Well, what's the option? Like in the fucking QVD and his fucking motorway situation. What's the alternative?
Well, he needs to use cake and he will stuck on the motorway. What's your alternative? The alternative is dropping it straight into your unducks. I'm not going to know. I think I'd rather take the blame of dropping one in the old toilet and jamming that up for everyone else. I think the one guy that
Every now and then you've just got to use a public bathroom and don't look back. Does it flush? Whatever happens after that, oh well. That's the next best of this problem. Just pretend it wasn't you. Just close the lid, flush, walk away. Just act disgusted like everyone else.
immediately walk out and just fucking proclaim fucking who was the dirty cunt that was in here? I can't even flush it down. I always used to when you're, you know, you get up in the middle of the night and you got to take a piss or whatever. I was always, I was always pissing by Sona.
You know, you just if you hear it's hitting water, then all good. Yeah. Well, then I got the sort of got it thrown to me that just sit down and piss, you know, saying all that drama. What are you guys thinking about that? I see the theory behind it. Yeah, I don't know. To be honest, it's never crossed my mind.
Yeah. Well, it never had to be honest. I had never crossed my mind either until when I mentioned, I'm trying to have a couple of sides, but the worst thing is you're trying to, you're trying to do it for half. That's actually the initial problem in the first place. You know, everything's all well and good. Amy's not hard. And I think that women think, Oh, how, how hard can it be?
It's actually quite hard. Do you even know what all the factors that can be in play? Unless you pre-check just what's happening down there, it could just go anywhere. If I've got like a three quarter mongrel going on, I'll just piss in a shower.
You don't know how it helps what the strings gonna be. It could be a fucking fork. It could be anything. Yeah, exactly. That's why the sides are good. I'm just pressing the share and then flash it by turning.
I do get the sonar reference though because that does kind of clue me in you know we're about on sort of aiming and there went by the sound of me hitting porcelain or water yeah yeah yeah but it always come a little bit worried sometimes when it just sounds too quiet I'm like yeah that's an odd sound like that's not hitting anything am I actually aiming in the bowl this time?
You know your way off and you can hear it and you can feel it on the knees. It's like that's that's gone past. So now they're going to be all receptors. I can feel that's how I come. Well, you know, pinch off, pinch off reassess. Sometimes when you're in that situation, you have to sleep, you know.
You can see where the sit down could work out. Every now and then I'll flick the light on. But I'll keep one eye closed so that when I turn the light back off, I change eyes and I can see in the dark still. Is that a left brain, right brain thing too?
As well, one night, keep the left brain awake. So you're not like fully committed to waking up when I was still like asleep. I think dolphins sleep like that. Yeah. I sleep one side of the brain at a time because one side has to always go up and get you. They can't just sleep underwater because they're going to click. Yeah. Yeah. That's right.
So they only actually sleep one side of the brain at a time. Uni-hemispheric slow wave sleep, which allows them to rest and still be able to surface for air. So yeah, one side of the brain shuts down while the other hemisphere remains active. The active hemisphere controls the dolphin's breathing and keeps it alert to potential dangers. The inactive hemisphere allows the dolphin to rest and recharge.
but it still remains, it still maintains some level of awareness so that it can surface to breathe when necessary. Yeah, that goes into something else I learned about not long ago as well is that the human body actually trusts us with very little. A lot of what it does, it just does automatically. Oh, yeah. The subconscious.
Yeah, can't be trusted also. Yeah. Well, I can't be trusted because a lot of the time when I'm asleep, I will forget to breathe. Yeah. Oh, that's bad news, man. That's yeah. Like that sleep study I did was, yeah, suffer from sleep, mild sleep apnea and, um, hypertension because of the lack of oxygen. Yep.
How's the medicinal fucking treating you for that now? Oh, it's good. How many months in are you now on that? When I saw September. Yeah, September. So yeah, four months, five months.
Still working out well. Yeah, it's good man. Like I sleep pretty soundly most nights. The biggest problem I have now is my fucking sinuses and shit that play up and I can't breathe out of my nose anyway, but yeah, I don't wake up at four o'clock in the morning anymore. Like I'll get up to piss and stuff like that, but I'll go straight back to sleep. Like, oh, like the body's that, um, you know, couch locked almost still.
Yeah. That, yeah. I'm just, I'm stuck of not doing the lower THC at the moment. I'm sticking to the 25% because it's mostly at night and I don't, I don't do it during the day when I'm at work. So I don't need the lower dosage to use during the day. Do you find you get the drives or anything like that?
I'll still get a bit of cloth mouth and that sort of stuff, but I'm vaping it. So that might be, that's a bit different to what you guys were saying about vaping. But yeah, it's completely different. It gives weed a really good taste and flavor. It's bizarre. Never really had to, it's always been harsh and like, you know, burns your throat.
but if you're getting top grade medicinal and then vaping that, oh yeah, it'd be nice. Oh, that's really nice. And it's, I've finally figured out the, the vape as well, is that because you can sit at the temperature anywhere between like 160 degrees to a hundred or 210. But the different strains in that, you start off about 180. And then once you're kind of getting some good
coming out of that, up until like 190, and then just try and finish it off. It's a little bit harsher when you get to those higher temperatures, but...
Yeah, you get a lot of that active ingredient out of it at those temperatures. So always try to finish off around 190 and some stuff, depending on what it is, like giving it a last two sort of pools at like 210 is usually a good way to finish as well.
Yeah, they can rip you the old weed bait. I was rocking them for a little bit. And that's quite good because you're just turning on and then it'll give you like a three to four minute zish. Yeah. Yeah. Out of what you pack into it. So that's kind of cool. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a joint. Yeah.
Yeah, it's probably the dosing caps I use. I don't know how much they hold in terms of grams, but my credits are probably like maybe two buckabong cones maybe. But you're not doing it all in two fucking big pools. You're spreading it out over, you know, lots of little vapes, little sessions. But I've started collecting the
the AVB, the already vaped bud. And apparently you can put that in milk and sort of cook it, not boil it or simmer it, but warm it up. And it separates the active THC in there. And then you strain it all out. So the active THC is in the milk and then you use the milk for cooking.
and gives you the rest of the active ingredients in there. And yeah, you can cook and people are saying, so far the research I've done has like some bigger, more intense buzz as well. So you can make cakes and cookies or whatever out of the milk. Yeah, so I've got like a little jar full of it. I'll fill that and then give it a crack. See what happens there.
But that's okay. Do you find that the old, um, just nicotine vapes, did you dry mouth at night and shit like that? Well, I don't know, because we don't get them. Hey, let's skip those other ones. Um, cause I have a window. They don't like to sell them here. Apparently the nicotine ones. Yep. Yep. So on WA me, I see. Just say what you're hurting is a zero Nick. Apparently. Oh yeah. Allegedly. Allegedly.
You don't want to get involved in those fucking next salt 50 megas boy.

Vaping Evolution and Youth Impact

That's not fucking nasty. You know, way too much about this. No, no, that's the thing in New Zealand. That's not like people know, but like you ask her, oh yeah, what's that? Oh yeah. 50 meg, 60 meg. Oh really? Holy shit. Yeah.
And like, like your average one, like your average sort of service station vape sort of thing, you probably took in 30 meg and that's quite high. Um, some of the OG, you know, back in the day, maybe two, three years ago, people were sort of aching that the big rig sort of thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those, that sort of thing would be maybe six, three to six meg. Oh, yeah.
Is it those big tabletop ones, big tabletop vapes? They're massive. Oh, just the big, yeah. And then you'd pack your injuries into those before, that was before they come up with nicotine salts. So six to nine megs would be about the most harshest you could take because it would take you out. You couldn't take any more.
Oh, yeah. But when they come out of nicotine salts, they made it. You could do high dosages very smoothly. So they just ran their straight out of the 50, 60 meg from six. I mean, it sounds bizarre. Oh, it's bizarre. Just having that as a product.
Oh yeah, exactly. When it's supposed to be a product that's getting people off smoking, but it's been more of a product that's just started people vaping. Like I said, there's more people vaping than there ever was from what I know, smoking. Well, there was a story over here, recently about 12 year olds at school vaping and shit. Yeah. That's a major epidemic over here now.
as well. Um, so we're talking about maybe not putting any vape shops any within a certain distance from schools and whatever else. They popped up real quick vape shops everywhere now because it's like in toke.

Cigarette Theft and Black Market

There's one, two, three, four, five vape shops. Yeah.
I haven't seen a ram raid for a little while, but yeah, it was like a little bit of a string of them going on. And don't get help.
Yeah. Holy shit. Like they were big back in the day and then they went away and now they're back again. Well, they got the old bollards on that, eh? So they stopped the old ram raiding a little bit. But yeah, it was actually when the ram raiding sort of
Kicked off around heels and they put the price of siggies right up. It's the correct cause and effect, eh? Well, pretty much because, you know, when you think about it, how much does your average service station keep in the till? $500, you know, maybe? Yeah, just a float. How many fucking exit darts are they keeping those fucking things? At $40 each, 10 packs of darts, that's all handy.
And they've got fucking 5k worth of fucking siggy's to me. Fuck now. That's crazy. They can ram raid there and just take all those and, oh well, exit darts. And they'll just take them back to the pad, I'm sure. I was going to say, yeah, there's black market currency. Not often you're really selling them off.
No, it's not like an ounce of weed or something, you're not coming up and, oh, yep, cheap ziggies. Really, does that some fucking carry on? That's really for five grams of tobacco. Yeah, that's the sort of stuff you use to incentivise certain behaviours in that.
Exactly. I think they're more likely to be just ram raiding and then just taking them all back to the pad. Yeah. And then just smoking them up. Allegedly. Allegedly. Yeah.

Wrap-up and Farewells

Don't get your fellas in trouble for any gang related. Gang affiliations. Gang affiliations. So rivalries or what have you. Yeah.
Well thanks for joining us this evening fellas we'll get back on soon we'll find out where that other fella is but until then that's what it's all about April
Fuckin' A. Fuckin' A. Fuckin' A. Thanks for joining us, cozies. Alright, take care. I'm just gonna get a bit of a shout-out now. Buh-bye now.