Introduction and Nicknames
Welcome back to the Kuzz Chat podcast. You're here once again with Black McGee and my kuzzies. We got in the house tonight. Shaking up a bit. Back by popular demand.
much a man. Randy Averidge himself. Welcome aboard Kazee.
I don't believe that. It's real. No, it's popular, popular demand. It doesn't have to be a single person. It could just be, you know, Craig from under cargo. Yeah. Craig's from under cargo has just been sending in nonstop emails about I've got to get that, that Macho Man Randy average guy back on board bastard. And yeah, I haven't seen this Kuzzy for a couple of weeks. So welcome back. Kuzzy Jay. Welcome back. Okay. So what are your, what are your, I forgot your AKA's because they were AKA cave AKA.
I don't know, have you got any new ones? I've picked any new ones up lately. Wow, I think that's it. I think that's it. Just came. I like to call myself Daddy every now and then. Big boy. I'll tell you, Mum, Mrs has called me that, but she doesn't want to get into it. She just came out with Kent instead. Just rolls off the tango a bit better. Doesn't. You're an asshole.
Well, thanks for joining us. Thanks for making this Sunday, what are we 22nd of October? And enjoy the one joining us here for another podcast. And yeah, another another catch up for the round up of the week we've got for everyone today.
Story Coverage Plans
We'll get into some poor form stories at some stage. And yeah, we'll go we'll dip into the mailbag as well. See if there's anything lying around there. But yeah, so it's been a couple weeks since the last potty. Miles, you kind of made the trek up from from down south side.
You said you were listening to the podcast backup as well. So any kind of follow-ups from that last episode that you kind of wanted to mention?
George's Antics and Deceptions
Jordan, now they call him George's ruthless deception. I think in a few years it'll be no friends George. Just some of the stitch ups that he's given people over the years and I bought to mind one. I think it might have been the Rustman's opening.
and slash Uncle Jimmy's birthday. And Shannon's telling me, yo, come outside, come outside, and I'll go outside and just get hit with snowballs and fucking muddy.
which was quite surprising. I'm pretty sure it was that weekend. Snowballs and fakamoto, yeah, that is surprising. But Jordan has a ute full of eskies and snow in them. So he's just jumping them out to see if I can get a chunk of snow in there, introduce some snow to fakamoto. Yeah, stacked it up. But yeah, just some of the antics.
That egg's got one too. Yeah, it seems to be every week he comes back with something else that he's either Holly or his mates or, you know.
Good Samaritan Motives
Actually, you had a bit of a different story this week. I guess as we go recapping, there was a bit of a good Samaritan story out of there. Did you happen to see that as well, Jason? Yeah, I did see that actually. I was actually messaging them last night about it.
Because I think he's trying to get that car for himself.
I was going to go into something about like, you know, good karma and it'll come round, but you guys are seeing straight through there. He's trying to scare himself. If there was an old lady, he'd be like sailing straight to work.
But yeah, he couldn't be here tonight. He does send his apologies towards the rest of deception. But yeah, there's been some odd stuff like that one from him after teasing his mates for so long. Be good Samaritan, where he's helped someone or talked him out of buying a dodgy car, which we seem to think is on purpose. But there was a random, like, there was some naked dude in the chat, like,
OnlyFans Content Ideas
Zoomed in naked dude. I think that was...
because you can't let it sit there doing some peeping Tom from one building to another. Yeah, it would be better if you see a bit of sausage in there. What if you turned around and you had a ruckus and a set of tits on the way? Just I'll be back to last week's chat.
There's got to be more recorded footage that seems to be all that was posted was what he could fit on a snap. There might have been full full frontal nudity, we don't know. Maybe he's got a premium tear or Onlyfans or something to... It's a bit of a trailer, is it? I think we had this discussion before about who our cousins would have at Onlyfans.
Hmm, I reckon Jordan would, but it wouldn't be the usual. It'd be something really fucking odd. But, you know, like, like some invention chat or something like that.
There'd be something really odd. I'd pay for that. Just to see him like do experiments and give names. An eight dollar subscription. An eight dollar subscription. I wouldn't go twenty dollars like the rest of them are asking. Eight bucks a month is reasonable.
Podcast Creation and Future Content
What would you like to see? Like explainer videos. Experiments gone wrong. The outcome of some of the stitch ups he's handing out. You know? Yes, a live pranking. Yeah. Yeah.
I actually, his yarns about, oh not his yarns, his like the work chat, like coming across all the bullshit and coming across, coming up with ways to get beyond it is quite good. I actually like that. Yeah troubleshooting and yeah. I actually like that. Yeah well you guys are quite in sync with all that sort of stuff because that's kind of what you're working with all the time so. That's pretty much my job description hey. But look here's a brand new truck, here's a dude that will fuck it and please.
just keep them going, you know? And don't make it cost us too much. Yeah, so we've always said he could, you know, make some content like that himself, put it behind a paywall, but I mean, who do you think is going to be the most promiscuous of all the kuzzies? You reckon?
Well, yeah, it's probably a foregone conclusion, but I reckon people will pay. If you turn the TV on and I had connections on one channel and conversations, I'm not watching the connections. I want to see what sort of terrible lifestyle choices he's made today. It'll be like that.
I feel like this podcast doubles down on them quite a bit. That's why it was created. Let's be honest. It'll end when Hump actually comes on the episode and it'll be, you know. Yeah, yeah. But Hump, if you're listening, there's an idea of me and I'll watch that shit. Yeah, content is king. 20 bucks a month.
And it's UK dollars too, I heard. I heard.
Tech Nostalgia and Music
It could be just like, it could be just like making sandwiches in that as well. Like, just like making some real tragic sandwiches or. Making sandwiches and selling into the trouble hooks. But I think people would pay for that. I think there don't need to be people in parts of the world be like, look at this fucking crazy cat. Is it again? I don't know.
Only cooking one side of his toast. What is going on? It sounds like a thing. Is Edge the standard? He babysat us once when the old lady went to Nusa for the rugby trip many, many years ago.
Within the first day, you realise, like, Jesus, he babysitting us, or as me, this 11-year-old child, babysitting him, when he goes and makes him a coffee, puts the jug on the element, but, like, turns the element on, puts the jug on it. But who has one of those jugs anymore? Oh, like, thinking it's like a kettle. No, it was a plastic jug. Yeah, but, like, yeah. That's what he was thinking. It was a plastic jug, full of water, puts it on the hot element, turns the element on.
And then, well, you could only imagine what happened next as it melted through the element rings and water and sewed everywhere through the top of the oven. He'd be about... No, he'd be younger than him. Older. No, he's very younger. Because I think he's younger than me. So, must be. Looks exactly the same. Yeah. Speaking of... Is Lord... I think there was a...
All Blacks Celebration Chaos
I don't know if it was, was that who, oh, Roza's took a photo of Trev's PC. Is that who he's talking about? Trev's standing? I don't know. I think it was. I think it was a photo of like a PC from the, I don't know, maybe the late nineties or early two thousands.
the creamy beige PCs with the old CRT monitor. And it was running like the original version of like Windows Media Player as well. You can see rocked up and it was like pumping reggae. It was like an old PC. I think Shannon still has an original Xbox because we had so much music on it.
And we don't know where all those CDs are going anymore. So that music, we're relying on a memory, a lot of the time, to remember those songs. But on that original Xbox, man, there's so much good shit on it. Yeah, well, that's when you could actually rip music to the console. You put your CD in, rip it to the hard drive, and then play it back while you were playing games. It was primo. I think there was a big loss there when they stopped doing that.
Oh, just listening to music. Yeah, yeah. Well, you can, but it's not like in the console
Workplace Challenges and Mistakes
now. I've got some I'm pretty sure my Xbox hard drive is like a few of the J5 albums that I had at the time. J5? Jurassic Five. Oh, yeah. On there as well. I thought you're thinking of what is it? Not high five. High five. Who's the British band? The British band. Two chicks and three guys.
It's Club 7. It's Club 7 actually. It's Club 7 Van. Actually I heard the music recently was popping along. I remember buying the tape because it was cheap and it come with a little book. Just checking it out. I was a big fan of Rachel.
100%. But if anyone's got any one of those old PCs, take a photo of it, send us in. I remember actually doing a lot of work on those old PCs before the internet came out anyway. Same reason I sort of had it. So if you've got any old PCs, send them, send your photos in, we'll critique them, we'll grade them. Might even have some old spare parts for them, you never know.
So what has been going on? What's been going on with you? Cave, you've been recently in the chat moaning about, sorry, venting or explaining about a new job move that you've made and some of the things you're coming up against. Yeah, because I originally left my job in, say, April. I'd had enough of the place and there's a couple of people there. I haven't had enough of.
through my toys, I was caught and left. And then a few months down the track, they ended up getting rid of the people that were there that I fucking hated. So I left and then they asked me to come back. So I come back three weeks in to come back. They asked me if I wanted to take over the project manager role. And I was like, oh, not really. I don't really want to do that job. Fucking looks pretty shit. So
I'm doing it now anyways. It was a decent upgrade.
Um, yeah, the guy that was doing before me and promised the world to all these clients and then just come across my desk now and I'm like, we can't do this. Not in this timeframe. It's unrealistic. The fucking shit doesn't even come in and drive your hand over. What are you going to do? Of course came to shove, we ended up having to make the phone out of shit ourselves. And then it wasn't exactly what the client wanted in the end. So there's been a big fucking
big cry about this and the clients not happy and all that but at the end of the day she could have just waited another week and she could have got what she wanted but she wanted to have a soak so she got what she got in the end and apparently that was my fault now I'm going to have a meeting about it next week oh you go yes that's when you get paid the big bucks you yeah you gotta um responsibilities go up too eh oh but it does yeah but then I'm like well
Well, maybe the sales team need to stop promising things to people that they can't give them. 100%. As a salesperson, I'm definitely promising stuff. I cannot keep trying to pass that on to someone else. It's the name of the game. So we're in the meeting next week, also. As long as they go, well, they asked you to come back.
They must value what you've got to add to it. Yeah. Like I told them, you can just wait an extra week and you can have exactly what you want. I don't like that idea, so I don't know if you can have this instead. They said yep to it, then they got it, then they were like, oh, it's not really what I wanted. I was like, no shit, it's not what you wanted. You got? Yeah. Those two are hard to deal with. So what's the plan?
Is it going to have to go back and reduce that job? Or do you think it's just sort of compensation? No, no, that's all done now. Don't finish. I think it's... You're just going to get what she's going to get. We'll probably never get any work from her again, but... Sometimes they don't need those ones, though. They just bring problems. Not every customer's the customer to use. Maybe she should just listen, mate. Maybe she should just listen. Get what you want. Why are you listening?
They're still going down the fucking... Yeah, well, that goes out of the lead blue. I hope it turns around for you soon, cousin, you know? Because they obviously wanted you back. Yeah. Yeah, they did, because they wanted to go back. And a lot of you were saying all the dickheads that were there gone, so, like you said, bit of an opportunity.
Oh, I actually got another one. Fucking got a phone, got a text message on Thursday night from one of the new guys. He's quite young, you know, 19 or something.
Don't know if I'm gonna come in tomorrow, just found out I'm gonna be a dad. Don't know how to get my head around it. And I was like, no, fuck, whatever. I talked to myself. Maybe she'd come to work and she's gonna be a dad. Beat some cash. Long story short, found out she wasn't even pregnant, she fucking, they read the fucking pregnancy test wrong. Oh, she's a character. Yeah, I am.
I'm going to be a myth addict. Oh, he actually does look like one. He's in the team. We actually call them swamp boys. They look like they're from the fucking.
Pranks and Mischief Memories
Why he's from Louisiana? He's swampy. Nah, they love swampy. They love like those double dynasty people. Yeah, they're fucking hips. Yeah. What a great show that was. Yeah, it was. It was mint. But it was like a race to do fucking nothing out of that show. They just sat around, talked shit, and then they just went and took a break and did whatever they wanted.
I'd like the job. Okay. I mean... Yeah, same. What was he claim to think? They like sold, like... I'll have him be at something. Ducklowers. What was it like, ducklowers and stuff? Yeah, the Quaker things. Yeah, duckcalls and that. Fuck, it reminds me of Uncle Mosey, actually. He picked me up from the pub one night, and I think I was living over here, I was back on a holiday, and he walks into the pub. Bears! Because he calls me bears for some fucking reason.
And he goes, you want to ride? Oh, yeah, sweet. So we hop in the ute, and we go for a ride. And then he goes, oh, hold this, and just hands me a rifle. That's what you do when you're cruising around town among kennel. So I'm sitting in the front seat holding a rifle. Then he starts putting deer calls out the window to unexpected people walking down the road, just trying to make them shit their pants. It was fucking funny. Like you just creep up with the lights off, give a deer call and someone would turn around. Holy fuck.
But then I cottoned on quite quick that we're giving people flights, they're spinning around and there's this big white cunt holding a rifle in the front seat. I was like, oh fuck, we should probably knock this on the headache. But just a classic uncle throwing you under the bus. Yeah, it's good getting away with that sort of stuff back home, so. Oh yeah. Well, some people do. There's a few that haven't. We used to do drive-bys with cap guns and shit.
in Topor, the drive-thru liquor stores, tweeting, one of the other mates was working there, so we broke up. Wait till they come out and just unload all these cap cans on them, take off. Fuck, you couldn't do that at this day, eh? Nah, fuck no. Shit. Probably like BB guns or something like that. Yeah.
Awkward High School Encounters
Or gel blasters though. Yeah, paintballs. Good stuff. What else happened this week? Oh yeah, I had a bit of a fucking eye injury. Every now and then I get this burst blood vessel in my eye and it just coats half of my eye and it's just blood. Is it called Roberta? Oh my god.
It stabbed me with a blunt pencil. But he's still a cracked drumstick as well. No, I don't know. What does it say? Maybe just rub my eyes too hard or...
It's too much peek-a-doo, I don't know. But yeah, it happens every now and then. It doesn't feel anything different though, but it looks fucking real evilwares. It can demonic even. Yeah, I didn't see that. It was quite gross. I haven't seen really anyone else get that before. It's pretty... I don't think it's that common. Did you go to the doctor or no? I went once, like the second time it happened, and they're like, oh no, it'll just go away after a while. Oh, yeah. So... Gunners just said, like, could be just stress-related or something like that.
You don't look that stressed suddenly having a whisky. What Sunday? Well judging but mind you you don't have a blood vessel burst in your eye right now too so get into it.
All Blacks Performance Analysis
Yeah it's all about balance. Yeah yeah yeah. Maybe that's the medication, have a whisky and it goes away.
Variety is the spice of life, they say. Yeah, so it's coming right though, but yeah, working at a high school is probably not the best place to have one of those sort of things. I mean, you get funny looks anyway, but when you're looking at kids with these fucking bloodshot eyes, it could be a little bit intimidating. What else been happening? What have you been up to down your neck of the woods there?
Geez, fucking turning wins into losses, that's for sure. I just had one of those fucking weeks, one of those weeks where a bit of a win turned into a massive loss, starting off with Sunday morning and the All Blacks win.
like there was a look here. We all thought they were going to win. I was hoping for a bit more of a contest. It kind of wasn't actually so was Sunday before the Sunday before with all blacks were never Ireland. My mate brings me up Thursday and goes, but I forgot to tell you, I booked them. I booked in your house. And I go, what do you mean? And he goes, I mean, couple of the pros going to come watch the game Sunday morning. I was like, I see this all good.
So I turned up, had a beer, and I thought, I don't really want a beer, but fuck it, I'll have one. And then it ended up being, you know, such a fucking great game. Next thing we know, there's a few more beers happening. The mother of my children turns up and grabs the kids and she's like, oh, go have a day out with the boys. Maybe I will, maybe I will. And then
Then I look over and another bow Mario turns up with his kids and he's bringing two boxes and we just got stuck in real quick.
Day Drinking Dynamics
Couple of beers later, someone's booking us an Uber to the city.
to go to an Irish bar so we can just give Irish people shit. And fuck, we did a, we just beat it to every Irish cunt we could. But it was awesome, we walked in and there was a band playing straight away and we just yelled at them until they played Zombie. That's our last song, we can't do it now. And we were just fucking keep yelling at them and then they did. This was 11.30 in the morning. And we fucking fair into it. Was there a few Irish people there? Yeah, it was actually packing out quite quickly.
But what we didn't realise was the dangers of drinking in the day. And, you know, usually when you're pretty fucked, this podcast is well-versed in day drinking and the ramifications. Usually, you know, when you're drinking, you're pretty fucked. It's getting to midnight and you're like, fuck, I should go home, man. And you just do. But when the sun's up, you just keep going hard. Next thing I know, both the bros are asleep. We're getting kicked out. We're throwing people in cars trying to get out of there.
After a little while of giving one of the bros in the car, we decided, fuck, we'll go back inside and have another drink. They denied us, and that's when I thought, sort of realised, fuck, maybe you should just go home, mate. But we didn't. We got over to the Glen Hotel and just had a few more there, and I think I got in bed at six at night.
and we'd been drinking since 5.30 in the morning and I woke up for work at 4.30 the next morning and I was fucked as and the worst hangover I've ever had and worked through ensued the next morning. I was turning a fucking massive win into a massive loss that day. Day drinking that early is fuck that's... I wish I had somebody to just tell me. Commandable but yeah fuck that. I didn't.
I know you reckon it's different like you hit you different if you start drinking in the morning as opposed to like work like being awake all day. And you're fresh you're energized. So you're just going to go harder and go longer as if you did in the afternoon because you're you know, you're starting to wind it up. And then I think your was it your circadian rhythm to sort of winds you down a little bit.
You know, if you're drinking at night. If you're drinking at night, are you getting ready to kind of... So yeah, like the different sort of...
Rugby World Cup Final Analysis
Especially getting on the fucking Genesis.
Yeah, as the Irish D. Get amongst it. Get drunk and be a fuckwit. Fuck that Irish game was fucking pre-no though. That was my movement. I can't remember it. The Argentinian game I thought you were talking about. So I was expecting a bit more closer game, but that Irish one was intense. But another All-X this week got up again. So we're in the finals.
I think South Africa also are joining us. They won over England. And I've seen some news today that apparently South Africa beat England and the rugby and the cricket today, both at the same time. They've had a worse week than me then. Because there's the World Cup of Crickets on as well. So I think, and apparently New Zealand's at the top of that as well, top of the table. Yeah, yeah. So I heard. Well, after that horror round,
I remember what at the end is what we usually get up to. In cricket? Yeah. I haven't been following it that much. Maybe our resident expert, Kark, can sort of give us the lowdown. I'm pretty sure he's following it pretty closely. Yeah, he will be, yeah. But back to the final, off to the big dance next week. The final. That should have been a good one. Yeah, I think... Can we just sort out our fucking tactical kicking next week for our ways?
Seems to be a lot of it this World Cup. Everyone's just playing territory and trying to force errors, more so than ever. It's going to be alright if we get the right kicks at the right time, but we just fucking throw willy-nilly ones around all the time. Yeah, these little nothing kicks, I don't rate them at all.
I don't understand, like, Bowdoin just does bombs, but then they're not high enough, nor long enough for anybody to chase them. Yeah, you've got to have pressure, eh? There's no point putting them up if you're not going to apply pressure. I'm going to do that pretty well today, actually. I'm going to go in South Africa. They contested heaps there. Awesome. But I hate them, so fuck them.
They had money on them, so I thought it was like... Yeah, well, they were paying pretty well, eh? Because, like, we jumped on there. Yeah, fucking hell, I was saying, I was like, oh, yeah, fuck, I'll jump on that, for sure. I nearly hit it, too, eh? Yeah, right down to the last five minutes. Well, I think they scored. Yeah, it was rough. But I think it's going to be a better game for it. The final is going to be a better game. It's got South Africa in there now, rather than England.
That's it. It's a good game. At least the oppressors ain't in the area. That's the one I think about. It's a coloniser. I can never say that fucking word, eh? We signed the treaty, but it didn't mean we were going to let you win the games. Oh, hell no. Well, some people did. Goa didn't.
Xanax-fueled Chaos
Let's move on to a bit of poor form. Actually, I do have a brief one. It's not about me though, but it was fairly recent, happened last night. From a person very familiar with the podcast, I'll refer to them as LJ for this
for this instance, because, yeah, he's freaking out of it. So, LJ turned up, or rang, yesterday, was like, oh, there's two LSR-2s, and one of Byron's mates. Oh, can I come round? And I'm like, yeah, right, yeah, Byron's like, yeah, we're not doing anything, all good. So he turns up, and it's like really slow speech, and slurring, and like quite erratic speak as well, like almost not making a hell of a lot of sense.
Which is not too far from how he is normally, so it wasn't too much, really. But then he started pulling all this stuff out of his bag and he had, um, he had some weed and he had some pills and he had some other stuff, but there's other stuff. My son's in need. Just fucking look at you. I'm going to put all this shit back in your bag.
I've been pulling it out right in front of my wife and myself. Apparently he was up to the eyeballs in Xanax when he came over, so never had it before. He was awake. I wouldn't say alert, he was awake, but it was like he was pissed. Just stumbling around, slurring his words and that sort of stuff.
Thankfully my son took him into the room and just kind of got him to settle down. Because he was non-stop jabbering and stuff like that as well. I was just like, fucking this guy is on some shit. So he stayed for about half an hour, 40 minutes and then my son got him an Uber to send him home. He was just fucking way off. He was cooked, cooked as.
So yeah, pour for me, young fellas, because taking prescription medicine, that's not the one. So yeah, if you can't pick around, I'll have a word to them. So mate, you're all good to come here, but fucking don't come over here like that and bring that shit over here. No, it's always warrior when you have your kids and you know, their mates are doing stuff you always worry about, you know? Yeah, so I can get them into as well. And I can tell the general safety too. Yeah, and I could tell Byron was a bit sort of like freaking out a bit.
And he sort of said when he left his ass, sorry about that. And I was like, oh, it's all good. Like, I'd rather he be here and be looked after, but, you know, I don't appreciate him just coming and using our place as a place to get wasted.
especially if he's not bringing anything for anybody else. Yeah, he could have left something. He left another shit here because he was pulling out all the stuff out of his bag. He left his stuff here, again, headphones, sunglasses, body spray. So I can't do anything with that shit.
Oh, I am. Yeah, perform, perform the LJ.
Job Application Mishaps
Yes, I'll chuck that one in there. Anyone else got some form? Sorry, they want to share a bit of perform. So actually, I've been enjoying these chats on these little videos and yarns about some of the leadership stuff that are the boys are going through on the cuzchat. Snapchat, you know, with merchant, you know, most recent, Jay,
I try really hard with my leadership at work, like I even buy books and have a bit of a read every now and then and just to try and, you know, I just want to be a good leader. Educate yourself, it's all good. Yeah, and the other day I was not.
I was because I had so much on my mind, I was at the computer, fuck, I got an order apart. And then I know, geez, we're gonna go talk to this bloke about the outcome of a job application. Start walking away, fuck. Better go ring hydrolink first. Go start walking away, fuck, I gotta ring somebody else. Start going, I had about 30 things on the brain. So I start walking over to go see this guy. And then on my way over, I'm thinking, fuck that, Gooney was leaking, I better go check that.
And I walk around the corner and I see the two guys that are currently working in the wash play. And the first one was, I suppose it's worth to name them. First one was Jake and second one was Ethan. And I said, oh, in my head I'm like, oh, Jake and Ethan.
And I thought, I've got to talk to Jake and talk to Ethan about the application. And then I yell out, Jake, come with me. We'll go over here while I go and check the skewny. So I go over, check the skewny is what's up. And so I started giving Jake the feedback on this job application.
And he's going, nah, all good. I understand, sweet ass, no worries. Then I go back to work and do my thing. And about an hour or two later, I'm thinking, fuck, I gotta go talk to Ethan about their job application. And then it just dawned on me. I'd already had the conversation, but it wasn't with Ethan. Oh my God, that's so fucking unprofessional, man. Like,
Did he know what you were talking about? Oh, that was my question. Oh, firstly, so I went back and seen Ethan gave him the feedback and I go now I got something to apologize for and I told him and he goes, Oh, that's all good, man. That's all good. And then I go now me and you are going to confront Jake, but what the fuck didn't you say? He's just like nodding. Yeah, that's exactly what happened. So he goes, Yeah, I actually had no idea what the fuck you were talking about. Also, why don't you say anything that he goes, Well, you had me believing. Did I apply for it?
Oh, fuck. I just went through the whole thing and I was so fucking...
That myself was so embarrassed and shit. Not so bad for him. My boss, my national manager, thought it was the fucking funniest thing he heard all week. He nearly fell over. But yeah, that was my bit of poor form. Very unprofessional behaviour. Giving feedback on some personal information to the wrong person. It'd be a bit of a privacy issue there as well. Definitely, definitely. About things he hasn't learned nothing of.
All good now, they all fell for us. Pretty fucking funny. All good. They're both on, but they ain't. Ah, live and learn. Yeah. My fellow's taking the time to improve your leadership skills.
My thing is, no matter what's going on, you can always find a positive from
Fueling Mistakes and Consequences
it. And the positive from it is, make sure you do these things first thing in the fucking morning. Definitely after the structure of my day like that, where I do all the heavy lifting stuff mentally, heavy lifting stuff in the morning. So then I've got the afternoon to take a moment. Yeah, definitely. Well, that was a taste makes ways. Definitely very guilty of that.
Yeah, I mean, here you got to go now. You've got a pup going on over there. We can jump it around. Oh, yeah. Fucking dog coming in the room, bro. Yeah. Yeah, she's pretty fucking big now. She just had her food. She came all over you. Had to keep it locked up for three weeks, though. Oh, true.
Yeah, very clear. So no one jumped the fence to choose what I know. Any any poor form of stories happen in your neck of the woods? Oh, I've got one. Yeah, I don't know if I can talk about it. It might be a bit too raw. It might be a little bit confronting I think. Yeah. We'll workshop it in the chat. We'll workshop it. Yeah. That'd be all good.
Yeah, so I don't have any more poor form stories. I do have one, because I do have one actually. So, where the UTAT worked, it's a petrol, it's the only petrol vehicle we got. And the old fellow that works in the warehouse took it, needed more gas, so I'm pulling over at the server and I'm fucking pulling it to the brim with diesel.
Did I have to get that fucking pumped out? This is actually not the first time that this guy's actually done this to the vehicle. He's done it before, to the last year. What? So he's a repeat offender of putting in the wrong fuel. Yeah, he's done it twice. It's the only vehicle we have that's petrol as well. So I actually had to get the text to that right on the side of the uke. This is hurt.
He's lonely, sort of on the side of the tree. He's lonely. So, hopefully it doesn't happen again. It's a costly exercise. Fuck yeah, I'm actually kind of shit-scared at doing that, as I always like, double-check, triple-check kind of thing. Because when I was hiring a lot of cars, you wouldn't know half the time if they were diesel or, you know, if they could take E10 or whatever.
Yeah, make sure I don't know what I'll do if I can rental car. Uncle Jimmy's done that. I think he borrowed on Nina dropped them off at Auckland import when he was still living over here. Drive mother at Auckland, he goes, Oh, come on, I'll put some gas in the heat. And she's the sort of person, no, no, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. No, no, we'll go do it anyway. So he goes over, fills the tank to the brim with petrol.
and her truck breaks down, has to spend the night in Auckland, get it pumped out, and then fill it back up again. So, it has good deed and it costs quite a few hundreds of dollars. We good deeds go bad.
Yeah, fuck off. I wonder if that'll happen to George Good Samaritan. If something happens. I wonder if that car hits his car or something like that. I reckon. So that dude's probably listening to the podcast and he's just going around there so he can...
Pervert George misses, something like that, you know? Yeah, something that... It was okay. Some good thing that he did for that guy is going to lead to something bad happening down the track.
Desert Fuel Spill Cover-up
Fuck, I've got a good fuel story, actually. Many years ago, I used to work, we called them fuel farms in WA. And we had us filling up... It's just a fuel bowser in the middle of fucking nowhere, in the middle of the desert.
and I was filling up a fuel truck and I think it held, I don't know, 20,000 litres, 25,000 litres, something like that. It was a fucking big, I can't really remember, but I had a valve on the top. So when you chuck the high pressure hose on, you click it on and then when it pressurised the tank and it clicked the handle off, just like a normal one would.
So I know it's a no-no that you should leave it, but it clicks off every single time and it takes fucking 40 minutes to follow. So I start filling up and I thought, fuck it, I'm pretty tired man. It's about two in the morning. I'm gonna go make me a coffee. So I go make me a coffee, come back.
and there is a fucking waterfall of fuel running out of the top of the tank so I'm like holy shit and I run over there click it off manually and it doesn't stop because it had pressurized heaps and then started blowing so it had to release all the pressure and it's in a bundled area the bundled area is now full I reckon 800 liters on the ground
And it's raining, so I thought, fuck, what am I going to do? What am I going to do? Like, I'll lose my job over this. So I just thought, fuck it. And I jumped in the truck and drove it up the biggest hill I could find. So more and more fuel would pour out the back. I reckon I lost about four or five thousand litres of fuel down the road.
To what, obviously that's a cost unaccounted for then. Me, you and Jay, the only ones who... So cute in between us. And so I took it up to the waste dump. Me, you, Jay and the eight other people that were listening to this episode. Yeah, eight people that listened to the podcast. It was many years ago, so fuck it. What are they going to do now? Yeah. And so I took it up to the waste dump. It's a really steep hill, so to just fucking pour out the back, took it up there.
And then by then it had stopped. So I drove it back down and looked at the huge fucking slick running down the hill. But it was raining. That's bordering on an environmental disaster. Oh, it was an actual environmental disaster. It was classed as an environmental disaster. If it cost more than $5,000, it's an incident. It was well over there. I think it was more than $5,000 just in fuel.
And so I just went to one of the wash bays where nobody was there and washed my truck and they were like, oh, what are you up to, Miles? Oh, you know, just trying to do my fucking thing for the next shot. I was a good Samaritan. Yeah. Not realizing I was just trying to hide this environmental disaster. Well, a big question then. What was what was George trying to hide? Was this a good Samaritan actually? Yeah, it's more questions there. More questions.
We'll move on to the emails, I guess.
Listener Emails: What Not to Skimp On
See if we've got anything from the Kuzchat email address. That email address, if you want to send something in, is You can send your emails to
So good old Craig from Invercargles come back with another question for the panel. And yeah, it's quite a good question. So thanks for posing, Craig. What are some things not to cheap out on? What are some things that you can get fairly cheaply, but what's one thing that you shouldn't get the cheap option you should definitely pay extra money for? Have you guys got any examples?
for that. I mean, my probably go-to is some brands of food. Just a more personal preference, I guess, but you guys are kind of working with tools a lot and that sort of stuff. Maybe you've got some of those things that you could mention to Craig to give him some idea of what to spend a bit more money on rather than cheaping out on stuff.
Yeah, I suppose that's what comes to mind straight away is for me is I can tell him the old saying the poor man pays twice. I bought a hydraulic press a few weeks ago because I needed to push some. I need to change some bearings on my car. So I thought instead of going somewhere, I'll just buy me a press, you know, I can use it.
and use again in the future. I don't fucking know when I'll need a press again, but I just felt like buying it. So I thought I'd have a look around, you know, man, I don't need electric hydraulic one or a new metal hydraulic one or nothing like that. I just need a basic press. So I thought, fuck it, I'll get a CPG boarder. Board it, put it together, three pumps in, and the jack just died. So there was
like 260 bucks down the fucking drain. So I just went and had to jig it up and put another jack in there that made it sort of work and now she works fine. So was that the cheap option? That was the cheap option? Yeah, it was like about 260 bucks was definitely the cheap option. Ended up half doing the job and then taking the car to work and then just doing the rest there anyway. So I couldn't just get that 260 bucks.
That shit's maybe when that happens, hey, when you're like, fuck, I need this thing. So he's been X amount of dollars on it. And then you either don't need it. So you've got this thing that you probably never use again, or it like breaks and you go, I'll just do it this way. What about you, Kaz? Jake, what do you got? Drill bits. Yeah, drill bits, bro.
I think you don't really think of, would you buy the cheap ones or a big lunch straight away? You better find the more expensive ones. They're the ones that I was doing through quite a bit of. Yeah, drill bits, bro. Because I was doing toilets as well. So using compact laminate. So if you're using a drill bit,
Because you have to pre-drill everything, right? So you get half way for a job and you have to switch to a pizza. But if you buy the good ones, you can get two or three jobs out of them. So, they're the ones you need to spend the money on. Some of those aren't cheap, though. It's for some, like, because you can get them for different purposes, I guess, as well. Some of them aren't cheap. No. No, because when you use certain sizes, they just buy a whole lot of fours. Oh, yeah. Sixes, bro. Fives.
it's been a little bit more money on them. But they're actually worth it. So it's kind of back to the in-purpose as well. Droop. It's totally about drilling fucking stainless steel is an absolute con. But if you have good droopards, but goes through like butter, right? But anything else, you'd be there all fucking day.
Yeah, and then you're fucking because that compact if you stop because you have to preach on I'm saying milk from the end of it. So you got to get through 12 into 12 mil of it. So yeah, you need you need good drill bits first. Otherwise, there's that smoking and I still fucking smoke alarms and they pop and all sorts of shit.
Yeah. I bought a bloody washing machine about a year ago, needed a washing machine. I was just, you know, it had about nine repairs and I was just over it. So we'll have a look on marketplace. And I was just in the mood and I was like, I'm just going to go by the cheapest count. So I went and bought the cheapest count. They had one wash and it was a fucking dog. He just came out of everywhere. I threw my clothes. I threw the towels away. I threw it away.
Couldn't believe it though. And I think the next week I bought a fridge and got it, put it in the shed that night, went into the shed and it was fucking cockroaches and they threw the gun away. Oh, fuck yeah. Maybe I should just... Yeah, that stuff's not good for marketplace. No. Maybe just don't buy it off marketplace. Yeah, but I bought a dilly and the dilly was alright because it's filled with silica.
We wanted a bit used, wouldn't you?
One thing I was going to say don't cheap out on is condoms. Definitely, you know, young people out there, make sure you get some decent condoms because it'll be a costly mistake if one of those break on you. Or just get gloves from Woolies because then you've just got five and one of them. One of them don't have the size that I'm after.
They all say that. They do. They do have the size, man. Everyone says the same thing. They stretch pretty well. You just put them inside out too. The other thing I'll chuck in there is toilet paper. It's been a little bit extra for to look after you, you bumhole. It's going to be minimum free. It has to be minimum free.
Yeah. Yeah. Coffee too. Coffee. You got to spend money on coffee. If you're a coffee drinker. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Decent beverages. I mean, I think guys for alcohol, I reckon as well, like the cheap stuff gets you fucked for days. I had the mean hangover after drinking cheap alcohol.
Yeah, whiskey is one. The more you pay on whiskey, the better it actually is. Vodka, I don't know the difference. If I spend $300 on a bottle of vodka, I don't know the difference between a $100 bottle or $300.
spent very little on some bottles of Vukov and have paid for it the other day after. $20, not enough. No, no, no, no. Depends how old you are, I guess. How fucked up you want to get. But that sounds good. Well, thank you for sending in that email, Greg. That email address again for anyone who wants to get in touch with us, cause chat podcast at
Conclusion and Farewells
Well thanks very much for joining us this week because if you've got anything else you kind of want to leave the listeners with or some wise words or anything like that. I think I busted it out last week because flags fly harder against the wind mate. If you're the flag get in there wind, fly hard. Yep and another one is you know if you're not coming up against people who are getting in your way you're going the wrong way. Go where the enemies are.
That's a good one, that's a good one. Alright, thanks for joining us, Macho Man Randy Average and the Cuzzy Cave. Because you know, that's what it's all about, acres. Fuckin' me. Fuckin' me. Fuckin' me.