Introduction and Setting the Scene
Cheer, breathers. Welcome back to the Kuzz Chat Podcast. You're here once again with Black McGee and Marlboro. Cheer, Kuzzies. How's it been? How's it been? Cut a count of minutes tuning in once again. Ah, it's good to be back, mother. Yeah, good to. Always good to have you in the house and joining us again this week. There's none other than George the Ruthless Deception. Welcome back, Kuzzie. Cheers, Kuzzies. Good to see you all.
Yeah, we were a couple of drinks in folks already, so well lubricated and ready for a good podcast. How is everyone doing on this fine Sunday, the 8th of October, 2023?
Loving life right now.
Leisure and Sunday Rituals
Loving life. Got green, green grass. Nothing can be better than that, brother. You got a bit of a ritual going on on Sundays there, bro. I'm falling in to be quite a habitual man. Much like the old boy. I was going to say, you're maybe a little bit pre-medicated to do that. Yeah, trained up for it.
to golf on a Sunday morning, followed by fucking mowing the lawns, followed by 10 to 14 beers. Consistency is key too. Nice work about you Kazujor. You've been somewhat relaxed coming back from a little holiday recently, eh? Yeah, I just had a relaxing weekend. CEG there, got a little bit of the tan on.
Spent a bit of time in the old summat pool bar.
Playful Pranks and Mischief
Nice. Was this just a personal retreat for yourself? Yeah, me and Holly went over there. Just, she hadn't been overseas for a little while, so. Went over there and just, yeah, hung out. Paid a bit of cards, a lot of UK. Unfortunately, I just sort of spent there the whole time, but
She's learning, she's learning. I don't know, you were still talking about cards, sorry. And yeah, so speaking of cards. I thought we were just banking here just because you're on holiday. Oh, yeah. I'm talking about the cards.
Hang out there, I'll sum up bar there. Drop a couple of weeds in there. Talking about being ruthlessly deceptive, what was going on with the cuz-chat this morning? You know, there was some ruthlessness coming through there with someone who had unfortunately fallen asleep at a regatta.
Yeah, there were some shenanigans happening recently. I don't know who it was.
Pranks and Humorous Storytelling
Yeah, it's not really one of my close mates or anything like that, but I sort of know the guy. And he fell asleep on my mate's couch. So I've stacked a whole lot of cups in there on him. Put a broom on his head, a broom resting on him in there.
and then took his phone took some photos of him on his phone and then sort of uh open up his messages and uh sort of took some would-be dick pics and took him off to a few of his mates a few of his mates saying are you up to his deed mates
So what, you got his own phone? His own phone took dick pics and sent them to his own contacts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't take a dick pic, but I just like pretended to, you know, pretend to have a rager in the pants and sent that off. A couple of dudes in that. A couple of his mates.
And then pretty much put the frame deck down his pants and then put a couple of ping-pong balls in his undies as well. Did you stay there for the aftermath or like the next morning or did you get it? Nah, nah, nah, pretty much done that at least. Yeah, pretty much, here's what I would've done too. That one's been around here.
Yeah, I went to go and then I was like, oh fuck, someone's stolen their bike. What? I had to walk in. They pushed bike. Yeah, because I biked there and then I went to leave and I was like, hmm, my bike's gone. Not again. I figured someone would have just used it.
I was like, oh, someone would have just needed it more than me at that time. I located it there.
Elaborate Pranks and Consequences
But I was sort of laughing away at myself on the walk home. There's a bit of effort put behind from what I've seen of, you know, a bit of a balancing act going on. So, yeah, well done. Well done. Oh, the stacking. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
That was good fun. Well, we've done that a few times, eh? We've done that on Nate Dog's Staggy. He fell asleep like that, and we stepped like the whole content of the fucking hotel room on the main, like the fuck, all these cheese and, you know, he's asleep and all that. The fucking, like, the cherry on top was I just put like a jelly, put like a condom over his hand.
and filled it up with fucking shampoo or whatever the hell we put in there. And he fucking woke up in the morning and his hand would have been like dead alight fucking underneath. But he said he went to the stretch out. He woke up and went to stretch out. Then his legs got fucking stuck in between all the chairs and all that shit. And then he got cramped. And he was like, throw everything off.
Oh, that's the best you could have hoped for, bro. Is it getting great and then all that stuff just flying around?
Neighborly Disputes and Suburban Dilemmas
It's funny, it's all fun and games, bro, but when you're on the receiving end of it, I have been on the end of that once before, bro. Getting pissed one night, we decided to go out and get these tiger tails, you know, like the big plastic fucking things that gets put over power logs.
So we walked home bro with about 30 of these fucking tiger tails and got them up to our apartment through them in the lounge room and you know all fun and games cracking up laughing then I went to bed. I had one of those beds that has like a steel frame at the head and the feet.
I'm crashed out. I wake up in the morning and there's about fucking 30 of these target tails that was lapped over the top of me. The boys have fucking stacked them in there while I was crashed out and video'd it. I wake up, bro, I'm like fucking one foot away from all these fucking target tails lapped over me and think, what the fuck is going on here? All fucking fun and games, bro, until someone gets hurt and I fucking bash the shit out of them.
Yeah, that's why, don't have the best idea is just leave straight afterwards because you're being incriminated. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, carry on. Yeah. Yeah, well, actually, approach on Nate Dogg actually worked out quite well. Don't I tell you guys about that, about what happened that is when we went to the Warriors? Nah. We all went and watched the Warriors in Hamilton. And we stayed at the
We stayed at his office, because it was pretty close to the stadium and all that. But we'd been in town and I had a bit of some money from the book club, book club money, left over. And in the morning, I was in his office, because one of the boys slept in his actual office.
Family, Friends, and Life Lessons
I was like, oh fuck, we'll put this leftover money in his diary, you know, in the second page of thinking, I heard us open up and see it on Monday. But he'd taken the Monday off because it was his birthday on the weekend. And he's going through a bit of a nasty divorce at the moment, actually. But he'd been going to like counseling and like workshops for like breathing and all that. But he can do that workshop, you know.
self-improvement. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But he'd taken like a few of his staff there to go do it as well. And anyway, so it was at his therapist's house. They'd gone there and he said he walked in the door with this diary. It was supposed to mean like a personal growth diary or some sort and spun around in the foyer and was like a 28 bucks worth of book club money.
Sort of fell out on the floor. He's like, honestly, it's not mine. Explain yourself. And they're like, you're fucking right, can't.
I'm surprised you've still got mates bro, after all the rest of that. I thought they would've learnt by now, fuck don't fall asleep around Jordan or nay's gonna get fucking ruthlessly deceptive around here. Yeah, living up to this like, yeah.
Morality in Everyday Situations
Oh Jesus. Nah, they should know better bro. Fuck. You know, you've even got a video on YouTube of knocking your mates up.
Yeah, that's what your mates deserve. That's rough. That is rough. It is surprising I've still got some mates here. You get less and less every year, man. Well, it happens naturally. I think, you know, you kind of lose a few people or so. You might as well give them a bit of a, you know, a bit of a dust up on the way. Yeah, a bit of a broom up. Yeah. Yeah. Can help along the course.
Oh, awesome. So we do have some sort of proper stuff to talk about today. I think your trip to Fiji was the main sort of thing. There was a couple of other topics that were banded around in the chat recently as well, that I kind of reached out to the cousins for. I think you had one, Mitch, and there was a weird way that you kind of framed the question. I think it was more along the lines of something like
What did you say? Can going too far not matter if it's justified? And you know, by who?
And that's more sounds like a, if you're asking, if you're the asshole of the story or not. Well, are you the asshole asking for a mate asking for a mate? Are you justified or are you just being an asshole? So why don't you tell us your, your, so as, as we all know, you know, I'm taking a lot of pride in my lawn and fucking getting it to a point that I'm fucking feeling happy with it. And.
My neighbour doesn't have the same ethics, the same, you know, perception of his long hair. And he's here maybe once a month, bro, two days max out of the month. And I haven't seen him for fucking ages, bro.
I don't know what he does, you know, it sort of got to be thinking, but one thing I know is he doesn't give a fuck about it at all. And it's getting to the point where the shit along his side of the fence is starting to grow through my side of the fence. So I said to the missus, you know, you know, he's never home. What do you reckon?
and just fucking get rid of all that shit so it's not going through our fence anymore. And the misses wasn't really into it so I had to pull through what I could from outside of the fence and just hit it with the scissors. So would trespassing be justified if it's for a good cause?
Legally, probably not. Legally not, but if you asked, like, I'd done something similar to... Listen, I mean, bro, he's never fucking home. I don't know if he would speak or what. So you didn't have the option to go and ask him if he could trim back... Never do. Well, in the past, I've said before, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, so from that perspective, maybe.
Yeah, I had something similar, but I just went and asked the old lady if I could cut down some of her branches in her tree. It was all good. But yeah, I don't know. What do you reckon, Cuz? Could you hit it with some sort of poison? Could you hit it with some sort of poison back there, or? That's what I was thinking, bro. You know, because it was obviously being the neighbour, you know, the fence runs from the front of the house where everyone can see down to the back. Yeah.
So do I hit it with some poison? Do I continue cutting it how I have been with the scissors or do I just run into it? Do a night raid. Does your weed eater not get under there? Well, it's through the fence and like there's parts that are like fucking four feet, five feet where it comes through. Oh, like it's poking through. And if I hit it with the whippers, it's going to just throw the seeds around, you know, and fucking
yeah well what i'll do bro is i would just i would just stay on your side of the fence but reach over with the f***ing the old knapsack yeah that's what i was doing i agreed get all the ninja up go over there in the middle of the night yeah and then just spray it because it won't make a sound and then hello two days later yeah and he'll be like oh whoa
I'm pretty sure I've seen some possums pissing over in your ears. Yeah, yeah. Well, as lawns are like fucking three feet high right now, it would be a good fucking video. You know, someone that does amazing lawn transfer transformations on top.
And to be honest bro, everyone in the street looks after their law, in the street looks after their law. It's just him and he happens to be my neighbour. Test the waters, like I said, just go and do Night Raids Bray and then just see what he says. I don't know. He's got an old car body that just sits in the driveway. He's got a dirt bike that sits out the back, you know. He's never home. Never ever home.
I know, it's a tough one. Yep. Am I the asshole, bro? I know, how frustrating that'll be, because you want, you're on a mad, you know, kick to try and get your lawn up to where you want it to be, and then you've got that ugly side of his weeds growing through your... That's why I think it's justified, you know?
Social Norms and Personal Anecdotes
Oh, if anyone else has got... Well, you said he's never home, but could you leave it? Could you leave a little note on the door or something?
I'd rather see him face-to-face today. Yeah, that's a bit passive-aggressive, eh? Yeah. Yeah, well, you could leave a note on the door saying, oh, can you give me a call and then I'll come round. Yeah, yeah, that'd be more like it, yeah. So, hey. Drop a card on the door, eh? Yeah. Just say, oh, otherwise my son will mow it for like 40 bucks.
Well, that's another option. My son needs the money. You've made your loss for so many bucks there. There you go. Yeah, on a monthly basis too. Yeah. Yeah. Oh no, yeah, I don't think you're an asshole, bro. You've just got to work out the best way forward there. If you'd gone ahead and done it, probably it would have been labelled as one, but nah, all good. All good.
I think, George, you have another sort of topic or discussion piece you want to hit here? Oh, yeah. Yeah, just still was just asking for a mate, really. Give us some context then, or is there any context, or was it just the straight question? No, it's not really context. Actually, there was a guy I was playing squash with.
This missile is pretty tidy, and he's sort of punching quite a lot. But, you know, you see them, you see someone's got a hot missile, you know, you look maybe a little bit longer here and there than you should. Where's the, you know, is that all good? Yes, iCandy is an open game. To quote the wise person, the today is long. You know, you're a window shopper.
as long as you're not a creep about it as long as you're not a creep about it as long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you're not a creep about it As long as you
Well, that's what I'm saying, but are you getting enough, like, you know, at what point? Are you going to do the same thing? That's up to the individual, like, I think. And then that's where the crip in this line is drawn. Yep. Yep. Exactly. Nah, just sort of clear that up, you know.
It's all good though. I'm sure it checks our weight duty about the sort of stuff that we are. I bet you they'd be talking about all sorts of shit. And we're just like, well, don't look at these muscles. And they're talking about all sorts of stuff. Yeah. Oh, they're probably wearing a vibrator. You don't see any undies that a dude can wear with a fucking
Adult Entertainment and Societal Norms
Remote control vibrator. Oh, with Miles here you'd bring up his topic about, you know, not having any pleasure. Well, it's not celebrated like it is with women. The pleasure items. Yeah, a little bit creepier for a dude that's getting off out in the public because, you know,
There's all sorts of people around out there. They reach a certain age, because there's a lot of old guys I used to work with, I won't mention, but they were Silverhead Fellows. And even they say, you become invisible as a dude after a certain age, and you can just stand there looking at a woman, tits for blatantly. And because you're old and they think you're harmless, they just ignore you.
So yeah, so I guess the older you get, the longer and more bold you could probably be about it. No threat at all. I can't talk for any other ethnicities, but the Ozzie bloke, the average Ozzie bloke is pretty fucking out there, working with these two. I've come across one supervisor of my time. I was working down for a company in Brisbane.
And we had this job out in the middle of fucking warps, and the supervisor had given me the company iPad to take photos of our jobs and whatnot. Anyway, me and one of the laborers were sitting there, bro, and we were waiting for quite some time. I was like, oh, I'll show you this shit on YouTube. I was like, yeah, whatever. So we had a look at that. And then when it was ended, I was like, oh, well, we'll fucking close all these fucking tabs down. And seeing this one tab, I was like, what the fuck is that? So I clicked on it.
and hello pops up this fucking porn page but but what concerned me though is that it had a column in the right hand corner which said straight gay or she-mail and she-mail had a big tick on it and public was searched in the search bar the supervisor had been looking up you know public she-mail with chicks with dicks is what first came up
I was pretty concerned with that, so yeah, yeah, we're dolsey blokes, man. Sometimes you just have to go there, though. Sometimes you just have to, like... Maybe it's just that day, it's a she-mail day today. I can't say I've never seen such a she-mail day. I can't say I'd go there either, but he was every day, you know, he's like, this normal stuff is just not doing it for me. You know what I reckon would do it? Is some she-mails. It's...
Let's cross that line. The first day I met the bloke, he said pretty much, hi, my name's Daymo. I want to go to Thailand and fuck She-Mal. Were you surprised at all that? I'll ask a question on regarding that. Say if you're watching She-Mal being a normal female,
Is that almost less gay? Because there's absolutely no less dudes involved. Less. And it's double tits. Do they then cancel out the penis? Double tits cancel out penis. You got four tits in there.
And there's no dude in there. Mathematically. It's still on the straight side, is it? Well, put it this way, if it was two females and one was wearing a strap on. It's essentially what it is, really, isn't it? Wow. Yeah, well, we don't want to get too philosophical about it. No.
Tune in next week for more private enterprise porn specifics with The Cuzzys.
Or Jay, obviously. He came, obviously. Other than Kayf. I reckon he's got... Actually, I don't even think that he watches porn. I'd say he's just got...
Nostalgia and Gaming Culture
just enough dirty thoughts up top there to just fall on forever. See, that's where you're going too far, is just to fight. Yeah, no. Yep. That's just all hands the other day. Oh, did you? Yeah. Yeah, you called in. Living back living in the PL trailer park. Oh, true.
Yeah, yeah. So, no, I think he's doing all I do. He reckons, he reckons, got a feeling that things are going to be coming up out shortly. Oh, yeah. Always good. I think, I mean, they're retiring, retirement age. I suppose that way he's getting close.
Well, we have to book it in. We'll have to book it in. If I can hear my boys are making a return with New Year's. Yeah. Yep. We're, um... Get the old fire up the old, um... Fire up the old index again. Yeah, we've got to get something new, New Year's Day or around just after New Year's or something, I reckon, because we'll all be back by then. Yeah, we'll all succeed, yeah. Give you a bit of my food, innit? Yeah, yeah. Fuck, yeah. Not a bad tip, bro.
I'll definitely be doing a podcast as well. I'll try and bring this gear back with me. Happy Birthday. QVD, guess what? First up, sprints. You might have to introduce some new events.
Yeah, I reckon some more cerebral ones, you know, you do like the day, but then you continue it on in the night and have like, you know, other sort of like, other board games or card games or something. Yeah, became another sort of competition type thing. Yeah, we did in the washbox. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you can still do that. Well, that's not that's yeah. Yeah, cool. Yeah, but more, but less.
Nine holes. Nine holes, cousin. Fucking, I've seen that the Kuzzy's been getting out there quite a bit. Yeah, they've had me, yeah. Yeah, well, they get out of shit load. I actually, yeah, went out for a game the other day.
Gaming Stories and Community
Because I actually enjoyed it. Primo. Yeah. Went out myself this morning with old Uncle Willie Corona.
Oh, yeah, sweet. What's he shooting these days? Oh, sorry, he does not hit it far, but he can hit it straight, you know? All you need. Yeah, that's half the game. That's crazy. Like, you don't have to even drive big to even par or birdie either. Like, if you get them nice, they all go in the right direction.
Yeah, I've got a few more games before I could say I'm, you know, on track. I want to regrip my club, so I've got to work out how that works. But yeah, it'll be on. But I think washerbox, even things like musical challenges and stuff like that, you know, sort of like guess the music, I guess the track, choose a decade, you know, something a little more cerebral.
I've got that buzz music quiz game around PS2. Do you have all the buttons as well? Yeah, I know. I bet it's all good until it comes down to the stealing points around the room and people skew. Yeah, even near some party games, video games, is quite a few new ones. I think that Jackbox Party Pack 10 is coming out soon.
I've got that one. Yeah, Volume 10 is coming out this month or next month, I think, October or November. Could we have done one online? I can't remember which one it was, but we all did one, yeah. That was pretty fun. I like the ones where you've got to draw something and then you've got to just recapture them.
It's good because you can be anywhere in the world pretty much and just all play together. Being cards against humanity down in the Gold Coast with all the aunties and uncles and hearing auntie shows calling, I think it was Cody's, Mrs O, you did a little cum-guzzler.
I've still got those some. I don't know where they are, but you should definitely get those to bring back. It's always a bit of a hoot. What about Nightmare the Board game? What's that out? Bagots.
Some of them old nostalgia games as well. Speedrun Mario, Super Mario Brothers or something like that. Yeah. I'll tell you what, the old N64 was a pinnacle of gaming, I feel. Four controller slots. Like an easy as. Yeah, Nintendo has always been a bit different. It's been good.
Speaking of the game, we did have a gaming section penciled in here, so we might as well sort of keep going on this thread. Yeah, I think I've still got a Nintendo 64 floating around somewhere. I think it might be your one actually, Bitch. To be honest, like the one from home. Yeah, I had one somewhere around here. Fuck, it must be deep in the gyro somewhere. Yeah, yep.
Legend of the Zelda and all those sorts of games. Classics, bro. Yeah, yeah, they're still pretty good, eh? Honestly, if I can upload them on my Switch now, emulate them from those old games. But yeah, still playing Starfield, myself. Finished the campaign. Started a new game plus. But pretty much just you start again fresh, but you keep all your skills that you've unlocked. So at least that's something.
There's a continuation of the campaign that carries on as well. Oh man, that game is so huge though. Just spent two hours just fucking doing nothing, pretty much just fiddling around in your menus and shit. But yeah, Mitch, you've been updated on the old Harry Potter. You've been jamming that as well, haven't you? Just game a clock and probably fucking 10 years easy. Yeah, what would you rate it, you reckon? Oh fuck, I'll thoroughly enjoy it bro, fucking.
The old nerd when it comes to fucking Harry Potter and shit. Doing spells and that, bro. Killing cancer. I love it. Killing curse. I love that. Everyone was killing it. Yeah. That's good. Can't you be like a, can't you be like a good or bad wizard thing? It depends on the answers that you give, bro, when you are talking to people. Doesn't really change gameplay too much. You just come off as an asshole.
No, no requests in that and you turn around and say, oh fuck, I think you should pay me for that shit. Yeah, so you can extort them for more money. Yeah, you can extort them for fucking more, more, more money. Yeah. If only you could use magic to cut your neighbour's lawn. You do. That would be ace. Use a magic fucking flame for her, I reckon. Oh yeah. Yeah, that might fix a boat, but a petrol. But a diesel or something.
I'll fix it real quick. I'll drop some old waste oil. You see that thing about like this on that sort of gaming topic, the power washing game? Have you seen that one? Nah. Yeah. I feel like a water blaster. Pretty much. Yeah. You start off with a vehicle like a little van.
you're in like this garage and you gotta clean the whole van and then you move on to like a house and yeah you pretty much will go to water blast everything bro like the whole thing it's
It's a good game for people with autism or something eh? Yeah so it's quite therapeutic you know like making sure. ASMR. Yeah but yeah it was bizarre and then you can watch it back in and sped up so you get that how you were talking about lawn mower people doing lawns and then
putting it on social media and playing it back quick. That's what this is like as well as you play what you've cleaned over whatever, how long it took you, but you play it back in like sort of a few seconds. Yeah, I've seen that things that are oddly satisfying. Yes. Yeah. Those sorts of things. Yeah. Yeah. You could just sort of get entranced by it. Yeah.
But yeah, moving on, I'm gonna be moving on to Cyberpunk and some other games as well. I play a lot of Game Pass games because they're free, so I try them out. That sort of stuff as well. So yeah, if anyone else got any other games you want to mention, let us know.
Workplace Stories and Minor Rebellions
Hit us up at the Kuzz Chat email address, which is Love to hear your thoughts.
Alright, because anyone else want to sort of have any other news or topics that we want to touch on before we get into a bit of poor form? I think Miles had a topic sent in. Oh, that's right, he did, yeah. Things they weren't paid for that you should have paid for. Yeah, so...
And a lot of people's working lives is, you know, have the luxury of having a bit of an account, I guess. Or, you know, you're constantly sort of buying tools or upgrading stuff and that sort of thing. So there's the odd chance that your work's paying for a lot of stuff. You can kind of slip a few things in there. For me, it's more, it's only little stuff that's like filling up with fuel and then getting like a drink and a packet of chips or something like that because I'm on the road. It's about all I've sort of
Checked it up to work. I don't know if Miles had some sort of specific stuff he hasn't sort of elaborated, but any of the kuzzies do it or how much? I think what had come up was wasn't it got all that barbecue cleaning spray from, it just got through work, that food grade degreaser. Oh, that's off from, yeah, cleaning his barbecue and that. Yeah, yep.
I've had a couple of things that I probably, you know, that work has paid for, that I probably should have paid for. One of those things is probably sleeping. Sleeping on the job. I used to do a bit of that when I was working at Kinley from the odd night shift or sometimes the odd day shift.
sleeping on the old, well one time actually fell asleep past knockoff time and then realised I'd been sleeping on my own time. I was pretty pissed off. You don't want to do that, does it? What's going on? That was a long time ago now. There is that age-old saying where a wise man shits on company time
Yeah. You can bring that into the mix, but I've been contemplating all day whether I contribute to this topic. Maybe not current employers, maybe some past employers maybe. Yeah, past employers. Drop yourself on it. I've been a coordinator for
for this company for quite some time and there's benefits that come with it. One is being a Bunnings card or work-related purposes. I have been known to take, you know, to take full, you know, regular rewards of that. So like hoses, sprinklers, little shit that I need for my lawn, you know, doesn't come out of my own pocket.
The big expenses, yes, I'll take those, the lawnmower, the whipper snipper and all that shit. I think what you'd call that is sundries. The incidentals is what I used to list them as. I wouldn't itemise them, I'd just put, you know, incidentals this amount and just kind of, yeah.
It's all, you know, it's all tax deductible so that the company is going to make it back in my, you know? Yeah, well, what do you want to tell yourself, really? You know, sometimes I've had to drive down to Brazil, you know, catch up with the FIMO and then see Medi and whatnot. That'll be coming out of my fuel card. Oh, 100%. Yeah. Yeah, I've got to work. I've got a fuel card.
Yeah, well I used to get reimbursed for it so for any of the fuel that I'd purchase so when I was on the road So yeah, that's right I'd just get like pies and drinks and all that sort of stuff as well to get up because it was my money, but I was gonna get reimbursed anyway, so Yeah, but now I haven't had a lot of like to have a bit of a well It's been to count. It'd be one of our xx employees was a
Buying online gambling top-ups from the gas station. And the fuel pouches as well. Yeah, on the fuel car. Yeah, they got found out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No longer works there. Yeah, I can't really say much else about that sort of stuff. I'm sure Miles had some more stuff. So yeah, but anyone else out there that has
you know, some experience in taking some privileges from their workplace, send those emails into the Cast Chat podcast at All right, so we've got the gaming topics, some poor form, because what's been happening in the week, have you known anyone that's hit that poor form special?
Social Faux Pas and Family Dynamics
Yeah, don't have any poor form yourself. I was sitting at fucking, I was at work the other day, bro, and my phone just started blowing up.
What the fuck's going on here? And about three of the boys and angles of your young fella, apparently. Wow, wow, he's a very nice. You seem to tell me about this, but yeah, from your perspective, let's see what happened. We're both scaffolding, you know, this.
There's certain underlying rules that if you drop something or if you cause some sort of a mishap, then you get fined with a carton. And yeah, the messages came through and here's Byron sitting on the seat fucking spinning up a vortex for something that he had done throughout the day where they had dropped some boards or something. I'm not sure.
you know, but a poor form on his behalf, but he's learning very quickly. Well, he was on the forklift actually, and he was getting some boards off and our boards were all strapped up. But the way that he was trying to get in there, the trucks were too close to each other and he couldn't get the forklift like fully in there to get the boards and then reverse back and have enough room to sort of navigate out. And he kind of, from what he was saying, he was trying to
do it piece by piece and just kind of lift it up and move, drop it, lift it up, go back in, lift it up, move, drop it, go back out and just sort of edge it around. And it got all the way off the edge about, you know, just that little bit corner piece that was all remaining and then
Yeah, it all just fucking went on one side and just fell straight off the forklift. And he reckons he was like, ah, fuck, fuck, fuck. By this time everyone was in the shed. So he was like starting to, I thought I'd figure out how he'd get it. And the next minute, one by one, they all started walking out of the shed. He was like, oh, that's a box. That's a box. Fuck. Fuck.
So he reckons he owns like three boxes now, so pull the fuck up. The easiest thing to do is just pay them off straight away and no one can say nothing. Yeah, I think he's going to do them all in the next couple of weeks or so. I think the problem is that he's not even finished working there. They're already on the tips. So he's like, oh, fuck you, fellas. Give me a chance to get a box. You're already on it. All them boys used to work for me up in Rocky, bro. And I know exactly.
Yeah. Not surprised. Yeah. Hard. So yeah, he's sort of, he's enjoying it still. He's obviously last time, the consistency's been good. He's starting to put more focus on himself, I guess, which is good. You know, starting to look after himself a bit more.
So yeah, like I said before, I think when we get back to New Zealand, I don't think his uncle will be buying any beers at all. I'll be making sure he's got a full vessel the whole time we're there. So yeah, always good for that.
Risky Behaviors and Consequences
I'm glad you're enjoying it, brother. Yeah, no, it's been good. Been good. Kazjor, are you got any platform stories you want to share? I did run into some platform.
after getting back from Fiji. Our flight got delayed a little while but we're on the motorway and late at night they always seem to do road works and detours on the motorway. It came back from Auckland so it had already been through one detour and then I sort of get it on pretty quickly because no one else on the road but we got put for another detour by like Hampton Downs there
and the detour sent us up the on-ramp of the opposite side of the road, so we would have been going the opposite way up the on-ramp, you know? And I was just about to turn up the air last week, and they were pretty tired. It was like three o'clock in the morning. And boom! The truck comes down there, then like four or five other trucks follow straight behind them. I was like, looking behind like,
Fuck, did I take the wrong turn, like, in the stinky circle? Are you on, like, a farce area or something? No, no, this was on the motorway, like... Oh, shit. It was an on-ramp. Yeah, it was a motorway on-ramp that I was trying to turn up because that's the way the detail was sending me, and there was a sign, you know, they put the signs up the arrows. There was a sign pointing up that down-ramp, so... Oh! There was people behind me, but there was no lollipop, no perfect lights, no nothing.
and I was about to drive up there and five trucks come down like was coming the other way. I almost had a head on with like five trucks. Do you want to go trucks? The off-ramp? Yeah, well that was where we were supposed to go. That's how I had to go to carry on because I don't even know how to get out of here from now. I hope no more trucks come down there but I'm trying to get home here. That's some poor form. Yeah, the old cars behind me. The road workers, yeah. Road workers, yeah. Poor form.
I was actually pretty mad. Pretty mad when I left out of the shop. We could have been killed. Fuck yeah, those trucks probably wouldn't have stopped the door here. They wouldn't have stopped. No, not coming down. Not coming down on. They're not expecting anyone to be there. They've all been speeding up, if anything. Yeah. Like he honked a horn going past that bump.
I was going to start talking about some other road fucking issues but we'll be here all night talking about that because these man counts on the road all over the shop. In Brisbane they just straight on punch on. There's been that many videos of fucking people getting out of their vehicles on the motorway just to punch on.
I like any idiots on the road I like them to be either behind me or away from me just anywhere that I'm not very like someone's tailgating me so I'll just pull over see you later you know I don't want to be a part of it yeah I've seen some just recently too I've seen some fucking mad cunts on the on the motorway
Like motorways, everyone's doing 100 and this car's come fucking weaving in and out. Just must be doing like 140, 160. But got to a point where there's no empty lane. So he's fucking gone down the shoulder. Just get out to the shoulder and just fucking blast it down the shoulder. It's like fucking hell. The car was already banged up, so it's been stolen. If you were going to do that, so you need one of those little orange lights to push back on the roof.
You know, then you can pooch down that shoulder side. Yeah, service vehicle or something, yeah. Yeah, yeah, nobody asked any questions then. It was a black mitzi. Mitzi lancer, I think it was. That had the disguise of the large orange like that one. Yeah, so the white looks good, right? Yeah, yeah.
When I had my bike out here, me and one of the boys went for a ride from Gracemere, Upper Rocky, down to Mount Morgan. And we're coming up this area, what they call the Razorback. And I'm sitting on the inside lane. The bro is just behind me on the outside. I'm coming around the corner, and there's this car hatchback coming towards me. And he starts drifting over the center lane.
I'm thinking, fuck nah, nah, she can be right, she can see me, she can see me. Getting closer and closer, bro, I just had to fucking drop the bike drastically and fucking go around it. Instantly got the shirt tailed, I was like, fuck this bitch. So, signaling to the bro, come on, let's go, we'll fucking chase this bitch in the end.
No, no, no, keep going, keep going. It's a fucking thing down the road anyway. We get to the pub, pull up there, have a couple of beers, standing outside in a city, next minute, bang, cobbles go past, fire truck goes past, not thinking too much of it. We finish our beer, jump back on the bikes and head back the same way we came. And we get to the turn off to the Razorback in this truck for
Don't go down there, boys, there's been a bit of a fucking accident. Cobbers have got the road closed off. You're better off to go back home down Boulder Cone. I said, yeah, sweetie, this bus will be fucking linked down Boulder Cone. Anyway, the next morning, Bro gets up early to shoot down, he had to go somewhere. Anyway, he had the radio on early in the morning and they were saying that there was this blue Holden Captiva.
It had crashed at the bottom of the Razorback. Turns out it was that same bitch that almost, you know. Fucking should've chased the bitch, we could've saved it. Yeah, probably. Did she die, bro? She did. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fucking hell. Fucking died. Jeez. Yeah, we've got to be aware of those people.
Legal Stories and Life Lessons
Fucking is this so preventable, eh? Yep.
Oh yeah. Bad news. And poor form. Yeah. Poor form on your part. Indeed. Any other shout outs? Coz he's wanted to give. I think give a shout out to your young fellow Mitch. He said double digits there. Oh yeah, double digits bro. Double digits and it comes with the attitude. Yeah. Oh man! Oh jeez. What's the latest sort of
Are they testing the boundaries or are they just general attitude? Yeah, bro, just fucking like, you know, just small shit too, bro. Like, you can tell when someone hasn't fucking had a proper shower, bro, the moment they walk, they can have a shower with Brian here. You're like, boy, you didn't fucking have a proper wash, did you? You know, he's holding his eyes. Trying to shortcut everything, eh? Backhanded comments, you know.
His mother's always there to save him. Yeah. Yeah. Moms are supposed to make homes easier for children to live in and dads are supposed to give them the skills to leave, I think.
The oldest boy is already fucking threatening us the moment he turns of age, bro. He's been saying that for years, bro. Can't wait to get out of here. Oh, my boys are the opposite, bro. They just don't want to leave. They've got it too good. Sweet. I never really had a choice about leaving, huh?
When did you leave home? What age were you when you left home? 17. Yeah, I was about the same. 17. But, yeah, well, I tried to stay, but then I lost my license so I couldn't forget to make certain moves.
Pretty much how that went down. If we did a stat sheet of the Kuzzy's friggin' infringements and stuff like that, who reckons you'll be on the top? Be out of YouTube, I reckon. Most infringements? You haven't had that, that's a lot. I'm total infringements. We can talk about severity, but I guess total infringements. Out of traffic violations, out of me and Mitch.
Yeah, I guess, yeah. If we looked at the rep sheet, you've got more. I've got more. My rep sheet, bro, I know exactly how much I've paid. It's not good. The costs, the fines costs, I know mine's got to be between 10 and 15,000.
So there's different points of, you know, severity and costs and stuff like that. You reckon these could almost have like... I'm talking about like, yeah. The truck that I crashed or... Nah, nah, nah. I'm sort of talking about speeding tickets and fines. Like, speed tickets plus all my charges. Yeah, I'm setting it at 5K. Oh, back I am. And fringements.
Is that all time? Yeah, since I moved here in 2014. Oh, okay. So you didn't really get any refrigerants back in New Zealand? Nah, got a clean record in New Zealand. I want to honestly go close to saying that out of even all of the kazis, I've possibly got the longest, even possibly longer than Hump's criminal record. Mind you,
Oh, how's the 10 team I was in? Yeah. How's the 10 team? Yeah. Well, I have actually lost it eight separate times. I thought Wade would have been up there too, you know, with fucking infringements. Driving stuff. Driving stuff, you know? Yeah, he's probably had a couple, but he just lived in Matata, so...
Cops might leave you alone a little bit more. Toca's like a real bad place to do anything illegal and cops are just everywhere here for a small town. It's a main highway as well, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. So, well, my first one was, yeah. Well, that one didn't actually go on the record, but it didn't have illegal street racing. That was at the age of like 16.
Didn't you lose your license and then a couple of weeks later your old man lost his license so he couldn't really say too much? Yeah, well I got the DRC there and on that same charge I got charged with some dangerous driving there. Sort of trying to drink drift. I got my license back maybe a year later. I'm pretty sure it was the next year I got caught drifting around about.
in Hamilton. So I got a sustained loss of traction charge. Sustained loss of traction. Actually, we had a good segment about that, I remember. Yeah, yeah. Then after that, I think I was good for a little while after that. But I did lose it a few times for demerit points. That's three or four times there.
Then I managed to get caught doing 158 kilometres an hour on the main highway. So I got disqualified there for another six months. So that was another dangerous driving charge. If your rap sheet was a Pokemon card, you'd be like a shiny Charizard or something like that. Not quite, not quite.
At the end of the year, then I got caught driving without a license, so... Yeah, that was another... Yeah, that was a long... That was a long layoff there. I think in my... In total disqualification time, I'll back it up to three years. Holy shit. Holy shit. Has that sort of lessened, like, in the more recent years? Like, it sounds like a blotter was over a very short period of time, and then, like,
in more recent times. Until just like a few weeks ago, I hadn't had a speeding ticket in about six years, I think. Well, it was actually longer than that. I mean, 2017, I had a speeding ticket and that was, yeah, so I hadn't had one for a long time. Was that because you're just wiser where the speed cameras are or were you actually slowing down? Well, I was going to drive like, you know, I was driving
I'm not saying Sylvia for every day, my everyday car. So you just, you have cars like that. People, you know, you do just drive a little bit faster. After I got my U, I just slowed me down and just like, yeah, not speed as much. Also, I was doing a bit less travel from fucking money to token. That's why I've given function tickets there too. When you're driving around town, you don't get tickets as much, you know, cause you're not really speeding. No, no, you just, yeah. Don't really speed up.
What about on the bike? Yeah, I probably could have lost my license on that a couple of times, but I didn't stop. Yeah, I've got away from them a couple of times on the bike. It's a bit easier, like having a supercar. I mean, they're pretty quick.
And it's pretty hard to, it's a lot harder to identify you. But yeah, it's not a good, I wouldn't recommend, I wouldn't recommend to anybody doing any of that in hindsight, you know.
There's a difference. I think if you're like, if it's on a road that you're like really, really familiar with and you're just, you know, you know, when you can, you know, take it a little bit harder, we'll get a little bit past that. As opposed to, yeah, just like almost racing on the road. Know what I mean? Yeah. I haven't actually heard like a correct.
What's it showing us as the Queensland government page of something? Is that your payment summary, is it? Total payments received, bro. Seven thousand two hundred and ninety one dollars and like thirty eight cents or something like that. What the fuck? Two thousand two hundred ninety one dollars and eighty five cents. That's closer to 8K.
It is. It's a lot worse than I thought. But it's all plain old. Look, amount G, zeros. What's the fit? How far does it go back? It goes all the way back to 2014. I think my first notice was, bro, for drink driving. Yeah, right. How old were you then? 2014. 10, 9 years ago? 10, 11 years ago? Yeah, 22, bro. I would have been. Jeez.
Terrible. Terrible. Terrible. Very terrible. I haven't got any sense. I've got that interlock in the youth, bro. So, and you know, I fucking wish that block on my enemy, bro. Not only hassle, but it must be a little bit demeaning as well in some way.
Yeah, it's definitely a conversation starter, that's for sure. Like, try to look cool, jump in your truck and then like, have to go... Like, get down the side and like... You know, so with the interlock brake, you have to blow on it every time you start the vehicle. Yeah. And then you get five, ten minutes down the road and it'll ask you for a rolling test. So then you have to blow onto it again.
And then it can be anywhere within half an hour to an hour after that. You have to continue blowing into it. If you leave the vehicle for any reason, you know, so like for me, I usually do, you know, site visits. So you have three minutes from the time you turn the vehicle off to the time you start again, if you give it within that three minutes, sweet as you don't have to blow into it, you can start. Thank you for the couple of years. Bang.
You have to blow into it again. Every month. Did you just leave it running? No, because then you run the risk of missing a rolling start. Oh, a rolling test, yeah. Honestly, all of this fucking shit sounds more dangerous than actually drink driving. Fucking around with these interlocks and shit while you're rolling. I agree. What else? You can't eat sushi?
Because if you eat sushi, you get a little bit of soy sauce on your sushi, bro, it'll pick it up in the breathalyzer. Oh, really? The soy sauce. So what's happening now is I'm actually coming into what's known as your performance period. So you have eight months of a practice period, and you go into four months of your performance period.
Throughout your performance period you cannot have a single violation or it pushes it out another four months. Is that four months for each violation too or just? So it just starts again. Oh right so you've got to start that whole, what did you say before the performance one, the practice?
Yeah, start that for a period once again bro, so. And that could be, you know, if you miss a rolling start, start again four months. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck. Bro, that must be just hectic, like just mentally as well, like having to deal with all that shit.
Deterrents and Consequences of Drink Driving
Yeah, nah, like I said, I get pissed off just having to put my seatbelt on, you know? I'm gonna learn to stick around with all that shit.
Yep and then once a month you have to go take it into someone that can service it so there's only one bloke and glaze and they can service it and it's things you're 195 bucks every month go and get it serviced. Once a month they come round quickly.
Do not drink and drive. Any of the cars he's listing out there, let this be a warning and a lesson. It's just easier not to get an interlock. So yeah, just don't drink and drive. The other side of it is when you're driving, when you have to get rides with people all the time, if you don't have an interlock, that's awkward too. Rides with people and there's always awkward conversations.
to explain what you mean, people riding with you or you riding with other people? No, I like you when you've got no license and you have to get a ride all sorts of places. So you're getting rides with people that you wouldn't even normally really talk to sometimes because they just happen to be go somewhere or whatever. Yeah, I was fortunate enough to have a string of employees that could drive me places. That's it. I mean, they put all these drink driving stuff in.
scare tactic ads and stuff on on tv in that day but if they had someone like you sharing your story much that's probably more likely to pop a few people off you know like yeah the shock factor of you know having accidents is probably not as um
close to people's eyes is like, man, not as relatable. Yeah, not as relatable. Yeah. He sort of detached himself from a ball. But this is like, just go through like a, like a, even a trip to the shop routine, you know, and how many times you have to engage with that interlock. Just be like, Oh, fuck that. No, I don't want to do it. Because you have to, at the beginning of a bird, even just to get it.
installed into your vehicle, you have to go to, you know, TMR, which is Transport Main and Roads here in Queensland, and it's a $300 fee to get the letter I put on your license for Interlock. Of course, yes. You do that first, then you have to do an online course, which they charge you like 50 or 60 bucks. How to use it?
or proper use and stuff like that or? Yeah, proper use where you sit down in front of the computer and let it run out and fucking answer all the questions and whatnot. So you do all that before you can even go and get it installed. And then once you get it installed, they charge you again. Fucking hell. Yeah, see, this is, if anything's gonna turn people off during driving, this fucking pain in the ass process sounds like it'd be a good deterrent. Yeah, that's why I shan't be doing it again, I'll tell you that.
I'll be like, Lord bro, I'll have to go and buy me a fucking pussy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 100%. Yeah. Oh man. Yeah, that doesn't sound fun at all. It's not ideal. No idea.
Oh, because I don't know if we've got anything else to sort of bring up here or if you wanted to an anymore shout outs or things like that. So you might as well sort of bring things to a bit of a close here. I did have that story about Nick. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Sorry, cuz. So yeah, why don't you send us home for this one?
Travel Mishaps and Social Dynamics
Yes, I made a manza like a travel agent and
Like we all sort of know each other like Nick knows there's a lot of my mates and stuff like that get on the piss together quite a bit so he must have messaged the boat and sussed out some activities and stuff because they're going for that trip or forever in his b-ball I think they're all sussing out some shit to do and Ozzy afterwards I think and so Nick had teed him up to catch up to a bit of a meeting on the weekend you know on a Sunday or Sunday I can't remember what it was
But I reckon that they turned up and Nick was just incredibly fucked, like hungover as fuck, like heard the shakes and all that. It shakes, viewed up in his office, viewed up in his office. I mean, they're just like, oh, going to have to wait in the car. What time of day? Was this like midday during the day or something?
Yeah, I think it was on like a Sunday or Saturday. Yeah, like, must have been living in the morning or something like that, you know, but it just apparently been on it for like five days in a row. Holy shit. Somewhere. And he said that Ma was all right, but Click was unable to even engage in a meeting. Had the liquor shakes. Jesus, that's rough. And he's queued up in the office.
Holy shit. That's bad news. I hope because there's a road number, I might need to go and do a bit of a welfare check. See if he's... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool then. Because as far as I knew he hadn't really not been drinking much and you know, he'd just been doing family time, so... Yeah, yeah. I hope he had a big... Yeah.
I don't know, maybe, because there's a lot of sport things ending now. Was he playing League or anything? Because I know they had the end of year celebrations here for most of the sports clubs or league teams anyway, because it's the end of the season. Well, he had been playing a bit of rugby, but maybe that, but maybe the kids sport might have come to an end, so he's had a bit of free time and then
Maybe he had a bit of a blowout. Yeah, yeah, probably India blowouts. Probably head like basketball break up. I don't know rugby break up, but a few other break ups, you know, around the wall. Five days straight. Yeah, he's just been hitting them all. Yeah, so I'll ask him when I see him. Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Because he's sort of left cuz chat there.
sort of abruptly and hasn't been back, so I'd like to see if you can put on a good word for us, tell them we're all being behaved and that sort of stuff. Well, no, that's not true, because there's still pissing videos being shared in the chat, so maybe not. Thanks, Cozy J. We were surprised.
Yeah, is Cal still on there? I think so. I think she is. The counties are still like, I don't think they remember or they just sort of forget all the time that she's still there. I don't think she checks it that often though. I think you get a bit scared too. I think in general it's not too bad but there's always something that comes out.
That's the cave in those pissing videos, bro. The last one was super clear, too. Yeah, it'd be an honour for a while, by the looks of it. Very transparent. Thoroughly hydrated. Piss coming up. Yeah, I guess I'll give a shout out to the Kuzzies for giving us some good content over the last couple of weeks or so. We skipped a week there because it was the, what was it, the league and that sort of stuff happening.
So yeah, we'll try and get back into it again in a couple of weeks as well. Hopefully the workup's still going for another month or so, isn't it?
Conclusion and Community Engagement
Then they've got like the orders and the semis and before the finals and that. So All Blacks are still in it. I think we've got Island next so that'll be a good game to watch. And I think Argentina are playing Japan tonight so I'm going to watch that one later on tonight. It'll be good for me. Get up to Japan. I hope they have a good game against the Argis.
Yeah, thanks for being part of the podcast this week, Cuzzies. And if anyone out there wants to be part of the chat, you know, hit us up on the Facebook page, CuzzChat, or send those emails through to All right. You know, it was always a pleasure spending some time with the Cuzzies and getting to hear what you're up to, because you know, that's what it's all about, eh? Fuckin' A, Bro. Fuckin' A. Fuckin' A.
Fuckin' A. See ya!