Recording in Dubai: A Temporary Bachelor Pad
another place again fresh new location for the cuz chat at auntie lee's and uncle pop's house while they're away in dubai Oh yeah, six weeks of bachelor pad. Good stuff. So yeah, kicking it off right ah was another episode of Kuzchat podcast.
Episode Frequency and Busy Lives
Episode 51 I thought we were up to now. yeah i think yeah Man, yeah. And look, a lot to be said about the... the brevity of episodes that slowed down quite ah quite a lot. But you know, we've all got lives to lead. Yup. Busy, busy people. um And sometimes content doesn't just takes time. That's right. So I hope you're you're strapped in and and ready to join us for another
ah amount of time to get through some some content and that we've drummed up five minutes before starting as we do. um But yeah, good to be back though. um and Always better in the flash too, Akers. Yeah, a lot easier recording. You're not shackled by the internet's flaws.
The Changing Internet: From Forums to Social Media
Yes, there's shortcomings of the internet, which actually, that's been not something I've been thinking about for a while, because like,
is we phasing out of a era of the internet, people are just not really like spending a lot of time online. Yeah, well, I think they're just on chat beat GPT. Yeah. And still or your social medias. And that's pretty much like the internet as a repository of information. And, you know, it's gone downhill. It's gone downhill, because the quality has gone downhill 100%.
yeah The thing that I find is like forums and stuff are hard to find now. But you know why? like If you want to Google it up a forum, it's hard to get on there because they're all done through other social media apps now. So it's like hard to yeah locate a lot of information, especially when it comes to cars and stuff like that. I remember when I was first started working on cars.
Finding information online but you know it was relatively easy. People had gone through it, done it and just document you know i documented But now it just seems really hard to find some of those old pages. am yeah Sometimes you just need to know where um you know how the the wiring system for your break light works so you can jimmy up something to to work in. Old fucking Neil and Doug from 2006 that were on there fucking sharing their knowledge exactly of you know well they what they've done. Someone had come across that problem so you could find it out now. yeah They want you to sign up for stuff, they want to try and sell your stuff and it's just fucking hard to connect with those OGs.
Oh, and as soon as you type in anything, you just get an ad from Teemu. Oh fuck, now you've said it. Now everyone's going to get Teemu ads. You're right though. Yeah. No, shocking. um Anyway, that's but just sorry to start off on on a bit of a negative. It's good to get that out there because a lot you know everyone knows it, but the internet died in 2016. Yes. That's what they're saying. And i yeah I believe it to be true kind of.
Yeah, in a lot of ways. Or that same era as well that um everyone was out to disrupt everything and, you know, change the rules. And yeah now that's kind of been gone and people are like, oh, fuck, this sucks. I'm going to leave for this little, this shit. yeah Fucking, who thought that was a good idea? All these multiple fucking, like you say, subscriptions and signs up, sign up here and Yeah, it's like Pandora has been let out of the box and tried to stuff it back in poorly. No, it's gone pear-shaped. We're pear-shaped real fast. We need to get another box. Yeah, we can do something. ge But to yeah, all right, we've got some a bit of stuff to get on to. The start at the top was ah this new segment. and We seem to be coming up with a lot of new segments. Don't have a lot of consistency here, but it is what it is. But you know, but like I said,
Busy people got busy lives. That's right.
Introducing KCRU Corner: Rugby Volunteering Spotlight
But we'll call this one the KCRU Corner. I yeah sort of have come on board to the to the one team mentality of of King Country Rugby Union and and I do my bit for the community as well. yeah Started volunteer volunteering volunteering my time.
um to partake in some ground announcing yeah for for the KCRU games, win their home game. So Owen's Island Park, Tomata Nui Domain and then I haven't been to TKWITI yet, but I don't know if it's just another domain or I think it might be like Square or something like that. I'm sure listeners will let us know. But yeah, it's been a bit of fun getting out there, just naming the, calling out the teams, getting the crowd pumped up. It's been pretty good. Yeah, so I've started my career with the KCAU. Yeah, next step, like in Sin City Announcer.
I don't know if it's a step up or a step down. Yeah, I reckon they'll get paid or is that a volunteer job too? ah Yeah, I'd volunteer.
yeah Free entry. Sign me up. You know, apparently it's not what it's cracked up to. Well, that's because they haven't got me. I do reckon you could do a good um impression of one of those dudes.
Oh, right now? yeah No, no, on the spot. Oh shit, ah to be honest, I probably haven't set foot in one of those places. Ladies and know what you mean now, yeah. I would be terrible, sorry. I'll be paying out to the the patron saint. Oh, what a set. Boy, you saggy boys out there.
Here comes Lila, with a pair just as saggy.
you know very throw those sorts of things out a yeahp um yes see and not yet will work in progress No, it's a pretty straight reed, you know, I don't have to add anything to it, but it's a bit of fun. I've had to go and dip into the old back catalogue, though, to pull out a whole bunch of classic stadium tracks. And ones you may be familiar with. I don't know how long.
That's enough, that's all you get. So yeah, um a lot of that sort of stuff loaded in there. um and And I've tried to mix it up a bit as well, cause not to have it, um songs everybody knows, like you should throw something real, like bopping tunes, but you don't really know what the song is. I definitely do like that.
Yeah, I'm ready for this. You don't get up to that song, bro. Nothing will get you up. Yeah, no, that that that is a cracker. um So yeah, that that's definitely on the on the rotation.
Yeah. Well, it's good fun. um But yeah, look, I may be burying the lead here or or stealing the thunder. But I think the big job for you know that may trump even mine ah for the KCRU would be the broke heavy nailing the top job yeah so yeah which has been a fucking awesome thing to to witness really yeah words on the street you fucking got him in there Well, I what technically was employed before him, so, but I think yeah it's one of those cases where, you know, getting me in there made his transition a bit easier because he was actually the one that that put me forward for the role. So yeah I think I you know greased his wheels in some way, yeah um but I'm very appreciative at the same time. Do you reckon you'll be able to get the same deal from him down at the strip club as well? Well, yeah, you know, who knows what sort of perks you're going to get out of that job. That'd be amazing. Taking over the town.
Yeah. Here's Dusty. Oh, you dry balls out there. who we have who we our in sun city yeah yeah yeah got talk i for the shit to giggle Anyway, anyway, yeah, so big, big, you know, I can shout out to the bro Kev and a new role as so it's an ongoing um actual definition of the title, whereas I've heard a couple of things. ah General Manager GM yeah is kind of one that that's
um on some official documents, but apparently they just go by CEOs or CEOs. So yeah, the CEO of the King Country Rugby Union. I mean, you are what you tell people you are, that's the key. Yeah. want to say dm or CEO or top chief yes big dog like big cheese yeah combine them CEO o GM of big dick cheese that's why i now i understand why represent might mean to they can remember all that shit
So I'm not, that's not my audition for Gibbs, I mean. Just to be fair, Richard, geez. yeah
Speaking speaking her of geez. We have got, in a roundabout way, the lovable rogue, Richard.
I hope you're doing well there, Kuzzy. We've given you a bit of a shout out as well. um Because for someone who projects quite a successful um career and and a Some would say he's cracked it. Yeah, I want to say projection did doing pretty well for himself. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But um yeah, he seems to be in a lot of strife all the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And because we haven't had a podcast for a little while, obviously, things have kind of come
Weather Woes in Texas: Richard's Story
and gone. But one of the to stand out or the highlights is the amount of um
out of the weather that that old retro has been going through. Crazy weather. Yeah, but some, but a Stevie Ray Vaughan joined in with some Texas floods. Yeah, yeah. You wouldn't catch me in that weather. That's fucking nasty. This fucking, yeah. One thing that always freaks me out in those scenarios, mother nature don't answer to no one. Nah, don't fuck around, eh? But yeah, they're pretty rugged generator setup going on. and Yeah. Looked like pretty filled with their build kind of stuff.
ah did Yeah, you wouldn't think so. and you know In the great state of Texas, they'd be just crippled like that. um Infrastructure just gone yeah because ah because of a little water. All their transformers and shit were on fire rain. But just the wind was what was freaking me out watching some of this. No, you can't tame it. We're lucky here in New Zealand, really. um Yeah, the snow conditions have been a bit poor lately.
But at least that's not happening to us. and i ah think If everything comes to the end, I still think New Zealand would be one of the safest countries you could ever come to. Yeah, I think so. um Aside from the odd earthquake. It's got a lot of issues, but you know but it's isolation from the rest of the world is quite nice.
um Although it does really feel like that sometimes. yeah yeah lincoln 20 years ago is technology. um But yeah, he's been through that. I think there was an extreme heat as well. Like 30, 40 degrees Celsius, I think. Yeah. I don't know what that is Fahrenheit, probably a million. I don't know. Um, nearly a hundred bone. Yeah. I actually, out of all the Imperial scales Fahrenheit, I used to not like it, but now it's kind of grown on me. Turn the corner on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't mind if I, because you know, Hyundai.
That's about as hot as it ever gets on around Earth, generally. Doesn't go much over that. Zero. It's about as cold as well as ever. yeah I think it's like minus 32 Celsius and 100 is like 40 degrees. It does get a bit hotter than that, but that's when you know, fuck, you're in the red zone. Yeah, that's, you know, like in Darwin sort of area on on the regular. Yeah.
I guess it must be at that sort of, what's that latitude? ah Darwin. As Darwin asked as Texas. Oh yeah, I guess so. yeah Almost. ah I don't think there'd be, nah, there'd be a bit of a gap between them I'd say. Anyway, so't that's a rabbit hole we don't need to go down right now.
Yeah. So, ah you know, I don't know what he's up to now. I haven't heard from him in a little while. I think he did post the other day. So yeah. Oh, yeah. That's there's a lot going on in the cause of his life. He's going to come back to New Zealand or Australia really. um look like they ah The weather obviously don't want to move it there. nah No, no. Take that as a sign because that was a bit of bit of an event. Hey, like I don't think that ever had and that's probably why they were so unprepared.
Yeah, they're trying to get Richo out of there, Mother Nature. Come Richo. You fucking moldy, portraying yourself as a Mexican. Get your ass out of this country. He would fucking fit in with the Mexicans, too. He would, right? He'd be a few, ah, señor! Señor Richo! Señor Dick Cheese!
oh It's gonna be stuck in the head there. Sitting your old dick cheese.
I'll be using that one at some city. See your dick cheese, can you please leave? You were packed in somebody, you didn't move.
We're going to get cancelled for our Mexican impressions. Oh yeah, sorry. It's all right. Let's come to it then sooner or later. But here's some other shout outs as well that I want to acknowledge from Kazi Jay and his young father, Rome.
Um, is there grand final? Yep. I think, uh, on the weekend. Uh, and yeah, the nephew sort of, um, I think he scored two tries. Two tries and three out of five kicks or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. It was a pretty good, uh, on field record. Especially on the grand final, you know, that's where to perform under pressure. Yeah, like stepping it up, leading from the front, all those kind of lovely quotes that you hear around the fields. I'd say it's a lot better than my Sunday Cup, fucking kicking stats. It's terrible. It's about one from fucking six. Yeah, 305 is not bad. Yeah, it's good.
I'd like to think he only missed by a little bit as well from those other two, so. Yeah, yeah, just grazing, maybe. Just grazing, yeah, hit the post or whatever. Yep. Oh, yeah. Nah, it's been good. I'm loving the rugby, the loving the ah lifestyle. Not much of a lifestyle, but you know the just getting in amongst it again and just because I've been out of the rugby scene for so long. um Not like I'm in the sheds or anything, but just being in and around. From a different perspective now, like from the ground staff perspective,
uh yeah i can just start going into the sheets but now that keeps up there and that you know, you can just do whatever you want. Well, ah people think you do sort of have some sort of authority around there because they're asking me all these questions and I'm like, to go ask Josh, why don't I? If you just bow down there and give him a bit of the old... Oh, what about the X-Files? Oh, is that X-Files? Yeah, I shouldn't touch the machine.
That's what you get for a reach around. This will be this one. Y'all ready for this? Get a glass out of the changing rooms before they fucking can go out. ah We were with the other week in Toberanui the changing rooms was under the grandstand and kind of where I was set up And whoever had the speaker there, they must have had the bass just dialed right up. The whole kind of bottom or top of their room, bottom of the grandstand was just vibrating. Boom. Boom. You couldn't even hear any music, you could just hear the bass. Fuck. Yeah, so I was fucking good on use for you.
I can I think they were almost testing the integrity of the grandstand and looked that old. ah you rattle Some of those boats. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. Actually, fucking speaking of loose boats, I've had a bit of, I guess, poor form um the last
Car Troubles: The Drive Shaft Saga
couple of days. oh yeah
I needed to replace the bearing on my drive shaft of my car to get a warrant to get my personalized plate that I didn't realize you had to have a Waffen Ridge to actually for them to even send it to you. So and they had a pair of seal on it, you know, and it's got leaking going on from the back of the gearbox as well. So I'd like taken the drive shaft out. I ordered the wrong bearing initially, and then I'd got the right bearing, what I thought was the right bearing.
put it on, accidentally put it on backwards, and then went to fit it up to the car and I was like, oh, it doesn't fit. Oh, fuck, if I put it on backwards, scenes that I have, you know, and then took it out, switched it around, put it back in, still same problem. So yeah, not only did I initially fuck up the order on what one, I may need to go back to using the first bearing that I've ordered, because that might fit better. But yeah, strange. And I think that's what's been causing the gearbox leakage as well. So it's the... Is it doing it to all those bearings or just those the one you try to replace? No, we'll see. The bearing is just holds the drive shaft up. Like the drive shaft goes into the back of the gearbox and then this bearing holds the drive shaft up. The drive shaft's in like two sections, two split sections to move up and down with the suspension and all that. Yeah.
but some Yeah, that's, um, they had a pair of seal anyway, and I need the wolf. yeah They'd set you back quite a bit, or just... Oh, fuck. Yeah, well, the whole ordeal ended up to three or four hundred because I ordered the wrong one, and then I ordered the other one, and now it might be the other one. Here it is. That's a poor former there. That's the poor former. Calm mind fucks though, they're a fucking... This is why I hate them sometimes. That's why they're just a tool for me, because they get me for me to be. yeah Otherwise, I'd be sinking heaps of cash into it as well. yeah Any other car chat while while we're on the subject?
I see Kivi's got his ute for sale down in the classic spot. Oh yes, yes. Bottom control gate's bridge there. Yep. Bottom of control gate's. um Yeah, well he's got a work vehicle now. Workbook. Yeah. The old RAV4. RAV4. Yep. well sign Sign written up as well.
I love the sort of lifespan of what a RAV4 goes through now. Like, do you know, back in the day, like the people that would own a RAV4, like, was your classic soccer mums or yeah single mums, or, um you know, maybe the old old person. Yeah. So they had a pretty sweet life. and Initially, like you're talking in these 95, 96 RAVs. They are quite boxy then, though, eh? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, little thing.
And now you see them come to the end of their life and they are muddied up on a farm, one door. so thoses yeah those models i year the in life yeah you know if i can picture it now yeah faded graphics yeah just i can they just and All the farmers use them now because they're cheaper to buy than a four-wheeler.
They got it fucking, you know, you got a heater in that in there then. they are Just the most beat up vehicles you'll ever see. So they had a sweet hanging out with young chicks and that whole fellas in the farm. Cowship. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, actually speaking of farms, because yeah, like I was saying before, if I can, ah so much I do during the week that it come and goes comes and goes it so quick and you're replaced by other stuff.
I forget about it and until you say something like that. We went out to some farms controlled by PAMU the other day, out by Waraki Estates. Yeah, they took us out there as fucking, it was probably like a 15 minute drive once you get off the main road. um Right up in this a bit of a valley area between all these hills there, where they don't see a lot of replanting happening and stuff like that, because they would have got smoked in that cyclone Gabriel. But some yeah, they had, ah we took all the kids out there, and they were doing um copper injections for their heifers. Yeah, out of it, just, you know, they had ah know about 60 of them there.
Injections, now I remember back in the day there used to be like a crystal you were chucking the troughs in it. You could make copper sulphate crystals out of the name. Yeah, they did mention that. yeah It was more of a, yeah, you'd have to get them to ingest it. But now they just hit them in that bit of fleshy area underneath their chin, where it connects to their chest. Not right through it obviously, but just down at an angle. so just there So yeah, that was out of it. Fucking almost got shadow on. Yep. Um, cause if I can pack them in, they're pretty tight and you're right up close to and inject them. Yep. Uh, few of the young fellas had to go as well. Um, yeah, as I add, as I'd imagine some of them are still virgins. So a bit of trouble finding the right angle and the right hole. yeah So, um,
Yeah, it was a good experience though. like I'm enjoying that sort of stuff that I get out to go and check out now.
Farm Visits: Technology and Youth Engagement
I've never been out that far into the farms before. So had you turned off onto State Highway 1?
Nah, so we went out Broadlands Road, past the motorsport park. Then it goes to that 75k corner, right hand corner, and you go into this big long sort of straight um and you'll see the Warake estate signs. yep So it's like the second right. I think I would have possibly would have even been to that farm. Yeah, right. So yeah, we went down past like a little village offices area, yeah down over a little bridge show across the creek.
and up and around and then head around to the right and then went back towards that way. Went past the little um calves shed. Yep. Looking all cute as and jumping around. Those are nice farms out there though. they Yeah. Those cowsheds are massive. Yeah. Yeah. Everything was pretty. And then they had I think a milking shed or some other storage shed. Yep. Probably a woman shed. And then yeah, then when we went kind of right down. And then what was the name of the farm?
that was actually a name of the farm. They've all got different names down there. I want to say it starts with a Z. Zestford or something, fud, something like that. Anyway, yeah, so it was up there and it was just a shed for not for bilking. I think it was specifically for Injecting them and oh yeah sometimes I have a vet shed or vet race. Yeah, yeah Yeah, just to kind of curve to set up and bring him in one gate out the other but what uh, what other sort of um thing I found not fascinating but had never seen it before was the Scanners that they have to scan the cows. Yeah, and just gives them all the stats Yeah much their history from when they were a calf right right through so
Yeah, that was out of it seeing it and just was the speed at which they not only scan them, but also the injection as well. Yeah. Like the lady that was doing it, she was just like, um boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Yeah. You know, that, that quick, almost, um, farming technology is fucking amazing. They've got a lot of, um, like you look at all the in shed feeding in that now that they do. And then also, um, there's a product called halter and you can put the.
the collars onto the cows. And I've got the technology where they can actually stop cows from going to places and stuff just by doing a little vibration. They can actually steer them. Like if, if one's coming to calf, it'll actually steer it back to the sheet. Yeah, right. You could, you could literally have them tell them when to come to the shed and now that's trippy. Yeah, that is trippy.
So interesting. a i say i At that point, I'm like, yeah, it's all good, but how far can you go with that technology? you know Can you whack it on a bird and can you fucking fly it around and stuff like that? like And then then you start to get that model dilemma. Yes. yeah well that was The morality of it was what I was questioning.
Because yeah, if you're controlling another being, yeah, you can't for your own ends. Like zombie like remote zombie. Yeah, it doesn't have the I guess the the cognitive li level to understand what's happening. I guess on Sunday. I don't know. They put the thing on their back. And they can literally pull and they got that from other animals, though. Because there's a fungus or something like that. They can take over the motor functions of, um, boats and other animals.
yeah yeah yeah man yeah Um, which might lead into a bit of a health chat. Then, uh, Lord, I think you got some, you bought some goodies over today.
Gut Health: Ginger and Artichoke Extracts
Um, none of these um products are actually sponsored at all. No, not yet. Anyway, yeah we need we are looking for sponsors though. So a halter, if you want to get in there, um,
Half 2000. Yeah. Got some um ginger and artichoke extract and fuck it's been good. It's been good to take every day. um If you got, you know, if you need to improve your gut health, it's um fuck it works a treat.
Yeah, well, the artichokes out of it. One of them really sort of, I know of them, but I don't think I've ever had them before. Yeah. Not often you, like I've i've never had one and I've eaten heaps of stuff. Maybe I've had one at a random restaurant. yeah not a vandawar salador yeah Yeah. But I don't think so. But I'm definitely keen to give them a try and now. Yeah. Cause apparently they're nice.
Um, well the tablet form though, they just kind of concentrated. Yeah. and got Whatever. day out of the leaf on Yeah. Whatever they pack in there as well. So yeah. Um, yeah, it just helps move the old small intestine along. And, um, yeah, especially if you've got, you know, reflux or anything like that, they reckon, um, IBS all that shit, you know, yeah no, uh, no pun intended. Yeah.
Yeah, good set. I recommend it. On that, because he like, when you're talking about like different, uh, not so much concentrated foods, but foods you may have eaten that you don't even know, you know, as in your meal. Um, I had that sort of experience. I don't know if I i mentioned this on the last one, cause it was, might've
Degustation Dinner: A Culinary Adventure
happened afterwards. Anyway, time's weird. Went to a digestation dinner. Okay. Which is like a,
I gotta explain it. It's like a 10 or 12 course meal were of like small portions obviously, but just out of it, um signature dishes almost. right So yeah, went through a whole bunch of, um the theme was, oh it was around matariki. So it was kind of mouldy themed and around the stars and the sort of stuff. and They had performances, like, so it was like a three hour, four hour sort of dinner where I had these individual courses that were also paired with a beverage. So it could be a gin, it could be a wine, could be a red wine, a white wine. um And yeah, just ah out of a way to eat, I think it back and if you do have the opportunity to, it was quite expensive, like a couple hundred bucks or something like that. But just to experience eating,
for a long duration and not just having one big fat sit-down meal. You have lots of little meals drawn out over a long time. Yeah, that's the ultimate eating. Yeah, well, things like, yeah. um Dig a station. Where does that word go from? Ah, have well, let's consult the, now, well, we've just given a bit of a defunct rep internet. Well, could you just go straight to chat GPT on this one? Oh, it'll have a definition for sure.
So it's a way, yeah, basically it's highlighting the chef's fucking creativity as well. So it's not only demonstrating their skills yeah by offering a selection of smaller dishes, but they're intended to be savoured and appreciated by the diner. So there was a whole, like we got to know about the ah wines, like, oh, this was, you know,
um, made in this region by these people, they were well known for this yeah and they've got this sort of stuff now. And, and so you learn about all the different, um, parts of the dinner as well. And even the chef would come out and kind of go through, um, while there was like the chef and the, uh, bar manager and that going around and just explaining to people what, what it is. yeah So yeah, I'll have to yeah look up the actual, um,
Like the whole menu in that, but it was themed around moldy dishes. So it was had like, um, like boil up, you know, but just the real flash kind of one or, you know, uh, in its own components, I guess. ye Um, but yeah, there was, um,
Oh, what's it called, roe? I like fish eggs. Fish eggs and like mix them with some other stuff and oh, i like that's the sort of stuff I don't ah really eat or go and have a lot of. But to have it presented in that way is just like, oh man, yeah I think I'll be missing out yeah on this sort of stuff when it's done right, hey. Yeah, I was eating a lot of that sort of stuff over in Japan. Man, they got some good food there. But yeah, that'd be, oh, that actually sounds mean. How do you get onto those?
Well yeah, they once you kind of learn about what they are, then it's just a matter of seeing when there's one sort of near you really. yeah um But it's things like, I can't even remember what these are called but here's a couple of, that was Pawa Ravioli served in a power shell with the row. Yeah nice. So um things like that.
um Nice little stake. So yeah, I think there was a kumbita mash, um some stuffing and a lamb. Oh shit. but On Kawakawa leaf. Kawakawa. Kawakawa leaf, carwaco leak yeah ah It was venison, raw venison. yeah Just a little bit glued on the outside, ain't it? Yeah, yeah. I just think whatever they've got it sitting on there is like a vinaigrette or a citrusy sort of thing.
kind of similar to, what's the dried meat one? The bildong. Yeah, I can't remember what they're called, eh? It's terrible. Yeah, fuck, those look like mean dishes. Oh, here we go. So yeah, okay, this is what I was looking for. So we had things like, um pork and watercress,
eel, canna, salmon caviar, power ravioli, feta fijoa and apple refresher, duo of lamb, kumara and miso brulee, pea stuffing and kawa kawa. But I'll show you though like the um the different drinks that you have with it as well and stuff like that. But yeah, dig a station dinner's that and a lot of fancy restaurants because this was at the brantry. Yeah. So like those you have to go to those kind of restaurants, market restaurants that would
put their time and effort into doing that and have the knowledge and skill as well. I'll be the only place worth going to a place like that, surely, yeah? Yeah. I don't want to eat 12 shit meals. I'm like, start with a, you know, some nuggets and a chip and move move your way up the menu that way, but no thanks. Next one up, for little fish. Just a quarter of one note and it's been disassembled and just arranged on the plate. Because they they do look kind of nice as well. though They're very presented very, very well. Yeah. Well, that's half of the meal, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Watch it. You got to get those factors in there too. a Like you can't have it all soft. You got a little bit of crunch in some of the it. hey Like if it's too soft of a meal, just add a little bit of stuff like that on there. Yeah. um but Yeah. The highlights for me was that salmon caviar and um the
uncooked venison, because it was shaved to so thin, almost like paper, that your you're putting it in your mouth kind of like. cooked it almost to, you know, fuck you I think it's just enough to mean nice for that. You reckon can have to be a, yeah, you can see new world countdown back and save special. You sharpen it up on one of those fucking pull through knife sharpness. They reckon there's a shit anyway. yeah
Don't use it. Yeah. Yeah. We got one. I don't, yeah, I don't rate it. I think it wrecks the blade. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Puts too much tolls in it. Yeah. Pretty much terrible. Don't make them like they used to just like the internet. Yeah. They more serrate the knife. I think is what happens. Yeah. That's what makes you think it's going sharp because it's now serrated. Yeah. No, you need some good chip for that. Um,
What else we got on here? Cosy, we got some health chat. Snow conditions. You got some some updates for us on the season of so snow this year? Yeah, I managed to-key know it. Not the ski field. Got two-keen and we went down probably a week too early. Oh, yeah. Because... Do you prepare who? Yeah, over on the two-door side. Oh, yeah? Yeah. We...
Went down there, not a lot of snow, just enough to get from top to bottom, but that was about it. And then it was raining the last three days that we were there. alright So not even really worth going up, but, um, yeah, then on Wednesday, the night we had that fucking raging supermoon, full moon that, um, it snowed really, snowed that night, 25 centimetres or so. And, um, yeah, missed out there, but it's all good.
It's looking good out there now. The couple of days that we did have clear skies to see it, even Tongariro had a dusting. So I was like, yeah, she's pretty blanketed now. yeah yeah yeah it's a ah When it's got snow on it, it's a great mountain to to ski and snow for. Yeah, hopefully they get another dump. I might try and target another trip down there at the next full moon.
you know Fuck that'll be it. Yeah, even there'd be bright enough to almost do it at night as well. Yeah, I walked up there that I can moon the other night Dog woke me up wanted to go outside must have thought it was daytime already If I can Looked up. Oh, right. Yeah And then I went back to bed told the dog come back inside, you know And then... Wait, didn't Howl at it? Stood Howl at it. Well, inside next about an hour later, I woke up and she's... Couldn't hold it in any longer. What the fuck? Never ever done that before. But she spent the week at that fucking doggy daycare place, so... I think she might have picked up some bad habits oh hanging around with the wrong dogs. they
yeah the moon in the
locked in not wolf as mother ho bull shit that fucking Get that shit out of here. Those days are done to you, You're inferior to the wolves now. Cut it out. You're living with us now. No howling. Trying to sleep. for good That's how we ended up with those fucking weird crossbreeds trying to breathe that shit out of here.
Yeah. I mean, it's possible the fire alarm was going off as well. I'm not sure. this i just howling it but i don't know Yeah. Full moon brings out the fun he brings out the crazies for sure. say it yeah People that work in like mental health, hear from them all the time, like hear all the time. Full moon, people fucking lose it. Yeah. what this a ah Probably from their dogs, keeping them up.
Oh, I decided to take run through a couple of other things that I've been up to, Kazee, since coming back and and um jumping into a lot of this work with the Rangatahi and um with all the rest of the whānau as well. um Fuck, I've never done so so much manual labour in my life that I have in those last couple of weeks. We do a lot of volunteering work, yeah so we're actually up by um
Waianake, Craters of the Moon, oh yeah Back of the Golf Course top area. No, we were fixing up the mountain bike tracks. What are those tracks like? Yeah, they're not bad. It's pretty hilly and rough though. Like I reckon it would have looked primo when there was actually trees there though. But they've all been blown over so and a lot of water has ruined um the tracks, wash them out. That's right, because I did get fucking wrecked in that. Yeah, so. I thought they had reopened some of them or? Well, there were some people riding through when we were there. So and we see some guys planting as well, planting more trees. Bloody good view. Yes, because it was quite good from up there. Got your classic power station.
but of river And if you look close enough on the right-hand side there, that is, I think the terraces are almost there in view. So yeah, we can get in around the countryside. ye ah We're up on Spa Road.
or Centennial Drive, yeah just before the golf course there, opposite the holiday park, yeah back in Spreading Mulch, all around these, and back in, had the auger out, digging holes, all that sort of stuff as well. So we're doing all sorts of out of it crap. Had kind of been going to the gym a couple of times a week oh shit as well, as part of this. Yeah, well, you said, well, it's all about balance. a It's all about balance. is we getting jacked Well, I feel I just feel feel a little bit more energetic, really. I wouldn't say, you know, um I'm kicking too many hard goals, but you're only going to do a little bit A to B. No, yeah. And that's it. Like, I'm just I'm not trying to, yeah. Yeah.
Cyclone Aftermath: Fixing Mountain Bike Tracks
I wouldn't get into the Olympics or anything. um So what speaking of that one, okay. um Little car park there. Let's pull a bit of a prank on Holly even now in the nail.
You know how you can park up facing the road, like when you go to the pools there. So like by BP. Yeah. Yeah. So I always pretend that I'm backing up, but I'll actually put it in first. Driving up the hill and back onto the road.
Just in front of the terraces. Straight up the bank. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah. Oh, man. Fucking yeah.
Yeah, it's nice out there. It's all exposed now, the way up there. it's But the the tracks that we've seen were were pretty decent. yeah lot of You can see where the existing trees were there. like They're still there. The little ones that have been there for ages are bedded into the track almost. yeah um So you had to kind of dig around those and or like just try and smooth over the roots a bit more.
But for the most part, obviously someone had been through there and cut a lot of the trees back. So it was just all the dirt that needed to be moved around. and yeah So we took ah about, shit they would have been about.
more two van fulls of us. So around sort of 18 kids or was a shovel or a rake. And just, yeah, by the end of it, I was like, oh, we actually got too many people on that one track. Like for the amount of work that was there, there was someone, you know, within fucking leaning distance, you could lean over and touch them. There was that many people there. So yeah, that's when I got a lot of those photos just at the end there.
Gotta go yourself a bit of a load of firewood or something out there. Bro, that was the first thing and I was asking as we were cruising around, I was like, anyone getting firewood from up here? And I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, you can just come and collect it. Yeah, all right. Yeah, so, oh, that's everywhere. You don't even have to go far. Yeah. Yeah. Good little side hustle for some people, the old firewood.
That's all I thought too. Yeah. If you wanted to get into that. menual labor too Yeah. It's good for you. Yeah, it is. Yeah. Like outside of like picking up, Hey, that's gotta be like a good job for your, for your work. Now they X chopping. Yeah. I'm more into that sort of stuff than going to the gym, actually. Yeah. I was just doing some, you know particularly that sort of stuff. Cause you know, you're, you know, it's for,
people to enjoy sort of things. And that's the same with planting and near the roadsides and stuff like that. like it Always drive past there. If you see some big piles of mulch on the side of the road up on Centennial Drive there, next to AC Baths and opposite the Holiday Park.
ah There's one less there now, because we moved all that into the, up into the hills there, into the, where the plants are. oh Yeah, so and that was pretty good. And the people you meet there too, they're always really passionate about what they do, and they tell you why they're doing it as well, like i trying to create corridors for birds, bring birds back to this area, so they can kind of, it's out about how she was explaining it too, she's like, oh, you know,
from the bottom of Tohara, there's these sets of um trees that birds will kind of come through. yeah And we're trying to connect to them so that they can get over to this part of the thing. And yeah, it's like, oh yeah, that's fucking primo. That was um one thing I liked about staying in Ookune was just um the the native birds that were around there. Yeah bro, yeah. Birds are mean.
Yeah. Like you get the Kennedy coming through and same as when we've done the timber trail ride, the bike ride, all the, because you're made of bushes. Yeah. the beds Yeah. There's something out of it once. Yeah. This has been backed by, my I used to sit outside at home and, uh, Aussie and Brisbane and just fucking all the birds would be in the trees and fucking picking up shit out out of the ground. And they're really bold. Come and set up on the fucking thing there. Um,
I had a real bad bird problem at my house one year. They were coming in, just and flocking into these trees all in the afternoon and in the morning and just making a racket. I don't know what they were. Yeah, they can be cunts. Yeah, yeah, they were fucking noisy, I'll tell you. In the morning, it was like 5am.
No, I like birds. I take that back. they Some of these are annoying. No, the non-native ones. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I suppose they're just birds can be native to anywhere, you know, they just fly. Yeah. Well, they've been around a lot longer than yeah anyone living here. That's pretty impressive how far they can go really in. Yeah.
well yeah Catch the odd thermal, that's the key once you get up there. Well those ocean-going birds too, they travel some distances. They live out there, eh? With the albatrosses and shit like that.
yeah So we reckon we're going to be able to dial anyone in. Yeah, so we thought we'd try a little experiment, um trying to get some you know live input, man on the scene type action. yeah ah So we're just going to ah dial up the old Cuzchat channel and just see if who picks up. So you may have to cancel this Cuz as it comes through. Oh, you'll dismiss that.
Welcome caller, you're live on Cuzchat.
Is it coming through for you? No, I can't hear anything. Oh, maybe they're muted. Are you muted, caller?
Well, that quite work out as planned. but um We've got someone there, but I don't think they're...
Is that KVD? No, I think it was Miles actually. Oh, I was just looking at your... No, that's me. That's me because he... That's me in my own religion. I've got a couple of mates they and their brothers and they fucking kind of look similar. They never used to really, but now they do because they've both kind of gone bald and both just have beards.
And they said that but they both wear glasses too. So they said that when they're on the phone to each other, sometimes they get mixed up. They all picture in picture, get some confused. It'll be weird for twins sometimes, that one eh?
Yeah. Well, thanks because he's thanks for nothing new. I think most jumped in and jumped straight out. ah That's right. Actually, we could um we could ring Kelly and get it to explain your garage.
Family Project: Garage Design Dilemma
gary you' still ah that's Well that's something we could chat about because you you you're a big part of this project ah so is getting um the little sleep out bungalow area at the bunker of the bottom of where Cows and Alex are staying.
yeah you know yeah like Right from before they even um come to i was just kind of To be honest, I'm i'm not going to take too much credit for this because I'm just a hole driller. yes Yeah, well that's your only function for this build. coming I've drilled holes. I've dug holes too. I'm just the hole creator.
storie Either dirt or concrete. But there has been a bit of a problem in there, hasn't there? Oh look, it's overall it's been a good project, good bonding session for the whānau. A cool build too. i thought yeah yeah I like the idea of building into the into the side of the bank because it's yeah good thermal efficiency. Yeah. And they've they've done a lot of work to really um take advantage of that too. With the whole bunch of Scoria they've got sitting behind there and yeah and then do it on top of that so they can, it's usable space as well, is which is kind of cool. yeah But yeah, right through the, you know, accessing or getting power to the site through um putting all the wiring yeah through the framing and everything. Yeah, and Uncle Pop did a nice job, chucked the switchboard in there in the garage. And sort of the idea was that they'll be able to sometimes rent that room out as like a holiday thing for some people here and there, right? Yeah, so they they're looking to, yeah, Airbnb type thing, but also for when the family
um are in town and it's available. They can also be used as a place for that. But yeah, no, that's the the bill went pretty good. um It's all been painted and everything now, like probably since you were last there. The garage is on, ah everything's lined.
yeah I got to see up until before like any of the painting or carpet went in, so I still haven't really sort of seen the full finished picture yet. But no, they've um got it all together and put in a bit of effort there from the final. Kevin's done a bit of wiring as well. Been in the um casual labour. Joe too? Yeah, Joe was there for a weekend, yeah. ah Climbing around, I think.
um running the old cable. Yeah, it's been good. But yeah, it's a little snag. A little snag now. Yeah, a little bit of an oversight on the design. Yeah, which was kind of brought up in the cables phase. In the final walk around? Yeah, in the preliminary final inspections. Yeah. um Because there's no internal access into the garage from the attached bungalow. ah Nor is there an exterior door to the garage. The only way you can get in is through the electric garage door. Yes. Which if that ain't working,
Yeah, locked out kind of. Which happened, which is where the issue has been a ah trip in the wiring ah completely unrelated to what's going on there. But yes, to be fair, we haven't really diagnosed the problem. Are you aware of it? It could be an issue with the garage door, like I said, may need some setting up done on it, yeah possibly, but tripping the breaker and then not being able to open.
I'm sure once ah the root cause of the issue has been found, ah further and investigation will be entered entered into. Yeah. So obviously the answer to to getting that sorted was ah drilling a hole in the fucking one garage door. So I didn't actually get to come and do this hole. The guys from the garage come and done that. Sorry, they didn't even call the expert or the one with the history of no the hole. The previous contractor on the hole digging. Digging and drilling. So I don't know what don't know what happened there. Let's just say he moved on to to bigger jobs. now When things go wrong, blame the whole thing. That's what's happening here. An additional hole now. Because Uncle Pop's actually fled the country too. It's plausible. It's like a fucking whole corporate fallout. We've all gone into liquidation.
Yeah, the GM's flip holder. HM contracting, him and McGee. One partner has fled the country, and the other one's left holding the hole. Yeah, so you sent me a text the other day, but I just, I texted Kelly later on that night, so I actually forgot about it that day.
Yeah, so my thoughts was actually just add another manhole. As an expert hole creator, my solution is to create another hole. Not only can you access the mechanical ah aspect of the garage to release said garage door and it opened, but a whole human can fit through that hole. yeah yeah So you access the switchboard primarily. guess Because if you're in the fucking, your roast is cooking, you're like, fuck! Just remember, no internal access from the bungalow either. You're in the fucking near electric blanket goes off, fucking freezing.
Possibly a sub board. I thought he was chucking in a bit of a sub board, maybe not. Oh, okay. No, this was never mentioned. No, maybe not. But Cows was talking about possibly getting the switchboard moved and I was like, Oh, that's a harder job than making a hole. I know that. you making holes no fucking worryring switchboards and moving switchboards which one's harder Perfect section of your skills.
That's an expert in holes in switchboards. Yeah, yeah. I'll tell you what, they're definitely good at digging holes with the Mrs. A. oh yeah yeah you You're putting in the extra work in at home then, isn't it? Holy shit.
yeah But no, that's not a segue. Just to show the the extent of his expertise. He's digging holes at home as well. oh that that That's a good word place to end it, I think, Kuzzy. That's been yeah va an awesome crack up episode, even though we started with just so half a page so written on a bit of paper.
Thank you for making the trip over anyway.