Introduction and Brisbane Memories
Welcome back to the Cuz Chat podcast. You're here once again with Black McGee and my bro. Kibby, Kibby D, Kevin from NSYNC, all commonly known as Big Kev. Big Kev in the hills. Welcome to Brisbane Kev.
Family Gatherings and Byron's 18th
So it's been a while, eh? It's been a minute. What, like 2017? About three or four years, I think we worked our way. Yeah, yeah, yeah, three or four. It was Byron's 18th. 18th, 18th. 18th, bro, it was actually almost close to the day sort of thing, you know? Yeah, pretty much. I think it was, because we had it about, I think the weekend after he, you know, on the 31st of August, it was whatever the weekend was after that, there we had it. Another random trip, you know, last minute, so.
Yeah, you threw this together pretty quick, didn't you? Because I think you called me about Tuesday a week ago, you know, probably about a week and a half ago now. Yeah, it was about Tuesday. I had been on the plane for a while, but last Tuesday, my sister was like, let's go to Aussie.
We were planning to accommodation and stuff and I thought I fuck a little ring many and suss, you know. But I would have been offended if you hadn't stayed here. Be like, check out this knob, come all the way to fucking Thing and stay somewhere else. So thanks for having us.
Kev's Unexpected Trip to Australia
That's been a pleasure.
throwing together we know kids didn't even have passports you know we had to get those kind of fast tracked and fucking flights with you know yeah that's what happens when you're playing you know a week out for me you want to go yeah thanks for having us it's all
it's turned out all right you got a nice nice room and a car free car to use it's been awesome that's been cool we've just been relaxing soaking up you know I wouldn't say the Sun but it's been pretty overcast but we made sure it was in a hospitable temperature for you that's why otherwise
It's not too hot, you know, it's just just just just right. Yeah, it's just, well, still cruise around and singlets though, but it's not like a burning or smelting. So that's good.
Navigating Brisbane and Theme Park Adventures
So you've been doing a bit of driving lately, your holidays pretty, pretty much been a driving holiday driver. Yeah, being the driver and manual too, bro, which is in the city is very, it's just
I think I'm a race car driver now, just chopping gears, changing lanes, taking lanes. There's just too many motorways here though bro. There's three set of lights in Topor and there's bangers.
They come here, bro. It's like fucking 3000. That's crazy. And then all these M1, M2s. Bro, I just want to give them an uppercut because I've been getting lost. I've actually been getting lost quite a lot, bro. But I'm blaming it all on my navigator. We were writing Shotgun, bro. It was that automatic designation of navigator. And turns out you're not living up to the expectations.
No, you're supposed to get like a good rally driver or get a nice comms early. It's like getting a good communicator anyway. You get clear comms, understand early, you know, you can, you know, you can get where you need to be. But essentially I put it in perspective, bro. I think I've gone on to about six different motorways on all in the wrong way. It's like driving from Topol to Mango, but ending up
Antiquity. See a bit of backtracking going on. Just ended up in completely low. I think I'm heading north but I'm heading south.
And yeah, but our birds were part of the adventure, right? It's good to see a bit more Brisbane, I guess, as well.
Korean BBQ Experiences
Yeah, but I've been in the deck, you know, back streets and ended up in some suburbs. I can't even pronounce the name. But you've had a good time. I think you've been travelling around because you're just trying to get as much in as you can in a short time. And, you know, the, I think the shopping's been a bit of a focus, you know, with, with along with the, you know, I think parks and that sort of stuff, but,
yeah so we done a lot of theme park stuff earlier in the week and then kind of Wednesday day done the shopping thing too just to close and look around you know the missus and and the young fella
and his girlfriend that's with us too. They've been getting hard, bro. They've been... But you told me you've got a couple of things that are, you know, more up you early. They're the fat men still, yeah. I don't know if you follow us now because we should get some sponsorship from these fellas.
They've got Johnny Biggs. Johnny Biggs, if you're out there and listening, we have not only the hosts that could promote your product, but probably a lot of the listeners as well. For sure, bro. To put it in perspective, I'm a small. And Johnny Biggs, you're a small. That must feel good, eh? It boosts my confidence. Absolutely boosted my confidence. And I tell you, I want to
I'm going back to Topor, different dressed man, bro. A bit sharper? A bit sharper, a bit lighter, you know? A bit, yep. It makes a difference when they're actually made to fit you,
Family Celebrations and Gifts
eh? Oh, 100%, you know, bro. I'm not going to look like the skin around the sausages, you know? The sausages are very good there. Skin that just hugs onto the meat. That's my clothes, bro. 100%. I can peel it off.
I'll tell you why. There's just more of you to love my bro. 100%. Yeah bro, so nah it'll be good actually. It's just been kind of cool to get away out of New Zealand and to spend a few even better, so thanks for having us. Well it's, you know, we've got to say goodbye to you tomorrow, but then you're picking me up from the airport the day after, so it's just continuing on pretty much. Oh it's good bro.
Tied it right. Tied it perfect. Just get a lot more time with the whanau, which is about 100% bow.
Speaking of, I know, as we were kind of preparing for this podcast, we thought, oh shit, I wonder if there's any birthdays, because obviously, Byron's birthday was Thursday, but it turned out there's like a list as long as my fucking arm for people in late August and September. So we'll run through birthdays from sort of mid August to, you know, mid September, as we do, just to give a shout out to the aunties and uncles and cousins and nephews
everyone in between and so forth. So it was Dad's birthday, 65th birthday on the 17th of August. I remember, I think one of the times you guys were here was his 60th, when the last time he was...
He's come over for that as well, didn't he? Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's the kind of last time the family all came over. Yeah, we were all together. Yeah, that's right. We stayed on the Goldie. Yeah, that was a pretty cool trip. Yeah, that was there. We just rented out a big house, eh? Yeah. Spent, what, three days there? Yeah, something like that. And just kind of, I think, it's when Kelly was still pregnant with...
He's less than five, he's got to be less than five, so yeah. Either that, because he was habu or...
Had a theatre in a day? Yeah, a whole theatre. And it wasn't a small theatre. It probably could fit about 20 people in there, easy. Until Dad broke one of the seats. Had a bit of trouble getting it up, you know. Got locked into position there. No, the ceiling broke. No, the ceiling. The old chair safety.
But I know it was cool there, so that was probably the last time, you know, and happy birthday to the old man too. Yeah, happy birthday Dave. Went out for dinner on his birthday, went to a restaurant in Topol, and the waitress brought a tray of drinks over and dropped the whole tray on the old young fella. So, that was pretty funny.
Did he get a, did he get a, a bit of, but a crop chicken? No, no, not even though they were dead. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. No, fuck off buddy. Just the drinks too. Fucking ratchet. No, it was good. Night food was good. Company was even better.
So the day after dad's birthday is Riley's birthday So he turned 19 on the 18th of August And yeah
the boys birthdays are pretty close together and they're also close to us going to New Zealand so that was kind of their main present I guess and stuff like that but his brother did buy him a very fancy lightsaber for his birthday which is you know not one of the old plastic fantastic ones that we used to have this one's got LEDs and all sorts of shit on it so he was pretty happy but yeah obviously the trip back to NZ is kind of
what we're gifting him. So that was the 18th August on the 22nd of August, Sky, Auntie Sky turned 31. So yeah, I don't know what she did for that birthday. Sorry if we didn't give you a shout out on your birthday,
Byron's Birthday and Korean BBQ
Auntie Sky. Here it is now.
Better late than never. And then on the 26th of August, Lionheart turned 61. Yeah. Yeah. Geez. His numbers are pretty high, aren't they? Oh, geez. Yeah. He would have a good birthday.
Yeah, I hope so. Yeah, I hope he's looked after. I don't do a lot of social media, so I assume something was posted, but be a big shout out to Lionheart. I'll come and see you soon. We'll have a beer. Or Jameson's Whiskey, because this show is sponsored by Dowser. It's doing pretty well. Okey goodness, no better. Black Label, eh? Nice stuff.
And then 31st of August, obviously my son Byron's 21st.
which, yeah, I'm so glad you were here for. It's been, you've always been a pretty integral part of his upbringing and so it's great to have you here and celebrate with us. We went out to Korea barbecue or as I like to call it, interactive dining, which was an experience. Some mistakes were made, I think. We probably peaked a bit early. Straight to the fried chicken instead of, yeah.
so some people savor the experience where I was an amateur bro I went in and just attacked you dominated the experience well we went to a all you can eat Korean barbecue so it's a mixture of some cooked food and like raw meats that you've got to cook on your table and then on top of a charcoal grill basically yeah and you just get whatever you want to add to that sauces
salads, whatever, and there's a lot of food there, not a choice. Like I have a golden rule with buffets and usually I try not to eat the starchy stuff like stairway potatoes, rice because they all feel healthy. Yeah, I'll throw you up. So I try it with the meat and some sauces and stuff and then the fried chicken.
Bro, I was just done early. You were amateur mate. I think we booked the restaurant for like seven o'clock. I think we were done by eight and we were like, yeah, let's get out of here. Hey, I was done at like 7.30, bro. It's just been handy. I thought,
I should have, I should have stopped and breathed, bro, I think. It was good, good fun, no way. Yeah, what's cool about it, bro, is that you get to, you know, it'll be interesting to see other kazis out there who enjoy interactive dining and who don't enjoy interactive dining. Yeah, it can get a little bit, the novelty can wear off when you just, when you're hungry and you just want to eat.
Some people just want to eat. They don't want to have to, they're not natural hunter and gatherers. They don't want to cook their own food. So I can imagine runners would be against it. Be like, ah, fuck, I'm not cooking my own meat. They'd be calling us all girls for even doing it. But it is cool though. It's tasty, tasty, real tasty. And you know, you control it once you, um,
I guess you have to go there with a game paid bro. I reckon to get, you know, if you want to Clyde is eight everything and I just, you know, saving nothing. Yeah. Cause you just go and get plates of raw meat and it could be just straight, like nice cuts of meat and can be marinated, can be fucking like very thin, thinly sliced pork belly and pork shoulder and all that sort of stuff.
Humorous Family Discussions
But the trick is to cut it up first bite-size because you can control the cook a lot better and you can feed a lot more people by just giving them fucking little bits of meat here and there rather than waiting for one big piece of meat to cook. Bro, I'm not throwing my missus under the bus. She's a natural... What's the word?
maternal and stinks cooking yeah so she brings to the table fucking big ball of rice you know yeah trying to feed everybody like i got my meat and she brings no wonder i'm big kid because you know i can't let it waste either bro you know it was just too much but
Actually, it's funny you bring that up because we had a bit of a weighing competition just before, didn't we? To see who cracked the 100 club. Luckily you were only 20kg, so... I was only 20kg, yeah, yeah, yeah. So the scale didn't go quite... I went up to one team, and then it went back to zero, plus 20. You clapped it. I was clapping, but I'm the winner. So, you know, I made that shit.
I think I just snuck under the 100kg. Oh thanks bro, thanks. I've done nothing to achieve this. I will, don't worry. But the funny one was we got Riley who's 19 and to weigh himself against Joe who's 14.
and there was three kgs difference between them i think Riley was like at 88 and Joe was at 85 i think yeah yeah fuck that's that's close man he's a fucking unit and he's yeah that was before dinner that's before he had another five on after dinner bro yeah boy just eat he doesn't stop eating bro
That's one thing that surprised me well I didn't really but it's you know you don't really know if you had told me that because I can eat barbecue oh yeah but until you actually see it in front of you because we've had multiple meals together now and fuck I haven't seen a plate cleaner bro. He just smashes everything. He did too as we could bro. So before I went to the barbecue place he was like oh I don't know you know just I don't know if I want to cook it.
But bro, he is a smack meat. He's pretty much covered that whole whole play there. It's just plates of meat. It actually does, bro.
But it's good. We can't forget Byron though. He's like, I'm under 100 kgs. He almost clocked it as well. He wasn't quite there bro but he was close. He was close bro. He was close to clocking it. But he said it was authenticity too that he was nowhere near handy.
Yeah, yeah. He was pretty confident about it. And then afterwards he was like, oh, I was tensing up, I was pushing down. Doesn't work like that, bro. Oh, funny. I just need to welcome to the club, brother.
We were going through birthdays, I think we had a couple more on the list there. So I had Byron's birthday on Thursday, going back to NZ to really sort of have the big, big celebration. So it's still his birthday week, I guess. But on the 15th of September, Christian turns 22, I believe. 22nd birthday.
followed shortly thereafter by Click who's 41. I think that's right 41 on the 18th of September so shout out to Christian and Click and then your lovely wife Kelly is not yet 40 she told me not yet 40 on the 19th of September
So I'll have to do something for that day, I imagine. I've got to remember it. Well, I've just said it. I'll say it again. The 19th of September. So if you listen back to the podcast. You're going to have to now.
First Cars and Joyrides
What do we like 21 minutes in? Skip to that and we've got you covered, bro. We've got you covered.
So that's all the best days, big shout out to everybody and anyone that's got one coming up and anyone that we missed. Oh well, we'll get to Dix here.
It's been a while since we've done a podcast and we always like to keep the final up to date with what's been happening with us and the wider Kuzzies as well. So I just wanted to have a quick recap on the week, the week of Kuzz chat.
going back and going back and I was pretty flashy interesting
This topic came up when Richo posted a photo of his Mini Cooper S saying, you know, because he's remembered what his nephews or someone got asking about his first car so he posted it and that got us kind of sort of talking about our first cars and that sort of stuff as well.
So yeah, like if anyone's got a story about their first car with a, you know, it was a flash one or a dungo or anything like that, like please send them into That's
We'd love to see them and write us a bit of a story about them. So send those emails into cuzchat at podcast, sorry, cuzchatpodcast at Almost got wrong then.
Yeah, commit it to memory. Just like mum's birthday. Yeah, sweet. And I may even check the inbox every day of the year. But yeah, like I remember mine, but it was the Ridge Racer, you called it was a, and I had to check with dad actually. I was like, fuck, can you remember the year of that car? And I'm pretty sure it was a 1974. He got that off one of his workmates.
Well, he reckons he bought it at Toppo, but I'm pretty sure he bought it off fucking Maki Markup at the old mobile on the way to Maraitai there. I actually reckon he got, like, he spent 600 bucks on it too. I think it was something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he reckons he got it from some guy in Toppo, but I was like, oh really? That's not how I remember it. I don't remember that bro. No, I thought he got it off one of his Merck workmates.
I might have taken it to Muckerman to get kind of fixed up a bit. The prelude in that he got off in Topor. Yeah, the prelude he got to Topor. That was a good car, bro. Oh, his gallus is fucked, eh? I stole that car once, eh? Did you? Yeah, yeah bro.
So I was only weird about the wheels. That's when we were living in Mango. So yeah, probably nine, 10, something like that. Where did you steal it from? Oh, I didn't steal it, bro. I was home, but no one else was home. The keys were there, and the option arrived for me to go for a black. So it was a joyride. It was a joyride. A joyride. Yeah, so jumped in, didn't know how to drive, manual. Just dropped the clutch, put a reverse, spun the wheels.
And then I think I went up to end up like a little street. So we lived on remade. Yeah. Oh, that's right. So I had a mate that was one of the right. I went to the end of the street, basically, but I think bunny hop master the way I love to. I got on there, dropped them off. Oh,
Yeah but you look 22. I like me and Mitchell at home wagging from school one day and I was like should I go get us a McDonald's and stole it when I got into the McDonald's.
I remember putting a big house speaker in the back of it.
Wiring it up to the thing that was like in the end there was the thing back then didn't have like these flash Because this was just the radio and a cassette player and hook up the boys yourself Didn't know anything about nothing back then but they like Who was it? Jordan posted a photo of his car coming for what it was though? It was a sporty number
I'll have to go back and check the Snapchat. Yeah, I think Rod has put his up there, so his mitzi he had. Yeah, it's a pretty cool stories. Jordan was an 89 Corolla. Liftback, yeah, 89 Corolla, liftback, yeah. I'm sure he'd have some wicked stories on that machine, eh?
Yeah, I wonder if it'd ever like, survived. Like in one piece with him, totalling at a time. I'd probably put money on it. I don't remember Rodder's car though. So that Mitzi had, I remember going into Meditar. That's a pretty cool wheel one too, from memory.
I think you're still going to Hamilton boys maybe? Yeah, I think you'll have to confirm that. But... But if a car could talk, I'd imagine that car would have an abundant off story as well. It'd be a mental health hospital. It'd be used in a used room for sure. That car would have seen some stuff.
So yeah, thanks to Richo for prompting that.
Social Media Antics and Stories
I actually used that into another couple of group chats that I used and got to see other people's memories of their cars and some cool stories came out of that. But I think we do need to address... That was probably one of Richie's top posts, I think, in a long while.
They're being pretty average of late. And I don't know, he must have a Snapchat food channel that he posts, because I think he gets confused and posts them to the cuz chat. It's some of the stuff, the food that he's putting up there, bro, is just, yeah. I don't know. Not to me.
Can I say wanky? You can say wanky, you can say wanky. You're very, very articulate. I think that sums it up. But yeah, there's only so many pictures of your meat we can see, Richard.
Love you to bits of cars, but you know, you almost orgasming over pieces of meat, you know, raises some questions, especially with those gay-looking shirts you wear. But love you to bits of cars. So yeah, that was sort of the week in Kastya.
So, but actually, yeah, no, one of the other things out of that was cave and barley barley. Yeah. So he's still posting stuff in there. That's some quality stuff coming through from, from cave. Um, but I think the story that we wanted to share here was, uh, to be fair is very, uh, minor, uh, and it's, um, description and, and there was no really. Elaboration to it.
But for those that had been listening to the podcast regularly would have heard us talk about the practice of sunning your perineum, which we put the challenge out there for the kuzzies to partake in said act.
Apparently cave gave it a go in Bali, which you know perfect place to do it. I reckon you know no one knows him you know you probably naked people walking around all over the shop, but he had a apparently a pool in his bungalow that he was staying at and The story goes or the comment goes that he was tried sunning his perineum in the pool So basically
it's exposing your taint to the Sun for for a few seconds 30 seconds or something to for supposed health benefits
Well, yeah, you know energy levels, you know, maybe it's sort of detoxing a bit, get a bit of vitamin D on your poo hole. So, you know, most normally doesn't get to see a lot of sun, but apparently halfway through the act, he was interrupted by the TV guy that came in to sort out the TV apparently. But then again, I was thinking,
Fuck, I'm sure I've seen some pornos that are that way too. Especially if a dude comes and starts playing a saxophone off on the game. Or a slap bass.
So there's more to that story that we definitely need to find out in Cave. Hopefully when you're back you can do it. I have a lot of questions too. I have a lot of questions as well. How did the TV guy just walk in? Did you call him? What was the TV guy doing in the first place? Takes you back to the saxophone.
People Movers: Stereotypes or Reality?
So this is your week in Kazchat. Everybody, fine now. Thank you for listening. So yeah, we've got a couple of other things. We'll get to some poor form stories a little bit later on. But we had a few
topics thrown out there from the kuzzies. Typical rotters, just wants to know about Cave, Rudy and Bali. We can't comment, but we weren't there. So Cave, again, when you're on the podcast, you can address that one. Jordan had a topic about people movers now.
If you're going to give us a topic, like give us a set up a premise so we can actually... Are you saying that you're for them? Are you against them? Do you think they should be on the road at all? Are they just considered cars? Are they considered buses? I don't know. I don't know where he's going with that. Are there certain demographic that use them more than others? We're getting very political here, bro.
Kev's Journey with Stress and Mental Health
Well, you wanted one though, didn't you? I didn't expect that. I was trying to get one but I said no. But I'm for them bro, I'm for the old people mover. They say the purpose I think. I probably wouldn't buy one as my main car but I'll keep it bro. I think if you have one, then people will see that as like, oh you're the designated driver for most things then, most events.
It puts you into a corner really, eh? Oh, you're the driver guy now. Pigeon holds you, bro. Pigeon holds you. That's the term I was looking for, thank you. I can be articulate when I want to. Oh yeah. Pigeon holds you into a certain type of person or characteristics. It does, eh? Yeah. Not necessarily a good way to. I don't think, like, you don't think, oh yeah, that's great.
Yeah, who are you picking up in your people mover van? Like friends, randos? If I rock up, people move away. It's a classic. That dude in that car, yep. That's the profile of the driver.
Yeah, they say with purpose, I probably would have get one. I like the range that it has, bro, like you can do all sorts of shit. You know, take the seats out, put some mattresses in the eye. You're a real creative, I reckon, bro, if you wanted to. Does the people move it in the new van, then? Yeah. Is it the more modern version of just a van? Yeah, I reckon. Who has vans anymore?
I only see commercial ones, so there's not real... We use it for the Unfolders rugby, that's about it. Yeah, sports teams use vans. The ones that I do know have vans, well they only have seats in the back. They can put other shit in there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Pigeon hold yourself again if you have just a van with no seats in it. You're a mover. You're a furniture relocator. Or a pedo.
I was trying to scare it around without actually saying it. You're just a dude sitting in the back with a slap face. You're pretending to be a TV guy. Where did we...
People move as though I'm four of them, but I need to know understand what yes more context please in your topics the adoring bloody hell You know better than that The other topic that I sort of had
is a bit more current, I guess. You know, I'm so looking forward to this holiday, bro. It's going to help me de-stress and all that stuff being sort of going through a bit of a rough patch lately. Just not sort of feeling myself, not really kind of enjoying the things I usually enjoy. And it's led me to sort of start looking at my own mental health and all this sort of stuff. And if there is something that I can do to kind of help me
not only function a bit better, but everybody has stress and all that sort of stuff and can get on top of you pretty badly. Your quality of life sort of dips in. Like you said, you're looking well. It's probably because I'm stressed and losing weight and not eating. So it's not healthy.
So i thought i'll just go talk to my doctor and sort of brought up a few things and one of the things that came out of it is obviously if anyone slept in or near a room.
With any of the hammers, I'll broaden that up to any of the hammers. As soon as we try to go to sleep, a chainsaw starts up to the point where it's actually bad for our health because we stop breathing. The old man's a classic case of that with the sleep out near.
um bro my throat hurts yeah i've noticed that too actually hurts because snoring that loud bro it's just you know and it's not healthy no so i went to the doctor and sort of told him what i was feeling like and you know what i wasn't getting a really quality sleep i was waking up and i was just thinking about work and you know what what my next day is going to be like and that sort of stuff so
He gave me to do the sleep study and all that sort of stuff, gave me some sort of tablets to kind of help me manage my sleep, I guess. But I'm still waking up.
but if I take them too late in the night I feel groggy the next day so they're not really sort of helping my situation. Thankfully I'm getting a bit of a sleep trial done and getting a CPAP machine to try out as well after I get back from holiday.
But one of the ways to manage stress, and I'll say this by first-hand experience, is the old Devil's Lettuce, if you will. But as you know, since moving to Australia, I don't know anyone here that sort of has, I'm not part of the black nicotine over here. And I hadn't stopped smoking for ages, but I thought, man, I remember if I'd have a bit of a toke at night, I'd be off and I'd be asleep and I'd be
But it's the most fibrous plant in the world where needs to be used more. I'm pro that bro, I totally believe that the world has robbed not having that available for us to use. Laws are changing and this is kind of what
led me to talk about this topic because I've actually asked to be prescribed medicinal cannabis. And it's not something you can just walk in and go, oh, can I get some? You actually have to kind of prove that you have a diagnosis and sort of pharmaceutical treatment hasn't provided any remedy for. So it's been a very long process, but
To cut a long short story short, I was able to get 20 grams of
medicinal cannabis posted to me. One of them is an indica which helps with sleep and insomnia. The other one is a sativa which will help with, you still keep alert, but it kind of, for stress and anxiety is the kind of recommended use for it.
Yeah, I've got some medicinal cannabis coming this way, so... As long as the fella are like a beanie in their day or for sexual... Well, that's it, Bo. How does that all work, do they just...?
Well it's a pretty long process you have to have a consultation with like a nurse first and this is just a telehealth kind of call that they go through and kind of you explain your things and sometimes they might refer you back to your doctor to get a bit of a letter of support because they don't want to prescribe you something can then just leave you on your own which is
I mean, they do that with any other medicine and they don't require you to go back to the doctor, so I don't know, take that for what you will. But then they, on that recommendation from your GP, if you've got support there,
then they will hook you up with another doctor that prescribes products for you, and they'll go through what the benefits are and all that sort of stuff. And obviously, because it is medicinal, and this is why it's probably gonna be not so much of a bit of a crapshoot if you go out and just find some dude with a beanie and a backpack on the street. You never know what you're gonna get.
what it's been, how it's been cultivated and what other, I call them PGRs, I think they call them PGRs, plant growth.
Things that, like you're a chemical that make the plant grow bigger, but no actual benefit for out of it. But the medicinal stuff is quite heavily regulated. Right, and then like you said, that ones, you've got certain ones for different types of times of the day, so you said sativa and
Yeah, it's meant to be more alert, that's where I guess the traditional sort of high comes from, but it still allows you to function, but de-stresses and like, when I say I've been diagnosed, it's yeah, depression, stress and anxiety and they manifest themselves in different ways and for me it's
feeling very tense all over. I sometimes get the shakes and I can sometimes feel my heart beating in. This is primarily due to the lack of sleep, sleep deprivation and the quality of sleep. I think it's a huge sleep recovery, right? Yeah. That's where, you know, and to put that in perspective,
you'd wanna, you recharge your battery overnight, so 100% the next day. If your battery's only getting charged at, what, 50, 60 best, all those other factors come into play, and I totally get it, because I'm on that same sort of duty now.
Yeah, we spoke about it before and very similar sort of lifestyles, I guess, and stresses and what you've got to deal with at work and at home and all that sort of stuff. And if you're not getting enough sleep, if you're waking up at two and four in the morning and it's taking you an hour or an hour and a half to get back to sleep, like it's shit. And then also being honest, you would see the real
us, you know, the real, but a lot of people don't see the real current or the real, I don't know, Matt, because they're seeing that shard version that comes up. A version that's on autopilot.
Encouraging Mental Health Support
Exactly, that's the one. Yeah. And it takes a lot to kind of bring that up here and have that conversation because, you know, a lot of the cousins and that, they know the real us.
and they'd be able to pick that person out. If we're at our work area, they were like, like, he was a bit different. Yeah, the bows, yeah, seems a bit weird today, always, yeah, I wonder what happens or something, but it's something you kind of have to deal with, and then, like I said, once you're on autopilot, you just function, but you're not doing yourself any favours and that sort of stuff, so I guess, yeah, the long and the short of it is that,
will keep you posted like I'm definitely having to talk to the GP and the doctors and look I've even spoken to a psychologist as well that's sort of helping me with a few things and I think I recommend it just the feeling one if you feeling off if you're feeling a little bit not like yourself if you stop enjoying the things you normally enjoy and you can't pinpoint why that is
Talk to someone. It doesn't have to be a GP. I definitely recommend your GP. But talk to a friend. Maybe you know someone that's been through that before. And ask them, how did you manage that? Is there anyone?
person or support group that I can talk to as well. I don't want to get too heavy and go on too much about it, but the upshot of it is, is like, I'll give you updated on how well this medical cannabis is. Yeah, it takes a lot of courage to even just talk about it on here, bro. You know, to bring that up, because we all got in the same sort of boat, I can guarantee we've all been in the same space.
everybody takes a lot of courage. What I'm interested in is how do you consume it? Yeah so it's a medical cannabis so they don't recommend burning it, they actually recommend vaporizing it. So there is products on the market that medical vaporizes where you can actually set the temperature that you want to
vaporise the dry herb and look there's heaps of other products, there's oils, there's products that have THC, there's products that don't, that just have CBD or cannabinoids in them for no other health benefits. So it's not just, it's not all just weed, it's gummies, it's oil, it's flour, it's pills, but it's all derived from the cannabis plant.
But the dry herb stuff seems to be the most effective and the most widely used one. So there's medical vaporizers that you can get or certain vapes that specialise in dry herb and therefore don't burn the herb.
Vape I don't know that I don't know the right term for it, but it's not burning it. It's vaporizing it so that you just get all the Yeah, you're not inhaling I guess harmful smoke Because that's what yeah got a counter in the medium. We're staking a well done steak a
You're burning all the goodness out of it. Yeah, I see what you mean there. So yeah, we'll see how it goes. They are expensive. I won't go into specific costs of the herb and stuff like that, but the medical vapes, I think the one I looked at was about $440. But obviously they last, you know, and you just kind of replace the cartridges or whatever when you need to. But there's other products out there for less money.
I might try in the interim. Shout out to the old Dr GP for recommending that as an option. How did that come about? Well I actually went in there with a bit of a laundry list of things I wanted to talk about.
because I didn't, this was before doing the sleep study and I was like, everything like that. I was like, hey, in the past when I have been, had access to some herb, I have noticed that that has helped me work. I have tried sleeping pills. They make me feel really groggy the day after. And then he gave me, he said, oh, well let's try these tablets first. So I did that. And this, this process has been going on for,
Close to two months now. So a month and a half maybe, but it feels like a couple of months. So from when I first kind of started thinking, I think something was right. So yeah, multiple doctor's visits.
consultations chats with the psychologist just to get make sure I'm covering everything you know and I'm not just sort of jumping into this as a like oh it's my first treatment I've tried everything else this is what I'm trying to say so yeah we'll see how it goes
Well, this podcast started as a way to reconnect to the family and that sort of stuff, but why not use it for a platform to help the kuzzies as well.
Humorous Mishaps and Navigation Fails
We love you kuzzies. We're still going to take the piss out of you, but we love you and we want you to be around to share those experiences with us.
Yeah, cool. Alright, that's enough of that. Let's sort of talk about some poor form because I've got a couple of doozies for you this week. Thanks for sticking with us if you're still listening after this long and haven't sort of just tuned out because we've got a bit serious there for a minute.
Byron's history with performers is well documented on this podcast and he's come up with another classic I think anyway. It was only a short little thing that he did and it's just left me questioning a lot of things. So we were driving home the other day I was picking them up from school or work or something like that and we pulled into the driveway and
It was quite a warm day, so we had the windows down. I've got electric windows in the car. And our ritual is when we drive up, I've opened the garage, they jump out of the car so I can drive into the garage. So he's jumped out of the car.
close the door and the front passenger's inside door and then realise that the window will still open while he's outside the car. So he then proceeds to reach through the window with his arm to pull the lever to pull the window up.
while his head is still halfway in the car. And I see them sort of hesitate for a minute and think about it, but then still go to grab it and like go to pull it up and I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, I can wind the window up. And he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, okay. And they're all sitting there thinking,
What did he think was going to happen? On the flip side though, at what point do you stop parenting? Let's see where this goes. Bro, I kicked myself before jumping into it. It's just a reaction. You're going to hurt yourself. That'll never stop for sure. But I do wish that I had not said anything just to see how far he was willing to go to close that window.
even to pause and then go again in. I love him to Pittsburgh but that's probably the funniest thing I've seen him do in a long time. He's had a good run, he's stayed away. To be fair this is what he's done in front of you.
Yeah, who knows what he does when he's a f***ing naughty. Imagine when you lit him out of here without your unsupervised. I think we talked about your one before but you have one written down here about your navigation form.
I thought I was pretty good bro, I thought, you know, I can kind of follow my nose. There's been confirmed that I'm, I'm bro, I'm putting something off, Rome might never get under there. But still, I tell ya, I, you know, there's a couple of times, yeah, I thought, oh, I know where I'm going. I'm gonna go down to the Gold Coast from Metz House and
Yep, they're fine and on the way back I think I'll just follow my nose, I kind of know where I'm going. So, Matt lives about 20 minutes away from the city of Brisbane. Yeah, on a good run here.
and then so between the city and Gold Coast so I drove home probably another 40 minutes to Goldie from the city here so so from Goldie back to Metz House yeah 40 minutes to Metz another 20 into town I almost ended up on the other side of the city and you were heading towards East Brisbane bro I don't even know how I got to one point bro I thought
I don't have the because you know, there's this big Ferris wheel. I remember seeing that. Oh, this is coming back in. So from Gold Coast to Metz House, I ended up going past Metz House into the city. Seeing a Ferris wheel, I ended up going on the other side of the city and thinking, how the fuck am I in hell? So me and the missus start fighting. Blaming hair, she's blaming me, we're going in around about
Anyway bro, I had to get the nav, I ended up giving the maps, putting it in your address, putting it under where the speedo was. My bad, because apparently to use these highways and motorways you get charged, so I'd expect Maddy to get a fucking huge amount of time I had to leave.
Because you're borrowing Buddha's car, I've got her car and my car on my account. And so I get these notifications. You have a delayed trip detection. You have a delayed trip detection. And I was like, holy shit, where are these boys going?
I legit think, oh bro, I've been here two days in a row, now where I'm going. But I end up in a fucking complete different spot. And the problem is, bro, is there's this fucking so many motherfucking off ramps and stuff that I just... Oh, bro, I don't know. My navig...essentially navigation skills are poor. Well, you know what Justin Marshall would say.
Me, oh my, I haven't enjoyed that, yes boy!
Podcast Wrap-up and Listener Engagement
And with that, with that whanau, I think we'll call it a day, eh? I love having you here. It's always a pleasure. You've actually made my week not so shitty without my wife here. He's already back in New Zealand. But if you listen to this, you better watch out, girl. Oh yeah. I'm coming for you.
oh yeah bungalow uh somebody on the lakefront we might uh oh it's his new uh massage place in town too
Thank you for listening, Fano. Once again, appreciate you being part of the show. Email address again, cuztappodcast at Send your comments, your funny stories, your poor form situations to us. We'd love to hear them. Reach out if you have any questions about
You know, or if you want someone to talk to, we're here for that as well. Give us a message, kuzzies. Yep. We got you hard. All right. Jerm my bro. Jerm my bro. Jerm my bro. All right. Cause you know, bro. Yo, what's that bro? What's that bro? That's what it's all about. Fuck a name. Fuck a name. Fuck a name.