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Rowdy Rebellion

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays3 years ago
We preview Impact Rebellion, discuss Ronda Rousey's big news, cover the latest in wrestling figure news, do a live review on the best Alicia Fox Mattel ever, and provide a Retro Wrestling Recommendation. Plus, a supersized listener mailbag. We also announce the winner of the Alexa Bliss Giveaway and announce our next giveaway in honor of Earth Day. Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off at Become a premium Foley Fam member at Check out the Pod Foundation Pre-Order The Hasbook Try Verb energy bars! Use code FOLEY20 to save 20% on the softest wrestling tees in the biz at Homage Get your figure clothing at and use code CFS15 to save money! Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Use code PF10 to save 10% at Chalkline Class up your figure room with some art by Rich

Introduction and Hosts' Weekly Highlights

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? We are back in the saddle again for episode 125 of the Chick Foley Show. Before we go any further, let me introduce the two stars of the show. Sheena, how you doing? I'm doing good. I have an ice cold beverage. It was a light week of wrestling, so I had a little bit of time to recover from the jam-packed mania week that we just came out of. So it was nice. It was a nice little vacay from all the madness.
Marco, how's life in Massachusetts? Going good. There's always like my favorite time of the week, obviously spending time with the families first and foremost, but my second family, the fully family, get to spend time with them too as well. I know your wife sent me a video of the kids kicking the crap out of Roman Reigns. Your daughter in her Snow White dress just like annihilating the tribal chief. I was like, oh my gosh.
Yeah, while the other one is just cowering in the corner, she's frightened of it, just petrified of the... He does have a very scary look on his face. The graphic that they used for Roman's face on the Wubble Rumbler is very intense. Yeah, it must know, those are the two that aren't scared of the fiend, but the other one is definitely scared of the fiend. Obviously, she's scared of Roman Reigns' scary face on the rubble. Poor baby. Wubble SL, yeah.
Sheena, tell the listeners what they can find you guys

Community Engagement and Giveaways

on social media. So you can find me always on Instagram at Chick Foley. You can find Marco over on the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. And as always, you can join our Foley fam at Chick Foley We have new episodes of Unboxed Mania up every week. We have our rural rumble watch along series.
It's gonna be kicking back off soon and Seth and our good buddy over in the UK Phil Dunnet are running a prediction league right now So make sure you get in in time for that. So yeah, it's gonna be a lot of fun We got a lot of good stuff coming up
Yeah, the first show of the Prediction League is going to be the May 5th episode of AEW. That's going to be the one featuring Blood and Guts. So it's going to be a blast. Five dollar entry fee and winner take all. So if you're part of the Facebook group, hit us up. You have until until May 15. I'm going to take it all just like I took all the all the Royal Rumble money. I think I'm going to I'm going to take this too.
Yeah, it's going to run from from blood and guts. And then this season is going to end up with with SummerSlam. So that's how we're going to run this first one. We're going to we're going to make the seasons last roughly three to four months. So that way everybody gets a fresh opportunity to jump in. I want to go ahead and announce the winner of the Alexa Bliss giveaway. We were giving away the Elite 82 Alexa Bliss figure that came with the the Womaze Tag Team Championship belt. That's I think it's going to end up being a collector's item. It's the one where every single belt went out with an H instead of an N.
in women's on those tag belts, and unfortunately that was the first time we've gotten those belts. Did they ever fix that? Did it get fixed? I don't remember. No, I think it's going to have to wait until the next time we get that belt release. Yikes.
Yeah, because it wasn't even I mean, the good thing is that it's not etched. They just basically printed it on the plate. So it should be a pretty easy fix for next time. But no, I think it was I think it was just, you know, too late. You know, it was definitely a that's so Jax type moment for Mattel, which is rare for them. But hey, now we get this, you know, this exclusive set of belts and at figure four wrestling on Instagram. You won. So congratulations. Thanks for listening and supporting the show last week.
and just slide into Sheena's DMS on IG and we will get that figure heading your way. Because it is Earth Day, as we record this, we are going to honor the eco-warrior Daniel Bryan. This week's giveaway is going to be Elite 79 Daniel Bryan. Planet's Champion. It's a little bit of a two for one special because there's two head sculpts in there. You get short hair Daniel Bryan and a long hair with a beard, Daniel Bryan. And it's going to be the exact same rules as last week.
DM Sheena on IG or Marco on Twitter, a screenshot of yourself listening to this week's episode of the Chick Foley Show and you can be entered to win and we'll announce the winner on next week's episode. Sheena, tell them a little bit about the

Collaborations and Promotions

Pod Foundation.
So we have linked arms with some of our pod brethren. We have ourselves, we have the turnbuckle tavern, the extra cooler show and pyramid wrestling. So you get a little bit of everything in all aspects of our favorite sport on God's green earth pro wrestling. So definitely check us all out at
pod foundation. You can find links to all of our episodes. You can keep up with what's going on with all of us. There's links to all of, you know, all the merch shops and everything so you can get all your pod foundation gear. Just a lot of fun. We've been doing a lot of crossovers and collaborations with those guys and it has been a blast. So yeah, definitely check us out and support all of our pod foundation brethren and you can find all of their info over at pod foundation on Instagram.
Yeah, I recorded an episode of the Turnbuckle debate with the guys from Turnbuckle Tavern last night. I went on there and defended the honor of Goldberg. You know, there's a lot of slander. Speaking of extra cooler, yeah, he's not going to be happy to hear that.
I don't want to speak for Tom and the two bad chads, but I definitely got the vibe that they had their knives out ready to kind of, you know, slay me when it came to Goldberg. But I think by the time I got done giving the pleading my case, I won them over. So, so check that out this Monday when that drops on turnbuckle taverns podcast feed.
We also want to remind you guys to use code chick Foley at ringside collectibles to save 10% on all your purchases. They are the world's number one retailer of wrestling figures and wrestling figure accessories. You guys ready to get into it? Let's do it.
Alright up first this week we had the big news came out yesterday Ronda Rousey is knocked up.

Ronda Rousey's Pregnancy and Wrestling Future

That was originally the excuse or not the excuse but that was her reason for really only doing one year in the day to be and what a hell of a year it was that she wanted to leave and start a family. Obviously it took a little bit of time which you know sometimes those things happen but
She does got a baby on the way. We're very happy for her and her husband. It's going to be a lot of fun. But I pose the question to you guys now that she's got a baby on the way. Do you think she's going to come back or is she is she gone for good? Marco will take your thoughts first.
I don't know if you can come back from what happened to her last time she was in the octagon. She's been gone from the octagon for a long time. I don't think she's in a step foot in a UFC octagon again, but I could see her stepping foot back into a WWE ring. We'll see how motherhood treats her and stuff like that.
Yeah. I mean, the joy, the joys of being a parent might, you know, might, uh, overtake the, uh, the joys of stepping seven foot in a WWE ring. So who knows? But I think she, you're most likely seeing her back in the squared circle, then the octagon and anything.
Yeah, I don't think I think she's done. I think she's done for good. I mean, she may do some like, you know, one off appearances or whatever, but I don't think she's going to be wrestling again. I mean, I hope I'm wrong. I just think, you know, with her and then, you know, they got Browsy Acres her ranch, which if you guys follow them on Instagram at all, like it's like so cool. I mean, it's like goals. I mean, it's like fully sustainable. They just, you know, they I could like nerd out on how cool their ranch is. So they got their hands full there. You know, Travis has
Um, some kids, I mean, they've got, they've got a full house and with her, you know, having a new baby and stuff, I think it's just going to be, you know, that's really going to be where her focus is. And I mean, you know, rumor is, I mean, it's never been confirmed that she stepped away just to have a family. You know, I know a lot of people are speculating that. Um, but yeah, now that she does, I think it's just going to be too much for her to, you know, come back. Sheena, if you could book her for the, the trademark one more match, what would you like to see her come back and do?
I mean, if I could do one more match, let me think. I mean, if we could get my girl Rhea worked up a little bit, you know what I mean? She's still a little green, so I think she needs a little bit more height. But I would love to see her and Rhonda go head to head. It could be like both of them in their badass winged.
I make up going head to head. Rhonda's makeup was always something else. Rhonda, yeah, it always shocked me because Rhonda was all in UFC. She was always so natural looking and everything and she's so natural looking in life. She doesn't wear a lot of makeup in her normal life and stuff. Even when she was in Hollywood and everything, she was really kind of
low key. And then she comes to the ring looking like Black Swan. But yeah, Rhea. I mean, obviously someone like, you know, EO would be freaking incredible. But yeah, who would you like to see, Seth?
I think you got to get her match against Becky. That's what we should have had at WrestleMania 35. Of course, Charlotte had to butt her ass into the match like she always does, but that build was all set up for Ronda and Becky. Becky invaded Raw, got her nose busted open. That was supposed to be the match at Survivor Series and obviously Becky couldn't compete because of the
the broken face courtesy of Nia Jaxx. But yeah, I want to see Becky and Rhonda go one on one. I think the promos would be fire. There's a lot of history there. And remember WrestleMania 35 ended. That was a controversial pin. That's right. So it was not clean. Rhonda is the one loss she has on her record is, you know, with a pretty big asterisk. And I think we need to see her and Becky go go one on one to really settle the score. The next two manias are going to have some really big stadiums to fill a lot of seats to a lot of tickets to sell.
So and I think that would really be a proper main event for for either one of the next two years Rhonda and Becky one-on-one it is and honestly It doesn't even got to be for a belt. I think yeah need to see those two go at it So yeah, I want to see Becky and Rhonda one-on-one Marco. How about you?
Oh man, I'm going to go with someone pretty much current that just won a title. I'm going to go with Bianca. Bianca Belair, just two athletes just going at it. Two strong ass females. Yeah. In the ring, just be the crap out of each other and you can go with the, you can go with like the tagline of the, you know, like the rowdiest
Yeah, I've already I've already said this match up and I mean just to just seem like you know Heart back on like the athleticism part of the visual of Bianca like gorilla pressing Rhonda up overhead would be something for the ages for sure. Yeah and her again that
Hopefully not leaving a mark like she did with Sasha Banks, but that hair is going to come into play at some point. I'd like to see what Rhonda Rousey would, how she would flip that.
Oh yeah. Rondo would definitely put her in a submission with that hair. With her hair, she'd shoot through with her hair and stuff. Yeah, we really haven't seen anybody use the hair against her too much. I feel like they're- It was more of an NXT thing. I know an NXT had happened a little bit more than it's happened on the main roster, but yeah. Yeah, they must be saving that spot for a big match, you know? But anyway, we wish Ronda Rousey the best. Obviously, she's very-
Yeah, she shares a lot on IG so you could definitely I'm sure it would be very easy to keep up with their journey as it goes forward and Best of luck to the new addition to their family

WrestleMania Backlash Event Predictions

right. Can we agree that on the Chick Foley show, we are going to drop the WrestleMania from WrestleMania backlash and just call the event backlash going forward? Yeah. Yeah. Backlash is one of the best WWE event names that they've had going back over 20 years. I don't know why they felt the need. It's insulting a little bit. I don't know why they felt the need to try to spice it up.
Yeah, I get it. Cause it's like the, it's the, you know, it's the backlash of WrestleMania. That's what they're going for. But yeah, they should have done that. Like, yeah, they should have done that years ago. But we, but we know that though. I mean, that's the thing like we know, like backlash is literally like, that's what it means. Like it's like, you know, coming out of WrestleMania, this is the backlash. We don't have to, it doesn't have to be like, you know,
specifically said, I feel like they just wanted to get more use out of that, uh, buccaneers logo. They're trying to sell more sell, like sell all the merchants leftover. So there's that. And then another thing that I'm actually fearful of is because backlash has traditionally basically just been, you know, the warmed over, uh, rematches from WrestleMania. My fear is that to just really let the writers be as lazy as possible, that not only are we getting a WrestleMania backlash, we're going to get summer slam backlash. We're going to get survivor series backlash.
And we're going to get Royal Rumble backlash this year. That is literally the worst case scenario. You just laid out the darkest time line. Oh, no. There'll be more paper views you don't have to worry about anymore. No, they'll have to change it. It'll be Royal Rumble Rebound or something like that. They'll have to. Oh, my gosh. Hey, you heard it here first.
That could definitely explain why they felt the need to make a specific WrestleMania backlash. But either way, the cards starting to come into focus. It is our next big show in WWE. It looks like the two main events are going to be Roman defending the Universal Championship against Cesaro. That's not official yet. And then one match that is already on the books is Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre going up against each other once again for the WWE Championship. Sheena, what's your thoughts on our two big matches for Backlash so far?
I'm excited for Roman versus Cesaro. I mean, I'm excited for the match, I guess I should say. I've said on the show several times, Cesaro just, he's missing the spark. So I think Roman is definitely going to overshadow him in this buildup and in this feud and just, you know, in their promos going head to head. It's just going to be like, you know, a star going up against like a little sparkler, you know? So I just feel like... Ouch.
That's a mark where it's awful. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, dude. I told you guys, I just can't get behind Cesaro as a, as a main eventer, but, um, I love him. I think he's great in the ring. I'm excited for the actual match, but I think he's a sparkler. He's a sparkler. Uh, Lashley versus the Gilbert, uh, the Gilbert entrance treatment. He is the barbed wire death match of, uh, of the, uh, WWE. So.
Yikes. Yeah. Exploding Bar Bar Deathmatch Cesaro. Bobby Lashley and Drew are going to be going at it once again. Even though Bobby had a pretty definitive victory at WrestleMania, I mean, he got him in the Hurt Lock and made him pass out. I think we definitely need to do something to spice this match up to make it a draw for Backlash. Marco, I'm letting you, you know, you got the pencil, you can book it. What gimmick match did Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre need to have in their rematch at Backlash?
Oh man, with these two, I think you have to go at least like a no holds barred type of match or like a last man standing type of thing. That's why I think you have to go with these two. I think Lashley, he retains. I don't think he's losing the title anytime soon. He's going to be the almighty Bobby Lashley. They already have the tagline. He's the dominant champion that they have.
It doesn't matter what type of gimmick match you throw him in with him and McIntyre. I think he comes out on top anyway. He's got his new and improved hurt business also now with the newly unmasked T-Bar and Mace. Yeah. So what happened to Slapjack or Flapjack? Is he just gone now? So BAM and Shane Thorne were moved to SmackDown. So they're no longer on Raw. Is he back as just Shane Thorne?
He hasn't debuted yet, but I'm assuming he's just going to show up as Shane Thorne on SmackDown. He's a good wrestler. He's a really good hand. I mean, he's awesome. I don't know. I know. But are we just going to forget that these guys... Because it would be one thing if they completely dismantled Retribution and just tried to make us forget and then brought back Dijakovic and all of them. But at the same time, now they still have half of Retribution and they're going to send the other half to a different show and just bring them back as other people.
Well, yeah, I think I think they're going to, you know, obviously, I am in a shade throwing and do what they're going to do over on a smackdown. But I think the other half of retribution is going to be like, I think MVP is going to.
like be their manager as a tag team. That's what I'm assuming. I'm not sure. I haven't read anything. I'm only going by what, but when you stand on the ramp and they double choke slammed Drew McIntyre. But again, this brings me to a problem with WWE. This is like when they broke up the IIconics and then they just try to like put the IIconics with new tag team partners. Like why did they get rid of the hurt business and then try to bring in the hurt business, you know, 2.0?
And it just, you know what I mean? Like it just doesn't make any sense to me when they had a good thing going. And now you're trying to recreate that with people that don't really fit. See, I don't think, I don't think that making a hurt business 2.0. I think, uh, I think MVP has proven that he's, he's good at leading and good at getting, uh, people championship opportunities and stuff like that. So I think it's just like, uh, like him kind of being like a.
like a Paul Heyman or just like a manager type, just like managing their careers. I don't think they're going to like recreate their business. And it doesn't be him like managing, you know, Bobby Lashley as a WWE champion. And now he's taking on these two other guys. If that is happening, I'm not sure. And then that becoming the tag team because you haven't seen AJ Styles or almost after the after WrestleMania. So they have been strangely missing in action. It's kind of weird.
Yeah, for like the past two weeks, they haven't been on. So I'm assuming they're going to. Those guys are going to get a title shot at some point. I mean, those are the only two I can see taken out.
AJ Styles and almost anyway, so yeah, that's a hell of a team going back to Bobby and drew I don't know why cuz I'm not even I'm not even really a huge fan of these type of matches But in my mind I can picture them having a really kick-ass like bull rope match or strap match, you know Whatever good they could do the you know, the Scottish strap or something since it's drew in there but I think you know as you see in a nice Haas fight between those guys with
you know, the traditional four corners rules where you got to go around and tap each corner to win. I think that would be, uh, be pretty bad-ass, you know, and it's been a while since we've had a really good one. I think Cody and, uh, and Brody Lee's one from last year, that's, that's the last time we saw a real high profile strap match. So that's a gimmick. I want to put these guys in a steel cage. That's what I want to sell maybe. Yeah. I mean, I mean, yeah, I don't know. I want like the traditional, uh, steel cage. I think he'll, he'll in a cell is a little bit too good for these guys. Yeah.
Ouch. Wow. She's a shooting hard tonight. She's fair at the hip tonight. But I was bad last week. All right, so you will will either Roman or Bobby Lashley drop their championship at Backlash. No. Nope.

AEW vs WWE RAW Ratings and Storylines

All right. So we're going to champions are going to hold strong heading into the the late spring, early part of the summer.
It is time for the weekly Chick Foley show beverage break. We're still looking for an official adult beverage sponsor of the show. So anybody that's out there listening, you got a craft brewery or something that you're fond of, hit us up. Miller White's still got us sitting on red. They're hating on us. Marco, what are you drinking tonight?
Um, started off, uh, early, earlier with the, uh, with a dream team, which is, uh, which has headed your way. Oh yeah. Finally. I was really starting to say, you guys know, it was back, I think late December when we originally asked Marco to, to hook us up with some of this dream team IPA. He shot us a picture. What was it? Sheena, maybe like two or three weeks ago, saying that he had it. I was honestly starting to think that you just kind of kayfaved it, man. Like somehow.
He staged it and this was going to be like, you know, if anybody listens to what happened when Tony Schiavone has been promising to give Conrad Thompson the old NWA six man tag belt for like years and he's never gotten it. I'll start to think that this dream team IPA was Marco's version of the six man belt, but he gave us a tracking number. So we'll see what's in the box. You know, I'm worried there's going to be like, you know, an empty case of it or, you know, maybe like a printed out picture of the dream team IPA. Yeah.
But we'll see. It's just going to be some cans that Marco's drawn like stick figures on. Just a heel turn. But yeah, no. It's going to be like a bush light with like a piece of duct tape on it and dream team. Yeah. Sharpie. Yeah. Just the R's backwards and dream. I just wrote it all wrong. But yes. So I have that in a knob. And now I'm just sipping on some snoop wine. Ooh. That's me and Marco's bougie beverage. I'm about to mute you guys' mics.
That, that delicious red wine. Oh man, the rosรฉ too is. I haven't, I still haven't tried the rosรฉ. I haven't seen it. Of course I haven't been looking, but yeah, I need to, I need to go to whole foods and see if they're, they're carrying the Snoop Dogg. Rose-izzle. Oh my God. The shizzle.
I can literally hear people swiping right and deleting this podcast from their feeds. Wrong. They love it. They're taking Snoop Dogg wine too. They won't tell anybody.
What are you drinking, Shane? I'm back on that WrestleMania 17 Margarita. It's Stone Cold's perfect or Stone Cold's Broken Skull Margarita recipe with Terra Mana instead of Patron Silver. It is, it is bomb. So yeah, I'll probably be sipping on that until I'm done with that bottle of Terra Mana because it's so good. Nice. How many, how many shots of tequila are in it?
It's one and a half ounces of tequila and it's got Grand Marnier and you know, all the all the fixings lime. Good stuff.
Nice. Okay, and I'm drinking Wild Little Thing by Sierra Nevada. It's a slightly sour ale. Big fan of really anything Sierra Nevada does. They used to do beer camp a few years ago, which would, every early summer they drop a 12 pack of just a variety of different craft beers that they collaborated with with other brewers. But Sierra Nevada, they're really one of the first craft brewers that really hit it big.
But this is a sour ale. Love sour beers. I'm a big fan of these. And they actually found this at Target, believe it or not. So hit it up. It's got guava, hibiscus, and strawberry in it. And I think if you get somebody that's kind of hesitant to try beer, this could definitely be a good gateway for them because it damn near tastes like a seltzer. It's so fruity. Oh, my bad. I just looked at that, but I meant to say one and a half shots, not one and a half ounces, one and a half shots. So it's three ounces of teremona tequila. So it's going to hit nice.
Hell yeah. It's definitely not the kind of thing you want to be making any major life decisions after not coming back. No, I'm not going to be buying any dogecoin as what Seth and I was talking about. I'm not going to be buying any crypto after this. All right, let's quickly get into AEW. Marco, what did you think of that main event between Jungle Boy and Darby for the TNT championship?
I actually really enjoyed it. My first thoughts are like, AEW is the only place where you got to see these two guys have a main event match. I mean, obviously in the WWE, they probably wouldn't be seen as a main event match on Raw or SmackDown. So I was actually really happy to see- That's what's cool about AEW for sure. Yeah.
I was actually happy to see both of those guys main event and their homegrown talent out of AEW too. We talked about this a lot on the show. The homegrown talent of that organization should be put in those positions to have those main event matches and stuff like that. I thought the match was phenomenal. My wife actually watched it as well with me. Actually, one of my friends, just a quick story. One of my friends,
shot a shot of text to a group chat. He was just like, hey, my wife doesn't think that Jack Perry looks like his father. What? And I was like, you're like, it looks like his dad with long poofy hair. Exactly. And I was, I told my wife, she was like, she's like, oh my God, he looks just like him. Like it's like if he was younger with long hair, he looks just like him. Yes, he does.
I was like, my first thought was like, you should divorce her if she doesn't think they look alike. Because that's just that's just that's just wrong in my eyes.
But if anything, yeah, the match was great. I wish, obviously, I wish Jungle Boy won. Yeah, same. Yeah, I love Jungle Boy. But Darby Allen's been, I mean, I think he's, if he hasn't grown on you yet, I know a lot of people when you first seen him in AEW, just like, oh, he says I can knock off Jeff Hardy and all this stuff, but he's coming to his own, I think.
You know, he's got a little, you know, a whole lot of Jeff Hardy, a little dash of Sting and then his own, his own kind of flavor. When he, when he first came in though, I think he was just really using those high spots. That's really all he had. He didn't really have a developed character yet. He didn't really have, you know, a personality or a real gimmick yet, but he just, when you were like, Oh, this is the coffin drop guy, you know, and that was kind of what he was.
But he's, you know, and that's kind of how I felt about him. I was like, you know, that's really cool and all. I mean, I'm glad he can do that. You know, God, I feel bad for his spine, but he's grown on me and I really like Darby. I think he's, I think he's like, you know, he's definitely deserving of being the TNT champion. And, you know, I'm excited that he's had such a good run.
We still need those Darby Chase figures to start hitting. I've seen exactly one, I've seen one unconfirmed like find out in the wild. It was never even like a hundred percent proven. Some, some guys said he found one at a Walmart in Massachusetts, but I don't know where those things are at. They may have been on that.
that boat that was stuck in the Suez Canal for a little bit or something. But yeah, we need those to show up. I thought the match was awesome. There was so much stuff going on. It was really cool seeing Sting and Luchasaurus go at it. They kind of fought to the backstage. I was starting to think like if that ends up being a one on one match, that might be like the most toyetic match of all time. Yeah.
And then, you know, we had, um, you know, ego, all, all ego, Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky kind of crashed the, crashed the party there at the end. So, yeah, you guys, so much going on. They, they really, AW really makes the most of their minutes on TV. Yeah. And real quick, speaking of that, um, I know we don't talk ratings on here a lot because it's boring and you know, nobody wants to hear that. And if you're interested in that kind of stuff, you've already looked it up, but
I feel like this is a big deal. We need to talk about the fact that AEW, on its first solo night, hit 1.2 million views, which is insane. They were number two on TV last night. The only thing that beat them on cable was MTV's The Challenge, because that's an institution. You're not beating The Challenge. This past week, I just looked it up, and it was 1.1, so they went down a little bit. The thing about AEW is they're maintaining that viewership the entire show.
So it's not like raw where you have like one big segment. I mean, there's a possibility that they're going to outright raw. You know what I mean? Like that's going to be humongous when that happens because right now if it was based strictly on quality, they'd be crushing raw. Yeah. I mean, you need to be an NXT are so far ahead of raw right now. Smackdown is still pretty decent. I think Smackdown is still a solid wrestling show. It's not on the same level as NXT and AEW right now. But Raw is just abysmal. You know, there's really. Yeah.
There's no other way to describe it. There's no way to sugarcoat it. And I I always look for the like, you know, the silver lining on any dark cloud in wrestling. But raw is just horrible. You know, luckily, the paper views somehow always still deliver. It actually kind of boggles the mind that raw can be so bad. And the paper views are all still pretty consistently really, really good shows.
But yeah, AEW is just killing it right now. Even if I wasn't a wrestling fan, I feel like if I was just flipping channels, I would stop because there always seems to be something interesting going on. Well, like I said, they're maintaining that viewership from start to finish whereas nobody's watching Raw at that 10 o'clock hour. I bet the ratings fall by half. I feel like it says a lot that they maintain over a million for their entire show.
Yeah. You got to think like two, like all those other shows you're mentioning, they're all two hours, but raw is three hours. I think if they just cut that hour off of raw- Two hours is the sweet spot. Yeah. You just get eight to 10, and then raw would be a lot- On the East Coast, the raw is a slog. Being up that late, and then I come from watching over six years of raw with it being in the middle of the day.
It went down so much easier too when we were in Hawaii. Typically, it would come on at two o'clock in the afternoon and stay until five. We only had our son at the time. Stella wasn't born until we moved back here. But he's still up, so it's on. But you're still doing stuff in the background. You're prepping for dinner. I'm playing with Brett. Just doing whatever you do. It's like background noise. Yeah.
And you can, you know, you could, you could kind of lock in and pay attention on the high spots, but now being in, you know, prime time late at night, there's just, there's so many other things that you could be watching instead. Um, I was listening to an old episode of the mass man show. That's another one of our favorite wrestling podcasts here. Shout out to David Shoemaker. And he had a good idea for how bra could be used kind of
going forward because SmackDown is clearly the A show now being on Fox, being on network television with such a huge built-in audience. They said that they should instead of still focusing on Raw being the premier show just because it's been around longer, they should use Raw as almost like the bridge between NXT and SmackDown. You could have Raw where your first hours just straight up matches like the way Nitro used to be, kind of the way AEW Dark is, just give us an hour of
really good in ring action and just to establish guys you know I mean imagine if you get to see ricochet go on like a 12 or 15 match win streak on on raw you don't gotta have any storyline just let him go out there and do what he does in the ring and then you can also have in the later hours you could have some storyline stuff mixed in and then once guys are ready they kind of graduate to smack down and let smack down really be the the main show going forward obviously I don't think that's ever gonna happen just because for all it's Vince McMahon's baby for better or worse no matter
no matter what channel SmackDown's on. I think we're all still always going to be the, you know, the favorite child or whatever. But I do think that would be a good way to use it. There's just because the roster is so talented. You can make a case right now, especially on in-ring ability, that this is the most talented roster WWE has ever had. And it's just not connecting on the weekly television like it should. No, no, nothing matters on on Raw, honestly.
Nope. We saw Sheeda once again successfully defend the women's AW Championship. Yeah, it feels like she's had this belt forever. You know, she's the she's the second champion, right? Rio at it first. Yes. Yes. Yeah. But I'll ask you, Sheena, first, does anyone care about the AW Women's Championship?
I mean, I know I've been a little bit of a buzzkill on this show tonight, but I'm gonna say that I don't care. I do not care. I mean, I would love to see someone like Britt Baker go in there and win it. Yeah, I don't know what they're waiting for. I feel like that would be, not to cut you off, but yeah, that is definitely the ticket to get people invested in it. Yeah, I just feel like she has the capacity to really bring a lot of interest and just make it fun and just have a nice crazy heel run with it.
just give it some meaning and yet I'm just sitting here thinking like, if it changes hands to anybody else, I'm just gonna be like, it just doesn't do it for me. So yeah, I don't care.
Marco, how about you? How invested are you in the AEW Women's Division? Has it grown any more since the last time we discussed this? I feel like we hit this up once a... Yeah. Once every three or four weeks, we'll touch on it. No. I mean, it has promise. I was actually thinking of this too when I was watching that match last night with Tay Conti and Cheetah. The champion has to bring something. It has to, like you said, bring an audience.
nothing against Sheena, she's great, great, talented, like, uh, pop for pop, probably one of the best, uh, ladies that they have, that they have in wrestling, not just an AEW. Um, but we talk about this all the time, the it, like the it factor and, you know,
Personally, I don't think she has it. And I think it would benefit if, you know, Britt Baker, you know, if she is next in line, that she does win the title, and she holds it for a very long time, just to build up the rest of the women's division. And just to give it some interest, you know what I mean? Like, nothing exciting has happened with the women's
you know, title, like I feel like there should be, like if Britt has it, there can be all kinds of hijinks and all kinds of like storyline interferences and like her just barely squeaking by with the title. You know, you got Reba, Reba is her name, right? That's her like rule. Yeah, you got Reba that can get involved. It's just so much more interesting to me than, you know, Sheeta just being this dominant champion that never loses. You know, I just feel like it's run its course, it's over.
And they need to move on. I don't know what they're hanging on for. It's ridiculous at this point.
The other thing too is with the promos and stuff like that, there's nothing having you buy into the sheet as a dominant champion and stuff like that. True. You can see physically that she is a dominant champion. She's beaten everyone that they put in her way, but she's not telling you. She's not giving you that story.
Yeah, but I mean you think about someone even like EO though. I mean EO wasn't like going out there and cutting like a, you know, bajillion promos or anything, but she just has that, she has that it factor and she's a believable champion and I'm just like... She has charisma with her in-ring work, you know. Yeah. Well, and she also had those like cool like video packages that they would do on her and stuff like that where... Very true. Yeah, they put the production value behind her in WWE. And she's got bad ass entrance music too, which helps a lot.
Yeah, I don't see that with Sheeda. She has an awesome entrance too as well with the sword and everything. But like, where's like the, like the, I mean, unless I'm missing it, I don't see it on the regular, unless I do it on like the AW Dark or, you know, they're throwing up on YouTube and stuff like that. But I don't see those like, those like production pieces, even if she can't like, you know, do like a promo and ring, maybe do those
you know, those like videos and airborne AEW dynamite to give us more, you know, like, so we could like, you know, Yeah, they're clearly not invested in the women's title. And I wish they would just say that instead of just skirting around the issue, just come out and say, you know what, we don't give a shit about this. So we're not gonna. Yeah. So you shouldn't give a shit about this, because we're getting, I'm getting worked up about it, because I'm like, they can really make this interesting. And they could help build this women's division. Yeah.
you know, and they're just leaving all these women in the dust, you know, because nobody cares. Like, it doesn't matter. They have nothing to fight for, you know? My fear for Britt Baker is that, you know, they see how much she's gotten over and how much she's connected with the audience without even really being in the championship picture.
And she starts to get thrown in that kind of Dolph Ziggler box where they know like the wins and losses kind of don't really affect this person and how over they are and how much the fans like them. And then that may be why they may feel like somebody like Sheeda needs to hold the belt to be relevant, you know, so. But why are we still trying to make her relevant? I mean, she's been the champion. Like, you know, why are we still investing in making her relevant? Clearly, if she hasn't, if she's not become relevant by now, that ship has sailed.
It's kind of like a cop-out in that sense. The other thing too is I think as much crap as we give WWE about creative and all that stuff, the Women's Division, we talk about this literally probably every week, how great the Women's Division is.
You're kind of hindering what they're doing. They set the blueprint. They built the foundation for a successful women's division in wrestling and making them even more popular than men. Yeah, women are made of these WrestleMania and it's not even a big deal. It's like, you know what I mean? It's like, this is... Yeah, you have women at WWE crashing through these glass ceilings. For all women across the board in every company, everywhere.
to be able to main event their company shows and to be the closing acts and to be a big deal. And then you have this secondary company, right? You know what I'm saying? The second biggest company behind WWE has these women and they're doing nothing with them. And I feel like with all the women that are gonna be coming in and out of WWE and everything, they could get more time. I mean, they have the iconics that are free agents right now. I'm scared for them to even go to AEW cuz I'm like, what are they gonna do with them?
Yeah, whatever blueprint, don't be afraid to copy whatever WWE is doing. They've been around forever and they've set the pace and they've laid the blueprint, they've laid the foundation. Just take what they're doing.
You don't have to reinvent the wheel. You just follow the freaking breadcrumbs. Just do it. You have women there that are like, they have pretty awesome gimmicks. You could definitely put them in the forefront. And the thing about AEW is that you have...
Uh, well, I mean alexa's a little bit kind of out there right now, but you know, there's a pretty there's kind of a mold for women's wrestling in wwe You know what I mean? Like they're they're athletes they're badasses and you know, thank god They're not doing you know pillow fights anymore but with aew I mean you have characters like luchasaurus and like you could get so creative with the women and what they're able to do because it's just they have They just have a totally different vibe, you know, and the alien stuff like
Yeah, you have you have the capability to just like get creative beyond your wildest dreams and they're doing they're doing absolutely nothing Yeah As good as AW is like I don't think they're number two. I think impact actually has a better Oh, no, the way. Yeah, that was I was gonna say. Yeah, the women's division and impact is definitely a step above of AW No, I just meant them as like the biggest company overall not just women but yeah, I see what you're saying
Yeah, no, they definitely have a way better women's division. They have veterans there, too, that are helping out the younger talent, too. And they're partnered with Impact, so hopefully they even take something from them and even have some of those ladies cross over to AEW. If a Jordan Grace show up, it'd be like that person that takes the title from Shida. I mean, she definitely could if she wanted to, if they wanted to go that route.
Deanna Parrazzo, she's there as well. She's the champion. They could have her step foot into AEW. There's so many options now that they have this... Mutual working relationship. Yeah. They have that working relationship. They could do those crossovers. I mean, we're going to probably talk about it next, but maybe the Kenny and Rich Schwann thing will actually open doors to a full blown
for sure, a crossover between the two. So who knows? But yeah, they definitely, definitely need that. I enjoy women's wrestling and wrestling in general. And I think AW definitely could, uh, step it up a little bit. It was, it was, it was a few months ago when I like completely healed off on the AW women's division.
And um, here I am again a few months later saying the same things so that should tell you all you need to know about What a uw is doing with their and I will give credit where credit is due like I when they did the the brit baker match I like was blown away. I was like, oh, yeah This is this is the catalyst for what they need to do And like they need to use this as their foundation to move forward and to set the bar for all the women in that locker room And since then it has been a wet front that buzz fizzled out and they're right before get it capitalized
All right, so yeah marker you teed us up with the perfect segue. Let's roll into impact We got rebellion going down this Sunday the main event Kenny Omega trying to You know make the prophecy continue as the belt collector going title versus title putting the AW championship on the line Against rich swan with the impact championship who would have thought you know?

Impact's Rebellion Event Preview

Swan was winning the cruiserweight championship
of 205 Live that he would be headlining a pay-per-view against Kenny Omega in a World Championship versus World Championship match. Crazy. Marco, what's your prediction for this one?
man, this, this match, I mean, it's a, it's a, I mean, I'm not sure if you guys feel it, but it's definitely a big fight feel and it could definitely change the landscape of a professional wrestling, depending on how this match goes over. Sure. I think either way, it'll definitely, um, it'll change it. But, uh, I mean, if, if, if rich swan wins, I mean, that'll definitely like, that'll, I don't even know that I can't even imagine what that's going to do, uh, to AWN and impact, like,
It's going to make both shows a must watch. So that's the benefit of Rich Swan winning. That's the best case scenario is that if Rich Swan wins, I would tune into Impact and be like, what the hell is going to happen here? So do you guys think there's any chance Rich Swan wins? Because I would actually put this, I wouldn't even give them the most minuscule chance here. I think there's a 0.0% chance Rich Swan wins.
That's what I think it is. I think they want people to believe that. I think Rich Swan wants people to believe that he's not going to win this match. Kenny Omega got the pin on him in that six-man tag that they had already, so he already has that win over him.
I just feel like with all the things that have gone on, they really haven't given impact. Impact has given AEW a lot of time and a lot of shine. I feel like the love hasn't been reciprocated on the AEW side. I mean, you got the good brothers over on AEW now, but they're doing stuff with... Yeah, they didn't even mention it on Wednesday night. I don't think they even talked about this
Exactly. Yeah. They're not, they're not, they're not talking about it and it's just, and that's the thing. So, I mean, yeah, Kenny could go and like, you know, win, like win the impact championship, but it's like, so what does that do for impact? And what does that do for the partnership? It really puts impact at a, at a like point where it's like, oh yeah, they really aren't up to snuff. Like, why are we even like watching these guys or partnering with these guys? If AEW guys are just going to come through and run, run through this division, you know, which is again, why the only reason why I think Rich Swann could possibly win this, you know, obviously I'm talking, you know,
Uh, breaking kayfabe here. I feel like it would, it would be the most interesting thing for both brands. And it would show that there's a reason to watch both brands versus like Kenny Omega going down there, getting the bill, being the bill collector, which is cool. And you know, I would be here for it if he was carrying around two titles, but it does absolutely nothing for the partnership for impact and AW.
Both you guys laid out good cases for it, but let's look at the AEW Championship lineage. You got Chris Jericho, one of the top 10 all-time wrestlers. You got Mox, one of the most beloved babyfaces of the last 10 years. Then you got Kenny Omega, one of the best in-ring performers possibly of all time. It's going to go from those three guys to Rich Swan.
Rich freaking swan. Rich swan's cool. I like rich swan. You know, um, he's a good wrestler. I've always been, you know, he's, there's nothing wrong with rich swan, but I think he is, uh, you know, he's in way deeper waters than what he should be swimming in, uh, getting in the ring with Kenny Omega. Now I could see multiple scenarios where Kenny doesn't win.
or Kenny that you know, I say he doesn't lead with the impact championship because You know, there's this guy named John Moxley who? Yeah has been dying to get his hands on Kenny and honestly, that's my prediction I think Mox is gonna come in and crash this party and get involved in this. We all thought it's crazy We all thought he was taking time off after that exploding barbed wire deathmatch Disaster from revolution, but he's been busier than ever, you know, he was a blood sport and
It was all over WrestleMania weekend on the indie shows. So I think we're going to see Moc show up and crash the party. And this is just being straight up schmaz. That's my pick. Are either one of you guys officially picking Rich Swann to lead with the AEW Championship? No, I mean, I'm going with Kenny. I think the smart money is on Kenny Omega. So you think Kenny takes the belt? Yes. Because at the end of the day, I mean, I know I was saying, you know, the working relationship between AEW and Impact, but I think AEW, like they're concerned about AEW first.
Right? Like Impact is cool. It's cool that they're breaking down that fourth wall and they're partnering with other brands. But at the end of the day, like AEW is going to look out for AEW and I don't know what kind of strings, you know, they pulled, but I don't think they're going to let their champion lose the belt on another show's pay-per-view.
I think going by like what Seth's saying, I think if something does, like a schmaz does happen, it is a disqualification. Neither one of them loses their titles. That's probably what's, I mean, I'm assuming that's probably going to be the what's going to happen. Just breaking K-fabe, just a safe way of, you know, saving face for both champions. I think that's the likely scenario. Yeah.
Yeah, Moxley does come in and it hits Kenny Omega and then obviously Kenny Omega wins via disqualification. True, but they've been giving Kenny this belt collector moniker and yet so far he's only collected one. So I feel like if they're going to... This is the time for them to go ahead and make that moniker mean something so they can at least sell some merch. Well, he still has that AAA title too. Yeah, he's the champion of AAA right now. Oh yeah. That's the biggest version in Mexico.
They don't hype it up as much as they should. Yeah. So, uh, I don't know. There's definitely tons of different scenarios that could come out of this. It's not impossible. Nothing is impossible, which is what is cool with us because I feel like if this were WWE, we would definitely know what the outcome would kind of have, you know, it would be a little bit breadcrumbed and mapped out for us. But I feel like with this, I'm like, it could go any way. And I'm not going to be like,
Super shocked, you know, I think it's yeah this uh, I like that. It's gonna be interesting regardless I'll be watching. Yeah, I'll be definitely watch with us Marco. Are there any any other matches you're excited for on the card?
Oh man. Definitely the major brothers explode. Definitely that match. I'm looking forward to it just to see. That one's going to be good. I'm looking forward to it. I was going to pose a question to you guys just for fun. Obviously, we know that Matt and Brian are
you know, really kind of leading the charge on wrestling figures, kind of being as hot as they are right now. So let's say this match, you know, devolves into straight up a hardcore fight. Each of you can, you know, you can bring a wrestling figure into use as a foreign object. Sheena, I'll let you go first. What are you using?
So there's one really obvious answer, but I want to get a little bit creative here. I think Seth, you'll probably pick the obvious answer because I know you and I have talked about things like this before, but I'm going to pick, this is going out there a little bit, I'm going to pick Elite 73, Aleister Black.
I think using his, uh, his vest, I'm going to use it like some brass knuckles, you know, and like, it's got those, it's got those little spikes and studs on it. I mean, you could also use the, uh, you know, uh, road warriors as well, but at the same time, like you could put it on his brass knuckles and like, you know, punch your opponent or blacks a little bit cheaper to find in the road warriors too. You know, either the road warriors and legion of doom figures, those figures are a hundred bucks easy. You can find out a little bit cheaper.
Yeah. Yeah. And he's got the perfect spikes and it would be really super low key. So the ref's not going to see it. You know, you could really just sneak it out of your pocket and put it on and then just like pound your opponent's face and you know, cut them open and whatnot. So that would be, that'd be my pick of what I would choose for my weapon of choice. Marco, how about you? What do you, what do you think of the figure warfare? It could be any figure from any line.
I'm gonna give the hot tag to Zero Mendez and have to go with one of the biggest LJNs I can find. I just bludgeoned the shit out of somebody with an LJN. You gotta go with the King Kong Bundy, man.
He's so just immense and dense that, you know, he's just, he's a freaking weapon of mass destruction. I think, I think Bundy's a little bit better than Andre because Andre, the figure was a little bit taller. He was spread out a little bit more. Whereas King Kong Bundy is just like a freaking bull. Yeah. His center of gravity is very, very centrally located.
So I'll go ahead, I'll give you guys my finish. So if I'm in this match, and I'm trying to get the five star special from Uncle Dave, I'm busting out the King Kong Bundy LJN. I'm using it straight up as a projectile, but I'm going to be exhausted and throw it and just collapse from how tired I am after I knock my opponent out with it. By the time I crawl over, I just get the near fall, the 2.99 seconds and he kicks out.
Crowds going wild. This is awesome chance playing it to finish them off. I'm reaching under the ring. I'm actually grabbing out the LJN wrestling ring. Okay. And if anybody remembers that thing, the posts on that, I don't know what kind of plastic they were using, but that stuff was basically like one step below like titanium as far as those poles were.
I'm gonna power bomb my input my opponent onto one of the ring posts of the LJ and ring basically freaking impale them and That's gonna be how we finish off this this hardcore figure warfare. I like it. I'm here for it Alright, so moment of truth. It's $39.99 Marco. Are you buying rebellion?
I am, I've actually ordered friends to watch it, so I will not be purchasing it. So it will be purchased, but I will be doing the purchasing. Nice. I am, I'm keeping an open mind, dude. I have never, I might pop my impact cherry on Sunday. I've never purchased an impact pay-per-view, but I really want to see what happens with, um, with Rich Swan and Kenny Omega. And I'm intrigued enough by some of the other matches on the show, especially Matt versus Brian.
that I may get it you know we got we got some long work you know we got a really exciting Sunday lined up we got to mow the yard and you know do some other stuff to get caught up around the house but if it's Sunday evening and we don't got anything else going on. I may go ahead and pull the trigger on on fight TV and watch that because I think it is going to be a pretty fun show.
Yeah, the other match I want to definitely looking forward to is the three-way match for the Impact X Division Championship. Yeah, TJP. Yep, Ace Austin, Josh Alexander, and we'll say Friend of the Show, TJP. I know, yeah. He was showing our chalk line post some love this week, so yeah, we can officially call him Friend of the Show. Yeah, he actually, he falls in the Twitter account as well, so. Yeah. Nice.
There's also a Sammy Callahan like death match or no holds barred match So you know that's gonna be insane that dude loves his his hardcore wrestling. Oh, yeah No, there's definitely some there's some killer matches on here. So yeah, definitely definitely interested in this Like I said, this is gonna be a it's gonna be a altering a world altering event I think for our the are the good brothers defending the tag belts
They are they're actually they're facing fin juice who has the believe they have the titles Yep, so they're facing them for the I think they have a Kobe an event Okay that night so yeah, and I think all the roster should be showing out because this is definitely gonna be the most eyes that have been on Teen a impact in a very very long time sure All right, let's get in to go figure
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Wrestling Figures Updates

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go figures where we cover the latest and greatest in the world of wrestling figures and talk about what we've each added to our own personal collections reminder this segment is brought to you by our good friends at ringside collectibles the number one worldwide retailer in wrestling figures use code chick Foley to save 10% on all your orders at ringside and here we go
Alright, before we get into figure news, I want to give another plug to the has book. So on Instagram, that's at the has book th e h a s b o k. The book's going to print now they're taking pre orders, it's going to be ready to go in about six weeks, 200 pages. And this thing looks awesome. It is going to be the most comprehensive book ever put together on the Hasbro WWF figure line that we all love so much from the early 90s. They're covering the figures.
the rings, the mini wrestlers they drop, basically everything that Hasbro release is going to be in there. It's the companion piece to the, uh, the LJN figure guide wrestling superstars that came out last year that we told you guys about. We've already got ours preordered. Can't wait to have it. And like we mentioned last week, you know, Sheena really, uh, brought this up last year when the LJN book came out. This is a great way. If you don't feel like diving in headfirst and trying to piece together that Hasbro line, cause some of those figures are pretty damn pricey.
This is an awesome way to just have some Hasbro representation in your figure room or figure display or whatever you have going on. So we're really excited. As soon as we get ours in hand, we'll definitely be sharing up some sample pages and stuff. Yeah, they're cool conversation starters. Like if you have a coffee table book, you know, I mean, if you have like people over, like I think a lot of people will remember, even if they're not like hardcore figure collectors, they'll be like, oh yeah, I remember these guys, you know, these figures and stuff. So those are always cool little things to have around, you know, your house whenever people are over.
Yeah, the Hasbro figures are just so iconic, man. I really, as being a hardcore figure collector as I am, I really try to pinpoint what it is that made that line just so beloved. Because I still think it's the most beloved line, even at an LJN and everything that Jax did. And even as great as the Mattel Elite line is, I think it's technically the best line ever. I don't think there's anything that's been loved as much as the Hasbros. I think it's that gloss, that glossy, bright look that all the Hasbros have.
From that period in wrestling, it was all about really bright colors and stuff. And there was just that that trademark has bro sheen that I think really just made people just fall in love with those figures. And they still hold up somehow even 30 years, 30 years later, almost now.
Yeah, they do because they're like, you know, they almost have a cartoonish look to them. So they're not like, they're not like accurate. You know, you can't really see that like, Oh, the, uh, you know, the technology has come so far. Cause we're still collecting figures like that that were made in like the modern day. I mean, we have all the retros and everything. So we're still clamoring for figures like that because they do have that classic feel to them. Like, you know, it's not like where you're like looking back at the original Mattel elites or like the Jax classic superstars. And you're like, Oh.
Like the Jax bone crunchers, you know, Jax bone crunchers, they were going for a much more realistic look that at the time they were cool. But when you look, they have not aged as gracefully as they had. Yes. The LJNs, I really want to talk to like the people that actually sculpted that line if they're even still around. I mean, we're getting really we're getting 40 years in the past at this point because those things are really almost like mini sculptures. If you look at them like it's crazy how good some of the face scans are like look at the
You know, we got a Greg the hammer Valentine LJN that's floating around our garage that the babyface plays with sometimes and I was picked it up their day was just marveling and like the face scan like if Mattel dropped You know the next Greg the hammer Valentine figure and the face scan looked as good as the LJN I think people would just be raving over it. So yeah, I don't know what technology they were using it. They just had some really really awesome sculptors putting those things together, but
Do you think we will ever have a resurgence of, I know we kind of had that, you know, young book set or whatever that came out, but do you think we'll have like a legit resurgence of LJN style figures with like modern superstars kind of in the, you know, vein of the retros?
I don't think so. Big Shot Bill has talked about it. He said those figures are just they're very, very expensive to produce just because of, you know, it's just a solid piece of rubber and they're expensive to ship. Also, the weight of those things, the carding that you have to use. Yeah.
Yeah, he just said it's just the profit margins aren't there for those things to be released on a wide scale. And I think there was some magic there with what Chalk Line was going for. I don't think they quite connected on the figures. They connected the nostalgia was 1000% there, which is what Chalk Line is amazing at. They captured the entire feel like the box are the box like the posing and everything, but the actual figures were kind of they kind of fell short a little bit.
Yeah, they were really, really cool figures, but they weren't LJNs. They were old San Francisco toy makers. Yes. That's what they were like. They were much more firm. More plastic. They were much more firm and they were shiny, whereas LJNs had more of a matte finish and were very, very pliable on being able to bend.
Yeah, so I would say no. I think there could be something like like what we've seen Zombie Sailor putting together with his heels and faces line that's coming out. I think you could see something similar to that for the LJNs. There actually may be some money to be made if you could if you could do that. But obviously, I don't know enough about the toy industry to know what the cost would even be on bringing something like that to market. You know, the Chella the Chella toys are going for like 30 bucks plus a piece. So I got to imagine LJNs would be higher than that. So I don't know how much bucks.
Yeah, I don't know how much how much profit there's to be made on those but Either way. Yeah, check out at the has book on IG or go to the has book calm to pre-order It's gonna be something cool And it's gonna be something that you're gonna regret passing up on because it's gonna be a little bit of a limited run Marco take us away with figure news
Yeah, definitely. Just to piggyback off of that, they are actually doing a bundle. If you go on their website, if you do order the Has Book, they're doing a bundle with the LJN. So you can actually buy both books and pre-order them together. So obviously, the LJN book is already out, but if you don't own it already, you're definitely getting the Has Book. The LJN book's awesome.
I mean, front to back, just like what they have in there, all the ads and all the different, all the summaries of all the different figures and stuff like that, it's really, it's awesome. Yeah, definitely get the ad, definitely get the has book. Because I can only imagine what they're going to do with this one as well. But yeah, I would definitely order both if you don't have either one.
But, uh, so we'll move on to, uh, so a W after this, after I think after we recorded the next day, they did the, uh, AW on rival series five reveals, uh, the actual figure reveals, um, have every figure in the line. And obviously I think I guessed this before we are getting the, uh, AW tag team titles, which is awesome. Uh, first time in line for, for those titles anyway, but, uh, a lot better than the.
the women's belt in the AWW championship that we've seen so far. Yeah, they look more detailed, right? Like they look like they put more, I don't want to say more effort, but it looks like they're learning as they go along. They're coming into their own, they're hearing the criticism and the feedback, and I think they're making changes as they go on. So I think we're only going to see this line improve every series going forward.
Yeah, definitely. I think the line looks amazing. They even showed the Chase figures as well out of that line too. Obviously, the focal point I think of that is Luchasaurus. Oh, Luchasaurus looks insane. He looks as good as I thought he was going to look when they released the sketches and whatnot. I'm so excited to get this figure.
So I still got a hot take. I think that the Chase Mox is still the best figure in that set. I love that Luchasaurus. He's really cool. But I think there's going to be a better Luchasaurus down the road. I don't think we were ever going to get a better figure of Mox. Oh, the eye patch looks great. Absolutely.
I was so overjoyed when I saw that it's going to be that they upped the numbers. We, Jeremy had Jeremy Padour, friend of the show, he had previously announced they were going to up the numbers on these, but I don't think anybody was for sure if that was going to start on series five until we actually saw the MOC pictures. And yeah, there's going to be 3000. That's just 5000.
Oh yeah, 5,000. Yeah. So the Hangman is going to be 3,000 and then the Mox is going to be 5,000. So it should be much easier to find and the prices on eBay should be much lower for those that aren't able to grab one off the pegs. Yeah, exactly. Would you guys think of the other figures of the line?
I'm really glad we're getting that hangman with the long tights. That's, that's an awesome figure. And I think he comes with like a pitcher and stuff also. Yeah, he comes with the glass pitcher. I'm excited. I'm excited about Jungle Boy. I think Jungle Boy looks great. I love his boots. I'm excited to get Marco stunt and see if they actually make him to scale.
I was still, I was bummed. I was still holding out hope that we were going to get, you know, like the upper half of Marco with jungle boy and then like his, you know, his lower half with, uh, which is worse. That would have been such a great idea. Like a build a figure Marco stunt.
But I think for some reason, I don't know why, but I think they kind of ringside and Jeremy are going back and forth when they are. Yeah, I think we're going to get a three-pack of- Either that, or I think Marco Stunt might be a ringside exclusive figure.
Oh wow. That's what it seemed like anyway, from going back and forth. I think they wanted to give him something special, like a special presentation when he's really silly. I wouldn't be surprised if you see a ringside exclusive Marco Stunt. You got a little Marco Stunt. I love that guy.
Yeah, that's what it seemed like anyway. I saw that. They were going back and forth trading some emojis and stuff. Yeah, so if that happens, obviously, that's a media pre-order for me because we share the same name, minus the letter difference. Yeah.
Yeah, got to get all of these. These are great. And I'm glad we're getting, you know, clearly we got, you know, Hangman and, you know, Mox are dupes, but everything else is first time in line, right? We don't have Scorpio Sky already. We don't have Frankie. Yeah, so I'm excited. Yeah, so I mean, yeah, I'm excited to get a Scorpio Sky figure as well. But yeah, no, that line, that line, so it's pretty promising. Definitely. I haven't checked recently. I'm not sure if it's still available for pre-order.
They are. And they're actually on pre-order three, so it's not going to be a crazy wait for those. Yeah, the previous line was pretty insane. That was like pre-order six or seven or something like that. That was the one with Kenny Omega, Cody, and who else was it? Kenny Omega. Kenny, the Bucks, Sammy G was in there.
Oh, the proud and powerful as well, too. That one was a little extensive. I got a notification for Kenny and Cody, so they're showing up from that line. Like I said, I staggered mine. Thanks, so they'll all be coming one after another, which is awesome. But anyway,
We'll move on to Chella Toys. Actually, we talked about this a little bit before this. They actually showed a prototype for the wrestling megastars, Series 1 Hayabusa. It'll be available for pre-order within two weeks. Did you guys get to take a look at the Hayabusa? Looks cool, dude. Yeah. It looks like he's going to have the jumping action, maybe from what I see. Yeah.
Yeah, definitely be adding this to the collection. We don't have any Hayabusa figures. I know he's got a few Japanese figures and stuff that have dropped, but yeah, real cool figure. I like how they got the scars and stuff on the chest.
And I think we talked about this before, like the price point. It looks like they are going to be around like 30 bucks for our, I mean, I'm not sure if Chella did theirs, but I think I know the zombie sailors, I think it'd be around like $30. So I think we kind of like pinpointed that. I think, I actually think Seth, you said that it was going to be around like $30 for these. Yeah, I think that's kind of a sweet spot. I think anything above 30, you're going to start to see people lose an interest a little bit because it is still a foreign scale figure.
And there's definitely a limit for how much people were wanting to pay for figures that size. Yeah, and obviously, there's going to be a limit to the availability as well. So I think the price point is pretty much dead on with that. Next, we have, so Legend Series 10 is starting to pop up in Target stores. Actually, only two of the figures
Yeah, half of the series, the other half is on online only, we found out so. But yeah, so Vader and John Cena are Target Store exclusives. Yeah. And Brutus and DDP are online only.
Yeah, that's really weird. Obviously, action figure attack has been very, very forthcoming with info on the Russell Fix Forum. He's got a running Q&A thread, so I'm interested to hear what exactly the production problem was. It's very weird that a company as big as Mattel ran into an issue where they only had half of a set ready to go. Yeah.
at a certain time. It's kind of strange, but hey, new figures on the pegs are always good. I like seeing people finding the the Cena from the Firefly Funhouse match and an evader from the the 80s running New Japan that we have we haven't gotten in figure form yet.
Yeah, I think those two figures as well, probably if you're going to pick out of that series, the two that are going to be in stores are probably going to be John Cena and Vader, just because obviously they look super toyetic anyway, Vader with all the accessories. I think the DDP is coming from something that was after his peak in WCW.
his ill-fated WWE run. It's cool that we're getting a figure of it, but it's definitely not the most popular version of DDP. And same thing with Brutus. This is from the early days of Brutus Beefcake back in the dream team with Greg Valentine, not his most popular incarnation.
Yeah, definitely. I think if you're a kid walking out of the toy aisle and you look over, do you see that Vader? I think that's more of a, it's going to catch your eye faster than anything with all the cool accessories. I like the mask and all that stuff.
Yeah. But yeah, I actually got in touch with the OG Fig Kid, and he actually was able to retrieve the Evader. Evader, yeah, that was a killer clip, dude. Yeah, so still on the hunt for the, I'm kind of like tennis ball, the Cena, not sure if I want to get that Cena, it's kind of like prototype slash
Modern cena. Do you have the do you have the prototype cena? That was the the toys are us exclusive. I do not know Probably I should get that one. Yes. Yeah, we have we have that toys are us exclusive that came out back in late 2015 early 2016 so no real need to add the legends one, but it's definitely a cool figure and it's a unique look as far as John Cena figures go and
Yeah, definitely. Like I said, tennis ball with that myself and trying to figure out if I want that or not. We'll see. Yeah, definitely if you're in your targets, definitely take a look out there. They are popping up everywhere. It seems like it's a lot more frequent now than anything. I've seen a lot more people posting it on Twitter and Facebook and stuff like that. Hopefully, you're lucky enough to grab one of those
Next up, our buddies over at Legends of Lucha Libre, they're actually releasing an arena in conjunction, obviously, with extreme sets as well. If it's up for pre-order right now, too, as well. Obviously, you guys get to take a look at it and stuff like that.
pretty awesome not included there is a picture man I don't know so yeah you gotta remember like looking at the picture it's like okay this is cool remember that that's a basic scale ring on there so just think of how big this thing's gonna be when you look at how small the ring looks on that mock-up of the image but it looks amazing I cannot wait to see what some of the the figure photographers do this thing I would grab it if I had the space for it but I just I don't I got my arena has kind of been shrunken down to just a corner of our figure room
still pretty massive, but you know this diorama is going to be absolutely huge but it's going to be very very cool seeing what the you know what all the photographers like figure kingdom and some of the other ones are able to come up with with with this new piece.
Yeah, so yeah, the one thing I like noted from this is like, like I said, the crossover with the extreme sets. I'm hoping a lot of like other, you know, companies start to like do like crossover type of things. So, I mean, what would you guys like to see like, like different type of toy makers crossing over and making? Have you ever, did you think about anything like that? Or
Well, I mean, so extreme sets already kind of covers my two favorite lines with the turtles and wrestling. We used to cover, we used to collect black series. We had a really, really big Star Wars black series collection upwards of like 60 figures. They've had some kind of generic sci-fi dioramas on extreme sets, but it'd be cool to see them kind of go all in, you know, give me like a Tatooine or like a Death Star type diorama on there. You know, think about the
like the center of the Death Star where Luke and Darth Vader had their famous lightsaber battle. That would be cool. And obviously Star Wars just has so many iconic set pieces that you could really go all out with that type of stuff. So I'd like to see them do some more Star Wars stuff as opposed to kind of the generic sci-fi stuff that's on extreme sets. But obviously, you know, licensing is a thing. I know extreme sets isn't trying to get a, you know, a shitload of cease and desist letters coming in. Yeah. But yeah, that would be my pick. Some Star Wars extreme sets. How about you, Shane?
I would like some horror, like some, you know, like the Myers house or, you know, the Freddy Krueger house, you know, that's like, that's totally right in my wheelhouse. That would be cool. I would love to have some backdrops with, uh, with like those in the background. So I think that could be really cool. Cause, you know, uh, unfortunately, I guess I shouldn't say unfortunately, I mean, I made the choice to sell all my NECA horror figures, but I'm still itchy for those figures. Anytime I see a new NECA horror figure come out, I'm just like, Oh my goodness. So that is dropping the universal monsters.
I know, dude, when they announced that, I was still in the process of selling all of my Nikahora figures and I was like, oh my gosh, should I stop right now? Because I know I'm going to want these as soon as I see them. They posted pictures of the black and white Frankenstein, really, really cool figure. Oh my gosh, yeah, they look incredible. I mean, that's one thing, I mean, because they're not really like, I mean, they're horror figures, but they're kind of in a class of their own. I mean, they're universal monsters.
I feel like you could have a contained set of your universal monsters because there's a finite number of them. Whereas like if you just say horror, it really, it gets really expansive. But yeah, the universal monsters like that is my wheelhouse. Like they are just so badass.
Yeah. I was actually going to say that if they cross over with NECA and did sets based on the stuff that they have, it'd be pretty insane. Oh, yeah. Back to the Future would be really cool, I think, if they did some Back to Future sets. Yeah. Freddy Krueger, they could do the Boiler. The Boiler Room. Yeah.
Pretty insane, but yeah, hopefully I mean, we'll see. Maybe if someone's listening to the show, maybe they'll, uh, they'll come to the census. I don't know, man. Those licenses get pretty damn expensive. And once you start working, once you start working with licenses, you're under a lot of like scrutiny. You're under a lot of microscopes. Like they're not going to just approve something. Like I know when I was talking to chalk line before they were talking about their process of going through and like how many hoops they have to jump through just to like get something approved from, you know, the people that they license with. And it's, it's definitely a process.
Yeah, I was actually thinking about that. Obviously, they have a lot of licenses and stuff like that, especially like WWE and what they have to probably go through to get like... Oh yeah, it's insane. You think they're just pumping out these designs. This stuff comes into the world months and months and months and months before it ever even gets shown to the light of day to us because they're waiting for all these people to sign off on it, send their feedback, send it back, get it signed off on again. Yeah, it's a thing.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, definitely the hats off the chalk line, too. They obviously they, you know, they've tons of different places and stuff like that. And they're still pumping out more. Oh, yeah. And just depleting everyone's bank accounts. Yeah, those Nicktoons designs they've been dropping are insane, man. I cannot wait to get those real monsters and rockers wearing life shorts in the collection.
They keep on teasing me with the bloodsport stuff, man. They just keep on going with different variations of bloodsport shorts and jackets. Yeah. They had a tracksuit come out recently, right? Wasn't it a tracksuit? Yeah, they had the tracksuit. Then they had the red version of, uh, it was like they had the black, um, shorts with the blood, uh, red bloodsport, but now they had the, now they have the red shorts with bloodsport on it. So yeah, yeah. Well, uh, I'll, I'll, I'll stay away from them for a little bit, but, uh, they're, uh, it's tempting.
Yeah. But we'll move on to Zombie Sailor. So we had a few blueprints that he revealed. So Swoggle is actually getting, is going to be a part of the Heels and Faces retro style. I'm not sure what series, though I'm assuming the later series. Brooklyn Brawler was also announced as well, which is pretty cool.
But then King Kong Bundy was that we spoke working to King Kong Bundy references in one show Yeah, I'm saying that you know, I've been to Daniel Bryan. Yes. Yes. Yes on all three of these cannot wait to add these figures to my collection I literally check zombie sailor toys IG every single day waiting to see when these pre-orders are going live because I am NOT gonna miss out on these figures. Yeah, I
Swoggle figures will always have a soft place in my heart because these two boys that I used to nanny for We would I would always take them up to the old Mark cave in Hawaii and they loved the horn Swoggle figures It was like, you know, and when I when I met horn Swoggle at wrestle con like that was one of the things I told him I was like, dude, you know these kids on any for like your figure was their absolute favorite They loved it. He just thought that was like the coolest thing. So
Yeah, I definitely got my picture made with Hornswoggle. So yeah, he gets an A plus in my book and I'm excited to add this, this is the collection for sure.
Yeah, definitely Brooklyn Brawler as well. Like obviously he's a, he's a staple in professional wrestling. You can't, I mean, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One of the best jobbers of all time. Yeah. You have to get, you have to get the Brooklyn Brawler. I mean, he's, he's a, he's a, he might not be one of your favorites, but he, you definitely, you definitely have the respect for, uh, for, for old Brooklyn Brawler. He was such a big part of wrestling back in the eighties and early nineties, man. Like he was just, he was always around.
Yeah, he's like, he's a guy. He's the, not to break cafe, but he's the put over guy. He would throw him in the ring with anyone and they'd just kick the crap out of him and you know, make their name over the Brooklyn Brawler. So he made a career on it. Everybody has their place, you know, on the food chain.
No, exactly. That's like Ricochet is now. No, I'm joking. Ouch. Ouch. I'm sorry. Shouldn't have threw Ricochet in there, but hopefully he doesn't listen to the show. Love you, Ricochet. But yeah, no, they look awesome. I mean, I can't wait for this line to actually see what they look like in person. And, you know, zombie sailor, also a friend of the show, zombie sailor. There's so many friends. Doing his thing. We're the friendliest podcast of all time.
Obviously, we had the announcement of Mattel's bringing back the retros with Roddy Piper and B and Gene, but in the meantime, between that whole like we want retros movement and stuff like that, you had guys like zombie sailor and you had cellotoys taking off the mantle. They put that foot in. They started creating these figures and stuff like that.
They're definitely going to get the utmost respect from all the collectors with these drops. I can't wait for these to drop and let everyone rejoice in any retro you want, Vettel, Zombie, Chella, whatever you want. It's going to be there. It's going to be available. It's going to be enough for everybody to purchase and act to their collections, if anything.
I think we talk about these every week for some reason. There's a new drop in heat. Yeah. So a FOCO, another one, another one, DJ Khaled. They have an Oscar bobblehead limited to 144 pieces. Same price, 50 bucks each. Same price as the tribal chief. Did you guys get to see the pics of this one? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Stunning, man. There's so much. Pretty awesome. These guys are going all out on the craft for sure.
Yeah, I love the fact that like, uh, obviously WWE, like, obviously they align to, they license out a lot of, you know, different type of fig figures and statues and stuff like that. But these focal limited edition ones are, they're pretty, they're pretty sweet. Like that's the David Bryant ones. We talk about them every week. Um, I got to plug our friends over at fully postable. They actually have a focal code. So if you're ordering these things, uh, yeah, use their focal code. It's a WFP 10, I think, but definitely check their podcast and make sure that's right. I think it's WFP 10 for.
So if you're ordering these, you can save 10% off of, uh, off of these bobbleheads. Yeah. That's awesome. And it's just, it's so colorful, man. Like this thing is so bright. You know, she's got the green paint or the green mist or whatever's coming, uh, you know, dripping down her chin. Like, yeah, this thing is awesome. Yeah. She's like, yeah, I, I, I don't want to equate her to like the, uh, ultimate warrior, but you could definitely like with her, with all the different color combinations, you can actually meet ultimate warrior vibes in this for sure.
Yeah, she could definitely have a bunch of different type of figure variations of her. I would like to see if any of our listeners out there, if you guys have a focal collection, if you have a legit display of these things, I would love to see it and see how you guys display these things. Because there's no room for them in our collection. They take up a lot of space, I would imagine. I want to see how you guys are displaying these things.
Yeah, definitely Yeah, that's that's pretty much it for our figure news. Nice. Let's get into weekly purchases What'd you add to the collection this week Marco? Oh man before I jump into that so I did so I had a I had a couple of extra
purchases from Phil, Phil Dunnett. He sent me some Royal Rumble figures. So I had an extra warrior and an extra Titus O'Neil. Oh, nice. For some reason, one of my daughters is way into figures. She loves wrestling figures. Nothing wrong with that. Yeah, I had an extra Keith Lee. She loves a Keith Lee figure. I have an extra Hulk Hogan, LJN, that she loves.
So she ended up seeing the Ultimate Warrior, Roya Rumble figure, and just like would not put it down at all. Like she had the box in her hand. I didn't open it, I had two of them. I opened one of them and I had another one in the box. Wouldn't put it down, just kept on like every time she goes in my room, just takes it and carries it around and stuff like that. So I'm like, oh my God, she definitely wants it. So obviously, maybe the good dad I am,
broke it open for her. Oh, wow. She actually took it to bed. She's sleeping. She's actually sleeping in bed right now with the Ultra Warrior. Hey, man. With the yellow intercontinental title wrapped around his waist. So proud dad movement on my end. That's awesome. You're better dad than me. I would've went and found a Warrior Basic or something and hooked it up, man.
I was like, she just wouldn't put it. I was like, I was like, she, I mean, so it's, I mean, daddy's still connects, man. Yeah. Our son, you know, our son Brett, obviously he's becoming a pretty solid wrestling fan and he still has ultimate warrior, ultimate warrior. That's what he said. He drops, he drops the debut and he likes the music. Sometimes we'll just be chilling and he'll just, he'll hit me up and be like, Hey, I need ultimate warrior music. And he's,
he won't stop until he hears it man so yeah the warrior even after all this time he still connects with all the uh you know the little warriors out there yeah definitely so uh speaking of warrior ended up getting the uh the ringside exclusive ultimate warrior in the mail i think yesterday i got it so
Ours is in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Yeah. Oh, geez. I think I think we were saying we were saying to be here tomorrow. And then, yeah, I will say, you know, obviously we had some poor timing last week on expressing some feelings on FedEx. So we'll just all I'll say is that, yeah, last week I thought my figure was going to be here the day after we recorded and it still hasn't shown up. So we'll leave it at that because FedEx has had a pretty rough time.
Yeah, yeah, definitely. But yeah, so yeah, that showed up. Didn't get to crack it open yet. But definitely will. I actually got my stained, I remember I talked about this before, my Limp Biscuit slash stained t-shirt that came in from 2800 Studios. So I got that in the mail. Very pumped about that.
Also, the Fig God, Jordan Wells, ended up getting the Roman Reigns master of the universe. Everybody got their Fig God mail today, I think. I saw so many posts in the group with the Fig God mail today. Yeah, when you're blessed by the Fig God, I mean, it's a good day.
He's got like seven figures for me right now But he's actually he's flying out to Virginia for a double or nothing weekend over Memorial Day And so I told him just hang on to him and he can fly out with him Yeah, yeah, he's definitely you know there's only one MVP but he's kind of like the unofficial MVP of the of the chick Foley Facebook group because the dude is just he is the man when it comes to hunting figures and
Definitely. He's the all-star. He's the all-star of the the Foley family is definitely You always see him hooking someone up in the in the Facebook group between him and Phil done it Yeah, I mean they get there. They're like co MVPs or our all-stars. They could start their own dream team if they wanted to You know Jordan's like he's like the NXT champ and then Phil done. It's the NXT UK champ
Oh, my gosh, I think that's actually pretty awesome. NXT UK champ of the Foley Facebook group. What else did I get? So the actually, oh, the other I didn't even talk about this. The only other thing I got was a a Rocky my via Bendons figure.
Why is there silence on this? Which one was it? Was that the... Is that the one that has the card on it? Or is it the... Yes, the original, like the Rocky Baye view. Like not the rock. Not the rock.
Um, but yeah, so apparently I haven't seen this. Oh, actually I did see this, but I didn't know people were grading these cards. Did you, did you see this? Like the rocks? Cause they were saying that that's basically the rocks WWF Ricky card. Yeah. So like, I didn't, I didn't know this. So I'm like, I'm on eBay, like looking around and stuff like that. And I see people grading this cutout card. And it's like, why are they doing this? But apparently it's going for like.
not millions of dollars, but thousands of dollars. Because he did have a rookie card, I believe it was the, I think I had spoken about this before, I think the name of the card company, but it was a WWF attitude series. It was like a 75-card series, and I think they had personally signed cards
that you could find throughout. So the rock was one of them, and it was technically kind of like his rookie card, but he personally signed it. It wasn't like a fabricated signing or anything. And that was like his rookie card. And then you had the WWF trivia game, which was also technically a rookie card of the rock, Rocky Maivia. But then there was this Bentham's card as well that they're also saying is a rookie card of the year. So how did you acquire this figure? You just grabbed it off eBay? Oh, off eBay, yeah, for super cheap.
uh before the uh before the lid blew off and everyone found out that the card on the back was a rookie card apparently so yeah
just cut it just like the Owen Hart. I actually think you were offshore when this happened. So with the Owen Hart, what do you call it? What the heck's the show? Darts out of the ring. Darts out of the ring, yeah. Before that appeared I was like,
eBay's gonna blow up. Once that episode shows, his figures that are like $20 are gonna be like $200 to $300 the next day. So I made it a point where I just go in there and get as many as I could. Sure enough, after that episode aired, they just skyrocketed. Every single Owen Hart figure just blew up. Anything that was $20 was $300 or $500. So what Owen Hart figure did you grab?
Um, got a couple. I got like the, the two pack of heaven, uh, Triple H, uh, the two pack of heaven, the rock, uh, blue, blue. I had the blue bazer already. Yeah. I need, I feel like I need that blue blazer, uh, Jack's figure. That was really old. You know, that's going to be, see where that was. That was like, that was the cheapest of all of them. Like that was like worth nothing. That's crazy. That's a really, really good figure too. Yeah. It just, I don't know.
I don't think it's true. I don't know. I don't think the blue blazer was a shitty gimmick. I thought the blue blazer is pretty cool. I mean, obviously it's got a ton of like morbidity that goes with it just because, you know, we all know what happened. We all need to go into detail, but I kind of like the blue as far as comedy act goes. Yeah, but I thought the blue blazer character was was pretty fun. I want to get that one. There's no reason for Owen to ever be playing a comedy act like that, though.
Well, you got to remember, he was the blue blazer before he was ever own heart in WWE. So that was a throwback to his original gimmick. Yeah, but it was just like, it was the laziest booking of somebody who had so much potential. Like it was like, eh, well, he's not with the heart foundation anymore. Let's just throw him back into being the blue blazer. Like why not come up with something original?
Yeah, if you watch in your house degeneration x uh from december 1997 The show ends with owen hart coming out and beating the shit out of sean michaels and the crowd is just going insane So I I don't know why they pivoted away from having him Have a little bit of a main event feud with sean before he dropped about the austin. They they kind of stuck owen, um Fighting with triple h for the european championship. So they definitely missed a boat on that one I agree with you there sheen that owen hart could have been a main eventer if they wanted him to after brett left but
I really want to get that blue blazer, bone crunching action figure, and then the two pack with him and Brett. You know, Brett's in the all pink, and Owen, I would love to have that MOC as well, because I remember getting those figures as a kid, and obviously, you know, Brett's my all-time favorite, and Owen will always have a very special place in my heart. So, yeah, that's a good call, Marco. Yeah, we haven't had a deep dive on Owen figures on here, so thanks for bringing that up.
Yeah. The other, the, yeah, the only other thing too is just to like hop back on the blue blazer thing too. It was like, if you ever seen any interviews with like, with anybody that ties with Owen Hart, that was pretty much his personality. Like he was like a, like a jokester. Yeah. He's a jokester. He used to prank everyone and all that stuff. So like, yeah, he's a classic clown for sure.
Yeah. The other thing that made his death so tragic is that, you know, Owen, he was already had his eye on life after wrestling. Like he was only planning on working another couple of years. He already had enough money socked away that he was going to be comfortable. He was going to go and just get a job being a firefighter there in Calgary. Yeah.
And yeah, like you said, Marco, I think he had I think he had fun just doing the comedy gimmick, even though the us as fans, we know that he could have been a main eventer either as a face or a heel. Yeah, I think he was totally content to, you know, just work this comedy thing and just be an entertaining part of the midcard.
Yeah, the other thing too is like, I mean, obviously I love the warrior and stuff like that, but like the other stories too, like Owen would be like the only person to like actually like befriend the ultimate warrior when he's there during that time. Yeah, we know Brad didn't like it.
Yeah, no, so like like like that's how like good of a person Owen Hart was that he would he seen the good and and And warrior which everyone seemed like the bad warrior to you He actually like took him in as a friend of the they would hang out and talk and stuff like that So like I mean not to bring this, you know Show on it on a sourdough, but but yeah, yeah, it's a sour notice I mean, obviously it's always gonna be sad anytime you talk about Owen just cuz yeah, you know his life was just Unbelievably tragic no matter. Yeah, you talk about it. Yeah
Yeah, but it's all off, you know, we love Owen Hart. Yeah, no, I guess I definitely I was like, I knew that that was gonna happen. Like, people are gonna take advantage of that dark sort of the ring episode and stuff like that. So, you know, and it did his, his, his Hasbro went up crazy. His Jack's figures went up insanely. So, but yeah, so, but that's pretty much it on my end for
So for me, I had a really well-rounded weekly purchases. So there's four lines that we are actively collecting right now. WWE Mattel, which is their Elite 10 Basics, obviously. Then the Motu line, we're collecting Hasbro's and also Pop Funko's. And I had one of each. So I'll kind of go from the most low key to the best. So we added the Roddy Piper Motu. Shout out to Scott Ignatowski from the
The Foley fan Facebook group, he hooked us up with that. He grabbed that off the pegs for me and shipped it over. Really, really cool figure. I'm loving having these motifs. You guys know we're loose collectors. I got like 10 motifs upstairs right now that are MOC. So I can't wait till we get a chance to do unbox the mania and unbox these things because there's so much fun to kind of play around with. We grabbed the Eddie Guerrero Funko Pop. Very, very cool figure. It comes with a WrestleMania 20 pin. Always happy to add new Funkos to the collection. Marco, do you got that one?
He's gone. All right, I'm still in silence. The Eddie Guerrero Funko Pop. I do not know. It's GameStop exclusive, so it should be showing up at GameStops here pretty soon. But yeah, really, really cool pop. We also grabbed the fan takeover, Johnny Gargano. I'm still a little bit skeptical that something's going to go down with these figures. That delay just seems a little shady to me. And I feel like these things may end up kind of just going up in smoke.
especially considering that Christian is no longer with WWE. So I was able to grab a Johnny Gargano for a good price off eBay. I am debating I've seen a couple people I think it's Mac decals on Instagram. He's selling the Wolverine decal like the actual like claw slashes you could add to the vest. It looks really, really good. So I may do that to kind of just finish off that figure and make it perfect. But either way, the figure looks awesome.
And then last but not least, you know, I've only had them for about a week. I actually never had these as a kid. These were two of the only Hasbro's that I'd never had in my collection as a youngster. And it's so awesome having them. They're already like skyrocketing up the, you know, power rankings of my favorite figures in my collection. We grabbed a super minty set of Legion of Doom Hasbro's and these things are incredible. Shane, what do you think when we pull those out of the box?
Oh, they were beautiful, man. I like, you know, just heard, oh, what a rush. You know, I was just, you know, it was awesome. They're, I mean, to find them with all the spikes still intact and like no paint and all the things like it was, they were beautiful and they were packed up nicely. So whoever sent those to us, uh, you know, good, good for you for packing job.
Oh yeah, they're awesome. Our son Brett, as soon as we pulled him out of box, he's like, who is that? Who is that him? That's what he says. Who is that him? Yeah, they immediately grabbed his attention. Really, really cool figures. And like I said, it's the first time I've ever actually owned him. I found all the other Hasbro tag teams, the Rockers, Bushwhackers, Nasty Boys, but I never had the Legion of Doom as a kid. So it's awesome to finally grab that missing piece.
Yeah. I got a, I got a package, a care package from one of our Instagram friends and one of our Insta artists that we love. Illustrations by Rich on Instagram sent me a care package and oh my gosh, it was like loaded to the gills with like goodness. Um, so it was like all these different prints and I'm going to find a way cause there was some duplicates and stuff in there. He kind of just sent some extras and stuff. So, um, you know, for the Foley fam, I'm going to do a giveaway and you know,
go through there and see what I can give away to you guys because it was just awesome. So if you haven't checked out illustrations by rich on Instagram, he has some awesome, awesome artwork, you know, all wrestling and it's just good stuff. So what's the handle on IG?
Let me find the official handle. I think it's just at illustrations by rich. I think that's exactly what it is. Yeah. Um, let me make sure I get it right so I can, yeah, this looks awesome. And Washington is looking that up seriously, like invest in some, some art. It really brings your room to life. And you know, it really makes it like a full display instead of just a bunch of figures just standing up, you know, having that artwork fills it out and it just adds a little touch of class to it.
Yeah, it's illustration. So just like singular, not illustrations. So illustration by Rich on Instagram. He calls himself the pile driver Picasso. So yeah, he's... We'll throw a link to his profile in the show notes so you guys can access it that way along with all the rest of our advertising partners that you've heard us mentioned throughout the show. So check out the show notes. We'll put a direct link in there to illustration by Rich. And like I said, treat yourself to some really, really cool artwork.
Yeah, and I'll be posting pictures.

WWE Controversies and Reactions

Yeah, I'll be posting pictures of the Instagram on the Instagram of what he sent over to us so you guys can see but also earlier remember when Marco when you were asking me like why everything why it went silent?
Yeah. Um, so right as you were talking, I got this notification, um, earlier today, we weren't even going to mention it on the show, but earlier today we saw, um, Mickey James had posted on all of her social media outlets that she had received, you know, she got fired. Um, she was part of the black Thursday layoffs last week and she just received all of her stuff from WWE, like all of her belongings.
And they were in a trash bag, like a trash bag, just a black bin bag with a piece of tape on it that just said Mickey, it was thrown in a box. And she posted it on Instagram, it was just like, thanks WWE, really appreciate the support and whatnot. So it was just a huge amount of timely backlash for that post. And Triple H came on and said, we're so sorry, we're so embarrassed, blah, blah, blah.
You know who the person I got a hot take here I would say that some of those like bell-bottom pants that she was rocking for a ringer. They belong in a trash bag That's rude so rude But anyway, I get what you're going for. But yeah, no, they threw all of her shit in a trash bag I would I want to be pissed. I mean especially like they just fire you Can you imagine like your boss just sending you your your?
like belongings, like just scraping your desk into a box, into a trash bag and just sending you all of your stuff. Like, of course, I don't know what's in there. I don't know. Anyway, that's beside the point. He came on and said that, you know, they had fired the person who did it. I just assumed it was an intern of some sort and there was going to be some sacrificial lamb, some intern that like boxed up Mickey James's stuff. Well, I just got a notification that it was actually Mark Carano. If you guys know Mark Carano, he's like the senior director of talent relations and he's worked for WWE for like freaking forever.
I just really remember seeing him on Total Divas. I've never really known him much outside of just being one of the characters backstage on Total Divas. No, he's like talent relations. He kind of gets the bad guy moniker because he's like the guy who always has to let people go or give people bad news or if people have like, you know,
PR infractions like he brings him into the office and like tells him what he does wrong, you know So he's kind of like the you know, the grim reaper for WWE anyway Um, but yeah the fact that they canned him like it was a big name. It wasn't just like some some intern So yeah mark carano and from what I was reading while we were going through the the go figure segment um, you know, apparently there's been some
ruffled feathers between him and WWE anyway. Because I guess they brought in Johnny Ace to kind of like do Mark Carano's job as of recently, they've kind of been splitting the position. So they already had Johnny Ace in place to kind of take that role on. So yeah, Mark Carano is no longer with WWE. So he was the one who trash bagged all of Mickey James's belongings. So
Yeah, just wanted to break that in there because I was like, I got that notification and I was like, wow, because the whole time I was just assuming it was going to be some no name, you know, WWE, you know, intern. Pretty wild. Um, I, I don't know. I'm kind of like.
I don't really think it's that big a deal. At the end of the day, you get fired. What does it really matter if your stuff is in a trash bag or a suitcase? I feel like the trash bag is almost easy. What else was he supposed to do? Just throw it in a box without the trash bag? I feel like the trash bag is just an extra layer of protection.
I don't know. I mean, I don't know what it was. I mean, if it was like her gear and stuff that like, why wasn't she able to go to the facility to like pick up her stuff? I don't know what the logistics of it all was. And apparently, that's not the first time it's happened. Apparently, that's like, you know, just something that they do. But yeah, if I received my stuff in a trash bag, I'd be a little bit hurt too, especially if you had just gotten fired. I feel like your feelings are already your emotions are already. Do you think it'd be better if it was just in a box?
Yeah. Yeah. I think it would be better if it was all just in a box. Yeah. I think I would feel a little bit better than if they had just like scraped it all into a trash bag and just for me to sort through it. I just feel like that. I feel like the trash bag adds a little insult to injury and I get what you're saying. What's the big difference? A bag or a box or whatever. I think just the optics of it all, like looking at it and just
you know, opening a box full of a track with a trash bag inside full of all of your stuff from a place that you've dedicated years of your life to. And yeah, you're right. Ideally, they could have like individually like package and stuff up or like, you know, just lay it out thoughtfully or something. Yeah. So a note in there, but you know, I get it. Open up a box and it's just a trash bag. It's just very, very impersonal. Yeah. And maybe in
Yeah, it could be a little bit symbolic. It's not like she's like some like NXT tryout, you know what I mean? Like she's... She's a legend. She's a legend, yeah. And I just feel like they like scraped all of her shit into a trash bag and sent it to her. And that's just, to me, like, and you know me, I don't even get offended by stuff like this. I'm not like, you know, the, the cancel police or anything, but I thought, I thought it was a little bit disrespectful and distasteful to just like send her a trash bag with a piece of masking tape on it that said Mickey, you know? Yeah. Well, hey, heads rolled for it. Yeah. True. Bye-bye, Mark Corona. True.
Check out the Pyramid Wrestling Podcast. Each week, we dive deep into all things Wrestling Action Figures. From AEW Unrivaled, WWE Mattel Elite, our childhood WWF, WCW, ECW Collections and more, you can also find Pyramid Wrestling on YouTube. That's Pyramid Wrestling, available everywhere you listen to podcasts.
It's time for How Many Chicks. How Many Chicks is a segment where I, the heel husband, pick out one of our 1000 plus wrestling figures from our collection and present it to Sheena live on the air for an instant rating and review. How Many Chicks is brought to you by our friends at Omage. Omage specializes in bringing vintage inspired designs on the absolute softest tease in the biz because with Omage, comfort is always part of the game plan.
You can visit Amage's online shop at and find all their latest designs on social media at Amage. That's H-O-M-A-G-E.
And reminder, use code Foley 20 F O L E Y 20 at homage to save 20% on your purchases. So we've been running how many chicks a few weeks now, so I think you guys have pretty much got the gist of it. We'll get into it with the figure that's going to get a live review this week. Sheena, you ready to unveil it? Let's go. It's in the Undertaker's casket right now. It's sitting in front of Sheena. She has no idea what figure we're about to review. I'll hit the drum roll.
I always forget which side this casket opens on. I feel like I've opened it like two weeks in a row now and I still forget. But I just got it open and we have the legend, Future Hall of Famer appears on Legends Night. Alicia Fox here with all of her furry fox head glory.
Yeah, this is basic 21 Alicia Fox. It's her first figure. This was back from the era when basics were still I was gonna say I thought that for a moment I was like this looks like an elite but yeah, yeah that one especially could could pass for an elite. So yeah, Google basic 21 Alicia Fox if you guys haven't seen this figure.
Really, really cool figure and this was when the the women's figures had all the same articulation as the elites. This one actually has a really unique accessory. It's got the full like Fox like scarf like hood type thing. And it's just a cool figure you remember where you got that figure actually.
I do not remember where I picked this up. So you actually scored that one for us. I can't remember who you bought it from, but you basically put together a deal where you grab that figure, AJ Styles, first time, his first figure, his first elite, and the network spotlight, Finn Balor, with the chainsaw and everything. You grab those three for us off IG. I remember they just showed up in the mail while we were living in Hawaii, and I was like, oh yeah. What year do we even get this figure? I don't even remember. This was 2017. Wow.
Yeah, Marco, do you have any Alicia Fox figures in your collection? I do not at all. Don't even the recent Survivor Series one. Yeah, so she had the figure she has got now. That was her first figure with the Fox series. Oh yeah, the Survivor Series has like the hat and stuff, right? Yeah, she has one Elite that came out in the Survivor Series set with like the fruit hat or whatever. Yeah.
Another basic that's similar to that one with black, you know, black gear and then she had a basic in blue gear and she had a basic from when she was rolling with the Bellas when she was the third member of team Bella back when they were going hard with the factions, you know, they had bad with Naomi, Sasha Banks and Tamina and then they had
What was it, PCB with Paige, Charlotte, and Becky? That during that era. Yeah, Alicia Fox got a figure from that also. This is a really cool figure. Like I said, check it out. It's got the Fox head sculpt in it, or the Fox hood and scarf. Very, very neat. Sheena, what's your thoughts on this figure as you're looking at it?
Well, you were, you were pretty much describing it. I was like, I thought this was my gimmick to describe, to describe the figure. Uh, but yeah, it's got these like chains coming down from the, from the gear. So it's like, again, this looks like an elite figure. Like if this was packaged up in elite packaging, you would, it would totally pass as, as an elite. She's got the red hair, the Fox, um, hood. I don't even know what else you would call this the Fox hood. And then she's got this skirt that's like fringy, um, with like little rivets and stuff on it. Marco, I can hear you breathing. Are you okay over there? Oh, yeah. I'm fine.
Oh my gosh. Um, but now I'm kind of scared because you, I think this is a really awesome figure as far as like just being like a really cool Alicia, Alicia Fox figure, but you guys really like, you know, uh, ragged on me last week for giving Dana Brooke too much, too much credit. So.
How many chicks I'm gonna temper my my chick scale today I'm gonna say yeah, we got a reestablished scale so what you gave Dana Brooke what 3.7 or something No, it wasn't 3.7. I think it was three and a half I
I'm going to say this Alicia Fox figure and the face looks really good too. The details are really great. Oh man, I'm a softy. I think I'm going to give this figure a, I'm going to give it a two. Okay. Does that make it, is that better for you guys?
It was 3.7 you gave that Dana Brooke. How do you go from 3.7 on Dana Brooke's figure to a 2.0 on this one when this figure or are you just trying to reestablish? I'm trying to reestablish. I'm trying to reestablish the whole the whole freaking so you gotta remember. So we're on a five point scale. We're going to 0.0 to 5.0. Alright, so that means that a 2.5 is a perfectly average figure. I would say this Alicia Fox figure by itself is
way above average, or not way above average, but it's an above average figure, but then it gets bonus points because it's the first time in the line. That's exactly what I said about the Dana Brooke figure, and you guys dragged on me for it. It's the first time in line, the Facebook was good. It was back when the basics still had elite articulation. These are all of the points that I made for the Dana Brooke figure, and you guys are going to sit here and say that this, you guys were like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
This is way over, way over its order. We said that Dana Brooke deserved like a 2.6, like a hair above average for that Dana Brooke. And like I said, this figure is way better. So what would you give this figure?
If for me, I would give this Alicia Fox figure like a 3.2. Oh my God. So, so you're going to say, so this is a 3.2. So then what, what is like a defining moments, Bret Hart, then like the defining moments, Bret Hart, I would say is a 4.9. The only reason it's not a 5.0 is because the flag is paper and not cloth. Yeah.
But okay, you guys, you guys are, you guys are holding me to a different standard every week. I was going to score this higher, but you guys made me feel like such a bag of. We could reset the scale. Let's, let's throw out what's come before. Just, you know, 2.5 is perfectly average. 2.5 is perfectly average figure. That's the middle of the road. So let's get rid of Dana Brooke. We'll, we'll throw out your 3.7. You gave on Dana Brooke.
We'll start fresh from now. So do you think this Alicia Fox figure is above or below average as far as Mattel's overall line goes? It's above average. I really like this figure. I was telling you guys I really like this figure and I was giving it all the props for being like... I already said I would give it a 3.2. What do you give it? I'm gonna give it a... I'm gonna give it a
three. Okay, I think a three is is fair. What's what's holding it back from going any higher? I don't know because you guys got me all you got me you you all the pressure you guys put me under. That's what that's what it is. I think yeah, I think we just kind of need to hit that. Maybe we get all three just start giving them the chick ratings and stuffs that way we all got our own scale. I give it a 3.2.
Like I said, it's, I, it's, it's around a three, but I'll give it a little bit of bonus for being a first time in the line. That's always special. The first time they captured the women's face sculpt again, which is very difficult, especially in those early days. Like they, they, all the face sculpts kind of looked the same. So this actually looks like Alicia Fox again, it's got all individual like sculpting and paying a unique accessory, very, very unique accessory. The ring gear isn't just painted on like, you know, with the women's figures, typically you just, it's literally got a top. She's, she's wearing a sculpted on rubber.
top, whereas most of the women's basic figures have painted
like ring gear on their chest. You know what I mean? Like this is an actual piece of ring gear that she's wearing. I don't think it, it doesn't come off, but it's got like little ties and stuff in the back. And then she's got the skirt on, which is like it also an individual. It's not just painted on like it's, she's literally has on a piece of rubber plastic around her waist as a skirt. So I think this is just a really good figure and you guys pressured me into making me think I was going to skip.
Rate these figures way too high and I think this I think this figure deserves a lot of credit Yeah, the only reason that I don't go any higher than 3.2 is I I feel like the attire is a little bit plain It's just black and silver, you know, I like a little bit of color on my figures But I also give it bonus points because even with the elite I think this I think that is the best Alicia Fox figure that my dad I think this I think this is better than the Chiquita banana like Alicia Fox for sure So I give it a 3.2 Sheena gave it a 3.0 Marco. What do you give this figure? I
I was going to give it a three actually as well for the same reason it is first time in line. It does look exactly pretty much like the picture on the packaging as well. I'm actually looking at it with the fox headrest and all that stuff.
Um, I give it a few more points for the, um, obviously it's a plain color. It's black and silver, but there is a little bit more detail. Yeah, it's sculpted out. Yeah. Yeah. All the, the, like, it looks like the chains and stuff like that hanging down. It's all individually made specifically for her. Yeah. You could probably go, maybe you could probably rate it a little bit higher if you wanted to, maybe even like a, almost like a.
I know, but then it gets to like, like I said, what do you, what do you do when you get to like, you know, defining moments, Hulk Hogan, defining moments, Brett, like those figures that are actually like in the upper echelon of like best figures of all time. And it's like, well, is this, is this in that same realm with that? Like, and what makes those better? Is it because they're such more iconic moments? Like we, like we look at that defining moments, Brett and that defining moments, Hulk Hogan, those really capture a moment in time. Whereas this Alicia Fox, it's cool. But that moment with her wearing the Fox hood and all of those kinds of things, like those don't
resonate with me per se, right? So I don't have emotional attachment to this figure as far as that's concerned. But, you know, my rating is strictly just for how awesome this figure is.
I mean, for visibility or number of purposes, you could probably just go like, you know, make it like a 2.95 if you want to, and then like, you know, round up. We could really get to the dirty decimals. Yeah, you know, 2.9, maybe 2.95. I'll just, just to be safe side, because you actually brought, you guys, you both brought that argument up of what do you, what do you do when you bring up the
you know, the more elite, no pun intended elite figures in that sense. But yeah, I'll go 2.95 for this figure. So we will make this figure the new baseline for how many chicks? I'm going to set up an Excel spreadsheet because you guys know that's what I do. And we'll start keeping track of these scores for all three of us.
Because this is the first time we've all three graded the figure, so we'll start keeping track each week and we can keep up with the all-time high score for how many chicks.

Wrestling Nostalgia and Highlights

Hey everyone, it's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the Wrestling Archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
Retro Wrestling Recommendation of the Week is where myself, the heel husband, Chick Foley, and Marco the MVP give you guys a recommendation from a match or event from years gone by to get you through the weekend. This segment is brought to you by our good friends at Chalk Line. Chalk Line specializes in bringing you the absolute best in retro inspired fan wear. They can be found on Instagram at Chalk Line Official or at
All right, we are going to kick off this retro wrestling recommendation of the week as we do every retro wrestling recommendation of the week by doing our chalk line check-in where we are, I guess myself, I asked the heel husband, which of his 60 pair of chalk line shorts he is wearing for tonight's episode. So heel husband, what you rocking over there?
So I, uh, I classed it up a little bit this week. I busted out the premium shorts. I'm rocking the undertaker and cane Venice shorts. So these were, uh, you know, chalk line debuted these a couple months back. These are the ones that are a step above their standard shorts. These are basically using the same type of mesh and construction that are used in NBA game shorts. They got sewn on patches of the undertaker patches. Yeah. And they are, uh,
It's really, really cool. So they have like a different type of waistband. I love them. They're they're super comfy. And yeah, like I said, these things are nice. So definitely jump on it any time you see a Venice short strap coming up for chocolate. For Sheena, we're going to let you go first this week because me and Marco kind of pick stuff in the similar vein. You're you kind of doing your own thing this week. So give us your your retro pick.
So as a kind of congratulatory pick for our girl Rhonda, I wanted to make my retro wrestling recommendation her debut match in WWE when she did a mixed tag match at WrestleMania 34. It was her and Kurt Angle against Steph and Triple H.
Such a fun match. Such a fun match. And she really kind of came out and showed what she was capable of. I think we were all kind of like, God, what's this going to be like? And she showed that she could go in the ring. So yeah, it is a super fun match. Fun fact, at WrestleMania 31, when she actually made her first WWE debut and she got up there with The Rock, and he kind of said, I would never smack a woman, but I have a good friend who would love to. And Rhonda came in the ring.
She walked right in front of us when we were at WrestleMania 31. Yeah, we were like, my God, that is Ronda freaking Rowley. That was before she started getting her ass kicked in UFC. But so she was still the badass phenom. And then, yeah, we were just starstruck to see Ronda Rousey just walk right in front. And she's really beautiful. I mean, she's pretty when you see her on TV and stuff. But when you see her in person, I'm just like,
She's so pretty But yeah, it was it was awesome. So that's my retro wrestling recommendation for this week. What about you guys? I stuck with the the backlash theme since that's our next big show I you know, we watched back last 2018 a couple days ago and The big match on that with Seth Rollins and Miz is the opening match of the show said they just won the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania 34 and
And I think it's the best Miz match ever. I'm a vocal detractor of the Miz on here. He's not super entertaining to me but he really showed out and this match was set. They go about 20 minutes. It's the first match of the show fighting for the Intercontinental Championship and it's just a really good match. This is also a cool show to kind of
It's a little bit of a slog So I don't know if I could I can't really give it the heel husband stamp of approval to watch the almost four hours of it But it's cool to fast forward and just kind of take a look at where some of these people are You know for instance the main event of the show is Roman Reigns versus Samoa Joe and obviously You know, we know Samoa Joe is not even with the company anymore. So it's just crazy how much can change in three years time So back last 2018 and specifically the Seth Rollins and Miz intercontinental championship match for me. I
Awesome. I'm going to jump into my way back machine and go back to April 25th of 1999 and head into one of the backlash pay-per-view event, which was headlined by basically the rematch of Stone Cold Steve Austin versus The Rock.
Um, which, uh, so cold actually thought this was match was a better one that they had at that WrestleMania, which is kind of funny. Um, I actually agree. I didn't, I don't love the WrestleMania 15 rock and Austin match.
Yeah. Yeah. He actually said that too. So he said this, it was a no holds barred match. And obviously it's, it's, you know, the height of the, you know, Austin McMahon feud. So, you know, Shane and Vince McMahon are, I think Shane was a special guest referee and Vince McMahon, you know, made his way to, made his way to ringside and stuff like that. So although shenanigans happened, this is actually the match where you get to, uh,
the rock takes control of the, uh, one of the cameras. And, uh, you know, also, also gives him the finger, the double bird and, you know, gives him the stunner while he's holding on one of the WWF production cameras. Yeah. She ended up taking that clip, uh, maybe like six weeks or so ago.
Yeah, so this is actually the, yeah, this is actually the match that happened. The card isn't that bad if you're definitely an Attitude Era aficionado. You have the, which I'm always, I always, my go-to matches for any of these, Al Snow and Hardcore Holly and a Hardcore match. I mean,
I think they had a lot of these matches together. They're always entertaining to me for some reason. I don't know why. If I'm watching an old Attitude Hour and I know
Al Snow and Hardcore Holly are in a match for the Hardcore Championship. I've always focused on that match more than anything for some reason. I don't know why. They're just matching together, both of those guys. Yeah, they were good. I'm actually hyper this match. I'm more than the stone cold of the rock match. Yeah, I think you may have had a typo when you sent over the notes for your retro pick this week.
It's actually really good. And I think I kind of like it. I have a soft spot. They're like kind of like my unsung heroes of the attitude. I already way, uh, hardcore Holly and also know, but, um, but yeah, I mean, did go, uh, gold dust and Godfather had a match. I believe, uh, the new age outlaws face Jeff, Jeff, Jared, and Owen Hart to, um, sounds like the whole show. Yeah. No, the, any, pretty much any attitude. I read.
pay-per-view, you'd probably want to watch because there were some pretty good matches. This is where I think Degeneration X is broken up too, so Triple H faced X-Pac as well. Obviously, that match was 20 minutes long because Triple H must go 20 minutes, nothing short of that. This was one of the last shows before Triple H really ascended to the main event level.
Yeah. Um, yeah, 99. Yeah. Cause it was what April, you know, he kind of took summer. He's fighting for the world championship. Yeah. So yeah, he said he kind of like submitted himself as one of the superstars of the future there, but, uh, yeah, undertaker versus, uh, Ken Shamrock was the co-main event of that. And it was 18 minutes actually. I'm actually looking it up now. So this is ministry undertaker too. This one, the ministry of darkness is really gathering steam.
Yeah, yep. And the ministry actually faced the brood earlier that night. So yeah, I'll definitely go back and watch the whole card, but I definitely watch the, uh, someone called Steve Austin and the rock cause obviously they're always magic together where they're in the ring. All right. Let's hit some listener mail.
All right guys, so we have some listener mail for you guys. Our first question comes in from Zach Hertzler. This is a question after my own heart. He says, what are some of your favorite shows from Nickelodeon? For me, it has and always will be salute your shorts and are you afraid of the dark? They're classic. And once I will remember most growing up and watching when I could, I also enjoyed legends of the hidden temple. Man, were you guys Nickelodeon kids? Yeah.
I did both. I went back and forth with Nickelodeon and Disney. I think there was a lot of good stuff to be found on both. For Nickelodeon, one show I always really, really loved. It was so quirky. I'd love to go back and watch it and see if it still connects because I think I have the feeling that it would still hold up watching it as an adult was The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Yes, with Mr. Swirly. Is it Mr. Swirly or Mr. Tasty? Yeah, you had Mr. Swirly. You had Arnie, the world's strongest man. It was that kind of quirky, offy kind of humor that
you know still kind of goes right to my funny bone as an adult and i i just think it was a really cool you know i have not seen that show it's for whatever reason it's kind of falling out of consciousness i don't know i i hardly ever see it get mentioned um but i feel like it would still hold up watching it nowadays because it was it was mature humor you know i mean it was still a good show
But it was, you know, it was like a slightly more sophisticated sense of humor. Yeah, Pete and Pete were very witty and very just like had like dry humor. And I love the like the brother dynamic. And, you know, I just I think I love Pete and Pete as well.
Yeah. Oh, man. What about you, Marco? Oh, man. Probably going to date myself with these ones, but you had wild and crazy kids. Wild and crazy kids, yeah. I love that one. I love Hey Dude. Hey Dude is awesome.
Also, I mean, right at Stippy, I love the original right at Stippy series. What do you call it? Clarissa explains it all. Clarissa was so good. I love Clarissa. That was like my first crush. Everything you named so far, I would sit down and watch an episode of it as soon as we get done recording, man. Oh yeah. Yeah, Clarissa is so good. I remember her room. I just thought it was like the best room. I was like, man, I want my room to look like Clarissa's room, you know?
Yeah, the creepy kid they used to crawl, I think it was her next door neighbor. Sam. Yeah, Sam, they used to crawl down windows. Yeah, Sam, he just put the ladder up and come in her bedroom window. Yeah. Oh, willy-dilly. The thing was wrong with that at all. Yeah. Innocence. What was the other one? That was another one.
Uh, oh you can't do that on television was another one. That was good. Wow. Yeah. We didn't even mention the all time classic, uh, family double dare, you know, I started thinking about Lee Sin. Yeah, that's right. Who would have thought Mark Summers, uh, you know, somebody who has like extreme OCD, like diagnosed OCD would be on a show like double dare with like all of the,
And he's a germaphobe too. Yeah. So like all of the slime and all of the things. I just remember as a kid thinking that winning, because they gave away a million opportunities when I was a kid to get a tour of Nickelodeon Studios. And I just remember thinking that would be the best day of my entire life. I was
It didn't hold up, man. I went to Universal Studios as a 10-year-old. Excuse me, we got Fast and the Furious Part 9 going on outside the window right now. I don't know where that was. Did you hear that? Wow. Dominic Toretto just going down Chesapeake Boulevard if anybody's looking for an autograph.
uh but i actually toured yeah so i was right there with you i would always see that it'd be like the closing scene on the live action shows they would show like you know squirting the green slime up with the fountain and it would look insane i went to universal studios as i think i was either 10 or 11 my grandparents uh took me and
Yeah, it didn't hold up. Nickelodeon Studios, it was not what it looked like on TV. So that was definitely one of the more disappointing moments of my childhood. But yeah, the Nick shows were just so incredible. Along the same lines with, you can't do that on television, there was its successor. What would you do? Do you guys remember that one? Well, what would you do? Yeah.
Another Mark Summer show. You had Guts. Guts was awesome. You had one of the Agrocrags. Yeah. Then you had Global Guts with like kids from all over the world where it was like, you know, it was like the Olympics of Guts.
Yeah, you had all that, which is basically like Saturday Night Live. Saturday Night Live, yeah. Of course, he mentioned Salute Your Shorts, but I loved Camp on Awana. That just seemed like it would be a place that I could totally jibe with. Yeah, butt nick and donkey lips. Yeah. Of course, I love all the Nicktoons. You can't go wrong with Hey Arnold or Rugrats or Rocket Power. All of those are just...
Cat dog. Cat dog. Yeah, I love all of all the Nicktoons. Of course, I was a latchkey kid growing up. So I would come home and just put on Nickelodeon after getting off the school bus and just watch all these shows while eating my copious amounts of snacks. So yeah, I have a soft spot for all Nickelodeon programming. I was definitely on the scale of Disney to Nickelodeon. I was a hardcore Nickelodeon fan. Every once in a while, I would watch Disney Channel. But
you'd always find me parked in front of Are You Afraid of the Dark or a marathon of Nicktoons.
Yeah, it always felt like Disney was like stuff for the whole family that you could watch together. Whereas Nickelodeon was really tailored specifically for kids, man. 100%. Kids are going to love this stuff. Yeah, I love Nickelodeon. Have you guys seen the Nickelodeon NFL games? Have you guys gotten to watch it? Oh, yeah. That's awesome. I don't know if you have said, but have you gotten to see it, Marco, with how they Nickelodeon-ify the NFL games to make kids watch it? It was really cool.
Yeah, so actually, if you play Madden, the new Madden game actually has the... Yeah, you can turn on the Nick presentation. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, you can turn on the Nick presentation of the game and actually play it. So yeah, it's pretty cool. It's kind of weird when you watch it at first, but... Yeah. Even more so than all the graphical overlays and interface they did, I just love the announcers explaining the stuff for the kids. It was way more fun. I would watch Nickelodeon presentation at NFL with the standard stuff any day of the week.
Yeah, it was way more fun. The next question is from Philip Dunnett. He says, is Seth going to open up a sweatshop and start bootlegging wrestling memorabilia? First of all, we only employ fair trade, well taken care of employees.
So we don't condone any sort of sweatshop. But yeah, our Foley fam's t-shirt got banned by Pro Wrestling Tea. So we're going to have to go to off market and figure out a way to get this thing produced. So yeah, we're going to figure it out. Yeah, we're going to put together, you know, Pro Wrestling Tea has been a solid partner for us. Yeah.
But I do think it was a little bit hypocritical. They've been totally cool with us doing parodies of WWE designs for literally years at this point. You know, we've been with pro wrestling teams for about three years and we try to drop something kind of poke and fun at the Bullet Club. And it's the first time ever that we've had a design get rejected. So, yeah, you know, we're going to bring it to market anyways. You guys want the Foley fam, the Foley club shirts to happen. We're going to make it happen for you guys.
Yeah, so Mike Spear Jr. says, I'll try to squeeze in some self promotion and ask you guys if you've ever gotten into any wrestling comics. Mick Foley wrote an awesome one called WWE Superstarts a few years ago. Boom Studios had a good run with WWE telling stories about what happened between matches and even Marvel put out a WCW comic early in the 90s. I'll pass this one to Seth because I know we had an insane Boom Studios collection.
Before I answer, I do want to plug Mike's comic he's got coming out. He's got a Kickstarter right now. If you guys go to CWL comic, again CWL comic, so that's C-W-L-C-O-M-I-C on Instagram, you can link to his Kickstarter and pledge to fund it. It's basically his vision is to have a wrestling promotion that's booked and ran through a series of comics, which is a very, very cool idea. For those that didn't invest in Boom Studios,
That was an incredible line what they did was basically fill in the blanks like they imagined a WWE universe where it never broke kayfabe which is obviously right up our alleys and it showed everything that would happen like between the shows you know so they were operating under the framework of what actually it was going down
in 2016 and 2017 WWE actually it went back to 2015 also it really started off with the shield that's kind of where the comic started and they showed the shield like you know cooking out after matches and stuff and everything that went into them breaking up up to Seth cashing in and it took it all the way up to around WrestleMania 35 timeframe before they they kind of pulled the plug because I guess the the sales weren't that great but yeah the boom studio's WWE collection was incredible so I cannot recommend that strongly enough
You can still find most of those comics pretty cheap on the secondary market, and it's only 25 issues. So if you want something to kind of bide some time while we're still on lockdown there in the few states that are still doing this, go out and grab number 1 through 25 of Boom Studios WWE and give them a read.
All right, I have a fun question from Scott Agnakowski. He says, imagine it's a hot day. He's the designer of the fully fam shirt. The band fully fam shirt. He says, it's a hot day in the 80s or 90s and the ice cream truck is coming down the street. What ice cream are you buying? I'm grabbing two screw balls. Screw balls, I think those are the bubble gum.
Right. Yeah. They have a gumball. Yeah. It's like a little slushy, icy thing with like gumballs in the bottom. And I was actually telling, um, we commented on that below and I told Zach, I was like, you know, yeah, those things were good, but like putting gumballs in a frozen tree and turning them into jawbreakers. Like, I don't know who thought that was a good idea, but it was just asking for a chip tooth. You're asking for either choking or a chip tooth or something, but I'm going to kick this one to you first, Marco. What are you grabbing from the ice cream truck from the, from the eighties or nineties?
Oh man, definitely, definitely one of those, but, uh, probably like the rocket, the rocket ice pops. Yeah. Yeah. The rocket. Yeah. Yeah. I was a fan of those too, but, uh, yeah, definitely one of those. So I would say.
Yeah, I'm same. I'm going bomb pop. I like the, I like a popsicle more than like ice cream, you know, and I love sour stuff. So I'm going bomb pop for sure. So I see I love ice cream. So I always was like either like a drumstick or you know, yeah.
King cone, one of those type of things. Love me some ice cream cone. Me and Marco are the same. Marco is getting excited. Yeah, we're on the same wavelength. I can't remember if it was later in the 90s, but do you guys remember for a while they had this cry baby Italian ice? Or maybe it was warheads. I can't remember. It was like a sour candy Italian ice. It sounds like something I'd be all over. I don't remember seeing that though.
And it was so good. And they had it on in our trucks in in Bowling Green. And I remember it was like, you know, oh, it was so, so freaking good. So yeah, it was like Warhead or cry babies. I can't remember which which brand it was, but it was definitely sour candy, Italian ice. So I'm grabbing that or some sort of ice cream cone.

Dream Wrestler Interviews

Love that question. We actually just got our kids some pushups. They had their first pushup experience from the ice cream truck the other day at the park. We still have ice cream trucks that roll around here in the Hampton Roads area. So good stuff. All right. So our next question is from Johnny JB. He says, if you guys had the opportunity to interview one current wrestler, including tag teams from WWE, AEW and Impact, who would it be?
Pick one from each promotion. So Seth, I will start with you. Who would you pick? Brock Lesnar. Brock, huh?
Yeah, I just, I think he's had such an interesting career between, you know, being an NCAA champion, coming in like a house of fire, beating a rock in his first really big high profile match for the WWE championship, leaving for almost 10 years and then coming back and having the runnies on now. I just think he's a really interesting guy. Um, and I just love to talk to him, you know? So yeah, I would pick Brock, even though it probably be a little bit intimidating and actually sitting down across from Brock. I mean, maybe I'd actually want to do that when I'm like zoom or Skype or something.
Yeah. All right, Marco, I'm going to go with you. Who would you pick?
Oh boy. It's a toss up between either, because these two guys are actually together, either Eddie Kingston. I was going to say Eddie. Or John Boxley, one of those two. Nice. Only because like for John Boxley more because of his documentary that he had on the network. I think it was a 24 and it was like when he tore his bicep and then he came back for the injury and he did that whole
Um, get back where he was like, you know, he didn't want to be around deceased people and all that. He was ahead of his time with that one, man. Yeah. So like that, that whole, that like is probably one of the best documentaries that they ever did. Cause like, even like you, you got to see like who he was as a, as a person, as opposed to like Dean Ambrose. Yeah. You got to see him like behind the scenes that you really did get to see. Um, and then like his, like not really an interview, but his appearance on Renee's
Uh, podcast where, you know, he did the first episode, I believe, you know, he's talking about like, you know, his like childhood and his interview was really good. And it's funny that you talked about the Renee podcast because I was going to say Eddie Kingston was who, who I would interview and he did a really good interview with Renee as well. So if you haven't listened to.
Her her podcast. It's got a tear. Her podcast has a terrible name in my opinion. It's called oral sessions And but it is a really it is a really fun podcast and I love all things that Renee does So yeah, definitely check that out her interview with mocks and her interview with Eddie Kingston are both are both worth listening to for sure All right, Sheena leave us on a high note hit us with one more question. Oh one more question.

Music Preferences and Nostalgia

Okay, let me go with
All right, I'm gonna go back to, okay, Rob Regina, our buddy Rob Regina, he says, hey guys, what type of music do you all listen to? Maybe do a top three bands artists that you love right now or are growing up. So Seth, I'll kick this one to you first.
I've listened to a little bit of everything. I used to be a really, really big hardcore hip-hop fan. I love rap music, especially Southern rap. I don't know why it just spoke to me. That's still the majority of my 12,000 songs on iTunes. Most of it is rap, specifically Southern rap.
As I've gotten older, I've really gone back to country music. I don't know if it's just where I'm from or the sounds appeal to me or whatever, but I really, really love country music, especially good country music. To me, country music is almost like wrestling. When it's bad, there's almost nothing worse. The same way bad wrestling is basically some of the worst stuff you could ever watch. Bad country music is some of the worst stuff you could ever listen to, but when it's good,
there's nothing better the same way when wrestling is really good there's absolutely no form of entertainment better than professional wrestling so i'll give you guys um you know two classics and then one modern so a couple classic picks is uh you know one's randy travis he's got more like texas uh mainstream country music sound then you got keith whitley from back in the 80s he's just like straight up old school 80s country and then um for the modern era i'll go morgan walland you know that's really like the main thing we've been listening to the last couple months here around the house just
Really, really awesome music, ton of authenticity and just a great sound. So that's I'm hitting you guys with some country picks. All right, Marco.
Awesome. Man, definitely hip hop, definitely rap, grew up on it. Obviously, I mean, grew up to a lot of different types of music, pop, country, rock, but obviously geared towards more of the hip hop music than anything. It just spoke to me a little bit more than any other type of music.
But I've always been a top 40 type of person, radio singles and stuff like that. I'm always in tune with those things. Especially with Apple has a top hits play last week. You just hear all those, so I'm always in tune with that stuff.
As far as like, I mean, for music for like, I'll basically whittle it down to an album, like probably like my favorite album of all time is probably Marvin Gaye. What's going on? Mainly because you can literally play that album now. And he's that was like in the like 70s. And literally what he was talking about then is pretty much happening now.
So all the songs that are on there, you can pretty much equate to anything that's going on in the world today. It's kind of like a concept album as well. It's basically about a guy that's coming back from Vietnam and he's trying to reconnect with his friends and family and what's going on with the world since he's been out fighting and stuff like that.
Yeah, I mean, I'd probably say like, you know, hip hop and definitely soul soul music is probably like my other my other music I dive into because I definitely I definitely love some soul music. Like I said, Marvin Gaye, Isley Brothers, all that type of stuff when I want to kind of like mellow out and stuff like that and listen to
Listen to that. Yeah. Well, like I grew up in the country, so clearly country music has a special place in my heart. But the music I'm most nostalgic to, I would say, the music I grew up with was like R&B. I love 90s R&B, Boyz II Men, Lauryn Hill.
you know, Destiny's Child, like all the people that, you know, just, I just love the people that can actually sing, you know, like that's one thing. I just like people that can, they could go acapella and it would sound just as good. Then all like the auto tuning and stuff. Getting to all of that, I really love boy bands too. I think every other girl my age grew up with like NSYNC and Backstreet Boys and you've kind of the pop
generation with Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears and stuff. Although I don't know how well that music held. I mean, NSYNC and Backstreet Boys are good. But Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears, some of those songs are a little bit cringy at this point. But I feel like that's the music that I'm definitely most nostalgic to is that music from the early 2000s, late 90s, that sort of thing. All right. Thanks, everybody, for sending in the questions. Sheena, remind everyone where they can find you guys on social media.
Find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. Marco's over on Twitter at Chick Foley show. You can join our Foley fam, And as always, when you're shopping at ringside collectibles, use code Chick Foley to save 10%. Make sure you guys follow Pod Foundation on Instagram to stay up on all the latest content from us, Pyramid Wrestling, Turnbuckle Tavern, and Extra Cooler. Marco, you're the reigning, defending, undisputed prediction champion. Give us the closing words for this week.
Oh man. Um, I'll leave it off. I'll leave it off with a dad joke for you guys. Race for shot. What do you call a chicken? Steering at lettuce. I don't know. I don't know. Chicken Caesar salad.