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Ep 161 - Found Footage Movies TikTok Live Episode image

Ep 161 - Found Footage Movies TikTok Live Episode

E161 ยท Pursuit of the Paranormal
203 Plays1 month ago

This week, we take to TikTok Live and discuss our favourite, and not-so favourite, found footage movies. From paranormal and witches, to ghosts and alien abductions!

Apologies for the not so great audio!

Intro music provided by Steve Yarwood & Ambienfinity


Introduction and Technical Issues

almost i don't know how to white those on or it was it wasn' in an airplane it was not in air plane it was sound off You're listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your hosts, Ash Ellis and Greg Tomlinson.
that interview, so we decided to jump on a Facebook Live, a TikTok Live actually. which was supposed to be the interview but like I say tech issues which we do talk about in the live so we decided to talk about some found footage films a genre film that we both enjoy audio So you'll hear things like us saying hello to people, answering questions and comments from the comments section, from the chat section. and But I hope you enjoy and let us know what your favourite found footage film is. If there's any crackers that we've not heard of that we need to watch, let us know. And we will see you next time. Enjoy. Hello, everybody. Slow change of plan. I'm just waiting for Ash to join me.
Hi, Nick. I hope you're well. A few technical issues this evening, but hopefully we will get those resolved right now. So, um, thanks for joining us, Ash. Hello. So hello to everybody who's currently locked in. Jamie, thanks for joining. Big paranormal, Aidy, Sarah, Nick, Matt,
17 001. Hello. Um, get spamming if you can guys share this out. Wing

Change of Plans and Gratitude

commander. Thanks for joining us. Sarah like the live. Thank you, Sarah. Um,
nice um so we, um, I've just explained that we thanks for sharing the live map. So we I've just explained that we have had a few technical issues this evening. and we were supposed to be Thanks for sharing that, Matt. We were supposed to be interviewing Ben Walgate from the 401 files. And due to reasons beyond our control, he can't join us at the moment. He may join us at some point throughout.
but we will see. So this was going to be a live episode recording of the podcast. So you guys would see what we do during the live episode or during an episode recording of the podcast. And Ben was going to be our interviewee this week. So we're having to slightly change that around for this evening. But it's all good.
So let's kind of obviously put our plans to the side a little bit. As well as for 38 minutes of technical issues. Thanks for bearing with us and joining us later on. And thanks to um The Don for keeping TikTok up and going in the US. So at least for another nightdays.

Exploration of Found Footage Films

you very much Sarah.
Thanks a bit paranormal for liking a life. Good evening Darryl. Everybody else is in the chat. Good evening, good evening. Yes, welcome along, welcome a along. So what we thought we'd do a baby thanks for liking a life. So what we were going to do is slight change of plan now. We are going to talk about um Found footage films, very high relevance to the paranormal and UFOs and cryptids, that kind of thing. i lot the um A lot of found footage films are based around a horror theme, most of them paranormal related, UFO related. So it's a good topic of conversation.
um What's your most favourite fan footage film in action? So I can't ever say anything else over than a film that I watched when I was about 12. So, oh my god, a quarter of a century ago, 25 years ago. And it's when I was first kind of getting in, still getting into kind of the interest when I was a young lad, and I used to try and watch things when they were on telly, because obviously back then there wasn't the internet or DVDs and stuff, it was kind of go to the library, rent out movies, off on blockbusters, on tape,
and and there wasn't that many channels there was today, so when there's movies on the telly, you try and watch it or record it or whatever, you can't just sort of record like I can nowadays, kind of watch more straight when it's on. And a program Come On, or a film,
called Alien Abduction, the McPherson tape. And I watched it as an 11 or 12 year old and I never finished it because it was absolutely terrifying. It was a bit just because I was younger but it was absolutely terrifying and I was on my own in a house or I think my dad got better or I remember being on my own downstairs watching it.
and I watched about 40 minutes of it and just couldn't watch anymore. has I was like so creeped out, it was so scary. So I turned it off, went to bed, didn't watch it until probably about six or seven years ago. So I still never knew how it ended or what happened because I never actually watched the end of it for 15, 16 plus years.
And I've read that, I don't know how true it is, but it was took off the telly. It was banned in all these countries and stuff because of what it was. And it came back. It's available now, you can watch it anywhere now pretty much. but And then finally watched it. it's It's not as scary as I remember, obviously as an adult and more attuned to stuff nowadays. But that film, I think came out in 1989.
So it predates Blind Witch by like 10 years. It's one of their first original found-footage genre movies, like all together, that was ever made. And yeah, it's just, I've watched it a couple of times now since what literally took me 15, 16 years to finish it, because it was that scary as a kid. It literally traumatized me watching it as a kid, if you've seen it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I can mirror exactly what you're saying. I mean, I was a little bit older when I first watched it, but it's, when I was watching it, I was like, I didn't realize it was a film, if that makes sense. It comes across as, although it's sort of like a found footage film,
It comes across as being ultra-realistic. It's more realistic, I think, than, say, Blair Witch Project, which was probably one of the the groundbreaking fan footage films, but the Mepherson tape. Holy shit. hey It gets dark. When the aliens come in and start invading the house, it's dark stuff. It's absolutely terrifying. It is, and it's shot in literally on someone's handout camera I think the budget must have been however much it cost to buy that video camera and that must that was It is a terrifying film but if you

Impact and Realism of Blair Witch Project

especially if you appreciate it for the age it was at the time and no other film was like that and like you mentioned 10 years before Blair Witch and Blair Witch was like the first film that had the mass appeal of
on the mass medioscope because it was shot on a small budget and it got so much revenue. But first on tape, I think you can, I think it's on prime. It might be on prime now. um think Yeah. I you know ah can't even remember what happened to the end. I don't think it ends well. The end isn't, it's not a happy ending. It's kind of like similar to blow, which I guess. without giving a spoilers Yeah. kind of and twenty So the premise of the film for anybody that hasn't seen it, I do encourage you to check it out, is for a family birthday party or something like that. Is it the little girl's birthday party? So it's just a family gathering in this farmhouse. Yeah. And like, they hear, I think it actually goes out, so they go out and check it and they see, technically see UFO. Yep, landed UFO. It feels like they're out in the field over.
next field across from where the farmhouse is then they zoom in on the camera and they see these creatures like in the hinder field so they went back to the house like grab the shotgun and stuff and it's like there's these fucking creatures or whatever yeah and then just basically start terrorizing the family in the house and it's so oh my god i was getting thinkgiving thinking about it like you just knock on the window or something when you pass the window and stuff it's absolutely it's really good how they've done it it is one of those films i i think didn't get a credit he deserved back then i was it was funny because i was looking at so we're doing these did you knows
And weve me and Ash got this spreadsheet and I was was on the second tab of the spreadsheet, Ash, with all the dates and films. And I'd put a couple of films up on that and mcpherson tap ah put out there. there to talk about, and I could not find the exact date. I found it eventually, but it just said like 989. That was it. I think it was 13th of October, 989 that came out. And the note Blair, which was around that sort of time, 10 years later,
Um, but that is a savage found fuge film. but If anybody's 11 year old, watch it alone in the dark. oh how Yeah. like cause now let's just turn as I watch it. I say, cause there's a lot of people that think even probably haven't even seen Blair Witch.
And their first taste of fan footage film was probably Paranormal Y2e. I know Sarah's mentioned about Paranormal Y2e in there. But Blair Witch, amazing film. I actually saw Blair Witch at a cinema. Yeah, 1999. I was 22-ish.
out of in twelve So I remember going to see it, and it was the full hyped film. It wasn't widescreen. It was just standard sort of definition. It was the strangest film to see at cinema. Well worth it, obviously. But it was probably a good time to move on to Blair Witch. Your thoughts on Blair Witch? I love it. It tends to get a lot of heat.
and I don't know whether people that sort of didn't see it when it first came out. I can't remember when I saw it, probably would have been when I was more of an older teenager, probably 14, 15 maybe. but yeah And again it is, I found it terrifying. It's the whole, you don't see the monster.
type fair. You get out with McPherson type, you do see aliens, which even seeing it makes it scarier. It's similar to a signs where you just kind of that first time you see the alien walk past that kind of creepy heart opening, heart sort of

Paranormal Films and Different Approaches

moment. that that would a bit That would have been a great Frankfurt film If they'd done it as a final footage film. Yeah. With the water. Yeah, it's a play which always one of my, like, one of my all-time favourite films gets a lot of hate, I think, for some reason, because then it was on a ยฃ10,000 budget or whatever. Yeah. And the whole build up to it. I don't really remember the build up to it, but I've read a lot about it. and that the Obviously it was real. These people were missing. and
all this stuff and they found this tape. I think the whole marketing was amazing behind it. Genius. Genius. Again, not really remembered it at the time. I probably was a bit too young. But I do know people said that's what was good about it. The film wasn't the best part of the marketing was obviously led to how successful it was. but For me, I do love the Blair Witch Project. ah yeah that a think wait that it was called The end they was good. You don't really get the payoff, but I don't think you need it. I think, personally, I think the payoff did come at the end. That final scene, when the film ends, was
insane and although you could argue it was a bit of a slow burner to begin with sort of the first half an hour or so where you're getting to know how annoying some of the characters are um then when they start going camping and all the shit starts happening I think that that iconic moment where she's got the camera below with the light and
But I think the end scene, I think they've done that perfect.
you The fact that you don't see the Blair Witch, I think that makes it even better. So I've seen films so like Babadook. I know it's not found footage, but Babadook, I felt it was going amazing. And then the Babadook became this character in the film and if I felt it ruined it.
I thought by not seeing the character, I think sometimes creates more of a fear. Yeah, there's a film, I don't know what a film is, but it was definitely an alien-type film. And that's how I thought it was just normal. You don't see the aliens for probably the first three quarters of the film. Then you see them. They're like, they look kind of jokey.
So it's like, oh, that's kind of like dark, scary, or, like I say, kind of, doesn't, you've lost that kind of, dark, seems scary once you've seen him. Yeah. Yeah, I guess that's, I guess that's quite hard to do. Whereas what do you think? What's the film? Is it You Are Not Alone? Quite recent, I think it was last year, her year before, when they end up taking off the world apart from the one girl,
What the hell is that called? She ends up spending the whole day, well the whole film, fighting. there no There's no dialogue in the film. like Oh yes, yes. yeah um Disney film. Disney? Yeah, it was Disney. It was, let me... It's not you or not alone, but it's something like that. um I'll get our technical expert to have a Google.
Yeah. how i forget yeah
I'll just see if um Sarah can check out the name of that film or if anybody is listening could check out the name of that film. It's Disney. I'm sure it is Disney. And it was a girl on her own. No talking at all. And it was fabulous. Something like you and I are, but not. Yeah. We are just checking
If anybody listens to to Joe Rowland, Sarah is like our Jamie. She's Googling it all right now. If she can't find it, it don't exist.
Maybe it doesn't exist.

Introduction to Blackwell Ghost Series

I'm sure it's a Disney film. Alien invasion film on Disney.
I'm sure it's because you are not alone. I'm thinking you are not alone, but I'm not totally convinced. It's a back of the self-war, I don't know. Is something like that, though? Is something very similar to... Oh, most definitely. Oh, wait for that. What about... No, we'll save you. No, we'll save you. That's it. No, we'll save you. And it's something like you are not alone.
Is it WALL-E? It's very much like WALL-E, AD. Yeah, it was Disney. Is it Disney? It is on Disney. You're welcome.
Although WALL-E is quite quite a scary film in its own right, AD. Rent a ghost power, thanks for joining us. So, yeah, that's another film that didn't need any dialogue and And that's not found footage, but it is alien related and we both said we like that film as well, don't we? And the first come out. You see the aliens, and they're still scary. Yeah. I think, don't know if that person taped that.
It's one of them films that I'll revisit when I'm in a few years time. And I still think, oh my God, did I really watch that on my own the first time?
Sarah's never been into Alien films though. You wait. She needs to watch Alien Abduction. Yes, we need to watch my person type. What about Alien film? What about Four of Kind? I've not seen that. You've not seen Four of Kind? No. I know I should have. Oh wow. We'll watch that.
okay far car is your fans are close accounts to the fourth kind and again it's it's put out as a documentary more than fan footage yeah includes fan footage uh aspects where the interviewing these people that have had been abducted had these experiences so hard films these interviews and hard films intertwined with this fan footage or video footage of these abductions and stuff and these experiences and it's that's really well done and they get it as like these are in the guy Miller Djokovic and it's like yeah this these are ever very real people obviously what obviously clearly happens yeah okay fun alien movement as well that's really very

Found Footage and Mockumentary Techniques

psychological okay yeah i'm done for that
So, as we all blow, what about blow is two?
Have I even seen that? I don't even know if I've seen that. I've seen... I don't know if I have seen that. I didn't like it. Because the problem is, it is fairly recent as well, wasn't it? I think so a few years after the first one.
okay uh no i've not seen him sorry and i like it he just i watched it obviously it's gonna be hard to follow on from the first one but he's just a bit stupid it just got stupid for me ah but i can't think seriously like he's just dancing around and feel in the forest, I was like, yeah. Don't bother watching it. okay not't you know see It stuck to the first one. I have that as the legacy as the Blair Witch films. Okay, so moving on from Blair Witch then, do we go paranormal activity? Yep. So paranormal activity,
I found them very scary. The first two, mainly for me, wasn't too keen on what it went on. But the first two, the best being the first one, is it absolutely it's absolutely terrifying. The suspense of it is just absolutely killing it. Knowing that something's going to happen in a minute, watching this camera in the bedroom, knowing something's about to happen, it's just absolutely terrified is a great, great film. Hades said that she used paranormal activity in her uni dissertation. Wow. That's awesome. That is awesome.
Server's right. the When they start changing stuff, um
I've seen some of the later paranormal activities and they you're kind of milking it a little bit too much. I think um Sarah's mentioned Blackwell Ghost will come onto that in a bit.
um But paranormal activity, I think it was done very, very well. It's one of those, again, fairly low budget ones. You don't really see what's happening in subtle stuff to begin with.
because like when like the lampshade would move just late at night and it would all start ramping up, I think. ah door open Yeah, Yeah. Have you seen the different endings? No. Didn't even know there was. I think there's three different endings. I've definitely seen two. I'm not sure if I've seen the third one or not.
So one of the endings is where she throws the guy at the camera. So like, who's going to the camera? Okay. One of the other endings is where she stabs him. Dark. And then the other ending, I don't think I've seen it, is where she gets killed. I think the police come or whatever. Or someone comes and kills her. So there's three. I believe.
There are three endings. OK. Definitely seeing where he gets thrown at the camera because I remember him coming at you. And I remember when she kills him. If I'm remembering it right, it's definitely at least two. OK. I'll have to check those out. I'll definitely have to check those out. So I'd i'd seen some of the Paranormal Activity series.
and there was a fairly the latest one i started watching it as shit basically so i get a bit of a wide berth so what what's next in sort of the found footage journey i mean found

Innovative Formats and Audience Engagement

footage is one of the the genres of film that i really like and i know um me and sarah like trying to find found footage films um to watch and we've we've started our fair share of shit once haven't we um and turn stuff off because some are just awful and just awful but there was one that i've been meaning to see for years and years and years and i'd say years and years and years not not massively long ago that the first one came out
And the only reason I didn't watch the film was because of the, I'll say like the the tape, the front cover of the tape. Obviously it's not on tape or anything now.
It's the Blackwell Ghost. It's a picture of an old lady on the front cover and they just didn't grab me. But I'd read so much online about how good it was. I was like,
We should watch this. And we did. And wow. ah You've seen the first one. I have, yeah. Have you seen any more of them yet? Not yet. been Because I've been thinking about it recently. I was like, I'm going to start watching. going Because that website with all the found TV, found TV will come. Yeah. So many on there that I want to start watching. Especially the next Black Lives Ghost. It is really good, the first one.
Yeah, it's, so Blackwell Ghost is around a guy called Clay, something,
Clay, and he sees some video of Clay Turner. He's actually a director of another film in real life, that's him in real life, but he, um sets out to follow up on some ah paranormal footage that's on the internet and the film develops where he goes to the house um and the story develops about the Blackwell ghost and his investigation during
several sessions with the house and he's just got GoPro cameras and it's pretty much him on his own. It's absolutely sort of a genius idea. It's sort of the modern sort of Blair Witch type thing. It's filmed like, as you watch a YouTube video of a pan-orb investigation team. yep Yeah, and I mean there's some bits of it and you could go, well, not sure if that would happen or why didn't he do this? Why is that camera angle not covered? And that kind of thing. um but when you was put the camera but door But when you watch the second one, because the it's it's never set out to be anything covered in a documentary. So you don't know if it's real, it's fake, whether it's like a mockumentary, because that's another style of file footage in a mockumentary. But at the start of Black Rock, there's two.
he actually addresses people's comments from the first film. And it's really good. And you go, Buck, is this real? Is this not real? I don't know if it's real or not. I don't know what what's going on. And I was Googling it and people going, yeah, it's real. And then other people go, no, it's not real. And you're just like left in limbo. It kind of was one of those films that I didn't really know about. I just heard about it.
and then decided to watch it. And then we watched all eight. Eight, I think now. Eight was the last one. Yeah. I mean, like Sarah's, as mentioned, there is, um when they sort of start changing it a bit, that's when the series can go a bit, a bit flat. And the black bulb goes, does go bit a bit off paranormal. But up to about four or five, it's pretty stonking, I must say.
I'd say. What did you think to the first one? Yeah, I really liked it. It was very relatable, doing the stuff that we do, that I've done, that kind of standard panel investigation kind of stuff.
It's scary, it's kind of, you're looking for your fingers watching it, because you don't want to lock what you do, because you think something's going to happen. ah It's not really jump scary, but it's it builds that suspense that something's happening. Yeah. it It could be better.
I say there's times where you're thinking that's just happened, why not folks are not on that? When how a lot of stuff happened john well i won't very for the away but a lot of stuff happened during one the nights.
And then, so he's like, got' good turns the camera on, and this has just happened, blah, blah, blah, going down to turn you over, and I thought whatever it was. And then it cuts to the next day, and it's like no mention of what happened during the night. It's kind of just, its's all this stuff happened, and then not talked about or referenced again. It's kind of like, that stuff's been happening, why not focus on that? Because that's where you're getting the results type thing.
things are like, as a panel investigator, I'm like, why are you not doing this? yeah That kind of way it could have been a bit better. I think when she watched the second one, and second, third and maybe fourth, I think that was when it It really peaks and he goes full paranormal investigation and shit's happening and the look on his face is just, I don't even know what's going on there. Um, and he invents paranormal equipment that when you see it, you're like, Oh my God, that's a genius, a genius.
You know, and this doesn't spoil it at all for anybody, but there's this um toy. It looks a bit like an iPad, but the kid, like a Teddy Ruxpin thing, and you'd press the buttons and it would say the letter. So you'd press like D and it would go D, and then you'd like A, N, that kind of thing. And they ah so this red,
I don't even know who made it, but you'd know it as soon as you say it, you'll know what I'm talking about. He modifies it and he creates the this keyboard off the main computer game thing and it's heat sensitive. So if a spirit or an entity gets cold or hot near a particular key, it will say the word, the letter out loud.
a bit like a Ouija board, but like a one where they're electronic like an electronic Ouija board. It's a genius device and it's just like, Oh my God. And when that starts going off, it's just fucking now it's it's really good. you You need to watch the second one for definite. Yeah.
yeah Um,
What have you got next in mind? So I was thinking of one. It probably doesn't come under found footage. It probably doesn't even come under found footage to be honest but it's kind and in the same vein.

Cryptid and Paranormal Elements in Films

It's the film where it just came to my head. Maybe I'll talk about something else a minute ago. Can't remember what it's called but it's like these girls but it's shot through the computer screen and they're like a Skype call or something.
And then someone is like in the car that they don't know. Yeah. And then we start getting killed off. It's like unfriended or something like that. Yeah, that's it. That's it. That's it. It's cool. There is a, there is a term for the type of film. It's called a screen life film. That's what it is. The only reason I know it's because all of those kinds of films, the film footage, this sort of screen life, when they record a virus, I love all that stuff. You can't get this fan footage. Yeah.
episode of Modern Family that does an episode like that and it's really really good. It's like the shot through Claire's iPad, her iPad screen. Yeah there is one called Host on,
what's it called? Host, it was on Shudder I think and it was like a seance over Skype, same same sort of thing. The Unfriended one where like this unknown person starts joining their Skype calls. There's another one where some girl dies or commits suicide and she appears as one of the callers. There's loads of films like that. I think they're really good. They're really good. Thanks for the heart, me, our fashionista, Jason Jones. Yeah, evening, evening. We'll see you last week. Well, two weeks ago, wasn't it?
so So to anybody joining us, we we were going to be recording a live episode of the podcast where we were going to talk to Ben from 401 files, but unfortunately due to technical issues, he's been unable to join us. So we've slightly tweaked here it. It's still gone live, but we're talking about like paranormal UFO, cryptid kind of found footage films. So if anybody's got any found footage films that they want to Mention let us know because chance so we might have seen some between us Simon's putting join our daily posts. Yeah, which one we're trying but trying to push those out Well, we are pushing them out every day. We're at day 20 today um It's no mean feat you should see the spreadsheet we've got got about it or it's some It's rapidly filling up January, which is weird um So, yeah, it's
it's no mean task but it's it's good fun doing when i first came up with it i was like oh it'd be a couple minutes before you get four done five done in an hour i won't take that long it's like much more to it that i fought but it is fun yeah learning learning random things as well ourselves so it's uh You're on today, the Aura Photography. I've seen it at conferences and so I've seen people that offer the service. Yes. 20 quid's have your Aura photograph taken or whatever. Paracon. Paracon, they were doing Aura photos. I never actually know what it was. yeah this That was good to actually just learn what it was. I can't even pronounce the first, the guy's name. Isimian. Carilion. I think that was...
And there was a YouTube, there in the background, there's actually a YouTube of some guy doing the photography with the like the electric on his feet, his fingers on his feet. So there was, um so we talked about which we, so me and Sarah watched one,
um where a woman bought a debit box or she opened it. Did she get sent it? She bought it.
and she bought it yeah She gets this box and she opens it and this foul, foul smell and these weird trinkets in there. And um yeah, all this weird shit starts happening. um Very,
It was actually really good, wasn't it? I mean, it wasn't Blair Witch, but I can't even remember what it's called now.
Dibbit Box or something like that. but Interesting story about Dibbit Box. It's actually just a made up thing by some guy on eBay and and I read it, that kind of creepy pasta type thing.
And it was like a ah story. Before this this particular thing, no mention of a debit box. It's just some random name it was assigned.
um So yeah, it's a totally made up thing. So if you see them for sale, they are technically all made up. then They may well be possessed or have some kind of weird possession, but the term debit box was
So can you see these things on eBay and stuff? Like haunted doors. Haunted doors that have a backstory to it and stuff inside. And so like one seller, all these different types of doors that are haunting have got the history and all this stuff inside. Like, come on. people buying pay for it buying these backstories which is might have to buy one might have to buy one and just see what happens but inside a storm and cage to protect it
We also watched another found footage

Online Phenomena and Film Narratives

one. I can't remember what it was called, but this is, you are? Helpful. So there's this guy, and he works from home as a scam guy, call centre. So he phones up people and basically scams them for their credit card details. And basically, you know the ones where they phone up and say, oh, you're going to have to download this piece of software so I can unlock your computer or whatever. And they download like remote view or team view or whatever. Anyway, it's him. And he develops this sort of weird, uh,
like stalking thing against this woman, but she's got all this shit going on in her house as well. that It's full film footage. It's very,
weird and he he died he develops this sort of obsession with her and starts going around to her house and whatnot but then she's got all this weird shit going on as well and this demonic stuff, mental, antsy mental, I won't really end him but Visha, Visha it was called yeah, it's very good, yeah. I do want to watch because the soil I've never really watched It's supposed to blow, which is a little bit in a way. But like, there's a lot of seeing on that website, isqui there's quite a lot of like big fuck type 540s films. So I want to watch some of them and see if any of them are any good. Because you've got the early ones, the paranormal ones. It's obviously in a forest, I guess big fuck ones would be. But I guess to see if any good big 40 yeti. There is one called Willow Creek. I think you this one to me, actually.
Willow Creek, definitely well worth a watch. um like It's like one of those sort of, like a paranormal activity, that kind of thing. It's the one of those sort of groundbreaking ones.
Definitely a watch out. Other than that, the, I don't know what other Bigfoot ones there are that kind of cryptid things.
Do you have things like me Cloverfield?
More big budget, I guess, compared to the times one's been talking about. But still, obviously found footage. Yeah. The genre. And very, I like Cloverfield Alien invasion film. Ted Cloverfield Lane, although not strictly found footage, is a very good no i' all ju good for ah hard sweat good it really good never arts ever watch then i've really wanted to watch it It's really good. yeah It's very good. I'm trying to think of some of the other, other ones. we We have started watching found footage films and turned them off. There was one that was sort of look recorded on like a ring camera.
um But
Yeah, this didn't do so well. We should film one in my basement. We should film one in your basement before we don't don't have the opportunity to. It wound up being real for that planned one. Yeah, yeah. We definitely need to record something down there. Other film footage films.
have any note that you can think of, if anybody's got any fan footage that... It's because we did research this, we didn't put in a plan, it all it's like... No. Ben's not available, what can we talk about? I was just like, ooh, I've just got to mention some bit of the work today about air induction.
um Yeah, still not heard from Ben, so I'm not as sure if he's if he's got any issues um so part of the did you know if there's anybody watching now is there any if you've watched them have you enjoyed watching those i know simon said he's enjoyed watching those i know a few other people across social media have been been viewing them but there are stuff that
We're trying to cover off loads of different terms, loads of um events. I think you've got a good one coming up tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken.
Looking at especially earlier about UFO wave in the UK. Yeah, so yeah, triangle UFO wave in 21st of April 2021. Nice. Five sightings in one 24-hour period across the England and Wales of triangular UFOs. Yeah. Very interesting. Interesting to note as well, if anybody has been affected by this ban of TikTok, there's another app called Red Note and we're on there.
I've not made my account yet. Did you watch me? Did you know from yesterday?

Future Paranormal Explorations

Did you watch? Did you watch? Did you know from yesterday? Yeah, it would be a burnt down holy hotel. Yeah, twice it's burnt down like fully, 65 years of the day, to an hour, and then there's another fire a couple of years ago, but it got to it quicker to get it put out. What do you reckon, sir? Is it, I was just mad that it's the same. It's not even like, it was like a few years between, or maybe the owners of it or something.
When it's like 65 years, it's like generations later? That's generations, yeah, that's different owners. You can't really run into two things, it's weird. I mean, you can't wall out an insurance scam, but it's just, yeah, two burning down within an hour, or within hours on the same day, but years apart. And then the third time, it's got to be when the other,
luckiest pubs around or hotels um somebody did comment on it that it was the one of their favorite sort of weird weird sort of happenings and they're fascinated by the case I mean we've covered off a few things already 20 days worth of different things um there's a lot put You'll see, if you go on the other tab, I've put a few extra words and um um films and and stuff, alien-related films.
um So yeah, I'm looking forward to doing them. we we We tend to learn a lot, not just from the subject itself. This stuff I haven't even heard of. I was Googling terms. and

Reflections on Paranormal Investigations

So what the hell is that? Like this, the one from today, the Quillian,
um photography. I was just like, what the hell is that? It's quite hard to get specific dates for things. There's a lot of things that go down to the month or even just a year. All this happened in 1982. It was like, well, when? In 1982. This happened like this week in January. It was like, yeah, what day? Yeah. It's quite hard to find very, very specific days for things.
But then when I find like the hotel thing just random things I never heard about Yeah, definitely definitely we've got loads coming up I mean I've covered off like all the typical ones apart guys Sydney I'm probably peaked quite early on stuff But in the end Phil Park I still know I was able to find the clip because we've only got like a minute or two to get the information across and that minute goes really quick.
exactly he does not watch on this and the record it's like well minute forty five like ye yeah fan two minutes of a footage but with it yeah it's it's um it's been good It's been good to do it and sharing in them as reels and all those kind of things across social media. It's been really good.
been really good so so I think we need to mention it now. The egg. Oh, for God's sake. It's not a drone. Or is it? Oh, God, Greg. Did you watch it? Did you watch it? We cover off. No, I haven't watched the News Nation special yet. I need to, don't I? Just so... I haven't watched it. OK, that's why I'm... I have seen your comments on...
the meta version of tick tock well facebook but um it's interesting because i've seen steve's post today or yesterday about falling out of love with the ufo sort of topic because of how it's going at the moment um which i get i get completely um but the egg one I mean it's definitely an egg shaped thing on a video screen. What it is, where it is, how big it is, who knows, it could be a mini egg ball on it. It's about that time of year.
I was selling the shops and all these of stuff. We've been here so, so many times. And I don't know who's involved. now is ross cold far I don't know who was that was actually behind it. And I thought it would be Corbell or Route 2, Cofar. It's one of them. And they always hype it up to infinity. Everyone goes mad waiting for it to come out. And then it's always, always nothing. It's always nothing like to say. Like, if you say all this groundbreaking evidence, the evidence of NHI crash retrieval,
all this stuff and like so i did watch it out of principle i was awake i could have stuck it on but i was out of principle so i'm not i don't even want to know who it is i find out tomorrow i'm going to start seeing the reactions to it i said in this in this in this chat um so i hope i'm wrong because i hope i wake up and regret not watching it live um do you like watching this stuff live yeah yeah um but hello Hello Ghost, who's on my chat. I've been living in the Twilight Zone. That's some real concerning UAP videos. Send them to and as we've woken up to it.
gone on X or Reddit, and it's all, yeah, that's a waste of time. What is this what is this rubbish? and again why and just by And I put that post on the UFO Identify page saying people need to stop buying into it. Because it's for them, certain people that just keep hyping up all this stuff all the time. And it's always, oh, we release it, blah, blah, blah. If you've got the stuff, if you've got this evidence, if you've got this proof,
release it don't we build it up to I will go by doing the password it's like watch it at nine o'clock on this channel or five minutes earlier on my Instagram it's just like f off just release it or just yeah it's just so no it is all just it's the hype it's for sensationalism and the video I mean and what it's even showing there's not much like it's showing and it appears to be debunked not debunked explained like people said what the out job object is what they said phone on here the screenshot it it's is it arrow stat it's called um okay
and basically it matches what it looks like to itself and that bit where it looks like it's been covering it or like in a shape it's got that on it it might not be able to see it okay yeah it looks exactly like that and lot and about yeah because they're saying this is like 20 foot big whatever size of a car being that's the size of a car feet or something like that yeah that's the the video yeah and then it looks pretty fucking accurate it's like the cur you can't really see it on this picture but you can see like yeah there's a thicker bit like a band
Which is kind of what you can see covering half of it there. Yeah So, yeah, it seems to be that and I was literally been 20 minutes of that video going out on News Nation Two different people linked it to that straight away but but thing is due diligent is I due diligence before it goes out surely I just don't do it. Thing is News Nation, from what I know, is kind of Fox News for UFOs. It's kind of very right-leaning and inner stuff. Obviously, in bed with cool fart, and he just believes anything. He does seem to believe anything, and they do these exclusive and these features on it, and it's always crap.
It's always hyped up stuff and then the club out jumps on and it's, oh look at that, it's going to the Vatican to discuss it with religious leaders. Fuck off. Like, what, that? It's just, yeah, it's just very disappointing. And it's just the same thing again. And it's just, it happens all the time. And because I'm about to open, look at the post and the post, they've got like two million views.
um this tweet and stuff is like about this cause that made people hype it up pipe up pipepe it up it's like yeah it's nothing settle good said i move but yeah always something that's not what the side is is why why you doing look okay ah hold it back a little bit but yeah could say more keep So we're we're not going to cover off drones then now. That's probably not a bit. time
So this week, um, I was listening briefly to one of the latest Joe Rogan episodes where he speaks to, um, James James think of his name. Done moment of contact. James Fox. James Fox. Can't think of his surname. Um, ah about,
drones and the fact that he's got knowledge that these SUV sized drones are coming from water and I just I don't know what to believe anymore I'll be honest with you Ash I don't know what to believe anymore it would um I don't know, I just ah just think that the world's gone mad. I mean, not to go political, or but Donald Trump has taken office today. I'm hoping, I'm hoping we might get some kind of movement on something.
don't know about you whether you you've got any thoughts on whether it's going to change anything he said he's going to release all these files yeah even on that note because in that same chat someone was talking about it today saying president trump said he's going to release all these files on JFK and UFOs and stuff and he's going to do it the next couple days apparently uh if i go with the first thing he does but even if there's files like what people kind of don't always realise it's just because the government or the CIA or whoever has a file or something doesn't make it so I this can't remember exactly what it is but the CIA file relating to some let's say it's a UFO crash or something and the the file that she says this person said this crash happened blah blah blah blah blah
And then that gets put out there as the CIA has files on this UFO crash. It's like, yeah, they have a file about this guy saying his UFO crash. They're not saying there was you a UFO crash. That's not dust of what the file is. It's just like a bit of intel rather than the MCF file. It's just literally this guy said this. So when he does release all these UAP files,
I don't know if that's actually gonna be the actual, there is this or there is that. It was just, somebody said this in 1982 about that. That's lot that's a lot what a lot of what these files are. It's like patents. So let's talk about one of my other favorite subjects, the DR-3B. So, DR-3B, they talk about this gravity propulsion, anti-gravity propulsion patent.
that's, and they keep showing the same page, yeah, this guy putting this patent application for this thing. One, that doesn't mean it works, it's just a patent application. Two, anyone can submit a patent application, doesn't mean it's real. But they use that as evidence that this technology and this craft exist. But no, that was never realized. like That was just this guy who's done very similar ones in other types of pre-retical physics yeah area about free energy and all sorts. This guy's pretty tight, well known for it. But then that's this is their proof that it's the TR-3B and this is the patent that supports the... No, that's just the patent application. like It doesn't mean it exists. It's just the drawing on a piece of paper. tell like So with these c CIA files or whatever, that Trump may release,
doesn't mean it actually is a real thing, it's just them mentioning it or talking about it. But then people will just obviously clickbait the hell out of it as proof of non-human intelligence.
yeah like that that That post reference from Steve, I replied to it, and the word I used was jaded. yeah so so that's That's what it feels like, it's like we're here again.
it's It's boring, it is. like this stuff like that that well I didn't watch it. at i I'm not interested because I know it's going to be nothing. I'm not going to spend my time, waste my time watching this half hour feature on News Nation that's going to be nothing. I'm bored of it. It's the same people involved all the time and it's always nothing. but isn't it Isn't it the same people all the time anyway?
At one point it was Nick Pope, it was always Nick Pope. I know it he still gets involved now and he gets it from the UK angle, blah blah blah.
But it's now this tight circle of people, like Lou, Huzondo, now you've got Ross Coulthart, Coulthart, Coulthart, Coulthart. Being this main sort of journalist along with Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp. I really like George Knapp, I'm not going to lie. He's one of my favourites.
for the last couple of decades. He's always been one that I've been watching videos on and I'm reading some of the books he's written. um So I can't knock him, but J. Michael Bell, Ross Cawthart, Lou Olizondo now, the the usual suspects.
um It just feels like To me, not a lot happens. but David Grush come forward and said all that stuff with Ryan Graves and Dave Schrever.
David Fraver, sorry, commander David Fraver. At the congressional hearings a couple of years ago now, 2023. And I thought, here we go.
it felt like he could have been the start of something like a major movement. No, if anything, he's just got worse since then. Ryan Graves, I listened to him on a couple of podcasts. that He's brilliant to listen to. um And he's got his thoughts on drones and whatnot.
same old people pushing the same old story for what their own gain that's the only thing is ah it's like um because you got steven gray has been popping up saying fuck me yeah is it 27 finding out about the end of the world the sulless whatever they're talking about corbell saying train 27 we're gonna be we're gonna tell us that aliens are coming train 27 not to believe them Yeah, and so I'd say we spoke about where it's just there's always something on the corner always something think keep Talking about that gets them the the views on the clicks and It's like I'm kind of likening Ross cool fart Now to to like Linden will and how? where yeah start up quite well, I like this to horse you did years go and there's quite many relations and I She's a lot of good work, but now she just let she does she'll just share anything that anybody tells her.
and she doesn't kind of do that due diligence she just she says any a whatever story people tell to tell no matter what it is there's no kind of backing fruit of anything it's just these this has happened and they say it's like it's proof like it shares it and the people because they have their followers i just believe anything that people like lindenmaw house say or what kofar would say or what corbell would say just blindly leave everything with no evidence of it and like you said about a couple years ago that these christmas these lights over wisconsin and stuff and he's like cobalt sharing it and medias in the uk it's like it's spotlights from a christmas fucking
yeah daring Don't even give me fucking started. like How can you even put in your name to this when anyone can recognise that that's spotlights in the sky? You're supposed to be. It's just, yeah, it's ridiculous. it Very jade-ing. Very, very jade-ing.
probably a good time to wrap this up there. yeah really far say so wow Save it to off air and you can tell me.
um But again, for everybody that's on watch tonight, thank you very much for for joining us. We were expecting to have a live episode recorded with Ben from 401 files. We will reschedule that and we will get that. um How, as soon as properly, because it is always a great conversation with Ben. It's a shame it didn't happen tonight, but maybe if we can reschedule it, we we'll do it again as a live, that'd be good.
Because the last time we spoke to him, we were talking about the fact that um SpaceX people wouldn't allow SpaceX to get to Mars. And as we were speaking, SpaceX rocket blew up on the launch pad. It happened again three days ago as well, didn't it? It did. It did. Was that one of the Mars ones? Yeah, it was the Mars one. Was that the Mars one again? Night, Nick. Thanks for joining us. but Nice one, Nick. Yeah.
Yeah, it was a Mars one, so I don't fancy my chances of going to Mars, I'll be honest.
Anyway, nice one Ash. I will speak to you again very soon, and tomorrow's Did You Know is going to be out tomorrow, obviously. Night Sarah, I'll speak to you soon.
and um yeah I'm looking forward to the one tomorrow because I do I do like that that particular um UFO wave as it were so yeah looking forward to hearing more about that and we'll speak soon yep we'll see you all very soon have a good evening ohll cheers all bye bye
Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with Ash Ellis, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time, and until then, stay weird.