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Ep 151 - Paranormal Round Table - Poltergeists, Investigations, Theories, Community & more! image

Ep 151 - Paranormal Round Table - Poltergeists, Investigations, Theories, Community & more!

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Ep 151 - Paranormal Round Table - Poltergeists, Investigations, Theories, Community & more!

Newcomer to the podcast Daryl 'Paraman' Evans joins regular panelist Michaela Ford from the Paranormal or What? Podcast and hosts Ash & Greg for November's paranormal round table with a focus on poltergeists and each guests thoughts and theories around what they might be and how this activity occurs

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Listen to Paranormal or What? Podcast:

Title music provided by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity


Introduction and Roundtable Setup

almost but i don't know where to white those on or it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your plane it was so off You're listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your hosts, Ash Ellis and Greg Tomlinson.
Welcome to Pursuit of the Paranormal round two where we are back. the first roundtable in a while and we've got a bit of a four house this time with some returning guests and brand new guests for the first time so looking forward to to this first up Greg you're still here how's it going I'm still here two nights on the trot as we just discussed yeah I'm all good yeah I'm very well looking forward to chatting to everyone today and we have returning
from the panel or what podcast? Kayla Ford, how are you doing? Oh, good. Thank you. Nice to be back. I would do that, but I can't, I've broken my little finger. Um, you can't tell from here, but I've just taken my wrapping off. Um, so I can't move this hand very well, so I can only stick my thumbs up. and gosh My right hand doesn't work at the moment. I'll do you Mark papers with you.
You don't, you just go, hooray, no marking because I've broken my fingers.
Awesome. And on the show for the first time is Darryl Paraman, UK. How are you doing, Darryl? I'm very well, thank you very much. Awesome. So, yeah, so we'll just, we'll kick off a few topics and we get everyone's thoughts on different things and we'll just see where the conversation takes us. And so the first topic we've got to kind of talk about is a topic that I know is probably Greg's favorite topic.

Poltergeists: Paranormal or Interdimensional?

It's called it working on summer to do with this, which I'll let him go into maybe a little bit. So poltergeist, a very famous one. So yeah, Greg. Yeah. So I was thinking about talking and discussing whether or not poltergeist are paranormal or whether they are some kind of interdimensional
entity, because when we talk to people about um their experiences, particularly with UAPs, for example, um there's a lot of people that experience Park Geist activity as a youngster and grow up to have UFO site, UAP sightings. You've got Skinwalker Ranch, for example, there's lots of paranormal and UAP related activities same as Stardust Ranch when we spoke to John Edmunds there. um So my questions is around do we think that there is an element of polkaist activity that could be attributed to the fact that they're not paranormal in the sense of the word that we see now but are they entities from
somewhere else because they don't fit into the the typical like stone tape theory or any kind of residual hauntings they they literally they're like their own category of spirit um and the activity starts off small rapping sounds knocking sounds and go right up to violence and such like and then just drops off and I don't know if that's a fear thing that they're feeding on um and then it just drops off at the end because the the families become sort of they turn on this the poltergeist like the the people in the Enfield the poltergeist haunting at the end they were like well we're not going out the house you can do whatever you want and we're we're not
we're not moving, they become quite um steadfast in the fact that these polkaists are not going to to drive them out of their own house.

Personal Energy and Poltergeist Phenomena

So I just don't know if if there's something different to a polkaist compared to a normal haunting. And does that make them some kind of different kind of dimensional entity? I have no opinion on that. It's thoughts that I have.
So who wants to take that on? Well, I think I will, because if you think about it, we have energy and we can actually produce enough energy to affect stuff. Like I had a friend years ago who able was able to be touching them, you'd get shocked, even if you did the thing to deal with whatever it's called, it would always do it. You'd always get it.
and one day went into a kitchen and he went to pick up a cup. And this cup was on the side. It was, you know, you'd put it there earlier and then you brought back in to get it. thank And he literally went to grab it, but the cup flew off the side. Now at the time, we didn't know if his house was wanted or not. And we looked into it.
and apparently only one person has died in the house but it's a bit weird how we had no activity the whole time he's there for him to go in the kitchen to go to pick up that cup for that cup to fluff side now I think whole ghost activity is spiritual why you're living and like break says could be It was a UAP. I can never get used to that word, UAP now. It's either though to me, sorry people, but a big combination of all. And it depends on, you know, you're alive, you're dead, the energy, if it is a spirit, whether that spirit's angry or it's just able to move things or do stuff. So to go back,
thank you for that and it it's actually part of the so the book that i'm writing is called polgais paranormal or manifestations of an adolescent mind so there's lots of studies and like you said people have got energy they create stack electricity there there is a theory that adolescents in this many prepubescent girls they have this sort of internal turmoil um what with the All the stuff that goes on in an adolescent's body and this sort of rage and all these emotions, and they actually outward project it.

Psychokinesis and Adolescents

And that's what causes this manifestation of a polkaist. But then I'm thinking, is that right? Or is it, is it something else? I don't know. Um, but that's what my book's about. So it's interesting you say about that the electricity and the stag for your friend. Um, about you, Michaela.
Well, I think it's really hard because I, things happen around me, excuse me, wherever I go. i One of the main things that I think it is, is PSK, psychokinesis. And the reason I think that is because things,
happen to me, objects move around me all the time. i i I can't do it at will, but it happens all the time. ah When I even go to other people's houses, it only just struck me actually last weekend. um It's happened for years. um All the houses that I've ever lived in, objects have moved around in.
um When I was at college objects moved around there, um other people's houses it happens in and then I was with my yeah friends in Bristol last weekend and um I was just in the bedroom packing things up and a camera was on a bookshelf it was a like an underwater camera so it was it wasn't the actual camera it was a plastic kind of solid plastic cover for the camera um and it just jumped off the shelf onto the floor
um and I'm so used to it happening and I just picked it up and went oh that's weird um and then I noticed this book that I wanted to read and I was like oh I wonder if somebody was trying to tell me that I should read this book that's that's the way my mind works and then afterwards I thought no actually because I spoke to the people who live there and they said literally they've had nothing paranormal happen ever in their house so I started to think Is it me? Is it me that has some sort of energy that things move around? I've had literally hundreds of incidents in my life of things, objects moving by themselves. And funnily enough, just this week I've been mulling it over and thinking, is it something to do with me?
So that's one theory that I have, that it is definitely, there is something in energy from people. There is something about it, I think, that can move things, whether mostly not at will, sadly. It would be great to be able to be sat there and go, as you know, pass me my cup of tea and just think about it. My cup of tea comes flooding over to me.
ah but But there's also so much evidence of other types of poltergeist activity that I think it must be more than one thing. I think more than one thing must cause those things to happen um and must influence inanimate objects to move. Because as you say, there is a lot of um a lot of there's a lot of stories of ah of things moving in connection with seeing UFOs and UAPs. There's also the really famous um cases like 30 Strive and the Enfield haunting and ah the other one, which I've forgotten the name of at the moment, the three most famous ones in the UK, where this energy could move people as well as objects.
ah and move really heavy things and apparate things out of thin air and throw things across the room and they seem to be connected to energies that people have given names to you know and being able to talk to as if they were some sort of human type energy. So I think it's a real mystery and I think there's a lot more to it than it just being one

Interdimensional Connections and UFOs

thing. So that's a very long way of saying, I think it's more than one thing.
ah but you Yeah. So for me, having it's kind of not been a subject that I've personally looked into that much obviously not about the famous cases we might with the Battersea one uh you're referring to as well oh yeah that's it yeah I knew it began with B but remember it's absolutely shit because I'm old uh you got the South Sea Porter guys as well and there's one uh there's one in Wales can't remember the name of that one um but actually you're you're seem to be very similar and when you look at like the similarities
He just kind of throws it up there as to what what is causing it. and Greg mentioned, in is it interdimensional? and that could mean We can use that as a quite a broad term because it's very nice it fits very nicely to ah explain a lot of things by saying interdimensional. They're on a different plane whatever or they can come into our dimension. and do stuff. There's lots of reports from Skinwalker, like you said, from Stardust and for places in the UK where people are physically seeing a portal open up, unable to see people like on the other side of this portal. So something that's on the other side of these portals, all these areas, all these other places, wherever they are, can kind of reach in to our dimension and mess around with shit. Because it's a bit random. it's like
If I could go into a different dimension and influence stuff, like it seems a bit weird to like, I'm gonna move a pen or I'm gonna move a I'm gonna knock a chair over. I'd be like, I don't know, buying like with tickets or something, like something a bit more bigger, something a bit more, I don't know, like that have a bit more of a impact. You know what I'm trying to say? Like a bit more, do it more than kind of like,
Focusing in one place or in one house and just kind of messing with one family, it seems a bit like they were able to come from somewhere else and do that. and Looking at this dimensional theory, why would they just do it in one place? Unless they're constricted and they can only do that. They can only have limited powers maybe or powers, lack of a better word. and They only can only kind of influence a little bit. It takes up too much energy energy. Like when you think of, kind of think of what the shows called where they could control stuff in her mind, but like it took a lot of their kind of focus and energy to just do it a little bit. There was a program when I was little called Bewitched and she, that was a little girl and she used to be able to get things to come to her. You're like kind of seen a teenage witch, is that what you're after Ash? It could be, it could be, you know. We give up the mate.
That's the one. and Yes. So, I mean, yes. And I think not all the same. I think of related it back to UAP and UFOs again, people report seeing so many different variations. So what could be classified as a poltergeist, but they're experiencing it in different ways. Cause they'll be the same thing. It's just how it's affecting them. You'll say things that a lot of power and all the stuff that happens to people is quite personal to them.
but it's kind of displaying itself in a way that they can relate to it. So that's why it's kind of different for each person. There's lots of louties, but the differences between them is just because they are different, but they are the same thing as well. We're just totally sure what point I'm trying to make. I think I started rambling a little bit. But yeah, I guess that was my thoughts on that kind of interdimensional side of it, if any of that just made any sense at all. Can I add something on as well? um So I've got a book.
um and it's called, um i did I did an episode on it if anyone wants to listen, ah right at the beginning of when I started doing my yeah my podcast and it was called Jots, I don't know if you've heard of them, J-O-T-T-S um and this lady who did loads and loads of research into things going missing and moving it was called just one of those things so she called it jots and this relates more to the idea of you know when you lose your keys and you look in the place that they were and you look there 10 times and then you walk away and you come back and there your keys are and you go I looked there and they weren't there
and it just happens all the time and even my husband does it now and he's a massive skeptic yesterday but always it always makes me laugh it's always his vape juice so it's always something to do with his vapour it's like somebody's really messing around with him um and he was stomping around the house wo go on my fake jeers i go have been a wow um and then I heard this That wasn't there! From the living room. It just appeared in the middle of the coffee table.

Interdimensional Beings and Reality Tears

Which is a kind of poltergeist type activity really.
um and I have had two separate people, and I've probably told you this before, and if I have, I'm sorry for repeating myself, um but I interviewed two completely separate people, um one a woman I work with, and one um a woman who lived in Ireland, um and they both had a very, very similar experience, and they had things moving around all the time and going missing, and they both saw, this is just sounds mental,
a little brown figure a little brown almost like a stick man so a man that looked a little bit like ah a wizened old elf he had brown skin a bit like the bark of a tree trunk um and he he they caught him both people in different countries different times they caught this little creature ah jumping into a hole in reality um and zipping it up behind him so they kept having things going missing you know like socks and all that sort of crap and and both of them completely separately at different years different times so this little brown figure
um and it had been caught because they'd walked in the bedroom and it had sort of looked and then it had jumped into this kind of weird wavy bit almost like a tear in reality and it had jumped through it and then it had kind of gone like this and then it was just the room again so make of that what you will oh wow And that i that's true.

Vape-Related Paranormal Activities

well That's true according to these two separate people that I interviewed, which really gives you some food for thought when you're thinking about interdimensional, you know, creatures. It would be good to know what actually does that, because I've had that happen to me so many times. And the weird thing is, it happens with my vapes. And my mates had it as well, on his fas and And I'm thinking, they've got to think about vapes. Yeah, I think they must be fascinated.
yeah first Yeah, amazing. Funny story relating to Vapes. So we was in Scotland last month filming and Abby Vapes and she'd lost one of her favourite Vapes. I don't know, I don't really know what they are. It was all different bits. I think it was the flavouring or something that she had lost. And looking everywhere for it in there and this cottage we were staying in, not even there like the day at this point, she lost it like straight away.
Not on the last night, we had a doll that she bought at Paracon and like a creepy doll and it had been sat on this side table for the whole five days and I was filming one of the other girls Natalie for the filming of the documentary in the car in some parts and stuff. All of a sudden the doll just fell on this table, I got it on camera and underneath the doll was this vape thing. She was like, she's like that so there it is, like you've had it to the dark, you've had it this whole week, you've had my vape. But one, she'd been there for five days and hadn't moved a centimetre. And when she was putting the doll on the table, she wouldn't have put it
on top of something like you put it on like you put it on a flat surface or it stands up like it sits up straight but it like it was clearly like in the middle so it would have been like a popping bump where she sat on so it shouldn't have even been able to like sit up straight if it was like sat on something like a doll it was sat on a like a sin cylindrical tube it was some sort of do the vape He was just mad when he was saying vape, and this reminded me of this ah doll that was hiding Abby's vape for, let's see, for five days, that's the weird. And it fell over for no reason while we were filming. He was just mad, but a little bit funny as well. Do you think it had been there for the five days, or the fact that it was suddenly put underneath the doll that caused the doll to move? So it just appeared? Could have been. It was weird how it happened, and it felt quite,
it was like it slowly fell it proper tumbled fast as if like someone had pushed it or something so it could have been something could have put it back one of these little old creatures could have knew we were leaving knew we were wrapping up for the time we were there and thought oh better give it back let's hide it under this doll and then knock the doll over in the process essentially
oh there was something i saw on facebook this um last week but i was talking to my husband about it who i said he's a skeptic and he said well anyone could fake this and they could fake it but i kind of believed the person who'd done it so you know more fool me if it's if he is a fake. So there was this and girl she um she'd got, there was a camera in her grandma's house and her grandma has sadly passed away and so her mum kept popping in all the time and gradually was clearing the house out and one of the last things that was there was this bag
full of ah the grandma's kind of hospital clothes um and the mum was going to sort of take it to the charity shop and it was up in the bedroom and they the kind of ring doorbell thing they had one that was outside but the other half of it was kind of in the hallway for some reason and um the The mum came in the house one day and this bag was by the front door and you can see her on the footage sort of opening the door, going in and then stopping and looking at this bag and sort of looking around and picking it up and going, what the heck's this doing here? That was in the bedroom and nobody else had been in the house. So the daughter rewound all the footage and it showed this bag literally appearing out of thin air
in the hallway, like it just operated and appears. Now that obviously they could be faked, but she said it wasn't. And if that's true, then that's amazing really.

Credibility and Evidence in Paranormal Experiences

Have you got a link to that footage? I can try and find it again. yeah I just can't remember which group you are. I said, I knew Greg was going to ask that. That's why I was, I was going to ask him, I was going to let him. Because it'd be good. That's the kind of stuff that we can, that needs to get put out to people, like a wider audience, just to get people's thoughts. And like you say, Michaela, it could be fake. It could, why not be? And we speak to so many people.
we we're on by We've had over 300 odd episodes and 400. so um And everybody's experience, like Ash said, is quite a personal and with the paranormal. So who's to know whether or not the footage is real, whether it's not real. You can only take the person's word for it at the end of the day.
and I like to think that most people have a sense of people talking to somebody. it on here sorry i found it i so yeah sorry carry on I'll send it to you. You got your blur on. I couldn't even see it. But I don't know if you're the same, Darryl. When you speak to people, you can get a sense of whether or not the story or the experience they're sharing is bullshit. You can get a sense from people pretty quickly as to whether or not what they're saying is the truth. We've spoken to people and it's been very questionable about whether or not even they're going to put the episode out because of what they've said to us.

Developing Psychic Abilities: Darryl's Journey

Yeah. Um, but you can only, you can only like, you can only go on what that person says. So I don't know if you've had any experiences that are way you've been speaking to people and there's just the things so out there on so, or just so crazy for one of the better word. The weird thing with me since being doing this for seven years.
is my, life've my gift has come out. It's literally just, it came out of the blue, like doing a paranormal. And I was thinking, what is this like? And then noticing that obviously I do have a gift that is naturally just brought out, but it was only the paranormal. Can you explain that a bit more? Well, um, so with my gift, it's like, I could be a psychic or medium. I don't know what it is yet.
It's one of them that I'm still learning. Seven years later, I haven't set gold of what it is, but with doing it, it's weird. I know it sounds weird that when people are talking, in after a while it got stronger so that if I was talking to someone and someone was lying, and I don't know if I'm allowed to swear on here or not, so if someone was lying,
I would get someone in my ear saying, bullshit, bullshit. And then after a while I was thinking, am I losing plot? I'm gonna keep getting this. And I'm like standing there, trying not to laugh, what I'm hearing is talking to someone, telling their story. And I'm thinking, I can't laugh, but I'm like, and now I've come to the terms that it's to do with my gift. So now I finally found out that I've got two Um, how would you, I can't, when do we call them? But they're, their names are Sandra and Sebastian, the Frenchman. Um, and yeah, but every time someone does lie, the bullshit comes out. And it's funny because every time I hear it and talk to someone and I know that it's, but the worst, the, the, the story that's the lie.
is the higher, the lower, the bullshit gets. And it's weird. It's quite funny. I have to keep light yeah like, I have to like listening without trying to smoke. And it's, it's strong. And I've just lost train of thought. Spirit guides. Is that what you meant? That's the spirit guide. Yes. Literally my brain.
Like, yeah, spirit guides and I can't even remember what I was talking about now. I'm trying to force them. That's it. Having gifts is that, yeah, the spirits can just knock you off and what you're talking about. And I can't even remember what I'm talking about. So that's right. Do they, um, do they give you any other advice or do they just call bullshit people?
Because obviously, after a while, that's that's quite a... Yeah, I found out it was a bit of a weird one. And I didn't meet a few people and I said, no, they will tell you how it is and stuff like that. I'm thinking, OK.
um The other things I'm just trying to think. Obviously. I've had if someone's like innocent, like if someone's been accused of something and they're innocent, I get they're innocent.
So TV shows, people that have been wrongly accused, I've been watching and I've had innocent. And ah the more I watch these programs, innocent, innocent. And it gets louder, like the with the lies. And I'm thinking, I'm sitting there and thinking, are you actually trying to say that they are 100% innocent? They did no not do that crime. And I'll just get innocent, innocent. And I'm like,
You know what I mean? I'm sitting there going, but I must be innocent. If my spirit guards are physically shouting that at me, then, you know what I mean? Like with that, I wouldn't know where to start, you know? Who do I phone calls? Like, excuse me, by the way, I was watching a program.
ah we required to say you' innocent Uh, what do they say about politicians?
bullshit make people check people if they're like innocent or you know it's it's like they're innocent that you know but it's it's weird because i have to focus on it but then don't have to focus on it so it's a bit of a combination of when stuff happens hence why i want to get my gifts a lot stronger and it's very yeah it's sometimes when i want to have the gift and be there and stuff it doesn't necessarily it's all about not putting yourself under pressure and stressing yourself out because i find putting yourself under stress and pressure doesn't nothing so yeah how do you go about trying to develop this because it's something that you obviously can't go
to look at normal, you don't, I know you have, people can have like psychic training and the stuff, but that there isn't, how how do you do it? I don't, I don't get it. I think for everyone, really, like with me, I can't do meditation. I struggle at that. A majority of stuff that people said to me, I struggle. And someone said to me once that if you um listen to Native American music and lay there,
it could help but I found that that was an outer of body experience like completely like probably quite high up out of body experience for me to come back down to be like was that real you know what I mean what was that just my mind making me feel or did I actually have an outer body experience to come back it's um to this day have not found what could help I've just found that let it happen naturally if it is a gift it was meant to come out at the time not do the paranormal so I'm letting it roll but for it to get stronger I don't know what to do like I'm really struggling to find things to because and I know it sounds weird but I want to hear the spirits
like i'm talking to you guys i want to see the spirits i'm prepared to see darkness but i can i can deal with it you know and i know it sounds weird again but i don't run i'd rather stand tall you know the only time i would run is if if something physically scratched me drawn bloods um pushed me like with an actual force. Then I'd be like, okay, I'm going to go. But other times I would like to stay there, talk to them and just hear their story, hear their life.
Do you know what I joined this week? I joined a ah spiritual development circle. um I know quite a few people who've done that and they're really informal and it's just like what it sounds like. It's people who want to work on their psychic ability or whatever um and they there's usually one person that leads the group and you do kind of exercises, like there might be a bit of meditation um and then they'll get you to sit with someone and and see if you can kind of do like a reading for

Physical Encounters with Spirits

them. And basically it's just like exercising a muscle. um And it's really fun, naturally. Yeah, I'm good at doing readings. I've scared a few people of my readings.
You know what I mean? That's where I know I've got the gift. Because to me it's safe enough that I don't know nothing about. You know, I mean it's weird. Whatever. I'd go to a psychic development circle. the one and The one I went to is really friendly as well. And it's really helpful. I'll have to find one up here. Because I've just moved up here, up north which way. And yeah, I'll find them. Hopefully there's one up here.
Oh, I'm sure there'll be a few. Yeah, definitely. But I found it really helpful and it's, it makes you feel safe because there's other people. It's kind of doing the same thing as you. Yeah. Kind of on the topic that will, uh, it's your first time on the show. They don't give us a bit more of a background into you where you're from and kind of how your whole paranormal journey kind of started and all that. Yeah. So, um, started on the paranormal seven years ago.
um down down south, down an area in Kent. um us I because I wanted to document, you know, I found that it was time for me to do this, um to document, to get to know the spirits.
I think from a young age as well that when I don't know how old it was I think I was six between six and eight and it had a room that I used to share with my brother it was one of them divided walls a big room that was divided instead so I come out as I go to the toilet and I see this figure in white and it was of a woman and obviously I stood there looking thinking because obviously I was half asleep and I'm looking and thinking, is that my mum? Is that not to realise it's not my mum? So step forward to be like, I need to get out of toilet. I'm just going to run, like, run past it. So step forward for it to come at me, for me to run back in my room and quill for like an hour, not coming out. And definitely 100% that was real to the point where it, it made me believe
and understands that my first house well understanding why my first house had a weird energy like it was upstairs wasn't downstairs it was upstairs um which i think if you guys had gone in there you'd like downstairs is all right complex and go upstairs or what the hell that's a different level of energy altogether so from that experience started believing and then over the years um i've seen ghosts spoke to ghost like i'm speaking to you now because to realize when they leave to look back because situations they'll all be dressed up obviously the period of time that they obviously died and stuff to look back to realize there's they've gone to realize that there was nowhere for them to pop off out of the way you know i mean and
I don't know if anyone else had that experience of physically talking to a spirit, like I'm talking to you guys or you're with a mate in person. It's very peculiar. And when I did first tell people about it, it was like, you do realize and that that was probably a ghost. And like and I'm like thinking about it and thinking, well, yeah, because for them to disappear so quick, you know, you would have had the chance to look around to see them walk and disappear.
But to look around is completely different straight away. It's a peculiar one. And then, where else? Again, my thought pattern's gone. I don't think the spirits want me to talk. So I'm drugging my memory. But yeah, it's documented seven years ago to meeting loads of people.
teams and to ship to Mallet, H-rem Inn, which I found to be good places. a lot ah look I've noticed a lot of people have said that they obviously don't have activity here or activity there. I think it's of how they've approached it. um So I've had activity everywhere I've gone, whether or not caught on camera,
I've caught it in person and I always always put up my videos ah because so it it doesn't matter if you capture something or not but if you've captured it you captured yourself capturing it it's still worth documenting because you know I'm legit I'm real you know A lot of people have said I'm fake because of how I react, but I'm like, no, I'm just documenting me, documenting myself, seeing what's out there. um But there is videos out there that you would look at and be like, that's some good evidence. And I'm like, definitely 100% like the Stokes want a museum, the gasp. That was scary because in the video, you see me hear it and the camera hears it. I go, what the fuck? What the fuck?
what the fuck and i'm like i hope i caught that on camera light you know i mean but it's absolutely epic of all that i've documented and all what i've caught to say 100 spirits live amongst us and it's worth any anyone that's on the fence or full bone to get it to at least experience it because it's real very much real And some of the stuff that's happened to me, you'd think, what the hell? You know what I mean? Like I've obviously been scratched. I've been scratched, normal scratched. I would say dark energy scratch. I wouldn't say, I don't say the D word because it's used too many times and how people use it.

Unusual Sensations During Paranormal Investigations

It's a bit, you know what I mean? You have to pull it in the right contents. You know what I mean?
um I've been punched. um I've been moved. Literally, I was walking down a tunnel way, filming, and all of a sudden, it felt like I was just like moving like that, but it was me being moved. And I had to stop and thinking, turn around to my mate and thinking, whoa, what the hell just happened? It was like, what? It just felt like someone just moved me, but without the tunnel moving, if that made sense.
and Yeah, I've been grabbed like with my arms pulled back. um
Obviously, I've had the blindness. This is the other thing as well, because I haven't told a lot of people that I don't know if anyone's had blindness, like literally complete blackout blindness to come back to vision, to realization why I blacked out there, you know what I mean? But it's still upright.
Is that, is that anyone know about that or was it just was that something I should be careful about? Maybe you need to get checked out. When I do the paranormal, oh um I don't know. Now I'm, I'm looking back and thinking, is that the spirit's proper effect on me? But the things I do, I don't know. It's just, I'm not in for, cause you know, when you're in for,
and And I don't know if you've had it where you do go into the force so much, you just, you come out of yourself and then you have to come back into reality to blow over four there. But this is different. This is literally pitch black, like just out of the blue. Um, it only happens a second, but it's just weird. I don't know if that's normal or it's happened to anyone else, but it happened to me. If someone else has had that.
please can talk out me because i want like to know have you ever had that thing where your body shoulders this has happened to me so many times and when I was and about 10 years ago i I actually thought am I having some sort of episode here yeah and it was like um it it literally just happens for a second and it's like If you imagine what it would be like, meaning quite a strong earthquake, but just for a second, everything goes river and like under my feet. And my whole body just kind of goes like that. And then it stops. And then I'm like, what was that? Have I, have I just had some sort of. Because some of the time if you, if my friends had kept the footage, there'd be a few times where you'd see.
You know when a cat like completely just like that, you'd watch me do that. And I'm like, what's happening? But they don't have the footage. And I'm like, kick them because they deleted it because they weren't going to do what I'm doing. And I'm like, you should have given it to me because that would be epic you know bloopers.
ah Maybe things affect people in just very different ways. i think the spirits love me because they affect me in so many different ways i do not understand why it's it's it's the you know ancient women that gave me bow like if this don't talk to me about that i'll tell you why i i am booked in i was booked in i was booked in on 23rd of november to go there and stay overnight with barry guy
and his team and very sadly we're going through quite difficult financial problems at the moment and my husband went we can't afford for you to do that and travel there and stay overnight and I agreed and I'm absolutely gutted because it's been booked for months but we hadn't paid for it yet so he was like so tell me it was really rubbish and that I'm not missing anything It's been awful the times I've been. How's it? Good. Oh, what do you mean? I'm joking. Trying to make her feel better. hard No, I was petrified the last time I went. It was absolutely awful. Nothing happened. So no, a chicken didn't drop. Nothing.
They're probably going to tell me how amazing it is after they've been out. I'm just going to weep. All I can say is
Different effects happen to different people out there. I truly believe every person that goes there has a completely different effect in whatever aspect. But obviously some people have said they've gone there, nothing at all can. And then other people have had absolutely all sorts go on. I think people have run out of their times and it's, you know what I mean?

Unique Personal Paranormal Experiences

depends on the person and how you go about it and you know so if you get the chance it's it just see what happens ah that's all I say is and I don't think any one person has or every any two people have the same effect like of what happens I think everyone is completely different yeah I will go well interested You should, it'll be good, one day. Well, it's interesting you said about that and we've discussed about personal experiences. We were on the podcast last night and Ronnie Consella was saying that it's in this massive um black triangle overhead and Ash you'd mentioned the fact that
people send you reports, the UAP reports, and over towns, and nobody else seems to see this one thing. And I wonder if it is very similar to so the paranormal, because some people some people seem to have loads of activity all the time. Like you say, Daniel, you get stuff all the time. I mean, I've been on paranormal investigations and nothing's happened loads of times.
but then people that I know also they have stuff happen all the time and it just seems that it's so personal to everybody that like you mentioned no two people have the same experience even potentially on the same night or the same investigation or the same UFO experience for example that people just don't see it or affect it the same way so it's it's a weird one and is is that is that why we is that why we don't hear about it as much because people seem to think that they're the only ones experiencing that one particular thing when in actual fact everybody's experiencing it at the same time but nobody knows that anybody else is if that makes sense yeah i don't know if that does it's a bit like ah a men in black type situation i suppose ah that
everything's they've forgotten it, but everybody knows it. I don't know.
Okay. Good, good. Good points. And you mentioned the hot, it's a stock. We've been there as well. We have weird stuff happened. Not a whole lot of stuff. We had some stuff happen there. kind Go back for sure.
Yeah, I've been as well, yeah. Don't we've all been, that's cool. Yeah. That's cool. Is that where we do shots? Because we've got bingo with everything. Full House. Lemon Coke. so It's only Lemon Coke. Kayla, recent investigations you've been on, you want to talk to us about that?
Yeah, I went to Shepton Mallet Prison recently and had a very, very odd experience. um And it was so odd that, you know, when you sort of, you're in the middle of something, when something really big happens and you're thinking, am I dreaming? This can't be happening because it was so,
incredible. So we were in this particular cell in A wing, I think it was cell 17. And we decided that I think there were four of us in there. So it was a bit of a squash because they're very small cells. um And we started calling out and we had two different EVPs running.
And we were sort of ah saying, hello, is there anybody here? Blah, blah, blah, bla blah, blah. And we had a camera rolling as well. And I can't remember what it was that happened first, but I started to feel really odd. And I was holding the um voice recorder and on the top of my hand and I felt this it was like someone's hand going like this on the top of my hand um and I said to everyone oh I feel like somebody's touching my hand and it was really odd it was like with somebody's nails and then um
As it carried on, it felt like the hand went underneath my hand and was kind of stroking underneath my hand like this. And I was stood there going, because I thought, you know, so sometimes if you have, ah it's like a cobweb feeling and and and it happens for a second or two and then it kind of goes away and you think, oh, you know, I must have been mistaken. Maybe it was, I don't know, a breeze or I don't know.
But the more I stood there, the more it was happening and it was getting stronger. and And it just so happened that that night I started to come down with the most awful virus. It was it was like Covid but I didn't test positive. And every time I've had Covid, I've had it three times and it always starts the same way.
the night before i start feeling really really ill i sneeze about 500 times just like one after the other just sneeze sneeze sneeze sneeze and this was happening at shepton malick prison and i completely ruined all the ebps all night because i was just going achoo achoo achoo and then going oh my nose is running and then we're blowing my nose, I mean literally the whole night that's all I did and they even commented afterwards, we couldn't really get anything off the EVPs because of Michaela sneezing um and I was so ill that I was in bed for five days after. ah
Anyway that's by the by but it is quite relevant so I was stood there and I felt this weird sort of sensation and then that stopped and I felt someone touching my hair and then I thought no I'm really going bonkers now but it was like ah kind of tickling on my head and I could hear, I could hear sorry, feel individual hairs on my head being touched and it was really strong um and and it got so strong that actually it started to freak me out a bit because
I'd had an incident at my haunted hotel a couple of years before where something similar happened but on the back of my neck and it felt like somebody with a really long fingernail was scratching the back of my neck and it got stronger and stronger and harder and harder until it started to hurt and I had to actually move away because I thought it was a spider on the back of my neck and I'm not scared of spiders so again it felt I thought I had a massive spider on my head And I stood there saying, can anyone see a spider on my head? Because I can feel something touching my hair and it got stronger and stronger. um and And then in the end, I just kind of shook myself because it it just really freaked me out.
um And then back on the EVP, there was one bit of EVP on one voice recorder, not my one, but the one that my friend Sindel had, who's got and it's got a bigger range than mine. And on it, a voice said,
um I can't remember the exact words, it was something like, um you've got a cold.
and it said and what we'd done was we'd done that um and then we'd reviewed the footage and Sindel said I can hear somebody saying it's cold but it wasn't because what happened a few minutes later was then I was starting to be touched and then Sindel and I looked at each other and went oh my god it wasn't saying it was cold it was saying you've got a cold and it actually knew that I had a cold and I could feel it and it's it was one of the most um I don't know one of the most kind of concrete experiences I've ever had it was really odd really odd
But it was amazing, but it only lasted for a few minutes and we didn't get so much the rest of the night, but it was quite incredible actually. Wow, that's pretty. but so but much like I've been talking about kind of personal experiences and stuff and that's quite a quite personal up close and yeah, personal. That must be pretty, pretty mad. Did anybody else have anything happen to him like on that night? Do you know?
um not in our group but ah other people in other groups because it's a big place and there are loads of other people there but it's big enough so that you can spread it i mean i don't have you been to Shepton Mallet prison you've been Darryl um so you can actually do your own little investigation quite easily without any nice pollution from other people um and some other people said that they'd got EVPs and a lot of stuff. I mean there was a lot of REM pod activity and things like that but I don't really set a lot of store in electrical equipment like that. ah
It just, I don't know, it just doesn't feel, I don't feel connected to it. It doesn't, I'm just like, oh, there's a light going off, woo. and I like to have a, you know, a personal experience, like being scrapped with big nails, things like that. um But a lot of other people said they had other stuff, but not necessarily in that cell.
Interesting. Well, do you have happened there, though? You know, you've been there. Do you have any anything kind of big happened? So I

EVP Activity and Personal Experiences

know that, was it right at the top? Is it showering to the toilets? I can't remember. um Depends on which bit. I think it's right at the top. It's either at the top or one of them. At one of the ends, there's toilets and showers on one of the levels. And ah I was with someone else and we was walking around and we walked in. And then one of them, we walked
both in to be like, but what the hell? Something hit us. It wasn't wind or anything. It was like a pure energy burst has come out of us both, like went through in to me, you know, pass me and out. And it was just like, and and the weird thing is there was some bats. And then the next thing you hear is all these bats of fly everywhere, like you're like scatting and everything. And we're just like, no, but yeah, we ain't coming in there because whatever that is, it's just just Yeah, but I don't know whatever happened in there. ma Someone must have been murdered in there. It was like, stubbed up, you know, shanked as the terms are for the jail terms, shanked. But I heard noises. I heard loads of voices that weren't us or anyone in there. um On the Necrophonic app, there was stuff that was coming through.
from uh a friend that I knew and was his voice and a family member um that came through it was still alive at the time both still alive and it was the exact voices and they were talking to us and I found that very weird like I couldn't explain to you why I don't know whether I don't know whether it was because ah tell i'll tell like a rough side of it my my brother and my dad have been to prison before and i don't know whether that was some sort of thing coming through because i've just come into a prison maybe not in use anymore but it's still a prison and i don't know whether that was due to that or what but it was a bit weird you know i mean two people that's still alive coming through their actual voices and even your person was like that's weird why is that doing that you know i mean
Which I found weird, and apart from the bats attacking us, nothing else happened really. You know, the church part was dead. No, he's gone. He doesn't run away anymore. It's got the tail. That's all that I had. And I think the two that come through that I knew of their voices and talking to me, might have been spirits, manipulating,
obviously knowing who I was and came followed me there and realised obviously I'm in a prison my dad and my brother have been in prison you know it was just yeah there was some some weird stuff did happen you know it was weird being in the prison knowing that my brother and my dad have been in prison um like visiting area is different to the main area and me being in all of it it was weird because he got me memories back

Conclusion and Farewell

as well. I was like, I'm in the prison. And he was like, my dad had probably been in prison. And I know how, you know, how he used to, he could have been for them. You know what I mean? So it was weird experience.
Cool. Well, thanks a lot. Um, I think that's bringing us up to around the hour mark. So any final thoughts from anyone before we wrap up? No. Well, good for me.
um i'm sure there's probably something i'll go oh i should have said that it's always next next time but yeah i'll put that i'll put that video clip up okay just sent me the video oh yeah i'll put it up on our page and to what people think to it. so Yeah, that was it. It was on um a TV show, Paranormal Caught on Camera, which me and my youngest son, it's the one program that I can persuade a member of my family to watch with me. The one program. ah And yeah, ah so that's our paranormal time together. So I love that show.
Awesome. So yeah, thanks Darryl, thanks Michaela. Darryl, where can our listeners find your videos at you? for dili att you but where Where can you be found? ah My videos on my YouTube channel, obviously Paramount, Instagram, Facebook. My Facebook is my normal Darryl Evans, but I do have a highlight at the Paramount with the red backgrounds on my face. So YouTube, Instagram, Facebook out.
TikTok. And that is it. I do believe. Awesome. Michaela, remind us. So it's Paranormal or What podcast and you can get it on all good podcast apps, Spotify, Apple, Castbox, Podbean and all the rest, Google. um I've got a Facebook page which there's well, there's two that three that are linked now actually because I've opened a business one now as well. So there's two for Paranormal or What podcast and one under Michaela Ford.
um Instagram as well, paranormal or what podcast. And I am on TikTok. I've got a rather weird kind of mishmash account because I couldn't figure out how to work it properly. So because I do I do comedy sketches as well. ah So I've got these kind of weird paranormal slash weird comedy sketches that I've been doing on there um on TikTok. ah Yeah, I think that's it.
and Insta. Nice one. And we're Pursuit the Paranormal. Find us everywhere. com ah call it uk Yeah, thanks. It's only been four years. not ten years to for kids and Yeah, have a good evening everyone. Thanks for coming on. Have a great chat.
Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with Ash Ellis, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time, and until then, stay weird.