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*** BONUS EPISODE *** Our 4th birthday celebrations live on TikTok image

*** BONUS EPISODE *** Our 4th birthday celebrations live on TikTok

Pursuit of the Paranormal
198 Plays3 months ago

Recorded live on 1st December, we talk all things UAP, Paranormal and Cryptid and we discuss our favourite moments from the last 4 years. We also are joined by the OG listener, Nick :-)

This is recorded live on TikTok on 1st December 2024


Introduction to the Podcast

almost but i don't know where to white those on soft or what it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your play it was sound awful You're listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your hosts, Ash Ellis and Greg Tomlinson. Hello. So weird that all the hell was going on. Fuck me. How are we doing?
I'm good, I'm good, that was very... Meet me cursor disappeared. I could not find it, so I had to restart the computer. It just disappeared. I couldn't come back anywhere. I couldn't accept it, but I had buttons, I was trying to... I was like, oh no. Sat there waiting, I just... See, as soon as I went live, we just disappeared the cursor. Oh no. Are you able to do it on your computer then, or? Yeah, yeah, I'm on the computer now. I don't know, I could... Oh well.
Yeah, yeah. I've done a lot of doing on my Mac. Doing more things on it. Doing more things on it and stuff. It's just a bit easier. More comfy. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I was getting ready to set my phone up. I set my phone up in case he's jumping on my phone. But then it worked on this, thankfully.

Podcast Milestones

I did cover off some of the bits that we were going to talk about. um Mainly, our first episode, which came out four years ago today, I can't believe that still. that's It did, it did. But it would be in, it would be good to cover off, um also,
it would be in the fact that it would be good to cover off, oh, did you hear that?
So ah hopefully the signal's all right from my side. I've been told it wasn't a second ago. but um David Patton would like to know if there's any updates on the Manchester Airport thing? Ash? Yeah, so I guess the latest one. Very quickly, we have Nick Thompson, who wants to join the live quickly. Right, let me get you on. I've got to try and figure out how to get you on. wait yeah Let Nick come in and we'll talk about Manchester. Nick, I'm trying to get you on. I don't know how to get you on, Nick. If Nick requests to join, I think. If requests to join, Nick, yeah. Evening Cowan, evening Dave.
Even Kim, Sarah, he needs to request.

Listener Engagement

Right, bottom line's gone pink and blue. I can't get you one. I think, let's have a look.
Here we go, right.
Nick hello hello I just can you hear me boys yeah well one second because that's just going to come back I have to get him on his guest somehow um how are you I'm very well thank you how are you yeah very good very good to hear your voice having heard of her for a very long time a little while a little while keeping it keeping it down the down low yeah yeah yeah yeah and then every time we've been live and you come on and i forget who you are so my apologies don't worry just just i'm not just saying that greg it's seven it's seven bnt five not after the wally seven bnt five yeah because it's my birth it's it's my year of birth to my old you see that's why oh
75 you're not that much older than me right like that let's get um i think ash can join us i'm waiting for him to i don't know where he's gone now i don't know where he's gone now anyway it does look like a right let me get ash on as well one second ash i'm invited to do our non-different account let's go it does look like an s only i'm not gonna lie Yeah, it does a little bit, to be fair. Can't lie. It does a little bit. I can forgive you.
ah so I'm waiting for Ash to come over.
Wherever Ash has gone, I don't know. Anyway, Nick, thanks for joining me. Ash is around somewhere. I know he's had a few technical issues this ah this evening. But yeah, you've been one of the guys that has followed us right from day one. So I know we won catch up every now and then. That sounds good to say, Greg, really. and didn't I didn't want to take up too much yeah of both your times. but I was just going to listen along tonight. But I just wanted to say, because I have been there from the very first episode.
And you know, I've told you before that you got me through some hard times, you and Ash, back in the day. So I just want, I'm just coming on just to say thank you for the four years and here's to many more and thanks very much because it's been, you both do things so well. That's what's kept me engaged for so long. So just keep up the good work and thank you very much. And that's all I want to say really. So I just want to come on, show you that and fuck off again.
ah Nick, you've been an absolute legend and I know one you've supported us loads and we we met when um we were at Minicon was the first time we met. So not about three years ago, the Minicon, three years ago, Ash's first one. um So yeah, really appreciated the support, we really do. And I know we touch base on um what you think of the episodes yeah over on Facebook. I didn't kick you off Ash, I kind of did. But yeah.
probably my fault but it wouldn't let me co-host and get you on so we do appreciate everything though Nick we really do um yeah and and i know i look forward to more of our episode chats about what you thought to certain episodes and and whatnot in the future but yeah thanks coming on taking time to come and say absolutely i just i just want to come on and as i say thank you again because you know as i say i've been there from the start and there's been a brilliant podcast so long may it continue spot on mate. Thank you for your support. I'm going to disappear again now. See you later. See you later. I've got no idea. i've got off man shot I can boot you off I think. I'll sit in a

Paranormal Experiences and Theories

pit. Right, let's get Ash back on.
Wow. and Hello, welcome. Hello, yeah. I'll sit in a pit.
nice one yeah yeah cheers Nick uh now come on yeah really appreciate that yeah i've been having this time like i said great to meet in person as well so that was awesome yeah thanks for trying words really appreciated yeah yeah no i appreciate it if anybody else wants to come on and say hello and and uh have a chat about anything paranormal uap encrypted related by all means we're sort of open for for whatever this evening. It's more of a live episode, so we we haven't got the intro music, but um but we might have, don I don't know. But yeah, thanks Nick for coming on. It was nice to get get you on, because I know we don't normally have a have a chat verbally. It's all on Facebook messenger, so it's awesome. And we met Nick at Minicarn, that was really nice. He actually she bought me a coffee, Ash.
But I'm still waiting for mine. So right from you. Right. Let's have a look. Somebody wants to come on. Let's get, Oh, actually we're going to have to, right. You have to come back on as a guest. and Yeah. We're going to get Sasha on. Yeah, girl. I'll jump, I'll jump on as a guest. Yes. Yeah. I'll join my team.
Right. One second. Hello.
hello How are you? I'm all right. How are you? actually say come by As a guest in a second, one second. i don't have an lecture on ah sp club It's very, um, and we there we are.
I'm just going to get Ash on as well. Thanks for joining us, Sesha. How are you? I'm good. Are you doing all right? Yeah, I'm all right, yeah. I was just wondering what you guys think of all these things that have been seen over the airport, you know, like Manchester Airport and the other site. Because, like, that photograph, what do you think of it? I mean, it looks like a marble, but obviously it's not. What do you think?
I mean, Davis, there's only updates on this one. and So I guess they kind of go with what the latest has kind of been going around. There's been able to narrow or down data time. because all we had was it was sometime in June. Apparently it was June the 9th and I think it was 2.30 in the morning or something like that. Certainly they found out, some Reddit detectives found out that it's raining. So there's only about a handful of days where it rained in June. So they had the handful of dates and they looked at the, there's like four planes in the picture and they managed to work out the time that those four planes were on one way together. It was on June the 9th at 2.30 in the morning.
So they've done some good work and find out during the time. So that's good. There's nothing like reported at the time or anything like that that's public. So, I mean, the picture, it's hard to see. I mean, it's not a close picture. It's room that is rainy. It's quite... not the clearest thing to say, lots of obviously fairies around what it could be, orbs, fairs, balloons, beach balls, red all sorts of things they could be, because it is not the clearest image, that's kind of the only image you've got, there's a video with it.
But that's at this and it's just showing. And the video, to be fair, looks like a balloon in the wind. It's that far away, so something kind of floating about. The witness said that, or claimed to say that it's shot up at speed. Like, it's on the floor and then it's shot up at speed. We don't have any video of that or anything.
and which has always seemed to be the case, but the interesting bit we now have the video of. I know, I hate that. It's like, why does it end? Yeah. Obviously, I'm interested in the spheres because obviously I've seen them. I've seen one in Wales, obviously. I've seen one, which I got photographs of, but it's tiny in the in the actual original photo. But when you zoom in, you can see it's like a silver sphere and it's got something else that's sort of flying around it or like moving around it.
And at at one point it looks like it's kind of like squished into it. It's weird, but it was just with a mobile phone, so it's not the best. but um And I was on, it was in that same bit, but where I seen the spearing leaves, it was on the left of Jusby Road. Then I saw it, I was on the top deck of a bus and I looked, I was just staring out the window, I looked out to the right and there was one just hanging there on the right. So I've seen them like three times.
And I'm suspicious because, you know, what if this, I don't know. You see, I saw a helicopter and it had like a one of those little eye in the sky things and it was like a black sphere. and So I'm like, well, if they've got little things like that that can zip about, what if they've got something bigger? What if it's just some of ours?
Yeah. Yeah. And I don't trust any of this. I don't trust any of this. We've got that. I've got a book and I can't book by Richard H all not Richard. they' You know, they, one of the kids getting sued. um And this is a compilation of ah military sightings of pilots. It's got the names, the rank, where they were, what they were flying, what they saw, how fast it was. There's just lists, massive lists of them. So I'm like, well, this has always been, and this is like 40s and 50s.
So why are they only going for these like few gimbal tic-tac? You know, why is it just this little bubble? And why are they really pushing it in the media? Like when not for me personally, like say six years ago, me talking about this, laughed at. Now, six years later, me talking about it, I'm not getting laughed at.
And I said, maybe 15 years ago, one day, people want to hear from people like us. They're laughing at us now. But there's gonna come a time when they're gonna go, what the hell is it? And we're gonna go, we don't know. Nobody knows shit, we don't know shit. So, ah ah it it's pure madness though. But I'm intrigued, I'm intrigued. Yeah, I mean- What do you think everything is, Sasha? What do you think it all is?
I think it's a mixture of stuff. I think it's genuinely anomalous, some of it, and I think some of it's mimicked because then when you have a load of stuff that can then some in the near future be explained away, it'll kind of explain away the other stuff we've been seeing is genuine. For example, when I was working for, the writing sorry, writing for UFO Data Magazine,
We had a mad influx of orange orb UFOs, and they were flying in formation, stopping, waiting, forming a V, waiting for the final one to join the V, and moving off, right? Not long after the all of these sightings, there was a flood of those Thailanders on the market. Now, you could go, oh, well, they were all, um like you know, but they don't stop and wait.
and form a V shape and then move off together simultaneously. That's not how they work, but it's almost like when something's going on, they'll generate or put something out there that looks similar. And then when they we find out about these technologies a little bit in the future or find out something that looks similar,
that we can go over what it was all that. But I don't think it is. I think they've been playing at being UFOs. I found those documents years ago that prove that they play at being UFOs to test enemy response, opposite aptitude, based technologies. So we have got stuff that's very book Rogers, and I'm using that as a quote from one of these documents.
they did it at Fort Benning in 1976. We've got John Vasquez to thank for that that stuff and that was a joint attack weapon system test by Boeing where they had UAV so they had unmanned aerial vehicles that were being controlled from a command center which was a Boeing with a glass bottom where they could see what was going on underneath them and all the documents so that are out there But everybody who was part of that test in Fort Benning thought that that it was an alien invasion, that there were UFOs. Something truly unusual was happening and it wasn't. So they work on people's perceptions.
because your perception sets in your mind. So it doesn't matter what they tell you you've seen. If you've absolutely convinced yourself what you've seen, which is why people are believable when they think they've seen something unusual that they haven't, because they absolutely believe it and they're not lying in, you know? So they work on that. So that's, I think it's a little bit of all the stuff, but some of it is genuinely anomalous, but I would just be speculating like anybody else as to what that might be.

UFO Speculations and Theories

Do you think it's off-world or do you think it's from Earth? Do you think it's interdimensional or what kind of
i mean gen i know Well my thoughts shift a lot on that because I don't really know so my intellect argues with itself but I know they're from somewhere um and I kind of like to defer back and this is not to say that the spiritual right But I watch near-death experiences. I really am into NDEs and what people see when they die, whatever it is. I don't know if it's the brain dying in or if it's genuinely going somewhere. But in a lot of them, they say that they see another place when they're on the way to the light, and that's where the aliens and UFOs come from. So I was like, hmm, well, that's... And that isn't that then there's not just one person that said it. It's like loads of them say it.
So I'm like, is it like, it's got to be another dimension, isn't it? Another like realm of what? what I don't know. Because I don't think like, I don't believe in religion and heaven like it's portrayed. I do believe in things like if you if enough people put their thought energy into something, they can create it like an agrigorian magic.
and that all these things are thought forms. So have we created that place where all the UFOs and aliens are coming from? As if we are building heaven with our minds, are we doing the same thing with, say, the grace? you know like Because they're not even properly real. like they if if they Because they say that they are one with one who is all, right? And you could take that to mean God, or you could take it to mean the original piece of tissue that was donated to create these clones. So they if if whatever it is that's created them has created them to come here and to deal with us, it's because it can't come here itself. So you have to ask, what is that? And where is it?
And I think it's really intriguing that the greys kind of like appeared around about the time when we started doing ah nuclear explosions in the air, you know, high altitude nuclear explosions, met creating what mini suns. Actually, they were hotter than us. So, you know, and then after that, this is where we start seeing the greys. I'm not saying to talk about UFOs, but I'm talking about the greys. When we saw UFOs,
previously. So I don't know. Have we done something with you know this nuclear energy with these mad bursts of energy? I don't know. What do you think?
Could be, like there's always a lot of and talk of the stopping scene around nuclear bases and ah they these two parts that they stopped like planes made to fire and stopping the attack, lock up the controls and stuff on fighter jets to stop them.
no firering a whatever of the tehran incident in a Yeah, that's one of them. So I mean, it could be that they're kind of trying to stop us fighting each other or anything that's going to properly destroy the planet. And what I said about the spheres, sort of going back a little bit. Yeah. And in the past where it was like it was the development and stuff. So when I was thinking about all these drones going on around all these air bases,
Obviously the the government and the military aren't telling us anything they know, and that they never will do. Especially if there's anything to do with nuclear, they won't ever say anything either way, they never do. The result isn't at these bases. And and one thing that reminded me of is kind of the guy's name.
Erm, it's a Nick Redfern, who, his theory around the Randersham incident was, it was, like, a trick by the military, that kind of testing. That's not his theory, that's my theory. Is that your theory? He's a little shit, I'm telling you. i then Yeah, no, that's my theory. I put that out, he's like, rawr. So yeah, so that theory of, erm, it was ah like a testing the response and stuff. I've got the receipts, mate.
and Check out the website, the blog. Yeah, so I mean, it could be that again, similar thing where it's the US military testing themselves with with this stuff. So they always brought into it how they may respond. And people are say things like, well, they're shooting it down, stuff like that. But you can't shoot down because it's a residential areas and stuff. They can't just be blowing things up in the sky. Yeah. Unless it's an actual direct threat of stuff to the base. So it's ah it's interesting that. So I asked him yesterday was that around whether it could be the US testing itself.
his own responses and stuff to this because the videos I've seen this video had come out I think it was yesterday from Lake and Heath yeah with the helicopter chasing it about yeah yeah it sort of went like a sort of triangle shape and stuff and the guy that's recording it was saying there's no sound coming from it but then there's another guy that was in because apparently there's quite a few people in the car parks like watching it and filming and stuff And there was a guy who stood near the person who did that recording, who said he couldn't hear anything. But he said that the cars in the car park, all like the engines running, come see his car to keep warm.
She wouldn't have to hear any noises because it wasn't a quiet area. So him saying there was no noise coming from it. It kind of has to be rejected because they couldn't tell there was noise coming from it. But if it was drones or whatever, then obviously you'd hear the humming depending on how close it was. Because still you're that far away, you don't hear it anyway. Yeah. Because it's not, the paleo type of drone is not always the loudest.
anyway, and depending on where the wind is travelling or that sort of stuff anyway, the wind is travelling the other way and the noise is going to be taken with it. Yeah. um So regarding the drones and stuff, I think it is drones. There are chinook involved as well. They're pretty noisy. Oh, would you wear anything over that? Is that the same one? Because I've been watching a ah spear there' a chi know in the in the same frame and the sphere moves off and round and the chinook goes after it and it's not fake. It's actually like some guy in a car park basically filming this. So I thought you were talking about that. So this is another thing then that you don't know about. It was one, it was, there was night time and there was like three lights. Oh, I know the one you mean. It was sort of like a triangle shape, didn't it? Yeah, yeah. And But, I mean, yeah, whether it is, it could be the US testing itself. It could be the movement of weapons and stuff that they're doing.
It might be an easy way, a more suited way of moving any weapons, anything you need to move, and undercover darkness or whatever. I'm obviously not going to tell anyone what they're doing. The documents that I found right that were written in the 70s and you know like up to coming up to 1980.
the stuff that they were doing and the things that they had then and the things that they were talking about that they used in the joint attack weapon system test. They were using like ah bolts of electricity to shoot people. You know, they were testing all this mad electronic stuff, ah electromagnetic stuff. That was nearly 50 years ago now what where are we now with it all you know and then you've got the Nimitz carrier group it goes out testing its new radar oh look what what a surprise what's all this and now oh we need weapons in space now so
especially we've got that Operation Chameleon going on and the joint attack weapons, not just the joint coalition thing where they want to kind of triangulate their forces, ground, you know, to air, ship, ground, speech fast.
You know what I mean? So I don't trust any of it. And I don't, because it is all for people who were insane, you're insane if you see that, you've got something wrong with you, I laugh at them, ha which still happens, but not as much. And now it's all very serious. And how is anyone taking Grush seriously? He's not seen any of that. How is he swearing onto Earth? He's seen nothing. And some of the stuff he's even said, we know he's been debunked, so we know where he's getting it from. He's getting it from us a lot. The entire rhetoric from the community
It's been sold back to us, and everyone thinks it's new. Because it's mainstream, everyone thinks it's new. I see so many TikToks about people going on about the aliens in the ocean. And nobody cares because we're all just so burnt out with everything. We don't even believe it anyway. A lot of times feel like, but it's pretty interesting now. And I just can't.
I just can't imagine what it is that they're up to where they need us all to believe that aliens, you know, around now. Do you think it's to do with defence budgets, all this kind of thing? Because people are generally against war, generally, I would say. But the only thing that's going to bring everybody together on the same page about war is if we're being invaded or and like a false invasion, which I know there's been talk of before. um So they could do a false flag event. I've seen that today. Tuesday? Yeah, this Tuesday coming through December. Yeah. Someone said on the TikTok today and I'm like, Oh, yeah. Okay. Letting us know in an advance. I don't think that's the point, but all right.
You've got the old aliens in the ocean and Project Bluebeam mixed up and had to make a video saying, and listen, like the aliens will be going, what now? What are we getting blamed for now? Because Bluebeam is the fake invasion, and not the real invasion. You know like can't even get their story straight. but but It's not going to help the, it's not going to help us, is it? Like figure out what the hell is going on. Yeah, it's interesting times at the moment.
is Like I said, one way of getting defence budgets signed through a lot easier is... by some existential threat that's not Ukraine involved, it's not Russia, it's, because they, like when you look at the TikTok and they say that it's not um adversarial technology, because if it was, they'd be using it now against us in Ukraine and and everywhere um realistically.

Skepticism and Critique of UFO Narratives

um So it's, it can't necessarily, well it might be, but it can't necessarily be
Chinese or Russian tech. Otherwise, why why is this two-year-old war, three-year-old war in in Ukraine when he could just end it just like that? It just doesn't make sense. so I said in a video earlier, well what you know all this stuff about the aliens are going to come and rescue people who believe in all that, the fundamentalist rapture with the modern twist. I was like, what are they waiting for? Are they just racist?
and they don't care about all the brown people who've been having ah every bit of land that they own and smashed a shit by, you know, by and far. But no, no, no, forget them, they don't matter. It's just when it affects people in Europe or Eurocentric looking people like, but lot how bad does it have to be? You can't get much worse than like Hiroshima, you know? So I just...
but It's interesting times at the moment across the whole subject now, I think. Yeah. Yeah. I've been on my sort of box this week about it all a bit, but. It's all good. I had a big break. I had to like defrag myself after all that investigating thing that I did, you know, the fraud stuff. It's a bit much.
And then I went off Ufology itself because it's just regurgitating the same stuff. You know, at least you guys are looking for all the newer stuff and putting all that out there and like making it newer. You know what I mean? You know what? I mean, yeah went all the time. It's so dull. How could you have something so exciting and go to a conference and like
i I was sitting there trying to stay awake because it's all so freaking beige. No, it's got it. It should be the most exciting, effervescent thing. Like I get all like, no, lively when I start talking about it. But everyone else is not everyone else, but you know, a lot of people are just drowning on and talking about the same stuff everyone talks about. It's not necessary and boring now. I've been in ufology for 20 years. It's boring.
It's all right. At first, when you first get into it, it's like wild, but then when you're like, oh, my God, I've heard it all before. Oh, no, we've got this coming around again. i way Oh, not this again. Oh, and again, and again, and again. Yeah, disclosure's just around the corner and it has been for what, 50 years?

Podcast Growth and Achievements

so We were talking about the fact that not not much gets released because it it drip feeds everybody's careers on the the like the social media path. and And if they give too much away too quickly, yeah um it sort of stunts a bit of that. So it is disclosure, or the the lack of full disclosure, the fact that people want to milk it as best they can. Because as soon as it all comes out, they sort of lose their, they
What would you need a ufologist for if the government was saying, yeah, yeah, this is it. Just listen to us. You won't need a ufologist, would you? No, exactly. It would starve to death. Exactly. Exactly. It ought to anyway. Well, I'm going to hop off. Thank you very much for coming on to join us. I really appreciate that.
Enjoy the rest of your show. as i Thank you ah do you. Can you boot me off because I don't know what the hell I'm doing? Yeah, I can boot you, don't worry. Bye. Bye. This is Cat Shop with a chat. Hello, Lisa. Hello, original channel. ah Thanks for joining us. Everyone can hit the screen, get them likes in for us. That'd be great. I'm going to do a giveaway tonight as well. A giveaway? Nice. Give away a couple of exclusive things as well.
Oh, okay. What number should we put it on? We just get a certain number of likes and I'll do a giveaway.
What you reckon? We're at 1.2 thousand. I'm going to say like 20,000, 25,000. 25,000. 25,000. We can definitely try for that. 20,000.
20,000. We've got 20,000 likes. like And we'll do a giveaway. We'll do a giveaway. or Some very exclusive stuff that's not available to buy, that's not um very limited edition exclusive products that you cannot buy anywhere else. And we'll throw in a copy of... Oh, I recognise that book.
How Norman Hates Dates, we'll find a copy of Man and Greg's book, which is
quite a lot of pages took us a year to write and we travel over America visiting each state and looking at a story or legends of ghosts, UFOs, cryptids, monsters in that state kind of pick a lot of lesser known stuff so it's not something we might you will will have heard of but a lot of them probably weren't heard of before so it's a lots of good information so we give away the book and some exclusive um merchandise from UFO Identify side that is very very limited exclusive and will be available once these have gone they've gone basically so I'll talk about that a bit more as we get closer to the giveaway so if I can just hit the hearts hit the hearts and that will help us get up to 20,000 and we'll do a giveaway for everybody in the chat well nice nice and David Pan said he's got it the book thank you David
As I said, it took us a year to write and it's based on all the journey of the episodes we did as well. So it's a great accompaniment. If you've listened to the podcast over the years, it's a great accompaniment to that as well. Is it signed, Dave? I think I might have signed it. I'm not sure if Greg has. But he'll be with you on Tuesday. I'll sign it on Tuesday. Oh, my God, Greg. And I'll do a signature tune as well. We did have some signed ones that I did.
I'm trying to go for the chat, but it's difficult to multitask.
I'm trying to keep up with everybody. We've got the TK pretty quickly, so that's not it. Yeah, yeah. Bang it as much as you can, people. ah David, yeah, I'll sign that, bring it over. Nick said, everything is regurgitated and repeated almost like we're in a simulation that repeats itself.
I think you're right. um There's a lot of theory around, even mainstream scientists are talking about wearing some kind of simulation theory. So that is, there's a good theory. Yeah.
So Ash, do you want to go back to our first episode? I was listening to it a bit, a little bit earlier. Oh, look at that chocolate bar. Yowie chocolate bar.
Our first episode, we put it out after ah approximately two weeks of knowing each other. Yeah. um And I cannot tell you how much of a challenge it was to record that. It was... We didn't know what we were doing. We had no equipment. We didn't know what we were doing. We had crappy little microphones that are just plugged in. We were literally cleaning it, basically. And every time we looked at each other, I was in the eye, clicked on me, thinking like a little late ball mic thing, like a cheap one. Yeah, it was. And every time we were looking at each other, we would just burst into tears laughing. It took hours to record like the first 10 minutes. It was i is crazy. And then I listened back and we sound so young.
I need to listen, I've not listened to it since we recorded it, I need to listen to it just to cringe at myself I think, cringe at us. I was listening to it just before we came on and I was like, oh my god. It's mad because we did it, I mean I had no expectations, no idea what was going to happen.
If you had five people listen to it, it'd have been great. If nobody listened to it, did it for us, just to kind of start doing something. And yeah, to think where we've come in four years back from that very first episode is just crazy. Yeah, it's difficult to focus on it, like how far we've come. It really is. And just think, like you say,
Now we got to a point a year or so ago where we we'd hit like over 100,000 people who listened to the podcast. We've been nominated for a but podcast award through Paranormality magazine, which we were up against stiff opposition. We didn't even know we'd been nominated. um We've had six page spread in a magazine. We got Bookout.
We've done um a document paranormal documentary with Danny Moss. We've been on loads of other people's podcasts as well, and it just.
It's just crazy how far things have gone. It's not like with the, we weren't, I don't think we'd do it anymore, but the magazine used to do the monthly charts, they're like top 10 panel podcasts, and like the first time we got into that top 10, so I think that as well, and then each month we were like climbing up and up and up.
It's a podcast chart and then we got, I think it was August of 2023, we were number one in the top 10 podcast charts. It's like, wow, we've got we got number one on the screenshot of the thing. And we were getting some big names like Jim Howard and all the things on there. And this was voted for by the readers of like the magazine and the listeners. We were talking about many people voting for us again, it's like Jim Howard and stuff like that. i was just and saying we regularly in that top three like for a second then we got our first place that for a couple months actually well that was just yeah yeah that was amazing to kind of be up there basically to realize that as an outtakes oh my god we have so many outtakes
gets to snow many out Yeah, I'll tell you, there's there's we have put some bloopers up before, incidentally, but we don't tend to get them so much anymore. Well, streamlined nowadays. Yeah, we are. We are more streamlined. Yeah, we just sort of, pretty much just get it done now. um So the editing's a lot easier.
um Yes, I mean, which what we didn't realize back then was, I don't know, how much of an undertaking creating a podcast, releasing a podcast and and everything is. Yeah. It's a real challenge at times.
um But I I absolutely love doing it.

Content Creation Challenges

I absolutely love doing it and the people that we speak to like one of our recent episodes last week where we released one with Olivia James and I've had so many messages about that podcast episode and we get certain episodes where we just have so much feedback on it that It's insane. um I mean, the Stardust Ranch episode for me was one of the particular favourites of mine. We were after John Edmonds for such a long time to get him as a guest.
um it It's just crazy. Just crazy. as and like the It's kind of trying to keep it fresh as well. It's trying to get new guests, trying to get people out of challenge story for the first time that use us as their kind of platform. Yeah. Trying to do different things. So it's not doing kind of the same thing all the time. We do like interview episodes. Absolutely. Which just does talking about a certain topic or We did a mini-series that we've done a few times throughout the years, the Pan Am United States series, the Horned People series, the Fallout Six Monsters series, which is just been released as a megasode. It's all five episodes in ah in one go, if you wish.
who's doing things like that, but you just try and keep it a little bit different to what other podcasts are doing. So it's not just interview style and that's it every week. It's kind of different things. And kind of announced this month. It's our birthday in a month. And we are doing a UFO month throughout December. So we have lots of UFO episodes, maybe a couple of bonus episodes in there. We've got some good interviews lined up that I haven't even told Greg about yet.
No, I just get told, can you do this time on this day? And we go for it. So big focus on UFOs. There's more things. It's hot topic at the minute. And that's not the reason why. It's just obviously on the UFO guy. I mean, it's just kind of way where I dealt with the interviews we got lined up. Kind of a couple of UFO ones after each other. And I thought, let's do the whole month. Let's do a UFO month for our fourth anniversary. And we'll do a special.
Well, thanks everyone for liking, Karen, Jamie, everyone who's liking. Cheers. Pushing them up. I don't know where Sarah's gone. She's very good normally at pushing all the lights out. I see some gifts coming in before, so thanks everyone that sent any and it gifts. I'd like to show this little piece of wood. So it might be back to front on here. I think it's mirror image.
But it says, particularly paranormal, 1,000 listens, 3rd of February, 2021. So Greg sent me that when we got our 1,000th download, and that was in February, 2021. So that took us three months to get the first 1,000 listens. So I say, we never knew where this was going to take us, how many people, if anyone would listen to it, if many people would listen to it, and took us three months and two days.
to get our first 1000 and we were like at the time we were like that's amazing. A thousand people was into our podcast and now if we get like we get that in a couple days like each week it's just mental. So now we don't really keep track of that much because it's just the numbers are phenomenal and more than we could ever have a kind of expected to happen with the numbers. It's not crazy to only think about it like i say hundreds of thousands of downloads over the four years which is just it does help you keep wanting to do it because you think yeah even if there's some people like the episode it's still we're glad for that but you think they're worth it but when we see that kind of numbers it's just insane to even think about really it is it's
And we've done over 300 episodes, 307 episodes, I think we're out now, 308 episodes. And it's just, it's really hard to believe that we managed to, most podcasts burn out after about two or three because people then realize it's not quite as easy as.
just putting a microphone up and and recording into a microphone. phone isn't Trying to get the guests is a nightmare of a task. It wasn't until our third episode that we actually had our first guest. We didn't have any guests to begin with, and then we didn't have some guests until a couple of episodes afterwards. And then most of the time, we've had people contact us and say, I'd like to come on as a guest. I've got this to talk about. So we're we're lucky enough that some people contact us.
so it's It's been really good to be able to have conversations with people that you would never normally have a conversation with um in your normal life. People across the world, we've pair spoken to people, a lot of people in America. um Which can be difficult sometimes, trying to arrange the time zones. and Yeah, it's a different mood, too early or too late because we've messed up time zones and stuff like that. Yeah. yeah
it's some It's a challenge at times for definite, trying to figure out what time zone in America, because there's multiple different time zones. um yeah Even into Europe sometimes could be a bit of a nightmare.
but These times were like, we've literally done an interview at two in the morning, because that's what time they're available. This is probably like nine o'clock their time at night, but it's like two more car times. We've literally set alarms, woken up, done the interview for an hour, gone back to bed just to kind of get these interviews. So basically when it's somewhere, we've got to be a good guest and just kind of just get them in when it kind of stuff like that.
And even, like, going back to these first episodes again, like, having never kind of interviewed someone in this format, I decided, what if we don't know what to say or don't know what questions to ask, what if we just go to flat, what if there's only silences, because none of us know what to say, because we've never done this type of stuff before. But I don't think we really had a problem with that. I probably wouldn't want to go back and listen to the first couple of interviews. I'll tell you what, listening to the first episode was a bit of an insane one.
um I know Sarah would were listen to it earlier and she was she was like, oh my God, we sound so different. And we definitely do, we definitely do. it so in In fact, you actually sound less mank than you do now. I could have moved to Manchester three years ago, so I think I'm adopting a mankram.
But no, it's been it' been a phenomenal change. And for those of you who don't know, it me and Ash had never met each other for about the first year of doing the podcast. We we met on a poker um group on Facebook, an admin page on a poker group on Facebook. Not even anything relating to UFOs or anything at all.
and um Ash had been doing his website for UFO identified and I put a link up in the group and then we sort of messaged and it was like, I've always wanted to do a podcast, should we do a podcast? And two weeks later, now four years later, here we are still. So it's been a whirlwind, it's been a whirlwind.
Has it got so fast? I think two years ago we had our second birthday episode special with Ryan's brand. Yes, I know. We had drinks and all sorts of stuff. We had alcohol that night. We had alcohol. And look. That's like a macchiscope. A macchiscope, yeah. I was on the lemonade tonight. How the times have changed.
How the times have changed. I was out last night filming it. Oh yeah, you were. You were. Oh Karen put me and David Met on Yahoo Games. Oh my God, Yahoo Games. We used to play at the pool and stuff, all these different types. What game are you playing, guys? That's mad. Yahoo Games, you know, that's mad. I don't even know what Yahoo Games is. That's crazy. What's Yahoo Games?
It's kind of like Chatroom, but you play games. You're going to play pool quite a lot and just join a game, play like an online pool game or Scrabble or different types of games. Like a Chatroom of games, it's kind of thing. That's mad.

Community Building and Listener Interaction

Pool? That is pool. That's mad. Do you remember who won? That must have been about 20 years ago.
god how long ago was that hello simon welcome back welcome back we're at 10k likes so we are halfway there get the 20k half 20k how low but we'll stick to 20k i thought you were quite optimistic with 20,000 to be fair i thought you were simon clark back on welcome back as know as just said I think on Tuesday, Si.
Oh, Dave, aren't you a sweetheart? Just touch the screen, Simon. I think it gives you hearts that way, or bottom right hand corner. yeah Our resident um ah resident IT expert is sat behind me, um and her message is saying, haven't got a massage gun, or it'd already be 20K,
look Wow, you can make of that what you will. I chose for the gift side, thanks very much. So yeah, we've got... um Okay, yeah so Sarah is our resident technical expert on TikTok and one of our moderators and currently number one fan on Facebook. So, along with Nick and everybody else.
hi if you're on a laptop and if on a mobile just hit the middle of the screen so just to explain the massage gun comment that Sarah put up um we uh wow she's got a gun that vibrates so you can put it on your finger on the screen and it'll like the screen with like tens of thousands of like So that's just to explain that. But that's a very good weapon to use on Alive. So yeah, like I said, we're halfway through the likes. If we can get to 20,000 likes, we're going to be doing a giveaway. If anybody else wants to come on and have a chat like Sasha did, by all means, anything paranormal related, anything UAP related, anything
encrypted, if you want to come and talk. ah Big Furt, everything like that. My first episode was Yahweh. So, yeah, a throwback episode talking about Big Furt Yahweh. Yahweh Chocolate Bar from Australia.
Karen's, but where have they disappeared to? I don't see the comments I make. Sarah? No, I chase for the gift, Si.
Yeah, thank you, Simon. So if anybody is unsure, come to the UF identified meetup on Tuesday.
um I'm going to be there as well. So I'm making a road trip up specially. via someone else, especially, but I am going especially up to Manchester. correct Especially to see you, Ash. I'm coming with a carload of girls as well. Let's have a look. So, Sarah's just put, I come in in on Ash's Live or Pursuit Live. If you're watching from Ash Live, you won't see anybody else's comments as we're on the Pursuit Live one. Not thinking I'm live.
Okay. No, I'm not lying. You are jealous when you are, aren't you? Or are you not? No, no. Okay. Well, after I could join this one as a guest. We need to come back on as co-host. We can split the screen again. Go off and come back on us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right.
over there ah by right So Ash is just, my lips look really red. So, David, do you want a Pursuit Live one so you're you're seeing me now? um Hopefully you should be able to see everybody else's comments. No? I'm like ah i'm tapping to see everybody else's comments. but um Wow. Sarah?
I look up when I say Sarah because she's actually sat behind me, um just for reference. So I'm just waiting for Ash to come back on. Let's see if he's on yet. Right, here we go. So Ash is going to come on now as co-host. If anybody wants to come on, um come on ah as a guest and we will get you- I don't know if I've made so big on this. I need to, do I need to sit more forward? I need to sit more forward.
What these other strats so far, it's like, it's not strangling who he is. So, if anybody wants to come on and have a chat, by all means, come on and request to come on. I'd rather people request to come on than me just randomly select anybody who's watching right now, because that's how it was at school and it was never fun.
um ah Simon said, I was on FLCR last Wednesday. I don't know what that is. No, Liverpool's at Liverpool Community Radio. Okay. Two guys that come to the Liverpool meetings sometimes and they came to see Simon's talk. I've been been on? We went on a radio. what did we What radio did we go on? We went on North Wales.
some at North Wales Radio or something like that. I know Sam went down to the studio to record, to be interviewed. take two Two guys there draw out, they're all right. I think Abby, I think, no, I think Nat and Sash actually have been on. Yeah. but Went down to the river basin. Yeah, I've got been on it, yes. But you have to identify and have with Nat and Sash. Hello, Power Man. Welcome. Good to see you.
hello yeah hello hello Darrell yeah we've um independently though i've only ever been on one other radio show and that was non podcast related uh when i was part of the paranormal group in Whitney and we went on to local radio to talk about Halloween and scary stories so that was quite cool but yeah we've we've we've done had loads of good chats on on other podcasts and and social items. What would you say has been one of your standout moments of the last four years? God.
I'm going to have to think about it. Wow. I'll throw it back over to you. Amusement channels put Whitney not too far away from me.
Okay, well, I'm using channel I am from Whitney so Be interesting. I am not stand-up moment for me. There's been many meeting you was obviously stand-up moment in my life ash I've shown them I'm using a child said yes about 30 minutes away. So not not far just down the road um I think one of the ones for me was um I think doing the Delamere episode with a certain Mr. Moss, that was, oh Nick, you can you see Nick's comment? Stand down moment for Nick was meeting both of us at Mini Con. Likewise Nick. That was my stand down moment. I don't know if it, can you do them?
I don't know if it does, but yeah, that's for you, Nick. So, yeah. Did you did you hear Nick when he came on the the podcast? When he came on a little bit, yeah. So, another standout moment as meeting the twin vestigate girls, obviously. um Particularly one of them, I suppose. I've got to say, it because she's given me daggers in the mirror.
Obviously, yes, obviously so. um So stand out moment for me though was the Delamere episode. I love doing that with Danny. and It was good to see stuff from the other side of what we normally do is our camera view is is like we are now. And it was it was great to see how they incorporate drones, GoPros, all that kind of stuff in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. That was cool. But ah One of the interviews that stand out for me was the John Edmonds episode. I absolutely loved that. um
i yeah We've been after him for months. I managed to track him down and he literally gave us two or three hours to sort out um how we were going to contact him via our mobile phone. And we're in the UK. We needed to record it. Both of us be on the call. It was a mad dash on Skype. So if anybody listened to that, we were Skyping it, it was all sorts of stuff that was happening during that episode. Loads of weird stuff happened. it It was insane. And that's one thing we need to touch on a bit later is all the weird stuff that has happened during episodes. It would be good to have a chat. Question for us both. What do you know about the Manchester Airport UFO and the other airport activity this week?
So, incidentally, just on that note, because we did cover it off a little bit earlier with Sasha, but amusement channels put our head about all the UAPs at Bryce Norton, but not us in any video updates. So, weirdly, Ash sent me a message the other day and said,
There's some capital in O'Brize Norton. And where I currently live, which is just outside Whitney, um I can almost see the the base from there. And I was going round to so the base that, well, I was nearly on my way there at that moment anyway. I couldn't see anything. I mean, I don't know where I'd be looking because it's a massive base, but where I went,
um I didn't see any activity. There has been an increase, weirdly, of police over the last week. um Round prize, whether it's a dignitary coming round or whatever, but it was ah an inquest yeah an increase in and police activity. I have a standout moment from Nick was when the cat appeared in the interview in both shows. Oh, my God, I cannot tell you how scary that was.
that was mike co oh my that was so hilarious we've actually got it on the on our tick-tock videos you can go back and have a look here it's one of the clips it was literally this cat just appeared pitch black in the black pitch black his eyes just appeared and his cat appeared that was funny it's funny you talk about something quite creepy at the time about these mergers or something had gone on And he' the whole room he was sat in was dark. he says He's just sat there. And these two eyes just appeared behind him. Doesn't it meet both eyes? What the fuck's that? That was insane.
ah was insane It was insane. um we We also had... but When we were speaking to John Edmunds and he was telling us he killed 19 aliens with with a samurai sword. And we're just... What you don't see is...

Skepticism and Listener Opinions on UFOs

because he we had no access to cameras or anything like that he can see and we're both just looking at each other like what the fuck Simon see you Tuesday thanks for joining us. See you Tuesday. So Karen's put me in us at Minicon the second year just attending with David as he was more interested than I was I enjoyed attending that we've that we went in the following year. That's cool. That's cool. And and then I've seen you a few times since Karen, the last time a couple of weekends ago, me and Sarah were at my haunted hotel having a roast dinner. And yeah, everybody else was there as well. So that was that was cool.
um And yeah, Dave and Karen come to the Manchester meetings every so often. And they'll be there on Tuesday, so it'll be good to see you again. Can I speak about it earlier, but there's a few more people in here now that weren't on a bit earlier. So Simon asked, although Simon's just gone, and Amusement channel says he's not convinced on a Manchester one because it goes from video to photo. Yeah, I mean,
So we've got a date now, it's June 9th apparently, being able to work out from the planes that run in one way and the weather and stuff. And yeah, like I say, we've got that video which is, the video shows what looks like a balloon flying about in the wind to me, that's my kind of...
my thoughts on is it it is that it is a balloon or some sort. When you look at the zoomed in photo after of the blue ball thing you can kind of see, the I put it up with a Twitter page actually on the date it came out. You can even look what looks like the valve to actually like to fill up the balloon. You can kind of see that on it as well and like the story that comes with it is that it was came down in 15 knot winds but the weather conditions from that day it was like four or five knots so it shut off at speed in aver vertically but there's no video of that obviously the best bit never seems to go on video and the account
post by a guy that he just created that account and called it Captain Bigelow obviously reference to Robert Bigelow so I think this guy already have an interest in it to kind of pull him obviously aerospace name anyway but he's highly involved in this sort of stuff so to come out with that sort of name as well it all leads a lot of questionable stuff on it for me I personally think it's likely to be some type of balloon then then anything else people keep liking it so these drones going around the the military bases that I don't see any connection how like a drone is a drone or a light start being seen them with the bases this is a beach ball that looks like a beach ball or something of balloon that's seen it partly in June
and decided to put it out now. Interestingly, you know. Just as all this stuff's happening, it's like, oh, it's a bit popular, let's stick this out. It's with what I'm not convinced either. I think it's most likely to be a balloon and a bit of a conflated story, sadly.
I'd love it. I live down there over at Manchester Airport, so I was like, when it first came out, of for I thought, oh my God, it's just now. I was like ready to go. um I go to the airport, and it's like June as well. Yeah, fuck that. It's pointless going. Pointless going now. It's not quite happening right now. So somebody says put 100% U.F. out at Manchester Airport.
um David, Cubby, Lisa, Cubby. I mean, so that's the thing, that's the good thing about having a co-host and friend like Ash. I can send him news reports and he could go either, oh, that's interesting, or I go, that's bullshit. Or if it looks like this, that could be what it is.
so Yeah, it's good to be able to bounce off. We actually done an episode where somebody in Whitney had put down some weird lights. So we found where the house was pointing on Google Maps, because I'm fully aware of where the the house are in Whitney. And the flight path to Bryce Norton is um goes right through Whitney at times so we're able to sort of say with fairly sir but certainty that it was potentially an airplane obviously but until such time that you can confirm that it's difficult but
um That's what we've been able to do. And the good thing in with that is that we're able to to um have those conversations via messenger and I go, what do you think to this? And it'll be yes, no, or interesting, or this is what I found out about it, that kind of thing. So it's really good. But then one thing that you guys don't see is that we'll post up some, um we posted up a photo of what appeared to be a light in the sky.
um Yes, there is a giveaway at 20,000 bikes. We We We what were you saying just before that? So, right, let me just cover this bit off well, because we're still... I haven't got my muscles going and my thing has fallen off. Good.
um Right, so 20,000 and 40,000. Ash has said 40,000. So, we'll do one in a minute, but I want to cover this bit off because this is important. We had spoken to, sorry, not spoken. We put up a photograph of a light in the sky and ah we knew what it was because it was a long exposure photo of a light at night over London.
It was like a three second long exposure. It's very easy to get that information from a phone, especially if someone's taking on a mobile phone or any digital camera. There's something called EXIF, which is like the the data behind the photograph. It tells you the aperture speed, the the focal length, all that kind of time it's taken, where it's taken, if it's due to vacation stuff. Anyway,
So it's easy to tell whether or not it's long in exposure. And we put that up, and it was one of our most reached photographs. We did well over 100,000 people commenting, liking across all these different groups on Facebook. And we said we knew what it was. We knew it was a photograph of a plane with a three-second, and it just elongated the photo.
getting called all sorts of names. I took a photo because I live next to Bryson Orton, still kind of do, um where I took a 15 second exposure on my digital camera of a plane going past on the flight path and it looked like ah a railway line with loads of red lights going through.
And I got called all sorts of names. I was a government shill. I was all sorts of things. A guy didn't even believe that I took the photo. I said, it's an airplane. It's like, no, it's not. I said, I took the photo of the plane myself. I know. So we do get a lot of people push back on stuff even when we know what it is. So I don don't know how we can win a lot of the times. It's definitely right. Ash, I think
yeah just my first one first first giveway so'm not playing wow how to even do this but anyway What's the first giveaway? What's the first giveaway? The first giveaway would be a copy of our book. We can sign it.
etc do have some sign
Absolutely Louvie Lisa, it's okay to disagree on stuff, absolutely. um That's the whole point of conversations like this is that we can, we do pride ourselves that when we do episodes we we speak to people with differing opinions on stuff than ourselves. we've We've spoken to people where we've not, we've decided to put the episode out but not straight away, because we've been sat on it for a while because we're not entirely sure. Listen to our last episode with a grey mouse and you'll see that we we discuss topics that potentially rational people don't don't think is um is normal. but
who who is it for us to say what's right and what's wrong we can only go on the evidence we've got on people so we do like to listen to every side of every story and that everybody can make their own informed decision at that point so um it's not something that we we necessarily unless we we know that the like i said if if we know it's this then we'll say it's this but happy to to have the discussion yeah with With the Blue, meat beatbel with the Manchester Airport, I think it's Blue, that's my opinion, based on the limited evidence that we have available for that one. One fold um zoomed in too far for one video and some testimony that's now gone because the guy that posted it deleted his account. So based on that evidence, that's my opinion, that that's the Blue.
ah Happy to be proven wrong baby happy that it's I hope it is something different. Hope it is something a bit more Not to say it. I love that this being so close Manchester Airport myself That's what we look for. We want these cases that we can't explain So hopefully something more will come out of it. I leave that to other people to do that investigation into that one
I got ah still haven't seen my Twitter posts from a bit earlier today. I got a message on Twitter basically saying you call yourself a researcher. What was it? Why do you call yourself a researcher?
Why are you not investigating these drones or something? It's like, what do you want to power like? So I thought I'd post that kind of two places. Like one, why investigate? Fucking up to me anyway. And two, I think it's drones. I think it's even military drones or otherwise. So it's not a UFO. It's not UAP. So I'm not going to be investigating it because I don't think one explain way it's It's kind of unexplained, but it's not.
kind of it's not to me it's not in the UFO spectrum its it's military drones or small type of drones nothing to do with potentially being anomalous so that's why I've not kind of part from the having to read about it and stuff and talk about it on the podcast that's coming out Tuesday apart from that but yeah not doing any proper investigation too because I don't think it's my area if that makes sense but for me to be questioned on sweater bias and random knob why aren't you doing this it's like in the photos aliens or something or anomalous maybe one day maybe we've got other things i've got on like why are you questioning what Anyway, this giveaway, so god they like it away and so... So first giveaway is going to be this book, our book, I will sign it. In fact, you can sign it on Tuesday. I'll sign it on Tuesday, yeah? Yeah. Yes, I'll be signing it, both of us. And this is the... So the UFO identified team recently went to Scotland and filmed our first feature-length documentary.
And we have some merch. This is a fizz magnet of the official artwork it's not bor and of the project. And only 10 of these ever made. Eight of them went to people that backed us, kind of like we did a bit of a crowdfunding thing to help with the doc.
So eight people got that, got it through that. So there's two left, there'd be no more made. so So if this documentary goes global, becomes the most watched documentary ever in history of documentaries.
you'll have one of these of only ten in existence so it could be worth a lot of money but yeah it's probably worthless but it could be depending on how well the documentary gets received so we have a exclusive one of ten that and I've thrown in some other bits and bobs with UFO identifying merch on it as well so to enter the giveaway oh anybody who's in the chat be careful because TikTok's telling us all off some comments and this live appeal to protect the community experience. If anyone's swearing a mod will boot you. But yeah, I can't wait. Yeah. Yeah, I can't wait to see the documentary also. It's going to be cool. Yeah, how are we doing it? How are we doing it?
Everyone that wants to enter the giveaway, if you can and type in the chat, tell us whether you think the the Manchester UFO is a balloon or a UFO. Let's do it that way. So long just put your opinion on the Manchester airport UFO and that'll enter you into the drawer. What I'll do is on my phone, I'll do that red light thing, kind of play who I was naming, and then I'll show it to the camera. So there's no dodgy business going on.
AD, yes, so we're in Manchester, um balloon or UAP, UFO. where the Where do you want to put it? Cool? Cool. Let me put people's names in as they come in. What's it called? That giveaway, spinner. We were like, name spinner. I don't know. I see how much we plan these fingers, aren't we, Gary?
we go we well We actually had a kind of plan earlier, about 10 minutes before the episode, that we pinged a few comments to each other about what we didn't do. So we've got amusement channel, thinks it's a balloon. We've got Nick. Wait, no, let's get the couple there, Lisa. I think it's EFO. We've got Dave.
Paranormal TV podcast when when are we gonna get you on for an interview and the chat? Prior to your your podcast launching next year 7b NT 5 5 Nick well that looks like an S. I'm not gonna It's a bit like a dead mouse thing Nick going full dead mouse by I'm gonna 5 again Paranormal TV thinks it's a balloon So we gave a couple more minutes for people just to get their answers in. So at 10 o'clock we'll do the spin. What's the time? I'll do just a couple more minutes for people to get in. Four minutes, too. OK. Cool. I don't know if I've not missed anybody.
Paranormal TV. Well, I'll get well soon. I've been out of action for about a week with it. Can I ask Greg? You've got a filter on. Yeah. No? Have I? No. You look quite feminine. I don't know why. got like My lips are quite red, don't they? You look like a bit more, like, younger. Younger. I've got a filter on or something. No, I don't think so. Sarah, help me. You're not younger for some reason. Wow, that's really just...
But yeah, I've got a technical expert just joining me. Was that not a compliment, Sam? Has it let out? Oh, I've got nothing. No. OK, well then. Enhance me. No, it's off, look. It's off. Oh, yeah. Enhance. You must just naturalize that. Dashing. Ten minutes.
I've got, I've literally got nothing. how no There's nothing, is there?
I'm just looking great on a Sunday night, that's all I'm saying.

Speculative Discussions and Podcast Goals

AD says hello, Sarah. Yeah, so two more minutes. Musical Channel's asked. Seems to be a big influx for the CIA. Gateway tapes. Do you guys have any take on these subjects? I don't know what that is.
on google technical question why can david only see his own chat and not everybody else's i tried to sort it out have you swiped left or right david i don't know if that's is that another thing i don't i don't really know e old gaily post it's the manual institute stuff um and i know i never refer to as the gateway tapes i've heard of them once there's my old institute and um that other hand remote viewing and stuff like that okay i it's i'd have to look into a bit further i think that's what it seems to me but it's not something we've really
In fact, last week's episode with Olivia James, we did actually cover some of the CIA experiments, mind ah mind experiments and stuff and force experiments, not voluntary ones. So yeah he listens to the last week's episode with Grey Mouse, Olivia James.
on the podcast we do talk a bit quite a bit about this and this well you know it doesn't name the CIA just free life agencies that i've been doing like to join these people and the experiments and the remote viewing or stuff like that so we are 10 o'clock i've just checked myself in the mirror ash which is why i'm in front of me and i look the same i definitely haven't got a filter on so then i don't know what I'll press the enhanced button.
Right, okay, so we'll do the giveaway. Do I show my screen? Oh my God, it's not very clear, is it? Sarah's actually just said that she can confirm that I'm handsome in her life. This is a very professional way. Handash, what are you saying to that, Will? You what?
Just say yes. No.
So this is everyone's name on. Can't see that clearly. Anyway, that does trust me. He said no comment. He didn't say no comment. He said yes. Can't see it, Ash. But we'll take your word for it. Just say yes.
i have heard sweet know on set load ten his light down he might be light flat on
I do look like I've got red lipstick on man, I'm not gonna lie. No. Yeah, exactly, no comment is not a no. So that's a yes. And that your honor.
Let me turn the screen a bit down. Ah, it's a bit clearer. That's a bit better, yeah. Right. So I'll spin it, I'll spin it now, let's see who our giveaway winner is. Ooh, look at this!
This is exciting.
It's in the blue. I can't even see who it is. A.D. A.D. Baby. It's back to front. A.D. Baby is the name of the giveaway. Well done A.D. Check you out. Congratulations A.D. That's a book and exclusive merch coming to you. I'll probably pass it to Sarah on Tuesday maybe to get to you.
Which ever way is easier? Are you still there, Ash? Oh, there you are. Oh. Well done, Eddie. Nice one. So he gets 40K. We'll do another giveaway. So if we don't, we don't. Keep banging those fingers. If we can. Finger blast everybody. Finger blast. Well done, Eddie. Cool. Great job. We've gone live for 90 minutes. Great job.
Another question from Amusement Channel. Any of you on Elon Musk and his links to that?
Your mic's just gone off, Bash. There we go. Again, this I don't don't really follow follow a lot of the conspiracy stuff. um So i don't know you if you want to come on and have a chat about it, Amusement Channel, feel free. Come on and and talk to us about it.
um It's conspiracies isn't something that we massively got into in the podcast. um I haven't really followed that that kind of stuff. um I mean, I think he's definitely somebody who's pushing the envelope on a lot of stuff, but I don't know. I don't know much about about DARPA and whatnot.
I can't hear you actually.
okay yes I mean the other more stuff seems to be kind of obviously getting his fingers on a lot of pies at the minute. He's obviously buddied up with Trump. He's got quite a lot of control on fingers I think at the minute. Twitter's just ridiculous now. Everything I think on there is just right-wing. It's just crazy what he's done to Twitter. DARPA for what I understand is weapons and technologies and stuff ah like developmental weapons and things like that so what inspires me I'll imagine kind of space weapons is kind of where we would go if we not already got that we don't know about and I think Elon Musk would be the guy that could help get obviously get that stuff into space so it would make sense I guess
But I don't know about any actual links things like that. Like I said, we don't. Is that something we really talk about? No. and And just to cover off, I put a post up on social media earlier, that during the podcast and doing on social media, and doing everything else that comes with it, and that's just UFO identified as well. It is very labor intensive, and it's very difficult for us to kind the keep abreast of a lot of the stuff that's not necessarily in our sort of remit, as it were. But we do um
That's why we have loads of people come on and talk about these sorts of things so we can ask the questions that maybe um we would sort talk about whilst um not really knowing about the subject. um No, it's no problem. Amusement channel.
But it's, yeah, something, and if we need, if we should look into it, rather look into it, it's just difficult with we have a lot of time is trying to make sure that we focus where where we need to. um I come across news stories a lot of the time about things um and go into it from there. but And it's very easy to go down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory, for definite.
um especially like climatic weather weapons. um Nick's put in the Book of Revelation in a Bible that talks about Armageddon, the devil will appear. Who is the devil, Nick? Who are we talking about? the elel on Is it Is it Elon? Or the ginger one? Putin.
and gave a right-hand man Trump a musk. Yeah. What does everybody think to Trump being the one to be the disclosure president? Maybe he is. Maybe he's not. But yeah, it's... Who knows? Does any... I mean, have we already had disclosure of some kind? I don't know.
So do you reckon we're going to get to 40,000 lights, Ash?
That'd be a tough, that'd be a tough challenge. less so I'm tapping the screen, I'm tapping the screen as we speak. ah Literally tapping the screen as we speak. I'm going to try and get us to 40,000, even if Sarah's not bothering anymore. Oh, oh, oh no, she's, wow. I've never seen someone's finger go so fast. Oh no.
This comedy show, all you need is Bojo.
Yeah, maybe. It wasn't a good combination last time, was it? No, it wasn't. I can't see true i'm Trump being told anything to disclose. He said he wants to, but he also said he could want to, but it's difficult to to unlock those doors when you're in power. Oh, my finger hurts. I've got got another 154 lights on there.
Oh, can you click it? ah so say i watch the various clickers see like cause i want to come you and army for
You asked me about standout moments. Yes, go on. So, obviously there's many. There's probably one that I've completely forgot about. The cat appearing behind Mike. Yeah, the cat. I would say whenever we get invited onto somebody else's podcast, that always feels like quite good because like the obviously you think we've got something to talk about, they want to talk as a guest, they think we've got information whether it's UFO stuff or through the podcast.
been invited on some big, big name podcasts is always like, I used to feel like you're actually doing something good. You think if they like there's enough to want us to go into theirs, then we must be doing something right in that case. But I guess podcast wise,
Being nominated for the award and watching that awards evening, you know, didn't win. Just be nominatmined great being great. Topping the charts, the top 10 podcasts for that month. Beating out some big name, again, beating big name podcasts.
and but just Just... I don't know, doing it. I think just doing it, putting it out there, speaking to all other the people that speak to all the interviews. We have the information we've found, things have learned over the past four years. Some of the topics that we've talked about that I never in a million years thought I'd have ever been talking about or even know about, but we've talked about it quite a lot. So I guess really just doing the podcast.
One thing people don't realize is that when we get people coming and asking us about coming on to have a chat, sometimes they're coming waves of like unrelated, like they don't know each other. We had one about past life and um see you later, Loubie Lisa. People coming on so you lasa asking the stuff, but to join ah the podcast and like there'd be three or four with the same topic.
in the same couple of weeks. and There's no relation to any of them. They don't know each other. And it was like the past life and ones, they came in and we'd done like three or four episodes on the on the trot about past life. That was very strange.
Well, going back to that award ceremony, one thing that people don't realize is that we had to do an acceptance speech in advance, do you remember? We had to record an acceptance video of us winning the award that we had to send to them so that if we did win, they would have had a video of us. Obviously they didn't win and that was quite awkward.
and having to to sort of do the the ethics i do the little video thanking people for winning it within in the award. I felt like a right celebrity.
odd my Addition times get like a bit of like I guess imposter syndrome because even just this week about yeah this week about two people reaching out. One from Channel 4 and another one is a production company in Yorkshire that come to me to either feature on or consult on ah the programme to make it or the document they shot the film in. It's just like, ah this is what happens on a weekly basis, not every week, but at least a few times a month I'm getting media requests, TV interview requests, newspaper interview requests, it's just mad and it's like, oh i is it that good that people really want to see it? It's it's it's mad. and like With the UF Identify, with the website, when you look at the visitors, it's like tens of thousands of people
visiting the website every month and it's like, where are these people coming from? like We don't market the website or anything. I think our marketing is probably not, where we're not making up the marketing side of things. This something we've never really done or known really how to do. But we've seen that many people, got tens of thousands of people come into the website each month and thousands of people downloading, listening to our podcast episodes. It's just like, it's just it insane It's This happens, it's crazy. David's play, it does sound like fun. there There are a lot of fun moments, David. There really are. the but we've we've got we've We finished an episode recording and but per one or the person that we spoke to um has invited us on to to be interviewed on an episode of their
show in January um following the launch of some TV programme that may or may not be a secret. I don't know if it is, it's all over social media at the moment that's currently being released, the information on the 14th of December. um Because we've had experience. Yeah, no, I was trying to explain cryptically there.
like we is it Yeah, we we we definitely done a lot of things that we wouldn't have done had we not done the podcast potentially. um Speaking to just people met a lot of people, yeah, met a lot of people who were into the same subject.
um I've now met somebody in my life who's who's massively into the paranormal as well. So that all helps. And that's a fun ride, sort of.
going on that that paranormal journey with her as well, and seeing the stuff that her and her guys are doing, and then the team. Yeah, Sarah's part of wonder who that is, Greg. You tell me Sarah, as I look at you in the mirror.
but um Yeah, it' it's definitely allowed us to do stuff that we love doing. um And like you say, I had this this particular view at the start of the four years so far, when we first released that first episode, my thoughts were, this is what the paranormal is.
um Then it sort of moved over the last four years as to
whole whole range of stuff that the paranormal is and the fact that all these different things are linked there seems to be a lot of synchronicity across subjects there's a lot of things that interact with each other across different subjects and you only have to to look at, say for example, Lou Olizondo's book and he talks about seeing orbs in his house, skinwalker ranch had orbs, paranormal cryptid, hitchhiker effect, there was loads of friends of family members having experiences with shadow people in their houses. It's all in it's all insane really, it really is.
We've had paranormal things happen whilst recording. I've got a few clips saved on the computer of when we've had weird noises, we've had voices come through. Shadow, just a few weeks ago, a shadow person behind you, which still doesn't make sense. There's quite a few things that happen where it's like, that was weird. It like wasn't like a technical glitch, it's just like,
I don't know, but it's weird. And that happens when we do meetings with the girls, when we do online video chats with the UFO stuff. We've had, I've got like a sentence, like a foreign sentence recorded at none of those three. But they're speaking on our video call. Ooh, weird. But it's like a foreign sentence that we managed to get out and slow down. It's just these weird things happen whilst we're recording. So sometimes when we talk about certain stuff,
a It goes, I can in fact, I was editing this week's episode before coming out Tuesday, very, very good episode about the recent congressional hearing stuff and the the kind of catch up on the development of all that's been happening in the USA from the release of the Lewis and the Buck we just mentioned up to basically to today. So that's a good capture of an hour and 45 minutes episode. And we got quite in depth on what's been happening in the last few months in the USA.
So just make sure you check that out.

Technical Issues and Paranormal Events

And so when I was at editing that, there's a point in the recording, it's just the audio files, where the guest, Dave, is talking about the Secret Service. like don We talked about, but not Secret Service, but the sort of the agencies gatekeeping and not letting things be told. And twice at that point,
Not the exact same point, one was just as he was saying it. And then when I went and hit again, I had to restart the computer. Not the computer, I had to restart the closed down, reopen the editing software. put it on again. Just before it got to that point, we were starting to mention early government agencies gatekeeping and stuff. It all started fucking up again but just on this editing software at this point of the audio. Just very coincidental that I talked about people get people getting shut down and not being able to say what they want to say.
and it tries, it's at this point where it was like, no you're not editing this bit, you're not saying this, it's just a weird, third time it worked, and but first few times it wouldn't let me edit that part of the episode, oddly, just coincidental, it's just weird. On that note, I put out a TikTok on the Pursuit account, and it was a great mouse episode,
and in the hashtags I put and NSA FBI government and it performed like a lot of the videos are getting like 700 800 views this got 200 it's like it's throttled And I couldn't even go back in to remove the hashtags, just in case it was some weird NSA FBI type thing. that was were're not They were sort of throttling any hashtags that said that. I don't know. And this weird and you you say that, and going back to conspiracy theories, Joe Rogan interviewed Donald Trump, and it went up on YouTube, right? They were getting 1.3 million views an hour after it launched.
yet it was not in any trending YouTube searches at all and like how can like the the fastest viewed video on the platform well certainly that day that week as two of the biggest probably names podcast name and presidential name in the world at that moment and it doesn't even trend on any of the algorithms so it just shows you things can be throttled when he'd be. So, yeah. Strange, strange. One thing we're not mentioned is, well we have mentioned a book, oh and that is available to buy in our TikTok shop for just ยฃ1.99 for the e-book version. ah You pay for it and it gets sent to your email straight away, I believe, like it's an automatic yeah process. And it's on Amazon for ยฃ10 free delivery.
so that could be on offer that's and that's the physical book that's the physical book um yeah quite fair and that's we hold December we're gonna have that on offer at just 10 pounds you can also if you've got kindle unlimited you can read it for free on kindle unlimited You can also go via the links on Facebook. There's a Shopify link. It's very strange looking link, but it's actually a genuine link. It'll tell you straight to it. You pay the 199 and you get an email link that allows you to download it. um So that's cool. So it's easy enough to do. I've had a test subject try it out for me and she confirms it all works fine. um So yeah.
All good. we We're expanding the the merch shop. Again, got a few new designs going to be going up in 2025. We just had to redesign the website, so we're we're working on that in amongst everything else at the moment. so yeah And it's a challenge for anybody that designs websites. It's a challenge, just trying to get it all done. Sarah, thank you for the lightning bolts, as always. Karen, thank you for the candy cane.
um I don't know what any of that really means but thank you very much. um We've seen people do some weird TikTok live people and there's a guy... That's quite a few of them. He just sits there like not moving. ah People send him a gift and he's just like an action for that gift. That's all he does. He just goes like lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightly bolt lightning bolt. Oh, that's MPCs. MPCs. I'm watching you say what's happening. It's insane. A lot of MP people playing as non-playable characters.
So, what what what a world we live in. What a world we live in. Do ever seen Mukbang videos on um TikTok? Mukbang. Google Mukbang. Mukbang. Mukbang.
It's that a genuine thing. It's like people eat
David, what was you just kicked for being cheeky? yeah ken cia i didn't I didn't kick anybody. Has our mod been kicking anybody off? No, she says no. Oh, she's doing it now, so no. It wasn't any of us, David. But TikTok did put a message up saying if anybody was being a bit fruity then, with their language, then,
creature with their language, yeah. You can't come on here and say shit and fuck and stuff like that and not expect some kind of ban.

Financial and Operational Aspects of Podcasting

Do you like my sexual alien? Yes. Yes, I do. Oh, David's blaming Skye. Possible me.
ah What's going on? I don't think we're going to get to 40,000. Nick's kicking people. So what about 30,000? Then what we'll do is we'll get to 30,000 and then in and maybe we'll, we'll do the giveaway and then call that day on an evening. Yeah. so it's they have london Yeah. Let's get to,000 in the next seven minutes. Yeah.
Yeah, definitely. um So has anybody got any questions about the podcast? Any questions that you might want to know, the like behind the scenes stuff or anything like that could be an interesting in one. Because we're very open with the way we we do stuff and we we will answer any questions. got No problem.
um We've got loads of outtakes somewhere we've got. Not so many nowadays though. Not so many nowadays. but We do get a lot of, I don't want to be rude by saying this, but a lot of... Oh Nick, yes sorry. I did i meant to come back to that comment. Next time I'm up in Chester...
I will call you, I will message you and tell you, I don't know where anywhere is up north. Anything further north than Birmingham, I haven't got a clue. And I don't really even know that far either, to be fair. Oh, not Sky, it's probably the finger blast with the hearts. Karen's finger blasting with the hearts. Well, go Karen. Nick, I definitely will next time, mate. I definitely will. Let's say I recall, let me know when I come down. It's not too far for me.
Yeah, there we go. We'll have a little meet up in Chester. I'm starting to learn where you're always busy already. the Is there much of a living to be made from podcasting?
Not that I've seen.
So and so if you if you think, so we we have to pay for the website, we have to pay for host oh all the hosting of the website, the podcast stuff, all the the software that goes into um recording.
yeah I mean, you can do it for free in some places, but it's difficult. To to say, we both got full-time jobs, so I don't know if that
if that tells you much, but yeah, you have to be top top tier to to start earning a living out of podcast. It's a like a love thing for us. I mean, yeah, I mean, there's what we've kind of said away from so far is putting ads in sort of like that. Cause with the numbers we get, we like, when you base it up kind of like an average for how many downloads, how much you make.
kind of pet episode for downloads and for ads and stuff and we could be making money from sticking ads in but as as of now we've not kind of gone down that route just because we don't want to be lettering episodes of ads every summit we do going forward because every single podcast I listen to has ads and I think it's just part of it now it's like YouTube you just expect the ads to be there so kind of just yeah you expect the ads so we kind of did a disservice by not been doing part of that. When you look at the figure, I won't go into details of figures that I've found out what we could be earning, but you sometimes think I'll be stupid not to be doing it. So, whether it's something we'll look at in the future, possibly. We've got things out of the book, but with Amazon it takes that much of a cut with the book to take much more, Amazon makes much more per copy than authors do.
on Amazon for books. Let's just say that. I believe in the merchant stuff. All the stuff we do sell, mainly go shows the money costs. My UFO identifies stuff. we make more money doing the UFO identifying stuff. But again, every penny of that goes into our events. We do free events a month across the North West. We put on talks, we do skywatches, we go out and investigate sightings, so we're always travelling. They go into petrol, meeting witnesses. Again, the website, and that's due up in January, so we're gonna go and just come up again. We're not renewing January, so I'm like, fuck it's late. So we do make money, we do get income, like carnival income is like all accounted for. us so i
we can pay ourselves a wage at this point. You do have to be doing a lot, like a hell of a lot really to do. You see people that, there's one guy that said he's quit his job, he's now doing it full time. He's doing his YouTube channel, he's now doing his YouTube channel full time. So we had a look at his YouTube, he's a guy that I know. I was like, someone's having health, like he's got like 5,000 subscribers.
And each video gets about 1,000 to 2,000 views. I'm just like, how is that making an income? Because I know that best with YouTube, you need to be getting millions, basically, hundreds of thousands at the very least to get anything noticeable on ah individual videos. I was like, how will you quit your job? to do your YouTube when you're getting a thousand of views a week basically. Something doesn't add up. We've got money coming from elsewhere or what. I think a lot of people exaggerate kind of the incomes on this. There's plenty of that.
we've um Yeah, I've tried to call people out. ah yeah That's a bad habit of mine. But there was somebody who'd got million claimed to have got a million downloads on their podcast, which is a phenomenal feat. And it wasn't in any of the podcast charts around the globe. um It was all a bit suspect. And Scott called out a lot. But But then they there is money to be made, but there is um there' a very big podcast in the US, and one of the one of the two guys, they're in like the top 1% of the podcast in the world, less than 1%, and he's still got a full-time job. So I don't know, it's there to be made, I think. But in terms of us, no, not as making a living, but not yet anyway.
Thanks forence for the question. That's a long way to answer. Long way to answer to say no. but like You can kind of sell your soul a little bit if you want to. I mean, I've talked about this before, you have identified, we've turned down so many opportunities just because it didn't sit right with us.
We think the opportunity is to literally be put in front of millions of people, getting our brand in front of millions of people that could lead to obviously debt exposure and potential increased income, stuff like that. But because I don't agree with that certain platform or that media organization or whatever, we've turned it down, probably to our detriment, definitely. One example is I was asked to go on this morning with what was Holly and phil Phil at the time and talk about UFO sightings because I didn't like the way they were putting it across I turned them down and we had to go on Jeremy Kyle
Jamie Carroll was doing a show called The K-Files or something. He wanted me to go on there and I was like, no, because it doesn't You see a lot of these articles and programmes where they haven't taken the piss and they don't want it seriously and stuff like that. Red top newspapers.
I don't know what the hell that was. Yeah. and We turned out so many media painters. Russia's biggest media state owned company wanted to feature on us. We were like, it's Russia, no thanks. We don't buy the Russians want us. So things like that where had we gone all these programs and got in front of millions of people and got our brand really out there, then we could have sort gone to that next level of exposure, national awareness and stuff like that, but because we don't agree with what their values are, then we we turn a lot of stuff down. Like I said before, we get weekly media invites and stuff.
And we turn half and down because if it's if it's a red top newspaper, I'll turn it down. If it's a daily mail, I'll turn it down. If it's things like that, if I don't agree with kind of that that newspaper or their programming, then we just won't do it. Whereas very, very long-winded answer is I could probably be making, or you have identified as an organization, could probably be making a lot more money than it is.
But we can stick with our moles. And again, we don't have any ads on anything, which we could be making money on, but we don't. but We just want to give the best service or the best kind of information in the easiest way to the people that will find that information. Everything's out there for free. Whereas there other websites and organizations are behind paywalls. And if we don't do any of that, it's all out there for everyone to tackle everything the information is there. We don't do it, but then we've got it in for money.
We never did, so it is for the love of it. And our personal costs, like it's four of us at UFO identified and we all end up being like out of money at the end of each year because we put our money into it to help run and fund it. So anything we do get him back when people are buying tickets for events or my buck or anything like that all goes just to offsetting the outgoings really.
So a very long-winded way of saying no. But do our opportunities if you want to sell your soul to the media. Yeah. mean So Amusement channel asked, did we need a publisher to release our book? No, we self-published it um through Amazon. Amazon, yeah. KVP.
Yeah, so yeah, we not only do we write it, we've done all the artwork together that we also self-published it as UK UFO Science 2020-2022 to the reports.
That was also another one, self-publishing. I've got a book that I'm writing at the moment that'll be out next year that will be publishing as well, self-publishing. So we're getting there, we're getting there. But answer, no, you don't need to publish it, you can do it yourself.
It's not, it's, I only think by doing it yourself, you learn more about the processes and everything. We don't learn a lot about a website, social media and all that stuff over the years. And look at that, how about 10 and 30,000 likes. You know what that means, Ash? Our last giveaway before we wrap up for the evening. I've got to find someone to give away. How about?
I'll tell you what we will do as well. ah Whoever wins, I will do a one-off design for a podcast t-shirt that won't be available anywhere else. I haven't designed it yet, but you'll be the only one in the world to have the design. How's that? Sounds perfect. I've got plenty of artwork ready to go.
Newsman channel. Yeah, absolutely. It's not been noisy. Yeah, we're happy to answer all questions. So shall we do the give away? What we're going to do, all you need to do maybe is put a number between one and 10 in the comments. And if you put a number down, you get entered like we did before.
that's okay yeah Sarah, if you could have a go, that'd be good to win me my t-shirt again.
There we go. Wow. Six, six, seven amusement channel. Shall we read out the names for you? Okay. You got it.
I can't even comment myself.
a somewhere so and it's been really nice for everybody to join us tonight as well for the last couple of hours we're going to be doing the lives every every week oh it doesn't matter what number you give it doesn't matter what number you give as long as you give a number i was just trying to think of ways that we could record that so amusement channel six is all good multiple people with six that's all good
I haven't seen a number, oh yeah, there's a number for me Nick. Sarah, yeah, there's a number for me Hank.
and Oh, I've got the same favourite number. Give it another minute if anyone else can get in. If not, we'll go with that. Yeah, no, thanks everyone. We are kicking off.
this month. We'll have lots of episodes coming up, which is good. and Oh, and also whilst we've been on the live, we've hit 1800 followers. We've had an extra few followers that have just pushed us to 1800. So thank you everybody. It's new people that have followed us.
Nice one, nice one. We're still kind of new to TikTok, but we're going to be on a weekly, like you're saying, just chatting about different power and all topics. ah This month, actually going to be a UFO bump on the podcast. Could be really interesting UFO based episodes coming up. So make sure you check out the podcast. Make sure your followers on TikTok, follow us on Spotify, Apple podcasts, whatever you find in your podcasts. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. Are we on Blue Sky now?
I don't even know what that is, but can be if we need to be. We'll get a blue sky. Okay, I'll have a look at that after this then. Just then, come off X. It's ridiculous now, at least it's not going anymore. It's fucking stupid. So much so I've got everybody in. Wait, I missed someone here. Big shout out to all the The people on on TikTok and all the other groups, people that follow us, um we've got so some really loyal fans that listen to us. I'm not entirely sure what that means, King, but thank you for your comment. Karen, David. Oh, Sean. Oh, Oh, yes. Hong Kong UFOs. Yes, yes, I know now. Hi. As soon as you said that, yes.
Yeah. You're welcome. It's only for a while, Sean. Thanks for joining. And if you get a number, type a number in the chat, we'll get you in the giveaway. Sasha, I see you just joined. Put a number in the chat and you can enter the giveaway. We already had one winner tonight.
So yeah, big thanks to all all the other teams doing their thing. Lots of other paranormal podcasts out there that we've spoken to. People like Craig Bryan, who've had us on. He's had us on with Paranormal Pendle. To investigate girls, it would be rude of me not to mention them. They're they're doing big things in in the paranormal community at the moment. To investigate UK, that is. Sarah, join us in liking the live. Thank you.
So last chance to get any numbers in, when it gets to 40 on my computer, I'll do the draw. So just type a number in the chart, get into the giveaway. And then I'll do the spinny spin. Let's turn this light off so we can see it.
King is in.
Our last meeting of the year on Tuesday can give you free at all. Greg could be there, we could be decent crowd this month. Yeah. Should be good, should be good. Good night. Right, there we go, that's everybody in. Let's do the giveaway. Let's get the... I don't know how to do it last time.
What happened? Is that dark? How has it gone that dark? Right, I think that... That's better. There we go. Right, let's do the spin. You will be about to front again by the last song one. That's all right. Can you read that? It's a bit... No, you've got to push up a bit. It's Dave.
Nice. nice I won't be able to get the t-shirt for Tuesday, Dave, but I will work on it for Tuesday. I'll should even show you the design and I'll get your address and I'll send it to you. Nice one, Dave. Congrats on winning the t-shirt. Exclusive. Exclusive. Yeah.
oh You're welcome. I'll sort out and get your details on Tuesday, Dave, and then I'll be able to send it to you.
Cool. All right. That's a good opportunity for us to to say good night. Thank you again, everybody, for joining us and joining us over the last four years. This is not an ending. This is us now going to 2025 with bigger guests. We've got some big names coming on.

Future Plans and Audience Expansion

um Famous people coming on. Dave, it can be a large one. We do XXL, whatever you want. I'll chat to you on Tuesday about it.
Thank you, Sarah. Thanks for the happy birthday, happy anniversary. um Yeah, we've got big names coming up next year, so looking forward to that as well. So, yeah, cool. Well, thank you very much, guys. Cheers, Nick, as always. Engaging, it's been awesome, chatting to everyone. Yeah, it has been. Whoever's there on Tuesday, we'll see you there on Tuesday. Yeah, see you Tuesday. See you next Tuesday, everyone.
exactly thank you
what we can get du for that is she won happy fourth anniversary of bar right um i'll see you on tuesday see like got by
Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time, and until then, stay weird.