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Ep 159 - Surrounded By Spirits - Paranormal documentary from Docside Media image

Ep 159 - Surrounded By Spirits - Paranormal documentary from Docside Media

E159 · Pursuit of the Paranormal
227 Plays2 months ago

Chris and Tyler from Docside Media join us again to talk about their latest paranormal documentary "Surrounded by Spirits" filmed in the creepy town of Brownsville, Pennsylvania! Hear about the ups and down of film-making and what is coming next from this powerhouse partnership 

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Title music provided by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity


Introduction and New Year Greetings

our motion because money i don't know what to wi i on south or it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your play it was so off You're listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your hosts, Ash Ellis and Greg Tomlinson.
Greg, happy new year. How's it going? How are you doing, Ash? All right? Very good, very good. Happy new year. Happy New Year to you. Happy New to Year to you. What 2025 brings, I'm looking forward to seeing. and

Guest Introduction: Chris Uppet and Tyler Transu

Definitely. And to kick off 2025, we're welcoming back good friends of the show for the fourth time, I think, third or fourth time, definitely. And it's the guys from Doc's Time Media, Chris Uppet and Tyler Transu. Welcome, guys. Thank you very much for joining us in the new year. Thanks for having us. We're we're excited to be back. Yeah.
Now we we love ah yeah talking to our boys from across the pond, or our lads, or or bruv's rather. you know As they say, when in Stratford-upon-Avon, right?

Exploring Paranormal Documentaries

I don't know what any of that means, but okay. That's not far from Greg, actually. well It's only about an hour. yeah not too I don't know if they say bruv in Stratford-upon-Avon.
I think it's all one of Billy Shakespeare's plays, yeah.
They say it around where I live, the little chavs, but I'm ready to mug me when I'm walking to the shop. But how are you doing? Never been better. we yeah Man, yeah, 2025, it's gonna be a dockside media year. we We just keep cranking out paranormal documentaries, whether it's ghost hunting, UFOs, aliens, telepathy, Sasquatch, you name it, um we film it. And yeah, we actually are are just finishing up
a six episode docu-series that we had the pleasure of filming with Amy Bruni. It's going to be titled Historically Haunted with Amy Bruni. So you guys can look for that later here in 2025.
Yeah, i'm really i'm I'm really excited for 2025. We had a lot of films that we haven't even talked with you guys about in the past few years.

Filming Experiences and Challenges

We had a lot of ups and downs with Dockside Media, with our distribution and things like that, which we can get into at some point if you want. ah But 2025 is looking really good for us, and I'm really excited about a bunch of projects we're planning on doing here. so And I'm really excited, for one, to talk about Surrounded by Spirits, because I do think that's probably one of our best films we've put out to date. And then also to tap into ah Historically Haunted, which is going to be something I think is really cool for the community interested in paranormal stuff. So just to go back briefly to Emma Lass had you on. You were promoting In Plain Sight. How did that go? What what was the kind of acceptance of that? what And kind of what where things went after that, I guess.
but in plain sight performed well, I'm sure it had a lot to do with your podcast. um and we we We got, yeah, just a ton of views and engagement um in that film. And then ah after that, ah we filmed what, I guess it would have been Ghost in a Graveyard Pure Pandemonium, where where we explored this haunted cemetery in um It was an old town called Pandemonium. Right, Chris? Pennsylvania. Yeah, in Pennsylvania. Yep. In Pennsylvania. So we did a camp out there, had a bunch of paranormal investigators come join us. ah you know It was freezing cold, um rainy and different things. and And it was awesome to bring that project to life and yeah get some ah some solid ah different paranormal activity you know occurring. After that, Chris, we we went to um
I guess it would have been Windber, Pennsylvania. Yeah, Windber, Pennsylvania, and film The Ghost of Grand Midway. And in that we spent, again, that was a freezing cold one. We show up at this old hotel ah that's been what how would you even describe it Chris like transformed into some like Andy Warhol artist collective. ah Yeah, there's like the world's largest Ouija board on the on the roof like it's in the Guinness Book of World Records. um I'm drawing a blank but the the lady who
Was it wrote interview with a vampire and something? Yeah, Anne Rice. Anne Rice's doll collection is is there, her full doll collection, which, by the way, at like 2 a.m. in the dark cold night, you walk into a room filled with creepy dolls, ghosts or not, that that is some creepy stuff.
Oh, yeah. No. And there was like some like super foul deathly smells. You remember that, Chris? And like that weird um that light, there was like no cars outside, but that like light was dancing across the the one side of the room. um Yeah, that that one was wild and that one just really.
like tests that

Evolving Filmmaking Techniques

are just mental gumption to see something through because we showed up and it was like, well, one, hey, yeah, we don't have any heat. Okay. Well, it's like 25 degrees out or whatever. um And that's Fahrenheit, not Celsius, boys. So this is below freezing. 32F is where you freeze to death. This was 25. And also they had no, they had a pipe burst and no running water, right, Chris? Right.
It was a great time. Oh, we went. So it was like, oh, dude, it was just rough. And I mean, the cast and stuff, ah Becky and Galentine, who's a famous or very popular TikTok ah paranormal investigator and her boyfriend, Josh Rawson, they did that one with us. And. um Yeah, I just know by the end, they were shaking like leaves, dude, they went to leave. Thankful. Chris, I think it already left and I'm like getting in my car.
thankfully they came out to start Thursday like they couldn't and I had to jump it but it was like oh bro thankfully I didn't dip like you guys would have been stranded here probably just frozen to death you know join the rest of the spirits in the house. The Grand Midway film because before that we did Ghost of the Graveyard, pure pandemonium, but that was one of our first forays into like the paranormal investigation aspect. um We did a movie called Ghost of Gettysburg before, but that that was much more focused on the history and legend of the area and not so much in the investigation. So when we did Ghost in the Graveyard, pure pandemonium, like Tyler and I were kind of out of our element relying on these other investigators to kind of learn
what you do in these things. And from our standpoint as filmmakers, it's what is the best and most interesting way to capture this footage. And I think we learned so much going from that film into Goes to the Grand Midway that it was like such a massive step up for us, I think, in not only like capturing the right stuff and making it more interesting and entertaining and figuring out what you need to capture to make it more interesting. And then that just taking us into where we are now with surrounded by spirits surrounded by spirits was like the culmination of all these things we've learned to bring together like this really kind of big epic film for us because Tyler and I we're the filmmakers and we're outnumbered by all the talent and so it's you know six six ah social media influencer investigators people who have all their their their skills we had some
um You know, more scientific based people. We had some ah psychic mediums and stuff like that. So it was just Tyler and I were like, like I was saying, outnumbered. But I think having done these these other ghost hunting films, it just everything kind of came together to make this really interesting film that we made ah earlier this year.

Authenticity in Paranormal Filmmaking

Yeah, just released here. um Well, Chris, you said this year, but this podcast drops in 2025. Oh, my gosh. So it just ruined the podcast. Yeah, we can cut this out. But so it it really stopped middle of December. Yeah. And
um What was I going to say? Yeah. Oh, just to Chris's point, it was like, Oh man. Yeah. We had people flying in, you know, they flew in from Washington, from California. Uh, I mean, all, all over. Um, and it was a, it was we was challenging. It was fun. It was, it was very challenging. I mean, some of the stuff we encountered, well, let me say this, Greg Ash,
The audience, they listen to this, you know, your podcast pursue the paranormal because they want to hear your guy's opinion. So the main show we're going to be talking about tonight is surrounded by spirits. You guys headed to Brownsville, Pennsylvania.
yes Okay, so Pennsylvania has been a lot of base for a lot of your films, obviously, where you kind of base that makes sense. So kind of the town of Brownsville, you had a team of investigators with you. And like you say, you'd film crew, you're outnumbered by the panel investigators as six of them during this film. And you visited a number of different locations throughout to kind of investigate these spirits, new stories that have been told in these different locations. So first of all,
kind of why Brownsville? What is it about Brownsville that made you want to go there? man like Like all of our docs, they all just seem to come from the ether. I mean, we we don't, I don't know, we just kind of follow our guts and the universe just whatever keeps delivering them to us. And so for this one, it just so happened that Becky Anne Galentine, who goes by my bloody Galentine on TikTok and Insta and all that, um she had reached out to us and said, hey, there's this town. It's really old. It's historical.
You know, i'd like I'd really like to investigate it if you guys would be interested in filming a documentary. And I can bring in some, you know, these these intuitives. I had mediums from from the West Coast and another paranormal investigator from the West Coast and some people from out near Pittsburgh. And and so, yeah, she mentioned it to us. Well, yeah, yeah. What dates do do you want to be there? And and then so we showed up for, it was three days, correct, Chris?
three straight days of filming. Or four, yeah, something like that. Or four, yeah. Yeah. um But yeah, so that's how that all came to fruition. And I think, hopefully, I think Becky or ah some others would agree, but, you know, I think it's kind of neat that Becky reached out to us this time. Typically, it was us reaching out to her. So, you know, I just think it helps reinforce that, i like, we do a good job with,
not just making these documentaries or films, but it's like, oh, like we truly like have fun, do we like we're laughing and and, you know, we're just enjoying ourselves, even if the conditions are, you know, not ideal. um Actually, for this one, Chris, I guess it was somewhat cold. It wasn't terrible. It wasn't terrible. that This one had had heat at least. um So that made it bearable. ah But yeah, so we we showed up and for this stock as well, we put or gave a lot of um I don't know like like pool or or rain like to the the cast. You know, we didn't know the area of Brownsville, right? So we relied heavily on them of like, Like where or what are the locations we're going to? And so there was a list sent to us like before we showed up um and we're like, yep, this sounds great, man. We can get to a number of locations, investigate them and that's what we find.
Yeah, the the interesting thing about Brownsville is it's kind of a rust belt town. Like it was heavy in manufacturing at one point in history, and then that manufacturing sector kind of died out. And so because of that, so did the town in a lot of ways. So it is, there's a lot less people that lived there that used to live there. It's kind of on the decline or majorly on the decline, um but there's so much history in that area. So in some ways, because of it being on the decline, it kind of allowed us to get into a lot of locations and stuff that we may not have been able to.
Um, it's a really interesting town and actually kind of beautiful. It's along the Mona, I forget how you say the, the river name, the Monaga Haley river, e something like that. There's a bunch of large, large bridges. You have to cross the river to get into this town. Um,
And so so many old buildings um and so many people we we we got to meet in the town who who've lived there all of their life or have come into the town and purchased up land and stuff like that. um Really interesting. And yeah, we do shoot a lot of things in Pennsylvania, but like this is on the other side of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is pretty large. So I think it was like a four or maybe five hour drive from because we're on Philly side. This is more more towards Pittsburgh.
So several hours away from us, basically very, very different from where we are. um So I had never even heard of it until Tyler said, we're going to Brownsville. And we rented an Airbnb out there. Everyone's super cool. The guy who owned the Airbnb said, hey, what are you guys doing? We said, we're for filming this documentary. He's like, oh, I got some people you should talk to. They've had experiences. Everywhere we go,
It seems like that's kind of what happens like Tyler saying like we we set out and then things just kind of fall into place. Think, um you know, the momentum of making things people kind of jump on board and so we were able to kind of expand the story in certain ways and go places we weren't expecting and things like that.
and then By the time we ended filming, the the experience is not at all what I was expecting it to be. There was trials and tribulations that we all faced as filmmakers and as the talent um and lots of crazy experiences we've we experienced as well. So there was some creepy moments, even for me, who's the skeptic guy, um some things that I can't explain as the skeptic guy.
And just a really, you know, one of those things I'm not going to forget for the rest of my life, like all the dockside media things we put together. Yeah, and I agree. Yeah, it it was cool, Chris, you're right. Like, man, some sort of invisible hand guiding us through, you know, the the the making of this this film, because for the the gentlemen, and the lads that watched it here, like,
ah we ended up interviewing Rocky Breshear outside the Nemo Cohen castle, which like, yeah, it wasn't on our to-do list, right? We just like happened to get connected to this guy or ask him, and there's this big, beautiful historic castle in the background that with a tunnel going down to the river and like all this wild stuff. And then like later,
We end up investigating the Brashear House, which is like that this John A. Brashear, like he was an astronomer, invented the telescope or something like that. And so it was like, oh, dude, this guy's a descendant of...
this just like the adventure of Yeah, it's like, what well, dude, like, I don't know, we we got extremely lucky, like, I don't know, there's probably producers and stuff that whatever are going through his town history with a fine tooth comb to try and make connections like that. And um we just always seem to, I don't know, follow our, our gut.
ah and and end up creating something way better than if we would have sat down and tried to script it all out and say, hey guys, do this or say this. um Yeah, these things just kind of naturally produce themselves. And I think it's really cool. I think that you can see that you know when watching the film, um they're like, oh man, this is like some magic happening right here. And I think, I hate to pat us on the back, but Chris and I just,
We do a great job and and keep getting better and better at just like the cinematography aspect of it. like We really pride ourselves on like, oh, we're not just trying to slap a documentary together of a narrator talking for an hour and a half with with cheesy B-roll screenshots slowly zooming in. It's like, oh, no, dude.
A lot of the B-roll, we film all ourselves. Occasionally we got to get a little piece or something, but even then it's like, oh, well, we're buying footage of the correct asset that we need to help tell this story. And so it's it's been really cool. I think if people go back to doc documentary number one,
um conscious contact, full disclosure, watch all the way up to documentary six, surrounded by spirits. um And then even, man, we even upped our game one more level with this historically Honda with Amy Bruni, where we both upgraded to like cinema cameras. I mean, were you we were using, ah you know, we're shooting 4K and 24 frames per second or 120 frames, you know, for real smooth, buttery, slow-mo B-roll.

Personal Paranormal Experiences

But now with these cinema cameras, it's like, oh, Chris,
I mean, does it not like does your head just want to explode every time you look oh yeah look at the images? Yeah, it looks great. Dude, I can't believe two guys who you know took a chance creating a documentary company three years ago. Like, how are we making these? It's it's crazy. And so hopefully you some of your listeners out there, you know maybe they have something passionate they're passionate about or whatever, and they're like, oh, you know what?
Let me give it a try. you know if if i If I keep doing something that I'm enjoying, I'll probably naturally get better at it.
So I completely agree with you, I completely agree with you. And that there's a few things I wanted to to tick off from what you've said, where you're saying that you're kind of naturally led with the documentary and the filming. I mean, that that seems to come across as well, where you said that the influencer people started to to lead it.
It was interest interesting that you start off in in one location, you sort of go to these others, and then towards the end, july you hear the friction between you two, sort of saying, where's this going? where What are we doing? And then you actually come back and the the main interest is back at the start again, which which I think is is great. and Because my question was, what what was going through your heads when you were peeling off to these other locations, when it felt like a lot of it was right back at the start.
We were so confused and frustrated at times. Tyler and I remember so many conversations we were having while we were driving between locations. And I mean, if you haven't seen the film, I'll just say this, like there was this place we initially visited, which a lot of the people experience things, myself included there.
But when we wrapped that location and went to the others, our main investigator was saying nothing was happening at that location. And me and Tyler are sitting there looking at the six hours of footage we filmed, four of the people saying they did experience things. I was privy to a bunch of those things. So was Tyler. And we're like, how can you sit there and say nothing happened there? And then we go to another location in something similar where she would be like, no, nothing's happened. and Tyler and I are just sitting here thinking, well, what are we filming? We we have stuff. We have experiences from people, but because you say you're not experiencing anything, you're ruling out everybody else's. And like, this is all in the film. we' We're like upfront about this stuff. ah And eventually we just started recording that. you know those are We have a big argument with our lead investigator in the film, the filmmakers and the investigator. And it's weird.
how I won't give away the ending, but it is weird how all things coalesce and come together. um And so there's a lot of rawness to this film. It's weird that also Tyler and I are are in it, but we kind of felt compelled to be just to defend the vision and the idea of like what is happening here and why why there is so much conflict. ah Discord, as you will, is a common term used in this film, um and because it was all real. so Man, it was frustrating at the time, fun at the time. Looking back at it now, it's just a really interesting story. I think it it shows the kind of journey that you went on to make the documentary. So not only is it a paranormal documentary about the events and occurrences that happen whilst filming it, you've also almost like a behind the scenes
in front of the camera type um journey that you two go on as well. And that comes across as well. And knowing you two like we do after speaking to you several times over the years, it it's good to see that part of a paranormal documentary because I know we've spoken to other people um and they had say ghost adventures investigate the house. Ghost and adventures turned up, spent two, three hours there. Nothing happened and they left.
yeah And then this whole episode is like, well, nothing's happened at this property. So it's good to to show the frustrations you as a filmmaker and paranormal investigators as a whole have when people see stuff, people don't see stuff, people saying nothing's happening, people saying it is happening. And it shows the paranormal ah experiences are quite personal at times. And it doesn't mean that because you haven't had a, you haven't had it. It doesn't mean other people haven't. Right. So, yeah and I understand the frustrations there. Like I understand the frustrations of an investigator like Becky or someone like that who feels the need or feels like they have to produce
evidence or produce some sort of interaction or something because the cameras are rolling. And that's the thing Tyler and I talk about with our films, like I've watched Ghost Adventures and Zach Baggins and stuff like that episodes occasionally, like I'm not a big fan of that stuff. I don't really partake generally, but I've watched it because I'm like, well, we kind of make something like this. And then I watch it and it feels so dramatic and over the top. And I'm like, this is just not what we make our experiences aren't like that we have moments of unsettling things and creepy things happening. But our stories that we put out there like these are real stories and they're grounded. And they're trying not to be melodramatic, they're trying to be real. um And so we don't make things
like maybe the typical ghost shows you'll watch where every five seconds the door slamming and someone's getting haunted. Like it's just, that's just not the reality of what we filmed because no offense. I don't know if what they're putting out is reality, but I know what we are is. So if you're looking for what a real ghost hunt looks like and what real ghost evidence and all that stuff looks like, then watch a Dockside Media movie because we don't, we don't do the tricks of shutting the door or anything like that.
We just, we get what we get and that's the story. And a lot of times maybe our stories come back to the more. Personal human side of things and not necessarily all the the paranormal stuff, but to me, both are compelling. Um, and I'm just, yeah, I'm really proud of what we we were able to make here with surrounded by spirits.
Oh, for sure. And to just kind of double back on Greg's yeah point about mentioning about, oh, ghost adventures and not slamming them. But, oh, they they went to the house for two or three hours. It's like, oh, man. No, like when Chris and I go film a doc like depend like this, you know, surrounded by spirits was in Brownsville. So we're there for three, four days. And we are literally we're filming from what?
8, 9 a.m. until midnight, probably, right, Chris? I mean, the camera's not rolling, the if not later. And the camera's not rolling the entire time. You're driving between locations. You're setting up lights. ah You're talking to the the investigators and cast to see, okay, well, hey, what what do we want to do here? um But it's like, oh, man, we, when we, ah for the historically haunted with Amy Bruni, I mean, same deal. We had this, now for that one, it was really cool where Amy, we ended up going back to her hometown of El Dorado, California. And not to get totally into it, but it was neat where with that one, she actually was like, just gave us carte blanche to schedule whatever locations we wanted. And we went nuts. I forget how many we got to, Chris. I mean, it had to be like something crazy.
like 18 or 15, you know, because you can include libraries and her parents' house and blah, blah. I mean, for a week straight, we're going to like two places a day easily um with meals in between. We get back at night. We dump all the footage, right? Clear the SD cards, get like seven hours of sleep, maybe if we're lucky, and then, yeah, get up, charge all the gear and go back at it. So.
um Sometimes Chris might want to kick himself because we log so much footage that when he goes to edit it, it's just, man, it's a lot you have to go through. But it gives him, I think, just a lot of like creative storytelling ability to craft, you know, help craft the narrative in a succinct way of of how the investigations go. And yeah, it was surrounded by spirits, man. it was um I'm thankful that we saw it through to the end because as mentioned, it's like sometimes there's frustrating moments. you know And it's mentioned in the docs, and this isn't spoiling much, but like, yeah, the one the second location we show up to, the lady's like, oh, I don't think this place is haunted. I've never had any experience. yeah like We're like, why are we here? A ghost hunting documentary. What are we doing here? But it was cool that you know we went through it anyways. and ah
between the different paranormal investigators and the and the mediums and intuitives, like, oh, like we picked up some activity there. And when you have a super old historical building, you know why like why wouldn't you? you know there's There's definitely a chance that something's attached. But yeah, but those were just some of the things that that we ran into where it was like, oh man, how are we gonna make this documentary?
no Let me ask you guys this, Greg Nash. like what are you guys what do What do you guys look for when you're watching like a ghost show or a ghost documentary or something like that? like What is it that works for you? So there's a kind of follow-on from what I was going to say about Surrounded by Spirits, where the realness of it, I really love the realness of of what comes across in that as a panel investigator myself, and as someone who recently filmed my own first documentary a couple of months ago.
Yeah. Mirrored. Let's go. We'll talk a bit more about that later. But it kind of mirrored our own journey, like a couple of days in. Were you asking yourself the question, like, do we have a story here? It's like, are we just wasting all this time and money and not got anything? it and see that And see the frustrations play out on camera.
is very real. I think that's what is good about it. and Like kind of the second, suppose the middle third kind of wait, like in other locations and not what is really happening. It's real. It's not, you're not trying to make things happen. You're not trying to make sure you get any stuff on the statement. It's, this is the reality of ghost hunting. And I guess Chris, you asked about kind of what do we want to see as a viewer? So that's kind of my kind of investigative side of it as a viewer.

Documentary Filmmaking Journey

Some of the things where I thought, and I guess when you come across to some of your own frustrations that we see on on the film, where one of the mediums or a sensitive guys is like in one of the rooms or one of the buildings and you just seem to keep leaving and not wanting to kind of go further into it. It's like there's something happening or you've got the feeling that something's happening here or something might happen here.
And then they kind of, instead of exploring it more, they're kind of moving themselves from the situation. And as a viewer, or as and as the panel investigator, I personally would be running head first into it. So it's kind of like, where are you going? Like, go down here, but then obviously, and and once that person's gone, obviously it's not what you guys can do to kind of bring that back in, to kind of go down that route. So for me, that's kind of some of the things I was like, with the paintings,
and Um, but I if stuff is not out to be separated in my head. I'm straight away. Well, separate them. See what happens. So that's kind of, I don't believe me worst. Yeah. When we yeah. you Thankfully, things played out. ah Yeah, just the way they did. But initially, right. we We hear that story. We're up on the landing. There's a page like, oh, hey, let's separate and stuff happened last time. I go, no, we need to be respectful of the spirit. It's like, oh, you know, I I got it. But can we ask the owner if we can say like, it was just it's the ah it's the dichotomy there where the investigators take their stuff very seriously outside of the film. Yeah.
And they're not just looking to entertain an audience, they're looking to do their job. And they want to do it with, you know, the respect and stuff. And so they don't want to upset spirits. They don't want to cause problems. While us, the filmmakers, we're like, let's cause some problems and let's film this. Like, this is what we want to see. So, yeah, there's times where we're like, I hear something, somebody hears something or somebody said, and it's like, let's go. look And they're like, no, we can't. I'm like,
Why are we always going against what would be the most entertaining thing, it feels like at times? It's frustrating. Yeah, I agree. I, um, whenever me and Ash have done bits together, that's, I've been on paranormal investigations myself with a team locally to where I am. And.
that people say, no, you need to say like a little prayer thing so that we don't get attachments. I'm like, fuck that. Let's do this. Let's get them wound up. Let's got to be respectful. Yeah. Yeah, I get that. But also if there's something there, let's fucking wind it up a little bit. Let's let's get it get it going. um But I think the the part that I liked about the documentary was the fact that it showed People say stuff's haunted and like when you rocked up and the woman's like I don't know if it's haunted or not um It also showed that not Not everything is haunted. It might be old, but it's not haunted the fact that not everything happens all the time Doesn't mean it's not paranormal
It just means that nothing happened at that point. That's fine. And and the the frustrations you showed on camera was also the frustrations as a paranormal investigator when i I've been out and about. Me and Ash have been in his basement.
That's a long story, but he has a lot, me and Nash have experienced some weird stuff in his basement. Then we went down there not long ago and nothing really happened at all. And that is the nature of it. And I think where people, and you you mentioned a minute ago about this social media influencer, when the camera turns on that something needs to happen, that's the problem with paranormal shows.
because most haunted done it so most haunted in the UK that was like one of the first the OG paranormal investigation TV program and all started off grey then it become all about likes and people go I need to see something happen and it got to a point where there was um there's a haunted house they'd done a live episode and one of the guys got pulled up the stairs it was like oh really fucking dramatic up the stairs in this house and when we've slowed it down and we've we've talked about on this on the podcast there's a rope around his fucking waist so he's done it and it's just like
you're better off telling the true story of what happened during your journey. Because I find that, especially with paranormal investigations, it can be a journey. you Like in yours, you started off, you went to other places and ultimately came back to to the start again. And I think that's how it should be, rather than just making something happen for the sake of making something happen, because that's when people start faking stuff.
um and there's loads of shit on the internet and especially TikTok. There's lots of people with fake stuff happening. They'll get millions of likes. And we're pushing out stuff that me and Ash have done, um just clips where things are happening and it's just like, how the fuck are we not getting these millions of likes for stuff that's actually happening? Whereas there's this TikTok account called Smug Puppy and it's about as fake as you're watching, it's as fake as anything and it gets millions of views and you're like how the hell do people blindly accept stuff so yeah to bring it back sorry I've got get off my high horse and I will sit down gently
what you did was great, is what I was trying to say. But also, yeah I must say, the cinematography, mea me and Ash are talking about this before, come on, it's sick. Absolutely. Right at right the start as well, where it's all dark, it's an end, like, They're like, I wish I hadn't brought the crew here. I wish I hadn't brought them here. And I'm like, what the fuck is going on here? This is, it like grabbed me right from the start. All your sort of drone shots, all that kind of stuff. I told you I'd get drones in, in this episode Ash. Drones.
drone shots are really smart. Everything was really slick. And like you said, compare it to your first documentary, you can see you guys have been on the journey as well. So I'm looking forward to seeing what the next few look like as well. Sorry. I think to your... Go ahead Tyler.
Oh, well, I'm just going to say about that's really cool to hear about that opening. Yeah. Chris and I, ah he's the editor. I know we discussed back and forth. Oh, how do we want to open this and, you know, just decide on like, oh, well, what if we, you know, what if we open with this experience like and do you have mad kudos to just, yeah, we appreciate you guys ah just having like a keen eye of like, oh, you guys are like telling it how it is. You're not overhyping stuff. um If ah if it's something doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. If something does, it does. And so to see Jules, Jules Nolan, who she has a man, probably half a million followers um and she's a medium. She's on Instagram and TikTok. I believe her name is the hex baby.
ah But she is just, she, we've worked with her a couple of times and super fun. So, and like always joking and real quick witted. So like to see her, like just her free. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, Oh my dude, this is crazy. And with, you know, asking for, Hey, can we, can we hear a sound? Like, let somebody know, let us know that you're here. And then we hear that we're like, dude, what is going on? This is crazy. And then same deal. Um,
Yeah, Seth Browder, the other medium, he's from California. And he, yeah man, it was a pleasure to work with him. Like, and I think you can see on camera, it's like, oh, dude, this guy is like, genuine, you know, he's not like, like, it just, it's crazy. It's crazy. I could watch him. I want to make a documentary maybe just with him because when he's on camera, he he's just like,
You're just captivated like by him. um And he had some crazy experiences. Remember, Chris, like here, like that one time at the at the kitchen table where he thought I said something, he thought you said something and and it just and it's in the dock. But we're all just like it was. um Yeah, and he had to go like, yeah, walk out of the house. He's slamming the doors like swearing and stuff. It was it was crazy. All right, Chris, back back to you.
Well, I just wanted to say, Greg, you you mentioned about like the fake TikTok and the the haunted show faking things. i think I think maybe that pendulum is going to swing back, especially with AI and everything like that. I think authentic and being credible will be what audiences engage with and stick around with. And I got no interest in fake and everything.
um It's just not what we do and it's it's never what we've done. we've We have this this filming method, technique, whatever it is, it's just natural to us where we just, either if it's a documentary just about a subject and we interview people, we just let them speak and we don't tell them what to say and we don't.
you know, we don't point the question, we just ask them the same questions. and And when I get the footage, the story is there. It's just a matter of chiseling away and finding it. And the same thing happened here um was surrounded by spirits. ah So I hope, I hope that credibility and that authenticity uh is is known or is shown or visible to the audience that you know this isn't we're not we're not overhyping things we're not making things up this is just what happened and we want you to to decide whether you believe there's some sort of paranormal aspect to it or maybe it's just a bunch of coincidences and i don't know but i was down in that basement and becky said that and that noise happened and we all looked at each other because
Maybe it was a coincidence, but it was, you know, it was a hell of a coincidence, then. Oh, yeah. And then when we're at the table later and they they bring it up and it knocks again, it's like, well, we've been in this house, I don't know, between all two different days filming, I don't know, probably like 12 to 16 hours easily. So we haven't heard that any other time. Like it was it was weird, ah really weird.
Yeah, I heard noises in the attic then too, when we were doing a session. And you like I said, I'm the skeptic guy, but like, everybody's downstairs and I have to go back up to the third floor where I heard something and it's creepy up there. And I was uncomfortable and same going down into that basement. So even if you're a skeptic person, like, man, some of these times where we're doing these things, I get, I get creeped out.
I wanted to ask actually, before you've mentioned it, Chris, it's going back to kind of the first time you you guys came on the show three or four years ago. And you were kind of like, say, yeah, I'm Tyler, I'm Chris. And the world's skeptical of the two. This journey over the past three or four years, how has your kind of mindset around that changed, if it has at all? Well, it depends on what we're talking about. If we're talking about alien stuff,
I don't even know anymore. Things in that world developed so, so many different ways. We haven't done an alien doc recently either, but I'd love to dive back into it, especially with all the, I don't know if you guys saw the, like the recent drone stuff happening in the United States. You did say drone Greg, you went to the UK. Oh, is that happening in the UK too? There's just a bunch of things that I think we should dive back into with the alien world. As far as the the paranormal investigating thing goes, I've now been a part of so many different They'd be scenes in a movie, but experiences where I, so I don't have an answer for them. And they did creep me out. Um, I don't know. I still don't know. I wouldn't say, you know, I'm just not going to be like the guy who's like, yeah, this place is definitely haunted. All that stuff. But I come into everything. Like, I don't think anything's going to happen or I don't think anything's here. And then when these things happen, I don't have an answer for them. So.
I guess at some point we'll see where where I take it, but um I don't know what happened in that basement. I don't know what happened in the attic when we were up and I was filming and we heard noises because they were all down in the basement. We were three stories up and I heard it. And there's many things that happened when we were with Amy Bruni um for historically haunted.
And I remember we brought a sound guy along for that that film. We hadn't ever worked with another person and he's a skeptic too. And he was like, man, it's just, it's weird. I'm like, I know it is weird. I don't have an answer for it, but I don't want to say everything's ghost, but I don't have an answer for it.

Lessons and Future Projects

No, that's really, I guess, Tyler kind of same sort of question, I guess. Maybe from a more, let's go from maybe, let's go from a filmmaking point of view, going back to, like you say, two guys said, let's do this a few years ago. Let's just film a doc, see where it takes us. So now with, uh, surrounded by spirits and work with Amy Brunei, that's coming out this year. What's that journey been like for you? Like kind of from personal point of view, when you look back over the past three or so years?
Man, well, I've always been open-minded and man, I just realized the universe is a big place and man, we've come, technology's come so far in just a hundred years or whatever, 50 years from Atari to PS5 and stuff like that. So it's like, oh man, I'm definitely open to.
yeah intelligent life non-human intelligence or you know being out there um as far as and as far as like ghosts and stuff like that yeah I'm definitely open-minded to to things like that as well and telepathy it's like oh i don't know it's just the universe is so big man and we just keep discovering new like physics and and different things through science now with like right artificial intelligence and like at the rate that that
he does he's he's like very like he does great using it to generate whatever it is. Hey, dude if do you want to come up with a podcast? So here'd be 17 names we can use for for a new podcast? Or what you know, what do we want to cover? Oh, here's like a brief, you know, plot line of storyline of how we can, you know, tell a story. So um yeah, it's just it's crazy, man. I love my life, I love the future of where everything is going. And this filmmaking journey, I'm just like, I'm so thankful that, you know, four years ago, whenever Chris was like, Oh, hey, do you want to, do you want to maybe start making documentaries? Yup. Yup. Let's do it. Do you want to like, let's do something interesting. Like, I don't know. When you say like aliens, ghosts, Sasquatch. Yup. I'm on board. And it's just been crazy how, man, after we made that decision,
just kind of one thing after the other where I don't know. we We just kind of feel like it just keeps coming to us of what the next doc to make is. Like we really can't plan it. Sometimes we try and it and it doesn't happen. I don't get the replies from the people that I need like to schedule different interviews. But I mean, even just the fact that, you know,
This whole thing started on us seeing a Reddit post about a former Department of Defense intelligence officer giving a ah press conference in front of the Lincoln Memorial. So that's in Washington DC for you UK folks, ah which is like the capital. But so she was like giving this press conference in front of The Lincoln Memorial talking about creating a team to send on an expedition to go investigate these extraterrestrials that she had encountered out in California ah sometime before, like not not too long ago. And so we saw this post on Reddit getting a lot of traction like Chris.
Dude, I should go down and film that. We'll figure out what to do with it afterwards, but we we need to get this." And that was how Conscious Contact Full Disclosure was born, just from you know that instance of some knucklehead down there with three cameras, miking up this lady, this Department of Defense intelligence officer to who I'm like corresponding to or corresponding with through like Reddit and then eventually you know phone and email and blah, blah, blah.
Like it was just, dude, it's been a wild ride. And then man, we're interviewing like people like John Ramirez, former retired CIA officer. He was in, in plain sight, the intelligence community and UFOs. um Rick Doty, who everybody, you know, whether you love him or hate him, I mean, the guy has been consistently or consistent. ah I know my experience with him, you know, he's he's a former,
was the Air Force Office of Special and Investigation, OSNI, or whatever. whatever but yeah he He was um originally right like a counterintelligence officer or misinformation where he was feeding ah like false information to the UFO community and stuff. um but so Dude, this whole thing has just been one wild ride of two guys new into filmmaking. We had done it for some years, but you know we were early on in our journey to like, bro, four years later, we're film we just filmed a ah six episode series with Amy Bruni? like How does that happen? i mean like that that is just And just where it's like, oh,
i don't ah I guess the paranormal community, probably a lot of your listeners would somewhat be familiar with this, but you know we just happened to reach out to her at the right time where like Discovery Channel was kind of like getting rid of paranormal or not renewing paranormal shows at the time. and so It was like, dude, the odds of us happy ha like happening to like reach her And then her actually reply and then us get on some Zoom calls and her suss us out and be like, dude, these guys are bonafide filmmakers. I believe that if they're saying they can come out here and film for a week of me investigating my ah where I grew up and where I had one of my first major paranormal experiences,
um But yeah, like she just trusted us that we would see it through and make a just a great, great series. And man, it's cool, dude, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I absolutely love this. And dude, yeah, I mean, Chris, where a okay there was like one time on historically haunted with Amy Bruni, where you and I kind of butted heads a little bit.
You remember? i yelled I yelled at you, yeah. but But other than that, do we have fun? like it it is a yeah It's a lot of fun, right? I mean, dude, you wouldn't think filming for 12 to 16 hours a day for seven straight days would be fun, packed in with flying you know five and a half hour flights and rental cars. but Dude, it's like... man, it's the time of my life. Like I absolutely like when we come back, it's like, ah dude, you got to kind of like, come down from that high or whatever, because it's just, you're just running on on pure like passion, man, for yeah seven straight days. So it's cool man it's been an awesome journey.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's all for us, it's been about fortitude and determination. And, um you know, everything in our lives, it's all like what's happening in the moment, we don't see all the pieces until later on. You know, we've had our ups and downs with Dockside Media, we've we've done all these films, we had, you know, our films taken from us for a year from our distributor and all that kind of stuff. So we finally got them all back. That was a whole ordeal. We're basically starting all over again, essentially.
um But you know it gives us more determination, different perspective. We learn every time we do these things and we just get better and better. And that's the thing, Ash, like you just said, you you just shot your first thing. Just keep going. Just but get it done. Put it out there and do it again. Because so many people out there, especially in the filmmaking world, I'm so tired of hearing it.
Like, we've done seven documentaries. We've done The Thing Now with Amy Bruni. I also, in this time, made my own feature film. And I don't know how many people out there in the filmmaking community say they want to make a movie, and then they come up with a million excuses of why it can't happen. I made my movie for $15,000. We make the dockside media movies for basically no money. And all it is is our sweat and our our determination that sees these things through. so If you want to make something, go make something and stop making excuses. And like I said, you know, we could we could have quit in 2023 when our movies were all like everything was taken from us, essentially, Tyler and I.
and like all the money that our movies made and all this stuff taken from us. And we're like, well, what do we do now? And it's like, well, we pick it back up and we make another one and we just start over again. um And so 2025 baby, we're gonna come in hot. We've got so many ideas and I'm just reignited by determination here, so.
awesome no definitely i mean like i say we we went up filming for we did six days in scotland as soon as we got back i was like oh i want to go back and it just yeah get get back in the car and just do it all over again like what i don't need to edit this one first and then start looking at the the next one but yeah no definitely the passion comes across in the in the in in the films themselves and i think that's why the so the arguments what's nice if you are real and the passion from talking to you both comes across. You both just genuinely win. There's nothing. There's no egos there. There's no nothing. It's just actually this is us. This is what we've done. This is our passion. Just go watch it and I will check one listening Doc's Eye Media and make sure you're checking out these docs. Thank you.
Thank you, man. And for sure, i dude, I hope people get thanks for mentioning about. Yeah, just like the no ego. It's like, oh, dude, we feel extremely grateful every day. It's like, dude, how how do we get yeah even though we got shafted by a former distributor to even have them pick up our films in the like in the beginning? It was like, bro.
There's probably a hundred thousand filmmakers who would kill for that. Like, how do we get lucky and do like, it was, I don't know, just luck and and taking chances. And, um, I hope people like can see.
that dude like you could probably surprise yourself with what you can create. like For me, I'm not real like crafty. like If you want me to make you like like a popsicle um shed or something, it's not going to look pretty. But for some reason,
Chris and I, we fell in love with filmmaking. And like we do, we didn't go to film school. We don't have a four year degree or anything like that. It's like, oh, bro, the year's 2024, 2025 now that this is released. And like you would be surprised what you can teach yourself and learn through YouTube videos, just stuff online, you know, how to compose a shot, put, you know, use like thirds, right? Put an eye on a third or on this third. And, um,
You know, and then we get into this like, oh, we happen to stumble upon, you know, gimbals, right? And it's a gimbals, this device that can hold your camera and it keeps it completely balanced and smooth. So when you, when you see our shots, um, yeah, I don't think most people would think, Oh dude, theres this is two guys doing everything from soup to nuts. Cause like, you see a lot of.
These shows on TVs are documented. And when it gets to the credits, it's like 80 million people had worked on this thing because it's a lot of moving parts. And so I hope maybe somebody out there views one of our films and is like, wait, what? the these do They could create that with.
You know, consumer grade like like electronics? like how it I would have thought you needed, right, some $200,000 budget to put something together like that. And so hopefully somebody takes a chance like Ash, like you did, and you know you go start filming your own stuff. And as you, like the more you do it, you just you naturally yeah get better at it. You get a feel for it and you learn things when, like Chris,
Like he's learned, you know, as mentioned earlier, he's like was, he's very rather skeptical. And certainly when he first started to the point where, you know, we'd go film these docs, or I'd film these interviews, sometimes it would just be me flying out. And, um but you know, and then I'd send, you know, just drop all the files onto Google Drive, right? He can download, like this this stuff is just crazy that we can even do this nowadays. But like he would go through and edit this thing. And I'd give him some notes. And I'm like, well, Chris,
why did you include this story that the lady shared? And he's like, ah, cause I don't really believe. I'm like, bro, I don't care. These docs aren't for you. You know what I mean? These are, um, for people that like this type of content.

Philosophy and Gratitude

So, uh, yeah, just cause you don't personally believe that the story that this genuine person shared, it's like, well,
I do and other people will too. And if that was her experience, yeah, share it. So it's been um cool watching Chris grow grow where it's like, oh, some stuff I know where he wouldn't have probably even included the first time around. It's like, oh, dude, no, this is cool. I can see he's he's becoming more of a believer where he's like, ah yeah, I can get behind this. I see we um i was there for it.
We, we get similar experiences with, with the podcast that we will speak to people who have recently put one out. Um, and the lady claimed to be, um, part of three letter agency secret program growing up. And you're like, after the conversation, we're like, what?
But the fact that it's putting out their story, whether or not we believe it is relevant. It's we putting out this conversation that we had with this person and people can make up their own mind. So it's great that with, especially with the surrounded by spirits as well, that you put out this journey. Like I said, I mentioned a journey where you just put out what happened rather than trying to make it this Hollywood style everything's happened at once and the explosive activity and people being thrown against walls and Which incidentally when you watch those films, then you go on a paranormal investigation that doesn't happen It really sobers you to the fact that yeah, actually you have to you have to put the time and the effort into a paranormal investigation it's not like glasses are not just gonna be thrown against walls people are not gonna be launched up at the ceiling and
Um, so it it is, so what was the most, um, what's the word? What was the most, um, what was the best piece of evidence that you guys managed to see during your time reporting the latest film?
I mean, I think being surrounded by spirits was probably the basement thing. Yeah. And it's, it's not all captured on footage. The.
the feeling that was there. and And, you know, you watch the film, it's the opening in the film. It also comes back near the end. But this was like the end of the journey and the fighting and the frustration and everything. We're looking at each other, annoyed with each other. And all this stuff was, but but you know, bubbling up to the surface.
And it's just, it was just so strange. It was like, it felt like a climactic end to a film in real life, if that makes sense. Like there was just an energy there. um You know, and I think I'm even in the shot or something. If I recall, like Tyler's camera swings over to me and you could see my facial expression like, what the, I think I bleep myself is happening. Yeah. Like it was just,
It was crazy. It was just a lot going on a lot of motions going on there and That was my biggest experience from that film Yeah, same and then when you know, it was just kind of like Then we have that experience we leave the base when we go upstairs We're like reviewing this stuff with the mediums and they're like dead serious like that. They're giving the investigators instructions on um
Maybe how to put these spirits to rest. I don't want to give too much away, but how to kind of, you know, ah stop or close off this activity and You know, they're like telling Chris and I, look, you guys have kids. I don't care whether you believe it or not. You need when you go down in that basement to film and and she's and they're doing this thing um like you need to say Malcooth three times. I don't care. I don't care if you don't believe you you need to say it. And so you can bet your sweet buns after that crazy experience like 15, 20 minutes earlier, Chris and I were saying Malcooth as like
Yeah, network mal co I don't even think that was in the film where were they, but they were aggressive about um like, Chris, I know that you're the most skeptic, but you just need to say these. And I was like, OK, I'll say them. So, you know, they were very intense about what was happening in that house. So, yeah, I said the words because I wasn't going to take any chances either. Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Nice one. So obviously you got the historically haunted with Amy Bruni. Yeah. You're crushing the titles, bro. that was good You got it right. Yes. Coming up this, this shape. Is there anything in the pipeline that you could tell us about? Or is it more just you got ideas floating around anything you've got that you can write with doing this next year or the year after? I mean, we want to do, yeah. And only in a UFO one. And we have.
We've taken a couple different swings at trying to get interview secure interviews with some different individuals and just haven't connected on them. We'll keep swinging and we definitely will. i mean What you talked about, you know all this drone activity and stuff. i mean Dude, it's there's there's a lot of just interest and chatter and whatnot, and it's just amazing. I'm not sure... ah Are you guys the military or Ministry of Defense? I'm not sure what the Ministry of Defense is reporting, but like the US government, like they're saying, oh, these these drones are they're not hostile, they're not our tech, and they're not foreign tech. im like Well, okay, well, what does that leave?
UFO or like, you know, NHI aliens. Um, so it's weird that they just keep letting it go on and they're not giving any like legitimate reason and just saying, Oh, well don't panic. So I think that's it from me. So if you guys want to add that we're not covered before we wrap up. No, just thanks for having us back.
Yep, you guys rocked it. Always a pleasure. ah You guys are two genuine souls, man. and And we just love chatting with you, man. And you guys are real. We we love that you like to have fun um while you're while you're doing your investigating and talking about these topics. Because I think you have to like have you know, whatever, just a ah good head on your shoulders to be dealing with this stuff. Like I don't want to get too wrapped up in it, you know, where I get ah anxious or or nutty, like I need to, you know, enjoy it for what it's worth. And, and yeah, just keep being curious and and exploring. And I think we're just going to keep discovering new, um,
just like new things in the universe, dude, that'll continually shock us. And so Chris and I and Dockside Media, yep, we're here for the long haul, baby. So if you like ghosts, you like UFOs, you like aliens, you like Sasquatch and Bigfoot, dude, check out Dockside Media.
on Facebook, ah you can follow us that way you can you can see ah we do a good job kind of logging are when we go film these projects so you can get a little bit of behind the scenes looks on where we're going and who we're filming with and and then also all the announcements of when these documentaries are coming out and so and the new ones that we're working on so yep we're gonna keep swinging for the fences boys and we'll keep sending you these docs if you keep watching them yes please When when are you gonna come when are you gonna come and film in the UK? That's what we want to know Well, we just need one of these but we just need one of these gut feelings to to be like ah Yep, there's something there. There's a story there that needs to be told
And I'm on a plane. Did you guys ever, do you guys know what weekend at Bernie's is that movie? I saw the cinema when they first come out. All right. So that's basically, I'm Bernie in that situation on an airplane. I have to be drugged and nearly comatose to make it through the anxiety of flying. So when we went to California, I had to, you know, pop some Ativan and stuff, and I was barely coherent just to make it through that flight. So flying over the ocean. Oh man. I don't even know.
I'll get you there, Chris. you'll be Tyler will get me there. But it is a weekend at Bernie's kind of situation there. Wow. So you're like Mr. T? You're Mr. T, the two of you. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Mr. T couldn't fly either. Yeah. yeah kid I hate it so much. I hate it so much.
It's only a few hours on the east coast. It's not, uh, it's if fly words So it's like, you go all Canada and Iceland and stuff. So not as you have a lot too much. Okay. All right. okay We'll see. We'll see. No, I'd be down. Yeah. No, for sure. I think I need to renew. I think I need to renew my passport though. It'd be worth it.
We got loads of spooky places here. Oh I know you do. We went out to, um we've been out to Canuk Chase, this this forest. We went to a place called Delamere Forest. We actually were in a documentary that somebody else was filming about this particular forest. And we had some weird experiences there, didn't we Ash, last year. So yeah, definitely down for that. yeah Awesome. Well, I'm sure the stars are going to line one of these days. I need to get. Yeah, I've never been out of the continental US, so I need to get my buns over there.
but so We'll set it up. we'll so When the gut feeling is strong enough, you guys will hear me, you'll probably just hear me knocking on your front door. You say, oh gosh, Tyler's here with the camera. All right. Let's go film for a week. ah Thank you very much both of you again. Best luck with the with these docs and the show coming up and we will definitely see what you've got in store in the next couple of years and we will speak again soon. Thank you both. Thank you guys. are You guys are welcome. Thank you.
Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time, and until then, stay weird.