8, 9 a.m. until midnight, probably, right, Chris? I mean, the camera's not rolling, the if not later. And the camera's not rolling the entire time. You're driving between locations. You're setting up lights. ah You're talking to the the investigators and cast to see, okay, well, hey, what what do we want to do here? um But it's like, oh, man, we, when we, ah for the historically haunted with Amy Bruni, I mean, same deal. We had this, now for that one, it was really cool where Amy, we ended up going back to her hometown of El Dorado, California. And not to get totally into it, but it was neat where with that one, she actually was like, just gave us carte blanche to schedule whatever locations we wanted. And we went nuts. I forget how many we got to, Chris. I mean, it had to be like something crazy.