Ep 148 - A Scientist's own Alien Abduction Encounters - Dr Bruce Rapuano  image

Ep 148 - A Scientist's own Alien Abduction Encounters - Dr Bruce Rapuano

E148 · Pursuit of the Paranormal
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Ep 148 - A Scientist's own Alien Abduction Encounters - Dr Bruce Rapuano 

This is the story of a mainstream scientist’s own interactions with the highly advanced alien beings who abducted him and at least thousands of other people.  As discussed in Dominion Lost, compelling technological evidence of the alien presence, especially with respect to incredibly advanced UFO propulsion systems and implanted devices that are likely instruments of mind control, has existed on this planet for more than 60 years. More importantly, this book is a wake-up call to our species to finally accept the reality that we are now sharing our world with technologically superior alien beings. This new reality must be addressed immediately.

Bruce Rapuano a B.A. degree from the University of Pennsylvania where he majored in Neurobiology and minored in Psychology, a Ph.D. in Neuropharmacology from the University of Connecticut and a J.D. from New York Law School.   Dr. Rapuano has conducted independent biomedical research as a cell biologist at internationally recognized medical institutions including the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the Hospital for Special Surgery, both located in New York City.  He has authored or coauthored thirty scientific articles in peer-reviewed medical journals. He has published articles on topics such as the role of membrane phospholipids in nerve function, the skeletal effects of cancer metastases, metabolic bone diseases and the coordinate surface electrical and biological properties of titanium alloy implant materials. Dr. Rapuano has also worked concurrently as a medical research scientist and Associate Radiation Safety Officer at the Hospital for Special Surgery.

Buy Dominion Lost on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3YruTBM

Title music provided by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity

almost because money i don't know what to wi i on soft or what it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your play it was so often You are listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your host, Ash Ellis.
Welcome to this week's episode of Pursuit the Paranormal. We've got a very special guest, very interesting guest joining us this week. That is Dr. Bruce Wapurano. Apologies, you probably correct the pronunciation. Did a great job. Nice one. PhD.
So I've got some very interesting themes and topics to talk about from Bruce's own background and history of abduction and stuff like that. So, Bruce, welcome to the show. Thank you very much for joining me. Thank you. It's it's ah great to be with you on your show and meet you finally. Yeah, it's been great.
Thank you. And yeah, so we're going to be talking about mostly today, your book, which is the minion lost a scientist on alien abduction encounters. Pretty self-explanatory title. I think that kind of covers ah the main themes of the book. But before we go into that, obviously your PhD, you've got your doctorate.
It's very quite interesting the topics that you've been studying. Just want to give you a bit of the background because I know the listeners would be interested in the kind of your scientific background before we go into the more unusual topics.
Well, I i big had an interest in neuroscience at kind of a young age. I majored in neurobiology and minor in psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. And then it really provoked an interest, again, or stimulated my interest in neuroscience even more. I i had to go on and get a neuroscience PhD and actually a neuropharmacology, which is the study of the effects of drugs on the brain at the University of Connecticut.
and I've been working as a cell biologist for my entire career as a biomedical research scientist. I worked at places, I did cancer research at the top cancer research hospital in America, Memorial Sloan Cannery Cancer Center in New York City.
I also spend the bulk of my career at ah doing orthopedic research, developing the next generation of artificial knees and artificial hips at the top orthopedic hospital in in the US, which is Hospital for Special Surgery, also in New York City. And in the meantime, and in my spare time, I managed to get a ah law degree at JD from New York Law School because I had a lot of lawyers in my family. I was interested in what the um the the law, the study of law, and and and you know that that particular profession was all about. And um so I've got a kind of unique background for someone one who has had personal experiences with this phenomenon of UFO close encounters and and alien abductions, and and a unique perspective in terms of how one would um
observe the phenomenon, make certain, formulate certain theories about it, that, you know, maybe the the person would who doesn't have a science background might have a slightly different perspective. So that's, but that's how I look, I look at the phenomenon from mainly scientific perspective, based on my background.
Amazing. I like how you say in your spare time you got a law degree. That's just obviously a very intelligent guy. So I can't wait to talk a bit more about some of this. Obviously we're going to be talking about a lot of paranormal themes that are in your book. So as a biomedical scientist, how do you reconcile the scientific background with the paranormal themes that we're going to be talking about? Well,
what what i'm um What the goal of writing the book was, the main goal was to be as um analytical as possible and looking at not only my experiences, but the experiences of really thousands of people that are really the parallel. My experience is so remarkably closely. um And if if I can do that in a way that persuades the reader, then I have some so objectivity that I'm able to um
You know, draw some conclusions about certain aspects of the phenomenon the UFOs. They're the way they move about the propulsion systems, or the actual ETS or aliens, whatever you like to call them, in terms of what their physical nature is in there. And, you know, I discuss.
speculate based on what's what's what's been reported in the UFO literature already about what their biological biological nature might be, how closely similar they are to human beings, where they came from. But if if I'm successful in in in analyzing this phenomenon from my particular perspective and my particular background, I'm hoping that will cause The great bulk of the scientific community all over the world who's really not been looking at this phenomenon taking it seriously at all even today to maybe look in our direction and and not only.
Wake up to the possibility that it may be real, but also consider it a subject that's worthwhile scientific invest investigation. So I'm just one person. I'm hoping that in the next one to five years that there are hundreds and thousands of scientists um come forward maybe many of them have had the same experiences I've had but more importantly have decided you know we want we have to get together as ah a community a coalition of scientists and start looking you know taking the subject seriously and begin and start to investigate it as a community of scientists so again that's that's my that's my object and that's my my hope um that
will be a direct result of of me writing and publishing this book yeah hope hopefully it's kind of on that note you've offered a lot of pay reviewed work obviously in in the field that you're in how has this work this side of you kind of been received by your colleagues and peers i haven't had any negative feedback you know to tell you the truth i think there are a lot of i won't say a lot but there are definitely scientists out there that are If they're not willing to come forward, they they contact me and I have to respect their, you know, the confidentiality and and they've come come forward to me and reported to me their experiences, some very high level government scientists and in in the States that there they weren't my colleagues that I had not done, you know, research with them ah personally. But again, they're they're
You know they're reluctant to tell the the colleagues they're working with, but they did come forward ah to me and and and in a number of cases, not only relate what happened to them but certainly express their appreciation for my openness, my transparency, and talking about my own personal experiences. So overall, I you know i have to say the but feedback i've I've gotten from members of the scientific community has been all positive, fortunately. i And I'm sure there's some people that still
no matter how much evidence you put in front of them, still have this bias against you know taking this particular phenomenon seriously. But and we have to get to get to as many minds as as possible and realizing with the realization we're not gonna be able to persuade everyone to take this seriously. Do you think that there's still a risk to people's careers by potentially speaking out about this topic? I read about this in the book and I still think that You know, if if you're trying to get funding for for your research and and the people that are reviewing your applications and reviewing your scientific papers know that you published a book about your UFO close encounters or your contact with, within ah you know, ETs or and some advanced alien civilization,
you know, it it's it has to consciously and subconsciously affect how your particular scientific work is going going to be reviewed. Now, I always bring up the case of of Gary Nolan, who's, I think, the most prominent American scientist who's come forward and said, I've had these experiences. But, you know, he's he admittedly like myself,
very established scientist, close to the ends of our career than in the beginning. And, you know, I i think um he's at the point where he can almost privately fund any research he wants to do, whether it has to do with ETs and UFOs, or whether it has to do with immunology or molecular biology, which is his field of x expertise. But I have to say, if someone's starting out, whether they're at the beginning of their their scientific career, our research career or in the middle, it's It has to be still very difficult for for them to to really attach their name to the you know to the study of this this phenomenon, even today. Yeah, I mean, sadly, and I think a lot of kind of high kind of careers like that, when you think of pilots and stuff where
if their superiors think they're having these experiences. Are they ah other the superiors going to think, is he fit enough to fly a fighter jet? If they don't believe these stories, they think he's maybe losing it or something like this, are they going to think, he is it is he sort of mentally enough, well enough to fly these planes? Great point, great point. Ash, that we know there are hundreds and thousands of these, I call them prime witnesses, the commercial and military you know pilots
We never hear their stories. we We've heard a few stories, but that's just the tip of the iceberg, really, because 95% of the pilots that have have seen these things in in the skies, they're never going to report them because they know they're going to lose their job.
So that's that, I think that's, uh, that's pretty, that's pretty sad because we would learn a lot more about the phenomenon. If, if all those, as I say, um, prime witnesses can come forward with, with their stories and op and expert observations. Yeah, definitely. It's a, it's a shame that like with your profession and other similar ones, that it's just that too much. I best like to say earlier in your career.
thank got to right special press like especially some people come become quite famous, not in a good way because of it, coming out and then again get a bit of cure and stuff and affect the whole life going forward. and We have to wait for these.
Exactly. Well, we have to wait for what we call these deathbed confessions. You know, we're a lot of scientists and people that are right in the middle of this phenomenon. You know, they wait, they wait until they're at the very tail end of their not only their careers, but their lives to to write books or, you know, go on and on TV shows or podcasts to talk about it. But that's, that's too late. we We need to, to hear as much of these stories as possible and gather as much information and hope hopefully you know quote-unquote scientific data as we can, in my opinion, is as soon as possible. Definitely. Definitely. One kind of final question around the ah kind of your your work, your biology, stuff like that, is the brain.
And a lot of people say that a lot of this stuff, a lot of people experiences, it's kind of, they believe it to be true, but is is something happening in the brain that's causing them to see it or experience it? What's kind of your thoughts around the psychological guess side of the experiences that people claim to have? Well, the the first comment I make is, you know,
Many, many, many of these witnesses, we particularly the contactees or abductees, we think only remember what happened to them through regressive hypnosis. But and the greater the greater percentage of them actually, like myself, have consciously recall these experiences. um And there's such You know, there's such such close similarities in a number of different aspects of the abduction phenomenon across not only hundreds but thousands of witnesses, and I go over this in the book, where I i relate my own particular experiences to the with respect to the fact that I can check every box and what I call the core alien abduction phenomenon that
as I say, thousands of people have experiences. When I say thousands, those are the thousands that abduction investigators have met and interviewed. yeah Number one, that I don't know how so many people can be having the same dreams or hallucinations to almost to the last final detail. Number two, many of these abduction events including mine, have had multiple witnesses that may or may not have been a part of the target or part of the abduction event, but witnessed the approach of the UFO during the close encounter. We're aware of certain strange um signs and in the environment.
Number three, in addition to the the fact that that's not so you people all all these people can't be having the same dream, there are multiple witnesses to these events. number three they're also many different types of physical evidence.
um the you abduct these Many of the abductees, 10, 20, 30%, all report the same scars in the same part of their body. They have the same physical symptoms, unexplained nosebleeds or scars inside their nasal cavity.
And so this it's the physical evidence together with the witnesses and reproducibility of the of these abduction reports that have persuaded me that this is not something that ah arose in the realm of the imagination, but is a real um phenomenon, a nuts and bolts phenomenon where there's but been contact between human beings and, in my opinion,
biological organisms from some other planet, some other dimension, we don't know where they came from, but they're definitely ah representative ah not of a an advanced non-human intelligence. So that's the the conclusions that i you know I've drawn it in in my book Dominion Lost and that parallel the conclusions of of many people that have studied this phenomenon. So your own experiences, let's get into this. And they started very young at a very young age for you. Usually, yeah. Maybe go back to when it first started, your your earliest memory of your experiences. it's It's so striking that when you talk to abductees, they all, the great majority of them say they can remember their first experience at the age of five or six. And I'm i'm the same. I don't know why that particular age, but I can remember
um It was in the summertime and it was actually this. Do you remember the, the ah the first reported abduction case of Betty and Barney Hill in the US. You've heard of that.
Yeah, that was in 61. Well, two or three months before that, I was in September of 61. It was in the summertime and I, I, I remember distinctly so many details of this particular event. Six years old, I'm lying in bed. It's maybe 730 in the evening, shortly before dusk.
And my, I'm just nodding off to sleep my attention is drawn to a glint, a flash of light outside my bedroom window and I look out the window, and I see the strangest looking airplane I've ever seen in my life.
it's it's very very it's it's from even in the waning sunlight, it's it's highly reflective. It's clearly a metallic object, but that's that's the first thing that drew my attention, the the reflection of sunlight off off the highly polished surface of this craft. It was just flying right over the rooftops of the apartment buildings in my neighborhood, maybe five or six blocks away from where I was. And you know it although I thought it was an airplane, I thought I saw wings, the fuselage, or at least the diameter of the fuselage looked to be too large relative to to the length, in that it looked more circular than tubular, like an airplane would look.
I saw what I felt was a bolt of lightning strike, the the tail, some or some discharge of electricity that was a little bit frightening to me. But ordinarily, I would have been so curious to look at this ah this object and watch it until until it drifted ah you know past my my bedroom window. I did something very strange.
I turned my head away from it, turned my head to the left, away from the window, put my head back on the pillow as if under command and immediately fell asleep. And then i when I woke up, I wasn't in my bedroom anymore. I looked like I was in some type of operating theater. I was definitely on some type of examt examination table.
I don't remember if it felt cold to the touch, but it definitely felt like a hard surface. I didn't know what the material was. One thing I remember, it was far too long and far too wide to accommodate the body of a six-year-old child. So I remember being a very large table. um And then I was somehow attracted by some commotion in front of me, maybe 20 feet from the foot of the table and slowly sat up.
and When I did, I was a gas because I saw dozens of beings and I call them beings. They look humanoid. They were actually no taller than I was, but they all had.
They were white in color. They all looked like clothes of one another, very uniform, same dimension, same height, same, you know, looked all to be this the same weight. They all had disproportionately large, hairless heads. I can only see them from the side, so I couldn't really make out their their facial features. But half of them were walking very briskly from left to right, and the other half in the other direction.
They look like they had a seriousness of purpose, like they were they were involved in some particular work that, they looked very industrious. They looked like they, ah I thought they were doctors, but they looked like the strangest doctors I had ever seen. But I was convinced I was in until some type of the hospital and what I, the beings I was looking at were or doctors of some type. um And I think I'll i'll stop there in case you have any questions to ask about about this particular experience. Lucas, how, as a six-year-old child, what was your feelings that you can remember, kind of the emotions, or were you feeling at that time? Well, I'll talk about one emotion. One emotion I felt, which i was you know which is which was provoked by what happened right after this scene I just described to you, you know the point at which I ended it.
um For some reason, you know, I realized that, you know, it was not right that I was taken by. I didn't, I don't know who these people were. These beings were against my will. And I pointed at them and I said, Hey, you're not my doctors. What, what, what business did you have taking me from my brethren and bringing me, I don't know where I was bringing me to this particular place, ah you know, for whatever purpose. I had no idea at that point.
But going forward, you know several months from that, I'd had been having some very painful ear infections several months before that particular experience. And then a that was in and late June, late July. And then the and then the ah late fall, early winter of that same year, these these your infection ear infections recurred. But I remember thinking that This particular experience had something to do with my ear infections. Now, I didn't think they were the cause. I thought that I was being treated in some type of a hospital but for these infections. And the strange thing was when I actually had an operation in my
ear, nose, and throat doctor had suggested I have my tonsils and adenoids removed. And that would maybe cause my ear infections to clear up. I actually told him, i went um just before I went under anesthesia, that was February of the next year, doctor, I said, why did I have to have two operations? That's how convinced I was that this was a real experience. And he looked at me quizzically. He had, a he had,
almost a startle look on his face didn't answer me. And, you know, so that was the the the feelings I had about it were not were not. You know, feelings of anxiety or fear or or or anger, it was almost as if I had integrated this experience into what was going on in my life to try to make some sense of it. So I can't say that there was any at the time at that time.
any emotional trauma um that resulted from it, strangely enough. Did you tell you your parents or family about it at this point? That's a strange thing. I never did. and I don't know why. It's as if some somehow it was made to understand that I should be quiet about it. Then maybe there was no reason to tell my parents or I was given some type of for lack of better expression post hypnotic suggestion, never to talk about it. You know, I've had other experiences where that that that feeling that I was being suggested or directed or commanded not to tell my parents or my family what was happening to me um happened again that same year. You know, I i
You know, I just alluded to the all the the different types of physical evidence that's associated with this abduction phenomenon. One of the types of evidence I mentioned was the unexplained nosebleed. And i I think it was probably a couple months after the experience I just described to you, where for some reason, and this was a real episode of what's known in the literature is missing time where I was in my apartment all by myself, six-year-old boy. I didn't know what I'd have been doing that day with my back against the wall um in the hallway between the front door and the bathroom. And for some reason, I felt that there was some moisture under each nostril. I didn't know if I was having a runny nose. I had a cold before that.
And then I heard a voice in my head, which I knew is not my voice, telling me, don't let them see the blood. And I did something very strange. I didn't even know I was bleeding. But I ran to the bathroom. I was horrified when I looked in the mirror to find out that, yes, I had a nose bleed from each nostril. Quickly washed some blood on my face. Not more than 20 seconds later, my mother and brother walked in the apartment.
to see, see me coming out of the bathroom, but all the evidence was gone. So that was when I i realized that, you know, there's somebody telling me not to talk about these experiences. Did the operation you had that stop the infections afterwards?
Well, yeah yes, i but, you know, I'm assuming that that our ear, nose and throat surgeon was, was right. He had made the correct diagnosis that if I had my tonsils and anoids removed that those ear infections would not recur and and they didn't. So I don't know if that was just something that was going on with, with my health that had nothing to do with my abduction experiences or whether they were related and somehow I really don't know. But the answer to to your question is yes, they did go away after my tonsils were were removed.
Cool. Kind of a side kind of question before we continue with the experiences. You say that you remember all these experiences without the need for hypnogression, anything like that. Do you think you may have other ones that are hidden that you don't remember other experiences? Yes, I have to have to admit that it's logical to assume that I have not been able to consciously consciously recall the great bulk of each of these experiences. You know, you remember the beginning, if you have a UFO close encounter, you remember when the UFO approaches, you remember when the UFO flies away at fantastic speed. That's the normal abduction scenario. But the that mis that middle part of the the the abduction event is usually
the the the part that is that is missing from memory. That's the part that has to be retrieved through regressive hypnosis, which I've not had. Now, if I did, I'm i'm assuming that it's it's likely that I would recover more of each of those episodes.
So, yeah but you know, but what I've consciously recall, i'm I'm assuming is a, you know, maybe is a relatively small percentage of the total event itself in each case. You ever wanted to explore that? I thought about it. And, and you know, I've i've been asked that question a number of times. And the problem I have in my case is that You know, the experiences I talk about in the book all happened before any of this um was in the popular culture. there there was There was no talk about aliens, what they look like in periodicals, television, movies, when I had my experiences. But now, of course, fast forward to 2024 and not only you know is it is it
is there a a dominant um part of our our popular culture. But I've studied it. I've read hundreds of books. I've thought about my experiences, how they compare it to the experiences of thousands of people like me. So it's it's difficult for me to believe that won't contaminate a ah hypnosis regression session. Everything I've remembered, maybe I've forgotten ah most of what I've read or thought about regarding this phenomenon that might bleed through during the hypnosis sessions. So i'm I'm a little bit skeptical that it's going to be beneficial in recovery, accurate recovery, what really happened to me in my particular case. Yeah, no, that that's technical issue. Yeah, the that that that would be it definitely ah significant in my case.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Good points as well. that Yeah, good points about that. Especially like for your experiences as a six-year-old without it being the popular culture too. I imagine that would be a hard thing to do. It's not something that a six-year-old green probably even think about creating.
If it's imagination and if it's, yeah, so it kind of leads while that happens. As I hate to repeat again, but that that's something that that i I talked about that happened even before Betty and Barney Hill. So I don't know where that could, how that could come from my imagination and then mirror so closely what happened to so many people in that era.
in the 60s before ah many people have come forward with accounts from the 60s. And in in the ensuing decades, decade after decade, it's it's it's replicated with later generations as well. So, yes, it's, you know, but I have thought about it. I have thought about trying to find a good yeah hypnosis therapist. Fair enough. So after these first experiences, did they carry on throughout your child?
ah yeah As I got into my teens, I did have experiences and, you know, they, they've again, they've they definitely recall many of the experiences of other people when when they were first abducted in their childhood, their early teens, early adulthood, in that Those experiences in my teens seem to indicate there was an interest on the part of the ETs or aliens in obtaining genetic material as they have as they've tried to obtain, according to ah all the abduction counts, as they're trying to obtain this material from men and women and in in thousands of cases. um And even Barty Hill was reluctant to come forward with this
It took him, I think, three weeks or more while he was in um his hypnosis sessions with Dr. ben Benjamin simon Simon before he was even able to come forward and and say that he remembered that consciously.
So that seems to be the focus as the abductee reaches adulthood, that there's an interest in the abductee as a biological subject for certain types of experimentation, but also as a source of genetic material for what we now believe are hybridization experiments. And I won't go into that particular theory in detail because that's been covered by quite a few of the abduction investigators.
Fair enough. and So kind of moving the like kind of moving the story on a little bit, there was the next kind of major event that happened that you talk about in your book after this time. and At one point when in the in my in my teens,
Yeah. Yeah. So kind of move. Yeah. So kind of getting older. say stop man team what I mean, I, I had one of the most, one of the strangest, most compelling, um, experiences, which is, as I say, falls within the abduction scenario. Um, in the, in the summer, I must've, must've been 11, 12, 13 years old. And, you know,
What I think I first felt was contact because many, many abductees have mentioned when they're first contacted, they feel a jolt of electricity. It's almost as if their skin becomes electrified. Well, that happened to me in the most, um in the strangest and most startling of ways in that I was jolted out of a sound sleep, literally pulled up my torso was pulled up out of bed, I'm sat up as if I was pulled up by the strings, as if I was pulled up, pulled up up were like I was a puppet and or met you know, pulled up by a marionette and woke up completely alert and and then decided that I was about to have some type of contact with some
non-human intelligence. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know it was if it was, you know, I was going to make contact with the afterlife or what beings I was about to make contact with. But I felt something unusual was about to happen. And I had to get out of bed in the middle of the night, not alert my parents.
walk out of my house. This is this was probably and in in middle summer middle of the summer. So it was quite warm outside. Didn't even take time to put on my my shoes or slippers. And in my pajainas pajamas walked out of the house across the street to a neighbor's property where there was a very large clearing. And I didn't know what I was going to encounter. But after walking about 100 yards, for some reason, again, as if on command, I stopped in the middle of someone's back lawn. Again, it was a very large clearing. And um and I looked up to the left in the sky. I don't know why I did this. And I saw a bright light over a neighbor's house.
And there was during this particular experience where I so suddenly lost all sensation. I won't say I was paralyzed, but I had no urge. It's always as if I had lost the will to move my body. But I stood there. i I was blind. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't hear anything. I had some um sensation of my body I could feel because I felt some type of of it of ah ah touching in my lower area. And that's the time. And this is a very similar
um This part of the experience is very very similar to what Barney Hill reported when he was on board the UFO. And this is the time during which I felt I had genetic material removed from me. And the next thing I knew, the light was gone. I'm i'm now completely like conscious in that I've recovered all my faculties. I can move. I can see. I can hear. And I decide there's nothing else for me to do but to walk back to my house.
Confused, disappointed that I, you know, I didn't, I didn't really learn anything. I thought I was going to learn. I didn't make contact with what I thought I might make contact with. Went inside my house, got into bed and went to sleep. And almost as if I'm i'm following instructions to doing exactly what I'm being told to do. And that's how that particular experience concluded. Do you think that they,
Whoever's doing it are the same creatures or beings that were the first ones that came to you. You think they're the same people? Interestingly enough, yes, and Ash, because that particular clearing was the same site of a UFO close encounter that had happened three years ago or two or three years ago that was witnessed by eight other individuals.
But the UFO we saw was right over that clearing. But we were on our property. i I hadn't left you know um my house. We happened to be playing a game of kickball. Again it was also in the summertime, same same time of time of year. And I saw this light and I was the first to see it. We were playing four on four a game of kickball in our front yard.
and um I couldn't really see it because the view was obstructed by a large oak tree we have in the center of our front lawn. So I walked south toward our front door or I could get a better view of it. It's just astonishing what I've seen. this what I call this the this a star that looked like the biblical star of Bethlehem.
the the the The star of Bethlehem that is described in the Bible, but it wasn't a point source of light from an airplane helicopter star or planet. This literally was two and a half to three times the size of the full moon and it was motionless. It was silent and.
We looked at it again my, my, my classmates and friends and gather around where I was now that their attention had been drawn to to me leaving the game and and actually looking up at the sky so we we're all looking at it for 30 to 60 seconds. It got very strange at that point because I noticed what many induction investigators have preferred to as the Oz effect, the Wizard of Oz effect, where everything becomes quiet, everything seems to slow down. It's almost as if a ape an air of strangeness has descended over the environment. And I and i looked i purposely looked away from the UFO because I thought maybe I was so absorbed in the experience that I wasn't you know attending
you know what was going on in my surrounding environment. I looked away from it toward our backyard and I still couldn't hear anything. whereas Whereas before the UFO approached, we could hear the insects, the grasshoppers, the crickets, the noise from which was deafening at that at that time of year. when i But when I looked away from the UFO, again, I couldn't hear anything. I was i was quite surprised. what was more ah lot What was more astonishing and even alarming was that when I looked at my classmate next to me, he looked as if he was frozen in place. He wasn't talking, he wasn't moving. And and this was very, at that moment, concerning to me. So concerning that I looked away from from him back toward the UFO because I didn't really want to deal with what was happening, which,
Many, many abductees have reported when they're with other people that maybe i aren't targets of the abduction, they're an almost in every case they report that the people with them, or they're either rendered unconscious, switched off, immobilized, and then the abduction occurs and then when they were turned.
the people they're with somehow recover consciousness. And this is what appeared to be happening to me during that particular event, which I think was another abduction event. um Because the people on my, not only was the boy on my left not moving, I didn't take any motion or conversation or noise from the the group, the larger group on my right.
And after that, when the UFO had flown away, we convened to kind of compare notes, discuss what what we had all seen. And I clearly had missed some of the details of of the UFO because it had transitioned from what looked like a star into a a fireball.
And then at that point I could see it was moving and then in about a minute and a half it flew in constant direction, altitude and speed until it disappeared over the horizon. But there were aspects of it that other people saw that I didn't see. I couldn't get over the fact that I was the first to see it, the last to watch the last in the group to watch it disappear over the horizon.
but i um I missed things that other people saw, almost suggesting that I i hadn't been there for a while. Now what confirmed my suspicion was that when I'm trying to figure out why I missed what other people were seeing, one of the girls in our group said to me, Bruce, where did you go?
And I said to her, well, I did walk a you know a little bit. I walked into our neighbor's yard to get a better look of it as it flew away from us and disappeared over the horizon. She said, no, I saw you in your in your neighbor's yard. So I have you know and a number of witnesses that reported observations that lead me to believe this was yet another in a series of abduction events that I experienced as a child and young teenager.
i didn't use the Did your friends ever a i talk about it again afterwards, maybe a couple of years later? i Well, my brother was there and my my mother was there. She's passed away since then. um My brother only remembers seeing the UFO. He also remembers, and that's another part of the event, calling the police. And they surprisingly within a minute or two of the phone call arrived and actually took a very detailed report of the UFO close encounter. But I have not had the chance to talk to anyone else other than my brother.
The ever mentioned having any experiences throughout childhood or anything anything like that, like you did. Other people. ah you join No, i've I've talked to him at length and and he he doesn't. He doesn't recall any experiences and he's read the book. We've talked about the book and ah he he doesn't have that that experience. Now, I mean, other people in my family, my father, my grandfather, I talk in the book how my
you know i've I've had the experience of having unexplained nosebleeds and I do remember a nasal implant. I do recall that. I recall an implant of of specific structure. It was maybe like a bea biebi from a BB gun, two to three millimeters in diameter, metallic with studs of projections on the outside.
and i think i mean I remember that I was warned that it could come out of my nose. So i don't know why who I don't know who warned me of this, but that's how I draw the conclusion that it was a nasal implant, like a lot of abductees have reported. And my grandfather had um actually a medical condition called cavernous sinus thrombosis, where he had no previous medical procedure, no no surgical procedure, no dental procedure, but lost his life because he had this particular infection in one of the the the blood sinuses.
behind his nasal cavity that developed into a meningitis that took his life. And I describe in detail how it was more likely that that was caused by a nasal implant procedure than it rose spontaneously as a result of a head cold because that particular condition of cavernous sinus thrombosis only occurred in one in 19 million people.
And so that's why I think there are other people in my family that have this particular type of abduction experience. How did you first find the implant? Was it the voice first or could you feel it? I never did. I never did. I had a glimpse, I had a fragment of a memory of this particular um object, remember what it looked like, remember how it felt, but I remember that I had been warned that if I blew my nose too hard or if I sneezed too forcefully, it could come out. And I seem to recall that it had come out before, and this is the vaguest part of the memory by far. I think I had just, it had come out and I hurriedly, nervously discarded it, either
down the sink in the toilet. I'm not as sure of that particular part of the memory as I am of the other aspects of the memory. But I think it it it probably did come out and i I didn't know what it was. I have to tell you something else, which is really remarkable, Ash. There was another podcaster who read and reviewed my book.
claimed that he had he had experience with the same type of implant. He has had strange nosebleeds and similar experiences, similar to mine, missing time and so forth, and also recall the same type of object.
And there's and one other person that also had, I don't know if you've you read the work work of eight Raymond Fowler who talked about the experiences of Betty Andreessen in the Andreessen affair. But in the sixties, Betty Andreessen also had these abduction experiences taken on board a UFO where she where she's where she was subjected to this nasal implantation procedure. And remembers the same type of object object being removed from her nose.
that looked exactly like what I remember being inside my nose. Very remarkable in terms of the similarity of details from abductee to abductee in many cases. satan Fascinating. Fascinating. Are these experiences, do they continue into adulthoods? Like when's the sort of last time that you have can remember having i i really can't be sure of that <unk> i've had some strange things happen um nothing
that was very similar to what happened to me in in my childhood and and early adult life. But they're suggestive that I've had encounters, bedroom encounters where entities came into the bedroom, but much less ah definite in that I don't have a lot of recall of exactly who was there, what I saw.
But i you know I have to say that I can't rule out that these experiences still aren't occurring. you know i There are times I feel, um and a number of times, not only was there an entry into my bedroom of some entity, but I actually feel the touch of of some type of being, being tapped on the forehead. And I wake up and there's no one in the room, almost as if I think someone had suggested the whoever was doing some type of whatever ET or alien was doing the procedure on me was making sure I was okay. It was kind of tapping me on the forehead to to wake me up to to make sure I was all right. Nothing more definitive but than that. You know, at least in terms of what I can consciously recall on that. So do you have any favorites as to why some people like yourself
can remember this stuff and there's some people that don't have any memories unless they're being regressed, any kind of thoughts around why certain people do. You know there their are a number of theories, the theory I talk about in the book is that I go over um some of the ways that memories, the consolidation of memories can be to deliberately interfered with. um And I talk about some of the the neural mechanisms that account for that. But, you know, I think there are certain aspects of memory that involve changes in gene expression, changes in and in
cellular synthesis of ah proteins that really cannot be, the perhaps, that cannot be blocked that may account for why certain memory and traces of memories remain embedded in the cells in the brain so that, you know,
If the aliens are trying to eliminate memory by some mechanism, whether they're using the implants to do this, um you know I'm not sure. They're not able to do do it and in a in a way that would eliminate every part of the memory.
um But that again, that's just ah my theory for how you know certain neurophysiological mechanisms can can account for for why some parts of the experience can be recalled consciously.
Cool. One question that randomly does come to me. As you mentioned before about kind you don't work on drugs and the effect that drugs can have. on the brain and stuff like that. ah lot I've talked to a lot of people that use DMT as a way to, like, over-allergic kind of enter the overwhelm or have these experiences and that, believe that opens them up to, like, the paranormal and stuff like that. What's kind of your thoughts behind that, have having done this similar type of research? Well, there's research being done now that's that's trying to identify
specific regions in the brain, particularly the the the basal ganglia that other people have focused on the pineal gland as a as a gateway to, you know, i not only contact with aliens or inter-dimensionals, but to, you know, a kind kind of a cosmic ah consciousness. And, you know, so, you know, that that may be that may be the the portal to that that enables some particular individuals you know to interact with, to actually see and interact with, perhaps inter-dimensionals. And the interesting thing is there's there's research that's it's being done in the past couple of years that indicates that remote viewers and abduction experiences have
um denser nerve cell connections in the basal ganglia, suggesting suggesting that this accounts for why certain individuals have the ability to interact with ETs or maybe aliens that that
and even communicate with them telepathically. Now, I don't know if there's any any studies being done to try to to understand how we can wake up this part of the brain in non-experiences so they they could actually see and the same things the experiences and remote viewers are seeing and have the same experiences. But that would be something that would be ah a logical logical thing to investigate in the future.
It's definitely interesting. The amount theories and stuff that you can go down and with this is they pretty limited. ah ah guess so Coming towards the end of your book, you have kind of an afterwards section where you talk about some discussion around Grey's and humans. You can talk about that theory that you had to talk about in the book.
Well, I was just struck by reading um Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso's book, Day After Roswell, because he was the intelligence officer then had all that collected all the debris from the crash at Roswell.
Not only that, he claims he had seen one of the bodies that was recovered of the of the the aliens that that died in the crash at Roswell. Not only that, years later read the autopsy reports reports done by the pathologists at Walter Reed Hospital on the Roswell aliens. and and these And the pathologists were found it quite remarkable how similar anatomically, physiologically, the greys were to us. but yet showed some um some very interesting differences. They didn't have um a reproductive system, didn't have a digestive system, didn't have an excretory system, no no kidneys, no no bladder, and then caused caused those pathologists to theorize they were able to obtain nutrition for their skin and excrete waste for their skin. And, you know, I describe in the book that it would be ah quite straightforward molecular biology.
if not for human beings today, but certainly for an advanced civilization to knock out just a very limited number of genes um using, you know, techniques like we have, the CRISPR gene editing technique or something perhaps much more advanced than that to create these genetically engineered beings that because they don't have a number of organ systems can can devote more of their energy to mental activity. It's called the expensive tissue hypothesis. And this may account for why human beings develop their their big brains because you know they were able to the develop in a way where more of their energy and and nutrition could be utilized for the brain at the at the expense of other tissues of the body.
so the the evidence i this The scientific studies I discussed it suggesting this this is a very straightforward genetic engineering type of ah project suggests that these aliens were genetically engineered for a purpose by some higher species.
to what I call them technicians. Their purpose was to act as technicians for from some more advanced principle investigators that are studying human beings, that are subjecting human beings to some type of experimentation. We don't know what the goals of those you know experiments are. It may be to accelerate human evolution or maybe to create a hybrid species that the advanced alien species that's directing the graze has some and unknown purpose for it, has some hidden agenda that involves these hybrids. And I suggest one of the possibilities is that they want to exert some type of influence over human affairs by integrating these hybd hybrids that look just like you and I into human society. Again, it's just one theory. You know, I i hope hope for the best, I you know hope that these,
this advanced civilization has our best interests at heart, but they may have their own interest in mind in terms of why they they they've come to us, taken us out of our homes and subjected us to, you know, these type of invasive experiments against our will.
Oh, definitely. And kind of what's your take on, uh, the recent, like whistle blowing from likes of crush. And just last week, the, uh, kind of the guy's name is it Bethan Berger, the immaculate constellation stuff about the cross retrievals and, uh, retrieving the non-human target and stuff. What do you kind of think about that? All this recent news that's been happening in the last couple of years. Well, all of these admissions, all of these, um,
All of the things that Lou Elizondo and David Gresher are reporting are very consistent to what has been reported in the UFO literature and the UFO production literature for decades. It confirms what we've all suspected and even believed and in many cases been convinced of. So I don't think anything they've they've said has been inconsistent with the form the other sources of evidence that, you know, it looks it looks like mainstream scientific community, the media, and our government has been ignorant of for 50 years or more. Now, I don't know if we're going to learn anything more in terms of direct confirmation than everything we've
We've learned, you know, people that have been watching this phenomenon is actually real or whether or not they're going to try to keep everything secret because of the potential military applications.
of of this knowledge that has been learned from the cross as a result of the crash at Roswell and other and other forms of of evidence. So i I don't know where that's going to go. I hope for the best of it. But as I said, as I've said before, perhaps the the greatest source of disclosure will be the personal disclosure of the experiences of the commercial airline pilots and the military pilots. And we're, you know, all coming together to explain to the public what is really happening, even when the government and military won't admit to it explicitly. Awesome. Awesome. So excellent ah chat. Vivienne, do you want to give us a final word on why should people why people should buy your book and where they can buy it if they wish?
Well, the my my book basically can be obtained on Amazon, Dominion Lost, and a scientist own alien abduction encounters. And, you know, I try to tell my experiences in a straightforward fashion with as many details as possible. and Many people have said it's so incredibly detailed, they feel as if they were they were there with me while I had these experiences. And I ah do try to analyze it scientifically, and which I think makes my my case for the reality of this phenomenon that much more persuasive. So I think I bring my experiences together with
reports of so many witnesses that it it it has the effect of, I think, persuading the reader who who was a skeptic before he read the book that the probably he should look at this particular phenomenon a little bit more carefully before he makes up her or she makes up her mind about whether or not they believe it. And I think that that my book and good can help them reach that decision.
Brilliant, yes, so make sure you go out and buy Dominion Lost, buy a beauty shop, yeah, I know, on Amazon, and if you do, let us know. how you find it. Certainly, like I say, the way you put together is very readable. It really is readable. And the stuff in there is, like some of the stuff we talked about today, is just incredible. And with your background and scientific knowledge as well, just makes it even that extra bit of extra to it as well, which is great. But yeah, thanks for your time. Bruce has been a great chat.
Thanks for having me, Ash. I enjoyed talking to you. I appreciate it. Take care, sir. Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with Ash Ellis, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time. And until then, stay weird.