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Ep 160 - Paranormal Perspectives - Mediums, Out of Body Experiences, NDE's & more image

Ep 160 - Paranormal Perspectives - Mediums, Out of Body Experiences, NDE's & more

E160 · Pursuit of the Paranormal
233 Plays24 days ago

Stan and Christine from the Paranormal Perspectives Podcast join us this week,  telling their spookily similar stories of their out of body experiences, paranormal experiences, their mediumship skills,  ghost investigations, and much more!

Paranormal Perspectives podcast on YouTube:


Christine's The Violet Feather book:

Title music provided by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity


Introduction and Upcoming Events

almost but i don't know where to white those on or what it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your plane it was so often You're listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your hosts, Ash Ellis and Greg Tomlinson.
Hey Ash, how are you doing? Very well Greg, good evening to you. to you How are you doing? Yeah, I'm good. I'm good. Very nervous on this eve of an important day tomorrow, but yeah, all good. Are you all ready for your trip, I guess? call it So by the time this goes out, it'll have already happened. Yeah, so I'm already, I'm waiting and nervous.

Personal Updates: Health and Weather

but yeah all good all good I mean you can't say that and i actually actually tell people what's happening it's a bit cryptic yeah so not many people well it's not really um yeah I'm going in for a hip operation tomorrow which will be last Friday um so yeah in Oxford at one of the hospitals so I've got my lovely girlfriend taking me in the morning and supporting me through that and then yeah I'll be off for a few weeks so plenty of time to podcast and social media refi everything so looking good lord of yeah cheers mate cheers how you been doing
Very good, very snowy this week. yeah I see, very s snowy. Yeah. It works with a nightmare because of the snow, because our drivers can't get anywhere, because motorway closes and can't deliver, because it's too unsafe to deliver. So it's been a tough week with snow, but hopefully we'll see it end maybe in the next couple of days. Well, I was in Blackpool last Saturday.
so so blackpool sat last Saturday night and woke up and it was like completely blanketed with snow and we had to make our way back down south a bit more but um yeah so that was interesting that was interesting pretty much not stopped up here even this morning I cleared the car with snow and ice, got to work, happened how late it was snowing again. That was the de-ice and de-snowed the car when it finished work. It snowed that heavily again. It's just... Wow. Got to love the north of the country.

Gifts and Special Guests

So a big shout out also to a company that contacted us on social media called Boo, or Beyond Our Ordinary I think they're called on on social media.
and they contacted us and wanted to send us something i think they're a new company and they turned up today so in my hand which i'll post up the pictures we've got two planchetes that appear to be 3d printed with their logo on and they've personalized them with our names so we've got Greg and Ash on there they are very nice thank you boo yeah check out Beyond Art Ordinary yeah so that's cool it'd be interesting to see what what comes I don't really know what they do at the moment but yeah so that's pretty cool so yeah thank you for that and yeah I'll post the pictures up and check them out but we are joined today by two people ah one of them weirdly is connect got weird connections to to our podcast through a friend of the show my girl
um And it's local to me and that was one of the reasons why we started chatting was that I saw that he'd put up a post, well, we put up a post and he put up a post about the fact that they'd been to Oxford Prison to do an investigation.
so Absolutely crazy. So as I was like, are you from Oxford? Yeah, I'm from Oxford. And lo and behold, I'm from near Oxford. So another small coincidence that we've got connections as well across the paranormal.
So how strange, how strange. It's nice to see a fellow Southerner.

Paranormal Perspectives: Stan's Journey

Everybody seems to be up north that I speak to about the paranormal. So we're joined this evening um by Stan and Christine from Paranormal Perspectives Podcast. Hi guys, thanks for joining us. Welcome.
Hi guys, thanks for having us. We're excited. Yeah, thanks for thanks for joining us. So as I say, we touch base on on social media over the last week or so. So thanks for joining us. It was always nice to talk to other podcasts. It's something we enjoy doing. um So first of all, do you want to introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about what the podcast is about?
Yeah, sure. My name's Stan Mace, as you say, and I'm a fellow Oxford person. Nice to meet someone who knows the area quite well, loves Oxford Castle. So, yeah, I've always been fascinated by the unknown following an out-of-body experience that followed a near-death experience, basically. It was quite a mixed thing.
Hopefully I'll tell my story at some point here. yeah That kind of led me into an interesting story, a sequence of events that contradicted my understanding of reality and just just sparked that need to know more to understand the world and why I saw what I saw and other people were beginning to see things I saw as well but wouldn't speak about it.
So, yeah, long story short, um going forward, you know, many, many years later, I joined this lovely circle because of, you know, quite a reluctant medium, um because I don't like the stigma that's associated with it. And I feel like the world is evolving more nowadays and understanding what these people are.
And with me joining this circle, I was almost trying to confront that, to say that there are other people like me out there. I'm just going to go to a try these things out, learn from other people and see if I can replicate what I've seen myself, but with other people to build on that body of evidence. And yeah, over time, built lots lots of friendships. And obviously one of them was the lovely Christine. I'm very thankful for all of your help, you all of your teaching and being there for me for those moments of growth.
And yeah, we just got talking, we had all these interesting conversations about the theories of life, about ufology, about polity, about Geist activity, just meaning of life, what mediums are, the nature of consciousness, where does consciousness, sit everything like that, it just boiled to a point where we thought that we just need to do a podcast like to start talking about it, because it's what I say with our podcast, it's all about normalizing the paranormal. So normalizing the conversation about the paranormal, because The word paranormal itself I think is like a misnomer, it's like a barrier so we have our area of understanding that's scientifically proved by humans in our current term iteration of our understanding of the science, physics and so on and beyond that is the paranormal and people tend to associate that with um just fearful things like negative things you're not allowed to see beyond that.
So doing this kind of podcast is all about, okay, let's just have everyday people talk about their experiences. We're not here to judge you, to ridicule you. You can believe in these things. You cannot believe in these things. Like we can have opposing views and it's okay. We can still be friends and disagree with things and it's just about just bringing that forth. and through those experiences, it allows us to come to terms with the quite, you know, sometimes quite scary things, sometimes lovely things that we've experienced and show other people out there that it's okay to talk about these things, it's okay to learn from each other, it's okay to expand your mental range of
experience the capacity of someone, however you would say it basically, it's just about opening the mind really. So that's a lot of the crux of what paranormal perspectives is and the name that I've given it is quite hard for me to say every episode, the amount of retakes I have to do at the start of every episode is really annoying but it's just, it's a catchy name but yet one of the presenters quite can't quite say it but Yeah, it's just a happy podcast, and we talk about all sorts, like, yeah, like, say, ufologies, try to normalise the conversation about mediumship as well, about what that is, the understanding of it, um you know, speaking to people like Christine, who's had many, many amazing experiences. It's just, yeah, it's a wonderful thing. And I

Christine's Belief in the Paranormal

can't believe we're even doing it really, because I used to hate public speaking years ago, I used to be like, I used to be in my phobia. And to to be in a position now, even speaking to you guys here, like, it's a miracle really that
There's also another body of proof that and an idiot like myself can learn how to speak publicly and just believe in what I'm saying and what I'm doing. And yes, a lot of happiness around this podcast, really. And it's it's only small right now. It's in its beginnings. But yeah, it's been a really cool experience, though. And yeah I have my friend Christine to thank for that. So, yeah, Christine, did you want to add anything yourself?
Um, only that I'm really, really old. I'm like 68 years old. You're not old. Um, so yeah, 11 years old, stepped off the pavement, got hit by a truck, had a great near-death experience, knew at that point that we can exist outside of our body. And my whole life has just been discovering things. And I'm with Stan on this, um, the paranormal is normal.
absolutely it's normal it's just that we don't recognize it as such i think so along the years lots of different things seeing spirit experiencing spirit going on ghost hunts getting into some crazy situations i'm a bit old for that although i am going on one um in march an all nighter, looking forward to that. And now I'm the medium and I run a circle and we bring the spirit world close. And yeah, that's me really.

Exploring Psychic Circles

And I have lots of cats. And I will say the podcast is a lot of fun. And it's great that we can discuss things and exchange ideas. And I've said this before, when I was young, there was nothing.
We didn't even couldn't even imagine what a podcast could be. you know The only thing we had was the psychic news and they used to put it up on the top with the porn. I'm sure they were a little bit embarrassed by it. So yeah, I love all this interaction that we can talk to people right around the world. And isn't it exciting? I love it. So yeah, it's me really.
Amazing, thanks. So how did you two, I think you slightly covered it Stan, how did you guys meet originally? ah Just in a circle basically like, because Christine's an experienced medium and she's been part of many circles over the year. So I kind of met her through a local circle that was actually an online circle because I've never done online circle but before and I was a bit weary about the idea of connecting with other people but then not physically being there.
So what isn't like a circle? So somebody like myself, i've I've got an idea, but there's probably people out there that don't really know what that yeah ah circle ah circle is. is more than a geometric shape. I'll definitely say that. But in terms of sosychic psychic definitions, a circle is like a school, basically. You're doing these sessions, of course, physically sit in a circle. And it's about the exchange of energies in our beliefs anyway.
And you essentially train with other potential mediums and just teach each other things like psychometry about developing that intu intuition, communicating with your guides and such those. Ultimately, that is what it is. It's just a school. Yeah. ah Christine? Yeah, I second that. For me, it's a group of friends that come together regularly. We've committed to that. We've been sitting up for 14 years.
um We started not knowing anything and it's just a progression, development of ourselves, but also a development of our mediumship. When we first started, couldn't believe that we were getting the results that we're getting now. And I think with circles, you bounce off each other, don't you? And you meet other people. um But yeah, it's all about commitment and it's a development circle is where you develop your mediumship. You might have a trance circle.
I also sit in a trance circle as well, which is the medium goes into trance and that's completely different. A circle should be a fun place as well. Above all, it should be fun. So when you say ah you have great results doing these circles for about a time in Dunu, is that in terms of like, is it spirits coming through? Yeah.
no people in the circles like relatives or who is it that's kind of no no yeah it's absolutely all those things so um when you first start off it you know you have i think we have a thing oh it's got to be like such and such i believe that mediums could see the spirit people yeah and we're talking to them like i'm talking to you and it's not like that at all, it's um you become aware, be you s sense things, you see things, you smell things, sometimes you can taste things. um As the spirit comes in close, ah they can give you information. So like, I've never met you, um I'm not gonna give you a reading by the way, but I've never met you. If I gave you a piece of information that I couldn't possibly know, um that you could, like a memory from your childhood,
back to me is good evidence, because I couldn't know those things about you. It's not just generic, like, I've got your granny here, and she loves you. Of course she does. That's why she's here. you ah When I say good results, I mean, real evidence, um evidence that we can have known beforehand. And that gets better, and it grows in richness and depth as you sit more and practice. It's

Early Paranormal Experiences

about practicing. I guess you guys all drive.
Yeah, remember when we all first got in our car and started to drive, it was like first gear, second gear. It's just that, you get used to it. It's a skill you can learn. Yeah. And it's good. It's great when you see it happen. Sorry, did I hog it all?
ah Just for you, Christine, never change.
as Yeah, my my first um experiences with mediumship was when I was still part of ah the the religion I was at the time. I didn't know what a medium was. But for many years, I'd been dealing with something that kind of started ah when I was very young, when I had an accident that this whole near death thing, something kind of pursued me and was ultimately um culminating in a number of experiences in the house that I grew up in. And we was experiencing for a while um kind of We had like whistling noises. um I've seen objects jump off a table completely, not even interacted with just jumping.
um this i I've racked my mind for years and years trying to figure out, okay, there must be a logical explanation for this. So talk about thermodynamics. Okay, it's a metal bowl. but This thing was actually full of these little learned jelly sweets. Quite unhealthy, really.
And, okay, well, is it retracting um following say a hot day when it's cooling down basically it will then ping and then release that but no I've I can't quite explain to this day where I saw it jump off the table about a couple of centimeters up into the air and then explode these jelly beans all over the place.
We had like like say whistling in various parts of the house so loud that the visitors that came to our property could hear it. um We used to hear it outside in the garden, sometimes in the house. like People go people had just got so used to it. We were just known as the near the whistling house to our friends. Me and my sister experienced voices in the middle of the night where we'd actually hear like a party. it's It's the weirdest experience like in the midnight hours just being woken up in the middle of the night by what seemed like a party that was taking place.
the side of your room. Logically that makes no sense. I mean, sound must emanate from somewhere, it doesn't just come from for nothing. But here cleverve people are laughing, very kind of jovial conversations like the clinking of glasses and such. I'll be there like, you know, this is me at at that age, like the age of 12, 13, scared as anything that's hiding under my covers.
i'm too scared to even tell my mum about it because my mum blessed her obviously single parent trying to to look after her me and my sister but me and my sister were was experiencing the same thing so i began to think well maybe this this must be something this might be real it might be not but I just thought, okay, just don't tell anybody about this and this activity just grew and grew. And yeah, the first things happening in my life at the time when I was dealing with bullies and a marriage breakup of my mum and my stepdad at the time and all sorts of different things. So you could say that could be a factor in that. Absolutely.
um but As things kind of built, I experienced this horrible moment where I came to my bedroom and I saw reality shift. um I opened the door to my bedroom and it was almost like as if it was night, despite it being in the middle of the day.
and I saw the room twist, there's this horrible smell to the room like it was rotting and it was focusing at this particular point and this is where it kind of hit the pinnacle there where I just freaked out, I just ran down to my mum and told her this experience like I'm really sorry but I've got to tell you these things that have been happening the last few years and it's just getting too much now.
And my mum being mum, she'll obviously kind of trust her kids anyway despite how ridiculous the situation seems. It just happened to be one of her friends um came by um a couple of days later and my mum didn't know that she was a medium. like She'd known this lady for a few years there but it's one of those things where some mediums just choose to keep it in the South sometimes because of that public perception.
I think it's really sad really that I think of all beliefs and perception of reality should be accepted either way if you don't believe in it but yeah she came just a few days late later I could say and she just came straight to me and said look uh stand like something doesn't feel right here like have you and been experiencing something and at the time I didn't know her very well and there's a bit of a shock to me I think what on earth are you talking about?
I actually started to say things to me then like, I think I can't be mentioned here because they're very very personal though but things to me that actually like are you dealing with this at moments. As you went into this most intricate detail and I was just white as a sheet I was actually shaking at the time, thinking how this stranger know this, because not even my mum knows these things. And she kind of sat down with me in my bedroom, whilst I was a bit strange, but she said, OK, I think this is coming from here, basically. She explained, OK, don't freak out, OK, there's something happening here.
If it's okay, can I kind of help you? and I was at my kind of you know the end of my tether at that point, I thought I need to do something. like I don't understand what's going on here. like This contradicts the beliefs that I was brought up with. We need to really do something now. and um yeah she She faced something that had been following me for years because since this accident I encountered this entity and in the hospital and it's this frighteningly like dark creature, I know this sounds like a stereotypical horror movie thing anyway but I'm i' only speaking an absolute truth here so yeah anybody's welcome to ridicule me but I can only speak facts really but I encountered this thing in the hospital that sat at the end of my bed and followed me for years after this traumatic incident
And I'd seen it in the in the room sometimes, this kind of dark-looking creature. It made me feel anxious and horrible, sometimes angry. It affected the people in my house and such.

Mediumship and Reality

Yet, of course, I didn't tell anybody for fear of really cool and all these different negative things. Again, this stranger that I had not told anything to my mum, let alone her, um was telling me all of these things and even described what I had been seeing all of those years.
So it's yeah it's it's quite yeah it's enlightening experience and I suppose at that point a little bit of a relief that somebody could also see what I had been seeing. And she says, look, OK, look, take a step away. OK, just go out for a couple of hours. I'm going to do something. And again, I didn't know what she was doing, but I just for some reason know I can trust you.
and long story short my mum told me the story of what happened when i went away because she was there with her in my room and she said basically like she had the most almighty fight with this horrible demon that was insulting her yeah throwing insults at her like it wasn't throwing physical objects it's just more like i don't know i mean when i say christine when sometimes you have like psychic attacks it's like it's not a physical thing but you can feel it hurts you know it's like being swiped with a a whip kind of thing it's yeah it's not not fun basically but yeah bless her like she did everything she could to kind of fight this thing off and eventually overcame it
And as I came back, she described it in further detail more about this this thing. She's like, okay, you through this experience you had when you were younger, it attached to you because you're one one of me. And she explained you know this whole thing, and that in itself is just a bit of a mad thing. She says that it just drew to you.
and it's not your fault it's nothing you've done it's nothing anyone's done it's just one of those things that happens but you kind of kept an eye on me for a while after that and that experience kind of changed my life really that made me think there's there's more to this really and I need to really look into this because well for one there might be other people out there having these experiences that deserve to be set free I mean always with these situations never discount the possibility of there being a psychological issue could be chemical imbalance as well that affects your perception of reality like never discount those things and to anyone who could be experiencing themselves out there of course always speak to your doctor first speak to you know a loved one even just to try and to figure her out what this really is before you kind of jump into okay it could just be some big demon or something um so yeah like
Since then, I've just been trying to figure this thing out really to understand, okay, why do I know things that I shouldn't know? Why are the people out there that know things that they shouldn't know? And over time, I just began to understand what a medium really was. And to me, like in my definition, um I see a medium as being like a radio. Radio is there built to receive signals. So you can have a digital radio and analog radio. There's all sorts of different kinds of radio. We're just receiving the data.
and its job there is to then reconfigure that data into sound. And you're kind of at that intermediary point, like okay, sometimes you may receive things that if received raw, an interpreter may make no sense. We have to understand that language and then output it. And sometimes you know what's what's passed to us at times um doesn't make sense. We might say something that's completely, well, it doesn't logically make any sense. But sometimes a few days later it does make sense. Sometimes we make mistakes. But often it's down to this the ability of the medium to interpret that data, that signal.
So yeah um that's just that's part of our adventure and I'm hoping we'll speak to more people in the future more mediums. I really would love to speak to people of different backgrounds as well at different it could be like you know different religious beliefs if you're an atheist as well for example I'd love to get people's different interpretations of the way they perceive reality because I think that conversation it only rages life you don't have to believe in what people believe in but we have so much to teach each other and just removing that barrier of the paranormal because paranormal is know the future normal, it ultimately is.

Generational Perspectives on the Paranormal

You know, it could be considered future science. I know it sounds a bit mad, though, but, you know, thousands of years ago, the idea of creating fire on your own was only reserved to the gods of ancient Greece. Now we can make fire whenever we want. But a long time ago, that could be seen as magic. There are things today that we don't fully understand. We just assign the label paranormal. And then just walk away and that's it, basically. But there are things that we're just beginning to tap into even now that are just extraordinary, really.
So yeah, that's my little Irish feel. Hopefully that's OK. Yeah, no, nice one. There's a couple of things that I will come back to as we kind of chat. But there's probably this kind of ask, obviously there's an ace gap between both of you. So kind of wondering whether kind of with that age gap whether you kind of both brought different maybe ideas and thoughts into kind of into the podcast that you do like does Christine do you have different maybe different perspectives from having obviously more life experience seen maybe the change from like say how years ago where there was nothing that you could have done know where to really talk about this to how it is today whereas with Stan's kind of generation we kind of grew up with
been able to talk to people, find stuff out a lot easier, be able to just go on the internet or do Wikipedia search, whatever. Whereas 30 years ago, that wasn't an option. Do you think that that is what your kind of thoughts, is that been a benefit to the podcast? Do you think having the two different kind of age generations, like caught sort of doing it together? but Yeah. um I mean, it's great that Stan does the tech, otherwise he would get nowhere in life, would I? and But he's the techy person.
and Yeah, I think it's good, it's good. I think we need to have people that have experience and it's just because of my age that I've had more experience. You know, um as we go through life, we gain so much. and So having podcasts, like I said earlier, with younger people coming in and all their wonderful vibrancy and enthusiasm, it's great.
um because we've got new ideas. Like I say, 10, 15 years ago, we wouldn't have been able to do this. When I was very young, there was nothing like this. So people that were mediums were almost like looked upon with a bit of suspicion as being a bit strange. I'm a bit strange, I think. But yeah, so you didn't see as much of it. It wasn't discussed. and ah course again I was born in 56 so um school was religion based Catholic based and don't you dare speak to the dead that was like a massive sin um no wonder Catholics are so guilty you know everything we did was a sin and so talking to the dead was really a sin um obviously we don't think about that now so if
times are changing and that's great so we're getting rid of all that stuff that was useless but we're getting all these new voices coming in and asking questions saying what is it like you know how does this work brilliant stuff

Historical Impact on Paranormal Acceptance

so having a younger person there um i hope it like with you stan um i hope it's good that you have an older person there because we've got two completely different um parts of the century really when were you born stan ah that's That's a secret. I was born in the 20th century. So was I, but... i thought that's what what was okay i I'm an 85 guy. Yeah, see, I got 30 odd years on you. And so yeah so there's all that bunch of experience, but I don't think either one is um superior to another one. We just complement each other. And I guess it's like you, Ash and you, Greg, you guys complement each other. And it's just, you know, age is just a number, isn't it?
Oh, it is. There's so much you've you've taught me in terms of like, you've course been in in this life for longer. um i'm I'm older than I look anyway. It's kind of funny to be considered the young guy anyway. ah But um yeah, with your perception of time, like you've seen like the evolution, like I said, that you were born in in the 50s, like, I mean, you saw the the moon landings, or but at least you were around at the time of the moon landing. Guys, ah guys.
I can remember watching that and it was just like, it was so amazing. ah I mean, were they real though? Sorry. That's another, that's a different podcast episode. Now when I think about the tech that they had compared to what we've got now, how the hell did they manage that? But I remember the world stopped and I mean that the world stopped and watched. It was just like,
this is happening we're walking on the moon and I think at that point that I don't know I can't remember what what year was it because I was born in 56 what year was it 69 it was so how old was I then 13 something like that was I yeah yeah was I 69 no it was I'm no good at maths work it out about 13 yeah yeah I was 13 but I remember the whole world stopped and watched and and wherever you could get to, to see a TV, you know, usually in shop windows. um It was phenomenal. And it's it, it was, I remember it being an era of, um I guess, positivity and things like that. Of course, all these years later we're going, did they really go? Did they? Did they? I mean,
like i say just the tech that they had at that time compared to what we've got now you know how the hell did it even well they uh how did it even they flew to the moon in a calculator essentially sorry they flew to the moon in the calculator essentially i had the power of a calculator today you know you know that that kind of yeah
I don't know, I don't know, but that was something I can remember was huge for me as a child, seeing that whatever was going on, whether it was real or not. I remember the world focusing on it. But you were there at the start of that transition in the way that the world was thinking because that inspired a lot of minds. Whether anyone thinks it was real or not, either way, it was just almost a manifestation of like, okay, we can achieve amazing things. In the period of less than 100 years, we were able to fly for the first time and now also walk on another planet. And of course, around that time, in the 50s and stuff, the word Roswell kept coming up.
and the yeah yeah ill don we know about one now yeah ah magazine is it 14 times i don't even know is it still out there guys i don't know yeah but the word roswell and then it was like aliens and it's like wow got interested it really just got interested man um So, yeah, I seem to open people's minds. um so yes Sorry, Christine. Sorry, darling. I just had those experiences. I was just happy to be born then. So, yeah. Yeah.
ah with with you With you seeing that change over time, it seemed to be like the start of a process of people beginning to question, like, what what what is their role to play in the universe? What is the perception of reality? I've only been alive for a shorter period of time, but at least I've been here at the tech side where yeah more people now seem to be much more open to kind of newer perceptions of reality, like, say, the way they sit in the universe. It's like, even recently, we just saw a black hole for the first time.
now more people seem to be interested in mediumship or more spiritual way or just getting to know each other more and i feel like now i've kind of been lucky enough to kind of enter maybe despite all the wars in the world but a more peaceful perception of like what humanity is and us being now more open to seeing more views of reality but yeah sorry guys i forget talking so much
Makes our life easier. And then we get excited. So Ash mentioned and asked about the difference in the age and how that brings and how that works on the podcast. What about, you mentioned, Christine, the fact that when you were growing up that you couldn't talk about mediumship and the kind of paranormal world.
As time's gone on, and I know Stan, you mentioned about technology, but what do you think has sort of been a defining sort of point in time where people are starting to accept the paranormal? Is there a particular time that you've gone, oh, actually from about then, yeah, in whatever or wherever, like,
UFO topic, for example, people after the X-Files come out, people started to accept the fact that you could talk ah ah more about UFO and everybody knew about Fox Mulder and Dana Scully and it was started to become a bit more acceptable. How do you feel that is with the paranormal and sort of mediumship? I think there was one person that was responsible for ah putting it out there and that was Doris Stokes.
ah she um she was uh probably i don't know if she was the first but she started demonstrating in big halls yeah so more people got to see her and that for me was life changing because um she became accessible up until then you mediums were sort of people that i don't know they were at the churches and things like that she came out into what we call the public eye. and so And she started to write books, of course. um So there was all of that. And I just think people get used to hearing things, um so they become part of the norm, don't they? Whereas once they've been there, they when we start to discuss things, and she allowed that discussion to open up, and um then there were others after her,
ah But for me, it was her ah book of voices in her um in my ear that made me go, wow, um this is real. This is real. Because I alluded to it earlier. I grew up in a Catholic household, so we didn't talk about that. You know, it wasn't the dumb thing. I'm actually going to see a medium was regarded as really quite bad.
You know, you're raising the dead, you should leave it alone and all the rest. Boom. Sorry. But they're not dead, you know? And when you're a meat, sorry, I'll have to edit that bit out. They're not dead. They've made a transition of consciousness into another state. The body's dead, absolutely. But they're not dead. You can't die. And I only know that because I've been out my body. So but yeah, that's my thing. So ah we started to talk about it more.
And of course then we got the internet eventually and now we get this exchange of ideas that say, boom, boom, boom, boom. I would have loved this when I was younger to be able to sit down and talk to people and say, I saw X and they'll go, yeah, yeah, I know what you mean. I was talking to somebody about UFOs and I had an experience. I was sat here with my friend in the middle of the afternoon. We saw someone clearly out the window, got a photograph of it and everything. We just stood there and what the hell is that?
but that that's not a drone, it's not nothing. It's something that we don't know where it is and it just shot off. ah Glad that he was there. But people don't believe things if they don't witness them themselves. Sometimes to we can be, I think being skeptical is absolutely the right way forward, but not being close to it. We should be open-minded skeptics. If you said to me, I saw, I don't know, XY, I'd go, right, I was really interested.
but I want a bit more information. And I think if people have never had these experiences, it's hard to imagine them if you haven't had them. So yeah, sorry Stan.
because so and right hundred hundred percent agree because I think empirical evidence is is always the way to go but it's easier said than done really because everything can be questioned and everything really should be questioned. I think just normalising the mindset of you know asking questions in itself will only ah lead you to a greater understanding of the universe because excuse me So when I was younger, like the beliefs that I was brought in essentially told me that my consciousness sits within this body, this is all I am, this is my one life and and so on.

Near-Death Experiences and Consciousness

And I had this experience when I was younger where I was hit by a car unfortunately and without going into too much detail I was in quite a bad way.
and I was taken to the hospital at Dromat Clef in Oxford. Amazing hospital, saved my life. I think you'll know it very well. No, amazing doctors. I owe them a lot really. But yeah, I was in quite a bad way and you're going there. Good luck. No, you're in good hands. I was born there. I was born there. So was I.
Wow, there we go then, small world. Probably born the same day, we'll find out now. um ah but yeah I was yeah rushed there and I went into numerous um surgeries to just keep my body alive basically and there's so much they had to do. I mean ah it's hard to keep track of all the things I remember that they told me they had to do after but there was a point where i hit a state of unconsciousness where I remember I entered this like dark void and as things began to pull into focus I was I realised I stood in the hospital hallway and I looked down and my legs were working again like just a few minutes ago they were all mush basically sorry too much detail there and I was just looking around thinking like
This isn't right. Why am I waking up? I thought I was awake. I was walking around this hospital trying to interact with what's around me. It's like everything was made of like this strange looking light. It's like reality the way we see it now. I could see colours that I didn't understand. i haven't I've never seen them in this life anyway.
But at that time, of course, I thought thought I was fine. I thought I was just, you know, in my body, body. I was trying to get people's attention as I entered different rooms, you know, trying to put the dresses of the the nurses there. Just ah obviously, I was quite small. And of course, just imagine that. But I couldn't get anyone's attention. Tried to tug tug at the bed as I was passing by. Nobody was reacting to me. I just kept walking and walking and walking.
and I could see other kids in other rooms like in a quite a bad way as well like other kids like me just you know not looking too great and I got to the end of this corridor after what seemed like ah just a few minutes I entered this room and had like you know I'll just describe this um my podcast a little while ago I kind of entered this this room with a lot of holes in it and just like a ah storage room nothing really spectacular but there's something in it that was quite frightening. I could see it yet I couldn't see it and it's it's really hard to explain it now so forgive me if I'm not doing such a great job but it's like I could see this like infinite expanse like almost um culminating at the centre point of this room.
and there's this thing there and it's kind of this overwhelming, I'll just call it the entity anyway, this is where I first met, this horrible thing that my maybe meeting friend fought and this thing just felt like it'd been around forever, it thought nothing of me, I thought I was nothing basically, it wasn't, it didn't hate me, it didn't like me, it just knew I was there but it was so beyond me. I just ah couldn't comprehend it and I was so overwhelmed by this experience because it was almost taking me in different places. It was taking me just a few miles down the road in Oxford. It was taking me into other places. like I kind of saw space in this experience. I was like floating in space and it was like this um incredible download of information that was like being fed too much alcohol all in one go. If you can imagine it being like that, it's just like overwhelming and it almost inebriated with information.
And I was kind of crying out to my mum in this um experience and eventually I just woke up suddenly and as I woke up I thought, wasn't I awake a second ago? So so so that was that dream. And I looked around and my arms, my legs were wrapped and all sorts of different things and apparently I'd been unconscious for a few days at that point so I lost more time.
So that experience I kind of questioned, did it last a few days? like Why did time work differently? what What was this thing? And yeah, at the time I just assumed it was a dream and I just was dealing with my physical ailments. I wasn't very well. I was obviously in a lot of pain and all that blah, blah, blah, blah. But yeah, eventually I got better. This was like a few weeks later.
And I designed that to a dream at that point. I thought, okay, just forget about it, whatever. um The nurse put me into this little wheelie chair just to give me a bit of a breather, really, because I was doing better. She thought, okay, let's just celebrate that there. Let's get you in the chair. We'll be around. I remember like waving to my friend across the hall and just going on my merry way. Then as I entered the corridor for the first time, first on my physical body,
I knew that place, I thought. I've been here just a while ago, why why are you taking me here again? And she started to wheel me further, and I was just quiet, and she was kind of worried about me thinking, why aren't you saying anything you're happy a second ago? And I was like, okay, this this isn't right, um something's happening here. And as I was going by the rooms, I saw the kid that I was trying to wave to that couldn't see me, he could see me then.
I saw the nurse that I saw ah a while ago walk past me and she know waved at me and I just went down to the end of this corridor and then yes that was the room that I saw the entity and it was just a basic cloak room I had like a doctor's coat in there the holes in the wall were just like washing machines like the big laundry and bits and pieces and I just reached out at that point because and I then realised I came here before I could be here in my body and that that was my first big explosion of okay well something's going on here like The reality that's been explained to me isn't really what was said, which made me question, okay, what is the nature of consciousness? Like, does it sit within the body? Is it an entity outside? No, even me and Chrissie has spoken about the idea that is consciousness transmitted from another location? Are we just like a receiver, like a radio and in some way or form?
And that's where I came with this kind of you know perception of like, so imagine I imagine like, I know you guys drive anyway, like when you drive your, um can we say brand names here? I don't want to get you in trouble. If you drive your Ford, for example, your Ford car, when you get out of the car, arriving at work, everybody doesn't call you a Ford.
you are you are Greg or you're Ash and it's the same with the body basically like much so I respect the body that I'm in I'm always going to look after it I am not the body I'm I'm me and I can exist elsewhere it's at that point when I realize actually there's more to this that's going on here and I need to kind of you know see what's happening and through this weird experience um yeah I was traumatized by the event and the experience in itself which was yeah yeah good good fun childhood that's lovely um But coming out of this experience I had like um an ability to draw and I was obsessively drawing during my time at hospital because it just helped me just to forget about the pain. I ah went from like not being able to draw to being able to draw a lot and it doesn't really mean I was very good at drawing though but I was just obsessively just doing it. I was going through something
And as I came out of hospital, like it just gave me this funny ability. like Now, in my day-to-day time, I'm a graphic designer, I love doing anything based on imagery, doing video and animation work, but um despite this horrible experience that kind of opened my perception of reality, I kind of came back with like a gift of sorts that I've been using ever since.
So that's also been part of my other thing as well. One day I'd love to do like an art artist therapy kind of thing, because it's like to help other people that have been through traumatic experiences, though that's my my other dream. So we'll see you kind of where that goes. But yeah, but that one mega experience, like to me, that was my empirical evidence. Like I literally saw something firsthand that physically cannot happen. And ever since then, I've still questioned it. I still think I could have been the drugs that they were giving me at the time to some infections and pain.
Is it the psychological trauma of a very young child? There are things that happen that even increase that empirical evidence because it's like the final blow is um about three years later when I was physically able to walk, doing a lot better there. I used to go with my friend to

Paranormal Investigations and Skepticism

Oxford. um I used to go to the Hingsley Pools to do a bit of paddling and all that.
And there's like a nice walkway between this village and things he pulls at. My and mum's friend used to drop me off at, so ah just to cover the last distance because obviously Oxford traffic's really bad. And I walked down there one day for the first time with my friend and hey presto, walking down this this alleyway very decrepit, run down. This is the place that I saw in this experience I had in the hospital because I landed somewhere in this experience actually landed in an alleyway with these teenagers and I remember that specific kind of areas of broken concrete like bricks it's not really a great place to walk quite frankly you know I don't think
any kid should walk down there so I don't know why I was there but either way I then realised this is a place that I saw in this out of body experience and like I realised that I also was transported somewhere else just just a few miles down the road but still like yeah that's that's a lot for a child to take and There are people just like me out there, like, you know, just like Christine, like all over the world who have seen things that, yeah, the team's too scared to talk about it. It's that a stick for like, you know, a long time ago, people like class CSP burnt at the stake as witches, witches just being the label to cut on people that they don't like quite simply, you know. And now, now people seem to be more open, you know, wanting to know more, you know, there's things that we've experienced, especially like, you know, we talked talked about Oxford Castle,
but My first first visit there was some when I met Christine as well. That was awesome. That's when I met you yeah for the first time. And we did this overnight investigation. And yeah, it's it's quite a busy event. I think you get better evidence when you have less people there. because There's just less things do you can use to disprove it, basically, and just simply just be there in the moment. But we had people that are doing like EVPs.
um various different, they call them cat balls, um I don't know what theyre what the real term is, you know the one that they kind of flash with movement and they're this kind of funny little thing that shoot like the the green lasers so they can identify any shapes that move and such. But yeah one thing I was really skeptical of was um table tipping because to me like I've watched Most Haunted and whatever you guys think of Most Haunted I don't don't mean any disrespect though like a lot of it seems to be kind of entertainment or at least exaggeration at the very least.
I carried at a little table to do this experiment for the first time, thinking that nothing is going to happen here anyway, like it just can't happen. and I looked at the table myself, it was just a simple wooden table, I checked for any any trickery there, basically and I set the experiment that myself. I thought if we're going to do this, I'm going to do this my way. These three people, I feel very sorry for them taking part.
stood with me, um we put our hands like facing upwards, pressing down the table so it's a lot lot harder to physically move it, and then with our legs stepped away, so, and of course the ground itself was like an old, it was actually in the crypt of Oxford Castle by the way, sorry I should have said that, and yeah, we just sat there and just waited for something to happen and I saw the table move and automatically assumed that somebody may be pushing it, you know, there must be some trickery there but I kept reminding myself, okay, but you set this thing up, so,
you know there are no wires there are no sort of things going but yeah still people could technically push it as well something you shouldn't discount but I saw the table rock backwards forwards backwards forwards eventually it started moving quite rapidly and things we we got this on video as well but they they won't share the video but I saw it levitate off the ground like just for us just about I'd say no more than about two seconds just enough off the ground I saw the where the light was placed in front of the table there's like a shadow that obviously emits from that I saw the shadow leave the table leg
So that was my kind of evidence. I actually saw it just lift up and twist ever so slightly for just no more than about two seconds, like I say, and then just drop. And I still can't explain that to this day. So like I say, there there are things out there that are happening. And even where we have multiple witnesses, we still see things can't be explained again, maybe in 100 years time, that could be easily explained by you know that current iteration of physics.
But there are people out there, like, say, experiencing things outside of their body, experiencing things with other people. And it's just, yeah, it's just an amazing, fascinating subject. And this is what we're about, just sharing that, those wonderful experiences. And anyone's welcome to question. That's the thing, like, you know, we can only speak honestly, but always question, always kind of bring, like, another dynamic to that interpretation of those events. So, yeah, awesome. I recommend anyone do, like, an overnight Oxford Castle. It's amazing.
Nice one. And that out-of-body experience is described just incredible. Especially for such a young kid that must have been really... Yeah, oh that wasn't too scary for your listeners. Yeah, but I know, Christine, you mentioned an out-of-body experience as well. Yeah. You want to kind of tell us about your one. OK, yeah. So I'm 11. I set off for a pavement. I'm arcing around with my mates and I got run over by a car. and you but um It hit me.
ah and the trajectory I went across the road and smacked my head and as I smacked my head um I heard this enormous crack and I was out my body moving at excessive speed straight up and I could see I could see everything going away I was fully conscious um it didn't hurt and then I came to a rest like I was hanging in the in the night sky and yeah and it was kind of strange because I freaked out a bit because I couldn't feel anything under my feet and as soon as I got frightened it was like somebody put something under my feet so I was no longer frightened but what was really evident was that overwhelming love it was a vibration of love and I don't want to get all like
of it's I think the whole love thing is, I think that's creation. We create from love and this enormous love just wherever I was. um I was aware of people around me that I couldn't see because I could hear them talking. I knew I wasn't in the right place. There was a kind of like a large hedge and I knew there were people beyond that. There were colours.
that I like you, Stan. I don't know what those colors are. They don't exist here. um They were like flowers in this hedge. And then I saw this person, who was this beautiful lady, and she made me understand that I couldn't stay, which I think kind of peed me off a bit, and because I liked wherever I was.
and It was probably the most profound thing that, it was the most profound thing that I've ever experienced. And it's probably why I'm sitting there talking to you tonight. But I hadn't had that experience. um I was out of my body. I was totally conscious. I was hypersensitive. I could hear everything. I knew things. um I somehow come, my consciousness was melding with that consciousness, whatever it is.
um Anyway, this ah beautiful female, I'd say she was in the mid 30s, don't forget I'm only 11. She was probably in the mid 30s. She was made of light.
We've all seen Star Wars, you know, when a Princess Leia comes out of R2-D2. It's a bit like that. it' was It's almost like a hologram. it was She was made of b light and she shimmered.
And she made me understand that I couldn't stay there. And I think that was twice she sort of made me understand that. And at that point I was back on the pavement and I hadn't gone unconscious at all. It was just very, very strange. And it wasn't until years later, by the way, I had a massive lump on my head. I didn't ah didn't fracture anything. It was in hospital a few days and a pair of black eyes, um which I was very proud of because so Funny how when we're a kid we're proud to be a black guy. It was only years later I was going up to London and I got on the train and I bought a paperback on the train station and it was called Life After Life by Dr. Raymond Moody and I opened it and that was it. I realized I had an in-depth experience. By that time I think I was about 20 because again it wasn't something that we spoke about
um I remember telling the teacher at school, because when I went back with my black eyes, she went, how are you? And I told her to have this wonderful dream, because it felt, I thought it was a dream, because I didn't have the vocabulary to, you know, all of the, I just couldn't comprehend what had happened to me, but I knew I had been outside my body. And the teacher said, write about it. So I wrote about it, give it to her, and I'm sorry again.
um And there was one other girl, her sister had fallen in a river near the drowning. She'd had a very similar experience to me, but I still didn't know what it was. It was only when I got this book and I'm reading it and these people are describing similar, not the same, but similar things. And and I realized they're not having their death experience. And it was absolutely gorgeous.
Do you know what? If everybody had a near-death experience, we would not one person on this planet would pick up a gun and shoot his fellow man because we are all connected.

Shared Experiences and Purpose

We are so all connected. And I learned back from that. And it's all about the love that you bring to people. um All this, you know, all the other stuff. It's about who you are. It's like you said earlier, Stan. You're not the car you drive, are you?
you are a body um and your spirit is inhabiting this body for good or ill. So yeah it was a fantastic experience. I'd recommend everybody to have one but yeah it was a great experience and as I say it's why I'm sat here tonight because um I suppose at 20 It really, it the whole thing, like I said, with Doris Stokes, it all started to, we had, we started to have access to things and we could read about things. That was the first book that really made me look at what had happened to me. um And here we are, there's loads of people out, there's thousands of people that have really profound near-death experiences. Yeah, because they happen and they're real. Because consciousness,
You can't kill it. It's as simple as that. And that's why mediumship for me is simple. um All we're doing is, and again, back to you, Stan. You said the light radios, that's all we are is mediums. We literally let the signal come through. Sometimes we get it wrong in translation, but yeah, consciousness can't vary.
It's crazy that you both had the day similar. obviously being hit by a car and the result of that is that when you've had that out of body experience or native experience and then years later kind of found each other, that's kind of, that's like something's meant to happen, that was meant to be type thing. You see, I think the more you learn about it, at first it's kind of like, oh, that's a bit weird, isn't it? A bit spooky. But then it happens again and again. I believe maybe we're in a time when all these things are starting to be talked about more
you start to encounter more people, you know, because there are more of us out there. So, you know, um whereas before, it's just you on your own feeling like a weirdo, you know, because people would say, you know, strange, but now you can actually sit and have a conversation with strangers. I don't know what you mean, ah because there's more people. So, yeah, and we met each other in a third party situation. So I think it's all I think things are meant to happen for a reason. Yes, well, I think the but think brought the next twist in the story that we find out that we run over by the same person as well, that's hilarious. I think this whole whole experience is um obviously never lose your sense of humour when it comes to this kind of stuff. It's okay to laugh at yourself. Anyway, never lose that touch. You can't take it too seriously.
but i think that expansion expansion of understanding through our collected experiences by talking to each other by exploring more about you know it's about the internal landscapes too as well as it the external landscapes the more you you learn the more you love the world the more you understand people even the people that you disagree with you love them too because you begin to get a better understanding of the experience they're going through and their perceptions and nothing's ever as cut and dry as, okay, this person's being horrible to me. It's most likely they've had a horrible day, they could have had just a horrible life, quite frankly, it's led them to be kind of that person and maybe you were meant to have that conversation with them to show them that this could be a way of love, basically, a way of, you know, I'm sorry if I sound like a hippie though, but it could be a better way of seeing things and, you know, learn from each other because
I've had some amazing meetings over the years that I've kind of just changed the way that I think because I used to be quite a grumpy person like because I was dealing with that horrible creature let's just say that was influenced me to to some extent but I used to be quite a negative person like terms like where dealt with people and dealt with angry people and now like because i've been just researching knowing mar I've been researching other religions, you know i was I was fascinated by atheism for a while as well because I completely get where they're coming from. ah You say you have a god, well do you have proof of that? No, well I don't believe you that.
well It's completely reasonable, isn't it? um yeah there There are those who are spiritual. Like I said, I don't follow a religion. I'm i'm a spiritual person. um i'm just near my My beliefs are from my direct experiences. But because I know all these different interpretations now, like I don't see people as almost a threat to my my existence okay well my identity is completely wrapped up in my perception of reality should someone present a new perception that means that i i might not be the person i will be and then you need to get angry about that because they're insulting your person but no it's just another way of just growing and growing and growing like i say this while i've been on this podcast and in fact there are many other podcasts like these out there that they're growing and growing and growing more because people are beginning to question

UFOs and Interdimensional Theories

What is this life? Who am I? Why am I here? It seems to be like this whole awakening that's happening right now. And you could say if it's like if it is or is not linked to the whole UFO situation that's happening right now, we'll see what happens yeah maybe at some point this year. But that's one to watch as well. I do believe it's linked to mediumship in a way. It's all very much linked. I think there's a huge spiritual awakening and it's been going on maybe the last 40, 50 years.
we're more and more open and open and that can only result in nicer people, greater understanding. um it The mediums have spoken about this. um We've had the seers, the prophecies and things like that and I'm not religiousizing to say, but down through they've talked about a great awakening and we need it, the planet needs it.
We need to take care of the planet and take care of each other. And this is why I think the whole UFO thing, I think they're our protectors, they're our guardians, that's my thing. um I also wonder if they're us from the future coming back and going, guys, you're making a massive cock up, sort your life out, you know? um ah Because why wouldn't they?
If you had the ability to do that and you saw that we were headed into some really awful catastrophe, if you could go back, wouldn't you? I also think they're interdimensional. They're not coming millions of miles across the universe. I think they're just interdimensional. Am I making sense, or are you guys? Because that to me, you know what? you know When you see them just disappear,
I think they they're they're popping in and out of dimensions. and That's just my personal thing. Yeah. Yeah. I spoke to other other mediums that that talk about different levels of reality that they sometimes visit within their meditation. So now these out of body experiences, like one person told me there's, she's gone as far as 13 levels of reality. Currently we're in the third level of reality, the dimension.
I find it hard to wrap my round my head around that concept but and I haven't seen anything beyond what I've seen anyway so I can't say that for sure but I wouldn't doubt that either because it doesn't make sense for us to, okay I can only see as far as the end of my garden so my garden is the only garden in existence.
and but it'd be a pretty ignorant thing to say so ah okay well one day we'll walk walk to the end of that garden see another garden walk further to the end of that garden and so on so our perceptions just keep growing and growing and growing so you pretty much you know you have a better bet at simply saying okay i haven't seen this yet but i won't discount that possibility because i have no reason to not believe that But I do believe there's there's such a greater expanse beyond like what we're currently sat in right now. And like I said, there are people like us that can kind of correct those threads in between and receive information from. So, yeah, if these things aren't visiting us from other planes, it wouldn't really surprise me, quite

Conclusion and Future Collaborations

frankly. And I'm hoping they'll bring us to better ways to make energy as well, you know, bringing their knowledge, which I do think we already to have access to right now and have had for the last hundred years. But maybe that's a conversation for another day.
But so yeah, this whole disclosure thing that's happening right now, it's it's fascinating. I've um've known about it for for some time, but to see it actually happening, it's yeah it's it's not quite fully them, but it's it's it it's triggering to a point of revelation of, okay, we've known about this for some time. Some guys are maybe giving us a nudge to start revealing more of our knowledge. We've, we've as a species, have known about this for thousands of years.
I think is um completely valid points and the interdimensional um aspect of it all is something that me and Ash have discussed many times with many different people. So it's interesting that you also right also pick up on that. Yeah. So it's is something that when we started the podcast, if you We've mentioned, me and Asha mentioned this before, that four years ago when we started started the podcast, if we'd been talking about interdimensional beings, paranormal spirits, cryptids, all being a similar thing, all under the umbrella of paranormal,
then I wouldn't have believed myself, but now I'm open to every sort of possibility that it could be. So, so I'd like to thank you. Thank you both for joining us today. It's, um, it's been really fascinating to talk to you. Could you let some people know where, where we can find more about you, where you are on social media, that kind of thing.
Yeah, um we're yeah we're we're kind of growing a lot on the YouTube and Spotify, so if you search Paranormal Perspectives, we'll appear somewhere, hopefully, and hopefully we'll send you guys a link to share, and um but we invite people to to join in our conversation, really. Everybody's welcome. We're all backgrounds. It doesn't matter who you are.
If you have something you want to share with the world, even if it's just like a little confidence booster for yourself, like um ah yeah our information is always going to be free. We're never going to charge for it. know We're here about yeah spreading knowledge. I want to mention as well, Christine, if it's OK to mention, like Christine has a book as well. like She shares her experiences called The Violet Feather.
And I have you know my own book where I kind of go into the stories about my um you know the demonic entity that I encountered and my antibody experience in my book, ah Paranormality. It's big in yellow, it has a big duck on the cover. Looks really weird, but there's a reason for it.
It's a happy little duck. It's a pleasure being part of this conversation, so thank you very much for trusting us. I really loved showing our story with you guys. You guys have very relaxed energies, it's quite nice. yeah thank yeah Thank you. yeah We'll put all the links on social media.
for you in the show notes. But yeah, it has been fascinating um to listen to to your perspective. You mirror the perspective that a lot of people that we speak to share um and the the beliefs that people hold. So thank you very much for taking the time and we'll have to have a conversation again. May be willing. Absolutely. yeah maybe you'll come on our podcast. We'd love to. If you have your own stories to share, please do. Absolutely. More than welcome. Definitely. Thank you, Bob. Thank you, Bob. Nice meeting you, Bob. Thank you. Thanks, Ash. Thanks, Greg. You take care. Thank you.