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Ep 156 - Ash's UFO FIles Case 3 - Triangle UFOs and UAP Drones over New Jersey? image

Ep 156 - Ash's UFO FIles Case 3 - Triangle UFOs and UAP Drones over New Jersey?

E156 ยท Pursuit of the Paranormal
221 Plays2 months ago

Ash and Greg talk about the recent drone incursions over the US in the past week and discuss what they could be before Ash details an interesting flap of triangle UFO sightings in the UK in early 2021

Title music provided by Steve Yarwood & Ambienfinity


Introduction to UFO Month

almost but i don't know how to white those on or what it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your plane it was sound awful You're listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your hosts, Ash Ellis and Greg Tomlinson.
Welcome to this week's pursuit of the paranormal and we are carrying on our UFO month special. This is week three of our birthday fourth anniversary UFO month. I've got a couple of things planned. Mainly we've got a new episode of Ash's UFO Files. So it's just me today going through one of the more interesting cases that I've had.

Drone Sightings and TikTok Live Discussion

There's actually a bunch of cases that all happened in the same short time period. So that's super interesting.
but before that we did a tiktok live me and greg a couple of days ago and as part of that we talked about all this current stuff going on with the drones and we gave our opinions on what these are and whether it's anything unusual or whether it is just something a bit more mundane because these drones and objects and lights above new jersey other parts of America around the world are everywhere at the minute it's all over the news it's all over social media so we'll give our thoughts on that and then we'll kick into the main bulk of the episode so I hope you enjoy and here's just the audio from a part of our TikTok live which is TikTok slash Pursuit the Paranormal podcast we do lives every week so make sure you follow us on there
and people join our lives you can join our lives can talk about UFOs or anything paranormal got quite a good regular audience on there now so that's pretty cool so yeah so here's just the audio from that for now talking about drones let us know what you think what these are in the comments or on social media let us know we'd love to know what you guys think and then i'll see you shortly so i think we may as well crack off the big news this week or so is the drones
Ash, leading expert of the two of us on UAP and UFOs.

Skepticism on Drone Sightings and UAPs

And UAP to anybody who's not so sure um is unidentified anomalous phenomena. So that's the new term for UFO for people who have asked me off of what UAP stands for. And not everybody's up.
up to to speed on the the tech like the tech and all the um acronyms, there's so many nowadays. So Ash, let's have a little talk about drones over the US. They've been over US military bases in the UK. They've been over US military bases in the US. They've been over residential areas in the US. What are your thoughts? so But before you say that,
before you Before you say, I know you're gonna say, I did put up a video that I found, this was to a major news corporation.
I took the video, it's on our TikTok now, where the guy talks about it, these drones going over, and I think we can agree that prosaic, but I'll come to you.
on that anyway, but he mentioned that they were actually monitoring orbs higher up in the sky. Over to you. So as the... What are your thoughts, Ash? As the, I guess, the skeptical. Oh wait, if you to say skeptical, I guess the more... I don't know what the word is, like...
and don't know't I don't think the words realistic or critically thinking but like to me because I got a message the other week and talked about it last time on Twitter saying it was something like quite ah not abusive but like wasn't the kindest message like I'm bothered but like it was like call yourself a UFO researcher why aren't you talking about these drones or something I was like, because the drones, they're not UFO or UAP. To me, the hardest drones. And what we're seeing now, obviously a couple of weeks on, this has been going on for since it started in the UK and then over in New Jersey and all these other states in America, is what we what I think we're seeing now is some
kind of like mass hysteria going on because all of a sudden every single light in the sky is now a drone or something it's like wise it's sort of at the point where Venus especially now Venus is very prominent in the sky this time of year and it is there now and people seeing Venus and all of a sudden Venus is now a drone for so for some reason so everything that's been seen now is is a drone and it's getting took out of proportion so people are like oh there's drones seeing all these different states Oregon, Maine, New Jersey, Cincinnati, Idaho all these places it's like they're not drones it's just lights in the sky whether it's Venus, whether it's satellites, whether it's whatever
And some of them are actually drones. I mean, every every single video I've seen, every single photo that I've seen, it's a clearly either a plane or a drone. But also the now planes are drones. It's just got to a ridiculous point where every single thing is drones. So it's blown out of proportion to something that it's not. These drones in New Jersey, and yeah, they are drones. And they're clearly drones, nothing UAP.
ah you well the government or whatever is keeping quiet on it probably like I said to you privately about if it is any kind of national score issue they are going to keep quiet on it if it's anything to do with nuclear stuff they will keep quiet on it they just never have and never will torture us or tell the public anything about anything that's nuclear because it's secret and stuff like that and they never have done even in the UK they won't confirm or deny use the term they use whether or not it is, it's just they don't tell us anything about it. So people taking out the government staying quiet, they're taking that as they don't know what they are, they can't shoot them down. It's like, no, no one has said that. Not one government has said, we don't know what they are, or they don't know I said

Government Secrecy and Military Test Theories

anything. So people just kind of filling in the gaps themselves.
but jumping far, far too many steps ahead. So for me, it's drones. I've got a couple of theories as to what they're doing. I haven't looked too much into it, but because like I say, it's not, to me, it's not a UFO issue, it's a military. This is like a military issue, not a UFO issue, so not been that invested in it like a lot of people have what's your thoughts on that and initial comments so yeah so I agree with you and the more I look into it it was just the fact that this guy had mentioned orbs
But obviously at that height, who knows what they are. And then the orbs really my interest. And it's not like necessarily paranormal orbs, like we'd see in a paranormal investigation. Well, it kind of is. But orbs get reported quite a lot at places like Skywalker Ranch. Lou Alessando said that during his time um doing this the secret act of success programs, like Orsap Native and whatnot,
the there was orbs in his house. um And there seems to be a lot of crossover between these these bigger orbs, like basketball shape-shaped orbs, size orbs, and UAP, um and all the paranormal that but follows along with that. So that's what piqued my interest about that. But I do believe that these are their military and government. They're clearly not adversarial tech.
I believe, because if they were to hit a shoot, they'd shot them down by now, 100%, because you wouldn't let a Russian drone fly over a nuclear military base without some kind of defence. The fact that they're going quiet, the government are quiet on it, suggests that They're just letting it play out because there's nothing too hide really hide in the grand scheme of things. um And I know you had your thoughts on what they were doing off air as well. And it seems like a legitimate, a legitimate um ah theory on it. But do think that the lack of government like talking about it
and publicity about it, where they're just not saying anything. Thanks for all the gifts, Sarah, by the way. It's much appreciated. Safe drive. I think that's what lends itself to the enigma. I heard somebody at work talk about Project Bluebeam today.
so I mean yeah I mean it doesn't help because you've got the local government and local mayors and stuff and even senators saying like we don't know what this says we need answers and because obviously then they've not been told it's obviously whatever this is happening it's obviously coming from a high level probably very classified ah project or yeah operation that they're doing. Nick's put, hi Nick, we're actually looking at the Black Moo episode now. It's certainly weird, what do you think Nick? Do you agree with what I've said? Because two of the fairies that I kind of, I guess, prefer or probably makes a lot more sense to me is one of them is
The government's doing something else elsewhere, so this is a distraction. So everyone's looking at all these drones in New Jersey. We're now moving ballistic missiles over in the Midwest or something. No one's looking over there. We'll distract everybody over here while we're doing something even more secret. Never part of the country. No one's noticing. Or the one that sort of talked about our fare, where these drones, I try to Google what they're actually called.
It's HPEG drones or something like that. And these are massive, massive drones. Because they have these things on their arms, like these sensors, and they work better at night. Because radiation from the sun can affect them. They work better at night. That's why they're at night. They can detect the gamma rays from nuclear bombs or from dirty bombs. And there's rumors that the US, well, the US has lost in the past bombs.
But the dream is that there's either lost bombs now and they're looking for them or they're testing the capabilities. Because if a terrorist cell or whoever did manage to get a bomb into somewhere like New Jersey or New York, these very populated places, the way they would find it is by using these drones. And they literally have. Apparently there's bought thousands and thousands of these drones over the past few years. So they can deploy them and they would sweep the city.
trying to locate where this bomb is by using the gamma radiation sensors. And that's why they're so big, because they've got these big massive sensors on them that are quite accurate. sort of So to me, if they're testing that capability, not going to let people know this that's what they've got, because they don't want them to know that that's what they've got to be able to find these bombs. And you also don't want to scare people. If they are, maybe they are searching for a live bomb.
I'm not going to tell people that but there's a bomb in New Jersey, you know what I mean? I could go off or whatever, it just caused panic. They were trying to deal with it as they are now or whether they are just testing that and both testing the capabilities and testing the public's reaction to it. And for me, if I was the sort of government project overseeing this,

Historical UFO Phenomena Connections

what we're seeing in this project. I'd be happy that the think if everyone thinks it's UFOs. That's just getting away from it at what it actually is. Everyone talking about UFOs, they're actually looking out for a nuclear bomb. It takes away from what they're actually doing, so it keeps there what their mission secret even more so.
And ah it it's interesting you say that because there's a book called The Brain Trust by Colin Kelleher. You may know that anybody who's into UFOs may know the name Colin Kelleher. He's done a lot of work at Skinwalker Lodge, a lot of work at George Knapp. Yep, Hitchhiker Effect, all that kind of jazz. But interestingly, he's got a theory around cattle mutilation.
and the book The Brain Trust is about um mad cow disease and the tracking of it across the US because it was a very prevalent disease in the 90s that affected cattle primarily but it did actually um affect wildlife across the whole of the US. It's obviously a big fucking thing for for the US. So what they did was there was these objects coming down a mutilating cattle. So the government's free letter agencies, um whoever you want them to be, they were riding on the back of this on black helicopters and just rocking up stealing cattle and wildlife and then dropping them off again in the middle of the night.
on the pretense that it was these aliens, whatever you want to call them, aircraft and entered non-human entities taking cattle for experiments. So they were actually using this weird phenomena as part of their research not to scare the u the US public by tracking mad cow disease across the US, which is an insane theory, but it's almost like what's happening now. So. It's like saying, say they stopped doing this test and if it is that it's six months down the line, most people would have kind of forgot about it. They'd be like, I remember when we had them a few nights where all them UFOs appeared and then went. So people don't even think about what was actually happening. It kind of just goes into that kind of, oh, that the night of the UFOs and stuff like that, you're kind of just playing to the UFO law then, which is what the government will want because it helps. Yeah, it's perfect. What is the water?
Oh, it's perfect. It's perfect. Yeah, it's perfect. So that was our thoughts on all the recent drone stuff going on. I will just postface that by saying that's our opinion. Nobody really knows what's going on ah yet. And I guess we shall see in the coming weeks or months, maybe, or maybe we won't. I guess time will tell, but it is certainly interesting. It's definitely a bit weird what's happening.
like i said on the tiktok live i don't think it's personally uap related so i don't think it's a ufo topic although it is all over the ufo groups at the minute but i personally just don't think it is so i've not took too much attention to it So that's that.

2021 England and Wales Sightings

Love to know your thoughts, let us know on social media. And now let's move on to... So this is Ash's UFO Files Episode 3. This sporadic kind of series where we look at cases that I've investigated or researched as part of my work with And in the past we looked at some odd plasma type sightings.
and a odd case a couple of years ago. These are kind of the more interesting ones that I found throughout doing the work and it shows the benefit of the database that we have. We have the biggest current day database of UFO reports in the UK and by having a database that we put together we're able to swap trends and link sightings together that may not have been linked previously so we can kind of get a bigger picture of what's happening identify multiple witness sightings where all these reports are in all these different places you may not get that you may not know that different people have seen the same thing in different parts of the country so that's what I like about our database is that possibility that we have
So for this episode, we are going back to January 2021, almost four years ago. And if you've seen any of my online or in-person presentations, I do talk about this briefly, but obviously if not, then this should be pretty new information. It's really interesting.
number of sightings it's not just one sighting it's the number of sightings in England and Wales over one 24 hour period pretty much but the bulk of them in a 16 hour period so the first sighting started at quarter to 11 on the night of the 21st of January up until half four on the 22nd the next day and there's a further sighting a few hours later at 11 o'clock at night and that's on the 31st of January So the bulk of them, the four sightings are in this one sort of 16 hour period. And that's what we're kind of going to be concentrating on with this episode. So it's really interesting. The first sighting was in Tadsley in Hampshire. Like I say, this was about quarter to 11 on the 21st of January.
and the witnesses outside having a smoke and they're watching the night sky as you do and they saw three purple lights in a triangle formation as the lights neared they suddenly stopped and became stationary for about two to three minutes they then started moving slowly in the direction of Newbury Berkshire before suddenly travelling in a different direction, seemingly without turning. The witness was quite concerned, due to the close proximity of AWE, who manufactures and maintains the UK's Trident nuclear warheads.
and we know there's that history with UFOs and nuclear sites and nuclear missiles and we have all the drawn stuff at the minute people saying it's being seen the above nuclear bases so the the witness was concerned this ur that that was making odd movements or natural movements was near to that building in which builds and looks after some of the UK's Trident warheads
Moving on a couple of hours to 20 past two in the morning on the 22nd of January 2021 and this is up north in Stockport, Greater Manchester not too far from me actually and this witness noticed four or five very bright white lights through the trees moving in a unconventional manner Upon viewing with binoculars, he saw three large, pulsating and spinning, silvery white, very bright lights in the shape of an equilateral triangle. In between the three main lights, there were bright red and gold and copper colour lights flashing intermittently. The object moved slowly and changed in shape to various forms of different sized triangles. The lights were observed for around three minutes before they were lost behind clouds.
The third sighting was a bit late later in the morning. This was quarter past 10 on the 22nd of January in Wolverhampton in the West Midlands. And in this one, after hearing a loud rumble, the witness locked up and saw two objects high up traveling from west to east. One of the objects was definitely an aircraft, gray in color, and with visible contrails. The second object was larger, triangle-shaped,
and also grey coloured, through binoculars the witness saw no lights or any features or contrails just a featureless triangle shape and upon looking on flight radar at the time and date of the witness said we could see that there was this Airbus Voyager
Oh yeah, plane that I've taken off in Bryce Norton. Sort of doing a recce flying around, but there's no other aircraft around it. So the witness definitely saw this plane, but he said it was accompanied by this grey triangle. So could it have been escorting this plane? Was it UFO? Was it experimental aircraft? Does this weird grey, featureless triangle?
seemingly being escorted by this RBF plane. Moving on now to the afternoon of the 22nd January, just before half four in the afternoon I'm now in South Wales, in Blackwood, Monmouthshire. And after receiving a call from relative who lives in the same estate, the witness looked out of his upstairs window and saw two clusters of objects in the sky.
The first cluster appeared to be two dark sphere shaped objects. The second cluster, which was around the half a mile behind the first, consisted of two spheres and one dark coloured triangle shaped object.
and the witness likened it too to the B2 star bomber the famous black looks like a black triangle plane these clusters were observed for one minute before they disappeared into the clouds so that's four sightings all from different parts of the country all within this I think it's 18 hour period and they all seem to be on kind of the west side of England on the west coast not coast but on the west kind of edge of England on this on the England Wales border because you've got Stockport in the northwest over Hampton West Midlands Blackwood which is South Wales but near Tkadith and Taddeley in Hampshire so it's like kind of like your object was traveling down the country possibly so you've got to sort of ask
Is it the same object? It's so strange that we have these sightings all within a short period of time. and although they are different descriptions they've all described triangle shape objects so very very interesting interesting is it the same object object is it different objects are there multiple triangle objects all coming out this night and this day very weird then a few days later on the 31st January in Bristol in Somerset again on that kind of eastern edge
of England, the western edge of England going into South Wales. A Facebook user reported seeing a large triangular shaped object very low just above the houses and moving very slowly. The object was black in colour with a bright orange light on the side and it was very quiet compared to an airplane or a helicopter. So this is approximately eight days later and then another triangle object and this one like I said very low just above the houses so it's quite hard to misidentify that. It's very, very low down.
All of these reports, apart from the one in Bristol, were made to Mufon. So we've not actually been able to get hold of the witnesses. This makes it a bit difficult, because obviously you can get personal information on witnesses from the Mufon database.

Triangle UFO Sightings Analysis

So we've only got the kind of brief descriptions to go off. I did submit a few you information requests in relation to the military jet that we know was there, because we've got data off light radar.
ah but they weren't able to go to anything fruitful. But just having so many cases, like I said, the Tatlin stockboard accounts both report an equilateral triangle, which again is quite specific. A lot of people say triangles, but these were specifically mentioned to be equilateral triangles. and The Blackwood report had clusters of sphere objects as well as the triangle. wo The Wolverhampton site had a military aspect to it.
Could they all just be misidentifications? With so many reports in such a small period of time, is that likely? To add to this, a day later, only 20 further January,
There's actually a red and white triangular shape of light seen in leads, West Yorkshire. Don't have much more information apart from that, so I'm not going to include it properly, but just another triangle. Again, describes slightly differently, but in the same kind of part of the month, in the same sort of eight, nine day period, another triangle shape object being seen. And this takes us back to the nineties.
where there was the big spate of UFO triangle sightings particularly and in reference probably to the development of the B2 star bomber. My own sighting in 1997 was a black triangle so I always had that kind of extra love for reporters like this. So to get all these together in one place is ah pretty cool. Don't forget you also have the kind time into the Belgian UFO wave ah back in the late 80s, early 90s.
one of the most famous kind of bunch of sightings and that we face to again large triangular craft that was seen by police officers in Belgium. Bright lights and triangle formation and the central red light which has become quite synonymous with ah you triangle UFO sightings. These three lights in the triangle with a red light in the middle although none of these reported that red light apart from one of them did say they had like copper coloured lights in the middle her but none of the others sort of mentioned having any lights in the middle like these do this Belgian UFO wave on the night of March 30th 1990 Belgian Air Force F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to investigate the reports they were detected on radar
Obviously the plane tried to intercept them but the UFO was reportedly performed manoeuvres beyond the capabilities of any known aircraft at the time such as rapid acceleration and sharp changes in altitude. More close to home we had the Dudley Dorito which is effectively known by people in the Midlands and not far from Birmingham.
again this triangular shape it's been a kind of a staple of UFO reports for decades now every year when we do our like we do our annual sort of data look at all the sightings throughout the year in that annual report that you can see on the website triangles is usually within the top five reported shapes we have starlight orbs disc cylinder or tip-tack shape and triangle they're usually the top five reported shapes and that also a goes along with what's happening in the USA the arrow report that recently came out they have their data and again triangle was one of the i think in the top five or top six of reported shapes so the cell being seen
Like I said, my own site was a black triangle that was clearly visible. Quite a few of us saw it and that was kind of the typical three lights running its corner of a triangle. It wasn't echolateral, it's like longer going out. But it didn't have the light in the middle or anything like that. But it was definitely a single craft.
because you can sort of see the sky getting dark like it was covering the sky up. It's definitely 100% a physical craft rather than free lights in a formation.
because any three lights do you make a triangle any three objects together make what you call a triangle so it's quite hard at night especially if you have three it could be three satellites starlink trains if they're kind of neutral that could look like a triangle but it's actually three lights Chinese lanterns were no popular, not as popular now, just because obviously they didn't think the band was being bought nowadays, and what the wire pa but for some time. And you say to people, there's these red glowing lights, these red glowing orbs, and it was at a tri and there was it was a triangle with red glowing orbs.
It's just three different lights, but I know a bigger triangle. So you have to be careful when people say that it's a triangle shape, that it isn't three individual lights, especially in these cases when you've got these five or six reports.
some are different from each other some do sound like they were physical craft physical or physically a triangle at least one that's lower over the houses one being escorted by a military jet they're probably more likely to be an actual triangle ones just because we have the limited information available it's quite hard to judge it too much so we've got to be careful and in how we're describing it without that further information these are just basic brief descriptions that we've got to work with having not been able to get the witnesses to actually give us more in-depth information. But, interesting nonetheless, it's one that I do like to include on my talks because it does highlight the importance of databases like ours where we're bringing these sightings together. Like, if you listen to e episode two of Ask a UFO Files,
That was four sightings across the UK, around the same time, I think that was over a six hour period, four different parts of the country, Scotland, London, Greater Manchester and Lincolnshire. And these all had photos on video, I was able to talk to the witnesses in most of these cases, I was able to do an in-depth kind of investigation on that one.
And that did look to be the same object being seen by four different people. And these were all reported in four different places. With our database, we're able to bring these together, identify these little flaps or these little sightings that could be linked. In that case, we definitely were somehow. Like these triangle sightings have so many in one day, effectively.
is pretty insane if you don't see that very often like you might get one sighting or two sightings a day less than that to have so many in one day makes you think something's happened there this needs further investigation This needs someone to look into it a bit more. With this one we couldn't just because we didn't have to witness details but it's one that's on the radar, it's one that I still sort of go back to. If I do ever manage to get hold of witnesses or anybody else and saw anything on that on them couple of days then we could kind of reopen the case and try and do a bit more in-depth research into it. But as it stands that's all we got but I hope you
enjoyed that. Just a little bit of interesting cases that I find that I like and I think it's just good to share people and that these things are being seen. We have no footage of these cases in this case, which is quite sad. ah No photos, no videos. One of the witnesses gave us a sketch. It was the Hadley tadley Hampshire case. They did a sketch kind of showing the direction of movement and what it sort of kind of looked like. But apart from that, we had no other corroborating evidence apart from just the different witnesses over the same day.

Next Week's Preview and Listener Feedback

So that is Ash's UFO Files episode number three. I'd love to know your thoughts on this case or of the drones, let us know what you think. Got a great interview coming up on next week, which would be week four of our UFO Month special. And Greg and I will be there with a very, very special guest. So we will see you all next week. Thank you for listening. Have a great evening.
Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with Ash Ellis, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time, and until then, stay weird.