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Ep 149 - Our Paranormal Experiences -UFOs, UAP, Ghosts, Hauntings, Aliens & More! image

Ep 149 - Our Paranormal Experiences -UFOs, UAP, Ghosts, Hauntings, Aliens & More!

E149 ยท Pursuit of the Paranormal
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Ep 149 - Our Paranormal Experiences -UFOs, UAP, Ghosts, Hauntings, Aliens & More!

Shady's back, as your hosts discuss their own history of paranormal and UFO experiences from UFO's and aliens to all manner of hauntings, as we look ahead to Halloween 2024!

Title music provided by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity

almost but i don't know how to white those on or what it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your play it was sound awful You're listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your hosts, Ash Ellis and Greg Tomlinson.
and half ourselvess ago and very well very well greg how are you Yeah, not too bad, thanks. It's been a busy week, month, yeah. But yeah, all good. Yeah, very busy week, very busy week. And it's the the spooky month of Halloween, so. It is. We are a week away from Halloween. Yeah. Yeah, and we're recording this a week before Halloween as well, so. It seems fitting that we talk about our spooky and otherworldly
um experiences maybe this episode. Yeah definitely. Definitely yeah I think that over the over the years we've talked quite a lot about our experiences on other people's podcasts but anything you do does we've mentioned I know I talked about some of my experiences a couple years ago I thought it'd be cool to kind of do an episode where we talk about our experiences and kind of things that have happened towards whilst investigating and whilst not investigating just It can be like, a this is my my story, my paranormal, unexplainable occurrences. Yeah, I think so. this um It's probably fitting to start with with yours way back way back when? Way back when? Way back in 1997. There was a comment around, if I'm not mistaken.
I getting mixed up, the hair is coming. howbo comment i think is it's holy book um a little i up cover one and That was blowing March and April, 1997, so it wass e was around that time.
nine i seven young we kid as I was a night night seller long time ago that actually wow um yeah ah even before then I did have kind of some interesting weird things because I was a weird kid and um and when yeah we were all out in the street in the street I grew up on watching the comic, there's some kids, a couple of adults, about ten of us, eight or nine, ten of us, ah watching the comic, just hanging in the sky as it was a clear night. And then all of a sudden, one one of the adults, I think it was, said, what's that?
And then from the area of the sky where the the comet was, we just saw a classic black triangle, craft, objects, UFO, UAP, just come out of the sky and just traverse.
across the sky above us pretty much nearly directly above us quite definitely clear triangle shape the sky was like darker behind it so definitely a physical craft the object was dark against the sky I mean and a light like a white light in each corner of it three white lights and yeah about the size of a 50p arms length so it's quiet sizezable quite a sizable object in the sky I think like planes are probably a couple of centimetres when they're like really high up and this was like got a 50p sized. I think 50p is about them bigger as well. They were big coins back then. Big 50p's. So a sizeable triangle just went across the sky in about 60 seconds maybe a bit less and I remember Dad, I certainly remember Dad always being like that's not a plane, that's not a helicopter.
We don't know what that is. It's too big to be a satellite. It's definitely a triangle shape. It wasn't a normal plane. Then we watched it all, and then we stood and just looked at the sky for a few more seconds. And then adults went back to looking at the comet, and the kids went back to playing football. And I was like, what was that? There's no one or what that was. like I'm like, what the hell have we just seen? But no one else seemed bothered about it afterwards.
It was kind of weird. They'd forgot about it. And ah that led to a lifelong interest, if we need to turn to now in, well, not to try and hide my age, but work it out very easily, to now 37 and still obsessed with weird lights and objects in the sky.
Yeah. and indeed Do you think that was the first moment that you sort of can definitively say that's the start of everything for you? Definitely because I'm um starting to get interested in it and back then obviously there's no internet or anything like that I remember talking to my dad and he ended up subscribing to X I think it's called the X Factor magazine Was it called X Factor? I'd rather Google this as a talk cuz I thought those he's a TV show nowadays But I'm sure it's called X Factor magazine Yes, it was it's called the X Factor
Um, but yeah, this weren't memories. I made up subscribing to it when my dad, I subscribed to everything, but my dad was kind of interesting. We use more like instant saves and stuff like that. Um, I remember having the binders, we had to end up with all the binds on the shelf with all the magazines in it. Um, so yeah, so it kind of definitely kicked off.
and Interesting. I remember going to the library and went in books and VHS videos, um of like UFO sightings and stuff like that. and but what What was available back then. So it definitely kicked off. I remember as I, like the next couple of years, one of my younger mates who wasn't there that night but kind of, I think he kind of, because I was a bit older, kind of looked up to me a little bit and he kind of had my interests. So I kind of pushed it onto him a little bit.
And we had, we did have another site and I'd never really spoke about it because I don't think it was anything. But there's one night where it was like, it was like dusk, like the sky was just that weird color and these clouds. And we saw some objects coming out of the clouds, I think.
But I think back, it was just our imaginations. That's why I know who really classed it as a sighting. But we had this thing where I saw this big, like, pop Independence Day craft coming out of the clouds. And then I think he probably was around the time of Independence Day, actually. 1998 or 1999. then it also sparked an interest in Nashadamus. So I had a mate called Mark, who was a couple years older than me, who lived a couple of houses down. And he had a book on Nashadamus.
And one of his predictions was kind of translated by this book. I know there's different translations of different things in a different book, translate things differently from him. But one of them was that in 1990, I think it was in like um October, 1999, the skies of New York will burn and terror from the skies. I mean, I certainly remember terror from the skies. We fought as obsessive aliens at this point, being like 11 or whatever.
that this meant alien invasion. And I think we're going to get invaded in 1999. And I remember we went to the woods and we started building a base help to to protect ourselves from the aliens coming. And my mate had a dog and we were like, oh, we have to make sure there's room for the dog. He was in his base that we were going to build out of sticks in the woods. and But obviously the only invasion ever came. But when you think back about that prediction,
yeah and skies of new york no i think that october 99 which is a far off from september 2001 two years later yeah skies of new york could burn at 2000 degrees or something the way in the news and tell from the skies it's like that's pretty fucking spot on it's pretty spot on wow in the new york when you think it's mad and not so glamorous wasn't like last year or anything like it's like 1500s i think yeah yeah it's like definitely hundreds and hundreds of years before and it's predicted that that
kind of almost the same month and just two years out from. That's pretty pretty incredible. Pretty mad. So yes, that kicked off a lifetime of interest that never ever faded, I guess. so So cool. What started you your, what was your origin? So it's weird. Well, so mine was the paranormal side, really. um When I was younger, I used to,
be fascinated by weird weird stuff and obviously clouds were the strange mysteries used to be on there was all sorts of weird stuff on there like proper scary stuff like stigmata and people like having the um the wounds of christ and stuff just like appear on their hands and in the same place where he was crucified those kind of weird stories or dowsing rods and and that but there was one bit that freaked me out and there was it was around polgeists and
It was all around the Enfield haunting. And literally from there, I was petrified. It goes petrified. ah used to It goes back to when I was five, I watched a film about Dracula. And up until very recently, I've always had to sleep with a duvet over my neck. Wow.
when i was five i can i can remember watching the film as a black and white horror a film when you're five pretty much any kind of scary film is a horror film though and i used to have to like put the duvet over or a t-shirt or something just to cover my neck so I could sleep. And that was right into adulthood. It had become part of, I mean, so I was always into weird stuff. And then this poltergeist section came on, it was like,
oh my god this is the the freakiest thing that like something can that's invisible can invade your home essentially and at that time it was like a house invasion and like start throwing things around and like pushing furniture and making noises um people floating and i was what i don't even know when it come out is in the 80s so i was probably single digits old probably nine ten something like that and then it just became and ah like a thing from there and then it was x files and and such like and started getting into the the ufo side of it as i got a bit older and then my cousin was really into it and my uncle not so much but he was always talking about stuff and then um
over the last 12 months I've obviously been there's been a lot of changes in my life and I've moved and I've got a briefcase that I've had since I was like 15 16 like a proper thick old school briefcase that I keep like there's a lot of personal like documents and stuff like that from when I was young I've got like receipts for when I used to buy vinyl when I used to DJ when I was 18 in the 90s just stuff like that that I found in there when I joined the Navy when I was 18 and I got loads of letters that people wrote to me when I was in the Navy my discharge letters anyway and as I was looking through it I found printouts of an email conversation that I had um with the whole the Hull UFO Society
I started getting into the UFOs like really massively at the start of the internet so like 2000 ish and then 2002 I was banging into it this was when the internet was relatively young still and broadband was coming in it was like two meg per second and that was super quick I don't even think it was half a meg. Anyway, so I was emailing backwards and forwards and I found the correspondent of why I printed it out, I don't know, of me talking about UFO experiences, ah like UFO stories with one of the guys from the u Hull UFO. so I don't know why it was Hull, because that's fucking miles away from Oxford. Really good. And there's conversations with me arranging to go up and do Skywatches with him. And this is like 2003, so 20 odd years ago.
And I'd forgotten some of those details and it's like, oh my God, I was um so ah know when weve we've talked on previous episodes, i was I was like the paranormal and you were the UFO. But then now looking back 20 odd years ago, so that's not nearly half my life ago, in my sort of mid 20s, I was ah ah was banging into UFOs and there was there was a particular video that really got me, it's Anthony Woods,
Some people might never have heard of this guy. I saw a photograph in UFO magazine or or one of the magazines and it was him talking on coastto Coast to Coast AM or one of those things. So I went on the website and then found the story of Anthony Woods and then in UFO, I think it was UFO magazine, they they'd done a DVD i've got the dvd somewhere um this guy just recording ufos and weird objects in his anywhere he went so he'd just take a camera um so yeah i just sort of it all snowballed a bit like you it just sort of became this thing and my life i'm just weird that would have and that would have been around the same time that i was really
wait around that round, like when I was like 12 foot in, around the millennium. Yeah, it was at the millennium, Bergen. But yeah, around the millennium, yeah, 2000, 2000, definitely 2002, 2003 was the the main bit of the UFO stuff, and organizing Skyward to go Skyward, never went up there.
um But the guy was like, yeah, come and stay with me and my wife. And now we're looking back, it probably wasn't the best thing to be in strange people. I was front runner of um being groomed. But um on a serious note, I find out the paperwork and then it just became this thing. And then i have everything I watched was about UFOs, ghosts, ghosts, and I went to ghost hunts and and all that stuff and it joined multiple groups and and a bit like yourself is sort of like developed into this thing and then we met probably I mean going back what about five years
now yeah about five years micro ballers poker um group on facebook i don't even know if that's the thing anymore is it it still is it still is because like mark uh norris yeah yeah you created the group he you start and say no you're not active anymore you're still not being a moderator and i said i'm not a force i don't go in there but i'm happy to stay happy to not he's like no i keep for you you're happy to um i was curious moderating on that group i was like yeah i've never been there but it is still air staffing on the
Yeah and then for anybody who hasn't listened to the early days that yeah we um or any of our when we talk about on other podcasts would be not there's always been ah an interesting route that we we sort of like met on the admin group of a poker group on Facebook. I don't think we've actually talked about it on this podcast. I think we've talked about it on lots of other people, but not traditionally. Yeah. As people ask, how did you two meet? Yeah, so it was, it wasn't. I remember you, I think you put something up about UFO identified.
And then I was like, Oh, I'm into all that I'm doing. I do this or I'm into parallel and then we sort of messaged each other. You're like, oh I was wanting to a podcast. Would you be interested? And I was like, yeah, why not?
And then two weeks later, the first episode is up. That was coming up to four years ago, I know. That's insane, isn't it? It's insane. And looking back, it's funny, I was looking back through my photo album. I don't know what I typed in on my phone. Can I just stop you there? Is there anybody else in your room? No. Is there anything that causes a shadow?
because to yeah we right behind your head where that green thing is. Oh my God, I've got goosebumps. A shadow's just got behind you. I'm recording the video, so I'll have a look back afterwards. but made Oh my God, my whole body's got goosebumps. It may have just been something like you moved, but I had to have a look back at it. but looked it was like a you did me I'm pretty sure you didn't move and a shadow just walked behind you. But yeah, I'll have a look at the video when we finish.
I keep an eye out. I keep an eye out. like ah As soon as you said that, cook which is weird because this isn't, that wouldn't be the first weird thing that's ever, that's freaking out actually.
That's why I've been in where I am now. I've been here since July. I think I've been coming up for three, four months. And, um, yeah, my house feels completely calm.
But that did just instantly freak me out. That's right. It might be laughing. I need to watch it bad, but it's not like. Starting again. I know the reason I say it's starting again because we um we've had many, a many things happen to us when we've either been recording or we ah when we were. I can make some weird things there.
But when we've been recording the podcast, we've had loads of weird shit happen. So that was, oh, that was horrid. That was horrid. So yeah, I don't know where I got to. So yeah, that was, ah, that's throwing me right off. You were looking at your phone, are you on your phone searching? Yeah, so I was searching.
And I came across the ah promotional like five, 10 second video that we did for the first episode. I wasn't even looking for it to come up. um I was looking for like driving license or something. I needed to prove some ID and um come up with Yowie. I don't even listen to it. It's horrific.
Not in terms of content, but in terms of the pain we went through to record that episode. Because we we we're now doing this in one, we we haven't stopped. This is one take so far. Whereas when we were doing the first few episodes, it took us hours to get about 10 minutes worth of audio. It's painful to edit. It was was dis painful to record. We're just laughing. We just look at each other and just laugh the whole time. So we, yeah, bloody hell. That's four years ago. for
So what about some of the, let's talk about some of the weird stuff then that's happened to us, that seemed quite fitting. One that the really, and I said this, I think I said this on, and it codes YouTube the other a day, one of the main ones that definitely happened,
definitely happened. They all happened but one that definitely sort of strikes a chord in me is when we were interviewing John Edmunds at the start of this lunch and um all of a sudden I was I was on a brand new iMac. It was I bought it during lockdown this to be honest with you I would never buy one again. My MacBook is much better than the iMac. Anyway this iMac brand new piece of equipment
wasn't cheap either so it was just and and we were on skype because we literally had a couple of hours notice to try and interview him and he doesn't have internet properly so we had to try and figure out how are we gonna phone call him Skype Landline and record it with two hours, and it was our eighth episode, so we weren't exactly super slick at that point as to what we needed to do in terms of recording. I think we were still on Zoom in that order, like during lockdown, weren't we? yeah And um i'll be we were on Skype, and we were having a conversation, and I remember my computer just shut down. Skype went off, the whole thing shut down. It restarted.
And then I come back on, joined the call again. I was like, sorry about that. And you guys were like, what, what do you mean? Because you never disappeared from my screen. You were still moving. He was like, you were still like you are now. You never disappeared or went off or.
and anything like that. We would have seen, yeah, like messing with your computer or something, but you didn't, you just, you were just, weren't frozen. It was just, you were just there. Like, I think John was talking, just listening. He was still there. And then came back and was like, talk about that. And I'm like, what do you mean? You're like, that's a log off and back on sign. We started a computer. Like, no, you didn't. No, you never, you've been there the whole time. That was weird. Cause the thing is with have Skype and that you have to like, you log in and you have to try and join the call and I don't,
i don't know what happened that day that was weird that was proper weird but um yeah that was that's the main one that struck a chord with me that definitely was so we've had like so we've we've we've done all sorts of stuff on the on it what other ones have we got because we we were doing experiments we would do spirit box sessions we'd be doing all sorts of stuff i guess i need to do i need to do that again Yeah. So we've done the Estes method via Zoom basically, didn't we? I watched that recently actually, because when I got a new computer, I was transferring all my files over and I was going through all the old videos and stuff. And I found the video footage from that episode where we had like all these different camera setups, looking at you, looking at the equipment, looking at different, we had like four different camera setups. It's really good actual, what we did with that video footage.
I can't remember how this happened, I don't think we've got anything love to mind-blowing on that time. No, I don't think so. I think, um yeah, well nothing really happened. We were quite new we were quite new to that one way, it was using technology.
Um, but then other stuff that's been weird that's happened is when we went to Canak Chase, which was weird. Instead, it was the first time we've met for the first time. Yeah. That was, that was cool. Cause we'd been doing a podcast for a long time, nearly a year, I think. I mean, we hadn't actually met each other. And for those that don't know, like Ash lives up in Manchester. I lived down in Oxford. Um.
And yeah, so it's not, it's not the closest of journeys or closest of locations to sort of just meet up. So Cameron Chase was our first outside broadcast.
And um yeah, loads of weird stuff happened there as well. we were My camera, I had my camera set up, I had a DSLR camera. and it took a photo it made the sound of the shutter noise and but when i went to the camera there was no hadn't taken a photo no one near it no one near it it was just pointing away into the forest and that i do remember and again can it come up on on on the live stream the other day was that you had spotted something in the in the woods
yeah on the viewfinder on the camera camcorder yeah so i i just said oh i'll go down there and have a look and i walked off i don't know why i was so brave but i walked off and um i sort of stopped and But when you were already in the woods, you'd gone for a wonder. oh I might have done, yeah. You were already quite in the woods, but to the left. Then when my camera was pointing, I was like, I saw something weird in the bushes, like straight ahead. And then you were already heard and you went and walked.
into the view of the camcorder and you start exactly where I had just seen something on the, on the, uh, viewfinder. Yeah, that was weird. And then we had like, um, uh, we used the dowsing rods and they started spinning in the same location as well.
You said he went there and stopped there because there's like a weird feeling in that exact spot where I had seen, because it was quite small on my screen. I couldn't, I don't know what it was that I saw. It was just something in that little bushes and you stopped exactly in that place. Let me ask you why you stopped there. You're like, this felt weird in that spot. Yeah.
It was because we, we took a load of paranormal investigating equipment into the woods as well, which is normally people don't, I'd like a pink teddy bear and a REM pod teddy bear. And we had K2 meters and all this kind of weird stuff going into a woods, which is renowned for like cryptids and strange, strange phenomena.
But it only got weirder that evening as well. I do remember that. And I've never had so many weird experiences. We went to um castle li Castle ring. yeah ka And we met up there and it was, it was dusk. It's a very strange place anyway, where there's been reports of all manner of weird, weird stuff. And we'd done the Estes method, which seems to be the one that, that gives us good, good results. And I think a lot of people get good results from the Estes method.
Yeah. And, um, we've got the video somewhere and there's one bit where I say about, um, can you name any of us? Which is quite to, to, there was me, you and Abby and you have identified.
and um you clearly just said her name as she walked past you yeah the video's mad because uh you're sort of a few feet away from me i got the headphones and the blindfold and everything on you say can you name one of us that's here or something yeah abby walks in front of me sort of ah to off camera i say abbi abby spins around comes back and was like You go, the fuck? The timing is impeccable. Because we we'd recorded the audio on like some other bits. So so when when you you were speaking, we had the clear clear voice from me because we'd recorded on the video. We've got the video.
And that was just super weird. And then, do you want to explain the next bit, the the super weird bit? Is this the, in the fun little bit? Yeah. Yeah. So I'm not sure you'd asked, like, what's your name or something. Then I say, especially when you're, when you're being the vessel for yeses, you have no context or anything. You're not the same words. You don't even realize that words might make it together. You can say names of each other because you're not thinking about anything. You just.
hearing out for words and just saying whatever is here, like you're not really thinking about anything anything else. So I just said Nathaniel. And in my head, we interviewed a guy called Nathaniel Gillis, a demonologist. And um it's quite an unusual name. It's not the only person I could think of that's called Nathaniel. A lot of Athens, but Nathaniel Gillis. So in my head, because my eyes are closed, I've got my eyes all down. He just pops up and the image of him pops up in my head.
as ah as a Nathaniel and then what I get through and what I say out loud is that's not me I'm not him clear as day as if it's knew what I was thinking and he was telling me no that's not me that's a different one I'm a different Nathaniel that's insane that is insane that was one of the ah creepiest and then it then it got even weirder as well because shortly before you finished, yes, that's what I say before you finished, before we decided that we'd had enough. Didn't you sort of get touched or something like that? If I, if I remember, I think, or am I thinking that wrong? I got very, I mean, obviously it was nighttime. It was cold, but it got like, my whole body got like very chilled, like, like, the whole body was like a whole chug or three. I kept getting that. I don't know if it was just a cold or,
It's okay because I kept getting two voices coming through. One was a man's and one was a woman's and it was like it was it sounded like the woman's being attacked by the man and I was hearing it through the voices and it was like no matter what point of that the radio sweep it was on.
these voices kept coming through like the man and she's shouting like get off me and all this stuff and he's like this deep voice and I stopped because I couldn't listen to it anymore I was like I'm hearing this woman get attacked or assaulted like I don't want to hear it and that's when I stopped it I was like I can't listen to this anymore but now I do regret not because we were getting result of it. I should have just carried on, but I couldn't stand listening to it anymore. But it was closed day, like these two voices coming through him and it was constant. It wasn't like so often it was constant. And it got more stronger and stronger. It started off like right big gaps and it's stronger and stronger to where it's just these two voices arguing and like, excuse me, assaulted. it was a
really strange and creepy yeah and it was a creepy environment as well because i remember it went really quiet but all the birds stopped chirping i think and if anybody's ever been there it's fucking creepy i think and the mister times this fog just came in this mist just like rolled in this is like fucking hell no that's where we're like yeah we need to go Yeah, it was very much like that. And it was, I remember it seemed like a very long walk back to the car, which was almost a run. It was, it was horrible. It was horrible.
But then, so that, that was the first time we met and then loads of weird, weird shit was happening. And then we've, um, then we came to your basement. Yes.
the infamous ash ellis house basement, which has never, we've always, when we've been down there, there's been stuff happen.
all the time and for anybody who's not listened before, I don't know why you haven't, but um yeah we've spoken about Ash's Basement many times and it's so and it's it's like the outside of a house inside it's very rich describe there's windows and doors inside as though it's a house built on top of a house type thing it's yeah
It's almost like it's a street o in the basement. It's a big-ass basement. it's Yeah, it's huge. The building in the living is big. It's got travel apartments and the basement stretches under the whole bit of the land. So it's a big-ass basement probably. Ten or so different rooms and corridors and passages and stairways and random halls and stuff.
So it might mean it might have been outside. I don't know. It's weird. It's weird. It's obviously hundreds of years old. And yeah, we've, we've got the video as well. We were doing like a, just some recording down there and we've got the video where I'm just holding the iPhone at arm's length, just getting a shot of me and Ash. Um,
sort of like saying goodbye type of thing. And, um, yeah, yeah which has never seen the light of day that we never put it out properly. Um, and we hear a noise and on camera, you can see us hear that noise for the first time, like something like a stone or something outside the,
the bru so were in like someone was thrown at the wall just outside it's that kind of stone on stone sort of sound wasn't it like almost like a small stone is a proper like is a proper noise all it wasn't like a little noise it's clear something hit it with some force like We both heard it and there was a someone. We were still filming at that point and you can see our reaction at that point and it's a lot of stuff has happened just in that that sort of little section outside we've heard running water and stuff like that. Yeah and in that place where so we were in one of the rooms and it was whatever it was was thrown at or hit
just outside the door to that room on the wall and so the wall to that little room we were in and there's a lot of corridor and earlier this year, I think it was, the girls once you investigate were in my basement doing investigation and we were all in that same corridor. So there's five of us, there's four of them plus me. Wasn't that guy come with us? I can't remember. I'm not sure if Chris was there. I can't remember now. There was definitely at least five of us and me and Tony heard a proper breath next to us, we were all kind of together to go, that proper loud breath. So we both went, did you, I went, did you just hear that? And Tony was like, did you hear that? Did you, please tell me you heard that? I was like, I just said like, I can breath, like a sigh next to us. I'm wondering if a girl's heard it. I think Sarah said she might have heard it. But then Sarah was filming in the room that we were coming out of into this corridor. And um when she watched the footage back, she captures the breath on her, on her footage. And then us saying,
Did you just hear that? And that was in that corridor that someone was throwing at us. They managed a big basement. And and then Andy, Andy the codes, came down because he'd heard about the basement and he was up in Manchester and he wanted to come and see in the basement for himself. So we went down there, me and him and his mate it went down. Again, this is all filmed. It's all on camera. And I've not actually talked about this on the podcast yet. It's happened probably six or seven months ago now and I've not been back down there yet. and I've not been back. and I still don't know how I feel about it because I love strange stuff happening. I don't mind strange stuff happening to me.
But what happened is kind of, it didn't, at the time it popped and knocked me for six. I was like, what the fuck is happening? Like, this is in my house, basically. This is like, just blow my feet. There's nothing on the first floor, but this is in the basement. So two floors blow me. And pretty much in this area as well, of the house. This is happening. I'm like, I don't know how I feel about this. Cause this is kind of beyond bangs or noises or,
stuff so we were down there and we had been doing some filming and the three of us were in the same bit of corridor in the same part of the basement and I felt someone push me from behind, like they put the hand on my back and move me out of the way. I liken it to waving like a busy bar or pub, like when you squeeze past someone you kind of put your hand on him, kind of like shift them a little bit, like excuse me, kind of like move your body a little bit so they can squeeze past you. It was like that kind of movement, someone had moved me out of the way of where I stood.
So I thought, I was like, what? I was like, what? So Andy, sadly, Andy was filming like drops at direction. So I was behind Andy. He had his night vision camera on recording. So he spins round with his camera and I'm like.
And he's like, what's happening? I don't know. So I'm turning around and I'm thinking I would just back into the doorframe behind me. So I can't think of anything. Something just hit me. and But of' no one there I was a good foot and a half, two foot away from the door. There's no one behind me, nothing behind me whatsoever. I was like, something's just pushed me. Someone just physically moved me. i No one's stuck. They're both stood in front of me. and So I was like, what? And then we got all the video footage of this.
So he turns around and um and on the footage, he's looking at me with the video camera and the other guy's looking on my back and the other guy goes, oh my God. So I'm like, what? And he's looking on his camera, can't see anything in the night vision camera. His mate gets his phone torch, lights my back up, his phone torch. And there's a handprint on the back of my hoodie where I had just been touched.
So obviously I can't see it, so Andy's taking pictures of it with his phone and stuff. I was like, fuck, what the fuck? And they they both felt it. And they felt kind of like a greasy, like an oily feeling. It's not not wet, but oily or greasy. There's a weird texture to it. And then they tried to they try replicating it on the other side of my hoodie.
and couldn't get the same kind of effect. And then when we then came upstairs, when we looked at the photo closer, we both looked at it and we both sort of had the same picture on the side. It's a hand print, but there's vote this' three very distinct fingers i that like bulbous at the top.
So it's like three, three. It's so loud. We both saw it at the same time. It both just went, that's an alien alien hand. We have the bulbous tip and like long nails going into the into the palm. ah He literally googled gray alien hand. And that is what's on the photo of my hoodie. And I took my hoodie off. And it had gone at this point.
it wasn't my hoodie anymore. And I was trying to get up to get it. So I was doing hand prints. I was touching my hoodie myself. I was trying to recreate it. I just couldn't get the same imprint or the same like weird oily texture that it had. So it's like, so it sort of went. So in that moment sat night, I was, I was sat here and I was like, this is that chair. And I was like,
OK, so it's gone from something in being in the basement that's formed the fact that those are main noises to a spirit that has touched me, which is OK. Not too bad of a thing. But how I got an invisible alien in my and invisible gray alien in my basement, it's like that handprint is just.
I see Andy showed that on the YouTube channel the other day as well and it's weird. I know he loves allowing the yellow, I know he loves that yeah and the story. It's interesting you say about it being a bit like greasy or whatever because I think um wasn't it the Virginia where they the the alien that they captured or was spotted um had a like a greasy kind of texture. So as soon as you said greasy kind of texture, that was, I remember the moment of contact documentary. um Where they talk about Virginia and and they they specifically said it had like a greasy kind of
How does it make you feel? I know you said that it's a different thing completely. At the time, it really knocked me. I was like, what am I dealing with here? Is there something in the basement? Is there an invisible alien in my basement? What the fuck? And it's my cuz doing what I do with the UFOs and the paranormal.
someone then said to me someone was like did similar work to i do and said oh i've got this alien in my basement that pushes me i've got to fuck off you know i mean it's like it's too unrealistic you know what i mean it's like no one's gonna believe this like like we've got the photo and the video footage we didn't have to but there's no no nothing else apart from me saying this is what happens you know i mean it's like that's why i've not really spoke about it in like seven six seven months and he has i know he has to put multiple people and multiple episodes which is fine i said he can like not bothered but i've not spoke about it myself because one for that reason i think you're the fuck's gonna believe this is two
It's too much, you know what I mean? But we spoke to John Edmonds who came to have killed 19 aliens with a samurai sword, so you see... I might need to get a samurai sword. Yeah, I think you might have to. But from that, and then you say what you're experiencing, thus That's not strange. that's Well, it is strange, obviously, but it's not not unbeliev i spot too far out there. Considering the kind of conversations we have with people, it's actually quite tame compared to some of them, yeah but that is insane. And I'm glad that all the other people down there have been with other people, like with you, with the girls. There's been different people each time. Yes. it's been yeah Other people experienced it, women. Like I said, I've not been down there since with anyone, because I'll go anywhere.
I will, I recently went to Canada with Andy when he was recording his documentary thing. And they all went home and I went to the German war centre on my own at 2am in the morning. I just hung out there on my own. Doesn't phase me. god too far on me on night Doesn't Going into my basement in the middle of the day with the lights on with daylight shining through the gaps.
I can't do it. It's just, it's something about it. It just totally sends the senses off straight away. I'm like, you have to go down to go to the electric meter, which is what's down there. I'm just in and out there fast and doing what I can be down there. Whereas everywhere else, not bother me. Anytime of day, in the middle of the day with bright daylight with lights on, I can't even go down there on my own. It's is a strange place. I can attest to that. Even when you go down the steps into it,
because you have to go in like a back door and up some steps into a back door and in down some steps. It's it doesn't feel like it's the same building that you're living in. It's it like you've just gone into and it is a weird place. We've done like we've set up a Ouija board and and started doing that and like the batteries go quick on the GoPro type cameras and it's just it's just got a weird vibe about it. It really has.
So what do you think? Do you think it is paranormal or do you think it's something different or is it? And this is me going out there. Is it some kind of weird portal thing?
I love to have a portal below my house. Me own little skinwalker ranch. one not It could be why I moved there. It's because I draw me to here for this reason. To pick this place. It's just train miles from where I looked before. It's not like I can move around the corner. I moved to a different city to move to this place. I don't know. And I've talked to someone about it a couple of months ago. I think I've been in the partner actually. And can we talk about how Is the paranormal linked? Are aliens and ghosts potentially the same thing? We think we talk about CE5, and after doing CE5, when you're basically calling out for the aliens to show themselves, and let us know they're there. When you're doing ghost investigations, you're saying the same thing, let us know you're here, show yourself. So whatever if it is, the same thing should present them themselves differently. So maybe whatever the entity, spirit, alien, whatever it was that pushed me.
Maybe that presented its hands in that way, because that's what would be familiar to me. Because I'm an alien UFO guy. It ah interacted with me and left a handprint on me, but the handprint was off an alien handprint, like a typical grey alien handprint. Whether it was someone else, it could have been a full human-like handprint.
and because i Maybe it's just, maybe it's not an alien, maybe the entity is just presenting itself in that way to me because of, there's someone else who would have presented itself differently. That's just what I was thinking about, what I was talking about with, and is that why, is is it an alien or is it a spirit that it can?
or whatever the other your is, whatever phenomena. Definitely phenomena down there, whatever it is. Oh definitely, 100%. Whatever it is, it's just presenting itself in different ways and that's the way it presented itself at that time. last three key That's That's even more freaky than it just being like a spirit or or an entity. It is an entity potentially that takes many forms which
it's quite a bit more likely than an alien living down there is it and i don't don't know i don't know and that's the thing like i know when we when we started the podcast and it was just all a bit like wow you've got you've got the ghosts you've got the ufos as they were back then they were called ufos back then And then over time with people we've been speaking to and they've all got shared experiences of these different things in their life. And is it, I know we've covered off many times, is it just, is it one thing? And it's just presenting itself differently. But your your basement is, it's definitely something not right about it.
And it might be getting knocked down. yeah And I've told you that we've got notification from the council that they put an application in to knock the whole building down and rebuild. Hopefully it doesn't happen. They're going to be homeless but and or to be out at least. But that means the basement is going to go. So we need to get down there. We do need to get down there.
And maybe news of that might stir something up. Oh Jesus, you imagine. It might know that something something might happen to them the building, to the land. That might stir something up. And I know for a fact that you, and you've you've mentioned it before on the podcast, the basement isn't the only weird stuff that's happened in not your apartment.
Because I know one of the first times we started properly talking and you'd moved in there that you had said that the bathroom door had been locked in. Someone tried to get in the bathroom when I was in there. You just think someone could come in on you? Obviously it was locked, the sliding lock comes across.
um otherwise it would have opened if that started a lot wasn't it but there's nobody there there's nobody in and so don't want to just like open it never done it before i've never done it since like it's just that one time and but um we've had times where i've only partly shout me but then he hasn't so i'm like what what what he's shouting for i'm busy like but he's never shouting me um and it's the main time i remember because our We have a long hallway that leads from the lounge here to the kitchen. And it's an old building, it's very creaky and the floor walls have a very specific creaking noise as you walk down it. So you know exactly what part of the hallway you're in. When you're walking down there's two little steps as well. Now I was in the kitchen, you're in the dishes or whatever, and we're back to the door. And I heard someone walk down the corridor. The clothes there, these act creaking and footsteps like you're here and someone's walking down the corridor.
So I thought it'd be a partner coming to the kitchen. So I turned around and just like, look at him or whatever. I heard him walk down the corridor to the kitchen. No one was there. I thought, oh, maybe they've gone to the bathroom, which is the next door. Not in the bathroom. So I go into the lounge. And I'm like, in fact, this is the bedroom. I was like, are you just coming down the corridor? He's like, no, I've been to bed the whole time. I heard someone walk down the corridor into the kitchen.
but there's no one there. I mean not anything for a while. We had a bang a couple months ago in the hallway like something had fell or been dropped but so I got up because I'm like what was that I'm like come on let's find something but there's nothing out of place there's nothing they've been moved but we had definite leaving the apartment was like, don't go, don't go. I'm like, it's funny to see if something's fell off. So it fell off the sofa or something night that's what the noise was, but there was nothing to explain what caused the bang. And we had our bedroom door open, so it was clearly, it was loud and it was in, it was literally five feet away from us in the hallway. But never explained what that was. So a few things in the actual flat as well, um but mostly the basement.
And I've obviously been in I've been to your apartment and. um It doesn't feel.
The basement does, but. I mean, residence area. It's fine. It doesn't feel like particularly different to anywhere else. um Yeah. Creepy, creepy. So would you say that, because I know you have had a paranormal experience in a pub. But would you say that, like, some of this stuff, since you've been in where you are now, is sort of the main, like, some of the creepiest sort of stuff that you've had happen? Yeah, yeah, I mean, the stuff in the pub, in fact, I may be getting to investigate there.
I know someone knows your owners and they might be selling up but they're going to get into the panel investigation. investigation now So I said I need to go yeah with with you because that's where my kind of panel was started. That was my first experience was in that pub. So to go there and investigate it would be really like full circle. But I saw somebody come in through the door, come and walk behind me and start speaking.
but there was no one there. That was kind of my first like, that's all fucking ghosts. What the fuck was happening? That was probably about 80 years ago now. yeah But this, what's happened here, it's all kind of been,
kind of what I'd say low level stuff like some noises creeping stuff like that but what happened early this year where I 100% know that I was forcefully pushed by nothing effectively Like I say, knock me for six at times. I was like, what what is actually happening here? Like, is this but what's gonna happen next? Like I said, I've not been down there yet since that definitely has been probably the most prominent thing. That's why I'm not spoken about. Because usually I talk about stuff from the experiences. and
say oh yeah you've had some bang in the in in the bedroom or whatever it's just like it is what it is it's just random panels like stuff that could be explained probably like pipes whatever and but this one I literally not spoke about it properly like until now because it's just I don't know what I don't know how I still don't know how I feel about it or how I want to go about going back down there and I will need to and I would do want to but not on my own and definitely didn't go properly In fact, all the major things that have happened have been that same corridor, that same little area of the basement, all these things have happened. And the fact that the flat above it now is empty, as he's moved out a few months ago, so that's like even more that there's no one living there above that. So if it happened now, it's definitely not personal as above it. Yeah, it's a little below me. And then it's the basement floor.
Yeah, so yeah, definitely that one. for sure that's freaky that's freaky wow wow I mean I've never had that kind of volume of experiences It's mad because I would never pound on my guy. And like I say, if I heard someone else saying, especially the hand stuff, I'd be like, hmm, hmm. It's like, would I believe it? I do believe people. I take people with face value. You have to. With the junior foresight and the stuff, you take it with face value, with the lack of any evidence. We have the photo. But people may come up with explanations for the photo. I've not seen any yet.
yeah no more stuff maybe i'd say i don't know there's a trip or something i don't know like we've said when we've interviewed people before it's like that's you can't unless you were there you have to take that person's word for it unless they're clearly bullshitting but a lot of people who have are brave enough to tell their version of what happened you can't do anything other than just sort of listen and essentially accept that that is the truth. um So yeah, that is super weird that you have all that that stuff in one place. I mean, it has been there nearly four years now, yeah for three and a half years. So it's kind of, but I probably
There's seven, eight, nine things that happened over three and a half years. There's not a lot ongoing stuff. It's like the odd thing here and there rather than like stuff happening every night is like, it's spread out over.
three years but although I haven't been back in the basement since then. You don't want to say it too loud otherwise Go To Adventures will be down there trying to buy the place or but doing an episode. If it's not for getting that down they buy out the landlord that'll do me. Pushed the rent up and then the month later says yeah we're knocking it down as i just well. Cheers for that. Yeah I love it. Can't wait.
wow oh we need to get down there really we definitely need to get down there 100 i'll have to arrange to come up do a visit with my paranormal friends 100 100 we're doing all night imagine all night down there i could do that and have a stream up here I reckon you could, you know. Get a wireless. but under It reaches through the air stuff, isn't it? Through the walls and stuff. Yeah. It's quite an old building, isn't it? It's really thick walls. It's not how good any Wi-Fi or Bluetooth would be.
No, that's it. That's the only downside. I'm pretty sure we've not been able to capture your Wi-Fi memo down there. No. I don't know. They have to be locked off cameras and we'll just have to get it as and when, I suppose. Like take the footage and... Yeah. Wow. I look forward to it. So that's a little bit about some of our experiences. We could probably, there are more because There's a lot more we can talk about. We'll have to do that in a in a future episode, but it's been fun. That's the end. We're up to Halloween, a little bit, uh, Sarah and our group of stories. All right. So I've gone up to Halloween. Yes. I've got a nice story about my experience at the ancient ramming that I've spoken about before, but I think it'd be fitting because that's freaky as fuck.
so Yeah, so we'll have that for Halloween. Nice one. Cool. Yeah, we will see you all next episode. Speak to you soon. See you later. Bye.
Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with Ash Ellis, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time. And until then, stay weird.