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Ep 165 - The Paranormal TV Podcast - Sceptic Vs Believer!  image

Ep 165 - The Paranormal TV Podcast - Sceptic Vs Believer!

E165 · Pursuit of the Paranormal
146 Plays16 days ago

This week we are joined by Chloe and Sean, hosts of the upcoming brand new podcast The Paranormal TV Podcast where they review episodes of popular paranormal TV shows such as Most Haunted and Destination Fear. With Chloe being a believer and Sean being a sceptic, you are in for some interesting conversations! Learn more about the podcast and their own experiences, this week, on Pursuit of the Paranormal

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Title music provided by Steve Yarwood & Ambienfinity


Unidentified Sound and Podcast Introduction

It was almost a trick. I don't know what it was. It was gunshot or what it was. It wasn't an airplane. It was not an airplane. It was down off the door. You're listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal Podcast with your hosts, Ash Ellis and Greg Tomlinson.
Evening, Ash. How are you doing? Very well. Very well, Greg. How's the tricks today? Good. Good, good. I just want to pick on one thing that you haven't even mentioned to me yet.
you know when you were away on holiday and I recorded that episode about Polargeist, did you listen to the intro?
I must have done. I must have done because I listened to the episode. I downloaded it so I could listen to it when I was on the plane coming home. Because it said, with your host Ash Ellis, and I put, not this week. never, I never noticed. Wow, Ash.
Come on. Have a listen back. I thought I would, um... So we've spoken about your holiday anyway, but are you okay? Very well, very well. Looking forward to the next one.

Poltergeist Recording and New Guests

Yeah, winter. As always. ah Belfast in about three weeks. Nice. Two weeks? No, two weeks. Two weeks. Just for a gig, so yeah, looking forward to that one.
So I'm just completing my sixth week off work, and I've got another five weeks to go. So looking forward to that as well. It's like being on furlough again. Yeah, well, was never on furlough.
I was working, mate. Anyway, right. So we are joined tonight by some new friends of ours. And one of them I've already met in person recently, well, about a few weeks ago, up in the north where I seem to spend a lot of my time now.
And um they are starting a podcast today. that is launching next week. I'll let them tell us all about it. But welcome to the podcast, Chloe and Sean. How are you doing, guys?
Yeah, good. Good, thank you. Really good, thank you. So what is the name of your podcast? Because I failed to mention that. Apologies. and It's called The Paranormal TV Podcast.
Okay, cool. And what is it about? ah Chloe, do you want to take that? Yeah, so we are currently making our way through different and episodes from different series. So Most Haunted, Destination Fear, Paranormal Lockdown.
And we are essentially reviewing the episodes and talking about what happens and giving our views and opinions on them.

Paranormal Beliefs and Experiences

So I know there's something interesting about you two.
One of you's a sceptic and one's a believer. Yeah. which one Which one's which? And how did you guys come together for the podcast? So I'm the believer, um which is how we've come together for the podcast, really. But Sean, if you want to talk as well about...
Yeah, so um Chloe and I met. I'm the skeptic, obviously. um Chloe and I met, and ironically, ah doing Adam's Family, the musical.
So we do... um We do amateur dramatics in the local area where we live. And we we can perform at the Lyceum Theatre in Crewe, which I don't know if many people know is quite famously haunted and was included in an episode of Most Haunted.
um And we met ah three years ago now doing that. um Chloe played Wednesday and I played Lucas, who is the sort of betrothed to Wednesday in the, in the show. Um, if for people who don't know the musical, it's set a few years after the, the sort of movies are set. So she's not a young girl anymore. She's, she's sort of like a young woman.
Um, and we met doing that show and I found out Chloe has, uh, an interest in the paranormal because, um, at one rehearsal where, uh, we rehearsed shows for that, um,
for for that company that put on that particular production, rehearse them in a church hall ah just outside Nantwich. And Chloe, ah during one rehearsal, um had been to the little girl's room, came back and she looked like all the colour had like completely drained from her face. And I was like,
Are okay? And she was like has anyone just been has anyone just been out of the rehearsal room? and Did you see anyone leave? And I was like, not that I not that i can remember. And I was sat by the door.
that where you would leave the room and she said because i've just been to to the to the loo's and while i was in there i heard heavy hard sort of footsteps like stumps um coming past down the down that corridor and i was like no no i i'm pretty certain no one left the room um and then that sort of sparked a conversation wherein we started talking about the paranormal and realized we both have uh ah sort of mutual interest in it, but I lie ah on the sceptical side and Chloe lies on the believer side of things.
So do you have any other kind of experiences before that, Chloe, or was that your first one? Was there anything that led you to have that interest initially? No, I'll be honest. I've always thought I've experienced stuff and it's it started when I was at uni.
So I had this lamp in my room and i remember one day I was in there and it just kept flicking on and off and I kept thinking, oh no, maybe it's a dodgy wire. And then it got to the point where I was like coming home every day. Now, my old uni house was a converted pub.
And when I Googled it as as to what it was before, it was a pub that had been around during the second world war. um And obviously, you know, has been home to lots of people.
going for drinks and where my room was used to be where like the cellar area where to keep all of the drinks and I thought okay and then as time went on every time I'd come home this light would remain on so I thought okay and as as I've gone through different stages in my life in different places I've always experienced something somewhere that I can't explain which is why I think I've become more open to the paranormal and that's what makes me more of a believer because I've experienced lots of stuff that I can't explain in my lifetime if you know what mean but before then and I hadn't experienced a lot but just little things in different places but more often than not in theatres because I've spent my whole life in theatres especially places like ah the Mitchell Memorial in Stoke which
really, there's been times when you've been alone in dressing rooms and you've come back and you're on your own and you can't, I don't like being on my own in these rooms and you can just sense something isn't quite right or, you know, something's moved or, yeah yeah, it's just, I can't explain what

Skepticism and Credibility in Paranormal

it is. But then recently, so ah went to the Lyceum Theatre to do The Addams Family and the whole time we were there,
I was in dressing room one, which is quite well known being the dressing room of the ballerina that used to haunt the Lyceum. And the whole time we were doing the show, several things happened, which were ah kept smelling lavender for the full duration, constantly. i was asking people what perfume they were wearing. in No one else could smell it. And thought, okay,
Secondly, i kept thinking someone had left their phone on because all I heard was a doll music box going off randomly in the props corner, which if anybody's done a show there, it's just this tiny corner at the back of the stage. and And then about two weeks later, we went to watch the... ah It was the live recording yeah of Yvette Fielding's podcast. Yeah, that's it.
And she spoke about this scent of lavender and this music box. And then I suddenly went cold and thought, oh, that's what I've been hearing and smelling for that full week.
And every time I go up to my dressing room, the light would be on. Even if I turned it off, the light would be on. And I even made a sort of reminder of myself. Because I kept thinking, I've turned this light off before I've left.
So I used to write my phone, turn light off, and I'd go back in and it was on. So the whole time I was there that week, there was a lot going on. We didn't experience anything about the the white lady, but I definitely experienced that. But I'm...
very much a believer in the sense that I don't look into things before I go somewhere so that I don't then expect to see it or hear it. These are things that I just thought were normal and I was actually getting really cross with people because I thought people were leaving their phones on and alarms on during a show but it wasn't and yeah so that's probably the best thing I've experienced.
That's mad. And just kind of thinking about going back to the uni stuff, we've had quite a few guests that have had experiences at uni. think it's probably about the 4th or 5th guests we've had that have talked about stuff happening whilst at uni or in uni halls.
That's just quiet ah quite interesting. and ah guess So guess, Sean, as a sceptic or a non-believer, whatever you want to call it, what kind of gave you that interest in paranormal? If you don't kind of believe it, you know what mean?
Um, i my interest in the paranormal comes from, um, sort of early teens. Um, and it is quite literally most haunted. Um, my mom would watch it on like UK TV gold on a Friday night.
um And i I, yeah, found it fascinating. um And for for a long time, but you know, in my sort of teen years and when I was younger, I yeah ah did believe.
um But then I think the... i i don't I don't know what it was that made me flip to the skeptical side. I think it was ah sort of opening my ears a little bit more to the to the other skeptics that are out there and being like, okay, yeah, fair enough. Those sort of scientific explanations do hold some gravitas um more so than... You know, it's that kind of... It's the kind of thing where you go, what's more believable?
Something that is... proven by science or something that some people believe. um And it's it's not necessarily saying it's definitely one or the other, but for me, it's just looking at which one is more believable than the other.
So for instance, um hallucinations, you know, did you see a dead person standing in front of you or was it a hallucination, which is a genuine um human experience that is backed up by science and other things.
and That's just an example. But yeah, I think I just started opening my opening my ears a bit more to to every voice rather than just the the ones that go, this is a ghost. i was like, okay, this might be a ghost, but also it might be 10 million other things first.
I think that if you um if you can rule out everything that it could be, it's a very famous saying that if you can rule out everything that it can be, what you're left with, regardless of how ridiculous it sounds or how unbelievable it is, has to be the truth.
And I think um there are a lot of people... that don't do due diligence on stuff that they record or that they provide as evidence.
So the the flip side of that is, say, like with yourself, Chloe, and we have other people come on that they have this really personal experience where something's clearly happened.
And it's very hard to to discount that person's version or their account of what's the experience they have. and we like we This guy, when we were speaking off air, we were we said that we spoke to this guy in America.
And his story was the most batshit crazy story you've ever heard in your life. but with his wife being abducted by grey aliens in the night, so he's having to chain her to the bed.
He was killing them with samurai swords. and so It's the fucking most mental story you could imagine, but... If only 1% of that was true, it's mental, but who's to say that he didn't experience that?
And there's only so far that science can can take it, I believe, that, and you might find this if you as you do the podcast and and carry it, we're up to what, four?
four and a bit years now, about 300 odd episodes. And I went in with, it was like, this is my view of the paranormal. I know Ash went in with his view of like, if like this is the UFO side.
And since then, it's just this blurry mess. That's a, that's a sort of a difficult sea to navigate. But I think you're dead, dead right though, Sean, that,
People, especially if they're saying, oh, I've captured this, whatever is on screen, they need to make sure that they're as controlled as an environment as they can be. And I don't think there's a lot of stuff goes out there and I've called out a lot of people for some of the shit that they post.
but I think it's healthy to have but both the believer side and the sceptical side as well. on that I'm like the believer side, and Ash is the yeah ah person who brings me down to earth with everything. yeah But it is good to to have that healthy side.
But if you if going back to your part where you say you go to which is more believable, what if the science doesn't, like science can't explain it, even if it's ridiculously crazy sounding, would you, which one would you go for?
Um, sorry, sounds solicit question that's a, it's a tough question. Um, it's, um,
It's difficult because i think for me, I think I've had this conversation with someone recently. i think someone asked me, what would have to happen for you to fully believe?
um And I think it would it would have to be something, it would obviously have to be something that happened to me, ah something that happened over a prolonged period of time, and that was documented clearly.
ah and experienced by multiple people. um I know lots of people are probably like screaming at the podcast app now saying and that's already happened. That's already happened. And then try to, you know, bring up, you know, different things that have happened or whatever. But for me,
aye Sometimes it's not enough just to watch a video or listen to someone's testimony because that's all anecdotal. Videos could be faked or whatever reason. But then you've also got a look at the, you know, why would someone fake it kind of thing. and There's a podcast that I listen to ah called This Paranormal Life. And one thing that they quite often talk about is...
do when people tell these stories, do they get, uh, any kind of monetary gain out of it? And that's something that quite often goes against them before they decide whether it's true or false.
if If someone you know is was abducted by aliens 20 years ago and now is going Comic-Con every year, telling their stories, getting movie deals written for for their story, then it's like, well, the that has less...
you know, that that has less validity than someone who it happens to them. They tell their story and then they're just like, I don't want any more to do with it. I'm just telling you my story and I just want to disappear and go back to my normal life, please. Thank

Living with Paranormal and Podcast Dynamics

um And that has happened where people have had these experiences and then just, you know, want to tell their story and then go back to living their normal life. I, the honest answer to the question that you asked is, um I don't know. Fair enough. if if If science can't explain it
It's a tough one because ah there's a quote I heard um from Ricky Gervais, the renowned atheist. and He said, um I believe that everything that exists in this... but i'm I'm paraphrasing. I'm not getting this exactly right.
I believe that everything that exists in this life exists in this life or can be explained in in real life, and if not now, eventually.
And it's it was that it was that last little bit, if not now, eventually, um really resonated with me. Because, yeah, something might happen that might not be be able to be explained by science.
um But who's to say that it won't be eventually? You know, 5,000 years ago, people saw... ah people saw water falling from the sky and thought it was, you know, some kind of deity um giving them, giving them, you know, water for hydration or whatever. But then fast forward X amount of years and we actually know now that it's,
It's just the the rain cycle, the precipitation or whatever it's called. um you know There was a time in history when no one knew what rain was, no one knew what lightning was, or no one knew what you know hail was or snow was or why the sun was in the sky.
um But we now know. um So who's to say that things aren't happening now that we don't understand that in 200 years we'll be like, oh, yeah, well, now we know.
Fair enough, but i guess one question from the back of that is, have you had any experiences yourself that kind of made you think a little bit? have you kind of just not had any?
I've had i've had a few. um my the the weirdest The weirdest ones for me are not not not things that have happened to me, but things that um things that are anecdotal, even though I've already said that I don't trust anecdotes, but anecdotes from my own family um who I do trust.
So... um my sister, when she was three years old, ah this was there was there was a tu there was a time in my family's history when we were discussing the idea that my sister might be a psychic.
um And the reason was because when my dad was a small child, he had an invisible friend. This invisible friend was called Johnson.
And he lived next door, but one in the in that family's garage. Not my dad, the invisible friend. and So from where my dad grew up, the neck the invisible friend lived next door but one in their garage.
ah Fast forward 20 or so years, ah my sister is like three years old and... She's in the backseat of the car with my grandma and granddad, my dad's parents.
ah And my grandma waved at this woman. And it's the woman that used to live next door, but one to them. My sister said, who was that? And my grandma said, oh, that's the lady that used to live, ah lu used to live near us.
um And she had a little girl with her. And my sister said, who was that child? My grandma said, oh, don't know. It must be a granddaughter or something. And my sister's reply was, that's Johnson, that is.
um And then my grandma said, but my granddad almost crashed the car. And then my grandma said, it's the first and only time she ever saw the hairs on my granddad's neck stand up.
That you could physically see them.
So that's a weird one.
Well, how about you, Chloe? You said you had some at university. Have you had any other experiences post-university before like the theatre stuff?
Yeah. So ah about 11 years ago, mum and dad bought a new build property
ah where where where we live. um And where the house is built, you're going back to a time where there was a battle and in the 1500s.
And they live around probably within walking distance to the main battleground where this happened. When we first moved in, my mum and dad used to laugh at me because I used to say,
I feel weird in this house. I loved the house. was lovely, but I just said I felt weird. And for the first two years I lived there, I had night terrors. Really vivid night terrors where I was waking up and I can see figures. And it was the same time every single night I was waking up and it was like about between three and four in the morning, which people do argue is the most active hour. But it's gone on for years and it's sort of become sort of second nature to me because my bedroom I used to have a lot sort of weird noises um things move where I'd left it and it hadn't been there before but you sort of people start to say to it's just you you've you've left it you've moved it and I've moved out of that house and my mum is actually staying in that room at the minute and she rang me the other day and she said um got woken up at about four in the morning I said why she went
a man muttering. He was muttering. He was really aggressive. And and I thought she was joking. I thought she's just trying to have me And she went, no, it woke me up and it really shook me up.
And it was like an aggressive muttering. She couldn't work out what they were trying to say. But she said, I've never, ever woke up so startled. i mean, my mum is also like me. So when she was, I think, about four years old,
her well, she'd never met her granddad and she used to sit on the landing talking to her granddad and every single night about 5pm she'd sit there and have a conversation with him and then this one day my granddad just said to him just go away, leave her alone and he never came back again but my mum, again, she still remembers that happening and said I was only like 6 years old but it was so vivid and she can still see her granddad stood there talking to her on the landing and he passed away.
So, i mean, my mum, she is ah believer, I think, but she's she less open to it than me. But for me, when she rang the other day and told me that, I was like, oh, so all of that that was going on when I was living there wasn't me imagining it. And I do think that if there is,
ah haunting in my that house it's to do with the grounds that it was built on not that the house is just haunted because no one else had ever lived there it was just us it was a new built house but they do say that there are a lot of unmarked graves in that area because of people that died during this battle you know you don't know yeah that's my most recent sort of realization of you know it being haunted because i I sort of took that out of my mind and as the years went on I just sort of ignored things happening thinking oh well it's just I've forgotten that I've not put something there but I'd have things go missing for weeks and I'd be so angry and now I think I don't I still arguing as to whether it was something in the house but I've never ever heard anything verbalised my mum's the only person that has
So I guess with the podcast, I've got two quite different viewpoints ah from you both. And I know you're at the start of the podcast journey. I think we've got a couple episodes recorded so far getting ready for the the launch, which we'll come on to shortly.
you have any conflict when you're recording or is a bit more dignified? do you anticipate some, obviously not conflict, but

Paranormal TV and Topic Exploration

you know what mean? A bit of heated ah discussion maybe.
ah I think so far so far it's been fine. um we We recorded tonight, actually, just before we came on here. um And there was one thing that I said, um and I don't think Chloe was expecting me to say. I'm not goingnna i'm not going to go into what what was said. You'll have to listen.
I can't remember what I said, but Chloe clearly wasn't expecting me to say it. And then her answer to that was, it's a good job you said that, because if you didn't say that, I think I would have i would have gone like ballistic at you.
and So, yeah. so we're We're agreeing a lot more than I thought we would do on certain things.
On areas where even i Even I, as a believer, said that you can believe in things, but especially when you're watching these programs, they say that something's happened, but then not all of them will go back and show you any evidence or footage. And even as a believer, you can't take somebody's word for it. If you've not seen it, then there's no evidence of it. And there's been a few episodes we've watched, and even I've said...
I didn't even write that down as evidence because I just, I've rewound it and what they've said happened didn't. So even will agree with Sean on them kind of things that it's not always as it seems.
So on the back of that then, which of, you don't necessarily have say, but which episode or which TV programme do you feel is the most accurately portraying genuine paranormal activity.
Because most haunted I've got my views on that, but I know I think most people have, but going back to what you said, Sean, that's most only got a lot of people into the paranormal. So i can't knock it at all for that.
But, um, which, which program do you think accurately portrays the paranormal best? Um, I think we might both, might both be in agreement on this, um, because we literally recorded this episode tonight and I think we agreed on a lot of things.
Um, So there's a TV program called Destination Fear or Project Fear if people are um fans of that. Basically, there was a TV program called Destination Fear. It was on the Travel Channel um along with you know the likes of Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters and stuff like that.
um Unfortunately, after four seasons, I think it was cancelled. and Much to the um upset of the of the cast. um So what they did is they made their own YouTube channel called Project Fear, which is still going now to this day.
Pretty successful as far as I can see. um And they... They did, I've still got my notes in front of me here from where we recorded earlier on. So I'll just quickly read out what what was said in the episode because um I love this um as a concept because what I find with a lot of paranormal programs and is that they're sometimes quite overproduced.
um When you look at, you know, the likes of like paranormal lockdown and ghost adventures and stuff that, you know, you've got like the Zach Bagans characters and it's everything everything just feels too much. and With Destination Fear, this was their opening sort of monologue is it's a psychological experiment to see how terror affects the human mind.
what it reveals about our true selves, and just how much of it a person can withstand. To understand the paranormal, first we need to overcome our fears. So it's not even necessarily paranormal investigation show, it's more an experiment.
and So the premise of the show is that they go to these different haunted locations. There's only four of them, four people, Dakota, Chelsea, Tanner, and Alex, and And they go and it's just them four with handheld cameras. There's no, like I said, big production.
um And they go to these haunted locations. They do a quick sweep of the building, do sub do a little bit of investigating, try and work out where they feel is ah you know the the the sort of four scariest locations.
And then what they do is they draw... um out of a hat where they will be sleeping that night and then they separate and they go and sleep alone in that area. And they're quite often big buildings like penitentiaries or asylums or sanatoriums and stuff.
And tonight we we reviewed um which will be our episode two, ah Destination Fear, season one, episode three at Sweet Springs Sanatorium.
I think that is, for me as a skeptic, one of the best examples of a of ah paranormal TV investigation show. And I i think Chloe might agree with me. We were talking about it literally an hour ago.
yeah no, it was it was quite terrifying, actually, because it was so raw. Nothing was staged. You could see genuine fear. And you could Anyone could argue, well, they might be really good actors, but you can tell when someone is genuinely taken back by something. And it's just so well done.
I think there's no pre-planning because they can't decide who's going to go where. It's all done by fate. And I think that's such a good and clever way to produce these kind of programmes.
Cool. I've not actually watched that one. going to to. I have heard of it. I have heard of it. I did actually, we talked about whether he's gone off and done wrong thing on YouTube. I didn't know that.
It's just getting around to watching all these shows. and So what other types of shows are you going to be talking about um that in and future episodes of the podcast? What what type of things can we expect coming up?
ah Anything and everything, really. um we We haven't got that many sort of planned in terms of what we're going to be watching in future. we've got We know what we're going to be recording for our next episode so that we can go away and watch it, take notes, and then come back again.
um But ah any kind of facet of the far of the paranormal, really. Obviously, the most popular one. tends to be ghost investigation shows like your most haunted, like, you know, destination fear, help. My house is haunted ghost adventures, but,
programs do exist uh on you know the search for bigfoot the search for the Loch Ness Monster for Mothman for you know other cryptids and um obviously alien abduction shows um and an area 51 and stuff like that so there's you know we like to think that there's going to be uh
hopefully a sort of semi-infinite amount of things that we can look at so that we don't run out of content for the actual podcast.
Have you ever seen a program called Hellier?
No. Well worth it. I know it's a favorite of Ash's. It's our monthly plug for Hellier. Yeah, it is. Hellier. So these guys, you're probably better off explaining than I am, Ash. Yeah.
Well, to me, it's my all time favorite ah show. There's two seasons on YouTube, and like six episodes each. And basically starts off, they go to investigate this guy that's had what looks like goblins or something terrorizing his home.
And then it's this weird synchronicity and you end up investigating these caves and all these stuff's happening and the connection they find between like yeah UFOs and these caves and all these stories from years ago.
ah To me, it's like the most well put together show. And I will i i re-watch it and re-watch it. and we we We filmed documentary in Scotland last year. And the inspiration was Hellier. I obviously didn't want copy it, but wanted to record it in this style, where it's it's the raw, it's kind of like you're describing Project Fear, where it's just it's the raw, it's the camera view, where you plant the camera on the floor while of'm talking to someone, that you see in their journey as they're investigating these different aspects the paranormal.
It's just, yeah, a really great show. you've not seen that, make sure you check that out. Yeah, how would you spell that so I can look it up? H-E-L-L-I-E-R. And that is just on YouTube. I think it's on Amazon for free as well.
think you can just watch it on Amazon for free. Yeah, I think you can watch first series on on YouTube for free as well. can watch both series. I've watched them both multiples multiple times. It's definitely well worth it.
They use the Estes method quite a lot on there, which is cool to see them use it, not just in a paranormal setting, like Ash said, where they're searching for other things. There's actually this show that popularised Estes, because the guy that created it is part of the team. So it kind of come popular since earlier, really, the Estes method. So you did kind of answer one of the questions. What's going to ask about, is it just kind of ghost shows, or is it other things like Bigfoot and UFOs and stuff.
So I guess the did the sc skeptic side of you, Sean, does that apply to things like UFOs and Bigfoot as well? So um we actually, Chloe and I had a conversation and when we, because we actually recorded a pilot episode, which ah will not end up will not end up seeing the light of day, unfortunately, because the ah the audio was a little bit corrupted um and didn't sound very good.
Um, but a conversation we had on that was, um, as a, like a get to know you kind of thing, like, uh, let us introduce ourselves as, as paranormal enthusiasts to the world. Um, like, where do you, where do you rank your believability?
and but Where would you rank the three sort of main aspects of the paranormal ah in your on your believability scale? um So ghosts, cryptids, and aliens.
um And I think mine was aliens at number one, cryptids at number two, and ghosts down at the bottom.
that does That's not necessarily to say that I... that I do believe in the top two. I just think they're more believable than the others. i think it's I think it's silly to believe that we're the only living things in the universe with the size of it and the number of galaxies and solar systems and stars and suns and stuff.
um And then when it comes to cryptids, I'm very aware that the we've we've only... We've only really discovered slash journaled, think, is it 5% of the ocean um and not much more of the surface of the earth.
So who's to say there aren't some... unofficial creatures out there that we you know the aren't officially recognised by science but have been seen by a number of people. um And then with ghosts, I just don't believe in ghosts.
ah about you, Chloe, in terms of Bigfoot and UFOs and stuff like Mine's the total opposite to Sean's, so mine goes obviously paranormal first and then the real latter.
I think it's just because... I've experienced stuff. So think I'd be a hypocrite to myself if I was like, no, it's paranormal, you know, and the afterlife is my least sort of trusted. Because I think, I don't, like you could argue, it because I'm more open to it? But these are all things that I've sort of experienced on the back end of not really, I'm not looking for it. It just happens. So, I mean, do think there is definitely things that we've not discovered.
a thousand percent because i mean you see all these programs that talk about like sean mentioned the ocean these strange sort of creatures that you can find at the bottom of the ocean but in terms of the sort of alien side to it and the ufos and things people do take pictures this is where i become a skeptic because people take pictures and say oh it's a ufo but it's actually just a birthday balloon that's been floating around and So that's where I become a skeptic.
So if we were to do them episodes, I think it would be flipped, which I think would be quite interesting because on one side, I'm the firm believer, whereas I think Sean would be on them ones.
ah Just again on the topic of ah the ocean, just something Chloe's just said just reminded me um of something I read slash heard recently. I don't know how ah don't know how so reliable the source was. I can't remember where it was. I heard it um But again, just sort of reiterating my by my reasoning for potentially putting aliens at the top of my tier system but um is I had heard, this might sound ridiculous to some people, I had heard that apparently...
um biologists, marine biologists, and again, if there are any marine biologists out there listening to this and you know want want to tell me I'm um'm talking out my arse or whatever, then please do.
i Like I said, I can't remember where I heard this from, but I heard it from somewhere. um Marine biologists apparently have theorized that jellyfish may very well be aliens.
And the reason... The reasoning behind this is because they share zero DNA with any other, whereas with most animals, you can relate them back to another animal like camels, I guess, are related to giraffes and you know hippos to elephants or whatever. I don't know if that's true, but as an example as a basic example, um jellyfish share no DNA with any other earth animal.
animal so the theory is not necessarily that aliens have flown down on a ufo and invaded earth but the idea that potentially they came down as a bacteria on a on an asteroid and then evolved from that which is why they don't share any dna with other with other animals and that's why they are so unique in the way that they are Again, it could be complete bullshit, but it's just something I heard that I thought was interesting.
Yeah, never heard that. So that's that is interesting. I would think that you look at an octopus. How can that be related to any other living thing.
yeah They're classed as sentient animals now so because they're so clever. um It's just weird stuff like that that you just go, how is that not an alien for want of know aliens are a bit of a cringy term. But... um non-human biologics I think is the the current company seat the PC term you have the woke version um so but yeah no I hadn't and't heard that about jellyfish like i don don't humans share like 95% DNA with a banana or something apparently so student to yeah yeah yeah you got more in common with a banana than you have a jellyfish
Yeah. Which is something I now thought I'd say on this podcast. um But it's interesting that you you rank in the three and yours are slightly the other way around to each other.
um Like I came in as a firm paranormal guy. Ash was the firm UFO guy. um And as I say, over the years, and all the people we speak to, there's some some fantastic experiences that

Skepticism about Bigfoot

people have. We've we've had some guy, and it was the first time he was telling the story, um and he claimed, still claims, that he is abducted on a nightly basis.
right we We had him on a call like this, so we we're looking at the guy, and the guy's face...
said to me that he was telling the truth. Again, you don't know. um We actually got a weird, the way he contacted us was weird. We got sent an email from him, but it was actually from a returned email that he had got. So i don't know how we got it.
And it said that our domain didn't exist. And the email still got through to us somehow. And it was him telling this story. So we got him on. And yeah, he's so we have all manner of weird stuff that I never thought we would even cover off.
So it's it's interesting that you guys have got your particular takes on what you what believe more in, should I say. um so So one bit that we kind of, we said UFOs, we said the paranormal.
A bit more about cryptids. So we've got people that we speak to on podcast that believe firmly that there is a UK version of Bigfoot. then we had some guy on who was go searching for these kind of things. He's like, no, he doesn't believe that they are.
is Is this anything you've even looked into? is there anything that's even on your radar? And do you believe that the UK might have its own version of Bigfoot?
Stunned crowd there.
i I don't believe Bigfoot... I don't believe in Bigfoot as a... It exists in the world.
and Okay. ah You know, that's one cryptid I do believe isn't um
out there, personally. um yeah Simply because he's he's so... so big, um hence the name Bigfoot, and I think he he will have been, that they, if they are a species, um will have been um spotted.
ah For the amount of times that they're supposed to have been spotted, you know there would be more evidence than the odd footprint. And why is it that whenever there is a footprint, it's only one?
Why are there never... if the If the animal's walking from one place to another, wouldn't there be all of the footprints?
Rather than just... what where Did he just stamp his foot angrily at one point while he was walking and and just make that one groove in the in the ground kind of thing? Yeah.
Yeah, I don't know what else to say on that. and So by extension, I don't believe there is um a UK Bigfoot.
Chloe, do you have any thoughts, if any, on Bigfoot or the UK having... Sorry, that was quite a specific question, so apologies. just got in my head about Bigfoot and i was like, okay.
I mean, it's the same with anything, though, because if you're someone who has gathered evidence and you think that you are convinced that there is the UK's Bigfoot, then you are within your rights to believe that that's what you found evidence for. But for me, ah just struggle with finding...
the evidence for these things because like sean said like there's only ever one footprint or there's like something on a tree that they think might have been formed by a mystical creature and that's where i i need to do more research on these areas i think because it's an area that i'm a skeptic on um And I don't know it again. It's something that because I'm a believer, if you believe in it, then that's, you know, 100 percent.
That's your view. and But it's definitely an area that I'm not. I don't know. That's why I'm glad for doing this podcast, because it's going let me open my eyes to stuff like this more. And, you know, have to think, right, look at both views on it and then make a decision. So, yeah, it'd be good for me in that sense.
And who knows, maybe one day we'll watch a TV program on Bigfoot and both of our minds will be changed and we'll go, he's out there. He's out there. And we're going to go we're going to go and find him.

Podcast Launch and Promotion

Like you say, though, i i do ah Bigfoot is probably the biggest one I struggle with out of them all. I mean, we've spoken to people that go hunt. They're professional Bigfoot hunters. So they they specifically go out hunting for these things.
they're adamant. These things exist. And our first episode was actually on the Australian Bigfoot called Yowie. So that took us several hours to record for quite a short episode. Weeks. ah And I don't even want to listen back to it, to be fair.
And I've never listened back to that particular episode because I'm pretty sure it's horrific on our £1 Poundland microphones. So going back to your podcast, though,
What made you select certain episodes of these programmes? So you were very specific with the Destination Fear episode. Why that one? Why ah the Lyceum one? I get ah get that.
But why particular episodes of particular programmes? So... For example, on certain series, we've gone with some that are known haunted places in the UK and America, and also the ones that display the most evidence, because when we're having to discuss and debate things, we need to have and views from both sides.
I mean, you go you watch some episodes and you've wasted an hour because nothing's happened, nothing's worth talking about, and you've even come away as a believer thinking, actually, there's nothing here that as given any evidence or relevance to what they've been talking about.
and It's also to look at the different ways these investigators handle these situations. So there's some that, you know, like we said, with Destination of Fear, they're very relaxed and they're very raw, but then you have other ends, which you'll find in our other episodes where they're so dramatic and it almost becomes very cinematic in their approach and it's unbelievable.
So I think that's how we're sort of picking these episodes because it's, you've got to have something to talk about the end of the day. And if these episodes haven't stuck in our head for one reason, whether it be that they were ridiculous and hilarious or absolutely terrifying, then I think there's your reasoning for picking these episodes.
Fair enough, fair enough. We've actually spoken to, we've interviewed a guy that was actually on Ghost Adventures. Well, actually two of our guests have previously been on Ghost Adventures. So we spoke to a guy and nothing happened on his episode of Ghost Adventures.
That was the Bothell Hell House.
And it was Keith Linder, the guy's name. Really nice guy. We spoke to him at length a couple of times, didn't we, Ash? And um the story... that he portrayed is fantastical about like this massive poltergeist thing.
um But when Zach Baggins and the crew turned up, He said they were only there for literally a few hours, and they went. Oh, wow. And nothing happened. And I've watched the episode back, and it's a pretty dull episode, to be fair, so get why you can't even figure it out.
And the guy we spoke to on the phone from America, the the Skype call, he had no internet. They also did an episode there and and claimed to have found a portal and stuff there, but...
That's quite good. It's actually quite an interesting episode, to be fair, but um not the same version that we got from the guy. But it's cool that you that you picked those. um So when is the podcast launching?
So the podcast is launching on Thursday, 13th of March. Thursday, 13th of March. And where I'm assuming people would just be able to get it everywhere.
yeah Yeah, the idea is to hopefully get it on every podcasting platform. and That is still to be worked out yet. But yes, it should be available everywhere.
um And the audio will also um more than likely be uploaded to YouTube as well.
Cool. You've got quite an active social media. Don't tell us where to find you on social media. So yeah, you can find us at ParatvPod on TikTok and Instagram.
um That's where we're most active. I do also have an X account, but that doesn't get posted on anymore. um But if you want to go and follow it, then go and follow it. Just don't expect any content.
Fair enough. Fair enough. Well, thank you very much, guys. It has been fascinating to chat to you. And um it was nice to meet you when I met you in crew as well, Sean. And you. We were quite have for coffee beforehand um to to hear some of your experiences as well, especially about Johnson.
um So that was cool to hear that again. But, um yeah, thank you very much, guys. I wish you all the success. um It's a tough old world to create the content each time. So even if you just get a few done, the average podcast lasts three episodes.
People burn out after three episodes. Oh, wow. yeah, weirdly enough. um So if you guys can smash through that, and I'm i'm sure you will, there's there's plenty of um content out there for for you to review and hell yeah check that out definitely I've also watched some good films ah don't know if you're going to stray into films at all but there's a very good series of films that I've been mentioning before The Blackwell Ghost it's a very cool kind of film version of
like um a paranormal documentary so well worth a watch the first first five are really good so apps see number two to five exceptional goes a bit off paranormal at the end but yeah that's That's quite a good one.
um But yeah, no, I wish you all the success. Really nice to meet you both. Thank you very I've been following the TikTok for ages. enjoy um i also see that you've got a shout out from the Queen of Most Haunted herself.
So yeah well done on that. And she she was reposting some of your stuff there. Yeah. so We were talking about this yesterday. We're hoping... um touch wood to try and um organize a meetup with her and maybe get her on the podcast to talk about one of her own episodes.
we're were We're putting this out there as like a manifestation to try and come on and to try and get that to did i get that to work. yeah So yeah, that was quite surreal. She was very kind kind enough to to share one of my videos and wished us luck with the podcast.
That's really cool. That is really cool. Awesome. And I think, um despite Most Haunted towards the end, um I do think that in a beginning, it was it was the program that know branched off and created the programs like Ghost Adventures, all those kind of programs fed off the back of of Most Haunted. So regardless of of how it all...
went on with them because I'm not a firm believer in some of the stuff they've posted out. But, um, I do believe that that started the journey for a lot of people, a lot of people. say yeah So, yeah, that, that's cool. So hopefully you get her on.
Yvette, if you're listening, probably not, but if you are, yeah. Despite everything I've said about Most Haunted, go on their podcast, to ignore ours.
So I might have just scabbed your chances, so I do apologize. So cool. Right, guys. Yeah, thank thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to listening to that the first episode. Thank you.
Thank you very much for having us on.
Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with Ash Ellis, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram.
And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time, and until then, stay weird.