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88 Plays1 year ago

The crew hang out and chat about the events in Arc 1.


Dakota as Dakota

Shawn as Shawn

Evelyn as Evelyn

Eli as Eli

Jake as Jake


Introduction and Episode Overview

Hello everyone, and welcome to A Faster Time. I am Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and this time we are doing something a little bit differently.
uh if you can't tell by the title of this episode it's the uh arc one post show uh i think in a previous q and a or a question of the episode i stated that we were doing that we were not doing a q and a uh after arc one um i uh may have lied a little bit this is the post show where we are going to be taking a bunch of the leftover questions from the questions of the episodes and
answering them and we're gonna take other stuff like we got some stuff to talk about regarding the system, we got some stuff to talk about the future of the show and basically how the co-hosts feel about the entire thing. It's gonna be a really nice just laid back discussion.

Hosts Share Personal Stories

hopefully no chaos honestly probably gonna be chaos anyway uh but yeah it's gonna be a little bit different this time so let's get started uh we are going to do a little bit of introducing ourselves rather than our characters so i'm going to start us off uh i am dakota obviously and one fact about myself is that i actually collect pokemon questions
I have a gigantic Eevee sitting next to me. It's three feet tall and it sits on my bed, staring out the window. So that's my fact. It is literally two feet to my left. Uh, Evelyn, what about you? Aw, that's really, uh, that's really cute. A three-foot Eevee. Okay. I'm actually holding it now. It is gigantic.
Wow, larger than life even. I'm actually going to take a picture of it. It's huge. Thanks. While he's doing that, I'm Evelyn. I play as Hikaru on the show. And one fun fact about me is that I speak like four or five languages and recently I've been studying Japanese.
Wait, I thought you only spoke Japanese. I mean, not only Japanese, Japanese and English. What languages do you speak? Oh, Spanish, Mandarin, and Italian. Mandarin? Really? That one in particular surprises me. Why Mandarin? Family.
Oh, okay, yeah, yep, that makes sense. If you have Mandarin family, I'm sorry, is Mandarin the right word? Chinese family. I'm not quite sure what country. Okay, I wasn't quite sure what part of China that relates to or if it's something different, I'm sorry. Okay, like you said you had how many languages? I listed like five, yeah, so five. So many, you've lost count, okay.
And I'm Eli. A nice little fun fact about me is I've actually played at least one of the set of games for every generation of Pokémon except Gen 1. Oh, OK. You mean?
Yeah, honestly, if there's anyone to miss out on, it's probably Gen 1. Yeah, I was unfortunately born after Gen 1 and saw no need to play it after playing Gen 2. Yeah, I was gonna say, you get Gen 1 in Gen 2, so I don't know if it's really much to go back to anyway. Alright, Sean, what about you? Oh hey, it's me. Yeah, so I'm Sean. Did you have your microphone muted?
Yes. I've been typing. Sorry. Yes, it's me. I'm Sean. I play Sammy, Sammy Pepperoni. Sammy's not his full name. You'll never find out what his full name is. Sammy is not short for what you might think it is. Yeah, he's actually turned for Samathan.
I am the oldest I am a dad I have I ride a skateboard I actually have a long board my bad you never told us that yeah how did you know
No, I was saying that I was agreeing with you that he never told us that. Oh, I thought you were going with Sean. He's like, yeah, how did you not know? OK. How did you not know? No, I definitely have not said that. All right, whatever. I'm going to transition out of this.

Q&A and Leftover Questions Discussion

This turned into terrible. So right, I think I hinted at this before, but one of the people previously asked and I answered, are we doing an arc at one Q&A? And I said, no, because we have a question of the episodes.
that are answered in each midsection. However, I kind of maybe changed my mind so we're going to take those leftover questions and I'm going to answer them now or rather we're going to start with the ones that are posting the discord and then afterwards the group has some questions that they can answer, sorry that they can ask me that they specifically have. So I'm going to go to the top of the
Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where's the question of the episode submissions? Here we go. And I'm gonna start at the top and make my way down until we get to the bottom. I'm not answering every question, only the ones that apply to the group, like this one. I think this one was specifically for me, but I can ask it to the group. Spirit asks, episode one question, favorite character so far? Do you guys can do this in any order? You guys can just... What are your guys' favorite characters so far?
First thing that comes to mind is Mr. Dr. Sumo. I love Mr. Dr. Sumo. Yes, Mr. Dr. Sumo. I just love that how so many of our characters has really silly names like Mr. Dr. Sumo, Barbenheimer. Like Barbenheimer. I want to talk about Barbenheimer actually.
because um i don't know if i've said this on the show yet i might have because i've said it a few times at least the cocos but uh the way that episode went uh i think the episode name was barberheimer because of that but um what ended up happening is i think it's those episode four arc one episode four and
It was like, I expected the characters to get so far, but I didn't expect the graduation to happen that episode. And we were like, we had some extra time. I was like, all right, I can squeeze this in. So the entire graduation was 100% improv off the top of my head.

Improvisation and Character Development

Literally everything. So I was like scrambling for ideas. I was scrambling for names and everything. I was like, oh, no, I don't have a principal name.
You know, I'm like, uh, suggestions, please. I don't know anything. And I'm just like throwing stuff together. Like, uh, I probably sounded fine, but in the back of my head, there was just like sirens going off. I'm like, I got to create something now. And I think Eli, or not Eli, Evelyn suggested Barbie Heimer present for the day. Yeah, it was me. Of the just situate. And I rolled away. It was just the stupidest thing that's ever happened on this show, I think.
You guys don't know how long I've been, I was waiting to suggest Barbenheimer as a name for a character. Oh, I love it. It's a deep voice. Pinky does such a wide name, Barbenheimer, and she makes bombs in her spare time. Egg bombs, specifically. Egg bombs? She's a very powerful egg bombs.
Yeah, she's Matilda from Angry Birds. Sean, did you not? Did you submit your favorite character? Was everyone else's choice Mr. Dr. Sumo? Oh, it could be anything. What? It's your favorite character. No, I was just like, I guess I was asking for like, what did they say? I think, oh, let me see if I can remember. Eli said Mr. Dr. Sumo and Evelyn said Mr. Dr. Sumo and Barbenheimer.
No, I didn't say- I just said I liked their- I just said I liked that they have silly names. Oh, okay. Well, I guess- one of you guys chose one. I thought Verbonheimer was Evelyn's choice. Yeah. Well, that would be my choice for like, favorite character with a name, but maybe... I think my favorite character overall is like... I don't know, can we do our- can we do player characters?
Sure. They are considered characters. It's in the name. Right. Well, I mean, obviously, I feel like I really I feel really strongly attached to my own character, Hikaru. OK. I OK. So what about you? Oh, that's me. I like OK. Weirdly, I like Mrs. Bruce's mom. Bruce's mom is nice. Mrs. Flambach, she's so nice.
Well, maybe not Sammy's mom, but just Sammy's parents as one character because they kind of are one character almost.
I kind of treat them as one character. I just make a Snorlax appear. Is this the mom or is this the dad? It doesn't really matter because

Audition Process and Character Choices

they're going to act the exact same. Yeah. They're just so identical. Is this Sammy or Sean speaking? Because I would be a little bit concerned if Sammy misses Flingback more than he liked his own mom. No, this is me.
If you're struggling to come up with one I do have a suggestion because it's like one of my favorite characters I
I like the pierogi sales people. Both of them. The two guy and the other one. That's what I was going to bring up. One of my favorite characters yet again was made up on the spot. It's two. I don't know if he has a name. He might have a name. But yeah, they're just two Bewares. I don't think they had names. I was a Beware. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I loved that.
Also, I realized it's cheaper to get two pierogies from pierogies to electric boogaloo than it is the other place. That was the whole thing. The pierogies to electric boogaloo was not supposed to make any sense. It was just two. You compare two of anything. Two teeth, two toenails. I think that's an exact quote.
Yeah, I love that character. You see two Gox over there? Yeah, just give me those. Yeah, something like that. OK, I'm going to scroll down real quick and see if there's another question to move on from. OK, here we go. Yet again, coming in from Spirit. Here's a question of the episode. Why did you pick your Pokemon? So we'll start with Evelyn since we sort of hinted at this earlier. Evelyn, why did you pick Pikachu?
Yeah, so I picked Pikachu because Pikachu is not my favorite Pokemon, but I knew that I wanted to have a character named after either of the two J-pop artists that I like, so at the time that was Shina Ringo and Hikaru Utada, and so Hikaru...
Yeah. And so Hikaru is named after Hikaru Tada. And I was like, what name sound, what Pokemon name sounds like Hikaru? And it was just so obvious. Pikachu.

Game Mechanics and Rule Changes

That's a little of a bridge to cross, but I can sort of see it. I'm glad you pointed that out because I don't think I can't speak for anyone else, but at least I don't really pay attention to. I'm sorry, did you say K-pop or J-pop? J-pop.
K-pop. Well, I don't really pay attention to either of those. I never would have picked up on that. Eli, what about you? Sorry, just one more thing. No, if you have no, go ahead. Pikachu and Hikaru are actually etymologically related. So the Japanese word for light is hikari. Oh, I see. And Pikachu comes from a sound effect, like an onomatopoeia.
Pika Pika, which is like the sound of sparkling. Is it really? The last bridge was a little hard to cross. This one, I don't even see the end of the bridge. As someone who's actually dealt with electricity, I used to be an electrical apprentice, I've never heard electricity go Pika Pika. What kind of electricity do I have where you are?
i don't know um electricity that doesn't make any sounds good to know we're gonna uh you have the pokemon speaking of electricity making sounds my lamp is bugging out right now
yeah so uh you know i think i know why you chose uh sinnequil but why don't you go ahead and describe it anyway yeah i'll spell it out for anyone who hasn't figured it out yet but i was on a special episode in not a scratch some time ago where i played a typemotion named bruce and as soon as dakota said hey i'm trying to make a show that's just the alcast region but like 20 years ago i'm like
Well, I got the perfect character for this. We got some Bruce and Cyndaquil days. In fact, the character was so perfect. He's like, I have a character that's already in the outcast region. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, your character was so perfect. I actually implemented it into the story. Okay, this is coming out after Arc 9. Or episode, I said Arc 9 again. Get grief. After episode 9, so... Man, we're so far from the future already at Arc 9.
yeah i'll have a question about that later for you don't worry you can talk about it then boy i can't wait i really hope it's not something i have to veto because if it has anything to do with me spilling the story that's not happening no it doesn't have any you don't have to like spoil any direct story stuff it's okay well that should be fine then
All right, uh, son, what about you? Why, why am I so right? So here's the story. Uh, when we were, when, so when we were doing the auditions for the show and, uh, Dakota was trying to get me the things to get ready for the show, he didn't give me much to actually get ready for it. He didn't give me a character sheet or anything. What?
Sorry, I just remembered you originally wanted to be an ice cube, didn't you? I wanted to be an ice cube. And so, well, here's what happened. We were trying to do the first, uh, the edition and you didn't get me much to work with because you gave me very little information. So I was like, all right. Okay. We started the episode. We were going to start the episode and you're like, you got your character. No.
Wait, what do you mean? Like when we actually first started like episode zero that never got released? No, the one before that when we did the audition to see who would get into the show. Oh, the audition. Okay. Yeah, that's right. You didn't give me a haircut, nor anything like to prepare myself. So you're like, all right, let's jump into like, I don't have a carrot. You didn't give me anything.
Okay, so there is a little bit of a reason for this, and I can explain. So before, when I was getting permission from Anorude to make this show and making the story and everything, I didn't have the authority to distribute, because, okay, for those who don't know, which is probably most of the people listening to this, the entire Nada Scratch system is attached to the character sheets.
So like you have your character sheet, but if you tap over to like one of the Excel sheets, there's like your definitions page and all your calculations pages and stuff. Literally the entire Nautilus scratch system is in the character sheet. So I can't just go around willy-nilly distributing the character sheet because then, because Anirud does not currently have the Nautilus scratch system public. I think we're using a little bit of an outdated version, but we're gonna get to that later.
But so I couldn't like just straight up give you the entire Excel sheet I had permission from energy use it for the show as a DM and to give it to those I chose as to be a co-host
However, when we were doing, uh, when I was doing interviews for this, I could not just give out, give it out willingly. So what I did is I asked what kind of Pokemon you guys wanted and stuff. And I said, you, I think I'm quite certain I sent you guys screenshots of it. So that way you could only use the one page. Oh, no, I didn't. Well, no, no, you can't use the full character sheets.
You gave a spellcard? It didn't apply to me because I already had the character sheet from the story. Yeah, he was the one who actually distributed it to me originally. Yes, yeah. Okay, so what happened was I went in to get started because I guess if people don't know, we don't know each other. This is how we met and we met through this and we
Because Dakota was like, yeah, I want to start this show. And I was like, and I initially was like, this might just be one of those possibilities. There was a possibility to pass me by. And I'm like, you know what? No, I'm going to do this. I'm going to try out for this thing. And I filled out the thing and the little application. And I did the pre-pre-show audition, whatever you want to call it. And when I went to do that,
Dakota asked me, he's like, so what's your favorite Pokemon? I was like, currently, right now, it has been Ice Q. And he said, I don't think that'll work in this system, because I don't know how the form changes will work. I was like, okay.
Yeah, yeah. Okay. So yeah, I was a little bit unsure about form changes, especially with newer Pokemon. There's reasons for that. I can't explain yet. But the newest types of Pokemon, there are certain Pokemon that just can't be used. Ice Cube is one of those. There is a reason for that. I think I hinted at when we were doing this. I said we can't use Ice Cube because one, the forms, and two, there's another reason I can't really say. But Ice Cube is a little bit off the table at the moment.
I might, might have been able to make work if I changed some things. Uh, but this is future me saying, cause I've actually got those things mostly solidified now and look, and even now it's a little bit iffy, if you would have been able to make an ice kill with the story still making sense. So I hope, I hope that makes a little bit of sense. Yeah. Excuse me. And then, so it's like, okay. So what's your second favorite Pokemon outside? Lunchlax, Snorlax. So I'll go with lunchlax.
I was like all right much likes that works that's perfect and then we were joking around like let's give a metronome oh yeah I remember that yeah I can't wait so I don't remember when you learn metronome or if you or like maybe at some point I'll like throw you a metronome TM or something like that
i don't know okay uh these questions will take them a little bit longer than i expected so i'm going to scroll a little bit further down and let's see because we do have other stuff to talk about as well ah yes there's the original one um kurdos asks will there be a live q&a session at the end of arc one which is like not in scratch well uh maybe uh sort of just wanted to point that out hmm well this is a q&a session it's just not live
It wasn't initially planned to be a Q&A session. It was just going to be us talking about our thoughts. And then he's like, hey, there's some questions that I can't answer in the midsection. Yeah, it turned out there was a lot of questions that applied to the group. And getting the group together for the midsection was just as hard as getting the entire group together to do just regular recording. So we're like, this isn't working. I'm just going to do the midsections myself. So we're answering all the group questions now.
I think Spirit asked this question twice because later on he says, how about this one? Why did everyone pick their Pokémon? That's the second time he asked that. Oh, here's a good one. OK, Kurdos Blackheart asks if each character was able to get any terror type of their choice, what would that type be? I think I had an answer for this. I think my terror type would be... Oh, were you talking?
You answer because I'm gonna look for my answer I'm looking right

Humor and Pop Culture References

here. I can't you guys answer top your head. I can answer for each of you guys cuz I've got it right here Yeah, cuz you guys actually answered this in the chat, um, I Gotta remove what my answer actually was cuz I don't think I ever actually gave my answer in the chat Yeah, I've got I've got Sean's
But I want to see if it aligns with what you guys have now. So what are your guys's favorite? Or what stereotypes do you guys would have? Bluh, English apparently not my strong suit, geez. I think mine would be fairy. Oh yeah, that actually fit. I think Pikachu with fairy would be cool. Okay, what might you be like?
um can you tell me what answers that people guessed that i next were uh i will say what you have said before after you answer uh wait i did actually give an answer you did yeah oh i did i didn't think i did uh you okay so i'll read the exact um
I'll rate it once you answer. Okay, well, I was thinking either, what was it? Dark or ghost? Really? Yeah, to counter the psychic types that he's been afraid of for the past eight to 10 years, depending on continuity stuff.
that's true you're just mortally afraid of your sister oh no here comes that horse again
yeah this is yeah this is what you said you said steel would be a good one but also isn't the one i was quite thinking of bruce isn't really goth he's just very much not a people person
So if that's what you said before, you said maybe steal, maybe not. That was your answer. So I said, well, I said steal would be good, but it wasn't what I was thinking of. Yeah, I know. That's why I said you sort of answered. Yeah. Maybe ice. Fire ice. That'd be actually kind of cool. Yeah. He's cold as ice. He's cold as ice.
okay so it seems like i said fire or steel previously for sammy and i'm now currently thinking off that mat i want water oh water be cool or any any fire related emergencies in the pizzeria yeah or elsewhere or elsewhere okay i'm gonna try and get things moving a little bit quicker because i'm only halfway through this and it's already been like um
Well, I'm not going to say because the editing is going to make this episode different likes. Yeah, sure. Okay. So Evelyn Akira asks favorite or least favorite jokes in arc one. Let's start at the top. Eli, what about you? Honestly, probably Barbenheimer. That's mine. Just because of...
how much it derailed the episode and also i didn't see either of the movies and kind of always thought the whole barbenheimer joke was kind of dumb to begin with i know okay so yeah i'm a very giggly person so like my mind is just i i'm just like a really stupid person so whenever i like come up with something like off the top of my head it's just like almost
Which is why Barbenheimer was the way it was. It's why, uh, for Least 2 Electric, it was just, like, stupid. Stupid as hell. But I love it. So, it makes for really funny scenes, but when I'm trying to be serious, it also makes it hard for me, so... Yeah, Barbenheimer. Do you have a favorite?

Audience Engagement and Production Challenges

Oh, Barbenheimer was your least favorite?
Yes. Yeah, that's how we kind of destroy you. Oh, no. Shots fired. Barbara, Barbara is my favorite. I misheard you. I answered your question. No. Yes, what is your favorite and least favorite? And you went for least. So I guess that's why he was confused. Oh, OK. I only heard the least favorite part. Yeah. Favorite or least favorite jokes in Earth 1. Man. Oh, yeah. That was my least favorite joke. Favorite joke is probably
I'm gonna have to go with, like, not exactly a joke, but the bit of Sammy always going in and ordering pizza every time he enters the pepperoni's pizza. I love that. Okay, that is actually good. Okay, so that interaction is, like, one of my favorite parts from the first season. It's, like, just that interaction in episode five where I'm just like, hey, can I get a pizza? Yeah, you gotta pay for that. Never mind, let's get the heck out of here.
Yeah, I remember that. There's been like two or three times in arc one that Sammy went back to the pre-pizzeria and like every time he sat down at a table and tried to order a pizza. Yeah, I know. I think the first time I was like, yeah, no, you go make it yourself. Yeah, I remember that. Okay, Evelyn, what about you? Favorite, least favorite jokes? Favorite joke? Barbenheimer, hands down.
absolutely agree with you I mean you are the one who kind of created that but yeah yeah at least when did we record that episode I think it was episode three it was no four it was like around the Barb and Heidner height type trying to season
Well, yeah, if you can't tell how late and advanced we record these episodes, that was like so long ago at this point. Yeah, so funny, the story behind that, I was on an Uber, I was in an Uber on the way to see Barbenheimer one day, and I just had this idea for the show. Hmm, what if somebody's name was Barbenheimer? And I just knew from that point I was like, I'm gonna...
Like, the next time we get a chance to, like, name a character, I'm gonna suggest Barbenheimer. It became a pretty monumental role, I will say. Because I feel like that was the dumbest point of the show so far. In my opinion, anyway. Not in a bad way, either. Just really silly. Alright, least favorite joke. Oh, I don't know if I have one. Man, I was...
No, I'm sorry. I just realized something. I'll get to that in a minute. Go ahead. Yeah. I don't know if I have a least favorite joke, but I was getting really frustrated when we were trying to order ice cream from Pepperoni's Pizza. And we got it. We messed it up like three times in a row. And we were like, yeah. We're getting bubble tea instead.
I wouldn't say I actually.
i know that was okay that was so good episode three just no i i said three went up so fast yeah ice cream goes on the oven right and it's like we got to a point where i actually got out actual ice cream from the freezer and i'm like there's no way i can burn this right why would i put uh there's no ice cream in this it puts it in the puts it in the oven anyway okay i'm done yeah
i was like hurting inside by that point i i'm sorry i just love that bit i forgot about that uh i want to make some amends apparently i actually answered this in the chat i said my previously apparently i said my favorite was the boca bit where everything vegetarian is just called loca uh
for a reminder because i think it's been a few months since the episode came out but uh my mom used to be vegetarian and we got these uh veggie veggie burgers called boca burgers and they're actually really good uh i don't i still prefer regular burgers but if you're gonna get a veggie burger get some boca burgers they're expensive and this is not an ad i'm just advertising uh more like a we just kind of suddenly advertise boca burgers in our shell everything is boca
yeah everything vegetarian is boca, there's boca mcdonald's, there's boca mcgriddles, there's griddle mcgriddles it's just the stove on a bun oh that was a fordian slip on my part boca burgers if you're listening we are open to uh whatever's um sponsorship yeah we'll do it
Yes, Boca Burger, if you want to sponsor us, please. I don't know how in the world you're going to hear this, but if you want to sponsor us, open arms. Sean, favorite, least favorite joke? I do really like to.
i like the stairs the stairs are hilarious oh yeah i need to make like a drawing of just like sammy falling down a set of spiral stairs you're just like are you actually doing this because i'm going downstairs you like broke my mind when you said that like like even for sammy that was like what i'm a much less why would i go down this many stairs now
Yeah, you took me by surprise when you did, and I'm like, okay, it's two flights of stairs, but okay. I guess we're doing this now. Imagine we get back to Volkenburg, and we end up having to go to an office building, and there's an elevator that just has... And it's out of order. Oh, man. And it's funny too, because we end up going back to Gale Beach, so we definitely had to use the stairs again in the train station. But it was at that point where we were in such a rush to get back because of everything that was going on. Just take the stairs, I guess.
yeah so all right moving on i should have looked at least favor by the way okay uh okay sorry i just need to try to glaze over my least favor that's fine oh i'm sorry what did you say i was i said my least favorite was
Wow, okay, so we're really decisive on that. Okay, you can split like Literally the day as we're recording and I'm just like no, come on. This is gonna get so dated so fast It's not gonna be funny
That brings us to the end of this segment. We have reached the bottom of the question of the episode submissions. If you guys want to submit questions of the episode submissions to be heard on our after-show segments or during the episode, leave them in our discord, which is linked below. Find the channel, it's called question of the episode. If you have a question for the entire group, they will be answered at the end of the arc when we do this again, probably.
And if you have a question for either me specifically, about me, or about the show, or a character, or anything that I can answer by myself, leave that in, and you just might get picked for the question of the episode, which will be read on the midsection of the next upcoming episode. And you can submit as many questions as you want, so don't be stringent. Put a thousand. We've had a dry spell lately, so just go. Even worse submitting questions. I had so many questions.
Half of these questions are from the co-hosts. It's supposed to be for the effort. It's supposed to be for audience interaction. It's mostly just the co-hosts. Can I quickly elaborate on my tarot type answer? All right, go for it. Yeah. I like neglected to say earlier, but I think that Fairy would actually fit Hikaru's personality well as a tarot type. Tarot type.
I think you said that already. Did I say that? No, I just said like earlier. I just said you said fair. Yeah. Yeah, you said fair. Yeah, I said very good.
Yeah, I didn't say it. I didn't say it well enough before. Oh no, that's fine. Okay, so we're gonna move on to the next section and we're gonna start at the top and work our way down. I keep saying from the top work our way down. I'm looking at the list of people in our Discord voice chat. So it's like Eli, then Evelyn, then Sean. So, uh,
Right, we're gonna move on to the next segment which is the co-host asking me questions about the show system yada yada Let's start with Eli. What question or questions do you have for me? Yeah, so my biggest one is just why did you make Bruce's family so important to the story? Oh boy
Why? So you're asking why Bruce specifically? Yes. Why Bruce's family specifically? Originally, it was supposed to be some rich guy in a Volkenberg novel, sorry, Gale Beach. But because, okay, if you have spoilers for the special episode in one or two that features Bruce as Batman,
But he's like, you're like Batman, you've got like a bunch, you're like rich, you've got a technology business, you literally fit exactly what I was trying to do. So perfectly, I could not pass it up. And this wasn't like me and Eli discussed this before. I literally decided this and I'm like, hey, Eli, your parents are going to be in a major involvement. I need details now. So it's just the fact that for what I have planned,
your family and your setting and everything. The fact that your business is set in Gale Beach, it just could not be more perfect. I couldn't pass the opportunity up. It made things easier for me. It made it easier for the story to be told because it's in your family. I don't have to create a whole other family to be explained and stuff.
It just made it so easy for me. It made it really easy to do storytelling. It just could not be more perfect. So that's why. It just kind of ruined Bruce's backstory a little bit. Don't worry, I have plans for that. Bruce's father was indeed supposed to be dead. He was not supposed to have both of his parents alive. And then it was just kind of thrown on me.
By the way, your dad's alive. No, yeah, that was absolutely my bad. As a DM, I should have beforehand talked to everyone and seen their detailed backstories and everything. That is something I neglected to do. So I will absolutely take fault for that. I should have done this before. Me and Eli have already chatted about this extensively, actually. So don't worry. I've got...
can't say that yet um but don't worry things will be fine is all i can say at the moment yeah all right um let's see is there anything else oh yeah the museum oh boy you guys had so many questions about the museum it was just pointless like why is there when there was nothing there for us to find
okay so uh so you guys actually uh it was a i feel like i accomplished what i wanted to accomplish but i did it in a way that made it a little bit boring the goal of the museum was to cement in everyone's minds that the book is important the book is a legendary item and also there were some background hints about like uh
i i mentioned how the book was stolen exactly eight years ago uh which was right around the time versus father disappeared all right i was i just had to make sure i didn't spoil something no yeah this yeah that was explained in episode nine uh
uh it was basically me it was a way for me to hint at a bunch of things that were upcoming and there are still some details in that episode if the audience wants to go back and listen to that have not uh there are some details in there that have not yet been explored so uh although you guys may have gone there and it didn't lead too much uh in the end i have a feeling you guys are going to want to go back to the museum at some point
so it's not as pointless as it may have seemed although i feel like i didn't make it interesting enough to so it actually looked pointless even though as a dm i know it's not pointless so that's my reason so it's a bunch of foreshadowing then uh yes it's a yeah it's basically a bunch of foreshadowing so i feel like i could have done it in a more interesting way but uh yeah that was my way of like hinting at a bunch of stuff so
Well, there's my questions. All right, Evelyn, what about you? Yeah. I guess I have some weird questions. My first question is, are we going to meet any legendary or mythical Pokemon at any point? I cannot answer that. Do you have any other questions, Evelyn?
uh i think that's all the questions i have all right sean what about you i think my main question is like what was the story going to be before the house caught fire like how much did that derail the plot
okay um so there's not much i can actually say on this issue because vince actually so that's so complicated i don't know how much i could say because vince was not originally supposed to be a character uh i what the and i feel like the entirety of arc one was like focused on uh numbers walter and it kind of made him like the main character in a sense
He was literally not supposed to be the main character at all. He was supposedly focused on the other three. But it ended up being this whole thing where I explored Vince and Walter's relationship and it was like this whole thing. I feel like things would have turned out differently with Walter if Vince didn't show up.
I'm sorry, Vince didn't die, but he didn't. I'm trying to skate around something. He didn't die, so you can confirm it. He's not dead, guys. Be quiet, he's dead. We have confirmation. We have not seen about him yet. We don't know that it's him. Oh my goodness. I don't know how to get it through his mind. He is in fact dead. I'm not trying to hide anything.
but i can't say too much on the issue all i can say is vince was not originally supposed to even be a character he was sort of made up on the spot and the fact that he died means he didn't exactly derail anything but in a sense it actually helped with the storytelling because it actually helped me get you guys back to gal beach it made me
it gave me a better reason for Walter to head back to Gale Beach. When the polyper crashed into the museum. So it actually did help in a sense, but it was not necessary and it probably will not have derailed anything. Because we didn't go to jail.
yet yeah are we gonna okay so this entire time i've been thinking like there's gonna be some consequence first of face for that but at the same time there's no proof there's no evidence and nobody was there so no one can pin it on us oh it's almost like it was intentional
yeah we're just gonna get away with that i'd rather not the crew i'd rather not the crew go to jail and just like have a jail break i'm still gonna work too so almost like the dm doesn't want all the players to go to the jail for some reason it's almost like the players want to go to jail i swear i mean it would be interesting it certainly would be interesting i have to go back and watch prison break season one again
his first season was the best season cool i don't know it's really good i watched it a long time ago but um oh yeah um when we were when when bruce had just set the um set the house on fire i really like as he car i really wanted to rescue uh walter's dad but i just like i guess i just couldn't go in because the fire was
None of us could go in because the fire was too hot. Oh, yeah, it was like none of you tried to go get go into the fire. Dude, what are we going to do? We have no idea how to get into. We don't know how to go into a fire. Yeah, I I did the best I could, asking if my flash fire ability could protect me from the flames. And you said, you know, that I do have thick fat. I take half damage from fire.
No, the flash fire makes him immune to fire attacks. I know, I know. It doesn't make him immune to all heat, period. It makes him immune to bursts of fire. Okay, but in the mystery dungeon, fire types can walk in lava.
uh that is true that is actually true i didn't think about that uh i i'm going to say you like cannot walk over lava i feel like if only i was before lava instead of a syndical quilava the pokedex entries say that quilava's fur is completely impervious to flames
I feel like if you guys found a volcano at some point, Eli jumping into a volcano would not end well. Eli jumping into a volcano would not be good. Bruce, however. Did I say Eli? I'm sorry. We're sacrificing Eli. We're tossing him in a volcano. Oh my goodness. Sean, did you have any more questions? I did three weeks ago when we started.
planning this do you have any on the top of your head right now because we can always come back to them in a minute if we need to my headphones just one of my earbuds just died so I had to put it in the charger for a little bit and then take it out again
Yeah, that's fine. Okay, and in that case, we're gonna move on to system changes. So there are a couple of system changes, which I actually have to remember because I just started all of these yesterday and I got half of them. Right, so there's a few changes I want to make in regards to the Not A Scratch system. We are currently using an older version of Not A Scratch system, which was used, I believe, in arc two. So it's a little bit outdated.
However, just so you know, arc was an arc for I could have sworn it was. No. All right. No one arc two was the Halloween special episode. Bruce is special. It was arc four. Oh, OK. Gotcha. OK. Well, I guess for more recent than I remember, it's like two episodes a line, one to like one season. Yeah, it's a part one and part two. I thought you were in like two different as it was.
no so so yeah so okay i guess we're not using as old a system as i thought we were uh because at the point of this release i think the arc six uh of naught or scratch is the finale was released i think correct can anyone verify that yeah it's been released okay i still gotta go back and listen to that uh but yeah so it's at this point i take a year and a half old
Something like that. At least, yeah. At least. So we're actually differentiating a little bit. There are a few changes between an Autosketch system and a PTT system. Now I need to clarify, especially since the Christmas episode, because one of those changes got used and I did not expect it to happen.
So I'm going to go through these changes real quick and talk about them, and I want to see if you guys agree with it. If not, maybe we can come to a compromise or leave it how it is, etc. Okay, so the first change is in regards to death.
The way I have death set up right now and I had one very exclusionary rule in here in place that I didn't expect to ever have to come across but it ended up happening in the Christmas episode. So the way I have it is if you hit zero HP you are considered fainted and you can stay in this state for as long as you are until you either take a long rest
or you receive any kind of healing. If you reach negative your max health, so say a Pokémon has 20 max HP, if you receive negative 28 HP, you are considered dead.
If you are a player character, you get, just like in D&D, you get death saving throws, where you have to roll at least, you roll a d20, if you get higher than a 10. Actually, I think it's 10 or higher. I'll figure that out later. Okay, something like that. If you roll 10 or higher, you get one point towards reviving yourself. If you roll lower than that, you get one point towards dying.
If you get 3 points, you revive. If you get 3 points in the other direction, you just straight up die and you cannot come back. This only applies to player characters. For NPCs,
there's no saving throws if you get double your max if you're sorry if you get negative your max hp the npc just straight up dies that's that's it however there's one exception and this actually came into play uh during christmas episode if you receive a substantial amount of damage where it makes no sense for you to survive like i don't know falling off a 2000 foot cliff uh there's no saving throws you just die
that Not A Scratch actually already has death saving throws. Oh, does it? I don't know if you remember, but when Ralph and Kyle went to the mountain, the evil team layer, Ralph actually had to do some death saving throws until he was eventually ejected out of the dream.
Okay, so dad's saving throughs are already a thing in not a scratch. I Will just have to go back and see how they worked it and decide if we wanted to do it differently Okay, I might have to go back and see that um if you want to decide any of this later on that's fine. I
So to recap, if you faint and receive enough and take enough damage to be negative your max HP, then it's death saving throws. I feel like we might want to be a little more lenient with NPCs.
Okay, let me rephrase. I feel like, no, you're absolutely right. If it's like a critical NPC, like say, I don't know, Ms. Flameback. If for whatever reason Ms. Flameback is fighting Arceus and she gets to negative her max HP, then yeah, sure, we can put Death's Save on personal. I feel like that's a good distinction if it's an essential NPC. Okay.
I was thinking like maybe we could do like negative double their max HP just so we're not like killing wild Pokémon in dungeons left and right.
Okay, well, that's very unlikely. I think you guys almost did that again in the Christmas episode with the AA Ron. Yes. That was what I was thinking of. Yeah. Or was it the Snow Runt? I don't remember. Yeah. AA Ron. Yeah. Yeah, I don't remember what I rolled for that, but yeah. Snow Runt, yeah. That was a level one Snow Runt. We almost...
but yes so okay does everyone agree on this uh negative double your max hp for death i'm not sure i feel like i'm gonna be more scared to go into a dungeon from now on we'll have to be careful with wild pokemon
It's meant to give you a sense of urgency. It's meant to actually give you a sense of vulnerability. You're not invincible. There are consequences to your actions. That is one thing I do want to change to not scratch. I feel like not a scratch has.
not too many safety nets but i think i feel like the like in the in the moment uh risks are not quite high enough you actually like need to watch hp and stuff if you're like low on hp it's like oh i can just keep fighting until whatever i'll just faint and wake up whatever but i i kind of wanted the stakes to be a little bit higher like oh goodness i'm low on hp i might actually die here uh and i need to run away from this battle or whatever
Does this not apply if you use a Reviver Seed? If you have a Reviver Seed and you go below 0 HP at all, then yeah, you just revive with 1 HP. Or is it half HP? I don't remember. It revives you with full HP. In the games, it's full HP.
Oh, okay. Well, in that case, there you go. So, yeah, Reviver Seeds are like that, even if it's like, you know, the negative double your max HP, which, uh, if, which would have happened if Hikaru did hit the bottom of the mountain, uh, in the Christmas episode. So you would have revived, because you were holding both the Reviver Seeds, I believe, or just one, I remember. Honestly, probably. Yeah. Wait, Reviver Seeds, though. Um, because Reviver Seeds technically revive you and then faint you again.
oh are we doing the the fake items whatever oh uh yes there are there are fake items i haven't quite that was because i know honor distinctly said not to put in the system
oh interesting because i mentioned it when you were going when you were looking through your berry stores in bruce's house yeah we mentioned ore and a berry with an e oh yeah well you said i thought you were just joking about that like make sure you don't get an ore and berry instead of an ore and berry no i no if unless it's like in a dungeon or something i won't intentionally give you the ore and berry i'm not gonna be
no i'm not gonna arugula no i'm not going to intentional or maliciously do that if if you guys like earn a dungeon or something maybe that's something that might happen but it's not gonna be something like oh well looks like all those warm berries i'm not gonna do something like that because yeah but i think andrew's argument was that
we're putting these items into our sheets so what are you gonna do like tell us hey exactly put in put in an oran berry but how are you gonna tell us that we've got the wrong i get that no i get that uh no if you if you uh pick something up off the ground i'll give you this hint now uh you will have to roll uh if it's an or anger i will ask you to roll investigation or no perception uh
So if I ever ask you to roll perception, be wary for those kind of items. I'm going to do that, maliciously. Well, there's also... Yeah, just random perception. There's also some good lookalike items, like the slip seed. Okay, we can't go on this tangent too long. We are running out of time here. We are going to move on to our... Okay. Yeah, random perception. Okay, so our next change is going to be in regards to bag space.
uh i have somewhat the system i was gonna say how much time i got left here what so because it is i'm just gonna say straight up is unlikely not impossible if you guys want to do this you can but seeking out guilds is not going to be something that's most likely going to happen in this show so i've been thinking about different ways to implement bag space and one of the things is um in a lot of shops from now on you are going to see uh the bag upgrades
These are just new bags that you can buy in like any general shop or apparel shop. I must say if you find like an apparel shop or sorry, an accessory shop, then there's maybe like two bag upgrades, but they're gonna be worth money. And I was like, okay, well, currently we have like no really good way of getting money. So I've come up with a somewhat of a solution.
uh just like in the original mystery dungeon games you can go to the mission board and pick up uh quests so in every town from now on there is going to be a missions board where you can pick up side quests
to like just random missions that pay money if you do them. These side quests can be returned at any other town with a mission board. So like you go up to mission board and it just says like defeat this boss in this dungeon and maybe it's somewhere on the way already so you like go through this dungeon and all of a sudden because you picked this quest up there's a boss in this dungeon now and if you defeat it
and go through to like the next town, you can deposit the side quest and it'll give you a cash sum. So that gives you guys a way to actually create money. This will be introduced in a better way once we actually get into the into ARK2. But you can spend the money on bags, on food and stuff because currently you guys have no way of actually making money. So that is what I'm doing in terms of bag space and money gaining.
Are there also points? What's that Evelyn? Are there also points for completing missions? Only if you do guilds because there's the whole guild system but if you're just straight up buying bags that's just using money so no you wouldn't get points for completing missions unless it's a guild mission specifically. Is everyone on board with us? Well yeah but I was thinking like in the original system
Um, in, in the original Pokemon mystery dungeon, you get, you earn points even though you earn points, I think through the Pokemon rescue organization. Yeah, that's because they were, that's because they were rescue teams. You guys are not in rescue teams. Right. So if you joined a rescue team, then maybe that's something that could be created. Uh, if you're in a guild and then yes, but if you're not in a guild, if you're not in a rescue team, no. We'd have to formally form a rescue team to be able to do that.
You guys could absolutely do that, but then you guys would be obligated to rescue things. We're the flamebacks, what up? What's up, Sean? We're the flamebacks, what up? Yeah. Oh, boy. So, does anyone object to that or have any better suggestions?
Uh, oh yeah, stab. The, uh, Anurud was talking about adding stab to the system. And the simple thing to do would just be take whatever power of the move and do like 1.5 times that power move for stab moves. And then we've got a page somewhere for power and damage dice.
okay so i don't quite want to do stabs that way one because i feel like it's a little bit overpowered especially if it's super effective or even like four times super effective because then it could get up to times six damage which is insane uh like if i'm using also if like if you're yeah but i also want to keep the uh the current
uh type changes i don't want to do like times 1.5 okay got it then uh it's just going to be times two and times four it's very simple i prefer those
Uh, so yeah, we're just gonna do that stab i'm gonna think about it But I don't quite want to do plus 1.5 times for stab because that is ridiculous It is like absolutely 1.25. Uh, it might just be something like just like plus three damage overall or something like that I don't know. Uh, i'll think about it and i'll get back to you guys for what it's Yeah for what it's worth. Um, um
With taracilization, stab is even more overpowered, so like if you're tarot type...
Tera type is in scarlet and violet. No, go ahead. Sorry. I'm over running you if Yeah in in scarlet and violet if one of your if if your terror type if a pokemon's terror type is one of its actual types Then it gets 2x stab instead of 1.5. Okay before you get too far ahead and personally terror type is not gonna be something that shows up I'll just say that straight up Okay, at least not yet. Anyway, who knows things might change but
Okay, yeah, I'm gonna think about that. That's something I'll have to like go over like moves and stuff like uh, if flamethrower is used on a double super effective with stab then like Because bruce will is mostly going to be running fire type moves So almost every single of those moves will just straight up be 1.5 times damage just by default and I feel like that is just ridiculous so I don't know
hopefully gonna have normal type moves and eventually get roll out yeah well you could also just use stab to almost completely negate not effective damage so uh it's also like i feel like 1.5 is too much so i'll i'll take a look at numbers and see what i come up with but i have a feeling stab is not going to work in that way okay i've really got to move us along we are quickly running our time uh what was the last change i wanted to make um
me one second right experience gain okay so the way experience gain because works and i'm
saying this because our group is much bigger than all the scratches and well i'll get to that in just a minute but um experience is going to change i've been thinking about like maybe using the milestone system where every time you get a milestone you guys level up uh maybe we just like double experience for everyone since we're gonna have double people's not a scratch or maybe uh
But I've come to a different idea because experience is a critical part of Pokemon. So I'm going to merge the milestone system and the experience system together. Every time you guys do a main storyline milestone, you guys will gain one level.
But experience is kept. So say you have 15 experience past a certain level. You guys get to a milestone. You guys level up. But you're still 15 experience past that next level. So experience is still important. And experience is kept. But milestones bring you exactly one level higher. Not to the next level, but exactly one level's worth of experience higher. Do you guys understand? So it's like a rare candy.
It's not quite like a rare candy. It's like a rare candy, but if a rare candy kept the difference between the level that you were at. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Okay. You have to know just how much experience, exactly how much experience to add. Yeah, that should be easy based on the excel sheets because it literally tells you.
So that shouldn't be an issue. Yeah. Cause there's an EXV chart which tells you how much experience is needed for every level in our character sheets. Yeah. So that shouldn't be an issue. And that is all of the changes I'm going to make to the system. Do you guys have any suggestions you want? Eli suggested stab. I'm going to single neck cause that's a good point. Nope. You're too good.
yeah i like the changes okay gotcha okay um so the last thing is well we actually have a bit of an announcement um so
Something that has happened in R1 was that Walter became a little bit of a character we didn't expect to come along on the journey. However... Main character in R1. Yes, it's gone so bad. People see him as the main character. He's supposed to be an NPC. So we may have done a little bit more recruiting. Hey, Jake, you want on a new one? No.
Say hello to Walter's new player, guys. Name character, boys. Hey, I can finally stop forgetting Walter exists. Yeah. Walter's here, and he is ready to get revenge. He will not be ignored anymore.
So this is Jake. He's going to be playing Walter from now on, starting at arc two. Hello. It's become a bit of a thing for me to be controlling Walter since he's going everywhere. We figured we'd try and find someone if they wanted to play a pre-made character, and Jake here agreed to do so. Jake, why don't you introduce yourself? Hello. My name is Jake. I've done a couple of D&Ds. Nothing, I would say, online like people know about, just friend group D&Ds.
Same you kind of pointed out the what he did where they could be opportunity that This could be an opportunity I could pass but I didn't really want to so I'm like I'd go for it And I kind of like I really like right loose. I'm like, yeah, I was like, yeah sure I do it Yeah, so yeah, um, there's a couple extra details that uh, I
that I had to give Jake in order to be able to play Walter. So, don't worry, he's not changing. He's, well, for the most part, I think his voice is gonna end up changing. Oh yeah, he did. He actually, even at this point, episode nine and everything, the entirety of arc one's already been released. But we're recording this, but it's still in 2023. I think this episode's getting released in like February or something like that. But yeah, this is being recorded well long ago. So,
Yeah, so Jake got to listen to the last three episodes raw. That was fun, with my computer being a menace. Yeah, that was a thing and a half. Definitely has some technical difficulties getting networking. But yeah, so we finally got someone to play Walter. I don't have to forget him every single episode. And is there anything you want to say about playing Walter? Anything, any changes you want to make to him or that you've decided?
First off, I will try to make him relatively the same because I know a lot of people love him. As soon as I got offered this, I'm like, ooh, people are gonna hate me if I change anything big. So I just wanna say I'm gonna try to keep him... I don't know, more of the same, but anything that might change is he's not gonna be a pushover anymore. Yeah.
yeah so i really hope uh i really hope uh it works out really well with you playing walter uh it's a little bit of an unusual thing for me to have someone playing a pre-made character but we've talked it over we've had discussions and stuff and this at all hopefully work out in the end so this is my first time doing this kind of thing
Yeah, I know. This was somewhat of a last minute request because, well, I mean, at this point, you've known for like a month now. But it's, I think, when did I first say, guys, when did I first say I wanted to cast Walter? I don't remember, was that after episode nine? I think it was like somewhere around episode eight.
We started talking about it, and then it just didn't actually happen until episode 9 or so.
Yeah. I was like, hey, guys, I don't want to keep playing Walter for the rest of this entire show. I didn't expect him to come with us for so long. So yeah. So I kind of want to cast that one. Everyone's like, cool. OK, let's do that. And we're bringing a new person on. So I really hope you guys like Jake here. In Discord, his username is RogueMoon. So you probably know who better is that.
uh i've almost filled beans twice but i've kept them in the books yeah thanks thanks i've tried to clean those beans up a few times already now you just got to keep it under wraps for another month or so before the episode is released hey it's hard to get people like to join the server and not actually say oh yeah i'm part of it and they're like what do you mean part of it i'm like uh i just i i just advertise that's it i just advertise definitely not suspicious at all
I'm not on the show. I'm just a regular dude. Nothing to see here. Yeah. Just in case anyone thought it was a little bit rude for me to have Jake come off for like five seconds. This was not intentional. Uh, this was just an accident. Jake was busy. He couldn't make it. We've actually delayed this episode at three times already. So, uh, we're like, all right, well we're doing this. That's the holidays for you guys. Especially when you're moving into a new house. Yeah.
I think by the time this comes out I haven't moved already, but yeah that'll be something.
We finally get our full show where everyone's in the same time zone and then Dakota decides he's going to move across the country. Yeah. Oh, I guess this is a good place. I think I think by the time this releases, everyone will have already known the discord, but I am moving to Washington. So beautiful country. So have fun. So that'll be fun.
Is there anything you want to say to the audience, Jake, while you're still here? Please go easy on me with the hate. I'm a rookie. I'm a rookie. Well, you know what they say. You don't want to be the person after Tom Brady. You want to be the person after the guy after Tom Brady. So I really hope it's not one of those situations. I really hope people like you because I will try to keep them the same lovable character that I love them about it.
Yeah, yeah don't turn into like this yeah, don't turn it just I hate spoilers if they didn't already well Technically kill by Dakota saying but if they didn't kill him I was gonna get Walter's dad
He was in the book. Yeah, that's another reason Jake is a good fit for this because he hates Jake's. He hates Walter's dad. With a passion, I was gonna. Hmm. So I feel like they're gonna fit this role. When I heard Brewster, I'm like, no, that was supposed to be mine. It was supposed to be me. We don't have very full confirmation that
He's dead yet. Oh, I believe he's alive. No way. He'll get rid of him that easily. Oh my God. Quit spreading groomers. He is dead. He's alive. Well, we have another one. Sean and I finally have a third person who believes that he's alive. We have enough time for one more thing. And since you weren't here for the earlier part of the episode, do you have any question for me as the DM to answer?
Not really. Nothing at all. The go with the flow kind of guy, so. All right. Well, that was your opportunity. Well, I think we're going to cut it here, guys. I have been Dakota, your PM, your DM, your DM, even though I have done no PMing, no DMing and no DMing. Dakota himself. I have been Evelyn and I normally play Hikaru, the Pikachu. And I've been Eli, who has not been playing Bruce.
And I wish on not playing. That was Jake. I'm going to be playing Walter. All right. Thank you guys for listening. We'll see you over in our two.
Hello everyone, I'm Dakota, here to thank you for listening to our episode. Our show comes out every other week, Sunday morning. Go follow us on Instagram at PMD Path Through Time.
Twitter at PMDPathortime, that's through spelled with a U, and our Discord where you can receive updates on the show and talk to us and give us ideas such as questions of the episode submissions. We're not going to do the questions of the episode submissions because we just got a bunch of questions from the audience in this episode already. Instead, I'm going to give you a little bit of an update for next week or the next two weeks. I'm not entirely sure what we're doing as far as updates, but we are going to be releasing a special episode where I did a one-shot
with a bunch of different players from the audience, actually. This is to give the co-hosts a break between Ark 1 and 2, so look forward to that. Let's thank the music producer for this episode. All the music in this episode comes from Pokemon LoFi Music, One Hour Mix, Part 2.
The music in here is Cerulean City from Pokemon Red and Blue Vermilion City from Pokemon Red and Blue Azalea Town from Pokemon Gold and Silver Lake of Rage from Pokemon Gold and Silver Root 201 from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Eterna City from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Root 225 from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Icarus City from Pokemon Black and White Andela Town from Pokemon Black and White Aioli City from Pokemon Sun and Moon Postwook Town from Pokemon Sword and Shield
Salumbering Wield from Pokemon Sword and Shield. Turf Field from Pokemon Sword and Shield. Max Raid Battle from Pokemon Sword and Shield. Still Onside from Pokemon Sword and Shield. Third Chest from Pokemon Sword and Shield. Duplaf Village Vibes from Pokemon Legends Arceus. Welcome to Pal Day of From Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and Pokemon-themed Lo-Fi Remix. All the music in this episode was produced by Galicic City, please go visit her and thank her because without her the show would be a lot more quiet. Thank you.