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Ep 142 - Twinvestigate Return! Paranormal investigation, hauntings, ghost hunting image

Ep 142 - Twinvestigate Return! Paranormal investigation, hauntings, ghost hunting

E142 ยท Pursuit of the Paranormal
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Ep 142 - Twinvestigate Return! Paranormal investigation, hauntings, ghost hunting

Sarah, Emma, Toni, and Adi from all-girl paranormal investigation team Twinvestigate UK return to the podcast after a crazy 12 months!

Does pink make the boys wink, or does it piss them off? Find out as we talk about what the girls have been up to, recent paranormal investigations, and what is next!

Title music provided by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. Video version of the episode available on our YouTube

almost interesting because money i don't know what to wi i on soft or what it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your play it was so awful You are listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your host, Ash Ellis.

Introduction and Welcome

Welcome back to Pursuit of the Panormal. I really hope you enjoyed our episode last week, which is our first episode back. Let me know if it was shit or let me know if it was good. All feedback is welcome. So this week, we are welcoming back to the podcast, the girls from Trinvestigate. We had them on the podcast pretty much a year to the day as we speak. And I'm looking forward to catching up with the girls and seeing what they've been doing over the past 12 months.

Team Evolution and Work-Life Balance

So let's just bring in not Sarah, Emma, Tony and Aidy. Welcome girls. Welcome back to Pursuit of the Paranormal. Yay! Thanks for having us back. It's good to be back. Can't believe it's been a whole year. yeah Yes, when we brought you on last year, you're pretty new.
to the kind of pan-normal team. The team is pretty new, and kind of getting yourself, sort of starting to get yourself out there. And the year you've had has been kind of crazy. They've been following the journey. It's been good to follow your guy's journey kind of from the start to where it is now. It would have been Glad to be a part of it at some points as well, which has been fun. We've heard you guys being pretty local to so me and my basement. I think this is actually what we invited you into the basement, wasn't it, this time last year? Yeah, you did, yeah, no. A lot less people now say yes to strangers' basements.
I know it is. I think we're overdue a little bit of basement time. Yeah, I do. I like it down there. We all look, we all look like a space man. That's just downstairs.
Back in it, it wasn't colouring, a euphemism. I think of the word.
So that's where Tony is. e But yeah, cool. So and yeah, so you guys are up to all sorts. You seem to be about investigating every week by the looks of yeah your social medias pretty much. ah So kind of just been following on from the past 12 months. ah Me doing UFO stuff, doing the podcast stuff, working your parents as well. How do you guys do it? Wow. just We all work part time as well.
Yeah, except for me, I don't work at all anymore. I think I spoke to you a year ago and I made cakes ah son for a living. And that was my little thing. And I had my own business, but that is no more because this just became too much. And I enjoyed this more than I enjoyed cakes. So I do this now. Don't get paid for it yet, but you know, the dream's there. No, no.
It does, it does help. We all work a couple of days a week, except Emma, but we all work part time. So it's like, we have a lot of free time really to go out and about, don't we? And a lot of that is in the week, which is great. Cause the kiddies are in school. So, but yeah, we try, I don't know. We try and fit the time in now. We never, we never used to schedule it quite as much or as well as we do now, but we try and get something regular out instead of very ad hoc, no.

Consistency and Brand Identity in Paranormal Investigations

Yeah, I remember when January came round and we all said to get each other, we've got to really get a good momentum now, like do at least something twice a month, keep it coming. And we have we've stuck to it. I mean, we had a goal set for September to be bigger than we are now and and to be double in size and be more frequently doing it. And we've reached them goals, if not more, aren't we?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, I think we've probably tripled, not more than doubled. I think it's it's tripled, to be honest. since and But yeah, it's been really good. We just have consistency, isn't it? It's about making sure you've got consistency. Definitely. And you've certainly, what's the word, made an impact kind of in the scene in the UK, at least, not always good stuff.
I got kind of a negativity, I guess. I just want to talk about that a little bit. Yeah, it's I think a lot of it is exactly how the pink started, because we get a lot of stick for the pink, don't we? Because it's not heard of. It's not done. People don't wear your bright and bold colours normally with your paranormal. And that's when it started, is we we all know Chris, don't we, from Phantom Physics? And um he
He gave us some pink hoodies with his brand on. And that was the very first time we all wore pink. And somebody was like, oh, is it a Hendo? On our ghost hunt, the four of us, is it a Hendo? And we were like, do you know why it's not? But ah like they'd assumed that because we were women and wearing pink. So it just kind of spiraled from there. And her yeah and just while we're on that subject as well, we've started to do our merch.
not on a hen night. not
I know that should be pink Emma, that should be in pink. Well they saw a variety of different colours and different quotes, yeah not on a hen night. I love it. I know we um we do, it's just because people and People seem to, I don't know why I usually think that we are making a mockery of the paranormal because we're wearing bright colours. And we've had that before, haven't we, that it seems gimmicky. But it's not, it's just just different. and We still go out and investigate seriously. And we use all sorts of methods and approaches. We just have have a ah bright coloured uniform, shall we say, a bright coloured brand.
But it's good because people ask about it. Yes, we've fallen into it almost because it was started out as a bit of a, I once called it sarcasm, I think it was just to prove a point. Like, you know what, yeah, we are going to wear pink, but then we've really grown to like it. Yeah. He followed on. Polar opposite to what we were used to do. Like when we first started out, we had the black t-shirts and black hoodies and completely different logo.
yeah It was only when we wore those hoodies that yeah it spiralled the pink. That's what it was, yeah. But yeah. Well, it certainly looks good. Definitely make your own, an actual arrival, let's say.

Para Unity and Open-Minded Investigations

I'm going to say a word and I want to kind of just get you guys to tell us what it is and how it all came about. There's something that I've seen grow quite fast recently on social media and that's power unity. So you want to just talk us what that is? Go on Emma.
Emma, who's that? Oh, I'm not very good at all this. and So with Para Unity, obviously it's a word that's floated around for a while, even before we were on the scene, and and about just supporting other people, supporting teams, and and being open and honest with what you do as well. So it's just there's so much negativity in the paranormal that there's nobody there supporting each other or being nice.
If, for example, there's a lot of fakers out there and people get a lot of hate for that. But in our opinion, if you put a disclaimer on your video that says we are for entertainment, we are fake, it's all fabricated, then what is it doing wrong if there are audiences, people that enjoy that? Whereas there's people like us who would do the reality of it.
and we get tarnished with that same you're all fake so why not just jointly support everyone in what everyone's choices are the paranormal is such a wide spectrum for different people it's not a competition no one's ever going to dominate so we need to just all become like ah an act one and accept each other's differences yeah and that's what it is and so I started our unity community page just to I don't know just to show support and and it grew very fast with loads of teams and that's how we meet a lot of people and do collabs together and some people do it to make money some people do it to get their content out for the numbers the subscribers whatever some people do it to prove
paranormal's real, like there is another world there, the afterlife. Some people do it just to have fun and it's fine, no matter what you're doing it for, we're all here. oh yeah Some people agree with Ouija boards and use Ouija boards, some people don't, some people do it scientific, some people don't, they just use apps and do their own thing and there's nothing wrong with that. Again, it's everyone's different and everyone's in it for the same reason, so we've got a master. We've got a master. And on note,
The paranormal is whatever it means to you and it's accepting that as a as a group that the paranormal means different things to different people and it's no right or wrong it's something we cannot comprehend really so go on.
ah t-shirt um
that was actually done in your basement ash that was in your basement yeah man's voice nasty and everyone says nasty now everyone that we know he talks about it nasty yeah okay let's have a hand in that one yeah he did yeah cool so yeah go on just saying of msa in that quote the first time she ever said it if i did Awesome. So Para Unity, where can people find the Facebook? Is just on it just a Facebook group? Yeah, it's just a Facebook group. It's now called the official Para Unity community because I think we had a few people trying to create things off the back of it. So I was just before I wanted to make, this is the page that was the original page that we started, but the official Para Unity community.
Nice one, nice one. So you've done, like I say, a lot of stuff over the past year, lots of new places that you've been investigating.

Significant Investigations and Experiences

So I kind of go round the room a little bit. I started with AD, being AD. So what's kind of the, any places that have stood out that you've been investigating over the past 12 months? For me, it's got to be Tondell Hill. Definitely Tondell Hill.
but why anything happened there in particular that like made it that good? and It was just unusable activity and it was one of our first investigations that we went on and it was the Lucifer clip that we got that we've got again on our TikTok and on YouTube as well and it was just stern it was sort of the first thing that we captured using equipment was being fairly new that sort of like or she does that a little bit further to sort of experiment with more of equipment, if that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, that would be cool. Sarah? I would say 30th Drive. I have never been to a place that has, I've experienced as much poltergeist activity.
i It's a very tricky one because we were in the living room. We went with eight eight people. I think it was eight of us. And me and Emma were downstairs in the living room and everybody else was upstairs. And we were filming alive and we heard someone in the kitchen, like clear movement in the kitchen. And we knew no one else was down there with us. and we But ive I've never actually heard such strong, clear movement. I've heard things being thrown. I've heard like tapping.
but never movement in the kitchen as if someone was going around shaking the drawers up and it's a shame that we didn't catch it on camera because we had mobile Wi-Fi cameras and that we'd set up but um they were only motion activated and unfortunately it wasn't on the oven door and we think it was the oven door that was moving and when we went to debunk it afterwards with the noise is it did sound like the oven door but it's just a shame that that we didn't have it in shot because it didn't trigger
trigger the camera to go off. And you can hear it on our like front point of view kind of cameras and on the live but you can there's no way that we can show everybody that it what was going on. It was only our experience. And that's fine because I know we'll sort of what I heard and what I witnessed. But it's just a shame because it would have been an amazing capture to get that that movement on camera. But that was the best. That's the best for me. And we're going back for two nights in a row in October.
nice ah Tony, what place has stood out for you in the past 12 months? see For me, more recent, Newsham Park, because that's where I was physically touched on my leg and that for me scared the hell out of me because I genuinely, we were doing the SS method I had a blindfold on, earphones in, couldn't hear anything. So usually when we do that, we'll just sort of gently tap each other to come out of it. So we know it's like someone tapping you out. And I'd recently had a tattoo done like the week before and it was still a bit sore. And I felt someone sort of push on me like, and I thought, Ady, because she was on that side of me had touched me to like come out. And I just said, tato like ah, Stop it.
And everyone was like, what are you on about? No one knew what I was on about, no one had touched me, but it was caught on camera and you physically see on the camera, like as if my leg imprints in, someone pushing my leg and it's so weird and we zoomed right in on it and everything. It was crazy. But to feel that it chills up my spine then, I was all feet off the floor and everything. I recently had And that's told told you guys probably about it, but I've told you about the, in my basement a couple of weeks ago, I was touched and it's still not come back down there yet.
It's so strange. Yeah, I remember being touched on my leg at 10 for the first time. I was like, what? maybe that's when we could go back in your basement like the first time you go back down there and we can we'll come we'll come in are you not gonna get down there anymore yeah i have to you know i mean it's i'm not gonna run away from i'm not gonna run away from anything whatever it is so we'll go down on my own like even even before this time like going down on my own i just never ever liked it i can go anywhere like do a night i just and of chase it to in the morning
in the cemetery on my own and that doesn't bother me. and But going going in my basement, even in the middle of the daytime with the light on, I just get creeped out and I don't usually get creeped out. So it's just, I just can't go down knowing my own. So yeah, we'll have to get you guys around to come around. Emma, what's your opinion? What are your that will stand out? Well, apart from ones that have obviously already been said, because there's quite a competition there with all my favourite ones.
and gallery flowers and more because one Jen who owns the shop is absolutely lovely. Two it's got a weird vibe to it and it's not somewhere that people usually go like Newsham's a big place a lot of people go. I heard that then.
That was quite loud. That was quite loud. Do you know what's weird? I took my phone up five minutes ago to start recording so I could take some pictures of me and tone it. And i've got I'm going to have it on camera. I'm going to stop it. Oh, good. Stop it then. Oh, my Yeah, I've stopped it. It's my bit of wine as well. So, start again.
Nushion, usually that's like one of the big places that a lot of people go, maybe that was a sign that we need to go back to Nushion. No, because you're talking about gallery photos. Oh, gallup was I? Yeah. and I know, I know, I was talking about museum, I think, and then I said probably if I was more the capture that we got because we had the the most clearest woman's voice go, I love you so much. Yeah. And it sounded like at the time, I mean, it sounded like a grown up. Yeah, it did. Then we slowed it down and it sounded like it said, I love you so much. Exactly like but once you heard the I love you bit.
you can piece the rest of it together. yeah And I think that's where we've had some really freaky stuff, some really good DVPs, EVPs. We've had things go off on here, like when we've had cat balls to go off and they will, we've had kitties to go off and they will. I've noticed we get a lot of voice captures at Gallery Flowers. We get a lot of voices more than anything else, isn't it? Because we also had that man's voice who had like a Liverpool accent that said... We all use a Liverpool accent.
Yeah I know and but that being said about all those venues is recently I've been really the vibe from an abandoned location that hasn't really it's not really a controlled environment as in there's lots of external influences but what I mean is it's not somewhere that's been done over and over again it's not an internal place where you know you

Exploring Abandoned Locations

you've got other people who've been there, like a lot of these places are unexplored or have not been very well explored from a paranormal perspective and it's quite an eerie feeling being in a building and not knowing if there's another human we're in there with you, never mind anything non-human or sort of spirits or anything like that.
So that's I really like the abandoned buildings. We've got quite a bit at the latest and ah the hospital, didn't we? At the abandoned hospital. I think I like that feeling on edge, though, going in and and wondering, is there somebody here? Yeah. But at the same time, it's dangerous. and And if I didn't have kids, I'd be a lot more ballsy. But the fact that it could be a real person, I think he's scarier. And I think that's sometimes a better chase.
If that makes sense. A better thrill. but yeah And it's also knowing that you this sounds really weird and not what you'd normally think. But I like going up to the top floor of the abandoned places that we go to. m And like, if something happened or if somebody, we heard somebody, the rush of having to get out, like that rush is like quite thrilling, isn't it?
on but them to It'd be great to have a legal zombie chase there or something, like an illegal defendant. Yeah, or a big game of hide and seek. I don't think it would be illegal because it's trust but it's a civil matter for so organised a big zombie hideout.
and we can and you met You mentioned like kind of like that that abandoned building and obviously some of your videos are kind of that urbex side to it. Obviously you're not going to say name any of these places, but where do you kind of find out about these places? I struggled to find information on where to get like let's find these these places.
i could best so
We have people that and do it themselves who do more frequently for years and years and it's a little of community, but it's in an exploration. and And there's a few like unwritten rules, so to speak, so not to tell anyone where you are, because any any places that are in good condition or that are historical, ah they can get trashed and riven with people who don't defend the buildings. So just I think when you you need to have a trust with someone to get the pins off them and we've built up trust and friendships with people who do it and they they drop us a lot of pins. and It's just through three word of mouth really. There are forums and websites that will tell you but
um I'm not going to give them here. yeah there's also There's also if you if you actually actively look for abandoned places, yeah they're right on the front of roads and all sorts. there's there's one There's an abandoned farmhouse on the front of the road near me, just so i'll set back off a road. But you know you can if you weren't looking for an abandoned place, you wouldn't even clock it.
m But it's having that they're everywhere. I mean, like this last this last few days, I've been driving past like that's abandoned, that's abandoned, that's abandoned. And you can just once you know what you're looking for, they're everywhere. they're everywhere and But a lot of people do it with they go on to Google Maps and they just search um and browse these and through sort of street view, um old abandoned locations. I don't know how they have the time to do that, but they do.
but yeah it's because it is it's trespassing but it's a similar like we I live in this house now if someone was to just walk into my front door because I've left it open they won't be breaking the law yes it would scare you but you'd say like you know you're trespassing leave the police would just escort them off the premises they haven't done anything to break the law so it's the same really with an abandoned place as long as there's ah a window that's already open or a doorway to get in easy access We'd never break an answer to get anywhere because that's a completely different ballgame. Yeah, that's a criminal matter then, isn't it? So yeah so it's always, it's good fun when you get there and you think, right, where do we go now? Let's find yeah let's find the broken window.
i the open
Nice one. So kind of again, looking back over the past year, and have you changed your opinions or what have you learnt about what the panel is

Evolving Beliefs and Theories

to you? Has that changed the more you've been and doing this? I think I've desensitised to a lot.
a lot more than I was last year. the Last year I was quite scared to do things on my own. I am still very jumpy, but like I would never walk first last year. I wouldn't want to walk first. I think my actual opinion on the matter hasn't changed so much. I still think there's something there, not really sure what.
I'm a massive stone tape theory fan. However, and I so think a lot of it is residual, that being said, I'm going to contradict myself massively here now. The last couple of investigations we've done, we've had some really intelligent responses. The latest one at the hospital when I've literally said, if you are intelligent, using a spirit box. And I've said, if you're intelligent, say the word sister and immediately sister comes through the spirit box. It's delicious if you sentence because you say say the word sister and someone interrupts you and then you say you repeat yourself again because you were interrupted like I've just interrupted you now and you say say the word and it says it again sister but because if it already does.
It does. Although i i was um I am still a massive stone tape theory fan, and I do think a lot of energies are residual, which is why you get so i' you capture things without asking for it, because it's just happening at random times. I do actually think theyll just the last couple of investigations, the last couple of weeks, I'm a bit more interested in the possibility of intelligent like being spirits and entities and things. But I have noticed that that tends to be in those abandoned locations. We've had a lot more intelligent responses from abandoned locations than we have in a controlled area. But then I also kind of think is that
Is that because when you are in a controlled area and a building and you're asking, people are actively asking for knocks and bangs and whistles and noises. Are we just, is the residual energy just us people, other people asking for that? And that's why it's more residual than intelligent. So I don't know where it's abandoned. You don't really get that. So if there's something there, it's going to respond. you Don't know.
Tony, kind of same question as your kind of thoughts, opinions changed. Now you've got more experience in this. I think now I've got more experience. I've opened up to it a lot more as well. Like when I first started with the girls, to me, everything was very novel. And I was like, oh my God, there was a not good way that did. Whereas now I'm a bit more like, OK.
Let's carry it see what it why it could be first. I'm just sorry, that clip of you with notions played in my head. But yeah,
but yeah I do try and not be bummed, but like try and find a reason for things first whilst they're screaming and lifting my feet off the floor.
I've experienced your, yeah well, all of your screams firsthand in your heart. Quite loud. yeah right wait Right across the building, and you can hear it. That must be to investigate. oh yeah put yeah Aidee, what about you if you? Anything, like, kind of your opinions changed or your kind of take on the paranormal?
It's changed, it's changed slightly. I was a very spiritual person beforehand and I feel like the more that I investigate, the less that spiritual side of me has slipped away because of the amount of logic that actually goes into investigating. And I know we don't like the word debunked, but I know we don't like the word debunked, but the more that we try and find that logical explanation,
the more it pulls away from my spiritual side. Because I'm like, well, there was an explanation for that. There was an explanation for that. There's more of a likely an explanation for this part. And that's when it sort of like pulled away bit by bit. So yeah, for me, that's the only side it sort of changed.
Yeah. Cool, cool. Yes. So one thing, so they'd be asking about this one because it's something I've just

Skepticism and Handling Evidence

been put on to. You guys probably might have heard about this. Personist tick tock account and someone at work told me over days, I heard of this on tick tock and I wanted literally had a look at it like yesterday. So I don't know. So I was going to say, I don't know why I'm asking this anyway. But I said like Winston.
Team Winston. Do you guys know? Yes, I do. Yes. That TikTok. Yeah, I have, yeah. I have. Yes. I know exactly who you're talking about. Yeah. Because he's Manchester-based as well, isn't he? Yeah, I guess so. I'm not a big TikTok. I don't really go on there.
So it's a guy who he has um this poltergeist activity in this flat and it follows him around. um When he was very small, very starting out in whatever it is he's experiencing or doing, m I messaged him and said, let us come over. And he said he's not having paranormal teams in.
So that to me was a little bit, why not sort of, you know, you've got this massive poltergeist activity, why not let people experience it and come into the house and like your flat and things.
and I've seen things that have been in and out about it being real and then being fake. I find it very different. Some videos I can, I'm baffled by. And other times I think if, I think that's too good, that's too good for it. If that was real, like that's mind blowing. And then I just, I don't really know where I stand with it. I'm leaning more towards the entertainment side.
Um, but like I said, people, if, if you're going to, I want, linking back to the whole para unity thing goes, well, if you just, you put a disclaimer out there in any way saying what are you doing it for? If it's, you know, entertainment or not, just be honest, but people watch it. People and enjoy engaging with it. And I just think, um, it's just very out there. Um,
Yeah, i'm I'm a bit, I'm a bit mixed. up At the beginning I was very into it. It was very subtle things and I think maybe it's become this entertainment channel. I'm not 100% sure. I'm scrolling that tonight. I've just found it. well Yeah. So I don't know why I mentioned it realize because I literally yesterday was looking at it and I was like, say, I mean, if that Obviously, I'm heavily on the skeptical side, but that was really the most incredible thing. is like say and He's always dead defensive in the comments, which is a tricky question. It's like, are you a hater?
and yeah like yeah That accent as well. yeah yeah it's the um It's the reluctance, the first thing for me was the reluctance to have, it was a very very tiny channel when I first discovered him and I was like what with Manchester let us come in and he wouldn't and he said no I'm not having anybody come in into to investigate so to me that was alarm bells but it then came out a little bit later on and said it was for entertainment
And then that was soon wiped away. m And I just don't really know where to stand with it. I think its if it's real, it's massive. But then I also have the side of it that's like, what does it take? People want massive, massive evidence to believe in the paranormal. You get massive, massive, massive evidence and people go, oh, that's fake. Don't believe that. And it's like, well,
what if it was real and you've got your massive poltergeist activity but we're we want all this huge evidence and we're getting it but we're just we're we're passing it off like when will it ever when will we do you know what I mean yeah no exactly like I had similar one with in I think it was 21 or 2020 we have an alien photo being taken in St Ellen's and it was clearly a car walker out of an alien walking across his road but I was like What if it isn't? What if this, and it's like 10 minutes drive from me. So like 10 minutes away. What if I put 99.99 and I'm sure it's cardboard cut out and a fake article, but what if it isn't? Well, it's that one tiny, tiny small chance that it's legit. I've got to go and see. So when I would investigate this cardboard cutout alien, I did a whole lot of go about it. But yeah, like you say that, we asked for evidence and then UFO pictures and stuff like that where people want to say, oh, so many UFO signs, why is there any good photos and stuff? And then when you see a government that looks too good to be true, you kind of like you think, yeah, this is too good to be true. Like these videos, like some of them,
You watch them, it's like trying to work out how we, because he does it well, wherever it is, he does it really well. It's hard to even work out how we do it. How we do it. People are always trying to say like, always use this or use that. People are saying like, you can't have done it that way. Stuff like that. I mean, yeah like if if it does say like, if we're insane, and you see other people in the comments, because often hard comments people Skeptical half comments, people that follow it and love it and really I'm in my head and like, do they actually believe it or are they playing along? Exactly. Yeah. even it Yeah. Yeah. I've been ghastly as well. I've been ghastly to believe it. I think that's the thing, though, is it's out of all of if you think that is massive, massive evidence out of all of the huge timeline that people have been investigating. That could be the no point no one percent.
that is like huge evidence but we're all just passing it off because it's too good to be true and but if you would let people in to see and witness it for themselves and then I would be more inclined to believe it but because it's so reluctant to I just it doesn't quite weigh up but it's like there's things that we don't put in our video this same thing is we when we went to Antwerp mansion we got so many things that were like thrown or dropped or.
but we didn't put it all in the video because we were thinking that that just seems like there's too much evidence to be true even though it happened we didn't want we didn't want people to think that it wasn't true because it was too good and it's like no it's real it's what we captured but we just we we don't do you know on this subject i was literally thinking about this today and evidence and people getting like major evidence and not getting so excited about it that it was like oh my god and one particular thing that stood out was when the hotel, my haunted hotel had Heidi whispered down the phone and it was Heidi and I thought that to me if that was true and that really happened then
I'd be like, oh my God, that would, I think I'd, and have I don't know how I would even cope with hearing. If that had happened and I heard it, that to me is like the most mind boggling proof ever that something has whispered its name and captured on the camera. If that really happened, I would be making so much more of a big fuss about it because that's massive evidence. Well, then look at the things that we experience and don't actually come out with it because we're worried about
Well, I know what it might be. But at the same time, they they did put that click out there, didn't they? So it was a big deal. I think that's amazing evidence. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's true. It is true. It is. I suppose you'd be loud and proud about it, wouldn't you? And you would be absolutely you'd be losing your mind if you'd have caught that. But I think there's probably a little side within everybody that pulls them down a little bit to um like rationalise what's happening and that and it downplays as a like response. It's downplayed a little bit because you your brain and your body doesn't really want to believe it. So you know what I mean? I think you're just you're almost in disbelief. It's it's funny. how it It's it' funny I kind of answered my question because the exact same thing happened to me. i I was on a public event there and we were in the basement and we did like a group
We're doing like kind of an S's method, but kind of passing the headphones around to each person in the circle. And no one was getting any anything at all. It's just nothing's coming through. Got to mean I was the last person and in the circle. So I was doing it. Whether I'm just more experienced at doing it, and I can sort of hear things better than people have done it before, maybe. But I was kind of getting stuff, and I i was saying it. And I don't know how people were reacting, but but I was saying quite a few things. Then it came through, Claire would stay on the headphones, start the experiment.
And I was like, wow, I can't say that. I didn't say it because yeah I was the only one that I got things going through. yeah And then I say something like stop the experiment, which is so apt for what we were doing. Yeah. If I say this, it sounds fake. Like everyone's saying things like and it sounds fake if I say this now. So this didn't say it.
That's your brain trying to protect yourself as well. I know exactly that's the thing, isn't it? People don't like yourself. You don't want to say it because people are not going to believe it because only you've experienced it as well. You've got no proof.
you and when I wouldn't totally organise afterwards, but I didn't want to say it, but it did actually say this to me, like, wow, as we were doing that experiment. I had been loving Pendle, because I remember saying that I saw something in the stairs the day after, but I didn't mention anything to the girls, because he was already a bit scared anyway, but I just sort of like swept it under the rug and was like, I'm not mentioning anything for tomorrow.
Yeah, I remember you, Tony, right in the beginning, going back to Pendle, I remember you being so scared. Like, like you we were so on edge just in the beginning. I remember being near the end of an investigation and like thinking we need to cut the shot because like Tony is scared.
hearing them yeah i yeah She was like on the stairs like going like come that kind account but I And behind us and I was like what happened? I know you're not like that now it's weird isn't it like when I think back how how sort of Um, on edge you were at the, on the investigations and stuff. Yeah. And like, so going back to like the desensitized and like growing your confidence and things with you. i but which you see on my own and not Yeah. for me,
I used to be really scared. I wouldn't even do Ouija board. Now I've got Ouija boards in the house and I'll do them wherever as a last we kids play with them for God's sake. But I am still a still a part of my mental health likewise, where it's tell mental health is the wrong word, mentally, where I'm out and something's telling me not to go and do a lone vigil because something's going to run at me from the dark or there's going to be a big demon in the closet and go right at me. and And something's still holding me back from doing long vigils and things because I'm still scared that those things are going to and something's going to chase me. Yeah. I think it looks like horror movies, doesn't it? It's horror movies that you watch and there's jumpy things and yeah people climbing the walls and things like that. I think that's why right in the beginning I was so jumpy as well because I pictured things running out of life. That's it. You visualise it in you.
yeah you visualize it don't you when you so when you're like running out of a corridor or something you just visualize something still there because that's yeah yeah know yeah jason and yeah yeah that's it i think You do kind of let your, and that's why we're so jumpy, I think, is because we're always visualizing, without even realizing it, we're just always like imagining something's gonna jump out at us all, like, yeah because we love horror as well. So it's- Well, sometimes, yeah, sometimes though, I can be really brave, like that time we went to the hotel, I think about this time last year, I think it was, and we were we were all there, I think, and I sat under the cupboard, and I remember Aidy was on the bed, and I was sat under the cupboard, yeah and
with Billy, Billy's little cupboard in his room. And I was sat under that confidently and just sat in the bathroom, were in the shower. And then all the times that I've been, I've been terrified and I'm like, I couldn't sit under it. Like, I don't know if it was a vibe or- It's a weird vibe that you can get each time though. I just, depending on the day or how it is, I'm scared. But again, is that a vibe that you're picking up, the activities there? Cause sometimes we walk in somewhere and we're like, no, this don't give me vibes. We went somewhere.
recently that we were invited to and we went there and and it was it just we didn't really pick up on a vibe it wasn't vibing no it wasn't and other times we walk straight in an AD special be like i don't like this like this room yeah a yeah yeah
Moving on to kind of something a bit more, I guess, personal to each of you, maybe Sarah a bit more. I went to Birmingham to watch you give a talk and to the Birmingham UFO group of all things. So tell me about how that experience was for you.

Public Talks and Future Plans

Given a talk, to be fair,
I haven't really done public speaking. like i am I am a chatter, I'm a people person and I'm confident, and but I've never spoken in front of a group. like I've performed, I'm a performer as well and I perform, but speaking in front of a group about sort of keeping a topic and keeping that conversation flowing and like, well, not even conversation, you're just trying to keep people entertained. It's it's really it's tricky, but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed telling people about our experiences and yeah, I really liked it. I could sit and talk all day about things that we have found and the reasons for it and stuff like that. I like i love it. I like i always have liked reading into like research to back up theories that we've got and like m reasons why we had certain activity are not debunking. I don't really like that word, but
possibilities for the paranormal experiences that we have. But I liked it. I really enjoyed public speaking. I can't wait to do it again, to be fair. Yeah, I was going to say, because you're all giving a talk at the PowerCon in his next next month now. Yeah. Yes, it's next month. Yeah. I guess I'm in preparation with John. Zero.
and no i no So is that talk going to be on similar to what you did in Birmingham, va yeah kind of your guys' investigations and stuff? I think we haven't discussed it yet. We haven't kind of got ah ah an idea of exactly what we're saying. We've said like passing comments, like we want to talk about some of our experiences, we want to talk about m Not, not necessarily different types of equipment but how like equipment has changed, and what is like preferential now to people. I also I've got a, there's an article coming out in haunted mag that I've written about women in the paranormal. So it maybe touch base on that a little bit.
m and sort of that's a bit of research-based stuff. Not really sure, but we definitely want to talk about our vibe as well and how we approach things differently and the pink because ive ah them we we think there's a theory about Um, like sort of positive energy and high vibration and color theory as well, plays into it quite a bit with you, with your activity. So we've, I think we might touch base on that, but we haven't fully spoken about exactly what we're going to talk about yet, have we? So, I know, no idea. We might just get up there and wing it, Ash. That's how the best things happen though. I know.
but ah We only need bullet points, but I'm out to do the rest. I know, yeah. Are you coming to that, Ash? Yeah, well, I've got i got a table, so I'll be selling my books and stuff. Yay! I was going anyway. I have my tickets anyway, but I'll be there. Yeah. saw fab Fabulous. I guess another testament to kind of how your year has been.
as You were nominated for a couple of awards at the is the Power Meet Awards. yeah yeah yeah Tell us about that, what you were nominated for and how the night went um and and did you win on that? Go on, someone else want to... If I can remember correctly, you was not Sarah was nominated as top investigator in the GPN category.
and and we were nominated for best episode. yeah so One of our older episodes actually at my haunted hotel, which was a shame because the our new style has evolved now so it was more of a reflection of our old style, our old approach, our newbie approach with the no real education about it all behind us. so Which is good that we were still up there. Yeah, it was still good. The people, I wouldn't say it was, I wouldn't say it was like not the education that was there. I think it's just the way that we portrayed ourselves was different. It was more typical. We're finding out who we all were as individuals as well as a group. Exactly.
yeah he was all and yeah Yeah, we did who didn't win that category, but Sarah did win in her category. so te no i'd been expect me know where We can call ourselves award-winning just because yes yeah we we are award-winning. And like I said, when I accepted it is that we're all in it. We are all in it together. So we're all if one of us does something or one of us achieves something or whatever, is it's for the team. So it's it kind of we all work together. But m no, it was good. It was great night. I loved it. It was really good night.
Yeah, fabulous. So we'll definitely be going again. I think they've got Parameet North as well coming up, but I don't think we've got plans to go there. and We wanted to, we may still do, don't know what date it is. m But yeah, it was a really good, good night. So it's things of, when you think, when you ask us like, about this Ash, it makes you realise we've done loads in the last year, really, i haven't we? Like, like yeah oh it it has, we've done loads, which is great.
Yeah, loads. And there's just so many places that we need to go that we've got to do. i would I would genuinely look at having like a week, a week on the chart away together, just bouncing every night from place to place. Yeah, yeah a little road trip. Yeah, we need to get a caravan. We do. That's a really cool name for this.
I know. We've actually been looking at Caravan. I've got the space on my driveway to keep one. Sarah will come down and we'll throw it around. We'll spray paint it hot pink. Hot pink, turn up investigation. Black interior though. Yeah, like oh here they are to investigate in the caravan. I was like the scooby gang. um so We have to get a hotel because we don't want to drive back and sometimes I just think it would be nice. So yeah, good of you.
and i felt Yeah, sometimes it would be nice grove to chill with everyone. Yeah. And just, yeah, the caravan after an investigation now stick just just to stick it in a lay by it to him. That's what you can't say.
yeah ah lot go kind Kind of on that note,
and Maybe not that note. What is next? what What are you guys up to in the near next couple of months? We've got a busy couple of months coming up really with stuff that we've got planned. Not necessarily all investigations. but That was me, I'm not the remoter.
Yeah we're launching on um as with many other teams on ParaStream which is again Ian who runs Ian and Ben who start out the ParaCon. They're launching ParaStream and they've got some big exciting plans for that so hopefully next year will be a lot of content and a lot of things and exclusivity to ParaStream and take us on a bit of a road trip. Yeah.
the it would go planned in is he striving? Yeah a fishman officially. planning in We've got the plans that we've not but i saw a set location. is location try night Yeah we're looking at doing, him we we're gonna not We want to do a bit of a Patreon as well to help us in fund our snacks. No, we want to do a bit of a Patreon and like split our content because we are paranormal and would but we do like the vlog style as well. So yeah we might keep a little bit of vlog style in the paranormal on the YouTube and the Parastream and the Ghost Planet Network, but also
put a bit of the behind the scenes stuff on like a Patreon because people like the like the funny bloopers and the funny moments that go on our TikToks and stuff. We think we might put a bit of that on um Patreon as well and just it helps to fund us to be able to keep costs down to go to these investigations if we can pull something back from it or you know gets us a coffee on the road. Just little bits to to take the pressure off into um yeah just help us to do the investigations and keep the videos going because um a lot of the time we don't we don't maybe don't go somewhere because we're we just can't get the petrol together or whatever ah so it'd be good just to kind of try and put it out there to to help us a little bit because we don't normally we we haven't asked for anything have we like it we enjoy doing it but we just want to do it more so it's just pushing it out and lobbying
It is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool. Well, yeah, thanks you all again for coming to chat and we'll see you either in my basement or in Northwich.
Yes. Yeah, definitely. Oh, oh, you meet up. We will come to a meet up. It's been like three months. We can get down in there as well.
the last few ones that we've had plans have fallen on the day openly and things and it's been like oh no yeah i know i know i'll just tell you what the next one so you can uh are we even a takeaway night you've had takeaway nights actually i did we couldn't do both in one night yeah we'll have we'll we'll definitely come to the next um the next meet up will definitely be there so pencil that in girls We need to go to the next one because it has been like three months. Yeah. Nice one. Well, yeah. Cheers, girls. Cheers, Sarah, Emma, Tony and Aidy. Have a great evening. Thank And see you soon. Thanks for having us. Bye. Bye.
Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with Ash Ellis, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time. And until then, stay weird.