Um, no, no, we went he hired us to find you. I mean, I don't know anything about visions and she gives you some shifty eyes from the other room. She gives you shifty eyes. um Meanwhile, she's going to think about visions, gives you shifty eyes. Yes, you can hear the conversation. Never pants. Gives you shifty eyes and the door opens. um And a dude steps out and is underneath your grease, apparently. ah Can I fix that? Can I send the grease to the back here? We'll put send it to the map layer. Nope, that didn't work. You'll be real with your B. OK, well, I know where the grease is and it's in my way. So, OK, it's all in the way. OK, let me just clear it. um guys Well, you know, what you yeah, you know where the grease is. Yeah, it didn't take it all away. Why didn't it take it all away?