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Vecna: Session 2 - Part 2 image

Vecna: Session 2 - Part 2

S3 E4 · IDM Roleplay
27 Plays5 months ago

Our heroes return as they continue deeper into the Hallix Mausoleum, delving ever deeper into the mystery that is Vecna: Eve of Ruin! 


Humorous Character Demise and Fantasy Creatures

And we're back with part two of session two. Enjoy.
Oh, wait. He's been here so long that his stomach has shrunk. And so he eats it so fast that he just falls over and dies. Dude, he just fucking you killed the man by trying to be nice. You killed the man by feeding him, Ambernacht. You know what that means? I know what it is. I know exactly what this is. He's a fucking gremlin in disguise. Hang on. Is he actually three kobolds in a trench coat? Be honest here. Sorry. No, he's a gnome. It would be one kobold with a traffic cone on his head. All two of you listeners who are old enough to recognize the gremlin joke probably thought that was hilarious.
somewhere and oh oh okay you know because there was a show feed him after midnight called grimlin yeah you don't see about midnight moized l feet i was literally racking my brain for d and d monster d d and d monsters i was like what the but don't There's not one in fifth E for. Hold on, let me get the book to this adventure. It'll be easier to find in there. There's a small question. somewhere I forget where it's from, but there's another there's in another version here of gremlins where they just were. that's already open They're they're like the little things that unscrew bolts on planes and shit like that, you know, just do shit like that little minor chaos that builds up into like bad stuff, but it's always like tinkering.
ah so Those are the German folklore gremlin things. It's like a plain gremlin or whatever, right? Yeah. Yeah. Or like just just gremlins in general. They, you know, they they steal. They steal shit and move it or, you know, that kind of

Movie Talk: 'Shadow in the Cloud'

stuff. There was a movie recently um that had, oh, God, what was that one girl's name? The little the blonde girl. She's kind of short. But she was trying to smuggle a baby um out of Oh God, no, so she got pregnant by a guy in the military while she was married to a guy in the States. The guy in the States was an abusive asshole. She joined the military to get away from him. um She had a baby by one of the guys on the plane, but you didn't know that until the end of the movie, ah but she got on the plane. It was a World War II or one plane.
You brought, shit, I probably shouldn't say anything. If you haven't watched that movie, just skip that last 30 seconds. I didn't even know what that movie was. Fuck, what is it? Gremlin? Gremlin on the plane movie with, or 2020. All right, I can continue now. Shadow in the Cloud. Yep, Shadow in the Cloud. It's a female World War II pilot, travels with top secret documents on a B-17 Fly Fortress, encounters an evil presence onboard the flight. I don't remember what that girl's name is or what she played in. Okay, y'all ready? Yeah.

Cultists of Vecna and the Power of Secrets

All right, so ah Umberto, he's like, oh, my name's Umberto, by the way. um Thank you. That's what it triggered. He told us his name the entire way, because he triggers giving us his name. Thank you, Umberto. Thank you so much for this this sandwich. These cultists, they've been keeping me in here. i that They're cultists of Vecna. I'm an expert on Vecna, by the way. But these cultists are up. there're They're the cultists of Vecna. he's ah um that they they they worship um they worship him.
So when the guy says the words, they are cultists of Vecna. These words in ring in your mind as if they are of a deep so significance, although he continues rambling um as if nothing strange happened. he He does not appear to have noticed um this significance. He's eating his sandwich and he's like, yeah, hundreds of years ago, Beckna and his buddy Haz, they were close close friends, um they they were driven men and they shared similar outlooks, evil outlooks.
um Kaz, he's a vampire. Well, now he's a vampire, but I don't think he was always a vampire. um but ah but And he's just rambling. um I wrote a contribution saving throw to see if I fall asleep during this interrogation of information. You don't fall asleep because the strange feeling of of of this thing that he has said is like it's like it's been etched into your mind magically. he said dexna three times we just summoned vecna didn't we
no it's it's like bloody marus These cultists are cultists of Vecna. um and And the rest of the stuff he's saying doesn't do that like super-etch into your mind thing, although he is talking about Vecna. So these cultists of Vecna. Does it happen again? No. Say it one more time. Um, cultists of Vecna? Does it happen? No. That was weird. That's weird. Um, okay. And now, out of character, I must describe something to you. The power of secrets.
um This is a special attribute to this game. um The power of secrets. Vecna uses the stolen secrets to power. um ah it's He basically uses them to power his his secret magic stuff. um When the characters stumble on the cult of Vecna, whose members are trying to extract secrets from a captive. This is out of character knowledge. It tells me to describe it to you, though. The game access to magic fueled by powerful secrets. um The characters can spend the secrets like currency, but not yet. That's once you later in the adventure.
um You can learn many secrets. ah There is a Secrets Tracker, which you know basically I'll just check off the secrets you find. um I'll eventually make it visible to you. um Every time you learn a powerful secret, I note it on the tracker. Once you learn the secret, you can't learn it again. When one character learns a secret, it counts as a secret learned for the whole party, revealing these secrets. Once you're able to magically use them, basically, you can magically spin the secret-like currency, revealing it to the multiverse to gain a momentary boon. To do this, you must use an action to whisper the secret into the wind. It is then gone from the minds of all of you. So you'll if you do this magical thing, which you'll learn to do later, you will then forget that these were secret, that these were cultists of Vecna.
um There is, I won't say the exception. thats Yes, once you release a secret into the wind in this special magical way that you will eventually be able to do, it leaves your minds, but then you get a a special boon. um When you spend a secret, every character in the party gains advantage on d20 rolls for one minute. um You may hear this information from the secret again, but it's no longer a magical secret. um um If you share a secret with a non-player character, that secret immediately loses its power and is counted as revealed. um It remains. What was the secret we just learned? You learned that these cultists are members of the Cult of Vecna. Is this information that we should write down? um I'll make the secret tracker chart um available to y'all once I figure out how to do that, but you can write it down for now.
I'll let you do it. I believe in you. Yeah. um That's for later. I don't need to read that to you. So yeah, but you right now, though, you can't um you cannot intentionally or accidentally lose this secret. So we just safe at the moment. We did not know that that's this weird thing just happened. So out of character, that's what the

Umberto's Rambling and Dungeon Exploration

secret is in character, though. You just know that something weird happened when he said those words and it doesn't happen when he says them again or when you say them. Awesome. Perfect. Cool. um Yeah. mr What was his name? ah miracle Umberto. Obviously. Bertie. All right.
Hey Burt, would you mind stop rambling? I would greatly appreciate it. I do apologize. I'm sorry, I do that sometimes. I know, I completely understand. I love talking about that. Oh, I completely understand. That's just how things go sometimes, and it's perfectly fine. But we need to try to save the other people here as well, so just... What? There are other people here? Apparently. Oh, I can open and close the door myself too.
Oh, nice. I guess once I unlock it, you can you can do that. Well, don't do that until you're ready for me to describe a room. okay Yeah, because I don't want you to like seeing stuff before I'm ready. Let me see if there's anything actually with Umberto that I need to, other than him revealing crazy secret. Mr. Surd, do you want to stay somewhere safe while we're finding the other people? Yes, please. um Take my hand. I would love to get out of here, and okay, he takes your hand. And I pop into my genie drawer. You pull him into your nip. And then I pop back out. Oh, before I leave, I'm like, don't mind the the zombie heads. They're in that corner over there, in that jaw. We're selling them later. Oh my. What but is this place? And he's he starts looking around and... This is my genie hut. Your genie hut? Yes, I'm a warlock for a genie. Goodbye.
and NDI. Thank you pablo mano 10 underscore 10 for your comment of cheap viewers on wherever they did that. I know he just came back and left again. No he did. He did. Are you sure you're not just seeing this again? The same thing. It was empty a second ago. No, no. I don't see any new messages. He didn't do it again. There's only one. OK, so. OK. Sorry. Mr. Umberto is gone. He's in a lamp. In a lamp. OK. Onward. I'm just moving his token like up here somewhere there. OK. Is there anything in this room that we need to? Well, no, he's in there. I don't think there's anything in there or not. Did he soil himself in this room? There is a bucket, yes.
gro but I'm tempted to like pop it back up and be like, it would you like this back? Oh no, thank you. Does this go back inside of you? i don't just throw it it Just throw it in there anyway. It's all it's all liquidy anyway. I'm gonna leave it there. I imagine my genie hut as actual like magical plumbing. All right, and I need to zoom out a bit because things are happening elsewhere in the dungeon, unfortunately, for you guys. When you go into the into the lamp, does it have a bathroom? Yes, there is a bathroom in there. um What are spirits? What is in this door over here? We do not know. The cultists do not use that door. Since when did they start talking to them? Oh, well, did you translate that?
and I was burning in circles. So yes, I did. Blah, blah, blah, bla blah, blah, blah, blah. OK, OK, yeah. We're not sure. The cultists never go in there. I tell him that. where Should we go check those three doors to the north? They are bound by an oath of their word to stay in the pool.
or something, some such nonsense. They told me earlier, I forgot. um I to the store. No, I lied. I'm going to go this way. Hold on. I'm just reading. I'm reading ahead real quick.
From what area?
Oh, OK, I see what's wrong. They did say that Shazam was in that door to the east that goes up the stairs. Shinism, I think it was. Yeah. And Shazam. Shazam. But yeah, yeah I guess we should explore that one first. There is this. All right. They do that. I go this way. Don't split the potty. Where are you? I walk past Dennis and I'm like, hey, Dennis, follow me. Oh, well, then I guess we're having to follow you. We're not splitting the party. no No, I already. I already split the party. Now we followed you. Too bad we followed you. Exactly. ah You started walking, even though there's two more rooms in the same room we were just in that stopped the open.
Yes, but this is the first room we walk through or I walk through that danger to a walk through. It's the first one on the path, so it's it it begs the reason that the first three doors of the north need to be open first. Then the door immediately to the left or to the west because you have to follow the right hand wall, right? No. I'm left handed. I go left ways in buildings. I'm left handed too, but like
we're We're doing a dungeon dive, and and dungeon rules, dungeon diving rules say that you know need to follow the right hand. What? Dungeon diving rules. It's rules up against the middle. It's in the manual of dungeoneering. If you start your game with a dungeoneering kit, you'd know this. OK, I go to the store and I try to open it. But nobody picks the dungeoneering kit. Nobody does. um It's like the worst one.
So we went back to the original room and I try for the first rusted door.

Uncovering a Kidnapping Plot

The first door opens and inside you see a metal grate in the floor of this 10-foot square room which blocks access to a shallow stone pit holding a small golden harp, a handful of loose papers, and a piece of bloody c cloth.
um How small is the harp? How small is the harp? It's a hand harp. So however small that is. It's one of those portable ones. Can I open the grate to retrieve these items? You you can. I do that. Okay. um
Give me...
Oh, okay. um You take some damage. Awesome. But I still get it, right? Well, hold on. It depends on if you survive. um You take 8 damage as um some blades pop out ah and stab into you. Are you ah capable of being poisoned? Do you know if Warforged can be poisoned? I don't think and so. I think they're actually immune to that. I'm pretty sure they're immune to that. Let's just double check. You would be the good one to blindly open this grate if you are immune to it.
I am. Well, yeah, you're a snake person. I forgot about that. Racist.
I mean, I would, oh yeah. um You had advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and you have resistance to poison damage. Okay. No, Warforged. It's because they are living constructs and have like plant matter in them. um so So give me a constitution saving throw. No, that the that was pure slashing damage there. Now you take a con, make a con save. All right. Constitution save. OK, you pass. um And in the case of this, it looks like you take no damage. Perfect. Yeah. ah So the blades pop out. um The grate lifts up just fine, but the blades pop out and you hear a kind of clockwork clicking sound um as the blades slowly start retracting back in. I grab the harp in the papers. You grab the harp and the papers. OK. And the cloth.
and the And the cloth, yeah. um Do you look at the papers? Yes. The papers detail a plan to kidnap never a Neverwinter aristocrat named Andrena Lamson Settle. The notes include a map of her estate, schedules of her movements, and suggestions that she knows an important secret about Lord Neverimber. A scroll in the margin of the note. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You're talking too fast. Notes. Can you just post it in the chat? Yes. Just copy and paste. A scroll in the margin of the note um claims that her secrets will make a worthy sacrifice. And let me copy that for you all to see.
Is there anything special about the bloody cloth or the golden hand harp? the
The harp looks valuable. um
you cannot decide what the ah You're not certain about the um the the cloth, though. OK, I put it, well, no, I carry it all out into the room and be like, hey, guys, I have stuff. And I show them the things. And I share the information.
Are you OK? Oh, yeah, no, I'm fine. It looks like you got slavished. Andrena Lamson Settle is one of the people who are already missing, by the way, one of the four people. And just so it just got taken or one way back before. Let's see. Right. Can you make that into. Can you make that into a note and just give it to me? Because I can't make a new note for myself.
Or being if you can just make the note, I can copy the information over. So just so I'm clear, her name is actually secretly in Dreena. Never lands in Settle, right?
um OK, there is a note for Frank. Yes, awesome. I will then put it into your folder. And then I need to type stuff. Bloody notes. Just for you to also pop into there, I'll just put the names of those people. um ah be it's Let's see, I don't think it says who was the most recently kidnapped Just that they were each kidnapped at night And this is the dungeon of the what the people what was it called this is called the
Hallie's mausoleum. Did we tell Humberto to leave? No, he's in the lamp. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right. Yeah. OK, so we found one. round one in yeah yeah was still on the cart burn ah We If you want to give me some sort of check. um to be appraisal, maybe intelligence, maybe, or something like that. um To appraise this harp, you are welcome to. Let's do it. I'm really good at it. You can all see the harp in his hand. 11. That's where the plus nine went.
Yeah, to appraise the intelligence. Yeah, I'm sorry that I roll to save. I roll to save. Yeah, that's what I was confused about. it's i feel like It would just be a base intelligence check or an investigation. I'd i'd take investigation. 20. There used to be an appraisal skill in past editions. um Let me and Ambernock go right on the same page. So, Slurm and Ambernock, you guys figure this is in the range of the, like, thousand area, maybe more gold. Um, Hashu, you figure you could probably get closer to 2,500 gold for this. o
okay And I'm just going to take that. Thank you. No, no, you'll excuse me being a thief, you goblin.
Whether I mean you did, you did steal my razor. I did not steal it. He gave it back to me. I did not. You asked me to hand it to you real quick and then you walked off and then it gave it to someone else. You gave it to Dennis. I gave you it. You gave me the 10 gold. I asked him to hold it. I just asked him to hold it. Dennis gave it to me. So you're holding it for me?
While that's happening, I take it and I put it in my chest. Yeah, because to be fair, you were the one who was holding it anyway, so. OK, anyways, what's behind door to my turn? Question. um What was how the name of
um that no I know didn't write that out right, but OK, save changes.
um The next room, C5. This is the door that has a padlock on it.

Tactical Preparations for Battle

A shiny new padlock.
Oh, this this description tells me the difficulty of the padlock. um
Are you blasting it? Yes. Oh, you're just blasting it? okay Yeah, it is. um Yeah, you blast it. um And as you are doing that, everyone give me a perception check. Oh, shit. God damn it, Hayden. You're making us all have to roll.
but but Wow. yeah one sheet We got two Nat 20s on the board and a Nat 1. So that makes sense that Danger Noodle got the Nat 1. You're busy Eldred's blasting and focusing on that lock. You do destroy the lock. Slurm and Abernock. Should I roll for Dennis? Sure. I'll roll for Dennis. Why not. Slurm, Abernock. ah You two hear voices approaching from the ah west. um And then as the sound of explosions on the lock um happen, those voices stop. I look at Slurm and look at the door. To the west? To the west. Yeah, up the stairs.
ah With those Nat 20s, I'll even say you could understand those voices. They are complaining about those damn elementals, and we'll show them this time. ah Real fast. Slurm is going to cast Grease on the top of the stairs. So, all right. After I blast off the door, and I do an investigation on it. You what? I do an investigation on the door to see if there's like any wires or any like trip plates or anything like that. Okay, um Bill, I think you should be able to draw on the map if you want to draw your 10 foot square for that grease. Yeah. Obviously, meanwhile, you are looking at the door. um What do you roll 1718? So there are no traps on the door.
Yeah, there are no traps on the door. I open the door. Oh, I guess I have to unlock it. So a 10 foot square would be four squares. Can I actually have it just be ah these four squares in a line from the top of the stairs down to the all the way down? Sure. Yeah. Yeah. A little. I got my little brush highlighted here. I'm going to change the color to a ah probably a grease orange of sorts. So while he's doing that, um Hayden revealed to you when you open the door, this old crypt holds a single open coffin containing a few tattered blankets. Yeah, that's 10 feet. Five, 10, 15, oh, five, 10. Oh, yeah, that's too much.
Oh, yeah, my bad. These are five foot squares. Yeah. but So while that happens, I want to sprint over here and then do shape water.
OK. Hold on. Hold on. Too much is happening. I'm trying to describe what Hayden found. Yeah. um Yeah, go ahead. OK. ah the This old crypt holds a single open coffin containing a few tattered blankets, a proof of wild black hair sprouts from the end of one of the blankets.
Let me just roll something. okay um When you send your light into the room, the hair begins to move. um and a I'm going to assume that that's a woman from that name. Let me go to the layer so I can make her visible. How do I change layers again? I know it's one of these options.
Oh, it's down here. OK. Yeah, I'm not looking at the GM page, so that can't help.
um A woman ah sits up and is like, oh, what, what? And you know she like shields her eyes against the light. Yeah, it's a daylight spell. Yeah, it's pretty bright. She is a, um I believe she's a tiefling. I'm trying to have it shouldn't have closed that that thing that told me who everyone was. Sarselle Malinosh or Indrina Lamson settle She's Sarselle Okay, Sarselle Malinosh is a human wild magic sorcer. Okay mysteries of the outer planes. Yeah Yeah, so a woman sits up um and and is blinking against the light and you step past the light and just like who Who are you? You don't look like one of the cultists.
I'm hashoo, danger, little Slytherin in yo, and no, I am not. We already found the gnome. Um, would you like to be so much safe while we continue looking for everyone else? What? Can she tell us anything? I you're not like. It's like what do you need information? No, go. What are you doing here? What are we at? The. he's the king or the duke or the the governor the lord the lord the lord sent us to find you the lord jesus christ she not quite came to me in a vision descended from the heavens i saw two personages sorry when jesus christ spoke to me on a tortilla damn it a vision i don't know anything about a vision
Um, no, no, we went he hired us to find you. I mean, I don't know anything about visions and she gives you some shifty eyes from the other room. She gives you shifty eyes. um Meanwhile, she's going to think about visions, gives you shifty eyes. Yes, you can hear the conversation. Never pants. Gives you shifty eyes and the door opens. um And a dude steps out and is underneath your grease, apparently. ah Can I fix that? Can I send the grease to the back here? We'll put send it to the map layer. Nope, that didn't work. You'll be real with your B. OK, well, I know where the grease is and it's in my way. So, OK, it's all in the way. OK, let me just clear it. um guys Well, you know, what you yeah, you know where the grease is. Yeah, it didn't take it all away. Why didn't it take it all away?
That's odd. Okay. Whatever. We know where the grease is. um Oh, it's probably because I sent it to the map. That's fine. Grease, let me read that description. um It is a DC-17 Dex. I just doubt this guy is going to pass that, but let's find out. Otherwise, he's about to take himself a little tumble.
Yeah, he tumbles. Yep. Cultist number one, falls prone. I love this spell. Roll initiative. Before combat initiated, I asked if I could cast the Shapewater. Yeah, what were you doing? I wanted to shape water, grab the water from the other room um and bring it and form it into like a a ball of ice above the door. OK, you had time for that. Yeah, cool. I do that. OK, so role initiative. Remember to select your token first. Click no, I gotta do it over here because the mission is over here. Core click my name.
Initiative. 11. Catch that. Black Slurm.
here How tall is the ceilings in here? I can actually tell you that. um Because it tells me that. ah
The graveyard. Oh, I'm already on that page. um General features. The ceilings are 15 feet high. OK, I would have formed the ball of ice 15 feet high above the 5-foot section. OK. So 10 feet above them. Sounds good. ah for
Did everyone roll? I don't see Hayden. He went to the pool. He went to go pee. Oh, okay. He would.
Oh, got to roll for Dennis. He's just been standing in the room quietly. Like a good swimsuit. Roll for initiative. Me? ah Do they even know I'm in here? ah They don't know you're in there. But one of them already fell down in the grease. Yeah.
So he's going taking a little tumble down the stairs. And then, all right. So first up um is actually the NPC up here. um And she's she she had just finished saying, I don't know anything about Visions, um and gave you the shifty eyes. And she's like, but you I guess she's going to really just pass her turn. She's going to be like, ah We should we should get out of here. There are cultists in here. Or yes, you know, there are cultists. There are crazy people in here. Yes, they get to be somewhere safe. Like I offered you two seconds ago. I'd like to be home. Yes. Well, if you grab my hand real quick, it can take you to a safe place. Doesn't that require an action? Because we're an initiative now.
to vessel Yes, it would be an action Okay, well then you can do that on your turn um Although I will let you make an insight check on her real quick. Oh, yes shifty eyes and everything Yeah, you did not miss the shifty eyes. You didn't know this notice the shifty eyes at all How snake are you? So yeah, um, she will reach out and her hand will connect with yours in six seconds. um Wow. This is why the, uh, the romantic book. Sorry, I'm here up. I feel love at first touch. Well, you haven't touched yet. That's six seconds. What do I roll to feel love? Well, that's less than six seconds. You're kind of, you're not at the end of the round.
so love But it won't do that.

Engaging in Combat with Cultists

OK. Holy crap. So when Stuge number one fell, did he fall down the stairs or did he fall right where he is?
Right where he is. Gotcha. Then in that case.
I am going to go ahead and... You know what? I'm not gonna, I don't want to use up too many resources. I'm gonna use both my turns to blast them with my... Yeah, yeah, yeah, my actions. That's what I meant to say. You know what I said. There it is, my lightning launcher. Attack you with it. 19. hi 99% sure that's a hit. Let me check. um Yeah, that's a hit. Awesome. and Bear with me one moment. Let's move a few so people can see what's happening up here.
ian yet sixteen
that That's also a hit. um You did 9 lightning damage, okay. Yeah, and 13 additional lightning damage. Oh, and the first attack of the turn that I make gets an extra, d that deals lightning damage, gets an extra d6. I did some sort of weird super zoom out. 13, and then a d6. Yeah. Okay. um Plus it plus four. So nine plus fifteen plus four. he's He's not looking happy about this. Yeah, he's on the ground, so I don't give a fuck.
i And my turn. Oh, about you guys, but I can't. That's your turn, huh? Jack offers Twitch on Twitch. Mine's showing up. Oh, I have to re reload it it. It fucked up whenever I was watching on my phone. Yeah. OK, so up next, do you hear the words and Amber knock? You shouldn't be able to see these two dudes that you can see um because they're you know, like how they're facing each other and they're getting sick. ban I'm five foot eleven. So, um, okay. Yeah, because I think the balcony is only five feet. Wow, you're you're magically crafted. He didn't make you six foot. Your wizard hates you, bro. So but this guy and it is legitimately this guy's turn. You hear the guy in the back say, oh, fuck, we're under attack. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty. But then he has to do an action to open the secret door here.
So that's his action, but he still gets 10 feet of movement, 25, 30. And he yells, we're under attack. Dennis's turn. um Does Dennis have a ranged attack? dennis Dennis is going to shoot at the guy with his bow and miss, um but he has multi-attack, so. Miss Dennis not you should only ever use your spear yeah up shoots twice with his bow and then and then like looks ah grown and drops oh Well, that's diploma yeah still miss nine four ten eleven And he looks he looks ah ashamed and and and like Drops the bow and grabbed and and hoist his spear and he's like, sorry guys. I Next up, this col this dude, he's five feet. Does he have ranged abilities? Nope. I don't want to reopen the secret or close the door. I want to click on the sky. He's going to use half of his movement to get back up. um So no, it's not that one. It's the one behind him. ah
He um Oh, OK. Yeah, he's going to cast a spell. Oh, man, I can't click. Oh, wait, there it is. I can click the spell. He's casting spiritual weapon. Oh, here. All right. I got to get a sword to appear. I need a token. Where's the token thing? Sword. So um quick question. I don't think my armor class is right on my character sheet, and I don't know why, but it's a 20. That is your armor when you cast Mage Armor, so that is correct. Okay, cool. Yeah. um we We went through that last episode. Oh, that's right, that's right, that's right. You cast Spiritual Weapon over here. Why are you not appearing? Did the sword appear? No? Didn't work? Try it again.
Why are you not working? Why are you no work? OK, let's try a different sort. This one. Just a bunch of swords are going to suddenly appear. ah Nothing's working. Do I have any swords that I paid for? Those are the freebies.
Whatever, we'll just create a person. OK, pretend that that's a floating sword. It appears right there. um Floating sword it needs to, I believe, spiritual weapon probably acts on his initiative. And I think it can cast it can attack right away. um You create a floating weapon. When you cast a spell, ah
You can make a melee spell attack against, OK, on a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d8 plus your spellcasting. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move it at 20 feet and repeat the attack. The weapon can take whatever form it chooses. So yeah, the weapon takes the form of a chick holding a big sword. um And it uses his melee spell attack modifier, so that would be ah
What kind of spellcaster is he he is a plus three, okay, so He attacks um amber knock and that's a miss Mm-hmm. So yep, it bounces off your miss mystical shield um Is that a bonus action? Yeah spiritual weapons a bonus action and then he's gonna throw his hand axe to try to ah I guess, yeah, Ambernok's the only one he can see, so he's gonna throw the hand axe. And of he rolls a five. um So that is a miss. And that is that guy's turn. ah Hashu Danger Noodle, you, I guess, don't know what's going on back there. You did hear someone yelling we're under attack. Oh, um. Well, grab my hand.
Oh yes, her hand now connects with yours. Do I feel love? yeah Hold on. Why is it Hayden's character or Bill's character always finds love, but I'm left out every time. Not really love, no, but a mild um ah ra curiosity.
Okay. All right. So I pop in my, my genie hut and then as bonus action, I pop out. Leaving her inside and I imagine the gnomes in there still is the gnome like sifting through anything. He shouldn't be sifting through Um, yes, I don't know what's in your your literally my it's my house He's certainly sifting through everything in your house Anything like inappropriate that he shouldn't be sifting through if there are inappropriate things he has definitely found them Mr. Gnome
What? You left me in here. greg I left you in here to be safe. Do you not make me kick you out by being a rude house guest.
i'm just updating something okay um ah you rude house guest You You are the one who left me in here when I was trying to tell you all about Kaz and Vecna. Did you know that um over time ah that they began to disagree about his strategies? I love it.
That was your action. Do you do a movement? Yes. um Oh, I'm going to open the door. I'm going to stick her in there. And I go, oh.
That's fun. And there's your turn. Yep, that's my turn. Yep. a Guy in the grease. um What does he have to do to get up? ah Can he just stand? I know he spins half his movement, but and i he probably has to make a Dex roll again. um
The creature that enters this area or ends its turn there must make another deck save. OK, but he loses half his movement, so he'll only get 15 speed. So he stands up and then 5, 10, 15. He entered a new square of grease. Doesn't he have to do it again? When the grease appears, each creature standing must succeed. A creature then ah creature that enters the area or ends its turn there entered it He did enter a new square a new square of Greece. Okay, we'll count it. Sure. Let's see. It's a 17 decks. That's not his character sheet. Alt.
What do you roll? I'm scrolled way up right now. 11, that's a fail. And I know you guys can't see it because everything is default that way. So he stands up, takes a step, and plops back down. um But he still gets an action. um So he ah is going to... um
ah He's going to cast a spell. um He's going to cast Sacred Flame at this pesky goblin. and um Make a dexterity saving throw. Alright, looks like it's going to be my turn to fail a dex save. Okay.
There we go, dexterity... 17. That passes, and I do believe this spell is one of those ones that if you pass, suit yeah, you take no damage, so. Nice. So yeah, no damage to you. Nice. um And that is his turn. Amberknock, you are up.

Creative Combat Tactics

Awesome. um So question. Yes. How much damage would a 5 by 5 cube or rather spherical um frozen sphere cause from a 10 foot drop? I'll give you. um It's 925 gallons, roughly 7,800 pounds. Is that how much shape water says you can get?
It says, shape water says you can do a cube of water. Hold on, let me pull it back up. You choose an area of water that you can see within range and that fits within a five foot cube. You manipulate it in one of the following ways. And you instantaneously move or otherwise change the flow of water as you direct up to five feet in any direction. Which one are you dropping it on? I just want to drop it on this guy. Okay. I'm just going to actually save. It's a sphere. I want to drop it here and make it roll down like Indiana Jones. Okay. It'll deal less damage that way, but okay. um if He gets a deck save against your spellcasting DC. I've decided. Oh, he rolls a 21. Uh, well, no, he's got disadvantage because he's laying down.
Oh, he is prone. So that's an 11. He is crushed. But because you did it as a spear, Slurm, make a deck save. Your spell save is 16. Yeah, I see that. Slurm, make a deck save. It's coming at you now. Okay, okay, deck save deck save. 23, natural 20. I'm going to dive out of the way and I'm going to move you because the ice ball crashes into the store and opens it.
How much damage was that? he It was gonna, it was gonna OHKO anyone, so... Okay, sweet. So what did you... What just happened? I was probably gonna do it like a fireball. a That's not always gonna work. um Oh, this guy's dead, by the way. He he was crushed. I'm not even gonna roll for him because he's only got 9 HP. and I was going to do 10d6 like a fireball, so um minimum damage is 10 anyway. So releasing the ball of ice, would that be considered a bonus action?
Sure. Awesome, because they really didn't do anything. Let's see, what else can I do?
to to do
No. OK. I guess I can do Magic Missile. OK. got i do i do magic so Well, Magic Missile automatically hits, so you get three darts, 1d4 plus 1 damage each. I assume you're just going to do them all at this guy, because he's the only one you can see. um So 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 damage.
Okay. Minus eight. Pow pow pow pow, you hit him three times. Yeah. um And then I would like to move five, ten right there. Okay. um The sword gets an an opportunity attack against you. ah
Wait, yeah, no, that's not the dead guy. Thirteen misses. Yep. Okay. All right. Up next is someone you guys are not ah currently aware of. um
Actually, can I be like five foot further in this direction? No, I'll be right i'll be right there. and but
He is not being stealthy though, so I will now move him off the GM layer. And if your token can see him, then you can see him. um Next up, ah she's in a magic lamp, so I'll just delete her from Initiative Slurm. You were almost crushed by your good friend's ball of ice.
But you're you're fine. I'm sorry, just give me one second. i My dogs were just eating a bullet. What? I think you should have a bullet laying around, bro. Yeah, exactly. I'm wondering where, I don't even have a 22. It's a 22 bullet. Is that lovely? Shell and air all, or is it like a dead? Yeah, everything. Obviously, they found it outside, and you should get better security.
you know where we live frank there is no security out here security is we keep the guns inside that is true that is true that I know exactly where he'll live yeah yeah he's been to your house or at least during dryway yeah i know everyone your you're one step closer to finding Bill, he's in Porter
Good luck. Only barely there is it down. All right. So can I see the guy, ah the guy that just walked out? Because I see the dead guy, the dead guy. If your token can't see him, then you can't. OK. Yeah, nobody walked out. In that case, I'm going to go ahead and since I can't see anybody, I'm going to move diagonal over here. OK. Oh, come on.
They're going to let me move my character. No, no, you're not going to let me do that.
OK, I'm just I'm trying to move. My guy, but it's not a wire token keeps not letting you move. I know, right? i I just wanted to. Is it an interaction issue? No, I was I was doing something fucking stupid. I just realized what was going on. Okay. I'm moving diagonal over here until I can see, uh, you know, just until I can see. And so can I see him now? Perfect. I'm going to do just like last time I'm going back. Same thing. I'm going to use my lightning launchers and I'm going to go ahead. You know what? I'm going to use, I'm going to use one of my magical, one of my magical shells. And I'm going to pop that shell into my, into my boom stick. Okay.
Uh, it's it's magic missile. So Yeah, it's for a total of for a total of five damage. Let me reduce my shells real quick And that creature must make a dc-13 strength save or be knocked back 10 feet All right strength That's a fail. He rolls an eight um He gets knocked back 10 feet. Okay, and let me unwhisper his rolls for future never
10 feet. Five. That's the door. Five, 10. OK. And we're just bullying these guys at this point. Yeah. First of all said, hold on, buddy. ah And then he needs to make a constitution saving throw to see if he maintains concentration. Oh, wait, no. Spiritual weapon is not concentration.
Pretty sure. Oh, crap, is it not? It is not. No. That's why you can do spiritual weapon plus continue casting other spells in Baldur's Gate. It's just a duration, one minute, no concentration.
Yeah, no concentration, okay. I don't play as clerics really, so. Well, I guess you don't also you also don't like Shadowheart, so. No, I really don't. Terrible you should shadow heart can have spiritual weapon and spirit. What's that's that spell with aoe? um Aura that comes around you spirit guardians. Yeah, that's so OP Yeah, that one's really good in act two whenever you're having to deal with those goddamn rats. Do you do anything else? No, that's it all right person that Ran off is now returning 5 10 15 20 and
He. You can pass through your party members squares, but you cannot end in a party member square, therefore he cannot make it all the way unless he doesn't want to cast another spell um or do an action. So he is going to now cast us. Well, let me see what spells he has, because I did change up their spells. um But he does have spiritual weapons, so he's going to cast spiritual weapon as well. Oh, fuck. And let me unwhisper him. Never. Spiritual weapon. I guess I don't really need to like click that. um
But you know. And so so his spiritual weapon is he can see
Really, he can't see, so I don't know that he would know where to cast it. um He's just going to cast it out here next to the other spiritual weapon. give Let's see.
white what What initiative is he? He is initiative. count 18 and the other one is count 15. So I'm just going to name them on their initiative count so I know which one goes when.
All right, so another spiritual weapon appears. It does not attack because the spellcaster I believe has to be able to see what it's attacking because you direct it to attack. Yeah, um so he pops out a spiritual weapon, but that's all he does. Dennis is up, and Dennis, there are has seized two floating swords, so he is going to step here um and then attack those swords. The swords have HP, don't they? um
I mean, in Baldur's Gate 3, it does. I know in a Baldur's Gate, as a bonus action on your turn, you can do that. The weapon takes away reformed clerics of deities who are associated with a particular weapon. I don't, maybe they don't have HP and regular D and&D. Does spirit weapon have H in 5E?
ah Nope, um right now that's...
Okay, and regular D and&D, it cannot be attacked. It's spectral. um Okay, in that case, put him back. He's going to Misty Step to right in front of and this dude over here and then make a multi-attack with his spear.
Well, that's a 9 and a 17. 17 does hit, so he does get to deal some damage. um A lot of damage. Yeah, the face bird boom 19 damage My favorite fae Dennis the menace whoo and that is Dennis's turn now. It's someone you can't see um And of course he's on the friggin GM layer One one benefit is you guys got these guys. Um, uh, what is it called when you've got them trapped in a
hey um Kill box That when they're having a funnel through a spot. Oh Yeah, a choke point a choke point. Yeah, you've got them having to go through a choke point. Um, yeah And they gotta maintain their grab their feet their footing just to come walk into it Okay, that's his turn Now we are up to the cultist who Dennis just attacked. um He is not looking great, but he's got his people behind him. So he can't exactly run away. So he reaches out. Dennis isn't looking great. No, the cultist Dennis attacked. Oh, he reaches out and caresses Dennis's cheek. Or Dennis is getting sexually harassed.
that's That's an 11 to hit. So he he does miss that. um
So that is two of those spell slots gone now.

Session Conclusion and Future Setup

um He tried to inflict wounds upon Dennis, but failed. awful All right. Next up. He reached his hand out going shh. And he just touched one finger up to your lips. Is this the dead one? Or is this one? Oh, that one. OK. um
Okay. Danger Noodle, you are up. You don't see what's happening. You just hear combat through that door. One second. I need to make sure if moving my globe is an action or not. I believe you said it was, but it might be a bonus action. I don't know.
And that's it for Session 2, everyone. Hope you enjoyed that. Onwards to Session 3.