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Glick's House of Music: Adam James image

Glick's House of Music: Adam James

Nonsensical Network
10 Plays22 hours ago

Glick welcomed hard rocking Nashville artist Adam James into the House of Music we chatted about his love of cooking, what he really needs out for and of course his music journey and so much more 


Hell yeah. I need that for my theme song, y'all. God damn. That don't get you get your motor running. I don't know what will. I mean, welcome to Glick's House of Music, everybody. Hopefully you're having a good day Tuesday night. Sorry. I forget what night we're on sometimes. If you're not already, go ahead and check out the rest of the network. We are literally everywhere. Facebook, Instagram X and TikTok.
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says he's not built for radio and we're gonna find out why tonight. One and only Adam James hanging out with us. What's up? What's going on with you, brother? I'm good, man. having I'm hanging in there. Long day at work, we were hanging out backstage a little bit chit-chatting. Yeah. I'm glad. I'm glad, dude. I know. Real quick, right off the bat, are you are you a Nashville native or are you a transplant? I'm a transplant.
I was born and raised out in Memphis. I moved to Nashville in November of 2021. You've been out there for a little bit. catch Yeah, about three years now. Coming up three years actually. Yeah, you weren't too far down the road to Memphis. no i's not no that not not too bad of a Not too bad of a journey. I've had people that have been like,
I was born and raised in Wisconsin and moved down to Nashville. Like, yeah, I'll let you talk about a culture change because I'm from the Midwest myself. Sure. Yeah. I'm here in Ohio. So, you know, that's. High ends. Is that how you say it? Oh, high ends. You can tell everyone to say it. I know. I tell everybody I'm from Ohio. I'm from Ohio. And they're like, where the hell's that? Yeah, I got a lot of fun. Yeah.
other Okay. We're we're we're we're we're a little backwoods in country up here. So, we we. I got it all, man. I got it. Who was it? Uh I think the white yoke commercial originally from Ohio. Yeah. My uh funny story about the white yoke on my ex wife's grandmother used to babysit him. What? She said he was a little asshole when he was a kid. That's hilarious. Yeah. Who else from Ohio? c so we got
Yeah, ma machine gun, we got a lot of celebrities from up here. Halle Berry's from here. Uh, Andy black from black rail brides. He's from Ohio. Uh, who else is from Ohio? Is there worse product from Ohio? I'm not a hundred percent sure. Oh, bone thugs in harmony. They're all from Ohio. yeah They're all from the Cleveland area. Um, yeah, there's, there's so many.
Got lots of lots of famous people from Ohio. What is this? The birthplace of presidents. We got a lot of presidents. I think we have the most presidents that were from here. And we also hold the record for most serial killers. So there are some kind of affiliation with that with with serial killers. da that Yeah.
What's going on, Chaka? What's going on with you, brother? Yeah. I mean, yeah, we got a little bit. That's the cool thing about Ohio, man. We got a little bit of everything up here. Um, you know, most of Ohio is, uh, it's still rural, but, uh, you know, we've got Cleveland Columbus and, uh, Cincinnati is our, our three major metropolises. And yeah we got all, all four of the big four sports. If you're a sports fan, and you can go up to Cleveland and see basketball football and baseball, Cincinnati, you got football and baseball.
Right here in Columbus, we got Major League Soccer, NHL, and I mean, if you're a fan of these assholes, the Ohio State Buckeyes. So I am not a fan of the Ohio State Buckeyes. Are you not? No, I'm a bad guy here. I am what they call a traitor. I'm a huge University of Michigan fan. I've been a fan of Michigan since I was a kid. Go ahead, Tom Brady. so Way back. I still got my Tom Brady, Michigan jersey hanging up in the closet for when he played there. Yeah, that's amazing. Do that? Y'all produce pretty much the greatest quarterback of all time. So yeah, I would say you get a pat. You get a pass on that. you No, I would say that they'll though they'll beg to differ with you a little bit it a ways. Yeah. Pretty much it that i think it is roast.
I have not and and I meant to watch it and then I it totally something I seen a bunch of clips from it but I heard it at night it is it is it it's it's it's it's probably the best roast I've ever done and they there's actually a couple times where he has to stop whoever's roasting him like I don't see that shit anymore my damn yeah I can't remember who it was, but he got on somebody about talking about Robert Kraft and his, uh, rubbing tugs down in Florida. and he madam up was like He was like, yo, ah knock that shit off. yeah am i i talking about His wife or something. He was like, don't say that shit again. he's like yeah who yeah Ross, whatever his name is. Yeah. as I was gonna say he's usually like that.
He's pretty bad. roast master extraordinaire. He does all the roasts. Yeah. You know, it's one of those things I want to watch. And then it's when I'm thinking about it, I don't have time. And then when I'm thumbing through looking for something to watch on nobody's home, which is not the only time I i get to watch what I want to watch is when nobody's here. I just lose my mind. And then I wind up watching some goofy ass horror movie or something like that. well't so much there I love that. Yeah.
You know, why not falling asleep on the couch? I'm an old man these days. they me too now I got, I got, uh, some shit I gotta do tonight, but as soon as I get done with that, I'm going straight home and I'm probably gonna do the same thing you're doing. Probably watch them. Like, probably, like I said, you know, like some Marvel or Star Wars, I might watch a horror movie. Uh, I'm a big old school horror guy. I actually have a, uh,
right here on my wall. I have a church of horror uh picture up. I got in uh Kentucky back in like 2019 or something. Dude, it looks like it looks like the last supper and it's got pinhead in the middle and then it's got Michael Myers. It's got the killer uh the killer. It's got everybody. Hell yeah. No, I'm I'm a big big horror fan. I grew up watching all the uh All the OGs, they came out of my, you know, and in my era time when I was growing up. So I grew up watching them all. My kids have all been raised on Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween, all that. yeah You know, I keep hearing that they're doing a Nightmare on Elm Street television show. Yeah. And they do don't know if it's, no, not Pennywise, the guy that plays a, has you ever watched Shameless?
I've seen bits and pieces of it. The kid that plays Liam Gallagher, I think, or Ian Gallagher, the redhead, he plays the Joker in the new. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, he is going to be Freddy Krueger. Huh? Yeah, I've seen. I've seen. Fucking directing it, dude.
Hell yeah. Uh, that'll be cool. Yeah. I've heard, I've heard and seen bits and pieces, but anymore you don't know what's AI and what's not AI, you know what I mean? You know, like there's supposed to be this new mini series coming out, uh, from Friday the 13th called, uh, Camp Crystal Lake. Yeah. And it's supposed to be like, uh, like a prequel present day type thing flash back and forth. Right. But.
you see so much stuff about it. It's supposed to be on Peacock and then then you research a little bit of it and you find out that the poster and everything that they're showing is all AI generated. It's like, god damn it. I don't know what's real and fake anymore, man. Like, are you kidding me right now? Yeah, I don't know what's real or fake anymore. Don't don't get my don't get me excited because I grew up on this shit and I'll watch horror movies in December when when everybody else is watching Christmas movies. I'm still watching sam way scary movies. um Yeah. so So yeah, I'll be you know, that's I don't know we'll watch a movie tonight We'll probably do our normal when we get done when I get done here We'll probably watch a couple episodes of criminal minds That's been our the fiance and I it's been our go-to for a while now We're trying to binge watch binge watch our way through we started from the beginning So we usually try to designate one day of the week to when the kids are here to to watch one or two scary movies with them at the end of the day, so
Yeah, we've been watching that. My girl and I have been watching uh we've been going through the Pirates of the Caribbean uh saga. Nice. So, it's always a solid one to do. You know. Mm hmm. That's what I wouldn't mind watching again. I haven't watched it in in in quite some time. It might be. that They're great. They're great movies. They're they're just like it's they got action. They have a little four in it. It's got like, you know,
comedy in i love it dude the No, absolutely. So how long have you, how long have you been doing music? I've been doing music. Well, man, I've been singing my whole life. I grew up, I was always drawing the music at a young age. I'm 35. I got my very first paid gig when I was like 19, maybe 20. Nice. So I was still working then at the time, but
I officially quit my job. My ah last full-time job I had that I was trying to turn into a career. I was working at Harley Davidson. so And I did that. I did it for about 10 years strong now. It's not long it's been going. But um i do I grew up playing guitar and rock and metal bands. I've done
I mean, I guess you can say I've been seeing the majority of like 20 years. but all smile So I guess a good. presentation actually did be I would say about 15 years is because that's why i got my very first paid gig. I think I was 20. There's a Liberty Cafe called um sweeping stop liphi and they call me one day and i get up and i like i don't know what i'm i this and I was like, I mean, I guess I'll just start singing p songs and maybe I know, maybe I don't. I don't know. Yeah. Whatever happens, happens, you know, at the end of the day. Long time, a long time.
that line That's how long I've been doing. I've been doing it for a hot minute now and I'm sure, I mean, I know this, but I've been doing it way longer than I have. I'm proud. I'm not um proud of my ears and my ah my teeth I've cut doing it. Oh yeah. Are you doing, is that your full-time gig? Is music now or do you have a nine to five still? or you Yeah, I kind of have a nine to five. I picked up a part-time gig valet at the hospital out here in Nashville just to kind of do something in the daytime, but I still play gigs throughout the
I still play gigs throughout the week here in Nashville. I don't really have a lot of road stuff anymore because I've been trying to really rebrand out here. I've been making whatever connections I can, writing with whoever I can, putting out new music. So in order for me to do that, I had to stay here in town because there was more money. i could like That's what I told myself. I was like, if I keep going on the road, I'm going to make the same money I would make here if I get a part time and I just pick up like small gigs throughout the week. So I'd rather. Yeah. So I can write network. The whole damn reason I moved here three years ago. So, uh, in shape man. Oh yeah. Yeah. say It seems like, seems like staying local and doing local gigs is definitely at the end of the day, uh, way more productive for you. You know, it's it's more beneficial.
Yes. I love my little valet job, man. It gives me kind of like a breather from having, you know, it's like climbed it out on Broadway or something like that. Yeah. so How, how, how would you describe your style of music? Cause I would call it like a heavy metal frost with country. and And in my opinion, cause I mean, it's not country, but it's not necessarily rock and it does man. It it it gives me **** amped up. I'll tell you that much. okay So that's that definite is the whole reason we went across across the two. It's definitely metal country. Grunchery if you want to call it. I've got some stuff. I'm I've been writing lately that's more like grunge country, but it's definitely on the edgier side of
quote kind So it's definitely metal country, grunge country, grunchery. What did my producer not call it one time? Oh, we called it junchery for like, jet metal and country. So that happened going around ah that's probably the best one is junchery. Yeah. Cross between metal and country. It's the country is has so many do There's so many routes that can go nowadays. Like it's unbelievable. And we wanted to pull people from the rock and metal side and pull people from the countryside. So, you know, you have like the metal rock music, but then you have country lyrics. Yeah, that that's exactly when i that' exactly what I thought. would One of the first songs I heard, I was like, he's
fucking out. But these are not rock. These are not lot or these are not rock lyrics in no way, shape or form. And you've got a great voice to do either or, you know, you could sing country or you could sing. You could sing the rock. youre What is it? Dig my grave. Is that what it is? Oh, dig my own grave. Yeah. Yeah. Dig my own grave. The first time I listened to it, I was like, hell yeah, umm um I'm liking this. And then you get one of those like I call it cookie monster screams and it caught me off guard because I was like, where the fuck did that come from?
no blendness So many different styles. Um, the next couple of songs I'm gonna put out are definitely more, um, on the grunge side of it. Uh, I've been writing a lot of, uh, sad lyrics lately. Uh, we all, there you go. So, yeah. yeah pitching them to my producer sir and um there's a couple songs that I gotta rewrite the melodies for uh because you know you'll do that sometimes like I'll write a song and I'll be like oh I like this melody a lot and then I'll go back and be like uh it sounds like a melody I might have heard so I'm gonna go back and fix that but I like the lyrics so uh might tweak a few might change a key might change a you know
of a pattern of of how I sing it or however whoever's cutting the demos things that uh but definitely still keep it on that lines of rock metal country or grunge country so nice yeah nice something something something a little bit different you know something yeah kind of yeah it's it's it's different it's it's it's you know I think it's one of the other you know one of the things with A lot of artists today, they will, you know, obviously every artist wants to stand out, but music's been around for so long, almost everything's been done. and and And I think the cool thing is that there's a resurgence, um especially from what I've noticed talking to people doing this show, there's a resurgence of songwriters. You know, we got away from that and like,
the 2000s with you know certain Taylor Swift's and your Beyonce's and your Florida Georgia lines where they just go into a studio and ah they've got 27 writers and ah and a computer to to do everything for them. And and you miss and i'm I'm old school music guy, so I love a good story and a song or a genuine songwriter.
that that can sit down near like at the bar or something and and write a song and have a cool story. One of one of the acts we had on here, they they were telling me one of their songs that I absolutely love. They were just hanging out at a Mexican restaurant, eating dinner one night. And all of a sudden the song like just popped into their head. It popped into his head and somebody, hand me a napkin.
While they're eating Mexican and wrote this song on a damn napkin. And then they were in the studio the next day working on it. well I like that kind of shit. You know, for me, you do interviews, I love those kinds of stories, you know, where songs come about or where, you know, where you write from or how you write or, you know, find somebody that you find somebody that you enjoy writing with. And then you guys just sit sit down and and kind of pow wow together.
That's how one of my writers are, or why excuse me, one of my buddies that is like one of the prime writers on my music. And his name is Steven Hopkins. And him and I just, we come from the same background of music. And so we just, we click. Same thing with my buddy, Tony Clark. ah Him and I click really well.
There are a couple of people that I sit down and write with. and you know find your camp here in Nashville. It's also good to, you know, find new people. But if you're like, hey, you know, if you feel like, yeah like you have like a deadline or something like that, um, if you have like a deadline, you're like, Hey, I want to bust a song out. Who can I get on the, who can I get in here to get out exactly what we need?
and you have your camp to do that. Yeah. oh Yeah. that' um the Yeah. No, is there is there anybody down there that you that you was on your list of oh man, I want to write with this person or that you've gotten that opportunity yet or there's yeah peopleve gotten a couple of people I've been able to sit down to write with. CJ solvers one of them. He was one of the riders on down from Morgan Wallen.
hi went with him a couple of times. I was able to sit down.
There's a lot of people that I've met here that I was like, wow, this person is really good. I want to write with them. But as far as like, um like as far as like someone that I was looking forward to writing before I moved here, he was definitely one of them. So that was cool to write with him.
Um, excuse me. I'd really like to, one thing that I've, I've come to write like one something that I've been kind of writing heavily, uh, or long so e and not know when I moved here that I was going to be like one of my ditching. But there's ah there's a lot more girls that I've written with when I have guys. And maybe because it's good to kind of have that other element from the viewpoint of a mail the And I can hear it. And I can hear it and be like, OK, well, let's try this instead. Or not instead, but let's try this and see if that might come out. So there's a couple of chicks songs I've written that' that I'm pretty proud of. i couple my cut
But as far as writing and for other people, I really like you i like writing.
Of course, my own music, I have my guys that I write with them that, but if I've got a ah right set with some people and there's like i there's a girl in there, I'm like, ooh, I get to write a girl song today. They're just fun to do, man. Because you get to go outside of your box and you get to go outside of your yeah your comfort zone and kind of what else you can write from the viewpoint.
hello woman you know that's those for that those are one things that really encourage
writingwise ah can'ting them cause they're I I can't sing whatever I want. mean but because a lot like yeah I don't know if it cut if I, I don't have i at the song but I mean, hell, John Brown did it, man. John Brown wrote Angel from Montgomery and that's you have a woman and he said so. one yeah then You might get some uh, you know, depending upon the content and what it's about, you might get a few few funny looks. It's just I don't know. But yes, um I made some pretty cool connections here. and I've been writing with a lot of great people who are wonderful, wonderful people. So,
Hell yeah. Well, you know, you say you write, you know, you've written a few chicks songs, you know, as an artist, I think that's, that's a part of growth. I mean, that, that's, that's, uh, you know, an experience that you have that you can quote unquote, put in your, uh, in your tool bag, you know, and have down the road and, you know, say the opportunity arises or if you've heard it, I don't know if you've done it before or done it yet, but you know, say that opportunity arises to do a duet with a female singer. You can.
to be able to go, Hey, all right, I've done this before. I can write with a, with a, with a female artist. And you guys write that song from both points of view and then you do something together. Absolutely. Yeah. and That, that is one thing I would like to do. I'd like to do a duet. That'd be cool. Are there, are there any, are there any artists that, that, that are down there or anybody like that you could think i off top of your head that you like female wise, that you would like to do a duet with?
Uh, yeah, I got, I got a couple of friends I like doing with my friend, Cameron Garner. She's pretty, she's, she's pretty sick of what she does. So, uh, maybe I could reach out to her and her not gonna set that up. That's actually a cool idea, actually. Yeah, that'd be great. Uh,
who was it? I was doing a, when I first moved to Nashville, I wrote with my friend, uh, Coley. She lives down in California now. but she does like a blues and soul thing on the piano and it's it's **** sick. Let me maybe reach out to her and say, hey, let's let's go to song together. Yeah, especially a couple different different genres kind of collide. That's yeah. You never know what you're going to get out of that until that's. yeah it happens
That would be cool. Yeah. dance's wow yeah I come up with some good shit
lost one changed but but oh I like to get the different views and opinions because I have been on kind of a terror lately of and of interviewing artists from Nashville. You guys are awesome. First and foremost,
You guys are awesome because this this show is for you guys. It's it's it's all about the up and coming artists, quote unquote, local artists, you know, and and I got to say for for me, ah you know, being a fan and coming across you guys, you guys have been fucking amazing ah to to quick to be like, yeah, let's let's do let's do it. Let's let's hang out. Let's do the show. But that's my experience on the outside looking in for I always ask for you personally,
you've been down there for a couple of years now. What's what's what's the experience? Has the experience been good since like the whole time? Or have you run into these jackasses that would step on their own grandma to bury you?
There are a couple of people i've I've come across where I've been like, I don't know if I'm going to you know, socialize with their camp. And that's very few. Like I said, I know a lot of wonderful people out here, man. So Nashville is a big blessing. But I mean, besides just a couple of people, man, i there's not really anybody where I'm like,
to huge out I'm not cool with me. I like, I like everybody that I've met. Yeah. budget up yes abuse Yeah. Some people. Yeah. yeah boy That's been kind of the consensus. You know, you, again, ah as an outsider, look at it and you hear all the horse. Oh man. You don't go here. Don't work with this person. Don't go to this bar. Don't go there, blah, blah, blah. But.
Everybody's been like, for the most part, everybody's been great. That feels awesome. but they like oh you know or Don't play this gig. I'm like, we'll mean, I'll go find out for myself. And then if they're right, I'm like, yeah, you're right. Yeah. That doesn't, it hasn't really happened to me yet. Um, there might be a couple of bars. I'm like, I don't want to play there. Um,
you know, because I might have heard, you know, like a thing or two. I'm just like, I don't know if I'm going to associate myself with that, but yeah, I really don't like that much anymore. I kind of stepped away from that.
also i believe wow Dude, Broadway is a, dude, it is a buddy of mine, a buddy of mine had a great reference for it last night. He's like, dude, if you're not careful on Broadway, it could be a like it could suck you in like a black hole because you'll get stuck on there and then you're making a killing on there. but ah You won't ever have time to like or it it'll be hard to find time to do your artist thing. It'll be hard to to do studio time because your voice will be still shot from singing it you know. Yeah. Times a week and I'm just trying to do all that man like you know that.
i I didn't move here to grind it on Broadway. I moved here to write music and develop myself as an artist. And also to kind of grow in my life, you know, start a new chapter in my life. So, you know, I don't want to, I don't want to devote 110% of Adam to Broadway. You know, they get yeah five percent of me and the other 105 is, you know, what I do with, what I what i do in my own time, you know.
Yeah. Right. Yeah. You got you some fun bars and Broadway to play it, man. and I played a couple of bars. I'm like, damn, this game is fun as shit. Like I'd probably come back here and play again and be like, Hey, yeah, you can come back here and play again. Can you play five times a week? I'm like, I'm not going to do that, man. Nope. I'll come play about watching pun we all this about it. Yeah, exactly.
About how often do you, uh, do you go out and and and do gigs? Are you, are you, you stay pretty consistent, pretty regular? I have a residency every Monday and Friday. I used to have a residency Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, all from Friday and had a residency on Saturday. Uh, one of those bars got shut down, but that was also during the time that I was rebranding. And I just happened to pick up a part-time job. So I was like, well, that's good. I had this, you know, little side hustle.
yeah to kind of help compensate the the money that I lost doing that. yeah But I do have a residency still every Monday and Friday, and then I pick up small gigs here and there throughout the week. I usually take off on, I mean, the good thing about having the part time is I'm able to have off on Saturdays and Sundays. So, you know, that's time in my personal life, time to watch football, you know.
you know, I spend time with my dog, you know, I mean, I spend time with my dog during the week but you know, take her to the park Friday or definitely for sure twice a week. Uh I'd say throughout the month, probably three to four times a week. Okay.
If I pick up, if I pick up those gigs, we're staying active. We're trying to grind it. playing covers that much of anymore yeah that now do you want to start doing your, you're out at your own thing. Uh, are you, ah do you have, now I'm assuming you have, you have plans for an album in the future or anything like that? I do. I do have plans for that. Um, we're, we're trying to get all the songs ready for it. I'll probably drop maybe two more singles and then lay low for a couple months and then start promoting like an album, like an EP or some sort. I'd love to do an album.
It's just getting the songs together in a timely fashion where it doesn't go too long, but it's also not too quick. So have maybe two, maybe three more singles. And then if I feel confident enough to say, okay, this is when the album is going to drop, then I'll do it. Nice.
nice yeah
yeah There's theres there's nothing nothing like wanting to focus on your career, man. i mean yeah you that's if if you If that's what you want to you you know want to pursue is that actual music career and not just be known as on Broadway every night of the week. you say like yeah Sometimes you can see me three times in a day on Broadway. you know yeah I love that. like I've done that before and you know I love that for all my friends that do that.
and you know Do these guys on Broadway, do they kick ass, man? Like half of my guitarists play on Broadway and they, do they kick ass, man? There's so many talented people in this town. It's, it's unbelievable, man. And I love that so much for them. I've i' have never been down there, but my fiance and I are planning on coming down the next year.
I care. We're passing through and spending a couple of days on our way down to New Orleans. Yeah. Good. You should. And I, it's, it's on my bucket list. I want to get down there. I, you know, for me being a huge music fan, I just want to get down there and I, I don't even want to really want to party. I just want to go listen to live music and, and everybody that I've had on here. they're like There's so many good musicians down here. And even if, you know, like, like you just said, you're one of your guitar players, you know, you might not necessarily, and I'm a music, like I can't carry a tune in a bucket and I can't play an instrument to save my life. But a lot of times the singers aren't that great in some of the bands that I really like, but the, the, the other artists, the guitar player, the drummer, you know, whatever, they'll be like, Oh,
that caught my ear. Now I'm going to listen more and I become a fan, you know, like like could they can, they can replace the singer. Are you relatively easy? But, you know, i've seen it happen have before I mean, some of the biggest bands out there, you know, have, have replaced singers and just kept right on going along. Like nothing happened, you know, um, dude, journey had like five singers before they found, um, before they found, um, uh,
Well, is it Steve? Yeah. Steve per Perry. Yeah. I was thinking Joe Perry from Aerosmith. They had like five singers before they really found it. Yeah. and And then they became huge. Corey Taylor's not the original singer for Slipknot. People don't know that. Like he's not the original vocalist. Like I just You just gotta find that one person. But yes, I have never seen it happen before where I've seen it happen on stage. Like I've seen it happen like on a gig. Damn. I was, yeah, well, I was waiting around and they would fire the singer up there. I was like, holy shit, man. Like, at least wait till the gig's over. You going to sing on the road? Let me grab my dog real quick. She's barber. Oh, you're good. Probably the damn moon or something like that.
Yeah. they i could I could imagine. I mean, I've never been fired from a job in my life. knew' just I could not imagine being on stage. They just stop everything and be like, yo, dude, you're fired. Yeah. Get the fuck out of here.
Is there somebody else in here that can sing because you know yeah you're on Broadway. There's bound to be a singer. Yeah, you could probably throw a rock. We're going to find a saying. Oh, we'll just wait for the next shift and we'll get that dude. Yeah, exactly. that's go good someone to come sing it, you know, I'll call someone right now. Like, oh, man, it's hilarious. I mean, it's not. Yeah, yeah it's fucking hilarious what I'm talking about. It's hilarious, but it sucks at the same time because you have kind of feel for the guy like, damn, like that could happen to me. You know what I mean? Like I could have a bad night. obviously I know. I'm getting kicked off stage. You understand that this person that had just a little too much to drink. Yeah. And they're like, fuck out of here, dude.
that excuse man. That's one thing I would say to like a lot of those musicians on Broadway, they don't really drink that much man like because they're singing and gigging three times a day. How are you going to how are you going to do a twelve, you know, twelve to fourteen hour shifts yeah if you're hammered by 1 PM on a Wednesday, you know? You gotta step back and reevaluate your life decisions.
have those guys bring tuna packets with them. That's what I do at least. I bring tuna packets. I bring this. I got the same jug of water I've had. Bring this jug of water with me. I'll drink a Red Bull and then maybe every now and then pop over to Roberts and get a sandwich and pop over to into the next gig. You know, when I'm back and I'm doing doubles on Broadway. So. Yeah. So do you with, you know, you,
I don't know how to turn, I don't know how to phrase this without sounding like a complete dick. ah but yeah Do you have dreams or aspirations of being like stadiums and stuff like that, as opposed to just, ah what the hell is Blake Shelton or Jason Aldean's bar? Like you want to you want to be bigger than than than just Broadway, I'm assuming. Is that what you want to do? Or do you just-
start off small like it was back in, you know, like oh seven and oh eight, pack out the smaller venues in town. Uh, and then see where it goes after that, you know, like, um, I mean, yeah, that'd be great to fill out, you know, you know, you guys fall first and that's why I'm just like, oh like music festivals and stuff like that. Huh?
Like music festivals and stuff like that. You know, there's three day events. what this wants to do man dude the dude Festivals are the best, man. Like those are, those are really fun. you mean some beender Yeah. I've been to a few, and I think one of the coolest experiences about going to, uh, you know, like it it used to be rock on the range here in Ohio. And then, uh, Kentucky has louder than life is the, the smaller artists.
after they do their show, they're just out in the crowd. They're just out walking around. Yeah. And it's like, you see a band is, oh, man, these guys were fucking awesome. And then half hour later, the lead singer standing right beside you as you're watching other bands, it's like, oh, hey, what's going on? You know, I think that's really cool. You know, obviously, they hear like our backstage passes expire after we get off stage. So yeah, yeah, exactly. It's not like it's not like your main eventers who are in our tour bus until it's time for them to get on stage. And then as soon as they're done, they're right back in their tour bus. You get to see some really cool acts and then yeah you have a very high chance of running into them in the crowd or standing in line behind them at the, ah at the, at the, at the beer cart or something like that. And then you strike up conversation and then you realize these guys are cool as hell. They're just like me. So you back in 2010.
That's how all those small rock and metal bands started. Like, you go see some big band at the time, then next thing you know, you're hanging out next to the merch table with a band that opened up for them that you really love. And these are like big bands now. Like, I remember back in like, dude, I remember back in like 2004, 2005, I saw Devil Wears Prada and I saw Suicide Silence.
And as soon as I got, as soon as I got done playing, they were all just in the crowd hanging out. And I was like, once you guys are still on stage and they're like, yeah, we're just chilling now and watching yeah whoever the big man at the time was. I'm like, damn, that's cool. And now you look at these guys and they're all like, you know, big time award-winning bands. Like they're all over the world. Like it's, it's great. Yeah, I remember when, yeah, I remember when. yeah Yeah. I remember when. Yeah. No, that's, that's cool. I mean, and sometimes, I don't know, maybe it's just the music fan. I mean, sometimes I would much rather pay the price and they are getting a little ridiculous. Don't get me wrong for for the three day weekend event or the four day weekend event, get my tickets for all four days, get my hotel, and just go to these music festivals as opposed to paying.
Jesus Christ. Oh, I think people were saying they were paying like three grand for a Taylor Swift ticket just to see just to see Taylor yeah fuck like, yeah, like, you know, and some of these other bands that are out there, you know, Metallica, you basically got to sell your first born to go see Metallica at this point. I've never even been that big of a Metallica. I've actually not gone to music festivals because they were the headliners. I'm not a Metallica fan. I they' like a few of their songs.
I liked one or two of their older albums, but they yes yeah they're they a bunch of fucking twats at the end of the day. But I'm also a bigger- Your old stuff hits, dude. Yeah, no, it really does. I've also been more of a Megadeth fan and Iron Maiden over Metallica. Oh, you sided with Dave? Mm-hmm.
I did. I don't know what it is. He kills me because he does not look like a heavy metal guy. He looks like an altar boy, like his red hair. he just Yeah. But yeah, no, I even, even before the differences, yeah like everything came out, you know, of course, back then it's not like today where if, if, you know, uh, Aldean is, is having beef with Morgan wall and we're going to know about it before they do.
at the end of the day, you know, back then, you didn't know about about Metallica and Megadeth, their issues. um I was just a fan. I enjoyed their music more. I think they, they, they stayed true to who they were throughout their career. I think Vitalka reached a point where they kind of sold out and let's be honest, went soft and the whole Napster thing just really turned me off to yeah i like really come on. I remember when that happened. I was too young. I was like, I was in like oh four. And I remember like, I guess I didn't quite understand it at the time.
And you know, now I'm a full-time musician. I'm like, Oh yeah. I mean, I get it, but at the same time, I'm not going to be like an asshole about it. Like, yeah I don't know, like there's, I guess there's two sides to it. Like, you know, of course, you know, you're, you're still in money. The artist is wrong, but at the same time, I'd be happy if there were people wanting to buy that, wanting to get that much in my music. But I don't know. It's it's a,
Yeah. and And let's be honest. It was, it was pennies on the dollar as always. Yeah. It was pennies on the dollar. You guys were losing. You're already multi-millionaires. You really like this is you in the era of st. Anger. I'm like, Lars, you fucking help right st. Anger. You now have no say in anything for the eternity of life. So, but I don't know. but Here's, here's the thing about about that album actually now talking about. Saint Anger gets a lot of shit. I get it. I really, really, I do, you know, I've i've watched some kind of monster. That's one of the best documentaries I've ever seen in my life. But dude, the lyrics on Saint Anger are fucking awesome, dude. Like the music and the production was like, this is, this sucks. But the lyrics and the, and like the emotions through the lyrics, dude.
like, oh you know, you had Lars trying to write riffs and like, I'm just like, Lars, just stop. The Napster thing came out. I'm like, God, this is not getting any better. You're not, you're not, you're not helping yourselves. that yeah you kind People forget they want a Grammy for that **** album. Yeah. They hope that they want a whole ass Grammy.
for the album that people hate so much by them. But I mean, I'm kind of with you. Like I definitely think they went a mainstream route after the Black Album. The Black Album has so many bangers on it, man. You know, like, oh, yeah, just wherever I'm at home. Dude, every time I hear that, I'm just like, anywhere I roll down, down, down, down. I'm like, that's nasty, dude. That's a nasty riff.
Mm hmm. That's a good show, man. No, yeah. But the Black album had great songs. Yeah. Black album had great songs. Yeah. Their first few albums, man, it was like, holy shit. Who are these guys and where are they from? Yeah, dude. Dude, my favorite Metallica album will always be Injustice for All. I know Cliff's not on it. It's a baseless album, but like it's still like that album Like I remember I played football in high school and I was a linebacker and a couple hours before the game, they'd always feed us and a buddy of mine, you know, God rest his soul, you know, he's, he's passed away now, but, uh, he would always let me listen to like,
like these metal albums because I was just now getting into it. I was getting into like Slayer and Metallica or Ben Angel and stuff like that. I was tired of listening to fucking Crossfade like a douchebag.
Yeah, I still like Crossfade. I was like, oh man. I listened to the song coming over again, you know. Anyways, no. So I would listen to, do not, he let me borrow Ride the Lightning for like two weeks.
And when I've heard the very first riff of black and I was like, I've literally stopped and I was like, what the fuck is this? And I was, yeah, I was like, hold on a second. What the fuck is this? And how do I make this a part of my life forever?
Yeah. Or I'm just like, man, black and, and the and I'm like, damn, that is hard, dude. yeah i Yeah. I really think it was around that time that they did load that it just kind of went, started going south for them. Yeah. buts chris They did do a sick cover of whiskey in the jar. I was like, damn, this bangs, dude. Yeah, i'll I'll give them credit. Yeah. They did. They did do a great cover of that. I mean, there was a couple of decent songs on load and on reload. I think, I think, I think load is where that, that coin. Yeah.
yeah And it was just like, man, what the hell happened to, I think that's when I started to flip on them as well, because, you know, the, what the black album, Matt, I mean, you put out four right, right in a row that were just, yeah, just great. and And like you said, you know, I was an athlete and, and, and whatnot growing up. And there were certain albums that you could put on before a game that, you know, even the, even the the quietest little mouse in the corner before a game was going to be after.
and ready to go to war. You know what I mean? What was I going to say? No, you go ahead. Here's what you're saying. and Yeah. and And we were all like, you know, country bunking. So we all listened to country rock, you know, yeah it was, you know, I think I may have introduced when I moved out there with my, with my pops from my mom's house and moved out to Poe dunk. I think I may have introduced some of the guys to actual, true, like heavy metal, whether it would yeah make a death and Metallica and Iron Maiden and and shit like that. And it was just like.
do We cassette tape. We throw the cassette tape in the old boombox in the late room when we were working out or before a game and it was just ah everybody came out ready to just ready to go to war and kill something. It didn't matter what it was. We wanted to kill something. I think during that era of high school, like the first like year of high school, I think the albums I were listening to, I was listening to Guns N' Roses greatest hits because I'm a famous slash I was listening to Injustice for All, Ride the Lightning, and then I was listening to chapter three of the subliminal verses by Slipknot. I was, and I mean obsessed with that album. I was also listening to Believe by Disturbed, o pray you on there and then I got into, I was listening to
Oh, what album was it? Oh, I guess the Blink 182 album, the self-titled. I was listening to, um my dad got me really hooked on like Led Zeppelin 2 and Rush. So those are like a lot of albums I was listening to around the high school era. beginning And then I found emo music and then I found like, and I was like this,
this is my sweet smile. Cause I grew up listening to like blues and country and soul from Memphis. Um like a I mean, I grew up listening to guys like, you know, Merle Haggard, great, Alan Jackson, um Willie Nelson, you know what? Just all the, all the country classics. Ray Price, you know, Dwight Yoakum, all those guys and uh I was like and as I got older, I was like, fuck dude. I'm Uh, I gotta find something else to listen to. but only Literally no country gospel and rap and rock. I kind of want to bang my head like against this wall. If I hear one more of these songs, like ranting out and listening to like hard rock and metal. And then the emo phase came around and I was like,
This is what I'm going to do for the rest of my six years in high school. yeah
I grew up listening. I listened to everything. Uh, it, it, it, it doesn't matter. Uh, if, if, if it peaks my ears, then I'm going to listen to it, you know, my playlist could literally go from mega death to, uh, to Boys to Men, to Tupac, to Cher, to Backstreet Boys. I listen to everything and I enjoy all, I lean more towards the country and rock. I grew up listening to all the old school country guys, like you mentioned.
um love the 80s, 80s music, 80s, that whole entire genre I love, but like the 80s rock was awesome. You had, you had so many different variations of rock, whether it was the glam rock with the hair bands or, you know, quiet riot, twisted sister and whatnot. I've always been a huge Guns N' Roses fan. same there dude I finally got to see them my whole life. i night no um i They were on my bucket list and I never thought I was going to get to see them. And
The year I came back home to Ohio, when we started filing for the divorce, which is fun, but I came back to Ohio, they were at Louder Than Life. And I was like, I don't fucking care who else is going to be there. I'm going for the entire weekend. And all I want to see is guns, are but it turned out it was great because Disturbed's there. I'm a huge Disturbed fan. I've been a fan of them since our first album came out. In this moment was their fucking love in this moment.
Yeah. And, uh, hailstorm ice cube was there. I mean, there was just so many, bad but a slipknot was there, but, but I went just for guns and or and it was, it was slash and it was Axel and it was like the lineup. Yeah. It was, it was the lineup that nobody thought they would ever see again. And, and I was like, yeah, I was like, I don't even care. Axel sounds like shit.
because he's older, he's a little bit... That man was running all over the stage. He sounded phenomenal. You could tell he was actually singing and not live singing and because you could hear his, you know, but I was like, I've wanted this ever since the first time I heard, appetite for destruction, you know, welcome to the jungle. And this is what I've wanted. And I was living it.
and and and everybody around me had their phones up I think I had my phone up for like one song total like I got like 15 seconds of like two or three songs yeah but outside of that I'm like I'm in the moment I'm transformed back to being like that 12 year old kid first time hearing welcome to the jungle or whatever and i'm yeah I'm living like I'm living the dream right now and I'm not I'm not concert guy by concert t-shirt guy, but I was concert t-shirt guy for that louder than life. I had to get a GNR with the, with the tour date and all that. I had to take got the buddy, mine, his, ah his uncle, uh, as the tour manager for guns and roses. He called me like a few days before he was eyes he was like,
Hey man, you want to go see guns and roses Saturday? and I was like, yes.
We get there and we start at the top and his uncle's just taking us through and we're like first row seats and I'm like, alright, this is sick and then he opens up the gate, shows his badge, brings us down like on the floor and I was like, this is even sicker and then we keep walking and walking and walking damn near to the stage.
And do but what's so dude, he puts me right in front of Slash. Like, dude, I could see Slash's sweat on his arm. I was that close. I'm living 15, 16-year-old Adam's dream right now to see Guns N' Roses. And dude, i right they they played all the hits. Slash changed out the cars like 20 fucking times. Axel.
i was hoping he would say something crude like he usually does that way yeah all axel row sin but did it with him but mckagan and all them like standing up front and I was like, I'm seeing my favorite band of all time. So, yeah, I'm out there. I could've I could've died and been a happy man if if I was if I was like in the position you were in. He played he played with the gold Les Paul with the gold top and I was like, ah he played the double neck BC Rich. Dude, they did night
they they did a cover of um They did a Glynn Campbell cover. um What Glynn Campbell song do they do? um Which tall line then? They did a cover of which tall line? Apparently, that's where I was a big fan of country music. kwood carry under carrywood Carrie Underwood came out there and did oh wow Paradise, I think, Sweet Child of Mine or Paradise City. I was like, oh, that's pretty cool.
I didn't come here to see you. Yeah, I'm not here for you. Yeah, I'm not here for you, Kerry. I'm here for Slash and then Axl Rose. I want him to sing songs to me about addiction. So, yeah, right. Songs about, you know, whatever man broke your **** heart. Get off the Yeah, we're done. You're done. We're done. Go away. gut. That was cool scene or dude like they did. They brought her out whole crowd goes wild and her and Axel sounded phenomenal together. So maybe they ship it out like a song.
I mean, yeah, we don't, don't get me wrong. No shade on Carrie. She's got a great voice and everything like that, but, uh, sorry, Carrie. I can see you. you need Yeah. I can see you any other day. I'm Todd. This is a once in a lifetime experience. because i slowlyly know how long football Okay. I see you love it i put took that away. Hank Jr.
yeah We don't know how long Splash and Axel are going to be able to get along, so. Yeah, we are precious time with them. They might actually be fighting as we are speaking right now. You're ruining it. Yeah. They might come out and cancel the show. Yes, yes. Dude, this show was wonderful, man. um I was so happy. I bought the t-shirt. Man, I was...
Yeah. It was such an experience. I mean, like I said, there was a lot of bands there that once I, all I heard was guns and roses. And I'm like, I don't, I didn't even know what day they were paying or anything. And I just went online, bought my tickets for the three days. And then I looked at the lineup and I was like, Holy shit, there's a lot of good fucking acts here on this, on this, on the main stage. Definitely.
What's that? Did you get to see Slipknot? Oh yeah i yeah. Slipknot was one of the headliners on a different day. I'm guess i'm guessing GNR was a big headliner one day and then Slipknot was the other headliner. GNR was Saturday. I think think Slipknot might have been Sunday, but they were definitely the headliner, right? Yeah, they were. They were a headliner. Yeah, it was. It was cool because you know I was I was kind of.
out of the loop on Slipknot. I was not the biggest fan um until Corey Taylor put out the Stone Sour album. Yeah. And I was like, damn, this guy is this guy can actually fucking sing, you know, like when they're not yeah that that screaming and wearing. And I was like, let me go back. And it was about that time where they slipknot started writing or started doing songs that were not so heavy. They still had their heavy stuff, but they were doing some other they like stuff and whatnot. And I was like, damn, let me get into these guys. And I do like some of their heavier, their older stuff, their heavier stuff. But it was just kind of a shock that, holy shit, Corey Taylor can actually fucking, he can sing his ass off, you know, when he's not. You need to look at the video of him and um
him and Aaron Lewis doing down in a hole. Uh, probably, uh, probably already people the postal singing down in a hole. Now I'm like, I love slipknot. Yeah. i they They were awesome. They, they, they put on one hell of a show. Oh yeah. you guys Before I, before I leave this earth, I'm going to see slipknot live. I don't care about travel, wherever I got to travel to.
but I'm seeing it before Adam James passes away because that's one of my all-time favorite bands, dude. The lighting, the themes of the show, like the concepts of their album, the whole jumpsuit thing. Dude, they're all sick ass musicians, man. like yeah they're they're fun I was jamming the Iowa album a couple weeks ago in the gym.
It's just if you want if you want a good story, are you big into like um reading like the history of like in the making of albums? Uh, depending up upon the artist, but yeah, I do like to again. I'm a music nerd, so I like to hold the stories and stuff like that. Look up the story on how the Iowa album was made. It is fucking insane dude like dude.
their producer would like push them to their absolute edge of their sanity when they were making this album. And then you go back and listen to it. And as you're listening to the album, you can only, it only brings you back to like a time when they were making whatever song you're listening to, you're like, damn, he's making them put like emotions. And they're like, apparently their producer would like throw shit at them and like physically and verbally like to get they're like get the purest form of anger out of these guys so they can make like oh wow. yeah So like everything you hear on the album is like them actually pissed off and they're like very very very on their on their edge and you could hear that in the songs like yeah my plague um which I think it's about Cory's father but like same thing with corn dude like
Yo, listen to like how corn albums were made and you know, like just like the shit that they went through to make these albums. But yeah, that's just a little side note, man. Go. Oh yeah. I'll have to, I got my little, I got a little, uh, little note thing here. I like to write down random ass notes so I don't forget things and then I'll see it and I'll be like, oh yeah, let me, I got, I'm sitting back there. If you get anything, man, you gotta, first off, Rebels, Rebels Rebels, then Ahsoka, and then go watch the Making of the Iowa album.
I know that that would make you telling me to go watch Star Wars stuff would make the guys so happy if they get, if they, when they hear the replay, they'll be like, God, listen to that guy. i live with that dude Yeah. Yeah. That guy's stop making fun of us. Click and yeah go watch the damn show. Yeah. I have a lot of my band mates. Uh, they're big star Wars guys too. So like.
On the road, and we will sit there for hours and hours and talk about Star Wars. We'll talk about Marvel, you know, whatever. But ah yeah, I like I like to trigger him from time to time and go, you know, Jar Jar is the greatest Star Wars character of all time.
and there just yeah i I trigger him so much. I'm like, **** you, man. my Undercover Sith Lord. I'm like, get the **** out of here. He probably died after the order 66.
now i it I have, i believe it or not, I have very little time to watch TV. And when I am watching TV, it's usually with my fiance or with the kids, my son and I are big wrestling fans. Yeah. We, we, we watch a lot of wrestling together. We actually do a show on Thursdays together. That's revolves around wrestling. So it's like, nice. That's one thing. I do um i never got the wrestling man. I mean, uh, I grew up watching like the Hardy brothers and all them, but I was going to say, hey youre you grew up in Memphis, man. That's, that's Jerry Lawler country. Well, I've met Jerry. yeah He's really sweet dude, man. He's really a sweet guy. Everybody who's ever met him has said that he's one of the nicest guys on the planet. I've met some wrestlers and whatnot. And I've had, I will say more often than not, the wrestlers that I've had the opportunity to meet were awesome. Yeah. There's a couple, there are a couple that are kind of D bags.
But yeah, everybody's like, if you ever get the opportunity to meet Jerry, you've got to don't miss that opportunity. He's one of the nicest guys. He's a really, he's a really nice guy. He really gives a shit about the community. He gives a shit about the conversation that you're having. Like he showed up to a couple of my gigs before, it but just some other people. And, uh, he's just a nice dude and he's always been nice to me. Nice. Hey, you can't beat that man. it's my bo if to join out stay Check out man.
Oh, I'm all about food. so I always ask, I always ask my guests, what's the food like down there? And what do you recommend? Because I'm going to get down there. And like I said, I don't even want to come down to party. I want to come down. I want to hear some music. I'll drink. oh Yeah, obviously. ill yeah I don't want to get hammered. but i' I'll drink and and and whatnot. But I also, I also want to eat.
Yeah, I want to I want to know if there's awesome some local places down here. I definitely check out Live Oak. ah Definitely come to my place for a steak. Okay. Dude, I just I went out to a a a little barbecue competition this past weekend in Missouri. Came in first place. Came in first place in chicken, man. So, you come there Thing about starting up like a food truck on the side, man, just for the hell of it, because I do. Yeah. they and I do. It's like I put a post up today talking, you know, like I love music. Like music is my life. But next to that, these past couple of years, I've really been enjoying cooking because I make my prep meals. You know, I try to eat pretty clean. I try to take a little body. So I like to cook everything at the house.
I buy the majority of my stuff from farmer's markets. Hell yeah. That's one place you definitely need to check out when you come down here. Check out the local farmer's market, man. They have, it's right there. I try to shop between there and Whole Foods. A little bit of stuff at Kroger, maybe like small things like tuna packets and. Yeah. um But I get majority of my meat from Whole Foods and farmer's market.
you know, two but couple reasons. One, it does support and local. of Yeah, I'm speaking my language. It's a it's a major it's a major thing. Um two, you know, the food is good. Like, it's, yeah, you have all that **** on there like anthrax, whatever the **** they're putting on food nowadays. Yeah. Dumb **** like that. Like,
it's a little bit more expensive but I like spending money on food. so yeah no I know it's in my body. like and just i just my mom I can definitely tell the difference when I'm eating something from Kroger versus when I'm eating something from a friend out in Iowa. like yeah you know So and places you need to check out down here for sure. Definitely check out Live Oak.
um there's a cup there's a um I mean, E3 Chop House is pretty good. The place on Broadway. yeah It's it's not like the healthiest food like what I'm used to eating but dude, on any given night, if I've had just the right amount of beers in me, I'm gonna have to pop over to Robert's Western World and get the recession. I'm about to tell you the Nashville secret and I'm about to tell all these people the same national secret.
ruin it okay but it's on Broadway. It's next to Layla's and it's next to Tootsie's and the other barbecue joint thing. It's called Jack's, but they have what's called the recession special and it is a fried baloney sandwich made right there behind the bar. It's all old school country music. They're like, they don't play anything like past like 1960s maybe. Oh hell yeah. That'd be cool. that Straight. Like it's real country music, you know, like pure.
so yeah and make it right there in front of you it's ah it's a it a pology sandwich it's a bag of chips ah moon pi and slide or a pbr your choice all that for six and a half bucks six and a half bill yeah It's just a good little snack in the daytime. Like when you're tips and you're like, oh **** I need to sober up but I don't want to eat too much. ah Yeah.
You pop over to Roberts, man. You get the recession. You got the little notepad. Yeah, I'm reaching for it right now. I was literally reaching for it. Roberts Western World, parentheses, recession special. Roberts Western World, parentheses, recession special. Face the shit, dude. Post Malone goes there every now and then to hang out.
He loves that place. I've seen Sturgill Simpson there before. These guys will just come in and go on stage and expect to sing. Okay, so Roberts is a solid place to go to. When you have me at stake, I'm coming to your house first and foremost. Yeah, dude, come on, ah I love to cook, man. I got, dude, I swear, man, I got it all right here. I got my door right here. I have all my farmer's parking, farmer's parking stage. There's a flank up there. what nice
yeah have w right here okay billion for you baby cur she She's she said we're getting the steak out dad but specific like i mistake daisy with no she is ah daisy do bubbers say how daisy and my face where my baby girl She's still she's still a pup. Yeah, she's like seven months old and I got like another year and a half before it's still a brain of hers. The comms found you. She says we get my baby girl. she Yeah, we got it all. Another good place to eat is they have. um
um Neighbors is for neighbors is a solid place. Dude, there's so many wonderful places out here to eat. oh yeah I know um Midtown cafes solid as fuck dude like ah so yeah man just holler me like I'll send you my number and we can talk more like when you get when it gets close to the time we go and meet up and do something and uh but dude I'll take you to a couple places man I might even go to Bravo with you and be like
Oh, now, glick we're gonna go on down to Robert's. westfield Yeah, let's go. Let's get it. I don't know. Dude, you can't beat it. Plony sandwich, yeah bag of chips, moon pie, and a bush light for six and a half bucks, dude. You're not gonna find a beer for me. No, and that's $7 on fucking Broadway somewhere. Yeah. And that's like a perfect, like you said, it's that perfect I don't want to eat too much and pass out, but I want to sober up just a little bit. You know what I mean? Just so I can keep going. Yeah. I'm good to go. Where are we going to next? No, not me. I'm not i'm good. outvin
I'm going back to work. Yeah. I don't, I told my fiance, I said, you know, by the time we get down to Nashville, we're going to roll through that bitch with the whole ass posse because everybody I interviewed is like, here hit me up when you get down here. I'm like, I'm going to have a whole ass damn crew. We're just going to get up Nashville. I'm sure they'll be out here so we can get up with him. I fucking love that guy. He was awesome. He was, that he was a good dude. We had we had fun hanging out. hes all He's a busy guy, but he, he, he was awesome.
Um, and that's the thing I usually, I try to, I try to keep in touch with everybody I interview and I always tell everybody, you know, we do, so we do show seven days a week and I'm hosting six of them. You want to pop up on any of them shows? job thank you mcdonald What do you want anything from McDonald's? Uh, strawberry smoothie or whatever milkshake milkshake sounds awesome. Thank you. but Somebody just got paid. that's why i it's I must say, can I help you?
let's going I'm just doing a show hanging out, you know the normal Yes, I'm a dad full-time dad You a dance party You have some pretty simple dancing had to show me later or not No, but i yeah I generally try to I try to just try to stay in touch with everybody that I have up on the shows. hi um and and And, you know, especially you guys are you guys are dropping all kinds of new music, albums coming up and and everything like that. Like, let me know, because actually, that brings me actually right to after tonight, as long as it's OK with you. um I would love to continue playing your music on different shows. We take breaks and we play music.
So my playlist has become everybody I've interviewed. So we're constantly rotation and rotating out everybody's songs and playing them and shouting you guys out and everything like that. So, um, and then I started working on another little side project because that's all I need is another side project that revolves me sitting in front of this computer, but I'm doing reviews and reactions. So when you got something new coming out, let me know.
I'll intentionally not listen to it until I can give it and it'll be like an honest reaction and and review of the song. I, one of the guys that I had on here, uh, James Luecker, he was like, dude, you'd be great at reactions. I was like, you know, I'm going to be honest. So if you put trash out, I'm going to, he's like, that's why, well, that's why I think you would be great because you're, you're a real, you're a real dude and you're not going to sugar coat anything in bullshitting anybody. I'm like, okay, well, I don't want you to get your feel bad, sir. If you put something out, that's trash. And I'm like, yo, I and everything's going to be good at the end of the day. o you don man I do have some ah new music coming out for the rest of the year. I haven't announced it yet, but there is more music coming.
It's going to be still on that line of like country rock or metal rock, a little bit of country rock in there. But like I said, a lot of stuff on the right lately, man, is more like to brunge the grunge country thing.
Um, because I got a lot of technology darker places that I was at about a year ago in my life. And, uh, you know, I just, after getting over that, after getting over those, um, emotions and those places that I, that I were, um, I'm finally able to sit here and kind of translate them into. Yeah.
songs that um I want to put out, you know. So I do that. So please, by all means, keep spinning it, man, because that would be that'd be william because I want I want as many people to hear my music. You know, you'd ask me earlier about filling out stadiums. And yes, that'd be great, man. But I'm just trying to I'm just trying to have people relate to my music, you know, even if it's just one person, you know, that
they could save that's just as good as, you know, like, so um I want to put out music that, of course, is relatable. That's what everybody wants to do. That's why music exists. But I just I'm a very, very emotional person. So uh some of these songs I've I've written lately they're very they're very like my own grave is probably my darkest song right now I've had people reach out to me like dude I've been going through whatever like ah I understand what you're going through or what you're trying to get what you're the point that you're trying to get across um so with that being said um I do have no music coming out this year I'm very excited about it and uh I appreciate you spending that man I really do
Yeah. Well, we'll throw it into rotation for you. Are you, are you on, uh, I, I usually look and see, but I, I honestly did not. I was a side track. Uh, are you on Spotify? Yeah. Perfect. I'm creating a, uh, it's, it's a slow process. I didn't even know I could do this until.
a couple months ago, but it's been a slow process, but I'm creating a playlist on Spotify. I didn't know you could make playlists and then share them out. Yes, I send out a playlist sometimes for my cover shows. So i'm I'm creating a playlist of all former guests and putting music on there and when they drop new stuff, throwing the new stuff on there as well that I'll share out onto all of our socials and and get people listening and and hopefully steer people into your direction.
as well please do because uh I just want to reach out to as many people as I can have to have to feed Daisy. She was he's blind and she's like, yeah, give me some damn water. I was said, well, hey, that Daisy, I literally filled that water bottle up like as soon as they're at home, not too long. He's already drank it all my damn. I know how that goes. We got, we got an old fat dog back there. She's out of the living room probably.
you know, pitbull mix and uh she's about 10 or 11 years old. She don't do much of other than lay around and sleep and eat anymore but I love that for her. Yeah. Oh, she's a great dog. Don't get me wrong. Yeah. Uh now, it sounds like I need to have you come up on the Monday night show, man. We do a men's mental health show on Monday nights. I would love to. That's one of my big and it's time to
Um, I suffer from a lot of, ah um, depression, uh, real bad, real, real bad actually, but I'm usually able to get myself, well, get myself out of it. Um, but I like to advocate for that as much as I can. So I would love to come on and talk about that man, because, um,
you know, uh, everyone has their, Everyone's got their problems, man. But no ah I'll say this much. You can always come back. There is a way to come back if if you really i got thank dig deep enough and really believe in yourself. There's hope. You'll come back. No, that's it's it's it's a big one for me. ah you know
Cause I have dealt with severe depression and and and anxiety and everything like that most of my life. And I didn't realize it, but the biggest thing is just letting other men know because it is a men's mental health podcast show. You're not alone. I think that's the biggest thing is that we think we're alone going through it. We're really not. And it, you know, uh, the last couple of weeks have been amazing because we, we do an open panel on that and we just dropped the link in the chat and.
it's just It's an invitation to all men. They can either come up and take part in the conversation or if they got something weighing on their minds that they want to talk about, you know, come up and interrupt us. We don't give a damn. Like there are other people out there that's going through it or been through it, but also doing our little part to get rid of the stigma around men men's mental health. Yes, absolutely. um absolutely um would love I would love to come do that, man. i'm um um
that's That's been one of my big things. uh, for my music career is, um, if I ever get enough money to do it, man, I, I'd like to open up some type of, um, a place where people can come safe, you know, like, uh, yeah, Jake lures from, uh, or lures. How do you think I say his name? He's, he's a lead, uh, singer for a band called August Pines Red during the pandemic he opened up a gym called your life, your life jump. Oh, wow.
It's a gym, but it also provides on counseling for depression or addiction. I think it also has an area for church in there, you know, because he's a he's a pretty outspoken Christian. So ah that really struck me. I was like, ah that's I would like to do something like that, too. Like I'd always wanted to do something.
you but I guess I didn't realize what i what I could have done with it. Like opening up a place for someone to come to. So like something like that would be wonderful to like open up yeah some type of building that has like a gym and like a church. Maybe it has like which just help consultation areas or whatever. Cause that's a big thing in my life, man is do protecting your mental health. yeah sometimes yeah say Sometimes I feel alone a lot.
Sometimes I can't write about it. I just got to talk about it. no But like I got to remember I have people that love me and I have people that I love. so i love yeah I'll send you some details. like We do that every Monday evening. We do that on Monday evenings. I'll send you some some details on it. yeah you know Whatever works for your schedule, man. Just let me know. we'll make We'll make it happen. Yeah, that's the thing. i mean you know, much like music is always, you know, music has always been my outlet, but since I started doing this podcasting thing, it's it's it's helped me tremendously with my, and I don't even have to talk about it, you know, like I don't have to talk about what's going on, just being able to have this outlet and be able to just come on and talk about whatever, but starting that show was something that I had, when we first started, was something I wanted to do, and it was just finding the right
right person to co-host because I didn't want to have the conversation like you know it would suck to come up on your own and be like I want to talk about men's mental health and we don't we're not experts we just speak from personal experience and you know to where we are you know where where how we've gotten to where we are today um and whatnot and my co-host well soon to be host of the show I'm trying to push him into that driver's seat he's uh he's a veteran so you know a lot of the things that affect our, our veterans. He's, he's pretty, he's pretty into, he knows, um, he's a veteran and freshly out of the military, so to say, in the last couple of years. So he's pretty, uh, opened up more, more mindful of that than I am, uh, not being a vet, but, you know, and, and I think that's the cool thing is that it does allow us to talk about shit and not to worry about people, uh, criticizing me. And we, we, we have our moments where we joke around. It's not all, you know, we we try to keep it
lighthearted, but serious. You know what I mean? we start yeah And everything like that. But we start every Monday with a weekly bro check just to see, you know, like but how, was how was your, your, your week? How's everything been going? You know, what's going on in the the world? Just to kind of touch base and see what's going on. Um, but it's one of those things where You got to be willing to show vulnerability if you're going to come up on the show. Like don't come up and be a tough guy. Like this is, this is, that's the biggest problem that we faced with our mental health is everybody was grown up or grown up to be a tough guy. We were taught, you know, don't cry. Don't show emotions.
yeah out no and double on Yeah. Stop it. Stop being a little pussy. i smart audit it You'll be fine. So, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's one of those things. It's, it's one of my favorite shows that I do. I think Mondays and Tuesdays.
I have become my two favorite nights of the week because I get to do. One thing I really love is music. And then the other thing is because I've come out of, you know, I've come out of a very dark place that I was in for many years in the last couple of years. And it's nice to be able to talk about it, not feel like I'm being judged you know too harshly. I'm sure some people that tune in are like,
Judging or whatever, but that's that's fine judge away. I don't care This is this is my story and and I've lived it and until you can walk a mile in my shoes Then then we could talk Yeah,
yeah man, let me know about that yeah, i I'll shoot you some details and ah ah' i'll shoot I'll shoot you my number as well. So our social media can kind of be ah it's that's your to i'm like I have to be more diligent about putting people's names because I've always just been like, oh, there's a number. I don't recognize who's this person. Let me go back and look at text messages to figure out who it is. But since I've been doing this, this show, a lot of the artists, we've we've exchanged numbers and I have to be better about putting their names in. So I know I'll never make times. Okay. Roberts Western world.
Yeah, exactly. open but we Last name Roberts versus Western World. I'm James Roberts. um
Hashtag recession special. please man's So good man. So good. Definitely looking forward to that. um I don't want to keep you too long tonight. I know you said you had a little bit. You had some stuff you had to do tonight, so I don't want to keep you too long.
ah Where can I got to get better at this, too? I mean to do this at the beginning and then like again ah at the end. Where can everybody find you at on social media and and where can they find your music? So all the music is available on Apple. It's available on Spotify or in Apple, but I tend same thing to be able on iTunes, Spotify. I believe Google Play, I think got bought out there, but. Whatever the platform is for Google Play,
YouTube and then of course on Instagram, everybody can find me at H-A-N-B-F-R. And that's the same thing with my TikTok. Just look up Adam James. So the MBFR stands for not built for radio. And so you were saying something about that earlier real quick.
So what it is is that we were trying to find, I'd mentioned a couple of times that I was rebranding. the producer. sir He called me one day with the the idea. He's like, dude, I haven't like, un I got it. I got your brand. I was like, what's that? He's like, not built for radio. I was like, nice. I fucking love it, dude, because it's totally rain. It stands out. I can start, I can start really like,
hammering down that brand and what it is. So like a lot of my posts will say hashtag nbfr. Now that's what my email address is. That's what it is underneath my TikTok, it's underneath my Instagram. So that's what it stands for. that The nbfr stands for it not built for radio. And god it just goes against the grain. ae As you can tell with the music, it's totally not a Yeah, it's it's it's not your uh, I think you might actually have it. Oh, I put a D in there and not a yeah. I'm a little dyslexic at times and BFR. Yes. Yes. There we go. Plus I have.
There we go. One little. Flip a little flippy flip. There we go. Anyway, now it's fixed. Yeah. So that's what the MDFR stands for. It's just not built for radio. It goes against. I was, I was going to ask you about that. And it totally s slipped my mind. So thanks for bringing that up. Yeah. Cause it's not, you're going to run of the mill. yeah you know You're not going to turn on your local rock station or country station. You're definitely not going to turn on your your top 40 pop station. Thank you.
uh and and and here and hearing and anything so yeah but there ain't another role with that there ain't another role with that it happens every time someone's like hey where can we find you i say aj n bfr they're like what's that sample i'm like i built the radio the next plane that's you know it's just go listen to the music and you'll know what i'm talking about it's definitely different
Yeah, I know exactly and it and if you and if you don't get it and you don't understand just go to our Instagram page I've tagged him and and in a couple different posts And you'll see I usually try to again, I'm I'm learning as I go But usually on Friday I try to do like if I if I remember and I have time and I'm not doing 14 other things I do like an appreciation Friday and I'll just go and creep social medias and if they put anything new up or yeah if you've got clips up for you, I'll throw it up in our story of all the, ah of you know, everybody I've done interviews for. I'll try to get like five or six of them and throw them up there that way. Like, Hey, you know, just click. Can I tag? And I try to make sure it's very easy for people to find the artist in case they, they like your guys's music or they, they're like, Hey, yo, it might not be the biggest fan of the music.
But Adam's a really cool guy, you know, I want to follow him and support him because he's cool as hell. You know how I feel about, uh, uh, like, I know what you mean. I know what you mean. Like there's someone out there. I'm like, not the biggest fan of the music, but them, I'm a fan of like the film. Yeah. Which, which, I mean, you don't know, you don't always have to like the music to support the artists. I mean, don't, don't, don't let their music sway, you you know, give them, you know,
Check them out on social media. See what they're doing. See what they're. Yeah, I've gotten I've been getting into more female artists and. You know, I've had a couple of people go. Oh, well, their music, OK, their music is not for you. I happen to be a fan of their music. I like their music, but check them out because, you know, they're they're actually really cool people and they're doing stuff on their social outside of their music. So go go show them some support. Go go. I'm a little lover. I'll get the.
Yeah, the music is awesome, but that guy was a jackass. OK, well, you know yeah nobody's asking you to be BFS with the guy, you know, like, go listen, shut up and go listen to the music then. Stop it there. I'm about to take you out. Take her out here. She's very, she's very impatient. Why, why, why, why, why? I'm going to take you out. he Our dog likes to bark and cop like a kangaroo.
So before before I let you go, I always ask my guest man, is there is there anything? I don't know, like a quote that's kind of resonated with you, stuck with you or or just something you want to leave everybody with before you and I'll let you get out of here and you can take Daisy out before she has an accident and and I'll wreck the show up and get out of here. I'm going to play. I'm actually before I leave, I'm going to couch. I'm going to play dig my own grave as well, and then I'll do all my clues. You know,
you know
Always try to do do something different, you know, because at the end of the day it's whatever makes you happy. um fine Find enjoyment in the little things. I've been kind of going through this phase these past few months where um
I love music so much, man. I love playing it. I love listening to it. I love watching it. I love being in it. But a lot of little things I've been finding happiness and have really come into my life lately. the So it's pretty stereotypical thing, but you know just fun, enjoyment.
and little things because those those will last a lot longer. Uh I've been on this has come back from vacation. I try to get as many pictures as I could but there's some moments where I was like, this doesn't need a picture. This is it's all right here. That's all right. Yeah. I hear my heart and it makes for good campfire stories. Damn. we but Oh, shit was so funny, dude. We should have taken pictures but we have it in our so things like that and like um
Also, one more advice. If you cook your steaks well, music probably isn't for you.
nice and i hey Yeah. Yeah. We don't like his music. At least you know he's a cool guy.
I'll make this one. I just won't go past medium with it. Yeah, I am like a medium. Well, well, you're getting blue rare now. So, yeah, you are. There's an old saying that there's an old quote from I think it's the cowboy way. Woody haron is wi it ass Whisper fire to it and slap it down on my plate. My dad used to say, it my dad used to say, uh, not just knock the head off and bring it to me on a plate. Damn dad. My dad's like a 15 second guy, 15 second guy. Done. I'm like, that's, that's me. I need, I want to chase it around. I'm like, I want to chase it around my plate. Yeah, right. Right. Yeah.
yeah You gotta, you gotta have all that, you gotta have all that good, all them juices and the blood and everything. You can stick your biscuit and yeah, you can sop your biscuit and your taters up in it. yeah do we even fuck it Of course, man. like yeah this Is that blood or is that part of the seasoning? I don't know. I don't know, but it's delicious. Delicious. I don't really care. Well, uh, I've smoked, drank, and done drugs.
don't do drugs anymore. But and and I survived COVID. So I think I'll survive this rare steak. Yeah, I've been eating my steak this way since I was since I was like four. I think I'll be five um yeah thirty five years.
I think I'll be able to find enjoyment in the little things, man. Like, absolutely fun enjoyment and happiness in the little things. That's that's my that's my boards of advice, you know, because that's just It's so simple. And um it might sound like cliche to say that, but that's really, that's really turned to me on these past six months, man, is, you know, because I got the ups and downs, you know, in the music. and right I've been finding a way to kind of really hone into that. mr But also like, if something's really not going my way, I'm like, well,
really both I can go out and hang out with Daisy or just like little moments like that, man. That made me happy. Little moments are the happiness that I've really been longing for these past few years. Find enjoyment in the little things. Yeah. Hell yeah. Make the memories, man. Like you said, campfire tales in a lot in the moment. No, I have to take a picture for every damn thing you do, man. Just live in the moment. Like you said about the Guns N Roses concert, you're like, I need this.
Yeah, I was 100% just there and just, I mean, I can tell the story. I don't know if people believe me or not, but yeah I was there and and and I know what I seen and I know how I felt. And it was just like, I think it was the first time in a long time that it was just pure, unadulterated, just enjoyment, just happy. You know what I mean? it was it Yeah. And that's what music does for people, man. So no, Hey bro, like I said,
Don't be a stranger, man. I think you're cool as hell. Obviously, I'm fanning your music. Fanning your music. Looking forward to the new stuff. I want to see the grungier side. I want to see you know where you're going to go with this. And definitely looking forward to the future, man. I want to see what the future has in store for you. I'll be a fan. You got a fan.
Uh, for as long as you're doing music in me and hopefully, uh, we can turn some heads your way, uh, through our little, our little network of podcasts that we do here as well. And, uh, I'm gonna hold you to that, uh, that recession special and that's in that state. So when I get that, I'll like, if I'll send you my number on Instagram, we'll link up. there Yeah, absolutely.
I appreciate you brother. Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate you man. Have a good night. Be safe out there. It's a crazy world and enjoy that little pup because before long she's going to be an old fat lazy thing. That's her name is Daisy May Daddy Sweet Baby. Daisy May Daddy Sweet Baby. Oh, here she comes.
he again g go Hey, thanks man. Have a good one brother and we'll see you next time around our brother. Peace. Peace out, man. Later.
All right. Let him do his thing. I always worry about that. Appreciate y'all being here tonight, man. Definitely check out Adam right down there. AJ and BFR. MG or Adam James not built for radio.
Um, make some killer music guys. It'll definitely get you amped up, get you, get you motivated to do something. I don't know what you're going to do, but it's going to motivate the hell out of you. And it's dangerous for me to listen to at the gym because then I feel like I can just throw up a thousand pounds and, and I forget that I'm 43 these days, but, uh, now appreciate, appreciate y'all listening to replay. Uh, anybody who caught us live. Thank you guys for being in here live. Um,
Definitely enjoyed doing these shows, man. I'm having too much fun. Um, I'm like a little kid living out his, his dreams. So to say, you know, getting to hang out with musicians and whatnot. If you're not already, go ahead and check us out. We are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, X and Tik TOK shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube. that is to su Now you want to make an appearance. I was talking about you and now you want to show up old stinky Dolph.
Oh stink dog. Hello. Um, yes, shows are Sunday through our Monday through Sunday on YouTube. And you can listen to all the shows anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts that are all at the nonsensical network. And yes, all the replays are always up on YouTube. If you don't want to listen to us and you actually want to see us or you maybe listen to us on Spotify and you're like, man, I want to put a face with the, with the voice now go check out the socials because well,
Unfortunately my face much like the network is all over the socials, but you can see the other guys as well um And don't forget we got merch we got shirts we got hats we got t-shirts we got coffee cups and and and and water bottles and stuff like that All those links are a bio dot link slash non-sensible Network, you know the drill gives a like give us follow gives to share if you'd be so kind we greatly appreciate that Before I hit the music and get out of here myself As I said, we do have shows seven days a week starting next Monday. We have a brand new show starting um I got to get to work this week and with Chris and get him set up a Good friend with Chris. We've been friends since seventh grade He will be doing a show about Motorsports all things Motorsports and reptiles um Monday early evening
Uh, about five, five 30. And that'll roll right into men cam from in the men's mental health podcast on Monday. Uh, that's Connor and myself Tuesdays is this show here right here. You're listening to right now. Glitz house and music hanging out with, uh, uh, up and coming musicians, shooting a shit, having a good time, getting to know them here in some of their music. Speaking of which, who do I have coming on next week? If I can get my buttons to work here, I will tell you guys.
Next Tuesday night is Riley Bourne. She'll be she'll be hanging out with us here on the on the House of Music. Now, Wednesdays is what the fuck news if it's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck. We're going to talk about it and add our own little comedic spin on it, if you will. Right. But but but I'll see you in the morning.
um Thursdays, every other Thursday is that little guy who just bought back here and said, good night. Him and I do a wrestling show together. Cash is corner. Raxlyn talk or wrestling podcast. I don't get fired. He's already threatened to fire me a million times. Friday is nonsense and shill. That's blazing J. They're watching movies and talking about movies. Saturdays is the main event. That is nonsensical nonsense.
We open the gates. We let the inmates take over the asylum with the open door challenge. We drop that chat, that link in the chat and all you guys got to do is hit it and you're up on the stage with us hanging out. All we ask is that you put your peckers away and nobody wants to see your butthole either. So two simple, easy rules to follow. I think that we round the week out on Sundays with
Unnecessary roughness your kickoff to football NFL picks and pricks picks and pricks picks and predictions and some football shit talking that's myself Rick and Derek Wayne Douglas and Cameron if he happens to be able to make it wow And then sometimes it's just garage. I don't know what's going on with that show However, well a couple little side notes for this week Friday night Uh, before nonsense and chill, um,
I will be teaming up with Bill from another shop podcast and we're going to do a little Halloween special. We're going to, we're going to talk about some local haunts in our areas, in our States, um, well, a little ghost stories and whatnot. And, uh, and we're going to share some personal experiences with the paranormal and we're going to drop that link and invite you guys to come up and hang out with us and share your stories. If you would like.
um Bill and I are both believers of the supernatural and the paranormal so you don't have to worry about ah Getting ridiculed or anything like that By skeptics and non-believers if you will But but ah we'll be doing that Friday and then Sunday um After the football show I think Sunday evening I They are going to do a, I guess Sunday's kind of like a triple feature. So we got unnecessary roughness in the afternoon. And then later on that evening will be Jeff's garage. And I think they're covering cars and horror movies. Uh, and then they're also going to watch Terrifier part three. So they're going to watch Terrifier two Friday, and then Sunday, they're going to watch part three.
So we're going to have a busy day here on the network Sunday, unnecessary roughness, trash garage and nonsense and chill. So check all that out. Don't forget to turn your notifications on, ring that bell. And as I see it, I'm going to play if I can figure it out. This is this is the newest song from from Adam James, and it's called Dig My Own Grave.
Sir, and there it is. Dig my own grave by Adam James. Again, shout out to him. Thank you for coming up tonight. Adam was awesome. Getting to hang out with you and chat with you. Uh, get to know you a little bit better. Y'all thanks for listening. Tune in tomorrow night for a brand new episode of what dog walk news. Jeff and I'll be back with that news that makes you say what the fuck in the meantime, be good and be good at it, baby.
I had that button and we get the upwards.