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The Mandalorian & Grogu Movie - What Does This Mean For Star Wars?

S2 E4 · This is the Wayseekers: A Star Wars Podcast
41 Plays1 year ago

This week on the podcast, we're discussing the new Star Wars announcement of a new film featuring Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) and Grogu, directed by Jon Favreau and produced by Kathleen Kennedy & Dave Filoni. This will be the next Star Wars movie, so we took a look at what we could expect! On top of this, Ahsoka Season 2 has been announced.  

This is the Wayseekers is a Star Wars podcast, with new episodes every other Friday @ 8:00am CT. Join your hosts Austin SWE and Scotty Holiday SW as they navigate their ways through the Star Wars galaxy. 

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Introduction and Mandalorian Movie Announcement

Breaking news. The Mandalorian is being turned into a movie. And I think the biggest question on everyone's mind is, is it going to be a romance film between Frog Man and Frog Lady so that we can finally get the follow up to their relationship? I sure fucking hope so. Me too. If I'm being honest. It'd be a nice change of pace for Star Wars. I mean, it's better than Boca Tan and Din. Please don't make that. Oh, come on now. We don't need all that hate over here on This is the Way Seekers.
Welcome back to an emergency episode of This is the Wayseekers, a podcast for Star Wars fans, by Star Wars fans. My name's Austin SWE. I'm here with my co-host, Scotty Holiday. Scotty, how are you doing on this Mandalorian Newsday? I am so excited. I'm as hard as Beskar Steel.
I love that for you and I can't disagree with you. New episodes of our podcast usually release every other Friday at 8am central time, but not today. This would usually be our off week, but instead we have some of the most shocking Star Wars news I think we've gotten in a while, or at least I was super shocked. So Scotty, why don't you tell us what we got going on today?

Official Updates on Mandalorian and Ahsoka

Yeah, so we've got some really crazy news today. It's just a random Tuesday and Star Wars decided they were going to give us our first official update on the Mandalorian and the Ahsoka series. And they published a little article to Star Wars dot com and I figured it'd be fun to go over it together.
So reads, the Mandalorian and Grogu journeys to the big screen. The Mandalorian and Grogu are embarking on a new adventure to movie theaters. Directed by Jon Favreau and produced by Favreau, Kathleen Kennedy, and Dave Filoni, the Mandalorian and Grogu will go into production in 2024, which is this year, if you forgot already.
For real. Jon Favreau said, I've loved telling stories set in the rich world that George Lucas created. The prospect of bringing the Mandalorian, his apprentice, Grogu, to the big screen is extremely exciting. And then Kathleen Kennedy said, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni have ushered into Star Wars two new and beloved characters. And this new story is a perfect fit for the big screen.
The Mandalorian and Grogu will lead Lucasfilm's ongoing feature development slate, including films helmed by Charmino Bay Chanoi, James Mangold, and Dave Filoni, who is also currently developing Ahsoka Season 2 among those in the works. Which not only, like I said, did we get a Mando update, but an Ahsoka Season 2 update? This is exciting.

Speculations on the Movie's Role in the Storyline

entire Mandoverse update. It's really cool because I think last episode I was saying how we kind of have no idea where everything's going to go. Is the story about to get wrapped up within one movie? I think this is some of the most shocking news like I said. I mean I don't know if that's just because I was just sitting there not expecting anything, opening up Twitter and all of a sudden it's like the Mandalorian and Grogu are coming to theaters and it's like
What? I mean, I can't say it came out of nowhere. I know we've seen rumors in the past of this happening. People saying season four is being turned into a movie. And then people were saying, no, that's actually not the case. They're still developing season four. What's interesting, though, is I saw Deadline kind of have this kind of comment that was
passing or throw away. They said basically on Twitter, it's not yet been confirmed whether Pedro Pascal will reprise his role as the Mandalorian for the new film. At present, a fourth season of the series is also in development. So season four is still in development? How's that work?
That is like the most confusing quote unquote news I think I've ever heard. It's like Pedro Pascal. We don't know if he's a part of this movie, but also season four is in development. I'm not going to lie. When I first saw because I saw it on Instagram and at first I was like, Oh, are they going to release like some Mando episodes in the movie theater? And then that's when you texted me and I was like, Oh, no, this is like a bigger thing. Yeah.
I don't know how I'm feeling about it, though. Yeah, I don't really know either. I think I'm kind of cautiously optimistic. I think that there's a lot of things that could be good, could be bad here. So I don't really know. I do think, though, that with there being a season four of the Mandalorian still in development and a Mandalorian movie, do you think it's possible that the Mandalorian show will continue to be Boca Tan show and then Pedro Pascal, the Mandalorian, will be kind of moving to the big screen?
That's a really great question because it's something I kind of started thinking about the more I was kind of just thinking of what this movie could even be about. And I know that was a big thing with season three. They had said that, oh, the Mandalorian encompasses like multiple different people, even though like it didn't when the show first started. But that's for a whole nother episode. But
I like that idea. You know, when we did our The Good and Bad of 2023 episode, that's something we kind of talked about is that we've liked Bo Katan in season three. But if it wasn't for her, season three was
kind of a flop. So part of me also wonders if maybe this is Disney trying to get Pedro Pascal back physically by kind of waving a movie in front of him, being like, well, we're going to do something that HBO is not doing. We're going to give you a movie to try to entice him to come back, because I think that they want the helmet off again. But like,
I really don't think Pedro Pascal is in it anymore and not physically, but like mentally. I don't really think he's been that into it, at least not in season three. It didn't seem that way.
Yeah, yeah, his absence was really felt. And I think that you're kind of onto something here, it's possible that this is kind of an incentive to put him back in a movie something, you know, because this is going to have a bigger budget for less runtime. I'm assuming the budget's going to be similar to what we've been seeing with The Mandalorian.
But that budget has to cover eight episodes. So, you know, six to eight hours here. We'll have two, two and a half hours and it'll be probably 250 million, which is still ridiculous and is going to probably be a huge risk, especially nowadays as we've

Disney Plus Profitability Concerns

been seeing.
But I also think that this kind of brings up the question of how successful is Disney Plus? I mean, we know that we've been hearing that it's not exactly profitable and it probably won't be profitable for a long while. So is this kind of a sign of that? Because this is their most successful show on Disney Plus and they're believing it.
to the big space. This was like the day opener for Disney Plus, like one of the one shows that they had ready to go to like their flagship show almost. You could say, I don't know. Yeah, I'm glad you brought up the budget, too, because I'm sitting here thinking, OK, well, will they have a movie budget or is it going to just be the same budget that they've already had?
And what we see maybe less volume usage. I hope so, too. So I'm like, OK, are we going to do some on location? Because if we go back to Mandalore, I want to see a little more depth.

Reinventing The Mandalorian After Season Three

Yeah, I think what also is happening here is after season three and kind of the reception to it and also the way that story went, I think that the Mandalorian is kind of looking for that reinvention, the thing to get people interested again, the story that they had going at first with the first two seasons of, you know, Din Djarin kind of questioning the ways of the watch and kind of the ways he was
brought up you know his whole mindset really changing by becoming a father to this cute little green baby alien you know and just seeing that adventure to the point where he removed his helmet the number one rule you know the number one boundary he set he takes it off for the child and
I feel like they kind of moved away from that with the Book of Boba Fett and season three. A lot of it, like you said, it kind of seems like they can't really get Pedro Pascal on set. So I think that this is going to be interesting, but I think that the movie is a sign that they are going to be reinventing the Mandalorian in some way, whether there is a season four or not. It seems like this is really going to be a new day for the Mandalorian.
That's so true. I couldn't agree more. And the funny thing is, like, if we think about kind of where we left off at the end of season three, you know, Bo-Katan and the Armor reignited the Great Forge on Mandalore. Din was then adopted Grogu, and he was tasked by the Armor to take him on his journey
And we also saw that Den is now being like an independent contractor for the New Republic and the Outer Rim. Not a Marshal, but an independent contractor. And they've also settled down on Navarro. So it did really feel like a bookend.
And I will say I appreciate that this shows, at least to me, that Disney and Lucasfilm know that Din and Grogu are good characters and they want to invest more in these characters because if they didn't, I think they kind of would have let their story fizzle out maybe for a bit, maybe until closer to the actual Mandoverse climactic movie.
But I like that it shows that they care about these characters and that they think that they could honestly have their own movie, because not every character that's been introduced with the newer characters, at least in this kind of Disney plus streaming show era, couldn't necessarily hold their own movie. Yeah, 100 percent. And I think it's a great way to kind of set up for that Dave Filoni movie, just in terms of audiences. I think one of the biggest talking points about Dave Filoni's heir to the Empire movie is
Are people going to understand that? It's been on Disney Plus this whole time and all the shows that tie into this movie that are going to lead up to the crossover have all been on Disney Plus. Some 70-year-old who's going on $5 Tuesday who's never heard of Disney Plus in his life is, oh, there's a new Star Wars movie coming out. I remember watching that in my 30s.
with some nostalgia and they're like what the fuck who who's that orange bitch you know like they're gonna be so confused yeah they're gonna be like where's Luke Skywalker and it's like well and we might see him but who knows yeah who knows so I think that this movie is going to kind of help people
kind of get set up, you know, because obviously the whole thing they're trying to do here is recreate the MCU.

Future Storylines and the Mandoverse

And, you know, I don't think that they're going to be able to do that, have a huge climactic movie at the end without kind of setting that up beforehand. And I think that this whole movie is just kind of going to be a setup for it. I know you're not a Marvel fan, but
They kind of did this with Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame, two movies. It kind of leads into the second one. And I think that that is something that I think could happen here. I think that we're going to see Carson Teva, you know, after working with Hera, he's going to send in Jaren probably on submission to learn more about what's going on with the Imperial Remnant.
Din Djarin's going to discover like, oh, this is real serious and kind of validate what Hera's been saying all along. And then that's where Carson Teva is probably going to become like the Samuel Jackson, kind of the Nick Fury, where he's going to bring everyone together. Be like, there's a larger universe out there.
When you get on your Marvel shit, you always confuse me because you say save me a little Jackson. And I'm like, Carson, tell us going to be made when do what I'm like. And he's going to be like, let's get these motherfuckers or something. I'm like, yes. The Nick Fury. OK, vaguely understand the reference. Yeah, Nick Fury. He's the one that brings everyone together. He's the one that shows up in people's houses at night and it's like.
I can't remember what he says, but. Oh my God. That sounds terrifying. Yeah. But I mean, it makes sense, right? That Carson Teva, he's the one that like knows everybody. So. He's the link. Yeah. Him being like, oh, Bo-Katan, come on. Hera, come on. Oh, Ezra, you know, bringing everybody together. And that's where we're going to get the big team up in the second movie. So I think that this is going to kind of be the lead up to that. Do you think this movie could be anything different?
I don't necessarily think it's going to be something completely one off on its own. I don't necessarily think it's going to lead into the climactic air the empire mando verse finale movie, but I think it'll definitely plant seeds. Part of me wonders if they're just going to be like fuck it and do like almost a.
Mandoverse Heir to the Empire trilogy. Because if we think about it, this whole thing's been compared to Heir to the Empire. And I'm pretty sure that book series was three books. So there's definitely some precedents that set on things that they could do. Part of me also wonders, I'm like, do they actually want to use Zeb now? So they're like, OK, we need a movie budget to have this big CGI character.
And it's funny you mentioning Carson Teva being kind of like the one that connects everything or the Nick Fury. I almost feel like Zeb could also play a part of that role, too, because he's already working with the Adelphi squadron, or at least at the Adelphi base. He knows Carson Teva. They're both got their little jumpsuits. Oh, but Zeb's is blue. That's besides the point.
Either way, I'm like, I'm hoping that Zeb will have a role to play in this as well. And I think he could also be a part of the link and getting kind of the big team up because he knows the handful of people, too. And a lot better than Carson. Yeah.
I will say though that I think that if there is like any connections to the second movie, I think that just based on the way they're reporting this movie, there'd be something in the end, probably like an end credit scene type thing or like the end of the movie, you know, but I think that the main focus of this movie is going to be Din Djarin and Grogu, just based on the way that they were reporting that this is the Mandalorian and Grogu, a lot of people are talking about
that being the title.

Creative Elements and Movie Titles

I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, I hate it in title. Yeah. But yeah, yeah, I don't hate it, but it just feels very on the nose. I feel like there's something more creative you can come up with. But then again, the whole point is that they're like trying to get people to come see the Mandalorian and Goku. So.
I mean, at least it's not like Jaren, a Star Wars story or like Mando, a Star Wars story. Either way, if they keep it as the Mandalorian and Grogu, just imagine it's going to be the Mandalorian and like Times New Roman. And then and Grogu is going to be like in bold and it'll have like a little fancy like color gradient or some shit. Yeah. Because they just I don't know what they're doing with their logos. But regardless.
They're kicking themselves that they can't name it the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda. Oh, my God. Baby Yoda is our worst story. Perfect. Let's copyright that so they can't use it. So obviously, no, by this point in time, Thrawn is back in the main galaxy. We saw that in the Ahsoka series. But with this movie kind of being the first Mandalorian movie, I think it's a bit too soon for Thrawn to be the villain. So if not him,
Who do you think could be the villain of this movie? Yeah, I don't really know. I think that it's possible that it could just be the Imperial remnant that's in the way. I think that, like I said, I really think that this movie is going to be more about Din Djarin and Grogu discovering what's going on so that the galaxy and the New Republic is like actually made aware and is taking this whole threat seriously.
But no, I don't think that Din Djarin and Thrawn are going to face off in this movie or anything. But I do think that he's going to be the one to discover, like, no, Thrawn is back. Well, I don't know, because Ezra already knows that.
Do you think that they would like take Ezra's word for it, but not Hera's? I think with Ezra coming back because of the sacrifice that Ezra made. And that was a big thing. They celebrated it on Lothal. Like it was a well-known thing that Ezra Bridger sacrificed himself to get Thrawn out of the main galaxy. So I think with him coming back, it's like further proof. Like, yeah, I got back, but the only way I got back was because Thrawn got back.
Right. So I think they would believe them, which then makes me wonder, could it be somebody from the Shadow Council? I know a name we hear thrown around a lot is Ray Sloan.
yeah that's possible because she's a grand admiral as well right yes yes and realistically if this story and the aftermath trilogy are meant to be on the same level of canon kind of makes no sense for her to not be there like she should have been in that shadow council scene i was actually surprised that she wasn't but
I'm sure they could write some way but that's a that's a good choice. Like I said, I think it's just going to be somebody empire related or you know, I think it's gonna be one of those things where it's just people obstacles in the way there's not going to be really
Filling, but I'd love to be wrong. But if you had to pick one, like I said, race loans, a good option. We saw Brendan Hux. We know he's active. But then the thing is, like, would any of those be? Well, I guess Thrawn's not like a fighter, but I don't know. I just don't know. I don't see how those characters would be like.
main villains in this movie because I feel like whatever Din Djarin is going to be doing is like low-key like sneaking in type shit so yeah like what if we get something similar to when him and Mayfeld snuck into that imperial base I think that could be something cool
Imagine him coming face to face with Ray Sloan, Brendal Hux, maybe even Thrawn. Who knows? The possibilities are endless. But that was one of the biggest things that I was curious about. I'm like, who could be the antagonist of this film? And who would have made a great one? Who? Moff Gideon.
RIP possibly. Who knows? Maybe maybe that could be the reveal that one of Moff Gideon's clones is alive. Please. I don't want that, but yeah, I don't want it, but it could happen. Yeah, I don't know. I just feel like that would have been cool because obviously they they were so desperate to just wrap that up. But I feel like, well, they didn't know at the time that they were going to be making a movie, probably. But I think that that would have been something cool to save for this is like,
In a movie, you could have the final face off between Din Djarin and Moff Gideon, but whatever is not possible. So I guess we shouldn't harp on that. Yeah. One thing I kind of wanted to talk about, though, is Jon Favreau directing. Obviously, he's been the showrunner of The Mandalorian. He's directed season two, episode one, The Marshall, which honestly was a very cinematic episode. Great episode.
So it makes total sense why he's doing it. And I think it's interesting to see Jon Favreau kind of get back into the movies or not back into the movies. He directed The Lion King recently, but obviously he did Iron Man one and two. He did Chef, all movies that I love. And so I'm honestly very excited to see what he does with a Star Wars movie, especially because of the Marshall already felt like a Star Wars movie, if we're being honest.
Yeah, definitely. I kind of went on to Wikipedia, not to be confused with Wikipedia, because I was like, OK, what has Jon Favreau directed? And so when I looked up the movies, I saw he directed Elf. I hate that movie with a passion.
Horrible. I love that movie. Fucking hater. I despise Elf. There's some Scotty Holiday lore for you. I saw he did the Jungle Book live action remake and The Lion King, like you said, both movies I was not interested in seeing because from what I heard, they were basically just soulless remakes of the animated classics.
So, you know, seeing those movies up there being the ones that I recognize, I was like, Oh, this isn't looking good for Jon Favreau. However, like you said, with the Marshall, the Marshall is such a standout episode and not being like the season two opener.
wowed me. It was amazing. And I agree. It was almost like a short film. And we even learned that by the way, they even changed like literally the dimensions of the film to show like wide shots and whatnot. It was gorgeous. So
I feel like the Mandalorian Din Djarin in this story is kind of Jon Favreau's baby. We know that before the Mandalorian was even a thing, it was Jon Favreau had a Mandalorian story, Dave Filoni had Mandalorian stories,

Favreau's Directorial Role and Technological Advancements

and Kathleen Kennedy was like, hey, work together because I think this would be cool.
So part of me is wondering if maybe this is John's chance to go in and get to do the story that he wanted to do, you know, within the confines of what's been set up already. And then Dave Filoni is kind of getting to do what he wanted to do initially. Part of me was also like, is he getting a movie because they gave Dave Filoni a movie? And so they're like, oh, I guess we better give John a movie, too, or else he's going to be pissed. Got to get both siblings.
Yeah, I agree. I think honestly, it could go both ways with Jon Favreau directing because in Star Wars, I feel like he's done really well besides season three. But like you kind of brought up, I don't really feel like season three was 100% his control. Like I'm not trying to be like some conspiracy theorists or be like those YouTubers.
Kathleen Kennedy took over because obviously that's not what happened. Kathleen Kennedy has been involved from the beginning with the Mandalorian. That's why she's involved in this movie, which by the way, this kind of shuts down all those rumors you hear about. Jon Favreau and Kathleen Kennedy hate each other, which they've shut that down at celebration. Jon Favreau has brought out Kathleen Kennedy and been like, this woman right here is why I'm able to be so creative today.
But anyways, I think that this is also going to be really cool for George Lucas because George Lucas is all about technology and technological advancements within movies doing something new. That was one of his biggest criticisms of The Force Awakens and the new movies is they don't really do anything for cinema as a whole. You know, first six dollars in movies.
every single one changed cinema in one way or another whether it was visual effects or just like the way stories are told. George Lucas was always about revolutionizing the industry and I think that we could see that here. Now obviously I'm hoping that it's not some like AI shit or let's technologically advance the AI Luke deep-fig but
You know, I just think that with the way Jon Favreau has, you know, brought in technology with like the volume to the Mandalorian. And then, you know, I know The Lion King and The Jungle Book aren't, you know, critically acclaimed, but in terms of VFX and things like that, like it definitely revolutionized the industry. I don't know if it's good or bad, you know, they can make
cartoon animals into a documentary now. So I don't know, that's why I feel like it could go either way with Star Wars. Well, you would know about going both ways, so. Oh, the fuck is your problem today?
But another thing I'm excited about with this movie that kind of eases some anxiety I've had with the future slate of movies is Lucasfilm needs something huge for their movie return. And I think they kind of realized that. I love Daisy Ridley as Ray and people know I'm excited for that movie. You're excited for that movie, despite how we feel about the sequels.
I'm excited to see where it goes, but at the same time, I was stressing about that being the first movie back. I mean, we're already kind of seeing like a huge hate campaign towards it. So I think that no matter what happens, the media is not going to be super kind to that movie. So I think that they need something that's going to be like a huge comeback. Like even James Mangold's movie would have been a good one, but I think this is a good way to do it.
That is crazy, because now you're getting me into conspiracy territory, because if we think about what's been going on with comments made about women in the fandom with Charmino Bay, Chinoy and, you know, comments she has made in the past that have been taken out of context that people like Ben Shapiro are talking about. Right. So I'm like.
Is this why we've got this little article being like surprise? We're actually getting a Mandalorian movie because everybody loves the Mandalorian and we have like no information on it or at least we're not going to tell you any of it, but we're just going to get this buzz out there. I'm like.
Is that why this just happened on a random Tuesday? They're like, uh, let's stop the Ray movie hate and Sharmina Bay, Chinoy and misogyny. And yeah, Mando and Grogu are coming to the theater. Oh, and by the way, Ahsoka season two is in development like. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, nothing's unintentional with marketing, so I could totally see that. They're trying to get away from the bad press, do some good press. I don't know, though. I wonder if it's working in their favor if people are excited about this or not. I mean,

Star Wars' Return to Theaters

I think so. If you think about it, you know, the last Star Wars movie that we saw in the theater was The Rise of Skywalker in 2019.
And despite how that movie was received and how we feel about it, in general, Star Wars coming back to the theater is something we've all been long waiting for. So it's just exciting in general as a Star Wars fan. And if we think about it, this is like the first big thing that's come out in 2024 with Star Wars, because we don't know when any of the shows are airing yet this year, but
We at least now know that we're getting a Mandalorian movie and an Ahsoka season two. Yeah, yeah, which Ahsoka season two, we didn't really talk about that. I mean, we talked about that exists, but it's cool to have a confirmation now.
Yeah, especially because so many of the actors, they kept getting asked, I think it was even Rosario Dawson recently was talking about like, yep, I still don't still don't know anything, but. And she said that they were having like a dinner. They were going to a cast dinner. Yep. You're right. So they probably like had all this laid out for them. Like, oh, I hope it was a better presentation than what we got.
I mean, I'm sure that they do more. But like that was something I was thinking about earlier is like, I mean, I know we talked about it's possible that Boca Tan could be flagshipping the Mandalorian show and then Din and Grogu move to the movies. But I think that it would be really cool for like someone like Katie Sackhoff to be in the movie as Boca Tan. For sure. That would be fucking great.
You know, like just seeing the way Katie sack off, like her career has kind of been an all time high lately since The Mandalorian. Like that just makes me so fucking happy for her to see her like on screen in a Star Wars movie, in like a movie that has the chance to like break a billion dollars at the box office. Like that just makes me happy for the cast. You know what I mean? Or like people like Imanis Fondi, like
just starting out now, he's like in this whole fucking universe. It's crazy. It's got to be so exciting. It is really exciting when we think about it for the people that could be involved with these movies, the people that they have set up and introduced in the Mando verse. And with Katie Sackhoff, like I know she's done other things than Star Wars, but like for me, my introduction to her was the Clone Wars animated series, then Rebels.
now watching her come into live action as Bo-Katan in The Mandalorian and just thinking of either her taking over the Mandalorian series moniker or coming into this movie. Like there's no way that Din's not going to make a stop at Mandalore. Like why would he not?
He would have to go to the armor for something, have a little question, but would be there. I mean, I know it's not necessarily an official source, but like the Galaxy of Heroes mobile game just released Bo Katan Mandalore.
or Mandalore Bo Katan, and it specifically says, you know, Mandalore with the man and apostrophe allure or whatever the fuck it is. So like they're calling her the Mandalore. And even though that game is not necessarily canon with everything in it.
Like they do follow what goes on when they do their character packs and updates and whatnot. So I think the future is looking bright for not only Bo-Katan, but also for the Mandalorian in general and Din Djarin specifically.
Yeah, no I 100% agree this has me feeling super optimistic about the mando verse kind of more optimistic than I felt lately. Like I said last episode I think a lot of it has to do with just not knowing like what's happening next where is this story going to continue, are we going to have enough time to continue it.
I think they were totally fucked with the whole Rangers of the New Republic issue and that just kind of having to get dissolved. So I'm not surprised that they're they're kind of switching things up a bit and why we got season three, which felt a little disjointed. But I feel like, yeah, we're getting back on track. Oh, totally agree.
All right, on Twitter, we asked you guys how you felt about this news and we got some responses, which we'd like to share on here. As always, if you'd like to get your comments responded to on the podcast, follow us at WaySeeker's Pod on social media. We're always posting questions and such to interact with y'all. So.
A first one here comes from at underscore DanBren on Twitter. He says, I am definitely intrigued by the decision, but also very worried considering capping a Din and Grogu story at two hours can make it really poorly paced.
That being said, if Carson Teva is in it, I'm giving it a five stars on Letterbox. Definitely agree there. I love Carson Teva. But if I'm being honest, I think that with the way the Mandalorian and Grogu story has kind of been going, I think that the two and a half hour mark is actually going to be better for them because I feel like
with season three, it was like they were trying to find more ways to get more story in there. You know what I mean? It just it just didn't stretch eight hours. What do you think? I'm really on some conspiracy theory shit now because I'm like, you're right.

Character Development and Pedro Pascal's Role

And I'm like, yeah, I almost feel like eight episodes is too much for Din because he doesn't give anything. They kind of.
killed his growth as a character but I'm also like is that also because Pedro Pascal is not there so everyone's like well if the face doesn't care then do we really need to care that much which don't get me wrong Brendan Wayne and Latif what's his last name I don't remember Crowder
Lateef Crowder, they do an amazing job. Oh, yeah. And like the sass is. Yes. But yeah, I almost feel like this would be better for at least where Din is currently at. Yeah. Because I feel like, like I said, they did the whole point of season one and two, or at least what felt like the point was that Din was kind of getting away from the whole helmet rule and kind of the
I don't want to say toxic, but there is kind of toxic vibe with the watch there. Toxic. Fuck the children of the watch.
I mean, I know some people kind of feel some type of way, you know, it's very deeply connected to religion, religious trauma. And it's another topic for another day. Yeah, I wish I don't wish I had religious trauma, but I wish I could understand, like, or like feel, understand what they feel with the children of the watch. But for me, I'm just like, fuck the children of the watch. I hate them. Yeah. Go away. So I'm glad Bo-Katan's Mandalore now. Hopefully we'll see some changes. Yes, 100 percent.
The next response we got is from at Donovan Meade. I'm pretty excited, honestly. It'll be cool to see the show blown up to feature film scale, especially considering Jon Favreau's work directing the Marshall episode. Perhaps Mano gets caught in the middle of an early New Republics slash Thrawn skirmish.
Well, I like that idea. I mean, they echoed kind of what we said about the Marshall, but I think that could be cool if it kind of picks up after Thrawn gets into his first emergence with the New Republic, especially out in the Outer Rim, because I feel like if it was out in the Outer Rim, the New Republic would be severely not understaffed.
Jesus Christ, I can't even think of the word underprepared. They wouldn't have enough fighters and they could really use a pilot like Din to kind of help save their asses, even if it's just like, you know, throw thrown scouts that he sent out or something. What do you think? Yeah.
I mean, that's kind of what I said earlier about like, you know, Din Djarin kind of being involved in that early fight with the imperial remnant. Like I said, I think that it's probably going to be Din Djarin who kind of finds evidence for the New Republic to actually take it seriously, because like I said, as we saw in Ahsoka,
They're not taking it seriously. The New Republic has no care in the world. So I think that there needs to be something that kind of catalysts the whole thing to make the New Republic actually care. So it might it might be nice to see them take a hit, like kind of knock them down to everyone complained about Thrawn and Ahsoka being like, oh, well, he kept saying he got what he wanted, but he really didn't do anything or he actually just lost. But he said he still learned something.
So it'd be nice to see Thrawn actually like get a hidden on the New Republic. Something like you said that'll really be a catalyst for what's to come. Yeah. Not Luke's shaft following us on waste.
I. Oh, my God. And it's so funny because I saw my phone light up and I was like, shit, I'm looking to the side as I'm finishing my statement. So anybody that's watching is going to see that. And then to know that Luke's underscore shaft started following us. I feel like a fucking.
Shout out at Luke's underscore shaft. Thanks. Should I keep that in the episode? Sure. Fuck it. We're being honest. We just got followed by Luke's shaft. Shout out Luke's shaft. All right. Our next response comes from is Star Wars Tia. Love you auntie. She says, like everyone else, I'm cautiously optimistic. Their story ended well. So I don't know what more story there is to tell other than them going on adventures or bounty hunting.
or get him back to his farmer lady and finally get a love story. Shout out O'Mara. I do not disagree with that. Get him back to O'Mara. What the hell?
Honestly, he's got a nice house that she could move into on Navarro. She wouldn't have to work because, you know, she would have to be out in the fields anymore because she'd have her man to take care of her. Right. Not that she needs a man to take care of her because she's a bad bitch, as we saw. Well, she seems like she wanted him to take care of her. She was real into him.
I don't blame her, but yeah, I agree. I think kind of we've both said in maybe different words that we're both cautiously optimistic as well.

The Movie as a Soft Reboot

And kind of like Tia saying, you know, what more is there to tell? Yeah, it's almost like it's going to be a soft reboot. That's kind of how I'm feeling after.
you know talking about it with you yep they're reinventing the wheel here so we'll see what creature they turn into a baby next oh god baby dexter jetster oh and then the last reply is from at lady dragon jj they said cautiously optimistic i want more grogu doing silly things being a menace using the force and napping yeah honestly
The one person we've barely talked about in this entire episode, I feel like, is Grogu.

Grogu's Growth and Future

Yeah, there's there's so much to cover, but he just kind of like at Lady Dragon JJ said all he does is silly things like being a menace, using the force and napping. So it's like, what is he what is he going to do?
Who knows? I wanna see him grow up a little bit. I'm hoping that they're not just gonna keep him a baby for the whole time. Oh my god, I know. If I have one complaint about Grogu...
as I'm ready for him to get a little bigger, get a little older. You know, again, it's like with the constraints of like the sequel trilogy, right? Like that takes place, what, only 30 years after, you know, what we're seeing here in the Mandalorian. So is he even able to develop much at all in the next 30 years? And I mean, you know that.
The big war isn't going to be anywhere farther than like 10 years from where we're already at. It's like 10. I mean, but if we think about it, like.
Grogu is a Mandalorian now, too. So if something happens on Mandalore again, I think Din and Grogu would go and fight on Mandalore before they'd fight, even say it's during the sequel trilogy era. The First Order wants to take over Mandalore because the Empire and the First Order, everybody hates Mandalore because they do their own thing. So they always want to conquer Mandalore. And I could see just like Sabine,
Grogu would want to go to Mandalore. Din would want to go to Mandalore. Boca Din would probably ask them to come. So I could see them off dealing with Mandalore shit, especially coming to the sequel trilogy era. And, you know, Din will probably be dead by then. So maybe Grogu will be.
Well, it's a sad truth. These are Dave Filoni characters. You're right. Just like Ahsoka, they'll never die, unfortunately. I say that as an Ahsoka stan. Yeah, they'll just problematically sit out of some of the biggest galactic wars of all time and that'll be it.
Yeah, well, only time will tell. And we probably won't see Gergu after the Mandoverse movie until Rey's new Jedi order. So yeah, if he's not involved in that, that's kind of a big missed opportunity.
I'd give people a lot more on board, but also, I just have to say specifically in the article, they mention Charmaine obeyed Shanoi's movie. So all the people that keep saying is canceled. It's not happening. It's not real. It's fucking happening. Get over first. Star Wars is for everyone. Yes, period. Heard of your first, second and third.
Alright, Scotty, why don't you take us out of here? Yeah, this was a really great episode. Really exciting news. Make sure to follow us on social media and wherever you get your podcasts at WaySeeker's Pod. That way you don't miss any episodes going forward.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Thank you all so much. We'll see you next Friday back on our regular schedule. And may the force be with you always. Bye. Bye.