Disney Plus Finales: Disappointing Trends
As we know, Disney Plus finales are fucking atrocious. Let's just be honest. There hasn't been a lot across Star Wars, across Marvel. I feel like we're always going into the second to last episode or coming out of the second to last episode being like, oh my God, they have so much to wrap up. How are we going to get through all of this? With this episode of Skeleton Crew, I think this episode did a good job of wrapping up the things that need to be wrapped up to give us a good conclusion.
Welcome back to This Is The Way Seekers, a podcast for Star Wars fans by Star Wars fans.
Skeleton Crew Episode Seven: An Introduction
My name is Austin SWE. I'm joined for the second to last time of Skeleton Crew with my first mate, Scotty Holiday, to talk Skeleton Crew episode seven. Scotty, there's only one episode left of Skeleton Crew. Are you hyped?
Expectations vs. Reality: Surprising Content
How are you feeling now?
I'm really, really, really, really, really, really hyped because this episode was not what I expected. I posted online thinking we were going to get like an order 66 flashback or some JOD backstory, and we definitely did not get any of that. um But I think not even a little bit, but I think what we got was better than that because that was like, you know, that was expected. Everything that happened was very unexpected and I liked it a lot.
Yes, yes. I think it's very interesting that there's been a lot of talk before this episode, like you said, of there possibly being an Order 66 flashback um for Jod to kind of go into his backstory. To be fair, it didn't just come from nowhere. Jude Law said in an interview, he said, I think my favorite is episode seven because so much comes to a head and you find out an awful lot very quickly about my character.
A lot of people took that as, oh, we're going to learn about his backstory. yeah Instead, we learned that he is a murderous, traitorous piece of fucking shit. Fuck you, Jod. I've said this on this podcast before, but I'm sick and fucking tired of this fucker.
him threatening the kids with the lightsaber, I could actually whip his fucking
Jod: Villain or Redeemable?
ass. Fuck you, John. It's so you. I've never hated a Star Wars character so much. OK, I'm not going to lie. I'm a little bit of the opposite because I love that he is going so bad.
Like so evil. I'm kind of enjoying that they're letting him go there. But I don't know. That's just me. And I kind of hope that he dies at this point in a really yes bad end um because it would be fun, the chaos of it all.
Yes, I definitely agree with you and I agree with that sentiment because I think so many of us were expecting him to kind of go on this redemption journey. Like, oh, we're going to see him become a better person. No, we're seeing him become worse every single fucking episode. And I kind of like thinking that next episode he's going to die instead of being redeemed because I feel like the obvious answer would have been him just popping up and being like, I love these kids. We've gone on a great adventure. I'm here to save the day, guys. Don't even worry. yeah But still, at the same time, my blood is boiling watching him. It feels very pong krell
Speculating Jod's Fate
like to me. Yeah, it invokes the same feelings.
honestly, and I'm gonna get a little bit ahead of myself, but like I kind of would like to see him die in the finale, like being crushed by a creative credits. Yep, yep. Like as he's like trying to grab it and he's just like, Oh, that topples over and crushes him to death.
Yeah, it has to be cartoonish, I think. You know, it has to be something like that, where it's the weight of his own issues and his own consequences coming to bite him in the ass. I need it, because I really don't want to see him overtake At-At, and I really don't want to see him win. like But I'm a little scared that that might be the case, because then it starts to get into, OK, without Jod, what does a season two look like of Skeleton Crew?
And we know they have ideas. We know that the creators say they want a season two. Well, how do you continue the story if Jod dies? I mean, there was a lot in this episode that was brand new. They introduced. There may not have been a Jedi Temple underground, but there was some shit going down underground and at.
Adding Depth: New Elements in the Episode
Oh, yeah. That whole factory, I felt like it was a Attack of the Clones, yeah coming to the clone ah facility on Camino for the first time, where even the droids are like, Oh, are you happy with, you know, our process? And John's like, Oh, yeah, it looks great. Why am I here again?
Right. Right. And the fact that that one vault they were in, I think that would have been enough to make Brutus's pirate gang happy. Yeah. The fact that there is one thousand one hundred and thirty nine vaults exactly like that. Hidden on Aten. Yeah. No fucking wonder everyone's been after it. And they say it's so valuable because, yeah, that's pretty fucking valuable. And no wonder it's making Jod act up, but it's no excuse. Fuck you, Jod. Fuck you. yeah i guess i have to say fuck you jod you're not doing the right thing and while it's fun to watch you not do the right thing you should do the right thing right you know it's funny because i felt so conflicted when jod ends up killing brutus when the kids take brutus in the claw and they basically
allow unknowingly Jod to overtake the entire gang again and become the captain, Captain Silva once again. I felt so conflicted because I'm like, fuck Brutus, but ah fuck Jod. It's like nobody wins there. Nobody wins.
Subverting Expectations: Found Family Trope
I was kind of surprised that he like just killed Brutus in cold blood right then and there because not that they've been building Brutus up, but he's kind of been like an antagonist to John since the beginning of the series. And I was like, Oh, like they're really going there. And that's what I'm saying that I really like about Jod being like going down this dark path and like his greed literally overcoming like everything he's doing to the point where, like you said, he's screaming at children. He's killing Brutus like right then and there. No remorse. like Right.
i was surprised but i'm kind of liking like i said where it's going it's very fun right i liked it because it was very shocking it was very similar to like snoke dying in the last shadow you know what i mean where it's like so unexpected you don't expect the big bad that's been hyped up this entire time to just be able to be killed off so easily what is what is that phrase that ryan johnson said that subverting expectations Yep. And Skeleton Crew has been subverting expectations. And I think it shows that it is a good thing. It's not something that always needs to be complained about. Like, yeah, it would suck if there's a creator that comes into Star Wars and wants to upset fans. But I don't think that that's what Ryan Johnson or John Watts or anybody else in Star Wars that's subverting expectations. I don't think that's what they mean. I think they just want to deliver something to you that's surprising.
that you didn't know you wanted until after you already got it. Yeah. Like not another Order 66 scene. We're instead going to just make this character more crazy instead. Right. Right. This isn't your found family story. Yeah. Which is, you know, I feel bad because a lot of people came into this show being like,
Oh yeah, like I saw a lot of the Star Wars Rebels fan base on Twitter really attaching themselves to skeleton crew for the found family vibes. Surprise. Hey, Wayseeker's called it. We have an episode called Fuck Jod in the past. While everybody else was like, guys, give him a chance. Even people in our comments, give him a chance. So come around.
Wayseeker's Vindication. We have never been fucking wrong on this podcast. Well, that's debatable. Don't put us to that because they're going to find every single thing wrong we've ever said. Well, talking about found family, I think we should talk about how the episode started with the kids actual families and building their communications device, which did you think we were going to get any more updates with the parents or see them actually like what did you expect out of what the parents were trying to do?
Messages from Parents: Emotional Impact
i definitely I definitely expected to see more of the parents because you know it was it's the second to last episode. I feel like they had a lot to wrap up in two episodes. I think this episode did a good job of wrapping up the things that need to be wrapped up to give us a good conclusion, but we'll talk about that later on. True.
Yeah, that whole opening was kind of um intriguing, you know just seeing them literally get stunned, all of them besides Fern's mom and barely make that message out there. yeah it was It was close. I mean, listen, was the message worth it? I don't think so. I think they still would have made it back without it, but hey. hey I wanted to see those parents' dedication. The message was worth it to me as the viewer Okay, because you got to cry whatever watching their little 2020 pandemic type ah celebrity montage.
Okay, literally I started crying while KB's parents were talking like it wasn't even the nails and your brother misses you so much. I was already crying at that point. um I loved the parents message, though, and I loved how dedicated that they were to getting the message to their kids, even though, like you said, did it really help that much? Not really, they wouldn't have known even where to go to find a Republic emissary, which is what they tell the kids to do. I guess technically, they got one in the end just not just not the one they expected. But I really liked seeing the parents all kind of come together and
I thought it was very interesting that the droids even knew they were like, Undersecretary Farah, you need to stop or you will be stunned. Like they knew it was her. Right. I was kind of surprised about that.
YouTube Promotion and Episode Discussion
I didn't expect that they would know like that she was out there, but I guess they saw the other parents and right and i mean there's only so many parents with missing kids outside of the barrier so when you've shot down all the others yeah process of elimination before we continue on with the episode we want to be those annoying youtubers for the next 30 seconds and remind you all to subscribe to our youtube channel please
As many of you know, we just restarted our podcast just before Skeleton Crew and we've been super happy with the amount of subscribers we've been getting. But at the same time, 88.2% of the people listening to our podcast are not subscribed to the This Is The Way Seekers YouTube channel.
So if you've been enjoying all of our skeleton crew coverage, make sure that you subscribe to our channel and like the videos. That way you don't miss out on any of our skeleton crew content going forward, as well as all our other Star Wars content throughout the year. All right. And thank you so much for putting up with our stupid YouTube bullshit.
Back to the episode. So we got to explore the barrier of Aat and much more through Brutus' pirate gang and the kids showing up at the same time.
Exploring the Hidden Planet
The Onyx Cinder is really the only ship that can go in and out of the atmosphere because the thunderstorms are just so brutal. It's to the point where Brutus thinks that Jot is lying. There's no way there's a planet in there.
within all this chaos. He even loses one of his pilots, which that whole sequence was very Star Wars, seeing the pilot gear up and go into his ship. I felt very resistance, rebellion fighter. Very, it honestly kind of felt like Star Wars resistance because they have that one core and pirate. Yeah, it's an actual pirate. ah It kind of did feel like I see literally out of resistance, but also the resistance. Right. Absolutely.
And yeah, it was just interesting seeing the barrier explored in that way. And it it answered so many questions as to how a planet could actually be hidden. Because what I'm assuming is if anybody comes across it, they just assume it's in a capital planet. Yeah. And they probably assume there's nothing or nobody in there because who the fuck is going to live in such a disastrous, thunderous planet? And a maelstrom. Yeah, right. Exactly.
but deep in the middle there's a planet and there's a whole civilization and Thousands and thousands and millions and ah just the highest number billion of of old republic credits. Exactly. Well, you know, what's really interesting is I did not realize how large the Maelstrom barrier itself was around the planet until they got in there. And I was like, that is tiny. And then came to some line about like, oh, it looks so big from up here. And I'm like, girl, looks tiny as shit compared to the barrier, which
I have to say it definitely gave me kind of like Kessel Run vibes from Solo, but also, you know, my favorite, the Kobo Abyss and Taneleur and Jedi Survivor. It was felt very, very, very much Taneleur like this hidden paradise planet. And in there, it's it's a I think it's a nebula that it's hidden in. That's the Kobo Abyss. Whereas this, they said, was a maelstrom. but I can't tell still if it is manufactured, like it's something that was created or if it was naturally occurring. Because they have all the weird sensors in there. So I can't tell.
I think I think it's I don't think it's natural. I think that like you said, there's the sensors and there's lightning coming out of them and things like that. True. And the ship is the only kind of ship that can get through it. There has to be some some kind of manufacturing there or either that or like we can only have ships made of this metal to go through the barrier.
but well I think I remember Jod saying something along the lines of whatever piece allows the ship, the Onyx Cinder to go through the barrier needs to be taken off to put onto the main ship so that it can also get through. Yeah. but Because he needs like the guns or whatever for the mint.
Yeah, so he can blast his way out of it because um I don't know how he's getting out of there.
Kids Outsmarting Jod: A Turning Point?
um it's a They've definitely got things closed in once they actually get onto at-at. Yeah, absolutely. So I know we kind of already touched on Jod killing Brutus, but how things kind of transpired after that I did not expect. you know the they take the kids captive, they get the parents message, and then the kids find a way to kind of get the ship back under their control using their little claims ease in the pirate code. It's some 33 puts it and I'm glad they gave him something to do in this episode because for a while I forgot that he was even still
on the ship with the pirates. um So I was glad that they gave him something to do and they kind of used the weird like he's like an old droid in this kind of loop within his programming in the pirate code to get the ship back from Jod because I thought it was kind of funny where Jod was like, well, I claim the Onyx Cinder and I was waiting for Fern to be like, well, then I claim the big ship that we're on. Right. It was just funny seeing that be so childish and because Jod's like,
Going into this weird like he's so laser focused on just getting to add and he can't even come up with good strategies And he's just getting upset and it's very childish, but it's that childish nature That's pissing him off more and making it harder for him to the point where he gets booted off the ship And the kids have it in control again Yeah, that entire sequence I thought was great. It's funny because there was a part of me that was like, oh, that feels so like cheap because we've seen in the previous episodes how kind of intricate SM33's protocols are with the whole pirate code and things like that where all of a sudden they're able to be like, well, I take claim back season. He's like, that's good enough to knock out Jod. But I also really like it and find it charming because I like to think that
SM-33 was getting all these signals and activating all these protocols by all their bullshit going on back and
SM33's Role: Conscious Decision?
forth. That it was kind of like his own doing to be like, no, I fucking side with these kids. Fuck Jod. Like it almost felt like for a second he was allowed his own agency to be like, like right. Because his wires were getting too cross trying to go through the loopholes and the rules and the codes. And he was like, you know what? Fuck it.
Right. because i own with I think he even says something along those lines like close enough. And he's like he goes for Fern and I loved it. There there could be an argument that it's a little cheap way to get out of it, but I don't care. It it feels a little Charming and endearing to me for sure and that's literally this show. It's very charming right and fun So I thought it fit perfect within the story that they've been telling it didn't feel like a okay Of course, that's how our characters get out of it like right on other shows though, which we've spent so much time with these characters it's believable because they've had all this development and we've gotten to enjoy the characters and get to know them and
after the pirates all are kicked off of the ship and the kids are getting ready to go and they're all happy and you know John sitting there looking at the ship once he wakes up and he's like oh the ship's leaving I didn't realize he was gonna find a way to get on it I thought it might have ended up some weird like I'm gonna try to use the force to hold the ship I thought the same thing I was waiting for that yeah I was waiting for the Ahsoka Clone Wars season seven moment, but I'm glad it didn't happen. You're powerful enough. It would not know. He would have been trying to show off for the crew, and he would have miserably failed.
Jod's Dark Path: Killing SM33
But somehow, he gets on the ship.
Right. And that's why I kind of like the idea that it was SM33 that made the conscious decision to betray Jod, basically, because then Jod gets his lick back coming in and cutting his fucking head off. Once again, fuck you, Jod, because now you're killing a fan favorite character. dear that we've already thought we lost once. Yeah. jod there's no There's no redemption story for him. If they tried to redeem his character, I do not accept. As the number one redemption fanboy, I do not accept. As the president of the fan club, we all reject.
I think it's funny too mentioning the lightsaber that I kind of mentioned the games earlier and through in multiple episodes I've mentioned games and and the games are usually like okay this character is bad so their lightsaber has to be red even if they're not technically a Sith and we're seeing Jha do all these bad things with the shining blue lightsaber Disney's favorite lightsaber color right And I'm like, oh, so he's being bad with the blue lightsaber. And it's it's fun to see that imagery because it's not what's expected. Like you expect the. Oh, they're not consulars. The Jedi Guardian, like that's the blue lightsaber and they fight for peace and justice.
Future of Skeleton Crew Characters
Right. He's doing the complete opposite. It's for selfishness.
poor whim because now he's gonna have all these mixed fucking signals of what a Jedi is but it's okay because there's rumors that the skeleton crew kids will be showing up in Dave Filoni's movies so eventually he'll get to meet CGI Luke Skywalker and he'll have a better idea of what a Jedi actually is.
i can't actually no i forgot that mando verse luke skywalker is back to the whole no attachment bullshit and i'm not going to train you if you have attachments so actually he's still gonna have a fucked up idea of the jedi but and a good mando verse that would not be the case Well, they can just take the Onyx Sender to Paridia and Ahsoka. You know, she don't train normal people. She only trains weird padawans that aren't that powerful. Is that shade? And so maybe she'll take Wim under and, you know, even Huyang will be like, you have no force abilities at all, but good luck.
Oh God, I can't even imagine how all that's going to jive. But you know, I had to bring it up because I saw the report and I was like, okay. The kids will have their Avengers moment where they'll show up on like a hillside and SM 33 will be like, do ready to fight.
His job will not be there because he's going to be fucking dead. He's going to be dead. And then honestly, though, I do hope that the lightsaber something is done with it. I don't necessarily need it to be like given to the to the kids necessarily, but I feel like it needs to be used as like a commemoration of everything that happened as a symbol of like what they could have lost and what the Jedi like bring to the galaxy like like the fairy tales that they have on at. at I'd like to see it use some kind of somehow in that sense, but I do think it would be cool if ah somebody got like a fin moment from The Force Awakens with the lightsaber later on down the line.
yeah that would be really cool because we still need it and they don't have to be a jedi to wield a lightsaber Han Solo wielded a lightsaber technically so the Skywalker saber you know specifically so why do i feel like there was a character very recently that also carried a lightsaber that wasn't force sensitive i must be making this up i think you are Yeah, I'm 100 percent. man But hey, it'd be a cool story. Very true. I think now, though, is a good time to kind of get into the act of it all. Right. And before they even get on the planet, Jod's like pointing the lightsaber at the kids. Right. And he says something to the effect of I will kill your parents because now I know what they look like if you ruin this for me.
and I was like, oh my God, he's going full on psychopath. Right. And he wasn't just saying that shit because as we know, the episode ends with him literally threatening to kill the parents. And it literally ends with that shot of them like backing away. I'm scared to see what happens next.
Jod's Betrayal and Its Impact
Me too. And I mean, it sounds like the supervisor is going to have to get involved.
i think I think so. And I'm starting to think that the supervisor is Taq Renan. Like it has to be, right? I still want it to be immune from the banking clan.
It could be I also Have brought up in the past that I think there is no supervisor Yeah, and I could possibly see that being the case. I don't know. They're just they're just using an AI voice for the speaker right oh Okay, never mind well that's something i want to bring up is i'm glad that we do this podcast because i'm able to literally learn things about the episode as we're going yeah because one of my questions was who was the republic emissary going to be if it wasn't jod but then you had brought up the fact that the parents told the kids to find a republic emissary so they had already thought that
an emissary is going to show up with the kids. So that even more reinforced that job was necessary. Yes, which makes the betrayal that might happen that will probably happen even more insane and out of nowhere, they're going to be so blindsided. Right. On top of that, like They know that there are Jedi or have been Jedi in the galaxy. They see this person wielding a lightsaber. Yeah, they may have heard the legend of Luke Skywalker. And so like can you see a Jedi coming. That's a Republic emissary. You're like, oh, yeah, like this all is great. Like, thank you so much. We were worried about protecting our planet.
yeah girl you in danger girl like yeah and i think it's just going to show so much about atton and how it's kind of bullshit because if you think about it one person has basically been able to come in and infiltrate their entire security system, their entire barrier. And he's pretty much just a few steps away from like overtaking Atten as his own.
Vault Reveal: Satisfying Moment
Really the only thing in his way at this point is the supervisor and however powerful the supervisor is or whatever resources the supervisor has. But I'm starting to think that Atten
isn't actually as secure as they think it is. I think that it's going to be exposed that yeah, one person's able to come in and take over their unlimited amount of resources. Yeah, it's insane too. And when we get into that vault, and it's like, I don't know, I will always watch the episodes with headphones on.
So like I hear all the music like I like that. I'm a musician. It adds to my enjoyment of the show and the creepy string plucking and music that just starts building his jaw. It's like going to touch the credits like before they start pouring onto him. Essentially, I was just like this man is going insane like he is going to lose it. And the fact that the droids are just like, oh, look at him. This crazy man is just like playing with the credits.
Right. Like, it's it's insane. And you're right. Like, is the supervisor, if they are a real person, going to have to show up and do something about it? What can they really even do at this point? um Because if they're not a Jedi, what are they going to do? Make a call. They'll make a call to Lando and Lando will make a call to Luke and then Luke will come. Oh, God, that's please no.
Exactly. I don't necessarily need or want that. Right. But what? Where? How is he going to get out of here? I mean, they are underground. They're in a crazy underground thing, which that whole reveal I loved just in the fact that they didn't they didn't make us wait for it either. Like,
We're literally going underground and we're seeing the vault. It's being opened. This is the entire meant where they make all these credits. I love that we got to see all of that because I was waiting for the episode to end like on a cliffhanger. It just didn't. Well, I mean, it still did. But like in a satisfying way, I felt like I got enough build
Anticipation for the Finale
right me too and i'm glad you brought that up about kind of feeling satisfied of what we got in episode seven because as we know disney plus finales are fucking atrocious let's just be honest there hasn't been a lot across star wars across marvel i feel like we're always going into the second to last episode or coming out of the second to last episode being like Oh my God, they have so much to wrap up. How are we going to get through all of this? With this episode of Skeleton Crew, I almost, it almost felt like the typical Disney Plus finale, if that makes sense. Whereas like, they really only would have had five, 10 minutes left to, you know, they would have brought out the supervisor. They would have easily fought the supervisor and that would have been the end of the whole show. So it intrigues me that there's an entire episode left already after
they've got back to at at and already after the fact that they've reunited with their parents, because that leaves us so much room to discover what's going on with the supervisor, to discover more of Jod's motivations here. You know, there's so much that could happen. And I'm glad that we don't have so much to rush into for this finale. Yes, I agree completely. And i do agree that a normal disney plus finale for a season would have ended like at the scene of jaw walking to the parents and then we'd have to wait two years for another eight episodes exactly um like for real i was and then the season would have been cancelled and there would have never been a
Well, and it's it's funny. I was just talking to ah one of my friends just casually about Skeleton Crew compared to the other shows. And one of the big things we kind of talked about and that I noticed was a lot of the shows, you know, we complained about the eight episodes. We complained about 30 minute episodes. I think those were all valid criticisms. I feel that myself. But they don't give.
us time to really get into the universe like i feel like they expect oh it's star wars so it's in the star wars universe but each show kind of has its own vibe but and we kind of get a little taste of everything and then it ends yes and it never feels satisfying and i feel like like you've said just kind of on a more overall scale for this series i feel like i'm getting a lot i'm getting a lot of times with these characters and i don't think it's going to end on some cliffhanger where i don't feel satisfied right absolutely because i think that even though the creators have said they want to have a season two and there's all this talks about skeleton crew characters popping up in the mando verse things like that yeah i think the creators have said they set out to tell a story with a beginning middle and end for season one so that we feel satisfied and i like that it's kind of
The different I don't I can't think of another Disney plus show within Star Wars that did that everything else has kind of set up something else you know Kenobi they redeem Riva and then it's over you know there's still so much story to tell there and or I mean obviously and or season two is coming through but Mando season one that ends where it's like oh we have to get Grogu back there's there hasn't really been something that came to a satisfying end where if we never saw these
Atton's Future: Return to Normal?
characters again it'd be okay and I'm really hoping that that's the case when we get out of this
episode with episode eight that it's like okay if we never see these kids again it'll suck but at least we got a satisfying story where they'd be getting middle and end with these kids no that's such a great point like literally if they drop the curtain the barrier is closed again That feels in line with the show itself that we would never see these kids again, right? Like even the show I think it's whims dad who says like y'all weren't even supposed to learn about all this until after like you finished school. So Exactly having the veil just put back on everything and then going back to their lives as is the kids even kind of joke about that in the episode that like the adventures over and We're gonna go back to life and it's gonna be fine. We're gonna be great. I
But I think we both agree that the more intriguing continuation would be them getting to the bottom of this whole at at and shit and exposing it for what it is and yeah fighting against it. i think I think that's probably where it's going to be leading anyways if it is renewed for a season two.
I mean, I hope so. And on top of that, I'm like, whoever the Republic emissary is, whether it's the same person or whoever they are reporting to, what are they doing with old Republic credits? Because we never see them. Right. They're filling the vaults on Scipio.
with the banking clan. Oh, Lord. You know, I think that I think that you're on to something though, because like what else could it really be? Either that or also like I touched on in that video, funding the first order.
right in the remnant like taking all this money building all their fleets and shit exactly
Packed Content: Short Runtime
which falls in line with what we're kind of seeing with the mando verse I think that the natural conclusion to the imperial remnant is that it's going to be the start of the first order isn I also have seen many theories about the supervisor being like an imperial warlord from the empire and that's why they've been hidden out because it allows whoever this imperial warlord is to maintain order in a small part on Atan
I don't know if that's the case because as Jog reveals in this episode, At-Aton's been shut off for like hundreds of years. But I could see that again, if they're trying to tie it into this Mando-verse thing, but I think it makes more sense that they would use the credits to build like the First Order fleet. Something's got to pay for Starkiller Base. Right, right. and It's not all them damn Kyber crystals, that's for sure. No. Definitely not. Huh. This is just so much. I know. There was a lot in this episode. It's crazy, too, because Skeleton Crew is the shortest series we've ever gotten in terms of the amount of episodes I saw a study someone posted on Twitter that this show has the most episodes under 35 minutes. And yet we're still getting so much. And I feel like they're
they have the strongest narrative.
Comparing Skeleton Crew to Andor
yeah out of all the other shows it's funny i was and or i was listening oh yeah besides and or for sure but i was listening to some other podcast just talking about trader i'm just kidding well after i listened to ours first like and i you know i don't listen to anybody else's until we do our stuff or like make a video or whatever then i'm like okay if i have time i'll go listen to other people's and the show's getting really interesting so of course i want to see what other people are thinking absolutely and I heard a handful of people complaining about last week's episode being short, but I didn't notice any issues with the runtime. i didn't and It was like the shortest episode of the season. right at all Do you know how long this episode was?
35 minutes was like 34 minutes with credit and like while i was getting ready to record i was thinking to myself how long was this episode i wonder if it was like 45 minutes long like a longer one no because like you said they're just somehow somehow they're able to pack so much into this into the narrative and the writing and the characters and like I care and I'm rooting for people and it's I'm hooked in pirate pun. Right. Hooked into the. I. Unintended. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's telling that.
most of our episodes about Skeleton Crew, like discussing the show, have been longer than the episodes themselves. And that's because there's just so much that they're able to fit into these shows. And usually to for Disney Plus shows, that's to their detriment, but I'm just not seeing that with Skeleton Crew. And that's why I continue to say that depending on what happens next week, it could genuinely be the best Star Wars show on Disney Plus.
i yeah I don't know. That's the one I struggle with where I'm going to have to see with season two, maybe. I mean, we're going to be revisiting season one soon before season two anyways. So so and they're just such different shows, too. And they're way different time periods as well. And they're setting out to tell different things. You know, it's it's hard to compare. It's apples to oranges. But the kids in the skeleton crew are not fighting fascism. Right. Right. They just want to have an adventure.
Yes, I think Skeleton Crew is a good example of a show that has the quality of Andor that isn't like Andor because I think we talked about this during season one of our podcast how whenever people say I wish there was more Star Wars like Andor the pushback answer is always star wars doesn't always have to be dark and gritty when i don't think that's what anybody's saying i think that they want the same quality the same care put into every single show and i think every single aspect of the show the writing the cinematography the directing the acting for exactly and i think skeleton crew shows that you can still have the variety that star wars already has while also
making good shit like it's really not that hard yeah it's not rocket science no or maybe it is because it's in space but you know right and one last thing before we go I'm so happy we finally saw a weak way pirate in this episode.
Species Diversity and Pirate Theories
Yeah. Of all the species to be a pirate that we have not seen in live action that I can think of. No weak ways. And they're like quintessential pirates. Right. Yeah, exactly. Return of the Jedi solidified that. So come on. And then the Clone Wars made it even more real. Exactly. It wasn't Hondo, but it's OK. I was still excited that there was a pirate. Right. Or a weak way pirate.
God, I forgot about Hondo. I saw that you posted something on your Discord about people trying to pass off that Hondo is the is Taq Renaud and he's the one in the hologram bullshit. I don't believe it. And that would actually kind of ruin the show for me. I'm not going to lie.
He is not. While I think it would be hilarious if they open up, he's like, Oh, hello, welcome to our dad. And I'm right. It's a supervisor, Hondo. It just poses more questions than it would need to. Like the the explaining they'd have to go through.
it just It just isn't worth it. like I feel like it would mess with Clone Wars and Rebels even. Oh god. like what is What the fuck does Hondo really want? Right, exactly. Because he's kind of also had like his redemption moments in Rebels and things like that. so yeah i just I wouldn't like it. It ain't going to be Hondo, but I was very happy to see the weak way who I think might have been a female because they looked a little cunt in the face. And I was like, okay, yes, go off pirate queen. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah, I loved it. I love seeing all the different species in this episode because we got to see like a ton of the at at and citizens as well. So we got to see some new species.
Which I thought was cool. Like the furry one that's the same species of the girl Neil had a crush on in his class was. There was like a one of those two. I remember them sticking out and I do love. um Wow, I'm supposed to be the lore person, the hammerheads of the authorians. I love seeing the authorians in this show and how they're popping up more. Yeah, just live action stars, because I think they're fun.
Yeah. The attention to detail is crazy because if we were to put side by side, the kids in the classroom versus that shot of all the adults, you'd be able to match kids to parents. And I think that attention to detail is really cool.
and we keep comparing it to Andor, well, this this galaxy in Skeleton Crew is way more diverse than right way less than Andor. yeah So if anything, Skeleton Crew definitely wins over Andor when it comes to the diversity of the species, for sure. Yeah, definitely agree.
Well, Scotty, this is the last ever time we'll get to send off before another episode of Skeleton Crew comes out since next week's the
Conclusion and Finale Anticipation
finale. So why don't you send us out of here if there's nothing else left. Make sure you follow us on social media at WaySeeker's Pod or wherever you get your podcasts to keep up with all our Star Wars content and Skeleton Crew. Thank you all so much for watching. And as always, may the force be with you.