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Breaking a Sweat- Why Starting is Harder than Burpees

E8 · Exhausted Sparrows Unite
124 Plays2 months ago

In this episode of Exhausted Sparrows Unite, we dive into the mental and emotional barriers that keep us from taking control of our fitness…Why does starting feel so hard? Why does waiting make it even harder?

Joined by my friend, a CrossFit owner who understands the struggle, we break down:

· How to overcome the fear of starting something new.

· The power of small steps that lead to big change.

· Why we often underestimate what we’re capable of.

· The surprising truth: You’re much stronger—physically and mentally—than you think.

Whether it’s about fitness or life in general, this episode will inspire you to stop doubting yourself and start taking action. It’s time to lace up those sneakers and make the leap. The hardest part is beginning!


Introduction to Overcoming Gym Mental Blocks

Welcome back to Exhausted Sparrows Unite. It is me, Krista Jones, your host, and today I am here with my amazing friend, Dave Eisenstadt, and we're going to talk about a struggle, a struggle that so many of us face. It is getting out of our own heads and getting into the gym.
You guys have heard me talk about self-love and that is a lot of what we're going to be discussing today because we know that working out is good for us, but sometimes the hardest step is the first one.
So I want to make sure that we talk about anything and everything that is preventing you from getting fit and getting healthy, from walking into your first class terrified to the joys of transformation that you can see all of this one

Role of Community and Gratitude in Fitness

rep at a time. We're going to talk about overcoming mental blocks and ditching perfection and just making sure that our movements are movements of joy in my great beautiful, amazing friend, Dave, business owner, Dave of CrossFit845 is with me today because honestly, I can't even think about this podcast without bringing you into this episode. I like it. Yeah. so and And I love you being here. Yeah. Wow. You are like so professional. I told you that I used to run a podcast. It was like we were drinking beers and... Yeah. It was just, you know what? It was a great podcast. It was just a different kind of podcast. Yeah. And that was years ago. That was before it COVID. It was wild. I would like to hear that podcast. I know. if People are asking me to bring it back. but i should yeah You should. But anyways, we're here because you know if you're just joining us for the first time, first of all, welcome. um The gist of this this whole thing is that you know I want you to embrace yourself, your authentic self. We are living in this filtered social media world where everything that we're seeing, first of all, isn't true.
It's a lot of filters. It's a lot of the best cliff notes of our lives. And we don't get to see the struggles. And and I want people to know the struggles, I mean, all of us struggle. you know People look at successful business owners and they look at all this stuff and you only see this small part. You don't see our mental struggles, physical struggles. like There are struggles with anybody and everybody. I don't care what your success level looks like. I don't care what you look like.
And, you know, all of it really has to start with self-love. So if you go back to any of the previous podcasts, there's a lot of them where we're talking about that. But, um you know, weight, I think, this is me personally, I can't speak for most of you, though 91% of us agree with me that weight is one of the biggest struggles when it comes to self-love. It is our physical appearance. sure And I think, at least for someone like me, once I start getting into the negativity of that, and I don't look good, and these jeans don't fit, and I'm chunky, and once I start doing all of that, I spiral. And what happens is that kind of seeps into my soul. And then I start saying,
I'm not good enough. I'm not worthy enough. I can't even take the first step to get to a gym because I'm going to be judged. I'm not going to be able to do it. And so I brought you in today because CrossFit845 works ah you know a little bit differently than some other gyms where it's really about a whole community. And you know how do you talk, Dave, to someone that is listening to you today And they're saying, I mean, I know that I should be more concerned about my physical health, but I don't feel worthy to even step foot into a gym to do it.

The Impact of Physical Strength on Health Challenges

Yeah. That's a great question. um
You know, everyone is going to say step in, you know, just walk through the doors. Right. That's the, that's the lowest hanging fruit that we can offer because the rest will take care of itself. Right. Once you walk through our doors or any doors of typically any CrossFit, you're going to be welcome. Like you've never been welcomed before in any other gym setting, probably.
But I think it goes a lot deeper than that. And i and i we are so focused on vanity, right? And so it is really easy to judge ourselves, but when we look at how lucky we are to be here on earth. Like think about, okay, think about the probability of being here, being alive, right? The probability of your parents meeting, right? Even go, even so let's go, let's go before that your ancestors, right? The probability of your ancestors all meeting so that your parents met the probability of that very low.
And then you can take it a deeper level where like the conception for like, you know, it's going to sound weird for like, for like a sperm to fertilize an egg is one in a hundred million. Then there's you who was born. Right. Uniquely and beautiful and perfectly the way you're supposed to be. So I think at the end of the day, we become really jaded and we should practice more gratitude to be alive on this earth.
if i If we start our days with gratitude for being able to get up out of bed in the morning where millions of other people cannot, right? You know this first and foremost. I think that sets us up for a better perspective.
And I think if we practice this daily, this will allow us to have more confidence in ourselves to give ourselves a promise to do something about your, let's say in this situation, your weight situation. If you continue to not do something,
It festers not just physically, but mentally. And now we go down a dark hole. So I think if we start our days with gratitude, how lucky we are, I think the odds are greater than one in a hundred million, quite frankly.
then I think we can change our perspective without worrying about who's doing what on social media and comparing ourselves every single hour, not day, hour to what other people are doing. I think it starts with that.
And it takes what, 21 days or something like that to create a habit, right? So that's something small, but that's tangible that you can just wake up and and whatever that looks like for you, if you have to put a saying on the wall so that you read it. For me, it's and it's in my mirror when I'm getting ready, you know, something that just says I'm good enough. Like that's what my saying is, right? the affirmation So you got to start, first of all, believing that, right? Because, and that's what I love about you. You you recognize like,
and You have to do a lot just to walk into the gym. Everybody goes just walk in, but there's a whole mental battle sometimes before you can even get into the gym. The mental preparation for getting in a car, like putting your clothes on, your workout clothes on to get in the car, to physically go there is a huge hurdle. There are people who are paying memberships right now and at my gym who haven't been there for months and they're just giving me a donation. I call those donations.
I don't love those donations because I want them to be inside this gym every single day because I know the effects that a place like a CrossFit gym will have on them. They just whatever.
Whatever's holding them back on the other side of fear or judgment is something so great that they don't know until they do it. That's the thing. What's on the other side of their fear or thinking that they're going to get judged when they're not going to be judged. They, you know, cause our people, you know, CrossFit in general.
The CrossFit community wants you there. It's you that has to get over that hurdle of I can't do this. Like this is, this is too tough. I'm too far in, right? I'm too far in my dark hole that I can't get out. Well, if you continue that way, then it's only going to get worse. You owe it to yourself because you are so lucky to be here. You owe it to yourself to be the best person you can be.
And what Dave is referencing when he says that I know it firsthand, for those of you that have never heard the podcast and aren't even sure why, it's called Exhausted Sparrows Unite. We have a charity called Sparrows Nest. We feed families that are facing a cancer diagnosis. um Give them two meals each week. It's here in the Hudson Valley, which is in New York. um It's really cool to see so many of you downloading, like we have Brazil and Argentina. like I'm looking at, you know, where people are downloading and listening and it's so amazing. So we're this little tiny community here in New York, ah but packing a big punch. And something that I have noticed um along the way is that a lot of these people, right, when they're diagnosed, all of a sudden they're like, oh my goodness, oh my gosh. And it is different for those that have physical strength and have been
ah Working out and it it doesn't have to, you know, be a je yeah you you could start, you know, you could be walking outside your house, you know, you have to take the first step. But there is a difference in their whole mentality to if they go into a cancer journey already strong and fit.
compared to if they go into a cancer journey where they haven't really been working out at all. And there are plenty of times that after that cancer journey, it is like this wake up call if, and many times they do make it through, but you know when or if they make it through, it is a lot of times this wake up call and they're like, oh my gosh. And I just don't want to see that happen to anybody that's listening to this. like I don't want you to have something so tragic that it leads you to say, I need to just get myself physically fit. And that doesn't mean skinny. That doesn't mean 106 pounds and you need to be a size two gene, right? It just means we need you to get out there. And I just, you know, it affects everything. It affects your mental health, your endorphins, everything is affected when you take that first step. Yeah. And that's, that's the whole,
That's the whole journey or objective that I have is to impact as many people as I can in the Hudson Valley because i I want to prevent chronic disease as much as possible. And if I'm the catalyst or the host, you know, the host as in, you know, I own two gyms and you can come to either other gym, but my my coaches, my staff will take care of the rest and get you to that journey so that you don't get chronic disease. That's that is the objective because if I can prevent that as much as possible, I'm okay to leave this earth knowing that I did that.

Personal Motivations and Parental Influence

That's my role here. Right. And so
If I can spread that, um, experience inside the gym to as many people as I can, that's how the whole business started was, was through word of mouth, but it also was because, you know, my father had passed. And so I didn't want anyone to be like him from pancreatic cancer, but leading up to that, his, his health was very poor. I was 13 at the time. So it was a very dramatic and you know, going through that is probably one of the greatest things that I've ever been through, believe it or not, because I would not be sitting here talking to you if my father hadn't passed. So that's, that's the deeper meaning to this is that I don't want people to be like him. So if I can do my part and do as much as I can and then impact as many lives locally here, then I'm okay. Right? So I've done my part.
you know And you you bring up though a good point too, right? Because we're talking about parents and lot a lot of people listening are parents and they're taking care of everybody else. And so i you may not remember saying this to me, but um I'm exhausted. I really am. I mean, I probably work 60, 70 hours a week. And so we sat down and you know you were like, so come. And I was like, I i don't have any time.
And I said, you know, I have to take care of all these cancer patients and I have to take care of my kids and I have to take care of my husband who, sorry Christian, but sometimes is like another kid. And you said to me, but if you don't take care of yourself first, you're not going to be able to take care of anybody else. And for me, what I said is, oh my gosh, if my health goes downhill,
I don't want to leave my children and my husband in a place where they have to deal with that, right? Like I need to be the best that I can be because I can't take care of anybody else if I don't take care of myself. Yeah. And I felt, yes, a hundred percent. And I'm glad that that resonated with you because I, it doesn't resonate with a lot of people. It's just, to them, it's just surface level stuff. that When I say that to them.
But after becoming a parent myself, that's when everything changed too. The meaning got even deeper because now it's like, well, at first I don't want to be like my father. And then secondly, after the kids were born, it's like now I really don't want to be like my father. Like I'm not going anywhere. Yeah. yeah And that, you know, your kids.
look up to you. You are their hero. Is it a hero that's constantly on the couch? Is it a hero that's always going out and getting McDonald's? Is it a hero that is, you know, oh, I'm going to do it tomorrow, and you know, putting things off? Or is it hero that prioritizes themselves, right? And you see all these parents inside the gym.
bringing their kids and their kids are doing pushups and sit ups and they've never done this before. And now you see them again next week. And it's like one of the most fulfilling things you can see is parents becoming that literal hero for their kids and saying, wow, my mom is incredibly fit. Unfortunately, we are a microcosm in the entire community or world because we are so morbidly obese.
We are. yeah And so, you know, small changes help, right, to to change all of that. But talking about your kids and being a hero and all of that too, and having that deep love for your children, right? There's nothing that you wouldn't do in order to keep them safe.
which means if you are not taking care of yourself, you're not keeping them safe. There there there are things that we can we can change and there are things you know we can't control. But this is something that that is in our power to make these decisions in order to get ourself healthier. And I think the other thing too is,
Changes do not happen an overnight. Rome was not built in a day. And um for me, the biggest step for me, the biggest reward for me was I had to take pictures because I don't notice a difference from doing this a couple of years ago, right? When I look at myself in the mirror.
But I have pictures every week and I'm like, oh my goodness, there is a huge change. Maybe not from week to week, maybe from month to month, but taking pictures of yourself and and knowing that you are really going to have to put in some hardware before you see any changes and you shouldn't quit, right right? Exactly. That's another thing. Some people start and then they quit because they don't see a change immediately. Yeah, and it's funny because I think you were you were guilty of this too was that you you were concentrated so much on the on the number on the scale. Yeah, and I know a lot of women listen to this podcast and I just want to be you know, the first to address this and many of my team and the members especially can back this up that
I think in the 90s when we were really screwed up and we were, we had this narrative in our mind, especially because, you know, all the cover photos of the magazines back then, there was no social media, there's just magazines, right? And so on those cover photos, all you saw were these beautiful but skinny women and that's all we knew.

Debunking Fitness Misconceptions

And then there's like, you um, what the heck was her name from Trim Spa? Like there's all these,
fat-bearing drugs and all this stuff. And so the narrative that that was pushed on us was like, you have to be skinny if you want to be healthy. And now it is, I think people who are growing up in that era still have that mindset because it was pushed and rammed down our throats back then. I was just a young kid back then, but I remember it vividly. But we have so much more information now. We have so much more um technology and software where we are eliminating that narrative rapidly because of the things that now we can detect and wait to us
isn't even the first biomarker that we care about. You know, we care about skeleton muscle mass, we scare, we care about body fat percentage, we care about visceral fat, which is the fat around your organs, that type of stuff, when you're able to detect things can open a lot of eyes to a lot of people, especially women.
especially menopausal women, right? And so it is so easy to get up, go weigh yourself in the bathroom on on your on your scale and see that number and get so twisted twisted in the head and that will mess you up.
But once you realize that your body weight is not the end all be all of being healthy, like being strong now, being able to squat your body weight or even half your body weight.
is something so impressive overall that it's sad to say most of America cannot do that, right? But that is so empowering, especially to women. And if you start to see your body fat percentage decrease and your skeletal muscle mass increase, but the weight on the scale stays the same, how cool is that?
You can probably talk about that. You know, you said so much in these last three minutes. I'm like, oh my gosh, it really trips you up because that's my era, right? We were told to starve ourselves. So what happens to me is I'm not eating the calories I'm being told to eat, which is for me high, like, you know, we're used to, you know, if you were, you know, in the nineties, like teenagers, we are used to starving ourselves and it was 1200 calories or less.
So, you know, when now I'm told it's got to be 17, 1800 and I still can't get over that hump. Because you're wired that way. Yeah. And you know what? It is true though. When I eat more calories, I'm losing more weight than when I'm eating 1200 calories and you know, and fat and carbs are not a bad thing, but it doesn't matter how many times you tell me that I'm like fat and carbs, they're not bad, but 40 years of being wired this way, it is really tough. Menopause, like you said so many great things right there. And I think that's what it is, is that this number on the scale, I, many of us do not understand that when your skeletal mass goes up,
And your body fat goes down. That number being the same does not mean you haven't progressed. That's huge. That's the magic right there. When your skeletal mass mass is increasing, your body fat is decreasing. You are on the path of incredible success, especially for health parameters. Then your blood pressure is starting to regulate. Your cholesterol starts to come down.
triglycerides are at a better number. That's when you start seeing the magic doesn't necessarily have to be, okay, now I'm going to starve myself, right? But I'm only going to eat like, like a bird and start to graze. That is the opposite of what you should be doing, especially now. And we're, you know, along the lines of the food pyramid, the biggest scam and scandal, in my opinion, of my lifetime has been the food pyramid that has been the biggest scam of our lives. And we've used it for like 50 years. Decades. Decades. Why? And this can go down another rabbit hole on a wine. Yeah. We're going to do another podcast about that, but you're saying it's a scam because... The base of that food pyramid for decades has been processed carbohydrates.
including bread, pastas, anything that is white, basically. And we were told to get how many servings a day of that stuff, and then that made us sick. And here we are. Here we are still. We are sicker than ever. I'm gonna stop right there. because our next podcast is really going to dive into the nutrition and and the food and in all of that great stuff when ah Dave and I come back and talk again right now we're doing a dealing a lot with the ah physical you know walking and doing all of this so
So what would you um say to somebody that really is listening and their their ears are perking up a little bit and like you know and and they're in this this hole that they're trying to get out of? What do we do next? What do you say?
you know you don't want to you don't want to kind of like where you're saying before You don't want to be too late. right and Once we're hit with you know some sort of awful news or whatever, this that's when we start to wake up and finally do something for ourselves. That shouldn't be the case. You want to get ahead of that and you want to hedge that that awful bet.
and so
When you're older and you're looking back and, you know, say you're 85, you don't want to have any regrets of saying to yourself, like, you know, I wish I sat on the couch

Starting the Fitness Journey and Building Support Systems

more. You know, those aren't the regrets you're going to have. You're going to say,
I wish I played with my kids more. I wish I was able to travel more. I wish I was able to walk across you know the walkway in the Hudson here and the here in New York more. like You're not going to say, oh, I wish I sat on the couch and played video games more.
You're bringing up a good point though, because also being fit helps you when you're in your 70s and your 80s and you're trying to get up and you're trying to to to to carry groceries in the house to you know be mobile. you You have to keep moving so that later in life. You're set up you're set up set up for for having a little more success and you're hedging the correct bets. And I think that, um you You know, if you have, if you get ahead now, it's, by the way, it's never too late to start. Age is such a, age is such a, you know, in my opinion, an excuse to, if you continue not to do something as you grow older, it's just going to get worse. Then you're just going to start talking about dementia and other things like that, that it can lead to.
Um, and then the research is plenty out there now that the more you exercise, the more you're going to hedge your bets for greater, longer longevity. And that's what you want. You know, if you plan on, if you have kids now and you, you plan on having grandkids, you want to be around to, to be able to play with them exactly what you're saying. Right. And that is the greatest fulfillment as you age, like as you age, you don't want to have your kids have to, you know, help you out because just like Kim Moldek said in one of her videos, her most recent videos.
You don't want your kids having to take care of you at the end of life. That's true. Sure. That is the thing. So we're all we're just trying to hedge your bet. And that's why if you continue to put it off till tomorrow, tomorrow turns into a week, weeks turned into months.
And that goes down a very dark road of of a regret and and remorse on yourself. No one else. So we want you to have some gratitude for yourself, right? yes You were put here to live this life and you were put here to live this life to its fullest. So gratitude maybe first and realize that you you were meant to be here. You are important. You are loved. You are worthy.
First, if we can get you there and then get you to get out and get some exercise in. And I think, too, before we wrap this up, I think a support system is important. And if you're you're not going to the gym right away, I'm not saying that you know the gym is going to be the path that that that you necessarily take to. But then, you know, neighbors, friends, family, putting it out on social media, that's ah that's a great place to put the stuff out where people can see it, like, hey, I need help.
I need somebody that will walk with me around the block. Then I need somebody that will walk a mile with me and I need somebody that will try out this gym with me in my area, right? Because we need, we were not meant to do this life alone.
right God put all these amazing people around for us to tap into. We were meant to do this together. We were meant to weed out those that are not for us, but we're supposed to carry on with those that clap whether we're in the room or not.
And that's what we're meant to do. And that's part of the hierarchy. Maslow's hierarchy is the the wanting of belonging, right? And wanting to be accepted. And that's part of the social hierarchy. And as you should, but time passes faster than ever nowadays. And before you know, it's it's going to be gone. And so you want to fulfill your life as best as you can, because the odds of you being here are not great. And how, you know, like I was saying before, how fortunate and lucky we are to be here.
And so that's how I i lead my days to fulfill it with work and and drive because that's what keeps me going. If I didn't work and I didn't have this drive and I didn't have stuff to do, like I would drive myself nuts, but even more importantly, your family. That's the most important thing, especially parents.
And I just want to, if we're wrapping up soon, I just want to put this out there. CrossFit is incredibly intimidating. I'm going to be the first one to tell you. But we approach it a lot differently than what you see on TV and what you may see on social media and YouTube and all these things. We are far different. We know exactly what you're going through. We know how to ease you into it. The community is unbelievable. I am so fortunate to have these people inside this gym, especially my staff and and trickle down to the members, the vision of accepting new people and knowing, hey, I've been in your shoes. I know what day one feels like. um I cannot speak enough about my people. We are 71% women. And that should go and tell you that um that's a pretty remarkable

Overcoming Gym Intimidation and Ensuring Consistency

number. It is not driven by, you know, i ah you know overwhelmed by men.
um We are 71% women and my theories on that is because exactly what we're going over in this podcast is those are the women who realize, hey, I am enough and I am empowered when I'm here and there's no other environment where I feel this way.
And full transparency. um I was that person, right? You know, going to the gym is intimidating, but something that I have learned, especially being perimenopausal and now, probably menopausal, as my husband would say. Absolutely.
um you know The research is out there that you shouldn't necessarily be lifting just dumbbells, but barbells. The research is out there that you need to lift heavier weight in order to get this visceral fat off, especially with women when it gets stuck and stuff. And we're going to have you know some some some experts in on menopause and all of that great stuff. Dave, if you want to stick around for that. I'll check my schedule.
But um I just want to say that I was absolutely intimidated. I could not keep up with anybody that was around me. And that was my first dark hole. So what I had to do was I had to block out everybody else that was around me. Like I had to start, you know, I had people say, Krista, they've been doing this for a long time. You know, just like a runner, they've been running for a long time. You can't, you can't get great at something in a week or a month. It could take years. And so first I had to do that because that was very intimidating. I compare myself all the time to others, which is the stealer of joy. that When you compare yourself, you don't know what anybody else went through and how they got there. So I would say,
I'm still battling, right? like This for me has been years of going up and down on the scale. So for me now, and I'm you know hoping if you take anything away from this, for me now it's just consistency. so i I need to just know that every day I'm doing something for an hour. That's what I do. And I'm trying to be consistent. And some days it may be that I'm walking and I'm i'm i'm not in a class or it might be that I'm on a run or, you know, i I go to quite a few gyms here. We have a lot of great supporters of sparelessness, but I'm just trying to say I cannot look at anybody else but myself. I should not be competing with anybody but me.
because it is really intimidating. So as I say these words to people that are listening, I want you to know that when I first walked in these gyms, I cried for a weeks. I could not get in the gym on the way to the gym. Sometimes I turned the car around, I went right back. um I ended up with COVID. So I'm like, all right, it's not meant to be like, it's the stuff that your mind, I'm like, well, I had COVID, you know, God's probably taught me not to go to the gym. Like, I mean, there's some twisted stuff that can go on in your mind.
So I'm just telling you just gosh, give this whatever you do. Give this journey 21 days to first believe in yourself and then 21 days to get yourself out the door and just do something small and then write us when you do it. Like I want to care these stories because like it is joyful to see people when they finally believe enough in themselves to like realize I am worth it and I am going to be healthy, healthy, right? Yeah. It's uh,
It's a pretty remarkable feeling because i' I've been through you know a couple of periods of depression and whatnot and and coming out of that and all it took for me was was one workout to get me back um realigned and in my mind. yeah It was like I was short circuiting almost and so I needed I needed to be around people who I knew were going to cheer for me and I needed to put myself through something hard. So at the end of that something hard, I know it's going to be easy. And so to me, that is rewarding. And I think if if you can one challenge yourself and to be around the people in this right environment,
that gets really addictive. And I think if you if you walk away from that, and I know a ton of people who have, um that's when it starts to get a little bit darker. and so um But you can always get back, right? Like it's never too late. Yeah, one thing that I i tell myself, you're one workout away from feeling so much better than you are right now.
because also the study show, endorphins. like There's a lot that goes on when you work out and you put yourself through just a little bit of sweat, right? And somebody always has it worse than you. And if you're healthy enough to do it, that's what I try to say. I have a cancer patient right now that's fighting for their life. I have a family right now whose child's in the hospital. i you know I always say, I can do this. Right now they're in darker places. like I can do this. I can get myself out. I can do this. You know you can do this.
You can do this. And that's what it's all about. Someone always has it worse than me. Somebody always does, Dave. I love that you came in tonight. That was awesome. Thank you guys so much for joining us on this episode of Exhausted Sparrows Unite. Remembering that fitness, guys, it just, it really is such a mental game as much as it is a physical one. So start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.
We want to make sure that you don't forget to subscribe. You can leave us a review and listen. Dave and I are looking for these amazing comments about how you just got up and you just gave yourself gratitude. You just got up and you took a step and you walked outside. You just got up and you finally got into that gym that everybody's telling you to get into. Whatever it is, I want you to do it and then I want to make sure that you tell us all about it.
Take that first step. We don't care what it is. Just remember that you've got this. Until next time, be kind to yourself and to one another.