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Nonsense and Chill in Jeff's Garage

Nonsensical Network
18 Plays3 months ago

This episode Blaze and Jeff finish out this spooky month with a bonus show. We start the show with cars in horror movies on Jeff's Garage, then review and provide commentary on Terrifier 3. Enjoy and thanks for listening.


Pumpkin Spice Craze: Delicious but Dangerous?

Dude, hit the button. Yeah. Well, I'm just sharing everything out. Sorry, my bad. No, you're good. Welcome to nonsense and chill in Jeff's garage. Yeah, a little collab, a little background, extra Halloween spice. You know, it is it is pumpkin spice season, so I guess that was relevant.
Yeah, which, which is like, I don't know if you, but I don't knock the forum for it, but apparently that shit's bad for you. Well, only in space, only in the state, because the chemicals they use to make it pumpkin spice. Hmm. That's not to me, but yes, that sounds like more of a Saturday night or a Wednesday night discussion. Agreed. Uh, you brought some nice to popped in my head and I was like, Oh, yeah.
Um, but yeah, would you so we are live we're going to be doing a little like like you said a collab word. Um Let's go and drop the thumbnail on our audience so they can see it. We are doing a little uh Kind of a breakdown slash uh favorite of horror car movies now, these are cars that are cars and vehicles that are Not driven. They're more possessed or evil. um Because I actually did a little research in the little bit of time I had. And if you put in a horror car movie list, you'll get 500 cars.

Horror on Wheels: Possessed Cars and Killer Trucks

But it's like... Oh, I bet. It's like Carrie's mom drove a Volvo. Like, nobody cares because you never saw the Volvo. It's this weird diatribe trope. The car isn't the actual...
Exactly. The car isn't the antagonist. There's a driver. Yes, yes. these however The ones you picked, the ones you picked are all actually like. Yeah. they're kind of success in the movie what What's the word for it? so there there's their soan Thank you. They are kind of possessed. Of course, we are talking about, um you know, I'm going to start off with The Lincoln, the 1971 Lincoln, it is a ah Lincoln Continental Mark III, who... um This is the devil's car. is way is way it's This is the... The movie has zero drive. Like, you the door never opens, you know, kind of thing. um It's a...
First off, it's Ford. It's a Lincoln. So, I haven't seen this movie. So, um i do i do like I do like the look of that Lincoln. I like that chop top. the chop i don't I don't mind the chop top. I hate the fenders. You know, if you actually, if anybody goes on and looks up then a real 1971 Lincoln, this one is heavily modified.
Um, you know, you see the rounded corners where the original front bumper, that's all custom. That's not, a you know, you can't get it to look like this, this day you bought it, you know, you think was that, uh, was that car custom made for the movie or it but made for the mar and they're like was it? Okay. No, because the 71 Lincoln is very boxy. You know, you look at any seventies.
you know, Cadillacs and, you know, they're all boxing, you know, 80 feet long. Yeah, I'm bringing that up on my Google. Oh, okay. Yeah, the 71 Lincoln, comparatively speaking, it's two totally different vehicles, but it's the same vehicle. um Okay. I do like the car. It's... ah The beauty of the movie is the car doesn't die. You just kind of get away from it.
What do you mean? What's the premise of the movie? Like I said, I've never seen this movie. Honestly, I've only seen about half the movie because it's kind of boring. But okay I was going to watch it again, but you know life gets in the way kind of thing. And but the car literally just drives around and kills people. Just runs them over.
Well, runs them over, you know, make so make sure they slam into something. It's it's a scary vehicle, but it's it doesn't scare the shit out of me. Okay. Like when I was a kid, I was like, eh, yeah, whatever. It's a Lincoln. I could just... It sounds like you just hung up on the back of the Ford. Hey.
The next vehicle we going into mine this is the the Lincoln I say is my least favorite um ah So my my number four or sorry my number three on this list is the 1976 or sorry the 1955 351 Peterbilt from the movie duel yeah That looks like a truck you would see in a Mad Max film. just you know not like
go ahead oh I'll say just not decked out yet with with munitions and auctions. Well, the thing about this thing is is the the trailer on it is not a 55 like the truck. It's like a 35.
So it's a 1935 trailer, which makes it look a little bit more menacing. Now, the great thing about this movie is it is a Steven Spielberg work. It was directed by Steven Spielberg. So the cinematography in this movie is excellent. However, okay the the reason why this is so low on my list, and a lot of people love this movie,
dual um do stevens to spillberg businessut It's pursued and terrorized by a benevolent driver of a massive tractor trailer. So this one does have a driver. It says it has a driver, but in the movie, you only see his hands. So the the fan theory is with this vehicle is that the driver is just a caretaker, and this is another devil's vehicle. Okay. it's It's kind of a weird stretch.
But because you never, the only the only time you actually see anything but the driver's hands when the truck drives by or something like that, is in the beginning of the movie, you see him walking and checking the tires. But you don't see him, you just, it's literally shot at his boots. So you see him like the knee down. And then you see his hands and gloves later on the movie. So there's no there's no face to the driver.
Um, it's a decent movie, not my favorite. Um, it's not something where I'm like, I'll call the kids and I'm like, Hey guys, come check out this movie kind of thing. Yeah. Well, it's, it's a, it's a psych. It's an action thriller. So you know what? It kind of reminds me, you ever see the movie joy ride?
I actually enjoyed that movie. I love that movie. It's a, it's like, it is almost it's told exactly the same movie ah because it's a semi-truck chasing down this businessman. The differences in joyride. The ending is way different. You know, they get out of the hotel and all that fun stuff. Yeah. When that dude unhindered, like ripped his jaw. off If I remember, that was the scene. Yeah, he was tricked in going to. Yeah. Yeah. That's what started the whole pursuit.
It's once again. I want to kind of gloss over these two because they're not my favorite and I've only I've never actually sat through the entire movie.
I've you know bits of you know it's on I'm a big old finish it up or I'll start it and then get about halfway through I'm like I think I think I think tonight I think tonight after we get done reviewing Terrifier 3 that's right that's what we're reviewing later yeah obviously I think we've uh we've we've said that plenty of times I think I'm actually gonna watch the duel the duel movie yeah um I am pretty curious about that.

Stephen King's Evil Vehicles: A Creepy Collection

I had planned to rewatch them again. But like I said, life gets in the way. we kind of got I got swamped this week. Yeah. My number three. My number three. And and you can ah you can give your ranking after I reveal each. Yeah, yeah. You're good. Well, cool. I have never seen before, so it's going to be good. Right. And that's the problem. Dual in the car,
they're they're They're called classics. you know the They weren't advertised like the other movies. yeah Because the other movies, they are by the King. And when I say King, they're by the Stephen King. I see what I did there.
The 1970s- Happy Toys. White, Western star. 4,800. with the most outrageous custom on this list. um The green goblin face. green goblin but However, in this movie, this is not the bad guy. i don't i And this is my controversy that I have. He's not the he's the bad guy. He's a bad guy, but he's not the bad guy. The bad guy is the little Jeep thing with the machine gun on it.
Because if you remember in the movie, they're all trapped in this fucking wannabe diner. yeah And they're like, the trucks can't come in here, because we have a basement and they'll fall in. And they have that he said he ever got a right stupid plot for me.
Right. The little sentient jeep had a machine gun on it, which is why they spend like three hours or 10 hours filling up trucks with gas because that would have been my first thing. It's like, fuck these guys. My once a big plot point. OK, that little jeep has a machine gun on it. We have a fucking basement. Yeah. Hide in the basement. Hide in the basement. He can't shoot you. Not just that. would I mean, aren't they eventually going to run out of fuel anyway?
I mean, they can't rebuild themselves. In the movie, no, they do run out of fuel, but the little machine gun truck, it's literally like an army jeep with a machine gun on it. It forces, it makes them walk out, you know, it starts shooting at the diner, and Emilio Espos walks out and he's slowly, and the gun's following the whole time.
Yeah. And he he he starts putting gas in the trucks. And they they literally add so much fuel to these vehicles because there's a shit ton of them that yeah when they finish, he's got blisters on his hands from pumping diesel.
Okay, so it's it' like I said the trucks aren't the bad guys here. They're more of the the big guys than the little guy It's kind of like if if all of non-sensical network got together and I was the leader Because I'm the little guy and I got like 14 big guys behind me. Yeah. Yeah no Yeah, I see what you mean. So like the G brand ran all the brutes right? yeah, and so it's the Like I said, I do love this movie. I know one of our co-hosts and hosts gives this movie shit constantly. Glick. I wasn't going to name names, but now that it's out there, no. And Glick did say last night because we were giving him shit about it last night and he got pissed about it. He said, it's not a terrible movie, but he he says it's overrated.
And I'm not agreeing with him, but if you watch it today versus when you watched it when the movie came out, yeah when it came out, top-notch, it was awesome. When, if you watch it now, yes, it's overrated, but when it came out, not so much. um okay But my all-time favorite.
the queen herself, the 1958 Plymouth Fury, the only vehicle that if I was allowed to own, and when I say allowed to own, my wife will never let me buy this car, no matter how much money I have. The only vehicle I would ever own in red. I don't like red. Okay. All right. All right. ah You know, I think red goes, maybe i'm just it's just the habit of me seeing a 57 Chevy Bel Air. It's always, to me, looked great in red. Oh, well, red is one of those things. What's up, Chaka? On a vehicle. Chaka, if you want to come up and watch the movie with us later, ah yeah send me... Oh, I don't have his contact info.
I know glick glick hides all that stuff i'm joking actually hold on I have Shaka do me a favor. I have There you go send me an email real quick and i'll send you a link. Um Let's see what I did there, um Red looks good on any vehicle Like and red is I don't care what you do to a vehicle red is shiny is always the shiniest. You can polish up red and make it. However, my problem with... Sorry, sorry. My problem with red cars is I tend to get pulled over a lot as it is, and red cars get pulled over more than any other color. Okay. Yeah. I think that is an actual true statistic. It is. It is. Yeah. Like, yes. I didn't believe it at first, so I looked it up. Yeah. Yeah. Insurance companies, they... Oh, man. They do some...
Well, I also have this weird superstition about red cars. Have you ever seen the movie Used Cars? I don't think I have. It's Kurt Russell. It's Kurt Russell. Excellent movie. Oh, my God. I'm adding it to the list. Okay. One of his co-workers is afraid of red cars. Like, he has this superstition, like, red cars are bad luck. And when I saw that movie in the 80s, and I was like,
I like it. That's going to be my thing forever. I don't like red cars. And it's stuck. It's become... Fair enough. However,
back to Christine. Christine, being a 58 Fury, she is... The only reason this car is iconic is because of this movie. Literally. Like, it was shit sales per Plymouth.
um They sold more Bonneville's, which is basically the exact same thing with a different wheel. Yeah. Then they did Plymouth's. But the Plymouth Fury in this movie, imo par it is evil. Well, it's it's evil in a way where it becomes obsessed with its owner. If its owner cares.
for For example, if you bought this car and you just, you're like, it's just metal, glass and rubber. I'm going to go and Uber. eat Oh, I see what you mean. yeah Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. But if I buy this car and I, you know, spend every waking moment rubbing it with a fucking diaper and talking to them, yeah it's going to love me back.
And which is another reason my my wife won't let me buy one because she's like, it'll become set to then and kill us all. I'm ah so don't talk shit about my car and we won't have a problem. You treat it nicely and we won't treat you badly. Exactly. But she's a jealous bitch, this car. She is jealous um and refuses to take shit to the point where She literally... pretty much kills herself at least twice. Yeah. You know, when she kills Buddy Repperton in the movie, I've seen this movie hundreds of times. I think I've seen it like once way back in the day. She chases him down the road while she's on fire and finally runs him over. um I can't remember the other kid's name off the top of my head, but the fat guy that shit on her dash, which he deserved every minute, of it ah she...
Cornered him in into a loading dock that was too wide for her body, which kind of explains why this car is so big. I wonder. Yeah, go ahead. It's Stephen King. I wonder if Stephen King had a reason why he picked that car because he does shit like that. it's pi i think he i think he I think he said something about it. Like, I did see something about this. Like his neighbor used to own one or something like that. So you said it's a 57?
It's a 58.
that's The economist's conception about this car is that it is a 57 because in the beginning movie, it is November of 57 when Christine is built. Well, the funny thing is in November, they start building the next year model. Stephen King said he picked the Plymouth Fury. That's his car in his in the book and the film adaptation because It was clear that the that it was generally overlooked despite it looking, despite it looking like a classic. Yeah. And it is. Like I said, I think they only sold like 8,000 of these. Now, that's a lot of fucking rides. But compared to the 57 Chevy, which is like 200,000 or something like that. I don't know how many. yeah I don't know the numbers. But like you're talking,
triple digits of the fifty the trifi Chevys, the 55, 56, and 57. And these Plymouth Furies, there were but like ah they made a lot, but not a lot where you find them all the time. They made 5,000. Wow.
less Yeah, the bad a bad recession that affected all automakers held down production of the 58 Fury to 5,308 cars. so if you put d yeah But the 56 to 58 Fury was such a success in creating a sporty image for Plymouth that it put the Fury name on its top line standard series a night in 1959 coupe and sedan models.
Okay. If you put in 58 Chevy, and you see they, they sold, how many did they sell? How many sell? how Wait, how many sold? and that for The Chevy, the Chevy, because you, you compare. So they, whoa, that ain't right. They sold 1.2 58 Chevy's 1.2 million, 1.5.
Well, no, it dropped from 1.5 to 1.2 because of the recession. Oh, okay. Yeah, because I read that wrong too. So, comparatively speaking, $5,000 to $1.2 million. I think one of those... $5,000 to $5,000 all day long. I wonder how much one is worth nowadays. Christine? 58 Plymouth Berry. Yeah. It depends. It depends on the color. But they're 100 grand plus.
No shit. Easily because of the typically you can expect to pay forty six thousand four fifty eight Plymouth Fury in good condition with average spec. What is the highest selling price of fifty eight is selling price of over three. The last three years have been fifty eight thousand because it's still not terrible. Yes, it's been a couple sold in auctions. That's not terrible. I would assume a lot more.
I was expecting more too. I was, like I was personally expecting like 70 to 80. I was. Yeah. Well, movie cars tend to sell. Well, now if it's the actual Christine car value. yeah those yeah So in the movie, and I don't have the specs for the other ones, but in the movie, Christine, they use like 50 of them. I don't know if that's. no then you shit down on The 1958 Plymouth Fury, which served as a star card, Christine was ah item five, or I'm sorry, F-156 at the Mecham Kissimmee. They had an estimate selling Yeah. They used 24 of them in the movie.
The value of the actual 58 Plymouth Fury Christine movie car is 275,000. This car is the only known survivor of the c Colt Classic Force. So there's only one left out of all the ones they used. Out of 24. Well, 24 but 17 of them were used as parts. Oh, okay. 17 were, well, I read that wrong. 17 of them were actually in the movie, seven of them were used as parts.
Yeah, during filming, 24 Plymouth theories were acquired, but only two stunt cars were in any condition. Yeah. then there There's a couple of people out there that have them, and the the one guy was watching on YouTube, and he's like, he was offered $150,000, and he told him the guy to go get off his property, because he loves it, you know. ah yeah Plus, he probably wouldn't, the car would have came back and killed him. Okay. Ooh, shocker.
Let me go ahead and open that. um so So Christine being my number one, what would you say is yours?
Well, sir, um I'm going just by the vehicle because I haven't seen two of the movies and the other two I haven't seen in so long.

Personal Picks: Favorite Horror Cars

I like the Lincoln. I like the custom. I like the custom Lincoln look to it.
um I've always wanted to Lincoln in and and name it the stinking Lincoln and just right. Yeah, be a hotbox car.
That would be my number one. and My number two would be Christine. The other two, I'm just not I'm not really a trucker kind of guy. So but the last on the list would definitely be the the the the dual.
Really? Yeah. Yeah. I know. I agree. Yeah. Because like I said, I'm that that one I'm judging me based on the fact that I have seen maximum overdrive compared to the dual. So I just have to go with that one out of. Yeah, out of that reason. But I am going to watch the dual later tonight because after we' we're done with Terrifier, my ass checking out on the Internet. Oh, last night, guys, last night. Last night was wild. You were so angry.
Oh, man. i I remember Connor freaking proposition Shaka for something. I forgot what it was. Yeah, I remember because we have the clip. ah there is a clip There is proof, guys. But yeah. um But Chaka, I sent you that link. He's going to pop up here, Matt. I sent him the link to the Zoom as well so you can actually watch the movie. Yeah. So the
So now for me as a horror guy, okay, I will say this, maybe Christine, but the rest of them, I don't really put any category of a horror flick. I agree. I think thrillers can be adjacent to horror movies. um But yeah, I'm trying to think of some horror movies. All four of these movies are not, I wouldn't call them horror. I would call them more like, they're the mental or there's psychological, the the psychosec psychological thrillers. Yeah. Um, but if, if you asked me to watch one of these movies and you give me a choice, I'm picking Christine every time I love. yeah Um, but I'm also the kind of guy that would, I I'm, I'm very much Richie Cunningham, the, the owner.
of the 58 Plymouth period, where if I find a piece of shit on the side of the road, I'm going to spend every dollar and dime and time I have on rebuilding it because and and then never get rid of it. So in 1990, and I'm telling this out for us motorcycle guys, there is a, and I'm going to watch, I'm going to find this because I just looked

New Frights: 'I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle' and More

it up. The movie is called, I bought a vampire motorcycle.
When a motorbike gang, when a motorbike gang kills an occultist, the evil spirit he was summoning inhabits a damaged bike. That is a horror movie with the That is definitely him. I'm not to add, I'm not going to add that to the list. I don't want to subject you to any more horror movies this year. Right? you know What's up, Benji? Benji, come on up, bud. I'm going to send you a link in your what's.
The thing is, when it comes to these movies, now I want to bring up a trailer for it what's up in that movie. Yeah.
I mean, the, like I garage. I love, I love a, uh, I don't mind a psychological thriller. I don't mind them. The, the, because like you put me in a horror film. I'm not going to be in it very long. Cause I'm going to get in my vehicle and drive the fuck away. I'm not going to hang out now.
You know, I'm going to. I'm going to play this YouTube video. yeah and the guy it's I bought a vampire motorcycle. It's the ah ah we got the trailer from 1990. This is a bad motorcycle. It runs on blood.
i the bags order is now dead off guns a bit norton um it has not been trashed ah long family didn't die on it at an accident this is this is a the machine's non legalal owner
when his best friend was found horly murdered I have to tell you, it's not very pleasant. to his girlfriend when she wore them the bike was a killer um i just what all by itself yes to satisfy
and of the sun, and of the
except ah forward in hell the what iss safe for the wheels of death and the fire air what of motorcycles could be right up your
oh wow That looks like a gem. That looks like a gem, fellas. Add it to the list. We got to see that. Add that to the list. OK. Add that to the list. as I just added another one today. I saw it today. I was like, oh, can I add that that's. Mm hmm. Wow. It looked like a funny. It looked like Sean and the Dead.
Like a son of a dirty. Yeah. Yeah. I like it. Yeah. Yes. I did not expect the turd that talks. No. Didn't see that coming. Shall we take a break? Yeah, let's go ahead and take a break and we'll then we'll... Yeah. ...mainly because the... We're going to be through Jeff's garage because Blaze and I are both just exhausted. But... Yeah. Let's take a break and... Yeah. ...when we come back, we'll start demanding.
yeah I'm gonna, it's gonna be about a five-minute break. Guys, tonight's just gonna be oh commercials I've already played before, so forgive me. Yeah, They're commercials, we don't watch them anyway, right?
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Apparently, Benji can't get in streamer. I was going to say, just try that Benji because I can always remove it. um We are back.

Anticipation for 'Terrifier 3': Is It Worth It?

We're getting ready to start. Tier of Fire 3. I have issues with this movie. I really do. ah You know, OK, so I did watch it last night after we finished the show, so it's very fresh in my mind. I haven't. no yeah I just want to note that to everybody. I have not seen the movie yet.
ah Benji, have you seen Terrifier 3 yet? I have not seen one or two yet. Oh, well we're about to watch three here here in a moment. Did you get the link to this the ah Zoom? Hold phone either. Oh, you can only do one because you used the phone. You almost need a laptop for that. Oh, you're good. I can't even hear them now. Hello? I hear you for a second, then it cuts off. I don't know.
It's because you're wearing that gay Ferrari hat. You should get a Lamborghini hat and be happy.
Yeah, yeah the voice the voice cut out again. great Yeah, you're cutting completely out. Like I hear you for two seconds. That is weird. Now I hear and don't understand what's going on. yeah I can hear you now.
And it's like, as soon as you, and then it went out. Yeah. It's like, as soon as you like, as soon as you like, you move and then it it cuts out when you get closer, you can hear you. Try the old phone. It won't, it won't sign in. Oh, weird. So now we can hear you. Yeah, that's weird. Anyways, Charifier 3, it is the All right. I hate to be the bar bad news plays. I'm not spoiling it. If I say this, they're going to be another one. There's going to be another one because they said they set it up at the end. Before we get into that, though, did you want to?
um Have Benji give his opinions on the cars we went over? Oh, yeah. Yes. He's technically part of Jeff's garage. Yeah. Out of the movie, the car, the dual, maximum motor drive, and Christine, how do you rank them? Let's find these pictures so we can see them. Yeah. This is the dual. Yeah, that's the dual. That's the dual. That's the car. The maximum motor drive.
and the 58 Plymouth Chevy that is the greatest car of all time. Yeah, the Christine and the one with the guy on the front, that's got to be one and two. One and two. Yeah. I've never heard of it. Dual is actually, it's it's dual, I was saying, I've seen dual not all the way through, but it's very much like Joyride. Yes. But,
without the coolness of Steve Zahn and and paul Walker and all that. Yeah. I love Steve Zahn that you dude could do no wrong in my eyes. Um, but it's, it's kind of, even though it is a Steven Spielberg movie, it's very early Steven Spielberg. Yeah. Yeah.
but it was just a long time ago. Yeah, it's it's not something you watch multiple times. For example, I've seen Christine a couple hundred thousand times. I've seen Max Movers ride at least 10 times. The other two, I've seen maybe once a piece if you put all the times I've started or stopped watching altogether.
Gotcha, and gotcha, gotcha. Not as memorable. The car is about the devil's, the Lincoln is the devil's car. Correct. I remember Lincoln. Yeah. But you like, you never see inside the car. You don't know if somebody's driving it or not. It could be Sentinel. It could be not. It's one of the stuff. Are you a horror movie fan, Benji?
Uh, if I am, it's usually like grade B stuff. Okay. Oh, no, that's actually, that's my, yourre inver buddy that's, that's my preferred. horror Because if you, if you really think about it, Terrifier, all three of them, and well, especially the first one is kind of that grade B, but with better film equipment. Yeah. And yeah, if you, um, it's to the, yeah.
they kind of get like a budget. Gotcha. Well, it made a lot of money. Well, yeah, because well, all horror movies do. I think it's one of those things. Now, I want to fill Benji in on a little quick background of Terrifier. Terrifier, Arthur Kion, he made his film debut in a mo in a anthology horror movie collection called All Hollows Eve.
all three movies and then the three movies within the movie is all centered around Art the Clown. There's three different ones like depicting depicting him in like three different ways. gotcha So his origins are a little like sketchy because when they actually make the Terrifier movie, they really don't go into detail of his origins in the first one. You kind of have to Yeah, you kind of have to like pick, ah piece it together from All Hallows Eve and the continuing story into two and then into three. So, but yes, uh, well, Terrifier one, we had a very small budget, two had bigger and just the clips I've seen in at three, it looks like it's a bigger, bigger budget and budget. Yeah.
I'm looking, you know, i've I actually, you know, once again, the horror movies, not my genre. I'm being forced to watch these movies for the show. I am. I'm forced like i being first to play fantasy football.
ah yeah four Remember, we only have to do horror movies just to react to it. I know. This was the last horror movie until next year. I'm just, I'm calling it now. Um, although I, we have, we do have the, I bought the vampire motorcycle that we have to watch. I'm sorry. It just looks hilarious. I don't know. The estimated budget, the estimated budget for this movie was $2 million. dollars Opening week and it made, or three. Yeah. Opening week and made 18 million.
I think two million dollars for Hollywood movie is absolutely nothing. mean It's pretty dirt cheap. Yeah. Well, no, but but considering what they what they do the first one for like thirty-eight. Oh, let me look. think That's a good question. Now is we're by the first Terrifier movie. Go ahead. I have it here. We we estimated it right around like thirty-five to thirty-eight grand something like that because it all takes place in a **** garage and Benji as a car guy.
i If you watch the first one, you will notice it. Car people people that are not car people won't. I'm not scared of the clown. I'm scared of the mechanic that owns the joint because all the hoods of the cars that are there are half open. Not all the way open, not all the way closed. They're just... That guy's a psychopath. Those are the ones he's getting to. Yeah. No, that guy's a fucking psychopath. That clown doesn't scare me a bit.
And the shop is so dirty. It's like... The budget for the first one was $35,000. $35,000. That's very Kevin Smith's clerks. Right? It's a $35,000 budget. Yeah. Number two was $250,000.
Yeah, so number, I mean, that's a hell of a jump. And then to go to 2 million, I mean, these guys, I mean, so the, so the money it's making is not crazy huge money, but for their budget, it is big money. its it's i mean I think they're tapping into those like cult classic horror fans.
Oh, you can get into those people who are like, like killer clowns, like silent killer clowns. The, the, the, the great thing about killer clowns from outer space next year. we might have and it is It is fantastic. I absolutely love that movie. Well, it's a great movie. I got a t-shirt. I'm into it. The beauty of art the clown. And when we start the movie, you kind of, it,
Unlike one and two where two picks up almost right where one left off. Um, the beauty of art, the clown is the dude is kind of funny. Hey, I don't, I'm watching this with us. I'll send you a link. but were you wearing Um,
but You know, because he does the whole... Benji, here's the crazy thing about Art the Clown, the the killer in the movie. ah He never says a word. Mime. He is a complete mime. Mime. Mime. Mime. What happened there? I think that's Benji. These guys on like TV.
No, actually I got the thing to work. Is that what you guys see? Oh, yeah. turn your ah Mute yourself on on Zoom. That's what it is. There you go. Yeah. So it it wasn't in the it wasn't in the... I was getting some feedback on my side from it. We're getting it from Zoom. ah the but the The crazy thing about Art the Clown is he is he is kind of...
He's a mime, he's a complete psychopath. The problem I have with these movies is the the glowing eyes, the glowing sword, that shit, the paranormal part of it. Because it's not even remotely explained. It's kind of explained in this one. Yeah, that's hard. That is my favorite picture of art. I want that on a t-shirt, calling it now.
But real quick, before we start, um on IMDB, Terrifier 3, out of 10, got 6.8 compared to Terrifier 2, got and Terrifier 1 got 5.6. I hovered around 6. I mean. Yeah, the but this is the highest rated one.
across the board, well, except for the popcorn meter, for all three of them. The popcorn meter, which is out of 5, is a 4.3. The first one was a 4.4, so it's, you know, at a 4.1 for the second. For the tomato meat, which is out of 10, is a 6.3, which is the same as Terrifier 1.
And this is an 86% popcorn movie um compared to 88 and 81, one and two. So it's, it's according to the websites that review movies, this is in line. I don't believe it is.
So, quick question. This this was a, um, just garage slash the chill. Yeah, this is it. Yeah. Yeah. So, here lies the problem we ran into. We did a, what we did, uh, before we watched this, we watched the ministry of under general warfare, uh, which you were here for. Um, and the only reason we watched it was I called blazer. I was like, dude, this is, we got to see this movie. It's awesome. It's amazing. Yep.
So we did it and what we should have done was terrify or one.
That way we would have another week to go for, to watch Terrifier three. Yes, because Halloween this year lands on Thursday. So um next Friday is the first of November. So we're doing this bonus show today, like a collab. So we can get that Terrifier three movie in there. ah three ter up I was going to say, man, cause there's been so much like car news that's dropped. I was like, what are you talking about?
yeah ferrari f eighty the Ferrari the Ferrari pole positions two weeks in a row on... and Actually, hey, on Monday, um the new show... Remind me the name again, please? Speedway Stories and Cold-Blooded Conversations. Thank you. ah We have the new show, which is that show where the guy is a a motorsports fan but he's also a reptile fan so he's kind of doing both. Is this is this Chris? No, it's actually uh what's his what's his name? Not not Clay Chris but Chris the technician. No, it's um
I can't remember this gentleman's name off top of the hat. I know. I've seen his. I've seen his. I actually went to high school with him, much like, well, Chris and I went to high school with him. He took horticulture and we took public trade. But, you know, him and Chris were talking, and he's going to start his show on Monday. I'm going to try to pop up for it. I'm not the biggest motorsports fan, but I do enjoy anything car. I'm all about F1.
Right. If you're, if you're free, it's going to be earlier in the day. So you might be working. That's the only problem because after that, after that, I i work.
Yeah, you work. You work more than any of us can buy. I work a lot but I don't actually like physically do much. Yeah, you you travel more than you actually work. Dude, I gotta send a text to the owner just a minute. I don't even know if I'm in Raleigh or I gotta to travel to Mooresville in the morning at 6 o'clock. I don't know nowhere where the hell I'm at. Hey, let me know if you're in Raleigh because I have a list of hotels in a Raleigh that I know all the General Landers know. I live in Raleigh.
Oh, I've been... that's i'll I'll explain it later. Not for this show. Anyways, we're going to get ready to start Terrifier 3. Benji, like I said, what you need to know for this movie, the clearly clown in the first movie kills these two drunk... I say drunk in air quotes because I didn't think they were drunk. At least the brunette was 100% sober. The blonde was tipsy. um And then they call their sister the Burnett sister to come get them because their tire is slashed.
Whoa. And. I'm going to cut it down. Yeah, good. And the sister gets attacked by art, but not killed. She goes to an insane asylum because her face was all cut up and she's kind of in the third movie. She is part of the team of art.
I caught a little bit bit i caught a bit. I caught a couple clips of that. I'm interested to see how it unfolds. Oh, dude, you you you have no idea. it It changes the dynamic of the movie. That kind of sounds a little bit like Saul where some of his victims started working with him because they learned a lesson. it's It's kind of a, it it agreed. And you know, Blaze mentioned that a- Is the pale grill in the third one? No.
oh you you you want to talk about disappointment, buddy? I was waiting for the whole time. She wasn't there. I was kind of like, what the **** Yeah. Uh but no, they bring back uh was there Vicki? Yeah, Vicki the original that was uh one of the first victims and uh Vicki has gone off the deep end like so far off the deep end, she doesn't know where the cliff was that she fell off of. She's
I can't even give you a hint of why. What's up, Chris T? I'll mention this when it happens because, Blaze, when it happens, I'm going to have you describe it because if I describe it, I'm the creepy guy. If you describe it, you can get away with it.
You can cut a door and yeah. You say and I can find the words that won't sound so old man creepy. Oh, no, no, she's full on. Okay. Oh, hey, Chris, what is up? Well, you guys, well, let's go ahead and start it. Let's start this movie because, uh, like I said, we are, uh, anybody watching, if you want to start the movie, uh, Blaze, give me the call out of where we're actually pressing play at.
Oh, I'm at 56 seconds is when I press play. 56 seconds in is when we started playing the movie. Of course, you got the pop-ups here, and I need to crank up my audio here. it's ready so this i So starting off, it starts off in Christmas. Yeah. there it This is where I love that I know more than you on this one because this is not usually the case when it comes to horror movies. It's explained.
And I have an explanation. Oh, I'm sure it is. No, that's fine. i'll let it I'll let the movie explain it. And and this this poor little girl, she's having a bit of a nightmare. Should we read the bed? No, she didn't. No, she comes into mom's, mom and dad's room. There's someone on the roof that's Santa Claus. The mom gives a, polar the the little girl gives her like the poltergeist vibes.
They're here because she's just standing in the doorway. Just pointing up. Yeah. There's footsteps and she's she's playing the Santa card.
speak here this please
so she's Yeah, the dad I once again just like the mom in the second movie I don't feel bad when the dad dies cuz he's kind of oh right Yeah, so far. Oh Dad never gets out. Oh Yeah, that's true like like not only does he get out of bed. I don't even think he opens his eyes So Benji some of the some of the kills in this movie are pretty fucking original Oh yeah. Yeah. And I think, I think it, um, I think it flashes back. I think it flashes back to like the kill in the first one. Yeah.
yeah So in the first movie, Benji, one of the murder victims, he hung upside down and took a hacksaw and saw her pussy all the way down to her skull.
Nuts. it was it was It was expected because you see this giant sheet hanging there and you're like, yeah, she's behind the sheet. You didn't expect her to be naked upside down. No. And then him taking what you like can only be described as the oldest hacksaw in the history of the planet.
Cut her in half. Well, you know, they kind of done that in The Hostel 2 when they done a girl upside down. Yeah, but not naked and the hacks all halfway down her. No, she was naked and she was upside down and they slid her throat and the the lady washed herself in the girl's blood. She was actually the girl from Roseanne, the original TV show. Oh, was it? I didn't know that.
So you talking about the sister mom? Yeah. OK. I love that the mom closes the door thinking that the husband left it open and then goes upstairs and yells at him about it. But he's been sleeping. Like he left a fucking door open again.
Lizard, here she goes. You forgot to lock the front door. Bitch, we live in Canada. Calm down. This is like somewhere in New York. Yeah, this is also, yeah it's farther away than when they original where the original movies take place, ah but not very. I think it's actually in the same town.
Actually, i yeah, it's sit in the same town because that kind of part gets explained. See, well that kind of that kind of makes me wonder if there's like some sort of a thing to that town, kind of like Dansbury. No, no. Give it a minute. You're going to kind of see where it comes from, where the okay art, the clown kind of thing came from. It shows later. You got a way better or copy. so So we so we this this is a The little girl's gone, but she told the little girl go back to bed. She goes up. She yells at the husband because she went and put out milk and cookies for Santa or no, the elves, because it's way too close. It's not close enough to Christmas yet. And she told her kid that the elves do recon to make sure the house is up to safety.
And I was like, you know what? That's pretty smart. scout Yeah, a little scout section. Now, this little girl comes halfway down the stairs. She's assuming she's seeing an elf. And then runs upstairs and tries to wake her brother. Timmy. It's little Timmy. He's like, fuck you. I'm trying to sleep. I've got to get up in three hours. Why has the father got to get up in three hours to go to work when it's fucking Christmas Eve? It's not Christmas Eve. That's the thing.
It's not. No. Well, it's definitely not because when the little girl comes up and and tells her mom she heard something, she's like, do you think it's Santa? And she's like, no, Christmas is like two weeks away. OK, so this is in the middle of December. So it's middle of December. You know, obviously everything's decorated, but that's still got to work, apparently. Now, that is not Santa. I'm sorry. No.
But I like how he has a big red bag now, so when it still looks like a trash bag, though. I've always had a problem with the trash bag, because what he's carrying, there's no way in hell that trash bag would hold up. I don't care what trash bag you bought. He just put a lot of packs out of the red sack. He's going to come. He's going to go chop the trees.
a It's kind of like a flash forward in this movie, this part. okay and why Because there's there's an explanation on where Art gets the red suit. i saw I kind of saw that clip, yes. Yeah. So Benji, Art the Clown, like these horror movies, he's got this cartoonish kind of persona to him as well. Like his antics are like Warner Brothers, Bugs Bunny. He finds everything hilarious too, but only to himself.
So he's going to go like in a stick demented sort of way. Yeah. So he goes in. This is where the genius of Leon, the director, he doesn't show the killing of this little girl's brother. Completely. off um You can hear it. He's in there chopping up a dead pig. He is chopping that wood, boy.
And then turns up the light and walks out.
She still hasn't seen that it's art. She just thinks Santa went in there and chopped some wood. Man, this kid's never going to fucking look at Santa Claus. Does that mean it's the same way ever again? He's really dropped her belief of Santa right there.
I'm sorry, if I was a little girl or a little boy, like Christmas time, and that's what I saw, man, I'd be pissing myself. i would be I would hate Christmas. and Yeah, I'd hate you. like In my family, we don't celebrate Christmas. So he comes in the parents' room, starts hacking the father apart. And Mother's just laying there sleeping. She sleeps through this. Well, it's one of those. Well, she starts to wake up.
and she is it's It's almost like he's tossing and turning to her. Why is my arm all bloody?
That is the only time you see the dad's eyes open after he's dead. and then Art cuts his head clean off. Oh man, he's going to town. He's still going to town on this.
and then laughs at her till she runs out of the room. Who the fuck turns around and screams at somebody before they close the door? You know, if there's a missed opportunity there for art, he should have put his head through that broken door. There, he does it. Oh shit, he does it. Here's Johnny. Oh, the kid. They just found Jeremy. Jeremy's dead. Timmy, Timmy. Is it Timmy? Timmy. Oh, sorry, Timmy. A little Timmy didn't make it.
and ducks. She missed. He missed. I love it. She runs down the stairs. I wish you wouldn't lock that door now. Yeah, exactly.
Oh, she ain't dead yet. She's got that. Oh, man. That to me, that swing where she gets hit in the back of that axe. Oh, sounds that painful, but that not only did it hurt her, it knocked a fucking window out of her. Oh, shit. So I'm assuming everybody else is on the naughty list, right? Yeah.
No wonder why her husband kept asleep. You see what she's wearing? Yeah. Whatever, I'm going to sleep.
He doesn't hit her head like a normal person. He just chops off one arm. Yeah, he's not. wait like he He does make some quick kills, but when he's when he has time to to work his art, he does.
Happy Halloween, everyone. This is the best. It's everyone a good night. Yeah. This is almost a Christmas movie, let's be honest. ah are you saying Are you saying you want to watch this again and and in December? No, I'm never going to watch it again. I love how Art actually eats the cookies, drinks the milk, then washes the dishes.
He's got his feet up. He's really enjoying those milking cookies. He washes the dishes. I can't get my kids to wash a dish. A serial killer down the street, Will. He's trying to get rid of his fingerprints. Yeah. He don't care. He don't care about it. In the first movie, he takes a selfie with what was like third victim.
Now, this poor little girl, she's hiding in this cabinet. It kills her or not. The part of this movie was very, I guess part of the controversy, like when it started showing clips of it, like it was going to show ah a kid getting killed and blah, blah, blah. And there was a lot of hoopla, but no, but nobody that was out of everybody making those criticisms. They didn't really catch on the fact that he never shows kids being killed in his not once. Now, five years ago, five years. Wow.
after terrified five years five years after terror fire two after terror fire two because but this is the cop finding art's headless body that's right in the basement of that uh basement of the yes that is right okay and uh had to say well no now no no no this did this happen like this scene right here when we open up the scene right here what we're watching this takes place right after two right after two because seeing we just finished is five years later five years in like two weeks fucking weird yeah what but it's it it kind of it gets explained i'm sure it does it does but it doesn't uh
I blame the construction guys. Put it there. Well, you know, when when four comes out, we'll have to yeah do them all again. No, no, no. What's going on? These movies aren't scary. They're just this one. I found A, I was trying to stay awake because I didn't finish this movie till three o'clock in the morning. Jesus. But B, it's it's not. I didn't find this wasn't as good as the other two.
Really? Well, that's disappointing so far. Now, that's the pit that she fell in in the second movie, that we were calling the Hell Pit, but she fell into that. Yeah. Well, that goes into the room that has the pit in it. Yes. Because you see the broken wood. And now he looks over, and our body's gone. And the body's gone. So it explains... So our Deadpool theory,
Mm-hmm is wrong Okay, we'll see in a second one the pale girl walks away With his head with his head. Yeah The cop just and like unloaded his clip into his body and didn't do anything at this part. Oh Yeah, he's sitting there with the cops head on his shoulders in me Like he was like just sitting there. He walks into this, but you know This is a subway and Art walks in and you think, oh, now he's got his head back because he killed that cop. No, he sits down and he's wearing, he's actually holding the cop's head on his neck. Fucking crazy. What's up? I was waiting for him to do something like so. And then there's no, I think this lady survives.
Yeah, I don't think he was, well, he was definitely in a position to kill. There he is. Chris Jericho. I thought this was a hotel, yeah but it's actually an asylum. Oh, okay. Well, I knew it wasn't a hotel because he's but he's got like metal, metal. That was like night watchman at the lobby of a hotel. Hey, I did say security. Yeah.
Yeah, fair enough. Fair enough. Look at that laptop. Look at that fucking laptop he's using. Right? Just tri Chris Jericho needs some money because he needs a better laptop. There he goes. Now, he just heard something, which I thought when I watched this the first time, I thought it was his computer making noise because he's watching a horror movie on the computer.
so three three
I forgot he does movies every once in a while.
Yeah, it reminds me, I don't know if you've ever watched wrestling, but there was a, that's Vicky. That's Vicky. She's eating somebody,
which is ah looks like one of the doctors. And Art's head is eating the face of the doc. Tell me. She's so fake in it.
See, Art's head is eating. So the pale girl dropped Art's head off at the asylum? Does it make sense? Yes. And there's Art's body.
And now Vicki's attacking Chris Jericho. The fact that the Jericho does amazing thing, or watch him, here he goes. wow There was a wrestling move, and I think Mick Foley did. It's the man, it's called a manable claw or something where you shove yeah your hand in their mouth. Right here. Yeah. Right here. rips's drawn Rips his jaw and art's body rips off his face. And the art has sitting there laughing.
Oh, man. They didn't make a job on Vicki. That Vicki character, man, that makeup job fucking creeps me out. Oh, she's so creepy, dude.
Now this is still, I ah love how Vicki's swinging her feet on the subway like she's a little girl. Like she kind of replaced the pale girl. Yeah. It's kind of like, I think the pale girl Ghost is in there. His head looks weird that way. Yeah. Oh, look. Another art the clown, but it's somebody doing cosplay at Halloween, because this is five years ago, Halloween night. Yeah. Just be like, yeah, man.
you Is this head taped on? I don't know. I think if it is. He duct taped his head on. But the duct tape goes away, ah eventually. Well, it's got to fuse back together. This guy on Halloween is trying to get us. He's like, can I get a picture? You guys nailed your costume. Oh, fucking no. That dude didn't live. You don't see it.
but when the next time you see Art, his clown suit, completely clean. Clean, gotcha. so Yeah. Yep, there you go. Clean is good. And he's got the horn. Two gloves. Oh, Vicki loves that horn.
arms i mean Give it a rest. Vicki's still up keeping.
She is so fucking demented. What is he? Oh, she's out of her. She's about to go eat. Is she is she about to go eat some rats? I know she just likes to play with them. Oh, OK.
He looks like he's um he's up to no good. and Well, I thought he was going to kill Vicki here. He does. That's what I that's what I was was like killing killer. She's annoying kind of thing.
But no, he does the weird. So, he goes upstairs into the attic. And Vicki kind of does her own thing downstairs for a little while. Like find a shower and wash the blood off of her? No. No. No. The exact opposite, dude. Put some more blood onto her. Of her own.
answer Wow. Okay. I was guessing. Yeah. Did not see it coming. Benji, how you liking the movie so far? What do you think? Okay. So our Oh, that's right. he'ss He's muted. And he goes into a hibernation. For how long? Five years.
You'll see. He's in the bathroom. Right? Yeah. He's like, you know what? I'm tired. I think I'm just going to take a nap. Vicky's head butts the mirror. She's you think she's fucking still sick of looking looking at herself the way she is. That was my thought thought at first. Then she does what she does here in the bathtub.
Ew, dirty water. Ew, gross. Oh, gross. Oh, no. You ain't seen nothing yet. i Nothing creeps me out more than being any shower in the water. Litting her arms up her forearm. Up the river, not across.
up Oh. With a piece of glass from the mirror.
Oh. Something dark and wicked way this comes. Yeah. And has she just died too? She just dies. She's breathing. But she's not dead. She also goes into hibernation. Oh. Yeah. That almost seems pointless. late But present day. your It's in Russian, but it's present day. Yeah. Let's take a quick break because we're an hour in. Oh, yeah. So anybody watching pause now and as soon as you pause, he may have time stop.
22 minutes. Well, 22 minutes, but that's about what we're in in the recording. I'm using 22 minute mark ya just at present day. Yeah, we're going to take a real quick break. um I gotta make my bladder bladder. Blaze, you've got another commercial break. You want to pick one of these? Yeah, it's probably going to be a repeat, but before we do. ah Thanks for watching.
If you want to see more of our shows, go to bio.linx.nonsensicalnetwork. You can buy all our links, g glu including our link to our merch store, which is And you can spread us on you, much like Vicki did with that blue. she just how long How long do you think you need to take? Because I mean, I don't i didn't want to do a full five minutes. Not long.
And then I will put, I will put the, I will put this on a loop. No, I'll just put this up on a loop. And then when we get back, we get back. Oh, I just, I just got it.
Nonsensical network, different flavor every day. Movie talks, new flex, hidden in display. Microphone magic, music. should spill the braze from webthouses to motorports burning rubber craze football
the stories we embrace tune
nature's arrangement cars with muscle
nazis but the vot just right
Non-sensical network, different flavor every day Movie talks, new flips, hitting the display Microphone magic, musicians spill the craze From reptiles to motorsports, burning rubber craze Football
the stories we embrace tune
nature's arrangement cars with
nazis but the vo just right tune
Non-sensical network, different flavor every day Movie talks, new flips, hidden in display Microphone magic, musicians spill the craze From reptiles to motorsports, burning rubber craze Football crashes, touchdowns, epic plays New spinning, catching on the urban stories we embrace tune
of nazis butga vot just right tune
but always on repeat
Nonsensical network, different flavor every day Movie talks, new flips hitting the display Microphone magic, musicians spill the craze From reptiles to motorsports burning rubber craze Football crashes, touchdowns, epic plays Do spinning, catching on the urban stories we embrace
nature's arrangement cars with muscle
Welcome back. Yeah. Welcome back. I'm a little advert I put together for the network. i could have i Yeah. Uh and as you saw, we do have shows every day of the week. Welcome back, everybody. Oh, it looks like Benji moved locations. Uh yeah. Give him a moment to so reset up then. So far, I mean, we're at twenty minutes into it yeah what you i did now but Besides it like bouncing around timewise and this hibernation thing, it's okay so far. so ah Yeah, let's go ahead and get the ball. Oh, Benji's back. All right. There he play. Pressing play now. So, you see this guy is Sienna's uncle.
OK, so I noticed I saw Sienna's brother was in this. Is Sienna back in this too? Sienna's back in this. She's actually getting out of a loony bin. Well, I wonder why. Yeah, right. It's called Sunny Valley. She does look a little bit different, though. She's definitely grown. I almost didn't think it was her, but it's five years later, supposedly. So she doesn't.
um I wonder if that's why they did it because the last movie was came out in like 21, 2020 or something like that. I think so. That might be why they did it to kind of like explain have an excuse why she looks older. I'm going to mute my camera. air fire two did come in twenty twenty two it was so it's okay so really it's been two years since last week but they explained the the long distance of her being a little bit now they're right back to his place uh obviously he picked her up he's she's asked him about his kid who is they just get fascinated and and loves her aunt sienna okay uh so there's got so sienna's gonna
introduce a whole new family to get slide like a sidekick kind of thing. Okay, but not a sidekick more like a I need ah another person I need to protect. Yeah, sorry, i'm I'm going on a hoodie and Now this guy is this guy's wife is her mom's sister.
Okay, which gets explained. But that way, you know, because I was sitting here going away. Who the fuck are these people? This is this is the little girl. She hasn't seen this little girl for a minimum five years. Yeah. And she's like, you know, I've gotten so big, which is cheesy, but I get it.
you even put over your feet and senseing or Why does she have? Oh, um so much like Sienna, this little girl, her herb
ah Um, protege, I guess. Uh, she, um, the very artsy. Oh, you know, speaking the artsy thing, that was another thing. I was watching something about Terrifier and how art is attracted to people who are artists in some sort of like a creative person. um Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I see.
I see it was like it yeah see yeah it was Sienna in the first movie uh Vicky she was going to college to do some kind of liberal arts thing oh maybe maybe she was doing like a like art history or something like that something like that yeah okay so yeah but i mean but but then some of his victims just aren't like the cops you know what i mean yeah but it's kind of like a you're, if you're a round art, you're probably not going to make it. really True. yeah I mean, he has his target, which is that artsy creative person. But if you're in his way, you're you're dead. too You think he's like a failed artist. That's why he kills artists. Because the only thing martin found him do is draw his name on the wall.
nine o anne mr He's like Hitler. In his previous real life, he was a failed artist and now he haunts the world and takes revenge out on on actual good artists. Actually, what Sienna comes up with of why like we're off the rails in this movie. I'm telling you. and Okay. All right. We have completely lost the plot kind of kind of.
Because she... Yeah, I'll wait. I won't show you. I won't tell you. I want you to see because... But basically, Sienna is kind of had a get-together powwow. Welcome back. La, la, la. These assholes. The Ironside Demolition. I blame them for this entire movie.
See why? Because they wake them up. They wake them up. They're in hibernation. These fucking assholes are, granted, I'm sure they were hired to do it, but if I see a body, I'm like, hey, I'm calling the cops. I'm fucking out of here. This ain't my gig.
oh more you've been skinish all Yeah, I love this. This is typical of working in construction and stuff like that. The bald guy fucks with the younger dudes. This is like, we've I've heard stories about this place. Is that true? killer here in And buried a benji the bodies in the basement. Benji's 100%. Yeah, he's our local construction expert. yeah And he's bald, so he probably does a lot of the bullying. Yeah.
Yup. Yeah, see? So, yeah so and look at him. He said, are you fucking with me? He just told him a story how there's like, there was a serial killer, lived in the house and buried the bodies in the basement. He's like, you're fucking with me? Yeah. Then he said, ooh, pussy.
first poem you
Nope. I'll wait in the truck. but Just bring in the truck. Just bring in the demolition ball. Let's not, let's not look for people in here. They felt that they're in here. This little girl back to, we're back at Sienna's aunt's and uncle's house. And the little girl's going through Sienna's shit like she owns it. Not my diary. Oh yeah. And that's exactly what it is. That is Sienna's diary and history of terrifier from her perspective.
you probably know A love of wild man little girl starts to read it. and She's like was that a picture of her father? Yes Flashback to dad coming up That said Well, that's definitely not the actor who plays terrified so I think that he bunk that that you've duked that other theory right Okay, okay cool. Yeah
No, there's a whole other theory that comes out of this movie, though.

Disturbing Art: A Father's Dark Drawings?

He's an artist, too. Her father is. But he's. Wacko job fucking tormented.
check And she's always she's saying, dad, why do you always draw boys? make makeki You never draw a girl. And he points at a girl. He says, I drew her. She's like, she's the one being attacked, asshole.
yeah So this is when he draws the picture. Well, actually, sure he's getting ready for, she's getting ready to walk away. And he's like, oh yeah, by the way, I did draw something for you. I forgot. And just to remind the audience of what he's showing, I'm going to show her costume that she uses the drawing to make. Yeah. I have it up there. taste work Yes, there it is.
this wasn't a favorite hallucination So, yeah, she started reading and she's that clown dream thing. They call it clown town. And apparently the water she was in was ice cold. Is clown town right next to pound town? Maybe. that's true I'll take Sienna to both.
Jesus. So, yeah, okay. Now, these back to the guys, the demolition crew searching the house, I believe before they can tear it down, they got to make sure nobody's living there. before Before we talk about this, I want to go back a moment. So, when she was in the insane asylum or whatever you want to call it, intake, incur, whatever, everybody's under the impression that she was hallucinating, made all this shit up.
No, she apparently, she went to court. Because I was going to say they know Terrifier exists. No, apparently. Vicky was a victim. Like they, like, go ahead. Apparently, they thought she was art and her brother testified on her behalf at court. It gets explained a little bit because there's a podcast, a true crime podcast chick that wants to know more
Now we see the the older one of the construction guys, sees a light in the basement, flickering on and off. And the younger guy finds art in hibernation still sitting in that fucking rocking chair. With cobwebs all over him. With cobwebs all over him. And then, I'm sorry, you don't say hello after two? Fuck you, I'm out. Got to go. No.
Jackson, we got to get the fuck out of here, man. Call the cops, man. No, no. Jackson, if you need me, I'm in the truck. He's like, I'm white, but I ain't crazy white. That's Vicky. What? That's the tub where Vicky cut her forearms. She just looked all disgusting. Well, it's almost like her like she biodegraded over five years. Yeah.
And art almost looks fake here. Like, it's almost like a fake art. And Vicky kind of... Vicky looks like she's been dragged through the mud. But if if she... Alright, so if a body had sat there for five years like that, though, it would be, like, really decayed. Oh, yeah? That's just like... that I think that's what's going on. Yeah. Yeah.
Now, for some reason, this asshole decides to take video and then do close-ups. I'm sorry, if I pull my phone out of my pocket when I see something like that, the first thing I'm doing is dialing 911. I don't typically say, hey, I'm typically not one. I've got to get a video of this. I've got to pull this fucking TikTok. Vicky starts moving. It's disgusting. Ew. It's so disgusting. That is art awake. Now Vicky's awake and stab dude in the fucking neck.
She still had that piece of mirror with her that entire time. She's holding on that mirror the entire time. Yeah. Now, coming up here in about a minute, I want you to explain what you see when Vicky walks in the room. Okay. Because I'm not doing it.
Oh, man. She looks like she's all out of my... Like, she turned my mind out of that tub. weight like human weight like she's just soaking in human waste she finishes him off very friend very little fanfare for the bald guy sorry veggie that's you i feel sorry for the white guy well the white guy he's uh He wanted to get the fuck out of there. The other one's just fucking jamming. Okay, here it is. Tell me what Vicky does. I'm not gonna speak.
Looking, just watching Art fucking nail the dude's hand to the floor so far. Justin, and she still has the mirror piece of mirror. And Art's eating fingers off the dude, because that's like what Art does. He likes to, it seems like its he likes to go for the hand first. I see what's going on. And she is about to um use the piece of mirror as a dildo. Yes, sir. Yes.
she is She goes slowly and then starts speeding up as she gets more excited. I laugh so hard. she She's hot and bothered. And she is bleeding all over the floor. The dude's head is getting ripped open by art. Art rips open the dude's face. Oh,
She's like, Art, I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. Did I give it to me, Danny? I wonder how close this came to getting an X rating. She, she, that was an art. Look at my chart. He's like, yeah, you're about to get it. He's like, shame, james shame, shame.
so disgusting like that's so I mean, these kill scenes are incredible. I mean, they it had to have been on the borderline of getting an x rating. Oh, yeah. This is the tamer one of the three, buddy. Really? I'm calling it. This is the tamer of the three when it comes to kills.
Yeah. The last scene was definitely a lot of shock, but it didn't show a lot when it come to her. Just just implying, hey, she's getting off herself with. Yeah. So now they're sitting around eating Chinese food. I hope she didn't accidentally cut cut anything off. like great maybe um And she said the little girl says, I like her scars because she's staring, but I don't see any scars on Sienna.
all um we know we got got a scar our face But I can't see it. Like I don't see you. They're eating Chinese ribs and those look good. No, I don't. Don't see it. I'm not sure. I see no stars on Sienna. I don't either. And they're talking about the fact that the young little girl that you know, her niece is a present snooper slash detective. We'll find it. Not only will she find it, she'll unwrap it to find out what she's going to get for Christmas, then re-wrap it to do a skinny job. Oh, okay. So she's a little Nancy Drew. Key to the plot. Oh, please that is her friend that was in the blazer. Yep.
was indian Now, Sienna, they don't see her. Sienna's hallucinating, which is why she was in the insane asylum.
Well, I mean, what she went through, that fucking drive me nutty, too. I i don't think I'd ever leave. She was annoying in the first movie, in the second movie. It's true. She's just still annoying after death. I want Chinese ease now. I want Chinese now. I so want it.
There's no, I've not found a good Chinese place

College Life and Crime Podcasts: A Creepy Mix

around here. Oh, they got a good one here. I really haven't. Siena is trying to ignore her and thinking the adults in the room can see that Siena is having like a an anxiety attack. While her friends, since they're covered in blood, saying you killed me, pass the fucking rice. but were You drugged her? You drugged her with Molly. That's what happened. You were a cunt.
You're still a cunt. You gotta go hide in the bathroom. Well, she goes, takes Xanax. Takes a little Xanax in the bedroom, in the bathroom. She's obviously prescribed it. Now, now we see Jonathan is in college. Dude, Jonathan's tall as fuck. He's in college now. He's a tall motherfucker. Right?
in college. and guess I guess that was his roommate. Yeah. His roommate is making out with a sexy blonde that is a, she is a part of a true crime, true crime podcast. And she's obsessed with art, the clown stories. and yes And she knows who Jonathan is because he's mildly famous because he's on the TV. Yeah.
I seriously thought she was going to try to fuck Jonathan. Yeah, right. yeah ah
seriously know right She's like that stopper. She's got a dude's like million and do was like man. I was about to get laid and now my roommate come in. and Fucking jonathan didn't even cock and all she cockwa No, I think the roommate actually gives a shit about Jonathan. He's kind of he's nice to him. Oh, so he's a good guy. annoying She's because she's trying to get Jonathan to be on her podcast. Please come ask her questions. It's how I picture Glick trying to get music artists. I've seen you in conference. Can you feel my body? I was waiting for the friend to break out in a Googoo Dolls song. that's Right?
He does kind of look like it. yeah but yeah he he kind of like it's kind of like the the cool guy takes the the nerdy guy under his wing a little bit here oh okay because he's like this guy totally needs to get laid but sienna calls and it kind of gets him out magic just i'm out of the loony bin couple hours ago Yeah, so they're just kind of having a conversation and she she's like, hey, I'm finally out of the loony bin, literally. too You would think you would already have known that. though No, because he's off. He's away at college. yeah Well, I mean, pay attention. bengie you to Flashbacks here that are from the older movies. I see the scars now.
I see them now. Yeah, I see the scars. Yeah, I think I was falling asleep at this part last night. looking more
Yeah, he's supposed in a couple of weeks. He's supposed to come to town for Christmas. She is all sorts of fucking wigging out. Oh, yeah, she's
her theory. She's she's she's fucked for life though after experiencing what she went through. I don't blame her for being cycle man. She did she technically died once. Yeah. That a little girl comes in and she's still shaking even from the phone call and uh the little girl's like uh are you okay? I say little girl. She's like thirteen fourteen.
and And she says, I need to be creative. Sienna says, I need to be creative. a Art is playing with his toys, but's building new weapons.
he What? Oh, getting crafty. Yeah, he's he that is liquid nitrogen, sir. With the light hooked up like a fire extinguisher. Yeah.
interesting. I don't know what the fuck Vicki's doing. She's just weird. But he's got to test it out. Right? You know, what's he what's he tests out on? On the rack. Oh, Vicki. But he sees a rat playing in his tools.
What a dick. He's such an asshole. Art aren't the cloud is, art is not in his right mind. Now that rat is frozen solid. Yep.
he tap on it like yeah it's it's he And he breaks it.
That's what what happened with the nitrogen. Scientifically accurate. We get a scene like that from Jason 10. right
Then we got, he he he feeds the rat to the other rats. Oh, gross. animals Little cannibals, just like art is.
He's like, my new, good little toy. I wonder how many freaking appendages he's got. Yeah, because it's over here doing the girl's makeup. is is little bit more healthy push right like is for much She can be a professional at night. check Yeah? Yeah. Makeup artist.
i think that's I think that's how the the girl that plays Sienna got the job. was like She was really good at doing a makeup. so there's like like We're going to give you a starring role if you do all the makeup. um I'm telling you, man, that's like how they made her ah designed her room was free from the makeup shop. Yeah. Or the makeup department. Makeup.
Okay. so So, I get scenes like this in movies. It's it's it's endearing. It's character art building. Yeah. And all that. But sometimes, when it comes to a movie like this, it's like, I don't want to bypass that. It just gets in the action. Right? Okay. Do you see who that is? Santa Claus. No, that one. The bald guy with the beard. Bald? No, who is that? That's Ron Howard's brother.
You're right, it is. Holy shit, I've not seen anything. I saw that last night and I fucking started screaming. I was like, holy shit. I'm assuming this is where Art's about to get his Santa Claus suit. Yes, this is where Art gets his Santa Claus costume. And the way he gets it, it's kind of genius, dude.
So basically, he was woken up in the middle of hibernation. but It's Christmas time and the Halloween time. And he's like, fuck it, I might as well get at it. but Spread a little little Christmas joy. Those girls were so lucky. Mm-hmm. Because they just left the bar after hitting on Santa Claus.
He's all excited to see Santa Claus. I don't know. You don't see him in a whole lot of stuff anymore.
God, he really likes Santa Claus. Clint. He's like, i I really want to kill you. There's Clint. Sit on his lap. Sit on his lap. He does, eventually. But you know what? You've got to hand me to the guy that plays Santa Claus here. He's like, fuck it. He's special needs. Give the guy a thrill. Play along. Because he does. He he lets he kind of plays along with him.
and sand doesn't have real be is not
oh and to have to extra beer
He thinks art is special needs. Oh, he's special. Alright. Art has special needs. Jesus Christ. excuse We get this guy out of here. ah love the gar junior her The bartender guy is kind of like, what's going on? This is yeah weird. You know, for a Santa with a beard, that's a horrible, shitty fucking beard. Yeah, but it's a real beard. This is true. I'm just saying, when Glick's beard goes gray, if he doesn't play Santa Claus on the show, I'm going to hurt him. It's a missed opportunity.
time Fort Clint Howard here. He's, oh, Jesus. Fort Glick Howard? Who's that? Clint Howard. Who's Clint Howard? Ron Howard's brother. Oh, you look this name up. Okay, okay. Clint. Clint. Now, Sienna and her aunt are sitting down to have, I'm assuming hot cocoa because she mentioned hard cocoa. Did that sound amazing? Hot cocoa season is, see, fuck pumpkin spice. It's about the hot cocoa motherfuckers. Yeah, dude. Three packets to one glass of water.
I actually, i make I make mine homemade on the stove. Nice. Yes. I make homemade chocolate and it tastes so much better. I need to give you some abuela. Abuela is a chocolate here. Maybe I'll make hot choke. I'll come with it. I think I've tried that in the past. It's good. I wasn't a big fan of it, or maybe I didn't make it. It's kind of a dark chocolate taste instead of a little chocolate taste. It's like a big chunk of chocolate you can use. Yeah, yeah. I just use them. I go get Jared over. She said you told her aunt that she misses her mom.
and but once again I say fuck her mom her mom was a cunt her mom was a cunt mom was a cunt see and she said her your her mom your your mom was always like that she once in the sixth grade called our nun teacher a cunt what's that she was she was telling sienna a story about her mom how when her mom was younger in sixth grade that she called the teacher, who was a nun, a cunt. Basically saying, your mom's always been crazy. Yes, your mom's always had a mean shirt. Mom's always been an asshole. This guy in the flannel shirt, he looks familiar. Now he's sitting on Santa's lap. He does look familiar. I got to look him up.
i Better hygiene. You ain't met Vicki yet. talk about hygiene look i know shit um normalable to you sorry daniel robu plays him where do i know him from
ah that's ah that's the construction workers's wallet
buck it it's christmas oh they bar is chris they buy art a shot I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Never really touch, oh. He spits it in his face. Apparently he didn't like the whiskey. he He's never had it before. weird I find that hard to believe.
He calls it clowny. Uh oh, Santee, you're about to get clownies freaking. He's pissing on his leg.
No way what an asshole I'm not gonna lie dude that is tempting at times when you're sitting on Santa Claus's lap You just kind of want to give him a old golden shower. Yeah pay Throw his bag at him
and now Santa's pissed. He's like, get the **** out of here. It's like an Italian Santa. It's kind of weird. Like you want me to call it? I'm still calling it. It's like I gotta wear this tomorrow. It could have been worse. He could have got shat on by the pill girl. Yeah. Oh, trust me. It's worse. Here it is. Bite bite. Boom. So, art has no problems using guns, Benji.
yeah Like the last movie yet he had a Tommy gun. and to He took those kids out with. Clint is dead. But Santa gets it the worst. The nicest guy to him gets it the worst.
So he's holding him at gunpoint, and the guy is literally trying to make himself human. Because he calls, he says his name, he says, I have children, I have grandchildren, and he gives their names.
I know that guy. The guy playing Santa Claus? He's a known actor. He's not a big known actor, but I've seen him in some like... robot robot Yes, yes. I've seen him in some different things. He was in U.S. Marshals in the fugitive. Yes. Dude, there's like more known actors. I mean, there's still like, you know, B-list actors, but they're more known than like the first couple of movies. Yeah. Now, Art has stolen the plant Santa's outfit. Chris Jericho, Clint, this guy. And tied Santa to a chair. Oh. Oh, did you take out? Yeah.
yeah That's a bummer. Benji of years, man. He's just going to watch on on his boat and he can't comment because it's too loud. So Santa Claus here is about to meet the liquid nitrogen. Oh, my distinguish sure. Does he take his beard at least? I was I was hoping he was going to cut his beard off and wear it. Oh, he does take it off. OK.
but he does. Oh, then he said his phone died. Okay.
i havent He's trying to humanize himself. I have a name. My name is David Huddleston. Get that reference.
san claus His name is Robert Paulson. but look He shoot him with the liquid nitrogen in his face. He gets his leg and his hand. From the waist down and shit. Yeah. Oh no. No, just his exposed skin. Whoa, what is this? he What just happened? It might've been why your recording it it did that.
He just gets the exposed skin, because he's only wearing a shirt and boxer shorts. I think this is Zoom doing it. Is it?
who and so different It's it looks different when it's when it's the. Oh, does it? Oh, that's right, yeah. Might be Zoom. But. I think it is. Give it a moment. Yeah. He's got him tied to the chair. Now he has, that is a drywall.
rock hammer to cut and it's almost like a a rock house rock hammer like a little mini. Okay. Yeah, kind of like in Shawshank. Yeah, but bigger. Okay. It's a rock hammer. Yeah. What rock hammer?
Oh, no. And his cats get a cap let's get it cap That is one fucked up way to kill a motherfucker. I ain't dead yet, though. No. Fucking freezing his body parts. and do Oh, no. He took out the hand. Yeah. That's a big old chunk. Yeah. Oh, man. Now back to the liquid nitrogen.
The fact that he carries that around it in his bags I'm a genius. Yeah, like that act. It's ah it's an acne bag. He's the wily coyote. a Fucking more. Well, like we said with the syringe, acne, acne on it. We made funnier. Now, he shoots sand in the face with his liquid nitrogen. You know what? The coyote never fucking talked either, did he? That's I see what you did there. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. I'm just saying like toys. I'm I'm I'm terrified. Art, the clown is the wild. I know.
of horror movies. Ooh. That makes the end of the Road Runner. Yes. He survives. I'm just saying. Then he rips off dude's beard in one failed swoop.
Ouch. But he doesn't keep it. I'm fairly worried at least. I know. Like put a string on it, kind of like wear it around as fucking. He takes a corncob.
out of the fake snowman. No, man. They just go alive, dude. He was still alive when that happened. Oh, man. It's so fucked up. So now we're back at CNN. I don't think this guy doesn't look like a wish version of Freddie Princes Jr. Fair. Right? Yes.

Chaos and Carnage: Art's Reign of Terror

ah yeah I'll come. every single mother that is cast in these movies have all been brunettes everybody's in a brunette except for the i think i i think i think the uh i think damey and leon had or leon or whatever has ah i think so i think so i mean i'm or he was screwed over by a brunette that's why he ends up killing them all in the movies I think he's up. This is him expressing his frustration from his mother, growing up. Or his ex-wife. Or his ex-wife. That dude seriously looks like you ordered Freddie Prinze Jr. off a Teemu.
Deanna laying in bed. Mm-hmm. I know, guys. She's just lying there writing in her journal. She's literally just writing in her journal, but... She's in her PJs. It's not a terrible view.
no Now I missed this part cuz I was looking for a cigarette right when I watched it last night she Has a letter or a note from her dad. I Believe cuz I didn't get it. I missed it Jonathan that's your brother. That's from her brother. Is it? Okay. Yes. Yeah signed Jonathan at the bottom. I I didn't get to read it. It says something about demons and shit like that. Well, I think he's done a little research on it. Yeah. Get your pictures. OK. Last night when we were streaming, I looked over and it was I had glanced at this clip right here. Right. I'm like, oh, this looks good.
So we're in a mall, you know, there's a Santa, not the Santa that we just killed, a Santa at the mall. And, you know, taking pictures of the kitties, you know, i kids are lined up.
And then you see Sienna and the other girl. I can't remember. Her cousin. Gabby, Gabby is her cousin. Not Niece, not Niece's cousin. And that's what Freddie Prinze Jr. and the mom were talking about. That he was worried about Sienna having another psychotic rape.
nine see where And they're shopping for they're helping Gabby pick out stuff for across the town yeah Okay um case maybe you ah sandta' goingnna take a break here he's standing Well, you know Santa's gonna take a break you think we should take the break and we have great time break time Yeah, so we're actually right the movie yeah Yeah, we're about halfway through the movie
I'm going to pull up a some some commercials again, probably once. Yeah, I played before, but. Bucket, let's go with number, let's go with this one and we will be back in about five, six minutes.
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So we are back after our awesome break. I love those. I love some of our breaks. Like, when we listen to music, when we pause, take breaks on other shows, that's when I like, okay, I can get another drink. I can, you know, do whatever I do. I end up watching these. And then I'm like, shit, I'm still going to piss or something like that. But i've done that go but we are back i at the nonsensical network.
You can check us out everywhere at slash non-social network. We're back into the movie. Uh, yep, there's our bio link. And then of course you can spread us on you. Yeah. Like Nick, like Vicki did with that. bluter around me Okay. let's so Let's get back into the action here where Santa Claus is standing up. He's going on break.
I don't mind him. Yeah, I get it. You take a break because that's a lot of kids to deal with. And it's holidays. My costume is probably hot. Yeah. Well, not only that, you know, it's not more than more than one kid pissed off. I cried and bratty kids. This is true. Not all kids are well behaved. I bet that's why art peed on Santa in the bar because it was that little, you know, kids peeing on Santa on his lap. You know, it's kind of a thing.
So she sees, she hears the music. She hears something, yes, Benji. From clown town. From clown town. Clown town music, yeah. But I think she's the only one that, I think it was like, it triggered, like whatever sound was coming out of the speaker triggered her. And then she sees what she, she sees a Santa Claus,
But she realizes it's art. It is art. It is art. But he's got like an 80s style mask. That is actually the same mask that is hanging on the bar door. You're right. It was a decoration. It was a decoration.
ah That's where he got his beard from decoration. oh And he's got a sack full of goodies. and she's like, oh, fuck.
Gabby wrote the spell there. So this is, so this scene is in a mall. Malls are, there are, there's a couple places in America where the malls are so pretty busy. Like I know there's one in Roanoke, Virginia that is. Well, the mall's here, the mall's busy. The mall, the mall's where I'm at, one mall is a ghost town.
Now, Jonathan is doing, he's checking up on that blonde. I think he's got a thing for her because he's watching her broadcast. Well, I mean, he is a young guy in college and she's a young lady in college and she has a nice lady, very attractive, very nice lady attributes. And she's defending him on the podcast.
graven images where you find out this is where you find out that that Sienna had to go to court and Jonathan testified on her behalf okay ah de The exposition done and Sienna meets up with him I was just about to say is this an hallucination he's going through is he's because at one point she was a client i am in town kind of thing Yeah, but she was like in the mall and now she's here at school. I think they left the mall. kind of It's not really explained. Yeah. There was no transition, I guess. I think it's like the next day or something, like nothing happened. about Oh, okay. Well, I was expecting him to like kill kids in Santa Claus and stuff at the mall. Oh, no, we're not done with the mall. Oh, but okay.
when we find out what happens at the mall, when Sienna finds out, she realizes, fuck, I just left that mall. So this was later on, they go, her and Gabby left the mall. And now dude's roommate shows up. and See, he's looking out for the guy. He's not a bad guy. And he's like, wow. And now he's like, oh, you got a sister. What's your name? How doing? How you doing?
He's like, he's like that, he's like that cool Fozzie type, you know? Yeah. He's a nice guy. The blonde from the podcast shows up and freaks out in the best way about Sienna being there. She's got the whole kid gaboole right there. And girls out like you read about.
you um is that follow her story She was like, I don't really care. I don't want to hear this shit. She was like, fuck this bitch. But you know what? She does fit the been fit the theme where there's like one blonde in the movie. There's a blonde in the first one, a blonde in the second one, and a blonde in this one. And all the blondes get killed. And then the rest of them are all brunettes. It's like she's the token blonde.
ah well ti a black guy died in a second one so yeah and And the token boyfriend dies in this one too, there's always a token boyfriend in these two movies Or at least two and three and they both die horribly Which one why so you've seen all three which one think which one do you think has the biggest hot look man? I cannot talk today Hold on one side of call good
I don't know if I told you. I couldn't say. OK, so I didn't take my medicine last night because I was drinking guys and you don't want to. I take you don't want to mix without Siena just lost it on that blonde. Because the blondes are like, you're amazing. And yeah how are you coping and blah, blah, blah? And she's like, bitch. I'm not coping with people like you. I'm coping because she's coping because Johnson gives her shit because he he she lost her. Cool.
can sure maybe she says i saw at the mall but you see Santa Claus He's like he's like you sounded crazy he's like you sound fucking nuts you need to go back in the crazy house I Was gonna ask you Which movie do you think has the highest kill count? Sorry, I can't speak tonight because my... Kill count wise, this one has a way bigger kill count. That's supper. Yeah. This one has a way bigger kill count. and class number This one has more religious overtones.
even if he was alive he is I think it's just because we're in a church right now. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You'll see what I mean later. Oh, does it? Okay. Well, I think the last one kinda did too. When it comes to symbology of her being like a warrior angel and he's like a demon from hell. Yeah, but they, they expand on it in this one. Okay. There's another flashback with daddy. With daddy.
you I think, I think that Blanchek wants Art to be her daddy. I know Vicky does. right? Now, he says, he says, just get over it. And he's like, I i want to put it behind me. There we go. This is in one of your letters.
think we can question waiting ah theories aboutology session see Oh, he was this. Okay. So that's an older letter when he was, yeah, when he was in the, art didn figuregger else yeah.
um yeah they can't do lost though to choose a best and You think maybe just like the mythology of art. The demons want to move into the world, but they can't do it alone.
createved the worst The worst kind of evil. Well, I mean, I mean, art's definitely one of the worst. Yeah. He comes creeping around the corner. We should do that in high school.
No, seriously, like there was there was a girl in our school. We used to make a lot of unjustly, but we used to we used to do a T-Rex thing. we
and story over chosen but So it real quick. Go ahead and pause it because I got to explain this to what she just said, please, because it kind of blew my mind. So what What happened was, because I had to rewind it last night and go, wait a minute, wait, what, she's saying? Because of Jonathan's research, when she was in the crazy house and she's reading the old letter and she sees it, she said, he, Jonathan said, demons want to come into the Cuban realm, but they can't, the only way they can is come in through a serial killer.
art being the serial killer. I know. Pretty specific. but pretty far yeah Yeah. And then she says, she expands on that. She says, there's always somebody chosen to stop them. Maybe that's why I'm chosen.
And her that's why her dad gave her the sword and drew the outfit. and So she's the one. She's the, she is the neo, the highlander of, of our terrifier.
And here comes the other religious overtone, the thorn crown. oh Okay. So she is making her own, making our own art the clown. Because okay Vicky is trump is trying to be possessed by a demon. But she needs to kill someone and torture them to get it. Oh, definitely say, I mean, Vienna. I mean, she's she's already like, she doesn't die, which she couldn't move and he sat there for years. My theory is is like, in order to do it, she has she has to choose someone difficult.
and CNN is the most difficult. See, I'm the only one who can stop them. Somebody worthy to. Back in the mall. The mall. Art comes out dressed as Santa with the bag and the kids love it. It's huge for them. It's huge. It's huge.
Because art hands out presents.
He's bloody too. Nobody knows. Oh, he's wearing the bill. He is wearing the beard. Is that? Oh my god. I didn't notice that yesterday. That is the beard. Oh, he is wearing dude's beard. So, the one little girl sneaks in and I I was like, don't do it, you little bitch. You're going to die. This is when the regular Santa was on break. And what's Art do? Go through this. You find the doll in there.
Yeah, we're all expecting a gun. A brunette doll. Just saying. It's huge. It's huge. And then a little kid screams, hey, Santa's giving up presents. And they all run away from their parents. I didn't know you had, oh, that, oh, I put that on the corner. Can I move this over here? Oh, yeah, I have one. But I have it on. Oh, that's fine. I was, I put it up early because I always take them down. and only deal I use our brand.
right since the chill to do the recording so i take all that off yeah that's fine and i've got read so it that the the elf guy's like that's not santa claus that's not the real scary guard scary guard's like all right i gotta put a stop to this but all these kids got toys yeah that's all art did like Well, it's a security thing, I get. I get it. You know, some kid... Yeah, have just some rando dude giving out stuff. Some rando kid is going through Art's bag. That can't be good. Right. Art's like, I'm Santa. I don't give a fuck. Yeah, he's not. But I'm Santa. He's literally like, I'm Santa.
I'm supposed to be sitting here. You know, that's a beard. Now that's the security guard shoves are grabs his bag throws it at him.
Sometimes I wish he would actually laugh, but then I think that would take the charm away. It would. And here we go. Yeah, pull up or silent mom. Mom does know where his kid is and you see the little kid behind a box. Open up a box and.
There's your kill count, buddy. All those kids are now dead. Oh, my. Oh, my. He had a bomb in there. All the toys had bombs in them. Oh, all the toy. All of them. So all the kids that that got a toy from Santa are now dead. Oh, shit. Arms fucked up.
Yeah. So Jonathan's on some anxiety meds too. Some anti-psychotics, yeah. I'm surprised he didn't spend time in a insane asylum. You would think he would have been the one in there and Sienna would have been out, but I get it. No. he's Who's he texting? I forget. Aunt Jess. please say Okay. I can't read that.
to see Anna was just here. It's getting worse. others. He was letting her hit. He was letting lost it. He's on that CNN is getting worse.
Oh, man. He's going to take himself a little nap. He's scared. He has what's great part of the last time we see Jonathan. This is the last time we see Jonathan.
Last time we see- You know, in the whole movie. Oh, alive. Jonathan dies? Oh, shit. It's implied. There's no definitive proof. Hmm. It's implied. You'll see what I mean and what happens. Now, she sees that gift. Yeah.
Now, why does she have it though? That's all. It's mildly confusing to me because I know what's in that box. Okay. Is it a bomb? No, it's not a bomb. No, but I, but it's. Cause I'm checking all my Christmas gifts this year for bombs. It's a gift from Gabby.
From Gabby to Siena. Is it the sword? or or maybe it's, oh no, it's Ford. It's for Gabby from Siena. That makes more sense. Now I'm curious to know what's in the box. What's in the box? I know it's in the box, but when it comes time, you will call it. You'll be like, yeah, I knew it. Saw that coming.
Oh, wow he asked about her scars again and she said, uh, she's, I fell down, fell in some ice. She said, I wish I could have seen that.
Oh, everything just made sense to me. What movie twice. I just figured it out. Okay. Go ahead and tell me it's fine. Uh, well, I can't because then I tell you what's in the box. Oh, fair enough. We'll then just let it go. Yeah.
maybe Maybe I'll figure it if I don't figure it out i figure it out. I'll remind you that Sienna was washing stuff off her hands. So, Art is stolen the the demolition guy's van. Because it's their fault. He's away. I'm calling it. I will die on that hill. That's his regular old bag of tricks. Yeah. And he's at a frat house.
I just realized it was a frat house.
They should call this art goes the college. He opened the door for the guys carrying the kegs. I'm sorry, but one keg cannot be carried like that. Those things are way too heavy. Yeah. You are way stronger than you look, if you can do that. Every time I see a movie and there's a scene like that, and you got frat boys fucking carrying these kegs by themselves, no, no, I'm sorry. Now, the aunt is talking to Gabby, or did you see enough about Jonathan?
yeah or Sienna, sorry. huge i mean young Oh, this is interesting. She said, you don't like cereal anymore. Oh yeah. Because of the freaking, uh, sticking her hand in that box of cereal. But what's interesting is what, what Sienna does here.
of looks and go upstairs place support Sienna just realized something that the that the adults in the room didn't realize and that's that Gabby about it Yeah about 30 seconds you'll find out yeah yeah know it's Okay, I Never told you I didn't like cereal anymore but What?
We're talking. No. Did you read my journal? Did you read my diary? Oh. She wants to know how much did you fucking read? All of it. All of it. All of it. They they do look like they could be related.
right sweet I'm sorry. It's not that hard. You just put their hair down the middle and make them both brunette. They look alike. that's true great long block bright brunette error It's It's true. It's true. It's true. It's true. It's true. It's true. It's true. It's true. It's true. It's true. It's true.
yes you were sick well that she's kind of i don't think gabby knew where ciena was
She was probably just now explaining it because she was too young. Gotcha. Gotcha. yeah if Gabby's like 14, maybe 13, 14, five years younger. She's like nine. Yeah, I think Sienna is probably like 23, 24. Yeah. Yeah. In this scene or in this movie, it's just guessing real actresses age. I'm not sure. I don't know. I looked up.
I promise not to keep, I promise to keep your secrets because I'm assuming that's what they're talking about. Yeah. Pinky swear. Pinky swear. Well, that pinky swear right there is um kind of important. ah You'll see that in the flashback here in a little bit. She's 30 in real life. Oh, okay. go and see Okay. Well, that's good.
So aing from i be beta but this is the college roommate you we calling uh Jonathan. I couldn't get him on the phone.
touchy subjects in on didn't happen yesterday they haven't file here still yeah i don' think that's so really get over she's He's such more of an understand. He's a much more understanding person there dude.
Oh, fuck. That's right. It was that frat house. Yeah. Oh, shit. And so, yeah. I like those glasses. If people were understanding, then then the the blonde, because the blonde's kind of a, she's, she literally. actually in And she looks like she does abs every day. listen She says,
She's about to get the scoop of the century. Yeah. For her podcast. She says, I wonder what it's like to look in the eyes of a serial killer like that and see if they still have a soul. She's about to get that chance, buddy. She is too. What does she smell like?
There it is. If you look at his eyes, do you see a soul?
i like you what a fuck
even arts like bob gal oh man
Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's no wonder she's able to. Oh, this is the sex scene. Yeah. Sex scene's about to come up. Yeah. There's no nudity if I remember right. There's no nudity. I was so miserable. Well, you know, my my boyfriend here, dude,
but lose his dick
does he? In the worst way possible. yeah he's like when I get me going. Every time he starts every time he starts to get into some action with this woman, some somebody's got to **** it up. so What? They take it to the showers. They do. They do. Now, dad's watching what happened at the mall.
on the news. people have a nuclear time then six sorry Five people dead. i'm dead six in the Oh, damn. Sorry, kids. No Santa Claus at the mall this year. He's blown up. The mall's closed. That guy looks familiar.
was That guy, you know who that is? Uh, Teemu, um, uh, Chef Ramsay. That's, you guys are still gone. With the gun on it for a dick. It is. I just saw it. I just saw it in my head. I was like, holy shit, I know that guy. Now, Sienna's freaking out because she heard what's happened to them all. Because she told Jonathan she saw art at the mall. Art at the mall, yeah.
make And there was plenty of eyewitnesses to sit there and say, yeah, it was a guy dressed like a clown dressed like a Santa Claus. Yeah, right? Yeah. They're trying to calm them down. She's telling them, we need to get the fuck out of town. You know what? I agree with her.
down Scaring Gabby? Bitch, you're scaring me. You're scaring fucking wish Freddie Prinze Jr. over there, too.
but elbow back with jonathan here's jonathan oh shit and no yeah mine Yeah, he's he's still alive. He's just sleeping. He was snoozing. I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little jealous. Yeah, right. I am too. Man, it's been a long weekend. It's been an awesome weekend though. I had fun, right? Last night was fun. Last night was a blast. So,
So the uncle called Jonathan and said, you know, we're kind of worried about she and I, she's, this is what happened at the mall. We might have to chapter 52 or whatever it's called.
mill here I a recommitter. Yeah. Which at all, honestly, read i like recommit me if it's probably safer. Right? Safer. There's food. I don't have to work. I don't have to do shit. I can watch TV.
Well, you know what? Oh, yeah, there is some religious overtones. But again, I think it's because it's Christmas time during the morning. Well, no, but it's also with her saying he's a demon. Finally, somebody's saying it. And her saying she's the only way to stop him. And there's one more scene where I think she's sleeping when it happens. There's one more flashback kind of scene.
That kind of makes sense but doesn't make sense to me.
So he did he leave to go pick up Jonathan? see He did leave. I'm not sure where he left to, though. I thought that's where he was going to pick up Jonathan. I think that sounds about right. That explains a little bit more to me as well. I don't know. Maybe it's Abby too. Gabby's asking if she should, if Sienna's going to be committed again, and she's like,
I don't know. He's kind of fucking nuts. It's looking like we might have to go that route, young lady. Looking kind of crazy lately. You might have to join her too here in a little bit. Yeah, you might. Well... Does the girl, does she, the little girl died? I don't remember. Fair. Okay. I'm not spoiling it. It wouldn't surprise me. It wouldn't surprise me because like,
It doesn't like you'll think that this character will survive. I can't tell you because I don't know, honestly. This is all right. Because it's left up to your imagination. Here's the sexy shower scene. She has great abs. I'll give her that. It's key to the plot. That's part of the scene. Very key.
Yeah. Wouldn't be a movie without this scene. I'm just saying. Here comes art tiptoeing in the bathroom. Oh, he doesn't tiptoe, sir. Oh, fair. He's taking the best. But he's doing it the best way possible. He's doing that whole lean back that we do. yeah Shaking it, shake the leg. He's shaking the leg. ah
He flushes. I'll give him that. He washes his hands. ah bet i bet he I bet he's considering it enough to leave the toilet seat down when he's done. I betcha. i bet hes down to bes So he doesn't have to worry about lowering lifting the toilet seat I mean no matter how evil he is I Pretty sure he's a feminist, too so Some woman taught him right then okay, so I saw all right I saw this clip last night, and I'm like fuck yeah chainsaw but Yeah, it does give off a little bit of but chainsaw master vibes here. Yeah, I
just bust right through the **** shower. I remember what that blonde said about art. Oh, looking into his eyes. Yeah. It's kind of hilarious. They don't hear that. Well, she does. That dude was just going to town. He's like, no yeah oh, that's the risk. It just goes to town on him. Well, trying to bounce you.
Oh, no, it ain't over. Oh, there goes the fingers. Oh, man. He's like, man, that was my jackass. He has a pointer and a thumb left. Now he has no thumb. And now there goes his leg. Yeah, that's his leg. He is brutal, man. So brutal. If I ever get killed, I do not want to get killed. He slipped because his leg fell apart. Ew. Yeah. Oh. He just cut her boobs off.
shame And now he's I know right he's just going to town on her with the fucking chainsaw she's trying to find it all live dude yeah Watch what art does? he makes sure She's open her eyes
and takes off his sunglasses so she can see it. Do I have a soul? Do you see a soul? He's like, do you guys get your answers? And then put some sunglasses on her.
The poop on the nose is genius. Now this poor bastard loses his dick. Oh, gee, is he? That's the back of the leg. He was still cutting her. That was the chick. He just cut her in half. Just finished her off. I'm sorry, I would have been fucking crawling. Like, you can crawl, dude. This is reminiscent of the first movie. Don't you walk away from me, grab his leg off.
Watch him, watch him, watch him. He smells his toes. Oh, Vicki. Now he does what happened to the plot in the first movie. Yes. Oh, man. Oh, it starts from the button. Works his way all the way up. What up? Oh, not gave its chainsaw, buddy. I'm just saying it's just the tip.
He is not sad. Yeah. I look like he's nutsack. Dude, dude literally lost his dick in the worst way possible. Oh, man. Because Art just fucked him with the chainsaw. Oh.
And then I didn't think of this. It's kind of genius. It's kind of genius what he does. It's the holiday season. What what are you doing in the snow, Blaze?
Oh yeah, he makes a blood angel. Makes a snow angel out of blood. Yeah, I've never seen that. Yeah, yeah. I caught that clip last night. And he lays down in the blood and does a little bit first. And he does the snow angel. Damn, they are moving. Yeah, that dude got split. Fucking back. Them to sternum, man. There it is. Snow angel, blood angel. He is one sadistic motherfucker.
just Who thinks this shit like that? and
I'm at the clip there. I want that for a background. Right? For next year or something. I don't know. Now, is it Sienna waking up? Yeah. Guys, this is going to be our last four. Well, no, it's not going to be our last horror movie. Not until next year. Not until next year. I mean, we'll.
Yeah, like there's that motorcycle on we might do down the road. Yeah. So seat we're not going to know. That's Gabby sneaking downstairs because she's a snooper. She's a snooper. She's a snooper. She's a snoopy snoop. You know what happens to snoopy snoops when they grow up, they become snitches.
call john Jonathan, where are you? I can't see you.
Jonathan said it would just be, he'll be right there. Yeah. It sounded like a weird voice. Yeah, it's not Jonathan. It's fucking Big E. You know, it doesn't show it though. It's weird. Now there's a flashback of her with her dad and him showing her the painting sketch of her her costume in the second one. But it's really great.
Yeah. And now dad has a kind of like a premonition here. He does a little freak out for a second. see show
Angel warrior. see Angel warrior princess. Lord has special powers. As long as she has that sword, no one can ever hurt her.
Chira. Sorry. Yeah.
We got about. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to say we got about 30 minutes left. We're going to go ahead and take one more break before we finish up Terrifier 3. I want to thank everybody for dropping by and watching and listening to Jeff and I just commentary this movie as as we review it.
Yeah, we're not necessarily review podcast. We're more of a commentary podcast commentary and we give our review, but it's okay. Let's see. Um, you know the times you so that, uh, people that are watching know where to, oh yeah, we, yeah, we're at, uh, an hour and 34 minutes and 41 seconds is where we're at in the movie. Yeah. 28 minutes and nine seconds left, but you know, some of that screw.
I think I cut it off at the credits. So there might, that might be the actual credits actually. And the movie ends on, on the website we use like right as the credits start rolled. So we're, yeah. So looking at the screen flash.
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Welcome back. I like that little ditty. I gotta find that commercial, the welcome back commercial. no The one we were talking about last night. I'll i'll i'll show you when I find it. Because we need to add it to the ending. I think it'd be perfect.
um Welcome at the ending. ah It's a welcome back. Oh, welcome back. Gotcha. Gotcha. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The one we talked about last time. Yeah. I thought I had a welcome back on there. No, we do. But it's it's like a it's a little ditty little song kind of thing. is Oh, OK. Yeah. let Let me know when you find it. Yeah. So we are back. We are still at the flashback. Good. Yeah. We are at the flashback with our dad where he has a little I want to call it a premonition, but he doesn't say anything.
um And what's the timestamp again? One hour 34 minutes and 41 seconds. One hour 34. That might be approximate depending on where you're watching it. Right. And do hit the button. Hit the button. So he wants to give her the thing, the the drawing that he made.
But he doesn't want to let go. There it is. It was like a transfer of power kind of thing. He saw her future.
Oh, man. Oh, and she was like, yeah. He's seeing it. Oh, wow. He knows what's going to happen to her, which is what why he went fucking nuts.
He's like all red in the face. Yeah, he's like holding his breath. Finally, let's go. oh Last night, it seemed like it went on forever.
Oh, no, it comes back. Yeah, he's still holding on. I will say this for Terrify 3. It is more. It has ah has a faster pace than the other two. Yeah, it's quick. Like, it doesn't feel like it's getting to the point yet, but it is.
Now, this is where the religious tones I was talking about. There is a... looks like a Virgin Mary, quote-unquote, holding a chain to a blacksmith with a weird mask on, making her armor and her sword. Oh, he's like a demon or something. He's got all groggy teeth and shit. The Mary statue looked like it was moving. That was weird. It kind of moved.
but it's holding back the demon that's making her stuff. And that kind of, like I was- Yeah, that's some- That's some religious shit. That's some weird shit out there. Like I watched it and I was like, what the fuck did I just see? You know what I mean? It's like, it's got this weird, you are the chosen one, you know, kind of thing. You see the outfit we make it for you?
Like I seriously thought this movie was going to go on a whole montage of her building a metal armor a metal. I like like but she doesn't, which is what she's after. Fucking thing under the garage where that ball of Damascus. Now she comes downstairs.
So I just want to say this came out yesterday, Terrifier 4, the anticipated sequel in the horror series is now in development. See, I told you, they set it up for four. Now, Sienna's sneaking around. She hears. At least she thinks she hears the adults talking about her. OK, here's Vicki. Vicki dressed as art. And her uncle's hanging up on a wall with no hand, no hands.
and split open. That was cut open and ho ho ho written in blood. And he fucking made a a smiley face in blood. That's so fucked. Like she was sleeping during that whole thing. Yeah. Well, remember when when the and uncle went to go pick up Jonathan,
he got that he called Jonathan. You got this huge wooden mallet. He's got this huge wooden mallet that he just fucking buckled in his stomach. Yeah, he hits her a couple of times with that thing. Now, she sees the part. The sword's got to be in there, man. Yeah, it's 100%. Like, you can call it. You don't need to foreshadow that shit because you already foreshadowed the bottom. Now, he just knocked her the fuck out. Yep. The screen went black. Yeah.
And I was like, wait a minute. Is she dead? She's not. She's just waking up. She's got a little blood on her forehead, rolling down her neck. Art probably wants to fucking fuck with her from raining. You know what I mean? Right? This is raining? God, I wish we had one. That's raining here. And Vicki, why is she playing with a Polaroid? I don't know, man. See, I don't... I don't feel like these movies are set in present day time.
with the exception of the cell phones. This is true. It's like a vintage camera kind of thing, I get it. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's... Because I... you Because Vicki's opening presents.
Ho, ho. And Art is just hacking away at her uncle. What's left of him? Just disemboweling him. Yeah. You know, as one does. Did he have the sword? Did he find the sword? No. No, it's just a knife. No, it's just a knife. Because I thought that too. I was like, why does Art have the sword? And of course, Art did sign his name to his, obviously, art. Yeah. And then their aunt is... Yeah, I laughed at that too. Art walks by her and just smacks her in the back of the head.
Now, you get some exposition here by Vicki.
She's wearing the crown of thorns. Art is you decorating the tree with her uncle's intestines and the head is on on the top of the tree is the tree star. It's fucking is it really? I didn't know. Yeah. Yeah. His head's up on top as the as the star of the tree. The topper.

Vicki's Death: Shocking and Sinister

Yeah. Tree topper. And Vicki's just having a blast going through presents. Said try it on, and throws it on her face.
Oh, the mom is not going to make it buddy. um and And it's horrible. I wasn't expecting, I wasn't expecting her to make it. Yeah. It's the worst ever. I wasn't, I wasn't expecting the uncle to make it. So unexpected how she gets killed to the point where the blonde in the first movie, boring.
So, besides her hair that way, her costume looks reminiscent of the pale girl's costume. No, you know what? She's opposite of art. Oh, I see. Art got white on his left side and black on his right side. Vicki's got black on the left and white on the right. And those balls that go down the front of the costume, they're different colors. Their different hearts are black and hers are white.
Oh, my God. No, that's supposedly Jonathan's head.
But Vicky is trying to make the mom think that it's Gabby. not year old It's not Gabby, though. It's supposedly Jonathan. Oh.
because you know yeah art was at the college where Jonathan was and and uh when yeah he called Jonathan Jonathan said I just spit on her yeah he spit on her face you I don't think she liked that too much This part, is this is this is horrible, dude. Yeah, right? I said the same thing. What is he going to do with that clear plastic tube that has got to be three inch round? In a flame bottle. In a flame thrower. A blowtorch. A blowtorch, yeah. Oh, nothing good, I'm sure. Nothing good, I am sure. It's different. I've never seen it before.
and man. The killings in these movies are so fucking sinister.
Like, oh, no. So they just took this big fucking plastic tube, about that long, a little bit small, and just shoved it in her mouth. And now he's got a hammer and he's going to drive it home.
And it's a tube. Dude, she's putting a rat down the tube. Rat, not one. Multiple. Oh, no. Oh.
He's just hammering that tube down the fucking mat. She is deep throating unwillingly this tube. And he's just hammering it in with that fucking mallet. And now the rats are put in there. And the rat doesn't want to go down, so the blowtorch. So the rats run down.
and Wow. Weirdest death ever. Wow. Did not see that coming. No, I did not. yeah That's demented. Fucking as and as rats eating the inside of her now. Yeah. She's killing her from the inside. Shaking. Involves her. Obviously, she can't speak. Oh, she's going to. But you're going to kill the rat that way. No. Slice her throat and the rat comes falling out of her fucking throat, dude.
It's disgusting. Oh My art doesn't like the rat so he kills him. Oh my man. These kill scenes are fucking creative man now this Vicki goes into expletives. She explains stuff Okay, we're gonna be quiet right now sorry guys Yeah, no, that's fine. I'll go and explain what's happening. Now, she Vicki made that crown of thorns, and she's putting it on Siena's head and shoving it down.
So now Siena's Jesus? See what I mean by a religious undertones in this movie? I get it, it's Christmas, but it's like... Yeah. but See, that's what I think.
and so
a free pink mush Yeah. I love she's got a defiant face on her.
question to ink It's so Vicki. She's telling her that's not Gabby. That's Jonathan. But she's not saying Jonathan's name. Oh, no. There's Gabby. Well, what if it's not Jonathan? What if it's like Jonathan's friend? Here's why.
She just, she pulls, she just choked her for a minute, held her, made her held her breath. She takes the head out of the cage and sets it on the mantle and then puts Jonathan's glasses on it.
Right? And, and of course, Deanna's defiant. She's basically, I will fuck you up. Leave the baby alone. She calls Gabby the baby.
Gabby looks over at the present again, which. Got to get that sword. Got to get to it. And there it is. Oh, Art took the the head out of the cage and put Jonathan's glasses on it.
That's supposedly confirming that it was Jonathan, but we didn't see Jonathan get killed. So technically they didn't get bringing him back. That's what. Yeah.
And now she's like, no, I kill. it all Maybe she could maybe she got her demon powers because she killed Jonathan.
Well, I don't know. You can explain to me here in a minute because Vicki's going to start glowing again. All right. So I would assume she's already possessed.
No, but she says I... Yeah, here it is. She says i she she has to take over Sienna, but Sienna has to let her in.
Oh, CNN is not going to know. Oh, shit. CNN's eyes are glowing. Like, she's slowly losing it. Killing. ever i heard back having a Having her think that's Jonathan, who was, I guess, was supposed to make her put her in an emotional, weak place. Yeah. So it's easy to possess her. Yeah.
you Boy, you are strong. She's got a weird voice. See why they chose you. like got She's that it's her fault that everybody's died. No, you killed them. That's your fault. Now, Art's got a knife to carry. Oh, shit.
I'm sorry you didn't get to open my present. ah
That's where I got confused because Gabby makes it sound like she got the present for Sienna when Sienna got the present for Gabby. She knows what's in it because she's a snooper. not Or she read it in the book in the diary. No, she she knewop no because um When you saw Sienna washing her hands, she went to the terror fire and picked it up where they left it. right That's why she's washing her hands, getting the dirt off her hands. With all the soot, yeah. Right? That's why I caught it this time.
That makes sense. Right? Damn. Now, this is fucked up. She says, I'm sorry I didn't get to open my present. So Vicki goes over, gets the present and gives it to Sienna. But Sienna's taped to the table. She said, open it. Goes over to grab Gabby while Art lets Sienna free to open the present. What?
What? She's not just going to cut the tape. Oh, he hits her with a fucking claw hammer in the hands.
How's her hand not broke? How's her hand not broke? Yeah, it's a little far fetched. Yeah, I guess she was still moving her fingers. Three times in the hand with a hammer. Then I get it. So she can't attack. But how's she going to open the present?
Oh, Jesus. Right? Yeah, she's all mangled, dude. Her hands are just all. Yeah, they're fucked up. But she can still open the present. But she's going to touch the sword. It's going to rejuvenate it and heal her. And rah, she rah. Kind of. Xena, princess, warrior, angel lady. Look at her hands. Oh, my god, dude.
All right. Hurry up. He just hit her in the shoulder with the fucking mallet again. Jesus. She's able to open the present just barely. Art is such a sadistic fuckhead. He's got that big metal wooden hammer or mallet. who do you think it what who Who do you think would win in a fight? Freddy Krueger or Art the Clown? are Art every time. You think Art could take Freddy? He's got more toys. Fair. Unless he carries a gun.
What'd she say? Best gift ever. Best gift ever, yeah. Oh, shit. She just... She sliced our neck through the sword of Vicky right through her freaking chest. Like her hands don't bother her anymore. Right. Yeah. And I was like, wait a minute. Yeah.
Now, tell me how this tastes. How's this taste? Oh, shit. Right down the throat. Vicky's now. Vicky's finally has been killed. She just took her fucking head off. See, Vicky's blood is black. It's an important part. Vicky's blood is black. Uh-oh. You'll see why I'm in here a little bit. Gaby about getting her fucking head taken off. Well, Art's not dead yet.
No. He was rolling around the floor with his throat slack. But she slit his throat with my swing in it. But I think he can still keep going. Yeah, it's not enough to stop. Yeah, it's time not enough to stop him. I'm surprised he didn't pull the fucking... Untrackable. What's up, buddy? Hey, how's it going? So, she has the weirdest sword fight ever, where Art has a chainsaw,
And she has that Romanesque sword. And she's he's just there. Sparks are flying. Oh, I didn't know you were still here, Chris. Chris Tex here too. ah So yeah, she's just kind of going back and forth here with art.
as he's got that chainsaw. Now, every time she swings, he's blocking it. Yeah, they're just they're having a score ah sword. She just got a back of his leg. Yeah, man. She's pretty good with that sword, man. And then she started calling him out. Come on, fucker. It's like she learned how to put you. Oh, shit. Use a sword in in the insane asylum. Now, they're both they're kind of butted up next to each other in a weird way.
like I thought he got her leg here for a minute. I thought he did too. Oh, he knocked the store out of his hands. He dropped the thing. He's going hands on with them now. This scares the shit out of me right here. Oh, he just bit. Oh, shit. He drops her. He just fucking pile drive her. And she is, what, eight inches from that running chainsaw? Yeah, i thought I thought she landed on it at first. I was like, holy shit, she's fucked. Right?
And yeah, he's up there going, mom, mom, mom's dead, honey. I'm sorry, Gabby. You're mommy, Amy. Now look what's happened to Vicki. Remember Vicki's blood is black. Yeah. She just grabbed art by the wevels, man. I guess. So all that time, all those people that got attacked by art, they could have beat him in the nuts and got away. I'm just saying.
Oh, there's the sword. And chainsaw through the table.
That's when you kick the table, dude. Kick the table. Kick the table. Let it kick back up. Now, the chainsaw's felled out. Yeah, it got stuck in the table. So now they're just handed in combat. And he faces that. Oh, she shows her face in her uncle's gut. Oh, that's disgusting. Look at Vicki's hearing stupid facts. Yeah.
And it starts eating away at the floor. The blood. Vicky's blood. yeah he Art is trying to strangle her with her uncle's intestines. And she bites through them to get free. it It was like that scene in the first movie where he uses that fucking plastic bag and she looks open. He's like, oh, shit.
Now, she just stabbed her just below the sternum. Got him. And then put him into the wall.
Now, this is where it gets weird. Like it already hasn't gotten weird? Oh, no, it's getting weird now. Because Vicki's blood is turning into smoke and melting the floor like it's acid. That's uncool.
Siena is breathing like she's an elk. a And screaming as she's trying to stab art slowly. And in the 40 years. And now, yeah, Gabby falls. And there we go. It's a gate of hell. I'm not surprised that happened. I was kind of expecting that. Right?
and But she's hanging off the floorboards. She's got to go save Gabby. She's got a choice. Save Gabby or continue killing her. And she goes to save our Gabby. And this is, ah this I can't watch this scene because it hurts my hands. oh She grabs the sword by the blade and says, grab the handle. That's razor short. It hurts my hands.
like you can really hold a sword like that to pull somebody in. Oh, it hurts my fingers, dude. Oh. Because she's slipping. Her hands are already, how can she even hold it with her way her hands are? Her hands have been busted with a hammer like six times. That's why I'm like, I think it's soon as she grabbed. I call bullshit. It's like as soon as you grab. And now she slipped out and all the blood came out of her hands. Gabby's in hell. With the sword now.
That's why I said we don't know if Gabby lived or not.
Right? See, I did the same thing you just did. You check the time. ti the time there's no Because as she looks up, fucking art's gone too. He went out the window.
I guess, I guess in part four, she's going to hell to save. Yeah, she's, it's. Terrifier for Siena goes to hell. All in the name now all left is the is the Santa Claus hat. But the way art is maybe he's even still in the room hiding. That's yeah. Well, he's not. Okay. Because.
oh Oh, she's taking the thorn off. The crown thorn off. I mean, she's going to have to... Man, there's nobody left alive to testify in her favor. This doesn't look good for her. It does not. It does not look good for her at all, no. Because everywhere Art had killed somebody, she was in that location too. Yeah. On her hands. Oh, man. Her hands do... Were they healing? Yes. Yeah, they're healing.
So maybe they healed the back of her hands, too. That's what I'm assuming, yeah. Like, she touched the sword and and her power kind of just sparked. I didn't see that last night. I was still writhing about the fact that her hands got fucked up. She's sitting there whining about Gabby. And then we go to another scene. She says, Gabby, I will find you. And then we go to looking at the sky,
And Art is sitting at the bus stop.
Like a wounded little animal. Art's going to catch a bus here in about two seconds. No. Yeah. Yep, sure does. And look, another blonde. I got to know who the bus driver is. I really do. The ninth circle.
Yeah, I saw that. The Night's the ninth Circle was the very first Terrifier movie. It all hollows all hallows eve It was The Night's Circle. It doesn't say who the plus driver is.
i Wrong call. I thought that was funny. beautiful
Yep, yeah, he's catching a bus and he starts to cycle all over again. Merry Christmas to one and all. Put the knife in your guts. Well, he does this weird thing here on the bus. Wait, he lets people live? He sees the book delays reading. I thought, maybe I'm wrong. Yeah, he's just kind of looking at her.
Like, creepily staring at her. Even the bus driver's looking back. guy Like, he's all coated in blood. It's Christmas time. And they're not at all shocked that this guy's covered in blood. what And shocked. I'm shocked they even let him know the blood. And his eyes are red. Now they're blue. Now they're black again. Yeah. People's weird.
Uh-huh. I forgot the horn. Yeah. Hong Kong.
red it it Oh man. So, this is your first time seeing

Final Thoughts: Rating the Horror Experience

it. I watched it. It was. What did you think?
I liked it. Um, I actually liked it better than the second one because it did expand, expand. Yeah, it answered some questions and expanded the storyline some more. It left open for a fourth one. I thought the kill, but the the originalities, the originality of some of the kills was pretty fucking good. Right. Um, like the, like the tube and the rats, that was a good one. I mean, so.
the chainsaw splitting the guy, I'm not saying that's original, but it hearkens back to the first one. So I thought that was kind of cool. Yeah, a little callback. So yeah, um yeah. What are you giving? Well, I told you my my rating was not going to go over four. Yeah. And a half, but I changed my mind. I'm giving it another half a point. I'm going to pull five. And the reason Uh, but the reason why I'm not going higher than five is I did not like the ending. Okay. What about the ending? I don't like that. We don't find out what happened to Gabby. The first two movies, everything's quote unquote, okay. Arch Dead. We can breathe now. This one leaves on a cliffhanger. I didn't like it. Because you're coming out with a fourth one and this time they'll probably get a four million dollar budget. Oh, I'm sure.
But I guess there are so many things that the religious thing to it too, I was like, whoa. I mean, like I'm not a religious person, but I understand that either. But and especially in a movie that's dealing with angels and demons. I mean, it's kind of in our zeitgeist. Yeah, I get it. But I um I'm giving it. it
Excuse me, I'm giving it a seven. seven. Wow, this is ah seven blades and J's. You gave like I said, I like an eight and hair fire to a six. So yeah, this one's I did say I like this one better than the second one. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely not as good as the first. The first will always be best because It's shorter too. It's like an hour and a half again. I will say this about this one. And this is why I'm giving it the half point. Even though it's two hours, it doesn't feel like it. It goes by quick. Yes, it is more fast-paced. It's not the slow throwout that two was. Two was so slow and drawn out. Three is just timing is on. Just keep the plot moving. I like that. That was probably because they had a higher budget.
So, well, a higher budget could have been them doing clown town again, which I was like, I'm not doing. and There you go. a
But, uh, yeah, I, I, I, I would recommend it. Like I don' chris said, he hasn't seen this yet, but I'm going to, if you, if you are a terrifier fan or just a horror fan and appreciate movies like this, she'll probably fucking dig it. Yeah.

What's Next: A Classic Courtroom Drama?

Dig it, dig it, dig it. And ah next week, we're watching. Now, we're going to show next week's too because it's so iconic. So, yes. So next week, we're going to be watching 12 Angry Men, and it is a, it's in, it's within the creative commons. So there's no copyright infringement if we show it live. Nice. So I'm going to double check on that though.
I was gonna say yeah I'm gonna double check I'm pretty sure it's and when I i know the movie was remade at least once so I am talking about the original one in the 50s. Yeah it's a black and white movie. Black and white. But Henry Fonda is genius I'm calling that. Yes we're gonna watch it live and we're gonna commentate on it and review it and yeah. Yeah we don't have to explain the scenes. which Will help us. Yeah. Yeah. We wanted to pick something a little bit easy. I'm not going to lie in that way. We need a break. We need a mile. Yeah. Yeah. Shit is pumping on this network. This week on this network is just 100% all the time, all ago, no quit. And, you know, work schedules being the same. So I'm going to take a much needed nap. Cool. As opposed to watching something. I'm going to go to bed.
All right. But I think everybody should check out Terrifier 3. I think it's worth the screen time to actually watch because it goes quick. Well, Jeff, um that wraps up the horror movie, Thawne, this thisck October. So you you are reprieved.
Well, I think... Jeff's not a horror fan, so... I'm not the horror guy. ah what i'm i'm not I'm not saying I'm not a fan. I just... It's not my go-to thing. I will watch it, but... I'm just like, uh... Gotcha. I nitpick the shit out of them. Like I did Terrifier 1 with the Hooks. Gotcha.
Yeah, let's go ahead and wrap this up. Thanks for everybody watching. Thanks for everybody listening. We are on bio slash nonsensical network. You can find all our links, of course. Please check out our merch. I know Nicki's working hard at getting those out there. ah nonsensical and spread us on you.
Tomorrow is a new show.
and men caring for men. So i'm gonna hope I'm gonna try to be up for tomorrow's show, depending on what I have to do tomorrow for work. Yeah. so You guys might see me in the comment sections. That's about it. You might see my other handle in the comment section. so i curious my But that, we'll figure it out. Yeah.
so from us that know you guys have a great a great week and good night we'll see you at the movies see you at the movies well we tried good job dickhead sweet
I already killed rumble.