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dRuNk ArT hIsToRy

E75 · Artpop Talk
156 Plays2 years ago

We are back with the episode you’ve been waiting for… Drunk Art History! You can watch us try to answer your questions on our YouTube channel, or listen like normal anywhere you get your podcasts!

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Oh, that's cute though. She said indoor Christmas cafe. That's what I want.

Introduction and Recording Reunion

Hello, hello, and welcome to Drunk Art History. I'm Gianna. I'm Bianca.
Oh my god. IRL for Drunk Art History. IRL. APT 101. Oh my gosh. You asked and you shall receive. Truly. So. We have to get used to recording in person again. I know. I feel like we've talked about how when we record and we have to share a mic, you know, like we're so close to each other, but I'm like, so close to me. Are you going to be okay? Yeah, it's fine. I just normally have you on like, we each get like our own side of the table. Yeah.
And we have to share the same side of the table. Yep. Did you have a good Christmas? Yeah, I had a good Christmas because I spent it with you. So nice. I'm a nice person. Are you ready for 2022? No. No.
Are you ready for 2022?

Awkward Social Moments

No. What an awful question to ask. That's horrible. Why would you ask me that? I'm sorry. I thought it was like normal conversation. No. I was telling Gianna, I went to go get my hair cut and I just had my hair size was so nice, but I had the weirdest conversation with her. Like she would ask me a question. Like she was like, okay, are we ready to like cut some hair off? I was like,
it's please like i i did not know what to say to her i'm not used to like laughing i just like open my my mouth like a goddamn pterodactyl
I think you look great. I have a high structure story there. It's a good one though. No, I just feel like 2022. Like, am I ready? Well, I don't know. Are we about to go back on lockdown or am I going to have to practice more social skills? Yes, we did. We were recording in Tulsa at my... What? What did I do?
That transition was really funny. Like, yes, we're recording this. No, no, no, no, listen. From Tulsa. Live from Tulsa. No, we were recording Tulsa. We were in Edmond, so on the treacherous drive that is between the two suburbs, I went a long way.
Okay. Um, no we were... what did you just say? Oh, we were talking about how we don't have any social skills. Um, that we don't have any social skills. Okay, so that's fine. That's fine if you're listening to this. It's already trash. Great. Mmm. Mmm. That's a great little story, David.
Yeah, really good. So I'm assuming nobody wants to hear more of our chitty chatty. I hope you guys had a very lovely holiday and are ready to jump into 2022, because we are not, apparently.

Spontaneous Drunk Art News

So we thought that totally no research, no script. We would do some drunk art news. So should we try to take a stab at it? Yes, because also, I don't know. I go back and forth on
when there's like a bunch of art news and like we don't have time to report on it we can only get one you know what i mean but that's fine i love but i'm like now we get the opportunity to see like the other side of the coin like doing all the art news stories like at once yeah you know what i just realized we didn't do we didn't talk about what we were drinking oh yeah today's drink menu yeah a drink menu should we tell them about the blueberry muffin
No. It was the cocktail that wasn't seasonal. You don't get to know. I know. Yeah, I'm tired of talking about the blueberry muffin cocktail. Okay. Yeah. So we're just- So we're not having that. Well, we weren't having that anyway.
Okay, so we have eggnog and a little bit of bourbon. We've got some wine here. We've got gin. We have ginger ale somewhere laying around. I think it's a good mix. I got this little holiday mix. Like fancy bottle opener or bottle stopper for like Christmas, but it like takes all the air out of.
This lovely red wine I have from Walmart. Okay, now we can get into art news.

The Robert E. Lee Statue Time Capsule

Okay, did you have an art news story? Yeah, well- Which one did you see first or want to talk about first? Well, the one that I thought of was the Robert E. Lee time capsule that they found in this- It wasn't a time capsule.
The time lapse from someone's phone. No, a time capsule that they found in this. It is wild. Did you hear about this? Oh, I did. I'm so sorry.
Is wild one of our words? I think so. So yeah, I think wild is good. Okay. Bianca and I say a lot of the same words as you guys know, like wildly fascinating. We love to repeat a phrase. Or interesting. I feel like if we say wild or if we say like interesting, you gotta take a step. Yeah, wildly fascinating. Wild. Say that one you said.
Interesting. Interesting. That's interesting. Interesting. That's interesting. And then juxtaposition. We'll see if that one comes out. Am I? You never know. That's like a sober studio art world. Word. We'll see. Okay. So for art news, I had seen on the news the time capsule that they found in the statue of Robert E. Lee.
Which is just, they found another one in there. There might be a second one in there. Yeah. Because they only found one and it wasn't the documents that they thought were going to be in there. So they were looking for like a photo of Abraham Lincoln. They were looking for a photo of Abraham Lincoln and for some reason they knew that the time capsule was going to hold that
photo because they'd seen it in a different like newspaper article something from the time but it wasn't in there so it's just it's it's so
Cool. It's not interesting. It's really, yeah. It's not wildly fascinating at all. No. Drink. And yeah, they found two separate potential time capsules in a statue. Also, who does that? Who was like, this is a great place for a time capsule, but maybe they knew Robert E. Lee sucked and he needed to be taken down.
I just kept thinking about Parks and Rec, where Leslie Knope is trying to create a city time capsule and have everyone put one thing that they think encapsulates the spirit of the town of Pawnee, Indiana. And what's his name? I forgot that. Comedian actor, but he does a cameo in... Sponsored by Brahms.
Um, he does a cameo in Parks and Rec and he's trying to get Twilight in the time capsule. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I like that episode. That's a good episode. But then they all read Twilight. Yeah. Yeah. That's nice. I can watch Twilight. Yeah.
Sounds fun. Okay. Yeah, you can watch. But so what art news do you have?

Dinosaur Fossil News Mystery

Okay, I'm a little bit confused about this art news story in particular, because they found like a fossilized dinosaur, like embryo, is that correct? In a fossil. In a fossil. But what I kept seeing on the news was like that this fossil was already found in like the year 2000.
2000. Yeah, they had the Chinese government had found this in the year 2000. But I don't know. So what has it been doing? I don't know. So it just like, we're making a big deal out of this now. But it was like, why didn't we hear about it? I don't know. 22 freaking years ago. I don't know. But that is so interesting. Yeah, they're. I don't know how they made that like little recreation that was like everything on my Instagram.
You didn't even hear it! Sorry. Oh, it's becoming a problem. Yeah, it actually really is sometimes when I'm editing. We just said interesting like 20 times. 20 times. So sorry. Yeah, so that was a cool one. Yeah. But a little bit confusing. I want to know. I have some questions that need answered.

Remembering Wayne Thiebaud

Yeah, take it up with Chinese government.
And then there's kind of a sad one, sad art news that we shared. Oh, yeah. On her story, boy of APT-OG, Wayne Tebode, died just after Christmas. Yeah, 101. 101, though. Like, random pause for Wayne freaking Tebode. Cheers. Cheers. Wayne Tebode. Yeah. I think... Oh, sorry. That was aggressive. Hmm.
So that was sad, but he lived such a long life and was still really healthy and able-bodied as far as I know because he was still painting in California up until he died. So yeah, honestly, what a role model. Yes. Sad Wayne, but he gave us a lot. He gave us a lot of amazing, beautiful artworks. Yeah.

Ethics of Unwrapping Mummies

It was another art news story.
And it was something, I don't know much about it, but they found a really well-preserved mummy of a pharaoh, I think, someone of importance because it was well-preserved. It wouldn't be well-preserved if it was anybody else. But they unwrapped it and opened up the coffin or whatever was in if it was, I don't know. Yeah, that could be really bad.
Yeah, I just feel like, I feel like maybe they probably know what they're doing now, like a pressurized air system or something. I don't know. Like, I didn't get that far into it this morning. Like, looking up and reading about another mummy that they freaking unwrapped to stop doing it. Yeah. I don't know. How about you pretend to know much about mummies? You could do like an x-ray of it, right? So you could see inside. Yeah. See what the mummy looked like. But you don't have to disturb it. Yeah.
It's annoying. Whose mummy was it? Just a pharaoh? I think it was a pharaoh. Just like it. It has to be someone important for it to have been so well preserved and like mummified in that way. Mm hmm. Because it could have been anyone, but someone important. Yeah. OK. I just mean like it didn't have to be like someone of royalty, be like noble, like of nobility.
I don't know. I feel like that's kind of what they made it sound like though. I mean, like someone of like, oh, top to top tier top tier. I see. Tip of the pyramid. Okay. I gotcha now. Because otherwise it wouldn't like if it was
someone else if it was like a slave or something it wouldn't have been like right you know preserved in such a well way taking care of in its resting place right okay gotcha yeah i gotcha so i'm going with arrow okay interesting oh dang it that's art news unless
A lot of things. Did anything happen in pop culture over Christmas? Oh my God. Well, we're going to get into it. The we'll get it. We'll get there. That was like before Christmas, but I hope at the height of like there was stuff that was supposed to happen like over Christmas. OK, you don't. We'll get there when we get there. OK, I believe you because we're not there yet.
Okay, do you want to start this? Start with questions? Yeah. Should we get into questions? Okay. Today's art pop talk. Yeah, I would love nothing more, but thank you to everybody who also submitted questions. We're very excited.
They're good questions. And I'm sure everybody knows, but yes, just as a reminder, all of the art pop tarts sent in questions to Ask Bianca and I literally about anything, it was art history related, fun related, pop culture related. All that fun stuff. All related.

Weird Thoughts at Art Exhibitions

Yeah. You guys had some good ones. You start at the top? Start at the top. Let's do it. Okay.
I like this question, what's the weirdest thought you've ever had at an exhibition? What's the weirdest thought you've ever had at an exhibition? Like weird is like a specific word, like I've had a lot of like really catty and like bitchy thoughts in an exhibition space. I mean that could, I think that could, you could go for that.
Yeah sometimes I just feel like if you guys ever walk into like a contemporary art gallery and just like it's just not for you or like you go to like an underground like art show like in your hometown or something or where you live and you're just like this is why people hate contemporary art. I have like
sometimes I get that feeling quite a bit but also like I do that to myself for like look at the stuff I work on which you guys know I use like in my undergrad I was using a lot of like trash and like used products and so I would just think like this is why people hate contemporary art yeah so that's a thought that I've had pop up a lot yeah but like a weird thought
I don't know. Sometimes I think like, you know, like you play the what if game. Like what if I like actually touch the piece, which like gives me so much anxiety thinking about, but I'm like, what if? I think about stealing art a lot. Yeah. Like I always think like, what if I just took this? What if I took it? What would happen? Yeah. What would happen? What would happen? I kind of want to do it. Ooh, a missing piece turns out. You know what if I like me?
You know what? I'm sure, I'm sure that the mystery to the Isabella Stewart Gardner stolen artworks like confession is written in like a recipe blog post somewhere because nobody reads that.
Yeah, I'm determined to find them up in Boston. I think I will. We went to some way that's like. Oh, that's a weird thought I've had at a vintage store. We went to a thrift shop and I was like, I'm going to find the missing red brand here in this room.
I haven't found it yet, but don't worry. I don't believe in you. I just applied for a job at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. I hope someone there sees this video. I hope someone there sees this video. Boston Cream Pie recipe is the entire thing. Yeah, I keep an ear out when I'm on the street or at restaurants. It's a bourbon woman's blog post. Totally. Boston Cream Pie, be on the lookout. A tartlet better find that recipe. I'm just saying.
Yeah, they probably would. We need more Boston Tartelets so I can like hang out with you guys. Oh, yeah. Okay. Next question. Gianna, which genius artist do you hate the most? Hmm. Which one? I hate a lot of them.

Love-Hate with Koons and Pollock

Yeah, I feel like I feel like this is a question that we answer often. I mean, there are ones that I like love hate, like my
kind of all be ideal love hate is maybe like Jeff Koons. We've talked about that. Artists I hate. I'm tired of hating on Picasso because I feel like that's just like truly getting really old. Hating on Gauguin is getting really old. He just takes up a lot of my brain space and I don't appreciate that.
I have a funny story about Jackson Pollock. I was kind of thinking about Jackson Pollock. I don't hate Jackson Pollock's work is the thing. And I don't know that I hate him as a as a genius artist, but his identity associated with the boys club of abstract expressionism. That's like what I hate is like when you think of abstract expressionism, you like see
Jackson Pollock's face, but I was at I was at an art museum like a few weeks ago with Andrew and we were walking around and There was a Lee Krasner piece. He's gonna be like so mad I told him this story and there was a Lee Krasner piece and Andrew's like, oh my gosh Lee Krasner, I love his work. I was like What'd you say? He's like, yeah, I love I love his work I was like
more one more time like yeah we Lee Krasner like he does great stuff I was like oh my gosh and then I think I had asked maybe like if you'd seen it before like oh you're familiar with it or something like something along those lines he's like yeah yeah and then we're turning around and I was like Lee Krasner is the wife of Jackson Pollock not that that's all that she is but it's just you know right
So maybe that's why I like will hate on Jackson Pollock because when you see something that's abstract expressionist you think it's part of a boys club and there are so many great abex women artists. I feel like another one.
that we don't talk about as often just because I just don't really find his work very like relevant like chuck close is like such a disgusting just such a disgusting human being but also I just feel like talking about like color theory and like pointillism
Those aren't things that he invented. I don't get why he gets a gold star for that. Like other artists were using color illusion and like pointillism way before Chuck Close. So I'm like, just because you did a freaking portrait of yourself in like five different dots of colors. Like, what do you want? Like you want a gold star? He did. I don't know. I just I never I was like, why are we talking about this guy? Like none of the things that he did were like
None of it was new, it was just that he didn't maybe bring it into a contemporary setting other than a pointillism or pictorialist kind of vibe. I don't know, other than just being a disgusting human being, I truly don't get what the hype is about his work. Been done. Yeah. I like that one. Yeah. Okay, what's up next?
Um, I thought this question was funny because we're not going to have a good answer. Um, unclear if it counts, but curious to hear if y'all's fashion trend predictions, what? Hang on. Basically, what are your fashion predictions for the year 2022?

Fashion Trends Speculation for 2022

I don't know. I feel like 2021, we obviously saw a ton of just, you know, more athleisure because of COVID, like working from home and stuff like that. But 2022, please no more low rise, skinny jeans, maybe like gaucho pants will come back. Gaucho pants and ponjos at the same time.
I actually fear that because I feel like the cycle, you know what I mean? Like we had low rise jeans, you know, we have we have this like 2000s creeping in. Well, okay, on top of that, though, I did see a TikTok where I'm not sure. I'm not sure what designer this was, but we're seeing this like resurgence and play of like color and also pattern. And I think that's kind of wrapped in with the early 2000s kind of 90s trends that we're seeing.
the 13 going on 30 dress that I can now buy from. Or like plaid. I feel like plaid pant, like plaid capri pants. But I feel like some of the bad patterns are going to come back. Like I think chevron, like one of the patterns that this designer featured was chevron and she was like, I told you chevron, but it's not going to be
It's not going to be Chevron like as it was. It'll still be this, but I don't know how to explain it. I feel like Chevron will be used differently than just like being all on every shirt ever. I'm not on board with that. None of these fashion trends sound good. Chevron with poncho and like low-rise jeans. Nope. Hard pass as we say it here in 2022 fashion. All black. Yeah.
Okay, Gianna, who would win in a fight? Sophonesba and Guisola, Lavinia Fontana, or Artemisia Genaleschi? I have my vote. But I'm very, I'm very biased. Why do you think Artemisia? I mean, she's our gal. And like, it's kind of like a ride or die situation. Like, that's who I would have to bet on. Or like, that's whose corner I would be in.
Yeah, like even if I thought differently about something else like it's kind of like a ride-or-die for me Okay, I would pick Lavinia Fontana. Why cuz I wrote a paper about her and She was so cool. She was a portrait painter in Bologna and she
was able to paint all of these portraits of people in the city. And then she has a, what I argued was a self-portrait in her Judith and Hall of Fairneys piece. So her painting of Judith and Hall of Fairneys, because Lavinia Fontana was a portrait painter, she painted herself
in the place of Judith. And it's so cool because she like has a knife and she's like looking out at the viewer, you know. So I feel like Lavinia has like, you know. She's got an edge to her. Yeah, she's got an edge to her. She's like, yeah, I cut off how granny's head. Here I am. It's me. Judith slash Lavinia, Montana. She has an edge. Oh, yeah. No, that's that's a good answer. Thank you. So if Anisa I think is too soft, I don't think she would win. She would have like clever
like back workings, she'd be like the puppet master of the fight between Lavinia and Artemisia. She'd be like the WWE fighter. They're like not really fighting. She's just like staged the whole thing, like beautifully. Like it's all the dance. Oh, yeah. I like that. Since we're kind of on that track, best Italian Renaissance artists. Best Italian Renaissance artists. I'm going to say my number one is Botticelli.
I think Botticelli is the most stunning, amazing painter that there's ever been. I just like, I don't care that all of his ladies look the same.
I don't I don't care like they're beautiful all I want to do is stare at Venus's face all the time I'm not mad if like every lady is Venus with a beautiful skin and long auburn hair and even if all their bodies look the same within his work what I think is so interesting is that it's a nice change of pace from looking at the other like
realistic bodies, but also you keep seeing like, the female face like a female anatomy that has come from a man anatomy. And I just feel like it's a nice break in anatomy, even though things are like morph and it's not perfectly like real. It's this
break from hyper realism trying to be hyper realistic, but putting like studying male anatomy and trying to make it a woman's body. Yeah. It's just like, it's not doing it for me. Right. Yeah.
Yeah, we're a little biased for Botticelli. Yeah, definitely. This might be a fun time, because I don't know, do the art pop charts know about our Venus tattoos? No. We talked about that? We never talked about it. Yeah, Bianca and I have matching seashell tattoos for Botticelli birth of Venus, but also Lady Gaga. I feel like I haven't gotten a good Lady Gaga update in a while.
Very true. But she's busy on the holidays, you know? She's with the fam. I mean, she's been in a lot of interviews with House of Gucci. Yeah, she was doing a lot of work. Now I feel like that's kind of cooled down a little bit, but we had a lot of good interviews with her and a lot of good content. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. I mean, are we there? Do we want to talk about some pop culture? Or are you not ready? Yeah, I'm ready. Okay, so.
What is our real take on Kim dating Pete Davidson? Okay, here's the thing. I'm so excited to finally talk about this. Okay, we haven't talked about it yet. I am so excited to find it. What did she say? Okay, I need to know your thoughts on Kim and Pete.
I don't know if I even have any, guys. I had seen some photos where, like, they kept saying like, oh, like Pete and Kim are actually like holding hands because they would like hold hands.
they were like getting out of the car and then when they would like walk away like it wasn't like staged anymore like the couple's photo wasn't staged they went to like Disneyland or something together what they wrote they did some oh yeah well that was the first that was like one of the first
Pins, but I I don't know other than I know that I think they were seen in like New York like having dinner I don't really I don't I don't have enough information to form an opinion Yeah, I'm gathering that you do. I've been listening to like the most I'm just I'm gonna say I'm wildly fascinated Like
it's just when I first heard about this you know Kim hosted SNL and honestly Kim did a fucking great job on SNL that was good and I really loved her fits the pink jumpsuit that was on brand oh oh man it's like painful it's like one of those things that you see and you're like so saddened in your heart because you're like I will never
ever have that on my body and it's so sad. Yeah. That's also the saddening part about the image that she creates but continue. I know but I can't help it's so beautiful. I thought she did a great job on SNL. I thoroughly enjoyed that episode of SNL. Then we see her and Pete
hanging out we give the Disneyland shot and like whenever that's like right after that everyone was like oh my gosh can we pee they're definitely dating blah blah blah and like
Some of my podcasts, like, I feel like the podcast, like, cause I work from home and I'm just like alone most of the day, you know, your podcasts are your friends. And I'm like listening to half of my friends think that this is just like a hysterical joke. Like they're just, they're literally fucking with us. Like they just want me. It's just so, it's so inconceivably funny that Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson would be like,
would be dating. And then the other camp was like, no, I think this has potential. It's Pete Davidson. I like Pete Davidson enough as a person, but I'm definitely personally not in the camp of like, Pete Davidson is the most amazing, gorgeous, funniest man ever. I'm definitely not there. Yeah, that's good. It's so crazy to me that now all of a sudden,
these two camps have like, you know, merged into the thought that she went to Staten Island over Christmas, the Kardashians always throw the Christmas Eve party. And we were wondering if we were going to see Pete at the Christmas party because there was probably a good chance that Kanye was going to be at the Christmas party for the kids went to him. Well, no, but like Kim would be at the at the Christmas Eve party. But like,
because it wasn't there. No, I can't remember. Wait, I don't know. It was just Christmas. Then where did she care if we got updates? But like, I didn't see we haven't gotten like a picture of Pete Davidson on Ken's like feed yet. You know what I mean? One thing I did think was interesting if you guys watch the.
I sent out all Christmas special that kind of was but wasn't. Yeah, because of COVID. Paul Rudd was hosting I did a really good job but there was this like random skit in there that one of the like the kind of skits that they do the
pre-film for so it's all like shot really nicely and it was just like black and white like short and Pete Davidson plays some like washed up comedian but he makes a joke about like remember when I was like the number one like celebrity bachelor in the years like 2019 to you know 20 whatever for no reason and I thought just I don't know Pete Davidson is good about keeping up with his
Snl yeah jokes about himself that are pop culturally relevant. So I thought that was interesting Okay, so I just want to look like it's not like Pete is like on Kim's bead I just don't know cuz like I don't know who's not the Christmas party so I think that's what we were kind of like waiting to see or the Christmas Eve party like if Pete was gonna be there or if Connie was gonna be there and what if they were in the same room together because now Kanye also just bought that house like across the street from Kim Kardashian and
It's so why I just like and then
who is P Davidson going to date next? Because I just like, this can't be and I'll be all theoretically for Kim. I just like, I can't see the happening. I mean, do you think P Davidson is ready to be like a dad to North? Like, I just don't see that happening. So that makes me very scared for all parties involved. It's fun. Like, if she's having a good time, like, that's great. You I love that you are dating someone or having fun with someone who is, you know,
number one whatever celebrity bachelor if we want to call him that in the year 2021 2022 yeah good for you no that's great it's just like but no i don't think he didn't go to next like who is his next girlfriend gonna be do you know what i'm saying after kim ah oh that's another thing how does just i guess how does
How does dating Pete Davidson work? Like, yeah, right. Well, apparently they were zip-zoopin' all over the place. Zip-zoopin'. No, like, how did, yeah, like, how did that all work? They were, they were going from, like, Manhattan, because they were, I think they were at Paul Rudd's taping at SNL. I mean, I just feel like, then they went to Staten Island, and then they were in LA, and they were, like, going all over the place. He was engaged with someone that didn't even live in the same state. Like, did he live there at some point? Like, does he also, does he have a house in California? Or, like, is that, is that how he's able to date Kim Kardashian?
The geography of it. Mm hmm. Don't understand. I know this is what I thought. I'm just wondering how this is all going to end. I think that's my main thought. How is it all going to end? Yeah, right. OK, Gianna is forgery art.

Is Forgery Art?

I really liked this question.
I think yes, it is art. Yeah, I think so too. Yeah, I mean, it's something visually that you created that is in itself the definition of art, like plagiarism is still like real. And that's also a thing that exists. Yeah, but that doesn't mean that it's not art. I think it takes a lot of skill. And I think also, like, if we're gonna say that anything is art, like, it is art, what the value of that art is, is a different question.
Well, there are also some schools that people attend where like if you're, you all have to paint like the same subject, but you all have to paint it to the height of realism. And the goal is like for everybody's, you know, painting to basically look the exact same way if you're trying to capture it, capture it exactly how it looks being as realistic as possible. At the end of the day, everybody's painting would like look the same. Yeah. So I mean, if you're doing something like forgery or like capturing something,
in realism. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely a skill. I think it is. And also forgery can be kind of beautiful. I don't know, like thinking about the kind of like intellectual comparisons that forgery gives us and like, how we can think about
forgery on more of a theoretical level the way it plays into art. I think that's also worth something and that's also artful, you know? Well, and also too, if you're thinking about like so often we think of these like huge like murals or like frescoes or like old classical paintings and we're thinking like how could that person, you know, paint all that thing
you know, just by themselves. And, you know, that wasn't always the case. Like they had a team of people helping them. But when you think about like the stylization and the painting techniques,
that all looks very like consistent. Yeah. Um, like being in a school like the school of rock. Are they trained to paint like their leader? Is that for right? Right. And work for him. Right. You can think about the same people that build sculptures for artists. Like a lot of the times these days, especially if you're doing like, if you have a cast for your piece, like you make the original one, but then from there,
you get it shipped off and you send it to a foundry and it gets duplicated because that foundry has that mold so you can just replicate and replicate. I guess the same thing could be said for printmaking, just the idea of replication. Yeah, what about printmaking? Yeah, I mean, printmaking gets a lot of hits. Gets a lot of hits? Hits? I don't know what word I was trying to say there. Printmaking.
I don't know, kind of, I should say like gets a bad rap kind of the same way like photography does about like duplicates and things like that. But if you're printing them by hand, it's still like it's all the same thing. It's all the same work. It's still an original print. So I never got that like why it got hate. I think photography, depending on
Because if you're doing something by hand and you're manually exposure, and if you're doing ink manipulation, then there can only be one original of that one photograph that you are creating. But then from there, you can just duplicate it and make copies of it. So depending on what kind of photography you are practicing or what methods you're implementing, there can only be one original.
but that's not to say if you were in forgery and if you were able to do it, you would still have to do it every single time. Yeah. Okay, I think I might know who this one is from. Gianna, I want to ask you because you were talking about writing maids a few weeks ago. Why is Marcel du Chomp an essential? Did I say that right? Essential? Essential, okay.
Why is Marcel Duchamp an essential figure in art history? Yes, using readymades is an important thing that we also have to learn about. Taking found objects, found in nature, found in the world, that you tweak, do something to it, display in a gallery, whatever you want with it, whatever your heart desires.
And then we get into the lovely task of being able to challenge what contemporary art is. So that was a stepping stone in art. So you have to know it. Congratulations. I ended up with three Marcel Duchamp.
books at my apartment because Foster who joined us on the podcast Taxer me guy Foster did you? He bought I think he did I think he is the one who asked us that question He bought three Marcel Duchamp books and then left them at my apartment. That's so many I know actually one of them the title was really I don't know anything like I don't think he
I don't know, I kind of just assume that like all artists that I study are shitty, that way I don't like have to be disappointed later, but I don't know anything about him other than like personality or like personal wise, like I don't think or know if he was like, I don't know if he was like an asshole or not. I don't know, I think that I love to hate on him because that's exactly what he wanted us to do, you know what I mean? Okay, what is your Christmas aesthetic if it were a Pinterest board?

Christmas Aesthetics: Traditional vs. Modern

You guys can't really see the Christmas decorations I put out, can you? Do you want to see your planty? You can see it every year. It just looks like nothing with lights on. That's your tree when we talked about it on the podcast. Interesting. Do you want to see my tree? That's our tree. You guys can't see the flowers in it though. I'll pull one out. Beautiful. It's cute. Yeah. I am like a cross between
That's quite a look. Thank you. Wow. Keep going. That's quite distracting. I am across between a nice traditional red and green Christmas, but then the other half of me wants to do full glam pink, just fun and sparkly. But I have these little Christmas trees, and they're soft pink.
Yeah, those are cute. So that's kind of like the vibe I want for this year, just because I have little trees and then I have this situation. So we grew up with like a very like red kind of. Yeah. But like really beautiful and shiny, but also, I don't know, just kind of like a touch of like nostalgia, like ornaments. Yeah, totally. Oh, thank you. Planty. What about you? I definitely like more sparkle.
Like, I like glittery things. You do. Glittery. So, yeah, I definitely like more sparkle. I definitely love white and gold for the holidays. I want a frosted tree. I really want to get a real Christmas tree next year and flock it. I don't think that's gonna happen. And get it from where? A Christmas tree farm.
Didn't you say you wanted to go to Vermont? Oh, I wanted to go to Vermont. I wanted to go to Vermont to pick up a Christmas tree because that's very, very Vermonty. I just wanted to do that and I didn't think it would be a big deal.
But we got a cool tree. We made our tree. Yours looks so good. No one did look good. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I came to like it. But one year I want to go to Vermont and I want to cut down a Christmas tree. That sounds sad when you say that. I want to pick out a Christmas tree. I don't want to cut it down. I'm so sad. And get a tree and make it white and gold and I want to frost it. And I like that for the holidays.
yeah and I did we ask this one no we didn't city with the most art history no I would think Paris but I'm biased I feel like I remember when you were in Italy you just were more overwhelmed there yeah that's a that's a good point Paris I feel like
It is a newer city. That's true because of the French Revolution when it was kind of rebuilt in the 1800s.
Paris as a city architecturally is not necessarily the most. That's a really good point, Gianna. When I think of Art History 101, I think of the Louvre. Everything you could ever want is in there, and then if it's not, you just go to the Orsay, and if it's not there, you just go to the Pompadou.
I feel like maybe museum wise, Paris is the city with the most like traditional Western art history 101, 102 art in it. You know what I mean? But if you think about architecture and the cityscape, you might do Rome because you have the ancient ruins, you have the Renaissance like Greece, I would say, I don't know.
Like you could think about Greece architecturally too, but I think Rome or Florence, but I don't know, which is just one city. I might pick Rome second. Okay.
What do you think? Yeah. I just remember coming home and doing this little reenactment because you were like, oh, I turned the corner. I'd be like, ah, statue. Oh, no, more art. It was. It was like every time freaking out, like getting overwhelmed. It was overwhelmed, like the churches, because you want to see it. And they're all so beautiful. But our tour guide would be like, you know, a beautiful church. And you just go in there and be like,
Yeah, yeah Just like the one next door, you know, like they're just it all kind of starts to blur together a little bit when you're only there for such a short time You have to go so fast and then like, you know our guide be like, oh, yes Like here's Caravaggio to your left and you have to make a lunch on to your right just like chillin in a church You know just like hanging out not like behind a glass just like there and you're like
We just saw one next door. I don't know, maybe Paris. I would pick Paris because I just want to go there. Wait, I have a follow up question because you mentioned it. If you got to rewrite Art History 101, what would be your dream syllabus? I think that I would do
something where it was maybe only women, like we only talked about, or just like maybe we talked about non-white artists, like teaching art history 101, not from the male artist perspective. So still doing like, I mean, you would still do traditional Western art, but I would teach all of that through a non-white male lens.
So that might be like the way I start thinking about the class. Yeah, which there are a lot of Well, what I was gonna say and what I was just looking at over there was that
APT brother-in-law Josh Turner got Phoebe in a book for Christmas and it's basically like US history told through like other perspectives you know not the colonizers like perspective so just in terms of like um like a history perspective I feel like we're getting a lot of like actual like
Books like from those different perspectives. Yeah, that's in terms of like broader history. That'd be interesting to look in for like art history Yeah, that's probably how I would I would start the class I would also add pop culture from the start like I would I would incorporate pop cultural things into what we're learning You know, that's not from a sis way mail
thread. I also just want to talk about like, what do you guys want to talk about? I know little like babies like wouldn't say anything. Yeah. Well, the art majors might, but the people who are in there just to be in there, they wouldn't even know what to say. I've never been to a museum before. Like, what the fuck? Like, whatever.
I hate those kids. It's like, I've never been to a museum. It's like, what are you doing? What are we doing? Wait, you made a Pink Panther reference the other night. What was it? Oh, for a month.
We were watching George C. Scott, A Christmas Carol, and the person in the Pink Panther who plays the rock, the casino owner.
He was, he played Mr. Crotchet. No. No, he didn't play Bob. Oh, he played his nephew. His nephew. He played Scrooge's nephew. And then we were trying to figure out, like, what's that guy's room? And I think Gianna just looked at me. It was a casino owner. A casino owner. Oh.
Oh my gosh. God, what a great work of art. I love that. That quote is the one that finally made its way through. Never before by that have I? Have I?
needed to use the casino on there in a context because we're always saying like um good one that's a really we say that a lot or uh that's another one for the film did you say what's another one from the film like it's a high-assed piece of art
Hey Beyonce isn't it? Beyonce isn't. So it does make sense. She would not be in a nothing less than a film. Unpopular opinion. You each individually hold about an artist, art form, or a piece of art. Unpopular opinion about one of those.
yeah i saw this question i feel like i had a really good answer unpopular opinions on a lot of things um oh i have one okay go i i like the mona lisa i like it it's perfectly fine i like the mona lisa i like the
i think the mona lisa is lovely she is so lovely and like people people in art history think that they're being like fucking smart when they're like uh the mona lisa she's so small in real life you know what i mean like i feel like cool people people in art history love to be like the mona lisa sucks or whatever you're gonna know she's like nothing
I like her. I think she's beautiful. I like all the conspiracy theories surrounding her. She's great. Yeah, she's small. And you have to like go through a big crowd to kind of get up to her. But once you get up there, it's nice. You check off a big bucket. That's a big bucket list. You know, like seeing the Mona Lisa, not everybody gets to do that. Yeah. And I appreciated the experience. But I can't say that around art historians. They'll be like, you're an idiot.
Let's see. Okay, this one is a question for you, Gianna. Pop culturally, all the show remakes, like what the fuck is this new gossip girl? I've not watched it because I'm scared to. It looks so mean. And like from what I hear, I don't know, I just, I think like the bullying is probably taken to like a whole new kind of, I don't know. Yeah.
kind of how I feel about like Euphoria like I haven't been able to watch Euphoria oh I like Euphoria yeah I just I don't know it's like I don't know I need to like step away from like Mean Girl vibes but I've watched all of like the OG Gossip Girl it's not great I've never watched Gossip Girl I mean
You don't have to. You're not missing out on much. It's just really... Yeah, I'm into what I look like late in Easter. Yeah, you do. That's so nice. That's so nice.
Yeah, I don't like all the remakes. I just I'm not into the remakes. I just talked about like remakes and like in general, like even with like movies, it's just like West Side Story, this new remake. I just I like I don't need it on a small minuscule tiny level. I appreciate what Steven Spielberg might be doing with the cast. However, why don't you just make a new movie and hire a diverse cast? You know what I mean? Like just make a new
movie you're not making the old one any better you're just making something weird and also just like
the remakes just like not that great. I'd also if you're gonna do a remake, I feel like Broadway is the way to do it. You know what I mean? They came back with Oklahoma and I think it, you know, it worked to a certain like, I think that revamps on stage are a lot better than a remake of a movie trying to make the old movie better when that's just not necessarily gonna happen. Yeah, I just feel like we've been living in an age of reboots for quite a long time, but we are seeing it in TV.
more I feel like now they're doing How I Met Your Father. But Hilary Duff is in it and I want to watch it. And Tien Tran who is on a podcast I listen to Hysteria. Yeah. She's like a cast member. Did you ever watch How I Met Your Mother? Was that a show you watched? No. Yeah. But I like Hilary Duff. Yeah, I'm excited for her.
But I wish Lizzie McGuire would have worked out. Yeah, like that was like a reboot I was here for. I would have been excited about Lizzie McGuire. But I got younger. I liked younger. I loved younger. So that was kind of like what I envisioned Lizzie to be. Well, Gianna, should we ask like two more questions?

'Fuck, Marry, Kill' with Artists

Yeah. Wait, I need to ask you one. OK. Ask me a question. OK. I'll make it into my notes.
Boop, boop, boop. You can't pass that ball. Call me, beat me if you want to reach me. Call me, beat me if you want to reach me. Yeah, sorry. One, two, three. Call me, reach me if you want to be. Let's do Fuck, Marry, Kill, Picasso, Duchamp, or Coons. OK, definitely marrying Jeff Coons. He has so much money. Like, it's fair.
Heck yeah, I married Jeff Goons. Whatever. He met Lady Gaga. I could be hanging out with Lady Gaga. I didn't even have to hang out with my dumb husband, Jeff Goons. Marry Jeff Goons, for sure. Get Gaga. Part three. Okay. Who would that be? Mary Gaga. Picasso and Duchamp. Yeah. I think I would buck Duchamp and I would 1,000,000,000 percent kill Picasso. 1,000,000,000 percent? Jesus.
Oh, ask me this one. Okay. How do you feel about trendy art? Not great. Tell me more. Like contour lines, yeah, drawings that like, I don't know. Yeah. And also with like, like, because the like geometrics are like the minimalism that's like really
Um, like trendy right now for like home decor too, I think is going to go out very fast. It's not that I mind some of it, like some of it I really like and I, um, some of like the arches that people are doing with like wall decals or like contact paper. I think some of those are cool. Like, well, like we were taking the geometry, like all I wanted from a bathroom, I just wanted like a kind of a terracotta, like a deep orange.
Like shower curtain, right? And when I type in that color, I couldn't get one with it being this like trendy like
I don't know like like mint green or like light like sage green with like terracotta circles and like weird like black arches yeah I'm just like I just want something plain like I don't want like arches that are gonna go out of style yeah in like a month from now yeah I hear you those are like some like trendy things yeah rainbows are super trendy which like I don't mind I like rainbows but I feel like rainbows like rainbow paintings
Cool. Yeah, I like rainbows just as much as the next person But I don't know like it's weird that that's like a trend in like jewelry like yeah kind of post pride like I know we talked about the way the pride but I feel like post June. Yeah rainbows and rainbow jewelry and rainbow color searches Like I'm on I'm on board with it, but there were some Rainbow Kendra Scott earnings. I almost got with my life. I know if they discount there in September. Those ones are really cute. They are cute. I know I
Yeah. But I didn't need it on my wall. You know what I mean? There's also this weird art trend going on. And it's different, almost like a squeegee you take to squeegee your paint off of your paper. But if you let the paint sit, there's almost like an underpainting. And so when you wipe it away, it almost reveals this image. But it looks kind of wiped away. That's been really trendy right now. I'm not quite over that yet. I think those videos are quite satisfying. Interesting.
And I honestly think the art is kind of cool in itself, but it's funny to see that like, you know, kind of when people were doing like the poured resin. I was just about to say that. Resin. I was literally Jenna. I was just about to say resin art. Your resin molds.
like like wedding flowers like in like a pyramid like resin like blob right resin is just like guys resin is nasty stuff like it's it's not good for the environment is it bad for the environment but like it's not good like for a huge like work like it's
It makes me like really anxious when people are just using all this resin. I'm like, it's really nasty stuff. It doesn't biodegrade. It just is going to sit on our planet forever. Gosh, it's like, be careful if you're using resin. Also stop using resin. Like stop putting like wildflowers in resin and selling them as earrings. Well, and there are a lot of people now who are using like biodegradable like resin or resin alternatives that they're like, I think like bean water, like
something like that they can turn into I don't know I think that's empty oh okay can I ask you the last one okay okay and then you can pick one more for me okay yeah because we're we're on a long time okay okay I thought of one I don't know who sent this if you could commission Michelangelo to make a Sistine Chapel type painting group what would you want it to look like oh I have my answer you go okay
You go. Oh my god, you make me so nervous. I thought of a good one. I feel like that's my opportunity to like be the narcissist that I am. I love that. You know what I mean? Like I just like how many opportunities do you have for like, like the master of all masters to do a portrait of you and do it like big and like grandiose. Like this is like if I have the means to have him paint a space with like a huge
ceiling situation, then I feel like I've got to be in it. Yeah. Maybe I do it Katy Perry style, but I'm in a sea of APT bubbles, cute little bubbles when I'm in cloud. I love that. I'll be so cute. I was thinking mine would be Montero vibes. Yeah. You know what I mean? I would want
I don't know, maybe I would want Lil Nas, but now you put that idea in my head to go with like a portrait of yourself. But I kind of like the idea of like Lil Nas being on my ceiling in like the pink Versace cowboy outfit. Like, I know that's not really the vibe that Montero was, but it's my painting. I can do whatever I want with it. So if I was like asking Michelangelo to do that, I think I would want a cowboy up there. And a cowgirl. Poliha, howdy. Yes. For sure.
I can't wait. I had a colleague I used to work with and every like team's email he would like send off, he'd always say howdy. And I love that. And now I like don't work with him anymore. Now I can like steal it and like I can be the one that uses howdy. I love that. Hi team. There's an idea I have. I don't know if I should share it. But we're telling Sammy about my Boston cowgirl idea.
I kind of want to change my Instagram handle to Boston Cowgirl. I think you should. I think that's so cute. Should I do it? Maybe I will. Okay, we'll converse after this recording. Maybe I will. Maybe I will. Because I kind of want to dress up as a cowgirl and just walk around Boston in my pink Versace cowgirl outfit designed by Donatella herself. Wouldn't that be fun? That would be great. Super set. Wouldn't that be fun?
I don't know. Do we have time for one more? Yeah.

Favorite TikTok Trends of 2021

What's your favorite and least favorite TikTok trends of 2021?
You know the answers to these questions. I quit TikTok, like I told you guys. I don't know why you're still on TikTok. Get off TikTok and join me every year. You don't want to answer that one. Not on TikTok. You can answer it, Jeffron. What is my least and most favorite TikTok trend? Yeah. Okay, which TikTok trends? There were so many. I missed TikTok.
Um, oh my gosh, I was telling you and Alyssa, I just miss like laughing hysterically with no one around. I know because my favorite ones aren't trends. I'm not really into dances. And I like some of them. If they're like a song, I like I like home. I'm trying to think I do. You know what I do love is the Doja Cat hand. Oh, yeah, that was a good one. I love that one. Yeah.
um oh one one i really like it's cowbar i loved that or the one that was about like living in the south and it was like you can tell
when you walk outside and it's about to rain, and that music was like bing-a-ling-a-ling. I don't know, Lee's favorite TikTok trend. You know what I hated for a while was like, when people would ask questions and it was like, what celebrity do you look like? Or there were like two girls and it was like, the two girls, every five seconds, their question would pop up and then people would, you know,
respond to it. What's your favorite celebrity interview moment? And that girl would ask, do you remember that? What's your favorite celebrity interview moment? And then it would cut to this, but every time I swiped, it was like, what's your favorite celebrity? I hated that trend.
Yeah. She lasted a very long time. Good for her though, honestly. She did. Yeah. Yeah. It's so bad for you. It is really bad. It's like really bad. Like one day I was on it and it was like, well, one day I was on it and then I wasn't on it anymore. Like I, I, we don't know how to talk about this. One day I was on it and then I wasn't. That's a good story.
Oh, we didn't we didn't do the one about Obama. Oh, yeah. Okay, Obama. Okay, so this is bus and or busted review of Obama's 2021 music film list.
Okay, well his music list you got Brandy Carlisle. I'm trying to think Lil Nas Montero Lil Nas on my top five. So there we go. There's a lot of freedom john batiste. There's just a lot I don't know. There's a Sean Paul and Shaggy song.
Rumors Lizzo and Cardi B. I feel bad. I just haven't listened like I haven't listened to it. You know what I mean? Don't listen to the whole I haven't listened to his Favorite music of 2020. What about film? Hmm West Side Story is on Obama's list. I don't know about that. I don't know mr. President I haven't seen new one yet. Does he mean the new one or the old one probably means a new one cuz I have I
I haven't seen any of these other movies. What does that say about the power of the dog? I actually I did like I was surprised that I liked that one. But this is embarrassing. I haven't watched these movies. I won't listen to his music. I'm the one doing something wrong. Mr. President, not you. Is that all we have? OK, we're done. We're done. This was very fun. I had a great time. Now I'm ready for a snack.
I don't know if I have snacks. I'll get you some snacks. Okay cool. We can get snacks. We can get snacks. Okay thank you everyone for all of your questions. That was so nice of you to send them in and we love you and we hope that this episode is bringing you a happy new year of 2022. Yay this was fun. You guys know we'll have to do it again sometime. We'll have to do it again sometime. Maybe you could come to Boston next time.
Boston meetup would be very cute. I would come up for that. Bostonian art pop tarts. I'm lonely.
You have to come to Boston. Or just tell me who's listening from Boston. Or just tell me who's listening from Boston. Oh, we have a mystery to solve. Who is listening from Frederick, Maryland? We need to know. Because if you're listening from Frederick, Maryland, we also have an art pop-tart who has been on the show multiple times, who also lives in Frederick, Maryland. And she wants to meet up with you because there's clearly another listener in Frederick, Maryland. Where is that listener? We have an EPG meetup potential.
And Frederick is so cute. It is adorable. I loved it there. So you have to know who you are. I think after this, I'm not sure if anyone would be comfortable sharing their identity with us, but... Well, just email us.
All right. Create a fake email account and then an anonymous email account. No, just tell us. Just hang out with our friends in Frederick, Maryland. Anywho, can you not tell them who the friend is? No, because I don't want to. They might not like her. So I don't want to tell them right now. So that's all.
And what do we normally say? You can email us, Frederick, Maryland, artpoptalk at Follow us at artpoptalk. And if you think about that Phoebe buffet line where she's like, please, if you like my music, sign up for my emails and give me money so I can buy a computer. So give us money so we can make our show. If you go to our Buy Me a Coffee account, if you like the show and want to give a little donation, that would be amazing.
One other thing that would be really cool is if you rated us on Apple Podcasts, because I can see that most of you listeners are listening on Apple Podcasts. So if you want to review us there, that would also be extremely helpful. We got to go, folks. Bye. We'll talk to you on Tuesday. Bye, everyone. Bye.