Ep. 105 - The Devil Wears Balenciaga & Mordecai: Pole-to-Hole in Persia image
E113 · Growing Up Christian
Ep. 105 - The Devil Wears Balenciaga & Mordecai: Pole-to-Hole in Persia
52 Plays
1 year ago

This week Sam, Casey, and Jeremiah take a hard look at the recent Balenciaga scandal involving kids with S&M teddy bears, unsettling court documents used as photo props, and the resulting backlash and its effects. It’s a lot of weird. Some would argue it’s too much weird.


Of course, we wouldn’t feel right without spending some time in the Word with you folks, so we’re going back to the book of Mordecai… Oops I mean the book of Esther! Maybe you remember the parts of this story that they covered in Sunday school, but I’ll bet they skipped some of the more gruesome details. So take a break from whittling your favorite impaling pole (it’s sharp enough, man), and enjoy the show!


Pssst… if you like the show, we’d sure appreciate it if you’d leave us a review wherever you listen to it, and share it with a friend or 10. Long days and pleasant nights, traveler 🤠
