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S2E20 Who?! Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions Egg Donor Matching Team image

S2E20 Who?! Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions Egg Donor Matching Team

S2 E20 · Me, You, & Who?! Creating happy families via egg donation and surrogacy
73 Plays1 month ago

On today's episode, we dive into the world of egg donation with the extraordinary Egg Donor Matching Team from Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions! These remarkable women share their personal journeys and the passion that drives their work in this life-changing field.

You'll hear firsthand how the team provides unwavering support and guidance throughout the process, taking a unique and personalized approach to each match. We delve into the emotional aspects of egg donation, the importance of choosing the right donor, and address common misconceptions. Plus, we highlight the critical role of education, proper guidance, and trust in making this journey a successful one.

Join us for an episode filled with joy, care, and invaluable insights from this amazing team. You won’t want to miss it! Enjoy!


- Building trust and establishing a good relationship with intended parents is crucial in the egg donation and surrogacy process.

- The matching team provides support and guidance to intended parents, addressing their fears and concerns.

- Choosing the right donor can be a challenging decision, but personal connections and intuition play a significant role.

- Intended parents may have concerns about loving a child who is not genetically connected, but the journey and bond can be just as strong.

- Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions takes a unique and personal approach to the egg donation and surrogacy process. Choosing the right donor is a crucial aspect of the egg donation process, and it often involves an emotional connection.

- Having a support system in place and considering one's current life circumstances are important factors to consider before becoming an egg donor.

- There are common misconceptions about the impact of egg donation on future fertility, but it is important to educate oneself and seek guidance.

- The egg donation process requires a time commitment, and there may be waiting periods between different stages.

- Egg donation is a way to make a difference and create a family, and the connections formed through the process can be fulfilling and meaningful.

- Trust in the matching team and the process is essential for both intended parents and egg donors.

- The decision to become an egg donor or pursue egg donation is just the beginning of the journey to parenthood, and it is important to embrace the process and the possibilities it offers.







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Hi, everyone. I am so excited to bring you a very special episode featuring the incredible egg donor matching team at Egg Donor and Surrogate Solutions. This amazing group of women is made up of dedicated individuals who share their personal journeys and what led them to become involved in this life-changing work.
In this episode, you will hear from the team about how they provide unwavering support and guidance throughout this process in the unique personalized approach taken by egg donor and surrogate solutions. We explore the emotional aspects of egg donation and the significance of choosing the right donor, as well as tackle common misconceptions and underscore the importance of education.
proper guidance and trust in the matching team as we begin this incredible journey. Throughout this episode, you will hear nothing but joy and care from this amazing team, and I can't wait for you to listen. Enjoy. Me, you, and who?
Who knew it would take more than two people to have a baby? In a world where infertility is no longer a taboo topic, this podcast will take you through all of the different aspects of surrogacy and egg donation through the lens of many who walk this journey in different ways. My name is Whitney Hall and I am a two-time Surrogate Now Turned Surrogacy Coordinator for Egg Donor and Surrogate Solutions.
the very agency I used when I chose to carry for two amazing families. With this podcast, it is our goal to help guide and support you as you learn about what it takes to grow a family in an alternative way, as well as hear inspiring and beautiful stories of how this path has changed lives forever. We can't wait for you to hear about just one more way happy families are created every day.
I'm so excited. We all get to chat and everyone gets to hear us chat. I love it. Oh my gosh. Okay. So for the listeners who are listening, not watching, I would love it if you guys could intro yourself and I want you to say who you are, how many years you've been with the company and um what your title is and um Holly, you can go.
Okay. I'm Holly Musny and I am the egg donor, education and matching director. And I've been with the company for 10 years. I'm Katie and Kaled. I am the executive director and have been here for almost 15.
Hi, I'm Rachel Webster and I am the egg donor matching coordinator and I have been here for seven months. Our little baby, our fresh baby. yeah Oh my goodness. Okay. So how did this even like this industry show so niche, right? So like, how did like this even like become a thing in your life? And I would love our little baby to start because since you're new and fresh. Yeah.
Absolutely, um, I love how I became this a part of the egg donor and surrogate solutions because I too was an intended parent at one time and Several several years ago a contacted my doctor told me to contact an agency and egg donor and surrogate solutions was one of the first ones that actually reached out to me after initially I um Investing and trying to figure out what we were doing and it was just with a warm heart and love and care and That's how it came to be and I ended up having um Two beautiful children. Yeah, you did with a donor from egg donor and surrogate solutions and
Then i I loved it so much that I thought, why not? Why not work for a cause that I struggled with so much so I can help people on the other end and and be that voice and and comfort that you guys were to me at Once Upon a Time. So. I love that. I love that. And if you want to hear more about Rachel's story, you can actually listen to her on another episode. Yay. I love that. OK, so Kaynie, how did this become a thing in your world?
So I was a donor in college and that was a great experience donated for a local family. And that kind of peaked my industry, and that peaked my interest in the industry as a whole. And so I helped add another agency and what Rachel does, working with families and helping them select a donor and it was just really fulfilling talking to somebody who's experienced what they have and then able to help them move on to that next step and then of course their little baby yeah at the end and so that program wasn't there wasn't a lot going on in Texas ah and so we opened up our egg donor program
And that's what I've been doing ever since. And by we, we mean this is where Holly comes in shortly thereafter. Yes. So Katie and I go way back. And when she was starting this company, I kind of knew what was going on and was in the loop a little bit. Um, I'm a nurse, so I was working at the hospital at the time and Katie came to me and said, you know, I could.
really use an extra set of hands and nursing background would be good. michael And would you want to come do this with me? Yeah. For a short time, I kind of did both, kept keeping my bedside nursing job and doing this on the side and then obviously transitioned over to this 100%. Oh my gosh. I love that. I love that. So what would you say is maybe one of your favorite moments that you've had just being in this field?
Oh, hands down, when we get those Christmas cards and the emails, the delivery, and 10 parents will send us. Because on the egg donor side, we work with the families through their egg donation cycle, and then it kind of stops. And then they go on to transfer and have a pregnancy for themselves or their surrogate. But there's ah there's a long time from you know so picking the egg donor until,
that the awesome baby is born. yeah But when they come back and they send us emails with it and let us know our baby was born and this is great. It just really is so fulfilling and just completes the whole circle and we just love it so much. I love that. I love that so much. What would you say as the matching team? Like what are maybe your goals when someone is coming to you and they're vulnerable as an intended parent. They're interested but they have no idea where to start. What would you say are kind of the main goals of what this team does?
everyone understanding what those next steps are and what they're committing to is huge for a donor and often intended parents will say like, ah, does she know what she's doing? And I love when I get to talk to those families that I can say, yes, hands down, these women know what they are committing to in this process.
One reason for that is we have team members who have been donors themselves and are willing to be vulnerable in sharing that experience. And I think that's one thing that really sets us apart in the industry is how much investment we make into a donor's understanding the commitment level that they're making now.
m going to appointments, doing all the things, taking their medications, if they need to travel, what that commitment time you know looks like, but also then that commitment long-term. You're helping create a tiny human that's going to be genetically related to you and so sometime later on there might be some questions and you can go down that rabbit trail. But you know, there might be some questions one day. So this isn't just a one time decision. But like, is your heart in this to help somebody build their family? Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. What kind of support would you say Rachel and intended parents have through this process? Because it doesn't just end with
Okay, here's our database, which I think is fantastic, by the way, and one of the unique points. And I would love to talk more about that. But what would you say is the support that an intended parent can expect to receive besides, here's the database, pick your donor.
The end. Yeah. So I think the the first thing is the first reach out um that I give. to You know, i I call those intended parents and I just I want to hear their story. um What's what they've been through and it it never gets old. um All the struggles and just the ups and downs that they've been through. It's it's. It's comforting to know that I think to them that I can tell them, I've been through this, um yeah you know and and they and and I can empathize with them, and I understand everything they're going through. and and it's just it's It's fun to hear the second I tell that, it into an appearance seemed to open up a little bit more, and then kind of share a little bit more. um
So it's it's nice to give them that and then just I think they have trust then in me. um And then they can start asking those questions that they didn't know they had and and all that. yeah So i can I can support them that way and and help them answer any questions that they have.
and just just guide them and then let them know that it doesn't end here. You're also gonna get a care coordinator that's gonna take you um handin hand in hand and help you throughout the entire process as well. So I help match you and and guide you in any way I can to help you find a donor. And then it doesn't end there, you get a care coordinator right after that. yeah It'll help guide you through the entire process, through the end.
Absolutely. And I think one of the biggest hurdles I know that obviously, intended parents come with, whether this was how they, like you said, everybody's story is so unique and different. But what would you say, and again, coming from the seat that you sit in of being that intended parent, when you have all of those fears, and they're coming to you with that, how how does the matching team give them that support, what would you say maybe are those common fears and maybe some of those things just across the board like, hey, this one we've got. Yeah. I think the biggest fear that I hear is
You know, how how do I even pick a donor? There's so many out there. Like, how do I know what the right one is? And um it's it's hard to answer that question. I tell them what I went through. This is what I did. um You have to have that feeling, whether it's a picture, um whether it's just something you read about, you know, the woman that you're the donor.
um whether it's your husband helping you decide, but I just, my donor, I had a, it was a picture when she was a little bit younger. And there was something about, it was just a picture, and it just, it got me, and I was like, she kind of looks like me. And it was just that moment, and that's all I needed. Some people need a little bit more, some people are like me. um But I think just choosing the right donor and then also it's how am I going to love this child um sure when I'm not genetically connected with them? Like how how is that even possible? And I think that's just a big question every intended mother comes to me and asks.
and I tell them too, I was like, I can't explain it. um Right now, you just, when you get pregnant, it's like everything about egg donation goes out of your head. Like that it happened naturally and it was the way it was supposed to meant to be. like And then you get to carry that baby the entire time and you're bonding with that baby, you're growing that baby, you're loving that baby and it's just, it's it's so,
It's just I can't as I try to tell them I'm like I can't explain it and then the day you have the baby it's and I was like and a hundred percent my babies are mine like yeah, and you know that that was what was meant to be and Yeah, it's hard to explain when you're not going through it, and you're not in that that position yet, but sure that point But it's yeah, I try to tell them yeah Well, and it's embracing that beautiful story, right? like it's I think so many people, it's that brain shift of this wasn't what I was expecting. And then I'm hearing from your perspective, having that education and guidance throughout the whole process, it it's now just a part of your story. It's not a stumbling block. It's not a I had to do this and you know sort of thing. It's just a beautiful part of their story. I love that. I love that.
What would, across the board, what would you say are maybe some of those, as far as education is concerned, what would you say are maybe some of those most common misconceptions?
um I think a lot of times people, before they're really educated on this process, they think it's similar to like ah donating blood. oh they you know When they're first learning about this, it's like, oh, cool, I can do that. And that's quick. This is not quick. It's not quick. It's an commitment. You're looking at four to five months from start to finish. There's appointment. You're giving yourself injections. like ah you You need the heart for this. It's not just something that you do on a whim.
yeah And so a big piece of that is us educating our donors, like they've said, but making sure they understand that this is not a ah quick thing. It's a commitment and some real family on the other side of this. And you are going to have to have that in your heart to do this, to help create a family for someone else. That's so interesting that you say that you made that comparison to donating blood because I think there's so many like, Oh, it's easy. Oh, it's like you said, Oh, it's easy. Oh, it's quick.
It's not now either. It's not. And I mean, if you compare like egg donation to surrogacy, right, like four or five months to me, I'm like, Oh, that's, that's nothing. When I think surrogacy, I think 18 months to two years. Like that seems very long, but four months, I mean, and four months with lots happening. Yes. Right. Lots.
Yeah, like you need you need the time. Yeah. I often say to you though, it's like hurry up to sit around and wait. yes yeah So you hurry up for that day three blood work and then we sit around and wait. And then you hurry up and you get that genetic testing and then we're waiting on those results. And then you go through your psychological evaluation and then you're waiting for your period in order to start meds. Who knew we would want a period to come?
And so you kind of like hurry up to then sit around and wait. And that is why it's a longer process, but testing and screening is important. So those things take time and we always want to be respectful of the financial investment that intended parents are making. So you don't often just get screened all in one day for every single thing. It's kind of like, okay, let's do this piece. Let's make sure everything's good. Okay. Now let's do this piece and make sure everything's good.
um But that testing, you know more of it comes with that first time donor. And some some families will come to us and say, you know i I really wanna pick a proven donor. So it's faster and easier. Proven meaning for those who don't know. Someone who's donated before. um But if you're looking for a donor with specific characteristics or you're looking for that connection, um I'll never forget an intended mom who she picked somebody and like she had told me what she looked like and I was like,
And um she goes, oh no, she just reminds me of my best friend. like I could be friends with her. like And I just thought, I mean, that was the connection that she made. And she was like, no, she doesn't look anything like me, but I just fell in love with her and I'm really excited that she's gonna be my donor.
yeah So that's just another sweet way where, you know, and then that translates right to her kiddo one day that she gets to say, no, your donor was just like, you know, friend. And we're so excited that this sweet lady was willing to help us, which is what we want. I love that. They're excited about who that donor was that they picked. Yeah. Well, and going back to Holly, what you said, there is a family on the other side.
Yes, that's real people on the other side. you know With surrogacy, it's very personal. You know each other. you know You have that match. Meaning with egg donation, it's not quite. I mean, in some cases, it is. If we do a known cycle where they and you know they do me or share information or do a Zoom call. But a lot of times, it's it's not as personal as, say, a surrogacy journey. so You know, remembering that it is a real family. These are real people that, you know, they have gone through this heartbreak in most cases and you're their you are their solution. yeah And just making the donors aware of what the IPs have been through and getting to this point and the investment they're making.
Yeah. big piece of it Okay. So as the matching team, what would you want to say to potential intended parents, potential egg donors? What would you want to say is super important before they start this process as they're thinking about who they want to match with as they're thinking about becoming a donor? What would be kind of that one key takeaway that you would want them to have?
i'd I'd want to say your your journey's not over. This is just the beginning. Get ready. I love that. Not to be like Nike, but I would just say just do it. i I've been in this industry for so long. I get the privilege of being friends with women that we help that have like 10 and 12 year olds.
They love their babies yeah and they're so glad that this was the process. um I've heard a friend say, you know, it was just about being a mom. It wasn't about how you got there or the intended fathers that we work with. I mean, I've talked to so many single or same sex dads and they've said like, I'm a fabulous uncle. I just want to be a dad. Yeah. Rock on, you're right. And so just, this is your next step to parenthood. It's not as much about how you get there that is important and your child knowing their story is important, but like you got lots of years with these babies. This is a small bit of it. And if egg donation is how you get there, that's amazing. yeah And from a donor perspective,
I've never had a donor come back and be like, man, I can't believe I helped a family and donated. Yeah, sure. i mean you know You can read there, there are risks and complications to being a donor. And we've had many donors that have had risks and complications, and then they come back and they're like,
But I got to help somebody. And I got to make a difference. And they choose to help someone again. yeah I've never and had a donor that regretted their decision. And it's a difference for a whole family. i mean We've had nurses in the industry that have referred their daughters to us to be donors um because of the experience, A, that they had with us, but just that their girls started asking. And it's another cool way. um Just last week, we had, or about two weeks ago, we had a surrogate who now has a child in college. She was like, my daughter is interested in helping through egg donation. She was a surrogate for us 15 years ago, but she watched her mom help a family in a certain way. And now she's, she's not gonna be a surrogate, but she's like, I could be an egg donor. yeah So just the decision to say yes and creating that family and the difference somebody gets to make. you don't
There's not a lot of other ways in this world that people can give back in that way. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Well, you guys, I love you all. You're amazing. You do such a great job. And for anyone who wants to find out more about egg donation, you can go to our show notes and all the things. I appreciate you guys. Thank you. Thank you. So fun.
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