Stranded - Session 5 image

Stranded - Session 5

S2 E8 ยท IDM Roleplay
9 Plays9 days ago

We return for Stranded, session 5!

Welcome everybody to session, I believe this is session five, if you don't count the session zero and session negative one. Session five of ah Integrated Dice Management presents Stranded. um I am your dungeon master for the evening. My name is Ron Bjork and with me ah it unable to join us last time, but back is Jaden.
I am back and I am here to be alive in this Unforsaken Land. And who is your character in this Unforsaken Land? I am... Uh-oh. Let's pull it up. I am Avalon Zephyr. I am basically based on the guy um from ah Lost in Space. What is his name? I always forget it every time I do this.
um Oh, I can, I can, uh, just, uh, his name is, uh, uh, major Don West and he has a chicken. Um, but I have a chicken as well. And my name is not his name. So yeah. And there's a game called breath's edge where that sounds like exactly what you just described. Yes.
and uh what what was Avalon's um original intended role uh on the ship like what was what was to be his job you know was he supposed to be a soldier uh engineer you know like what what was he supposed to be He is kind of a stowaway. So he totally he has a little bit of all the little nicks and nacks. Like he he knows a little bit of everything, but not enough to like he wasn't approved to get on. So he had a sneak. Okay. Okay. All right. With me also is Hayden. Hey, I'm happy to be back.
I am playing two characters currently for a flashback. natural How do you pronounce the name? Natalie? I think it's Natalia. Natalia, sorry. I'm dyslexic. yeah And then my character, Riker.
um i What was Riker's intended role? Intended role? Like, what what was Riker ah originally thinking he was going to be doing um as a member of, you know, this colony before, you know, everything went different? Oh, he was... To be honest, he didn't really have a clue. He was just getting off the Earth. Right. He was a lawyer back on Earth, though. Yeah, he was a lawyer.
And then of course he's a member of the ah the last surviving member of the founding family. here All right, um up next we've got Frank. Hi, I'm Frank.
and And Frank, who are you playing? Hi Frank! um I'm playing, well my normal character is Nigel, but I will also be playing Somebody in the flesh you might you y'all might not be playing the flashback characters this time around I'm but I'm Yes,
yes you in the flashback word deuce Tanner even was at tall a Talia Romano I Remember now um yeah ano character is nigel lightcastle I'm loosely based on Nigel Thornberry from the wild for marriage And same question to everyone else, what was he his ah original intended role um you know before the invention of the PAP and you know all of that? Hold it down. I i ah don't rightly know. um or Or what was he back on Earth? So back on Earth, um he was a...
Not a park ranger, but like a a police park ranger person. What do you call those? A game A game warden, yeah. Okay. um So he was a game warden for the few national parks. And he, hold on, I have his backstory. Or at least part of a written, if it'll load.
and and and na and and and and a
He devoted his life to protecting animals in the forest. He became a forest ranger. ah Through an odd string of circumstances, he was chosen to become one of the 10,000 passengers on the polo, an interstellar colony ship. so he was right There was a reason he got chosen somehow. but There was a bit of a lottery also, I think, although a lottery from only the select, you know, genetically preferable people.
Well, he has quite a bit of survivor skills. He you know he did Firewatch. He worked with game wardens and other police departments to protect the wildlife sanctuaries, the few that were left from poaching and things like that. So he had a pretty wide range of skills. All right. um And last but not least, we've got Bill.
What's up, y'all? I'm Bill. Love being here. Love everyone I'm playing with. Love everyone that's willing to listen to our bullshit. And I am playing, in the flashback, Captain Staphon Rogers. I can do this all day. and ah But in the current, I am playing Lucky Carlo. My original job on this on the polo was as an engineer. And I...
professional history in demolitions explosions. All right. And they didn't just kill them. Same question. Same question to everyone else. What was your, you know, either role, intended role or what you used to be?
but Bill? Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the size guy. Bill Nye the Completely deaf from a professional history of working in set explosions. size guy. His name was Mole, all right. Nope, Lucky. Oh yeah, Lucky, yeah. Oh no, on that guy he was... Oh shit, who was that guy? He was like...
No, Mole was the mole was the minor. the yeah you know ah You know, we got paperclips, glue, nitroglycerin, dynamite, glue, paperclips, big ones. Was that Venny? Yeah, that was his name. that was you Yeah, that's it.
I can't believe y'all remember those names. I mean, I liked the movie, but that was far too long ago for me to have memory of such things. So there's this thing called Uncle. Okay. I have three monitors. I have to use them for something. Yeah.
Um, so just to uh, a fill in jayden and be remind everybody the things that happened Last session. Um, and actually jayden. I think you missed the end of the one before that Uh, but basically we captured yeah we well after you guys were on your way back from you know getting those boar things um you uh were attacked by a group of alien creatures um well actually they are the natives you're the aliens technically but um uh out of character you know them to be yes out of character you know we all know frank we all know frank shut the
We all know that anywhere we go, the other people that are there are the alien. That's just a compliment. I will boot you from this chat. um Out of character, we know that they are the Thrykreen, and in character, maybe some of you assume that's what they are because the mushroom man, Mycanid, as I have renamed them, the Children of the Spore, they ah mentioned the Thrykreen and said that they that this land belonged to them. um But ah so far, that information is not, you know,
Officially been revealed as in like that the creature has not said I'm a trichrine but uh You guys were attacked by a group of trichrine riding pterodactyls and by attacked I mean they swooped in and threw a net on um Mattias, who we've now changed officially his name to Mathis um for Hayden's benefit. ah um So they dropped a net on Mathis and tried to carry him off. And then ah Frank teleported into the sky and tackled the thing off of its
out of the sky, basically, um knocking everything to the ground. The pterodactyl flew away. Oh, also, I think they cut Mathis free, maybe, or somehow with spells or something.
um ah So basically, they captured themselves with Dry Cream. And last session, ah um a couple of things happened. Not not a ton, um but Frank was summoned to the hut of the leader of the PAP and they had a conversation. Frank discovered he could turn into a bear monster um and the um the PAP leader guy um basically told him that this creature knew secrets about ah about the humans that the humans couldn't know and that he it either needed to be released or killed so that the the rest of the colony can't find out the secrets. However, he did not tell Frank, tell Nigel what that secret was and said, I'll tell you later.
um Nigel immediately went to go talk to the group and tell them what happened. And I guess they basically decided that they were not going to kill or release the creature. Actually, I don't know if that's been decided, but they haven't done that because Mathis stormed out of the makeshift cell that they'd been keeping the creature in in a fury because the creature wouldn't respond and begged ah begged Riker for help because Riker has the psychic communication stuff. um And then Riker spoke a little bit to the creature which said things along the lines of, let me look at my notes.
hayden Okay, so Riker's initial contact, mental contact with the Thrykreen made it whale and horror, mentally, psychically whale and horror. um He learned that the creature thinks he has the touch of the traitor in him, that Riker has the touch of the traitor in him. um The creature said, your kind has been here before, you destroy, the traitor is joined with you, or you wouldn't be able to speak. It said, once once he was one of ours, but he betrayed us all,
um He said to Hayden, no one who would accept the touch of the trader is honest. um the creature tried to break free, but you know wasn't able to really get out. um And then after it failed to break free, it just kind of started muttering. um You'll destroy everything like before, um et cetera, you know stuff like that. um Hayden attempted to communicate with his warlock-packed deity thing um and asked him if what the creature said was true. His thing came back and said, nope, the creature's a liar.
um and And then we went into a flashback. ah In the flashback, they discovered um some information. So in the flashback, Bill was playing playing the character Stefan Roger, um awoke to discover that the ship was about 700 years off course, um the ship the Polo, the same ship that you and the present are from. um It was about 700 years off course. ah The other surviving ship, the Kanye West, um had gone off in the opposite direction. um And apparently, that was against protocol. The Kanye West sent a virus over to the Polo to make the Polo essentially not question them.
um and sent a false recording of the captain one of the captains of the Kanye ship um deciding that that's what they were going to do. However, um communication has been lost between both the ship and the earth for quite a long time. um Let me see, how far did I say it was?
did accidentally Did I accidentally do what I think I did? I might have accidentally deleted those notes. Well, basically it was something like, um it's been like 200 or 300 years since they heard from Earth and the same from the Kanye West ship.
um Kanye West's ship was not heading back towards Earth, so Noah didn't like to go back and like destroy Earth or something. Two unrelated things, but it's been a long time since they've heard from it. um The reason the ship was off course was because when they originally arrived at the original destination of Alpha Centauri, whatever, proxima Proxima Centauri, whatever the heck that they were going to, they found out that it was not suitable for human life.
And it took approximately 600 years for the ship to find this planet. In the flashback, they were getting ready to go down to the planet to see if it was, indeed, suitable for human life. And that's where we ended.
um However, that's not where we're picking up right now because we're going to pick back up in the present. um It is the next day. ah a touch of the traitor in him or is touched by the traitor. that has He's touched by the traitor.
um ah But anyway, um so it is the next day ah over the you know past you know however many hours that ah Riker decided to spend trying to interrogate the creature. It pretty much shut down.
he he did um kind of play good cop towards the creature as opposed to the beating it's taken so far from Mathis and got it to at least um ah accept some food and water from it, um but from from from Hayden. it it eats ah you know It eats the same kind of stuff that people eat. you know it's it's ah It's an omnivore.
um ah And yeah, but it hasn't really given any other information. So eventually, Riker, ah you know realizing he wasn't going to get any more information, left the tent. And um you know it's now the next morning. So what are you guys up to? Were you up to anything overnight?
um And so forth.
What do y'all do here? Where's the, uh, is the creature still being held in the hut? Yeah. Oh yeah. It's definitely still being held in the hot hut. So like, can it, can it see outside the hood or is it just like a, uh, it's a solid room. I just put what looks like a jail cell. So that on the map, it's the map still on that page. Yeah. Oh, I should give. Oh, Jaden, can you see this page? You should be able to. Yeah. Yeah. You've got a token there. Yeah.
I missed a lot. oh Yeah, yeah. So it is the next morning. um Did you guys do anything overnight? Or did you just sleep? I guess my character probably would have hung out by the hut in the makeshift jail cell. So I mean, I was over there and I guess he. Would have been looking out in the night sky to see if he sees the poor purple star or whatever, so he can.
See what he saw in his vision. um Give me. What would be a good role to see if that would happen?
ah Excuse me. I guess give me an arcana check. I wouldn't want to say religion because 16.
ah You know maybe you get a glimpse of the purple star in the sky for a bit But I don't think it's enough for you to really like get anything from it Yeah um Nigel did you or yeah Nigel or lucky did y'all do anything special overnight? ah Yeah, just i I invented I invented my special gun my special gun and Yeah, yeah. um And Nigel, did you try to do anything ah that um that the PAP guy asked you to do? or or Or I know the last thing you were doing was keeping a watch on the PAP tint. Well, yeah. so um
question. Yes. Um, I'm trying to Google and I don't think it's possible because the third crane is an intelligent creature, but could wild shape work to turn me into a third crane? No, it only turns you into beasts. I thought as much. And since it's working as an intelligent creature, it wasn't going to work or an intelligent beings or creature. Um,
so i would have So I was told by the dude to get rid of him by either helping him to escape or yeah by a killing him. That was the two options I was given. So that was what we were were supposed to get info out of the dude. We got as much info out of the guy as possible, yeah? You couldn't really get much other than you know some personal stuff towards Hayden about being touched by a traitor and the fact that he says humans just destroy everything.
And I have no way of personally communicating. I have no way of personally communicating with this. And you haven't tried. And does he speak English? You don't know. Does he speak Mandarin? Well, well, it depends on what it depends on what Riker told you. He has psychic abilities. Riker has psychic abilities. I don't. The creature has psychic psychic abilities. Oh, OK. It spoke back to him.
<unk> up you Let's see, i know I know English, Mandarin, and Drudik. I don't know why I chose Mandarin. Because you probably yeah determined that it would be one of the more one of the more probably, what do you call it, what popular languages. So does the the creature speak Mandarin? You would have to go talk to him.
I would like to go talk to the creature. Okay, Matias is guarding the door and he won't let you in. But the P.A.P., did he tell me to do it in secret? Yeah. Oh, shit. Okay, I probably would try to walk. hey good i It's like, yeah, the P.A.P. guy told me to talk to and or kill this guy. That's not what happened.
What kind of spell options do I got as far as Distraction? I hope it's not spells. Did I? I do have Charm Person. um
it the
Okay, um so yeah, I walk up to it and I want to cast Charm Person on Matthias. Okay. um Let me bring up his sheet. They'll save DC 15.
saving throw
Well, good news is he's not good at wisdom. I thought I gave him good wisdom because he he does like the hunting and stuff. No, I didn't. Whatever. He's not good at wisdom.
Nice. So he crit fails, which means he got a zero because he has a negative one. And even if you had advantage in permanent, I feel like um department now it's a crit fail, but what I will say is that instead of one hour, it'll last. I'll say that he doesn't remember that he was charmed afterwards. OK, cool, because usually they do realize, yeah, they realize they're charmed afterwards. um Yeah, so I walk up to it and I'd be like, hey, Mathias, how's it going? How's the tent? Do you say this? Have you cast the spell yet? Yes, I cast the spell.
OK, he he says it's it's going poorly. This creature is sealed up tighter than then.
Then ah a hooker in a. Oh, I don't know. He would there. And I'm like standing in the corner. I'm like, I look around. I'm like, i what are you saying? Oh, you're revealing a lot of yourself tonight.
i was I was talking about your personal tit. I know you were working on it. It kind of went a little dark there, bud. I just i just mean this this creature just won't give us anything. it's it's
yeah why don't you Why don't you go take yourself like a, I don't know, like maybe a 30, make it like an hour break. Go get yourself something to eat and I'll see what I can do.
I mean, I'm not um really would rather not leave this creature. So just because he's charmed doesn't mean he does everything you asked. However, you can give him a persuasion or something like that with advantage. Hold on. I have something here. I i can offer you um
I'm trying to think of what I can offer him. Cause he currently regards you as a friendly acquaintance. the The first thing that comes to my mind is like, I can offer you three mushrooms. know i not do mushrooms and my story From what you know of him, I don't know that mushrooms will would would necessarily, I mean,
He wanted to kill the mushroom creature. Yeah. I have a tiny violet mushroom, a tiny green mushroom and a tiny poisonous mushroom. Yep. um Glowing slime that transfers the things that it touches and the other one says glowing and that's it. Did the violet one do anything else? I i would have to like go back and re listen.
i besides I can offer you these medicinal mushrooms that when when made into a tea can relieve your gout that I know you're suffering from. And I roll a history before that. Yeah. Does 14 tell me if he's got gout or not? ah he prize I mean, I don't think he would have gout. But you know, maybe he's got something wrong with him.
This should help out with that problem you've got. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Just go get yourself some tea, all guard, it'll be fine. yeah And I offer him like one mushroom. And it's a pretty large mushroom. He says, well, I guess I could use a break. You know, just just make sure to watch watch this thing for me. Who knows, you know, what it could do if it gets out. It's already tried to escape once.
Oh, yeah, yeah, completely. I will keep and a very open eye on him. He hands you his carbine um and says, here, you might need this. And ah and then goes off to foot to make tea.
um i I grab a a handkerchief out of my pocket whenever it hits to me and like grab it with the handkerchief and then I set it on the ground. Oh yeah, because you don't like guns. I press the button that I've seen. um Our explosion dude, what the fuck's his name? Lucky. Lucky, yeah. I press the button, I've seen Lucky press to make the clip eject and then I kick it away into the bushes.
I mean, do you really want to disarm one of your ah people's, your settlements defenders? Well, I don't want the gun just lying there so that the creature inside can just grab it on the way out. Okay. yeah' so a History check to make sure it's not the trigger.
I'll fucking do it. I mean, the safety he was the safety was on. So. Oh, OK. All right. So I don't discipline fucking wimps. I don't know that I need to pull the the charging handle to discharge the one in the chamber, though. I personally know that's what you're supposed to do, but my character probably wouldn't know. Yeah, that. Anyways, so I go inside.
Inside you find a creature. It is um bound on both pairs of its arms and its legs and tied to the back wall. it's um It looks up when you enter and stares at you coldly. Hey, buddy. How are you? The creature um continues to stare at you.
So um I was told to either kill you or like set you free because you know some shit about humans. um Could you help with that?
ah At that, it does um kind of, you know it's a non-human creature. So you don't you know you can't really, what do you call it, um read its expressions. But it does something.
um and
And then it kind of like looks to the side. ah Now, neither you nor Riker would know this, but it looks toward Riker. and then looks back towards you. Riker no riker is outside the tent. He's outside. oh Literally that entire conversation that you had, I was looking and like it it was like a like, you know how a tennis match, you're just going back and forth and you're like, what the fuck just happened? And that's the reason why I slightly caught the star because then you started coming up and doing all this weird shit. And I was like, fuck where the star go?
um Yeah, so it looks over towards where you know towards the wall for a second, then looks back to you. And in your mind, um you hear, hold on.
i mean I need a random name generator real quick. ah Google.
OK, in your mind, you hear the words, you are close sir to chick chill not. And that that's what you hear. Am I close or I am close?
um I didn't i mean it it doesn't hear what you said he said its said. You are close to chick chill not.
ah Maybe. i like Listen, I was I can I can turn into things. I don't really know my my weird magic very well, so um I don't know what you're saying. I brought you some food, though, and I offer him some some intelligent dolphin shark jerky. Intelligent dolphin shark. It's not intelligent.
It's a dolphin shark thing. It's intelligent. I mean, it's as intelligent as a dolphin, maybe, but that doesn't mean it's fully sentient. No, I didn't say sentient dolphin shark. Yes, it's intelligent dolphin shark. I mean, the thing can't... It's all tied up, so it's not like it can accept this, but it says... I essentially rub it across his lips.
do Do you do this? It doesn't have it. No, no, it has man. I forget like close enough to his face. um That, you know, he could reach out and grab it with his eyes, look down at the ah the fish and then back at you. I write it, I write it on a fire. It says you're here to kill me. Well, I mean, that's one of my options, like I was told to either kill you or let you go.
it like dare actually you coldly i I honestly have like no ambivalence towards you except the fact that you tried to capture one of us earlier so like I'm totally cool with letting you go but the dude that's leading the PAP told me that y'all have some info that shouldn't get around to the general public. So if that's something that you think should be spread to the general public of the people here, then, you know, you can tell me. Or if it's like, hey, you're all dead or you're all zombies or something just really fucking weird, then, you know, I can just let you go to be fun. It stares at you for a while and then says, uh,
the i yeah I also have water, and I pull out a water skid.
ah It says, the sounds you make I don't understand, but I know that you are close to tic-chill-not, which means you want to kill me. I cast I am no enemy of yours. It it's ah is surprised.
and says, thank you. It feels good. Not very much, but. It says, thank you. I would not expect this from a human. Yeah, I realize we probably have a bad rap. I apologize. um I don't understand what you're saying. i I don't know how to make these words. Should I pronunciate more?
Do I need to think at you? I can think if you're going to kill me, just do it. I never said I was going to kill you. You're the one talking about me killing it. I said I was told to come here to either let you go or kill you. Listen, I just need some info. You can either tell me the info or not, and then I'll let you go like this. That's the thing. And if you can just make sure to stab the guy outside, not Riker, not this dude. He's weird. Wait, can I hear this?
You can hear from him Frank just rambling. you You can't hear what the creature is saying back. So you you can't hear that the creature keeps saying, I don't understand you. I imagine that this like makeshift jail really isn't like built all that well. No, no. Yeah. Well, you just see like a peek through and stare directly at you and you see half his mouth say, what the fuck?
just Just the other dude when he comes back. The the creature um seems, purple it cocks its head sideways a little bit and looks at you for a moment and says, if you're not here to kill me, free my hands and we may speak. Yeah, fuck it. I pull out my knife.
OK. And it's still tied up, though. it It very closely watches what you're doing with that knife, you know. And, you know, when you release it, I mean, you don't have to do an attack roll to cut some bonds. OK. Do you free all of its hands? It has two. um It has four arms. It has four arms. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead and and do the hands first and then the feet. OK. It stands up.
um And how big I hold out. I hold out the water skin and the intelligent shark dolphin jerky. It's just like a medium. Well, they range from four and a half to seven feet tall, so they're about human size. A full grown adult averages six feet and 200 pounds. um I'm going to say this guy is like six foot five. So how tall is is um Nigel?
That's a good question. um How tall is Nigel Thornberry in The Wild Thornberrys? He looks like he was about average adult male from the UK, so probably about 5'8". 5'8", 5'9". OK, I've got 5'9", yeah. OK. Yeah, so it you know kind of ah is pretty big. you know i mean not But it's not like it's like at like hugely large or anything, but you know it's like a tall person standing in front of a shorter person. But it slowly raises its hands and reaches out just just its top two its top pair of ah arms and reaches out towards your head. I just stand there holding out the food and water.
it yeah It ignores the food and water and places its it's hands. Let me look at another picture of these guys. Yeah, they've got hands. OK. It places them gently on your head and waits to see if you ever do anything. like It places like a hand on each side of your head. I kind of look at the food.
I kind of look at the food in my hand in the water and I'm like, it's good. And I take a nibble and then offer it back out again. You feel a sharp prick and give me a Constitution saving throw? Fucking shit, it poisoned you. pro Constitution saving throw. Is that just a straight phone? Actually, wait, not a con save. on um Give me a wisdom save.
Oh, oh he he's he didn't poison you he's drugging you there's a difference. Okay, so the wisdom saving throw, um you uh Damn that was impressive you you feel like a splitting i'll say because of the low constitution save um, you feel a splitting headache for for like a second actually the headache's gonna linger but All of a sudden, um you you do feel something ah trying to make a connection. Now, with High Wisdom Save, you can resist this. um It doesn't necessarily feel, or anything, something to make a connection with your mind. um You can ah allow it because you rolled high on it or resist it.
With my insight, do I know if it's going to be a good thing or a bad thing? All you can tell is it doesn't. It's not acting necessarily hostile towards you. OK, I let the connection happen. OK, and he did say free my hands and we can communicate. hey um So you feel the headache and then you feel a connection and all of a sudden it's like you've got a new.
limb almost, or a new muscle or something, um which you can fiddle with a little bit. um You know, you'll you'll have to like, the family probably what I'm gonna make you do. I'm gonna make you um do a wisdom save, or a wisdom, and we'll just call it a wisdom save.
for this purpose. No, not a save. It'll just be a straight wisdom roll to use this ability, but you have at a very limited range, basically a 10-foot range, the same psychic power that Hayden has, where you can do one-way communication. I've got a bucket in me now, don't I? Do you want me to? I have a bucket in me now, don't I?
I mean, you don't know, but you you you feel something and you feel the connection and says, we can we can speak now. Hi, i'm I'm Nigel. Are you trying to do this out loud?
i am i'm Yes, exactly that. I'm saying it out loud. and it's ah it It holds up a hand and it says, no, speak with your mind.
um Don't you have wrong wisdom? Go ahead and give me a wisdom. Yeah, a wisdom rule. 14 is good enough to... ah it Let's say it's like you're speaking... I don't want to offend anyone, but you know like it's like you're speaking ah with ah with bad reception. It's like it's like your're your um your audio is coming from Bill's computer.
Okay. so So my face crunches up like into like a tight ball. It kind of looks like I'm pooping a little bit. um And I'm like, good cat and the you hit me.
ah the the creature, um you feel its smile at you, um its mandibles just kind of click, but you feel that that was a smile and says, you'll get better. But yes, I can i can speak to you now. And then it looks towards the wall and says, ah i and both of you can hear this in your minds, your friend can join us.
um If you want he went to go make he went to go make tea He's and then you hear in your head he's talking about me Nigel Who is now? I think you might be too far away for him to respond if I back to you because it's in for a range okay, yeah, I My thing is 30 feet so I I Could I hear him talking to me because it's only the 10 feet? Well, I think he said that on life is it out loud. He said that in his screechy voice and not English. Nigel said, who who was that out loud? Oh, yeah sorry. I was, I was confused whether
So he telepathically said he can join us, but I couldn't hear that. The trichrine told both of you telepathically that you can join us. What was the 10 feet about? Nigel's range is only 10 feet. Oh, OK.
Yeah, so he can only talk to me if I'm 10 feet from him, but I can still talk to him. Yeah. OK, yeah, I'll just cast my.
Awaken mind. Yeah, it's so.
What are you doing? No, that's not what I wanted, you dumb. I'm like, this the tit bursts into flames. And I'm adding this to your character sheet, Frank. um Except it's going to be you know not quite as potent as Hayden's because ah it's only a 10-foot range. But um he basically has granted you, he has awakened your mind.
I've given you the ability to speak with my mind. Yes. Awesome. He didn't have an internal dialogue until this moment.
ah Hey, I've only seen pictures, OK? Only thank you for the pictures. pictures. That was the joke.
Anywho, oh, that was Riker. I just heard in my head. I think Riker, I'm saying out loud. Could you, would you like to join me in the tent with the creature?
I say out loud again. All right, I've added the ability to your sheet. So the Thry Cream prisoner gave you the ability to touch the minds of other creatures. You can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 10 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.
i like whole like herlin I pull my um ah my buddy, my pet squizzard from my pocket named Kevin. I look at him, and I think at him, and I'm going to roll a wisdom save. 18. Kevin, can you understand me? The creature um just licks your face. i don't have You actually don't know if it can understand you because it's only one way. It would also have to have psychic abilities to speak back to you.
Yes, but I would not know that. Yeah. Like, Kevin, I love you too. I put them back in my pocket. And keep in mind, it has a frog tongue. So that's what it licked your face with. Yummy. It has a frog tongue, but it definitely has squirrel teeth. So I probably like- This wizard gets worse and worse every time you describe it.
ah wipe my faith and then i rub my hands through my hair and she like gel aye all hard meanwhile what are before so so they aren't bored what are um ah i was planning on like trying to get them involved and somehow Well, I was actually before we we got into all this was going to say the night before I was going to loot everyone's things because I'm trying to build something. But okay yeah, but i I could just do that while they're getting all telepathic with this. What do you mean everyone like your teammates stuff?
We'll just them like I just want to look it doesn't have to be it necessarily anything You want to loot the camp? Okay. Yes. what What are you trying to build or is it secret? It's it can be I'm all it doesn't have to be super secret I'm just trying to build a way that I can harness my energy into some sort of weapon Oh, okay. So, Kyber Crystal, you're building a fucking Kyber Crystal? Kind of. Yeah! Or like an energy sword, but like... Oh, you're basically taking... Yeah, Kyber Crystal! Create an arcane focus. Yes.
uh one of those yeah i have a magnifying glass it focuses things wow that's really cool well um so um i'm trying to like you said they're like a kenneger wow timmy that's really cool now go sit back down so what were you uh what were you thinking like to be this uh like what were you gonna try to loot um Like all the huts like for just like like bits of metal or in like small electronic things How how do you make? What I'm probably gonna have him do like a Let me see I Mean if there's anything specific I would need to look for please let me know So you're wanting it to are you trying to make a gun are you trying to make ah a
I kind of want a sword. A sword? Yeah, almost like an energy sword, but like just one blade. And it kind of like all the energy is kind of entranced in the front of the blade. don say light paper No, because I don't want the whole thing to be encapsulized into energy. I just want like it to be like a steel blade with almost like an LED edge where the sharpness would be. By energy, are you wanting to cast your spells through this thing, or are you wanting it to be a standalone weapon?
OK. Yeah. i wanted to Well, I kind of want it to be an extension of me. So like if I'm able to kind of like put a low level of energy just kind of consistently through, it that'd be cool. But if not, I would at least be able to do my like abilities and stuff. Hmm.
I guess this is really complicated. Well, no, I'm just trying to decide because, you know, there's two ways I can do it. I can essentially just give you a purely RP-based sword that you cast spells through. Kind of like Hero? but Well, so if you think of... um The Eldritch Knight, you know they use their weapon, the the the fighter with magic, they use their weapon to channel their spells. So whenever they do like a slash, they can also cast a fireball or whatever. you know um So there's that way, and you have to still spin spells, or we can just say you're trying to create a you know ah magic item.
um like a just a sword that you know, essentially, you know, like a plus one sword of flaming or something, you know, like, would I um be able to take away two cantrips to basically like cut a piece of energy off myself to put into this?
Yes. So it could always have like a small level of, like if I just want to hit things with it, it still has like some magic power to it. But if I want to use like an actual um like but we'll call it spell as well, then that would at that time, it would still use a spell like slot. Yeah.
um So you could give up, well, I'm going to say if you give up a cantrip, whichever cantrip you give up, and and I would say you only give up one cantrip. And I don't think this is something your character is going to be able to create overnight. um right But say if you give up Booming Blade, I'll say that every time you use your weapon, it automatically casts a Booming Blade at the same time.
Okay. Or if you give up mending, every time you cast your weapon, you repair their clothes afterwards. Wow. Can you imagine giving up mending? You stab somebody, you stab someone through the shirt, and then when you pull it back out, it heals their shirt, but not their body. That's the ultimate criminal weapon. Yes.
It's like how did he die? I don't know. He just got a cut under his like full metal armor um What i'm gonna say is this will be like an extended skill challenge for you Um, I think roles that would work with this are obviously arcana Probably like investigation and stealth, you know to not be caught doing stuff um mostly arcana though um But go ahead and give me, you know you can start with Arcana because of it to to even like fathom the idea, I guess.
Okay, or or should i okay so before I even look for anything? Yeah, just to see the results of today. So I already had a plan. okay This just means I think you thought of the perfect thing, the perfect idea. You were going to use part of the ship's fusion reactor to make this item and you go you go and you get in to steal that thing and guess what? It's already been stolen.
Oh, no, because I was asleep. It was stolen by Bill yesterday, the last week. I was kidding. He's just i mean able to you don't know. You don't know that that's who did it. But that's that's literally what happened last week is Bill stole the fusion reactor. So this tonight. um Yeah, you weren't able to find anything to do what you want. Oh, OK. Well, my um myable at least like make the shell like the actual blade itself. Um.
um Not like in one night. I don't know. Maybe not. I think it's probably going to be like a ah magical ritual type thing that you end up doing. OK. So but let me definitely put a note for that. um
Because I will probably forget this in its entirety.
And I lost all my notes from the previous games because my computer got hacked. Oh, fuck. For real? Yeah. It happened a couple of months ago. Well, I guess like two months ago. But they got into my um bank, my all my social media, um all my gaming stuff, and my computer. And I was like, oh my gosh. So I changed all the passwords just in time. And they didn't get to take anything. so Oh, that reminds me. i got um yeah Yeah, no, I literally had a cyber war bro is crazy.
Where did I put this GM notes? No. I just noticed um that I need. For you Jayden to.
Roll me a d6. Okay.
Dose. Okay. um Well, congratulations. That was your HP roll. You're now level two.
I had already added all your stuff that you got for leveling up. okay um So you gained two plus your con score, so a total of five. So your max HP is now 14. Yeah, I believe I already added all your other stuff that you get. Yeah. So I don't think you got any new spells at level two. Your slots just increased. Yeah.
You might have got the new spells, but um I'll double check that. I didn't put that that's something you needed to do. OK. Because I would not. Yeah. All right. Now everyone's officially leveled up. OK.
OK. So you're searching around for that. What's Lucky up to? Well, actually, I was actually looking, walking around, looking for
or in your app one ah youre riker i' haveval on and no ah hayden oh I was actually walking, uh,
cause I've got no idea what's going on. I was actually walking around, uh, with my, with my gun, looking for Riker. I wanted to show him the new thing I invented. It's just not the gun.
I think he would probably. So now I moved it when that was going on. I assume he would have been making his way during the conversation because I was a long ass conversation.
So you guys are all inside of the little jail sale jail and jail sale. Are you pronouncing that Texas came up? Has anyone said anything about your accident?
No, no, that's good. Most people are a lot of weird. Most people are like, uh, uh, why would you move here? I'm like cold up here. Even the locals are confused. and the fucking can Why would you come here? It's because, um, I mean, they're there. Then they turn around and they're like, Oh yeah, Oregon's great. But you know, so many people are moving to Texas from here, from California, from, you know, everywhere that
I'm like, Texas is fine if you need a job. you know But it's you know it's like some people have been like, oh, yeah. you you know that like They'll comment on like the beaches or something. I'm like, Texas beaches suck. I'm like, yeah. If you want to do water stuff, you go to the rivers. um They were good before 2003.
yeah They were always brown, though. The water was never clear. you know yeah it's always it's ah The Gulf is always brackish because of how much fresh water is into is and how is fresh water and and the Gulf. um So it's never been like, even as a kid, like not that I care. ah you know I'll still swim in it. But you know you're not goingnna you're not getting crystal clear beaches here. um fuck that not I'll go to the house.
I'm going to the be out on the be on the beach with like a beer and I'm hanging out on the sand. I'll go like ankle deep. I'm not going i'm not going in there. my sister almost i'll eat i'll definitely swim My sister almost got eaten by a bull shark a couple of years ago, right there in the Gulf. I'm not doing that shit that fucking long. In Galveston? Yeah, no, in Corpus. It does happen. those Those things are very rare, but yeah, it does happen.
Either way, if I can't see the water, I'm not getting in the water. Yeah. them So Bill, you are heading over to um where Nigel and Riker are, or you're looking for them. um I think it's pretty easy to determine that they are, you know, over at the um prisoner cell.
And I would imagine that because, uh, yeah, if Mathis had, if Mathis had been there and been like, you're not permitted to go in there, I would have been like, move the fuck out of the way. I'm going to light you on fire and then blow you up and get you.
So yeah, you're there. Oh, hey guys. What, uh, you see the creature is free. It.
this part Is this part of the plan or is this or is it this an escape? or is this an escape
That's when I look over and be like, I'm trusting Nigel on this whole thing. I don't know. Did you say that out loud or in my head? I said that to you in your head. OK. I don't speak out loud.
very often, like I don't really talk to anyone in the camp. And so when I do speak, it's generally in your mind. Do I also hear this? It's only a one way. So I i talk directly to him. Gotcha. In that case, I so i step inside and be like, I'll show you. I'll show you all when we're done.
Oh. um The creature now looks at Bill's character and you know stares coldly at you, as it does to everyone. i ah Because you don't know its expressions. Everything it does looks like it's staring coldly at you.
yeah i i mean
it um In the minds of ah of The the two of you, you know of Riker and Nigel. Oh Nigel, are you saying something you say pretty good this time? yeah ah i ask it Hey, so I'm Nigel um ah this is look Lucky he blows things up um That one over there is Riker and then the guy in the back is I'm looking for names. Hold on. I is Avalon with us. I mean on the map. He's over by the spaceship No, Avalon is currently trying to steal stuff the creature um motions to ah Hayden and says this one is Touched by the traitor if you're going to kill anyone you should kill him Free me and kill him. He will bring destruction to us all. Hey, which one? me like Riker Riker, yeah, yes
I look at him and I'm like, yeah, I can see that. Um, I might do that later, I guess, but, um, I didn't get your name.
My name is, uh, my name is alchaak Al Al Chapock. I'm writing that down in my little handy dandy notebook that I keep in my pocket.
Yep, I'll I'll drop the name in the chat. Can I hear this too, or like this entire conversation? Probably speaking only to Nigel right now. but So we're all just like standing in a very quiet and silent. Yeah, I don't know if Nigel is um projecting to both of them to, you know, everyone or just one. I have I have no idea what I'm doing, so anybody in a 10 foot radius of me is hearing on my side of the competition.
Yeah. I mean, so far you haven't said anything too bad. Except I might kill Riker later. Oh, well, I think you said I might do that later. Yeah. Oh yeah, I did say that. I guess that does bring up. I just have a quick question. and So that does bring up an interesting question, um at least for Nigel, because he's new to this whole thing. So he says he's just projecting it. um It says, as written, you can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 30 feet.
um it doesn't a that you can only speak to one person for yeah that you are you know i kind of feel like we're playing loose with that portion of it um I like the ah the thought that you can project your thoughts.
um ah to so that you don't necessarily have to see them. so like I think I'm good with even with you you as well being able to do like a radius, you know a 30-foot radius where everyone in 30 feet can hear you. okay um ah So long as they understand the language. If if you choose to project to everyone in 30 feet, you know it's like shouting, but it doesn't you know' go very far.
um Understand my language or just a language a language Okay, so that doesn't mean you know, like the creature doesn't understand when Frank speaks verbally um Because it doesn't speak English or Mandarin, but the psychic stuff is universal So I'll just book What was the thing I wanted to know a thing oh so the head of the Can I call you an ally and or an organization? Who? Al Chapac.
Do you want to call him an ally? Or an organization. Otherwise, I don't have a spot. Or though I don't know where to put him. I mean, you you can, I'm sure. Should I put them in backstory? No. I'm just gonna leave it in the allies organization. just That's where my brain goes. Okay, anyways. So yeah, the leader of this town um named something, to help me out, I didn't get the name. Marcus Aurelius, do you mean the leader of the PIP? Aurelius, yeah, leader.
of okay um So the Marcus Aurelius dude that leads the PAP, he said that you might have some info about humans in general or us in particular that the the little village we have going on would be dangerous for us to know or something like that. Could you help me out here? Because I don't like shit secrets and shit. the Give me a persuasion again.
Persuasion. 18. OK. It says, your and again, it's exclude it is now. No, I think it's going to let um Hayden and the newcomer hear this as well, um the newcomer being Bill. ah ah your Your leader.
must be one of those such as yourself who is close to Tikchillnot. And I'll give you that word real quick because you keep saying it. I'll i'll show you how it's pronounced um or how it's spelled in the chat, boom. um who communes with tick If he communes with Tikchillnot as you do, he is probably speaking of the cash.
cache being CA, CHE. He's probably speaking of the cache. I cannot give you any information on that. but nor would i not Nor would I if I knew it. and he And at that point, he turns his head and, you know, eyes riker.
That information is dangerous.
is he OK, I look at record, I'm like, hey, I think the the bug guy doesn't want to say something in front of you. Can you like walk roughly 30 feet away?
Sure, no problem. And I get out and I go and pick up the gun because that's still laying there. Yeah. um And I wander off to go see how our friend is doing, or at least go there in the direction.
Avalon and Mathis. Okay. um Question. Are you picking up the gun and keeping it? As in, should I add it to your character sheet or are you going to return it to Mathis at some point? um Yeah, I'm returning it. I'm not gonna yeah not going to keep it. um So Mathis is brewing some tea. You know, it hasn't been an hour, so he's still charmed and everything um and still good with what he's doing. And he he sees you and um Unfortunately, the charm doesn't work on you, but he he frowns when you come over, but then he like kind of like visibly forces the frown off of his face and says, um ah who says would you like a cup?
your your your friend, ah the weird one, well, that's not specific enough. Nigel, he gave me these mushrooms. It's pretty good. It's strikingly handsome one. you stand You've been dealing with the thing just like I have, and it's probably given you the same headache I'm having, so feel free to have some.
Yeah, so I like does he see me holding the gun and does he have any questions about that? Just. He he looks at the gun for a minute um and says, oh wait. Didn't I give that to Nigel? He left it on the ground as far as the T goes. Thank you, but I think I'm going to pass. um That's right. I forgot he's one of those PAP.
yeah Yeah, there are plastic rounds in there right now. Yeah, he he found those in the woods and. I. I don't know how well he knows his alien mushrooms. Well, it's it's he's my headache, but I'm not tripping balls yet, so. I guess it's I guess they're not magic mushrooms, that's for sure. ah Just a regular mushroom.
And you can tell that like as he's speaking to Mathis, he's like straining to hear him slightly every now and then. Are you also deaf? No. it's so I'll copy and paste. It's part of the backstory.
Oh, OK. Yeah.
But like you said, with my eyes that they get more purple, the more I level up, the whispers, I guess, will get louder, more I level up. Yeah.
oh OK, Avalon, what are you up to? Avalon's asleep. 10 bucks.
That's Jayden. Wait, what happened? um Say, what what are you up to now? No one took my bet. I don't got to give anyone 10 bucks. No one took my bet. I'm so sorry. No, I think you have to give everybody 10 bucks. That's how it works. I was looking at my phone. So did I find anything or am I just continuing? No, no, no. With that role, you didn't find anything special tonight. OK. But you've got the idea for it. And I've got it in the notes, though. You won't forget. Perfect. um Well, I guess.
man i don't know what i to do now i don't want to join y'all you' already doing whole like kookabbara shit yeah so haden hayden went over to talk to mathis um so you might see him over there ah most of the the There's like a campfire going over in the PAP hut. um And you see like some some like moving, like some movement over in there. So the you know everyone in camp knows that that's where the the leader of the PAP usually lives, um where he sleeps. ah So he's not asleep right now. He's doing something. um ah I want to go look. OK.
I go peeping his window like I'm peeping Tom. Actually, I put my chicken. not ah Let's see. You can give me a stealth. All right. All right, I'm doing pretty good. I use the chicken and I put the chicken to have his head through like the window. OK, so the chicken looks through the window and sees whatever a chicken sees. Yes. And then I peek as well afterwards. OK.
um Yeah, so you see the wrinkly body of Francis Aurelius, or ah frances aureus sorry um which let me give you a that show show you you who he is real quick. It's that guy. Beautiful. um ah He's dancing naked around the campfire. Perfect. um yeah Well, ah that was a great. Man, I want to mess with this guy though because they're weird.
Do we have any like sulfur or anything laying around that I can like sprinkle into the fire to make it change a different color? You would have to get in there to do that. Oh, that's true. but But what if I get what if i get like a straw? and like I would like would say um you'd have to get up in there. Yeah.
Well, I mean, um he's naked. What if I just joined naked? right now There's been no sulfur, no sulfur rain, so sulfuric rain recently, because it does rain minerals occasionally. Okay. Oh, God. When it when it rains sulfur, it smells like ants. It's like, what? I'm going for the day when it rains diamonds. True. you You just hide.
ah let me Let me roll a perception for this guy because I didn't actually roll to see if he notices you at the window. I doubt he's going to beat a 19. 20. He's just staring at me before he would go. That's a good perception score. Nope. Nice. That's close. yeah um and Here, let's see how he's dancing if it if it looks good. you know Minus the wrinkles. It's not a great dance yeah at all.
He's doing like movie in this girl just like his his fingers going, you know, back and forth. I mean, how long are you going to watch this for? I mean, I'm just kind of like in awe at the moment. I'm kind of shocked.
um Do I can I look around and see if do you stay for five minutes or longer? ah Less than that like two minutes. All right, which is still too long, but it's okay um But do I see anything valuable in the room because I feel like I probably didn't check his house His room has no definitely no technology in there um It has very primitive stuff a couple of spears like just sharpened sticks of wood um It's got his um his oh What did you roll perception? Okay
Sorry, you're literally just telling me everything. ah there's literally I don't know anything. It's too dark for you to notice the weird stuff about him because he does have weird things. And I guess you wouldn't know. You see his clothes. um you know He usually wears like um like a it's the skin of some animal that he wears kind of like a cloak. And then he's got his.
He's got like some very poorly made, you know because he he quickly got rid of his uniform from the ship, which is made of you know like not artificial materials. you know um And through skins that have been acquired in hunting, he's fashioned himself some pants and and a shirt and his his cloak and things like that.
Wow, so his his his clothing is all stuff that he made himself and he's he doesn't have proficiency in sewing So he's been figuring it out. It's not great looking but you know Somebody's got to do it. Well, I clutch my chicken a little tighter and you Then I try to fart on the way out 21 nice but Okay, I guess you fart on the way out I try to corrupt one of the boys in damage
All right, and then I walk towards them and see what they're doing. He he he turns at the smell and watches you go. Perfect. OK. And then goes back to dancing. Nakedly.
um But yeah, i mean I guess, I don't know. I mean, are they doing anything interesting over here? but So Mathis and um Hayden's character Riker are chatting over by the Armory, which is basically where Mathis sleeps most of the time. um ah And then the other characters are over at the makeshift jail, you know, they're chatting. um We'll switch back to them for a second. So after... ah
Riker leaves the creature, ouch, whatever the hell I said his name is, I have it written down. Alchapoc. Alchapoc says to Nigel, um
your your ah your leader was most likely speaking of the cache of technology left behind by those of you who were here before. I'm only telling you this because you you yeah your your closeness to Tiktulnot means that you would likely issue that technology. um It's also where their source of power came from. i have i'm just taed I'm just a soldier.
cache. C-A-C-H-E, yeah. You said it was called C-A-S-H earlier. No, I didn't. um I said C-A-C-H-E. um A cache of technology and the source of their power. I'm just a soldier, so I i don't know anything about that or even where it is.
And it was this bad stuff for you guys in the world and planet, or was this good for you? The humans who came before, and um Bill, is is is your character still standing there? Yep. Yeah, they're not including you in this conversation.
um ah That's really sick. Well, actually, every one of um Nigel's responses are projected in a 10-foot radius. So you can hear Nigel's half of the conversation. mom But they're very vague. Yeah. ah So here for that last one um what was I saying? ah What did you ask? Oh, you asked something about, was it dangerous or something like that?
Was it good or bad for the world and news guys and just in general? The humans who came before and he he looks pointedly at um the ah dude covered in technology next to you and I fear the humans that are here now are one and the same. you've created that they They nearly destroyed everything.
So we don't need the stuff. Okay, cool. um Next question. What or who is Tick Chillnut? He motions to you guys are standing that the the ground you know they just.
There's no floor in this place. It's just you know dirt. um Because it was just a quick thing, a quick construction. They put up, he motions to the ground and says, Tichonaut is the land we're standing upon. He motions to the sky. It's the air we're breathing. It's everything around us.
So it's got you. It is the world. And the yes. Gotcha. Who is the other thing that you said when you pointed at Riker? The other one?
Your friend is worse than this one and he points at at and Lucky. ah He has accepted he has accepted the touch of the traitor. The traitor is who show showed the original humans the source of their power, which allowed them to create so much destruction.
Who was the traitor? the trader is he He seems to think for a moment. um He doesn't have a name that we know.
in this time, once we know that he was an ally to us, and when the humans came, he joined the humans. ah You, your people, I believe your people, met another of the traitor's kind.
They are called the, they are called the parish.
but they are not they're not the same as the trader. The trader is similar to them, but they are, they are ah the trader is older and there is only one of one of it that we know of.
i'm i'm not ah i'm not I'm not a priest i don't or or a historian. i don't i don't I just know the stories I was told growing up. okay But everyone and every one of us knows that when the humans came from the sky before, they they nearly wiped us all out. Okay, so humans bad, you guys good.
So is that why you you tried to abduct only one of us? Y'all wanted some information about stuff, or can I help with that? Information or extermination. Already, some of you have attacked us. But we weren't aware that he actually looks around. um Well, I guess he can't look around. He says, we weren't aware that you were separate from the others. Yeah.
um We just got here like an amount of time ago. About a year ago. So did the others. So did the others.
we We just got here like a year ago. We've been fighting off like man eating trees. um There was some weird goat people at one point. I think we were all high. I don't know what a goat is.
Oh, um, I, can I send him a picture of a two headed goat? yeah me Give me a, um, wisdom. roll um It's going to need to be a high one to to do images. Nope. He shrugs. Um, and, uh, it's, it's a four legged creature with horns that we on earth where we came from had fur and we would milk it for cheese.
It doesn't matter. I know of no such creature. It was probably a hallucination. I'm not entirely certain. Anyways, so we've had a really weird year. We haven't left here very much. We try to be pretty cool. The other humans, the ones who landed in the mountains,
i Well, I was going to say they're more aggressive than you, but i we've had so far I've been beaten ah understandably because we did try to kidnap one of yours. But we did not realize you were a separate group. I don't know that that will make a difference. My mission was to capture or kill humans.
I mean, if there's some information that we can provide, I can help with that. You want me to go with you or what's up? How many of there are you here? What are your defenses? What are your intentions? Hearing Frank say that, I'm actually going to put my hand on his shoulder and be like, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're risking a lot of lives here. It's just part of both sides of the conversation. 31. 31 lives.
3031 laws giving away giving away this kind of information is like. Like textbook one on one. Yeah, don't fucking do that. Well, he's he's pretty chill. It's fine. You're going to free me or kill me. Good. Can I finish? Hold on. Hold on. Well, fuck, I miss his name. Hold on. I turn to tick tick. Children. That's the wrong name. I turned out to milk out to poke. I turned out to book like, hold on one second.
um Lucky, listen, he he's been really cool up to this point. Like we've mistreated him really badly. He thought we were part of another group that was like evil and it's been, it was really weird. I'm just, this is a transition of information. That's the wrong word, but okay.
um So, you know, I'm just, we're just talking at this point. Like we're, I'm getting some information he's given. I'm giving him some information. That's how the exchange works. I turned back to algebra. Um, there's already one of us. Um, we have some pretty decent defenses. Um, nothing against aerial attacks at this point, but, uh, I'm pretty sure we've got some projects going on. Um, but yeah, if y'all need anything, like we'll be happy to help. Like there were.
Pretty divided. of it or my hand back Having heard Nigel's conversation again, I'm going to be like, tell him we have weapons that shoot fire and that we can rain death on anything that comes near us.
the The creature, um you know while Bill is speaking in the language it doesn't understand, um it ah responds to what Frank is saying and says, I i think we could help you. ah You just need to let me go so that I can i can ah report back to my people and then we can come back with with a diplomatic party.
um I would to go inside. Yeah.
Again, I'm still only getting Frank's bit of the convo. ah You believe him. Yeah. Fucking shit. Fucks sake, motherfucker. I turned to Lucky. I'm like, it seems on the up and up. I'm like, hey, listen, he he seems like he's he's telling the truth. So we're good. I turn back to Alchepope. Wait, wait, when wait, wait, wait. Can you at least join me in on the conversation so that i can I know what's going on? I don't even know if he's speaking a real language. All I hear is you in my head.
I don't know how you are hearing me. You also, Lucky, have no idea how suddenly he is able to do that. Yeah, I know. That's why I'm kind of panicking. I honestly don't know at this point, but he's a pretty cool dude. He's on the up and up. It'll be fine. I turn back to Alchapoke. So Lucky did want me to let you know that we have guns that shoot fire or something.
Um, I don't know what that means, but, uh, we have, we have wet we have many weapons and that we will rain death on anything that comes near us. I look back to Lucky and I look to the, to the, to the guy. I'm like, so from what I can understand, Lucky says we've got some weapons that we can shoot anything that comes near. us So we'll probably have to do the, um,
diplomatic thing like outside of the vicinity of the camp, but outside of that, it's probably fine. and um I do have some supplies for you and so I hand him like some extra meat and a ah thing of water. He he takes it. um ah So I've got this knife here. um When the other guy comes back, he's a real big dick. So if you can kill him on your way out, that'd be great.
You give him a knife? yeah Okay. I mean, he's not. no's No, no. I'm going to swap Nigel on the nose. I'm going to like with my like with one finger and be like, but no, no. it It says and Bill, all of a sudden you also hear the creature speaking in your mind and says, I have no intention of killing anyone on my way out. And I immediately turn like just like.
So fast, like, what the fuck? How many things on this planet can talk into my head? At a 22, can I tell him the treatment? That was true. I turned back to Ash and Poke, and I'm like, can you please, like, kill him? He's a real big asshole. Not lucky, lucky school. No! And Riker's okay. But the other guy, he's a massive asshole. He's already beat you up, like, nobody's gonna blame you for killing him all the way out.
He's been following orders. We have a leader. You can't just decide that someone dies. I turn back to Lucky. He's an asshole and you you can't disagree with me. No, I can't disagree with you, but just because he's following orders, which he is, that doesn't mean we can kill him. And e and plus, he's one of the there's a lot of people here who have no combat experience. He's one of the few that does.
By doing that, you're seriously limiting our ability to defend the camp. I turn right to Ashabob. Okay, don't kill him. Just like, I don't know, stab him in the leg or something on your way out. Just make it look believable. How much time has passed? I mean, this has been a conversation, so it's been this much time, you know? So almost an hour. Yeah. I'm just staring at everything. I mean, it's like, but I guess that this time I look at Mathis and like,
so I'll catch you later, bro. After like a lot of small talk. Yeah, yeah. me tell you what is let me ah Hold up, hold up. Let me um let me roll something here.
Mathises opinion of you has increased slightly. yeah um Yeah, and so I. I wander off and I'm like going back to the makeshift jail.
OK. Yeah, I mean, you're going to walk up on this argument in progress. So what part do I walk in on? ah Probably Bill um te yelling about, ah probably Lucky yelling about the not killing um ah people. Yeah, not killing Mathis. Yeah. ah Avalon, you do you do you notice or join up it with any of this?
with him telling literally all the details of everything we have. Well, I mean, you you haven't been listening to the whole conversation, but that's true that you could walk up at any time. Because you probably see, um there's not very many people awake right now because it's the middle of the night, so you see ah your your ah friend the Riker you know heading back towards the jail cell. Okay. Well then, can I sit just like right out of earshot?
You can sit right out of your shot and hear nothing. Yes. Well, I mean, right inside of your shot. I mean, yeah, you can do that. OK. But nobody's looking towards you other than you know if you're trying to hide a roll of stealth in case you don't want like her to see you, but everyone else is inside. i it's just you know I just want the details. And I don't want no questions.
OK, I feel like I mean, again, you can only hear the stuff that's being spoken out loud. That's true. Because we're not bringing conversations. Yeah. You're within 10 feet. OK, I am going to take the knife that Nigel just gave him. And I'm going to walk up right next to him. I'm going to be like, listen. as As I understand it, we've been tasked to either kill you or let you go. I pull out a map.
I point to a spot that's like a mile away from the camp. In three days, we're going to meet here for talks for diplomacy.
If Richard looks over at Frank and says, what is he saying? um He's suggesting that we meet up in about three days to have a more formal discussion.
This is agreeable. And I turn back to Frank and I, sorry to Nigel, and I tell him, and you say it's a problem, we will end all of them. We will defend ourselves just like I would expect them to do. I turn back to Ashapoke. I'm like, um he asks that we try not to get into conflict while we're having the discussions. um And he,
And I really think we don't need war between us.
i I agree. OK, cool. So that knife I've been holding, by the way, that whole time I was holding the knife in a very threatening manner, being like trying to get the point that if he doesn't understand my speech, he can probably understand my action. And I'm going to cut his rope around his legs. I'm going to be like, run now before Mathis gets back. No one in this camp is harmed right. OK.
it um It's, you know, runs outside and guess what? It doesn't understand what Nigel said. Oh, you're right. Yeah. How do you translate? i So I tell him that he needs to wait until we're gone um and Mathis comes back when he comes when Mathis comes out. Make a run and I point at the map that that ah Lucky gave him. I'm like, there is a a gate over here and we will leave it open.
Why would I wait until the other one comes back? Um, just to throw off suspicion from us. I have to go talk to the PAP guy before anything else. And I really find it fun to fuck with him. I mean, he is armed. I have nothing. I took out the bullets though. Actually, no, he doesn't even have his gun. Like I think I look over at Michael. Yeah, that's the gun. Am I back?
Yeah, you're back now because he was about to run out the door and run right into you. So. Yeah, you can come back in and. i I'm like coming back in and he's like in my face all of a sudden. Well, no, because Frank didn't relay that information to him in the same way Bill did. So he was going to run out the door and run right into you, but instead he never did because Frank told him to wait.
Oh, OK. So he's standing in the same place he was before. Yeah. And so I walk in and like.
It feels tense in here. Yeah, like he's being a bit of a pain, but it's fine. I'm gonna literally going to turn. to I look at lucky and I go to kill someone on the way out. I look at Nigel, I'm like. Who?
Sorry, I didn't mean to post that. I was trying to click on the character sheet to scroll down.
Mathis. Mathis? That's his name? The guy that was here standing guard. Why do we want to kill Mathis? I mean, I get dick earlier. Oh, my God, he is such a dick, though. Did you see him? He kicked the fucking squizzard. OK, that's my problem with him. He kicked a squizzard. Everyone give me an insight.
sweet a lord I have that advantage frank you got i swear to god frank Oh I guess not Jayden cuz you're not inside the tent. Yeah, that's for everyone just one from lucky You okay Lucky you're the one and to be fair. You're the one who's suspicious you notice the Subtle movements in the creature, you know, as if it's tensing, preparing to move. Well, I did cut those stuff around his legs, and I told him to run before anyone got back. Yeah, I mean, he didn't understand you, so all I heard was maybe you think that that's what you wished. Well, as far as I know... Do you react to it, you know, preparing to, you know, move?
i put my arm I put my arm over in front over in front of ah Riker and I just try to motion him out of the way of the opening of the tent. Just move. Just move. yes smith And then um the creature literally vanishes. Although, like as in, goes invisible. Although you can hear it run past. Does anyone try to do anything? I certainly can't hear that.
Well, that's true. But you can probably, I mean, it's a small tent, so you can probably feel it brush past you guys. um Do you do anything? Any of you? I look over and see it's invisible now. though I won't be able to see it come out. right I turn back and I think really loudly again, I say, bye, I'll chip, hopefully I'll see you again one day. Say hi, if you ever find the... It doesn't hear you because um you can only go 10 feet.
ah But yeah, um does Riker or Lucky try to do anything to stop it?
i don You what? right I think I'm too confused about what's going on. Yeah. I i don't, but I'm very tense about it. Yeah.
Yeah, um nothing happens. You guys are not you know attacked by an invisible creature. um You probably stand around for a minute, a tense minute, before you realize, okay, it must act it probably actually is gone. I then proceed to briefly explain everything that just happened. Okay. Here are my bullet points. And you believed him?
Yeah, like he was straight it on the up and up. He's a pretty cool dude. i would I'm gonna punch Nigel in the stomach. Give me an attack roll. i don't have I don't have fists on here. So what would that be? Just like a... It'll be an a d20 plus your strength. No proficiency.
Uh, so just give me a strength, not, not a saving throw, but just ah a straight string throw or, or 18 plus your string. Yeah. Minus yeah um run at a minus one for strength. So that that's a seven. Well, Frank does a 17 hit you. it It does. Okay. Hold up unarmed.
I believe it's very low damage. yeah It's like a one d flat number. ah think it's like one four no it's It's not even that. I think it's a flat number. um ah with When you're not trained, you deal one damage plus like yeah one damage plus your strength. so I don't even do one damage then because I get ah have a negative one in my strength.
Uh, if you have a negative strength, then you will do zero damage on a hit with your unarmed strike, unless you can add damage from elsewhere. Yeah. So you don't deal any actual damage to him, but it probably is like just a, uh, you know, takes the wind out of him a little bit. Um, and move after that right after i boy and you like after right after I do that, I'm going to, I'm going to tell him if you ever fucking risk this camp again, I will fucking shoot you.
The PAP, p the leader of the PAP told me to release him because there's like a cache of technology that we're not supposed to have. um And whatever, you know, I go over all the other stuff.
Oh, by the way, Wrecker, the people who aren't supposed to be touched... You mean little children? Except for the touch of the traitor. The touch of the traitor is a creature similar to the mushroom people, I think. Was that right? but If that's what your character got from it, sure.
The traitor was the being who showed the humans the source of the power. The traitor was all of the parish, kind of. The parish. Is that the mushroom people? No. Who is the parish? But, but, does does Nigel think that's what he was talking about? You know, that's that's the real question.
Well, no, I, so I, the, what I explained is the trader, the touch of the the parish, the parish was the goat, the goat people. Okay. So, um, the touch of the trader, the trader was the being who'd show the humans the source of their power. Um, the trader was of the parent. Well, no, the trader was similar to the parish, but not one of the parish kind.
um And there's only one of whatever this creature was that was the traitor that showed the humans the source of the power. That's what I tell Riker. I'm not repeating that. Please don't ask me to repeat that.
after After Nigel says you know says you know what the leader of the PAP said, I'm like, yeah, he said to release him. He did not end to open a negotiation. That does not mean you give out all the information about our camp. That does not mean that you give him permission to murder someone just because you have a personal grudge. I didn't give him permission. I asked him to. Jayden, Avalon sees Matt here heading towards the tent.
okay Does Avalon care? I am going to put it in your squizzard. Probably not. ah when is the nighttime wizard And I will not give you any more good berries. Oh, he's supposed to be over here too. That's fine. I will make something that will heal me. I will break the thing that you make to heal you.
So I'm just like, what in the fuck just happened? And I walk out of the makeshift jail. And guess what? You say math is walking up. I follow Riker because I'm done with the conversation with looking. I'm also. How's how's it going in there? Did you find out any information? Yeah, um I got a few bits and bits and bobs. um Oh, really? Yeah, surprisingly enough. Talked to you.
and Immediately after we've walked past Mathis, he's gone. Hold up. i want to Before you say that, I want to give Mathis a perception. um He has terrible perception. OK, yeah. Well, you say that, he says. Yeah, you say he's gone and Mathis stops and says, what who's gone?
the And then he shoves mine huh, I didn't hear that. I said he's gone, right? Oh, you're right. You're right he He glances over his shoulder at you remembers that you're weird and never respond and then Shoves past anyone his way to look in inside the tin says what what the fuck? Where'd it go? What it oh, um, look you let him go and I and I Ooh, can I look at him? Don't be a fucking liar. I mean, to be fair, I only got his hands free. You got his legs free. You gave him all the information from camp! You gave someone that attacked us! Hey, Lucky, and you wandered off. No, this isn this isn't Lucky talking to Nigel right now. This is Bill talking to Frank.
Okay. So what, what is happening in character at the moment? Uh, so you, so Nigel blamed it on lucky. And then you said, Nigel, don't be a Dick or whatever you said. Um, I said, don't lie. Yeah. Don't lie. And Mathis says, uh, somebody better tell me what actually happened in here.
The leader of the PAP told me to release him. And in so doing, I gained his trust, found out some information, and we're going to have a pow wow. And I pull out a copy of the map that Lucky used earlier. And I pointed that spot, I'm like here in about three days time. Mathis looks stunned at this information and then says, do you You released the prisoner.
You and the. Aurelius, or what the hell is his name? Francis Aurelius. Francis Aurelius told you to do this. ah I guess that's the same thing with us name was Marcus.
First name Mark, uh, first name Francis last name Aurelius. I just keep saying Marcus because that's the, uh, King from the emperor from gladator gladiator or whatever. He was one of the famous, uh, famous, more famous Caesars. of Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. that's Yeah. Yeah. He, he told me that we had to let him go. Um, or we needed to kill him and, you know, he gave me all this good information and he says, and go back to his people and we're going to talk in like three days. So let him go.
Well, to be fair, I cut his hands free. I was planning on, like, killing him, but then Lucky was like, we're just gonna let him go and cut his legs free.
like on team on three Riker's having, like, a meltdown. Like, so many emotions are crossing his face. Way to go, Frank. Blame the deaf guy. I see why he's here.
It was kind of a joint effort. But yeah, yeah, I mean, in the end, it was it was lucky. I would like to add a character. Riker had no part in freeing him.
I did. Yeah, right. So clear. You didn't or did I did? I did not. I did not blame Riker. Yeah. OK. Marcus, um who's holding his gun? ah who Or no?
Does someone have his gun? Yeah. Did I say that I gave it back to him? Because I think because if I didn't say it, I would have. OK. Yeah. He he. ah
Pulls out a um another clip of ammo, you know, because. Oh. Hush. Did you leave it on the ground or did you? Do you have a mag in your hand still? I kicked it into the bush.
Hush. but I have found that. I don't know. um Well, he's got he's got another he's got another clip, but slaps it in there and points it at at um at Nigel and says, get in the cage. You're under arrest. What cage? The cage were currently in the makeshift jail. You're a good buddy was just in.
I'm confused. What cage? I thought it was a jail. Getting the jail then.
Wait, what? Why do I have another one of these tokens? wait Oh, this is Nigel, okay. Did I not share? Okay, I'll have to create. Let's move this way. Yeah, it's a lot of move speed.
So do you get in or? Yeah, sure, why not? Okay. Let's stick your token in there. um And then yeah, he ah he like he locks you in.
Hey, I look at closes it anyway um I look at Mathis and I'd say I thought we were friends Mathis. I look at Mathis and is Bill still like in speaking range or is he like walked off or what's going on with with isa Bill's token is heading back this way.
yeah No, I'm sorry, I overjudged distance. so I kind of honestly just walked like 20 feet. And I kind of like did that thing where you're just so overwhelmed that you're trying to start walking, but then you stop and just kind of kneel down, just like try to breathe. Yeah, like that that squat and you're like, fuck.
yeah So I think what's going to happen is I look at I speak to you lucky and I say, hey, I understand it. A lot of shit's happened in the last five minutes. But I need your help real quick. And I look at Mathis and I say. I'll the fuck is it? I'll go get Francis. OK, Francis is as far as I'm considered under arrest as well for conspiracy.
Yeah, so basically but ah what's going to happen now is we're going to fast forward to sometime during the next day. ah And this is not what I had ah originally expected this ah to cause this to happen, but we're having a council meeting um to ah discuss. And you know what? You arrested Marcus. So Marcus, he's in there with you.
um ah Was he naked still? ah He was dressed by the time. yeah um No, the fuck ruined his life.
so Yeah, so um the the the council is meeting. um That means the council members are, of course, ah Marcus, who cannot speak during this meeting as as as a council member because he is on trial. um There is Riker,
um because you are a member of the founding family. ah There is Mathis, who's the head of the military faction. um There is a representative of just the general like hunter, gatherer, laborer people. um And I didn't make that NPC yet. So um I don't know who that will be. well We'll just... We could just slap Eden on it real quick. Eden? Yeah, Justine's character.
Oh, is that her name? Yeah, Eden Blackmore. That'll be, yeah, what we can say Justine's character. So that gives me um her. Yeah, she's just kind of like the representative of the general people. um And then there's the representative of the engineering faction, which is an NPC that I that i did make um just now, named ah Ramona Tyrell. um I've always liked your tattoos, Ramona, pretty nice.
Holy shit, is she one of my people? She is the head. She is the person who has voted. I mean, you can read her backstory. What little I managed to get typed up of her backstory, um but she is the one who has voted as head of the engineers.
ah Oh, no, Bill, no simping. Don't do it. Oh, I'm not. Oh, I'm assuming I just noticed that she's less explosive. That means they have that means that means that she's I mean, she's afraid of her emotions. No, we know shes more on the ah she's more on the mechanical side of things. ah then she's not you You, of course, not know her. She she was, she was um as it says in the background, helped in the ship's design and construction. you know she's She's more on the mechanical side of things. OK, I see. it yeah Whereas i I dealt with the like the soft... well like the ah the
um more experimental whereas she was more like the Riveter. Yeah. Um, but she was basically voted head of engineering because she has the the the personality for it. Um, so, and then we'll put, uh, I'll probably put someone else, um, other than Justine's character later, um, as head of the, the, the others, the regular folk, I guess. yeah But, um, you know, that, so we were, there's going to be a council meeting. Um, what time is it? Do you guys need to sleep?
um ten I mean, I'm pretty tired, but but if, uh, if y'all are tired, I'm totally good. I'm i'm totally yeah totally, I'm just thinking this is not where I thought this was where this was going to go. So it it would be a good time for me to call it quits so I can prepare for the trial of Nigel and Marcus for real.
um I'm fine with that. Plus, everyone's asleep like in the game, so I'll just go to bed. yeah um Yeah. So I think that's where we'll call it for this session. um Next time we play, we'll do that. And the other things that I had planned will probably happen as well. But um for now, that that's how it'll start is um we'll start with the the trial, um or at least the the discussion of what to do with them.
Jayden, we didn't get to this flashback portion this session. um But if you want to look at the character that you were going to play, um your character was Patrick Parks. How do you want to create this character? i just um show I just did show to players. It says, how do you want to create this character? Put edit it directly. OK.
So you know you can look over that. You'll get to play him eventually. um yeah But ah you know that that's a flashback person. he's ah Nice. one that was one bit was like yeah I was how you were but um getting this in there. Then I took a look at the picture. I'm like, ah, now I get it.
That's funny. Yeah. um Martial arts, KI. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Yeah, he's like he's a monk, but yeah. um Web launcher.
Yeah, anyway. anyways That's for the flashbacks. Honestly, I'm probably going to level up those characters even more just because the flashback is going to be a bunch of like quick, crazy scenes of y'all doing, you know, like, like when a movie shows a flashback of stuff. um Yeah, like you got to see all waking up. um And then the next time we see them will probably be a you know, in a more interesting scene than waking up. Although the waking up was an interesting scene because I wasn't expecting you guys to go over the Kanye West stuff. But um anyway, let's ah call it for the night. I was your dungeon master, ah Ron Bjork. You can find me on Twitter at, I think, Verillian1. But I never check it, so good luck actually getting me to respond.
um with me tonight was Jaden. Um, I played, um, Mr. Avalon Zephyr. Um, you could also find me on Instagram, Jaden underscore Coon. Um, I am on there a lot, so you will probably actually be able to reach me, but yeah. We also had Hayden. Hey, it was nice to play. A lot of stuff went down. I'm excited for next week. And Bill.
Hey, everybody. I'm Bill. I'm not as high strong as Lucky is. I promise you. He's lying. He's lying. Shut up, Frank. Frank. I was playing Lucky tonight. um i You can find me on Twitter at Billzebub. And ah I hope everyone everyone has a great time. And remember to take time for yourselves and drink plenty of earth sauce.
facts and last but not least frank hi everyone i'm frank uh the story tonight kind of circled around me ah a lot so i do apologize about hogging the show uh betraying us yeah yeah i mean i i have plans to get out of this pretty easily so it's not a big deal to me um but you know bearing lucky like he should be is fine
That being said, you can find me. Oh, Frank. Oh, I'm going to. Oh, I'm going to shoot you. Oh. ah you Not not me personally, my character. That too. Hey, I give you rights, OK?
it No, i don I know, I know, I know. I'm only fucking around. i'm actually I actually had a great time with some of the best character development I think we've ever worked on. Yeah, that's pretty good. But yeah, so you can find me sometimes on social media if you look hard enough. I do stream on Twitch occasionally at ah FK Light Castle, maybe? I think that's the one I use. Anyways, yeah, so good night, everyone. Oh, and drink the blood of clouds. All right.
Yeah. And that that's the end of tonight's game. Stop recording.
Thanks, everyone, for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Foxal Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod and Competech.com. licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license, creativecommons.com, licenses by 4.0. The night is over, and have a great day, everyone.