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Episode 154: "The Penguin" Season 1 Finale image

Episode 154: "The Penguin" Season 1 Finale

S8 E154 ยท The Popcorn Podcast
34 Plays3 months ago

This week on the show the boys review the season 1 finale of "The Penguin"! This episode was a lot of fun and the boys had a blast recording it! We hope you all enjoy it and we will talk to you later!!

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Lastly, thanks to our editors Colin Gallagher & Carson Stienstra for making this show happen!

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Introduction to Popcorn Podcast & HBO's The Penguin

ze Welcome back to everyone to the popcorn podcast. I'm Tommy Cresta alongside me, my coz Ryan Fran. Today, we're here to talk about the end of season one of HBO's new series, The Penguin, starring Colin Thao and Christian Malati. But before we get so into that review, I got to ask my coz Ryan, how he's doing today. Same as always. That was the most depressing answer you could have given me. It's been a odd week. Really?
I'm just tired. I'm just very tired every day. It's been me the last like two weeks. Constantly tired. I've been going to bed 930 waking up at eight and I'm still tired. I've been going to bed early too. I'm still tired though. It's unbelievable.
Your phone stopped buzzing. Turn it off. Who is it? Who is it? It's not Sam. Who? Who is it? Sean. Okay, that's fine. Text me to click cod this weekend. As in text me in like almost three weeks. Still haven't gotten it. Nate was trying to get me to get it last night. You didn't get it? No, I haven't gotten it yet. yeah I haven't had the time to yet. You gotta get fast. Although I did hop on NCAA. It's not, I keep calling it NCAA. It's just college for both 25 or whatever. I call it NCAA too.
I don't call it NCAA, though. Really? Yeah, it's a good game for them. I am in the national championship game. It is my very own Toledo Rockets against the Clemson Tigers. It's going to be tough. Who did I beat? I beat, um, I beat Ohio State for whatever bowl and then they I beat, um. Oh, fuck, who was it? Like Illinois, I think.
What about? I think it was Illinois. I beat in the semi final, whatever bowl that is. So now I'm, uh, I got to face Clemson. I'm going to hold that off for as long as I possibly can. Um, and then probably get my ass kicked. So yeah, that's, that's basically how it's going video. That's all I have time for is like 30 minutes play one game. Then I'm like, all right, I gotta go. Yeah. Busy boy.

Ryan's Basketball Coaching Aspirations

Well, I'm not as busy as you. I'm still on workers count. I'm so bored out of my mind. Dude, that was so funny when you mentioned that. And I listened to it. I listened to a little seven minute one. Yeah. Do you know my dumbasses label? Like the podcast is over. i was like Did you not listen to the fucking episode? It's seven minutes, dude. yeah Don't call them dumbasses. Be respectful. No, because there's people we know. They're dumbasses. Oh, okay. That's cool. They're not just listeners of the show. They're like people we knew and they were like san me like, dude, you're ending the show. No.
Yeah. Stupid ass. Yeah. You mentioned workman Scott. Dude, all I have to do is go to one MRI and then go back to work. They then were like, okay, like, I was like, Oh, great. When's my next point? Like December 17. Like, like, there's no day I can go to any hospital and get this MRI and go back to work. But I got a job, I got a secondary job, most likely that I'll probably do as soon as that ends. I'll go start that. Great. Coaching basketball at a Hebrew Academy. Really? Yeah. That's awesome. Dude, I only got on the call. Just seeing how I was like,
I'm Christian. I'm sorry. like oh we don't care just yeah They haven't won a game in two years. Really? Yeah, they're really bad. Dude, you're about to be fucking... um What's his name? Turn everything around. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Vince Lombardo, these people. To what?
to these people, like to the team. Not like that. You could have said like those kids or something like that. Damn it. Damn. Okay. Going

Podcasting's Impact on Tommy's Personal Life

on to the podcast. It was so funny, a little one where you were like, this podcast has really helped me out. I have, you know, I have my girlfriend now. My family likes me again. It's, it's going so well. Guys. No, I don't make it funny. He's like, Jesus, that got really dark. No, you did get very sentimental, which was very funny to listen to. Yeah. Cause you're, I was on my way home like, what what is this? you post little seven minutes cause You didn't tell me. I just saw it and I was like, what the fuck is this? So I listened and I was laughing the whole time. And then you did the ad read and I was like, you misspoke seven times. I do, I know. I'm trying to do like like, you know, like how like when like an ad read comes on the right, it's kind of quick. Yeah. It's kind of trying that. You don't have to do that. It didn't work. You're seven minutes long. I was on, I was just speed running a podcast. It's time it's okay. Okay.
okay God, we're going to go through

Christopher Nolan's New Film Announcement

the quick news and then we're going to talk about the penguin. Starting off, Christopher Nolan has officially cast, as we know, Tom Hahn in his new film, but now Zendaya has also joined the cast alongside Lupita Noong. Isn't, what? Lupita Noong has also joined the cast. I thought it was Nyong'o. Is it? Pretty sure that's how you say it. No, it's not. I'm fairly sure there's a no at the end. Yeah, I thought it was just Lupita Noong. I don't think so. Also Anne Hathaway, right? And Matt Damon.
in Hathaway. I'm pretty sure. Maybe I read the wrong name, but I know Matt Damon. Yeah. I'm excited. Yeah, cool it's about the two helicopter pilots. I didn't even see the synopsis. Yeah, Matt Damon and Tom Hunter playing like ah helicopter like rescue pilots.
Okay. I think the same would be in the future. That's cool. Of course it is. It's good for knowing. It can't be just straightforward. Yeah, no. We have to fly this helicopter at the same time in the same place. In multiple universes, I think. We have to reach the same point in time going backwards and forwards. I don't care what it says. Tenet's a fucking banger. I love it. Oh, yeah. I like Tenet's. Yeah. Everyone's always thinking, oh, I say six is officially in production. How? I didn't know that there was a nice- They went out of business.
But I mean on the new studio could have done it. Oh, Disney announced it. Disney owns Ice Age? D23? Brazil? They announced it.

Remembering Tony Todd & Marvel Trailers Discussion

Damn. Tony Todd, actor most famously known for playing Candyman in the franchise. Sadly passed away. He also voiced Venom in Spider-Man 2, the video game. That's the way it's 69. Yeah, that's tough. I always liked Tony Todd. Really good at Candyman. It was really cool to see him come back for the recall whatever they want. Yeah. ah And or season two is set to premiere on April 22nd of 2025. I still have to watch season one. So good, dude. Now I'm really good. and ah We got a first full length feature trailer of Captain America the brave new world. Look better than the first one, but it's still like I don't get it. I'm still not invested. No, I i don't really care too much either. I don't know why they changed the uniform.
Because see he's wearing two uniforms. I like the the more white one. Yeah, I like um wait the suit the more away from the show. God damn it. Yeah, but it it looks like he's wearing more of like the classic Steve Rogers suit. I don't like it. I like, you know, let him have his own suit. It's not that like, oh, don't wear Steve Rogers suit. It's like, let let him as have his suit. I like the white suit. I think it looks cool. Yeah. So I don't know. We'll see in the movie. I hope it's good. Because I do like Sam Wilson. Yeah. And I like that Harrison Ford seems pretty cool. Yeah.
um we got also a new trailer for the thunderbolt that looked better that did look a lot better i think i'm actually excited for the thunderbolt yeah i think it could be fun if they lean into more like funny, like kind of goofy with those characters. because I think that'll work because- Because they are kind of goofy people. Yeah. And like Black, like, um, what's his name was the best part of Black Widow, Red Guardian. Yeah. he would play hard Yeah. He was fun. Um, Florence Pugh was always pretty fun when she shows up. She was in Hawkeye. It was pretty cool. She was so funny in Hawkeye. Yeah. Like, did I think that movie
should be much better than Captain America, but yeah again, we'll have to wait and see. The cherry blossoms in Captain America's trailer still look terrible. When the shield comes down, hate that shit. I don't know. Nicholas Hold has Secret

Nicholas Hoult's Audition Stories

Self. He says himself dressed as Batman for the Reeves universe and as Superman, the gun universe. It's the way that he'd lay wind for both those roles. He's playing Lex Luthor, right? He's playing Luthor.
had That has to be weird, like him auditioning at the same time for Luther and Superman. Like, listen, I appreciate the offer, but we'd like you to play the opposite of this. The evil version. Do you see Jeff Bezos? We're pretty much doing him. Yeah. But remember Jesse Eisenberg's take? Don't do that. You're not going to have hair. Official Wicked movie doll packaging accidentally points to porn site where you scan the code it brought people to porn. That's awesome. That's hilarious. Yeah, that's great marketing.
yeah Yeah. I leave and bought a doll instantly after this finish. Oh man. um First reviews from IGN about Gladio 2 have come out. They give it an eight. Ridley Scott bounces Gladio 2's action and drama admirably. Even though he's treading familiar ground, Scott's at least willing to loosen up the tone in a way that gives Gladio 2 its own identity. Right, admirably.
now IGN's track record with reviews is never good. We'll talk about, you know, we're talking about the Penguin today. Gave that shit a five. It's not. But I will say when they give something a high score, it tends to be right. Like that, man. Yeah. and ising I think so. They gave everything everywhere all at once. I remember they gave it a 10. That's the only one I remember because I don't really pay attention to IGN scores that much. But I feel like a lot of IGN scores controversy comes from under appreciating something. So an eight for Gladiator should be okay.
I'm so excited. Yeah. Did you see really correct the guy talking about there wasn't sharks in the Coliseum? No. Yeah. The guy was telling, he's like, yeah, he's like, yeah, there weren't sharks in the Coliseum. And he's like, no, that's not true. And he like brought up like a moment like in like other history where there was sharks. And he was like, oh, I had no idea. realizing and You see Denzel had a, um, they asked him if he would go meet the King, King Charles or whatever the Charles. Right. Yes. I don't care. But, um, he was, they were like, Mr. Washington, you want to go meet the King? And he was like, no, I'm talking to fans. Just stay and talk to fans at like the UK premiere. I fucking love Denzel. Yeah. We're gonna actually be talking about Denzel in a couple minutes.
Yeah. He was like, it's fucking, it's my life. I don't care about fucking keys. Not my King. give a shit i meet from the us We left. We want, um, we got to talk about the second time, but you know, we didn't lose.
Just kind of went our separate paths. Just kind of split apart. We just kind of said like, all right, we'll stop. Just back off. Um, we get our first official look at mission impossible. The final reckoning.

Mission Impossible Performance Analysis

Yeah. Wasn't the last one we called Dead Reckoning Part 1? Why is this not called Dead Reckoning Part 1? That one didn't make any money. That one, it didn't like bomb. Yeah, but um it didn't do as well as people did. Yeah. How's this one going to make money? This one's, what is that like 400 and something million? Yeah, it's not.

Miles Morales Joining the MCU

But it's Tom Cruise. This one looks fucking awesome. I'm so invested. It's mission, like the last one was still good. It just, you know. Yeah, I really liked the last one. But um, yeah. And then they they released a pretty cool poster of them.
Yeah. Hell yeah. Tom looking good. Yeah. ah Kevin Feige says Miles Morales will enter live action MCU after Splitterverse 3. So when I'm 30. Sweet. now That'll come out. I think it was supposed to come out this year. but No, it already passed the first day, didn't it? Oh, it was December, wasn't it? I feel like it it's soon. Like it was this year. Yeah, it was this year, I think. But ah Doom prophecy has received a five on IGN. I still have no idea how it's going to be.
Oh yeah, I don't know either. Yeah, I'm sure like the writing and the, you know, how it's made is going to be pretty good. I think

Doubts About New Dune Series

they're putting a lot of quality people on there and and pumping money into it but at the same time.
I don't know if it's a story that people are very interested in or if there's if a story that has much going on. You like to offer. so yeah i don't i'm a you know I'll probably check it out, but I'm not really looking forward to that show, especially with my track record with Dune.
I am the resident Dune hater here. You're not doing at all. i do But I love it to like an 86. I didn't like it as much. and I was like, I can't lie and say this is a bad movie. like an awesome nonbe movie yeah Fucking love

Nintendo's Legal Actions Against Streamer

doing to speaking of I mean, we finished the news and then I'll talk. George R. R. Martin, I didn't see this George R. Martin teases the return of Maisie Williams in Game of Thrones. Yeah, who cares? I think that's good for that. The movie that they've been talked to say about yeah on Halloween. They talked about that.
It's it's been reported that they're doing a sequel movie to the show. Oh, well About what? Yeah. Yeah slimming things down even more. Yeah a Nintendo suing streamer who pirate at unreleased games for millions after they brag they could do this all day fuck Nintendo Nintendo's always suing the intended Yeah, always so you if you post a picture of a Pokemon you're getting fucked up you post Mario just a picture of the tip of Mario's cap. You're getting fucking $50 million dollars lawsuit immediately. Fuck all the big companies. are bunch of as ah Except for this, it's pretty cool. Warner Brothers is selling 10 functional but not street legal Dark Knight tumblers for $3 million dollars each. you know That's pretty cool. I want one.
I can't go anywhere. I'll get pulled over as many times as I want. If I can afford i could afford Tumblr, a ticket will not be my issue. If you start running, cops will not chase you. They're going to take a video and be like, that's fucking cool. Sick, dude. You're in for a show tonight, kid. Great great

Colin Farrell's Future in Batman Films

scene and a great seat like sequence in Dark Knight Rises. In the corner, it was like, we got him. He's like a rat. Like, sir, that's no rat. He's the wrong animal, sir. That's the line. Great.
ah Colin Farrell says this penguin has five or six scenes in the Batman 2 and that he is signed on for the third movie. Yeah. He's going to be like the the through villain who's never the main villain, but always coming down. cause It's got to be what's his name, right? Joker has to be the third one. honor I don't know if Joker is ever going to be the main villain of this trilogy. that I kind of hope not. Just again, I've i've said before, I didn't love Barry Keogan, but. Well, you didn't like his look. We like Barry Keogan on the show. Yeah, I like Barry Keogan as an actor, but um I just, I'd like to see different villains. It's always Joker. You know what I mean? Like there throw are some different guys in there. Hopefully we are getting, is Clayface confirmed or not? I don't like that's confirmed anymore. I swear we can, we talked about that, that it was all an IGN. Yeah. I feel like it was confirmed. And then he was like, nah, nah, nah. And then it was confirmed again. I don't remember, but yeah, get like different villains in there. Clayface, you had the Riddler who, you know, we've seen the Riddler a couple of times, but that was probably the best Riddler we ever got.
feel like we always get Joker and I'm kind of, you know, he's always a great character, but getting kind of tired of it. Throw some new villains in there. I wouldn't mind Joker as like the Arkham villain where he just like every time somebody goes to Arkham, he's just there. Yeah, just like nuts. Yeah, that'd be that'd be fine. He's just where I like the idea of using like Hannibal Lecter.
Yeah, Batman goes to him. Yeah, he goes to him. He's like, why do I stop this guy? He's like, I'm not helping you. I'm fucking nuts. Exactly. Let me out and I'll help you. Get the fuck back in that cage. Yeah, that would be fun. But I don't want to see Joker be like a main villain. Yeah, I'm really loving the idea that the Court of Owls are like the big thing. Yeah, that'd be cool. Especially because there was such an emphasis on corruption. And, you know, when the Penguin kind of hints at it, too, that there's like this other level. Yeah, exactly. With how Penguin ended, it kind of, you know, it's going to lean into that for sure.
versus a deadline say that Clayface could be playing a substantial role in the film. Matt Reese said he had narrowed down the villains for the Batman 2 to Clayface or Mr. Freeze, but this was in 2023. Okay, so there's no official thing on it anymore. yeah Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing. I'd love to see a Clayface. Oh, yeah, Clayface would be cool. Mr. Freeze would be cool because yeah that was my original. like have When we reviewed the movie, I was like, do Mr. Freeze, especially now that it's set in wintertime.
dude Hell yeah, maybe that's what they do. Maybe Denzel has maybe spoke a little bit too much He kind of confirmed that Ryan Coogler's writing him a more role for Black Panther 3. Yeah, so that's pretty funny ah OG fortnight returns in December and this time it is here to stay Cool get fucked. I'm not playing. I haven't played fortnight in a minute either, dude and Why venom three might not be a flop. Why is that a why I just want to know I Wow, it's gonna pass the $400 million mark. Of course it is. Wow. movies make People like those movies. I'm not one of them. I haven't seen it. Or the second one. I don't i don't care enough. But. Tricked my saliva. People enjoy it. ah We got our first look at Ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore 2. Very excited for this. Yeah. I didn't see that. Show me. Oh wow. You've seen the first one, right? Yeah. Yeah, I'm not Colin. Adam Sandler's my favorite. I've never seen Happy Gilmore.
Ooh, it's actually a pretty big thing. yeah um Microsoft's chief, Phil Spencer, won't rule out any Xbox exclusives going to PlayStation, which includes Halo. Dude, Microsoft is so down bad right now. Oh, yeah. So what? No Xbox exclusives are going to PlayStation? No, they could be going to PlayStation.
Oh, they could. Yeah. There'll be no exclusive for Xbox and then places and be like, fuck you. I'm keeping my. Yeah, exactly. They have all the good shit. GT5 plans to return to PlayStation Plus game catalog for November. Wow. Might have to play some. Yeah. I didn't know Horizon Adventures got a LEGO game. It's got seven out of 10 on IGN. Cool.
Oh my. Are you just scrolling through IDA? I'm trying to get all the big news. JK Rowling is fairly involved in the new Harry Potter series. Oh great. Great. I don't think I'm gonna be in this show anymore.
Ray to reportedly appear in several upcoming Star Wars films. As Kathleen Kennedy is quoted saying, she's the most valuable cinematic asset. That is such a money line, such a corporate use of that. Most valuable cinematic asset. She's

Critique of Corporate Cinematic Terms

just not. I love Daisy Ridley. There's nothing against her. Yeah, absolutely. Daisy really genuinely tries her. She loves playing Ray and she tries her best.
God damn, are they not helping her? She's getting fucked over every single time. um Yeah, that is crazy. It's valuable cinematic ass. That is such like ah in a corporate media using like the pointer. Yeah, that's such like we don't care what you want to make. We're making money off this. So we have to keep using this. Well, I didn't know up until the other day that Kathleen Kennedy Anakin was supposed to be the one that beats Palpatine and Rises Skywalker's first script.
And that's what they all wanted to do. And Kevin Kane's like, no, that's stupid. Have you seen the concept art for Rise of Skywalker? No. It looks, people would have loved it because I know why people love the prequels. They're just ridiculous action a lot of the time. It's awesome. It looks like that. So I don't know how it would have actually been for me. It would have been better what they did. Yes, it would have been better what they did. It was like,
fucking โ€“ Kylo goes to something like Sith Planet and meets like Zephos if you played the Jedi โ€“ Fallen Order. Fallen Order or Survivor, you know what that is. Well, Fallen Order, he's not a survivor. But he's like a Sith one and he fucking kills it and like learns to do some shit. I don't really remember that well.
But there was it took place on Coruscant and there was like a rebellion that Finn was leading and rising up and they were all going to attack. And Hux, Damo Gleason, he was like collecting set artifacts. And I just remember there's a picture like drawing concept

Original Concepts for Rise of Skywalker

art of him, just like you know Japanese, what do you call it? The Japanese suicide. Honorable suicides. yeah Yeah, whatever. There's a name for it. I don't remember. But he's just doing that with like a lightsaber who's sick. Yeah.
Ray had, like, still the double-sided lightsaber. I would've loved to have seen Anakin, because then it just, like, fulfills the prophecy, which now is just fucked. The prophecy don't mean shit anymore. No, it don't mean shit. ah Continuing on, though, Lady Gaga joins Wednesday, Season 2.
Me and Sam were talking about this in the car the other day. I don't know if Lady Gaga's a good actress and just picks terrible roles. Or is she a good actress that gets too much in her own head about everything? She tries too hard. Yeah. But at the same time, if it's Wednesday, just be fucking weird. you're late You wore a meat suit. Just be weird, dude. I always forget that. That's all she has to do is be the lady Gaga. Everybody remembers. She's a fucking weirdo, which is an incredible talent. That's all anybody cares about. I feel like she is taking on roles that are too big for her. Like she was working with, you know, stars born was really good. She was great. That's our best role. Yeah, I agree. And that's, you know, that kind of goes against my point. But then she took like house of Gucci, which she wasn't great in. And I feel like that was way too hard for that. Yeah, that was just, you know, it can't be your second role in a fucking really Scott drama like that. Like you just a movie that I thought was actually really good, though.
yeah you'd do for Yeah, and then Joker two where she was. it just fo No, I don't think it was her fault. A lot of people thought it was her fault. I don't think it was her fault. I think she did fine. Yeah. There wasn't a lot for her to do. um Did she hear about the rock talking about IMAX?
I fucking, I want to kick the rock's ass. If he couldn't crush me like like a fucking branch, I would, God damn, that pissed me off so bad. The Rock, after watching, for those who don't know, The Rock said after watching Oppenheimer and IMAX, holy shit, red one on this screen with this technology could be game over. The next following post when I joined, red one gets a three. yeah The perfect quote that I haven't seen the movie, and I'm not going to, but the perfect quote, one word from that review, because I read that, that just encapsulate encapsulates how you should feel about Red One, charmless. That's all you need to know. I guess that's charm. At the very end, it says charmless, and that's- Oh, it doesn't? That's going to describe it perfectly. Oh, an actual description on the bottom. Yeah. I think soulless is pretty- What is Chris Evans doing with his career?
nothing. He doesn't need to work again. Yeah, I know. But he does some terrible movie. He did the last year Ghost with Ande Armas. Ghosted. That's what it was called. Ghosted. Yeah. And then he did um the Ryan Gosling Gray Man. He was a bad guy in that. That wasn't horrible. That was fun. It wasn't it was a fun movie. it just It was just the movie's not great. Yeah. Ryan Gosling pretty cool in that though. Yeah.
He did knives out the first one. Yo, he was great in that. He was still playing Captain America though, wasn't he? I think that was right after. I think that was right after I engaged. Dude, people- You punched the mic, dude. I know. And it wasn't long though, because I can see where that happened. I can see it too, but- You can't do that. I'm sorry, everyone. I didn't mean to do that. I've hit the mic now. Black Up 6 season one update is 40 gigabytes. That is more than any other game I have. Yeah, that's why I'm not getting it.
ah Game of Thrones stars Sofia Turner Rapulio in line to play Lara Croft in the tomb ratio. I just have one request This goes where I think it's gonna get you got a hint at them you can't say No, you can't say that's all I'm saying. You can't say this in at the meme What do you mean hint?
don't know can't say oh place your aid show me What do you mean hint
the meme. God damn it. She was she wasn't my ear me out talking about the triangles in her character model. yeah Dude, yeah come on. There's got to be some way. What do you mean? like no I don't know. There's a new Laura Croft. She looks fine. and i was I forget they did the movie a little while ago. That movie was good. There should have been a sequel to that movie. The movie was fine. I don't know how sirf Sophie Turner is going to be, because I don't i don't like her that decision for her. I don't think she's a great actress.
I don't think so. Like she was fine as young Sansa, but then, you know, Sansa gets older and she's okay, but- She's a bitch. She didn't grow as much as like Kid Harrington or- Maisie Williams. Yeah, Maisie Williams. Like she was just kind of like the actress I felt like had the least- She had the least to do, I feel like. Yeah, I grew up with that too. And then she did X-Men movies where she's not very good.
And yeah, I don't know if that's her though with the writing I think it's a mix of no one in that movie those movies are good No, except the first ones the first couple are really good. Oh, yes class first class is the best the future pet I'll die on my hill First Class is the best. That's a very tiny hill. It's bigger than you think. I promise you. Best action movie is X-Men, the first one. No, X2 is better. No, it is not. It is. Brian Cox in that movie. Just the opening of that movie with Nightcrawler is fantastic. Great scene, great scene. I love Nightcrawler. I like Days of Future Past more than First Class. Really? I disagree. I love Days of Future Past. You're more than welcome to have your opinions. First Class has the best cameo though.
oh the wolverine one fuck all and the last bit news is that the bat bruce wein will find it very hard to be batman in the batman too much of the city is in desperation so please can't get everywhere this crime yeah the police can't get everywhere there's crime everywhere It's a very, very, very dangerous time. Batman's out there trying to grapple with the aftermath of everything that's happened, which to some degree he blames himself for. Which again makes sense because he does what he wanted to be this hero and now he failed. failed yeah Which is always fun and when they have a superhero fail because you normally get a pretty good movie out of it. Like Spider-Man 2. Toby's Spider-Man 2. He fights with the idea of being Spider-Man anymore and it's one of the best
Yeah, to most people, it's one of the best fighter man movies and one of the best superhero movies. I do not agree with that take. I don't fully agree with it either. But it is a great movie. Yeah. Yeah. You just say it doesn't age well as some of the other stuff. The best scene though is when the ambulance goes by and he just bites the hot dog. He's like, I don't care anymore. I love when he's Peter Parker. He was the perfectly early 2000s choice. Yeah, because he was so dorky. He's 40 years old, playing a 17-year-old or whatever he is. The best in the first movie when he gets bitten by the spider, the field trip. And the teacher's younger than all of the students. It's so funny.

Ad for Contractor Pros

But yeah, that is all the news that I have. And before we get into the actual penguin review, we're going to take a brief second to talk about our sponsor of the podcast.
Ready as I'm ever gonna be. Oh, we are starting. All right, a quick word from our sponsor, Contractor Pros. If you live in the Delco, Montgomery, Chester or Philadelphia County areas and you need any work or repairs done at your home or business, please contact Contractor Pros on Facebook.
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visit their socials or call or text them at 484-478-4282 for free estimates from a local veteran owned business with attention to detail. thank you for sponsoring the show thanks but yeah we' are back to talk about the penguin that we're back from a brief interss brief intermission very brief intermission very tough intermission appreciate really tough appreciate your imagine yeah But I can't read.

Review of The Penguin's Season Finale

It's a Catholic school education right there. Oh, that's the fantastic Catholic school that burned down.
um Fucking got me all messed up because I'm laughing. ah Yeah, it's about the penguin. Yeah, the penguin. Episode 8, the season finale. Which now the show is currently singing at 95 on Rotten Tomatoes with an 8.8 out of 10 on IMDB. And a 5 on IGN. That is true. What's their address?
and i think that This isn't even the first second or third time you said this one the I'm not gonna read it lanterns is on uh The lantern shows now has like a thing for it. Is it coming out soon? I Don't think so. I don't know. I think they just announced who yeah college Chandler and uh My boy from Rebel Ridge. Yeah. I like how I said the week prior on the podcast. That's what I pick. And now. You called it. You nailed it. The episode title was a great or little thing. Trucely bears Azkab nears the end of his journey and his power struggle, Sofia, comes to a head. What were your quick thoughts on the episode?
I thought it was a good finale. i think I think it worked really well. I think it brought Oz back to his true side, his villainous side. And I think it made him grow even more into a villain than we saw in the Batman or the beginning of the show. I think it was it was a very good finale for this show. I think everybody's, all the characters had fitting ends for ah for what they did and who they were for the most part. yeah But that's not a bad thing that I said, because it still fits.
No, I think, I think the ending was, I think the very end of the show was a great ending. Like it fit perfectly for me. Yeah. Like it was the best way to then. You set up the next movie kind of like you hint towards what his storyline will be in the next movie and the next movie after and the the third movie. Yeah. But. That final shot was awesome. It felt very timber and yeah. Like from the old OG badminton. But yeah, I i really liked the episode. I mean,
There were scenes in this that I was like, please God, just work out. Like just go the way I wanted to go. And yeah, I mean the show did a great job of feeling like it is that universe still, but then was willing to push it with the TV I made and make it super violent. Yeah. Like the former cop who's now a drop head. Yeah.
I lean with holy shit. That was a great shot. Literally. Yeah. And, um, but yeah, I really liked, I think this is one of my more, probably my top three of the season, like out of eight, it's one of my favorite episodes. Yeah. I really loved the final 15 minutes, but that's where it, like it hit every stride, hit every mark for me. I like, what like what you said, like where every character story ends.
Well, I don't like where their stories and I like how they went about you understand. it Yeah, like it had to happen this way. Yeah, it's a good way to put it. um So how'd you like the beginning with um kind of his mom's backstory? I liked it. I liked i because I did want to see like that. Did she ever figure out what happened? Like, did she actually know? And she did. She didn't know what I did to the but I feel I and that was the weird words. I still felt bad for Oz.
Cause he didn't mean to kill them. I really, I don't think he knew that they were going to die. I don't think he knew they were going to die, but he also, and he just shut them in there. So like, yeah that is manslaughter. But he also had them, like he got back to his house and looked down and he's like, Oh, it's raining. And then he didn't go back to hell. Yeah. No, for sure knew like, Oh, they're probably going to drown, but I get to spend more time with my mom now. Yeah. So it's got a weird mom complex. Yeah. This is some Norman bait shit. And it gets worse. Um,
My first thing that I thought like when we were I was starting the episode, so my brain just kept going, where is he? Where's vengeance? I know he's i know he's here somewhere. He's gonna she's got to show up. Yeah, because you texted me. like How the fuck is he not showing up? like What I said last episode, like that's a big explosion. He's got he's gotta to show up. I know there's a lot of things going on, but that was pretty tough.
a lot of people got hurt yeah cause it wasn't so when they show the explosion in the end of episode seven it does like it's an explosion like don't wrong it blows up a lot of the place but when you see it in eight it is a crater like it killed probably hundreds like 500 or something people if they're all like in the street like that. I don't think that many but how don' I mean it blew up like I think that it wasn't any buildings that collapsed in on themselves. Oh, yeah. That's what I'm trying to think. Yeah. I mean, that whole intersection is just gone. And I'm sure you know, because they blew up in they um the old trolley tracks. So I'm sure a lot of roads collapsed and people a ton of people got hurt. So I'm just surprised Batman wouldn't show up to that. But at the same time,
It's not his show. So I guess he just kind of leave him out for now. And they also got out of there pretty quickly. Like they got eyes out of there pretty quick. Yeah, like they didn't they didn't sit very long to like because I thought maybe they're going to hint at like him like in a news cast like ah the Batman's helping get people out of the rubble. Yeah. But I have a feeling now with like how Matt Reeves talks about the Batman. I have a feeling we're going to see him in the rubble helping people. Maybe in the Batman. Yeah. I do feel like Batman too is going to open. Like I feel like this is going to lead directly. That's what he said. Like, this is what's happening now. Because you see at the end of the it's not really a spoiler. The end of the show has, you know, the bat symbol going up. I'm sure everybody's seen just that image of even if you haven't watched the show, it's just going all around because it's awesome. So I'm sure the beginning of the Batman two is going to be him getting the call like, all right, we got this, we got this penguin guy, fucking being a weirdo, he got to help.
All right, like please God do something like I met him. He sucks. What do do you want me to do? That's seen so good in the Batman when he first gets to the club. Yeah. And he just beats the piss out of six people when he has to do with the bat. Oh, he throws that one when he turns and actually like just smokes. Oh, God, I I love.
I just love these movies. I just love this universe. I love that Matt Reeves has his hands in it, too. Like, it's not... Yeah, he cares. Kevin Feige does a huge part of the M2. Like, he made it all happen. But I don't i feel like Kevin Feige also doesn't have his hands in everything now.
Yeah, he's kind of stepped back. Matt Reeves feels very, very hands-on. This is his world that other people, he's letting them. He's in charge of everything, but he lets other people help him. He's like a showrunner to this universe now. Yeah, he wasn't the showrunner for this show, but you watch the end of the episode behind-the-scenes stuff. He's always involved, which is awesome. Does he do a lot of talking, though? I didn't watch any of these. I watched all of them. They're good. I wanted to save them, because sometimes they put out the movie of it, where they combine them all.
And it does like a whole cast of the dragon does it every year. Yeah, but yeah, no, I really just I just like what Matt Reeves how he frames Gotham is so cool. Yeah, like it looks unique. It's so I was trying to think is Crown Queen technically not Gotham.
I think it's Gotham. I think it's like it's across the river. It's like how they talk about that. It's probably like the Staten Island of Gotham. So I'm not saying Staten Island is that shitty. Yeah, it is. Fuck Staten Island. Okay. um But like to that point where it's like you know an island off the city where a lot of just you know people just live, you know yeah I have a feeling it's something like that. I think it is it is a part of Gotham. It's offset to it. Because it was still, it's the same electrical thing. like You had to go to the Gotham Councilman to get it on. so councilman ah I have his name because it's important. Who cares? for No, because it's important for someone to talk about.
cut Councilman Haiti, but I'm not talking about that yet. Somebody I don't want to talk about are like cigarettes cool again. Oh yeah. It was like, I feel like there was a long time when they didn't show cigarettes.
Like where they kind of like didn't show them as much and like film and stuff. Peaky blinds of course shows them it was like a huge thing. But now the bear everyone's smoking, the penguin everyone's smoking. Yeah. It's become like a more prolific thing again and in ah Hollywood. Yeah cigarettes rule kids. What? Whole. Yo where's the Marlboro man? I need this man as cowboy. No dude I need Campbell Joe. Dude Campbell Joe commercials?
If I was an LSD, I would, I would rip my own skin off. Those things I was talking. Do you ever watch those commercials? I've seen a couple. Dude, they're like the old, it's more like the old school CGI animation that just looked creepy. Huh? Yeah. That's what it looks like now. Okay. Maybe like, I feel like that's like there's bugs in my head. Like, I don't know. Every time I've seen it a couple of times on Instagram, I'm like, okay. I would've ate my eye with a secret or some shit. Yeah, camel jaw rules. Remember that kid from Father Judge, the local reference, remember that kid from Father Judge did that?
Yeah, he eats his eye. He ate his eyeball. That video is disturbing. Disgusting. I cannot believe I had to watch that. Someone just dropped in my group chat one day. Really? Again, he smells like... Yeah. Somebody just showed me at lunch. He's like, dude, check out this video. I'm like, what is it? Oh! He just stands there. He's like... Yeah, he just eats his eyeball. It's a very local reference. Yeah. For our age. Yeah, our age.
um Oh, I thought something really cool that they did. And they they use the Batman score during this episode. Yeah, not the main score, but they use it in the courthouse when you see a mayor elect. It has like the low end score, which I really liked. um I would like to put out that my choice for the Emmy now in a limited series is Christian Malati and Colin Varo. Yeah, I think they're both awesome in the series.
Um, something, what I want to talk about with councilman Haiti was that in the comics, he is the most corrupt mayor of Gotham. Okay. Like he eventually takes over and he does have an association to the court of owls. Cool. He pretty much gets ran by them. And for a lot of people, there's been a lot of Easter eggs where in the courtroom, the tapestries all around look like owls. Does it? I need to notice. Okay. Another hint towards court of owls, which I think is where the show is going. I think this is where this universe goes. And I just want to see Talon. And Talon versus Batman is just like the perfect villain for him because it is brute force against brute force at that point. And Talon's very smart. He's Batman, but he kills people. So I think it will be a cool thing. And I think it works because the Waynes are more like, there's more mystery behind them in this universe. Like you had Martha Wayne was kind of like crazy, right? From your first Batman. Yeah, she was in the psychiatric work. Yeah, if I'm remembering it right. And then fucking whatever is Thomas was definitely not that he was like covering it up. He was working with Falcone like he was not there. They're very different. They're not like the regular old nice rich couple. They were involved in shit. So I think it would work really well. They have, you know, I feel like hush could still like there's so much I feel like you can do with. Oh, I was watching something. I'm watching the episode again. I forgot the Sia.
Sophia in her like vision of when they're at the club. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's just a creepy ass shot. Yeah. She was a weird beginning. Cause I was like, why is she like, this is fine, but why is she old now? Yeah. like why those like who And then they showed up and I was like, Oh, okay. That makes sense. First off.
She's so terrifying as Sophia. like It was just something I would never... like I would've given you 30 different actresses before I even... Her look like came into my mind. But like now seeing her, though she was perfect for like this universe. Yeah, she was amazing. Just unhinged. Yeah. It was awesome. Her scene later in this when she's in the house with the cigarettes. Really cool scene. Really cool look. But... um they did tota The scene...
with Oz following the opening ah when hits him and his mother are both tied down bound and Sophia starts asking them all the questions and she just all she wants is Oz to admit what he did to his brothers and he won't do it and he was gonna let them cut off his mom's finger and wouldn't say it and so it just shows you and I think Sophia's right like Oz does love his mom but not as much as he says he does Yeah, he's always going to be selfish. He's a slimy human. He does love his mom to an extent, but I think it's more so that he needs the recognition from his mom. He needs his mom to say that she's proud of him. That's more important to him than almost anything.
But I think the one thing that is more important than that is his own well-being. So he's not willing to say that to his mom, even if it's saving her finger or, you know, I'm sure they would have probably moved to something else. Or cut off another finger. Yeah, like they probably would have done more, but he's just never going to admit that. But the way she just finally broke and screamed out at him was awesome. And she admits that, you know, why Rex was at the nightclub. Yeah, that was sick. It was a great scene.
Young Oz, had a that was a great scene for him too when he's telling his mom what he's going to do in the world. yeah I was like, who's going to be doing it? i wasn't I wasn't sure how that was going to work. um i I think I talked about i kind of going over same sentences again. What? No, that's fine. Your dad asked a favor and he paid me. He paid me $1.25. Oh, the dogs.
i He specifically asked, don't announce this on the show, but whatever. So it was funny. He gave me a dollar 25. What I was going to say is that I love the. Again, treading on same things. The world building in the show is just different. Like it doesn't feel like we're just meeting these random characters just to be like, oh, these people are here. Like, yeah. Like everyone that you see in this was a meant to be character. Mm hmm.
$1.25. He specifically texted, don't say this on your show. Excuse me. He said, I better not hear you announce this on the show, Lowell. well
No. He did not. Oh, you guys the $1.50. Yeah. Give me 25 cents more.
okay He's gonna ask for a refund. one like i gave it you I meant like 75 cents. What was I gonna say? Oz eventually, his mom gets up and she they unbounded let her go. She walks with Oz, breaks the bottle and stabs him. And then she has a stroke. yeah And she goes down and Oz is a went off in that scene. like Like you just see him slowly like losing the chair and chair sides bending and break Yeah, and he just goes if she stabs dude shoots another guy. Yeah, it's pretty cool I didn't forget that he's like he's not like three classic penguin. Yeah, he's capable. He's very capable You see it earlier in the show. I don't remember exactly what he's in that getaway scene Yeah, yeah, like you can handle himself pretty well. He's a big dude, but he's It's not just mass. There's a lot of there's a lot of muscle in there to bless you. He's late Tony Soprano with a limp Yeah, yeah
Yeah. um Speaking of the kid, Oz, too. That kid's fantastic. Dude, great job playing young Oz. Yeah. He got the accent down perfectly. It's amazing. They had to have just went to Jersey and be like, which one of these kids wants to be an actor? Yeah. I mean, that's like, too the the fucking when they do the O's, it's like,
i can't even yeah myself yeah it's so funny such a good accent it is such a funny accent yeah we gotta like to us we don't have an accent but other people we have a terrible one oh yeah but i like that's pretty much how i think we view their accent yeah yeah yeah no the delco accent is Dude, my mom's is so bad. I mean, sometimes she says things, even I'm like, wow, what? You need subtitles sometimes. It is funny when you catch yourself doing it, you're like, hold on, what the fuck did I just say?
yeah Um, but then from there we get Oz escaping. As I said, he shoots the fucking former cop, puts the dude's brains all over the camera. It was dude, he puts in the drops and just gets shot right through the eyes. Did you see Oz come out? And I was like, I thought Oz was going to walk up behind him. Oz hits him from a pretty solid distance. He turns, shoots him, and keeps going about business. Oz then takes the car and he drives his mom to the hospital.
ah He keeps begging like, you're gonna go to Fixer. Fixer, it doesn't happen. He then, we then cut to Vic bringing all the different heads of the smaller families to the bombing site saying they need to find Oz. Vic calls the one dude a coward. so And what's his name comes and kind of comes to his aid.
name I had it written down for the specific reasons. I couldn't tell if it was Lake or lake lake Link. Link. Link. L-I-N-K. Yeah. I couldn't, it was an L shortened. I couldn't understand if it was Link or Lake. but Yeah. Link comes up and punches him and they got in these parents like, Hey, you're going to get yourself killed if you keep talking like this to people. And first of all, the zowl in this was a great choice to bring them into this universe and know ah because yeah i don't think we see them very we see them in dark night right yeah yeah but he's like in he's in hongha yeah hong kong
first off great scene the dark high when he goes and gets yeah it's awesome um but yeah i just
in the show, like grow, like you see him more and more and more and more. Yeah, even like his stutter starts to go away. Yeah, like like he's gaining, I feel like his stutter shows up more when he's anxious. Well, it definitely goes because it's definitely and he can't even talk. It's definitely a nervous stutter. But in the beginning of the show, like anything that would happen, he was nervous and stuttering. But later in the show, he tries to give, you know, tries to give that speech
He doesn't stutter during that, which was good. His speech to Oz is a great, two prices in the year. He's like, shut up. I was so happy when he got punched too, because he's saying, he was basically saying the exact same speech that Oz was when the scene with all the beer, we were trying to get them all together. And I was like, I literally said like, are we, are we doing the same speech again? And then he just got sucked. I was like, all right, cool. Nevermind. And Link's only doing that to keep him alive. Oh, yeah. Link doesn't want them to kill the kid. Yeah, yeah.
But. It was the right call. It was the right call. We then see Link, not Link. We see Vic go in the hospital, meets Oz. Oz is stapling his stomach shut. And I love seeing Oz's appearance failing at this point in the show. Like his hair is thinning. He looks paler and he's losing blood. And from there Vic gives him the speech about who he is, your Ozwell cowboy. You've done all this stuff for these people, you've gotten jobs. He's pretty much like a hero to these people. Which again,
It's giving a more of an anti-hero role in the series now than it is from a villain's role. To a point. He's the anti-hero compared to Sophia at this point. Yeah. Sophia is the villain. From there, we go to back to the Gigantes or Falcone's house. And pretty much in the same sense that she had all the people there last time, she tells them whoever brings her Oz can have the house, can have the drug trade, can have the city of Gotham to them. Whoever gets it to them first.
And from there, we cut back to the courthouse, and we see Oz get out of the car, he's talking to Vic. Vic just sits there and waits for him. And Link calls me and he's like, hey, are you with Oz? He's alive. I know this. And you're like, fuck. Like, he's gonna fuck over. Well, I thought that first and then soon I was like, he did just help him. Maybe he wants to You thought Link was going to fuck over Vic? I thought Link might fuck over Vic because I wasn't sure if they were trying to set up like, oh, I can help you. Yeah. Or was they setting it up that way for him to actually backstab him? Yeah. No, I thought the same. I thought it was going to be like... I don't know what it's going to be now. I thought it was going to be Link like, dude, I can help you out. And then when they actually get there, he just kills him or something. Yeah. I thought the same thing. From there, we go inside to the courthouse and that's when we have
Councilman Haiti and Oz have a really, really well done scene between the two of them, Oz. And when he's like, hey, it works. Colin Powell's unbelievable in this role, first of all. Absolutely. Absolutely love him. yeah And I can totally see him winning an Emmy too. Yeah. I think it's an Emmy for this thing. It's an Oscar nominee and one of the other bad ones. Yeah. Because they always love the, they always love like body suits. Yeah. A lot of makeup. They always drag Gary Olmer. Yeah. August hour. August hour. Don't get me wrong. Unbelievable performance. But they do love the fat suit with a great performance. Brendan Fraser. Yeah. I forgot he won. Dude. Who did he beat Austin Baller? That's what it would be. Yeah.
Still, a lot of people still don't like that. I'm very much on the side that I wanted Brendan Fraser to win. Really? Yeah. As much as I love Austin Buller in that role. um Um, yeah, but a great scene between Haiti and him, and he pretty much tells Haiti exactly what happened. He's like, is this true? He's like, yeah, it's true. He's like everywhere. And you know, it's, it is true. It's just not true in the way he's telling everyone. Yeah. Because again, he's, he's sliming. He wants to find his own way out of it.
but And then he's like, hey, I want to be a part of this. He's like, you got to clean up. He's like, clean as a whistle. And that's when my brain was like, courthouse, you're getting deeper. I have a feeling if they do the courthouse, my thing is that when they show up, town's going to kill the penguin, the Batman's going to find penguin. Maybe. Yeah, maybe. Kill them all. Town's going to hunt people down. All right. I also think it works because um Obviously Penguin's going to be like, like we said earlier, kind of the the through villain of the this trilogy. So I think it works if like, because the whole basis of the trilogy, like I said, it seems like it's all about the corruption within God. Yeah. So I feel like Penguin's going to make it through these next two movies because he gets in with the politicians and Batman tries to get him in jail and they're like, nah, he's good. and That's why I feel like Talon might kill him because Talon's whole thing is to
People who are trying to scheme the quarter that like the family, yes, they're going to get caught. They're going to get caught in this town. So I'm so I really, really, and I love that Rob Hanson wants the quarter of hours. Yeah. He's like, this is what I want. He also was a death in the family. So I mean, you're going to have to sign on for six more movies, but by the time the third one comes out, that tends to be 40 something. Um, but, uh, he has this conversation as Oz is walking out, we say he sees mayor elect.
That's when the Batman music starts playing, walks out, and the Zow family has him cornered now. And they're going to bring him to Sofia. Yep. He cuts back to Sofia. She's burning the fucking house to the ground. cause She's a fucking nut. Yep. And i've just I just love her. Anything she did in the show. the Look with the three cigarettes. I was like, damn, you bad motherfucker. And can you just imagine me and Zow being all excited to get the house? Driving up to the fucking place is burn. Burn to a crisp, dad.
Um, so they meet the Zao family with Oz and Vic. They meet Sophia at the airport at the, well, this thing's called the hangar. Yeah.
And right away, I just love that Oz can't keep a straight face. When she's staring at me, she's like, what the fuck are you? And Link just blazzes out my head. Just shoots him. Just puts him down, and then again, the shoot out. I couldn't tell if she was getting shot or not from the camera angle.
Could you see that the shots lighting up? Yeah, I was like, is she dying? Or just standing there like she's like frozen. Yeah, I mean, she definitely froze. Yeah, which I like that they didn't shoot her. And then just to add insult to injury, Link shoots out again when he's laying on the ground. yep um Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, it's the other dogs. Yeah, really. That scene then following when I was like, let's go for a drive spin. They're driving its inner cut with all the like captains from killing their heads. Yeah, felt very Godfather to when they're doing like scenes and they'll intercut it with what's going on while they're talking about it. Yeah, really like the idea of doing that. It was super cool. And again, just having them to have their scene together. You can't do that. That was this is the end of that. This battle that you've been waiting for. Absolutely. Brings her out to the water.
Aims the gunner, he tells her to look forward and you can finally see that she's ready to die. She takes her last breath. I just gave her up to the police like a little shit. What a fucking. That's so much worse than dying there. Oh, absolutely. I would rather have just been shot and thrown and fell into the water. Yeah, I don't work back to Arkham. Her absolute worst fear was going back to Arkham. And that's exactly I mean, Oz knew that he had to have known that. So that's exactly what he did. I will say, though, my only problem with that scene That big ass motherfucker is not getting away that quietly. Like, she closes her eyes for like five seconds. Maybe she's focused in on. Well, yeah, I think that's implied. But at the same time, I'm just imagining him limping away slowly, like the 10 seconds before the cops came driving the car away because the car is gone, too. Well, I thought maybe that there was like a road that way. He just drove down. There could have been. I mean, it's very more cinematic. yeah It's not an issue. It was just funny thinking yeah like hobbling away really fast.
crouch walking with that big as like these are just be hopping away through this using the Omni movement. but is Oh, from that's like we can go any direction. right Yeah, you can sprint in any direction called duty. but Yeah, cold day. I really like that. 40 gigabytes new update. You pumped? Not that for that part.
um From there, Oz goes to the hospital and he's telling his mom, he's like, we snuck in alcohol for you, Vicks with him. He shouldn't, it's so funny. He just be like, I fucking, this is all me. Stupid best. He's just like, he's just living his life because he knows he won. And he realized that the mom is in a vegetative state. Oz is destroyed by this.
And I believe you have my, it was just a calm fire, I was fucking him. Like that, that is your Emmy scene. Like that they show like the clip. yeah That's what they show like him crying him in the moment. And then Vic just being the best character in the show comes up. The sweetest boy. Rob's his back. The nicest guy. god what a What a guy. I fucking love Vic. He's the best. He's the best. From there it cuts to on the riverfront, Oz and Vic are talking, they're sharing a drink.
And they're just talking, they're having a genuinely kind conversation. And Oz is telling him like, I can't, this isn't how it's supposed to feel, all these things. And Vic, and he finally stutters again. He had been pretty much not studying them most of this episode. And he stutters when he's saying that he's he's like his family. That's who they are. And you just see something change in Oz's mind.
that's Sad boy hours. And um
He's probably saying, and dude, when he says the lines, like, I can't take you this time. I was like, God, why are you saying like the most heartbreaking words? Like the way to like, you couldn't just turn, shoot him really quick. You had to do it in the most personal way of killing another human. yeah And he just chokes him out until his neck snaps. Not only that, you fucking asshole. ahs You fucking stole his money. You were rich. And you paid him this money. yeah And then you throw his ID into the water, which i did talk to my I was saying to my dad, I was like, that's more because everyone thinks he's probably dead anyway, Vic. yeah His family's died. And now it's just another random body in Gotham, which is not a no one's been looking at. They're like, okay, dead.
badness use it Yeah, i was he's going to get some fingerprint stuff on his neck and be like, he actually died from strangulation. I love that scene, the investigation. where He's like, no, he was alive when they cut the finger off. What the hell are you talking? What is your fucking Halloween? fair fucking your Favorite fucking holiday asshole.
No, it's uh, this is your favorite day. This has to be your favorite day of the year freak. Happy fucking halloween. Yeah guy. I love that movie. What a banger, but yeah and Yeah, I have in my notes. I you saw some of it. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. No, don't do it victor No, I hate you. I was all your evil. This is horrible watch. That wasn't the start of it read the one before that God vic rubbing oz's back and cover him broke my heart. He does care for oz fuck fuck Fuck, no, don't do it. Victor, no, I hate you, Oswald, you're evil. This is horrible to watch. I knew it. Then you fucking robbed him of a few bills you gave him. It was a really great ending scene for Vic, though. like It was just a good, both of them were giving a very good performance. It's sad. like You like them. you yeah And all of a sudden, what I said just a few minutes ago, I said, the Oz is like an anti-hero to Gotham.
This was him, pe the show reminding you, him reminding you, Matt Reeves reminding you, he's evil. He's just a gangster. He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. yeah yeah He didn't kill everyone who knows that he was, he's the only person who knew he was weak still.
and he um Also the guy who plays Vic, I forget his name, but his performance was great. Like his little like whimpers as he's like asking Oz not to kill him. That was fucking sad. You can hear, but and he's like choking on all mine. So sad. It was really good. Really good. Dude, he had to cry hard too. like Yeah, he's dead. No, but I'm saying like the actor, like I felt like he would be like a slow, like you're like when they slowly. Yeah, they slowly put him down. he just listens on yes It's probably fun. and he Just taking a little fall like a kid again, dropping.
um Yeah, from there, we go back to Arkham. And again, you feel bad for Sophia for a second, because I believe it was like, God, this poor girl, because she didn't deserve to be in Arkham the first time. Oh, yeah. And her doctor comes in her love interest, if that's what you want to call her fuck buddy, if you want to use that. um He comes in, he's like, you've been given all these poems, all this, all
And he's like, this one's a little bit different. He's like, this one's from, she's saying she should have sister Selena Cobb. Never crossed my mind. The entire series, they were sisters. You do kind of forget. Yeah. And then as soon as you say that, you're like, holy shit. So, but it's cool because I wonder how they're going to handle her not being in Gotham. She leaves. She's a blood haven. Nightwing. Not yet. Not yet. Not anywhere close yet. Um,
then it cut the eyes getting out of the car. He's fucking nice ass. Yeah, was that a Rolls? Yeah. couldnt tell was look face is how he got the purple look on it again yeah um He has his little top hat from the comics. and Nice little easter egg to show happy. And he walks into his place. He hangs it up. Basic stuff. And then he walked into the one room and his mom is still alive.
in this not even finished pen house. Just staring out and see. And then a tear runs down her eye. I'm like, damn, this poor woman. She just fucked up. So that was weird.

Vic's Fate Debate in Series

I was like, okay, still weird. Okay. Then he walks down. Well, hold on. Before we move on from the mom, that was my biggest problem with him killing Vic was that he said so in the episode, he says like family and makes you weak. And then he kills him in a week.
Well, yeah, but that that was my question. Do you think he kept her around because he still loves his mother? He was a punishment. To the extent that he did throughout the show, through the weird you know weird kind of love he has. Or, like you said, is it a punishment? Like, fuck you. are youre going to This is what you won. You're going to be stuck with it now.
I kind of feel like it might be in the vein of a punishment. Yeah. But hit to him, he's like, he's like, no, no, it's out of love. But I was being honest. He's just still just broken and crazy. But yeah, because in the after the episode thing, they said he killed Vic because Vic was the last one who saw him like weak, like crying and stuff, which I guess yeah the mom can't talk.
Yeah, yeah. But

Analysis of Disturbing Scene

I mean, it makes sense for me to kill Vic for that reason. But at the same time, in the episode, he says family makes you weak after Vic says, you know, your family to me. So it just kind of felt weird that he killed Vic for saying he's like family and then kept his mom. Yeah, that was my only thing. I was like, it doesn't make total sense. But at the same time, it it it leads to the scene. It makes a scene better because it's just like Jesus Christ, this guy is fucked. Yeah. you And if it isn't punishment, that's more even.
Yeah, how evil this man is. Yes, horrific. And that single tear like showing she is still she's there it's just nothing. Yeah, she's just she can't move on the outside basically got like locked in syndrome, I guess. Yeah. I mean, it's horrifying. But and then um,
And you think that's the weird part, that she's still alive. Then he walks down and his hooker friend, girlfriend, whatever the fuck she is, is dressed like his mom. And it's so uncomfortable. Wig and everything. Wig, cigarette. Same dress. It's so uncomfortable. And he's like, tell me you're proud of me. I was like, no. fuck you. I don't want to hear her say, I don't want to hear her talk. And she's talking like the mom. She's just very,

Penguin Series Finale Discussion

as I said, very fucking morbid babes. Yeah. And then I wrote my notes when he's talking. He's like, he's like, there's nothing I can stop. Now I went fucking vengeance. And then it pans out as we talked about earlier. And you see the penthouse and as it widens out, the signal lights in the sky
end of penguin season one if there is a season two or end of the series yeah setting you up for the batman 2 i think the series got better with every episode i agree i think i'm better to the end yeah because i really love this episode i love the way Like the way that they handled everything. Like I was nervous because we talked about with Gen Z and stuff sometimes. A show can be really good and not mess up the ending. It's not a bad ending. It just falls off. yeah falls off it It kind of puts a sour taste in your mouth the next season. This made me more excited. yeah like i I want to see where everything goes. as much as And

Avatar 2's Success & Cameron's Filmmaking Approach

you know it's a good show when someone dies and you're genuinely like,
Fuck, man. Yeah, yeah I like Vic. Yeah, for one season, too. yeah It's not like a- It's eight episodes, it's it. Yeah, like it's not like a six season show where a guy from season one dies and you're like, oh man, I love that guy. We've been with this kid for eight episodes. That's it. Nine hours, maybe in total. Maybe. And he's not even in all these episodes. Yeah. But yeah, I really liked it. I'm super excited for the Batman, like and everyone is. I don't think there's anyone out there that's not excited if they like Batman and Superman.
But yeah, I have nothing else to add. Is there anything you want to add? Like your final piece of wisdom about the penguin? I was wrong. I was wrong. From the beginning of the show? From the beginning of the show. I said, it's not bad, but it's not gripping me. And I watched this Sunday night when it came out and I was like, nice. Did you? did I watched it the next morning. That's how I, that was like my morning when I would have my tea and stuff.
Yeah. Yeah. So show got me a very good show. Very well made. I was well done things wrong. It's it avatar two is the word. It's still the worst take. It's not going to make a billion. I need to make an edit of that of us saying that and then cutting to like the us saying the dumbest shit possible. Yeah, that's a perfect. no What's the show? Curvy enthusiasm. Music plays as it shows the box office. not Yeah. Just rising. I don't know how well it's going to do. what i it What was like 2.2? Yeah. It's like the the fourth highest grossing. We have all kinds of crazy.
Yeah, we dumb as hell. See the concept order for the third one? Yeah. I little but i refuse to tonight to go against James Cameron. I apologize. James Cameron is just... He doesn't he doesn't miss. I fucking love James Cameron. Gosh. Talk about another pretentious filmmaker, though.
Man says some shit sometimes. Yeah, he doesn't care at all. You're such a dick. What do you say? He's like, I don't need to watch Superhero or no. He doesn't need streaming services because he has his dreams. His dreams are his streaming services. I'm like, shut the fuck up. I'm like, I love me and Cameron. You're both incredible. But you are such assholes. You're so old. God, just shut up. This guy's been like,

Movie Recommendations: Fury & Lethal Weapon

the film would have done better if they had their phones. Yeah. Fucking Ridley. But um before we get going, fuck the last duel.
Ryan, what is your recommendation of the week? I watched Fury the other day for the first time. Was this after I told you it was David Ayer? Yes. so Because I was like, oh, I forgot it was David Ayer. Let me check it out. And it was a good movie. It's definitely over the top, especially for a World War II movie. yeah Because a lot of World War II movies are very like, you know, that was probably the most like,
respect everybody, but that was seen as the most like honorable war. So it's always like, you know, weird. And yeah, but seeing like that where they're like using tanks to blow people's heads off and like, damn, this is not what I'm used to. and I think that's awesome. Because I think he wanted to show me that side of the war. Yeah. co isn't get like That's just David Ayer's thing is fucking evil. Yeah, he just goes for it. mine Um, but yeah, that movie really much better than I thought it would be like, like character wise too. Yeah. It's unbelievable. yeah It's not just Brad Pitt, like, Oh, Brad Pitt's cool. Like his character is really good. Have you seen the delete scene when he talks about his girlfriend? No, I was going to marry. You got to look it up.
It is heartbreaking. Really? It's him talking to that mean kid. Yeah. Speaking of him, what the fuck happened to Logan Lerman, dude? I don't know. He was on top of the world for a minute. Percy Jackson, Fury. His man was living his best life. Yeah. Then he just, he's still doing stuff. He wasn't bullet trained. It wasn't bullet trained. I mean, he played a corpse, but you know. So funny. I had to get so much fun just to sit there. Yeah. But Fury was much better than I expected. Fucking Shia LaBeouf and John. Michael Pena, too.
Yeah, Michael Payne is there. John Bernthal. He's such a dirtbag in that movie. Yeah, but then he has the scene where he apologizes and I'm like, oh, he's a good guy. Yeah, but he is just like, you hate him for half the movie. He's just aggravating the scene with the girl. That scene was nuts. Yeah, all the characters, they feel like real fleshed out people. It honestly was very unexpected after we talked about David Ayer for a little bit because he does have good movies and the watch is good.
What? That was gonna be my recommendation. Oh, was it? Son of a bitch. Shit. Go watch Lethal Weapon. Seven. The Always Sunny in Philadelphia one, where he's in Blackface. Who not watch that one? Go watch one, two. Go watch any of them. They're also good. The fourth one's definitely by far weaker than the other three.
But it's still a lot of fun. It's funny watching because they there's always like when you see like Bruce Willis in Die Hard 6 and he's like whooping ass. like this just won't happen They do not whoop ass on the fourth one. They get their asses capped on the fourth one. It's great for like the old age stuff. But the third one has my favorite opening in film history. And I think the first two are just the first one's a great legitimate movie. The second one's really fun.
so go watch any of lead the Lethal Weapons. I love them. But that's

Conclusion & Teaser for Next Episode

all we have to say about the Penguin finale. Thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of the Popcorn Podcast. Another episode? like I'm assuming most of these people isn't their first episode. Another episode? but You said an other episode. You didn't say another. I meant another. An other. Sorry. and take you Fuck, now you got me all messed up. Thank you guys for tuning in. Continue to follow us on all of our social media platforms and continue the support for the show.
And yeah, we will see you next week for gladiator two. Shit, that is next week is I leave on Friday for the short. So I okay. All right. Yeah. When are you going back? Sunday night or Monday? Sunday night. Sam's got work on Monday. I got you. Yeah. See everyone later. Bye.