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Man caring for men The Paradigm Shift

Nonsensical Network
18 Plays4 months ago

on this episode glick explanes whay he is taking a brake and going to focus more on the day today and then we go off the rails for a bit 


Introduction & Guest Appearance

Good night, everybody.
ah didn't any time
always be this way am I told this is my thing
Oh, I'm not plugged in yet. Oh, I'm such a mess.
like Welcome to Monday night.

Social Media & Shoutouts

It is men caring for men. We have in the building, Glick, who's coming up as a guest, not as the host. What a nerd. Glick from the world famous Glick's house of music.
Happy to be here with you. ah Good to hear from you Glick and Jeff, who's glad I could grace you of my amazing presence. but He's breathing. how hard you breathing He hosts that Jeff's, car che's Jeff's garage or something. He should rename it to just Jay Raj. Why? So you, you can come up. Is that what you want?
oh I'm still in the closet. I don't think that's how that works when you do that live. on
Wait, that's not how it works, damn it. Shut up, I'm making this, I'm gonna make this go viral. I'm starting podcast wars within our own network. Shut up, just go with the flow check asses. I should shit on good sounds of music. You mean that show you host where you talk about the music? Like you know what the fuck you're talking about?
yeah um And then then Connor can be like the Dr. Phil. See you guys. this you got a I see what you did there. yeah yeah i am I am off in the middle ground. I feel like I am. Shut up, Dr. Phil. Being be in the middle beingen in the middle of two men is typically better. You know what? that's du I get the best of both worlds. You get to pitch and catch in the same game. and Since you shit on Jeff's garage, I got something for you, buddy.
full coffee okay
like monday oh i gotta save that
<unk> one And this is like men caring for men on the Nonsensical Network. Oh, it is going to be a good night tonight. We've got a we've got a show for you. I don't know if it'll be any good. We will see how it runs. I had something up that I was going to roll down the bottom. There we go. now Ladies and gentlemen, this is the nonsensical network where we have a show every night of the week. We've got something for everybody. Something for everybody. Come check us out on all of our social medias. We are on Facebook, Twitter, X or anywhere that you go.
Bear with me, I'm not, you're new I clicked the right button. oh It's all about clicking the right button, I get it. Dude, I'm telling i'm telling you, I'm telling you. So bear it with me as i as I get through my brief word vomit of an introduction here. um Check us out on on all your social medias at The Nonsense School Network. I say The just to piss off Glick.
um Check us out. Give us a light of this network. mean I've been saying the nonsensical network all the time. because saying the You've been saying, first of all, you've been saying the nothing. D is better than anything that could come out of your mouth because you're just this just garbage. That's not the only thing that comes out of his mouth. Let me tell you. This just goes back to our earlier conversation about you guys never listening.
I have been saying the, because I made the comment that I'm stealing it away from Ohio state because there are a bunch of re knobs and don't deserve to call themselves, but I'm taking it back. Go. Oh, fuck. Go box. Anyway, taking it back and calling the nonsensical network, the nonsense network that I've already been doing. The Ohio state university of nonsensical network. That's right. You're goddamn right.
Anyway, give us a like. should have be the wrong vice tonight jesus wait like a a knight does I can't wait to fire my first show on here.
Give us a like, give us a share on our social medias. It would be much appreciated. The more people that hear about us, the more people that we can reach and talk to and get their perspectives for Monday nights, Tuesday nights, and the hour. So, Glick, Jeff, Chaka, good to see ya. Hey, what's up, fellas? Starting with Glick because he looks just uglier than sin today. How was your week, buddy? Yeah, it was really Monday.
Hey, if you guys if you guys are on Facebook and you want to do me or even on Instagram, if you want to do me a huge favor, first and foremost, a couple of shout outs first and what does this have to do with the week? Shut your fucking horn mouth. I'm getting there. Oh, you gave me the floor. You're not on this show and anymore. And so you're feisty. i you miss my You just wish you could be here. every This is what

Parenting & Rewards Discussion

a pass of your princess looks like. I'm just. like
She's gonna give you directions and tell me you're going the wrong way. All of us. And be hungry and have to be like 14 times. I'm just saying. Yes, this is part of my, hey, you said, how's your week? Well, this is part of it, first and foremost. If you guys are on Facebook or Instagram, please go and follow a couple of people for me, first and foremost, Nikki. She is starting her business. She's already got her first couple of orders in.
Uh, you can find her on Facebook and Instagram at beauty and the beard creative. but did i I'll send you, I'll send you guys some links. If you guys want to share, if you guys want to share and invite.
invite your friends and family over to that awesome also shout out to my uh bonus son i'm gonna make her work i'm gonna do what connor did and ask for everything from her network from for christmas shirts from nicki it's better come with a fucking sandwich also Shout out to my bonus son. I got a bunch of entrepreneurs going on around here. Uh, my oldest son, my, my bonus son, Chris, him and his buddies just left their company and started their own company and they are on Facebook and Instagram. I know a lot of us are not in Pennsylvania, but if you guys go follow him and show him some, some, some support, that'd be awesome, but you can find them at tree spire LLC. Uh, it'll be on, uh, there'll be posts on my pages. Um,
on our on our foot on our Facebook page. I'm gonna put some links up there as well. I'm in the process of sharing out Nikki's page right now. I was gonna say, send me those links and I'll add them to our email signature. So when we send an email, it has all those links in them. So, that would be awesome if you guys could support them. um I'm super excited for both of them. ah we Son's going out on a,
what um what What do they do? What do they do? What do they do? They're a tree service. Oh, I cut down true tree removal. I probably couldn't have got that from the name. yeah That was my dad. micke i Yeah, Nicky's doing... I didn't catch the name. Tree service company.
So they'll be doing all that stuff. But a group of young guys trying to venture out on their own and be coming around. They cut grass too? They cut grass too? No, there's strictly trees trees. Okay. I mean, uh, so, uh, definitely excited for them. Um, I'm actually sending invites out right now as we speak to a whole bunch of people to follow Nikki's page. And then I'll be doing the same thing for Chris's page. Uh, and then my way buddy, I got you.
Just leave them alone with your goofy ass pyramid scheme shit, Jeff. Oh, my God. Shut up. You're such a fucking plot. Yeah. but Don't bother my son. well Lack of lack of ambition, lack of ambition. That's what it is. so It's OK. Don't even don't even get me started. Don't even get me started with you on this. Jeff, I'm with you on this, Jeff. Yeah, it's OK. What can sit on something like lack of ambition? Yeah.
That's a that's a that's a big word considering you're talking to a guy who's created all this and done everything else that I've been doing. I'm pretty sure I've been next to you the entire time, buddy. Hey, for four years, I turned on my camera and microphone. Fuck you. I mean, yes, yeah yes. It's a quick question. My story. Should I pay my son five dollars or ten dollars for every day that he got?
How old are you 13 years old. He's asking me right now. Five. i would go ten how what How good is he typically in school? How good is he typically in school? If we just had dons on role five, if he's not on the honor roll, if he's like me, 20. If he can't spell his own name, 50. Just saying. Let me see.
Let's say how hard how hard does he work? Yeah, he almost got straight A's. I'll give you 10. I'll give you 10, bro. How many A's did he get? Yeah, I was going to say 10. Five. A little homey. A little homey. Don't forget the Glick Tax. I get 10% of that 10 because I told your dad to give you 10. Glick Tax. You can send it to the nonsensical network.
yeah That kid's doing so good in school, man. He's, he's been on our labors, you know, all the time. on Nice. Uh, but no, outside of that now, I gotta, I gotta be honest. Uh, Connor asked how my week's been going. I've been a little bit a little stressed the last few weeks, but, um, hopefully, uh, Connor don't mind. I'm going to kind of steam roll the show once we, I don't even know where the hell it is. I don't know how the guy hosts the show and then just leaves, but, um, here.
I think that's the biggest problem. Who the hell is that? I don't know, but they're getting invited. No,
yeah but how is how is your week going so far? I heard you're riding around on the forklift again today. yeah That's every Monday. That's every Monday. What are you talking about? I mean, it's only Monday. It's only Monday.
and and you're wishing it was Friday. ah God, I wish it was Friday. You're not wrong, man. It really does need to be Friday. I get it. I get it.

Podcasting Challenges & Personal Lives

At the end of the day. Um, yeah, I mean, as far as the week goes, it's only Monday, but I've been, I've been kind of stressed out lately and a lot of it has to do, I talked a little bit about it. Saturday night has to do with this here, the network, quote unquote podcasting, networking and stuff like that. Um,
Which I talked about on Saturday a little bit. I'm i'm taking next week off. I will not be doing any shows next week. um Starting Monday of next week. The only show I will do is Sunday. It's the football show. ah um pretty yeah okay I think this is done. So I will still be doing the football show next Sunday, whatever.
two weeks from, I don't know, whatever. But, um, and with that being said, uh, and again, I don't know where Connor went. He just kind of disappears. Like he's not the host or anything. This will be my last night on Monday night. Um, Connor's kind of getting pushed into the driver's seat, whether he's ready or not. I feel comfortable though that he's going to do. All right. Um, you know, we usually got Chaka popping up. I know Chuck is a,
Uh, you know, good one on the panel. Bathurst comes up from time to time. The panel, the door's always open. It's an open panel show. Um, so wherever he decides to go with that and whatever he decides to change, he's more than welcome to. Um, another change that's going to happen. Surprise, surprise, Jeff. It's a good thing you're here because it saves me time from having to message the group and you guys not listen to the, but listen to the message. Um,
Wednesdays, I'm going to be a passenger princess as well. You're the new host of Wednesday nights. So you'll be in charge of setting up the studio and, uh, doing all your little behind the scenes stuff. I know you like to do the thumbnails and stuff like that, which ain't nothing wrong with them. I think it's, I, I, I'm glad we figured it out. You and you and Blaze figured it out and that we're doing it. You know, it's one of those ever changing, every, every, every, we were not, it's actually helping, I believe.
I think also adding tags, because that's something I started doing. If you go down just below the thumbnail, after you pick the age limit it and stuff like that, you can add tags, which will kind of push the algorithm as well. Copy that. Send me a list of what you're using so I can copy. Whatever pertains to the show, I do podcasts, follow, share. if It's a Monday night, man's mental health, mental health. Saturday night, I usually just I always put in and we cheat sheet that I can really copy and paste. So I don't have news flash news flash for you. If you use is the same ones over and over again, YouTube saves them. So all you got to do is click on that it. Really nice. Yeah. You use and you can also store them to where it's automatic. and in be you but yeah yeah Yeah. So, um, but yeah, that was something I decided to do today, uh, mainly because,
yeah see I don't know I don't There's things I want to do outside of fucking podcasting all the time one of them being going to the gym And by the time I get the kids get home from work get up to I'm rushed um And I'm coming home and I'm rushing and I'm setting up studios and everything else. So Tuesday's an eight o'clock show. I don't have to rush Wednesdays. Uh, you can, you can take over the hosting role of that. Plus it gives you a little bit of freaking responsibility around here. Uh, it makes me nervous, but nonetheless, right. I run an entire company. What's one more fucking thing? Um,
This is a double-edged sword, so you have to fall back on both of us. but um and and i am And as I said, shows that I'm not hosting, shows that I'm not a part of. Are you going to be here this Wednesday or you're not?
yeah yeah under double yourself I'm just saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why I took up with Chris before this. I jumped up with Chris because I saw he was by himself and I was like, dude, that sucks. Be by yourself fucking blows. So I jumped up. I'm here. all I'm here all this week. Next, next week I'm taking off. Actually, Blaze and I were talking today and I had thought about it and then Blaze brought it up. Um, he's going to download and uh,
put up on Tuesday, a best stuff. I think he's going to, we're going to, we're going to replay my interview with Rock Lee um while I'm gone next Tuesday. So there'll still be a Glitz house on you and I did. No, no. My first interview on Glitz House music, but me and Rocky. No, no. The one that Rocky and I did. Um, rock was our first guest on nonsensical nonsense. So, um, you know, Mondays will be Connors baby Wednesday. Well, whatever you do, social media was on Wednesday.
clips, sharing, whatever that's that's on you. Um, you know, Chuck is putting in some really good work making these videos and I'm just stockpiling them because I haven't had time to put them up. Uh, which again, thank you again so much for that, dude. I really do appreciate.
what you're doing, man. Yeah. chuck connect On social media, you just send in me so I can upload them. Cause I, I literally like the, the problem with sending Chris is and don't get me wrong. Chris will eventually get them up, but he's so busy that like, I literally, I take like 15, 20 minute breaks in between my meetings where I can be like, okay, I'll put this up. Well, with the, with the changes that are happening here, I'll have a little bit more time.
I'll be, uh, what I'm Jason, what um, what I'm Jenna, what I'm Jenna. I didn't even see you bro. yeah Um, with, with, with unloading some of my plate, uh, and, and taking my hands off of shows that I'm not hosting or I'm not participating in, um, it's going to allow me more free time for social media. and Yeah. So.
I'll be able to I'll be able to do. ah So you're you're dropping one plate and picking up another. Is that what you're saying? No, because it's already on my plate. Social media is already on my plate. I'm still doing it. Just not as much as I want to be doing. Getting that getting that balance down because when you got a family and stuff and with all all YouTube, it's not sustainable. It's going to be like you. that's real it And and it ah that's the other thing, man, I'm i'm constantly staring at the damn computer screen. You know, I.
It's like I don't have a lot of time i'm at work. I come home at showtime. It's prepping the shows, doing the upload music, doing the studios, everything else. So, you know, the time that I have with the with Nikki and the kids are suffering. It's starting to take its toll on me because I feel like a shitbag because this is what I do. So, um.
That's what I said. I, you know, it'll give me more time to focus on some social media stuff. But if I have the time to do it, then social media doesn't take more than a cup. That's why I tell you guys, as we're helping, it doesn't, if you've got a 10, 15 minute break we between meetings, it doesn't take much to clip a, make a clip and throw it up on the, on the social media. The Instagram is set up that when you post a real or post a picture on Instagram, it goes to Facebook automatically.
And if you post on Twitter, you post on Twitter. I'm not too big. I mean, I put the link for every show on Twitter. That's about all I do for Twitter. I mean, you know, I might throw a link up for a short or a real or whatever, but ah my big, my main focus really isn't Twitter.
Um, I would like, I want to grow the YouTube. I want to grow the Instagram. I want to grow the Facebook and I, you know, as much as tick tock aggravates me, I have a large following on tick tock. I want to get them over here. Following the podcast is and watching the podcast and stuff like that. Which is tough to have somebody switch platforms. That's kind of tough.
Oh, it is very hard to do. Um, it's, it's been a struggle of mine for the last decade because I started out on Periscope and I've got all these followers on Periscope and I'm like, Hey, I'm going to TikTok and then, you know, a handful of them follow me.

Leadership Changes & Mental Health

and I grow a TikTok page, and even on the same platform, you grow this this TikTok page, and then you get in a little bit of trouble with TikTok, so you create a backup, or you create a podcast page, and it's like, it's still the same platform. All you have to do is just like another just like another page. You're already doing that. all um it's it's it's yeah It's tough to to get people to come over, but um if if I'm on it, it's easier to stay on it, and it doesn't take nearly as much time as everything else.
So i you know I am, I'm getting to a point where I'm getting stressed out, aggravated, frustrated, and I'm not enjoying doing the shows anymore. I'm actually not looking forward to doing shows. The only show that I'm, and it's nothing against anybody. yeah There's two shows that I still get excited about. I blame myself. And that's and that's that's Sunday and Tuesday, you know, because ah You know, it's, they're just easy. They're quick. They're easy. They're, you know, I don't, don't have to worry about anything else. I do the show or I don't do the show at the end of the day. you yeah So I'm just, I'm getting to that point. And that's why I'm taking next week off. And this is also why I'm on loading my plate and I'm kind of forcing your guys's hands. And I'm saying, Jeff, it's, we've been talking about it for four years. It's time to nut up or shut up. I mean, I know you work and everything else. Well, so do I.
I don't blaze, you know, he does his thing. Connor does his thing. I know he's trying to do school and has the kids and, and and he wants to get a job, but I've been doing everything for the last three and a half years. There's no rhyme or reason or no excuse why you guys can't start carrying your own weight around here and helping. And that's why I said, I kind of told Chris how to set up the studio and I wanted him to kind of do it on his own. I wasn't like throwing them to the, to the sharks.
But I didn't want him to feel like he had to depend on anybody at the end of the day. Because that's the last thing I needed was to carry another show. And that's, Cam got a little upset with me because I took his admin's ah rights probably tonight. Hey man, I'm sorry you're weak you're good' not a member of the show. You don't host a show. probably host of to Yeah, you're obviously a part of the family here, but there's no reason for you to have admin rights. I can send you a link if you want to come in on the show. Exactly. I'm not stressing out. And I'm not asking and anybody else to do anything for another show. when When I know Chris and I know he's perfectly capable, once he learns how to do this stuff, he'll rock and roll all on his own and do his thing. And he'll be... I showed him a few things. I showed him how to upload to Zendcaster and all that stuff, which is why his show is uploaded as we speak. Yeah.
I was kind of i the one thing he did that he but he didn't know how to do. I showed him how to switch brands. um And I just kind of shared my screen and showed him exactly how to do it. um But yeah, I think he'll he'll do great. You know, he's got content that he's bringing next week. He's bringing up some some animals, reptiles, reptiles. What's up, Jason? How you doing, man? All good. All good, man. Just listening. Nice to meet you all.
the the the
so good to meet you guys on so i did my own live last night i have fucking drunk as shit ah i see that through line and that's par for the coast course for for most of this
I've seen you guys rely and that's the other thing like I feel so bad because I want to watch other people shows but I'm so stressed out and aggravated with this the last thing I want to do is when I'm not doing a show is go watch another show now i watch replays and stuff like that when I'm at work and I'm fourth lifting around or Wandering around the building or fixing stuff or whatever. I've always got my earbuds in but like and you hit me with what I was just hearing from me when I first hopped in I never met you before you said you got the family you've got this and that but Obviously you have a fucking channel of reputation that you had a show that's going and I see how it can weigh in on the person I could see that well, and I will take some of the blame I've been kind of you know it when we started and No fault of clicks, but he kind of he's like I got this like I'm gonna upload everything and unfortunately for unfortunately for him we We're like, all right. He's got it fucking I don't have to do shit but turn on my fucking camera
which I get shit for all the time, but I i gladly catch shit for it. um hit that That's that's my job. I mean, that's why I'm here. I'm um'm basically the ah fan I break through shit at. But he said when I was talking to Nikki about this, she's like,
Yeah, but you get upset if they don't that, they you know, she's like, you don't like to relinquish control because you like and and that that that is that was going to go. You know, and that's why I said I have to take my hands off of shit. There's I got to go. If you post something and it's and it's not like if if I do a post, I did some posts way back when we started and it's like, what's a fucking effort into it? I was like, dude, I just fucking spent three hours making that.
and Now I got shit for it and then you wonder why I don't fucking do it because every time I what do but you're not that again i give and i and it got to a point where I was like you' not good and If I do if I damned if I don't what the fuck you want look fine go for it, buddy It's a it's a it's a simple phrase quality over quantity and And when I would give Jeff shit because I would, because he would dump out like 15 videos in 10 minutes. And I'm like, bro. Now he just steals other people's stuff and just throws our logo on it. And I'm like, ahs jack yeah thank you. but
You're still finding, you're still finding the easy way out. yeah so However, however, the one I did yesterday, it was pretty cool. and And I'm always here, dude, if you guys need anything, ah dude, I'm, I'm always here, bro. If you guys do like whatever thumbnails Saturday show, because that's kind of on me now. Uh,
I think I'm going to do it tonight. I was going to do it today, but I got, I got swamped. I woke up and I had 15 meetings and I was like, fuck me. Yeah. Well, no, I just need to cut it at six minutes, six hours and.
I'm going to cut it at like 550, wherever it is, and then add episode part two or whatever. As far as the little highlights and stuff, dude, I love doing that. Every show that I'm on, I'll chop it up and try to get the best of it. I'll send you the login, buddy. I'll send you the login. Whatever I can get off my side, too. I mean, you can if you want, but I can always find it.
Yeah, the the problem is like I have the problem for me and is like every time I go to like I was going to do a clip episode and.
the The problem with some of the shows is they're really long. And to get the good clips, you have to watch 50 hours of material. So what like what you been but this is what I do when we're doing these long streams like this. I even knew it on your guys' stream. And somebody says something funny. Boom. I'll i'll write down the time. OK, I remember that. Or something happens. And then I'm like, oh, shit, that's funny. I can't keep a pen and pencil in this fucking house. My kids steal them so fast. It's ridiculous.
And then I'll go back and just like I bought an entire notebook two days later. Where's that fucking notebook? Oh, I colored it on every fucking page There's one line on every fucking page yeah See, i'm I'm a little I'm opposite. I got a tablet here which has so much shit on it. I can't even read it I just write shit down. I don't even know what the hell Oh, I've gotten to the point where like The Google Docs I have 70 of them No, and I have what nine tabs ah Google Chrome tabs. I have nine of them. yeah And each one of those has sheets and documents on it for everything I do. Because I actually, ah the company I helped co-found, we just launched our new
Set up yesterday, and literally today, like I said, I woke up and I had 15 meetings. When I went to bed last night at one o'clock in the morning, my calendar was empty. I woke up this morning to 15, 8 o'clock this morning, and I was like, son of a bitch. One in the morning, he does some shit. Did he get you a new graphic back there, Jason? is it is that your is it Did you make that? No, Tim Strait, I don't know, you know Tim Strait?
No, I haven't met him yet. I'll play it around with a couple

Managing Stress & Time

of these. I've got a couple I made more for torturing people. But this guy just shouted out to me one day, said, Hey, Jay, put this one up there. All right. That's pretty good.
But no, it's like the day to day struggle of everything it's hard on everybody it comes down to you it's and and that's click was saying once it gets to a point where you're like i gotta take a fucking break yeah and and it is it is up to us at the network you know connor blaze and myself actually step up and help out and we should have been doing it for years however and and leaving like today like blaze was getting ready to do a debate show And he's like, can you put, he sent me a a clip. And he's like, can you put this up on our TikTok? And I was like, he says, I don't have to log in yet. And he says, I do, I just don't know where it is. I said, I can do it, but if Click gives me shit, I'm blaming you. He's like, okay, I'm gonna let him know that ah that you're gonna do it. And it was one of those things. Because therein lies the inevitable. You're gonna get shit. This isn't to do with ours.
It is hard though. Like ah when I take breaks is because like I definitely need take breaks because if I can feel it when the wife's getting upset, I can see when the kids are acting up and I'm just, I'm more worried about what's going on on YouTube. And I'm like, dude, I need to fucking chill for a minute. And I gotta, I gotta reset and do it all again, but I don't have a team. I don't have, there's not four ah that are helping me out. It's there. I, you guys, that's pretty cool that there is four. It wasn't for helping me out either.
they They were here. We were here. We just turned our cameras on. Well, here's the thing. i've i've I've asked for help in the past and it's kind of gone in one ear, and not the other ear. And I've just been like... That's not true. um Every episode of Jeff's Garage, I uploaded. With the exception of the first one that you helped me.
I'm talking about in general across the board as the shows go and and it it it didn't happen. So I just got to the point where I was like, fuck it. I'm not, I'm just going to, I'm just going to do it. But so much easier that way than to keep asking for help. But now it's at the point where it's now. Cards are on the table. Do it or don't because I'm, I'm unloading my plate or my mental health and my wellbeing and because I've put in a lot of time, energy, effort, and I've sacrificed time and whatnot with family or light, having a life or whatever. And now I'm going to focus on what I host and what I do. And I'm going to start. Hey, like I just said, this is, this is Connor's baby moving forward, uh, Wednesday nights. Um, Jeff's going to take the lead role in that, which comes with.
The responsibilities of being almost, uh, same the responsibilities that I have to have for Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Saturdays. And blaze has to have for Friday. And I mean, I can't, I can't expect cash to take over for it. So I got to assume those rules, um, on, so on Thursday for cash. And then on Sunday until we reach a point where maybe I say, Hey, Rick and Derek, would you guys feel comfortable doing this show without me? Do you guys want to show?
And then we get them set up to where they can rock and roll without me. And then what they do is what they do. But this is me, this is, I reached a breaking point to be a hundred percent honest with you. I, I, the last couple of weeks has been very hard for me to want to do any podcast. I have not wanted to do anything. So to come up here.
and to put on a fake face and to do the shows and took a lot of took took a lot of as well it took a lot out of me, which is sad because this is a dream. This is my dream. I want to be, I want to do this as a profession. I want to make a living off of it. I want to maybe end up on the radio one day, you know? So I did, I need to, and and and I'll tell you what, last Saturday night was awesome. That was one of the best shows.
that we've had in a, in a long time, as far as the energy and having, and we have good shows every Saturday night, but I'm just talking about that. Just that rare energy, that rare spark was, was there again. And we were having a blast. I mean, that's why I said, and I'm not even ending it at six hours. I'll, smile I'll cut it up. I'll store it and and cut it up i'll see a blaze can cut it up. Whoever can cut it up and do it in two parts when we upload it something.
So in in a couple months from now, when you are hosting on NFL Network, don't forget about us. Because we know you're you're going to go do something. And then you come back, hey, I'm going to go to NFL Network, ah stop by. Yeah.
Deuces, people that I don't even know. I don't know any of you fuckers. You realize I'm hanging out with Kurt Warner and Pat McAfee. and in rich coach yeah i got time for you goofy fuckcker middleboard but bull shit you'll have them on unnecessary roughness in a heartbeat like you guys have to do my like like no unnecessary rubb I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. We're out in Los Angeles doing a Sunday show, a chocolate show. I'm like, scary. Get that guy. This deer's going to have a comb-over. It's going to be all the time. You have to tuck my beard. They're going to tuck my beard all up real nice.
No, that's i'm great. There's no joke we eat when you're and you're constantly doing a lot of the work. majority union it's It's hard when it's taking time for your family. Then you're picking YouTube over your family and that shit sucks. Depends on the family. Let's be honest. Yeah, it's just family then. yeah know Anything to get away, buddy. Anything to get away, Jesus Christ.
But streams like Saturdays is exactly what a lot of people need to get away. That was a getaway stream. That was fucking everybody. Let loose. And that was amazing. Shut up. You got laid. Relax. You got laid. That doesn't count. I was loosey goosey, baby.
Chuck said I called off work, had some drinks with the boys and get laid. And then came back and came out with the boys. And then came back all smiles and sweaty.
his and yeah cany What a good day. That's the first time ah that's ever happened to me on YouTube. That's because the wifey went all went and got all loopy with her friends. had a yeah like So um everybody who's got a wife out there, make sure they have a girls night. Girls night is very important. The key is to create a life you know you don't escape from. Yeah.
No, I don't. i actually enjoy so I actually enjoy spending time with but the family and stuff like that. and and And that's the other thing. I want to make sure that I make time to help you know support Nikki's new venture and keep her motivated.
So basically what you're saying is you're going to get Nikki so popular that she can be your sugar mama. I get it.
Once either that or my only fans takes off one of the two. Yeah. I will put a hundred dollars on Nikki right now. I think Jason is looking for trying to subscribe right now. I'm going to request from a motherfucker. I'm going to request from a motherfucker.
What is it? What is my only thing? It's really big. You're the big guy. You know my old friends and I don't. You said it like 50 fucking times. You've said it like 50 times and it keeps up. Your videos keep popping up on my fucking F.Y.P. on TikTok. And I'm like, I'm going to check Glick out. First time meeting everybody. I was scrolling through fucking TikTok today and I almost threw up. Oh, my God. Journal is Glick.
well and im little and then um stop sending me glick m k says glick is on the li yes click is not only goods a j coming number one excuse now follower more than you need more that ever needs
Stop sending me click pics in cases I think burning my memory you can't unsee. We've done things. My therapist knows all about it. I know it's a lot to digest and and I know it's going to be you know a little a little bit of a change around here but Um, you know, it comes down to like for instance on Wednesdays when we get done on Wednesday I'm gonna just upload right from zencaster right then and there that way it's done. That's fine. I mean, that's fine I would love to do I would love to do that as well but you know, I do Monday and then I do Tuesday and then I would do Wednesday and then so every thursday with cash on that's the only problem with zencaster is It's it's what three steps But each step takes 20 minutes
It feels like because it's once you load it, it's got a process. And then, you know, that's 15, 20 minutes. Then the next one is another 15, 20 minutes. And the whole time you're like, I just want to fucking go to bed. You can't just set it and forget, unfortunately.
In order to do a podcast, apparently you have to podcast once again, you don't have time for that shit safe.

Personal Life Focus

lobby that come here click and i since we've known englishs forever we've always had the same rule one of us says i got an idea on the other side the other's obligated to say i'm in and g click let's do click it out and talk on on the phone and he's like let's do a podcast armmen
Let's go to Vegas come in um
I'm trying to get him to go skydiving. I'm trying to get him on a fucking plane. and He won't get on a fucking plane. so now on the occasions when i do see glick online it's I'm Yeah, yeah i mean else I will still be around. I mean, i'm not yeah like ah ah the only show as of right now um what for you doing is fucking videos that make me throw up. All right. They're not even that bad. You want me to send you the pictures I took in the shower today for my only friends? I'm good. I'm good. I'll take all I want to see. I want to see your holding I want to see your only beards next.
I'm going to start coming on the shows. I'm going to start coming on the shows like this because only people get to see my beard are paid subscribers. so You know what? However, if you cover you you look like you have a Magnum BI mustache, I'm just saying. Yeah, I got to show you that. I got to trim it. I'm just going to start covering my beard.
I'm going to have Nick make me all kinds of beard coverings so every show I have a different beard covering on and maybe some of them will show a little bit of beard. You know, you like what you see? You want to see?
I was like, man, I can't even think right now. He showed half his beard. Oh, my God. I got to drop my camera. You guys don't want to see what I'm about to do. Let the bottom of the beard hang out a little bit one night. I'm already bottomless. Like, you don't have to fucking keep going. be like link I got I got to thank you, man. Your beard saved my marriage. I ruined it. One of the two. with her
She can't get off. With great people, her comes with great responsibility. Like fucking Glick Pals music. I can have it on the background while I'm having sex with my wife, because she can't get it up unless it's on. I wonder why Nikki was making a pillow with my beard on it and sent it to California. Now I know. It's a pillowcase that Chaka has to wear. I'm just going to be like, hmm. Cuddle up in that nest of a beard.
Yeah, Chuck, his wife says I'm feeling frisky. Put this on. Nikki's T-shirt business is going to have pillowcases with a hole and with just enough for a beard. Everybody can wear it while they have sex with their wives. I put my TikTok in the ah private chat. Copy that. I don't think I have you on any socials, Jeff. So you have a TikTok? I know. i am tiktok I'm on TikTok all the time. OK.
I'm on tiktok, but I'm i'm mostly just I just watch I post videos occasional when go watch I'm a lurker check out Nutella boy Nutella boy Nutella boy. I don't do the tiktok shit neither, but There you are I just followed it okay cool I Actually think I've heard that guy ma tellla boy Yeah, he got pretty **** big quick. And all he does is just cover himself in the teller, right? No, you must have the wrong one. like i like yeah wonder what that wronging
yeah doesn't angry that looking bre My kids show me this kid. It was all he's all these guys. figure those because they covers of stuff and tell Nutella, boy, B-O-I, of course. Multiple accounts.
Seriously, he covers himself in Nutella for all his videos? Not the one I know, but the other one that's making me want to look for that shit now, that's fucking weird. And he doesn't even talk. He just sits there and make noises like one of those like NPC type of things. And he's just oh, no, I think that's a weird shit on it, man. that We talked about that a while back about the whole the people playing NBC. That's why I don't like fucking punch him in the face.
Yeah. Nobody knows. Whenever this girl's doing that and her boyfriend comes in and hits her with a pillow and goes, shut the fuck up. You know, what hits me out is for for for a while there, I was trying to put out quality content, educational stuff that people would want to learn from, you know, and then I go to TikTok and you got these people getting thousands and thousands of millions of views for fucking.
15 year old girls doing fucking weird shit in Tiktok. That's why I don't go there. That's why I don't like it. She's a professional volleyball. But her TikTok videos she just I'm just like, what do you say, baby?
She is head-to-toe tattooed, but every video she's sitting in a chair in a bikini and I'm like, whatever you say, honey. Don't follow it, I'll follow it, honey. I don't give a fuck. Yeah, but my TikTok algorithm is all messed up. um my tick Well, my TikTok algorithm anymore is cars and movies.
Well, I follow whoever my wife followed, because she talks about TikTok all the time. So I'll jump on there and then start watching stories that she's watching. So if you looked at my TikTok, my algorithm, you'd think I was a woman. okay I am. No, my wife send me shit all the time. And, uh, have you seen the TikToks? They, they show a video. It shows a video of like subway surfer, that stupid game. But the story is about the alien race didn't realize humans were the most dangerous people in the planet, in the in the galaxy. And it tells this story and it's fucking captivating. And I'm just like, and then it ends and I'm like, wait, you didn't finish the fucking story.
thats They're obviously made up, but I want to hear what happened. So what are you going to do? Glick with the spare time? I mean, do you do some? You're going to hit the gym. Yes, so starting tomorrow. This is the other great thing. Nikki just started a new job. I'm going to go hitting in the face repeatedly. Hopefully I lose weight.
Yeah. Good game. good get No. Um, so Nikki just started a new job. Was it last week? A big girl job. Um, so she's got hospital or something. She's at a, um, like a clinic.
so Yeah, that's what I thought. so she's So she's got normal hours. She's not working the bartender hours and stuff like that. And so I was actually going to do it today, but I had to, I had to go get the kids. So we actually didn't even get home until five 30 ish. And then I needed to take a shower and all that stuff. So, um, but starting tomorrow, um, cle ob two i n doctor I'm an doctor. Calm down. Uh,
But starting tomorrow, I'm going to get back in the gym, been going on and off again. I really haven't been able to get a set routine. So I'll be able to get my, my routine. And that's the other night. Say again, without have to worry about. And I said this earlier, not have to worry about rush and setting up studios. And I can just casually meander in here at seven 15 7 0 5 after the show starts. Whenever I feel like coming in.
but Don't put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby. I'm always fucking 30 minutes early. Um, yeah, so I'll be able to get into that routine. So I'll be going to the gym. Like I said, you know, be able to have some more time here around the house, you know, be able to have, you know, movie nights when the kids are here. I know cash once the Monday's wrestling's on. So we typically don't get to watch wrestling on Mondays, but we're going to try to start watching wrestling on Mondays together.

Neighborhood Safety Concerns

You know, just just trying to get back, get back with the spending time with the family when I have it and trying to get that same energy and spark back. But, you know, like I said, I do want to get back in the gym. I am. I am focused. I mean, it's a joke, but it's not a joke. I really do have an only fans page. And I do want to see if I can grow that. I'm curious to see. And are you really? miss twelve thousand five Oh, yeah, it's not fucking joking, dude. Go out with that.
we don't have to six like And we talked about that when you started the only beds it started as a joke But it's like because I was gonna do one as well, but I had a problem shit glick yeah but he Son of a bitch eleven Gay guys following him. Oh you really do Okay yeah okay I mean, when you're a dude on OnlyFans, you're going to get 90% dudes, let's be honest. I don't care who looks at it. it And and i'm not and i'm not I'm not doing like whole nude. I'm not doing vids. I'm not like not like sitting there like. has troubles You are the first person like in the nude. Glick, you are the first male I've ever met that has an OnlyFans. You are the very first. yeah i will say yeah I will say there's
Not much left to the imagination. I'll say that. But I do want to, Nikki, I always joked around about it. Nikki convinced me to do it. She was serious about it. And I was like, so I've had it for about a year now. I just really haven't done much. That's the reason why Jeff is freaking out about my TikTok because I have been posting videos. I've got like 12,000 followers on TikTok and 95% of more women. Maybe I can make a little prop.
You know what I mean? And all I got to do is yeah yeah and and um but for the most part, I'm comfortable in my own skin for the most part. You know, I don't, I don't stress too much. Um, I do reach a certain weight, but then again, i'm um I'm there. I want to, I want to get back down some, but, and like I said, I'm not, I'm not going full nude. I'm not doing weird shit.
You know, I'm not sticking my wiener and things that it shouldn't be stuck in or you know, whatever. It's just ah just some sexy pictures, I guess. I don't know how to do sexy, but I mean.
And po search your first name and po and I don't want to show it says that makes me worried. Yo, what up, Nick? What up, Luther King, I see you.
a But, uh, but yeah, you know, I'm going to, like I said, I hopefully I'll have more free time. I can do more on our social medias. Um, I do have social medias for my other extracurricular activities. I want to kind of focus on that and get that growing. And, uh, there's, good there's, there's going to be some Saturdays where I'm just like, Hey guys, I'm not coming in because I'm going to go out with Nikki and have a date night or, or, you know, whatever.
We might have plans. We might want to do something. Uh, and I have, and I have faith that I can do that now because a, um, I'm going to, this is going to be the hard one. And this is no, this is not an attack on you, Jeff. This is just honest to goodness truth. You worry me sometimes because we all know this is the same worry I had three years ago that we talked about you.
You are quick to go, let's do it. And then you kind of start to falter. You flake a little bit. We know that. Not a bad thing. It's just a personal. I know. I, which is, you got young. and a half years Three and a half years longer than I thought you were going to be here. Yeah, you know, I was I actually saw something the other day. It's it's it's sneaky there's actually a term for it. It's not the ADHD. It's the artist. It's called the artist disease. The artist disease is this. I have so many interests that I want to do that I can't focus on one. I have to focus on 40 and I try all 40.
And when I get bored with it, I'm like, okay, next, okay, next. no And like, like him six months and I'm like, okay, you gotta move on. Cause it's not working. Yeah. Well, and again, I mean, I want to get to a point where none of us feel like we like Saturday nights. I don't want mainly, mainly you and I Jeff, because that's our show. But if you don't feel like coming on a Saturday night, or if you've got plans on a Saturday night, then so be it.
We've got the open door challenge. Chaka, I mean, again, another huge shout out to Chaka introducing us to his community. And, you know, they're they're a lively fucking bunch and we're having fun with these guys. And, you know, don't follow my name. I'm why not stay the fuck away from there? We're having a good time. Please, please. This is our tamest show.
Yeah. So this is like, you know, if I, if I decide I want to take a Saturday off because it's a weekend, the kids aren't here. I mean, Nikki want to go out because now she has a big girl job and she's off on the weekends and she made money too. good Yeah. I don't have to go. that Well, if I'm not there, the show's going to go to shit because nobody else is there. Unfortunately, no, unfortunately that's, that's something you do.
and And once again, not a diss, no disrespect, but you have this thing and use your head you've done it for the past four years that if, if God forbid, you're not there, you think everything's going to go to shit. It's a worry I have. Yeah. It's a worry you have. And and I get it because we are kind of loose. canon This, this, this, this is, I don't want to quit. I like, I was talking to, bla I think I was talking to boys about this today.
We are almost four years in. We should have some sort of monetization at this point. And we don't. And in the last, maybe I was talking to Connor. In the last year or so, I've made this, I've made the shift. I've made the shift to be more content related rather than just you and I coming on here three nights a week and being complete fucking loose cannons. I reworked Mondays. I reworked Wednesdays. I added my new show.
i Basically said Jeff stop talking about it and be about it and do your fucking show. God damn it I know you want to do it. and I know you'll do a good job at it Just fucking do it and you started to do it. You kind of fell off a little bit, but that's you know only because my co-hosts I'm not gonna do a show by myself number one and my co-host is a huge formula one yet Make it make it make it make it um Make it a guest like I do on Tuesday nights, man. And you're not going to get these big swinging dicks like you think you're going to get. Start out small. You know what I was thinking of doing? You know what I was thinking of doing? Is switching it to the Thursday that you don't do. What's up that guy, Nick? I might switch over to Thursdays that you don't do. And kind of leave Sunday just for unnecessary records. I mean, we only do an hour on Sundays.
I think there's a link over on the, uh, on, on the nonsensical network chat. There's a link. I'm going to drop it again. It's just for fun. And then I'll put their, uh, their channel in there. Um, but, uh, no, I mean, to long story long winded ass answer for your question is I'm going to, I'm going to refocus my energy. Like I said, definitely get back in the gym, definitely start focus on, on, on, you know, different things, trying to.
continue to grow and make this better and and try to do a little bit more behind the scenes and not so much on camera. now And and then like I said, that's what I said. In order for me to not freak out and worry and and and I got to take my hands off the, show and that's what I've done with you and Blaze. I joke around all the time. I have no idea what those guys do on fucking Friday nights. We have your bla what we do chaut chaka had a blast. of blast.
yeah do What the hell? You're putting coconut energy drink? No, the can's empty. Oh, he's too late. Thank you here. He's too late to get a glass out of the kitchen. Oh, okay. meanwhile that' five away Now, meanwhile, I've got three cups on my desk here that I'm drinking out of. Well, oddly enough, here's the crazy thing. When you put Coke in an empty energy drink can, it tastes different.
Tastes like energy drink, probably. no Yeah, it's it's got a weird kind of interesting flavor to it, and I like it. It's like having the energy drink without having the energy energy drink after effects. Gross. But and I got a new one today, buddy. What's up, What's up, JR? You motherfucker. Let me tell you. Volt energy drink. i't I never heard of that one. It's another Mexican one. it's a It's less than a buck.
honest that just got but basically does the Mexico doesn't follow the same FDA guidelines that we do in the states and God knows what's in there. It's basically monster. If you read the ingredients, it's basically fucking monster. Amperes are actually a dollar. um I prefer their taste, but they were out. So I got the volts today. Yeah, beer is way fucking cheaper than water and gas. We get that.
beer beers beers. I can I can get a six pack beer for like four bucks. You're fucking right here. I mean, gas is cheaper than water. Yeah, but I can't. You're wrong. You're wrong. Yeah, they have a they have a beer here. It's called Gayo. And it's got a rooster on it. If you drink three of them, you'll get you'll have the worst headache on the planet. But it's four bucks for a six pack. Huh?
yeah it's like still Sounds like still reserve. I don't know what it is. It's not worth it. My buddy used to buy them all the time. Yeah, exactly. I had a beat box for the first time the other night. It was like an adult juice bar world. Oh, dude. yeah It was like drinking a four locos. I had one and then I was like fucking hungover. I never get hungover because I just drink beer.
But that one got me. God damn it. I'm dying. This shit because they're all fucking vodka coolers. I'm like, oh, yeah. Yeah.
ah's Because I don't drink, so I'll die. Yeah. Nicki and I like those beat boxes, but the downside of those beat boxes are they are a drop kick right in the head, man, because they You're not joking. Yeah, like I've been sitting back here. I've been sitting back here and I've had like nine, ten, eleven, twelve beers and I'm like, yeah, I'm feeling really good. And and then I drink one beat box and I'm. So my my my wife usually drinks her limits like three, four beers and she's done right. She had one beat box. I came in here, messed around, made some thumbnails and came back and she's like, I was like, yeah.
You are that motherfucker, Jr. You know, what's going on? Platt, that guy, what up, what up, Jones? Links over here in the and on their channel in the in there. Hey, I'll drop my channel, too, if I can get it. It's all right. If I drop it there, I'll do it for you, brother. Is it OK? I'll send it to you. I'll send it to you. I'll drop away, man. All right. I'll send it to you. Feel free. Oh, there you go. How did you get the link? Did you just copy it and paste it?
Well, yeah, it's just up there. I wasn't going to do that shit until and everybody said, OK. Oh, so you can just drop a drop. one Copy that and drop it in there. I didn't know that at all because you moderate.
Only if your mom. Oh, no, I mean, I didn't know you can just paste it. um Yeah, that's the leak. I didn't know that. The URL. Yeah, the yeah URL really works in stream yards. Just grab the one in stream yards where where we're at. yeah Oh, I've learned so much. I'm fucking new here, man. I'm new here. 2007.
But no I like this place. That's what's up. It is. so exact same you don't even crazy you don't even go here you I saw that today. So Blaze and I were, we were talking about Friday show. We, you know how we play those commercials. Well, we, well, we want to change it up. And we found a bunch of, uh, I found, I sent Blaze a video that was, uh, animals farting. And then I found a bunch of kids saying fuck and stuff like that. And I saw a little girl and I was like, Oh, I need to clip that. Oh, Chaka, bro. You look so different without your goatee man.
Oh yeah, I look like a baby but yeah because you are a baby. I just, I i honor i <unk> rabbit plus up jason just, just followed you from my main TikTok page and it,
and it brought up like a whole bunch of old videos and I'm like, Holy. you looking Like a baby. This is new this is a new edition right here. This is this is fairly new. Yeah. Yeah, man. I like it. Keep definitely keep the goatee, man. I like that. That's just hot, son.
she right right
Sorry for the ah the interruption there, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, I saw what you were putting on Snapchat, and I was like, damn, take your time, man. Yeah. You need to, y'all need to fucking move, dude. Yeah, no fucking shit. I know you just got that house and shit, but y'all need to fucking move. you I'm so, I'm the real person, man. Don't fucking mad at the realtor, because she's a family friend of my mother-in-law, and she fucking,
Dude, she she showed us this house. She was like, oh, the neighborhood's fine. The school system's not terrible. They're the worst ones in Evansville. And I was like, oh, OK. We sent to Carson to the elementary school here for literally one month absolute dumpster fire. And in the last six months, there have been four shootings, two murders, and a hit and run all on our street, not including Washington, which is the street right next to us, but just on our street alone.
So do you think there's anywhere better to go? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, there there is. I just told my wife, I was like, you know, I think we're going to get a great dude. I've lived I've lived in this neighborhood like

Humor & Personal Stories

four years, four or five years. I haven't had a single shooting. I told my wife, we're going to buy a little tiny trailer and we're going to go live out in the country in the middle. But fuck nowhere where no one can bother us.
Listen, I've done that. I did that. I've done that. Some motherfucker walked around in one of our beaches with a fucking machete and fucking killed four people. Wow. Where are you at, Jason? Prince Edward Island, in Canada. Tiny little island. You know, tiny little island.
Well, they don't have guns in Canada, so he had to go around with a machete. Otherwise he would have been. I guess that's what I know, right? this could have been a lot more Well, when you're that nice to people all the time, it wears on you, then you just snap. but man but but hey sorry that' angry yeah my story no that's fact i Sorry for cutting your head off there.
like i just snap what that's just i'm just tired of being and sorry all the fucking time going over when mike teststerfield here yeah talk to this fucking town is such a shithole I'm so fucking mad that we moved all i'm not been living downtown anywhere ever again. the problem Did you guys just move there Connor or you've been there for a minute? ah We moved here in April. Yeah. so Okay.
It's already time for the move. Yeah. So we haven't even been here for a year. We haven't paid off the mortgage enough for us to be able to sell a house. Go get your old school bus converted into a partridge family style thing and hit the fucking road. I'm just going to buy like 20 acres out in the middle of butt fuck nowhere and we're going to live in our van. I don't care.
shit What's up? I'm out the window. Go ahead. tra Trespass. Trespass motherfucker. Do it. Yeah. I wish I was that fucker on that beach with that guy with the machete. He wouldn't have a fucking chance. It won't be a drive by shooting. It'll be an in park shooting. Yeah. In park shooting. Which park is us? I like Arkansas. art wasn't your drive by He's right over there. He's dead.
but I'm just saying you do the whole van life thing if you kill somebody you just drive away the chris ah so yeah i apologize you know on man life make it be in colorado there you And of course it happened while my son was in the fucking a rot Like it happened like right fucking outside. too I'm just like you had something happen today. I Yeah, there was a shooting. That's why he was gone. there's just that's why That's why it dropped off like genuinely just out just now like within the last 30 minutes. There was a dude who shot and fired three shots. Couldn't have been more than a block away from my house. And my son was in the garage. Actually, no, I was standing at the top of the basement stairs with my 308 and my pistol.
I'm just saying you can come into my house to try and hide from the cops, but they'll find you. They'll just need a body bag. Yeah.
We had to we had to move from a house because a great neighborhood. We just had somebody try to break it. It kind of messed up my daughter and my and my my wife. It scared the shit out of him. He's trying to break into our house at midnight and yeah and they freaked the fuck out to where they felt like they couldn't live there anymore. And I actually had we had to move to where I'm at now because they they just couldn't stay there no more. It's like every time this this neighborhood starts to calm down a little bit, there's like something else will fucking happen.
no You know, there's something we said about living in Mexico. I've lived here for 20 years, never had a fucking problem. i'm Just saying. Really? because you' your never had I've never had a single issue. And I've lived in so I lived in an area that after I moved out, I found out is the quote unquote, one of the worst neighborhoods in Cancun. I was like, really? I was walking around at three o'clock in the morning looking for a place to sold cigarettes.
You know why my neighborhood's so bad is because we're right off the highway. So you got people coming in from other towns that can just come in and out. So yeah it's kind of get shitty sometimes. We live right outside the historic district. And the historic district is actually like super nice. And very rarely does that thing happen down there other than like, you know, bar fights and shit like that. But yeah I guess everything outside of that's a fucking shithole and.
My dumb ass realtor said, oh yeah, it's not a bad place at all. Oh, we got you. You're such a big fat fuck. Dumb bitch. Fucking put my family at risk so that you can make a fucking buck. Go fuck yourself. yeah yeah Yeah, let's be honest. Realtors are of the next next brand of car salesman. I genuinely, I hope she fucking sees this and she feels like an evil human being because she is. Fuck her.
but i'm right now Anyway, and so what were we talking about before I came up here guys? Did we have we gone to break yet? I assume no, we haven't gone to break this Chris Chris's pussies was bleeding um Talked about some only fans action. We talked a little energy drinks a little bit of voltage. It's got a nice over nice NSF to use really good. Yeah And there's a new guy here. There's a new guy, Jason da Jason. you like me like a kill dude So far, he's fucking Canadian. But yeah, it is. This is a break. Yeah, yeah. Trying to do a break. Hey, we got a break. Hey, what's up? Let's get this break going. What's it all about? This is all about.
<unk> say that <unk> the guy over there with the machetete Yeah, we're gonna run the break and let's play a little shine down some safe witharian you name right there' another da you know but say a youra a enough and a bunch of Canadians will fucking show up that's like like as being a the air in water eight a Don't listen to this
If you care for my bad
What? Who sings that? That was a good song. Welcome. That's their song. What do you what'd you say? What's the name of that their song? I like that. Save me. I like it. Yeah. why that um like all of that Good stuff. Good stuff. Put that on my spot. So it is it is Monday night. I don't know what all you guys got into while I was gone.
with this ah But I wanted to get into talking about dealing with changes in our life as they come. oh this one This one hits a little close to home for me just because things changed very drastically over the last two years. And I figured I should talk about it because something new just changed on our podcast as well. I don't know if Flick got into any of that yet.
I assume because Jeff said that his his vagina was bleeding, that he did.
Thanks for putting me on blast everybody. Jeff is the complete opposite of what I wanted to do create here when I came up with the brainchild of

Adaptability & Life Skills

the show. jeff is ah Jeff is the reason why guys don't like to talk and share their feelings because he's an asshole.
meanwhile i said you never one you actually but whoa whoa whoa whoa how do between the target corner yeah yeah and ice cream fatass mean i' jell one out corner don and keep you ready to off himself on a daily basis because he won't talk to anybody about what's going on and weekly not daily down the weekend
Meanwhile, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, But whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, on the podcast we have... Thanks for wrapping me up, guys. I gotta get the fuck out of here. It's getting that time, you know. You got the wife, you got the kids. That's what's up. Jason here, guys. Thanks for coming up, man. Have a good night, Jason. See you guys again. Bye. Bye. But on the podcast, Glick will be taking a mandatory vacation. He is finally handing the wings over to little old me.
Well, you know, it's, it's something, and this is something I was trying to touch on earlier. It's, it's, it's needed sometimes, you know, yeah and, you know, no shade on Blake. He's been doing a great job and I get it. It weighs on you, especially when the back and it, I put the blame on all four of us because we're like, fuck it. look We'll do it because he will, you know, you know,
day one of the show, I was like, so I just got to turn up with my camera on, right? Okay, I'm in. And it was all weird. Don't fucking blame me. and my liket network Once you were here, he was like, okay, now, now, by starting one away we He started out one episode a week. He's like, let's do two. Now, let's do three. Now, let's do a network.
Motherfucker, you wonder why you're so stressed out. Who's saying? I mean, don't get me wrong. It's one of those things. It's it's it's kind of a... went with It's kind of like ah what you and I were talking about today will be before of the shows. The day-to-day, especially when things have changed, it's... chance yeah
It's a day to day when things change and you got to learn how to pivot. Yeah. and And learning how to pivot is one of the greatest skills you can teach yourself. Because if you don't know how to pivot in this life, you're going to drown. You have to be adaptable. Yeah. Adaptable to change.

Mental Health & Podcast Quality

And I think that Blake stepping back is going to be good, not just for Glick's mental health, but also for the podcast. I can i can tell that there's there's a little bit of a difference in some of some of the shows with with his attitude. Not that I'm not shitting on you by any means, Glick. I am. Won't fire me. um but But when you do all the work for this and and you have, and again, I'm i'm with Jeff. that's on That's on us. That's not on on you.
it It wears on you. It's like ER doctors and nurses. They know they're doing something they love. They know they're doing something that makes a difference. But they get so fucking burnt out because they work all the time. Click doesn't have any fucking free time because he puts all his time into this, into us, into the into the podcast, and into our listeners. So him stepping back is going to give him the opportunity to actually enjoy doing the podcast.
Instead of it being a fucking chore. Which happens to the best of us. ah great and he can tell it background and heal it um might big mine he i don't You can tell it as a viewer or somebody in the chat when somebody's not having fun when they're burnt out, you can see it. And and that's not the kind of sit there and play on their phone.
on with the keyboard They play with their penis. yeah They look down be i my air regardless. look down dish doubleass hair and i seen her striped beard Just look at things that are underneath them yeah he's building the Mandalorian the Lego Mandalorian I'm looking down on you fucking peasants well Okay taking ah but ah The the
the taking on as much as he did. And I'm talking about you like you're not here. So fuck you. um because you're not He's essential. I'm 100% paying attention. Yeah, sure. um I just don't I just don't want my pussy to believe no more. <unk> um Stop. but camp on hey That's how it feels. Click. Be a man. That's how it feels. Run a life. Be in a bitch, Tubby.
As you've told me many times when I called you with my problem, we'll get over it. You guys are making my cookie leak a little bit. I see honestly je fanence i am I am practicing what I preach. I put my problems out there. I talked to you guys on a Monday night.
And instead of wallaring in my own self-pity, like some certain Southern Canadians used to do, I'm making a change. And the change is I'm taking my hands off of things and saying, you know what? I'm not in charge of it. I'm not controlling it anymore. I'm not controlling it anymore. So, uh, the success falls onto you guys. And no, but, but, you know,
I mean, I'm still there. I'm still doing everything. you know i'm still behind the scenes but I'm not saying this to be pedantic or an asshole. That was a good word. I love that word. He is a

Delegation & Accountability

thesaurus. He gets one word a week. I thought i thought the secret was going to come out, but it didn't. No, because I can't answer the correct question. No, but not to be pedantic. But you, for since day one, you put that burden on you.
I did. And then there was a few times that I asked for help and it didn't. And I, and then what did you do? Because it wasn't getting done. Devil's advocate. What did you do after you asked for help? What did you do? You went right back. It wasn't getting done and I'm trying to grow something here. I'm trying to create something successful.
yeah I'm not so trying to be an asshole, but who's that on? So I'm just supposed to just say, yeah, fuck it. I'm going to say this until I'm blue in the face and nobody's going to do anything. And then it's going to hinder. So it's still not going to be done. The help is still not going to be there. The help is still not going to be given. no And that's what I'm saying. I am taking my hands off of things. Let me explain. Here's why. What happens when we have too many episodes in the library? We can't go live, right?
I delete them. No, what happened? that's what where it That's what I went through this weekend. And I said, Hey, I don't know which one of these shows are your guys's get them uploaded and get them deleted because but that's what I'm saying. That's where you, that's where you're in and I'm, I'm constructive criticism. That's where you're wrong. And here's why, by you doing that,
You're doing us of this service by not making us fucking do it. I did. I didn't do it. I uploaded my episodes. And that's fine. And Blaise said, well, go ahead and delete. And I said, no, when you guys upload them, you can delete your own stuff. I wasn't being addicted, Blaise. But I said, when you guys upload them, you delete them. I'm deleting what I'm uploading. Right. I was uploading my shows that need to be uploaded.
I was uploading my shows that needed to be uploaded and I told and i and i sent a message to both you and Blaze and I said this stuff that's not mine, it uploaded and get it deleted because we were running out of space on StreamYard. I wasn't doing it.
um But in the beginning stages, if I'm asking for help and it's not getting done and I'm trying to grow something and I'm trying to create something. No, I'm not. I'm not going to sit there and and waste my time and energy just to talk to a fucking wall, which I would have gotten a much better response out of at the time to be 100% honest. And I'm just, then I'm just doing it.
But now I've gotten to the point where now I'm like, fuck it. My hands are off of it. Whatever you guys do, you do. If you don't do it, I'm not concerned with it because a year ago, because, you know, because at that time we knew that if we didn't do it, click will eventually do it. and And that's once again, that's on us. That's on us. But this is what I told you a year ago. You should just fucking don't do it.
And then it wasn't going to get done, period. I know. But guess what? Let me finish. Let me finish. If you wouldn't have done it, what happens when the library gets so full that stuff's not deleted? What happens? You can't go live. So somebody's got to fucking get off their ass and do it. if you If you say, I'm not going to fucking do it because I've been doing it all this time, you fuckers didn't do it. Guess what? One of us would have done it. We would have bitched and bitched them all about it.
So what it would have gotten a gear so back to trying to grow something, create something and create a brand and create, create some, create shows and based off of what these things on there, well there's two things on there. You and I need to talk about off air. If you want to keep them or get rid of them. Uh, it,
Oh yeah. I'll get rid of them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I wasn't sure if you wanted to keep those. I know one of them is a receipt and I get that. One's a receipt and then the other one is our anniversary show. Uh, and I, I assumed that was part of like, you wanted to keep that for nostalgia thing, but, but yeah, I didn't know if you want to get rid of those. They're both receipts and I don't care at the end of the day. So I'm, I'm over all that bullshit.
I've moved on. You're openly admitted that in the beginning stages, when I was doing everything and it wouldn't have gotten done until I did it and the show would have suffered because of it. So I wasn't going to do that because I was trying to create something. Now I have created something. Now I'm saying, now I'm saying you're in the driver's seat. Drive it or die or die at the end of the day. You should have done that a year ago. You should have done that a year ago. When a Southern Canadian was on here.
Because let's be honest, the Southern Canadian didn't do anything. He could have been doing that. He was home all fucking day. Yeah. Well, no, I, you know, he wanted me to do a job. That was one thing I wasn't, I wasn't doing a lot for him. I did one thing for him.
Uh, and that came back and bit me in the ass, but nonetheless, that's not a here or there, but that's where I'm at now. That's where I'm at now. Look, the yeah and that's why I said, Jeff, Wednesdays is your baby. Now you're the host of, you're the host of wins. I'm not going anywhere. I'm still going to be there. I'm just sliding into the co-host role, which all the behind the scenes and social media and clips and promoting and stuff like that. Let's go follow me in the bedroom. Um, I have, I have Glick's house and music. I have Cassius corner.
My baby be a nonsensical nonsense and, and, and, and unnecessary roughness that I'm going to focus on. And like I said, if it comes to a point where it's brought up in conversation and and Derek and Rick want to do that show and and I'll back out of that one. I'll back out of that one too. And be like, here you guys go. You're driving it now. And that's, and that's whatever happens with these shows that I'm saying I'm pulling out of the driver's seat happens. I'm done.
You guys don't get them up and get them, get them uploaded in a timely manner. And I have to delete stuff. I'm deleting shit. You're going to have to, you're going to do extra work if you want it up on Zincaster and go on YouTube and pull it and strip it and break it down and everything else. Now I've got to kind of become a dickhead to, to continue to grow. And I have to be more of a boss unless, and ah and you know obviously we're all still friends. We're all family at the end of the day, but now I've got to be more of a boss at this point in time. So exactly you don't have. Zincaster stands at all the other platforms. Yeah, it does everything. Basically, you download the audio, you download the audio, put it on Zincaster and upload a photo for the for that episode and or a thumbnail or whatever. And it did. I'm doing it all separate. I did. Everywhere I posted is separate. I stripped the audio to myself and send it. Wow. I'm not looking to get with you. You can literally download just the audio. I downloaded the eight hour episode from what we'll we'll have ah i'll have a conversation. and
We'll have a conversation in private, Chris, about your show. You did fine. Don't fucking listen to him. Last week's show was great, man. Last week's show was great other than the fact that Jeff steamrolled you. But that's OK. You were nervous. You didn't really know what you were doing. That's why.
ah And I saw, I give take christmas i was to ask questions like, Hey, was, you know, trying to help out. So Jeff jumped into the steering, uh, the driver's seat last Monday or last Monday for you. But as you, as you go, I, it was a good show. I mean, I don't know nothing about motor sports. I know more about reptiles than I do cars. So, I mean, I can add my two cents on that part, but I mean, I've had reptiles in the past. So I've had dinosaurs in my house.
But, uh, no, I mean, at the end of the day, that's, that's basically, that I was around when they were there. Um, no, I did it today. That's, that's essentially what I'm doing now. Now, like I said, I'm, uh, forcing your hands do or don't, I don't fucking care. that's what I mean, I, I mean, not everything's going to be successful on a network. And if things aren't successful because the work isn't being put in for them. All right. Well,
You can see where the work is going and where the work is being put in. And at the end of the day, you know, we, we go from there, but, you know, I just need to unload from my, I need to unload some of the weight. Like I said, there's other projects I want to focus on. There's other things I want to be able to do. And, um, and I want to, and I want to be able to have more time for social media, for the network as a whole, not just certain shows, but as a whole, I want to be able to.
post stuff up there, but at the same time, and as I've told you guys all the, uh, since day one, if it's your show, like Chaka does, I mean, Chaka sends me clips left and right. I've got them all saved. I save them right to my phone next week. I'm going to be dumping on social media, not only just from stuff Chaka sent me, but stuff I've made stuff I've done, you know, like on my lunch break at work. I just don't have enough time to sit there and Put everything up on social now. I'm gonna I'm gonna do a dump on social media next week oh so So JR actually I looked it up right now I put it in the group chat MK is There's him and another one who's who's the only yellow stars. I don't I don't know who the other guy is But it's so right now in case the OG OG right now Okay
um membership okay
Yeah, things you got it you gotta hit got to hit certain oh marks on YouTube. Subscribers, followers, views, watches, listens, and then we can have subscribers and shit like that. And then there's another tier where you can have your shit, you can have ads on your shit.
a thousand a thousand watch hours and oh no a thousand thousand subs and four thousand watch hours four thousand watch hours but I think they just lowered it all everything's low I thought you had to do that in 12 months become a partner to become a partner you have to have 500 subs 3000 watched hours I was just looking at it earlier because Connor asked me the question about it yes yeah did they lowered the 500 yeah it used to be a thousand and For memberships, supers, and shopping, share products across your channel from your own store. We have a store. It's 500 subscribers, three video uploads in 90 days, which we do with fucking ease. do that and three thousand And then you have to have one of the following. 3,000 watched hours and three hundred in the last 365 days. I wonder if it means uploaded or live.
Because ours are all technically live. Oh, video uploads. It it is a video counts as a video upload. ah Yeah, because I got monetized just doing lives. I didn't even do recorded videos for the longest time. What's up? People have missed in the house. What's going on? Watch hours are hard. I mean, we're not far from it. We're we're we're. not far from it. We're about we get we get most of our we get most of our the people that listen to us. We get on Spotify and stuff like our Spotify blows. Yeah, here if i'm if I'm not working and I'm available, I'll definitely jump on you. What a hot mess.
Jesus fucking Christ, Connor way to start your first night. know Yeah, he he's he's he's going through the wringer right now. um But yeah, like I said, it and or and or you need 3 million views on shorts, which if I was posting shorts on a regular basis, not going to be that hard to get at the end of the day. Uh, that's for the first tier of eligibility. And then for the continued growth, watch ads and short feed ads, you have to have 1000 subscribers, um, 4000 hours watched and 10 million, 10 million views.
So you have to have a thousand and or 4,000 watched hours or 10 million views in the last 90 days, which be a little bit harder, but the watched hours shouldn't be that big

YouTube Strategies & Analytics

of a deal. the watched hours is easy um But again, it's, as I've been saying for three years, it's more than just doing live shows. There has to be consistency. There has to be regular,
ah traffic on our social media. I've said it for three years. I'm only one person. I can only do so much in the allotted time I have. Everybody else seems to have a lot more free time than I do. That includes you, Jeff. I know you work a lot, but if you've got hours upon hours to spend doing 3D print designs and stuff like that, you got 10 minutes to throw a video up on on Instagram. That was when I wasn't working, was when I was playing with 3D prints. I haven't touched my Uh Orca and in like two weeks Uh this past this past week I I did uh in like 70 hours of work Same thing like wild is nowadays most of my watch hours are from shorts
Is it really? Yeah. yeah i'm looking I'm looking at my analytics right now and my shorts are fucking killing it. But, and I do long live streams also, been and but most of my watch hours are from shorts. Interesting. That's what I've been saying, man, is I've been preaching for the last few years is reels and shorts and whatnot. But it's, you know, I would like quality content. I don't want something just because I got 30 seconds. Here you go. You know know what I mean?
I try to put links and and and shit like that on there as well. um And only 60 percent of my viewers are from United States. The rest is from United Kingdom, Canada, Netherlands and Romania. Wow. Chris, I got to get you log in information so you can get logged into the YouTube and Instagram and stuff like that so you can post for your show.
I need to go through and that's how that. i'm gonna that that's something well That's something else I'm going to do this week. I'm changing the passwords on everything. So I'll get you guys some new passwords. i might actually i'm kindnna Time to do something as simple as that. Well, actually, ah while I'm thinking about it, um'm good all i because when you change passwords, I have to re I have to resubmit everything on to bio. I think That's why I think our bio link got kind of wonky and jacked up and it was not in the right places. And yeah, so there's a little bit more work involved than rather than other than just going onto the platform and going, I want a new password. And then, Oh, I'm fixed. There's, again, that's what I said. I haven't had a lot of time. And I said, if I'm on top of social media and anybody who does social media, I'm sure Chaka knows this cause he, Oh boy is always posting something. You do it on a regular basis and you're not letting stuff stockpile and you're able to get stuff.
quick fasted on a fly. It doesn't take very long to post. So i this is because I haven't read man analytics ever probably since I got monetized. My age demographic for guys, 35 to 44 years old for women, 45 to 54 years old did not know that I'm reached. That's who my main 45 to 54. That's why. All right, ladies. All right, ladies, come on.
Nice. Uh, yeah, we are, we are, uh, 35 35 to 44. Uh, definitely, definitely, uh, male dominated 96.5%. I ain't like I've ever looked at this. Uh, 75% in the United States. All right. What's your, what's your male to female ratio? 96.5 to 3.5. Jeez.
money mainly dudes I'm surprised that I have females watching. they I got actually 25%. Shout out to Arkansas. That's for the Yeah. Yeah. I didn't have him before the goatee. So that's that's that's this kind of where I'm at and where I stand. And a I didn't want to steamroll the whole show tonight.
But I don't know how to host this show because because he's always got 900 different things going on but Hopefully won'll be successful for it. I Just created something on our on the on the Gmail account And I just shared it myself I'm gonna actually share it right back to you and i and i have to be I Have the have the
I have the Buccaneers. Everybody else has the Chiefs, ah Chris, to answer your question. What the hell did you say, Joe? My uncle used to always say a joke with the Buccaneers. He'd always say, quit quit us saying that name. You're hurting my Buccaneers.
but Nice. Where did you send it to? it's ah I'm actually going to send it to your WhatsApp right now so you can actually see it.
ah Actually, I'm going to put it here. It's in the nonsense. i mind them my My new focus is is growth.
It's basically, I don't want to keep all the passwords straight. Well, we want to keep the password straight because I'm going to make it. You're going to use the same one again? Or saying yeah same one for each one? Yeah. Yeah, they'll they'll all be the same because I know that I work with the special needs and you guys so yourself i just keep signed in i just stay signed i just stay silented yeah i just think signed to everything so um Hey Jeff, did you see the ah are you on Twitter Jeff? I Technically on Twitter, but not really who's gonna run the um the nonsensical network Twitter. Oh I still I
I mean, technically, everybody is supposed to be doing the Twitter or other social media, but i Twitter for me is every time I go on Twitter, all I see is porn and then I get distracted. Are you looking at anything else i'm like word on Twitter? I'm like, and buby ah look at Oh, look at Boobies. What was I supposed to be fucking doing? Boobies. Oh, look at her. He's pretty. You know, that's cool. That's cool. Chaka.
Yeah, I'd love to hear your Twitter post. Yeah, a little thumbnail. Yeah. And I see your picture, too. You can come get this belt when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands. Oh, you saw that? want I want to see one of those. I want to see one of those A.I. prize fighters of myself and you and I and like the fighter. folks so click That was my first that was my first drunk ah message to you because I woke up this morning. I was like, I don't remember sitting in that shit.
um So so what you're saying is when you get drunk you slide into my DMS cool i did not i did like delay not at it if that's if that's the junk dms i get from you who i feel first actually cha What I'm gonna do I'm gonna email you Chaka up Because there's a couple apps I want to ask you about like what can use that way I can use them as well to kind of you know
Lately, I haven't really played with AI a lot, but Blaze is doing it, and I really like what he's using. He sent me the Carp Junify. I really like that. Oh, dude, I got a free one that you can use right now. It's sit's it's it's the being the Bean Image Creator. I'll link it in the private chat. Free, and it's the best one so far. Was that the one you were using to make the the ones of us?
Yeah. I love it. Is it an app or is it a website? just ah It's just a website. it's a It's even better. And it's all free. Send me the link for that because I'm in. Because like you know I do a lot of the like on Saturdays. I'm constantly making memes. And the way I do it is I'm chopping and cutting and pasting things. and And if I can do it the way you did it, I was like, I don't know what to do here. So what I do is I create the images with Bing, and then I use Canva. And I and i write make everything with Canva. And that's all I do. And been using Grok also like for ah any Word logos. Grok is great for that. But that's not free. you Actually, if you have the ah Twitter check mark, you get that for free, though.
and then And those are the only three that I use, but this I just found one last night. um it's It's built in on the onto the iPhones. it's the It's in the Instagram on the iPhones. That's how I can make them actually look like myself. Oh. So you just outed yourself as very, very, very, very gay. Because you use an iPhone. No, it's my sense it's my so my gay son's iPhone.
Yeah, there's a there's I don't know if you've seen that tick tock go around with one guy's asking this guy. He's like, what's a red flag for a gay guy? He says, not an iPhone, not a real gay. And I was like, thank Christ. I got an Android boy. I don't know how to use an iPhone at all. So I don't need it. My wife's got one. I fucking hate it. Zeke showed my son showed me last night. He's all, you know, you can do this $2,000 on a fucking phone. And I'm like, you know what? 400 bucks, boy. Yeah, it's more than her fucking iPhone.
Now that the feature that he showed me about the AI, I wish my Android had that. That's one thing that I wish I had on my phone was what he showed me. I just literally take a couple of pictures and it it can put me in any, it creates any AI with my face in it. Nice. Well, that one blaze uses for our thumbnails on Friday. It says that cartoon if I, if you take a picture of, and you put in that and it cartoons it cartoons it. I love that thing. That's awesome.
Oh, I see Ted in the chat. Ted, if you're still in the chat, look what I got today. I got all all my coins. I just got them in the mail. I haven't opened them yet, but I'll do ah i'll do a video and then I'll ah probably do my first scratch off with all these coins. So Ted's from the Lotto lotto community and each channel does their own, they have their own coin. And all night I got sent like a whole package of of coins. So I'm gonna be... what like Like you guys just do scratch offs?
They do scratch offs. Yeah, it's a scratch off community and it's pretty cool. So the way that they share love to other communities is they they share or buy or sell each other's coins. And so as they're doing a scratch off, they'll be like, oh, this scratch off is from Florida claimers. Ted, uh, go check them out, blah, blah, blah. And then they do a scratch off. It's pretty neat. You know, that's the one downfall of Mexico. The scratch offs here are fucking dope.
Yeah. And and they're they're like, they're like challenge coins. That's why I was like, Oh, those are sick. They look really good. Cause I collect challenge coins. I have tons and tons of challenge coins, but ah no scratch off lottery coins. So got my first set. I don't even know where my challenge coins are. I think you're at my mom's house.
So I guess now I have all of Florida Claimers Ted's points. I haven't opened the package yet though. What?
Oh, Connor's gay. Connor's gay. I got it. I got a new toy. did you ah Did you check out that image creator? I have it now, but I got a new toy yesterday. I got a VPN.
Holy shit, my streaming game just fucking skyrocketed. I don't have VPN. Well, i actually I actually have one for work because of the program I use for work. It won't work in Mexico, so I have to you know switch location. But adding it to my streaming services, but like...
We've had this conversation on the network before, but what you watch on HBO is not what I get on HBO. We might share a couple of things, but there's shows that you don't get and vice versa.

Streaming Content Availability

And I was comparing the difference. There is like 30 shows and about 40 movies that you have on your HBO that I don't have, and just about the same in the opposite direction.
When my daughter was in Italy, she had Netflix over there, and it was totally different from the Netflix that I had over here. Yeah. There she is.
By the way, Leggy, my VPN does not work on that website you sent me so I can watch that show with the chick stuck in the knee as a cop. uh i like that because that was the first thing i did was i was like now i can watch that show like he's been bitching maybe i'm watching what a late long time no see stranger the 3000 turbo you ain't just whistling dixie yeah it won't work for me with a vpn i was so mad it it is it's literally it's it works like netflix but for bbc shows hmm british broadcasting channels
Oh, that BBC man. Something else. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. I guess I was totally like, wow. Okay. No, you gotta remember she's, she's over there and in the UK. Oh.
a and we were talking about the there's a show called life on mars and then there's a another there's a another version that's a uh life on mars is about a guy he gets stuck in the 70s and he's a cop in the 70s and it's originally british television show and then the other one i can't remember the other one's called up top my head what's called luggy i think they did that over here in the states they did an american version yeah they did an american version but the british version is the original and i liked it better and uh
Ashes to ashes, the other one. Yeah. We're a girl. She's a cop that she goes. She gets stuck in the 80s as a cop from the future. But I went to go onto that website and watch it and it recognized that I had a VPN and wouldn't let me watch. I was so fucking mad. I was like, damn it. Why do you think I bought a VPN?
So I should make every gay at the end It's genius. And the beauty of it is is like, ah we actually bought one for the company. So all our employees can use it, because we have employees all over the world. And they can all use it. So it's great. I mean, are you really surprised it's Jeff we're talking about? What? Like you said, yeah I've been talking about it for a year. Because I haven't gotten to see it.
I have it saved. I have the link and everything she sent me saved. And I went to watch it. And it was like, we see you have a VPN. You have to actually be in the UK to watch it. I was like, this is bullshit.
But like Disney does the same thing. My Disney account recognizes the VPN and won't let me watch Disney from the States. Not that I care, because it's Disney.
and let's okay
But yeah, it is. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I like that little graphic that I

Twitter Usage & Challenges

made on Twitter. I think it turned out fucking cool. Yeah, it was really cool.
I have like 20 different photo accounts. got you gotta see the You got to do one with the fighter stance with the two of us and the belt around my way.
me throwing you those, if those ah if those are the junk DMS I get from you in the middle of the night, I'm okay with it. Okay. Like I just set up a Twitter account for the office and I followed three things, three people, you know, and like, ah again, like i followed John Cusack and I followed Elon Musk and a couple others and instantly I just opened the Twitter and the first thing I found was porn.
Well, that's based on... I i lig energy haven't seen live in a couple of weeks. Well, is that Twitter something you're sharing out or is that just for work? No, it's it well ah I can send it to you. and say Last time I seen Jeeves, it was a couple of weeks ago. I think he was live. I popped in and said hi to him.
I'll be your, I didn't notice Connor's thing says I'll be your Huckleberry. Cause I was just, we watched that movie with Val Kilmore. All of ours do because it's, it's, it's the it's the one I use. Oh, okay.
We're all actually logged in onto the StreamYard account. So when I set it up, that was the one I used. So that's how it works. you guys How are you guys all three on one stream? yard yeah How many? how many years of a I actually have two stream yards open right now. What? you i your name but We can have one admin, but I can just give... i just i just When I created this, I got just the login so you could actually physically log into it. and then so when anybody can address
So any you guys can all log in at the same time? It doesn't flag nothing? Nope. no Oh, shit. I didn't know that. That's cool. So i ah we we realized what was it with it last week, we realized we can actually do two streams live at the same time. Yeah, I remember li was saying he was going to go. You guys had two streams going. One was going to go on Facebook. ah yeah The other one is going to jump on here. And I didn't know you can do that either.
Yeah, we both, yeah so we we were waiting for Glick to drop and we were like, fuck it, let's just go. And we started going and they were still live and we were still live. That means I can do a stream right now. As I'm streaming with you guys, I can do another live stream. ah yeah Yeah, probably.
That was some crazy. Yeah, we had two different shows at the same time at the same time on YouTube. And I told the guys, let me know when you go live, because I knew we were going over and I told them I would drop YouTube and they didn't tell me they were going live. And I just had to look down on my phone and got a notification. So I went over to YouTube and we were both live at the same exact time. So I was like, well, I'm not going to fucking we were already alive on Facebook. No. And that's another thing I got to start the stream of the Facebook man. I don't even touch Facebook.
I leave that. my i Well, we have ah we have a Facebook. We have a Facebook, an actual Facebook page um for the network. And we have a group page for nonsensical nonsense. um So we stream right to our actual Facebook page. I dropped it for a little while because I want to focus on growing YouTube. I want to get YouTube up over that 1K mark. um So I want to kind of force everybody to come to YouTube and hopefully they'll subscribe. and You know, once we get over, there's couple, couple stipulations for YouTube. Then, cause I love multi-casting. I love the fact that we, we go to three different platforms at one time. Um, and we're able to reach a larger audience. But like I said, I want to, I want to hit those plateaus on, on YouTube and, and, and continue growing. Do you guys do a subscribers only sometimes? No, we can't have subscribers.
We don't have that option. We don't have that option to have subscribers on YouTube. no Yeah. And you can do subscribers only when you go to YouTube studios, you can put the chat of subscribers only. So they have to subscribe for at least a minute to even chat. um Oh, yeah yeah. Then run a giveaway. Boom. Everybody goes in there. They all subscribe. You can get some subscribers pretty quick.
Oh, yeah. i ah So I don't know. Um, just trying to just, and, and, and that was, and that was the other part, just unloading all the, uh, all the, uh, unnecessary drama that was, uh, circling around us and, and get rid of all that because that's, that's an avenue.

Avoiding Drama & Productivity

Such such a waste of time and energy when you're dealing with.
and entertaining, ignorant people. And sometimes it's easier just to be like, you know what, let bygones be bygones move past it. I'm not going to argue with you. I'm not going to fuss with you. I don't really give a damn at all. Honestly, some people I just don't give a damn about. And it's it's easier just to let them be gone.
and do Another and concentrat another good thing since you guys do the open panel challenge or the open panel challenge, it's good to go subscribers only. That way it kind of fights the trolls and and and you know that whoever is jumping up at least subscribe to you and that's one. Yeah, that's I think that's what we might. Now that I know how to do it, I think that's what we're going to do on Saturdays.
I'm calling in executive decision not whenever whenever i do it be though your executive decision i don't fucking give a fuck i say and and and and And I say on Saturdays it's i were just won And then you can set the time We'll see about that money Yeah, we will. When I change all the passwords, it's just like, what can I do to anything? I don't know. I forgot the password already. I forgot the damn password, Jeff. Hold on a second. Jeff's on you. I'm taking a break for a week too, fucker. Jeff, did you send your Twitter over, Jeff?
I sent it to your TikTok. Do you have Twitter, Jeff? I do now. Well, i've I've had it for years, but I never used it. And I have the nonsense for one. I just set up one for work ah because we're going to be, like, we're advertising. Like, one of the things we're going to be doing is something I'm going to talk to you about off-stream. It's a couple months away, but... I've been telling you that for how long? Woman?
fifty but
But yeah, I just set that one up yesterday. But I've had mine for a while. Good seeing you. Long time, no see, stranger. The KTKM one that I have, I've had for years, but I never use it. Apparently, I have. Oh, I know why I have two Twitter pages, because one was my Periscope page, and then one I just had when Twitter fairy first came out. I was like, well, it's just Twitter.
Yeah, I think that's that's when I signed up the ktm productions one that I have Um, and I I think I might have posted on there like three times But i've had it for so long. It's like fuck it. Whatever Great porn though i'm just saying well, I mean As long as you find as long as you find some happiness somewhere
And it's free. You can't love anyone until you love yourself. And I've had a crush on me since I'm 13. I'm just saying. I'm just going to leave. Um, I guess we'll just leave this live up since the host isn't here to end the show or anything. no
Well, actually speaking of Connor, uh, he had a bit of adrenaline dump. He needed to go, uh, relax a little bit. He, I think a little bit PTSD showed up.
understand. Understandably with what happened tonight. Uh he did better. Uh he badass **** is going to be a good ice cream because he's problems He's like, ah i'm right you enjoy. When I had to rewrote that goddamn narrative made me out to be such an **** You son of a **** I spent an hour on the **** phone with you. right When I, when you say at the end, you'll be all right. You're right. That's, that's your answer for everything. If i I did not, we've had conversations where you, when I called you and I'm like, Hey, I just need to bend this up there and fucking listen at the end. All right, dude. um I'm going to go, let you go. All right. You'll be all right. Yeah. You wanted debate. You, you wanted somebody to listen to you. I was an ear for you to listen to after four hours.
that Maybe you've got the same thing to be. We we spent three, four hours on the phone, one of us having issues. And then at the end, we were like, hey, I love you, brother. Hey, you'll be all right. Yeah, I know. I feel better now. What'd you really say? stop four timesns since Well, what were you saying? Oh, no, it wasn't a big deal. I was just saying that Jeff was talking about the adrenaline dump when I had those dudes break into my, try to break into my house and I chased him away. I sat as my adrenaline was pumping all night. I sat right there with the lights off, hoping that they would come back. I was like, yeah, you know, that, that day that I got in the fight and ended up in jail for it.
I was like, wait, I'm going to be 36 hours of jail. I'm going to take a nap. I was so fucking amped up. I was awake the entire time. Not only was I amped up, dude, I called, you know, you got certain people that you call whenever you you you're in, you you need you need to fight. but i got I called everybody and I had a whole group of people there. I was like, we're about to fuck somebody up.
It's two in the morning.
About to kill everybody and everything. Yeah. It is about that time. So I'm going to, sense since Blitz do longer than Hose, I'll go ahead and wrap this up. ah So real quick here. Oh, I got that up.
Don't forget everybody speedway stories, cold blooded conversations on Mondays, along with men caring for men. This show, Tuesday's Glitz House music, Wednesdays, we do what the fuck news. Every other Thursdays is Cash's Corner where they talk from Rafflin.
And Fridays is not such a show. We're watching the great outdoors this week. Saturday is the nonsensical nonsense open door challenge. We can come up. We're going to be doing subscribers only. If you want to comment, subscribe. Sundays is unnecessary roughness and occasionally Jeff's garage. That might be moving to the other every other Thursday. So we got Thursday show.
Um, don't forget bio slash nonsensical network Everything we have including our merch store. You can check out Once again, thanks for everybody watching. Thanks for everybody listening Uh, click what do you gotta say?
Besides i'm going for a tampon I'll get your tampon. Hi motherfuckers Hey man, this, this is the last time I'm going to say it. Well, I'm probably not the last time cause I'm sure I'll pop up randomly from time to time here on Mondays. This is the last time I'm going to say it on Mondays. I'm going to start saying it on somewhere else. I don't remember. I'm drawing the blank, but a man who can build a firm foundation by the bricks that are thrown at him by others is winning.
It's not exactly how, I how exactly I said it. But the shoulder the shoulder shrug, it's winning. He's winning. It doesn't look as good on me because I'm a small guy, but it's winning. I can't remember how I, uh, how I word that, that phrase. It's my phrase and I don't remember it. I like it. I like it. Tucker, what are you going to tell the people? Oh man, I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to steal one from Glick. what is he he's and Don't give him that. You suck my dick and eat my ass.
is caveier than a row pink tents hey Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. A successful man is one who can build a firm foundation by the brickstone at him and others is what I say. Sorry. I was responding to a message and Jeff asked me, I'm like, what the fuck do I say?
But yeah, from all of us here at the Nonsense Gold Network, just remember, you're not alone. Good night, everybody. Be good.
I know they don't
Is there campfire cologne?
All right, we're out.