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Chapter 14 - Carriage of Despair-age image

Chapter 14 - Carriage of Despair-age

S1 E17 · Bard Soup
33 Plays3 months ago

Look, we're tired of the horse death too. It's like this guy is some kind of sicko or something.

Meet the cast:

Dungeon Master – Zach Meikle (IG: @zachabee)

Clay Campbell – Prima Zhao (IG: @primbdraws)

Faunalyn Vaydark – Shannon Meikle (IG: @sharsharbinks)

Glimki Treefellow – Jordan Johnsen (IG: @jordan_johnsen)

Editing by Zach Meikle

Follow the show:

Instagram: @bard_soup

TikTok: @bard_soup

Music & Ambience

Music: Beyond the Horizon by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Music: Funeral March by Chopin

Music: The In-Between by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Music: Dark Hollows by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Music: Vopna by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Music: Grundar by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Music: Skaga by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Music: Stöðvar by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Music: The Wild Hunt by Tim Roven (

Music: Cry Havoc by Tim Roven (

Music: The Gaping Maw by Tim Roven (

Music: Terror in the Woods by Tim Roven (

Music: Field of Heroes by Tim Roven (

Music: Daudir by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Music: Through the Woods by Tim Roven (

Music: Countdown by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Music: Melodic Interlude by Alexander Nakarada (

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Sound Effect: Heart Beat by Jurij from Pixabay

Sound Effect: Neighing of a horse by u_7bikmggkv2 from Pixabay

Sound Effect: Foley - Tightening a Rope for more tension by Gavin Mogensen from Pixabay

Additional sounds provided by Pixabay


Mystery at the Mansion

Now, where were we? Ah yes, that's right. When we last left our heroes, they were in the belly of the beast, or rather, the mansion of the prelmies. Hoping to learn more about their host's connection to the missing princess, the party scattered amongst the mansion where they began to untangle a web of treachery and malice that threatened their very lives.

Subterranean Secrets

Phonolin danced with her host, Lady Bachra Praomand, attempting to learn more about a woman by the name of Orsa Todara, who had reportedly been dating Bachra's brother, Bickford. At least, until Bachra had a word with her.
The lady was displeased by this line of questioning, but Faunalyn, unbothered, extended an invite for a future conversation so certain truths could remain undiscovered. Meanwhile, in the servant's wing, Clay and Glimky were approached by the were-rat Jimmy Knobbones, whom they had smuggled into the party. He told them he had discovered a strange area beneath the family's mausoleum, but his progress had been impeded by a vast chasm that he was ill-equipped to cross. Glimky agreed to help him, while Clay continued to keep an eye on Faunalyn.
As the dancing progressed, Clay watched as the prince Elling Malphurth, who had recently been informed by Faunalyn that she knew he was trying to kill her, made a hasty departure from the ball. Emboldened by their prior success, Clay attempted to follow the prince once more into the night, but unfortunately was caught, receiving a heavy blow to the stomach and the promise that this night would be their last. Meanwhile, beneath the manor grounds, Glimky was brought to the previously mentioned chasm and With no apparent means of crossing it, Glimpy threw Jimmy Norbones across. The ratman scurried off, but soon returned with information that drew Glimpy further into the crypt. It seemed there was a large subterranean area, with numerous coffins along with cryptic phrases such as, for the persuasion of Clementine Royce.
Intrigued by this, Glimky agreed to come along. Although the gap seemed perilously wide, Glimky prayed to the nature spirit Mulare and jumped. But he came up short, and he began to fall, only to suddenly land on the ground on heart, and it was revealed the chasm was actually an intricate illusion.
The two uneasy companions explored the space, uncovering more coffins and more cryptic phrases. But before they could get too far, they heard a distant clicking noise, and decided it was time to flee. Only to find themselves pursued by the pre-Omies butler, a Nera Coker named Tick, who was the source of the noise.
Glimky and Jimmy hurried through the cavern and barely managed to escape, soon finding themselves reunited with the recently-punched Clay Campbell. Back in the mansion, Farland engaged in another dance, this time with Lord Umin Rothbard, whom she attempted to ply for information. Unfortunately, she once again only succeeded in agitating him,
Before the next dance could begin, she was once again approached by Lord Hamlet-Pilton, who attempted to make amends. Although the two spoke cryptically, they seemed to reach an accord before sealing their rediscovered friendship with a toast.

Locust Ambush

After this, it felt prudent to depart, and the three hastily set off towards their waiting carriage. However, as the clock struck midnight,
Fondland began to feel ill, and soon collapsed unconsciously into Clay's arms. And as the carriage wound its way through the woods surrounding the prelmy estate, a swarm of locusts enveloped the vehicle. The carriage driver was struck dead, and as Glimpy poked his head out of the carriage, he saw a figure clad in black, carrying a massive war pick, blocking their path. What happens next? Ha ha ha! Climb! Let's find out, together, shall we?
On with the story.

Introduction and Setup

It's super time.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today for morose dungeon master, Zach Meekle, joined as always by three soon-to-be corpses. Corpse number one, Prima. What up? Hi, I'm Prima. I play Clay Campbell.
She was a ah happy person. Everyone loved her. But she will be missed. She will be missed. corpse number two Hi, I'm Jordan. I play Glimky Tree Fellow, who is going to be late to rest amongst the flowers. That's it. And corpse number three, Shannon.
Yes, hello, I play Faunalyn Vedark. Who does not want you to go in lieu of flowers? She wants the flowers. Do not make you figured it out. We did it. We solved the soup. We did an intro and it was coherent and it was a single take. And we know everybody's name and who they play. Janandler Bong.
We join our heroes on the road to Prail Me Manor. It is midnight.
The moons are poking out through the clouds, casting a pale glow upon the trees, and fireflies illuminate the entirety of the path before you. It would be beautiful.
if not for the swarm of locusts crawling all over your carriage and the masked assailant standing on the road before you. He has, as I mentioned, he is this tall human or humanoid wearing a black cloak that swirls around him along with these locusts that are pooling around his feet.
In one hand, he carries just this immense war pick, curved black iron, and he wears a helm that also appears to depict just a swarm of locusts swirling around what you presume is his head.

Battle with the Masked Attacker

Faunalyn is poisoned in the back seat of the carriage. There's no front seat. It's just the seat. Faunalyn is dying actively in the back of this carriage. And I will say, as Glimpkey, you poke your head out, these locusts swirling around. It is completely silent. There's hundreds, maybe thousands of these insects.
flapping their wings, and there is no noise. What? And then suddenly... Everything comes rushing at once, and you look at a male's kind of swirling insect flapping wings, little chittering noises, the horses may come outside to carriage in a panic, and you never want to roll initiative.
Okay. Right off the bat, I guess. Ah, fudge. Good first roll. Let's go. Nat one. Oh no, just kidding. It's a three. It's a three plus one. Four.
But the fun thing is that I go before either of you. So theoretically, I could roll a nat 1 on death saves and be within one roll of death before any of you even touch me. So that's fun. Yeah, you just die faster. We are going to start with a locust swarm. As we said, you slam the door shut. You just hear like a buzz saw them just wrapping around this carriage.
my God, Zachary. Oh my God. Zachary! This used to be a comedy show.
When you poked your head out, he was about 15 feet up. Oh, he's like right up in her. Okay. Enough to reach where the horse is in Causton. I would say Gloomkey does some should not have been able to reach with that weapon from the distance he is at.
Ah, perhaps he has friends. Is he like shooting something or? Oh, well. Yeah. It's either he's got some sort of range thing or he can teleport or something. So, Glimky, you hear footsteps crunching I will say, I will give you a
I rolled a mad one. Let's go! Ah, yes! Four a five. Yeah, good. Perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect. As you try and strain and you hold your own for a second until the door's just ripped off its
The seed is
any both actions or if you want to move... Can I slam the door back shut? You ripped it off its edges. Oh, okay. There's no door at all. There's a door on the opposite side?
because I'd say there's two doors on this carriage, but one door is now removed. Oh, right. So he's standing on one side. Can I get out the other side and climb onto the horse? You could attempt to crawl out the back onto the top of the carriage. Are the horses, like,
Horses don't have a great survival race in the show. Yeah, no. Zach's just rubbing his hands waiting to murder them gruesomely. A lot of natural predators. Dragons are so natural. Dragons, owlbears, and now this guy. Yeah, I'm still gonna do it. I'm gonna try to get on the horse and encourage them to run. Nice.
okay so yeah you crawl out i will say glimkey is like right next to him so if glimkey if you move from where you are it will will probably provoke an opportunity
whipping around you, it's like being in a storm. That being said, as you climb up onto the carriage, you kind of break free of the worst of it and I'd say you can see around, get a better sense of your surroundings.
Facing in the direction you were traveling, you look to the left and you see that there's this Next to it, just buried in the trees, you can see what appears to be the remains of some structure, some stone structure. You think perhaps a abandoned house or tower you can't really make out the details from where you are, but it appears to be just this crumbling stone structure. To your right, you see two statues, also made of stone, also very dilapidated. You just see pieces scattered throughout the trees, covered in moss being reclaimed by the forest.
And of course the path, I will say everything on and around the path is dim light. And because of your dark vision, it's bright light. Yeah. So I'll say that is your turn as you climb atop the carriage. Sound good? Yeah. Which leads us to Glimky Tree Fellow. Nice. I was going to use speak with animals, but it says small creatures. So can't speak to the horses. You could talk to the locusts. Yeah. I don't think that's going to help. That would be fun. I feel like that's not going to help.
I'm going to use nature's wrath So he needs to make a strength or deck save please Dealers choice or
It's gonna be a 22. Oh, sick. That's so sick. Yeah, nothing happens. Some vines kind of sprout out from the ground to like trip him up. But I got his, I guess his heavy feet kind of just pull free of these kind of roots that spring out of the ground. Yeah.
I'd say the locusts still pulling around his feet just start chewing into the vines and disintegrate them and he is unrestrained. Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice. Sick. That's really, really, really, really, really good. Fuck. I don't have anything. I don't have weapons. Okay. Are you staying where you are? Oh, man.
Let's see, what do we do? What do we do? Faunalyn's got 10 HP back.

Escape Plans and Chaos

She's feeling great okay. I've got a stick and nothing else. Opportunity attack, he says.
Yeah, I'm just going to hold the stick against the opening of the door. Oh yeah, you guys don't have weapons. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, yeah, that's it. I'm going to yell to Fondland who's, I guess, like weary and waking up to like run or get on top or get on a horse or something. Right. Okay. Get the heck out of here.
We go to the top of the order with the locust swarm, which is going to start to attack you, Clay. You watch as they start just to swirl around your feet and then rise up like a vortex of insects just biting at you, tearing into your your AC is Ten. Ten. Forgot about that. Luckily for you, they rolled a natural two. ah So they are biting at you, trying to just tear you apart, and you're swatting them off of you as quickly as they can gain purchase. And that'll be their turn. The attacker is going to pull back with his war pick. He grabs it in both hands. He's not grunting. He is not saying anything. He is deathly silent. just methodically pulls back with both hands and rams this war pick at you, trying to slam it into you.
Don't like the silence. I'm worried he rolled a g nat 20 in his one second name because he's adding up like 200 dice. Does an 11 hit. That is my AC.
Why is it so low? Because I don't have any armor. You're a paladin! I don't have armor, I don't have my shield. God! We gotta improv you a shield. I gotta suit on right now. And princess pants. Ah! You look great, but ah!
Never has a corpse. Looks so good. You will take 10 piercing damage. Oh, that's enough.
the And I need you to make a constitution saving throw. Easy. So easy. Let's go 20. Okay. You are hit with this pick. It catches you in the shoulder and you're knocked back before regaining your feet.
And for a second, while the tip of this pick is inside you, the world goes quiet again. All noise immediately vanishes.
And then the pick is removed and sound comes rushing back in, filling the void. That's not creepy at all. That is his turn. And we will go to Faunalyn.
Cool. Tell me about the opening on his helmet. What opening? I guess. Is it like a solid thing? It appears to be a solid black iron helm. It's honestly such a good thing. Does anyone have heat metal? That would go so hard right now. it It's a good thing because my idea was that there is poison inside of me and if I throw up in his mouth, then... then there will be poison inside of him. So I was going to roll to baby bird him. And I'm honestly glad it hasn't come to that. Okay, what am I gonna do? I assume Faunalyn's parasol is in the carriage. I don't think she would leave it all the way at home. I think that's fair. Okay, I am going to, he's standing in the doorway.
I am going to deploy my parasol so that the umbrella part of it like blocks his face and his field of vision. And then I'm going to use the blunt end of my umbrella slash rapier. Like I'm going to unsheathe it and I'm going to hit him as hard as I can with the blunt end to try and knock him back so that we can escape more effectively. Okay. There's another door.
I know, yeah, there's no, well, if we can get him off of the carriage, then we can yah, yah, our way out of here. Got it. I'm gonna need a contested athletics check then. Oh, well, I'm not very athletic. I know. Can we make it a contested wisdom? Because you're still out of advantage. Robatics, if I do a flip first, if I throw in a cartwheel. This is a strength matter. You're trying to shove a man off of a carriage.
Oh my god, natural 20. A... Shit, you all not. For a total of? Oh, the 19. What? He rolls an 18 for a total of 22. No! God. You just smack him with the hilt and he jerks back for a second and then just slams his fist into the side of the carriage, stabilizing himself, punching a hole through it.
But does he take any damage because I hit him with my weapon? This was a shove attempt. Oh, yeah, I guess it was. Okay, I have many bonus actions now though, because I'm a little rogue. So theoretically, I would have to disengage to get away from him. He has used his reaction actually. No, he's not.
Doesn't even matter because I have cunning actions now, and I'm going to use my cunning action to disengage. Perfect. I will use my movement to crawl out the other... I'm leaving my parasol thing it like jammed in the doorway. He's gonna destroy it, but he can't see me go. So I'm going to zip out the other side of the carriage and then like crawl onto the roof and like lay flat. Okay, so you crawl up next to Clay, who is swatting at a thousand swarming locusts.
What my dresses color? My dress is black of fear, but it's also like roiling with the color of rage. I'm like, I fucking hate this guy. Let's get his ass and also bugs are gross and also my tummy hurts. And that's it for me. Okay. In that case, Clay Campbell, covered in bug. What are you doing? Is it an action to try to get the carriage to move?
I mean, okay, I'll give you a choice. Option one, you can just kind of smack a horse and ride a cowboy. See what happens. thank Or you can try and take control of the carriage, which will require your action to do so. So smacking the horse isn't an act.
I'd say that is just like trying to spur them into doing their own thing. Uh-huh. And you will not have any control over the vehicle. It'll just be careening forward wildly. I'm inclined to just let the horses do their thing and try to get a shot off at the butcher. Okay. So I'm gonna try to... Let me see what I can even do right now. I have nothing. No weapons? Got magic? Yeah. What does Guiding Bolt do?
It does damage, and then the next attack against the target will have advantage. Okay, I try to cast that on the butcher. Once again, not his name. Lowercase B. But that's fine. Oh, right. That is his name now. Okay. Yeah, I figured. Everyone who is against us, the butcher! That bitch capital B. Let's
So you fire off a Guiding Bolt? That's a spell attack, I believe, right? Yeah, what do I do? So you will make a d20 roll. And then it is 46 radiant damage. It is. It's how many? Four. Oh, hell yeah. Let's go.
So have patience while I roll this six, four times. I won't. Hurry the hell up. That's a six. Six plus three plus six plus four. So 19. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Not too shabby. Yeah. And does that certain that grants any attack?
towards him with advantage? I think so. The next attack against him. Next attack, yeah. Okay. Yeah. The next attack will mate against his target before the end of your next turn has advantage thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.
Amazing. So I'm going to say you blast him with this guiding bolt. He is illuminated by this light and you realize it is the fireflies on the path have just started to swirl around him. They've conjugated around and the shape of his helm is more readily visible, casting these shadows upon the ground. But something happens.
As this bolt makes contact, he explodes into a cloud of locusts and then reappears on top of the carriage, standing right in front of you. Oh, good lord. He's a shadow clone, but made out of locusts. That's great. Are you smacking a horse?
Yeah, I smack that horse even though he's on the carriage now. I say hold on tight. Okay, they will start to move at the start of the next round. Glimky. Yeah. You watch as this man that you are fending off suddenly just disappears. Uh-huh. You are left alone and the carriage, the horses rear up. It has not started to move yet, but you get the sense it will very soon start to move.
Okay, I'm gonna cast Speak with Animals because I have the spell. I know they've already been spurred with the Smack, but I'd like to just make it this much more clear to them what's at stake and simple ideas. What do you say? It'd be like, run if you want to live. Make a persuasion check. Let's go 18.
Well, I want to live very much. Me too. Then you better run the fastest you've ever ran in your life. Fastest I've ever ran? Leave it all on the road. Oh geez.
Cool, and then I'm gonna, can I shout up to the the other two? You can hear Glimpy from inside, shout, get on the horses. Oh, we're abandoning the... Get on the horses! Okay, hungry cool. Okay. Top of the initiative, the carriage begins to move. I am going to need Dexterity saving throws from Clay.
your attacker, and Faunalyn. But Faunalyn, because you specifically said you were just crawling up there and lying down, you will make yours with advantage. Nice. Oh, that's good. Okay, what's next? I got a 21. I got a 19.
The horses rear up with surprise and speed. These are big horses. They're towing a carriage, right? They're not a pony. They're not a rider. They're heavy horses. These are some heavy horses. And they rear up and start to take off with shocking speed. Fondland and Clay, you managed to grip on. Clay, you kind of just dig your walking stick into the top of this carriage. Stop yourself from sliding off. The noble Fondland Vedark.
Just grips on, death grip, doesn't go anywhere. Your attacker slides off the side. He just like gets jolted to the side and falls off. He manages to dig his pick into the, into the side of it. So he's now gripping onto the side, but he is more or less, he's like half dislodged as this carriage begins to disappear into the night. look The locusts, which we'll manage to keep up with you, are going to make another attack on rolling, that was me adding more dice to my pool. Okay, so like, hey, damn, that locusts can do damage.
You take 11 piercing damage as they continue to swarm around you and just actually start to pierce your skin in various spots in like a hundred different locations. Okay, I'm looking about the same as Fauna looks now. Oh. Yeah. Don't love that for you. Nope. You watch as this carriage starts to reel off into the night. Your attacker is gripped onto the side of it. He is going to take one big hand and just grab onto the side. With the other, he takes his war pick, and he holds it up in the air, and you watch as locusts begin to swarm and pull and gather around it, and he is going to extend it, and you watch as this insect lance goes flying out, attacking the first horse. No! That's the horses. They have voices and opinions. Yeah.
And they sound old and frail. You really hate horses, don't you? What is this, Zach? What's sick fantasy of pulling out? Yeah. What agenda? What do you want from me? Justice for horses. Yeah, they're not furries. They're real animals. They're real horses. Sixteen. it Just hates anything with fur.
The horse takes 16 piercing damage as these insects just start to bite and chew and tear it apart. It is still alive, but it is bleeding heavily. God damn. The second one is untouched, but if the horse dies, it's going to create some logistical issues for the movement of this carriage. I say the carriage could still move with only one horse, but it would be slower. Uh-huh.
And that is his turn. He's just gripping onto the side, shoots out this locust strike, and we go to Faunalyn. Get on the horses! ah Yeah, I don't know what I can do about all these bugs. Get on the horse. Get on the healthy I have a bag of drugs. Maybe they maybe could get them high. I don't even have anything to start a fire. Cause I'm like, bugs don't like smoke, right? if We could like smoke them out. Oh, I couldn't start a fire. I, you know what? Hmm. No, that's silly. Is there like a lantern on the carriage or anything like that? No.
Okay. No. Cool. I am going to... Yeah, sure. Why not? Yeah. Well... I will say yeah you have to look... give You know what? Give me a perception roll. We'll take a middling approach. Maybe yesterday. That is a 19. You look down at the body of Calston, Fattlefettle, the gnomish driver. He's mostly bones at this point. Oh.
but there's a whole lot of blood. You see poking through the viscera of this driver, a lantern, that he has collapsed upon. Okay, I plunge, without hesitation, I plunge my hand through the gore and rip out the, you made it see, you Zach, don't say, don't make that face. You said the, you said, it was through, you said, you said.
I like the imagery, keep going. I go through and I rip out this lantern so my hand is just dripping blood and I pull out the bundle of drugs and I throw it on the fire because it's like little leaves and stuff, right? So it's gonna burn a lot.
And i but it should be nasty fumes that might get us high. And I'm going to cover my mouth with one arm and like start swinging the lantern around. And that man is also on top of the carriage, right? He is hanging off the side. OK, I am going to stomp on his face. Not even, I mean, like yes, ideally I would just dislodge him, but really just because I don't like him and I want to step on his face. And then I'm going to vault onto the horse. It's a big turn for me.
So a couple of things. Technically, you if you were attacking him proper, you would have advantage. Okay. But this sounds more like you're just stomping on his pigs for flavor. No, no, no. I take it back. I use the sharp side of my sword this time and I try to stab him in the face. Okay.
So are we taking back the whole thing with the bug? Oh god no. answern That's happened. There's a fire. I've lit the beacon. feels That feels like your action. i would ah here and You're lighting it. You're filling it with drugs that warrant you're pulling out of your pocket. So I think you have to choose. so long Are we going for the smoke out option? or this I like the smoke out thing. I want to see how this plays out. It's way more interesting than just attacking him.
Yeah, you're right. smoke That sounds pretty cool. yeah Okay, but hear me out though. His helmet is made of wrought iron locusts, yeah? So it's like jaggedy and hooky? There's a few hooks. It's not like the iron throne, but sure. So I see his face there. Can I affix the lantern like straight onto his face? Just to smoke him out directly? I'll allow it.
But then I'll lose control of the lantern, which is less ideal, because I feel like on his turn he can just like put it out. yeah But he might get really high first. This is a very potent... I just did the equivalent of like shoving meth up his nose. More like heroin, but yeah.
Yeah like burning heroin. Nobody breathe. I'm gonna keep the lantern on me but as the final conclusion of my action I am gonna lean down

The Owlbear Encounter

and take like the biggest breath far away and then blow as much smoke directly into his face as I can.
Very cool. And then try to hop onto the horse. And I'm going to say some sassy thing. What shall I say? I'll say, um, care for a party favor, bitch. Then I try to hop onto the horse. So what I'm going to say is you are lighting up this drug thing, this, this, this bong, that this mid-shift bong.
like i am going tor
It was foreshadowing. So, I'm gonna say, as we've established, Blackleaf is a potent you are blowing smoke into the face of,
You are going to need to both make constitution saving throws. I will let you make yours with advantage. I did try to take care to keep my face away from it, so I appreciate that. Meanwhile. Sorry. let thats That was another nat 20. Okay, this is good. You managed to hold your breath. You don't get any into your lungs.
I'm going to say Clay and the Locusts are also gonna make one, but because they're not like right in front of it, you're on a carriage that's moving, it's going to be a lower DC. For both of you, no advantage or disadvantage, just a lower DC roll for you and the Locusts.
The locusts breathe. I don't know how locusts work. Okay. Bugs, Bugs aren't real, man. Do they yeah they get high, though? Bugs ain't real, dude. Yeah, can bugs get high? Are bugs cool like that? That's how beekeeping works. Oh, is that really S17? Okay. Sounds like you're making shit up. The smoke is drifting away from you. The carriage is moving. You do not suffer any ill effect. Unfortunately, the locusts being right on you, they also do not.
I'm now gonna roll for the attacker.
Wow, that is crazy. Please don't be a nat 20. No, it's just that the seven and the one look so similar, but it is a seven. oh Which means he fails. Whoo! Nice. For the foreseeable future, he is high off the effects of Blackleaf. And you watch as he immediately, his grip loosens, not enough to fall off.
but he's going to be making his checks with disadvantage for the foreseeable future. Nice. That's so good, guys. We could beat him now. Hell yeah. We should fight him now. No. We should, though, because he's just going to keep chasing us. We just got him high. He's disadvantaged on every attack roll. If you can like improv a shield out of something, we might be actually kind of good. But he can disappear into a cloud of flocus. Yeah, but he's high now. yeah I just keep blasting him with smoke. He's suited. I think we escape. Go buy some pesticide and come back. I don't know. i'm If we escape, there will still be someone called the butcher after us and he knows where I live. his name
that There will still be someone referred to as that bitch the butcher. It's what it says name now because we call them that yeah yeah exactly the pictureer You've not given us a name so, you know the bitcher says what he says nothing famous ba Clay it is your toin Yes. ah So how are we located on top of this carriage right now? If I want to cast Burning Hands to like set all of the locusts on fire, how do I aim it? So they're a swarm which are currently occupying your space, but you can definitely just lance out with a a blast of of fire and try and incinerate them. You can definitely do that. It's like a ah cone shape.
Yes. Can I also catch the attacker in that cone by aiming mostly at the locust? I would say you can catch him, but only if you also include funneling in your burst. Yeah, I'll just aim at the locust. It's all good. I'll try to catch as many of those on fire as I can.
Okay, sounds good. Okay, so I cast it. And is that a Dex save? Yeah, let's see. Each creature in a 15 foot cone must make a dexterity saving throw. Future takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save or half on a successful one. Okay, and sorry, you're just doing the locusts? Yeah.
It also ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried. So... Yes, it does. The good news is, the locusts fail, they're safe. Oh, okay. So give me a damage roll. Damage is 3d6? Yes. That's a 6, a 3, and a 3. It's a 12.
Hell yeah. Hell yeah. 12 fire damage. That burns up about half of the locusts. Just go up the flames. So the good news is about half the locusts are dead. The bad news is a lot of their burning bodies land on top of this carriage and you see little sparks begin to spread and smoke start to billow up from the top. That's okay. We want this.
Glimpy from inside the carriage, you smell burning wood. Yeah, we want this. Oh no. It's all part of the plan. It's all part of the plan. The carriage. Get on the horses. Can I also use my movement to get on the horse? Hell yeah. To just leap off the carriage onto the horse? Yeah. Okay. Any checks or can I just land on the horse? It's right in front of me. I think I'm gonna need a, not a big one, but an acrobatics check to try and maneuver on this uncontrolled carriage, hurtling through the night.
Oh, shit. Okay, I got a four. Uh-oh. Clay, you slip. And I'll say you don't completely fall off, but you slip and you get kind of caught up in the harnesses, so you are lying there being dragged along. You haven't fully fallen off, but you are on your back ripping onto to the harnesses to avoid falling under the wheels of this carriage.
Okay, Harness's lesson. I'm on the carriage or I'm on the horse now. You're like in the liminal space between. You are between okay you are being held up by that which is strapping the horses to the carriage. Okay, cool. Klimki. Seivu. Nice. Say it.
The tone change got me, Zach. Say it. Okay, what the hell? can i I'm gonna go out the door that he was originally standing on and sneak along the carriage to the side. If you look out that door, you see he is dangling.
a few feet away from you okay never my other door yeah you put your head outside nope no other door side of the carriage okay i want to sneak around and get to essentially where clay is like that mess of harnesses what connects the horses to the carriage okay are you going over the top or along the side i want like to go along the side i'm gonna need an athletics check oh is it easier to go over the top I'd say before it was a non-shoe. Oh yeah, Okay. Yeah, now that the carriage is moving, it takes additional mobility, additional strength to maneuver around this thing. Okay. But sure enough, yeah, you climb around and at one point you kind of put your feet on the wheels and you just run along that and then eventually you swing down and you are getting sprayed by mud and dirt from this horse that's running. Perfect. But you are where you want to be. Final is on the horse, right? Final is I think on the top still.
It's occurring to me that you did say, I want to run, but then we never got around to it. Yeah, we never wrapped around to it. We can say that I'm still on that. I did a lot that term. Okay. I would like to, can I do a quick look around to see what, how this mechanism works to detach the horses? Yeah. Give me an investigation role.
I got a 13. Okay, with a 13, you see that there's just a series of leather straps that are affixed to the carriage. So you reckon it could probably be cut relatively easily. If you were trying to preserve it, it would probably be a little harder to... carefully detach it, but definitely can be good. Okay, I would like to ready an action. who I want to like shout out to faunalyn over the sound of the horses in the carriage and now the starting of fires.
I need your sword and, again, get on the horses. And then, yeah, so my i get my ready action would be, I want to be prepared to, I guess, receive the sword if she either throws it or, yeah. Yeah, I'd allow you to catch and slice as ah as a held action. Okay, amazing. Anything else? That's it. I'm just perched up on these straps here waiting for the sword. At the top of the round,
Smoke continues to billow, some pieces of wood are definitely starting to burn. You see a couple of locusts collapse inside the remains of Calston and you just smell burning meat. And from the darkness, from closer than you would like,
It's out there? What's out there? Cracking branches as something is moving towards you very quickly. Oh my god. Oh my good god. The horses continue to run. One is definitely struggling a bit from the the strike it took, but they continue to run and with your persuasion or your guidance, Glimky, they're definitely moving along the path, staying on the path. They're in control of their facilities. Faculties? I have a way.
Hey, no, fuck you. These horses are in control of their facilities. They've got a spa, and they've got a gym, and they take good care of it. so I'm going to double down. They continue to run. The locusts that remain, you watch and fly right at the injured horse. As they leave, you may make an opportunity attack.
Okay, how do I do that? Just attack roll? Yeah, so you can make an attack roll and you have that walking stick, so if you want to use that. Yeah. And we will say that is functionally a club, which would be a D4 bludgeoning. Is that not the same as the action that I, ah the same weapon that I already have on the club? I believe you have a, don't you have like a Morningstar or an Amace? Amace would be like a D6, a club is a D4.
Yeah, it's slightly not as good. It's truly the dagger of walking sticks. Uh-huh. Do I add anything to my attack? You would add your... Are you proficient with simple weapons? Yes. So you would add your strength and your proficiency bonus. So that is a plus three, right? Proficiency is a plus two and strength is plus one? Yeah. Yeah, then yes. I rolled a 10. It's a 10. You needed a 12. So, wait, 10 total? Yeah, 10 total.
All right. I was doing a triumphant version where it's like, you needed a 12 and you got it. I thought you got a 13. Nope. But unfortunately you swing at this swarm as it leaves and you maybe hit a couple with your stick, but not enough to make an effective indent on their numbers. And they are going to attack the injured horse. Vanallen, you look down at this guy.
And you see that his grip is a little loosened, he's swaying slightly, but he is looking directly at that horse as the locusts make their move. And they are going to attack.
And they are going to hit. Now, fun thing about swarms, when you reduce their health, they do less damage. So it's doing half as much damage as when it attacked you. The bad news is, I think there's about a one in 16 chance of the horse living.
I wouldn't bet on that horse. haha And you watch as the locusts just start burrowing into its already exposed wounds, and it screams and collapses. The momentum of the carriage continues forward, and I'm going to need everybody, everybody except for Glimkey, we'll say.
to make another dexterity saving throw as the carriage just violently jerks and rolls over what was previously towing it. I got a 13. 22. I'm rolling hot tonight. Yeah, this is much better than your five natural ones. Yeah.
Everybody manages to hold on. As this carriage violently jerks up, the straps are pulled loose, and now suddenly the one horse is pulling it. It's kind of a little thing, and immediately the speed decreases. It's still moving, but there's definitely a reduction in speed. And we go to the attacker, who is going to climb up onto the carriage and then attack Faunalyn. Cool.
As I mentioned, he is swaying ever so slightly. His movements look a little slower, and he's going to attack you at this advantage doesn' eighteen corsetta with it does. With disadvantage. Yes. What the heck? They rolled like an 18 and a 19. Yikes. Yikes. Okay, I'm gonna drop, guys. No, no, no, you're good. We'll see.
Phonolin is going to drop as you take 16 piercing damage. Oh, shit. Yeah, I do drop. Your beautiful new dress ruined. Ruined? Ruined. How? As one-piece style, we have a sort of a monochrome backdrop, and we just see the shadow of Phonolin get pierced through by this warp head. Oh, no. Shit.
You try and scream, but you find yourself unable to make any noise. And he lifts up a heavy boot and just pushes you off the pick and your body collapses on top of the carriage. And we go to Fondlin. The good news is no death saves so far because it resets. Okay. I have to roll a new one, right? Yes, sir. I rolled an eight. Okay.
Is Cure Wounds range? Or do you still have a spell slot for that? It's touch, I think. Yeah, it's touch. Okay. Cute. Yeah, you don't have healing work. I have aid. That will hit all of us, I think. Does aid hit everyone? What does aid do? It's five, ten, eight. Three creatures within 30 feet. Each creature's hit point maximum and current hit points increases by five for the duration. So does that bring her back up?
I would bring her back up to five. Does it hit me as well? You can choose up to three creatures after you'd be a creature within range. I could cast that. That's my last second level spell slot though. Glimky shouts at you, just get her up, trust me. Okay, okay. Is it my turn? It is your turn. I cast aid. Thanks buddy. We all have 5 HP extra now, which is also good for me.
Okay, so you reach up, utter off, I'm guessing, just a an urgent prayer to McCrogg. Am I clutching the pendant? Yeah. And this blue flame just bursts forward, illuminating just for a second, yourself, Glimkey and Fonlin.
The puncture wound in her abdomen, you watch as it at least partially closes. And Phoneline, you are able to scream after all. Cool, how much do I get back?
Five. Five. Everyone gets five. Okay. Okay. Can I use the rest of my turn to, cause I'm still on the hard. Yeah. I'm going to scramble up onto the good horse and I don't know, maybe keep one hand on Glimp Key so he doesn't fall off either. Okay. Do you want to give me an athletics check to try and pull yourself up out of this position? Clay's not very athletic. Oh, that's good. 19.
You wrench a hand up, pray to McCrog, fire burst forth, and then you just continue the momentum and grab onto the horse. Glimky, you hear it say, hey, mind the merchandise. yeah This is not totally the time horse. And you managed to continue your movement and pull yourself up onto the horse. Oh shit. Glimky. It's Yoitoin.
Oh, God. Wait. did Oh, you took an action. Yeah. Oh, man. Oh, what do we do? What do we do? How far is the gap between the top of the carriage and the horses? Mm. When we say the top, we mean like the riding portion. Yeah. Like where Faunalyn is. Yeah. Ten feet away, maybe. OK. Damn. OK. Like but between five and ten. But I think for Gamesmanship 10.
He's gonna climb back up next to Faunalyn and I'm gonna grab the handle of your sword over your hand. I'm gonna look at you and say, do you trust me? coughs up blood. Yeah, you can have the sword. Nice. Get on the fucking horse. And then I'm gonna ready in action for the wait for fondling to navigate over the harnesses to then I guess jump and try to cut these straps. Okay. And then just in case I need a little extra HP so I don't go down, I'm gonna lay on hands myself back to full HP. Okay. Not too shabby.
Plus five. Plus five. Looking pretty strong, looking ready to take a hit. Yeah, and that's it. I take the sword from Faunalyn, turn her towards the horses.
Whisper over your shoulder, get on the fucking horse. You take the sword and from the darkness, boom, boom, boom.
And leaping out of the trees is a colossal figure, much larger than Gus, with the body of a bear covered in feathers in the face of an owl. And it is going to attack the horse. Fuck off.
The dying one, right? I'm dying one's dead. Get on the horse. Oh, you want me to get on the horse. You And that is a natural 20. Ah, wait. Can I, is it attacking me on the horse or just the horse? It is attacking the horse. ah As you know, these elders having a ah taste for horse. Right. Right. Right. Right. But with a natural 20, I rolled a one end of two on the damage.
So the horse is injured, but not quite bloodied. And then after this initial strike, the horse kind of stumbles, this creature is keeping pace.
And it looks at you, Clay, and it's going to make a claw attack. know Can I, let me see what is there that I can do. I have something called warding flare and I also have something called hellish rebuke that I can do when someone attacks me. So warding flare. Gives them disadvantage. When you're attacked by a creature, you can use your reaction and pose disadvantage on the attack roll. Cool. And hellish rebuke, I get to hit them back. If they hit you, then you get to hit them back with damage.
Okay. Do I do both or just one? You can only do one. it is it Yeah, it uses your reaction. So you have to choose between the two. I'm just going to give him disadvantage. Okay. Come on, Clay.
does a 15 hit. Yeah, because I have 10. No. The lack of armor has proven to be a problem, as it turns out. Yep. Yeah, it's a problem. And no weapons. Yeah. Clay Campbell. Fuck. You take 20 slashing damage. 20?
I rolled almost minimum damage on the light attack as it punctured the horse's side with its beak. I rolled almost minimal damage. It really was going after me. On the claw attack, I rolled almost max damage.
yeah uh he's trying to kill us the claw grazes clay and she gently falls asleep on the horse oh no just a little nap is that 22 20 total 20 you have less say did you take damage or i guess locusts yeah right i had i healed myself five and i was at i think 16 so now i'm down yet. Yeah, I rolled real high on that. You watch as the bear just rises up and just rakes its claws, its talons really, across clay, shredding this servant's attire. Madam Favelman is going to be bereft, but better than bereaved.
And you slump into, there's no saddle, but you just slump atop this horse and you don't fall off. but you are slowly sliding. Okay. You are still there for now though. We go top of the order. The horse is very worried about this aloe bear and is going to continue trying to outpace it. But you quickly see that with this carriage attached, it is going to be a difficult process. fish I think the remaining locusts are going to go after the second horse.
No. often There's a dead horse that still has a lot of flesh on it. Oh, they don't care about that. ah Oh, shit. Are you able to speak to the owl bear? I can try. Is it a small creature? No, I have speak with animals cast right now. Technically, are not an animal. And not small ones like this. I can. Yeah. cause i guess these yeah okay my My passive one is small. Okay. The locusts roll a natural one.
Yeah, locusts are swirling around trying to get at this horse, but there's an owl there there, and it's slamming its claws around as it runs along, snapping at a few of them, biting a few out of the air. They do not get an attack off. Uh-huh. Glimpkey. The helmed figure looks down at you. He towers over you. He's more than twice your height. And he looks down at you. I'm a hard big guy. And in your head,
You hear, I will silence you. No one else hears that. And he raises up his war pick and slams it down on you. Yeah. GG gang. Yeah. Yeah. It's over. Glimky does a 12 hit. Yes. You're at pretty good health. We know this. We know this.
That was with disadvantage. What do you all think is an acceptable plus two hit? Let's just, let's just think about that for a second. I don't need answers, just a little thought experiment. And Glimky, you are going to take 16 piercing damage. Nice. I assume you're still up though? Oh, hell yeah. And I'm going to need a constitution saving throw. Oh, 18 plus two, 20. Once again, the world goes quiet.
The only thing that echoes in your brain is this creature's message. And then, hold sound comes rushing in, you smell burning, and you see that this carriage is going up in flames. And it is Faunalyn's turn. The carriage is going up in flames. Glimpy just got shanked. Clay is passed out on a horse. i have not I have nothing to heal Clay with. What is the owl bear up to?
I promise you, get on horse. You see, the owlbear is running along and it is nuzzling at Clay's pocket. Clay's, the ceviche, oh Clay put the ceviche in the pumpkin, Clay put the ceviche in the pocket, yeah ah! Okay, and on okay, so okay, okay, okay. I am going to use my bonus action to reach into my shirt and I'm gonna say, sorry, fallow, and I rip out the ceviche and I fling it at the owlbear, and I like, yeah, I just throw it at the owlbear's face as best as I can, splattering it with hot ceviche. Then I would like to use my action to pick up the lantern that had fallen, and the bad guy is standing in front of me. I want to upward swing the lantern so that it cracks and smashes underneath his helmet, hopefully filling the gap between his helmet and neck with ashes and smoke. I don't even care what happens. I'm hoping to disfigure this guy. I hate him.
I'm like, let's just hope an ember gets lodged in there and burns his stupid face off. And then I will use my movement to get on the horse. Okay, wait. Let's roll some dice. Let's roll some dice. Those are my three. Yes. That is what I will... That is on the agenda. And now let's proceed. So you reach into your bodice and pull out this damp crow meat.
I'm going to need you to make a dexterity throw as you try and... I will say either animal handling or like some sort of dexterity-based check where you try and get this crow to the owlbear, distracting it from your friend, Clay. Okay, sleight of hand maybe? Dex-based? Or just straight-up dex saving throw? I think just dex. Not saving throw, just like a dexterity check. Okay. Oh, just to straight-up dex? Straight-up dex would be 16.
You held this creature in the side of the head and it immediately stops. The carriage goes rushing past and the last you see of it, at least for now, is it hecking at the crows of each piece is on the ground. Excellent. That's so cute. Cute! It just killed you!
And I wish I could have witnessed it because it's so cute. Sounds adorable. Next, I'm going to have you make an attack roll with this lantern. Do I have advantage because he's high? um And are we flanking? Not flanking. I will say sure. I'll give you advantage though from the drugs. That's right, drugs are cool kids.
That was a nine. Do you know sometimes when the dice like rolls in slow motion and it like pivots on an edge and then falls to a better side? The stranger thing. So I rolled a nine, re-rolled with my advantage. It's stranger thing, it like was looking like a three and then it plonked onto a 19. So that is a, whatever I'm adding to that, unarmed strike maybe, dirty 20. The lantern shatters on his head. It doesn't really do much damage.
We'll say it does a d4 damage, so you can roll that real quick. Plus your strength. Sure. That wasn't the point. The point was to fill his mouth with noxious smoke and effort. Oh, I know. That's just an added benefit. That's a one. Hell yeah. Wasn't this one? That's a one minus one zero. Nice. It just shatters on his helmet. Shatters and you hurt your wrist a little bit. The next thing is he is burst into flame as the lantern shatters and the oil is released and he is ignited.
nice Good. Fuck yeah. Hell yeah. It's not gonna look so pretty at the next party. Is that all fondling cares about? I think this guy's actually really well dressed. So he's gonna take five fire damage as he is ignited and he is on fire actively. It'll take an action to put himself out and he'll continue to take fire damage until he does so. Hell yeah. The last thing is he will make one more constitution saving throw.
Oh, because of the drugs. More drugs. More drugs. More drugs. For him. And he was swaying before his movements were somewhat slowed but still packing a punch. He is moving in slow motion. We can kill him, guys. He's double high. that's He's double high. There's more owl bears. there're Let's bring him with us.
Are you going to the horse? I look at Gleamkey and I say, keep it on the fucking horse. We need, Clay's gonna fall off. I say, all i ran of fun over her exactly like I'm getting on the horse, but don't throw away the chance to end this. And I hop onto the horse and try to grab Clay properly. Yeah, I'll say you don't need to make a check for that. Well, you need to make a check to get onto the horse. We'll need an acrobatics check.
Oh, I'm rolling so well today. That's 18 plus three is 21. You jump off just full leap. He doesn't make a reaction because his senses are so dulled. And you land on the horse and just grab onto Clay and just kind of jerk him back into position. There are now two of you on this horse. Cool. We can kill this guy. He's double high.
And he's gonna come after us again. Everybody on the carriage is going to take a D6 fire damage. Fuck. Which is just one. Alright. And it is Glimpy's turn. Fuck. Oh man.
shit. Clunky drops down onto like I guess the carriage seat that's like right next to where all the connections are. Having listened to Faunalyn say don't throw away the chance I'm gonna look at you and be like if this goes south it's on you and I'm gonna cut the ropes free so you guys can run away.
Make a attack for me please. Okay. You got a 16. 16 is enough. Give me a damage roll. What's your rape here? Is that d6 or d8? Assuming you have proficiency with it is plus five to hit, one d8 plus three damage. So it's yeah, d8 plus your dex. Or is it's actually it's finesse, right? So. Finesse. Yeah. I mean, you can use strength or dexterity. It's your choice. Okay, nice.
Not amazing, I got four damage. A rapier is not a cutting, slashing weapon. It is a piercing weapon and you are working with an imperfect tool and the leather holds on by a thread. It is not quite the test. You're just like down there trying to stab it or cut it and its it's so close, but it is just not enough. Anything else you want to do? I mean, what else can I do here?
I mean, I guess, I guess not. It's anticlimactic because I can't really do anything else, unfortunately. That is unfortunate. Clay, I'm going to need a death save from you.
okay 17. Okay, that's one success. The owlbear happily hoots in the distance. Does not pursue you. You are slowly losing it. The horse continues to run. And I'll say the locusts continue to attack this horse. They shoot no further instruction. This is what they do. And they hit.
There aren't many of them left. They don't do much damage. but the horse is slowly getting picked apart. And he says, mind the merchandise. ah ah You use that one already. I'm in a great deal of pain.
And it is the attacker's turn. Bring it. He is dragging his war pick behind him. And with a single hand, he is just going to not even lift it above his head, just kind of spin and just throw it at you. with Not physically throw it at you. Let's be clear. Just, you know, just spin and throw his body weight into the strike. It'll be with disadvantage and it'll be doing less damage than it otherwise would. Come on, man. on, man. on, man.
first is a natural 20 nice hell yeah the second is an 11 god damn oh my god he's double high which is why his damage is halved okay nice hell yeah and you take nine piercing damage. Oh, easy. Are you alive? Hell yeah, dude. With what, one HP? Nah. What are you talking about? She's okay, you two. Bro, um I'm like so good. He is going to take- I'm so healthy. I'm starting to think you're not so healthy, but he takes an additional six fire damage because he has not taken the time to put himself out. Dumbass.

Fire and Survival Tactics

And it is Faunalyn's turn.
cool i'm gonna do something so cool i' am going to Stabilizing Clay would be an action, yeah? Correct. And Clay has failed one death save? No, I succeeded on one. Oh, you succeeded on one death save? Oh, thank God. Okay, this this makes me feel a lot better about not doing anything to help. The only thing I could do is stabilize you this turn, but you succeeded, so I'm not gonna do that. What I am gonna do... And stop her from falling off. Okay, yeah, I'm holding Clay. What I am gonna do, though, is I'm gonna rear the horse and turn it around, and I'm going to reach into Clay's pocket... Still attached to the carriage.
Oh, I thought it was not. Oh, that's fine. Okay. No, no, no, no, no. It's not yet. That's fine. I'm going to slump Clay forward and kind of like tuck her arms into the horse's bridle or something so that they're kind of secured. And I'm reaching into Clay's pocket, grabbing the ceviche and running back up the carriage and shoving it into Malphurth's pocket. And then I'm going to try to push him off the carrot. What? I'm lacing him with ceviche and throwing him off the carriage to let the owl bear get him.
Give me an acrobatics check to start as you jump back onto the carriage. Okay. Oh, it's so bad. That's, that's a nine. No, we made it this far.
I like this plan. We're not going to beat this guy. i'm telling he's brought yeah we have We've done maybe 15 damage to this guy. He's knocked. He's probably stacked with health. I agree. We're not going to beat him. Let the owlbears beat him. But feeding him to the owlbear would be so poetic. Right? You throw yourself off the horse.
Before, you were going against the direction of Moonkitt. You had to throw a little weight behind your jumps. This time, the carriage is moving out from under you. You make it, but you overshoot a bit, almost sailing off the back. You come tumbling to a stop, you roll past him, taking three fire damage as you land on the burning carriage. Oh, forgot it was on fire.
Yep. ah And you can take the rest of your turn. I'll say you've used um you use up all of your movement by getting up and getting to him. Cool, I'm going to shove the ceviche into his pants pocket, and then I'm going to say, i mean I'm gonna say, I'm like hacking up, I'm like coughing up blood, I'm like on fire, but I'm like, you're the amuse-bouche now, bitch! And I don't think I have the economy to push him, right? Off the carriage?
Probably not, but I will need a sleight of hand check to try and stick the ceviche on him in a way that sticks. Here's the thing. It's hot meat. It's very cold now. If I miss, I can just smear him with ceviche. Yep. It's not... I'm cold! The carriage is on fire! It's smoking. Okay, yeah. It's over you.
With a chilled ceviche in it! Ceviche's cold! Ceviche's short for two hours! It was a hot booze! mr Rest so warm! Perhaps you've never touched them! You're right! They're turning on me, they're turning on me, they're turning on me! Make a sleight of hand, Jack. Clay runs hot. It was in her pocket, so... Yeah! That's a 15! Just mere the warm ceviche! I just shove it in his pocket. With a 15, the ceviche is cold, but you do manage to stick it on his person.
You know what, I actually think it's more fun if I shove it down his pants into his ass, crack. Yeah, sure. Yeah, okay. He is this menacing man, but sure enough, you rip back his cloak and just stick Saviche in his pants.
As opposed to me. As opposed to me. I have yet to have I used my bonus action. We're just making up things because I've not i have not had a traditional turn this whole combat. Can I cunning action disengage? You can, but you have no movement left. I have no movement left. OK, then a cunning action dash. And I am going to gamble the ah does he even get a reaction? He's so high.
So far, he is not. I'm having him roll to see if he gets a reaction each turn. Okay. He might get one. It's not a guarantee. He might get one. Yeah. I'm dashing away. I have two hit points. I think, I think staying on the burning carriage will surely kill me. We think might not. He gets a reaction.
oh He makes an attack of opportunity. ah huh Disadvantage. We're so dead now. AC is too low. What is your armor class? My AC is 13 today. Wow, that's so high. compar to Yeah, I'm wearing a corset. It's true. It's reinforced. He gets a 14. You enjoy this too much. I'm saddened.
and you drop. Okay. but How much damage did he deal? I mean, he cannot not drop you, but if you would like a specific number. If it's less, if it's 23. So you try and sprint away off of this carriage, and he makes contact with you for seven piercing damage. Oh lord, okay. I dropped. Oh yeah, we already knew I was dropped. As long as it wasn't 22 and I was perma-dead.
Why would you say that? Why would you say that? Clay is unconscious. Following's unconscious. And on fire. It's all up to you, Glimky. Glimky, you are the last man standing. But first, it is Clay's turn and you're going to need a ah second death saving throw.
That's a nat 20. No! Am I back up? Do I stabilize myself? Is that how it works? With a nat 20, you regain one hit point. And a fun fact about death saving throws is that they take place at the beginning of your turn, which means you still get your entire turn. So you're... Clay's back in the game, baby. Let's go. good oh holy Holy shit. Okay, so I get to go now.
You get to go now. You are on the back of a horse. You see that your side is bleeding heavily. Your jacket is torn to shit. Your ceviche is all gone. But you are alive. I feel the lack of the weight of the ceviche in my pocket so keenly. like What do I even do? Do I see that Faunalyn is down?
and that the attacker is still on the carriage. Yep, I'd say you look over your shoulder and immediately take stock of the situation. Okay, so we're trying to knock him off, right? Is there anything I can do that will knock him off with the carriage? You could climb back onto the carriage. No. You could heal yourself for any of us. it' yeah I think ah the only thing I could do is just heal myself this turn.
So that's my last spell slot also. So I won't be able to do anything else for the rest of this combat. Can you cut yourself free? You do have Channel Divinity if you want as well. You've got Radiance of the Dawn. That's an action to do.
That would be an action, yeah. That would be a more offensive move. Obviously would not help me. Cut yourself free.
I'm gonna heal myself this turn, and then yeah if it if if you can't drop him, then I will do that next. Okay. Okay. It's not a spell slot, right? To lose the turn of the movie? No, it is its own clue. Its own resource pool. Okay. Okay, so I get 1d8 plus 3d8. Let's see what that is.
You can use it once per short rest. Okay, I get nine HP back. Ten. I'm back at ten. Wow, you're so healthy now again. Yes, yes. I'm so healthy. Okay, anything else, Clay? I'm gonna stay on the horse. I think that's a good call.
Are we trying to disconnect the horse from the carriage still or no? I was trying, but now Faunalyn's here.
So I won't, I won't do that. I'm just not yet. Not yet. Okay. Wait till I get on. Just kidding. Just kidding. Glimky would never. Faunalyn. Yep. You fail a death save. Oh, cause of the fire. Fuck. Cause the carriage is burning. Glimky, you will take four fire damage.
It's easy. Along with your attacker. Please don't be down. Nah, easy dude. Easy. Amazing. Keep saying easy. I'm starting to think it might be easy. Nah, easy dude. And it is Glimky's turn. Let's go. Okay. Fallen's doing a lot of fucking gambit-y shit. Can I pull one of the cushions off the seat and use a makeshift shield? I'm not asking for plus two, plus one at max. Fun. I love that.
I'll allow it. Yes. I'm close to the distance. I'm going to hit this motherfucker. All right. What are you hitting him with? The rapier. The rapier, right. 14 plus 4, 18. Give him to me. Yes. That hits. Yes, good. 7 plus 2, 9. And because I'm holding a shield, I made an attack. I can use my bonus action to shove him 5 feet.
Yes! That's so genius! Oh my god! Is that contested or does he just get shoved back five feet? As a bonus I need to try to try to shove, so contested. So, contested athletics check, he will make this with disadvantage. His first die was a 17. Wait, disadvantage?
Second one was a total of eight. Yes! Yes, dude! Yes, okay. Gunki steps over Phonel and slashes him across the chest with the rapier. And then with the cushion makeshift shield, he's gonna just drop his shoulder into his midsection and just push as hard as he can to try to knock him off the side of the carriage. Normally, I would let him, he would get a so ah check to try and grab onto the side as was the case earlier.
But I'm going to say this man, as we know, is double else you want to do?
Ah, well I use everything. Bonus action, action. You've got some movement still, I'd say. Climb back onto the horse. Ah, like, it would be nice to, like, get funneling out of the fire, but I don't know how I can do that. Not with movement, I guess, unless I can use a free action to, like... Pull her. Pat her down or something, but...
yeah i'd say you could pull her just like five feet maybe with the movement you have left so probably not enough to get her out of the flame but to the edge of the carriage damn like not into like the rain's like the hardest area not not enough movement for that damn so we wouldn't have any of our like i wouldn't even have like a water skin i guess that would be like maybe inside the carriage you were like oh it might be nice to have a drink later Damn. I didn't bring any of my stuff either, right? I was gonna ask if I still have Tildi's magic potion on me. I think probably not. I think you were like, yeah we're not going to be fighting for our lives. We're going to a party. Yeah. Okay. Well, yeah, I don't think I can do anything else, unfortunately. Sorry, Faunalith.
But do you drag her? Yeah, I'll drag her to the edge, for sure. Like, I'll pull as far as I can get. Thanks. Yeah. So, Glimky, you run forward, grabbing a cushion, plow into this guy, sending him flying out football tackle style. And then you start sprinting back towards the horse, grabbing Faunalyn as you go, pulling on her wrist. And that is your turn. From behind the carriage.
um Oh, let's go. And you watch as the Owl Bear comes careening through the trees and is going to make two attacks against him with advantage because he's prone. And he's prone. He's fallen, yes. We'll connect with the beak.
Clay is like leaned around the carriage staring at this. Second attack, we'll connect with the claws. Nice, nice, nice. I've generally not felt this kind of anxiety. I know. This has been such a fun fight. He takes 11 damage.
from the beak as this owlbear just rears back and plows its beak into his pants, into his, like, his hip. Off his ass. Is that my phrasing? i The second attack you see would hit for 12-inch, but he does have a certain ability that you saw earlier. Oh no. One called Locust Shift.
and you watch as the alibear rears up and closet him. And it connects, and it hurts. But as it makes contact, he bursts into a cloud of locust. You see the swarm that is plaguing your horse is going to immediately detach itself from the horse. They're chewing out of it, they're biting out of it, the horse is screaming, and they immediately fly back and join him, and you watch as this cloud of locust just swirls around the alibear and then starts to fly away into the air.
Ceviche is dropped all around the bear and he starts hacking at it. So he is escaping. I can't let him go, right? I don't think we have a choice. I don't know what we can do, yeah. I'm unconscious. I actually think we have less than 15 total HP between all three of us. I have no spells left. And Clay's got 10 of those HP. Yeah, exactly.
You watch as, on his turn, the locust swarm that he has become just starts to slowly lift up into the air. You see this cloud reflected against the two moons in the sky above you. The bear stands up on its hind legs like ah like a like a bear trying to raid a honeycomb or a honey a beehive. He's swatting at locusts, knocks a few out of the air. You hope he feels that as he drifts away like a cloud upon the night.
He does not appear to pursue you though. It seems that you did enough that he wanted to get out of here. Tell me this, I hate to go back in time and be a little rules lawyer when this has been the least rulesy fight of my entire career. But did he use his reaction to locust shift? Hadn't he used his reaction previously within the round to ah get me? Because I had not had a turn yet, which means he has used his reaction this round. To opportunity attack? To opportunity attack me.
You are technically correct. With six extra damage, which is what he would have taken, he is still alive and the rest proceeds as as described. yeah Six fewer locusts. But I will account for that on his damage sheet. As he bursts into a cloud of locusts, flies away, funneling, it is your turn. You are on a burning carriage. I need a death save.
Yeah, somebody you do something about that please. Uh, that's an 11. Okay, that is one success and one failure if I am counting at home. I believe you are. Clay, Glimky is dragging Faunalyn towards you. You see the the attacker seems to have disappeared. I reach back and try to, like, receive Faunalyn from Glimky. Can I do that?
If he makes an attempt to pass her on to you, you can he will do so with her bandage. We'll call this an assist or help action. Is it my action to receive her or can I also stabilize her this turn? It would be an action to help. Okay. Is it movement to like get to where she is and just stabilize her right away? It would require you leaving the horse, yeah. You can stay on the horse and try and help Blinky get her off. I have to get out of the fire.
Or you can go and try and help them out. You have HP, they do not, admittedly. But it's up to you how you want this to proceed. But we're all we're trying to stay on the horse, right? So I guess... ah Well, now I think. I guess maybe, I don't know. It's still on fire. It's still on fire, yeah. um Is the locust swarm within 30 feet? It has departed. It's fully gone.
As he was knocked off and attacked by this bear, they rushed to his side, and he joined with the swarm. I mean, like, is the dude with the swarm, like, you said he was in the sky somewhere, but... Oh yeah, he's well over there. It's way off. yeah Then I do nothing, I guess. I prepare to receive Vanallen if Gwenki wants to pass her to me. Okay, so you take the help action.
I'm gonna die. You're gonna die. I'm actively dying. Yeah. we We'll be dead together this time. How much fire damage do I take? Fonwyn makes a death save. Guys, it's getting dire, guys. I know. Glimky takes three fire damage. Oh, Bitch. Is he down? Yeah.
Oh my god. Okay, so I do have to go and grab one. Me first though, me first though. Yes, yes, yes. It is Glimky's turn. Yeah. I need a death save. Bruh, easy.
I should have climbed back onto the carriage.
It's an 18, it's an 18. What the... Fire really fucks this up. Yeah. Hanlon, you are at two fails, two successes. If you are still in the fire, after Clay's turn, you will be dead. Clay, I am begging you. And it is Clay Campbell's turn.
Okay, I turn around, I got climb back up to where Faunalyn is.
I... ...stabilize her. Okay, do you have any healing magics left? Nope, I am completely out of everything. Okay, I'm going to give you a choice. As a free action, you can slow the horse down,
thus making it easier to climb back onto the carriage in Minister First Aid, but making it easier for any attackers or owlbears to catch up with you. Or you can let the horses continue to run or the horse continue to run at full speed, but it'll be harder for you to get back there.
god Do you want me dead, Zach? I'm gonna slow the horse down because the Albert took so long eating the ceviche the first time. I feel like we've got a few rounds of him packing at the ceviche that's been in someone's ass, so...
oh So you pull on the reins and the horse is like the horse, uh, glimkey. I guess you don't hear anything. He would have said something poignant, but unfortunately you're unconscious and you just hear him nay, but it seems like with the merchandise he says for the. um It seems like because he's no longer being plagued by locusts, there's no longer an Alabair actively trying to eat him.
he does not require an animal handling check to slow down. He slows down, maybe not to a complete stop, but enough that you can more easily climb over. So I'm gonna have you make either an athletics or an acrobatics check to get back to the carriage, but it's going to be a very low DC because you slowed him down. Okay, but I'm still very bad at this stuff.
Okay, that is a seven plus one. You needed a five. If you hadn't slowed them down, you would have fallen. Good, good, good, good. So you narrowly avoid just spinning around on this horse, jumping back onto the carriage. It's slowing down. There's still some momentum, but you land there, ready to go. And you attempt to stabilize faunalyn? Yeah, ah attempt. It is a medicine check to do so. If you do not have any spell slots to administer, it is a medicine check. Or like a med kit or whatever.
My medicine is plus five, so... Oh, hell yeah, come on. It's a D20. D20 plus five. I'm so nervous though. 13 plus five. Let's go. 18. You manage to stamp out the flames, the parts of her dress that are burning, you rip away. This dress is so ruined, it's so sad. Her skin is covered in burns, her wig is destroyed.
I don't know. But she is no longer actively dying. With your remaining movement, what would you like to do? ah Is she still on fire? Like, if I leave her where she is, is she just going to die again next time? She will start dying again. She'll go back into the death saves on her turn. Well, when the fire kicks off.
Am I able to haul her, like, out of the fire completely onto the horse? I think you can. It'll require a check, but I think you can. Okay, well, I'm gonna try. Okay. Give me a strength check. Strength? None of this is good for me. Okay, seven. Yeah, we're we're all dying.
We fall off the horse. We won the fight. With a seven, there is still this heat. There's this flame. Your hands are sweating. You have tiefling. You are a tiefling. You've got this tiefling blood. I'm resistant to fire. You are resistant to fire. um I'll let you make this check with the bandage as a result. One more try. Come on, I've been rolling so shit on these checks. That's a 14 plus one, 15.
You start to sweat, and you're having a hard time gripping, but you realize it's not the flames, it's the tension of it.
And you calm yourself. The flame is not your enemy. It is the holy symbol of your god, and you grab her, and you throw her onto the horse. Linki remains in the fire, but
Faunalyn seems like she's going to be okay. wo Okay. One down, one to go. Clay's going to switch careers into fireman next.
Glimky takes a death save. Fail. You take fire damage and you fail one save. And now I need you to make a death saving throw. Sick.
Oh, nice. Ten. Ten is enough. home What are you at now? Two? Two and one. Two? Oh, two fails? One success? No, two successes, one. Okay, okay, okay, okay. The alibar, just at the periphery of your sight, off back on the path that's been winding through these woods, eats the last of the ceviche and starts to gallop after you.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Glunkie, do you still have ceviche on your person? Oh, I must. Yeah. I must. I'm going to find it. I can't get it. Fuck. Annalyn, you are stable but unconscious, which means it is Clay's turn. Okay, I sta i try to stabilize Glunkie as well. Okay, give me a medicine check. I'm still next to him, right? Yeah.
Oh shit, 11. 11 is enough. Oh yes, okay. He is stabilized and I assume you're trying to move him off of the... Yeah, I chuck him at Not at her, but like next to her on the horse. Make another strength check.
17 with that red. You grab Glimky by his jacket and just lift him up under your arm and I'll say just jump onto the horse. Okay, I'm going with the next one. Three of you are on the horse. Okay. The problem is the carriage is really starting to drag. Okay. It is burning. It is falling apart. The horse is getting tired. This is a two horse operation. There's only one horse.
It's getting tired. The owlbear is gaining. Okay, but are they both awake now? They're both stable, but unconscious. Oh, so they don't get one HP back? No. Not until they receive healing. Okay. Is it my turn again they or do they don't do anything? It is back to you. Yep, the carriage is burning. Fortunately. The owlbear is caught up with the carriage, I'd say.

A Daring Escape

Can I... Okay, I want to do several things. I want to take the rate... Like, can I unlatch the carriage as a bonus? That would be an action. And so yeah, the fasteners are on the horse. You can... Now, if you recall, Glimpy was trying to cut through them. What's easier, I guess, check to do. Unlatch it or finish cutting through the ropes.
I would say the fastening point, because you're on the horse, the only really accessible fastening point is on the carriage, so you'd have to crawl back over there to detach. So I'd say if you have an attack you can make, that would be best. Okay, I'll reach behind me and slash the ropes with Faunalyn's rapier or whatever sharp object. Sure. You grab the sword and you can slash at it. Yeah, I do that. So it's just an attack? You can attack roll. Add your strength or your dexterity.
Do I have proficiency? This is a rapier, so it is not a simple melee weapon, so you will not have proficiency. Okay, but I don't have anything else sharp on me, right? Do I have a dagger? I don't think so. You were going to a party. I wouldn't have brought it. I should just say I'm always gonna keep a dagger on me in the future. I think we learned a lesson here. Yeah, you never disarm ourselves completely. What is that? 12 plus one, 13.
The party is never are just a party. Wives. Thirteen. Give me damage. Yes, okay. What is the damage with her rapier? Two d6, you said? D8 plus your strength. So plus one. Oh my god. I rolled a one. So one plus one, two. Two damage.
It had one HP. Good. Oh, ah you mean I almost cut it last time? Yeah, we were so close to detaching it. Okay. You slash down, breaching the leather strap as the horse suddenly gets a burst of speed. The carriage is rolling along behind you, but as you round a bend in the corner, it just careens off into the branches and maybe starts a small fire. Down with prey on the manor.
Can I, as a bonus, take the ceviche out of Glimkey's pocket and have put it either on the carriage or just like drop it behind the horse? I'd say you're trying to hold Faunalyn and Glimkey on as you're controlling this horse. If you just like rip his jacket off, you can just fling that behind you. Ceviche included.
Yeah, I'm stripping Gloomke and throwing the whole shebang. You rip the jacket off, sending it flying into the night, it flutters on the breeze, lands on the path, and you watch as the alibare comes to a stop. You don't see if it pursues you any further, because you round a corner, and as the horse careens forward, gallops into the night, you exit the woods and find yourselves back in the Ruby District proper.
But you don't think they're actively dying. You've got enough of a trained medical eye that they'll probably be okay. I head towards the Church
That's where we'll stop tonight's session.

Reflecting on the Adventure

I'm like out of breath. Yeah.
Like genuinely was so anxious and I was banking on that shield play. I was like, if he says yes, that was so good that was really fun. I also, should I should have used my device might, uh,
on the hit and then the bonus action. I thought you would. i but Yeah, i know I just I got too excited about the shove and then I forgot. That's all right. It happens. It happens. I dealt like no damage that whole combat. But boy, did I wreak havoc. Yeah. You debuffed him like. Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Double high. Were you expecting things to go that go that way, Zachary? I did not account for the drugs. I did account for the ceviche.
I didn't account for the carriage getting lit on fire. how about The lack thereof of weapons and armor. yeah I maybe forgot about the lack of weapons and armor. I was aware of it, but like it was not forefront of my brain when I was maybe balancing certain facets.
that's But I'd like to think I balanced it perfectly. Oh dude That was sweet. It was like it was sweet. Yeah So like we're saying this but it's about it was about one natural one away from everyone being in just a oh, yeah For sure. Oh, yeah Also, I'm sad that he got away because we fought so tooth and nail like that's sad. Mm-hmm Yeah, no weapons. These guys we ah were scrappy. We were armed up. That guy died. Turn three. we we We're scrappy as hell. It was fun to like rely on spells. Yeah, that was sweet. I think that actually added an element that made it much. That's the stuff that I like about lower level stuff is the scrappiness of it. You have to like think more about what moves you can do. And yeah, that makes it a lot more fun. Does he have a black leaf addiction now?
Oh, is he gonna go through withdrawal? He's just chasing the dragon for the rest of his life. He just gives up following us. We see him on the streets of the Copper District. Isn't that the butcher? That's not my name! Lowercase B!