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Summerslam Preview & SDCC Wrap Up

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays7 months ago
We preview Summerslam, wrap up SDCC, and answer your listener mail! Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things CHICK at

Introduction & SummerSlam Preview

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? We are back with our SummerSlam preview episode.

Comic-Con Recap & Wrestling Match Previews

We're going to be tying a bow on that Marathon San Diego Comic Con recap. We attempted to get through last week and then running down all seven of our big matches for this Saturday show in Cleveland. Before we get into that, let's introduce the star of the show, Sheena. How you doing?
I'm doing good. I didn't really realize it was so late at night when we were recording that episode last time. I didn't realize how much we didn't even get to, dude. We barely scratched the surface. We didn't even scratch the surface. There was so much. I went to scroll back today just to see how much was left to pick out the things that we could talk about tonight. We got there about 40% of the time.
Sanity so maybe we probably should have I feel like we've done that in years past maybe we haven't maybe we've just kind of glossed over stuff and kept it moving dude I think we definitely with lesson learned for next year. We need to pick like 15

Food Preservation Tips

to 20 items. There's just more figures than there's ever been Yeah, there's so many sub lines and all the re-releases mixed in with the new stuff. Yeah, it's just I mean, yeah We used to be able to do San Diego comic-con dude I mean it used to just be Mattel and then it was like Mattel and jazz wares, you know major bros zombie got Mitch
Yeah, it's a lot. There's just way too much. So yeah, next year we're for sure breaking it down into like a little multi mini series set of SDCC drops. All right. What is new on the form? Well, you know, it's only been a couple of days since we recorded, but I did get a Mason jar vacuum sealer today. I got it in the mail from Amazon. Pretty cool. You know, when you're growing all this food and stuff, you want to preserve it. So it's just a great way. I use my dehydrator a lot. So
dehydrating food, then you put it in mason jars and you suck the air out to help, you know, preserve it and keep it, keep it airtight.

Sponsorship & Listener Engagement

So I'm really excited about that. It's the first time I've had one of these, you know, typically you would use, you could also use oxygen absorbers. They're like little packets. They almost look like the little like silica packets that come in your sneakers or like, you know what I'm saying? Like the fresh things.
but they keep the oxygen out. So you could throw one of those in there too if you don't have a vacuum sealer, but yeah, I'm really stoked to have it. I know it sounds super, super nerdy, but you know, if you're looking to preserve some food, it's definitely worth the 20 bucks. I want to remind you guys, this podcast is brought to you by Ringside Collectibles. Use code CHICKFOLY to save 10% on all your purchases there. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you on social media.
You know, you can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. Join our fully fam over on Facebook at a go to chick Join our Patreon $2 a month. Best group of marks on the, uh, on the internet.

Wrestling Experiences & Upcoming Events

I do want to shout out really quickly. We didn't talk about it on our last episode, but, um, our son Brett went to a Memphis wrestling kids camp. They had, this is their first, their inaugural.
kids camp. And dude, it was so much fun. Like Brett's been wanting to find a wrestling camp, but there's just not a lot for kids. I'm assuming just safety and liability and all of that kind of stuff with wrestling. But he went to Memphis wrestling's kid camp and it was a two day thing. They learned in ring skills and they did, they did some drills. They worked out, they worked on their promos. They created their own characters. They drew them out and you know, some of the older kids were like writing their promos out and
They had a showcase on the second day at the end of the camp where they made entrances. They decided whether they were going to be heels or faces, and they got to walk out in the tunnel or walk the entrance ramp for... I locked up there. They got to walk the entrance ramp and do their little entrance in the middle of the ring. It was really cool. Brett smashed it, dude. I thought he did a really good job because I don't even like public speaking.
anymore and he got up there in front of like a bunch of strangers and did the damn thing.
Yeah, check out Sheena's Instagram to see his promo. It was really sweet and really good, man. It's got a lot of natural charisma. Obviously we're super biased, but he did a really good job with it, so we're really proud. And check out Memphis Wrestling. Get on YouTube, search Memphis Wrestling. They're really, really good. Just kind of local indie. They bring in some pretty big names from time to time. Sheena and Brett are going this Sunday. They got ringside seats, and they're going to get to meet Jordan Grace. Probably one of the last chances you're going to get to meet Jordan Grace at something like this. So it's really cool that they're going to be able to take advantage of that.

Figure Collecting: Debates & Reviews

All right, let's get into some figure talk. So again, we're not going to go through everything just because for our own sanity and for time. Going to hit a few of the big hitters that we didn't get to last week, specifically with Mattel and a little bit of AEWJ as we're sprinkled in. So first off, Shane, I want to get your thoughts on Ultimate Edition solo, Sakoa.
I think he looks great. I love, I mean, I love the molded tail. Was the last one soft goes or was it molded too? They've always done molded. Molded, okay, yeah. But yeah, I think he, I mean, I think he looks great. I love the trunks, the head scans, they're spot on. He is a little bit small for solo, I think. I noticed based on these, these pictures that we have, but I mean, I think it's a great figure.
I'm going the opposite direction. I just felt like it's kind of unnecessary. We just got two ultimate edition or two elite solos that were, you know, the first one was a little bit undersized, but the, you know, the second one we got was money. There's another one on the way. I just, I feel like, I feel like this is another figure that's going to add to the argument for folks that think the ultimate line is getting watered down. Right. It used, it started off with just straight up top of the line, legends, main event guys. And we love solo. And I mean, I'm sure it's again, it's a, you know, it's subjectively
a cool figure i'm sure it's gonna be great but i just feel like there's better there's just so many better options to go in the ultimate there's a bunch of better options but and i do agree that it could you know the argument could be made that it's getting watered down but i mean maybe they're trying to make the ultimate line into just like another like a higher elite line it's not it's not it's not as exclusive or like you know um
premiere as it used to be, right? This is just the new standard that they're just switching to. I do think it's a little bit, unless it's going to come with something else, which I don't know what you would even have with solo. I'm sure it would probably be a soft good shirt coming with. Yeah, there needs to be something else, especially for an ultimate, because I feel like this is what you would get with an Elite, aside from the two extra heads, but yeah. You added articulation. Yeah, I'm almost positive we're going to get at least one, maybe two soft good shirts along with this one, but
Yeah, it kind of juries out for me. I could end up seeing this thing in hand and be like, yo, this thing just rocks. That's totally a possibility. But for now, I was a little bit less than excited to see this. Kind of sticking with some more Ultimates that I'm lukewarm on. I'll go first on this one, man. We saw the next two figures in the Colosseum collection. It's an Ultimate Edition Bambam Bigelow and Big Boss Man, which again, I'm sure these actual figures are going to turn out great. They're going to look really, really cool.
But just for me personally, it's kind of Mattel's a victim of their own success. They made absolutely outstanding elites of both of these guys in this look. You know, Bossman was just about 15 elite series ago. The BamBam one, it was a while back. It was back in 2016, the short-lived, then now and forever series from Walmart. They released BamBam and basically this exact look. So I'd say BamBam was due for a redo, but the elites were so good. I just don't see it being a massive upgrade getting these.
You know, I'd rather see the honky tonk man and coliseum collection. Maybe that that ljn ultimate warrior That's a unique look they've never done for war in the elite line that could work There's just uh, I just like there's some some other options out there to really kind of set this line on fire because the line I mean, maybe you know, maybe dollars and cents is doing good for Mattel I know from what we see the metrics we get there's not a ton of excitement behind this line and it's been setting right the none of these sets have ever sold out which you know
People complain when stuff sells out, but also you kind of don't want to set the set for, you know, nine, 10, 12 months at a time. Right. Right. Yeah. I kind of echo what you said, dude. I mean, I'm sure they're going to be fantastic figures, but it, I mean, it's just not a super exciting set that you're just like, Oh, damn, I can't wait to get this boss man and bam, bam in hand. But yeah.
Yeah, we just, I feel like they've done a pretty good, the heart foundation was the same thing, dude. We've already gotten really good elites of the hearts with that exact look. The other ones, even if it's guys that have been rereleases, they're at least new looks of them, you know what I mean? It's different looks of them, more specific to the LJN where, yeah, I don't know. So we'll see. I'm still a big fan of the concept of this line, but I'd like to see a little bit better figure selection. I mean, contractually, you know what I mean? Like there just probably isn't a lot of depth there, right? Right.
Yeah, because it's somebody that the LJN line really wasn't a huge line as far as people included. It was as iconic as it is. It's not the deepest pool of talent. And then you got to further dissect that by the people who are in good graces and got a legends deal with WWE.
We saw Billy Gunn getting a figure in the legends line and the actual smoking guns look like this is huge. The smoking guns are, you know, there were two time tag team champs had some really, really good matches. Go back and watch their match on Monday Night Raw against Owen Hart and Yoko Zuna. It was a September episode of Raw the night after in your house. And they won the tag belts in an absolute banger.
And they're just so underrepresented at the SARS figure line. So as far as I know, Hasbro is the only other time that the smoking guns have gotten figures in this look. The big thing on this one though, man, it's another time where we're only getting half of a tag team. Yeah. And I understand Mattel's strategy on this. Action Figure Attack has gone into detail that, you know, if they have- They talked about it last episode, yeah. Yeah, if they have somebody under contract, they're gonna make them and just hope that down the line, they get the second person.
But the Bart Gunn just does not want anything to do with the wrestling business. He really shows up at cons. He got his master electrician's license after he got done wrestling and he just really doesn't have anything to do with it. There's absolutely no indication to whatsoever that Bart Gunn is going to get a deal. So I think we're really going to be stuck. Folks, it's going to help move this figure because I think the really hardcore figure collectors like me
You're gonna want to get two of these and then just find one of the really good customizers to To get you know, get that 3d printed bark gun head to go on there. Yeah, that's that's the way to go This is I think this is a stellar figure. Isn't it funny? Like just thinking about the evolution of Billy Gunn dude like as how many like different gimmicks and You know figures he said that's Billy Gunn the you know, he's mr. Ass and then free nice daddy. Yes Yeah AW getting AW figures and dudes getting AW and WWE figures at the same time man, so
No hate on Billy Gunn, get those checks. All right, last speaking to AW, a straight up fire set, man. We're getting a legacy of Sting pack from the Jazzwares vault. You're going to get Sting, which I got to go back and perfectly match it up, but I'm pretty sure that Sting's look from his first ever pay-per-view match at WCW with that kind of long
Black jacket rope thing we're getting a sting from his last run the last couple months there in AW and he was rocking the bomber jacket everywhere and he's gonna come with a Normal old band head sculpt stink sting head sculpt that we've gotten a lot made of you and then we're also gonna get the first jazz Where's Joker sting? So I know our son Brett's gonna be stoked on that. He's really want a joker sting figure and
And then we're getting stinging with the pants and no shirt. This was from the Got Milk ad back in 99. Never actually wore this gear in the ring anywhere. So it's pretty cool. Is he wearing body paint too? Like is that body paint or is he just pale or is that just the way it looks on the thing? It's just the way it looks. It's a picture of a projection from Comic Con we're looking at. I'm sure it's going to look fine. But yeah, but it's stinging those like catcher gear style pants that you used to wear with a trench coat and no shirt. So just search like the steam Got Milk ad. That is the look we're going for. Really unique. We have not gotten that before in figures.
Totally random, but I used to collect those got milk ads. I had a little photo album that I would put them all in and there was a book that was published that had all the

SummerSlam Match Predictions

celebrity got milk ads in it.
I had that at one point. Why? What compelled you to start a Got Milk? I still have it. It's at my mom's house. When I go back to my mom's house, I will take some pictures of it. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Just like something I was doing in junior high, like sixth grade. You're just a big Milk fan or you just really were digging that ad campaign or what? I think I really liked the ad campaign. I was really into celebrities at that point. Who doesn't love Milk, dude?
And now I obviously know the dairy association, all the regulatory agencies, it was all a big ploy to get people to drink milk for...
nefarious reasons, but I still thought it was pretty cool. All right. Lastly, probably the thing that got the most conversation going amongst the hardcore figure collectors, we are getting a Golga Elite. Another one of the faces of Tenta is being released in figure form. It was kind of mixed bag. There were some people that were just stoked on this, and then there were some people that, to them, this represented every single thing that's wrong with Mattel's choices in their figure lineup.
I don't think it's a bad choice. I think it's really cool. I mean, there's tons of wrestle crap gimmicks that I think deserve a spot, right? I mean, who doesn't love John Tenta, right? Like who doesn't just want every single thing that he ever took part in, no matter how absolutely odd it was, right? Like it's just... Yeah, I mean, indeed. I'm a huge John Tenta fan. You guys know that if you've listened to this show for any amount of time. And it definitely works in like an evolution of John Tenta.
figure display because we've gotten like the original earthquake look up through the natural disasters run we got shark from WCW and now getting this but
Dude, kind of on its own, man. I hate to be a negative Nancy. I know I've generally been a little bit down on the stuff we've talked about so far this episode. This guy just doesn't work on his own, dude. Like, Colgan never had a solo run in WWE. You got to have him with the rest of the oddities, man. We need Kurgan, we need Giant Silva, we need Luna, we need the Insane Clown Posse, at least one or two additional wins. And maybe it's, again, it's that situation where they may as well make it while they can, and then they could maybe expand the oddities, right?
it's possible but that's another one where that just it feels extremely unlikely man like there's some times where you feel like you know yeah like that's what they're doing you know we see that with the Hollywood blondes Brian Pillman finally coming out when they gave us the Hollywood blondes Steve Austin three or four years ago but this one feels like a reach to me plus
No Cartman logo on the shirt, no Cartman doll. I don't know, man. I hate to say it because I generally praise them kind of going out on a limb and giving us the obscure stuff. I love getting Billy Gunn. I love that we're making a difference. I think I got to give this one the thumbs down. I give it a thumbs up, dude. I'm all for them branching out. I think you got to support it if you want to keep it flowing, right?
And it's a good figure, so it's not even like a standalone, right? Like if you don't want it, you don't have to get it, right? Like you can totally not pursue this figure if you don't want it. Yeah, and I'm all about the deep cuts and I like them taking a risk. So overall, I'd give it the thumbs up, but yeah, I just feel like there's probably a better figure we could have put in this slot, you know? All right, let's get into SummerSlam.
All right, so we got a nice little concise card here. Seven matches for SummerSlam. We're at Cleveland, right? We're in Cleveland for SummerSlam. Let's kick it off with Damian Priest versus Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship. What's your read on this? I could totally see Damian retaining, but my gut is telling me that Gunther's just going to
I'm still leaning Gunther, but the way the build's gone, I'm much more optimistic that Damien Priest has a little bit better chance at winning this thing, man. I think the build's been so healist that I think it's really just going to kind of kill Damien Priest. If he loses clean, it's really going to kind of kill off his character. But there's still room for some judgment day antics that could come into play either for or against Damien. They could help him beat Gunther.
and that gives us our next chapter where they get in the cost of the match. So I do think that I think we're going to get some sort of Judgment Day scenario that plays into the outcome of this match and it gives us the next chapter in that story. Yeah, my Spidey senses are telling me that the Judgment Day cost him the match too. There's already all the seeds of dissension sown in the Judgment Day and I think it's time, right? Because the Judgment Day is kind of just like treading water at this point. You know, everybody's kind of just like doing their own thing, but yet they're all still together. So I feel like
They'll cost him. It'll just been off to him and Finn or something of that nature. So I think that would be the way to go too, right? Like there's no shame in losing to Gunther. Damien and Finn is a worthy matchup, right? Like I feel like it's something that we want to see. So no, I think it would be a great way to play that out. Yeah, I agree. I think I'm going good there with the assist from Finn Balor.
All right, up next, we got a singles match for the women's championship, Bailey versus Nia Jax. And we still have Tiffy time tipping around with the, uh,
with the briefcase, so. Yeah, I think some more scenario to the last one, man. I think Tiffy, you know, her and Nia are kind of frenemies, friends. I don't know exactly how you'd label them right now, but I think one way or another, I think Tiffany Stratton is going to cost Nia Jax this match, dude. I think Bailey's so over right now. I just, I don't see them putting the belt on Nia, dude. I think Bailey gets the assist from Tiffy to retain the belt. And I don't think we see any sort of cash in either. I think Tiffany's going to hold that briefcase for a little while.
Yeah, I mean, they haven't even given her like a bedazzled briefcase yet. So I feel like that's something that's got to happen. So, you know, I agree. I think she'll try to cash in. It'll end up distracting Naya and costing her and then Bailey will retain. We do have another Women's World Championship match in Liv Morgan versus Rhea Ripley. I think it's written in the stars at this point. I'm pretty sure, oh, Dirty Dom is going to do Rhea Dirty. We'll see.
They can still go either way, Storyline. I think that's going to be a game time decision. I think they're going to be reading where the fans are at on social media and all that stuff right out to the day of before they make a call. You don't have to make a big pivot on this. You don't got to make a big pivot on the Storyline at SummerSlam. You could just have the match and punt on the angle for another month if they want to keep milking this thing out.
It should be a really fun match. I think this is right up there with Drew and Punk for the match. She's got the most heat with the fans. I think you're going to see the most passion coming out of the crowd during this match because as evil as Liv's been, she's still got her supporters out there, man. People love Liv and people obviously love Rhea Ripley big time. I think this is just going to be a really fun match to soak in the atmosphere. I think it'd be a good choice to be the
Kind of like the big match in the middle of the show. I don't think you want it opening because you've got so much story poured into it and stuff. I think you want to put this one right smack dab middle of the show. Yeah, I don't know though. Anytime in wrestling when you see somebody get a little bit too happy, I felt like Rio just was just a little bit too happy on Monday whenever... Yeah, and it was just so tidy the way that they lined it up whenever Dom picked Rio. Yeah, it seemed too clean. There's something brewing.
We'll move on, Cody versus Solo Sequoah for the WWE Championship, I mean.
Again, my spidey senses are telling me and everybody's saying that Romans coming back. Do you think we're gonna see the travel chief on Saturday? Yeah, I think they've almost gone overboard telegraphing That Romans gonna be there, you know, I kind of like that one solo was just keeping it subtle Yeah, but he's just point Blake basically calling Roman Reigns out. I'm more intrigued on what happens in the match, man I think that people are really underselling Solo's chances of taking this belt dude because Cody's Cody's bulletproof man like, you know, he's already held it for
you know, going on four months, like there's no, I don't think he's going on any kind of run like Roman. I don't know how much value there is on having Cody hold it for another six months instead of, you know, losing it right here. I think there's a very good chance that Solo wins to kind of really make the fans just hate him even more and kind of in his own mind and with the new bloodline solidify himself as the man. So I, you know, we got our picks league. It's a big show on that. I'm trying to lock in the number one seed for the playoffs.
I, this one's going to be, you know, down to the wire for me. I got it. Kind of got to see the final promos get the final word from the champ and the challenger on Friday before I make a call on this one. But I think in general, I think people are really underselling solo's chances of winning this match. So say solo does, you know, with the help of the Tongans, like,
Do you think he wins, right? Then how do we go about Roman, just Roman range, just showing up at the top of the ramp? Like, you know, Hey, I'm here. Or like, what, like, what form factor do you think? Yeah, I think we're definitely, I think regardless, Roman's appearance is agnostic to the result of the match, dude. I think either way, we're either getting solo celebrating or we're getting solo
and the toggins you know you beat down code or something after the match and you're gonna see Roman come out and just stare down solo and I think that's when your trademark you know goes up and that we fade to black and you have to tune in Friday night to see you know what's going on with Roman Reigns. Interesting. I mean what do you think?
I don't know, I just, I had it in my mind that somehow Roman was going to get like, maybe not interfere wholly, but just cause a distraction enough for solo to lose the match, right? No, I think getting involved in the actual match, that's beneath Roman Reigns, dude. He's coming down out after the dust has settled. All right, moving on, we got a singles match for the US title, Logan Paul versus LA Knight, yeah.
If they're ever going to pull the trigger on LA night, they got to do it. It's got to be now. Saturday. I'm not convinced though, man. Logan Paul is so valuable to them carrying that United States Championship everywhere he goes. I don't know, dude. It's in Cleveland. I feel like Logan Paul finds a way to get the win.
I don't know. I'm really torn on this one. I mean, again, there's nothing to tell me that Logan Paul won't just win this and keep doing what he's doing. But like you said, man, if LA Knight loses this, I feel like it's like a tumble of doom coming. I feel like he's almost cooled down a little bit though from where it was. I don't know if like he's even, I don't feel like it's even like the fans looking at it like he's got to win anymore. Like they would have at this match, you know,
three or four months ago, dude. I mean, yeah, that is feel like it's like, well, like you said, it's like now or never, right? Like if they don't do it, it might be never. God, poor guy. I mean, you got, I've never thought he was really over anyways. He's a meme, dude. He's, he's the yes chant. He's reset. I don't think so, dude. I think, I think people really do enjoy LA night, man. I think
I think you're underselling him just a skosh. I've never, I've never, you know, been moved at all watching one of his matches. I think, I mean, he's, he's, he'll cut some good lines on the mic every once in a while. But when the bell rings, he is as plain as plain gets. I mean, he's not for me, but I feel like, you know, he's for some people, right? I mean, there's something for everybody.
I mean, the arena, I mean, they freaking go wild anytime. I think they just, they like going along with the chance. I think it's, again, that's what I call that being like a meme, dude. Like you're, oh, it's like when Rusev day, Rusev day got the biggest reaction, the biggest cheers at WrestleMania 34. But you know, a couple months later they had him going against AJ Styles for the world championship. Nobody wanted to see him beat AJ for that belt. It's just, uh, it's just a thing people like to do when they're at the live shows.
All right, speaking of people who've held the belt for a while, we got Sami Zayn versus Braun Breaker for the IC title. I think Braun's walking away with this IC title, dude. I think it's finally time. Sami Zayn loses nothing, dude. Sami Zayn's a made man. I feel like this is the moment to break glass on Braun Breaker. Yeah, Braun's definitely winning.
I still think he should have wanted money in the bank, man. I'm still shocked that Sammy got the bling over it. I think it makes it a bigger deal, dude. I mean, it makes it even more, you know? Yeah. So I think Brian's definitely winning this one.
All right. And, uh, what, what I feel like could have possibly been the main event if we weren't, if it weren't for Roman Reigns, uh, you know, possibly coming back. I feel like CM Punk versus Drew McIntyre with Seth freaking Rollins is a special guest referee. I mean, this has main event written all over it, but unfortunately it got, it's going to get overshadowed by a Cody versus solo, but this is going to be a freaking awesome, awesome match. A hundred percent. Um, the.
Yeah, if it wasn't for the Roman Reigns factor and Cody and Solo, this match would be going on last. This has been built up for so long. I think going back in hindsight, we had some of this discussion in the Facebook group today. I think if WWE could go back and solve where the SummerSlam ticket sales are at and the overall hype for the show, which is still really, really good. Let's not make any mistake about it. They're still in a great place, tickets and business wise, but it's not absolute nuclear like it was.
going into WrestleMania. Like you could still go, you could hop on ticket master and snag some pretty good seats for, for a fair price right now. Um, I don't think they're going to be hanging from the rafters at Cleveland ground stadium. I feel like in another, you know, in another timeline,
Maybe Drew does get the belt at Clash of the Castle or never lose it at WrestleMania. And you got Drew defending the World Heavyweight Championship against CM Punk with Seth Rollins as the guest referee. I feel like that is that money match that would have them fighting to get a seat, to be there in person to see this match, man.
So it's still going to be crazy. Like I said, this is definitely the most anticipated match on the show. I would almost say by far the most anticipated. And it's a lot of fun to me because from the moment it was announced, Seth was the guest referee. You just had so many parallels to that classic Brett Undertaker HBK match from SummerSlam 97. And I know we're going to get some homages to that. I think it's still in play. We get a straight up carbon copy of that finish, man, with you know, obviously, Seth's playing the HBK role. CM Punk is Brett and Drew is the Undertaker. So I think there's a very good chance that
Seth begrudgingly helps CM Punk get the win over Drew. Oh, a hundred percent. I can totally see that going down exactly like that. I feel like, I mean, for me, it's an easy CM Punk victory on this one. I feel like, you know, no shade to Drew, but if they're not going to let him win in freaking Scotland, dude, that I mean, come on, then he's, he's definitely not winning in Cleveland.
Yeah, the other big thing to watch on this, like the story than a story is Punk just making it out healthy, man. I think that would be a huge one. Yeah, I feel like we should have put that as a bonus question on the picks league. We'll see if Punk get injured in this match. Yeah, because if he could have... Yeah, like I said, if he makes it out healthy, that's a big one. This is really... He had a one-on-one match with Dom on a house show back in December.
And then he had the rumble. And prior to that, his last match was last August, practically, basically a year ago against Samoa Joe. Yeah, I thought it was like 220 days or something. Yeah, it's longer than that, man. So we'll see.
We'll see how he comes out of this one, dude. I'm sure that, I don't know, he looks like he's in good shape for seeing him on TV, but we'll see what happens. Because that was really the story that last year in AEW, and obviously the first year back in WWE is just his health. Overall, I'm still excited for the

Listener Questions & Figure Discussions

show, man. It's going to be great. I don't think it's a step down from some of the other big cards we've gotten over the last year. But where's your chance Roman's coming back, and that's worth the price of admission alone?
For sure. And I mean, it just goes to show you though, that like, I mean, rock and Roman, like a car without rock and Roman at this point, cause we just had them for so, for so long over the past year, dude, that it just kind of just doesn't hit the same, right? I told everybody they were going to miss Roman Reigns when he was gone, man. Everybody complained about Roman when he was here, but I said over and over, dude, you guys are going to miss Roman when he's gone. And that's exactly what's happened.
Yeah, but I mean, it's good though. I think it's a good place to be, you know, we want to miss Roman and we want him to come back and, you know, be babyface Roman. So any other thoughts on SummerSlam? No, I'm just really excited. It's going to be a great Saturday night. Stoked. All right. You ready for listener meal? Oh yeah. Zach Hertzler wants to know, do you have anyone in mind from AEW or ROH that we need a figure of?
This is kind of like an obscure pick, but I still want a Marco stunt. You know, he showed back up on collision a couple weeks back. We really need him to complete the original Jurassic Express. That always bugged me that we never got Marco. 100%. And we never got an Abaddon figure either. And I feel like that was a moment. Yeah, that was a moment. Super toyetic. So I feel like that's my pick. Zach also wants to know, besides WWE and AEW figures at SDCC, do you have any other favorite figures that were revealed?
I saw the turtles I even though I stopped collecting the neck of turtles about two years ago I still kind of keep up with them and they're just getting especially into the cartoon line They're getting into some super duper deep cuts and it's just so fun seeing those those figures always look so great And it's characters that I'm like, you know vaguely familiar with the link in like the farthest they always do them so well Yeah, yeah exactly like in the farthest reaches of my childhood memories I can still remember these guys showing up on you know one single episode of the cartoons and
but they always look incredible. I just wish I had more space so I could have kept that line going. And they give you so many accessories, dude. Like you get everything, everything that you want with those figures. I saw they're doing an Ultimate, Nickel Ultimate, Peewee Herman, which was really cool. And then there's a company called Jada Toys. Do you know Jada Toys? They are doing food mascots, which you guys know, I have an affinity for junk food mascots and all that branding is super, super nostalgic.
Um, and they have a Tony, the tiger that I thought was really, was freaking cool. And they have a, he, he, Honda figure. It looks really super cool to go with like the street fire line. So yeah, those were a couple that I saw. I didn't keep up with everything because Jesus Christ, like even with just, um, wrestling figures, it was so much. So, so to keep up with everything, it was wild, but those were a few that I did see. If Mattel brought back the elite entrance greats, who would you want to see in it? This is from Zach as well.
Um, so we're getting a redo of that million dollar man in the upcoming Coliseum collection line. Uh, it'd be nice to get a really good version of Jericho from his debut on raw, you know, with the, uh, the silver shirt and stuff. Yeah. We never really got that in the elite form. Um, so that would be cool. Uh, for the most part, they've, they've redone a lot of the stuff from the entrance greats line.
Well, I mean, I think he means who would you like to, um, brought back if Mattel brought back the interest rate. So like, you know, with, uh, yeah, so somebody knew that, like, yeah, like the head, I mean, Jericho's still a good call because they could do like the count down on the little, you know, we're so deep in the re-release era. That's just really where my mind met. Uh, I'd say any Seth, any of Seth's big attires from the last couple of years, you know, WrestleMania was a huge one. Uh, really anything Seth would be great.
Yeah. Cause you could have the little box play the, you know, Oh yeah. I think that's a good shot. Brett Sharrow with the new, the news of Shane O'Mac possibly working for AEW. How crazy would it be if he swerved us and we hear here comes the money hit at SummerSlam doubt it, but that would be hilarious. That would be so mean to Tony Khan. I almost, even though I get sick of him like playing the victim, like anytime he opens his mouth, they like.
That would be so cruel and just make him look so dumb that I almost would have to give that the thumbs down, even though it would be darkly funny. Yeah, I agree. I wouldn't want to see Tony crying in the corner, wiping his eyes with his $100 bills. Brett also says, what did you guys pre-order from SDC C reveals or what do you plan to?
I don't pre-order anything anymore, man. The only company that I will get pre-order money to is Ringside every once in a while. But for the most part, if you wait, you can get their stuff so much cheaper on sales, dude. Unless it's something I feel like is never going to hit the sales, I would avoid pre-ordering that.

Wrestling Storylines & Speculations

And then Amazon, man. I'll pre-order from Amazon because they're pretty good on keeping a pre-order. But Target and Walmart, I would not pre-order anything from them, man. No, I wouldn't either.
Um, Brett also asks, does sess clownish attitude take away from the serious blood feud, like drama that's been going on between punk and drew? I know you're big Seth marks, but to me, he needs to either take it more, take a more serious tone to fit it, um, fit into this well, or be doing something else entirely. I don't think so, dude. I think.
Everybody always there's a bunch of people in our fully group that clown on set for you know the outfits that he wears the ring gear that he wears. I'm just kind of his just like super over the top you know character but i just love it dude i think it's i think it's super cool i think it's a moment it's not gonna be forever and i still take him seriously we know he's a badass it's not like.
I don't feel like he's doing comedy per se. It's just- He's still serious when the bell rings. Yeah. I've liked some of his other personas better when he was just doing like, you know, 2018, 2019, he was really kind of just doing the Bret Hart gimmick of I'm the best wrestler in the world. Yeah, Beast Slayer. Yeah. I kind of prefer that one, but I've gotten used to this one, man. So it's not my favorite of the set's evolutions over the years.
But I still deal with it because he's still one of arguably the best wrestler in WWE. And when the bell rings, he's still money. And it makes it count that when he does get serious, you know, he does get serious from time to time on the promos now. And I think you can always kind of it cranks up the heat when when he puts that edge back in his voice. You know, you saw one of that feud with Matt Riddle big time and a couple of times with punk. So I I still give it the thumbs up while admitting that it's not been my favorite version of Rollins. Yeah. But I mean, it's it's going to lead to some
Epic figures. So, you know, are we going to ever get the red boots, Roland? I don't know. There's some pretty good customers. You can usually find that on eBay, man. I can't remember who it was. They put out those boots, modded to work on elite figures. So you can typically find that the custom Rollins with the mesh shirt and the big red boots. I see those popping up on eBay every couple of weeks.
Brett says, has the time passed for Montez Ford's single run due to so much wasted potential? I could have seen him becoming a world title contender one day, but it seems like he's cooled off. It sounds like Bobby Lashley's on his way out at WWE and I can't imagine that we're gonna get another repackage of the street profit. So I'd keep the eye over the second half of this year and see what happens with Montez. Yeah, it's just been so tough because the top of the card for the last year has just been so congested, man. There's really been no place for Montez Ford and you risk
you know, you break them up and like, you know, break up the, what are they called? That was Bobby's faction. The suit profits. The suit profits. Yeah. You break up the suit profits. That's what I call them. Yeah. Then you got the pride or something like that. Oh yeah. That's what it is. Okay. So yeah, then you risk Montez just kind of like floating into obscurity, right? At least he has a thing right now. He's still contained. Whereas like, you know, we're going to see over the next few months that they need a couple of people to float to the top of the card. So I don't think it's over for him. I do think the fact that they didn't pull the trigger on him after
Elimination chamber was that two years ago already 23 yeah 2023 I was I was shocked by that cuz I mean he was over like Rover and I mean just Absolutely showed out dude was doing the most few too many crotch chops for my liking but other than that Yeah, he looks spectacular. So I mean, it's a good sign that they haven't
done his singles run yet, man. That tells me that they're waiting until a main event spots open. Because if they were just going to have him inserted into the US or intercontinental title, they could have done that at any point in the last year and a half. So, Triple H is a smart guy, man. That tells me that they are waiting for the right moment to release his guy. And yet, there's a chance totally that the
He goes stale while you're waiting, right? And people just don't want to see it anymore. Whatever they do, try to send him up there. But I still think there's time left for him to move up the car. I think stale is better than overexposed, right? Like I feel like there's a fine line where you're just like, okay, you're kind of off TV. You're not doing as much versus like, you know, you're constantly in the mid-car just doing a bunch of nothing, right?
The ricochet spot. Exactly, the ricochet spot. Zach Hertzler says, any Macho Man Randy Savage attires from WCW want to see in figure form? Any of them, man. I'm cool with any of the space cowboy looks. Oh, yeah. All of them are so toyetic. So literally, you could take any time he showed up on Nitro from, you know, from 90, into 94, up through the NWO days, and it would be perfect as a figure.
If I had to pick one I would actually go with when he was rolling with sting as you know the the emo guys for about a three week period there in early 97 and he would rock the just the all black with the silver white lightning going through all the gear I thought that was sick man and we haven't really gotten a hundred percent accurate version of that in figure form so I would I would take emo macho man when he was hanging with staying in the rafters.
Sam Rosenthal, what is your go-to match that you can rewatch a hundred times? I mean, I probably have watched it close to a hundred times now, but WrestleMania 31 main event, Roman versus Brock with the cash in with Seth. I mean, we typically throw that on at least
once a month at some point to just kind of like, you know, relive it. We were there in person, which I think makes it a little more special to us and just getting to re experience all of that and how I mean, that whole WrestleMania was so epic, but the main event was, I mean, it just hit. So that's something I can, I can just put on and you know, as background noise and watch over and over and over again.
Yeah, that's a great choice. I would say another one that I've watched, you know, a ton. I've had literally every single commentary line, every single move transition memorized. Bret Hart and Roddy Piper for WrestleMania 8. That's just such a tremendous match. Told a great story for the Intercontinental Championship back when, you know, it was absolutely at its peak of meaning something. And the other cool thing about it is it's not a super long match. Like pre-match promo, intros, all the way through the closing angle, you're in and out in less than 20 minutes, man.
Uh, just a really, really fun one that they're all on. Yeah, I agree. So again, it's significant to kind of like a passing of the, of the torch moment. Um, Zach Hertzler, uh, he chimed in and said, summer slam 1990 was, uh, one of his, uh, favorites. So yeah, that's a great show.

Figure Collecting Preferences & Challenges

Really fun show to watch start to finish.
Sam Rosenthal said, why do you think accessories with figure accessory packs are not made that much? I feel like we never get chairs, tables, or ladders that much. With how big big photography is, weapons and props from ringside would be popular, I would think. You know, announced tables, barricades, cameras.
I think the problem is a lot of times those things require unique tooling that you can't reuse super easily. If you're getting past the chairs and getting into the unique stuff like barbed wire baseball bats and 2x4 spikes on them and stuff, and I think they probably just don't make a lot of money because we've seen companies do them throughout the years, man. Jax used to have, they would call them the
I want to call them the things called like gear packs or like brawling gear stuff like that. They would have, you know, they actually have like a whole line where they would drop, you know, a whole, whole different theme sets of these ringsides giving us a couple of accessories packs over the years but it seems like just the vibe from the lack of follow up on these and
that they're just not real popular, man. And I know what you're saying about the figtographers. Those guys go wild, but that's such a small niche of a niche in figure collecting that people do in the hardcore figtography where they're getting every single accessory possible to bring those shots to life. So I wouldn't be opposed to it, man. I'd love to see it. But if you're asking why, I think they probably just haven't really been as successful as you'd think they'd be. We're amongst the most hardcore
that are willing to drop 20 bucks for, you know, the most random of items down in scale, I would say if you're looking for that kind of stuff, you can find it pretty cheap. If you go on eBay, and just look for dollhouse, they have everything just search one, just search, you know, one colon 12 is the way to search it, search 112 scale, and look for whatever you want, man, like there's a lot of really, really cool stuff out there. I got some really nice guitars, because I hated the Mattel plastic guitars we got. So I got some really nice guitars to go with like Elias and
in Honky Tonk Man and Hollywood Rock for my figures. So yeah, I would encourage everybody to check out the dollhouse stuff. I mean, yeah, you can really go down a rabbit hole with that because they literally have everything. Yeah, and it's not that expensive either. So if you're just using the stuff for photography and not for play, it works really well. Zach Hertzler with our final question. He says, I know everyone has a preference, but do you prefer to buy your figures online or in the store on the pegs? I personally buy all my figures in the wild on the pegs and check figure to make sure the one I buy doesn't look like shit.
In the wild is definitely the best. It's the best feeling, yeah. There's nothing like finding figures in the wild, but that's definitely a test of patience and frustration because if you don't got a ton of hunting options close by, you're wasting a lot of time and gas money, and then by the time you get stuff sometimes... I mean, that's just a fact of life, dude. Sometimes if you've already been seeing other people holding the figure for months, it's not quite as exciting once you finally find it because it's not like you're the first person to find it. Yeah, it's more of just like a... Finally. Let me check it out the list.
I don't know. I do enjoy finding them, finding them in the wild, but I kind of got a nice balance now with getting all the mainline stuff online, but going out in the wild, I told you guys, I never pre-ordered from Target and Walmart. So any of their exclusives, I'm finding those off the peg. So it's kind of like a nice mix. Yeah. And we used to be a lot closer to Target's and Walmart's and stuff. So it's like... You could hit six or seven stores. Yeah. I mean, now, I mean, if we're going on like a legit, like
Targeted figure hunt anything past our one local Walmart. It's a it's a it's a whole thing. Yeah, it's like it's 30 minutes to like the closest Target almost and then it's like, you know another 20 minutes the next closest target. So yeah Yeah, we don't we don't get out and just do like straight up figure hunts anymore without wraps up listener mail for tonight
Alright, want to remind you guys use code CHICKFOLY to save 10% on all your purchases at Ringside Collectibles. Sheena hit us with some closing thoughts and we'll get out of here for SummerSlam weekend. I hope you all have a safe and happy SummerSlam. We'll see you on Saturday.