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My Halloween Horror Haven: Purging Under the Moonlight (Episode 89] image

My Halloween Horror Haven: Purging Under the Moonlight (Episode 89]

Gather Them!!!
11 Plays4 months ago

After a brief hiatus, I'm back! In this first part of a five-episode October series titled, “My Halloween Horror Haven.” I’ll catch you up on what I’ve been up to this summer and the early fall season. Get ready for a behind-the-scenes look at how the podcast is evolving, as I shift from audio-only to a video experience. I’ll also tease what’s in store for the future, including my excitement about future guest appearances. Join me as we dive  into the spooky season with a new and improved format.



Introduction to Gather Them Podcast

Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode, or if you're new here, a new episode of Gather Them podcast, or welcome to the

Accidental Video Podcasting Journey

podcast. My name is Jerome, and I am the cool social worker. I'm back, and yes, things are different. If you are looking on YouTube, I am now recording my podcast, so I kinda sorta Maybe bullied myself a little bit into accidentally.
Subbing to a year to do video, because I was going to try it out for a month and do like a month to month thing, but I accidentally did this thing where I like clicked the oh my God, when I click like the. You know, like when the subscriptions are set up and they say like.
you know, save, blah, blah, blah, you know, monthly, whatever. And then it's like, build at such and such a month.

Return to Podcasting with New Energy

And then it's really the annual package. It's like, why are you, that's literally a setup. Like, why would you do that to me? Like, why would you make it so that I am Clicking the wrong and then it's automatically selected for that as an option. So you have to go and like unselect it so that you can actually get to monthly and when your brain is just like Split in a bunch of different ways. You just be like what the hell but Needless to say um I'm back. Hey, welcome back. Welcome to new people this podcast is
uh this year will be three years and it's funny because this is the first video podcast episode but it is technically episode eighty nine And so I'll explain that a little later on, but I'm excited. I'm looking forward to doing this. It'll be nice to record because I think it'll hold me accountable.

Impact of Video Podcasts on Habits

I'm like, I need to make sure my vape is like nowhere near me because like this is going up on YouTube and I can't.
afford to not have YouTube you know that's where everyone's going to watch I'm also going to be on my phone probably a lot too while I do this but it's mainly because I'm looking either at the
I'm looking at either the outline or I'm looking at something like an article I'm reading or reference referencing as well.

Exploration of Video Format

But yeah, um yeah, um we are back. So I think I'm going to just do the video podcast thing, see how it goes, see what how things feel, and then once I have a good idea of what I am or how this is going or whether like what my energy level looks like like I feel like that's been very things have been it's been a lot like it's been a lot so

Podcast as a Vehicle for Expression and Vision

as well we might as well just jump right in like I'm just gonna go through real quick with the little podcast changes the changes we all you know, we gotta I gotta to set the agenda up but So my idea I think for the podcast has been to Always have this as this vehicle as
Hmm. And I feel like this is weird because I feel like recording myself. I actually have to like, it forces me to be mindful of like how I say things or like what I say or how my face looks and things like that. but I feel like I've been thinking of it as this way of, I had this idea of having like a radio show, if that makes sense.

Origin Story and Pandemic Influence

So I'm thinking of this podcast as like iterations or like what this could look like in the future or what this could grow into. Initially, when I did this, I was like, I kind of just want to do voice work. I kind of just want to like I love adult animation. Like I would love, I think, to be one point or another featured on something or
I think that was really cool. Like initially that's when I started out back in 2021, December, 2021 was like, I think it'd be really cool to like, you know, branch out and like expand myself and see what opportunities come up because that's like part of this. I feel like, you know, a lot of it is putting yourself out there and you just never know what you're going to get. So, that was kind of the thing going in was like,
okay i want to you know do something a little different, like I'm getting into podcasting, I'm not really understanding what it is, but it's like the thing that everyone's talking about now, the pandemic was a thing, so of course like that was the the go-to thing, like podcasting was the go-to thing, that's the thing you do, you listen to podcasts or you are a podcaster, like that's kind of how it started to feel, playing field started to feel, and so I felt like

Motivation and Transition to Video Format

I have something to say, like I have a lot that I, know, have to offer to the world. So let me go ahead and like make a little podcast. Let me just, you know, I'm ah im gonna do it. Sip in my water. Ironflask is not sponsoring me, no sponsor, but it'd be great if you were. we We love partnerships.
But yeah, it's just like interesting because I feel like I started it just with this idea of like, I love listening to people. I love listening to things. I don't necessarily get obsessed with the idea of like watching something like that doesn't really. That doesn't really. How can I say it? It doesn't really like.
make me like excited or anything like that. Like it doesn't, you know, it just, it's. Yeah. So I've just been feeling like. need to mix it up a little bit like I need to do things a little different and so I am The YouTube format video format is a new thing. Yes. I also Will be taking old episodes down. I will explain later why? Yeah, but know, let me cook I Got an old recipe me cook I'll explain a little bit but old old episodes are coming down and going behind a paywall so if you don't
Hear it now about it before the end of the month. That's it. I'm sorry. So the show will get a Patreon. there There will be that. want to have a guest a month on the show. And I also feel like this month is special because of this Halloween horror series that I'm doing. And I'm really excited about it. This is a thing that I've been putting together for a little bit.
while I've been away because the last I was here, I was doing Halloween in July. I'll talk a little bit more about like the process and that a little bit later. And then the last thing is I want, I want to start releasing new episodes on Friday nights at 11 45 PM.
Just as like a way to create consistency in the podcast. Yes. And I've also had this thought of just like,
creating a live show like what if I created my my podcast felt more like a live show like if I felt more like it was happening in real time like the like because I'm recording same day like this is going up tonight so I'm like what if this could happen in real time like what if this so I'm trying it out I'm seeing what it what it gives I know my schedule right now is not going to be able to I'm not going to be able to do that every week it's going to really have to fit in like where I fit it in but I think if I'm able to get an episode on every Friday, consistently 11 45.

Sponsorships and Authenticity

Like Jimmy, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, David Letterman, all them like I just love that idea. Like there's something about that. And being able to like
produce my own shit. Like that's so much fun. I mean, I talk about sponsorships and stuff all the time, but like my thing about it too is like, I'm not trying to work with brands that I don't, I wouldn't support. Like, you know what I mean? Like I don't, Like, I'm not going to reach out to somebody if I really don't like your brand. Like, I'm not going to bullshit. Like, because I don't like wasting my time. Like, I don't like my time to be wasted. And I want people to waste my time. So I'm just trying to get more serious. Like, I'm trying to kick it up, some guests on the show, mix it up. I think the live feature will allow me to do some things that I've been wanting to do, or maybe things that I want to show, or
Showcase especially as I learn this system like a little bit more of this podcast Recording system that I'm using because I've used it for audio before with guests, but I've never used it for Video to record video and I've recorded a couple videos already and like I said stuff is it's coming um um down the pipeline and but it's just a matter of
Just a matter of getting there, you know? Yeah. I'm also really tired, like I'm not gonna lie. I, and this is the thing is but like, I need to figure out a good time of when I can like,

Podcast Evolution and Creative Balance

do the podcast because I feel like I am the kind of person where I will have all the inspiration and the motivation and then I'm on go and then by the time I sit down to do it, I don't thought of all the, all of the things, all all of the like literally like all of the things. And so think of this as like kind of like a soft opening, if that makes sense.
don't know how long the episodes gonna be, but I'm gonna not keep it too long. I also another thing when I kind of Time my episodes with myself so that they are a little bit more condensed and I am also thinking ah about Just what
like how much I want people to know or not know. And that's also what I'm just going to go right into it. So I'm just going to say, I can't believe October's here. Like number one, like I wanted to come back a couple of weeks ago, but things have been hard. Libra season has been,
Virgo end of Virgo season and like leave her season has just been kicking my ass like September was fucking hell. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not hell in like a bad way necessarily, but hell in a way in which I'm like exhausted. So something big happened at the beginning of the month. And I'll go back a little bit more before that.
So when I left last left you guys, I was doing the Halloween and July series. I was, you know, reviewing different horror content that felt like very much the, like I wanted to talk about queer and black horror, like, and you know, particularly like a lot of the times it doesn't necessarily go hand to hand. So I was like breaking it up a little bit to talk about some queer stuff and then talking about some black stuff or where they intersected. And so I had the idea, but it wasn't like flowing the way in which I

Break from Podcasting and Return

wanted it to flow. And so I was like, let me just take a break. I got a lot going on. I started a new job. I restarted doing therapy.
restart, you know, I started going back to the gym, trainer, all this stuff, like literally a bunch of things happening all at once at the same time. So I felt like I did not have the capacity to really plan the way in which I wanted to or reach out to people to plan episodes in a way which I wanted to. So I was like, let me just go right on a hit and like,
You know, just take a break. And I said, I'm going to take a month off. I'm only like not. I'm not going to think about anything. I'm not going to like, you know.
do too much like I'm about the podcast I'm not going to think anything about the pockets I'm just going to focus on the new stuff I have now and I'm not going to creatively allow myself to do anything which was kind of easy at first because it felt like a nice break to be like okay I'm going to take this minute I'm gonna work on myself, you know, I'm gonna try to get things under control, learn this job, whoop-de-whoop. And then I'm gonna go right on ahead and just go back into the podcast. But then it was like, as the time, like as after the first two weeks, I started to get antsy because I was like, all right, girl, when's it gonna drop? Like, when are you gonna put the next thing out? When are you gonna, what's the next thing gonna look like? What are, you know, you have a minute to like,
think about, think about it. Like I have a minute to think. Like I you know wasn't doing anything in particular. So I was like, start thinking about what you maybe wanna do. Again, I wasn't thinking too deeply but about creative ideas, but I was starting to think like, cause again, I've wrestled with this like so bad, oh my God, was the idea of doing a video

Embracing Video Podcasting

podcast. Like I feel like,
It's another step. It's another thing, but it's something I really realized I think over the past couple months is the fact that people really do like watching people do podcasts. And I'm like, all right, girl, you have to just bite the bullet. And so I think I had to prep myself mentally to get here to be like, all right,
doing a video podcast, it's gonna be something new, it's different, it's not just you talking shit and just behind a camera, you really gotta show up. And that's also the other thing, I wanted to move more with intention. I think that is the hard part about having a podcast on top of regular responsibilities like you can't like life life gets fucking crazy like i'm just gonna say it like life is insane right now i don't know how anyone is doing what they're doing like when i meet with people or when i talk to people in the public or whatever it's just like i feel overwhelmed so i'm like i can't imagine like how other people are feeling or navigating or doing their day-to-day so
Again, it's a lot it's a lot balancing that the professional and personal life like the traditional nine to five and also still, you know trying to follow your dreams and doing the things that you think are right for you or things that you are passionate about so That was It was a lot of mental stuff. I'm going to say that. And I think that I was also wrestling with the prep professional life versus the passion. And I'm like, why don't I just do both things? Like I got this master's degree. Why not? Like I'm seeing other people here do, you know, practice the way in which they practice. And, I just feel like,
roles are made to be broken. Like I'm not, like I do have like, I think a concern about clients being a public figure or in that way with clients. And I think at some point, like if I became too noticed or whatever, I would maybe stop therapy or I will work with people that aren't as tapped into social media or follow the social media like that because there are people that I meet that are like, oh yeah, I don't have a social media or I don't, you know, whatever.
But I also realized that I'm, more I still, in myself and my profession and like things umt don't stay the same. Like, and there are people that can do both and be both things.

Balancing Professional and Personal Life

And it's not like I'm out here doing anything.
while like only fans or anything. But I just I guess I get worried because I don't want my perception of myself or my thoughts to influence people's decisions of what they think about their situations because everybody's situation is unique, like at the end of the day. But At the end of the day, you know therapy is only, I feel like right now in the way in which this world works is only but so practical because everything is so broken. like There's no way that you can like fix people's regular problems without being
a Public figure I hate to say it like I and I hate it so much. I hate like having celebrity status. I don't like people Like I like being known but I don't I get overwhelmed by people like and that has always been a fear of mine I think I get overwhelmed by people and their shit. And I'm like, okay, like it's already a lot will work. You know, you work a nine to five, you, you know, you do that. And then you work, you know, you do therapy and then you, you know, you save the world. And then it's like, okay, are my friends a family? Good. And then it's like,
Great, they're good. um the bills paid? um I still have a roof over my head? Is the electric you know still low? And is the internet on? Is there food in the fridge? up Nope, there's no food. Gotta go to the grocery store. Oh, wait, I gotta to go also get my meds.

Self-Care and Helping Others

This is out, that's out. And so it's like,
is I think I'm getting to this point in my life where I'm like, I gotta start making my life work for me. And I got this degree and I have to trust myself and that I can have the life that I want.
and still help people. And why not merge the innovation of this, like using things like AI, using things like video podcasts to connect the people, creating community, being the cool social worker, because I feel like That's the thing about social work. I've always felt this weird disconnect to it because it's always been like the white people's profession. Like it's always the white woman's profession. It's the profession that is so misunderstood. People don't understand social work. People don't understand like
the shit that you have to deal with when you deal with the public. It's draining to hold everything. And I think that as a black queer man,
living in the world. Like sometimes I'd be like, is anyone else give a fuck? Like I can't be the only one I give a fuck. Like it can't just be me, you know? And so I think as I am getting older now that I'm in my thirties, I'm like, I really do care about what happens to people. And I do, but I also care about what happens to the people in my life and myself.
And it's like almost like a pyramid where I feel like I'm at the top. I hate to say it. I mean, it sounds so bad. Um, where, where I feel like, you know, and I think I guess people do do this, like God or the universe or whatever is at the top. And then like your next, and then it's friends and family. And then it's everyone else. And I feel like that's how I see my life or how I've,
what I've been maybe working towards and not really knowing in my 20 year old brain, that's what I've been wanting because I've been so traumatized and I'm like, well, what the fuck? So I don't know what I'm doing. you know And then I started realizing, I'm like, well, maybe if I start,
Picturing real life at school. Maybe that'll be the thing that I'll that'll get me through.

Podcast Direction and Goals

And so that's what I've just been kind of doing. And I could maybe if people are interested in hearing about that a little bit more, I'll explain that a little bit more later. I'm sorry, I'm just also reading this, you know,
This little outline I got from myself, I'm trying to be, again, this is like real, real shit. Like this is slightly scripted because I'm going off of something, but I'm also like.
Kind of sort off the dome because I can't read and like record at the same time. That's also what I like about this, like adventure, because I feel like you run your own shit, like,
I get to choose like what I do. Like I get to say what I, you know, say with a reason. you know, if I want some sponsors at some point, but that's not necessarily the goal per se. I don't necessarily like, I want like the support, I guess, or, but I want to more so get, I either want to again, grow this maybe like, I don't know. We'll see where I'm talking out loud.
ah ah we're moving on. We're you but but're just talking. um um but all I know what I will say is this I went away, I came back.
Did he
we're We're in this, you know, incarcerated now or something is happening with him and arrested and Kamala Harris and waltz are running and, you know,
It's just a lot of stuff. It's a lot. It's a lot of shit. It's a lot of shit.

Content Control and Episode Structuring

think lastly, before I move on, I'm just going to say with the old episodes. I feel like now I'm in ah ah a space of trying to be a little bit more intentional about episodes or like planning and things like that. And I feel like when I look at my old episodes, I feel like I was navigating in a space of a lot of like.
misplaced anger or really just not being as positive or being. Inebriated ish on the podcast, and so I want to kind of clean that up, I think I want to get a little bit more.
Controlled I definitely want to be way more Centered more thoughtful of what I'm saying a little bit more Because again, this is like three years, this podcast is three years old. So like, stuff I maybe thought about back then is like way different than the things that I'm thinking about now, especially because I'm navigating in a different headspace. And I just think about again, clients or any future people like my shit got to go behind a payroll, paywall.
I'm sorry. It's just gotta, you know, I gotta to lock up the stuff in the vault. So again, yeah you know, you can hear those episodes. They're coming down slowly, but 31st of October is when they gonna be out. Yeah. So it's going to be the same ish podcast, but,
a little bit more, you know, intentional and you know, that Patreon, know, sub to the Patreon, I will have the link to that together. Again, it's work in progress. before it ended a month, everything will be, it'll all make sense. This is all like, again, soft launch, relaunch,
take this as like a soft relaunch and then we will, you know, move on.

Media Corner and Societal Impact

um So this week we are purging. Next week we will well We will be doing some other stuff. Moving on. So I did talk about in a previous previous podcast that I did want to rename the episode or rename the segment. The Media Lab or the Media Lab. Yeah, I wanted to rename it. And so now I am calling it my media corner where I talk about different things that were
media topic, whether it where it's like music, movies, I don't know, music the books. Sometimes I'll talk about celebrity stuff like or like wrestling or whatever, but I haven't really talked about wrestling in like forever because I've not been keeping up. But I'll talk about like different things. So a lot of things like horror movies I'll talk about here or different albums that come out.
TV episodes, things that I thought about, maybe dissecting them a little bit to help understand them or maybe understand them differently because there are some things that I've watched where I'm like, I don't understand this. And then I like maybe watch it again. And I'm like, okay, this is I understand it now, and this is why I understand it, and I think that that's important to talk about. I also think that it's important to talk about the media and celebrities because they are so influential in our society. like people are I hate to say it, but again, like
Whether or not we want to em admit it, like we idolize these people. They are role models. We look to them to do stuff. And so. We it like, and I've realized this when everyone was like relieved when Taylor Swift backed Kamala Harris. And I was like, fuck. I'm like, damn, we are in this deep. So I feel like as a social worker, part of my responsibility is to educate people and to make the public aware. And sometimes that may be
talking about deep diving into different things that we watch or consume or the message or the take home. And I feel like a lot of horror movies do that. Like I feel like a lot of movies horror movies have like just the take home message or you can dissect it and really pull it apart.
Um, love doing that with albums or like talking about artists and like, I'm gonna talk about Megan Thee Stallion a little bit, at the end of the segment. But like, I really want to, I really want to talk about.
celebrities and the ah ah media and like music in a way that feels impactful. So I think the first part of the show is just going to be like, again, checking in like some kind of like introduction, checking in some maybe a highlight from the week, some kind of news topic or some kind of icebreaker or something like that. And then going into this segment of like the My Media Corner where we just kind of talk about media stuff then talk in different, maybe other topics that are going on in the world.
then lastly will be my final thought segment where I'll just kind of talk about, it'll either be like random thoughts that came to my mind during a week or like, like things that went like, we need to talk about this a little bit more, or it'll be maybe like, supporting a charity.
or something. like and only be I say final thoughts because it'll probably be more than one. Because usually people that know me know in real life know that I have more than one. I'll be like, oh yeah. And one more thing. like There's one more thing we need to know.
So that's going to be kind of the flow and then a closing out of like kind of the gathering of like what we I say we and I really mean me and I do this all the time. um What I am maybe trying to what my next things are like things that I've coming up.
maybe I'm trying to gather some energy to do something or man like a manifesting kind of segment at the end like a closeout of like a good thing that I want to happen so that's going to be kind of the flow or the structure of the show and then also in the final thought segment I'm thinking at the beginning of the

Listener Engagement and Music Preferences

show. Either at the final thought, actually, yeah, I might do that. do it like I'm thinking all out. loud Again, we're still, we're moving, we're flowing. But I might, because you know for listener letters, if people have listener letters or things, on I might read those at the beginning of the show. we can get the T out the way and then
We'll move into My Media Corner and then close out with final thoughts. That sounds like a good, that sounds like a bomb-ass show. Don't you guys think so? Yeah. So, to go into the My Media Corner segment, I actually need my phone and I can't figure out what. Hold on.
Yo, this is so bad.
And it's probably going to, it's probably staring me right in the face. My phone, like where? Where's my phone? And my neighbors are also playing loud music. So I am so sorry that this is happening.
That's so crazy. I was like literally just sitting on my phone. Like that's crazy how thick are yeah I still am. I didn't even know I was sitting on my phone. So yeah, so something I did want to do was I wanted to talk about the songs that I like to give you my like summer wrapped. I wanted to go through my Apple music. No, they're not sponsoring me. Sorry.
One day I will get to the point where I stopped saying brands and y'all will sponsor me, like stop playing with me. All so I wanted to go through my like playlist for the summer. I'm just gonna count from, let's see.
I'll start in May because I feel like May was when summer really felt like it started for me because that's when things really shifted. And then I've really like things became like more like kind of, you know, real. I remember I slept for a week when I left my last job. I felt so freaking good. Oh my goodness. When the end of that week happened, but I felt crazy because I i slept literally slept the whole week. Like it was insane. how much I slept, I slept from
and got nothing done. Like that was the other part about it. Like literally, that was literally the other part about it. So like I left my last job and then I started doing therapy again, but I didn't have any clients my first week. And I had to, I remember I had to go to a private practice meeting for one of my peer group meetings and I was just like,
in the bed, like knocked out, like setting and I had to set my alarm just so I could get up because it was like, I felt dead. Like that's how much my last job drank me. And i was thought I was like, I didn't realize I think how much like I had been tired, like how tired I was. Like it was insane. Oh my God.
Sorry, I'm just trying to, I've had a new idea of how I was going to do this. and And then I saw Lady Gaga's haircut for the Harley Quinn movie, which I am going to go see Joker too. And I can't wait to talk about that. That probably won't happen until next month, also FYI. So that gives people plenty of time to go watch it because we're just talking about horror movies and horror things. I want to go in really quickly and talk about my
Summer playlist so I'm just gonna click through we're just gonna click through because I can't it's just too much I'm trying to I'm trying to figure out a ah ah really good way to do this and it's there's no good way to do this so I'm just gonna say you right now that tenashe has Like every month like for the past let's see September August
July, June. Yeah. Yeah, she and then back to February and then. January, so every month, like Tenachi has been like my number one, listen, and I'm going to do I'm working on a project now to where I'm kind of like.

Musical Influences and Personal Growth

a conspiracy theory around why I think I've become energetically connected with Tinashe. And I know that sounds so crazy, but it will make so much sense when I actually, not so much her maybe, but like maybe it's like we're energetically connected because we're both Aquarius. But it's something about the way in which like she, like I found out about her and my life is that's around the time when my life like really started to change. like It is the weirdest thing and I can't explain it until I think through it a little bit more and i like I've started writing the pieces out, but it's a lot.
So, I just want to say that like, shout out girl, like tent across the board. Like I don't care what anyone says about quantum baby, because it's, and I, and I'm thinking about it just in terms of,
Anthony Fantano, I saw his review of of Quantum Baby how low he kind of gave it. and ah the store Well, the score he gave it was shit, but I just didn't understand how he didn't get it. you know And that was like the thing for me. I didn't understand how anyone could not get Quantum Baby. like I was like, oh shit, like this makes so much sense when I start, when I first listened to it.
And then I was like, hold on, wait a minute, I need a minute because it's a lot. And so when I reflected on Baby Angel and like when it first came out and where I was at in my life versus now to where all of the astrology girlies were like, you should have quantum leaped. And I was like, oh, yeah, I realized at the beginning of September, I was like, oh, shit, I actually did quantum leap like it happened because Nothing is the same as it was last year for me. Like, that is insane. And that's why I'm like, I have to like, that's why I said it's crazy. But I have to literally tell the tale to make it make sense and to how I am sitting in front of you right now. Like, it's crazy. But shout out to Nasha tends across the board.
Favorite song of course on the album has been When I Get You Alone. like That's that Summer Playlist Jam. And these are in no particular order because my music is all over the place.
The whole album is a summer it should be on a summer playlist. Yes, I Think the album is going to change like the way Angel baby did for me like it'll probably Represent different parts of my life until the next thing comes up and so it's been like in and out in and out of my repertoire for albums right now and my favorites list and Basically, I look quantum babies on my favorites list, but I'm even tweaking my favorites list to like add new songs and take songs out that are changing with the seasons. like I feel like seasonally each season I change and I become or listen to different things that influence me or I'll go return to old stuff that I've listened to. I listen to my Spotify, my Spotify, my Apple Music Radio, again, no sponsor, but
I listen to my station and I will literally find songs or I'll hear songs that people are like in the gym, I'll hear songs or in public and I'll Shazam them and then I'll again, no sponsor. And then I will add them into my playlist later on. And then I, you know, that's kind of how I listen to music now find out about new people or new artists. And then if something comes up on my playlist that maybe I haven't listened to it in a while or something that is
Oh, like a random song, if I put my album or my thing on shuffle and a random song comes up that I remember, I'm like, oh yeah, this is hot. I'll put it on my favorite playlist. So I love that ability now. yeah, Tinashe, she's on there. Eyedress, he is on there. Slater, shout out to Slater. I wanna, okay.
I've been waiting, I've been waiting so long. If anyone has listened to any of my last podcasts, I've been waiting so long to find a new like young person that was into like rock or an all genre music that's like
a cool white kid. Like I've been missing that in my life. Like I've been missing the cool white guy to listen to in my life. And I'm like, here we go.
Cause he makes, he like, his albums are different in this. And I feel like that about Idress a little bit where it's kind of like their music is different in each album. Like it feels a little different or like there's maybe some kind of like theme. Like I know for Slater, he's from Bayside in California and his music sounds very much like when I listened to his newest project FM thoughts. I'm like, this literally sounds like I'm, I'm given hang time in California. Like, that's literally what it feels like I listened to him. And I
love that. Like I want to make a California playlist because oh LA here I come. So yeah, that was so Slater's another one. I've been playing lights on a lot by Naomi. I feel like people I just feel like y'all didn't wreck that album enough.
Her song with Gunner, I like that one too. Gunner, I like Gunner. I feel like he does a feature with Doja Cat that I really like on YYY as well. That's a good one. else is it? Oh, I'm also listening to a lot, Megan Thee Stallion a lot. But I wanted to just see really quickly before I talk about her. Oh, oh, Charli XCX. Girl.
Hold on.
Yes. I love her. Like she, the funny thing about Charlie XCX is that I was, I listened to her periodically. Like I'll listen to certain songs that I'll listen to of hers, but I won't I haven't really enjoyed like full albums or full projects per se. And so when I was like, when I, when Brett came out and I was like, all right, I want to talk about this album. I love Lime Green. Like you already bought me with that. So Lime Green, you bought me. I was listening to, and I was just like, oh, she's in her bag. And so I gave it a listen all the way through and I was like, okay, I get it. The brat summer I'm here for it. So, we love a brat summer. we love brat fall. We love the, like the remixes are out. haven't really given a remixes too many listens because
I don't know, it hasn't been on my mind. um want to, and I know that Tanashe, I think is gonna be on a meet of remix now or something. So I'm gonna listen to that ah when that comes out, and I'll probably just, at that point, point just start listening to.
the remixes. was listening to, uh, Kalayla still a lot, Raven, like a lot of the same. Oh, Vegas by Arabra. That's another one I recommend. That was a good summer song for me. something to bet for lashes a lot, but that was only really, I think because the album came out. not saying I wasn't going to listen to it, but why it ended up and my on my repeats list. Eyedress, again, um Vampires and but Beverly Hills. That good ass mixed tape. I can't fucking talk. Mixed tape. I would definitely recommend, if you love the 80s sound, love his style. It's just like so cool, it's so sleek. It's just like very,
Like I love when people are just cool. Like I love when they're just like unapologetic. They just do stuff that's cool and they just don't care. And then Megan, Megan, Megan, Megan. She's had like one, ah she's another one I feel like I'm energetically aligned with and for a different

Megan Thee Stallion's Impact

reason. I feel like she literally, well, actually not really.
similar reason. feel like I'm energetically aligned with both of them but for similar reasons, because both Megan and, um, um, Tinashe have both faced a lot of criticism from, or not criticism, but like a lot of like backlash from whether it's their
label. but Or, you know, I mean, more so Megan with like this other stuff, but like with the label stuff where you, you know, you work for a job and like, people don't believe in you or like people don't, you know,
they ah ah you know They don't, it's like they don't trust your judgment judgment or something. It's like, or don't, I don't know. It's getting to be too reminiscent. It's starting to reminisce. But needless to say with Megan Thee Stallion, I feel like with her releasing Cobra last year around the time when things started going A little left for me felt very significant. Like I felt very drawn to the song. And then when she came out with his was around the time things really took a shift for me. And I was like, oh, like I need to really get on my shit now and like really. Lock in because of anyone listening to an old old episode. There was an episode I did where I was just like.
I'm not even gonna talk about it, but yeah. it Needless to say, it was around that time when I was like, things are starting to shift for me. Like I need to start thinking a little differently. I need to start, I can't rely on a nine to five to like save me. And his came out and it was like,
Venom like literally just like I felt it. I felt that Venom like that Megan had for Allegedly That that man and so Yeah, I
I really I really clamped down on it. And then Boa came out and then everyone was like, oh, I don't get it. But as an Aquarius, I'm like, I get it. Like she's the anime girl. She's the she's that girl like that is like it would make sense for of all people to do to take the Gwen Stefani sample and use that in this video in this style and then also integrate in this Japanese, this love for Japanese culture. Like I've really made, like it makes so much, it made sense. And I was like, I get it. You know, I get, I get it. The tick tock, I get it. I hear it. It's the, like you listen to it. It sounds like you're listening to a clock a little bit. and the music, I love it, you know, tends across the board. People didn't get it. And then the album came out, everyone was like, Oh my God, I get it now.
And then just the fact that like all those songs, those three songs came out and I was like, I don't know what it's going to give for Megan's album because I was just like, girl, no, like her, like sometimes her albums, i I think for me, like, I think I always believed in her because I'm like Tina Snow was a really good, like that's how I found out about her was through Tina Snow, like right around the time when But was it? Because I had her hot girl. That was how I found out about Megan first. Like I found out about her because of the song Hot Girl because I was like, oh, who is this? This is my song. And then.
Shortly, like maybe a couple months later she released or they made big old freak like the big song or like the big breakout hit for Megan and From there. I was like, okay like the projects, you know, I was kind of in the fever like it was good And then it was like then I started like kind of dipping in and out and then I was like something's not Right here. Like I feel like I believe her when she says like, you know, she's not being allowed to put out the music. She really want to put out because I'm like, something's going on. it And then boom, we get Megan and I'm like, oh, shit. Here we here we go. Like, this is this is what I've been waiting for. This feels like what I've been literally waiting for from her and.
I love every, read like I feel like everything that she's been doing has been intentional. Like she has been moving with grace. Like it is, I am just in awe of watching this young woman just navigate her life in this way of she is like she's had the odds stacked against her and still came out on top and I love rattle like that is my shit like I love that song so much
I love the fact that she's just laughing at her haters the whole time, like just busting out laughing. And I think I took on that
trait when things started getting hard for me when like people when I would like come out on top or like something would shift or whatever in my favor. Or think about like how people screwed me over and you know or didn't or realized they screwed me over. And I just start bust out laughing. It's just the funniest thing.
when you realize that you actually, it doesn't, like people's opinion of you doesn't really matter. Like it really, I mean, it is kind of funny. Like at the end of the day, like when I think about when she was on, oh my God, when she was on live, I think the one time where she had, oh oh my God, when she was out at dinner or something like that. And she was talking about when,
when Nikki was laughing at her about the whole, what was it? She was laughing at her about the whole like,
How, if you find the other, you know, of i I forget how she went. I'm not even gonna do the whole thing, but she was just like, how, the things, you know, and I'm like, and she's just laughing like at this woman, like in the camera, like face first, like just eating and laughing like,
is the funniest thing because that's literally what it's like. It's like, girl, what do you want me to do? Like she already said at one point that she was influenced or like inspired, not influenced, but like inspired by, you know, your movement or what you were doing. But like, let's not pretend that like you're doing shit that's like brand new, like people have done this before. people There will always be people after you. And that's the thing. And unfortunately, I feel like Megan just had to get to a point where she was just like, girl, like I'm not kissing your ass. It is what it is. You know what I mean? At the end of the day, like yes, people can respect you. like but
No one's going to be like, you can't be nasty. Like you can't be mean to people. Like you can't just like talk crap about people and expect people to just kiss your ass. Like no one's doing that. Like it's 2024. Nobody's ass kissing no more. Like we are very much in an age of change. Like things are starting to shift very quickly certain people are just going to be left behind. And that's kind of the tea and that's kind of the gag. And I keep trying to even encourage, I think my friends and family to like and to encourage them to embrace innovation because it's here. Like it's not going anywhere. Like we're not unless like an asteroid knocks out the Internet or we have something that just happens here on Earth.
crypto's not going anywhere. i you know, like all of this stuff, it is what it is. Like, you know, and I, and also get it where I'm like, you gotta get this, you gotta start getting to like self acceptance and all of these things. And I feel like Megan just embodies that. And I feel very connected to her, I think in that way. And so I've been very interested and very,
proud of her in this rollout that she's been doing of being herself, being authentic, being someone that's like, you know what? Fuck y'all. I don't give a fuck what you say about me. Like, I don't care. Like, you don't, you don't have anything to do with me. Like,
go raise your fucking like she said she literally was like girl go raise your kids like go or go raise your kid go tend to your man like go live your life do what you gotta do like stop worrying about me like i was listening to my god what was the other song she put out it was the free stone she was like what did she say why are y'all you know Go talk about something else if y'all hate a

Personal Growth and Authenticity

bitch so much. Like, why y'all keep talking about me? Like, shut up. Like, OK. And that's crazy, because like, when you really realize it, like, your haters in that way, your haters really are your fans because they don't shut up. And it's like, OK, I get it now. Like, it's like, I don't know. Like, it's just following Megan and like following her life in the ways in which her music is
very much now like under hot girl production, the way in which it's very much more so her. And even towards the end of the album, getting to this like, you know, the sadder's tracks, they feel very intimate and feel very much like her at the end of the day. So yeah, definitely highly recommend her Megan all year round.
Can't have enough, Megan. I was gonna talk about some other topics, but I really looked at these topics and I just was like, girl i I just wanna say for the ditty thing, I don't find a lot of things that people are saying or joking about to be funny. um think that a lot of the jokes are very crude and they are very ignorant and not thoughtful. think that the,
I was actually very disgusted by the whole, baby lotion thing because like, or baby like a baby oil. That's what it's baby oil. I was, ah I was was disgusted by the baby oil thing because like, honestly, like I just feel like if you are, if you have to stock stuff like that,
It's bad. It's so bad. And it's the fact that like over a hundred people have come out against and said that like they've been sexually assaulted by this person. Like I feel like every day when I'm on the internet and people joke about Diddy, I feel like I'm going to short circuit because This man did some very horrendous, terrible things to people, and people just make light of it because it didn't happen to them. And I get that like sometimes we joke about things. like I get that we you know joke about things to deal with the the fact that things are painful. But there are certain things that to me that just aren't funny. like And I'm not going to laugh at

Political Commentary and Societal Pressures

it. So that's how I feel about that.
What else, what else? Trump versus Kamala. I'm just gonna breeze through these things very quickly. We're not gonna spend all day here.
I mean, I'm working in the election night to do something, I don't know yet, but I gotta move my calendar or my clients um a different day. But all I'm gonna say is,
yeah Somebody gonna fix this shit. Cause that's, that's all I know. Like I'm tired and it's getting to the point where I am. I want to try to be an advocate for the people at the end of the day. And I don't care about how that plays out or how that shakes out. That's all I'm going to say.
is it's like celebrity, like all of that stuff does not mean anything to me. It just means let like, you get connections to stuff because I feel like if you're, there are things that like, you know, happen, but there's also shit that I, I'm girl. Anyway, just fix this shit. And also too, with Eric Adams, like I'm not fix this shit. Like I'm, I'm tired.
Like I just, I'm tired of like politicians having celebrity status. Like I just feel like we used to be, we used to be a proper country where we used to, you know, have politicians that maybe did stuff or we did got things done. Like everything wasn't a,
a flex or a, you know, a viral moment or a thing like, can we literally just live our lives? That's literally all I want to do. I just want to live my life. I just want to go. right like I want to go to the park or something after work with my friends because we did all our work at work and we didn't have to like, you know, we had our lunch break and we were able to, you know,
whatever. And then we go to work or we go to the park and we go hang out and we just, you know, I want to have balance in my life. And I feel like everything is so for like, even the way people interact, it feels very, and this is what I mean, why I say the the media just has this like influence where people think that they're the main character now. And it's like,
Everyone is the main character in their own right, but like not in a space of inconveniencing or hurting other people. Like that's crazy. That's why I don't, I don't stand for that.

Cultural Impact of Chucky Series

what else? What else? sci-fi save Chucky please. Like I'm, I'm so serious. Save Chucky. else? I, I, I,
because it can't end like that. I just, that that really upset me. Chucky ending the way it did really upset me. I just couldn't really think that night because it... The thing about Chucky is that I love, this is like the first show where I'm like,
OK, wait, this queer this character is black. They have a black queer character that's a teenager. I'm like, I could have totally related to this when I was in high school and would have wanted to see it in high school. So. Let's keep this going and also don't leave it on a cliffhanger like that.
I know Dom Mancini, I think he is like going to work. He said that he's going to work on something, but it's just the fact that like, I hate that TV shows can't last

Charity and AIDS Awareness

anymore. Like that really bugs me. It's like, why can't I watch a show that is going to last or have some like substance to it?
oh Yeah. um think that's it for my media corner. I'm thinking anything else. I think that's it. I'm just going to say really quickly, I'm going to do a quick final thought where I do this little charity segment or talk about my charity that I am like raising money for right now.
So this month is the Philadelphia AIDS Walk. And um want to try to raise for the podcast, just, you know, raise money for the walk. The link will be in the show notes. So look out for that. I am very aware of like the challenges that my community faces with HIV, the black and queer, so queer community.
and specifically the black queer community and the, you know, the DLs and the the trades and, you know, the the the things. And so I think it's important to always talk about HIV. There right now over 3000 people Sorry, 30,000, not 3,000, 30,000 people in the Philadelphia region that are living with HIV or People often think that people still say AIDS, which is very dated. um Technically, it's HIV because
HIV is the or AIDS is what happens when HIV is left untreated or like really, how can I say it? It's like really, like you don't take your meds and you just start to, you know, waste. It is the more so a CDC
indicator, like it's not an actual thing, if that makes sense. It's like, how can I say this? It's like, if you reach under this level, then you are, quote unquote, AIDS, you know, so I think like, like, we need to start talking about that a little bit more, we need to start clearing up things like this language piece, because This is why it's important like for things to change. like Things can't just stay the same. like We have to you know move things forward. But again,
30,000 people and in the Philadelphia area. know This fund helps with utilities. So like you know people lose health insurance. People get eviction evicted.
people that have HIV and, you know, a lot of what helps keep HIV manageable is accessing your meds. So if you don't have stable housing, if you don't have, you know, electricity, you know, if you don't have food to, you know, take care of yourself, then you are more susceptible to not, you're not gonna think about your meds, because your basic needs are not gonna be met. So you need to have everything else squared away, which is why this ah ah fundraiser is important. I do plan to walk. So I do plan to wake up early and walk and do the AIDS walk. I also want to spread more awareness about PrEP. PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. Basically that's a medication that you take daily or there's also an injectable.
as well. I think it's important because a lot of people don't know about PrEP. Anyone can pretty much, anyone has HIV negative can take PrEP that you know doesn't have, there's certain like you know seizure medicines or whatever you have to talk to your doctor, but almost anyone can take And so I really think that this medication is revolutionary and, you know, decreasing HIV HIV risk. um It is one of, I trust it because I trust science and I
If someone can show me scientifically that something makes sense, then I'm going to trust it. I'm going to go based off of what that says more so than what the the blogs are saying or what people say that don't study things. And that's what I base my reasoning on and why you know things go the way they maybe go for me. I mean, I don't know.
But I will say that, you know, still using condoms is important. Getting tested is important. So making sure that you're getting tested regularly, making sure that you are communicating with your partners. I think that that is also another thing maybe I need to talk about with someone or have someone talk about on the show is just like,
consent and like what that means or what that looks like or, what healthy sex looks like, because I feel like a lot of people don't understand sex. sex ed is not taught in the schools and people don't know about sex and the ways in which, they should, and that is wild to me. yeah.
And I think that's it. So that's going to keep going for the rest of them on that fundraiser. So that's going to keep going. I will again link in the show notes to that. I might do I think I'm gonna do a part two to this but I can't Same night recording, uploading, trying to get this out there. I just, I need a minute. You know, I need, it's a lot.

Future Plans and Guest Features

So I do want to do a part two to this, but next week, next Friday,
I have a little guest coming on the show. I cannot wait. Oh my God. I have some guests lined up, y'all. This is literally my brand new era. Like I said, it's going to be a guest in a month, but this month I'm trying to do a guest a week. like We trying to be ambitious.
so I will put, I will create a form if anyone is interested in being a guest on the show. Ideally, I want people that have like either know, like, you know, watch the show or listen to the show, or if you have something to promote, like ideally like your business or,
And ideally I'm not looking like if you have a fortune 500, this is not going to be the podcast. I'm sorry. I hate to say it, but this is not going to be her. This is going to be more like I'm thinking.
community um so like if you own a rest like mom and pop or if you have a therapy practice or you're a private business owner that you have a business brand or you do crocheting or like i don't know something and you want to talk to me about black stuff you want to talk to me about gay stuff you want to talk to me about horror, you want to talk to me about I don't know, like random universe stuff or like advocacy work or
I love, ah I don't know, I'm i'm an open book. like I have a vision for what I want my brand to be. So I'm using this, I think, as a as ah ah playground of sorts. So use use that as of ah you know information for

Social Media Changes and Podcast Rebranding

which you will. you know It is gonna be what it is.
And I think that's it. I'm going to close here. And we're going to close with the gathering. I might try to see if I'm always okay. I talk shit about them this week on on X, formerly known as Twitter. I am going to call it X only because I feel like my thing about X is that like,
and name here's it Here it is. I feel like if I'm going to be respectful of people's name changes or the think the fact that innovation happens and that that change is inevitable, change is inevitable, it happens. I also have to in some way embrace the future. like I have to embrace the fact that Twitter is no longer going. However, I will still call it formally known as Twitter because we got to go back to our roots.
And I feel like I am a little mad at Jack Dorsey or whatever that man's name was for selling Twitter. He now owns, I talked about this before, but he now owns like something else, but I don't, I'm using it, but no one else uses it. And I don't like that it doesn't, it has like, I think it's blue blue social or sky blue or something like that.
and I just hate that like it has the, your hashtag name as the, uh, what is it? And it's like dot blah, blah, blah, sky social, whatever blah. And it's like, come on now. Like,
And it's literally like when you download and go into it, it's going to be like you downloaded Twitter. Like that's literally what this is going to be like. It's going to be like you downloaded Twitter and you're gonna be like, what the fuck am I doing on this other app? But it's the fact that we're all locked in is that like.
you know I'm just accepting it at this point. I can't fight it. you know it's the It's the one hill that I'm not willing to die on. I'm willing to just go with the flow in it.
because there are bigger there are bigger hills to die on right now. So I do have another surprise. Like I said, I do want to do another, a part two. This one was like very much an episode that I just wanted to get out there just to kind of, again, this is like my soft launch kind of sorta. And the episode, again, every eight week, every, You know Friday You know new episodes are going to come out so I think next week what I might do is I might just drop two episodes and Y'all will eat Y'all will get y'all will eat I'm gonna drop this one tonight and then I'm gonna drop next week with my my part two to the series and then I'm gonna drop
the future. Oh my God. I'm so excited. Oh my God. I keep thinking about it because like, I'll talk about it later. yeah. So that's it for this week's episode. if you follow me on, you know, the socials, great. If you don't follow me, I gather them pod. and that is on Instagram and on X formerly known as
Twitter. then I'm trying to get a TikTok up as well, which I just thought about. I was like, I'm trying to get my TikTok account together because I'm going to figure out how to make clips once I you know get everything figured out over the next couple of weeks and hammer out some more things. else? What else? If anyone has any ideas for like backgrounds, I would be Like, OK, so, you know, there's a little stuff like right here that I got going on. This poster here, my friend got me a toast from the Crip. These are some bats. I tried to have the pride thing here. I lean on my butt on this side a lot. So you guys are going to see me here. But I do need to mix it up and like come over here sometimes. But that's going to require me to shift this.

Engagement and Future Directions

yeah, if you're not listening to me on I mean if you're not watching me on YouTube then To tell you know I want to fuck up some Taco Bell for overall if I'm gonna be really honest like Chipotle is nice as I think about it out loud, but I'm also like i'm like literally like I've had a stressful as a Stressful as last two weeks or no past couple weeks month months Damn, time goes so fast. This is crazy. Anyway, that's it for the show. then if you have any listener letters, you wanna send me a letter, you know, you need any advice. if it's gonna be pages and pages long, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to help you. I'm gonna just tell you that you need to book a therapy session and turn the podcast off.
or I'm gonna need to give you a referral to someone, but, uh, I'm willing to do some free advice, uh, for people, you know, or some free, uh, some free, you know, what I think, about a situation and I'll try to be thoughtful about it. So there's that.
or if you just want to love the show and you're just like, Hey, I just, I love the show. Gather them pod at Oh my God. I would love to get to the point too, where I have, where I do a live phone thing, right? Like I have a phone number and then I do people or like I get people to come on.
during the, like, if I record it live or something, I don't know. I'm thinking about it, but we're we're going to freak this. We really going to freak this. We got this. It's scary doing something new because you never know how it's going to turn out, but you also try to stay consistent because you also don't never, you never know how things are going to turn out.
and that's just been my thing. I've been trying to get to, I think, and here we are. So that's it for this week's episode. and like I said, you can follow me on socials, gather them pod, and I will talk to everyone again soon next week with that bonus episode.
Why did I do that? That was weird. See, I hate that now. like I hate that y'all can see me do weird shit. I don't like that. All right, bye.
