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Open Mic 34: MARJ.JPG image

Open Mic 34: MARJ.JPG

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays5 months ago
Welcome to another fun-filled episode of "Open Mic with The MVP Marco"! In this episode, Marco sits down with the incredibly talented Marj, a multifaceted artist known for her exceptional skills in cake decorating, cosplay, and digital art. Join us as Marj shares her journey from discovering her passion for wrestling and art to becoming a professional cake decorator. She talks about her unique wrestling-themed cakes, including the viral retro WWF ring cake, and how she blends her love for wrestling with her creative talents. Marj also delves into her experiences in the cosplay community, her favorite wrestling memories, and the challenges she faced along the way. Follow Marge on Instagram: @marjdotjpg Check out Marco's Instagram: @themvpmarco Visit to stay up to date

Introduction and Show Overview

Welcome, everyone, to another fun-filled episode of Open Mic with the MVP Marco. I am, of course, your host, the MVP Marco. And I do have a very special guest this time around. That's all I do have is guests on the show. If you've listened to it for, I think this is the 33rd episode of this young program.
Who the hell told you tonight was open mic night?
So if you're still around listening to it, I thank you. If the first time listening to it, I still thank you. If you stop listening to it, I still thank you for listening for the time that you did. I mean, hopefully, hopefully it was enjoyable enough for you to, you know, spread the word a little bit. But before we get into my guests, we're going to talk about the Pod Foundation and the collective minds that make up that group.
It's the chick Foley show which I'm a part of As well as turnbuckle tavern, which I'm also a part of I do a show Called the raw down every Tuesday at 9 p.m. Live on patreon. We talk all things WWE I say we because that brings me to the next show coming down the aisle with Jay bone He is my partner on the raw down, but he has his own separate podcast You can definitely listen to and then last but not least
The Extra Cooler show with Extra Cooler, Nick, Matt, and the rest of the gang. They go for the more nostalgic type of wrestling. Definitely check it out. Obviously, check out all their IG pages. Check out mine if you want to as well. I post a lot of wrestling stuff. Not so much for myself. I do post some pictures.
I'm getting there. I'm trying to get more, you know, more personalized on there, but enough about me. Um, but before I get to my guests, chick is where you'll find everything. All the shows that are affiliated, uh, the show open mic, um, the goal line as well. The sports, uh, oriented show oriented show, sorry, with, uh, uh, Seth and Jordan and as well as a chick Foley show, the, the, the flagship show.

Meet Marge: Talents and Passions

But yeah, let's get to my guess. So, this next person is, like I said, I always have talented people on the show, more talented than I'll ever be, more creative than I'll ever be as well. But yeah, this person, I mean, does literally everything, art, you know, baking, cosplay. She seems very fun as well. I mean, she's probably a great person, we're about to find out how great of a person she is. So I'm going to bring her on.
Marge, how are you? Hi. How you doing? I'm good. How are you? I'm great. Yeah, so quick background. We kind of talked a little bit off air, but I did find your page through the macho verse.
because he commented on one of your, you know, when you scroll through, they suggest, you know, accounts that you might like. So I see that I seen a comment of his. It was the it was a video of the retro WWF ring with the with the Macho Man figure that was obviously edible that you took a bite of. And from from there, I was like, all right, this is this is pretty amazing. And yeah, I was very I was very impressed.
by what you offered there so how did uh let's talk about that because i brought up the video how did that whole video come about well first of all macho verse great dude love him um we know each other from instagram and like you know there's cosplay community and we only just met like a couple months ago but he's a great dude he's always supporting me so i appreciate him a lot
Um, so I, uh, I'm a cake decorator. That's my nine to five, like my actual career. Uh, so that's, yeah, that's what I do professionally. Um, and
I just, it's my passion, but also wrestling is my passion. So I, uh, I can count on two hands how many wrestling cakes I've gotten to make like at my job, like that's how many people ordered wrestling cakes. So, um, it's kind of like I use, um, you know, making cake content on Instagram as a way to do the cakes that I want to do. Um, because I don't get to make many like,
wrestling related cakes at my job. So I use that as an outlet for things that I'll probably never get a chance to make at work. And so, you know, everything is cake or is it cake? Craze blew up online, now on TikTok and stuff. And I realized like nobody was doing wrestling related stuff. So, you know, being,
in my line of work and having wrestling is like one of my favorite hobbies.
I decided to jump on that and I was like, I got to be the one to corner this niche market. Yeah, definitely. No, that's, that's awesome. Like I said, definitely. If you go on her, uh, Instagram pages, other, uh, cakes, which definitely want to talk about a little bit later, the, uh, the, the VHS, um, collection, which kind of blew my mind. I was actually, um, I was showing my friend yesterday. Um, he was, I was like, Oh, I got, I'm doing another interview tomorrow and I showed him your page and stuff.
And I show him the video. He's like, holy. He's a huge wrestling fan. Obviously. He's like, holy. He's like, he's like, wait, he's like, is one of those. And then as the video went on, you see like the rest of them were kicking. He was like, he's like that.

Wrestling Influences and Memories

He's like, that's amazing. He's like, he's like, I need that done. I was like, well, maybe reach out. Maybe she'll do one for you. Um, but no, but, um, just to get, we'll get into the, uh,
Wrestling part of it. So what so what did you what did you get into wrestling? When did uh, the captivating sport that I love that we all love so much actually like how did how did you get pulled into that to the crazy world of professional wrestling? Um, one of my earliest memories of wrestling is um watching wcw and in particular, uh chris jerica
And I'm pretty sure he's the reason I got into wrestling. I imagine my theory being that I like stumbled upon Nitro one night when I was flipping through the channels and I saw like what I thought was like the sexiest man on the planet. Pretty sure I was hooked after that. And
Yeah, he became like he's my favorite wrestler of all time, honestly. So yeah, my childhood kind of revolved around him and I followed him when he debuted in WWF. And I grew up on the Attitude Era and all that. So the Ayatollah Rock and Rolla was your introduction. Oh, yeah. I mean, my horizontal young. Yeah, I mean, that's there's a reason why he's called that. I mean,
I mean, he's a good looking guy. He was, I mean, especially back. He said in the WCW, I think a lot of, uh, I think he probably pulled in a lot of the, uh, a lot of the females, uh, the female viewership and WCW at the time, obviously he had, you know, he had NWL, he had, you know, big sexy Kevin Nash, he had Scott Hall, like the cool guy. So.
but he he was like kind of like they hit the long flowing blonde hair and stuff like that yeah but yeah like a flowing lion's mane yes yeah i think he's like the reason i you know i i have this thing for blonde guys you know
But my, uh, my sister-in-law was like you, uh, back when, back in the day, she was a huge fan of, uh, Chris Jericho as well. And I believe for the same, same reasons you are, uh, you're a fan of him as well. Um, after that, what was it? Did you, did you transition from WCW to like anything else? Or was it full on WCW and then to WWF or did you watch any ECW in between then? Yeah, I watched some ECW, but, um, yeah, not much. Um, I think like.
a big part of me watching wrestling actually is like my parents were so opposed to it. And so I liked it more because they were like, you shouldn't be watching this. But I think, yeah, I think ECW was a little too much for them. So I didn't get into too much of that. But yeah, I definitely watched that in between. But mostly I was, I was WWF kind of gal.
Nice. Was there anyone, uh, anyone else besides like, you know, Chris Jericho that you are a huge fan of, uh, either one WWF or WCW? Yeah, I would say my greatest, um, my favorite tag team of all time was Cardi boys. Um, and favorite female wrestler of all time was Lita. I've seen a pattern here. Um,
No, we, they're one of my, I always put, I mean, I'm a Dudley boys fan. That's my favorite tag team ever, but it goes for me. It goes like a lot of people would say road warriors and you know, they're usually the top, like the number one, but I was a Dudley boys guy. Second was the Hardy boys for me. And if I have to go third, it will definitely be like, you know, Legion of Doom slash road warriors. But they're always my, I love the Hardys and the Dudley's, especially obviously,
You've watched all the you've seen all the matches that they've had. I mean, yeah, pretty much a blueprint for what we see nowadays. Yeah, the Road Warriors and Legion of Doom. They were a little like before I got into it. So yeah, what I know of them is what I watched like later on in life. So yeah, it was the time the time period. Hardie boys, they were on top, so they heavily influenced my childhood.
Did you, uh, when you, when you see the, uh, the debut of how, how excited were you for the debut of, uh, Chris Jericho in the WWF? And did you actually see that debut happen live? Yeah, I was watching it at the time. I'm like, you know, I was like, yeah, I have a feeling it's Chris Jericho, you know, cause they were doing all the, the lead up to it and the vignettes and whatnot. I have a feeling. And then the countdown came on. I lost it.
I was, I was very close to buying on eBay that the, they sold the shirt on WWE shop back in the day. The, uh, the sparkly shirt, like the, the shirt that he wore, you know, like a disco globe. Um, they, so they, they have it on E I'm not sure if it's still on eBay. Uh, someone headed up there. I was really close to buy it. It was like, it was like three or $400 there. I was like, damn, I kind of, I kind of want it just cause it's, you know, they, they don't make it anymore. And, uh,
I was definitely going to wear it at some point. Not sure what occasion, but I probably would wear it at some point. Well, funny story, I actually made that shirt myself. I sewed it. Oh, really? I was going to a show one time and he was going to be there.
And so I was like, all right, I need a special shirt just the occasion. So I found like a fabric and made my own Chris Jericho shirt. That's awesome. How did it come out the way you wanted it or was it? Oh, yeah, it was great. I wish I had it on him. Right now it's in the attic. I would show you. Do you have any pictures of it or like did you post it on your IG yet? I know maybe that's that's an idea. Maybe if you have anything.
I, uh, I'll send it to you, but I posted it a long time ago, but it was on my original Instagram account.

Career Shift to Cake Decorating

I don't know. My old one got deleted. I think I did see. Yeah. I think I didn't see posts or something like that. What happened? Did someone like, was it like a, what happened to it? Was it like a guideline thing? Was it just funny stories? It was a, you know, a little legal issue because I was making art like that. I guess infringed on.
intellectual properties. So yeah, got hit too many times. And a certain corporation got my Instagram deleted. I'm very I mean, not to get to that type of talk, but like, when it comes to I think when it comes to art, in your own interpretation of it, it shouldn't I don't think it should be, you know, pigeonholed to something like that. It should be, it's your expression of what that
thing is and what it looks like. And I don't think it should be. I mean, that's that's kind of like, you know, B.S. And when they do that type of stuff. I think so, too. To be personal anyway. Yeah. I mean, I you know, I'm not when I make merch, I'm not, you know, taking people's pictures and slapping them on a T-shirt. You know, I draw everything I do from scratch. I guess even drawing a wrestler in my own art style is crossing the line. But
I don't know. I think it's BS too, but I think, you know, little artists like me, they know we're not going to fight back. We don't have the time or money too. So whatever. I just got to tread way more carefully now than I did before.
Yeah, like I said, I've seen plenty of different artists out there, not to name anybody. But I've seen tons of artists with different interpretations of stuff, and I've never seen anyone get their pages taken away or anything like that. So I think it's probably, it was probably one of those perfect storm.
deals or bad situations, you know, I do know a lot of artists that also got their got their stuff taken down. Yeah, that's there. Yeah. And I do. I still see some that are that are still still going strong. But well, like I said, that's another conversation for another time. But I mean, since we're speaking about art and stuff like that, when did you start when you start your artwork? Like when you start drawing? How did you get into it? I've always
been into art, like ever since I was little, I have just been really good at drawing. I think it's genetic, like my whole family are like great artists. Yeah. They're like digital illustrators or architects or painters or interior designers. Yeah, kind of runs in the family. So
Yeah, ever since I was little, in art class, I would just recreate stuff. We'd put up a picture, and we had to copy it. And then I'd copy it one for one ratio. Yeah, and I don't know. I never really did much with it. My parents didn't really want me to do anything with art. I'm Filipino, so I don't know. It's one of those really true stereotypes that
you're expected to become a nurse or a doctor. And it doesn't matter if you have a passion for something, it's just you gotta do what makes the money. So my parents were the same way. They didn't ever want me to do art. And yeah, they never really encouraged me to get trained in it or do anything professionally. So I wanted to go to art school for college and yeah, they were not really
um they didn't really motivate me to do it and they were yeah they kind of didn't yeah just kind of talked me out of it so uh yeah didn't do that even though i wish i had um but you know i got a bullshit degree that i don't use now so yeah eventually yeah eventually i like
I started watching shows like Cake Boss and all those cake competition shows when they were really popular at the time. And I just started doing stuff at home, baking and decorating and making cakes for family and friends. And then I was like, I kind of want to do something with this. And I went to a pastry school. So I graduated from pastry school and I got a job being a cake decorator when I lived in New York.
And yeah, just took off from there. I figured out that I was really good at this thing. And it sucks because if I had really focused on making career out of art, I would have realized it sooner. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I feel like a lot of time was wasted not honing my craft because I wasn't really encouraged to do it. But yeah, it's really paid off now.
I mean, I would say, I mean, things, you know, things happen for a reason too. That's an, that's another thing to say. It's never too late. You know, you hear that term a lot nowadays, it's never too late to start whatever your passion is or go for whatever you feel like you can go for. And I think, I mean, it's to me, I look at it as a positive side. Like it's the right time. You actually were able to pursue it and actually do it.
um that's better than not you know just sitting back and saying you know what if or you know i never did this i should have did this you know you kind of have those regrets but um i want to kind of like go back a little bit what was that what was that journey like when
you know, when you started doing it, you're like really excited about doing it. And then like your parents are like, man, I don't think this is a thing. Like, what did that how did that journey look like? You know, it's actually, you know, going, I am going to do this. This is something was it was it obviously, I don't want to say it was a hard journey, but like, how did was it obviously bumpy roads ahead? How did that look when that kind of like
you know, the parents are like, no, we really don't want you doing it. But then did that discourage you at all? Did that slow down the process? Or did you just go, I'm just going to continue doing what I'm doing? Um, it was, it definitely like slowed me down a little bit, but I did, you know, I
I have a degree in bachelor's in sociology. And I didn't do anything with it, just because I wasn't passionate about it. And when I started doing baking and decorating, I really enjoyed it. And that's when I was like, I feel like I can prove them wrong and actually do something with this. So that's when I was really adamant about going to pastry school. And I finished.
Like I, yeah, I ended up getting a, an internship and then I got promoted pretty quickly to lead cake decorator. So like, obviously it was something I was really good at. Um, and there is still pushback to this day from my parents. So it was kind of, yeah, it was really discouraging, but you know, I'm not going to stop. Like, I know this is what I'm good at. And, uh, it's what makes me happy. Although that, like, that's the big thing with them. No, like it's not about,
what makes you happy. It's what about, it's about what makes you money gets you like social security. Um, so they don't like really understand, uh, it's like actually enjoying what you do. Yeah. But, uh, yeah, like I try every day to like show them that this is, you know, what I feel like I'm meant to do. Um, I've been on like a couple, um, shows for cakes and even then they're like, Oh, we're proud of you. But,
To this day, my mom is still, my mom's still like, I'll send you to nursing school if you want.
I've been doing cake decorating for so long and I've made it this far and you want me to just drop it and still become a nurse? That was actually my next topic was you made a lot of appearances.

TV Experiences and Recognition

How did that come about? Were you recognized or did you pursue that?
that type of thing to get on like TV and stuff like that. It kind of just happened organically. Like I actually was featured on sci-fi. They did like a fan creator mini doc series. And that I actually had a connection through Tumblr actually back in the day when Tumblr was big. Yeah, I know. I would post like nerdy cakes and cookies and whatnot.
And yeah, one of my followers actually referred me to a guy who knew in the television business and they were filming the mini docs and it was about different artists, like different mediums that focused on pop culture fandoms. So I was the only one that actually like made cake. So it was pretty cool. They came into my job and they wanted to have me make a cake
on camera and all this. So I made a Cubone skull cake because they wanted something really nerdy to showcase. So there was that. And then I was on, what was it called? Oh, iCandy, which was supposed to be on Quibi, but ended up on the Roku channel. But that was somebody I knew who was also a cake decorator from my old job.
she told me about it. And she's like, we need another decorator. So you should come on with me. And I did. It was like a behind the scenes thing. But that was really funny. It was making realistic cakes that people had to guess what was a real object and what was cake. And then actually with the same friend, I did Foodtastic on Disney Plus.
And that was, yeah, it was like Disney themed food sculptures. It wasn't necessarily cake, but we did a lot of cake stuff. And so we had to like recreate a toy story scene that was like larger than life.
Oh, man. Yeah, I actually did. I didn't watch it. I did see that on Disney Plus. I'm definitely going to have to have to watch that now. Oh, was that before you even knew about me? Yeah, that's even before I. Yeah, I was like I said, I said I see you through.
like on my answer because I obviously I follow a lot of like a lot of cosplayers a lot of like obviously like nerdy stuff obviously being a wrestling fan so and that's how you like I said I think uh you were like a suggested uh account uh but then I was looking through your I was looking through your stuff and then I seen uh like I said the macho verse commented on I think he commented on the the uh the retro ring
That you did and I was like I was like off I was like if I was like if macho verse is like knows about her that she asked me like yo She has to be cool at least That's right. That's what I reach out to you. I was and then that was as I was going through your stuff I seem like the I said the VHS tapes That you did it was going through some other stuff the rock 25. It was pretty awesome as well
Um, you know, and then I, then I was, then I seemed like all the, you know, all the, uh, wrestlers you met and things like that in the cosplay. And I was like, all right. I was like, you definitely need to, uh, you know, the reason why I like create the show was like, I really, whenever I follow somebody, I, especially when it comes to like, you know, the wrestling cosplay, that type of stuff. I'm really interested in like how they started it, you know, what that process looks like, that type of stuff. So, um,
That's why I started the show pretty much. And like you said, you pretty much fit every category. You do art, you do cosplay, you love wrestling. I try to do too many things at once. The thing is, you're good at all the things, too, as well. We'll get into the...
Well, there's so many things you can get to, but actually, you know what, I'll get into the, the pins, the enamel pins. What did, what did that idea come from to start through that?

Wrestling Pins and Fan Engagement

Was that before the cakes or did that come after doing the cakes? Um, it was actually after I had started doing cakes already. Um, so I have a friend named Jeff Cinco. He's he's a pin maker on Instagram too. Fairly well known. And he actually,
suggested I start doing pins. So it was really him that got me into it. Because he had a pin manufacturer, and he's like, you want to order with us, we'll get them cheaper if we do a bulk order. So he got me into it. And I started off pretty slow. I was doing like, I only had a couple designs at a time. But at the time, there was only a handful of wrestling pin makers. Especially, I think I was only
female pinmaker in the wrestling community at the time. Yeah. Like there was, there were so few makers that we had a group chat on Instagram. There was like maybe 10 of us. We would also always discuss like, Oh, I have this in the work so that we made sure nobody else was already doing it. We didn't want to.
step on anybody's toes or anything. So yeah, it was a, it was a great little community. Um, so yeah, at the time I, I, uh, started off slow. I had the, actually I had the bloody Becky Lynch pin. I don't know if you've seen it before after she got her nose broken. Yeah. So I made a pin of that.
Cause I was like, yo, I gotta, like, I gotta start jumping on these things as soon as they happen. Especially like when it's female wrestlers, like I really wanted to, um, to make pins of them and focus on them because like, yeah, like I said, I was the only female at the time doing this. And so I was like, I feel like I gotta be the one to, to do the female pins, you know? Yeah, definitely. I really blew up after the Becky Lynch pin. Um, those like sold out instantly and then,
I got a ton of followers after that. And then, you know, I just had to make more designs. I'm like, I got all these people wanting wrestling pins. And so that's where I really took off. I made like a Budio's pin. That was pretty popular. Yeah. The new day actually all own one. So that's pretty sick. I see that on your page. They actually have a picture of them all
They're all kind of like biting it or big ears anyway. I don't know Xavier Woods, but he has it in his mouth, which is kind of funny. Yeah. And I like, I had a real Ripley pin and she also owns that. She like, yeah, he had me up wanting some to give out to her friends and shit. Yeah.
Yeah, it's pretty surreal when the wrestler actually owns a copy of your merchandise. Man, let's, you know what, like I said, great segue. Let's get into that. Like how's, you know, I've spoken to, like I said, like extra cooler. Obviously he's a friend. Oh, I love Nick. Yeah, Nick's awesome. Uh, Nolan. Um, Nolan, if you've, if you've met him, he's also an illustrator. Uh, and they talk.
Yeah. They talk about like, you know, you know, working with different, you know, working with different wrestlers and stuff like that. And how, how crazy it is that they, you know, these people that they're watching on TV, whether it be, you know, older generation or new generation, they're actually like, you know, conversating with these people. How was that? How was that for you? Like getting, getting those like, you know, messages or, you know, meeting them in, in person and them like, you know, following up with you afterwards. Um, well, let's see with,
The new day I didn't meet or speak to, it was actually like, we had like a mutual friend that she was like, oh, we gotta get your name to them. So I sent them to her and I was like, just give me a picture, it's good enough. I don't know. With Ria, I think I tagged her in pictures of her pins and she, at the time she was actually still in NXT I think.
So she didn't really have that many followers. I would say like a few hundred thousand followers at the time. And yeah, we were like, we were friends on Instagram. We would talk once in a while and like she would order stuff from my Etsy sometimes. It was pretty wild. Yeah. So I would like send her.
I sent her a bunch of the pins I made of her and some little care packages. Now we're not friends on Instagram because I got deleted and she's too famous to recognize me in the sea of followers she has. It's so disappointing.
Who else? Oh, Mick Foley, friends of Mick Foley after like during the pandemic, he, you know, was helping out people on Twitter that were like unemployed and just like needed some cheering up. So he saw that I like I was unemployed and made cakes and he messaged me and was like,
Wow. I do make gingerbread cookies because his favorite holiday. Oh yeah. He loves, he loves Christmas. He loves gingerbread cookies. So he saw like, I actually used to make them gingerbread cookies that looks like wrestlers.
I would just like cut him out, but put like wrestler's gear on them and stuff. Oh, that's awesome. So yeah, he requested some of him and like his family and his two dogs. Every Christmas I send him gingerbread cookies.
And he actually has copies of his pin that I made, where it's like the Mick Foley with the dangling ear. And it comes in a set with Vader in a dangling eye. I'm not sure if you've seen that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So he's a big fan of those. That's awesome. Yeah. I'm trying to thank who else.
I met Enzo last year and I had made a pin of him like way back in the day. So I was like, yo, like I was a huge fan and I showed him a picture of the pin. He's like, oh shit, I've seen that. Like I didn't know who made it. That was me, so that happens a lot.
That's insane. Like it just like, like that must be like a crazy failing, especially with like Nick Foley, you know, being able to like have that access to like.
I'm actually able to call him a friend and I send him cookies pretty much every Christmas. He trunks me with his address. Yeah, that's another thing. A lot of people would take advantage of that and just start getting random things. Yeah, it's pretty mind mowing to think about that kind of stuff.
Um, the other, the other side of that too is, you know, I didn't see obviously with, you know, just speaking of wrestlers, you do have, you know, on your Instagram, you do have like a lot of pictures with, you know, different ones, especially like you said, Mick Foley. Um, yeah, I love the, um, the Pete Dunn picture that you have where you both buy the t-shirt. Yeah. That was at a, I think it was progress show in New York. And like, I, I went up to the table and I wanted
to buy a t-shirt and it just so happened that the only size left that they had was a small. And I'm like, I'm a small, great. I bought it. And then I was like, can I take a picture with you? And I put it in my mouth and he looked over and saw me and put the other side in his mouth. I went freaking out. I was shaking. Yeah, I get like real worked up when I meet wrestlers. I get so nervous.
people make fun of me so hard. I can't even function when I meet a wrestler or if I'm in their presence. I freeze up. I don't know what to do. I'm just shaking. That's a natural thing to do when you're seeing somebody that you watch on TV all the time. I don't want to say admire them, but you're like, holy crap, this person's so cool.
When you actually meet them in person, they are cool. That brings it even more over the top. Sometimes it's like I can't even find out if they're cool or not because they're like nothing comes out of my mouth. Most of the time I just freeze and I just can't say anything.
But yeah, yes. Well, yesterday, actually, I'm kind of dating this episode. But yesterday, I went to the major bros. They do a show pretty much. I mean, they do them all year long. But they did one in my area. And they had Heath Slater and Jerry Lynn.
as they were doing signings and stuff like that. And he's later was awesome. Obviously he has daughters. I have two twin daughters. Oh, you got kids? Yeah, I have kids. Yeah, I have kids. I get ready to take the picture with him. He had this shirt there and I'm like, you know what? I was like, I never... Obviously, when you said it on TV and you're like, I got kids, I need this job, that type of thing, I never understood it.
until I actually had kids and he just started laughing.

Memorable Wrestler Encounters

And he was like, oh, he's like, yeah, he was like, I was like, yeah, I have two daughters, twin daughters. And he's like, he's like, oh, yeah, I have two daughters. Obviously, you know, he's like, you know, we just started talking about like, is one of them, like one of them calm and the other one crazy, that type of thing. So he's actually, it was, they said it's one of those things that they're like, when they're really cool, like who would have thought I'd be sitting there talking about kids with Heath Slater with, uh, yeah. Yeah.
Not even a career, just as children. But yeah, like that those types of uh, you know, those types of interactions are awesome. Like I could just I mean, like I said, I went through like pretty much a whole not I didn't like creep. I wasn't like a creep scrolling through your eyes. I see it at the top a little bit. I tried to. But research. That's fine. No, I was like, I went on your website more than anything just to like, you'll see all the different, you know, cakes that you did and all that type of stuff.
Um, it, but the, you know, the Sizner V pitcher with, uh, with Billy Gunn, that that's another cool thing. Like how many people get to do that? Like most people, like when they do signings, they just stand next to the table or, you know, that type of thing. But you're actually doing like poses, like with the Mick Foley one, you get the bat over his head and everything. Like, yeah, that's the barbed wire bat. Like that's like to get that type of like, that type of photo op is, it's pretty awesome.
I think. Yeah, it's usually because I'm bribing them, though, because Billy Gunn, it was no joke. Like Billy Gunn was at Wrestlecade. I actually just started doing like cons, vending. Yeah. You know, my merchant stuff. And so that was at Wrestlecade. And I heard he was there in the next room. So I was like, OK, when I had a spare moment, I like packed up all my like acclaimed
stickers and pins and stuff that I had made. And I just like put it in a bag and I was like, I'm going to go give this to him. And yeah, so I went over there. Thankfully, no, there was no line at the time. And I just went straight up to him and I'm like, I have gifts for you. And he saw them and he was like, his assistant or whatever was actually like, you want to get a picture? I was like, I didn't even have to ask, thank God. And I realized like, yeah, I was like, can we please scissor?
And he was like, yeah. And I realized, like, after we took the picture, I was, like, squeezing him so hard around the waist, because I'm so nervous. But, yeah, he's so sweet. And, like, yeah, with Mick Foley, like, when I met him, that was actually, like, the second time I met him at GalaxyCon.
But I had brought him cookies then, too. You know, I asked him, I was like, Oh, I see you're on the fire for GalaxyCon. Do you like can we meet up? He's like, Yeah, actually, do you think you can bring me cookies? When we fully asked you for cookies, like you just bring them cookies. No question. Yeah, I brought him a ton of cookies. And he was like, Yeah, just skip the line whenever you come to my table.
Yeah, just, um, it's all about bribery. At least you're honest. Let's see. And you have that, I mean, Hey, you have the, uh, you have the skillset to do the, why not? As long as people can appreciate it, like free art, sure. In exchange for a free picture. Why not?
I do I did see yo obviously You got to send stone cold a gingerbread cookie as well. I've seen that photo. That was pretty that was pretty cool But that was another situation where it was like a mutual friend You know just arranged for him to get a cookie for me, but I mean that's all I need Looks just like him though. It doesn't take much. I mean photo proof like
I mean, it didn't take much. I mean, you just like I said, you did like the abs on it and he's already called. So all you had to do was add the go to those pretty much. It wasn't too hard on those gingerbread cookies. And then last but not least, one of one of my all time favorite wrestlers ever, Scott Hall, a.k.a. Razor Ramon, seen a picture that you do to Sweden.
I have a picture, actually, with Kevin Nash. I thought I posted on my Instagram, but I didn't. But I met him at a Russell Con as well. How's that? How'd that photo come about with Scott Hall? Well, first of all, actually, I have a photo with Kevin Nash, too, because Mick Foley arranged for me to meet him at Galaxy Con, and I gave him Kevin Nash. I knew ahead of time Kevin Nash was going to be there, so I made him like NWO cookies.
Oh, that's awesome. See, that's awesome. But the Scott Hall photo is funny because it was, I went to Chicago for one of the first AEW paper views. I can't remember which one it was, but it was, yeah. So it was at, was that some hotel? Anyway, I don't remember, but I was actually in the parking lot and I was in a car with somebody. We were actually about to leave.
We're driving through the lot and I see Scott Hall on the sidewalk. I was like, Oh, I pretty much just opened the car door and jumped out. I got to go. I like, yeah, just kind of tucked and rolled out of the car. And I went up to Scott and I was like,
Oh my gosh. I am like, I'm such a huge fan. And I was like, can I just get a picture with you really quick? And the funny, it was the funniest thing ever. He goes, well, of course you're the only hot chick to come up to me all weekend. And I, that fucked me up. When I say, when I said I shake it, like when I meet wrestlers before, like, Oh my God, this was, that'll do it.
Yeah, that's like the greatest compliment I've gotten in my entire life. That's why you could see my smile is super cheesy and that picture is gone. I just couldn't handle it.
So Scott Hall called me hot. Yeah. I mean, you're the first person that's been on the show that's actually, you know, had that said that anyway. Yeah, no, I feel like not many people can say that.
I mean, that's a one in a billion type deal that I'll ever speak to somebody that had that conversation with Scott Hall. That's awesome. Like I said, that was one of those guys that when he passed away, that was a huge, huge hit to
Not only like the wrestling community, it was like everywhere. It was like, you know, pop culture, pretty much. Everyone knows if you don't know Scott Hall, you definitely know who Razor Ramone is, especially with the I actually posted a video maybe a couple of weeks back of him on the Jerry Springer show when he did an appearance for these two children that had HIV. And he did like an appearance and, you know, you know, sat with them and stuff like that, did an interview and all that stuff with it. I didn't know that.
Yeah. I think it's like you said, if you scroll a little bit, you'll see, you'll see Razor Ramone sitting with two, he's in between two kids on the Jerry Springer show. They both had HIV and he's like, yo, he came out, did like, did the interview. He, I don't want to give away what, you know, the rest of the, what happens in the video, but it's pretty awesome. Just, just him doing that. And I was like, I mean, I think he was like intercontinental champion at the time.
when he did that. So he came out in full gear as well. Full razor of bone gear, no regular clothes, the pads, the vests, all that stuff. So gold chains. Yeah. The two pick everything. Yeah. Definitely check out, check it out. Hey, go to my, go to MVP Marco. You'll see it. I'm really grateful. I got to meet him like free.
pretty soon before. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah, that was, like I said, that was a huge hit to the, to the, to everybody, I would say, man. But the next, I want to move on to, you know, the, I want to move on to like the process of doing, do with these cakes.

Cake Creating and Cosplay Process

If you have secrets you don't want to give away, you don't have to do that. But if you can give like a, kind of like a,
like an overarching or kind of like a general thing of how you, how do you come up with the ideas to do these? Like, you know, how do you do it? Like I said, don't give away like, yo, any secrets or anything like that. But like, you know, basically like the method to your madness when it comes to, uh, when it comes to, you know, baking and decorating.
Well, when it comes to like the personal cakes that I make for like social media and whatnot, um, I basically just try to do things that haven't been done before. Uh, I don't try to like do any repeat cakes that I've like seen done a million times. I'm always trying to be original. Um, so like I said, like I was saying, I just like doing cakes that I, uh, I've been wanting to do and just never got the chance to. So, uh, yeah, I like to focus on wrestling.
Uh, I'm big on nostalgia. So like, I love doing like old video games and old toys and stuff. Um, I like really shaped my childhood, but you know, keep it wrestling theme. So like I did the Hasbro cake. That was one of my recent ones. Um, I did like the no mercy 64 cartridge and like, it's always stuff that I want to like fool people.
And I try to keep them as realistic as possible. So it's got to be something that's like.
uh, actually manageable to do. Like, although I'd love to do like a life-size wrestling ring out of cake one day, like I would love that. Yeah. 20 by 20, like an actual 20 by 20 ring. That'd be crazy. I think that'd be pretty sick. Yeah. I remember it was like, you don't tell the wrestlers. That'd be pretty insane. Yeah. Make some like weapons out of,
out of cake too, steel chairs, table, trash cans. Edible trash cans, that'd be sick. Yeah. So that's the dream. But for now, I like to be realistic, do things that are like to scale. That's why I like to focus on stuff like toys and stuff.
Yeah, definitely. I did see, uh, like I said, we, we talked about the, uh, the retro ring. I did see the, you also did a, um, I didn't tend to Nintendo and like the NES cartridge, like the old, the very first system. Um, I see that one there. Uh, the TV one was pretty sick too as well. There was like the little mini T that VCR TVs or whatever the hell they were called back in the day. Those are pretty awesome. Um, yeah, I don't know. Like I said, it's one of those things where like.
Like I wouldn't even even think of like, I wouldn't even, I wouldn't even know where to start doing something like that. Like, like, how does that, like, how does that process happen? Like, what is that? Like, how does the idea, how did the ideas come up? Like you said, obviously you like to do like things that you couldn't do, but like, where, where does it, like, where do you begin? Like, how does that like, Oh, if I'm going to build this, I got to do this, this and this. Like, how does that come about?
Um, well, I mean, I have an ever growing list of cakes that I wanted to be on. So like, keep an eye out because they're going to keep on coming. Uh, so yeah, tons of ideas. And I'm just like, I, it's really easy to, for me to, um, tackle a cake. If I already own the object with food. Yeah. But like with the NES, um, game pro wrestling, I actually had just bought that recently. So I was like,
Oh, this is make a great cake. And like I have it, have the object to like actually use this reference as opposed to like having to look up pictures online constantly. So yeah, way easier when I own the object. Like when I did the N64, No Mercy 64 cartridge, like I already had that. So it's like really easy to keep everything to scale. But the Hasbro ring, I don't actually own that, unfortunately.
So that was something I had to have tons of photos that I looked up to use as reference. And then I had to scale everything out. Actually, I couldn't find all the measurements online. So I posted on Instagram, who owns this and can you measure out
the exact dimensions for me. Measure out the logo, the stairs, the flagpole. I just need to keep everything as accurate as possible. So when I don't have the actual object, I still have to do all my research and try to get everything to scale.
But I think I did a good job with that one for not actually having the ring as Hey, no, it looks it looks really good. Like the WWF logo in the middle the the ropes. I also like I was like more surprised like how you did the ropes. Yeah, those are spaghetti.
Because I try to keep it as much as possible, actually edible. So yeah, I use spaghetti. So what about the part where it wraps around the post? Is that also spaghetti? No, that was fondant. So I just made fondant in the same color.
And yeah, it's like all in a little illusion. I guess I did. It looks, I mean, when you watch the video, like when I was showing my friend, he was like, he was like, what am I watching? And I was like, just, I was like, just watch it. And then he see, I was like, he's like, holy crap. He was like, he's like, that's actually cake. I was like, yeah, apparently it is. I was like, I don't know if you know this. Everybody tagged like Matt Cardona.
you know, major podcast in that. And they mentioned me on the show. They were like, they did the exact same thing. What am I watching? So that was pretty cool. I couldn't believe they actually mentioned me. Yeah. No, that's that. Yeah. Yeah. Obviously, you know, the like the lead guys with the figure collecting and things like that. So they'd be the they would probably be like the main authority to go like, hey, what's the what's the scale of this this rank? They they would definitely tell you they would be able to tell you that.
My other favorite one that you did was the the WWE or WWF ice cream bar Yeah, that was that what uh, I think you just want to like eat cake after you after you look at your page, which is not a good thing The ice cream bar is actually the first cake I had made for social media You know when I when everybody was doing like the cake cutting videos when I first started that was the first cake I did I don't know why I came to me and I was like, yeah
It's like a pretty reasonable cake to me. And I didn't have one of those bars of reference, but I did eat them all the time as kids. I know exactly what this is supposed to look like. Again, I mean pretty close to what it actually looks like. And then last but not least, my favorite thing with the VHS tapes.
How did you do it? It's like, like you said, if you want to see an illusion, that's, that's definitely an illusion. Like just seeing like the row of, you know, uh, VHS tapes and then like half of them are our cake. How did like, where'd that idea come from? Um, so I think I, so you saw the, the CRT cake that also had like some VHSs on it. So I actually made that for my boyfriend's birthday because he, he collects like anime VHSs and like,
CRT TVs. So I made that for him. And then I realized I was like, why don't I make a like a wrestling VHS cake? I felt like that was the next step. So I yeah, that was my next idea. But I was like, I don't actually like I'm not a VHS collector myself. So I only have like a couple the wrestling VHS. So I actually went on Instagram before I started the cake. And I was like,
Is there anybody that wants to like sell me wrestling VHS's for cheap? Because I need them for a project. All I said was a project. Yeah. And then a couple people reached out to me and they're like, yeah, you know, like I got these that you can have. I was like, all right, sick. So after I got the tapes in the mail, I was like, I have enough to actually look, you know, like it'll fit on a shelf and kind of look deceiving. So yeah, yeah, I started the cake and I was like, I got a
I just got to hide them among the real ones. Yeah, you can't tell at all. It's crazy. Thank you. Is it like even the tops? Obviously, if you see a VHS tape, it had the cardboard cover that you put over the tape. And it has the flap at the top that you can open up. Even that looks
Like that's super detailed. Like you couldn't tell, like if you're looking at it as a picture, cause it's not, obviously when you're on Instagram, you can't, unless you click on the image, the image, you're not going to see it move. But like from first glimpse, it just looks like a row of VHS tapes. It's insane.
That's what I'm going for. Yeah, that was like that. That blew me away the most seeing that because the detail on it too, like like on the actual VHS tapes, like I'm assuming it was like printed on somehow. I don't I don't know about it. OK, yeah, so I have to, you know, make a cake. I made the cakes like, you know, there was like two separate cakes. There was like a single VHS and then like a three VHS together. So I had to make them like exactly to scale.
And then I had to find the images of the VHSs, like front, top, side, all that. And then I do print them on edible paper, but then I kind of like wear them down on the sides to make it look like cardboardy. And then I kind of, yeah, I just kind of put it on the cake so it doesn't look like flat. That's why I did like little, I managed to do the little flaps on the top.
of the cake, I left like a little gap to make it look like cardboard. Crazy. Like I said, that blew me away like the most. I was like, holy crap. I was like, that's pretty much like the one that said, all right, let me reach out to her, see if she'll talk to me. If not, I mean, at least I tried. If she says no, that's totally fine. I'll just say, hey, real big fan, blah, blah, blah. But obviously, you return the favor and we're talking.
um let's yo we went through okay so we went through your baking we went through the pens we went through art and now i we have we definitely have to talk about your cosplay um awesome awesome cosplay so now you're the all right so i'm going to add you to the fourth
person that I've, or first fourth woman, I'm going to say that, that has pulled off a mankind cosplay. Wow. The fourth thing. Yeah. The fourth one that I know of anyway. So first is Sheena Chick-Fully. She's the first one I ever seen, you know, with a Mick Foley cosplay. I did see over the moon salt. Are you familiar with her? Oh yeah. Yes. Actually she's, she's actually the, her episode came out today. So definitely listen to it. Okay.
Yeah, it was a third time on on on here. I had on three times already. Oh, yeah. And she there was a lot of lashes and lariats. I had her on show her episodes coming up pretty soon. She's another one that did a bit fully cosplay. And you're the you're the fourth one. And I always ask.
Was it, did you build it from the ground up? Did you, did you make the mask most importantly? I did. Okay. Well, yeah, actually the funny thing is, um, I've done cosplay like forever, uh, ever since I started going to like New York Comic Con, but I've, yeah, I've been going for, I don't know, over a decade. So, uh, it's funny cause mankind was actually my first wrestling cosplay that I did. So, uh, that must've been, oh my God, I don't know.
That must've been like, at least seven years ago. And it was actually, me and my best friend came up with the idea because we wanted to do a matching cosplay. So we went to New York Comic Con and we decided on, yeah, like she was Cactus Jack and I was mankind. We couldn't find a dude love, unfortunately, but it was good enough. Yeah, so that was actually,
um, early on in my cosplaying days, I would make almost all of my costume from scratch, which I don't have the time to do anymore. But yeah, I like made that mask completely from scratch, which is a pain in the ass because I like I can sew, but it's a lot harder when you're making like something that has to
form fit to a face. It's more of like a 3D object. It's not like a flat piece of clothing. So yeah, that was a challenge. Yeah.
Man, like I said, it's like a, I mean, you had like a, uh, I seen it from like, do you have like a collage of all the, like not all your cosplays, but you know, like, like the Oscar one, like insane. I don't think I've ever seen a Oscar cosplay like that. That's like, that's a, that looks like a lot of work. Oh yeah. I think like I had, uh, what I do a lot of the time now is because I like have so little free time. It's like, I, I just buy like, say I'll buy like a bathing suit.
and then I saw all the details on top of it. So yeah, a lot of that was hand sewn, not like the face, not from the ground up, but it took a lot of time as is.
No, that's that's that's one of the things I spoke to Casey about about was, you know, nowadays with like, you know, before she would like everything like was hers from the ground up, like sewing and all that stuff. And then now it's a little bit different. You know, with it with personal life slash, you know, online life, you don't have the time to do things. So some things you get an order, some things you get an order. I've had Chris Wayne on too as well.
Yeah, he said he orders a lot a lot of his stuff is a lot of his stuff is order because he isn't have like the time to do that nor there's he do things by himself so yeah as it as you can see I do have a lot I don't know I think that's the the dish for me is cosplay is on my show for some some odd reason macho verse you Chris Wayne
Yeah, I think there's a lot of her. Lashes and Lariots, if you ever follow her, she's awesome. But yeah, the Oscar, like I said, was amazing. The EO, what did you do that one? Was that war recently or was that? That was last October. Yeah, it was last October for New York Comic Con.
Like I don't, um, I don't live in New York anymore, but I do every year for Comic Con. And then every year I'm like, I gotta, I gotta come up with a new wrestling cosplay. So obviously she was real hot at the time. And I was like, I haven't seen a neo cosplay. So I'm like, why, why the fuck not? And, uh, yeah, that was a lot of work. I.
Again, I bought some of the pieces. That started out as a plain puffy black jacket. And I sewed all the straps onto it, all the straps, chains, whatever. And there was kanji on her straps that I actually had cut out of a cry cut vinyl. And then I ironed them on. So yeah, all the details were hand sewn.
And like, yeah, I don't have time to like make a jacket from scratch. I used to, back in the day when I first started cosplaying and I got my first sewing machine, I was stoked about it. I was like, yeah, I'm gonna make it from scratch to say that I did. And now like, I don't care.
That's, yeah, those, like I said, that, that one, the Oscar, I mean, obviously is a ton of like, um, the, the feed one's pretty cool. That one as well. Oh yeah. That I made that I bought a base, like just like a plain white mask. I don't know. It looks like like a Jabber Waukee's mask.
And then I sculpted that all on top of that by hand. So that wasn't that you did that mask yourself, like you made it? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, I like I know that at the time they had.
a fiend mask on the WWE top. But it looked like shit. It was like a rubber mask. And like, it just looked terrible. So I was like, I got to like do this for real. That's how I actually sculpted it. And then I had actually had people like messaging me after that. And they were like, Where did you buy that?
Yeah. Oh no, I made that shit. And they were like, how much do you want for me to commission one from you? And I was like, I would have loved to make that a side business is just sculpting fiend fasts, but she took me like two weeks.
That thing's detailed, too. I mean, obviously, you can't tell by the collage picture, so you have to scroll a little bit on your page. But you have that one. It's like a split with Funtouse braid. Yeah. And the feed, that one, you can actually really see the detail in that while you have all the wrinkles and everything. Yeah. I'm all about accuracy. Insane. If it doesn't look right, then I don't want to put it out there.
Yeah, I mean, even that's, uh, that's, that's impressive. That's probably like, that's, that's, I mean, I, I guess I've seen a lot of cosplays and I mean, everyone has their own niche when it comes to it, everyone, but that's, that's probably, that's pretty insane. The closest.
I've seen was, uh, over the moonsaw with the, I think it was the Ricky, the dragon scene boat that she did. Oh yeah. Yeah. She did like the Cape and everything. She actually like sold off like the dragon wing Cape and all that stuff. It is pretty insane. Uh, how did you do the, was it, did you do the, was the dreads like a wig for, uh, okay. And then I kind of like styled it because it just looked like, I don't know, arrest a wig and like, cut some off and like.
So some in different places. Yeah. And how was it? How was it meeting? I seen obviously other ones. My other favorite one too, which kind of kind of scared me a little bit because it was kind of creepy, was the the Dan housing for some reason. Oh yeah.
I was like, oh, but it's actually really good. That was like I said, it scared me. So it did its job. If that's what you were going for. That was actually during the pandemic, like when COVID hit and like we were all in quarantine and shit and I had nothing to do. I was like, let me do a couple of cosplays in my house. Why not?
And you did the makeup. I'm assuming like you did the makeup yourself and the wow. And I actually spoke to when I spoke to Lucy, I should call that's her actual name. She does like her own face paint. Like she did this thing, face paint stuff like how do you not like do it backwards? Like because I'm assuming you're looking in the mirror when you're doing it. Right. And how does it not like how do you not mess up when you're doing that? Like what is your method of putting on face paint?
Oh, you definitely mess up. Well, at least I do. I'm not a makeup artist by any means. I barely even wear makeup on a daily basis. So like, yeah, it's tough. I definitely do get shit uneven.
And then it's like, it's like, I keep, I just keep adding more to the other side. I don't know. That actually reminds me. I don't know if you saw my sting makeup video, but that is exactly the process I'm talking about. It's like, I keep like fucking on one side. So I like kind of try to make the other side even. And eventually it's like, this is good enough. I did see, you know, actually since you brought up sting, you do have a photo op with him. How was that? How was it beating the icon?
Yeah, that was that was mind blowing. It was like so he was at GalaxyCon in Richmond and it was actually his first appearance after he had retired. So I don't really pay for photo ops. So I was like, but I was like, I got to do this. And I was like, I've been wanting to do a real sting house play for a while now. So, yeah, I was like, this is a good excuse. So I did.
Did my cosplay. I actually got there late, and he was about to pack up, or he was supposed to pack up and stuff. But he decided to wait for, I don't know, an extra half hour. And I got in right in time. And it was really funny, the height difference and whatnot. And everyone was calling me Lil Sting. I didn't have much time to talk to him, but I did get to meet him, and that's all I wanted.
Oh man, that's awesome. Did he, like I said, I mean, the face thing looks really good. I mean, I think it looks, it looks good for my, for my own eyes anyway. I can't, I've got the judge of, of Cosplay, but it's really good. Um, how was it like from afar? It looks good. Yeah.
Would you ever do, I'll ask you this, cause I asked other people, would you ever consider doing like, you know, like a, instead of doing multiple cosplays, would you ever stick to one cause kind of like, you know, how much, yeah. Would you do like, if you could pick one to do, like be like that a pair is added every single one, who would that be? Do you think for you anyway, or was that hard to choose? You have so many good ones.
Yeah, that's tough because I'm all about variety. I like to do something new every time. I don't know. That's tough. I'm trying to think of somebody that maybe has a lot of wardrobe changes.
Yeah, I can't think of anybody. I just I yeah, I just like to keep it, you know, mix it up, keep it different every year. Okay, do you have any thinking about what I want to do for this year's Comic Con? Yeah, that actually kind of leads me to our next question. Is there anyone that you haven't, you know, cosplayed as yet, but that you wanted, you know, that you're considering or have any ideas for? Definitely. Um, I just yeah, I'm
It's tough. This time I'm like, yeah, I'm really trying to think of something relevant to do. Like I, like, as you can see, I do always like to switch the genders, you know, like new male wrestlers will make them kind of like sexy. But yeah, so like, I think Asuka and you were the only ones that were actually female that I did.
Yeah, I am leaning towards a female wrestler this year. I just can't decide who. I'm like, um, I have been thinking about doing Rhea or Tony storm, but I'm gonna be honest. I don't really have the bodies for them. Like I gotta work out a little more. I think the, the Tony storm could be
I mean, not that I, you know, can, you know, not that I can contribute at all, but the timeless Sony stormy, pretty cool. Cause you can go full like black and white, like all white face, like all like that'd be pretty cool. Like red lipstick, that's a toe. All what I just did. Like not just like dress up as are like that, but like, you know, enough, not like cover your whole body.
Like white paper like where it's exposed like yeah like that if you're wearing like a that like long robe that she was you can probably just do your hands or something Yeah, I would fuck it up 100% fuck it up like an hour into wearing the
I mean, you can get away with it. Maybe throw some gloves on or something like that. Those like long silky gloves that they used to wear back in the day. Um, yeah, definitely. I mean,
Like I said, it's like I said, you definitely have the the skill set to pull off anything. And I'm pretty sure whatever you do next is going to be phenomenal. I didn't ask you this. I forgot to ask you this while we're talking about your EO was the money in the bank briefcase cake or was it an actual money in the bank briefcase that you're holding in the picture? So it is the money in the bank briefcase, but like a real one, but
It's funny that you say that because that's one of the next cakes I'm getting. That's what I was hoping to do. Nobody's got to know that. And they have to watch this podcast to actually get that information. So don't spread the word. I can't know. You know what? But let's just say it until the semester drops. So. You're going to find out what Marge's next cake is going to be if you watch this episode.
My kids would have loved a Money in the Bank freaking cake because they love the briefcase and stuff like that. I was like, it would have been cool if you could do that as cake, but that'd probably take a- It's in the works. It's in the works.
My next thing for you was before we go is, obviously you do a lot of different things. You have a lot of stuff that you do, a lot of skillsets. What do you do for besides wrestling? What are your other hobbies in life? Do you read? Do you watch movies? Are you a music buff? What do you do? What do you do with your fun time? I like to say.
Um, well, I mean, this might be a little sad, but I, uh, like art is my main hobby. Yeah. Like at my free time, I come home from the work at the bakery and then, um, yeah, in my free time, my days off, I'm usually sitting at my iPad or computer drawing because I don't know, right. I know it's like my career, but it's also my number one hobby. So most of the time it's that.
Um, and this is a little random, but, uh, my, another one of my hobbies is playing dance dance revolution. That's my primary form of exercise. Uh, that's actually how I met my boyfriend and going to the arcade and playing. So yeah, there's not much to me, honestly. I just, I just love art and it's pretty much, uh, all I do, but, um,
Um, not mad about it. Yeah, no, definitely not. What is that? So, so do you, how do you like draw? Like, how do you get, I almost said draw the ideas. How did you get the ideas for the things that you drawers? It's just like, are you sitting there like kind of like brainstorming or do you like draw, you know, draw from things that you're, you know, that you're going through throughout the day?

Brand Development and Future Plans

Um, honestly, I'm always coming up with new ideas for stuff. Uh, it just like shit just pops up into my head.
And then I have to write it down instantly or I'm going to forget it. So, yeah, there's that. It's usually like, you know, if I'm watching wrestling and something pretty big happens, like I have to jump on that. Yeah. All right. This is relevant right now. So I'm going to draw this today. But yeah, like stupid shit pops into my head all the time. I'll get around to drawing that. So yeah, I have like a long list post that's everywhere with like
drawing ideas I've got that I just have to find time to do. Yeah, and I went to watch Dynamite and Rampage last week, and I saw MXM Collection live, and they were whole areas. And that's one of the last, I think that's the last drawing I posted on Instagram, because I just saw them, and they were like, I'm hooked. So I was like, I gotta draw them. But yeah, it's just usually just stuff that,
just experience or is relevant at the time, especially if like nobody's drawn it yet. You know, that's like, that's another thing. I just want to, I just try to keep things original and I'm like, Oh, if somebody's already drawn this, like I'm not going to step on their toes and draw the exact same thing. Yeah. Yeah. Oh man. I'm actually, as I was talking to him, like thinking of like, if I was, if I had like, if I was able to do what you do, the amount of things I would like create, like I would, um, I would try to make.
cake replicas of like all the old WWE at the time, WWF at the time, when they would do pay per views, they would have like, like the sets would be specific to that. Yeah. So like backlash, for instance, there was one where it was like a big like metal stage of like these big giant swinging hooks and stuff like that. Or one of the Royal Rumbles.
uh was it 99 or 2000 i forget it was triple agent versus cactus jack and like a street fight and the entrance way was a it was like it was in new york so it was like it's like a brick brick wall and like a car like crashing through like the i would like oh yeah i would try to do that if i was i mean it'd probably take me forever to do but i mean just going back and like creating all these old
that's if I could but it would be funny somebody actually suggested to me recently they were like you should do the big uh smackdown fist oh see that exactly yes the old raw uh like metal graded titan titan tron with like the video playing in the middle and i would do all i would do all that even the uh the other smackdown with the rings like the the it was like kind of like a i don't know they were kind of like
like egg-shaped things or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would do the Nitro set, the old one and the new one, the 2000 one with like the weird WCW logo. Oh, man. Probably giving you ideas. To get us the cake decorating, just like you can't do it without your dreams. If I can't do it, maybe, you know, maybe you'll do it at some point. Maybe. I know, everybody keeps telling me after the Hasbro cake, they're like, you should do Hell in the Cell. I don't even want to
Wow, that would take a lot of time. I can think of a couple methods of how to do it. I'm just going to put it off. You're in the vein where you have to have it exactly how it is, right? Is that your thing? You're not going to mickey-mouse it, as they say. Yeah, because if people look at it and they're like, oh, that shit's fake as hell, then it just defeats the whole purpose.
I don't even want to think about making a fucking chain link fence.
Yeah, that's very true. Even if something's a centimeter off on my cake, people will be able to tell. Oh, you could do an edible mankind, an edible undertaker. Oh, man, the ideas are popping in my head. The undertaker crossed the logo that he has. That'd be a cool cake. Oh, I was thinking about doing the urn, actually. That's on my list of my could-do list of cakes. Wow.
Yeah, I hope no other tech decorators like end up watching this. No, I mean I hope not. No, I mean no don't listen to this cut this part out if you're listening to it I'll do a I'll do an edited version where you don't talk about it and then I'll do it a version where you do talk about it
And that'll be i'm joking. That's cool. We can keep this as evidence. It will keep this as evidence that this is my idea first out there. We have a date. We'll have a time stamp. We'll have a date and all that stuff. And if anybody ends up copying my stuff, then call them out on it. We already talked about this is copyrighted tech. Yeah. But for the for the last question, I want to I always I always ended with this. So, you know, the brand
your name, what is it? What is the future hold, uh, for Marge? What do you, what do you see yourself, uh, down the line as far as, you know, your page, what you're doing? You don't have to get, like I said, you don't have to give any secret future things that you're doing, but what do you see yourself going forward with the, uh, with the, uh, with the Marge brand down the line? Um, well, I mean, like,
You know, after, after having my Instagram bleed and getting the season of assists and stuff, like I had to kind of take my brand in a different direction. So, um, yeah, it's already like started evolving, just like coming up with having to come up with super original ideas that don't involve like specific wrestlers. So, uh, yeah, I've already had to overhaul that. Um, and so like, I, uh, kind of think I started doing a lot of conventions.
Um, which I only started that last year because I'm trying to, you know, sell a lot of that stuff online. So, um, yeah, I'm just trying to put my, um, Oh, sorry. Stuff that I can't sell online. I'm trying to, you know, sell in person. Um, and yeah, just the conventions help my name get out there. So I'm gonna try to do a lot more of those. Um, I did Russell Cade and Russell Kahn. So, um, Russell Cade was last year and I think I'm going to do it again this November.
So there's that. Let me see. I do plan on coming out with like different new types of merch. Like, you know, I do pins. I started doing like stickers, tote bags, prints, shirts, obviously. But I want to branch out into more stuff like maybe even jewelry and like, I don't know, temporary tattoos is something I'm working on right now. Yeah, just trying to do new stuff.
Um, let me see, I would love to do more designs for wrestlers. Now I've done like a few things for wrestlers in the past and I just haven't really, uh, made an attempt to do anything lately, but yeah, I would love to love to have wrestlers commission me for their merge. I'd love to get a shirt on AW shop eventually. Yeah. Yeah. That's a big goal for me. Um,
I would love to have wrestlers commission me for cakes. Everyone says Matt Cardona needs to order his birthday cake for me, and I would love to. So imagine me being the fucking cake decorator behind the scenes at AW for their five-year anniversary. That'd be awesome. I already did it for Raw 25. Call me up, guys.
Yeah, that cakes amazing too as well. Another good one. I'm just trying to get my name out there. I just have so many ideas and so little time, but.
Are you, are you looking at any more? I'm sorry. Are you looking at any more like TV, uh, parents or show appearances, that type of stuff, or doing maybe doing like your own show or pitching it somewhere or anything like that? Oh God, no show of my own. But I do. Yeah, I do want to do more cake shows for sure. I, um, I've auditioned for a couple in the past year. Um,
Yeah, don't know if, you know, anything's going to turn out, but I'm totally open to it. Yeah, I would love to do more. Would you consider

Community and Gratitude

doing a like a cookbook or anything like that? You know, it's something I've talked about. I mean, truth be told, I'm not as good of a baker as I am, like cake artist, but
I have like a lot of wrestling desserts, like puns that I have written down. So I think a cookbook like would come pretty easy to me.
Yeah, I've already got a list. I don't want to give them away, but I've got no, don't do, don't do. We already gave away the other, the cakes. I'm not trying to get in trouble. I'm not trying to have you, uh, hate me or anything like that for, you know, getting stuff out there. So we're going to end it there.
No, but yeah, I think we'll end it here. I'm thankful for you for considering being on the show. I mean, like I said, I felt like we've been chatting for like a year. It seems like just going back and forth trying to get a date going and we actually got it done.
And you thought the date was last week. Yeah, we both thought, yeah, I was like, yeah, I messaged you. I was like, hey, are you ready for tomorrow? And you're like, uh, I think it's next week. And I'm like, oh yeah, you're right. Sorry, we figured it out. I get my days all mixed up all the time. So that was a normal thing for me anyway. So I'm glad you were kind of like, uh, no. And I was like, all right. At first I was like, all right. I thought I was, I was like, all right, good. I have another week to like,
kind of prepare and everything like that but yeah i was like oh man i hope he really has i hope he doesn't have to do it tomorrow but no thank you i appreciate you reaching out um flattered you wanted to talk to me so thank you like i said it's like i said anyone that i like i don't not everybody that i fall because i fall like a million people but
people that I find interesting and like I said it's you know obviously wrestling is the you know the main thing that that brings everyone together for I mean for me anyway and anyone that I have on the show um not anybody actually that's actually you know what
I should have obviously a majority of people are wrestling in the wrestling world some way or form, but I've had other people and I've had, you know, Ninja Turtle collectors that I've had horror people. Sassy Sledgehammer is one. She's, you know, she does like the Nightmare on Elm Street.
She's a Fred head. She was a part. I was like, it's like a documentary The Fred head documentary and stuff like that. So I and then I found out afterwards. She was a wrestling fan after we were like done talking Why'd you bring that? Most people don't say that actually most people don't say that they are wrestling fans until like after the fact cuz yeah, people don't come out and say hey I watch wrestling it's like you have to kind of like
pull it out of them and they're like, yeah, I know. It's not something you just like introduce yourself as a wrestling fan. I mean, now, I mean, nowadays, I mean, especially with this past weekend with that fanatics, uh, you know, they had, and knowing that like the WWE wrestlers outsold for signings and stuff, everybody, like the athletes, anyone that was in attendance. So it's, I mean, wrestling is bigger than ever. So hop on, hop on board now. Cause it's a,
It's gonna get even bigger but we're gonna like I said we're gonna end it here I'll let you go and um again thank you uh for everything that you do all right thank you for you know thank you for your your your talents and bringing bringing the bringing the wrestling community together actually bringing everyone together with with what you do so thank you but thank you it was great speaking with you
All right, and we'll end it here and I'll talk to everybody soon. Peace.