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Premium Service Charge

S1 E6 ยท IDM Roleplay
64 Plays1 year ago

Our characters try to rest for the night, but still manage to stumble across a new mystery involving Jeri's app.


Introduction and Podcast Updates

Hello mortals, it's me Verily and your storyteller and I just wanted to say that I know it's been a while since the last episode. It's been very busy at work and in life in general and so I apologize for taking so long. I'm hoping to get on a monthly schedule for now and then once work slows down in the winter I'll try and get back on an every other week schedule and get everything
everything up and running smoothly again and maybe even get some episodes backlogged that way next summer I don't fall behind again.

Content Warning and Show Introduction

But until then, just remember that this is an adult podcast. We deal with death, blood, scary stuff and all of that, so just keep that in mind and enjoy the show.
Welcome mortals to another thrilling episode of Houston After Dark, an integrated dice management podcast where we play Vampire the Masquerade, fifth edition.

Meet the Characters

I'm Ron Bjork and I'll be your storyteller for this evening. And with me today is the lovable Lord of Mischief, Frank. Hey, I'm Frank.
Also with us is the recently engaged Jaden. Yes, I am and I'm excited for the game and to be married. Which one are you more excited about? The game, obviously. Let's go. All right. We also have the guy who's been on more first dates than Adam Sandler on 51st dates, Hayden.

Recap and Current Quest

up, guys? My name's Hayden. I'm playing Maxwell Cox. He goes by Max, though. And last of all, don't mind the coughing. He's got a bit of a cold. We've got Bill. Yeah, it's a bad cold. Yeah, it's just I was going to say we've got. I was going to say we've got a diseased, riddled man over there, but, you know, I was trying to be kind. But
I don't know if it can be transferred to people listening, so you're okay, I'm assuming. I'm Jerry.

Investigations and Rumors

You should probably all wear masks over your ears just in case. He's actually Bill. I'm Bill, but you'll know me as Jerry. It's okay, his brain has been corrupted. He has become Jerry at this point. We are all Jerry. In here.
Yes. So since it's been a while since we played, just a quick recap of what we did last time. So you were all brought to a private meeting with the Prince, where you met the crazy man, Prince Augustus Chapman Allen. You learned that there was supposed to be seven new vampires, but only four of you were at the meeting.
The prince was very angry about this and punched his butler's jaw off and told you all that it was your job to find the missing three newborns. After that, you went to Elysium at the Museum of Fine Arts, where they were having a hat show for some weird reason. You met a bunch of notable figures. A lot of the people, well,

Character Interactions and Discoveries

Specifically, you talked to like three of them not counting the prints and you learned a bunch of stuff. Uh, so here's a bunch of notes that I took to remind us of what we did. So Jerry learned of a rumor about a vampire club at U of H. Um, it, it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with real vampires, but could be worth looking into.
if anything, to find mortals who are willing to be fed upon. Jerry also spoke with Oscar Peretta, the Nosferatu primogen council member, and received his business card. He also managed to piss off the sheriff Tufan multiple times to the point where she grabbed his wrist and used her powers to inflict two aggravated damage and break his wrist. I don't remember that. Yeah, that happened.
Yeah, he was picking on the sheriff, like annoying her. Max... Max spent a lot of time talking to Laurie Harris, the Torador Primogen, and gave her his number. He learned from her the names of
the Gangro, Jess Krauklis, and the Torador, Olivia Taylor, who were two of the people who are supposed to sire someone on New Year's Eve. Olivia, he learned, hangs out, frequently hangs out at a nightclub called Dark Spire. Max also later learned from the Nosferatu guy in exchange for a minor favor to be
cash in the later day to learn to the address of Liam Riva, who is the, um, the, the third person, uh, who was supposed to sire someone. And Max at the end of the night, noticed Tiv his sire leaving with another vampire and that she seemed nervous about it. He asked Lori about it. And all she knew was that it was another Bhanu Hakim vampire, which is the clan that Max is in.
Then Cole, so Cole convinced a bartender, Chin-Wei Guatam, to try out playing D&D. Chin-Wei, I took a lot of notes on Chin-Wei apparently. Chin-Wei is a... He's a... He's a masculine man, a ghoul, specifically he's not French. He was born January 31st and has liver disease. I remember that.
Cole gave him some of his blood and he now has a level one bond with the guy. He gave him enough blood to get all the way to Max, but that assumes that the guy drinks it for three nights in a row and doesn't just drink it all at once. Cole had a good meeting with the Sheriff Tufon as opposed to Bill's interaction or Jerry's interaction and was given her contact info via her secretary, Jeffrey,
He also learned the address of Jess, the gangro who you're looking for. Um, basically she lives under a bridge and learned about a group of humans getting torn to bits by some sort of animal attack. He also learned the name of Liam Riva, which is how Max knew to go and ask the Nosferatu guy about it and Jeffrey.

Corporate Intrigue and Conflict

is supposed to text Cole later in the night a document with the traditions on it, and also some information about the animal attacks once the sheriff finds out more. Wesley, Wesley, so Jaden fell asleep or something, but at the beginning of the session, you learned that the guy who helped you with your family, erasing their memory, making them not question your weird sleeping habits, has been buying up
chunks of the company. Um, he was only supposed to buy 10% but he's managed to acquire 30% of the company and there's going to be a board meeting on Monday. Um, tonight's session will start on Sunday actually. So, um, the board meeting doesn't happen unless we end up on, go to Monday. Uh, so that's the basics of everything that happened. Um, you may have taken other notes.
Uh, these were notes that I literally just took while re-listening to the session, um, yesterday, cause I didn't remember much. So after the, the Alicia, um, where's everyone going? Like, are y'all going back to the places where your sires sent you or are you going back home? Cause you're now basically considered independent vampires.
Yeah. So the place I was staying at was just like a warehouse and you've told me I can't stay there anymore. Correct. Um, so is my apartment still available? Yeah, you've only been, it's only been like four days. Oh yeah. Okay. Tonight session will be January 5th. So you haven't been gone for long. I mean, rent might be due because, you know, it's paying no fucking rent.
Well, we haven't started I want to we haven't started it yet I want to know where you know what y'all we're we're still on the night before I'm just finding out what y'all did after what time It's like for probably like 4 a.m. After it's after the party basically just where are you going to go to sleep? I Probably go back to my apartment
OK. And you said we're downtown in the Museum of Fine Arts. Fine Arts. Yeah. OK. Basically, just I mean, I guess it's not super important right now. One thing that's going to happen, though. So for so Hayden, make a role.
Let me figure out what that role is real quick because I don't remember all the attributes. It'll be awareness plus wits. This is still the night of the party. So it's wits plus awareness or? You have to do awareness first because the character sheet's weird. Oh, it's been so long. Yeah. Any modifiers?
I will give you a plus one to this and I'll explain why if you succeed. Three successes, all right. You had noticed Tiv leaving the party with another vampire, looking nervous about it. Whenever you leave, you see Tiv often a dark area of the parking lot, seeming to be in a
borderline argument with that vampire. Do I have a chance to like maybe intervene or overhear any part of the conversation? You can if you choose. I would like to at least hear part of the conversation. So you hear Tiff say, but the prince ordered me to. It says, yes, we understand that.
And that is why you're not being put down right now, right here and now. And she kind of is trying to defend herself about something and he keeps, she's like, well, what did you expect me to do? And we expected you to follow the rules. Well, if I followed the rules, then I'd be killed. And the guy's like,

Rule-breaking and Consequences

that is not a concern. You broke the rules.
And now you must be punished. Do you intervene at any point of any of this? Or just listen? Can I make a roll to see if I intervened? Would my character think that physical harm would fall upon me or her? I guess give me... Insight? I know it'll be insight. I'm just trying to figure out what it would go with.
Charisma if I because I would understand like I would have to be like interpreting Their body. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah inside plus charisma Any modifiers not for this. Oh, what was the modifier reason for? Because even though you probably don't even remember because you had seen her leaving. Um, oh, yeah With and gave me like a weird book. Yeah
Yeah. Three successes. The guy, so the person she's arguing with is maintaining a pretty, like, he's, he's calm. She's, she's definitely, like, freaking out a little bit, but he's been calm the entire time. You, of course, don't know this person. So you don't really know what his reaction will be. But like, based off of just what it
you know, how he's been so far, he seems to have a level head. So it's, you know, based off of that, he probably wouldn't just harm you for without provocation. Okay. Yeah. I guess I kind of interrupt. All right. And I say, sounds like you're speaking a little bit of blasphemy to the Prince.
The guy, the other vampire, he's an Asian man. He's wearing a suit and he has a, because the party was about hats, he's got, I don't know. God. A bowler hat. Yeah, sure. A bowler hat on. And he kind of glances over at you and then back to Tim and says, you should control your child.
And and Tiv turns to and he's like, Max, it's it's fine. I've got this. And I roll a charisma to have like a private eye conversation with her. I think she is just saying that for to me to actually go away or she. I'd say go ahead and do another inside plus charisma inside plus charisma. No modifiers. Yeah. For six. Hey. Um, it's definitely not fine. Uh, she doesn't really want
Like, you get the feeling that you probably can't help her, but what's going on is definitely not fine. Or at least she doesn't think you can help her. Yeah. What's, what's the name of the sheriff again? The sheriff is Tufon. This is not the sheriff though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tufon? Tufon. P-H-A-N.
So I know our clan deals with justice, essentially, right? Yes. But Tufon is the enforcer. Would this fall underneath Tufon for, you know, because because she's hold orders from the prince and she's being punished for it, isn't that something Tufon would have to like intervene with?
Well, Tufon's job is to basically enforce people when they break the prince's rules and more specifically when they break the laws of the traditions. So it also, I mean, you can possibly figure out what they're talking about, but you also don't know exactly what rule she broke.
or what the context specifically is, but yeah. I want to ask, what rule did she break if she was only following the prince? Tiff shoots you another, like, shut the hell up look, but the guy turns to you and he says, the rule she broke was in embracing a man
who did not deserve it. A man who was by our standards, innocent. All right. I guess I just look at Tiv and I'm like kind of give that shoulder shrug of like, yeah, sorry. Like it's, it's a, it's a, it's okay. She, she turns back to the guy and it's like, fine, fine. Just, just leave, leave him out of this. Do what you will. And
And so the guy, he motions for her to get in the car, like there's a car nearby. And he looks at you and says, another member of the clan will, should be by to meet you in a few days. And they will act as your, what's a good word for person who's going to, that they will be your teacher for, until this is resolved.
If you are needed at the trial, you'll be notified. And then he gets in and unless you stop him, he gets in the car and they drive off. Anything I do will just be held on her more. So I can't do anything. And it's also, does he really care? Because you've occasionally made it seem like he's just pretending to care.
But how do you mean that? Well, like you've you've occasionally purposely said, you know, like she thinks I'm you know, you're you're keeping up the idea that she thinks you're bound to her by blood, but you know, you're on bondable things like that. So yeah, I don't know how much I don't know how much Max actually cares. Like that's obviously that's up to you, but. Oh, OK.
I want to keep up the appearance that I'm bonded to her. Right. Just because that might come in handy later. Yeah. But I also don't want her to get punished for her. Yeah. Oh, well. Yeah, you do know that she explained to you, usually their candidates are carefully selected. She did at one point mention that
that part of her job is to hunt down people who break the laws. And she had casually said, honestly, I'd probably hunt down myself if I hadn't been ordered by the prince or something like that. I forget the exact quote, but she had casually mentioned that. And so it seems like despite having been ordered by the prince, she's still getting punished.
Um, I know I wanted to send Tiv a text at one point. Um, did I share that with you? If you want, you did not share it with me now. Okay. So basically I can put it in the group chat. Um, but I'll read it out loud real quick.
It says, Hey Tiv, please don't feel bad about turning me. You had practically no choice. I can't blame you for what happened. The best is the best we can do is to make the best of it. Um, to be honest, I couldn't have asked for a better sire. I'm sure that, uh, a, um, a bloody tear runs down her. As she's getting punished.

Personal Plans and Schemes

Would I know what the punishment would entail? Probably not. She hasn't had time to really teach you the ins and outs of the clan. You know that she's talked about they punish that they're kind of like people who, they're Batman. No. They punish those who deserve it, that sort of thing.
Um, they try to hunt down, um, usually specifically vampires who, uh, that they're the justice dealers, you know, that sort of thing. And honestly, I don't know if that's what the clan is really supposed to be. That was the feel I got when I read the article and that's what I've decided to go with. So that they're the, well, individual ones of them may not always be
perfect, they are hand selected usually because they either they are reformed people, like they kill and then turn someone who was bad, or they are hand selected because they had qualities they were looking for.
So yeah, unless anyone else has anything that they're going to do before the night ends, we'll go into the next day. I have another thing that I would want to do, but it involves Bill and I don't know how much Bill is up to role play. I can do my best, but I can't even, I can't even guarantee that I'll be able to finish the night. So, uh, we might want to hold off at least until the next time we play on that one. All right. We'll do that next time.
All right, so the night comes to a close, and you guys go to your respective places to spend the day. And we wake up on Sunday night, January 5th, 2020. Top stories of the day, holidays of note, it's National Bird Day, also observed in Canada. Top news stories,
Iran ends commitment to landmark nuclear deal. Uh, at least five killed, dozens injured in Pennsylvania turnpike crash involving a bus and trucks and league city detective arrested for driving while intoxicated with a child in the car trending on Twitter. Uh, hashtag the golden globes hashtag. If the world had no men and hashtag, I think I love JB day. I don't know what that means.
I don't remember any of those. Yeah. Well, yeah. Can you all believe Betty White died? I know. Yeah. And Bob Saget. Yeah. Well, Bob Saget, but Betty White. Actually, not yet. What are you prophesying here? Yeah, she's still got two years left. Wasn't there a celebrity who had a like, oh, he's dead.
And then like a week later, he's, he came out and he's like, I'm not dead. I don't know why y'all keep saying I'm dead. That's like every celebrity, every few months. It happens. Yeah. So far, nobody said, uh, Betty White's not dead. So I thought there was a Betty White scare though. There probably was. She's she was 99. So yeah. Had a lot of years to know, scared of.
How do we know she died and that she's not just a vampire back in hiding? It's possible. It would suck to be a vampire at that age. Suck at that age, though. Yeah, that would suck. She has to put her teeth in. Every morning. Her hands free device. Anywho. Sorry, off topic. Yeah. So each of you wake up.
like normal, you pop up, pop awake. Tonight, honestly, this is kind of your characters have a free night, your sires. I mean, yes, you have the quest of find those three people, but it's kind of up to you guys what y'all are gonna do if you're gonna immediately start looking for them, or if you have other things you want to do. You know, go ahead.
I'm assuming we probably spent some time in network before we all went our separate ways. Yeah. We could assume that unless one of you thinks you wouldn't have shared information. I don't think so. Because I found nothing out at all. Well, you found out the name of Liam. You found out the name of all three of the people you're looking for. And then you told
Yeah, you found that out from the sheriff, and then you told the name of one of them to Max, who then found out the address. So assuming you shared information, you know what bridge one of them lives under, you know the address or the last known address of another, and you know a nightclub that one of them hangs out at. So there's a lot of information.
Yeah, now you don't know the names of the people they were supposed to turn. You know the names of the Sires. I feel like that's main story quest line type deal. Are you ready for main story quest line? Or do you want us to do that? I'm not super ready. I mean, we can do some of it. But if you guys, as a group, decide we're going to go after this person, then I will fully flesh out their thing for the next session.
Um, yeah, does everyone else have like a desire to go after like a side quest for now? I want to build up those XP points before you take over the quest line. Oh, I forgot. Um, uh, Jaden. Yes. Since, uh, you, you weren't, uh, awake for the, the party. Um, give me a, uh, what's the skill? An etiquette plus peri-
plus charisma roll to see how your character did at the party. Etiquette plus charisma? Yeah. Two success. OK. So you did decent, probably made, didn't make any enemies, maybe made a couple of friends. But yeah, you did a good showing for yourself at the thing. OK. Some things that, but what?
Well, I do. I have an idea for something, but I don't know if you want to go ahead and give it. I was just going to say some things that you all may, you know, want to do is I mean, Hayden is apparently going to do some sort of fake death thing with Bill, but, you know, figure out. What you're going to do about your jobs, if you're going to keep your jobs or just toss them aside and your living arrangements, things like that.
I mean, I guess I would talk to Wesley about that. Be like a CEO boy. Can I somehow like have my job but not work? I guess. Hell yeah. Yeah, I mean, you don't do anything anyway, am I right? That's true, man. Hey, I'm just the Karen of the office, honestly. Well, I do have an idea for this company. I think that.

Financial Anomalies and Investigations

we should go against the vampires by creating some sort of weight loss pill, because that's what you always market it as. All right. That actually changes. It has like vampire blood in it. So over time, it's very little, but no one knows. And over time, everybody turns into a vampire.
And then they can't do anything about it. Well, I don't know if everyone is turning into a vampire. They're probably getting googled. Yeah, it would definitely attract some vampire hunters. It would blood bond them to whoever's blood is being used also. Well, that's how you run for president right there. I'm saying, you know, I'm saying. I don't know if that would be a really bad idea. I mean, you all can do a scene where you where you discuss this idea.
Now, you do have another vampire trying to take over your company right now. Speaking of companies, is Cole still paying attention to the app? Would Cole still be paying attention to what's going on with the app? Probably. He was part of development. He wasn't exactly supposed to be over long-term.
Monitoring but he probably does to a certain extent still follow because it was his baby Give me a technology plus Wits roll because this is to see if you just notice something because you were glancing at stuff Give me one second. I got a reopen roll 20. Okay You said wits plus technology plus wits no modifiers
Um, you can take a plus one because you developed the app. Five successes. Uh, yeah. So you're glancing at the app, you know, just checking some of the analytics, making sure it's all working right. The first thing you notice is that there is a lot of traffic on this app. Like it's a fitness app, a local, a local fitness app. There's way more traffic than you would.
Um, expect for even a popular, like more national brand type thing. Thank God for that episode of Oprah. I probably need a call. The, the second thing you notice because you've got five successes, you know, maybe you, you notice that and you're like, huh, that's weird. You kind of dig in a little bit more. There's also a lot of transactions going on.
Like, I mean, I guess that would make sense with the high amount of traffic, but there's much more. With the high amount of traffic, there is an equally high amount of money flowing through this app. Like large quantities? Not large quantities. With the five successes, I'll give you the you dug a little deeper. Not large quantities. No specific transaction looks
particularly suspect, but because of your additional success, you notice that several of the transactions include premium service charges that you're not 100%. You don't remember everything you put into there, but you don't specifically really remember this random premium fee, and not all the transactions have them, but a lot of them do.
I'd say maybe 25% of the transactions have this random premium fee of, I don't know, let's say $20, yeah. So far, I mean, it's only been five days, but it does equate to probably in the five digits amount. Okay, can I track it?
to a specific user that these purchases are coming from or being made to? No. From what you can tell, it's lots of different accounts. Let's see, now give me maybe a, let me look at these things.
They can be paying for their therapy visits or their monthly gym memberships or their health foods directly through the app. Makes sense, I guess. If the apps were at a normal volume, he probably wouldn't look into this. I think at this point now would be an investigation plus intelligence to see what else you can figure out.
You can also, if you choose, always use your vampire powers to boost roles. And if you end up failing the role, three successes. Ignore that beast thing. Three successes. So it is from, it's not the same user. It's all different users. The emails though, they seem kind of like, it's like,
Dave Lopez at Gmail, Jim Henson at Gmail, Max Cox at Gmail. Just very generic names, generic emails. Again, some people just have generic emails. Not everyone is creative. Most people aren't. But about 25% of these transactions going through are
or have this random premium thing on it. Is the premium, okay, so can I open one of these transactions? Yeah. I do. So it generally will have like one item, like fairly inexpensive item being purchased
And then the premium charge for premium service. Like premium care service or something like that. Is this item to be delivered? The yes, they do have a. That's a good question. They probably would order. Yeah, they they have a.
delivery address and it's like a let's see if you've rolled pretty good on all of these there are a lot of different delivery addresses but you do notice that that there's maybe like that there are repeats different accounts sending it to the same addresses there are a lot of addresses but
They do get repeated. I am going to phone a friend. Okay. Can I get Jayden or Hayden as my phone a friend? I need y'all to be somebody that's working at the company. It could be me. And I also have good technology so.
I guess I would know a little bit. Well, I mean, not, not, I don't want you to be you specifically. I need you to be somebody else at the company. Oh, that's fine. Like I'm part of the development team part of the. Someone play an NPC. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's fine. Hayden's not here. So Oh, is Hayden gone? I don't know. Oh, okay. I was like, he's just not sitting in his chair.
Oh, not sitting in his chair. Are you watching him? What's happening? All right. Well, he's on the roll 20. Yeah. Oh, I have the cameras. That's right. I've got the cameras on roll 20 turned off. I was like, yeah, no, I just have a video cam feed of his room at all times. So, Jayden, what do you all want to be my NPC colleague?
I'm down or if Hayden wants to, whichever. If you want to do it, Jayden, because usually his NPCs are sticking his fingers up their buttholes, so. Oh. That's on Jayden. That's on. I vote you. No, that's the NPCs I play. Right. I'll do it.
All right. Uh, so Jaden, you are part of the management side. I am part of development side. We interact a few times and networked a little bit. Um, and you know, I, you know, you called me and I called you and there was issues or we found weird stuff going on. So we're not like super good friends, but we are, you know, like water cooler buddies. Okay. You got an
I'm ready when you are. Are you calling me? Yeah, I'm calling you. I just need a name. Jason Mosa. All right. All right, ring, ring. I'm not going to answer on the first ring. I'm not that kind of guy. Ring, ring.
Cole, how's it going? Sorry, I meant to return your return call of the return call. You know what I'm saying? But hey, you're the guy I want to talk to you right now. How's it going? Hey, Jason. Sorry, I know we've been playing phone tag for a while. Hey, it happens. It happens. Hey, so I'm over here. I just happened to be looking at the app. And I noticed some interesting things going on. I was hoping maybe I can get your input
Of course, I'm here to answer all your questions at all times. All right. So, uh, I'm seeing there on a lot of the accounts that's going through, um, that are making purchases, there's a premium charge being added to specific, uh, orders and there's a lot of repeat addresses. Yes. Um, do you by chance have any insight on this?
Um, I don't think I do, but it's just, you know, sometimes multiple people in the same house are going to, you know, get this app, you know, so, you know, like if a whole five family, I'm sending him a message. Oh, I'm sorry. Just, just random. Keep rambling for now. Okay. Um,
But, you know, like if family of five, you know, the kids are getting up there, you know, maybe 16 now, you know, they all do cardio together on the weekends, you know.
It happened. It's more of the premium charges that I've noticed. I don't remember adding a premium surcharge or premium charge to the system. Being part of the development team, that would have been something that came out far side, but I didn't touch it. I mean, I'm not saying that y'all did it either, but it's popping up and a lot of these seem to be on deliveries. Well, you see,
Sometimes you got to put a little, a little, like a little bait in there, you know, we only, we only, we have it randomized. So, you know, it's not so specific people, but if, if, you know, the random person kind of opens it and they seem to have a little bit of money based on their Google searches, you know, they might, they might get a little extra charge on there if they want the app, you know what I'm saying? So.
Um, but you know, I have this guy that knows a little bit of thing or two on coding. So I just kind of, you know, slid them a little hundred or, or five or a couple hundred thousand, but you know, anyways, you kind of give them a little money. He he'll do some things for you. You know, so there's, that's just what it is. I didn't want to, you know, get you involved. I know you've been to a lot of parties lately, you know, but yeah, so.
So it sounds like you've slipped either a Trojan or a piece of malicious software onto. No, no, no, no, no, no. It's not malicious at all. It's all for the profit margins. You know, I pray by the profit margins, if you know what I'm saying. So it's all it's all at the end of the day. The company stays afloat. Everyone's happy. You know, hey, you know, the the stock investors, you know, those are the real guys. So
Yeah. Uh, do you, are you saying, are you saying, are you staying with this line of talking despite the messages I sent you? Well, I saw what you said, but then I tried to incorporate this guy, but then you said don't incorporate them because it's not someone I actually know. So then I don't know. Well, so you have access to, um, the, uh, like admin side of things, maybe.
Maybe you think, so you can see who did what, things like that. You can see Cole added this line of code, blah, blah, blah, or Cole added this feature, so and so added this feature. You can see that this person is not someone who works at the company and you do not know who this person is.
So, OK, so I took that in the completely wrong direction. Yeah, yeah, sorry. I was thinking either it was the company was skimming or the guy in admin slipped something in to skim money off of transaction. I was saying I may be the guy in admin, maybe the guy in ad maybe, maybe whoever Jaden is playing. I forgot the name on Jason. Maybe Jason, maybe Jason is the guy who slipped this in, you know,
That's what I'm saying. You know, maybe I did pay this guy that, you know, no, that's what I'm saying. He knew a little coding and I, I, I told him to add it so then I could get a little extra in my pocket and for the stock investors. And then everyone's happy at the, I'm going to, I mean, from the sounds of it, uh, this guy is, uh, yeah, we're going to run with what you've said, but I'm going to send you some more stuff. Okay. Well, I'll be sure to read it.
Or do I keep rambling because you told me to keep rambling so I did and then you know, it ended up being there. Okay, I Mean it's okay and genuine probably that's not something you wouldn't admit though. Exactly. Yeah Yeah, I was gonna say that's something you're gonna come off your tougher head and be like, oh, yeah I totally had somebody make it so that every once in a while somebody was really rich they would charge more money
Well that I've seen that as like to you another developer that's on our side You know like I would probably trust him at least a little bit Because he did I was with him like I mean basically Because I'm part of the company, right? I'm like them. Yeah, I Mean you're part of the admin staff like not the head but one of the heads probably or at least somewhere's up there
I get to make some decisions and I made a financial decision of my own and it's been benefiting the company and that's all you need to know. So just to be safe and just to be clear here, you're telling me that I've got a little money coming my way as well. Sure. I mean, hey, if that's what you need to, you know, just keep this between you and me. You're going to need to roll something up. You're going to need to roll a
Uh, probably could be street wise, something plus manipulation. Um, persuasion. Yeah. Persuasion plus plus manipulation, I guess. Or you could go the intimidation route and be like, because you know, something fishy is going on. I'm not very intimidated. Okay. Two successes. That is, that's what I was going for. Um,
Uh, it's a, uh, that, yeah, it was just going to be a difficulty too. So I've got a two in manipulation and a two in persuasion, but it says I only rolled three dice. Oh, yeah.
So Jason, just so we're clear, there's going to be some money coming to the developer side, right? Because I mean, from what it sounds like, it sounds like the admin side and the people on the higher up scale are the only ones benefiting from that. It's not only us anymore, if you know what I'm saying. So of course, we'll work with you. And we could see what we could do.
You need a dot. A dot of wealth. Yeah, the data wealth. I think I can't find the wealth on there. I think we can find a dot of wealth for you. Where is wealth? It's on I think it's under details. No, no. Where is it? Do you want to sign a contract or something for this? So just so nothing's in any gray areas. It's under resources.
Uh, it's not so it's on the, it's on the Chronicle tab and it will be your resources. I got, I got one data resources. I think, yeah, I think that's because three dots will be way too much, but yeah, bumping you up to two. I think, I think you could get that.
All right. Yeah. Um, you know, no need to sign. I completely agree. I understand. It's, it's nice to just go ahead and charge those rich motherfuckers a little extra. Exactly. Still from the rich gift to the poor. Yeah. If you just cut me one time, check to get me another bump of another, another dot of resources that we have. I think you're pulling a little too many strings here, buddy. You know, it's a, it's by a note by no basis. You know, I gave you one.
Yeah, three dots is pretty high. No, I just want two dots total. I've got one currently. I'm just looking for that second dot. You got it. I'm reiterating that all I want is that second dot. Oh, OK. No, yeah, you're good. Take it and run. Never talk to me again. I appreciate Jason Mimosa. You're welcome. Good hang with you. Yeah. I hang up the phone, and then I immediately call Bill's character.
What's your character's name? Jeremy? Jerry. So I called Jerry and I'm like, hey, Jerry. So you know the app that we developed for you like a day ago or two days ago? Like, I think five days ago. I think it launched like three days ago. It launched New Year's Eve. It's New Year's Eve and it's the fourth. So yeah. It's the fifth now. It's the fifth.
It's like six days. Whatever, you know, the app that I developed, helped develop for you. Well, while I was, you know, just doing some double checking on the resources and checking some background information, I noticed some pretty shady shit going on. There's a premium service charge being charged to the,
the more wealthy, uh, users of your app. Um, it's a kind of a sporadic thing. There's also, um, a lot of shipments going to, and Ron helped me out with this certain addresses, certain specific address. So basically what's happened, what you're seeing is there'll be like a purchase of like, I don't know, one protein bar and a $20 premium service charge. The protein bar is being shipped to one of, let's say 50 addresses.
And when you Google those addresses, I guess they should show up. That wouldn't be very efficient. It's like 50 PO boxes. And so one of 50 PO boxes it's being shipped to. And then it's to a generic email, shipped to one of 50 addresses, and then there's a $20 premium
uh, service charge. And the amount in the five days that the app has been live, um, you're seeing approximately in the 10 to $20,000 range of these $20 service charges have already happened. Like we're talking, yeah, we're talking like thousand, like
It's probably more than 25% of the traffic on the app. It's a lot of, like half of the traffic on the app is this weird $20 thing. So what would I have to roll to figure out why all of these are going to generic PO boxes? Let me look at the skill thingies again.
While you're doing that, I'm going to ask him if he can get me the addresses that they're being sent to, those same 50 addresses or PO boxes. He should easily be able to give you that. I do that. It's probably going to be an intelligence and something to do with crime or finance.
Finance would be the most appropriate thing for this. It would be finance plus intelligence. Yeah, finance plus intelligence. I have three in finance. Both of y'all are welcome to roll finance plus intelligence. Did it roll? I can't tell. Jerry got one success. Cole got zero, but that doesn't look right.
Oh, wait. I think I noted it. Hold on. Okay. Yeah. So between your, so Jerry, the only thing you thought to do when you heard this huge number was you looked at your bank account and that huge number is not in your bank account. Cole, you suspect that this is some sort of money laundering going on.
The money's not going to Jerry. It's probably not being charged to random rich people. It is being charged to people who don't exist to launder money. So Jerry, this is what I found. And then I say all that. Yeah. Well.
Now I will say that I called a buddy over at the admin side and he mentioned that he had somebody write in a little piece of code to allow this to occur easily.
I might be able to go in and track the accounts back to where it's coming from maybe. All right, that's good. Do we need to grease any palms in order to get this done? At this point, I'm not 100% and I might have to look into it more. All right. But I did just want to let you know what's going on.
I appreciate it. And I just got your message with those addresses. So I'll probably tonight or tomorrow night, I'll go ahead and check some of these out. If I meet anyone there, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to give us the information. Anything we ask, really. Well, let's try to keep it on the DL for the time.
digging too hard because we might be sticking our nose into some big fish pond so let me let me try to track this but don't don't try to spread any talk around just i hear you hey are you online hey dad
Hey, dad. What's up? Oh, your hair is kind of messy. What you doing over there? What's up? Hey, your guy works in HR. Yes, he does. Did he spend any time working finance at all? I imagine he wrote about way of asking if you have bumps in finance. I imagine he would know of financing.
Yeah, I have an investigation, I think. I have one dot investigation. Nice. Okay. That's not super great, but I'm gonna give you a call. Okay. What your name's Maxwell Cox. Yeah. Max Cox. Yeah. And I had, I had three dots in finance and still only got a one. So. All right. Well, let's see how it goes. All right. Uh, so I, I call Maxwell. It rings a couple of times. Take up. I'm like, hello.
Hey, Maxwell, I don't know if you remember me. I'm one of the other people that got turned into the vampire. Oh, are you the flappy bird guy? Yeah, I still feel kind of stupid for doing that. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. What's up? I remember hearing that you do HR. Do you work with the financing department? A little bit.
What's going on? Do you work over at the, uh, you, you work at the, uh, chemical, uh, Jayden, what's your guys? Yeah, I work at Isaac genetics and there's a lot of HR issues in Isaac genetics. All right. So, um, but my issue isn't, but it's not an Isaac genetics. It's at IO. Yeah.
It's, it's either at IO, Isaac genetics, or it's through the company that I work for that I don't remember us getting a name. We never did. Okay. So my nameless company. Okay. Um, and I'm just trying to spread the word around to see if I can't get people digging. I figured calling the head honcho wouldn't be the best option because he's not going to be able to dig very well. Yeah. But you, do you work at, you work at Isaac genetics as well?
Yeah, I do. Okay. Um, so, uh, yeah, so, uh, I remember you hearing you, you, this is in character. I remember you talking about, um, working, uh, HR over at Isaac genetics. Um, and I'm, I'm seeing some weird stuff going on. I don't think it's on your side, but I was hoping I can get you to take a look at it. Okay. So, um, I explained, do you yet, have you heard any of the explanation of what's going on? I heard about nothing.
I mean, I've been I've been over here trying to figure out how to write a suicide letter. No, out of character, I think he's asking. Yeah. Yeah. But this is me role playing through my character as well. You're laying on your bed with the chick next to you and you're thinking about suicide. Right. I've been single for way longer than you've been dating. I don't know. Alison and I definitely weren't talking about that. Well, there was a bunch talking. Oh.
Anyways, so basically there's some weird premium charges coming through on transactions. We've discovered that it looks like it's money laundering. And I was just hoping I can get you to take a look at your HR or through your company because you are
somebody that works in HR over at your company. And see if you can find anybody that's having money troubles who might have gotten with somebody to try to take care of. Yeah, I can submit a payroll dispute and see how it comes up. And if you think that's going to work, try to keep it on the DL. Yeah, that's in my position. That's about as best as I can do is say,
The company is having payroll disputes and that's as far as I can go. Finances would have to hold their end, but I would just have to submit the form. So you got to do a payroll dispute against every single person in your company at the same time? No, I just know of some people who already do have those. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay. They're already in financial issue. Yeah. Sorry.
If you can do that and you can give me some information as far as who they are, if you can get bank accounts, stuff like that, that'd be great. I can probably hack my way in and see if I can't find paperwork trails that direct. So just out of curiosity would be a finance plus what role? Intelligence, probably. Or investigation plus intelligence. Yeah. Investigation plus intelligence. Any modifiers.
No, not for this. Two. I'll say with two successes, you don't find anything out right now, but you've started the process of digging and it's off to a good start. You've got those disputes made up and they look legit and not suspicious or anything. Basically, I just opened up a bonus points.
Yeah, yeah. So whenever we continue looking into this, you'll have bonuses for later.

Board Meeting Strategies

OK. All right. Well, I've talked pretty much to everybody except Jaden's character. I don't think it would be necessary to bring him in. I mean, that's up to you. But yeah. I could call Jaden and see what's going on.
Because I know there have been complaints about that guy buying stock in the company. Buying more than he's here. You would have heard about that. Yeah. So I can I can call him and ask about that. That's not bad. All right. I guess I go ahead and call Jaden or sorry. What's your character's name? Wesley. Wesley. Yeah, I call Wesley.
Ring ring, Wesley. Ring ring. My HR guy. Hello. Hey man, we have some sexual lawsuits coming our way. You might want to buck up for that. What? I mean, why? Why is that happening? No, they're not sexual lawsuits. Oh.
Thankfully it's, I don't know if it's any better, but there have been some financial disputes going on in the company. I was wondering if that might have any ties to the person, buy more stocks. Well, the guy, David Marotta is a quite the character. Oh, that's not the guy who's doing it. Oh, I thought it was the, I thought he's the one that bought it. No, David is your sire, but it was a different guy. Jeremiah Don
Cuke, uh, a ventrue who was the one with the, the mind powers and he came and did the stuff and he's the one who negotiated because he went and got him. Yeah. Okay. Well, I don't know what the name you just said was, but that guy Jeremiah Jeremiah, good old Jeremy.
So Jeremy, he basically helped me out a little bit, but it ended up kind of biting me in a butt because he bought way more of the company. So, I mean, he could be. I don't know. I haven't really talked about me. No, there's another Jeremiah. Okay. I created him before you created Jerry.
He has powers that can alter memories, so I had to call him for reasons. Oh. Yeah. But, you know, I mean, if you want to look him up, his name is Jeremiah Oskoffovich or whatever it was. So, yeah, I mean, please do because I know nothing about him. But anyways, this guy, yeah, that's I mean, that's all the information I got. I'm sorry, buddy.
All right. Um, yeah, if you could just look into your own private, because I'm pretty sure, uh, you might want to take a look at this before you get negatively hit. So you might want to take a look at money laundering possibly happening because that's what it seems like is going on with what all of us HR guys are talking about. Okay. Well, I will. Thank you.
for your input. But I think HR is where you should stay. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. It's not what he was saying. You're about to have some false sex allegations pop up here, buddy. Oh, my gosh. Anyways, yeah, I'll just do that. So I'll see you probably at work, probably not. Hopefully not. Hopefully not. And I hope to never see you again.
I don't even know who hired you, but anyways, I'll see you man. I think it was your wife. Oh. I don't really talk to her that much anymore. Well, Jaden, you do specifically remember that you noticed him. You got like a criticism on noticing him checking her out. Oh, yeah, that's what I was hinting to.
I completely forgot, but that's funny. I forgot about the crit. Yeah. Um, so I, I have a flashback in the middle of this call. And I think to that moment and it like plays it on the screen, kind of has like a vignette on the side. And, um, I'm like, that son of a bitch. And then I hang up on him immediately and then go to his profile and then remove the money that I gave him. Oh,
My whole. And then I give it back because I felt bad, but I still hate him because you're about to have a lawsuit on your hands. Exactly. But yeah, I mean, I guess if you want to roll like an investigation or finance on your end and see if you can pop up with anything, I mean, I'll do investigation with. Intelligence, I think it was intelligence.
Any modifiers? No, I think you should have a plus one for Seth Rogen being your friend. I think I should always have a plus one for Seth Rogen, but you know, it never happens, but it's OK. Hey, whenever we go whenever we go to like stake out these addresses, we should bring Seth Rogen with us just to kind of help soften the blow for whoever we're going to. Seth Rogen will never show up until we get Seth Rogen himself to join the podcast. OK, yeah, he's his own.
Uh, so that's the worst. That's how I get impressed. Based on your. I would get high with South Rogan. Oh, yeah. I think we all would. Yeah. Except for Hayden, but. Oh, yeah. Because you weren't here yet, but you were accused of being a good Mormon. No, I was I was accused of being OK. Well, you were you were accused to be the most pure among us.
Among us. Out of you guys, probably. Ron now has said among us and suspicious. Oh, imposter. Oh, there it is. There it goes. OK, so from your investigation, your company looks clean to you. OK, well, that's good. Three successes is a moderate success. So.
There's routine, straightforward, moderate, challenging, hard, very hard, and nearly impossible. So you got it. I fared OK. Yeah. You know, there's nothing. It looks like there's nothing. I'm just kidding. That's not how it sounds. But yeah, he's like, he has a sigh of relief. And then he continues plotting his genetic input into the world. Conquering the world, yeah. Yeah.

Nightclub Investigation Plans

What was I going to say?
Yeah, I mean, the money laundering is going on in the app, which has very little actually to do with a company. You just gave him scientific backing and some startup money type stuff. That's what I was thinking. I didn't think I really had a much tie and the say of what happens. That doesn't mean it couldn't have been one of your people to have tampered with the app.
that would make them get in trouble, not your business, as long as your business is not profiting from whatever's happening. That's my random thing that turned into an hour's worth of role play.
I don't know if anyone else had anything else they wanted to do this night. Well, can I kind of venture into like the genetic like, can I call, do I get to call somebody? If you want. Yeah. Call a friend for $500. Um, I don't know who I would call that would be on the same page as me and would be influential in the company. You could, I could call Jerry. Yeah. You could call Jeremiah.
But he's, uh, Jerry's kind of a goody two shoes. Um, that's what I would think. I think it just has to be me. And I think I just have to, uh, can I have a, can I set up a board meeting for like the entire, like, there is a board meeting happening tomorrow. Okay. Well, perfect to deal with this dude, the, actually the dude who bought 30% of your company called the board meeting.
Interesting he's like you're all fired. He now owns You he you know, it's it's basically you and then him So he owns the second most shares at the company now, but I still own 70% I would think right or what I well He's called the board meeting you would own probably 51% so you maintain controlling interest although Depending on how you want to say your company set up. You might not you might just own a majority
But it depends on the structure of your company. Majority shareholder literally just means you hold more than any other one person. Yeah, you might just hold majority, but if you hold 51%, then you're basically- I might just do 51.
Yeah. Cause if you hold 51%, that means your vote counts more than the rest of the company combined in, in decisions. Well, I would like to keep it that way. It's your company. So you can decide that. Okay. I'm going to add that to my thing. So don't forget 51%. But he now owns the next most amount, which is 30. Yeah. Um, so that's a lot. He is a, he is probably more than, yeah, anyone else. So he'd have to.
I mean, he'd be over everyone else other than me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, well, that's going to be interesting. I don't know. I mean, he technically still cannot outvote you. Um, but majority rule. Now, that being said, I don't know how board of directors actually work. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I personally don't own a company that I kind of have split in between multiple people. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Uh,
But a pharmaceutical thing, it wouldn't be just like you wouldn't be the sole owner. There'd be more owners. Well, it's like I'm Oscorp basically right now. Yeah. Yeah. But you know, in Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne got bought out of his own company somehow. Well, isn't it because he was pronounced dead or something? That's true. But in Iron Man, he got pushed out.
Someone might be the majority shareholder, but like I said, that just means as an individual, they hold more than anyone else. If the rest of your word comes forward, it's like, hey, no, you're hurting all the rest of our bottom lines, then they're able to set the route. Yeah, they can file an injunction against you and while you may still
You'll still own those shares, but you'll pretty much be losing your say in the company. Yes. Yeah. So that is, if, if that's where that meeting goes on Monday, that is potentially something that could happen if he can sway the rest of the board. If that's what he even wants to do. I hope not. I hope he means well. Um, but yeah, I think next, or are we going to that day tonight or are we probably waiting?
Bill, I will have to think about that question you sent me. What's the question, Bill? You can't say. Don't worry your sexy little ass about it. I'm just wondering when you're going to be in my bill room. When I'm going to be in your bill room? Yeah, when you're going to be in my bill room. I have a whole room to etiquette to you, Bill. Wow.
So real quick, Ron, this embezzlement thing, does it look like it's coming from the development side or the AIO side? Based on the fact that your admin guy claims that he hired someone to do a little bit of code, it's probably from the app developer side. Did I just lose you? No, you're here. No. OK, it just went eerily silent. Sorry, I was nodding. I didn't say anything. My bad. OK.
Um, but yeah, I mean, I'm not sure what else anyone would want to do. Yeah. I mean, we can just make it a short one. Um, what I do want to know is of the main storyline things, which one would y'all like to pursue first? Do you want to check out the, um, person at the nightclub? Uh, do you want to investigate the person who lives under a bridge and there's been animal attacks in the area?
or do you want to investigate the guy that you know very little about, but you have his last known address? I like the little known guy because I feel like that can go. I have a little bit of a plan for the nightclub one. Okay.
Which I wrote down the last time we played is when we're going to the nightclub have What's Frank's character's name? I just wrote his goal Have Cole hack into the cameras to see what happened and who's currently there or signs of destruction if we want to be more invasive we can dress up as home security and Act like we're fixing the system. That would be fun. I
home security. We're here visiting at midnight. Your black lights on while we're here. It's a winner. You could get there as early as like six. That's true. But I feel like that would also be kind of awkward. I don't know. Oh, that's true. We could just show up at, yeah, like 12 one. Yeah. Show up right. Right. In the peak business hours. Be like something weird is going on with your alarm system. We need to look at it right now.
They called the police six times and we just show up as a police, now impersonating officers. No, see, Hayden, you need to be, you need to be a cop. Frank, you need to be a repairman. And I have fluffy handcuffs instead of regular handcuffs. Absolutely. Jayden, Jayden, you need to be dressed up as a native American and I'll be dressed up as a biker and we'll just be the village people. I like the sound of this.
I'm down. I am down. What was that? That sounded like a laughter call. It's not like induced laugh. Yeah.

Closing Remarks and Session Wrap-up

Yeah, I mean, we can go we can do the nightclub thing first. Yeah, I just want to.
like for each of them build y'all like a trail of breadcrumbs to follow those type of things. And it's easier if I just focus on one instead of trying to do all of them at once. Yeah. Yeah. If we want to do that next week, I'm done. Yeah. I'm done. Well, unless anyone else has anything random they want to do this night, it can just be a night off for your vampires now that you've investigated some money laundering. Oh, man.
Go ahead. The only thing I can think of is that I need to like go to the store and buy some aluminum foil and duct tape. Yeah. And then like duct tape, aluminum foil to my windows. Yeah, sunproof your houses. Yeah. Is that where we're going? I already had blackout curtains.
Blackout curtains still allow some amount of sunlight unless you install them properly. What do you think I am, a nub? I mean, I I'm not saying you personally, but your character, I don't know. All right. What do I have to roll to prove that I'm not a black curtain? No. I think you're going to need to roll a composure. Oh.
Survival survival. Yeah, there you go. Oh, OK. Survive the blow. Survival plus. Intelligence. I mean, you don't have to roll this, but I'm going to get OK. Three six. Wait, wait. Did he even roll? Oh, modifiers. No modifiers. None. No, no. It was out of nowhere. Two successes out of two. You know, that's that seems fair to put up curtains.
There's a little bit of light seepage, but it's but it's not direct. As long as you like hide under your blankets, you'll be fine. It's just a little bit around the edges. Go into your like hide, be like a kid and hide in your closet. Yeah, like even though I am a literal vampire, I still hide under my blankets because there's a monster in my bed. There might be. You never know. It might be a werewolf there. Now. Now, you know, there are real.
That's true. So if anything well Hayden's character I think was also told that werewolves are real to one of y'all someone mentioned werewolves to one of y'all I Was told because I asked about the Civil War with and a little bit of history. Yeah Interesting well, I don't think I have a werewolf under my bed at least I hope
I'll fucking awkward that be. You wake up the next morning. It's just like breathing heavily next to you. You're FBI agents, a werewolf. Oh, no, it makes so much sense. All right. That that wraps up another session of Houston after dark.
integrated dice management podcast and I'm Ron your storyteller. Have a good night. Peace. I'm supposed to like go Frank go around. Nope. Signing out. You go yourself. No, I mean, I mean, I guess you can. I'm Frank. Hi, I played the Cole and I can be found in places. If you look hard enough, I always forget that.
Look for the Angelic Demon or the FK Light Castle in certain locations you might find. If you see Virillian anywhere, that's probably me. Well, I'm Hayden. It was nice playing with you guys. You can probably find me in your local Taco Bell. I love that shit. Have a nice night, guys. Literally, literally. Go be pure with your girl now, so.
Yep. You know it, Mormon time. Mormon time. This is Jayden signing out. Goodbye. Good job, Jayden. Thank you. And this is Bill. You can find me on Twitter. Bill's a bub. And I swear I might have COVID. And this kind of sounds a little sexy.
give me one second good night and good luck
Hey, everyone. It's me, Ron, from the future. Ooh. Although, I guess whenever you're listening to this, I'll be from the past. But what even more from the past Ron didn't know is now we have contact info. You can email us at idmrollplay at
and tell us all about how much you love us, or hate us, or send us fan art, or whatever you want to do with that. And maybe we'll even read it on the show. You can also find us on Twitter at idmrollplay. And that's all. That's everywhere you can find us. So, bye. Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Fox Soul Revolution and Got Them Licious, both created by Kevin MacLeod at
licensed under Creative Commons by attribution 4.0 license, licenses by 4.0. The night is over and have a great day, everyone.

Post-recording Humor

Bill, have you seen me shirtless? You shirtless? No. You're missing out.