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Our players are whisked away to more adventure, meeting 3 powerful wizards and taking on a quest that will send them across the multiverse.


Introduction and Humor

Alright, hello to our thousands of viewers we have as soon as I press start streaming. um I'm sure. the future In the future of this live stream, yes.
um ah honeywag bag cd to come back and watch our stream I know Big Daddy Swag Money has abandoned us. He hasn't been here. he' like they are cool and i'll never show back up but yeah Yeah, he thought we, you know, he's our number one fan because he's the only one who subscribed. No, we have another subscriber. I just don't know where she came from. I think possibly she was from my Pokemon stream.
but All right, so hello um people of the internet. ah Okay, let me start over.

Meet the Hosts

Welcome adventurers to an exciting episode of Integrated Dice Management presents Vecna, Eve of Ruin. I am your Dungeon Master, Ron Bjork, and with me tonight is Frank. Hi everyone, I'm Frank. um I'm currently on my way home, but I come to you from the land of the road. I'll be playing Amber, knock tonight. um Hopefully I'll get home before this stream ends. He has his dice ready. He's going to throw them at passing cars and for every car that crashes, that's a critical hit. um yeah So when you hear me you when you hear me rolling my dice like this... And it looks like the screen the stream is solid black. um Let me figure out why that is.
wow It's shut. Okay, now the stream. Yep, okay, it's got a picture now. All right, I got it. um Also with me is Eric returning. I'm back, boys. I had to do some crazy payroll and then had a family stuff, but I'm back. Iskander's back. We're in the heavy plate now, ready to shake it up and, you know, use my telekinesis to shove people into Spirit Guard. Nice. um And Hayden.
Hey, I'll be playing a hot shoe as normal. We're excited about this new about this game. There's some crazy stuff coming up. There is some crazy stuff coming up that I want to mention on streaming, you know.
ah And Bill is not with us tonight. He is, you know, got some stuff going on. He'll probably be back next week. um And ah yeah, so where we are um going into

Recap of Adventures

the thing. I don't know if you listen to any of the episodes, Eric, but basically last week and the session before that, um we went through the tomb of the Dalindar family.
They met a friendly ghost not named Kasper. Her name was Numi, or Numinia. um That name I created because the module didn't give her a real name. um Numinia was hired by the Dalindar family and paid multiple lifetimes to stay there, which meant she was still employed by them after becoming a ghost.
um She didn't consider the fact that for her a lifetime is approximately a thousand years because she's an elf. um but ah So they went through the tomb, they killed everything in the tomb, thus freeing Numi, who now lives in, um if you listen to the end bit of the last episode, you'll hear that Numi currently is living in a closet in um Danger Noodle's basement, um reading his saucy romance novels.
um He, uh, uh, but Noomi's not really that important. I'm focusing a lot on her for some reason. Um, they got out of the Shadowfell, but Iskander was not with them because he went off to investigate other tombs to see if they were at the right tomb, which turns out they were, and the portal closed behind him. So Iskander got trapped in the Shadowfell for even longer. Um, approximately three months Actually, shortly after they were um freed, they realized a month had gone by in the material plane, even though only a few hours had gone by in the Shadowfell.
so maybe um a scanar it won't even feel like it's been that long for you but um no it weirdly somehow still feels like six months because that imp amazees me more ah and um slm had a baby we don't know anything about that baby cause bill's not here but um presumably it is um horrifying ah Goblin babies, bro got half goblin half teaflling baby um and
And approximately three months into after they got out of the shadow. Oh, everyone also got houses. um So they are that the three of them have houses. um I think Dennis might have gotten a house to I don't remember. He might have already had a house.
ah but they got some houses and then three months later Slurm was walking home from wherever he was and he saw a familiar doorway into a place that he once went long ago which listeners you will have not heard those episodes although they might be recorded somewhere in my computer. um to the It was a doorway to the realm of a eldritch being known as Happyjack, who you have to pass through a mystical circus of horrors.

Character Fusion Chaos

Luckily, they didn't have to do that. happy jack that They also met one of Happyjack's minions by the name of Tasha, um who ah told them Happyjack wanted to talk. They went into Happyjack's realm.
um And he offered them basically a deal. um I don't even know if you could call it a deal. It was like, hey, i need you I'm stuck here in my universe. I need you to stop Vecna from destroying all of reality. um I will give you powers if you say yes. And they said yes. And Vecna fused them with their dying selves from another reality that was on its way out. And then Because Vecna is an uncaring Eldritch Horror, he accidentally fused everyone in this module with something. um The fusions that happened outside of his realm were not quite as smooth, or ah and um so some people are going to be kind of weird. Slurm's wife became sexier though, so good for her. um Yeah.
ah i'll i'll show you and I'll show you the image of Slurm's wife. um Let's see, where is it? So what you're saying is my abomination sense is going to go cuckoo bananas. Through the fucking roof, you are going to... I guess I didn't add this picture to her character sheet yet, so I won't show you that.
Iskander, who is still in the Shadowfell, has no idea why he suddenly hat No, he's he's still in the Shadowfell. He just got fused with his, you know, other half like everyone else did. He doesn't know what's going on. um Nobody does. No one else? His life is gorgeous. Yes. I just got from Dennis. You're mine. Dude, stop looking at Dennis. I haven't revealed Dennis yet. um Yeah. You can't describe him yet. Yeah.
um I'm trying, okay, we we won't worry about Vendetta right now. And i are gonna be friends and you guys feel free to um tell the viewers what you've been up to for the past six months in total. um Because another three months have passed with nothing interesting happening. After Happy Jack fused those of you who were in his realm, you popped back into the prime material plane um right back outside that door, and the door was transformed back into a normal door. um I have to go say hi to my wife who just got home. I will be right back.
So I also want to hit it off with a six month scan. Yeah, I mean, Iskander, so you were technically not here, right? What what are you up to in the Shadowfell? I'm trapped in the Shadowfell, and Iskander's holy order is like

Vecna's Plan Revealed

for the nerds out there right the the the Night's Watch from Game of Thrones plus what did I say the Night's Watch from Game of Thrones the adeptus the stardis from the Warhammer universe right and just like a group of warriors that are sworn to protect people from you know the evil that lurks in the darkness right he's a twilight cleric that's what he's about
and he's stuck in the Shadowfell which is nothing but a world that is that so in my mind he gained this extra level but then on a but murder rampage killing undead you know cleansing souls and just ah rocking the shit out of the Shadowfell that's what i was expecting to happen at all i was like you were on a soul quest didn't you also have like some dark souls vibe going on i mean yeah like i'm uh like the Night Watch from the Game of Thrones, the Grey Warden is from Dragon Age, and the brothers, we must defend the emperor, that kind of shit. Not a rational human being most times, on the best of days. And then he got left in a world of darkness, and yeah. He's been doing a lot of hero feasts by himself, getting those extra 20 hit points every day, advantage on most of his saving throws.
the the that's our boy
Yeah, so Danger Noodle, or Hashu, has really gotten after after the the Thanos Snap, essentially, the opposite. but and It's not quite the opposite of a Thanos Snap, is it? Because like people got merged, not like deleted from history. Yeah, yeah.
and so
a Danger Noodle has really gotten to know the alternate version of herself. ah His name is Ekans Poisonous Face Rumple Snake Skin. Okay, I'm back. Oh, for DM's back. actually okay That's a hell of a name. Yeah. um And so...
For a while, ah for like a solid couple days, Hashu was like knocked out. um And Ekans took over the the body, not knowing a single thing of where he was. He had to figure out that stuff all out by himself, um which you know the friends that are currently there helped him out a lot. um And then after Hashu woke up, there there was a whole clash within her, um within them now.
um And so they, they are two separate entities. They share the same body, but you know, their personalities are still very separate. Um, and over the course that you said it was six months, right? Yeah. Well, three months since the merger, six months since you guys got out of the shadow fell. Oh, okay. That's what it was. So for the three months, they, that's all that they've ever you know come close to completely combining is that,
they their personalities are still completely separate, they still have their own separate thoughts. um If they really try, they can think each other's thoughts, but they consider that rude for each other.
and And after Hashu woke up, they had to learn how to walk again because they both tried to control the body. So one of them usually chills while the other one is in control. um And then the other one steps in when something is needed from the other one. The other version of Hashu, who is a genie warlock,
The Ekans is a Arborent Sorcerer. um And so it's definitely a ah powerful duo. um Hopefully they'll be able to have some crap up. All right. Fun fun. And then what's Ambradoc been doing? Selling sandwiches, I assume? Yeah. He's just opened up a sandwich shop and that's all he does. Nothing has changed for him.
Alright, I don't know if that was him talking, but it sounded horrible, so. um Frank, if you're speaking, we can't. No. Stop.
I'm driving again Mr. Bell, I'm sorry.
there We'll continue. Okay, um so ah one little event that happens over the course of the the three months that have passed. um i ah Danger Noodle, you get um a knock at the door ah of your house. do do do Do you answer the door? I

Dennis' Gorgon Mishap

look for the people first. You see someone in like an official You see someone in like an official looking uniform, um Frank so on. An official looking uniform um holding a um ah document. What kind of official looking uniform like? A government uniform. Census worker. I mean, it's just, you can't really tell. He's not a guard. You'd assume he works like for the governor or something or the Lord Neverimber or something like that.
Yeah, so what my house was kind of like a run-down thing, but it's basically in the projects, but it's the nicest house in the projects. It's called the Shadowburton bungalow. So I guess for my seller that I normally stay in, I do walk up um and open the front door.
Okay, um this person, ah he he looks up and he's like, are you Hashu Slytherinio?
She goes, yes, I am. um So, one of your compatriots was arrested um and ah has requested... Was it the robot man? No, he's not a robot man. he's He might be an elf. He he wrote down um unknown on his um intake form. Wait, Dennis? Yes, Dennis. That's his name. Dennis got arrested? He, ah well...
He apparently turned someone to stone, but he said you could vouch for him? For him? Yeah, I... I would never... Dennis would not hurt anyone just out of... out of, uh, hate. He's a respected citizen. Um, he works for Lord Neverember. Basically, we just need someone... Oh, I'm being subpoenaed. Well, no, no, no, no, no. He's... he's requesting, um... he said you might be willing to bail him out.
oh' ba um he's got a bond at set at um well let's see commoner um twenty gp twenty gold Yeah, I mean, I'm surprised he can't cover that, but yes, I will oh gladly cover that for him.
All right, and then he takes you down to the like guards barracks or whatever, um that or I guess the jail. um And i you know you fill out a form, bail him out, and it's like, if he doesn't pay back the 20 gold in this many days, ah you know whatever the hell bails say, I don't know. um and And then um Dennis... That they lead him out of the room um and several people are trying to avoid looking at him. um He's wearing a cloak currently i and it's like I swear I've got it under control now it was an accident.
um it's It's been three months, come on. ah and And then he um he walks in and he sees you and he's like, danger noodle, or yeah, sure. um tell Tell them i I would never purposely hurt anyone here. Atkins pops up and goes, i yeah, from the moment I met him, he would never hurt anyone.
And so they're like, okay, just get him out of here. And, you know, that they they let you out. And then when he gets out, he um he's like, so something really weird happened to me a few months ago. I don't know if you know anything about it. um They say things, weird things happen to a lot of people, but and he lowers his hood and he looks like like this.
Magnificent. i Do I turn to stone? You do not turn to stone. He controls his power. um For Frank, Dennis now has glorious white hair and also Medusa snakes all over his head. He he is fused with a Medusa. Nice.
He's like, I have no idea how this happened, but I have a bunch of- And your ears grew about three sizes, my guy. Yes,

Magical Secrets and Cult Insights

it's as if AI didn't understand what elven ears meant. What's AI? Yeah, this weird thing happened to me, but they said weird things have been happening to a lot of people lately. Yeah, I mean, considering that I met you three months ago and I met a woman's body now. Wait, what?
Yeah, don't you know that? I've been in jail for three months. Yeah, well... He wasn't there. He wasn't with y'all when you talked to Happy Jack. Oh, I thought he got transported with him. No. He was there. No. Oh, okay, that makes a lot more sense. Yeah. Okay. Sorry, in that case, I think he would have never... I just... He doesn't know Dennis.
I just felt the need to reveal Dennis, we can now move on. ah Anyways, so Hoshu takes Dennis by the arm and walks him out of the precinct and then kit takes him home, I guess. Frank, when you get to your computer, you'll have to see the new Dennis. This was the best AI could come up with and I love it. so um That's pretty good.
Yeah, it had it kept putting it was him as a woman because um he I guess is is a Medusa, but uh, yeah, um, okay, so that was some time during that three month period and now Everyone is, you know walking along doing whatever it is. You normally do on an average Tuesday morning Um when i at venngance i yeah I suppose I should actually pull up the the module real quick and read the description that I'm supposed to read. Hold on.
Let's see. Where are you? Oh, just to remind you all of um the special mechanic of this game, the power of secrets. You currently have two magical secrets that you learned while you were in the tomb. um Eric, you don't know these secrets, but you know you're you're welcome to spend them.
Um, one of them is that those cultists were members of the Cult of Vecna. And the other one, I don't remember what it is right now. I'll figure that out later. But basically, you can release those secrets into the aether using their power to give you your entire party advantage for one minute.
on all roles. But once you, have them up yes, you lose the secret after that and you lose it from your brain. It's you forget it. um o Yeah, now you can relearn it. But when you relearn it, you, you no longer, it's no longer magical.
um And for some reason, only specific secrets are magical, not all secrets. So that gay friend you have that's in the closet, it's probably not a magical secret. Unless... Some of them are are not, weirdly enough. If I recall one of the secrets, actually I can see pretty quickly what the three were and see what... There were three options. You missed out on one because you failed to save someone.
um ah Oh, one of them was actually there are four available secrets. Oh, nevermind. No. Yeah, no, there were four. Yeah. The other one is that Umberto, the guy who always talks about Vecna, his great secret is that he's a historian of Vecna. Did I ever run into that guy again afterwards? He avoids you like the plague.
good um And you never learned in Dreena's, I think she's the one you saved, you saved one of them. You ever never learned the other person you saved, never learned their secret. I was, you know, saying that they were being all shady and stuff, but you you never questioned it. Anyway,
um anyway so just to remind you. that's the What about the elf woman that I resurrected? Oh, that's right. Well, you didn't ask her what are your secrets. You just gave her back to her family and got a reward. Could I... a little bit? No, it's too late. I'm gonna throw act- God damn it. No secrets for you. I'm gonna find her- I'm gonna find her another universe and murder her. Alright, where- man, it put this in, like, a bad order.

Summoned by Power Figures

It's telling me all about the place you're going before it gets to the description of you going to that place.
um There it is, okay. You guys are walking and along, you know, what what would um ah each of you be doing on a Tuesday morning um randomly?
Oh, you didn't hear Iskander's fire and fury and just a walking havoc in the Shadowfell right now because there's no limit. So he's doing that, yeah.
to his thing so my my normal tuesday morning starts with uh... stretching up you bastard show me what passes for fury amongst your misty-gotten kind and then sunbeam and then just ask what you're just that's what killing vampires left and right yeah yeah okay well you're doing that right now on what's uh... what's what's uh danger noodle up to and amber knock if frank can speak um So I think during the three months... Frank is not even listening to us. He's muted and deafened. So so but I think during the three months, I think something that I would have tried to learn is an alchemy skill. Okay. Would I have been able to do that? Proficiency with alchemy to ah tools or whatever. Yes, you can do that over the downtime. I don't remember the mechanics, but I'll just say, sure, over six months you could have gained proficiency.
okay yeah nice yeah so i i guess that'd be just one of my little hobbies that since i'm kind of independently wealthy like of course i'm not like completely wealthy where i don't have to work another day in my life um but for the most part i do just kind of live by my hobby of just experimenting with uh the alchemy now and it should be noted that um new me the ghost since you have allowed her whether or not you actually allowed her she has taken up residence in your closet she's invited yeah since she lives in your closet um she has just started cleaning your house for you oh thank you because that's kind of her thing and as you're walking along um with the flash of multicolored light and this applies to all three of you even though frank can't hear what we're saying
because he's muted and deafened. um With a flash of multicolored light, the world winks out of existence. Nothingness envelops your senses. You feel the thrum of magic rushing like an electric spark through your veins.
And then you regain focus. You stand in a plush candlelit parlor. A stately woman in blue robes leans towards you, her brow furrowed in confusion and concern. In the blurry background, stand a frowning woman in a flowing black dress and a man tugging in confusion at his high crimson collar. ah There is, in the room with you, also Slurm. You're all there, Slurm, Danger Noodle, Iskander, and Abernock.
um Dennis is not there. Just the four of you, I guess. You are aware that you're going to have to use Slurm's voice, right? There you go. I can only do that so much. So when it cuts in, Iskander is stomping really hard on the ground and he yells, I am an angel of death, not an angel of mercy.
yeah they read And then he's like, oh, hey, how's it going, guys? And and this lady, or actually you hear ah the woman in black say, what? These this can't be the answer to our wish. um And the other lady says, uh, and glances at her at the two people with her and she's then back at you guys and she's like, who are you for?
And HaShu speaks up, well, that's an interesting thing. What did you wish for?
She pauses for a moment. um and Remember, your Arish already came true, so it's not like it's a birthday wish. I'm beginning to think our wish did not come true. Obviously it did, or you were crappy at wishing.
And I should know when I hold out my genie lamp. I got a pact with one. She raises an eyebrow and then says, hmm, I wonder if that screwed it up. And you know, one that the three people start muttering together. um Do you guys interact with each other at all while that while they are muttering together, ignoring you? Yeah, ill just turn I I try to look at up my ah motley assortment of friends. Abominations, good to see you again.
It's good to see you too. It's been a while. I'm glad you're still alive. Yeah. ah And I turned to the people that are ignoring us. That sounds like hi.
Hi. Yeah. That's so good. Who are, what are we doing here? speak Please, keep going. e going um And the woman ah in, I think I said blue, um turns back and she says, up yes, sorry. um My name is Illustrial of Silvery Moon. um Those of you from the Forgotten Realms will recognize that name. She's one of the most famous people in the Forgotten Realms. um She is one of the... know huh
I recognize it. Your character is from the Forgotten Realms and is quite old actually, so you probably would have at least heard the name. um I don't care about other people that much. um She is one of the daughters of Mistra, the goddess of magic, um ah one of Mistra's chosen, um and was ruler of the city of Silverymoon for several centuries before she finally stepped down and let her son become ruler.
um She says, I am industrial of Silverymoon. This is ah Tasha. Yes, that Tasha. um And this is Mordenkainen. Yes, that Mordenkainen.
um ah We... I feel underdressed. You are in a... loseer world Actually, you are in a very plush... um Lux luxurious environment actually I can go and move y'all to that map I'm covered in love vampire dust and shit Dennis is not there. Are you sparkling? I'm not the only thing I'm wearing right now is yeah my normal skin um and a soiled red cloak soiled That's what the description of it is. I never watched it lovely
um rus by soil i believe this map I believe this map lets you see um everything. so What happened to the ah the this guy? He's off doing his own thing. you you guys yeah he's yeah He has no interest in and being your friend. No, that's good because um I would tell him he's a crappy spellsman. He was a pretty crappy spellsman. Yes, here's where you guys are.
oh If the map will have to zoom out The map does appear to be all black so hey look it's a three famous people ah Okay, so you can't see everything cool. um Yeah, you guys appear in this teleportation circle um and um And there are three famous people in front of you. Where did my handouts go? There it is. Okay. um And I guess I can show you their pictures. I think I've got handouts for them. Yep. This is Illustrial. Okay, she's... Yeah, it's blue, I guess. This is Illustrial of Silverymoon.
um And then we've got... ah
trying it I keep closing the thing. Then we've got two other people here.
why is it not okay He apparently doesn't have a link to his handout. um and Then there's Tasha, um the one who laughs hideously. He gave us all those sweet character options. Thanks, lady.
Let me see, player handouts, player art. Interesting. Okay, well, apparently he doesn't get his own, so here is the three of them sitting in a chair. And Tasha looks different in this picture. What did she just say, wearing a hat? Okay, yeah, she's not wearing her hat. Why does Tasha look like she would teach at Hogwarts?
Um, I don't know, but she's like, she's the daughter of or the adoptive daughter of Baba Yaga. i mean ah Yeah, that Baba Yaga. Although, yeah, although this is, um, I guess that hasn't happened yet. Because the book specifies that it's this is a younger version of that Tasha. um But anyway, uh, yeah, so they're like, so We cast a wish spell, um but it wasn't your typical wish spell. That's why I took all three of us to cast it. And I guess something went wrong. um Because you three are here. So I would know these people, correct? You would know of their names for sure. Okay, their names are world their world that you know, that's like, do you know the name of Chuck Norris?
yeah okay which yes your character your character does know the name chuck norris because chuck norris transcends the multiverse so there we go he's actually a dnd dnd dnd he's the deity of he they call him ao in this realm but he's chuck norris called ao in forgotten realms ao is the god of all god like the god who created the gods
I'm joking, but am I? Oh no.

The Quest for the Rod

Yeah, so yeah, we cant we we did a wish spell um to try and stop an evil lich and apparently you guys appeared. The lich? Like donald the The lich.
They glance at each other and say, okay, fine. The Lich Vecna. He's got an evil plan. Wait. Yes, i I've been interrogated with that name. A stupid dwarf. And no man wouldn't leave me alone about him.
ah and So you guys already know about Vecna's evil plan. Yeah, and then a crazy clown god snapped his fingers and I got merged with this dumbass. Hey, what's up? Um, wait. Oh, the look of confusion from a scandal. Do you guys know what caused the weird mergings? We thought that was Vecna's doing. I was there. I was dead. Now I'm alive. Well, I was about to be dead. You died? Yeah, I come from Drakenheim.
The world exploded. Oh. That was fun. And they all start i was actually chatting with each other again, whispering to each other again.
Oh, and then I do the... So that's why I can do this. And then I just disappear for a second. And then come back. That's why I can do that. A cloud. Where'd you go? Do it again. I was right here.
I can just do that now. Do what you get. Uh, sure. And I like reach out to touch you. You touch me and then I'm coming back. Oh, so you're just invisible and you're not like transcending planes. No, no, no, no. Just, I just like, uh, what did the vampire, I bend the lights or something now. Uh, yeah, it's good. It's pretty cool.
Well, you wouldn't be able to transcend the planes here anyway. that's It's prevented. um But anyway, i so yeah, we cast a spell trying to stop Vecna and apparently you four appeared. um And apparently you four are involved somehow. um So maybe you're supposed to help us stop Vecna. um and Okay, you never you never answered my My twin, I guess that's what we just call each other. My my twin's question, what did you wish for? We wished um we wished to stop Vecna, basically. It was complicated, but that's that's the gist of it. um you You couldn't have wished for something like more like specific about Vecna? Because you know the more specific you get about a wish spell,
So she emotions to this like massive thing on the ground that you guys are standing on, which is a bunch of complicated ruins and it's like all the details of the wish are in there, but it's it take too long to explain. Apparently it went wrong, though. um I rule in that 20. Yeah.
The gist you get of it is they wanted to stop Vecna, and there's a bunch of complicated stuff to it. It doesn't tell me the exact nature of their wish. um Yeah. Well, I see what you did wrong right here. You misspelled Vecna. Fuck.
yeah you Yeah, you wrote Varkma. That's Varkma right there. You wrote Varkma. Hey, this is Ligma right here. Yeah, so Mordenkainen steps forward and he's like, you know, I was actually ah ah He's like I actually have an alternative plan and he he goes over to a cabinet um somewhere over in the corner of this room somewhere um and Shuffles around a bit and pulls out um
a silver chime, um which he shows to you guys. And he's like, I was worried that perhaps our wish wouldn't stop one as powerful as Vecna. Illustrial, please forgive me. But I did have a contingency plan.
Vecna, it seems, is too powerful to stop directly at this point. However, no power is absolute. I suspect Vecna will be vulnerable while he weaves his ritual. If you confront and weaken him, this chime of exile can banish him to... oh, Earth. um He would no longer be able to affect multiple realms at once. His plan to remake the multiverse verse would fail.
um And then Mordenkheim's eyes gleam with excitement as he continues. There is an artifact that is, I believe, the only way to weaken Vecna so the chime can be used against him. It's called the Rod of Seven Parts. um Unfortunately, its component species are ah pieces are scattered across existence. While my esteemed colleagues researched the magic we needed to cash a wish spell powerful enough to stop Vecna, I looked into finding the the Rod's pieces should we need them.
The first place is deep in the Underdark, somewhere inside a hidden safe house for worshippers of the demon god Loth. Web's Edge, it's called.
Uh... Find that first piece of rod, my friends. The portal on the dais will take you to it. Once you locate the first piece, the magic inherent... Don't interrupt me, I see you thinking about it. The magic inherent... in the artifact will point you to the second and third and so on pieces. This sanctums portal this is a lord dumppoquet the sanctum's portal reacts to powerful magic such as this artifact. So as you find each piece, this portal will lead you to the next. No need to use another key. The most recent piece of the rod will suffice. There's no time to waste. sir Once you've assembled the rod, we can come fight confront Vecna and stop his heinous plans.
And you'll be heroes of the multiverse, how does that sound? And and then speech over. So, what I'm hearing is... we need You for adventure originally planned to stop Vecna, messed up, brought us here, and now you're shoving your plan onto us. That's about the gist of it, yep, that's how quest givers work.
And and the three most some of the the three most powerful people in all of existence are handing it to some B-list adventurers. where am i getting Am I getting hot? Tasha says, we're handing the fetch quest to you. Are they telling the truth? another what ah shit Yes. Mordenkainen does believe that this rod is the only way to defeat Vecna.
And so, did I roll an investigation to see if I think it worked? You don't know what the rod is, so you would automatically fail. Okay, I want to do that. Okay, you failed. I don't think he's telling the truth. that's That would be an insight check. You said investigation. Oh, ah sorry. Insight then. Oh, okay. Well, let me roll. let me Just so you know, Eric rolled a 26 on his insight. um Yeah, but I'm not Eric, so. That's true. ah Technically, a 30 with guidance. Technically, whatever Frank rolls, he's still going to say that he doesn't believe him, even if he rolls a nat 20.
ah twenty years I mean, well, he wrote an 8. I don't believe you. but i don't believe you why look none of us want reality to be destroyed and it's not like we're going to be idle while you guys are off getting these rod pieces we're going to be preparing the uh the chimes and whatever the house where else we're supposed to be doing um the guy speaking for me has had a bit of whiskey already um uh
They explained that while you assemble the rod, they are going to continue to research Vecna's plans and potential weaknesses.
so like Oh, I know a guy you should go talk to if you want to learn about Vecna. Do we know, like do do we individually, we know stuff about Vecna, like his overarching legend? and like yeah and ah Especially, I mean, you obviously know um things because you have a bone to pick with Vecna. The rest of the characters, if you... have decided you have done research on Vecna and stuff over these past six months you certainly could have done that and like dug into him a bit because you had a you know some weird stuff happened with him um plus Happy Jack told you he's trying to destroy all of realities so um before i give the floor back to Hashu um two things one
Like my robot companion was going to say, there is a man that we could introduce you to that knows a lot about this person, someone that Harshu does not like to talk about. Apparently there was a lot of shenanigans that happened there and he went through some private places in, inside of our house. And then besides that, um... Where did we leave that guy to us? he's forgotten yeah He's free. He ran off like the little bitch he is. Whoa!
And then, besides that, ah and then Hashira steps up, I have a wish spell myself if you would like to use it. Well, this was like ah this was a um a super wish spell, and it failed. So you're saying that if you even try again, it's going to, what, bring another four adventurers? You're welcome. I want to roll an insight to see if I think that a super wish spell is actually a thing. Well, the gods said that we were the answer.
Yes. It would appear on a list it would appear so. what what Which god was this? whatever our Whoever answers the wish. Whoever governs the wish. Were we summoned here by wish?
Oh, yeah. Okay. We were summoned by magic.

Preparation and Interaction

Oh, yeah. I guess you missed that, Frank. While you were going about your normal day, all of a sudden you were here. On a Tuesday, specifically. There was a Tuesday, and then you were here. And they explained that they tried to cast a, like, I guess, epic version of voice Wish Spell. And it failed for some reason. Did the stream go black again?
That might just be my phone. My phone likes to stop showing me the live stream. It is not black, okay. um um so um then Yeah, so they they cast a like extra powerful version of the wish spell and um the result of it was you guys were transported here. Mm, got it. Right, so now that we are summoned by magic itself, I guess we will go get the McGuffin.
Illustrial says, you know, maybe I should ask... Oh wait, no, her mom is dead. but The original Mistra, I'm pretty sure, died. Yes, the original Mistra did die. Yeah. Gods can't die, she morphed. Yeah, but she's not my mom anymore, so... But i I can still ask her, I'm on good terms with the current Mistra. So you're an orphan? Sure. Don't say that, he'll collect you for his orphanage.
I do not kidnap people anymore. That was only for the job. You had a lot of people in that in that lamp at one point. Yes, I do. And some of them are dead. You're supposed to feed them. and They were dead when I put them in there.
let them Sure. So anyways, we're collecting rods. Yes.
Which rod are we collecting first? ah Well, it's just a piece of the rod of seven parts or seven pieces. um Oh, seven parts, seven parts. There's actually eight parts to this seven piece. No, as far as we know, there's just seven. ah Yeah, that's not one of those weird things. Unless you want to consider like the assembled version of it, the eighth piece.
But that's really just semantics.
hey um when When do we get started, oh mighty wish, fellas? The sooner the better. um But you guys, if you need to, are free to go home. um There is a portal over there and they point um to this thing, ah that's a portal. And that will take us exactly where? So it will take you where you want to be, provided there is a end portal to that spot. So so you could get home um and come back. um There is a, ah well, actually, where are you guys from? There there is a portal to Neverwinter. Oh, good.
There's portals to buy houses. so okay Conveniently, there's a portal to Neverwinter. But there also is a portal, if you have a key, there's a portal to anywhere you want, basically. and um I don't remember how the hell this key works. Out of character, or out of Dungeon Master. For some reason, the portal can teleport you to where the first rod is.
Oh, let's do that. Let's do that. We just go directly to the MacGuffin and we we get the MacGuffin and we're good, right? The first piece of the rod. Well, it can teleport, it's not going probably not going to teleport you to the exact location of the first piece of the rod. um Oh. Well, that's not what you said. Apparently, here's the handout. In character or out of character? That's in character. Okay. This is apparently the um handout for when he showed you the chime that can supposedly banish Vecna.
That's a very, very, not very impressive chime. What? Why do you look like you either A, kidnap princesses and put them in your high tower? He does. And B, a Disney vid- Excuse me, I put them in my magnificent mansion. The invisible one. Oh, you do not deny- Oh, this is important. You do not deny princesses. We were all young once.
I'll shoot pops up. I could be a princess. The fuck happened to Dennis? yeah So that was what Dennis merged with. the
um I'm sorry, Dennis. He merged with a Medusa. The yeah fuck are you now? He's not here. He's not here. Oh, okay. Obviously. He needs to die now. I'm sorry. I loved him. Now he's a strange creature. You're welcome to to go get him before you go into the dungeon if you want, but you don't have to. um yes I also want to get some armor. You want armor? Yeah, I would like some armor. You don't want to use your barbarian ability anymore?
Are we allowed to come back if we go home? ah Yeah, you know, you guys are free to use my sanctum as you choose. um i There is a room. um I believe it is. Let me double check which room is the one that your guys are allowed to use.
M plus my Dex mod is only 12.
So one of the rooms is her, is theirs. The room the door in the bottom left stairwell is Illustrials room. ah The stairwell in the top right is Mordenkainen's room. um Which one is Tasha's?
The... Yeah, y'all are free to explore this level as you wish. Well, I'd find anything. Oh, way outside, apparently. The bottom right, Frank, always breaking the map. The bottom right stairwell is an open room, so they point at the bottom right stairwell. Frank, stop it.
Stay in the dungeon. who life him Remove his ability to control himself. I could. Well, if you if you don't have walls, I don't know what you want me to do. I don't know why you're able to go out because the walls are blocking the light. It looks like. you be here we It's definitely blocking the light, but but it's not can go anywhere it's it's not blocking travel, oddly enough. um can i Can I go off the map? i Oh, I can almost go off the map.
ah I don't know why that's happening, but okay. so i didnt It doesn't really matter. There's nothing that can be revealed on this map that you're not allowed to see. so I did roll a natural 20 for investigation.
What are you investigating? but this This place, did I find anything? The only, so um they kind of, I guess they they let you wander around. All right, so the level you're on um has,
you know what? let me go to the Let me go to the map view just to, I'm just gonna take the wall off of this area up here if I can.
So that you are free to... Okay, I opened up an area since y'all can apparently exit the map. um I don't know why you can exit the map, but because the walls are here. yeah
Are you able to get into the little square rooms? What the hell is this? Yep, just right through the walls. Okay, well enjoy going through the walls. um So yeah, the bottom, all right, so one of the squares, three of the squares are occupied bedrooms, the bottom right little square is an empty one. The upper right little square, that door is locked. um But if asked Mordenkainen, it's like, oh, that's my room. I don't like people just jumping into my room like assholes, like um this robot is doing. um you're not You're not actually. You're not invited. You're not actually able to go into that room in character. so um But he's just like, yeah, that's my room. I don't like people popping into my room you know whenever the hell they want. um Aha.
They do have it turned off. Interesting. um i I could stop you from going into these rooms, but it honestly, there's nothing on the map that you would you can see on the map that messes anything up. Okay, so um here in the middle ah is where my description go.
Is this a different realm that we've been transported to? Correct. You're in the realm of Sanctum, which she can explain that to you, but it's basically this weird magical waype way realm, um which is normally ruled by a scary godlady, but um she seems to not bother Illustriel too much.
um ah You can one thing that is noted is travel in and out of the planes is only possible through portals So no plane shift or anything like that um All right, so this room over here ah is the library. um It's the bottom left. A gleaming floor-to-floor ceiling bookshelves with filled with leather-bound tomes wrap around the sanctum's west end, while marble pillars hold up vaulted ceilings to the east, spiral staircases in the corner lead upward. um The main middle room um is the parlor.
plush antique furniture, including sofas and footstools, are arranged here. To the north is a grand staircase. To the south, a garden of ferns and flowering plants grow around a raised marble dais. That raised marble dais is the thing that teleports you. um The room that you guys appeared in is a workspace, a desk covered in paperwork, and books sits in the middle of the work area, nearby are curio cabinets filled with magical trinkets, um which those cabinets are magically locked.
uh upstairs up the big staircase um we have the lounge roaring fireplaces are built into the east and west walls of this lounge comfortable couches and chairs are artfully arranged before a grand staircase that leads downwards and then you've got the four bedrooms they're just bedrooms okay but um awesome so the most powerful wizards in the multiverse want us to go fight Dark Elves were a part of the Rod. Correct. laura right Correct. Well, bad day to be evil. Let's go, boys. Are the Dark Elves evil? I think... I think the... are Are we just going to assume Dark Elves are evil? I feel like that's a bit racist. Well, they are followers of Loth, these specific Dark Elves. And Loth is an evil goddess. Basically, in every universe that I've walked in,
Oh, they are. So yeah, yeah, we are. Safe for assumption. Let the gods up sort them out.

Underdark Strategy

All right, so while while adventuring around, do I find any sort of musical instruments? ah Around here? and Just anywhere around. you I mean, sure, you can find a musical instrument. They're not hard. They're trying to loot? Yes.
Okay. You find the loot of wonders when you pluck its cords, you die. Okay. Oh! Oh, well, I died. Okay. Roll a old new character. I take it. um I mean, do you want to steal a loot from this place? Or are you just wanting a are you wanting a loot in general? I'm wanting a loot in general. Yeah, you could just easily just purchase a loot somewhere.
We'll say that I did that during my six month period. yeah You're so into so fabulously wealthy. Okay. i put I put on this map that you'll be shifting to. I took away your ability to move through walls. all Hopefully.
Hopefully. Why are there so- Oh, find a way. Yeah. Um, okay, so are you guys gonna go through this portal to the Drow place, or are you gonna go get Dennis, or are you gonna go- I mean, you don't have to get Dennis. He's not required. I feel like- He's just a free- I thought you should get Slurm. Slurm is with you. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with you. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with you. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Slurm is with me. Sl did
that' That's the only words he says now. Yeah. because He's a fucking Pokemon now. Slarm got it it yeah i got it. Slarm fused with the Pokemon and and he's all sweet.
well Sorry, Bill. On this meeting, I don't exactly do quiet well. ah I mean, that's not true. You can't go invisible.
i don't I don't like doing quiet.
There's a raid? Or is this like an infiltration? What are you asking, Mordenkainen? Yeah, Wizards 3 over there. Wizards 3. What are we...
It's probably would behoove you not to just go in. Sorry, you probably don't know what these are, but guns blazing. Oh wait, Slurm has a gun. You could just say swords blazing and it'd be like, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Guns blazing and just point at Slurm's gun like, okay? All right. Yeah. He's used like 15 times the last like two days. I saw him use it to pick his teeth, I'm sure.
But you know it's it's you you could try to sneak in. You could just go in um going hard. You could pretend to be ah followers of Loath.
I would like to go to a shopping spree real quick. This temple, you can do that. You can go back to Silverymoon. This temple is not just for Drow, it's for all followers of Loth. You could potentially trick them into thinking you are a follower of Loth. I could do that.
but That makes my stomach feel sour.
Real quick, I want to roll a religion to see if I know who Lolth is. Go for it. You've heard of... You've heard of Lolth. You don't know much about her. You just know she's, you know, evil god. I think we can do it. She's an evil god. She's some kind of evil elf god of some sort.
i mean it It feels weird when I say that. I feel a weird rumble in my tummy to say that. yeah can you You saw... ho down the street from my house There's... nice You think they might be, like, obsessed with, like, roaches or scorpions or something? You're not sure. Maybe ants. I'm pretty sure it's seahorses. So I'm gonna go through the portal to go and go shopping. okay um i I guess I'll be back at some point, maybe. Where are we?
Like, uh, Wizards 3, and I turn back to the, your cool guy house. We are in, we are in Sanctum, um, which is, uh, oh, no, what we are in my Sanctum in the realm of, um, let me, let me get this realm up. Uh, it is in the realm of Sigil. Um, which actually might, might mean something to, um,
Is Sigil the order place? ah It doesn't actually give me Sigil. That's what everything meets. It's the city of doors. Yes, it it is the city of doors.
What would I roll for that? Sigil, also known as the City of Doors, um ah was a floating city in the center of the Outlands, which you guys have a map of the Outlands for some, you know, and the self-proclaimed center of the multiverse in the Great Wheel of Cosmology, a major hub for interplanar travel. The city contained multiple portals to every single plane, as well as well as numerous locations in the Prime Material Plane. ah You should go shopping here.
Except gold? oh they Well, yes. you could Could you Wizards 3 by chance provide us with some funds to outfit ourselves for and advance if you will on the the journey ahead?
i'm Considering you've made your own realm or whatever you've done, I'm sure you have just o oo oodles of of, oh wow, I can go inside the column, apparently.
Inside what? Oh. It's the column. Everything is black and you can't see anymore. There is no light inside this column. There is a place where I can give you stuff all on the, let me find that page. ah Do I need a roller like persuasion check? Go for it.
That's a net one. course Of course it is.
uh... you do we do think for you you give many first uh... what uh... what my uh... metal friends that abominable intelligence over there is saying this uh... this doesn't seem like it would be an easy job and maybe your resources could become our resources to assist us uh...
Me strong, me financing, you give money first. There was somewhere, there was somewhere where it told me that I could give you stuff. I'm assisting with my net one. So that's going to be an 18, right? Sure. I just have a good point out there. Yeah. I just made it a 17. All right. Yeah, we can give you some funds.
i Illustrial waves are hand and a um ah sack appears.
um and clinks down onto the ground. That's about a thousand platinum right there. looking at all right mine you To be divided evenly between the four of you.
yeah You each get 250 platinum. Um, also I've got, uh, she goes and like digs through a cabinet, um, pulls out, um, she tosses each of you a potion of greater healing. Um, is it greater? What's the good one? The, the, the better one, the, the, the level three one. Um, so that one was good.
the the third good healing potion. um greater Is it greater or superior? Let me see. There's greater, superior, and supreme.
ah Supreme is a very rare potion that costs 5,000 gold, superior costs 500 gold, and greater costs 100 gold. She gives you three superior ones. Those are the 8d4 plus 8, or four superior ones, one for Slarm 2.
eighty d four I can't spell superior. s p and sorry s i u p e r i o r Okay, apparently they don't come up in the ah compendium. Of course not because you're poor Ron.
I paid for this thing and it doesn't give it to me. It just gives me regular Potion of Healing. Yeah, these are the 8d4 plus 8 healing potions. So we both get one or we all get one. Each of you get one. um Let's see. I don't see potions anywhere either. Just just manually add it to your inventory. I'm just going to do a Potion of Healing and then edit it.
And Slurm gets $2.51. Potion of superior healing. Superior healing.
Superior. Superior healing. If you go through this portal to the Drow Place, um you can come back through the same portal you went through. um The portal is invisible. Is it 44? Huh?
You said 4d4 plus? No, 8d4 plus 8. okay
Hocho de Quattro. That's not what I wanted to do. It is really annoying whenever I click the like next page in the handout. It opens a new handout rather than just loading it in the same one.
So like if I'm skipping ahead, I have to open 15 handouts.
I don't think I was ready for it. So he does say, um when you go through this portal, ah you will be able to see the portal, but up the portal is otherwise invisible. So you can come back through at any time, ah assuming you can get back to the portal.
so Are we going loud or are we going easy, boys? I need to go shopping. I think we need to get Dennis. Okay. um I would like to purchase a ah well maybe medium armor. What's medium armor? Medium armor. Scale mail.
Medium armor. Oh, that's fucking helpful. Thank you. Also, you can has one magic item from this list of rare or lower quality from her random cabinets. Rare or lower? Yes. Let's open that in a different tab. Where's the setup? I dropped it in the game chat. Note to self remind Slurm that he gets a free item.
because I'm totally going to listen to this episode when I edit it and remember that. You're not. um mean I mean, it offers more protection than let arm if you want to get complicated with it, it's technically any item of rare or lower. um So this, I think, is probably just from the Dungeon Master Guide to this list, but ah you're welcome to dig through other our lists. And you can you can retroactively select this item, if you like, because, you know,
Item selections take time. The cleric item. she ah She has one of each of these items, so um or can can acquire or whatever. So ah you can't choose the same item as someone else.
ah theoo be One thing that's funny about magic item rarity is like some of these rare items are pretty powerful. You know, and then some of them just suck. So right now my base armor without wearing, um ah my base AC is 18. That's with integrated protection as well as my fighting style of defense. Yeah. Medium armor, like half plate, if it's 15 plus dex mod, dex mod plus two is max. My dex mod is two, so that would be 17 plus two as well, one for integrated protection, one for defense.
Yeah. So bring it up to 19? Yeah. Can you also mage armor on top of that? You also have two magic items that give you plus to your IC because your IC right now is like high.
um I have two magic items give me a plus one each, I believe. Yeah. And so if I took the half plate, it'd be 15 plus two.
Technically it's 117 plus four plus two. Yeah For integrated protection and plus one for fighting style then another plus two from the two magic items So but if you're wearing armor, then you can't use mage armor 2021 21 So it basically be the same as if I had it right now and then I did mage armor right now So but you wouldn't have no you wouldn't have to waste a spell slot on mage armor. So I Yeah, I think my PC is about to crash. Frank, your PC has been dying a lot lately. I've got a bad stick of RAM and I can't figure out which one it is. Got to get four new ones. Yeah, I don't want to do that.
pardon And Roll20 is not coming back up now. And you yeah you also said you're going to grab Dennis? Yes. Yeah. Okay. I'll throw him on the map. I'll throw him on the map when you go to the Drow place, just so... I'm not gonna throw him into the Sanctum. One less copy-paste.
Why are you guys not there? You're supposed to be there. Sorry. Where did the peace go? What? Okay. um
Go back over here, grab your characters, re-add them to this map. I'm not sure why they disappeared from the map. Okay, Dennis stayed.
Okay, sorry, I'm back. Welcome back. and So just to be just to be clear, um my base AC with half plate would put me at the same as if I had mage armor on. So I'm gonna go with half plate. I'll buy some half plate. Go for it. Thing is, I knew the stick was bad, and I was like, well, I think I fixed the problem. So I'm going to go ahead and put it back in the system. And I don't remember which piece of stick, which stick of ram it was. So I'm a idiot. And I got to play the game of run the program, seeing that it's not anything that I can figure it out. Anyways, all right. So I need to get some half plate, add that to myself. Half plate.
Half. I chose my I chose my magic item there wrong. Okay The horn of alabras if we use it to summon my brothers cool cool and i Can I find some plus one armor is that possible? You can choose that as your magic item from there's elven chain You can have you can have any armor you're welcome to have any plus one armor like that's
That's not hard to come by. Honestly, you could get a plus two armor. That's that's within the realm of what you're you'd be allowed to get.
um or We said there's elven chain on here. It's on there, but if you just want if you just launch and generic plus two half-flight, you can get that.
um Ooh, ooh, is there a wand of the war mage on here? Can I get that? There is. I want that instead. There's a rare item. Yeah. Apparently it's only on, it's apparently it's just an uncommon. Even better. I think the rare wand of the west oaks.
Where's the wand of the war mage? I'm not seeing it. ah Rare is a plus two. Oh, it's a rare. It's a plus two. wand wand wand w uh of the war mage yeah okay bonus spell attack rolls determined by the waransport card in addition you can wear half cover when making a spell attack sweet okay i do that um and i take some half plate um can i buy some plus one half plate yeah let me yeah you can um hold on let me get you a price uh
Yeah, and this would be the place to go shopping. Oh, I have a potion of giant strength. Yeah, I do. Where did I put that?
All right, I'm going to choose robe of eyes.
All right, for plus one half plates, we are looking at 2750 gold. I'll take it. Hang on. He said 2700? 2750.
The robe of eyes, huh? Yeah, 2,750. 4,336 is my remaining gold. I'll create handouts for y'all's... those things later, but... I just added it to my my list from... Well, yeah, because yours is generic. Yeah.
um So got Brass Horn of Val. holla This is great radio, by the way. I'm sure everybody's enjoying it. one i're gonna love the war may yeah just I just want you to guys to understand that when I blow that horn, a drop pod is going to fall from the heavens. And it's going to be a giant metal boom, and the boys are going to come out. Nice.
Oh, no. Whoops. um She does specify that these items are loners, by the way, um the ones that she gives you. But I mean, you have them back if I do not die on your front lists. I accidentally deleted integrated protection from my global modifiers. I don't know how to get it back. Okay, I'll fix it. Okay. I tried searching for it. It's just a plus one, right? Yeah. Okay.
yeah Yeah, it's a loner. You can't see it, but I air quoted that. Yeah, that we all will. yeah Oh, yeah, sure. I'll totally get this back to you. Tasha's like, she just nods. Because it's a cholesterol saying, it's a cholesterol items you're borrowing. And Tasha nods and then just pockets an item.
Just something random and cackles hideously. ah It drives you all mad now. Everyone make wisdom saving throws DC 5000 because she's the creator of the spell now.
That's a fail now.
um Yeah, so and then you guys recruit Dennis. He is like, yeah, i obviously I'm going to go on whatever quest you guys goes on and go on because you know i'm I have no will of my own. I like the idea as after he merged with the ah Medusa. um Oh, it's not a Medusa. Medusa is the name of a one of those. A Gorgon. A Gorgon. Yeah.
Just so our viewers can see the glorious Dennis one more time. um so So I like the idea that when Dennis merged with the Gorgon, he developed a Bostonian accent. Wait, where'd it go? Use, guys.
Why is it not popping up? Why are his ears so terrible? let like That's That's aye for you.
It's nowhere near an elf's ears. don't make there Don't make the ears look terrible. Okay, here you go. Yeah. Well, it also couldn't understand. i this Actually, I'm okay with this hair-to-snake merger because I did tell it I wanted him to still have hair. Why decided to give him luxurious curly white hair? I don't know. Because I'm pretty sure I told him it i told it he had black hair.
But, uh, didn't his hair turn white after the whole, like, turning into a fae thing? I don't remember. I don't remember the exact prompts I gave it, but, um, I didn't tell it he had luxurious curly hair. That's for sure. I feel like that's just a ah side effect of merging with the Gorgon. Yeah. Yeah. Cause it, his hair grew out and some of it turned into snakes and some of it did. Yeah. Uh, you know what? I need to share Dennis with, with Bill now. So, um,
Let's bring that back up on my screen real quick.
Can I delete notes or can you can only do that? i I probably am the one who has to do it if you're trying to delete the handout. I'm just trying to make my stuff less all over the fucking place.
Okay, now Bill gets to see Dennis. What is this? Because if my AC is a 22, then I don't have to burn a spell slot for Mage Armor.
Custom AC is not being used. to Use Custom AC Unequipped Armor.
Custom AC is your um barbarian thing. I don't care about that. yeah It wasn't doing me much good anyways. My Dex is in the toilet. Well, so it's 14. It's better than the average human.
So we can um get into this dungeon if you all want and do that tonight, or we can save that for next time. I mean, obviously we're not going to get through this whole next part of the adventure, but that that'll probably be a session or two.
ah I'm definitely getting into it. Yeah, we're going to start at least. Yeah. I drank an inner drink way too late, so I'm i'm i'm kind of buzzing, so I'm good. Yeah. I'm buzzing. I'm buzzed up, bro.
I'm sure I'll crash in like an hour, but as of right now, I'm solid. so yeah I'll also crash in an hour because I was up till 1.30 last night and drank six shots of alcohol last night while playing D and&D. This is why you don't accept tequila from random people. It's a good time. They weren't random people. They were my fellow players.
You should also get them to listen to our podcasts, so there's even more listeners. I've mentioned it to them before, but they don't have jobs that allow them to listen to podcasts all day. That's true. They work at like, they're all like 20 and they work at McDonald's and stuff, so. Oh, well, you have to listen to listen to us. Yeah. This is what real D and&D sounds like, random co-workers or players. To be fair, this, ah as opposed to like,
some of the good shows. This is what real D and&D sounds like. It's just randomly rambling about the items we want. I like how you're like, this compared to the good shows. Yeah. Yeah, I know. This is real D&D.
um This is not your your Hello Adventures or Critical Role. This yeah this is D and&D. We get kind of crunchy. Not not fully crunchy, but we know we we could definitely get way crunchier. I'm very loose with those kind of rules. umm I'm carrying 4,376 gold as well as 250 black. We all know that gold is white-less, okay?
um my In every video game it is told as such. yeah um
I don't remember what I was going to say. Do you guys go through this portal to the next place? Yeah, yeah but are we going loud or are we going easy? Oh yeah, decide that. That's a real question. ah do we want to Something doesn't feel right to me about trying to go in, pretending we we're followers of the scorpion worshipping people. The festival. They don't worship scorpions. They worship seahorses.
and Regardless, they're directly evil and this is their temple so if we go hard, lots of people will die. is Isn't that just... We we must... Hold on, let me check. I personally don't have any qualms with killing dark elves. Why are you such a murder hobo? Hey, don't question me. Where I come from, everything tries to kill you, including the purple mist.
okay i talk about the purple mist I'm an oath of vengeance so I'm i'm solid killing evil. yeah
than la is Do we want to send somebody in quiet first and kind of scout it out and then go in loud or we just want to go loud? Let's play Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who needs to go in first. I feel like I should just poke my head in and then like cast Immolation and then, you know. Okay, if you want to play Rock, Paper, Scissors, you all whisper me what you are going to throw, and then I'll tell you who wins. No, I'll just get it. I can turn myself invisible. I'll just go. W, Ron. No, you're still doing it. W, Ron. Yeah.
earlin What's the syntax for it? Slash W. Slash slash W GM.
Ah. Are you lowercase GM or uppercase GM? I don't think it matters. I don't think it matters. Oh, you tied. Oh wait, Frank hasn't gone yet. Frank wins. I don't know what that means though.
I'm pretty sure that means he has to go. Slytherin and Iskandar both through paper and you through scissors, so. All right. A slurm is like- Paper, scissors, shoot. Scissors. I win. All right. Perfect. I get to go in first.
So, wait, can I come back to the portal? Yes. what's He said you'll you'll be able to see the portal though it is, the portal is invisible to others.
who have not to others who have not passed through it. ah Immolation is... that's not the one. You're just you're just really going in hot, huh? to see there we are I want to do whatever makes the most damage of the widest area, so I'm trying to figure that out right now.

Entering New Territory

Are you just going to go in and immediately cast a spell? That's what I'm planning on. ah You know what? I'll take Immolation, you know. I heard a noise.
craig like this craig you god damn god damn it Craig, why Craig, why? That means I have to download twice. Now recording. Now better a recording. Hey Escanda, did you get that? Yeah. um I guess I'll do Vittrolix sphere when I step in.
but trauma experience. So you're just preparing an action you can walk into a fucking nursery and just Anakin Skywalker all these bitches. I mean if that's what happens now hold on 3,000 let's fucking go. Specify me the trigger for this prepared action. um The trigger is if there are followers of loath or I can First of all, you think that they worship seahorses? Scorpions. This is true. No, it was either scorpions or cockroaches. It's one of the two. I don't know if I believe it's seahorses, though. That is a little off there. A golden Dirty 20 to make you believe that it's actually seahorses. Everybody knows seahorses don't exist in the Underdark. Oh. Does he, though? He's a robot. Roland, did you give me proficiency in...
because that one of my abilities gives me proficiency. And intelligence saving throws, man. So you have it in everything? I have it in everything. Nice. Boom shot, my voice. I was like, what is this iron mind? Oh, I have proficiency. I already have wisdom saving throws. I get intelligence or charisma instead. My choice. Oh, I assumed. Oh, yeah, because you got wisdom from the cleric, from Gloomstalker. Wisdom and charisma.
if so I think the trigger is going to be when I walk through if I see a group of enemies or people within a 20-foot radius sphere okay um that I think are enemies that either have noticed me when I enter or might notice me when I enter.
okay um And it doesn't have to be a group, it could be a single other person, in which case I'm just gonna have to throw it at that one person. Jesus, you're wasting a whole ass spell just for one guy. Alright, yeah, it's okay. You step through the portal. Please, Ron, let him fuck this up. You step through the portal. My spells say DC, it seems very fucking low. Is 14 low? I feel like 14's low. Uh, it's not that low. You step through the portal, give me a perception check.
Uh, ah perception. and I'm not very perceptive, am I? Oh, I am. Cool. Or at least somewhat. 13. Okay. I'm going terribly. Now, do you have darkvision? I don't remember. um I do. Okay. It is dark, but that doesn't bother you. trick Hold on. I'm going to delete everyone else. Yes, I do have darkvision. 60 feet for you as if daylight. I'm going to delete the rest of you.
and transfer the map to to just Frank. um Well, we just wait. Yeah. ah
So it should be black screen for everybody except Frank. It's black screen for me too. Is it? No, you gotta look for it. I'm just in the very top corner there. Yeah.
um And you you can't see much, ah but alright, so don't cheat by looking at the screen stream. I like how the three most badass wizards sent us on the thing and they see us walking through the portal doing rock, paper, scissors right before the the one that probably should not have gone in first.
Yeah, and

Exploration and Strategy

first so you go through this door i'm like we didn't hear those feast boys You go through those can I retroactively give my 10-minute speech as well? Oh while we're eating you're just rambling the whole time shoving food into your chest Please give me a 10-minute speech. That'll be good content Today is the day that we shall and then it just goes on some of you may die Tell chat GPT to write you a speech that lasts approximately 10 minutes.
um know um you step through a portal and you you emerge through a door-shaped fissure in one wall of a claustrophobic seemingly abandoned corridor deep Well, you don't know how deep it is from beneath beneath the ground, but there's unworked stone around you. um In one direction, the tunnel weaves off into beyond your dark vision, and to the right of you, it goes 10 feet and then just ends in and seemingly blank stone.
Ladies and gentlemen, Brave Adventurers, gather round today as stand before you, not just as a fellow traveler. No, Frank, in this vast world of wonder, Peril has a witness to this incredible amount of lives of each man. I feel like this is less than 10 minutes. I could read through this and, like, you can read that in the blue person. I'll give you the welcome folder, Frank. That's the closer. We're gonna close on... It'll fade out and... What was that?
so That wasn't Craig, was it? two seconds That wasn't Craig, was it? It never said Craig dropped. Okay, yeah. he's It might have been me. It's still recording. Frank, how about you just give your welcome folder? That will last 10 minutes. I've got it down to three, okay? It's only two. Shut up. yeah Your manager is even sitting. I am Frank with Reliant Best Management. I'm here to do some test control for you all today.
Oh god, and they're like, what the fuck is going on? Yeah, so you find yourself within a tunnel. Okay. I see no enemies? No. I pop my head back through, and just my head's floating there. Yeah. And I'm like, hey, um, it's an empty tunnel. It's like ten feet long, and there's some doors at the end. I look at- There are- No, you can't see the doors. They're invisible. Oh.
The doors are invisible? Yeah, you don't know about the doors. Ignore those. I know the map lets you see them, but they're invisible. It just looks like and ah like a blank wall where a door would be. It's just a tunnel with a blank wall in it. I don't i don't know what's going on over here. Can I kind of perception that? It's a little. it's It's kind of obvious to be honest. um So it's kind of dumb. Yeah.
You could go investigate the wall. It sounds like your mother, Escanda. And if any of you... Would you not be rude to him? If any of you can passively see invisibility, then just let me know. Oh, I can. You can. Up to 120 feet. You can see invisibility? Yes, that's what my rogue does. Okay, well... You can see invisible creatures and objects as well as... Have you stepped through the portal yet? ...playing out of the range of 120 feet? I will very shortly.
Oh, download's done. Let me, uh, just move that, put that in a file for tonight. That's the clip of my recording session. My robe that I just got from this mage lady.
Hold on, I'm, uh, rename session. Ooh, gotta remember this. Save. That'll, uh, get blinded if I, if we, uh, flashbang you.
Flashbang it pretty hard. Yeah, I get flashbanged. Alright, nobody moved their tokens yet. I have to copy-paste you over there. Frank, that means you. Well, Frank actually is. Frank's fine. Okay, there you go. I'm reading. What are you reading? I get a plus two to bonus to spell attack rules. It doesn't say anything about, uh, spell save DC. Dammit, okay. Well, Hashu, as soon as you step through the thing, you see the invisible doors in the wall.
please Is this a dark situation? Yes, it is dark. Does everybody have Darkvision now? I believe so. I always have Darkvision. I am always invisible in darkness if you have Darkvision. Interesting. I can see invisibility. I can see invisible creatures and objects. Which token are you?
me is this one yeah okay I step forward and I'm bumping you out but to be fair technically you would be the one closest to the door you know cuz you were already in there but you know what's going on and you on invisible that can you make yourself visible door
Because it's one of the wild things that they get. but yeah there ah go ahead Interesting.
ah relies on dark vision to see you in that dark interesting It doesn't say if you can turn it off. Yeah, I don't think I can. Oh, all right then. None of them can see you. They're like, where the fuck is this gander? I thought he was coming with us. Except for, oh yeah, Danger Noodle, you can see. I think I stepped back to go to the the the thing and so I can tell him to come back in here, or get in here, and I bump into him again. And

Tunnel Tactics

I'm here. I told you, I have weird powers now.
but who' Who's there? ah bu but I'm invisible in the dark. oh You know, when it's hard to see most things, I actually become invisible. That makes a lot of sense, I guess. You're like the guy from Mystery Men who's invisible when no one's looking at him. Yeah,
ah yeah so y'all are in a tunnel. There's some doors there. I have a also another idea. Okay. I can use my spy fly and I can go ahead and send that down the hallway before Iskandar goes and and all send it in a different direction. ah It can be up about 300 feet away from me at any time. um And then I also can What is it? What is it? Oh yeah, my Staff Python. I throw that down and get a Python at my feet. Oh, god damn it. Now I need a Python token.
I should have been prepared for the Python. I forgot you had that. But I think I have one of those purchased. Because this wouldn't be the first time a snake has appeared in my games. This is dangerous. This is dangerous.
So even if I fall unconscious, I can't turn this off. So if I go down... Wow. Don't worry, as long as I'm around, I can see you. Would you like... Can you both go down there for SOL? Unlike other effects, it doesn't specifically say you can't be invisible, it says you are. Just imagine the enemy running and then tripping over. If I recall, your Python is actually a large creature.
it is. So do you want to do that right now? bramden yeah Just a random snake just kind of splats itself all through. our lives Yeah, he's just around y'all. Yeah, he I guess he'll coil himself around me for now. Okay, he's, he's gonna coil himself into a medium sized creature temporarily.
around slum great office uh... i'm giving you control of this token actually i can even make it hold on uh... it's giant snake right that's that's what it technically is giant snake let me see i don't think there is a giant constrictor snake okay and it is the size of a huge beast it's huge it's huge it's huge unaligned god damn it I'm just bitching big. Oh my god. You were just, no there's no room in this hallway. where so that's the size of of That's a huge token. He comes on the other end of the portal.
Yeah. So just imagine those three, like, major wizards guys. All of a sudden, you see parts of a snake come flying through the portal. The majority of his snake. OK, so he coils himself into the size of a smaller creature for now. All right. I just imagine the three wizards just looking at each other like, oh, did we make the right choice here? I feel like this was a bad decision.
They were the one that wished us.
Save. And then let me give you control of that token. It can be edited and controlled by Danger Noodle. Save. Jesus Christ, he's so big. Yeah, well, delete that one. You'll take the one that looks like that. OK.
So for clarification, when we open these doors, there's bad guys on the other side. We're just rocking the cops. Actually, let me let me do you another favor. um the baby One second. Where are you? Where are you? Donde. Donde. Ambernock, are you the kind of guy that if we cast like the sky spells on ourselves, you're
You broke up what? So are you the kind of guy that would be cool if we all disguise ourselves with magic? Or is Ambornoth not that equal? I don't see why I would have an issue. I'm a goblin! Ghostly gaze and I will step up right to that door, not my snake. I will step right up to that door and I can see 30 feet through the door. Don't you have like an issue with being close to people?
Not now, because I am not HaShu. Oh, okay. I'm just... Okay. Get your characters right, Tin Man. Okay. Okay. I didn't hear the voice saying I'm sorry, whatever fuzzy face name your name is. Let's see here. Ekans. 30 feet, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. So in there, let's see.
W1 okay, um through there you You don't see much you see a stone chamber Let me let me get that let's see Can you see that You see a broken wagon um a stone chamber But you just can't see really far enough to see anything else other than a broken wagon
Okay, so I don't necessarily tell you guys that I cast this. I just look like step up the door and say, there's a broken wagon on the other side.
Underground? up we Just through several walls. There's an underground. Yeah, underground. Pretty sure we're underground, and which is kind of weird.
If you want, I can send my magic spy fly through the door. You can probably squeeze the cracks. Oh, are there cracks? What the fly can get there? Interestingly enough, these doors do not have um a visible keyhole.
ah And they're pretty pretty well sealed up. Yeah, the the the fly couldn't fit through the cracks. You can see the seam that, you know, is the doors, but there it's a very tight seam, you know. This is one of those, say, friend and enters. Who knows how to say friend and growl? Oh, i I know how to say it, Aquin. It's, oh, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue. Do any of you speak um under common? I think I might. I speak, speak Aquin. It is not Aquin, that's for sure.
I do not speak under common. Interesting, it's under common and k not Drell. Can any of you conveniently have passive detect magic or anything like that? do Do you already see magical items? I mean, I know you can see invisible items, but y'all can see weird stuff. Frank can see evil. i didn't pick my language right he has Well, he can detect evil. He has to, I think, can't you as a paladin? But he has to turn that on. You got to turn that on.
um Slurm's like, let me look at this door. And he walks up and he's going to do an investigation on the door. Oh, he can say something other than goblin now. Goblin.
like He does an investigation and rolls a 26. Oh, this door is locked with an arcane lock. um Does anyone know knock?
The Nox spell could open it, to Dispel Magic can open it, he can also attempt to use thieve the Thieves Tools, but it is a high DC. um also I won't tell you how high, but Slurm will try to do it.
Hold on. Slim, if you want to try real quick, but... I'll be able to help. her He's fiddling away. He's fiddling away. He's still fiddling. God damn. Does he have guidance coming at his way? He would, and I'm trying to see if the other one matters as well.
Just guidance. So, D4. Roll me a D4 then. You... you... The anti-magic field activates the new titanaw. He fails to unlock this door. let me give it like I was so close, but then it his lockpick breaks, as in Skyrim, you know. Can I try it with some tinker tinkerer's tools? um I will say you can, but it'll be a higher DC because they are not designed for lockpicking.
What's that going to be under Dex? For this, yes, it's a Dex. That's very dexterous. Plus four.
Twenty-five. Wow. It's actually pretty decent. It is. Twenty didn't hit, though. but And we're using the proper tools. i unless You are one short of the DC, I'll say.
Okay. Of the adjusted DC. Good news for you. Ekans does have Dispel Magic. So partially, if you're willing, I will use one of my Spell Slots. Yes, which is fine. Okay. Alright, how does Dispel Magic work? Any spell, third level or lower? Okay, what level is Arcane Lock? Arcane Lock is...
Second level. Okay, so it just works. Do you unlock the doors?
I peek them open and then send out my spyfly. Okay. Okay, Hushu, I'm done with this shenanigans. You can take control. All right, for the purpose of your spy fly, you can see through the eyes of it, right? That's how it works? Yes. I will just stick you in here. Can I be my giant snake? I want to be my giant snake. i Sure. yeah Yes. oh the giant snake doesn't The giant snake doesn't have sight. Just be yourself for now. like through the snake I'm working on it. um Does it even have dark vision? Hold on.
Oh, maybe it doesn't. Constrainer Snake has blind sight of 10 feet, but no dark vision. It knows where you're at. Yeah, it can see you. Let me give it some blind sight real quick. I mean, I would just say... The Flyfly does not say it has dark vision, but it's a wondrous item.
so but I have darkvision and if I can see through its eyes that means it it's basically seeing my maybe I don't know okay uh I don't know I think the spy fly probably could have darkvision it's magic um The remains of mold-covered, broken wagons and barrels languish in this large foyer. Foyer? I don't know. um Humanoid skeletal remains lie strewn about, their swords and armor bent and rusted. Something gleams next to the bodies propped along the northern wall. Double doors on the east, northeast, and southeast walls are rusted shut, and a semi-circular chamber that opens in the southwest wall contains a shrine, and there's also, when you go down there, you'll you'll see some dudes.
Okay, so I'm just

Shrine Encounter

my fly, yeah and just so you're aware, it's a DC-17 Wisdom Perception check to detect my fly. Okay. I'm gonna go and roll for these guys just to see, because presumably you are going to investigate the area and eventually come with inside of them. That's a fail. What's these dead bodies on the floor? They're the dead bodies I just described. Okay, just making sure.
the And this guy, let's see. Nice.
What was the DC? 17. Okay, you pass. or they fail rather um yeah so whenever you go down there you see two dudes um worshiping at the shrine um one of them is a uh what is this guy he is a um okay the their description doesn't say it uh wasn't weren't i able to see them or maybe not probably not
Oh, it's W2, okay. um This semicircular chamber forms a natural alcove. Shelves carved into the wall from the floor to the ceiling hold repulsive ah hold small repulsive items including bloody baubles, shriveled fingers, and idols carved from bone bones. Two figures crouched before the shelves. One of them is a hobgoblin. Did he get fused with anything weird? I may have forgotten to give these guys special stuff because they were off to the so too late they can't update yeah no they may be those rare people who didn't get merged by happyjack there's a hobgoblin and a um a duergar where filthy slaver or duergar however you say them oh i did give them stuff okay yeah but they both i think are normal looking yeah what about these doors are they magical at all the ones up north
I mean, you don't know if they're magical. But, uh... Do I detect their doors and that I could open them if I was a human? You do detect that they are doors and they appear to be rusted shut. Rusted shut, got it. You know what that means? I'll just blast them bitches open. Doors on the east, northeast, and southeast walls are rusted shut, yeah. Okay. I pass along all this information to my friends.
Now I gotta check how the hell you get through these doors.
um And there's some gleams like over like something gleaming over by the corpses. Something gleaming? I will go and do a better investigation of that. I did look up there first. Yeah, through your little eyes you see what appears to be Ruby's next to the skeletons.
Okay, so I declare all of this. um Should we go to the door? Wow, does this really not tell you how to open this frickin these doors? I guess you just have to bust the rust. It doesn't... Yeah, damn. It mentions that the doors are rusted shut, but doesn't give me a way to let you through the doors.
All right, so I think the game plan should be, the scanner goes in invisible, because it's kind of dark in here. So if he goes in, or we can get a surprise round while the rest of us are sneaking. And hopefully we're all good at sneaking. Isn't that right, you heavy, claddened robot man? Sure. That's totally what that means.
if you have if you If you had to take a guess, what would I think I'm like six stealthy. ah plus A plus six stealthy? A plus six stealthy is how I'm feeling. but Okay. All right. We can look at that.
I'm just seeing... Hmm. Okay, it doesn't tell me what to do about these stores. Okay, I will make it up on the spot. um These stores are unlocked, the the ones that you um magically unlocked. um So whenever you want to open them, just you you should be able to open them yourselves.
I'll far away from us with those, dude. We are... Let me see. without going straight to them through this wall. I just had the idea. There you go. Now, here are two of you. From the Hobgoblin, we are 45 feet, and from the Dwega, we are 55 feet. But in a more logical path, we are 5,
10, 15, 20, 25, 45, and then 25. All right, so I'm going in first.
um ah Yes, I would imagine you would go in first. All right. The light protects us from the darkness, and since you're the only one who can see me, I hover just a foot or so off the ground, and then I go through the door so I don't make it in place.
Cause I'm wearing Andaman time plate, boy. Yeah.
What is your AC? 23. Nice. 23. Okay. Mine's built out to 22. How is that as bullshit? Here. Open the doors. Yeah. Open.
Oh wait, so now let me measure, right? I'm seeing what these goblins, these things speak.
Naturally, it's just like, and any two languages.
What languages does everyone speak? I speak abyssal, celestial, common, conic. Common and
Common and aquin. Okay. Your boy moves to the wagon. Okay. You move to the wagon. I don't see them.
Oh, I need to add Elvish to Slurm.
Slurm speaks. Common goblin is dormant in Elvish. No, I fly with Buzz up to you, and I want to be seen by you, so I will make myself painfully obvious that I am Elvish. Oh, I know you're there. I have a 19 passive. Okay. So, and then I fly... All right, so I'm not going to take another turn.
um We're not in combat so you can do whatever you want. I would suggest getting in position here while the rest of us start sneaking in. I don't know why that rolled with heavy armor. Because it's disadvantage. I'm wearing medium. Half plate medium. It may still give you disadvantage. Maybe that's just how it does it. That's just how it rolls.
Alright, with a 10. Yeah, it does give you disadvantage. five So we've got a 10 and a 9.
um'm gonna share this and eighteen um sure i can share with the community kind of Oh, I guess I need to look up their passives. so Okay, we got that number, and we got...
that number okay zi so basically we have three people no two people just going clang clang clang i'm flying so i don't know how forget it don't forget uh slurm all right if you're flying and i will give you um non-disadvantaged you'll have just regular yeah so since you're just oh i'm flying too i've got winged boots okay so that's a 22 everyone is flying why did you roll twice eric Because I moved a second time. through the door your Your first one applies. So we've got a 22 and a 17. The fly, they already failed against. Danger Noodle got an 18, so yeah. um I mean, I guess Dennis should should come and slurm. Dennis. God damn it, Dennis. Oh, Dennis.
um And then let's just roll for Slurm real quick. ah I Feel like Slurm should have like double disadvantage on stealth Slurm got 18 so he's like i've learned Okay comes over here Dennis walks over here class Stumbles over the wagon makes a loud ruckus and they turn around That fuck is going on over here. I Well, my snake rolled a 19. Yeah, so now that it's no longer passive and they're looking, obviously they see Dennis, but they all get to roll. We got a 22. So Goblin sees everyone except for Invisible Man. That's right, baby. And ah the other guy gets an 18. God damn.
So who is still hidden? Invisible Man is hidden, obviously, and Danger Needle is not. Okay. I'm also hidden from one of them.
because my my snake ruled nineteen ah They see some of you and are like, who? Well, no, actually, in Undercommon initially, they say something.
a but
I guess Slurm walks forward and he's like, I'm a goblin. And

Conflict and Combat

this guy's like, nobody speaks goblin. He speaks goblin. And then the hobgoblin says, I'm a hobgoblin.
And then Slurm looks to the group and he's like, why do you want me to tell them? Well, hi. we We come in peace. Fuck out. ah Then the Dwergar says, oh, they speak the surface language. And he says and caught then he says in common, what are you doing here?
I'm not talking, boys. I'm invisible. um I should not be the face of this conversation. I guess I will reveal myself my position. Oh, option i'm I'm charismatic, actually. I might be able to do this. I have an 18 charisma. What are we going down here? You don't remember? Well, you're after a piece of a rod. Oh, that's right. um it's yeah I think you lost your privilege of being a spokesperson since you forgot why they're here. Okay, I'll pass it up to you. I'll just look over to you. I'm like, uh, uh, shank shoulders. Do you know where the rod is? the What? What are you talking about? The rod looks at his crotch and looks back at you. It's already canonical that you don't have anything.
the We don't know anything about any rod. This is the term we're talking. Do you guys worship any spiders?
They laugh and say, we worship no spiders. We worship the spider queen. ah I to the ah to the side and whisper, I thought they worship seahorses.
They do. And... we get a feeling that you don't. And... Spirit Guardians. Surprise, motherfucker. Okay, well, he just... I was gonna try to, uh, debate them into them, believing me that I am... I mean, he's a Spirit Guardian. So I guess we're rolling Initiative. Alright. Initiative. Initiative.
I rolled an 18 initiative earlier, so. why is my initiative Why is the initiative tracker not popping up? Or is it the initiative tracker? Turn order. There it is. It's not going to work. This is broken. I don't know why it's broken, but it's broken.
I'm sorry, boys. We were playing on murder in the mini ways. Don't forget to roll for your snake. louding Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
your Your danger flight doesn't need to be rolled floor. No.
My snake rolled a nine. Is that everyone? I'll get the roll twice. Sucks. There we go, baby. There we go. Does it update you? It did. Yes, it did. Cool. Is that everyone? Should be.
Why is Noomi on the initiative? Oh man, okay. Everyone- Noomi, get out of here. You're not supposed to be here. Okay. Wait, that's not Noomi. That's the Duerga. No, Noomi's on the list. Noomi, Cavetta's on the list for some reason. I don't see her. Elden's on the list for some reason.
Okay. I don't see any of those people. I saw them for some reason. Well, you're seeing things. Yeah. OK, I think that's everyone who's supposed to be. No one's going to believe you, Ron. You're crazy. OK, Slurm is up first. I have no idea how to play a Slurm. Where is his thing? Slurm, what the hell? I don't even see Slurm. He is. the he's He's right here. No, I mean like on the on the initial order.
He's at the, and that's weird. I also don't see him. Huh. Well, he got a 23, wait. What is your supposed to be Hayden? Mine's supposed to be a 19. What? You're on here twice for some reason. Oh my God. Okay. but Let me just remove all turns and I'll just add you guys manually. Manually. All right. ah Eric, what did you roll? A 20. All right. That's a 20. All right. Slurm, I don't know what he rolled, so I'm just going to reroll for him. I thought you said you rolled a 23. I don't know why that was on there. It's his old, probably his old. Definitely, yeah. And then Dennis.
Because you had all the other ones on there. It was probably from the last fight. Getting clear. Probably. Yeah. And it just did weird things. Oops. These guys are all getting a re-roll apparently. um Okay. ah What's your snake roll? A nine. Okay. That's a nine for the snake. That was a 20 for a Skander.
um A Haushu. We also, wait, is my snake the official size it's supposed to be? No, I'll fix it. What'd you roll? What'd you roll, Hayden? What'd I roll? Yeah. For my character? For Hashiya. A 19. 19. Uh, Abernock, what'd you get? 18. 18. And I think that's everyone now. And, um, Snake, go big. No, I'm digging him up.
Okay, and then put that in order. All right, so now up first is Dennis. Well, Dennis is having seen Spirit Guardians pop up, um just assumes that that's some sort of aggressive move. That's Misty Steps. Oh, that's not Dennis.
but but Okay, but Snake is taking up Dennis. Alright, Snake go out of the way for a second. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five. He pops in right in between them. He misty steps in between them and then he is going to, ah let's see here, how does his stone power work?
He's gonna look at the hobgoblin and it's gotta make a constitution saving throw. What did I just do? Okay. Hobgoblin makes a con save of three. So the hobgoblin, if they fail it by five or more, they are instantly petrified. Yeah, hobgoblin turns to stone. Well, that takes care of that.
ah Yeah, because the Hobgoblin rolled a Nat 1. Hobgoblin is stone. Dennis is like, oh shit. And then he turns to the other guy and he's going to stab it with a spear. God damn, Dennis. Shit. God damn. Nine damage. Okay.
Well, Dennis has just become even more of the killstealer. And that is Dennis's turn. He can't reach it he needs to kill steal a kill. Yeah, Iskander, you're up. Well, I was trying to figure out how to make an aura. What's the radius? What is the radius of your aura? 15 feet. Okay. um So if I go over here, I believe I can create an aura for you.
now I wanted to lead bullshit that I drew 15. I don't think it's bullshit. I think we're gonna color it green. Save. Oh my god. Oh my god. So, uh... I'll click on shows for the shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Three main spirit guardians.
that there a um dog i was just trying to see Yeah, good.
Yeah, so your speed is halved in the area and when the creature enters, they're for the first time in terms of... So they have to roll up. Save. Yeah, okay, so what's the save? DC18 of what type? wisdom Wisdom. Oh yeah, this thing's gonna fail. That's 14.
Yeah, so he took the... Oh, wait. Never mind. The snake goes on my own initiative for account. Okay. Sorry. He took seven. Seven, right? Yeah. And then... Minus seven. After this little fight, we'll probably end it. Yeah. yeah yeah Then I'll go... I can't... This character, she's taking forever to load, bro. Brother.
brother Since he's been hurt, we'll go to the dead. told the dead
don't roll it head I don't like it that it's not rolling the damage for you. I'm not sure why it's not. Oh, it's because I clicked it on the spell instead of the attack. It's a wisdom save again, so why not close this sheet? I should just leave that open for a bit.
The 13. 14 damage. 14 damage. So 21 and I'll stay there invisibly. He is not looking very healthy. Some would say he is bloodied spiritually.
Oh, also he was stabbed with a spear. So does Dennis's gaze recharge or

Post-Combat Decisions

i mean like a should I'm only going to allow him to affect one creature per turn, but i I'll probably tweak him a little bit. um He doesn't need to be as powerful as a Medusa.
But that wasn't that one from the Hobgoblin, so it turned to stone. um ah Danger Noodle, you're up. And my snake... There's a statue and there is a man. 15, goes up to the duergar and... God damn your snake, it's taking up.
I can't click on the duergar. Okay, it's fine. I'll just move your snake when I need to. Can I send him to back? I don't think that's... Oh, to back. Sweet.
Now your snake is under every everyone. 16 plus 6 to grapple. To grapple? Well, grappling, this guy has a 45 AC. No, you hit. Okay. um Then you take... U... D... A... Plus 4... Plus 4? Plus 4. What does it look like when your snake...
knocks this man unconscious at exactly zero HP? Uh, starts like barely constricting him. Um, and then I give the, like, it basically like starts wrapping around his legs all the way up. And like most of his body is like not even being constricted by most of the snake. Um, the snake is like hovering over him with his head, like looking down onto the Dwergar.
I'm just double checking something here. um yeah I know dwarves are medium. Okay, so are Draugr. Alright. But your snake is huge, so he could definitely swallow this man whole because he's unconscious. I look at the party and say, any objections? No.
And i I speak snake to it because that's that's a legit thing. um Let me hear that. let me hear that um What the hell do they call it in Harry Potter? Parseltongue, baby. Yeah, let me hear that parseltongue. Come on. Let's see.
Let's see. English to parseltongue. This is probably you know a legit thing. I'm sure someone's... Apparently, this is what it says.
That means eat. We'll say it. so yeah Okay. Yeah, um he's he's at zero HP, so the snake successfully eats it. You lose all of his

Shrine Investigation

loot. Congratulations. No, he'll shit him out. Eventually. Eventually. He's a magical snake. You don't know what his bowels are like. And the other guy is stone, so you don't get any of his loot either. How long does he say stone? Forever? I think forever, until someone casts a greater restoration on him.
We should just... Loot is worthy of my Greater Restoration. Definitely not. Let me double the check. um looking at his stuff It looks like a stone magical spear. Unless the creature is freed by Greater Restoration spell or other magic. It doesn't specify what other magic could be. Well, we got Spirit Guardians for 10 minutes boys, let's go.
All right, well, that was a very quick fight. um To be fair, these guys weren't meant to be super hard, but I wasn't expecting a Nat 1 from, you know, the thing, but it's basically, if you fail to save by five or more, you're put to stone. I will probably tweak Dennis's powers a little bit, but on a Nat 1, that was stone, regardless, so. It's the type of thing, too, where he sees his own reflection. he's He gives himself.
So I decided that he could, he's learned to control it. um So no. Actually, no, no. Dennis is wearing, um he's wearing, so he wears sunglasses now. When he's not turning people to stone. That's what I'll do. I'll make it i'll make it like a bonus action to take off his sunglasses or something.
He does that thing, the guy from CS Miami goes, it's like fucking go time. my I remember now, my original idea was it's going to be like a cyclops situation where whenever his his glasses are down, he turns people to stone. I dig it. So question, Ron, what happens if I transform my i snake back into my staff with him inside? Does he just like pop out? No. No, he's in there, buddy. He ate him. All right.
all of his... I guess the next thing we would do is loot the little monic shrine that they were doing. All of his totally awesome epic loot just gone. The shrine... He actually had some things of value. So actually he had something that several of you could have used. Which one?
the uh duergar the stone guy actually didn't have well i can command my snake to spit him back up you could actually both of them had kind of interesting stuff so um
the the The loot potential in the rest of this dungeon, or or rather module, is getting higher and higher because, you know, you're dealing with higher and higher enemies. um So this little alcove you have is a shrine to Loth. There is a spider-shaped shrine there. ah Any character who looks at the ceiling... yeah Okay, well...
Don't look at the ceiling. No, it's not a bad thing. Oh, okay. This is just a weird looking shrine with no... Make a perception check if you look at the ceiling. Cool. I mean, now that you've said it, we have to look up, right? Yeah, now that you've said it. Sure. Go for it.
Ambernock, you notice a small spider-shaped carving in the rock.
I'm like, hey, there's a small spider-shaped carving in the rock.
Break it. And also in this room are um ah shelves carved into the wall from floor to ceiling, which hold small repulsive items, including buddy baubles, shriveled fingers, and idols carved from bone, as well as random loot generator. Let's see what um what trinkets there are here.
Give me a weird trinket. Come on, give me a weird one. Give me something worthy of Loth. Error loading data. How dare you? Oh, hey. And also there's a folded up web patterned robe. A dark robe with a

Session Reflection

spider web pattern worn by temple akaitete acolytes. Oh, that's right. I did add in Loth appropriate trinkets. Well, there you go. There you go. That one.
it's it's Yeah, you find you find a robe that is that description that I just posted. Does anyone want the robe?
I'm good. I guess it'd be useful if you decide to disguise yourself as as them otherwise. I mean, it's good it it's got a cool spider pattern. Yeah, Slurm will take it. He'll make something out of it one day. One day. He'll make a robe of spider climbing.
that we're going to call it for tonight. yeah ah Yep, we'll go ahead and call that for tonight. So um yeah, there are some rusted doors in this place. um Oh, and there are also the gleaming objects by the corpses if you want to look at those. We'll save that for next time.
We'll go, I'll go check it out real quick. Okay. Um, yeah. Well, you're, you're flying into my lamp. Your flight. Sure. Your fly saw that they were, the Dwergar is in the belly of your snake right now. Yes, but that way we know that we still have him somewhere. Okay. I'll put him right there. I'll remember.
so it
hes a technically just so right right now it's like ah i mean agababi Technically he has the possibility of waking up and figuring out he's in a snake. You see three rubies on the floor. yeah I will take those. Make a DC dexterity saving throw.
so right
Wow. Um, I also go ahead and do one of my... Which one is this one?
Nope. For the audience, he rolled a nat one. Unless you can somehow give yourself advantage right now.
Where is it?
Hayden, did you notice the name of your flies icon? Flies by? Can you even see the name of the icon? Oh, I should danger fly. Yeah, that's funny. I thought I had something that was like specifically for that.
Is this a magical effect on me? It's a dexterity saving throw. um Yes, it's magic. Okay, well then my magic resistance kicks in. I have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. That's a 19.
um Actually, that's not enough. ah Then I also use my Pact of the Talisman.
I can roll a d4. Okay. yeah That is enough. um You will take half damage as the Ruby explodes in a blast of lightning. um Wow, it's a lot of lightning damage too. um holy shit So half of that. Whatever 58 divided by 2 is.
29? Yeah, 29. Yeah. Yeah, the ruby ruby number one explodes. There are two other rubies. Hey, Slum. Oh, i we should have been more careful about that. How about we investigate these other rubies and see if they're booby trapped?
Okay, you are able yeah you are able to roll an investigation while without touching them. um You can look at them. Can I roll an arcana? See if they're exploding rubies. the um v Yeah, you could, I suppose. Slurm's gonna come over and like, let me look at that. I'm in a slurm. So that's a 15, and then Slurm rolls investigation.
for a 19. View us and roll investigation. Okay, from what you can tell, these rubies are um fake, and they are just like attached to the ground. It's kind of like the glued quarter to the ground except they explode. Nice assholes. That was slurm. Yeah, that was a good slurm actually.
were solved alright um... i just felt you know i had to tend to you and in the night with dealing damage to you so um... thank you ah It actually doesn't give me an amount of rubies. It says there are several rubies. So I decided three. um Anyway, ah because presumably, I guess that the module decided that you after the first one explodes, you probably wouldn't touch another one. But they just don't know they're not yeah you're not messing with the players. I know don't think i we're gonna touch them all. Exactly. Anyway, it could be a real Ruby. That's true. Now your investigation, especially your 26, they're all fake rubies. Yeah, that's it. Okay, so um with that explosive ending, ah thank you everybody. I was your dungeon master with us tonight, the ah pretty quiet Frank. Hi, I was Frank. I've been trying to generate an image to
like add a picture to Evernock, and I keep getting shit that's not anywhere near what I want it to. That is, yeah. Yeah, it's AI art generation doesn't want to work when you want it to. That's why if we had money, we would pay artists, but we don't. yeah so so So buy your art from people instead of using AI art generation.
I had to put it out there since Bill is not here. yeah um Visit us on Sunday mornings for video games and and and coffee. I'm starting to drink coffee now with my my Sunday mornings and hopefully I'll start streaming eventually. And while Frank is a liar and hasn't yet streamed, I have been streaming on Friday morning-ish, sometimes at noon.
yeah Depends on when I wake up. Find me on social media if you look hard enough. I'm on Facebook. You know my name so you can probably find me and Eric Hey, I'm Eric And me ever ever ever I was playing a skander and I hope to steer at guardians the fuck out of some more people. Yep and Hayden Hey, it was good playing along this time and I I'm definitely excited for the rest of this campaign, see where it takes us and the other campaigns. into And with that beautiful cough, good night.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Fox Soul Revolution, created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license, Creative, licenses by 4.0. The night is over, and have a great day everyone.