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15. Samhain: The Outtakes image

15. Samhain: The Outtakes

E15 · Soul Pod: The Podcast
23 Plays2 months ago

It’s the Outtakes! Kick back, relax, and enjoy an episode full of giggling idiots, ASMR crackles and a cranberry debacle, random storytimes, and hints at future secret projects (?!?!) as we wind down after Spooky Season.

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Molly does tarot readings online and locally in Massachusetts:

Christina sells delicious microgreens in the greater Detroit area:

Hosts: Christina Bell & Molly Wilde

Music: The Confrontation, by Jonathan Boyle, licensed from Premium Beats by Shutterstock

Editing: Molly Wilde

Disclaimer: The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment and enjoyment. We are not professionals in any regard. We do not have professional knowledge, training, or education in physical health, mental health, or spiritual matters. Any suggestions or recommendations made during our episodes should be independently researched by the listener before considering implementation, or better yet, listeners should ignore everything we say. We cannot be held responsible or liable for anything we say, or any actions taken by any persons as a result of listening to our podcast episodes. Stay safe, stay informed, stay smart.


Invitation to Birthday Dinner

And I was like, you know, probably going to be getting together with some friends for my birthday, for a birthday dinner. Would you be interested in coming? And she was like, Oh, for sure. And stuff. And so, excuse me. Burping. Sorry. You want to probably cut that out.
you asshole too and And besides I didn't even hear anything. Oh my god. All right cut this out, please. I'm asking you to you ah like It's you made no noise, but i'm it's not like I'm gonna get in that you silently burped and then sorry I thought you could definitely hear it.

Evening at Julie's Place

All right. No Uh, so we ended up going back to Julie's and they hung out for like another hour, or an hour and a half or something. o Excuse me. o And that went, no, it's catchy. I'm sorry.
The waitress in the restaurant was like, Terrett. Oh my God. 20 minutes later. Terrett. Terrett, Rita. I was like, Oh, I read Terro. I never tried to judge. I know. I mean, she's young. She's young. yeah you Obviously not been exposed to anything which witchy or witchcrafty. like genuinely yeah yeah So that's fine. It's all good.
um But ah you know the other the other podcast that I listen to a lot, the one host calls it Tarot.

Pronunciation Debate on 'Tarot'

What the fuck? You've never heard that? No. I've heard it, but it just- No, it's so hard. I don't hear it i don't hear it common like commonly. you know But what every time he says it, I'm always disarmed like, what the fuck? Tarot is a tarot reader.
I know and then all the people that he that he interviews they're all they all say tarot and it's like why isn't he picking up on the cues like dude is this the skeptic guy yes oh fuck him <unk> Honestly, God damn it. because he's like That's a French pronunciation. Yeah, it is a French pronunciation. I know, it doesn't make any sense. I don't know if he grew up around Louisiana or some shit, but no, actually, they're located in Virginia and they literally interview. That's straight ignorance, homie.
dude that's straight ignorance i really don't want to bash on them because and i'll cut this part out but like okay like i'll i'll cut the whole thing out if you want although it's a little funny but like yeah just what I know, I know i don't i don't know, I don't get it. Jesus Christ. I don't get it. i I respect those people who run that podcast quite a bit because they really are very respectful, even though they tell they make really dorky dad joke type jokes a lot on the show.
yeah this But it's like they're always extremely respectful of their guests. yeah They don't can't fucking pronounce tarot when it's said in your face multiple times.

Editing Decisions

What the fuck is that? I know. well Honestly. like I know. So okay I don't know how much of a detour we've taken because I have no idea how much is getting edited out here but uh here we are 53 minutes in talking about Samhain and Halloween. Welcome back to another Sabat episode and I still don't know if I'm saying that word right but whoo
sabbatt or sa it sa it I don't know either. bob sagggit bob sa it Don't be a maggot. It rhymes. Is that a thing? Did you just make that up? I just made it up. I'm trying to rhyme with sabbat.
And you said sag it. And I, there's another bad word, but I don't want to say cause it's derogatory. And then I thought maggot. Oh my God. Anyway. RIP Bob Saget. Yeah. So I forget all the time that he's dead.

Celebrity Encounters in Detroit

I, uh, I, I met him in person. What? Yeah. I met him in person one time. Um, probably the year before I bought my house, so like 1998. How'd you meet him?
Okay, so the red wings were a big thing for me back then. the hockey team. Yeah, Detroit Red Wings, the hockey team. You cared about sports? Oh, I love. I do like the Red Wings. I do like hockey. Okay. I do. Because you know, me I'm in one of the original six or whatever it is, the hockey, you know, Detroit was one of the original six hockey teams that ever, like, I'm sure existed. Yeah. So ah Detroit and Boston and like Toronto are the only cities that seem to care about. Yeah.
Oh, and I, and I don't give a shit about any sports at all. oh Like I don't, I didn't, I really was not ever into sports at all until right around 97. And like, that I lived in that condo. Oh my God. Stop. I'm sorry. Um, that my grandma owned my grandma owns the condo. I lived in for like.
restate the like from the beginning of just because we both yawned and I don't want to have to put that together. So around 1997 after like, okay, I started working at my job in 96, 97. I was 96 and 97, I think was living at home with my mom and dad. But for some odd reason, I started getting in interested in the Red Wings.

Becoming a Hockey Fan

I guess I caught a game on TV. And it was like really exciting to watch and I just was getting into it. and so And that year, I believe, I have the look again, but we won like back to back, I think, ah Stanley cups and that it would just happen to be that year. That was the first year that we won in forever. And like, I just happened to be getting interested in them just in time to see the playoffs and like, see us win the cup and everything. And I was just like, it was, it was so much fun. Anyhow.
um so the following year I lived in the condominium in 1998. And my friend that I had been hanging out with that I knew from high school. um She was big, huge Red Wings fan. Also Dave Matthews. um So we kind of like hit it off in terms of like, we both liked a couple of the same things big time. And so she had somehow caught wind that The Red Wings hung out at a specific bar in Detroit, and she wanted to go down there and see if they were hanging out this one day.

Charity Hockey Game with Celebrities

There was a there was a charity hockey game that was being played in Detroit, and there were celebrities playing, not just hockey players. um Chad Smith from the Red Hot Chili Peppers was a goalie for the Red Wings. What the fuck? Yeah.
Well, he's from Detroit. What? He's such a weird deal. Okay. I know that this is a thing, but like,
He literally is Will Smith's doppelganger. I know. Not Will Smith, Jesus Christ. No, Will, Will Ferrell. Will Ferrell, Jesus Christ.
and Chad Smith, Chad Smith, not Will Smith. Who's Will Smith? Is there a Will Smith? Will Smith from Melville. Oh, Will Smith. Oh, yeah. I was like, Men in Black. Yeah. Oh, my god.
Don't cut it out, it's funny. No, I have to I I know. You have to. No, but like I know it's a thing, but like but Chad Smith man literally is a doppelganger of Will Ferrell. Yes, he is. And I don't know. I don't understand it. It scares me. I know. It's crazy. I know. I noticed that one time and I was just like, that's fucking crazy. You ever seen the video of the two of them doing a like a drum off?
I don't think I have. Oh, I'm going to have to send it to you. Oh, okay. Cool. Oh my God. I've been a big fan of the Red Hat Chili Peppers for quite a long time as well. So um Chad Smith was the goalie for the Red Wings for this in this charity hockey game. I don't remember who else was a part of it, but like a couple of our favorite Red Wings players were in it. um So the guys from Full House,
yeah Bob Saget. I don't think the hot one, Uncle Jesse. I can't remember his the actor's name now. but Yeah, I know i know it. i know John Stamos. Thank you. thank you yeah I love him. yeah um I don't think he was there, but the other one, the goopy. The other uncle. Yes. yeah yeah yeah And like now his name is totally eluding me. I don't remember his i don't remember the character's name or the actor's name.
yeah I just remember it he did the whole Rocky and Bullwinkle bit. Yes. yeah So he was there. um he I don't think he played in the game. I don't remember why those two were even a part of this. Somehow they might have one of them might've been playing. But anyway, they were in town with this charity hockey game thing going on. And then we went to this bar that my friend had caught wind that the Red Wings hung out at. They were all there. And so we went and we sat at the end of the bar and we got pictures.
Um, so now you have to, you have to cut this out because I'm going to look him up. I have to look him up. Wait, wait, wait. Oh, the you're looking up the actor. Yeah. I was like, wait, you're not going to scroll and try to find these pictures. Are you?
No, the uncle from the Full House, Dave Coulier. Uh, yeah. Yeah. No, I know what he looks like. Yeah. Dave Coulier. So, okay. So you can start recording again from here. um day Don't edit this part out. Put it back in. Okay. I don't know what else to say. You don't need to say anything. Okay. well okay All right, so, so we were at this bar and we sat at the end of the bar and ah Bob Saget was there and Dave Coulier was there and there was some other younger actor who was.
not very well known, but he, I guess he was in a daytime soap opera show. He was there. Amy knew who he was, but I really didn't at all know who he was. But we ah we got pictures with him. We got pictures with Dave Collier. We got pictures with Bob Saget. And it's because Bob Saget was sitting in a corner And I, I swear to God, I don't know if he was married at the time or not. I feel like he was married at the time. So I'm sorry to his wife. Anyhow, he was talking to some young Tiki and boy we went up to him and we're like, Hey, sorry to bother you, but we'd love to have a picture with you. And he kind of just looked so annoyed.
Bob Saget was makin' on some girl and he didn't wanna be bothered. But we did anyway. So he got up and took pictures with us. um Dave Coulier was so sweet and nice and he was like so happy to take pictures, but he's from Detroit too. right time But yeah, he was happy to take pictures with us. I have the picture somewhere, I do not know where, but one of these days I will find them.
um but But the funny thing about that story is that and we were sitting at the end of the bar, and the bartender was at the end of the bar by us.
like tallying up a bunch of drinks and he had Bob Saget's fucking credit card sitting there. Because Bob Saget was picking up the bill for everybody that was with them or something. And I i i was like, can I look at it? And he was like, sure. So I picked it up and I actually had Bob Saget's fucking credit card in my hand.
but let go
It's so funny. Oh my God. and it was like Robert something sag it I don't know there might have been a middle initial but it was Robert sag it on there it was so funny crazy I know that was my one and only brush with fame wow like I'm trying to think if i've I've got any comparable not really I don't think well I met Frankie Munoz once hmm I don't know why so like I don't actually okay so he was in a band and okay
I don't remember anything

Meeting Frankie Muniz

about the band. I just remember they were like a rock band and I think he was the drummer, I think. Okay. ah And for some reason, his band was playing at a local county fair in Northern Virginia. And I was there. I think I was like fucking 13 or something like that. Do you want to tell me how I would know him? Frankie Muniz? Yes.
Uh, he was in Malcolm in the middle. Okay. That's who I thought. That's who I thought. it was that I wanted to make sure. Um, God, but he did a whole bunch of like, like late nineties, early 2000s movies.
No, no, you don't have to. I know who he is now. I just wanted to make sure that was the way I was thinking it was. See, because I didn't know him from Malcolm in the middle. He was Malcolm, right? Yeah. um He was in Agent Cody Banks, the movie. He was in Big Fat Liar. Apparently, he was a voice in Fairly Odd Parents that I had no idea he was. a That's wild. I watched that show when I was a kid.
um He's really short. Yeah. Not surprising. um I was surprised that I was taller than him at 13. oh um What else was he in? Apparently a movie called Half Baked Totally High. He was in Don't Trust the Bee in Apartment 23. Oh, stop. For one episode. That's funny. I think he he played himself. And he was in Last Man Standing, which I watched briefly.
I feel like there were other, he was in Dr. Doolittle 2. I'm like, he was in so many movies and like, why am I like blanking on all of them? It's okay. I know who he is because when you said Malcolm in the middle, of that was my- I'm not talking about it because I need you to know who he is. Like, ok I'm just reflecting myself now. Okay. Racing Stripes? Okay. He apparently was the voice of a zebra that was a racing zebra. What the fuck?
Okay. Yeah. Malcolm in the middle would be the thing that he was like the most known for. Right. Um, but yeah, he and might be, uh, he might be the most famous person I've met. Now what about in at Berkeley? I, of I didn't, I met birdie briefly, but people don't really know her. Like.
I know her because I'm a weirdo who likes random niche music to the degree that I like fangirl over them. But like um I met Birdie because I went to her show. She was opening for Christina Perry in the US. I don't think I know who Birdie is. ah she I know that I've told you about her before because she it's it was her song that I sing to audition for Berkeley and I'm sure I've played you some of her music or sent you some of her music before but I wouldn't expect you to remember her but I did meet her um and then my professors were you know producers and engineers for a lot of famous bands and they were in proximity to a lot of
famous bands, but they themselves were not necessarily famous.

Berkeley Professors and Famous Bands

um Maybe the closest that ah they came to fame was Prince Charles Alexander. Right. That's I think who I was thinking of. Yeah. Because he's worked one on one with a lot of really big name artists. Yeah, not to mention he's like been an artist himself, like a like a musician, ah performer himself. But um I mean, like I had multiple. to I had like I had a and ah a production professor who ah worked close with Radiohead, with Weezer. um He knew Alison Chains. Like I remember mentioning having listened to Alison Chains a lot recently at the time.
And he was like, oh, they used so they used to practice in my wife's basement. Oh, wow. And I was just like, you can't just say shit like that.
oh Wow. and Another professor that I never actually had a class with, but that I knew, ah he actually mixed Pablo Honey like like but pablo how do you by radiohead. Nice. Like he he like fucking mixed it when it was on like magnetic tape, which is so hard to do. Wow. It's amazing. um But yeah, he did that.
um oh I mean I'd have to look up the others but like I know I told you about the professor that I had whose last name I don't remember but his first name was Ted and he um he was one of my engineering like mixing professors and at the end of the semester I had brought in for my final project um my mix of like one of the like only metal songs that were an option to mix. And ah brought that in and he's like, I've been waiting all semester to hear your hear you work on this. Wow. Because I was like, such a metalhead.
but never did it until the very end of the semester for that particular song. And so it just made me feel really cool. Yeah, fuck yeah, dude. You got the login rights,

Future Music Collaborations

bitch. I'm sorry. Thank you. I wish that I could do that shit still, but you know, this is good. I enjoy doing this. I'm glad you do. And maybe I'll get back into music someday, but i don't know i know i know we need to talk about this but sometimes i think that you and i could write music together i can't write music but we can i well i mean i always say i can't write music and everybody tells me don't say you can't but like i literally have never been able to you you you can you can come up with melodies and harmonies in your head can't you no
No, I can't. I really can't. I can take what exists and make it better. And that's why I chose production. Like, and so like, I'm not opposed to like, whenever I get because I if my current laptop craps out on me, which I'm kind of bracing myself for it, um my personal laptop. um Once I get a new one,
my intention is to sort of slowly acquire the right equipment to make some stuff on my own, but like I don't know what it's going to be. yeah like I feel like it's going to have some sort of an electronic base, um like ah like a base point of like being you know, beats that I come up with, but I have to like, do stuff over it. I don't know how much of it is going to be like me doing covers of things because I like doing covers. Like, I do a good job with that. um But, you know, I first need to make sure that the equipment I have, the fucking computer that I have isn't, you know, gonna die at any moment.
um the keyboard that you have it's made compatible it it does everything okay so it can record i just need the right cord for it to record into a computer yeah but i think that it's just like a an h it's something i should be able to get at like guitar center okay um but like because i know i have it somewhere but like a where is it b does it even still work you know so i might just need a new one um but i still have the speakers
uh, my speakers. Cause I don't know. I don't know if I have ever mentioned this to you before, but there have been quite a few instances where when I've been half asleep, I write a song in my head, like at least part of what like a short portion of a song. and There's been times, huh? I've done that before.
yeah like like i've had yeah Yeah, that's the problem. yeah because And people are like, well, you're going to write them down. You can't write them down when you're just literally falling asleep. Yeah. The best thing you can hope for, which like wasn't a thing until recently. The best thing you can hope for is to like start a voice memo on your phone and like try to hum it.
and then hope that you can, like, listen to it. But I'm not ever lucid enough to do that. I'm already in a sleep phase, you know what I mean? Yeah, but that's the trick too, is like, and this is, I'm not saying this, like, I've done it and, you know, I'm telling you that it will work, but like, the trick is to, when you're in that, like, half asleep state, latch on to the melody and, like, repeat it over and over in your head to the point that as you start to wake up, you can still remember it.
and then start a voice memo on your phone and try to hum it. Yeah. It's it's never been a thing that i I would even be able to do because it's happening as I'm falling asleep. And then by the time no that I sleep, I'm not saying that you should be able to. I'm just saying that's what would be necessary and it is possible. I'm just saying. If I can force myself to wake up out of that state and do it, but I don't think I'm like lucid enough to force myself to wake up to do it. Which is fair. I usually just fall asleep and then when I wake up in the morning, I will remember that I had a song in my head and try to remember it and like most of the time, like 90% of the time, I don't remember a thing.
Yeah. And then it's like, shit. Yeah. Because like, sometimes I've come up with some fucking sweet lyrics or like, ah you know, chorus for a song or something. And then like, it's gone. And sometimes I'll hear like a melody in my head, and then that will like be gone. So yeah, I hate that. I hate it. I think I really if I want to ever be able to tap into an ability to do that,
like I really have to like partition myself off from the world and like really like strategically intentionally coax myself into a place of like vulnerability to try to solidify any of that because I'm so like I think that it's particularly due to my own internalized like anxiety and shame and shit that keeps you know fucking ruining my life but like every time that I try to come up with something I end up fucking hating it and I just uh scrap it you know um and it's I none of it is ever good enough anyway like even objectively I'm just like this is not
no this is it's like the one song that i've ever written like to completion like start to finish like a whole song like three verses and two or three choruses and a bridge and whatever the fuck was so like upsettingly not me huh because it was so just like forced yeah but uh i can understand that yeah so i was like even though i wrote it and like people didn't hate it. Like I hated it because it wasn't what I, like it wasn't who I am. you know I think between the channel two of us, I don't know. I swear to God, I don't have any kind of formal training besides having choir in high school and middle school. Literally don't have, I mean, I did take a few guitar lessons at one point when I was a teenager, um but I don't have any kind of formal training whatsoever on music, you know, whatever. But
I have ideas for stuff, for melodies, for songs, whatever. I think between the two of us, we could figure something out and try to write something. I think that would be a fun project. No pressure, no pressure. I think we need more time on our hands than we currently have. Right. And it would ideally be more time together in person to do that.
But yeah, I mean we're gonna record some Christmas shit together when I'm there ah yeah, we are yeah, and we could even try to like you know reimagine a couple of the songs and put our own spin on them. I'm so down for that. Yeah, I would love that. And I think that that could be a jump off point for us in terms of like figuring out a creative... Why do words always leave me? Pursue. A creative path or way of be you know being with each other yeah that
you never know what it could lead to is, you know, my mind. That's what my mind says. If I, I could see even when we don't get to work like in person together on it, like I could see myself piecing together like a track that I could send you that has no melody or anything, but just like, you know, it's just like a bass track. Okay.
that maybe you could pull inspiration from for coming up with a melody of some kind. yeah And, you know, maybe lyrics or maybe we both could come up with lyrics. But like, I think, I think where I get stuck in the creative process when it comes to songwriting is trying so hard to write lyrics that make sense.
when i've come to understand through being an appreciator of music that so often lyrics don't make sense yeah and i like ah my Virgo son hates it yeah i could i i could do that need to tap into my Aries Rising chaos energy. Oh, yes, bitch.
Yes. And I've gotten better in general at just sort of releasing and like letting go and letting be to the point that like if I came up with like lyrics that didn't make logical sense to you know my Virgo Sun's personal tastes,
Uh, I could let it go because it works with the music or whatever. Okay. But I would have to start with like probably the base of the music before trying to come up with like lyrics or a melody. Sorry, go ahead. That's okay. That's okay.

Decoding REM Lyrics

Have you ever heard this song? It's the end of the world as we know it by REM. Of course. Okay. So have you ever paid attention to the lyrics of that song? I feel fine.
that That's one line. Have you ever paid attention to the lyrics? Those are the only lyrics I know from that time. Okay. Let me read you some because I just Googled it. Okay. Because they don't make any sense to me and most people, as a matter of fact. What I've heard is that Michael Stipe actually has to read them while he is on stage singing because he cannot remember them because they're so fucking insane. Okay.
We're sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service at this time. They don't make any fucking sense. No, I understand that. And it's not really rap, but it's just a bunch of bla bla bla blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know? Yeah. It sounds an awful lot like the, um, the, what was that one that was just like re-written for the modern era. Oh, um, we didn't start the fire. Yeah.
We didn't start the fire. The link um and rizz always rhythm of the lyrics that you were reading them who sounds yeah identical to that song. Very similar, yeah. yeah yeah Anyway, we have to focus. No! Jesus Christ. Okay. We're an hour and a half in now. No!
okay Yay, orgasm! I had one today, did you? e lo ah here sort open open get sandy um It's very crackly. Yeah.
It's, uh, dark chocolate covered Cape Cod cranberries. Oh, yummy. It made me think of that, you know, the witch's ball where we'd both dressed up. Right. You know? Sorry, I spilled cranberries. That's okay. Oh my god, it's rolling. Come here.
oh oh yeah yeah i had the thought that it's fun to do like a longer episode about the holidays that we enjoy ah true true true so i just want to like tear this off without shaking it and spilling it everywhere and then eat some more so that it doesn't like spill over just a little bit not oh my god they're all falling on the floor this is absurd get a little bowl and dump them into the bowl that's a good idea i should have dumped it on the first okay hang on i'm sorry hang you on it's okay it's okay i would i would get it later but i don't want ants oh yeah hold on
God, my knees hurt.
Jesus Christ. Okay. You funny girl. Yes. Thanksgiving bowl full of cranberries and chocolate. I'm going to need more of these. They're fucking good. oh Where'd you get them from? The country store, Marlboro. Nice.
who Oh, they're making my teeth hurt. Oh my god. Let me break the screen on this computer now, please. No. ah Lord. Yeah, Lord. Oh my goodness. Okay. They really should make a witch's ball or Halloween ball or some kind of thing. No, no, not even Halloween. Just a witch's ball. Not in October.
Oh, but yeah, for sure. I think there should be those, and I think there should be some outside of Salem. Right. like There should be some out where I live.
Or like, and you know, in like the Metro West area. That would be awesome. yeah But like, um it just reminded me also that there was a some kind of thing I just saw or heard. I really need to start writing down where I hear things because it bugs the shit out of me that I remember hearing something and that I have no references to where and how I heard it. So I can't like refer back to it to like double check or to, you know,
send it to you or anybody or whatever. Somebody was talking about how if you actually do some research, most of the witch shit didn't even happen in Salem. No, it didn't. It happened in Danvers. Yeah. It was like so this person, whoever it was, was talking about this other city. It's like, that would be the place that you want to go if you really want to get into real witch history. Yeah. Yeah. Because it was modern day Danvers was Salem village.
in the 1690s. Gotcha. And that's what I heard. And I wish I could remember where I heard it. Probably on TikTok, because I remember seeing that and I remember, I think it was in one of the same rants where people were talking about stop coming to Salem on Halloween. Yeah, did you send that to me then? I might have, I might have sent it to you. But yeah, like, I remember that because it was just very much just like,
Salem has the name, but it's not where actual like where where the actual trials took place. It's got the name, and it's got the house of the ah judge who yeah who was behind all these you know trials and executions.
uh which is the you know famous witch house but like which isn't even a witch house it's not even a witch house it's like the is it like john proctor or whatever the fuck it's the motherfucker who killed the witch yes um but it's like the you know the classic you know 1600s black wash house it's beautiful but it is not actually a witch house it's the dude's house But that's in Salem. We can definitely look and see if there's any other historical witchy places in the United States that we could also try to visit. There's always New Orleans. Oh, shit, girl. I have been there. Me too. Me too. I have been there twice now. I fucking love New Orleans. I'm sorry. It's beautiful. Love it. It's beautiful. I haven't been since I was a teenager.
Uh, but I would love to go back. And it's, you know, obviously in the South it's going to be warmer than it is in Michigan at that time. It certainly depends. One of the more recent times I went to Mississippi, I think it was like January, 2014, but it was like that January that the entire country got immersed in a deep freeze, like including fucking Hawaii. Oh my God.
Yeah, so it was 20 degrees in Jackson, Mississippi. Fuckin' A, dude. I know. I was like, i was like i came and I came to Mississippi to get away from this weather. like because You know what? It was my first ah winter break from Berkeley, so I was like escaping the New England winter.
Oh my God. And oddly enough, Molly, I shit you not. The first time I went to New Orleans was for Mardi Gras in 2015. Oh my God. When I was pregnant with my son. um Literally. Yeah. And we had started to plan this trip before I found out that I was pregnant. Oh my God. So we were just going to go anyways, and I just didn't drink obviously, but it's like,
When you go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, you want to drink. yeah And I did not get to do that, but it was cold as fuck. I was so glad to have all of my winter shit with me from Michigan in the car, but like I had on a hat and my fricking winter coat and everything. It was like, yeah it was it in the mid thirties, I think.
No. On Mardi Gras Day. Yikes. We didn't go into downtown New Orleans, Bourbon Street, Mardi Gras. We did one that was just outside of the downtown New Orleans area. There's a couple, because there's a few, you know, a couple of different parades. Yeah. So we did one that was just outside and so, because it was just too crazy down in there. Oh, I believe it. I believe it. um But they were still throwing out all the beads and candy and shit, and I had a giant bag full of beads.
But some dude was yelling at me off of a float trying to get me to flash my tits. Oh my god. I was like, nope, not doing it. Sorry. You're good. Oh my god. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I was there with John and ah an old friend of mine named Mark who I would never want to flash my tits around. That wasn't going to happen.
I don't know what was happening the rest of the country in February of 2013 or 2015, but February 2015 in Boston, we got um like eight separate blizzards in a row. Wow. Well, that really maybe not that many, but like we got so many blizzards in a row that we ended up with nine feet of snow in the city. Jesus. Yeah. The trains were shut down for most of that month.
who like classes were canceled for most of that month. I actually I fucking remember you telling me about that. god's being shut down I would get groceries anytime I left the house because I never knew when I was gonna be able to leave the house again. Wow. um And I was just cooped up in my apartment for most of that month to the point that I ah that's when I started writing my novel.

Surviving a Boston Snowstorm

Holy shit! Yeah! Um, yeah. That was, I was, let me tell you, I was glad I didn't have a car in the city during that experience because Jesus Christ. Oh my god. Wow, wow, wow. It was so... The snow didn't completely disappear that year until like May.
Wow. It was still melting all the way through to me. God dang. We are so distracted this evening. Jesus Christ. No shit dude. It was fine. I don't even remember how we howey' veered off on this subject. We were talking about Salem and then other witchy fall events yeah that should be available in the country. Right. I don't i think I gotta just like consult like the experts on how to actually like properly steep or like brew in steep tea. Well I mean I kinda know how. it's not
I know it's not complicated, but I feel like it's just that I like have like the wrong timings for like, you know, that particular because it's a black tea. So like, maybe it needs to be a longer. To be at least three minutes, sometimes five. For black tea, last part of the reason I think this is because the last time that I saw something where somebody was talking about steeping black tea in particular, it needed like 10 minutes.
wow And I was like, maybe that's the reason it doesn't taste the way that I feel like it should when I'm drinking it, because I'm only letting it go for five minutes. And are you keeping it covered? No. So when you steep, you should keep, ah if you're, if you're using a teabag in a cup, you should put something on top to cover it. Like a plate or something. To trap the steam in. okay There's something about that. I think it helps keep it hot longer or something, but there's something about it that it should be covered for sure. okay um It's kind of like when you have like a tea kettle or teapot or whatever, yeah if you're brewing it in that.
it It has a lid and it's closed up. That's true. I mean, yeah um But other than that, that's it It's like it depending on the length and how how strong you want your tea to taste But it should always be covered and so when John makes his tea at home I always laugh because it's he like doesn't cover his cup at all and he loves Earl Grey tea and he drinks it pretty frequently So and he never covers up the the cup and I'm always like, that's not really steeping yeah because it's not covered. yeah So that's the only thing I know about it besides at least being four or five minutes, it should be.
yeah And like, you know, and if you heard 10, then okay, but I think it all depends on your tastes and what you, what flavor you want out of it. Yeah. I, um, I think that the next time that I invest in a coffee machine of some kind, I will want it to have like a steamer because what I would love to do when I make Earl Grey tea, I want it with milk. Like I don't want it with any other kind of additive.
Not even sugar, really. But I feel like milk on its own is not sufficient. And I think that people are and on the right track when they get a London Fog. And so, I mean, I want to be able to make myself lattes, obviously. But like, um I think I would love to have access to a steamer so that I can make Earl Grey and add steamed milk to it and make it into a London Fog.
I don't even know what a London Fog is. It's it's Earl Grey tea with steamed milk. It's like an Earl Grey tea latte effectively. Oh, interesting. But thats it's a ah least at least a Starbucks. That's what a London Fog is. Gotcha. Yeah. With tea for me, I like lemon and honey in my tea. I feel like this is probably a common opinion, but because I don't drink a whole bunch of different kinds of teas, I can't say for sure.
But I think that it depends on the kind of tea that you're having, whether you should have lemon and honey, or milk and honey, or lemon alone, or milk alone, or honey alone. Or milk and sugar. Or sugar, yeah. I can definitely see how certain types of tea would not go well with honey, or would not go well with lemon, but they would go well with milk. Yeah, that makes sense too.

Tea Brewing Techniques

I feel that would be the case, or that is the case with Earl Grey, although I'm sure that I have upset some British person somewhere.
I apologize. I don't think we have any British listeners yet, but I apologize in the future if you're listening. Hey, any of our listeners from here in the US could be originally from there. That's very true. That's very true. And we do have one Canadian listener. And a lot of Canadians have some British traditions in their history. so Uh, um, in any case, I, you know, and, and to be clear, I really do not drink tea much at all. Yeah. Me neither either. Obviously. Yeah.
But I i am a big fan of like the fruity fruity teas. like I had bought two or three flavors from a lady at um at the very famous English market in Detroit, which, um yeah, it's like a giant farmer's market. Some of it is indoors and some of it is outdoors, and there's just tons and tons of different vendors there. So this lady is, I guess, a native Detroiter who mixed tea blends and she had some amazing tea blends and I could not pass up two or three I think i I think three yeah and I could not even begin to tell you the flavors that they were because they were mixed each one had a mix of different things but it's all very fruit fruity fruity based yeah I uh and I love that shit before I worked for Starbucks the one tea that I ever the one tea drink that I ever
liked was the Passion Tea Lemonade. And I needed it with the lemonade because I needed to cut the tea taste with something strong. um And I always ask for heavy on the lemonade because i just it's the tea flavor, no matter what kind of tea it is, it's the tea flavor that i almost hurts my head. like it's a weird it like makes it have I have a weird reaction to it. I wonder if it's the tannins.
i have no ah I have no clue, but it just feels strange going down. ah yeah and so i'm just like i can't I think I understand that though. I can't do too much of it. and so you know That's why I would always ask for extra limited.
But then um the other thing that I would always order before and after enduring working at Starbucks, whenever I was sick, I would order a medicine ball. It's the only other tea drink that I willingly got myself that I craved and wanted. And you said they make those at Starbucks? That's where I think the the term medicine ball originated.
Really? Or at least right that's where I heard it originated. But wow um it's like, i I have no idea if it's still the kind of thing that you can walk into a Starbucks and ask for because, you know, they have to like enter it a certain way into the computer to be able to like print the right kind of label on your cup. um But ah medicine ball is chamomile tea with steamed lemonade and peppermint syrup. Nice. Yeah.
And I thought it was crazy. Like when I first learned like they steamed the lemonade, I was just like, what the fuck? Yeah, but like it was that's interesting. It's good. And it's really strong enough of like other flavors that it doesn't become overpoweringly tea flavored.
but also when you're super, super sick, when you want a medicine ball, you can't taste anything anyways.

Starbucks Medicine Ball Drink

But it does wonders, honestly, on your throat. I remember- I got something like that one time um last year, I think, or earlier this year.
There's these little restaurant restaurants. I don't even know what the hell to call them. These little stores that have popped up around towns um in my area that are very simply called whatever the city is that they are located in, plus the word nutrition. So like this place is called Clinton Nutrition, even though it's Clinton Township.
but um You, you go in there and they have all these teas to choose from. And they also have all these protein shakes and stuff like that. And they're all like health-based. So they have like extra like um supplements and things added into them. And I went in one, one time when I was feeling particularly icky with a sore throat and stuff. And I told her, I was like, do you have anything, you know, that helps this? You know, this is what I'm experiencing.
And she was like, oh yeah, we have this and this. And I was like, I will have both. And one of them was a hot tea thing and she it it was like a shot, but it was like maybe four ounces or something. but So it's bigger than a shot technically, but it was like a small little cup. And she's like, you're going to need to wait for this to cool down a little bit.
and Oh, so she like made it for you? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Cause they make the drinks, whatever the drinks are that they have, they make everything there. um And so she was like, yeah, you're going to need to wait for this to cool down a little bit, but I swear to God it helped. I swear to God it helped. I felt better after that. And then the other thing I had was like a protein shake or something, and it may have had some kind of like herbal or vitamin supplements added in it or something like that. but And I, and I, that was the only time I ever went in there. And then I got a text message like the day before my birthday. That was like, you get a free drink on your, for your birthday or whatever, but it expires on your birthday. So on my birthday, I went in there to claim my free drink and it was a big ass cup. And it was like so good. I was can't remember. Oh my God. I have to look because technically a T.
but cold. So let me, I have to look it up because I couldn't even begin to tell you. I'm so bad with these names of things. I'm just super curious like what it actually was. Okay, so they called it a hocus pocus. Because it's for the month of October. Yeah. um And it has the flavors of pineapple, grape and cherry. But here's what it looks like because they layer. Dude.
Isn't that pretty? It looks so yummy. And it's all in ice. It's all it's all on ice. It looks very fruity. It is and so because it's i mean obviously i the flavor. great like chery But like I wouldn't look at that and be like, yes, that's a tea. No, I would think like that's just a fruit drink, you know, right. And so Yeah, they don't really tell you what what they have in them, but they' are like they're kind of like energy drinks. Like the supplements and stuff they don't exactly classify. Yeah. paify So like the post that was previous to that one has other drinks that look like that. So I'll show you, here's the picture.
Ah, yes. So here's the list of those. There's like a, I'm not going to tell you the list of all the different flavors of those, but what it says off to the side is clean caffeine, whatever clean caffeine is, boosts metabolism, low sugar, and aloe, which aids digestion. So that is all included.
in these type of drinks that they are mixing. All the benefits of ah Mega T plus 15. Okay, so that's a different one. It's called Lifted Red Bliss. This one has like plus 15 grams of protein with our Wild Berry beverage enhancer. Why the fuck do I have these is that my in my like town? like I know, right? I want one. I know, but there're they're weird because they're they're like um signs on the outside of their building are so plain that you would not know that it had this cool shit in it i'm trying to i'm trying to get the picture of this making me think because i feel like there's there's like a health store near my office kind of but i've never stopped in there but it has a name like nutrition or something
And I don't know. it's right It's right next to a sportswear store called PR Running. but like So here's the they picture their profile picture on Instagram. Can you see it? Yeah, I see it. yeah yeah i mean obviously but other It does say Clinton Township.
on here, but on the outside of their store, it does not. Oh, yeah. Okay. Just as Clinton, Clinton Nutrition. But yeah, you don't look at the colored circle on the outside of that. It's just plain black and white looking. Yeah. Thing. And then here's like showing up on the map. Sorry. I was like the place that I know exists. I'm like not finding it on the map. So I don't know what the fuck that's about. Sorry. That's okay. And then here's two other ones that are not near me, but yeah, just like the black and white. Yeah.
Logos. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm hmm. They're very plain and strange and you would never know what that is, you know, just by looking at it when you're driving by. Hmm. Yeah. Well. But so, yeah, i like I kind of really dig the place. I just, you know, don't go in them very often. Sounds bomb. Sure.
Anyway, I think we've been going on a bit too long. I was literally just thinking that I could probably make

Podcast Conclusion

a whole separate episode.
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