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17. Karma: The Great Equalizer image

17. Karma: The Great Equalizer

E17 · Soul Pod: The Podcast
23 Plays2 months ago

Today we’re getting into the weeds about our perspectives on karma, the Three Fold Law, even dipping our toes into a bit of grey magic. We don’t know much, but what we can tell you for certain is that karma is truly only a bitch if you are. <3

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Molly does tarot readings online and locally in Massachusetts:

Christina sells delicious microgreens in the greater Detroit area:

Hosts: Christina Bell & Molly Wilde

Music: The Confrontation, by Jonathan Boyle, licensed from Premium Beats by Shutterstock

Editing: Molly Wilde

Disclaimer: The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment and enjoyment. We are not professionals in any regard. We do not have professional knowledge, training, or education in physical health, mental health, or spiritual matters. Any suggestions or recommendations made during our episodes should be independently researched by the listener before considering implementation, or better yet, listeners should ignore everything we say. We cannot be held responsible or liable for anything we say, or any actions taken by any persons as a result of listening to our podcast episodes. Stay safe, stay informed, stay smart.


Snack Choices and Humorous Mix-ups

we're not educat educat We're not an educational podcast. Right. I'm going to have one more pickle. I mean, pickled carrot. I probably will have to have some pickley things now.
cra in them yeah um oh Anyway, okay. Okay.

Introduction to Karma: Off-the-Cuff Thoughts

We're going to talk about karma today.
We're going to talk about karma today. oh
Jar noises. o Just having me snack. We're talking about karma. Yay. And I'm curious to know what you want to say about it because, I mean, like, it was like both our decisions to talk about karma. And yet we haven't, there's like no notes on our ideas list about it.
right as far as I remember and we've not like talked around it or about it in general as like a potential episode topic the way that we have with some of the other topics to the point that I'm like I really don't know exactly what's gonna come out of our mouths today h which is okay it's pretty fun I hope that me moving around right then didn't make a whole bunch of noise I didn't hear anything okay that's good that's But yeah, so like, I'm curious. I have notes. I wrote some notes down, but I'm curious. ah what's What is going on in your mind about it?

Is 'What Goes Around Comes Around' True?

So, I mean, you know you've heard the old adage of like, what goes around comes around. Yeah. I think that that that there's some truth to that. um I feel like
You know, if somebody's a real shit in this life, that sometimes karma may not come back around to bite them in the same life. And I had heard a person on the podcast that I listened to talk about karma and think actually there was a whole episode they did called karma. It's only a bitch if you are. but I love that. That's great. Like cause people say karma's a bitch, you know? So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was like, yeah, true. True. Like I think karma is only a bitch if you are, I mean, literally you have to be a real dick to
We have to be worrying about karma coming back to get you. Well, you know that's funny because like that's that idea is like basically where I arrived at it within what some of my notes are talking about and around um with regards to like the nature of karma. because i feel like people and No, it's not that I feel like people definitely have like certain preconceived notions about what it act what it exactly is, um and how it operates, which I don't know exactly what the basuses are for those preconceived notions.

Misconceptions of Karma: Hindu, Buddhist, and Pop Culture Views

Because I can't necessarily say it's Hollywood, because I don't think Hollywood really has ever portrayed karma
in a major way. yeah um But like I know that there is the, I believe it's the Hindu belief of karma. like that's That's where it comes into that religion. But I don't know anything about that exact philosophy. you know I know like the gist of like I know it effectively as much as your average like Joe, who is not a Hindu. I feel like get get there's a lot of humanness ascribed to karma.
when you don't know or you're not thinking about it from like a true spiritual philosophical like standpoint, you're just thinking about it as a human. What's up? Oh, you're on mute. Sorry. I was like, are you on mute for a reason? like I don't know. Yeah, I i think I was burping. oh Sorry. You're good.
I just googled karma and the the AI overview says, karma is like yeah i know karma is a concept in Hinduism and Buddhism that describes the idea that a person's actions in this life determine the quality of their next life. Okay. Yeah. The word karma comes from the Sanskrit word karman, which means act. Hmm. Okay. K-A-R-M-A-N.
oh um Okay. Yeah. So one of the examples in the podcast, and it may not have even been the same the same episode that I just referenced about karma. It's only a bitch if you are. There was, I don't remember for sure if it was in the same episode or not, because I feel like it was a more recent episode where I heard this lady talking about people like you know like Hitler, they that you know if they've been reincarnated,
They probably suffered a lot in their subsequent life to help clear the karma that they had from the previous really destructive, violent, mean, horrible life. um I would even, I mean, like going along those lines and like that version of the belief about karma.
Like I would go so far as people like Hitler probably need multiple lives to clear. Yeah. The destruction of their, of that particular life. For sure. And also in particular, because like, I feel like there is, there are ways in which to go through your karma during the same life where you like accrue to debt, I guess, I don't know if there's a phrase it, um, you know, like the way that some people get put away in prison for life. Right.
which I'm not sure like what actually balances out the skills, ah you know depending on what was done and what happened. but like because like um i really I think it's a given that like the legal system is not a one-to-one balance here with the way the universe views things. For sure. I think it would

Karma as Growth: Remorse and Understanding

definitely have to do with that person's level of regret and hurt over what they did. And if they didn't if they don't ever feel regret or pain from the pain that they caused, yeah and having been paid their her ah they're then they haven't paid their karmic debt. you know Yeah. I was going to say, it makes sense when you think about
the like premise of karma in the Hindu and Buddhist religions would be to facilitate growth and learning. And if you don't experience or if you don't feel remorse for whatever it is you've done, like you're not growing. Exactly. therefore like yeah you you would have to endure a certain level of you know karmic justice to get you to the point of understanding the need for remorse, right? it's See, that's the thing is like, we're i was I had it in my head im not i would that I didn't wanna try to talk about you you know those particular belief systems that I don't know enough about to feel like I'm gonna do it justice.
um But at the same time, like... We kind of just did. So it's okay. I think I just need to put the caveat that we're not we're not professionals. We don't know exactly what we're talking about. No, I mean, it's all a philosophy, you know, a theory. Yeah. And so it's all guess gesture. Is that a word? Conjecture? Conjecture. Is that the word you were thinking of? Probably. And I just said gesture, because guessing. Guesstimation. Guesstimations.
Yeah, and then like, I do have, ah because I think, you know, ah obviously, ah part of this conversation has to be like, our own philosophies on karma, yeah like how we understand it and how we've observed that it behaves. no ah Because that's, that's all I feel qualified to really dive deep into. Yeah. um But also, again, with the caveat, like,
the way that we feel that it it behaves or the way that like we've experienced it is not going to be a universal thing. Absolutely. Because you know we have no way of knowing whether we're right at all anyway. so Yeah, and I've got nothing right in writing right or wrong. Don't expect other people to believe everything we're saying yeah or to agree with it at all. so Yeah, it's like it's just like, basically, don't get your panties in a wad, if you disagree. because and And I think I would like to believe that a lot of people out there understand that disagreeing is like not a reason to vilify or attack.
somebody. Sure. You know, it's like, certainly not a core reason. And the thing is, we're open to hearing their opinions. Yeah, like we absolutely want to hear like varying viewpoints on it. But like, I guess what we don't want, what we're trying to make sure we don't, you know, fall down the rabbit hole of is like, throwing hate. That's not the way to, that's that's not the kind of discussions we're trying to have here.
I don't know. I don't need to talk about it anymore, but it's just, i'm not worried where i I always am. And I know that you know that. I mean, I'm just saying, like and why should this topic be any different than any other topic that we've talked about where we're not trying to be right about anything. We're just talking

What is the Threefold Law in Wicca?

about what we believe and what we think. Yeah. And i I think I'm maybe thinking of it from the perspective of how there are witches out there who stand super, super firm on the threefold law. Yeah.
and who are you know going to forever and ever insist that it is the only correct rule. really you think um Or not only, but it is like exclusively correct and that people who don't agree or don't follow it are wrong. and like That could be for a myriad of reasons that they feel that strongly about it. but like in my years of being a witch and existing online, I've seen too many instances of people talking about anything that's a deviation from a a path of love and light. Yeah. And so many people jumping into the comments being like, don't forget the threefold law, that's all going to come back to you like three times over. And like, you know, not remembering or not understanding that like that
law is exclusive to the Wiccan religion yeah and that not all witches are Wiccan. Not all witches even have like an education or understanding about Wicca. I consider myself a witch and not Wiccan, but my study has been of Wiccan practice. like I understand it from that perspective, but I don't consider myself Wiccan.
h And so just like it the emphasis on the fact that the threefold law is not universal. And if you if that is the you know path that you follow, then fantastic, but it is not something that's going to apply to everyone just because it's not a universal belief.
right And I haven't done any studying about Wicca really at all that I'm aware of. Well, um um I was going to say the ah temple books are from a Wicca basis, but anyway. I haven't read like fully read the first book to begin with, like and I haven't at at all touched any of the subsequent books.
but I would also want to know since you, since you tend to, you know, more about I do than, uh, you know, you know more about little yeah more about the wicker stuff than I do. So let me ask this question. When they talk about the threefold law, is it only in terms of a warning about if you do a spell or a hex?
that may come back to bite you or is it about your treatment and behavior of other people in general?
I think that there's emphasis on magical workings when it comes to that. Yeah. ah Because that's where, you know, people's intention comes through the strongest. Hmm. Because you can be unintentionally shitty all the time. Sure.
like that's that's I think that it's like where spellwork happens to be a lot more consciously intentional. Um, that's why like that rule has the emphasis on spell work, but I think that most Wiccans understand it to be like applicable to all actions, regardless of if it's magical workings or mundane. Okay. So they, they think it applies to every, everybody in every situation in terms of like your behavior and treatment of other people.
Yeah, like it's it applies to every moment of your life, but like, or rather the way I understand it is that they view it as applying to every moment of your life, but where the Wiccan philosophy is most relevant is in the magical workings. Okay. And so I think that's why there's it it applies to everything, but there's emphasis on the magic. Okay. Yeah.
But again, I'm not an authority. I've just studied the basics and not even perfectly studied because yeah i don't i you know there was nothing to memorize. It's not like that was the practice that you were wishing to take on. Yeah, I was mostly just learning for the sake of understanding, even if it didn't completely resonate.
with me, um but the things that have resonated are what I base my practice on. And I think that like there is like pieces of Wicca that like do make sense and do feel right, but like not in their full context and not like everything. And so like I can use it to sort of like gauge and like understand new concepts, or like I can i can sort of have it as a frame of reference, practically.
while not saying like this is my belief system and path that I follow. But yeah, the yeah the threefold path is exclusive to Wicca, and the thing that I had written down about it is that I, in my personal opinion, I think sometimes people cling to the threefold law because their comfort zone is exclusively within the realms of love and light.
And the threefold law is like effectively ah maybe a bit of a security blanket yeah for like staying away from anything that is not love and light, who which I don't fault anyone for doing. like that you know sure If you're not ready to leave your comfort zone,
you shouldn't try to leave your comfort zone.

Is Karma Deserved Punishment?

right but i But I will say like, and and it's another note that I had written down, shadow work can't happen in your comfort zone. And shadow work can't happen only in 11 light context. And we know that shadow work ah facilitates growth. And if, if your goal is to grow, then it's worth examining that. But understanding, you know, or rather while examining understanding that, you know, karma is not going to or, or the threefold path, you know, as people, some people like sort of frame karma to be. um It's not
exactly the way that some people think they understand it to be. And that's where I'm like, there's humanness being ascribed when people talk about karma. Rather than understanding, at least my understanding of like the nature of divinity, and the nature of the universe, is that it is abundantly neutral. And it is neutral, and relatedly, it seeks balance. Right.
um and so that's the reason why we have the yin and yang and we have the like bad acts need to be balanced out with good but it's not what did I write I think it's important ah to not get lost in the perception that that balance is about what you deserve because like within that framework morality is being ascribed Yes, which we, when I say we, I mean mostly me, like, continually have to remind myself like, that morality shouldn't be ascribed to most of the things that people regularly ascribe it to. um Like, there are places for it and discussions about karma are not where morality comes into play, which I know sounds like super contradictory, based on people's understandings of it. But
it's It's truly not about what you deserve. yeah It's about establishing balance. It's not personal with the universe. It's like the universe is the great equalizer and you needed to be equalized, which sounds a little like body snatchers. I don't know. That's weird. Oh my God. But yeah, like I...
the thing that you said about like when you brought up the episode about like karma is only a bitch if you are like the the thing that made me think of my notes was the fact that like I understand the universe to be like a mirror. And so it's only going to reflect what you are putting out. um It's going to reflect it I think at a higher intensity because it is like a ah higher power. But that's all it's doing is reflecting what you're putting out. And it's not doing so from a level of like, you have bad energy, therefore you deserve more bad energy. Yeah, it's just like, just doing what it does because of what it is. And so that I think, you know, ties perfectly into and it's not exactly related to karma, but like, it has perfectly into
the premise of manifestation, where you know the way that we understand manifestation to work is that you have to be living in the energy of having the thing that you want yeah in order for it to come to you. So it's it's the universe doing its thing and reflecting what what you're putting out. Yeah, that makes sense.
yeah It's not necessarily that karma isn't true or real, because I think it is. It's just like, it so doesn't care about you specifically. Yeah. Right. Now that makes sense. Yeah. And I, you know how You can always look at things from a perspective of judgment and who's the one observing and judging. o And let's just say you've had some wrong done to you by somebody in your life. And you in turn choose to retaliate in a way or facilitate in retaliation towards somebody like that hurt you or did you wrong.
And then you have the third person saying, Oh, you shouldn't do that. It's not your place to retaliate because the karma is just going to come back on you, blah, blah, blah. But like, look, maybe you are literally retaliating against somebody who did you wrong and not necessarily like physically hurting them or causing them any real harm, but in your own little way, like you're getting back at them for something. And who is to judge whether, you know, you're the one exacting the karma back on that person. Yeah, just like doing the universe's dirty work. Yeah. But but that, you know, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to get bad karma back because you did that to them. Yeah, you're you're the one who equalized it for the universe. So yeah then, you know, who's just, you know,
The threefold law in that way then does not really apply because if you're looking at it from that perspective of that you're the person who gave that karma back to that person and and neutralized it, that you don't have anything coming bad coming bad coming back to you. Yeah, because now now there's been a balance achieved again.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That makes total sense to me. And I'm not at all condoning, doing something bad or being mean on purpose, you know, back to people. yeah Because in a lot of ah in a lot of ways, there's people out there who say, like, okay, well, they fucked me over. Karma is going to get them and leave it up to the universe to take care of it. And that's cool.
Yeah. and And that's typically what I am like. I would not purposely ever go after somebody to try and get them back because I'm not a vindictive person and I don't really hold onto that kind of like anger where I want to get someone back. But yeah, yeah I'm just saying that there's people out there that that might, and maybe rightfully so, and that's not for me to judge. Yeah. yeah you know it's ah Yeah. We definitely always want to make sure it's clear. like Again, we're not saying that this is how anybody should believe or behave um because like you should do
what feels right to you. um you know You should make your own best judgment call on your actions. Keep it legal. Keep it legal to us.
But also like you know do do your homework on it and know what it is that you're dealing with. um But again, we're not condoning any particular path and we're not suggesting anybody do what we have ever done or what we're talking about. Like we're the idiots. Just talking about philosophies and just philosophizing. Just philosophizing and that's it.
Yeah. Um, cause I think it's, I really think it's a super interesting discussion. Uh, you know, as long as people don't get, you know, mean about it, you know, keep it civil. But like, again, it's because of my understanding of the nature of the universe that I feel the way I feel about what karma is.
and what purpose it serves. Because it has, to me, it has nothing to do with you, you know, having been a bad person, or treated people poorly, therefore it's that you deserve to be miserable. Right. It's that the universe needs to achieve its balance. And I think what I won't get into is what, who what the risk is of being things things being too much out of balance.
Um, because I don't understand that much about the universe. Um, but that is, you know, simply where I, where I arrive at when it comes to understanding why bad shit happens and why, why I believe the way I believe and follow the way I follow. It is personal choices for sure, but also like just simply a part of nature.
Yeah, and I

Libra Sun Sign and the Balance of Karma

think I would be um missing a really good opportunity to tie this whole subject into my sun sign, the Libra, because the scales of justice, balance, equality, judgment,
et cetera, et cetera. It all plays into that. And so I think it's just an interesting thing to to relate to myself. And I was having that conversation with my friends the other night after my birthday dinner, um the night that I read Subtero for them. yeah um But I was talking about how we all have three big signs and how you know your moon sign and your a rising sign play giant roles in who you are and your personality and stuff. yeah But i I kind of brought up how Libra's are really notorious for not being able to make up their minds about shit. If they have too many different ah choices in front of them, it's hard for them to decide on one or whatever. But then you the one friend of mine said,
Yeah, but they're also really into, um you know, equality and like, um peace you know, peace and being a meat mediator or something like whatever. I can't remember specifically what she said, but it was like, oh yeah, that's the biggest part about who I am as a person. And and like, I absolutely, i I don't want to say I thrive off of being able to help create peace who between people or any of that, but it's like,
i I excel at doing it and I'm really good at... And that's I guess that's part of being a Libra as well as being able to see everybody's point of view on things and being able to put yourself in their shoes. i am I've definitely been that way. And so anytime that I've had a conversation with a person about perhaps somebody that they were angry at or had a fight with or something, I i naturally just start tending towards being devil, like playing devil's advocate. And I'm not even trying to do it on purpose. It's just like, I just ah automatically, my brain starts going to like, what is their perspective on it? Why would this be happening? And you know,
who you know, what caused the problem to begin with or whatever. And so I think about the other person's point of view and I'm not, but then I have to, I've caught myself and said, I'm not trying to defend them. I'm not trying to tell you that they did something that you should be okay with or whatever. I'm trying to explain the behavior.
yeah I'm trying to say to you, this may be what caused the situation. So yeah I'm really good at doing that. And I've been able to, a few times in my life, ah help settle disagreements between people because of silly misunderstandings. And not I think that that's a really interesting you know aspect of Libra and a a cool skill to have for sure. but But that's just one one small aspect of the you know the scales, the balance of judgment and equality and that. But definitely giving people a chance to at least explain themselves so that there can be some understanding is always important. Especially you know if there really is remorse there. Because I know that some people just behave poorly toward you.
And they're like that it's not only that they don't mean anything by it, it's that they genuinely just don't even realize how like damaging they're being. But those who have a desire to explain themselves, to be able to you know ah grow the way that we say, like That's the point of karma. They have to feel remorse and understand the ways in which they heard somebody and to explain themselves and to apologize would be, you know, steps toward growth. Um, but like, absolutely. I love this parallel you're drawing. I'm glad that you thought to bring it up because I thought of it too. When I thought about balance, the Libra correlation.
ah wo Excuse me.
But, um, but I totally spaced on bringing it up. Oh, no, no and biggie. I don't know. And I was also about to look at your chart because I know you have a Libra stellium and I want to see what the other things are beside your sun sign. ahlutose Pluto and Mercury, I believe. Cause I was just talking about that with my mother yesterday, as a matter of fact.
really We got into astrology a little bit. I gave her the link to a cafe astrology so she could plug in her information and read about her. Did she know her birth time? Yes. I think she well she claims that she does, she claimed that she knew it, but she's basing it off of what she remembered her mother telling her it was. And I said, well, if you have your birth certificate, please check your birth certificate and double check and make sure the time is correct. I said, do your best if you can.
yeah Because otherwise you're not going to get a real exact, yeah. Interesting. So she wasn't put off by? No, she a subscribes to some little email where she receives a daily horoscope thing. And, and so I just kind of explained to her how I had been learning a little bit about astrology recently and learning about your big three. And so I explained to her about how the moon sign is more or less your inner emotional self.
and your rising sign is how the world perceives you or how you project outwardly as your persona, that those things combined really do a much better job at explaining who you are and like you know yeah help you understand yourself, help you to understand yourself.

Astrological Insights: Mercury, Pluto, and Growth

I was thinking of, because I wanted to know what the like planets mean with regards to like Mercury and Pluto. Just to be like, because I know that ah I do know that Mercury pertains to communication and like information gathering. And so it definitely sounds accurate when you talk about the way that like, it's, you know, how you communicate with others and like the, you know, your interactions with others are about information gathering because like understanding people's
perspectives yes is a form of information gathering, as well as like using the communication your communication skills to achieve you know equilibrium and balance. yeah That makes total sense. And then Pluto, I don't know as much about. I don't really either. im like i'm thinking there I'm thinking of some things, but I think it might actually just be the 12th house that I'm thinking of and not Pluto.
because like There is a correlation between Pluto and the 12th house, I think, but I could be wrong. In any case, with you having a Libra stellium, like it makes sense that it would be that significant of a um tendency for you.
so Yeah, Libra qualities are... um ah Somehow that this came up during the readings because the one tarot deck that I got was the ah astrology tarot deck or the zodiac tarot. And the Libra thing came up in one of the cards and it had a description of Libra and how theyre um they're really skilled at communication and things like that. So if you're talking about Mercury in in in Libra, then that's like a double ah double whammy in terms of communicating. you know Yeah. yeah um Or just like double power. Yeah. um But that Libra's naturally are able to put themselves
in other people's shoes and see other perspectives. And so I definitely, absolutely can see that in myself. like I do it a lot. Yeah. um But it's also a way that I had coped with treatment as I was growing up, like the mistreatment, I should say, ah when I was growing up and trying to understand it and why it happened. I was able to put myself in my stepdad's shoes in some regards.
And not that not that it's an excuse, like I said. Yeah, it doesn't justify it. But it definitely explains the behavior, the way that he grew up in the abuse that he endured. Yeah.
and how and the lack of knowledge you know or education that he had in terms of how to treat a child yeah because he didn't have his own biological to begin with. So he you know took me on as an eight-year-old and my brother was like four or three. and um you know he he did I think he did the best that he knew how to do, but he obviously was lacking in a lot of ways. and i I had found forgiveness for him through understanding where he came from and you know his background in terms of what he'd been through and all that stuff. Yeah. its ah I was going to say, like it's just, I mean, yet again, another indicator of like he... Well, I don't know. I'm drawing this line and I'm not sure if it makes total sense or not, but you were able to you know use your
own you know inherent personality and skills to be able to view things from his perspective and like achieve like equilibrium within yourself effectively. um But there was also like the thing that I thought of was the reasonings that you found for why he would behave that way or treat you that way came from places of like un like problems in his own household growing up and like you know issues, things that he went through.
that he never healed from, right? It's like one of those things where, you know, again, growth is just popping up again, again and again. um The need for it, you know, and so again,
We can understand those things about him and his past and still acknowledge that and the behavior was still uncalled for. right you know And we can understand that like it was due to his lack of growth and lack of healing. And I don't know, maybe use that as a little bit of a teaching moment for ourselves as well. ah to like Understanding or viewing the importance of doing the work to to grow.
I did a quick Google search for Pluto. What does Pluto represent? The AI overview again. In astrology, Pluto is the planet of transparent transformation and is associated with the ruling planted kind ruling planet of Scorpio, which is also associated with transformation, death and sex.
Pluto is also known for being a catalyst for change and metamorphosis. um Pluto is also a representative of the underworld. Pluto is named after the Roman and Greek God of the underworld, who was also associated with wealth and agriculture.
In art, Pluto is often represented by the horn of plenty to symbolize his positive aspect as a lord of abundance. um Yeah, I think that's more getting into like less of like the meanings and more of like the associations. Yeah, so but like the meanings being like transformation, metamorphosis, hell growth.
um WikiHow, the website, it says, Pluto is the planet of transformation, destruction, and renewal. Whenever this planet shows up in your birth chart, it tends to intensify everything around it. So how would that relate to Libra and Mercury and the sun? Well, the thing it said about intensifying everything around it,
Like in your chart, your sun is on one side and your mercury is on the other. And those, I think, again, it's a stellium, so it's already a strong, you know, presence of those qualities in your chart, but also like Pluto is like amplifying it even more. Right. And I think amplifying the ways in which the qualities of Libra are showing up for your sun and for your mercury.
Yeah, okay. too That makes sense. ah it It does explain a lot about you, ah for sure. But I'm trying to think of transformation and what that means for Libra qualities. Maybe, I wonder how much of it is part of your purpose on in this life of yours.
that there's like a major lesson and major transformation needed that is supposed to be brought about by you utilizing your mediation skills for, I don't know, any search circumstances, not just like, not, I don't want to go so far as to say like everyone around you because, you know, that's not,
other than feel accurate to me, but just like through your life, there are circumstances in which like those skills, that those qualities are going to instigate the kind of growth and learning in your soul that basically is what your soul needs to progress. I feel like a crazy person making that kind of a claim.
But that's just a thought.
yeah straight I mean, transformation is a heavy hitter, no matter what sign you're applying it to. yeah you know it's like Transformation is like major life lessons.
So it feels, it feels significant for sure. Interesting. Just sort of reading a little basic overviews from the Google search. It says, uh, some, one other website says the Pluto and Libra generation are those born between 1971 and 1984, uh, with, with a few exceptions of when Pluto slipped back into Virgo or forwarded to Scorpio.
um during that timeframe. And then when in a relationship, Pluto and Libra people may grapple with darker emotions like jealousy and possessiveness. on And that was from WikiHow also says Pluto was last in Libra from 1971 to 84. People in the Pluto in Libra generation strive for social progress and equality. Well, equality would be, you know, no brainer since that's Libra. Yeah, for sure. Ooh, the leaves are falling.
a There must be a lot of wind out today. And I'm just seeing them like flutter down outside my window. Now I want to check one thing and see if they're in the third house. For you? Yeah, no, they're not. They're in the fourth house. o They are in the fourth house for me. Which is, I think, the house of home and roots. Huh. Let's see, Pluto and Libra in the fourth house. I sure did not expect that this was the conversation was going to start going into reading my astrologer.
um but Pluto in the fourth house personality traits. Individuals with Pluto in the fourth house are likely to be quite intense and often have a strong desire for power and control. That's weird. I don't know if I i don't know if i fit that. I don't know. I'd have to dig into myself a little bit. because Because it's not specifying Libra, you have to also then apply the Libra lens yeah to it. And Libra is not, ah again, li Libra being about balance, it's not going to seek power and control just for that sake.
Okay, so let me let me finish what it did what does say, and it kind of helps qualify it. Okay, ok it's okay so I'll start over. and Individuals with Pluto in the fourth house are likely to be quite intense and often have a strong desire for power and control. They are often deeply rooted in their family and home, but have a strong need to make changes and take control of their home and family life.
And I would say that that probably does that probably does make sense for me in terms of like wanting to control things that are going on around my house and with family members. Yeah. But then again, like you know with the Libra lens on it, it's you know seeking control for the purposes of achieving balance. True. bla yeah And not just control for control's sake.
Right. Yeah. That makes total sense to me. Yeah. huh oh Yeah. i i'm I'm doing it to be able to achieve a sense of peace in my house, which peace in my mind definitely equates to balance. Oh, absolutely. Of the scales. Totally. Yeah. That makes perfect sense to me. Yeah.
of god astrology is so interesting. It's so cool. It's so cool. Also, it's fun to think about like, Pluto in general, because it's a it's a bit of a generational planet.
Because of the, you know, how slow how long it takes to move through the signs. Yeah. You know, because it like you said, it it encompassed that wide range of 1971 to 84. I think. Yeah. Yeah.
Like with that wide range. That was the timeframe that it was in Libra. So yeah. Yeah, exactly. Because like my Pluto is in Scorpio. Okay. But I know that it's like on the tail end of Scorpio right before it moved into Sagittarius. Okay. Well, that makes sense. Because you are so like, you know, literally the fact that we are just under 17 years apart. Yeah. That would make total sense. Yeah. Yeah.

The Mystery of Karma's Truth

um And it's it's funny because it's like not exact demarcations, but like plu people with Pluto and Libra are like overwhelmingly Gen X. And people with Pluto and Scorpio are overwhelmingly millennial. yeah And so it's just like a interesting thing to then look at the characteristics of those generations and how they line up with ah those characteristics of Pluto in that particular sign. Super fun. And Pluto pluto is in the next month fixing to move out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, which means apparently a lot of big things for some
certain signs, but we are we are on the edge of one of those shifts. wow Tis quite fascinating. But yeah. car Yeah, it's only a bitch if you are. And I feel pretty in agreement with that. I mean, yeah, it's a fascinating subject to wonder about. Yeah. And as with many things, I don't think any of us are ever going to be able to claim for sure what the, like what the real story is behind it.
not in these lifetimes at least. right um excuse me it's It's not for us to know, I think. Humanity doesn't need that information.
Anyway, like we said, we do want to hear people's thoughts and perspectives on um karma as a whole, like, you know, thoughts on the threefold blood, you know, thoughts on if anybody has experience with like, you know, the Hindu and Buddhist ah philosophies about karma, we'd love to hear, you know, more about that.
for sure. ah But also, like what are your own theories if they're not based in anything that like is more commonly or widely known? Because I like hearing people's original theories for sure.
who Yeah. And you know where to go. If you want to find it, send us your thoughts. We've said it before, we'll say it again in the show notes. wouldn't
Yeah. Anyway, we hope you've had a lovely time listening. I think it's been a cool kind of discussion. I feel like I say this with a lot of our episodes, but I feel like it's going to be one that we revisit.
in the future. Sure. Um, like not that we have to, but like eventually I think we're going to feel like there's more to hash out, especially as we like hear from people and hear, you know, different perspectives. Right. So yeah. And then if we, you know, have specific, um, you know, situations in our lives that. Teach us something new. Pertained to this exact topic. Yeah. Yeah. We'd definitely want to talk about it again in the future. Oh yeah. Yeah.
This is fun. I like it. We hope everybody's having a beautiful day.
And that's a wrap on another episode of Soulpaw the podcast. We post new episodes every Monday and we have even been known to drop the occasional surprise bonus episode. If you're enjoying our antics, please follow us on Spotify or Apple podcasts.
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