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Will the group ever escape the Shadowfell? Find out on this exciting episode of Vecna: Eve of Ruin!


Introduction and Setup

We are live. Hello world. Hello. Hello. Hello. And welcome to the stream. I am Frank Kelso, your dungeon master. Slow down Frank.
I'm not ready yet. We're we're just live. um ah Okay. okay um Plus, i you're not the Dungeon Master tonight, um unless you are prepared and ready to go. I am nowhere near prepared or ready. Okay. Hello, um chat. All the many people in our chat, because we notified you in advance. you know All right.
um We need to figure out how to get a hold of big money swag bags or whatever his name was so we can... Big daddy swag money. yeah like guess Hey, we've got an additional follower, but I'll wait until I do the official intro to read to tell you about that person. um Because um' I've got to get my brain into intro mode. All right. is Is it Kelsey? It's Kelsey. No, no. Kelsey doesn't have a Twitch. um All right. Okay.

Character Introductions and Sponsorship

Welcome listeners To another episode of integrated dice management presents Vecna Eve of ruin I am your dungeon master Ron Bjork and with me tonight is the very sexy Hayden Hey, it's good to be with you guys. I'm excited for this game. We already have some crazy bloopers um But this episode is brought to you by mr. Bright side. I Don't know that I i Isn't that just the name of a song? Yes. Frank! Hi, everyone. I'm Frank. I'll be playing, uh, Ambernak.

Amusing Discoveries

Ambernock. Ambernock? Ambernock. Uh, I don't know why I just said it three times. Um, and my fun thing for today is I found a button on my keyboard that plays as an audio that talks about, oh my God, there's two kangaroos. So I don't know where the fuck I came from. I don't either. And Bill.
Hey, everybody, I'm Bill. I'm really excited to be here. Happy to be playing with my goons and we're going to have fun tonight. And e Eric is not currently here, but he may be joining us in a little bit, ah hopefully. And if not, you know what, we'll just ah um have to go on without him. But. Oh, I have to go pre the preheat the oven real quick. I'll be right back.
be entertain our thousands of viewers.

Dungeon Exploration Begins

Hayden. Yes, sir. Got anything else you can read? Oh, let's see. you I can read another expert excerpt real quick. Yes, please.
Let's see. big kangaroo The shimmering, the shimmering fabric flowed like a liquid stone. Control yourself.
but but It's like two kids misbehaving the teacher. are is The subs going to leave a bad note, guys. Oh, shit, my parents just came home. Quick, hide under the bed. Put your penis away.
Is there something wrong with us? There is definitely something wrong with us. Why does it say chat replay?

Ghost Encounter and Treasure Room

is this Is it streaming? Are you all able to show? I heard audio from earlier. Yeah, it's streaming. OK. At Pullover now. OK. What is happening? ah We are playing a game. um So the last session,
um we are You guys um went into um the the first room of the dungeon, which had a stairway. And then it went down those stairs and went into the second room.
ah while Abernock remained upstairs and moved bodies around. This is important um because later those bodies are going to come into play. Downstairs you met a ghost who apparently works for the Dalindar family. um ah She was paid in advance multiple lifetimes worth of money.
um But didn't consider the fact that she's an elf and her lifetime is way longer than a human lifetime. um And so she's living out those lifetimes continuing to clean the tomb. Now, that I said the bodies would come back into play. When she found out that you guys killed a bunch of people and left the bodies, she went up and Abernock helped her clean up the bodies. Very important to know that. Abernock also did spread some red brick dust that he'll clean up later.
He did? yeah Yes, he did. I didn't say I cleaned that up. I just sprinted it around. Oh, okay. Well, um then you guys, you know, ah ah gave her a book so that she would tell you, um be your guide in this tomb. She wasn't a very good guide. She couldn't remember which door led to the bad guys. She wasn't.
terrible guy bro yeah um like that first choice let us directly into combat thanks yep yep so uh she also we discovered that the mage guy um is terrible at shooting guiding bolts as are all clerics when using that spell it seems um in sha you killed some freaky dead space monsters um and then it looked at me funny and then just and then we made weird noises at me and then frank presumably had to go pool of life it's good poopoo Yeah, and and so now here we are You guys have just finished looting the bodies and I guess you're looking around in the room because all of your tokens are in there Which I will move you guys over so you can be aware of the fact that your tokens are in there.

Puzzle Room Challenge

um Yes, I think all of you are there yeah Where is what did I do with him? Oh, there's a scanner in case he does pop up um He went to go just rummage on the outside. Yeah, he's looking around for something. um And a possibly he'll pop back up. And I'm i'm actually responding to his text.
Why phone? Why do you keep typoing almost every word?
Like an iPhone. One of my least favorite things about ever using chat GPT and I will be honest, I use that thing on a daily basis. I actually love it. But half the time when I'm typing it autocorrects and then like it self autocorrects and then later it's like, oh, sorry, we didn't actually mean that. And so like it has me go back and change it to what I originally wrote.
yeah OK. They get mad because you realize it replaces it a word. It wants to change my grammar. And then I'm like, no, I'm pretty sure, but I'll let you change it. And then later it's like, oh, sorry, we're actually wrong about the grammar. That's it. I hate you so much.

Combat with Coffin Creature

Um. Okay, so you guys are in this room. um There is the other door, which led um presumably leads to the vault that she was talking about. um Because she said one leads to bad guys, one leads to vault.
um And then there is also another door ah leading out of the room that had the monsters, which is over there. So you've got a couple of options. You could go back into the main hall and then go through the door that she said might lead to a vault, if you believe her. Or you can check out to this um this new door.
ah We can always check out this new door. You want to check out the new door? All right. yeah Yeah, I think so. So you guys head down towards the new door. Let me make sure, let me see if it's locked. um I don't open door, so. Yeah. ah at least Amber, I'm moving you for a second. Okay. I had to move Amber so I could see which um room number this was. she's on He's on top of the room number. um Okay, it does not describe the door. Okay, so this is just a typical
stone door. um It is not locked, so you you can open it. It does not have a locking mechanism.
um ill just i'll get for you i opened it yeah oh sugar can the door There are two more doors so the door in the east wall of this room is empty Of this otherwise empty room. There's the inscription Dalindar above no world to return Every letter of each word is set into the wall on a separate tile.
So it's like those classic 90s murder movies where the serial killer sends you a note and it's all taken out of like different magazines? ah No, it's the tiles i are set like out from the the the door itself. so So this... Reaching this one or the other one? ah That one, the second one. Second one? um Yeah.
put this first one I don't know. Do you want to open it? It looks like a normal door. it Oh, it doesn't say anything? Nope. OK. I will do a investigation on it. A 13. Nice. It looks like it looks identical to the door that you just came through. I open it. OK. I've tried. Learn will follow. um In that room.
um You see a little hallway with some stairs going back up. And then once you can see the room, um you found the vault. It contains six pedestals, each bearing treasure. Carvings encircle the base of each pedestal, which read, what good are treasures when home is denied?
And then I guess I can just copy paste the treasure because um Well, hold on a second. There's some stuff stuff that you wouldn't know. Well, one of these treasures you recognize immediately, I think. um Yes, one of these treasures you recognize immediately.

Portal Adventures

It's a drift globe. Oh, hey, I got one of those. um And it apparently has a map of the gate towns of the Outlands carved on it.
hey yeah whatever they taking Whatever the the Outlands are I don't know. Okay. Well, um, are you gonna activate this thing immediately? No, okay i was like do I need to make a second token Over near this over near this pedestal where I'm okay. Hold on. Let me let me describe the other pedestals one of them um and I'll just copy paste. Okay. This one of them has a necklace. Um bearing the inscription My breath is yours Kaveta take it certainly
Breathe on it see what happens. Uh, okay Hating your um, I mean bill your microphone just died when you breathe give me an arcana check though because you might you know You being the artificer may be able to just look at this and know what it is. Oh, sweet. All right and You said arcana. Yeah Alright, can I give myself guidance? Sure, sweet. Think guidance is an extra D4, right? Yes.
I mean, probably won't be that important. It is a necklace of adaptation. um While wearing this necklace, you can breathe normally in any environment and you have the advantage on saving throws against harmful gases and vapors. Oh, I'm absolutely going to take that. Yes. Let me I'll just plop that underneath your character necklace.
I already have that. You've got one. Yeah, I got one. Yeah, but that doesn't have one. OK. And then delete that. Did it move where I wanted it to move? What? It did not. Does the necklace have like a a gem in it, a stone chain? Yeah, but I but I am immune to poison.
um I will show you the picture of the necklace in just a second once I get it um underneath your character sheet. Does his look cooler than mine? I don't know. it is I don't know what yours looks like. So it's the picture that the um thing provided us with. um Save. It looks like this. i Yeah. It's more like a choker almost. Oh, it's pretty.
Okay, now I need to go and take that off screen. Okay. um And ah where's the rest? Where did my loot go? This is why I need a third screen. um Okay, so those are the magic things. There's also 2200 gold, a golden helmet worth 280 gold.
A book titled, Out of the Endless Prison, Outlining Methods of Escaping the Prison Plane of Karsarai, Worth 500 GP to a Planar Scholar, um o can i read that such as Elden, who notices the book and is like, oh That looks pretty awesome. I'll buy that from you if you guys don't want it. um And a snow globe containing a miniature replica of Neverwinter, or 350 gold. I will copy-paste this treasure for you.
um um Yeah, apparently that's just what necklace of adaptation looks like. Is it? Okay. Supposedly. That means I could choose what I want, which one I want.
ah so before so Before we sell Elden that book, I do want to you know pop through it a bit and see how much of it I can read real fast. How much of it you can read? Yeah. I mean, you're capable of reading any of it.
You just mean you want to try and speed read a bit? Yeah. All right, give me um some sort of intelligence role. All right, I can do that. I should be pretty good at that, actually. Frank just divided the gold for y'all in the chat.
733 gold, 3 silver, 3 copper. 25. Hell, you speed read through like half the book before you get bored and put it down and put it in your your bag. I mean, you don't have to give them the book right now.
Yeah, he's got to turn to Elden. He's going to be like, uh, yeah, you can have it. Well, I'll sell it to you when we, we'll sell it to you when we get back. Okay. If this ever comes up again and you find yourself on the prison plane of Karsarai, I'll give you advantage on, you know, um, methods of escaping. Um, I haven't read that far ahead in the book, but it could come up because this is a multiversal campaign. So, um,
All right, so there are no other doors in this room. um You guys do remember that the ghost mentioned that there was a puzzle door um somewhere.
um And you've only seen one other door. Oh, I guess there's the door that Hayden is currently looking at. So there's the pedestals. They're just treasures. Yep, they just have some treasure on it. And then there is a um I guess it says the same thing on each one. um What good are treasures when home is denied? um This would seem odd if you hadn't heard from the vampire all about the Dalandars, but the Dalandars basically came to this plane and then got stuck here. so And there's only two treasures? There are six treasures, six pedestals.
One of them with the gold, one of them with a helmet, one with a gri drift globe, the necklace, the book, and then the snow globe. So I guess we're going to steal all of that. Noomi watches you guys start taking this stuff and she's like, she shrugs and she's like, I wasn't hired to guard the place. I was just hired to clean it. And then she starts dusting underneath where the, uh, you know, dusting the pedestals as you um empty each one. and So since both of y'all got some, didn't both of y'all take a magic item?
I only heard about the drift globe and the necklace. Yeah, Hayden doesn't technically need the drift globe if someone else would like it. What is a drift globe? Actually, I was wondering that same thing.
it is the light lobe yeah The small sphere of thick glass weighs one pound. If you are within 60 feet of it, you can speak a command word and cause it to emanate light or daylight spell. Once used, the daylight spell cannot be used again until the next dawn. You speak another command word as an action to make it illuminate and make the illuminated globe rise into the air and float no more than five feet off the ground. The globe hovers in this way until you or another creature grasps it. If you move more than 60 feet from the hovering globe,
It follows you until it is within 60 feet. It takes the shortest route to do so. If prevented from moving, the globe sinks gently to the ground and becomes inactive, and its light winks out. so only different light source yeah The only difference is this one has a map um a map of um the Outlands carved on it.
Or a map of the gate towns of the Outlands. I honestly don't have any idea what that is. It gives me no context, so. And all the I just grabbed something that gives you resistance to poison and and lets you breathe pretty much breathe. If um does anyone want the drift globe? Or does anyone always sell it? Or does anyone want the necklace of adaptation?
Well, I think you already called dibs on the necklace of adaptation. I'm a robot and don't need it. I'm just going to stick the globe underneath you for now so that somebody has it. um So what's ah what's up with the other ones? You said there was a helmet? A non not-magical golden helmet. It's in the chat. Oh, sorry. I'll also take the snow globe if nobody wants it. Yeah, take it.
You already took the book, right? Yeah, I went ahead and but I went ahead and ah put ah pop that one in my bag unless anybody wants to also wants to also run an intelligence check to read it. And I guess we're just taking the money. And the Golden Helmet, I'll take the Golden Helmet and we can split the money. Spear and Magic Helmet. Where's the puzzle at? In a different room. Is this not the puzzle room? Do you say that out loud? i think Yes. Magic Helmet. Oh, the puzzles over here in this room that you guys just came out of.
Oh, it's it's the door with the words on the tiles like you You poke the tiles and and and they kind of like do stuff But I haven't been able to figure it out and it's really hard for me to physically manipulate things. So Yeah, so I will read that for later and come back and open the other doors you have opened There is one door left to open We could open that and then come back to the puzzle room. Okay, Hachu, it is the door in front of you. It is unlocked if either of you would like to open it. I open it.
It opens. I think this is that room familiar. It enters into a familiar room that you've already been in. Yeah, okay, cool. All right, over to the puzzle room. I'm already investigating.
Uh, you're welcome to roll an investigation. And I will also reread the description. Um, right. A nine is not great. And I'm going to guide myself. Okay. So we're going to need it this time. Also not great. Uh, uh, no, it's a 14. Aha.
OK. All right. so the the the door So the door in the east wall of this room, otherwise empty, bears the inscription, Dalindar, above the words, no world to return. um Every letter of the word is set into the wall on a separate tile. right And you can tell that these tiles are buttons. but No world.
It's from the two thousand two hundred gold pieces. I will. um Yeah, it's twenty two. It's twenty two hundred, right? Yeah. Yeah. But divided by four. Oh, I divided by three. Oh, OK. Eric's not here currently. This is true. When they're a plaque over here that says something about that.
um oop so pla to play The in there says, um what good are treasures when home is denied? ah The only other writing you've seen were the names of the two Dalindar siblings, and then the name Dalindar above the outside of the tomb. What are the names of the two siblings again? um Nolan Dalindar, beloved brother, and Ivisha Dalindar, beloved sister.
Damn it. All right, I was i I saw that I could make Nolan out of the out of the words on here, but I can't make advice. No, you can't. Are the letters or is it the words that are on different tiles? OK, you guys feel free to discuss that. Kelsey has requested my help bringing in groceries. It was that there are every letter is on a different tile. Every every letter is also a button.
And I saw that when I thought of the two names of the Dalindar sons, there was Nolan and Avisha. There's no V. Yeah, or S. Yeah. Or C, if S isn't available. ah So, yeah, that was... I thought I had something there. Well, the treasures placked from earlier doesn't work either. Yeah.
No world to return.
Do you think it's like an anagram? Do you think we need to scramble the letters around to make new words? but i mark on
Oh, ah this one doesn't let me put enough letters in. Oh, she was just walking around in circles in all four rooms.
It's not going to work either. No, it does. No, anyways. There have been play mixing player character knowledge and character knowledge anyways. Yeah, no meta.
Dalandar, no world to return.
I'm assuming this has something, because we're here to find the crevice, right? To take us back to our world? ah Yeah. Yes. So I assume it has something to do with that, because we haven't found anything else.
Maybe let... No.
and you mention names
um shit now we
parisris what movings month
I'm trying real hard here to think of
Oh, don't are no world to return. Doll and are. What was the what was the one on the other on the other one again?
Something about returning to the world, I don't know. No, no. What use is treasure when so think something something? What use is treasure?
um investia
So the riddle. Well, don't are no world to return. Don't turn to world. What good is treasure?
With. On world to return. Return to world on Rad Mill LOD. That can't be right.
I wish I was smarter. Isn't there a song that goes like that? Huh? Isn't there a song that goes like that?
Is there? It was like, I wish I was a little bit smarter. Oh, yeah.
I feel like.
I feel like the answer is right in front of us. Can I like remove one of the tiles and then just put it back in? What happens? He's not here, so there's no telling. Ah, damn it. Where'd he go?
Oh, Kelsey needed him for something. They're bringing groceries. Well, that's happening. I'm going to grab me a soda if I've got any left. Okay. No.
second and no
Has nothing to do with that. What's the name for fact to the whispered on? No, that won't work either. and
madam Is you back it back yet? No. Probably shouldn't be drinking soda at nine o'clock, but you know what? Fuck it. Bro, I drinks um so much soda at nine o'clock.
um it what do you alright i'm not um man So is it each individual word is on a tile or each individual letters on a tile each individual letter is on a tile um Yeah, every letter of each word is set in the tour is locked right it's set into the wall on a separate tile the door is locked. Yes and Okay
And the ghost said she was not able to go through it either. I don't know. That's a handout for the monster you got. Why? All right. I want to just type in return to world and see what happens. What? I want to type in we oh just you so um you were type in return to world. you Hold on. Let me double check.
actually So the well let's see, the first R would be in doll and door. Actually, when you press the R, um basically it goes in clicks and then resets. Oh, OK. I press the D. It goes in clicks and resets.
I press the. Yeah, resets. L resets. All right. So I'm going to hit the A. You hit the A. The A does not reset. Oh, OK. OK, so it's the first one's an A. All right. I press the D again. Resets. Oh, L I N D. Every every key except for the A in the word Dalindar resets.
All right, I do it for no world to return as well. World to no return? Oh, no world to return. Oh, why world to? Okay. Um, hmm. So you press the A and then as you're going through everything, um, nothing happens with no, but then when you get to the L and world AL sets. Ah, I started from the beginning.
Okay. No, I press the L. You just press the L? You just, oh, in Dalindar, it doesn't work. Okay. I go through all of them again. Okay. I mean, i honestly, this puzzle is impossible unless you just do that because there's nothing in here giving you a hint. Eventually,
In this order, the- 30 minutes later. Yeah, yeah. The letter A from Dalindar, the letter L from world, the letter O from two, the letter N from no, and the letter E from return all eventually stay down. Alone.
Yes. Uh, there's supposed to be like, oh, there is that I missed. Um, guy it yeah each time, um, each time you fail, the words reset with a wave of painful loneliness. Ah, shit. I was supposed to be making the, I'll make take damage. No, I felt no different the entire time. You're supposed to take psychic damage every time you messed up.
yeah We could have died. Congratulations, DM fail. You guys figure out the puzzle, taking no damage at all. Yeah, that's how you that's how you solve a puzzle right there That's because the dm missed a single sentence in the entire description. Um, yeah, uh The the you hear the that the things go down and then um, there is a like click and a sound of gears turning And then and then the the door still sits there closed Hey guys, I got it. I fixed it. I found the the word. It's alone
You should open it. I open the door. Yeah, open the door. All right. You open the door and let me pick. Awesome. Let me have it. Let's go. And you die. No. All right. Roll the character. You open the door. It's just the gap. I'm just seeing if this fig, this, OK. Yep. Whatever this is is going to be visible, so I will just open the door.
Oh, that was weird. All right, on the far side of this room rests a stone coffin. Between the door and the coffin, the floor is studded with sharp metal blades. A person-shaped figure with elongated arms lurks near the coffin. um And I'll show you the picture of said person. Oh, that didn't work. Oh, here it is.
Oh, show it to everyone. This thing. Yep. Another freaky thing. I assume it doesn't eat food. I mean, that's a strong assumption to make. You know nothing about it. Can I roll ah ah something to see if I know anything about history? You don't eat food. How would you? Religion. History, Arcana, whatever you choose. ah and I'll do Arcana. 17.
Looking at this thing, you feel like, um, it certainly probably is a carnivore. Yeah, I will roll my own history and see if I know what this is. ah Oh shit, yeah. Fucking natural 20! A natural 20, for some reason you remember.
um that the matriarch of the dalindar family you don't even know where you heard this because you've never heard of the dalindars until now but somehow you heard that the matriarch of the dalindar family actually i learned it from that one book that i read earlier oh yeah okay uh-huh was cavetta um and you know that her she was entombed in the uh main like the the deepest chamber of this tomb Flashback to when we were up on the market. Oh, did you know that the matriarch whatever the fuck that name was Was entombed in the door? Also, I guess you spot her name engraved on the bottom of the coffin um the Does she see us does she is she attacking or she just kind of sitting there? Um first roll perception All right, everyone. Okay
All righty. Ooh, she is spooky, though. I'll take perception. Permeated. Skeption.
Nineteen. A nineteen and eighteen and a twelve. 13, thank you. 13, whatever. The 18 and the 19, so Ambernock and Slurm, you both notice um faint wisps of purple, um is it smoke? Don't double check in. Vapor. Of purple,
vapor um kind of rising from the coffin behind her. um She then screeches in anger. And and yes, roles for initiative. I know that door again. why yeah ah About to make you probably make wisdom. Hell yeah.
This mother fucks better get a damn slurm. Yeah, I know shit is pants, but it's about to die. Yeah. Roll initiative for our good guy in PC. Is it taking any damage for my daylight spell? Oh, interesting question. I guess we'll find out. It is not, though, it appears to dislike the light.
I'm rolling for our NPCs real quick. um and okay And then in descending order. So yeah, this thing screeches, but not a psychic screech. um god And then Slurm, you can react before it can.
Oh, the second the door opens. So just a reminder, just a reminder, these little mountain looking things, those are blades. Yeah. All right.
Does she seem like she's about what? You did just make us roll initiative. ah She screeches in anger, but, um you know, yeah. Hmm.
oh All right.
I. Slurm. Is going to.
I'm assuming since Ambernock opened the door, Ambernock's probably in the way of the door. Uh, now he's got himself kind of to the side of it, so. All right. Slurm is going to use his winged boots and he's going to launch himself forward. and Okay. Threw the door. Okay. You die. No.
hit It's going to fly in there like. a Oh, can you not move through the door for some reason? No, I cannot. Oh, OK. I guess it's too skinny to let you. yeah All right. Anyone else who needs to move through, let me know if you can't for some reason. And ah so he's going to move right. He's going to move in and to the left of the door right here. I think that's like 20 feet, I think.
And Slurm is going to.
Oh. If he's going to use. He's going to use a level four magic missile. Let's do that. So sorry, no, wait. love Oh, shit, I'm sorry. a
Double check. See what levels. I don't even have that level that level. stuff and I changed the color of your light for a reason to make it a little more visible to me. He's he's. ah I want you to be blind. I actually misspoke. He's actually going to be casting a level three magic missiles. so Let me reduce that by one. All right. And I believe a level three that should. That should be five darts, I think.
three, four, five. Yeah, two extra. Magic missile. So.
So do I just hit the magic missile button five times? ah I hear that or roll a D four or five times. OK, you know what, that's a lot easier, I think. Yeah.
four plus two makes six plus one makes seven oof ah plus two makes nine and one more so eleven eleven points of damage you didn't add in the additional plus one each so that's another plus five so plus sixteen okay or 16 plus 16 HP to her she absorbs force damage now no no um Yeah, your missiles smash into her face and she screeches even angrier. yeah and And yeah, so Slurm is going to pull out his Thunder Saver and he's ignited and he's going to, that's his turn. Okay. Hashu Danger Noodle. You know me, I just started blasting it.
course hit yeah I guess you've got line of sight. So um a oh does it? No. Yes. That 20 definitely hits.
ah So that is, what is that, 24 plus four? So 28 damage total. um Let me check if she's weirdly immune to fire damage. She is not.
um I didn't think she was but you never know with some of these monsters Okay, and your next one 20 hits Yeah,
yeah she doesn't like that she screeches o um But she's she's still fine do you do anything else?
I wonder if she's even going to get a turn. She's slow in the initiative order. I'm good now. Now I'm sorry. I'm actually starting to wonder if she's going to make it to her turn. Um, sorry, let me pull up the character sheet here. and I put my head around the corner. um I'm putting my little finger at it and um I cast Scorching Ray.
Scorching Ray. 13 is a miss. In Scorching Ray three. Yeah, so three attack rolls. ah The other two hit for sure. Nice. yeah Seven and seven. Fourteen. Fourteen. Is that seven plus eight?
Because it shows a little. So it says 120 feet Scorching Ray plus eight. No, plus eight is your attack roll. You have a plus eight to your scorching ray roll. If you look at your um your actual dice roll on the 25, it says 20 plus four charisma plus four proficiency. Ah, okay. Yeah. um All right, so she is still standing. Do you do anything else?
I dug back behind the corner. Okay. um The ghost Numi is up. 5, 10, 15, 20. Numi gets a turn? Yep. she pops She peeks in the wall and says, oh shit, that's my old boss. I don't think she has ranged attacks. No, she doesn't. Slurm's going to turn to Numi. He's going to be like, did she ever give you a break or tie him off or dental? No, that wasn't in the contract. I wasn't very smart.
um really I guess I will move the rest of my movement. um But I'm not getting that close. i'm gonna not And then she sinks into the floor youute so so so that she's like protected by the blades. She keeps her head out though so she can watch.
but mom ah I mean, if she gets close enough, she'll attack. Now it is is the Monster Lady's turn. um And she is going to cast a spell. um Let me see if this requires anything special. It is one action. um She reaches into her... but that She takes the necklace that she happened to be wearing that I didn't describe before and casts a spell and the gemstone on the necklace bursts and from it comes forth a shadowy spirit which joins the fight next to her. Can she summon it anywhere? Hold on. In an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The unoccupied space will be next to... Slurm.
ah um And a shadowy monster appears, which looks a little bit like this. Where's the show to players? I want to show it to players. Can I show it to you this way? Oh, it has to be a handout? That's stupid. um but I'm not going to bother making that handout. mom It is a weird two-headed Monstrosity. You know what? I need this handout. This is a good image. yeah um So let's see. We'll just do this real quick. She summons this thing. ah Why are you being complicated? Thingamajig. Plus, so that our viewers can can one day see this. um All right. Got the image saved.
and then hand out. Drop, upload a file.
Oh, God. What? Oh. Sorry, I accidentally clicked on the thing that the player hand out of the lonely, sorrow sworn. Oh. And it all of a sudden just blew up on me. I was like, here is what the thingamajig looks like. Oh, shut everyone.
Ooh, that's. OK, kind of looks like what I imagine a homunculus to look like before it's eaten enough philosopher. So sex.
um Yes, so this horrid creature appears in the space next to Slurm. Now I got to unminimize my various windows. So what you're saying is I can do whatever I want to this thing and feel no guilt.
I would I would say so and say whatever you want. That's true. You don't know if this is an intelligent creature or not. It could have emotions. And consent is still a real things learned. Yeah. Yeah. Slurring God. Not a good deviant God. Slurm is married. I mean, it's got two mouths. Slurm is married. Thank you very much. Two mouths for both of Slurm's dicks. I mean, what does that mean? Yeah, exactly. One for his dick, one for his ass. Oh.
You would have an answer to that. We're going full beige with a rim job. Let me see, does it? That's 1750 down at the Holiday Inn. It looks like it, I'm trying to see if it has the role initiative or if it moves immediately. It appears in a space, the corporeal form it uses, blah, blah, blah.
The creature disappears in combat. It shares your initiative. OK, so it'll go on her turn. um In which case, that was her action. And then the monster is going to do, wait, does she get a bonus action? Let's find out, because y'all are beating the crap out of her. I got to see if she's going to kill you. yeah Can she fly or something? Because she's going to have to move across the blades too.
This thing is gonna need to hit a 22 in order to hit me, so. She can't fly, so she is also fucked by the blades if she does that. She's gonna attempt to jump across the blades, you know, because why not? Oh, what in the fuck? What a roll. A 16. I don't know what the rules on jumping are, but that's a 20-foot jump. I don't think, well, she's a freaky monster lady. She might be able to jump that far.
Um... She makes it, I'm gonna make her not be perfect. She she jumps to right, actually wait, where's that red line? I forgot, she moves over here, avoiding that light that's peace that's coming through the door. she hope She doesn't go into the blades, but she moves to the edge um trying to avoid that light that I can barely see because that my screen gets lit up by all of you. yeah I can see all of your visions at once.
I'm like, can I change this light? I wonder if I change it to an aura, if I can see that better. ah Or can I change the darkness of the light? It doesn't let me change the opacity or anything. OK, whatever.
that is I could just change the light to black. I bet I could see black, because it's just going to come up as gray. Let's see. Oh, based on that, she's still within the ray.
um Well, OK, she moves over here instead. I mean, Black let meat lets me see the lines, the edges of the ray. So yeah, she moves out of the light. um And that is her turn, but the thingy's going to attack Slurm. It's going to try. Yeah, it's going to try.
ah It, of course, it's going to do this to Slurm. It screams at you. um Actually, ah i mean it's not just Slurm.
Everyone is going to have to make this save. Everyone within 30 feet, and you're all within 30 feet. So they make a ah Wisdom saving throw everybody. Where else is the DC? Why are you always making me roll Wisdom saves, Ron? Well, that's a fail from Abernock. That's a pass from Slurm.
I guess I have to roll for my NPCs over here.
wisdom sea Yeah, a pass from Mage Guy. A fail from Hayden. Will a possible default make me... ah Dennis passes like a beast.
ah but dennis net who possible d four could make you pass Okay, I'm gonna use my let's see where is it and then the ghost I Would try to give either of y'all guidance but neither of y'all are in my field
A four makes you pass. yeah but Now, is anyone immune to fear? Or get advantage to fear or anything like that?
I believe Ambernock might if she was if he was in a rage. Is Ambernock present as male or female? it's it's Amber makes me think, you know, female. I've always thought male, but... Okay. um Yeah, if you were raging, I think you might.
I don't know. Okay, so those of you who failed are frightened. So that is the ghost.
Ambernock. That's it. So you are frightened. um Each creature within 30 feet must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the the this shadow spawn for one minute. The frightened creature can repeat the save each turn. And so basically frightened, um the exact effects of frightened are ah You have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of your fear is within your line of sight, and you cannot willingly move closer to the source of your fear. So that means you could theoretically cast Magic Missile, be around the corner and cast Magic Missile. and Well, no, because it always hits. I think Magic Missile needs sight, but yes, it does always hit.
So it does that, and now it's going to attempt to multi-attack The spirit has dead. Okay,
okay any creature. Oh, okay. We'll just go with fear. I was supposed to choose an effect, an aura, um but we'll just go. Oh, no, nevermind. Nevermind. When you cast the spell, choose an emotion.
Oh, OK, I see. I missed that part of the spell. um
Furthermore, anyone who is frightened of it, it has advantage on attack rolls against you. um Bearing that in mind, it sees that Ambernok is quivering and in his boot in its and it's going to Slurm make an attack of opportunity. Okay! Thunder saber, bitches! Fifteen! that that ah With right? That does hit. No, Slurm passed. Yeah, I super passed. Yeah.
For seven damage and and because of an effect ah because of the effect of my class and the Thunder Saber, ah the creature hit has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets that are not me until the start of my next turn.
Okay, it has disadvantage against you, you said? No, on it has disadvantage on anything other than me until my next turn. So this thing kind of like slithers through the doorway um ah up next to Abernock and then um I decided it couldn't melee attack through that.
thin door angle. um But it does that, and then it is going to multi-attack Amber with its attack. That is a 14. And an 18. I think that might hit. No, wait, wait, wait. Sorry. No, that's a miss.
i You probably currently have mage armor. I can't remember if you cast it last session But you casted the session long ago and the last saw day and it's still technically the same day. So um Okay, well double miss um You do oh it has a vantage on attack rolls. Oh, that's an 1818 Still misses. All right. Um man as disadvantaged Anyway, so Dennis's turn so Dennis is the And then how far is it from here to right next to the thing 25 feet? Yeah, he's going to do his Misty step. You can do that once per battle. So boom, he Misty steps over to the to the lady to the oh my god, Dennis. the No, Dennis kill steals again. No, no, no, we're not kill stealing like. Oh, wait, I've got winged boots I can get across to. I think I also have winged boots. Both of Dennis's attacks hit.
One of them bursts the vines out, nice. And then the one hits, or deals... So we've got 10 plus 13.
So 23 damage. Can you restrain this semi capporeal being the The lady monster is corporeal. oh But it depends on if she can pass a Strength Save.
um Which she rolls a 22 so she passes and Sorry Dennis, but you did some decent damage and you're right, you know and and he didn't kill steel. Okay, um Next up is Meiji cleric dude 5 10 15 20 25 Let's see how he misses this time I'm trying to decide if he could have line of sight. If he's right there. Oh, my God. He runs forward, trips into the blades. I think he could see her through the door at that angle.
um So, yeah, he can see her and he's going to try and cast. Oh, got to get off the ruler mode. OK. I cast my Pokeball. He's going to use his, um probably, this dude has Spear garden Guardians.
He's going to cast, ah you know, once more Guiding Bolts, and he's going to use his final second level spell slot to do it. Let's see if he ever hits with this spell. Cast a second level. That is a 15, which...
God you fool. He still misses. Are you fucking kidding me? This is his last opportunity for redemption. Go fucking slur. Just force him into the into the lamp. We'll be fine. Uh, yeah. out that girl I think she'll be able to stab better. This guy's like, gods, why did you leave me? Yeah. Slurm, you're up.
Slurm turns over his shoulder. yeah the God, the gods hate you.
And Slurm is going to winged boot, activate his winged boot. Just kind of go, which these two little jets, Papa, ah start to popping off his heels. So he flies over this way. I think that gives me, I think the winged boots give me 60 feet of flight.
Oh no, way it gives me a certain, let me double check that real fast.
I'm going to 30. OK, it gives me a 30 foot a 30 foot flight speed. OK, good thing I went ahead and check that. So 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. OK, I'll have just enough to fly at a diagonal over here. To there. And then land right here.
with just enough, with literally just enough movement. And Slurm is going to reengage his Thunder Saber. And it's gonna take two swings. So if we got one, a 28. That definitely hits. For seven Thunder damage. And then it's going to attack, take another swing, a 19.
Also hits. For an additional 12 points of Thunder damage, and this creature also, because of getting hit, and now has disadvantage to hit anything other than me. Okay.
And that will end Slurm's turn. Okay, the creature still stands. Hashu Slitherinyo, your turn. There we go. Finally made you say my name.
Hey, if you had listened, if you had listened to last week's episode, you would have heard me say your name. So. So I stand behind. Mm hmm. I stand behind my boy and I'm like self cringing with like, I don't want to stand near people. Do you smack him upside the back of the head for his failure? Yes.
and And so I cast. Nope. Which are you attacking? You're attacking her or the shadow? attacking her Okay. Um, the second one does hit 15 and do you get the fire damage? Okay. yeah Okay. Still standing. God damn it. And that's a miss. Hey, is the 19 points of damage. oh wait good Yeah. Will
Will the plus four potentially make me hit? Mm hmm.
It potentially could, sure. I'm guessing it has to be. ah It's a DC of a 17. I'm not telling you that. yeah That misses that misses. ah God damn it, I only have one more use of my talisman. You can just use it over and over like that. Yes.
Okay. There's no censorship on it. Well, neither of those hit. So um you still deal 19 damage though. um I assume that's your turn. Yes.
Amber of the Nox. You are frightened of the strange shadow creature next to you. However, you are not frightened of the one who summoned it. um If you attack the frightened creature, you have disadvantage and you cannot move closer to it willingly. But it doesn't say you have to run away from it. Even though you're right next to it. Does rage negate fear?
Let's find out real quick. Let's see. Rage. Because I know it might be a higher level thing. um But let's see. Base rage. Load ink. Load ink. And battle you fight with. Frosities. Advantage on strength. It does not look like, nope, regular rage doesn't negate fear. Oh, darn. OK. Yeah. it's probably It's probably this mindless rage here.
Yep mindless rage from the I think with the berserker barbarian or something. I would like to cast a Magic missile, but at fourth level, okay And see what that does Then just go ahead and roll roll the D force that'll be fourth level that'll be Three six starts
I just realized how a little damage magic missile does cumulative cumulative it deals a decent amount of damage and it's a guaranteed hit yeah except for the very rare creature that is immune to force damage or has the shield spell ah each additional spell slot above first level okay um so be one two three additional yeah six along with Three comes with and you can pursue you can di direct to these missiles individually if you want You don't have to send them all at the same target. Okay? Each one of those has a plus one. Yeah um What are you shooting them at? ah This thing in front of me. Oh Okay, so we've got three five nine ah Twelve Sixteen
20 Does that math sound right? Yeah, okay All six missiles blast into this creature a lot of its form is Looking that a lot of the solidness of its form has dissipated, but it still retains enough Solidness to be a threat and Okay, that's all I do all right ghost chick 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Okay, she's gonna go and attack her roll her former boss. Oh, shit! You bitch, you never gave me any vacation time! And then, you know what? Okay, it's not immune to necrotic. That's because these things aren't on dead. For some reason. ah She will use her Withering Touch, which is, you know, ghost power.
um I mean, not that she's very good at attacking, but let's see. She rolled a two plus five, so that's a fail. It's rolling to me, but just so y'all know, she rolled a... D20. She rolled a two and a nat one. um oh that So yeah. Okay, so the monster chick.
um Now that she's got some people up close and personal, just not that it really matters, but at the, oh yeah, no, it does matter at the beginning of your turns. So those haven't happened yet since you've gotten in range. um At the beginning of your turns, if you're within five feet of her, you have to make a Wisdom saving throw. um She is going to multi-attack. First, she's going to attack Slurm with one of her pointy arms. Okay.
That's a 25 to hit. Okay. That she meets my AC. So 22 piercing damage and you are grappled. So I lose one, two, three, four. That would be 18. So the initial, I still had four temporary hit points left from last time. So that would drop my health by another 18, which should put me at 56.
You are grappled now and must also make a wisdom saving throw. God damn it, Ron, we talked about the wisdom of saving throws. Dan, fuck! That's a fail. You take 27 sadness damage, aka psychic damage. Emotional damage!
Yeah. Oh, hey, y'all are lucky. I I didn't notice something, but I'm not going to tell you it either. So um but yeah, you take a lot of damage this round. um Yeah, because with her with her other arm, she stabs at Dennis like with disadvantage. She has disadvantage on that. Oh, OK. Is Dennis like weirdly? ah I need to see Dennis's resistance. Okay, interesting. um She stabs at Dennis with her other arm at disadvantage. That is a 17. I think that still hits him. She rolled a 17 at 24. Nope, 17 misses. He's got some armor on. So Dennis avoids um being harpoon armed. When she attacked for the first time, I had 74 damage. i had set Sorry, I actually had 78 health. I have 29 now.
Well, welcome to chapter one. ball master um Yeah, that's her turn. Got me sweaty. ah Dennis. Okay. He's the first one that happens at the start of anyone's turn who's within five feet of her. They need to make a DC 15 saving throw. So Dennis um wisdom.
is okay Oh my god, Dennis. So five, he takes 3d6 psychic damage.
And he shrugs off half of that damage because Dennis as a fae is resistant to psychic damage. Nice. Oh, he also has 13 temporary HP that ah Frank gave you all a while or someone gave you all a while back. um So if you do, guys, but I don't know if you all have kept track of that, but you might have some temp HP that you were supposed to have. Yeah, I ah I ate most of my temp HP got eight last ah last campaign against those ah dead space looking things. um And now Dennis is going to try to kill the bitch. So he ah stabs with spear.
11 is a miss and a 19 is a hit on those Dennis for a decent amount of piercing damage is she resistant to psychic nope um so that is 13 damage she is still standing so she is looking a little woozy um cleric dude Cleric, dude, you are running out of spell slots. You don't have very any good spells. um So keep keep trying. Keep trying, Guiding Bolt. oh like down It's down to first level. ah you didn' Wait, no, he's got a third level spell slot left. He's going to burn it. Shadowheart missed again! Shadowheart missed again! Seven to hit. He loses his final third level spell slot. Now all he's got is first levels. Eldin's like, the gods have left me.
Slurm, you are up. You are grappled, which means you probably have like problems attacking or some crap. I think I have just a bad issue. I think you can't move. Oh, but you can try to break free with a DC.
Each grappled creature grappled.
It doesn't give her grappled break free DC. ah Oh, DC 15 strength check. ah Or i'm we um dexterity to you know like wiggle out of it.
Actually believe. Ooh, actually. Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and do the dexterity stage. So grappling doesn't give you advantage or disadvantage. You just can't um move. So you're welcome to just ignore the grappling and use your action to attack instead. Oh, okay. Ah, okay. Then in that case,
Slurm. Oh wait because you're within five feet make a dc-15 wisdom saving throw god fucking damn it wrong Now one good god, I should do double damage to you, but I won't you take five psychic damage Thank you. All right because That hurt. That hurt me to look at. I am no longer on my good streak, boys. It looks like bad luck. Bill's rolls are back. They're back with the fucking vengeance. OK, but you can still attack. All right. She's you said she's looking pretty rough, right? She's looking rough, yeah. All right.
In that case, since she's right up on me, has me pierced through, ah she's hurt me so much. Slurm coughs up blood and he reaches ah under the the holster on his back and pulls out the boom gun and presses straight to her face. And he's just gonna say, eat this bitch. And he's going to blast her in the face with 10 force damage.
What does it look like when you do exactly enough damage to kill her? So as he says, eat this bitch, he pulls the trigger as exactly what you think would happen at point blank range with a 12 gauge.
Just blow her head off. Yeah, think of a melon. Nice. ah Yeah, you blow her head off and her corpse slumps to the ground. The shadow creature immediately fades into nothingness next to Amber. And the fight is over.
Thor, make a perception check. Give me one second, I'm just marking off another shell lost. And okay, you set a perception? Yeah. Fucking wisdom rolls, Ron.
Six. Okay, but I'm gonna let Dennis. I'm gonna let Dennis roll.
Dennis rolled a four. Okay. You know, neither of you notice anything. Notice? What do you mean, notice anything? They notice nothing. Okay. They roll terrible. Does Noomi notice anything since she's there? Oh, Noomi. Noomi. Let's see.
I'll give her, I'll give it to her. They're not in the optimal position. She wrote a six. What is happening tonight? but So we've got a a six from Slurm, a four from Dennis and a six from Numi. All right. So nobody notices anything other than the fact that you guys killed this thing. Slurm is going to pull it's our it's spiked arm out of him. Yeah. And yeah then he's going to search to for make a DC 25 Constitution save or die from blood law. Now I'm joking.
are you seriously joking because you would do that ron i a we're not playing the and hardcore mode you have to roll like did you have to be super close to it to notice something or i don't know haden i don't know what you're talking about i'm just a disembodied voice in your mind oh god that's why i'm always horny
Oh, this guy's actually gone, so. Slurm is going to search the corpse of this thing after he removes its arm. OK, why did I close her character sheet? She does have a little bit of loot on her.
OK, why did I allow this to exist? She's got. Yes, 93. Electrum. 52. Jesus, that's a lot.
Yeah, not not really. Electrum is 5 GP a piece. Me too. It's not platinum, it's less than gold. Oh, that's what I was thinking. yeah um ninety here i mean i'll I'll copy-paste it. um She has, interestingly, a spectral handkerchief that seems to float just above the ground when dropped. And a spell scroll with... You can roll an Arcana check to see what's on it. Fuck yes, I will.
Okay, I accidentally just revealed what's on it, but rolled the arcana anyway. Damn it. Alright. There you are. and i'm yeah i I'm even going to guide myself. Okay. It's got Earth, the spells Earth Trimmer, Unseen Servant, and Magic Missile. Each with one use.
Oh. Mm-hmm. Because in fifth edition, they did a cool thing where scrolls can have more than one spell on them.
OK, that's actually pretty cool. One second. So so that's her loot, yeah. um There is a coffin next to you. There is a field of blades between you and the other people in the room. um And ah the coffin has purple vapors coming out of it.
It has vapors directly actively coming out of it. They're not like actually rising into the air. It's sort of like the vapors rise up a little and then dissipate into nothingness. um Can I do like some kind of like an investigation or perception check to see if I if I would recognize a 20 intelligence what this might be? You may. OK, which would be better?
Investigation or Arcana, I suppose. Okay, I'm actually pretty good with Arcana. Can I roll Investigation back here? 15. You can roll Investigation over there if you want. 15, and this time around I am actually D4.
ah Actually an 18. So, Hashu, you find that these blades are sharp. um
Slurm you gave yourself that okay, so Slurm this So you notice that this when you look down into the vapors, you can't see the bottom of the coffin Also as you're investigating this coffin, thanks to your 18, you notice a lever behind it. Oh Oh the lever cronk He pull offs Conks gonna pull the lever Okay. um is Is it the wrong lever? You pull the lever and the blade sink into the floor. It is no longer dangerous to cross the room. don't hear like You don't hear like a clicking timer or anything like that either. ah okay you know exactly where I was about to ask. they date did It appears to be ah a switch style lever, not a like one that's going to pop back into place. Ah, okay.
All right, looks like the blades are gone. um But yeah, when you peer down into this um purple stuff, um there just seems to be no bottom. oh Before we go any further, I need to round there and tell us what's down there real quick. Who? Miss Ghost Lady.
She is going to look at it and um
I'm just rolling something for her to decide if she is willing to do this or not. ah It's pretty weird looking, but I mean, i I guess I'm already dead. And so she pokes her head in, ah you know, just like floats upside down and and slowly and carefully lowers her head into the, you know, because head first is the smart thing to do. um
And she says, huh, you hear a voice, you know. um And she says, huh, well, that's that's weird. um My head is poking out of but another coffin, I think, ah but into a different room. um There's not really, it's dark in here.
Uh, but I'm pretty sure I have dark vision because I'm a ghost. Let me just check. You're an elephant. Yeah, I've totally got a dark vision. He might be. Oh my God. Oh.
hot damn what we were scoring movie shit sorry ah Yeah, so the monster is dead Frank and they are now investigating the coffin and the blades have been the blades have been retracted so you can freely cross the room and I'm actually just doing the math on our on everyone's on everyone's Divvy app. I'm a going ahead and and divvying up the gold and electrum into four and for when ah for whenever Eric comes back to join. Okay, so she reports back after sticking her head in the coffin that she sees a room. Her head is poking out of another coffin and she sees just a nondescript, like it looks just looks like a room.
We found the way to the other place. That was so helpful. In finding the thing. My turn. I'm just going to go in. You just jump in? real ah Real quick, before we do that, does anybody want to spare? Oh, wait. Slurm's going to turn to the gnome. You kill me. Oh, I probably can do that. I don't know. like I feel like the gods have left me, though.
Unfortunately, i have role to heal now you less than useless this whole time you I used all of my spell slots above first level doing nothing. So here's a first level Cure Wounds. ah He heals you for six. You know what, buddy? Let me do it again. Actually, why the hell am I doing this? He hands you a potion of greater healing.
but but because i notice it ba out I noticed that his loot, he has a potion of greater healing. So he hands that to you. I'm taking the pockets from the healing spell as well. He's going to use that spell slot. like As soon as he heals six, right before he hands them that potion, everyone in the room hears...
a And I guess he intimidated him. He's like, here, I'm sorry. Take this potion. And a greater healing potion is four d four plus four. All right. Does anyone you have rope by chance? I do. Because apparently my 10 feet of rope went missing. Four or five, six plus four more than 10 feet.
I don't know why I only have 10, but that's what I put down so. That's what I believe. Oh, we know it's 10 pounds. Never mind. 10 pounds. You have 10 pounds of rope. Yes. Whatever that means. It's probably 50 feet of hempen rope. But it's disappeared nonetheless. Anyways, ah we should tie this down somewhere. I do have a movable rod, but I don't want to use that for this. ah But I do have pittens and a hammer. So let's get to work.
OK, what are we tying down? The rope dummy. What? I'm about to go inside of another dimension, probably. Where? Slurm is in the caution. Slurm is going to fly down. he He's he's he's going to fly in. I want to come over here and look in the hole and then I want to. All right. I want to show him. Slurm is flying into the storm's flying. Make a dexterity saving throw.
Me? Mm hmm. While flying? Yeah. Oh, shit.
Nineteen. OK, you fly down into the coffin, fly up out of a different coffin. And stop yourself before you smack into the ceiling. I'm sorry, you said I i fly down into the coffin and fly up out into out of another coffin somewhere else.
I look around, what does it look like in here? um um I'm just going to stick you over in the corner. ah You find yourself in a nondescript room with the coffin that you just came out of. There is a weird ghost-looking creature. A weird ghost-looking? Round two. Well, there is a weird ghost-looking creature who was poking her head through and she looks at you and says, see, told you, it's just ah it's just a room.
Oh, and there's there's a door. Slurm is going to call out and be and he's going to say, it's like I was flying down and then I was flying up. I don't know if the rope is going to work here.
It's weird.
That's okay. Numi pulls her head out of the coffin and it's like, it just looks like a room over there. Numi, would you like to join us on our adventure since your employer is now dead? She glances at Kaveta and was like, huh, good point.
I can, we can offer you more role persuasion, role persuasion with advantage. Persuasion.
Oh, it already rolls with advantage. Well, you didn't even need it. You got a 23 says, you know what? Let me go get my stuff. And then, yes, I'll join and she flies, you know, flies away for a bit while you guys are still are on the call for sweet.
OK, who's going next? um I'm going to wait for new me, I guess. All right. So you tie down your pittance. OK, and then what do you do? I use the pigeon, you know, tie, slam it down to the ground, use the 50 feet of hempen rope, go down in there, and I still have another piton on my in my other hand and I go down there. And then when I if I get to the other side, I'll also hammer that down. Do OK. Do you drop the rope first or do you go with the rope?
I dropped the rope first. Slurm, you see some rope fall upwards into the air and then back down. Hashu, you see your rope fall upwards into the air and then back down. Have you ever played Portal? Yeah. That's what's happening. It's going up and down. Slurm, catch it please. It's not behaving. Slurm's going to grab the rope. Okay, you you grab it.
and it stops, you know, like it eventually comes to rest, I guess, once you pull and talk. And then I go, slum, I'm going to throw a pitten, OK? Do not get hit by it, but catch it. And then I'll throw my hammer, and please, on the other side, anchor it down. Dexterity saving throw swarm. Fuck.
Just going to throw it. It's going to bet itself straight into my fucking head. You take 400. 15. OK, yeah, that's enough to catch him.

Ghost Lady's Reappearance

And yeah, you successfully attached the rope to something. Yeah, I'm just going to embed it like straight into the other side of the coffin on the outside of the coffin on my side. OK. All right, it's locked, it's locked in, you're good to go. Thank you Slurm.
Um, and I guess I look at the mage and I go, mages first. All right. Elden gets on the rope and he like kind of drops in. He rolls a three. Oh my God. And he gets trapped in the up and down portal thing. He's like, Oh God. Oh God. Somebody help me.
I'm going to help it him. ah I'll get drawn into like he he just like let's go the rope and then like gets disorientated. I guess he messed up. ah He eventually catches hold of the outside and climbs climbs into the other realm where. So please tell me he grabs a hold of the rope and starts trying to climb up the rope.
he Well, that's why he failed. Because he started climbing down the rope, but then all of a sudden he was coming out the other side upside down. Every fucking thing he does ends in failure. Yeah, apparently. Starting from the moment he was captured. Starting from the moment he was born. Maybe. Alright.

Exit to the Graveyard

Is the ghost lady coming? Who's who's this?
That's me. I'm waiting for the ghost lady to come back.
guy she She comes back. What is she carrying? Do you have a way to carry your stuff with you? She has a bag um that she seems able to hold. I open my my chest cavity and I'm like, if you'd like, you can stay in here with my cat. Oh, no, I'm not going into any other extra dimensional planes.
but other than the one in the coffin, I guess. All right, let's let's go Geronimo and I just I like cannonball that shit. I think i I take a run. I'm going to run from like over here in it and then run and then jump diagonally and cannonball that shit. Yeah. So you diagonally crash into the wall on the opposite side of the room in the other in the other realm.
Now there's thats a cannonball in Abernock shoots up on our side. and In another dimension. den Dennis, he goes through without any issues because he's Dennis. Deronimo. Does the ghost lady to go through? it ah Yeah, she flies through. i'm I'm done moving pieces. It's not necessary anymore. OK, I guess I will do a dexterity saving through. All right.
fourteen ah That's that's enough to make it through without too much issue, you know It's a little weird because like your options are you start off going upside down or you end up coming out upside down, you know Because if you go in legs first then you come out legs first on the other side Yeah, but if you go in head first then you come out head first on the other side. So, you know All right, so we're all on the other side now You are all on the other side. There's not a map for this room. um You are in a nondescript room, um appears to be you know some sort of tomb because there's a coffin. And there is a door. in the same room It is a smaller room. but Yeah, it's not definitely not fancy looking.
Let's see. The name on the grave, on the tomb itself, is illegible due to its advanced age. But the carved phrase says, home again to rest for forever. And that is also um hard to read because it's it's just old and weathered. And there's there's a door. Well, I go over to the door and I investigate it.
the I'm going to assist. Okay. That'll be a 19 then. um The door appears to be, by all accounts, a door.
ah Perception, is there anything on the other side? With a 18? You peek through the crack underneath the door and you see some stairs leading up.
OK, open it with my little ball of fire. ah You open the door and see a brief stairway up which opens up into the starry night sky. Boo. I found that out. yeah Yeah, when you go upstairs, you look around and you realize you're just in a different part of the graveyard.

Time Anomaly in Shadowfell

um And this this tomb is old and small. you know it It was obviously someone who was wealthy enough to have an actual tomb, but not enough to have a like big fancy tomb. Hey, closing doors. you guys are that This map means like nothing anymore. um You're not on this map anymore. Then go back to the treasure room. Is it there? There is no treasure room. This side is just a night yeah it's just a tiny room which opens up to the outside.
Yeah, you're back in Neverwinter in the graveyard on the Material Plane. OK. Anyone who's still near the coffin, go ahead and give me a perception. Yeah, perception. I think that's just Ambernock at this point, right? Well, no, Ambernock wandered off outside, I guess. I mean, I can walk back.
Yeah, I mean, it's up to you. I went looking for the treasure room, but if the treasure room didn't exist, then I probably would have stayed near the coffin. OK, I mean, y'all are free to make perceptions then. Rolling perceptions. Yeah. God damn it. That's a nine. OK, God. That's 20. Abernock, you notice that um after the last of you passed through this this purple mist, the purple mist like kind of dissipates and goes away. Awesome.
I don't say anything. What happens to the rope? Cuts in half. Oh.
I don't say anything. I just I just see that. Hey, you now have 25 feet of rope. It's Amber Knox, so. Oh, oh, OK. It's Amber Knox. I thought you said you found your rope. No, I never had my rope. Oh, OK. I got to go in here and change 50 feet to 25 feet, I guess. Does anyone if anyone would like to give me a nature check, you're welcome to wisdom based check. It's an in based. I think I don't know if a two is not very good. So and and nine what what do I perceive with a two?
you see Slurm when you walk out into the open night sky you notice that the moon um when you guys went down was um a i don't i'm just gonna throw a number out waxing crescent i don't know um and now you are seeing a um whatever basically a uh nearly a month away from waxing crescent it like it's it's like a In the stage, that would be before what it was in yesterday, meaning either you, A, traveled backwards in time, or more likely you were gone for a while and it's been like almost a month. yeah Or more. It's

Elf Woman's Magic Loss

impossible to know, but the moon is at least a month forward from where it was before. The moon didn't look like that when we went in there. I think we were gone for a while.
Numi says, oh, that probably makes sense. um I think the time in the Shadowfell is a lot different than it is um over over here. And she's like looking around basically in awe because she's been in that tomb for the past like three lifespans of herself. So you know probably 3,000 years depending on how she says is, we should go back to the We haven't finished the contract. We should go back and try to rescue the last person.
ah we They're probably dead by now. We can't go back. The portal closed. No, he means back to the arm. You don't know that, by the way.
He means back to the tomb with um ah the bad guys. The tomb you guys first went into. ah never The never-death catacombs with the cultists and all that crap.
Are you guys going turn to do that? Going to turn to the gnome and be like, hey, there was one more person we were looking for. OK.
who who was it? I, as far as I know, was captured by myself. That is muted. I'm sorry. I actually don't. Bill, unfortunately. That's fine. his notes I do not remember. He implies that he doesn't know. He didn't even know any woman else was captured. Because he was alone when he was captured. Have you asked those people that are in your lamp? Yes, it was an elf woman.
No, haven i have you asked them if they'd seen her? um One second and I rub it and them to pop out. Oh, okay. They pop out. um They pop out and look around. And they're dead and because you didn't feed them for a month.
ah Nope. Personal time. They're fine. Their personal time was the same as yours. God damn it. That would have been too funny. So it's been like, as a said happened to your cat I mean, they're certainly hungry, but they're fine overall.
And they said, oh, thank God, freedom. Like, but put it back, put it back, put it back. The last person we were looking for was a elf woman, correct?
Yeah elf woman Wow this this graveyard reminds me of the time that um If you're gonna start talking about the cult again, I am going to put you back in my lamp as timeout He screams and runs away from me Now as soon as he takes as soon as he takes three steps Slurm is going to just going to trip him and then he's going to grab then he's going to ah the collar I thought you were here to save me, why? no just see the out you don't We don't want to talk about the cult anymore. I don't know about the elves. We had to take you back to Captain Neverwinter pants. go back orwin to Go back to the Mayor's house. Go back to Mayor Neverpants, got it.
but i
Neverpants was his cousin. I think it was like Neverbottom or something. Just don't get killed by a zombie as you're walking out. Okay, and he he runs out of the graveyard. The woman is a bit more composed and she says, she looks around and she says, so we're free. Have you seen yeah the other elf woman? Anyone else that was kidnapped? No, I haven't seen anyone else. the They, they kidnapped me while I was insert whatever I said she was doing. Um, and dragged me down here and I was kept in a cell all by myself. The only thing I know was that they did something to me, some kind of ritual, and it's removed my, my ability to cast magic. cast magic. I took my magic away.
Yeah, I used to be pretty powerful. Do I ring a bell of anything that sounds familiar of that? I mean, you've certainly heard of in the past, you know, like there are numerous things to strip people of their magic. um You do know that you guys interrupted some sort of ritual, um and that is what um caused you guys to get sent to the Shadowfell in the first place.
can you

Finding the Elf Woman's Corpse

It wasn't a ritual with this lady, it was a ritual with the um the cleric guy who still can cast magic. Do I know of a way that we can give her magic back and get her magic back? You don't know exactly what was done to her, so no. Can can you describe what happened to you? Maybe if you tell us,
She describes basically the same ritual that you guys interrupted, um where they were chanting and stuff, and she says, I felt all of my... It's it's even hard to remember it, but my my like secret knowledge, I guess you could call it, pulled from my mind. I don't i don't know if it's that I can't cast spells. I don't remember how.
The knowledge was taken from me. Perhaps where I had to start over, maybe I could learn again. But I don't remember anything about it. Does anyone have a scroll on them by chance? Yeah, I do. It's got Earth Tremor on it. Give her the scroll and see if she can cast it. It has three different spells on it. Earth Tremor or Magic Missile and I think Unseen Servant. Yeah. Alright, try to cast the Magic Missile.
She looks at the spell and says, I why don't remember how to read this. I don't even remember how to read this. Because I might be able that time like we ought to learn this. I don't remember to remember how to read magical runes.
yeah Wait, actually, hold on just a second. Slurm is going to start going through his paperwork. All of his magic, all of Artificer Magic works on on magic runes.
Yeah, that's literally his brand i magic. I don't remember how to do anything magical. I know I remember I used to be able to do magic. But all of that knowledge is gone.
um I used to be a wizard. um And ah with your 21 Arcana and probably, you know, Slurm's just general knowledge of magic. um Wizard magic is very, like, their particular, like, spell formulas and stuff are personal and secret.
um It for another wizard to fight to like take spells from a ah wizard spell book They have to first decipher the um basically the secret code that is that Wizards magic and we found out earlier earlier on from the You cut off. Oh, sorry. We heard earlier on when we were fighting the they were ah They were worshiping the whispered one and the and like, yeah, the and like the Lord of Secrets. We figured all that. Yes. Yeah. You guys figured that out. All right. So we probably pretty much deduced that this is something that this is, in fact, confirmed something. Yeah. OK.
That she lost. She lost her secrets.
that That's exactly what happened to me. I also don't, I totally don't remember my gaffe right now. Okay, well, we will go back and- She's a roommate. Try to find out if we can undo this for you.
Go back where? When we go back and try to find the elf woman. Okay. Is that what you guys want to do right now? That's what I would do. Okay. For the sake of time, I will tell you that when you return to the tomb, it has been abandoned. However, after Thoreau's searching, you do indeed find the elf woman. And by that, I mean her corpse. Oh. How long does it look like she's been dead for? Ooh. Ooh, good question. Whatever a month, whatever approximately one month of decay looks like.
Okay. Okay. Well, that's actually good because that actually means that with a seven, how, how, how bad do I think she looks? She looks gross with a seven. Yeah. ah Yeah. I can tell she looks gross. You can't tell exactly how long she's been rotting though, but either way gross, but either way, now we actually do know that we're forward because at the time we, uh, we knew different, but we didn't know if we were backwards or forward. Do we find any extra

Reward from Lord Neverember

loot in that other place? Um, no. No, they've cleared out. ah Damn. Yeah. All right. Well, and I guess since we've got the people, we can go ahead and so back to ah Lord. Never bucket.
Yeah, I will actually take her dead body with us. Yeah, yeah, I was about I was in there. I wrap it up and then put it in my life. OK, so you guys bring the body back to Lord Never Ember. Let me tell you, let's see if it gives me any special interaction. I'm glad Ron remembers this guy's name because we would never remember it. ah Lord never asshole.
What a fucking dick! Never, Pat, we bring you... tribute. Um, you...
you bring him back to Lord Neverember, and we're just gonna kind of go through this stuff you know for the sake of time. um he ah is you know He's obviously disappointed that, honestly, he thought you guys were were dead. So he's he is sad that um the one lady didn't make it, but thrilled that any of you made it. um In total, you were awarded 9,000 gold.
Is there someone who can bring people back from the dead? And Eric would not be a part of this reward. there There are certainly people who can bring people back from the dead. It costs money. Can you bring someone back from the dead that's been dead for this long? With true resurrection you could. But basically you each get 3000 gold. um He also provides you guys each with A deed to a house of your choice. Well, no, no, not of your choice. um I need you guys to roll a d4. All of us? like Yeah, we'll go with all of you. Okay. Who was that? Me. Frank got the first four, so Hayden, roll again.
God damn it, Hayden. Okay. You got two. You found one. So, all right. I got a four. Hey,

Downtime and Level Up

ah so I got a three and Hayden got a two. I'm going to drop these below your sheets. So one, two, three, four is Frank. Frank, you are awarded the Birchstone Residence. um I'll go ahead and show you the handout.
Uh, show to everyone. This is what your house looks like. Oh, look at you. And we're not. You're moving up in the world. That looks nice. Fancy. You look like a landscaper. Below you. That was for OK. We got a two story. A story homemade from like a stone with a dark slate roof. ah Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Yeah, Bill, you got a three, so you got the Copper Roof Cottage, which is this one. I don't know. Oh, yeah, that Bill's Artificer is shit. Put that under Bill.
And then, Hayden, you rolled a two, so you got the the Shadowed Bungalow. um Which when you first when you first see it you're probably disappointed but But you know, you should be able to read the description and whatnot. So oh my god Is he out past the banjos or is he too far into the city? At first glance the single story bungalow appears worn and somewhat neglected with a peep with peeling paint and a sagging roofline however a small door at the back leads down to a surprisingly well-lit and
and appointed underground living space. The subterranean home is welded it with oil lamps and the walls are lined with wooden paneling giving it a warm inviting feeling. The living area is furnished with a comfortable slightly worn furniture and a small earth provides warmth. The kitchen is practical with enough space for cooking and provides storing provisions.
The bedroom, though, not large, is cozy with a soft bed and a few personal touches, like a frame, like frame pictures and a small bookshelf. OK, what frame pictures do I have that are personal? The underground space also has a hidden. Oh, God, it's it's Lord Neverwinners. Oh. It's as it's like Pinterest photos from him. The underground space also has a hidden alcove perfect for storing valuables that or creating a small workshop.
Oh, so not bad. Not bad. Um, yeah. And so you guys get the 3000 gold each and you each get a house. Um, and then, uh, let me just check if there's anything there is another. So, um, after this, uh, just so you know, because, you know, it's, what is this a 10 30 for you guys? We don't need to go into the details right now, but think about this for next session.
six months of downtime are going to pass before the next like in game taxes on this house. ah Actually, good question. you know Do we owe money on this house? You owe nothing. These houses are tax

Slurm's Unsettling Experiences

-free. For the rest of our lives. Yeah. They're given to you freely with no obligations. Jans, we are fucking problem owners. We are home owners, my guys. there's There's one more thing that's going to happen tonight. Okay. so
um six months of downtime are going to pass. So think about what your characters do over six months and stuff. Also, um you're going to have to level up to level. ah Why?
There you are. OK, I just need to make sure to download both of those. OK, so I don't know if this got caught on the recording, but six months of downtime are going to pass. so um And you guys are going to level up to level 11. Out of character, this means both the things. The audience doesn't know about it yet.
um During that six months, Vendetta, you know, Bill Slurm's wife moves to Neverwinter. You've got a nice house now, so and she doesn't have to live in a shop. Yeah, um she hasn't been revealed to the audience yet what is residing within her. Okay, so...
she's uh she's moved down she's probably at this point pretty much near the end of pregnancy yeah at the end of six months i would assume or is she already near the end of pregnancy before the six months uh whenever she probably comes whenever she probably comes down she's probably near the end right okay yeah so there's going to be a baby farm in next session but uh maybe was not where my mind went I know, I said it weirdly. I was sitting in Vindela's bins and started screaming all of a sudden, something starts to work just... Yeah, now um yeah um Slurm and Vendetta are having a baby and it'll be born by the time we play next. um Over the six months, you know... Goblin, Tieflings! Yeah, half goblin, half Tiefling. And over the next six months, um i'm I'm focusing on Slurm right now because there's an event that's going to happen, Slurm.
Things have been, they've been nice because Vendetta's here and stuff, but also things have been weird. You keep getting this feeling of being watched. Occasionally you think you hear, like, laughter. At one point, some might call it hideous laughter, but I personally disagree. I think um it's probably beautiful laughter. um At one point, you make a reception check.
up Oh, oh, okay Just just want to see how I want to describe this the Perception the goddamn wisdom 22 so you've heard over time um Occasionally the the the laughter um Occasionally you've heard music but you couldn't quite place it and then one day you are walking home and you hear something that brings back a memory of a time that wasn't very fun for you when you heard circus music. Oh, God. You look around. Slurm is going to freeze immediately as if... Yes. You look around and um you spot a familiar door that you haven't seen in a long time. It's just on a random building next to you.
The door to the circus belonging to Happy Jack. Fuck no. Don't see the clown. Do you do anything? to the carnivo Run away. Come get one of us and come back.
No, Slurm's not going to go near that. No, he's going to go. right He's going to go. You, Amber, knock danger, noodle, he's whoever. long ever has send closes julia None of you have experienced happyjack. We'll say this is about three months in. Okay. Yeah. Well, I do want to say with my downtime, I have gotten someone to resurrect. The elf lady. Well, that'll cost some money. We'll look into that. But um it costs.
1,000 gold. Oh, okay. yeah I mean if you want to do that you resurrect her and the family of Whom you resurrect actually rewards you with 2,000 gold. So you gain a thousand profits Yeah,
yeah so slurm what do you do about this happy Jack door you're going and getting your friends Yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna immediately book it after everything Every single door you run past on the way to your friends is Happy Jack's door. It's following you.
right yeah so He's gonna sprint to whoever's house is closest. He's not, wait. How close am I to my house? I have no idea. Choose at random.
her Probably 1d4 and honestly, it's it's probably Um, uh amber knocks because you your house is kind of in the slumps. So I I do want to say that I renovated my house. Okay You now have the nicest house in the slumps, um, yes ah Yeah, so Am, you run to Abernock's house first, I guess. um And Abernock's door is not a Happy Jack door. So, you know, I'll say you're able to get both of your your party members. All right. I don't answer the door. yeah Frank, we're running. It's late. Yeah, we go. We... Answer the fucking door, you asshole!
Yeah, so I'm never going to work on you again.
the door open I do that. yeah I'm sorry, I'm um um fall asleep. We're almost done. We're almost done. That's why I said don't waste time, Frank. um Yeah, and presumably you then go get danger noodle.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. and Go ahead and get him. And I'm gonna just for expediency, Slurm is going to explain to both of them what he saw and explain its relevance and explain who or what Happy Jack was and what we, yeah my me and my original party had to do. But that as far as we as I knew, you thought guys sounds like a hot mess.
Oh, he had a great year. Oh, he had all the girls in town after him. um it's So what do you do?
Yeah, actually, that's a good point. So yes, then Slurm's going to explore every town until I got to Amber. Mm hmm. Was all the happy Jack door.
Yeah. I mean, the door basically moved with you, more or less. It wasn't like they didn't all transform. It just hopped from from door to door, more or less. Either way. Yeah. I walked to the neighbor's house and then knock.
Is it a happy jacket door? When you um exit, there is a girl standing outside. um She's dressed strangely. You've never seen clothing. Yes. You've never seen clothing like this before. um She's wearing a purple jacket. um With a hood so it's like a cloak jacket almost She's got a black shirt of some sort and pants underneath a red checkered um Some sort of garment tied around her waist her hair is black with um Pink and blue and purple streaks in it her eyes are purple um and she smiles at you and says hi is Slurm here Hey my house
You're we're at your house, right? Is everybody at my house or is it just me at my house? That's what I assume. So you're all at his house. Yeah, he brought you all together. So yeah, I didn't invite anybody to my house. Yeah. Slurman invited him. And she's standing out the door. She yeah, she's and and there you notice like, you know, your warforged thing, you notice like heard her her jacket cloak thing has this like piece of technology you've never seen before, um but because, well, no, maybe Slurm would recognize. No, you're a warforged. You know how things work, too. you just say a zipper You see a zipper for the first time in your life. um
What is this interesting piece of technology? Well, the first... My eye is as big as your shirt. The girl looks like this.
Ignore the second picture of her with red and pretend that that's purple, because, you know, that's what the girl looks like. but That's Slurm's daughter, right? Oh, not shit. That is not Slurm's daughter. No. She says hi. Slurm's daughter is an infant right now. She says hi. You don't remember her from the Super Heroes game? I was about to say, this is her. Yeah. It's like, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hi, I'm Slurm. Sorry. Bill came in there for a second.
Hi, um I'm Tasha. My boss was wondering if he could speak to you. who's your Who's your boss? She steps aside and points at the door across the street. It's Happy Jack's door. He promises you safe passage. You work for the clown? ah Work for him, say.
complicated word, but yes, yeah, I work for him. um And he needs to speak to you. Your friends can come too, if that makes you more comfortable. He promises this passage and she pulls out this, um, this like document that is like super long and written in, um, and I don't know what's, uh, it's a Bissell maybe. Where would he be from? Yeah, sure. A Bissell. Does any of you speak a Bissell? Uh, let me double check. Is it, is it similar to Awquan? No. Actually that that is a fair question, but still no. No Bissell.
If not, do you speak a thistle? I do speak a thistle, yes. Oh, okay. I speak a thistle, celestial, common, draconic. So if you take a look at this document, you see that it is, it's um it's overly long.
And yet the entire point of it is basically says, um Happy Jack agrees, ah ah ah basically um set seeks parlay with Slurm and company. um Happy Jack will not harm Slurm and company so long as Slurm and the company do not harm him. um Happy Jack guarantees their release is this from his realm. Is this physical harm, including medical harm, or does language also hurt the heart of those? or but Oh, she's like, um, I mean, I don't know if it protects you if you get mad at what he says, but, uh, basically because he said parlay and that's a fucking nerd thing to say. du Well, I'm sorry, but you're not sorry. You work for Justin.
I roll Vicious Mockery, nat 20, let's go. You're a short motherfucker and nobody likes you. She, yeah, no. um She, ah basically she kind of explains as well. Basically, Happy Jack is promising you guys um safe passage. If you speak with him, he will not harm you in any you know way.
He can't speak for hurt feelings, but um besides that, you know um he is he he wishes to speak with you ah and promises you safe passage. So does she look exactly like that? Yes. It is much like a celestial or demonic contract.
Is there? Except it's written, it is written in abyssal, but it is written very plainly, you know, like, so that it's not, you don't, you don't find any loopholes in it is what I'm saying. He's, it's appears that Happy Jack is being straight with you at the moment. Okay. He said, she says he would come and speak to you here, but he's, he's not able to leave his realm physically. How do you look like that? What do you mean?
You look at me. She looks at you. I look like real life. I look at you and you look like you come from a story. This is just how I look. What are you talking about? amber now we making and and what it was Are we making a know what a zipper is? Are we making a canon that um people in the superhero game look like anime characters? Yes. OK. Oh, my gosh.

Vecna's Threat and Power Boost

Yeah. So she's like, look, this is just what I look like. I'm sorry.
I'm not here to talk about art. I'm a human. Am I making fun of you? i haveve seen many human i look i'm just curious as you can tell i am a snake person but i look like a like a person and a snake ah had Excuse me. To me, you look like a piece of art. I look like a person.
I'd expect you enough. That was very kind of you. I do have to admit, you are very beautiful yourself. Oh my god. Thank you. Look, do you agree to speak with him or not? Life's not gonna lie. If I go and speak with him, we're gonna date with him. No, he needs to speak with Slurm. The rest of you are welcome. Damn it. He doesn't know you. But he says Slurm can bring whoever he wants his back up. What is the conflict? I get down and say it really loudly, Slurm.
If we go in there and talk to him, make it a part of the deal that she has to go on a date with me. I'm not going on a date with you. That seems horribly. Wait, that seems horribly manipulative and not above board. If she doesn't want to go out with you, that means you have to give her a reason to want to go out with you. Also kind of I.
Look, she's going to be so sexist. Are we doing this or not? She says. Yes, yes. And I don't like open the door for Slurm. I'm like, after you, Slurm. Real quick, right before Slurm walks, he is going to pull out his gun and have it ready. Oh, yeah. You enter Happy Jack's realm, you find yourself in the place that you were before in the the like entry room of the. Oh, shit. Well, the two ladies are sitting there.
There are, no, so you're in the, when you guys first went into the, through the magic door into the circus, there was like the waiting room where the lines were in people with, yeah. So you're in there. Yeah, there was the line in the turnstile. So you guys enter this and then as soon as all of you are in, do all of you come in? I do, yes.
Yeah, and then she comes in and shuts the door. um And then as soon as she shuts the door, the scene around you fades and you find yourself in the um Elysium Fields-like area of Happy Jack's actual realm. um And there you see him, the figure you have not seen in so long and hoped to never see again, Happy Jack himself, um standing there in all his weirdly, clownly glory, and he's like, Slurm!
It's good to see you again. I knew there was no way you were gone. Oh, I'm a lot harder to get rid of than that. You're an evil, twisted son of a bitch, but something's going on. You think I'm... God damn it. He faints, you know, hurt. And it says, evil. I only care about the safety of the children in my realm. But we're not here to debate that.
so Surely you've realized a few months ago you found yourself in the midst of ah a situation involving um the involving the the lich known as Vecna. What of it? He looks around and says, Oh, Vecna. Do you know this one small elf man? He wanted to shut the fuck up about him.
I don't know who you're talking about, he says. you ask him I have his name. No, I'm good. um Is he a child? That's oddly specific, clown man. Slurm is going to turn to both of them. Excuse me, sir. I do not harm any of the children in my realm. Even Slurm cannot deny they live a perfectly happy life.
free of age or pain or anything other than happiness. Yeah, free of happiness, free of joy, free of... What are you talking about? there They are happy here. When you show them our honey words, it's fake. And you keep being their life from them. We're not here to debate what I do. We're here to talk about a threat that is greater than you or I.
Before we go any further. Before anything else happens. We gotta make a deal. What kind of deal? You talk to... You're here asking me to get involved. Again. He nods. You want me to hear anything else now? Yes.
Soon my children are going to be born. You don't even look in their direction. No ifs, or buts. Anything happens. He frowns for a moment. They are up with your radar. He frowns for a moment and then bows his head and says, Agreed. In writing. Waves a hand, contract appears, simply says,
Basically your exact words. it
Feel free to amend it as you wish. I'll sign it. He may he slum has a 20 intelligence. He's going to end. He's also busy. oh yeah yeah He's going to turn this thing into legal and jargon with no loopholes. Do I need to roll anything for that? ah Sure. Give me a roll. All right. What do you want? get that Give me an intelligence. I'll give you advantage. I'll give you advantage because you care about your children.
Okay, why don't you get two net ones? Hayden I swear to fucking Christ if you put that energy out the world if this happens, I am very out there for you Roll bro. It's already out there If needed you can burn your inspiration using the new rule set okay i I have an 18. That's pretty good. Yeah, old that's one role. Do you want to roll again?
Cause you haven't, I gave you a manage. Yeah. You know, 20 or higher. Yeah. You know what? You're right. Give me one second. Let me go back over to that screen.
like that There you go. Um, yeah, he signs the contract. Um, and he says now may we, may we speak? I'm listening clown.
This Vecna seeks to destroy all realities. Mine included. that is that And perhaps you don't care about me, but that includes the children who are who reside in my realm. He seeks to destroy all realities and create a new one in his image. No one knows exactly what that means. None of the elder beings know, but Whatever it was you did in that catacomb, you and these two and emotions to Hashu and Amber somehow have linked yourself to him and yet Vecna seems unaware. Do you have an advantage against him? But it won't be enough. Wait, how do you know? I can just not know. Vecna appeared. He's too caught up in his his ritual.
to to pay

Stopping Vecna's Plan

attention to much of anything that's going on out here. He's relying on his minions to take care of things. I am bound to this realm, otherwise I would go and deal with him myself. If I could take him, he has become incredibly powerful. I ask nothing in return save that you stop him. And in exchange, I can give each of you
ah d to a hat i can i can I can give each of you ah I don't want to say double because it's not technically double but few houses oh that's one great deal palaces I can give each of you nearly double your power How do you wow how do you give me double of my power
I don't know. Two houses sound pretty good. Vecna is already unraveling some realities. One of them is fading as we speak. those There are versions of you in that reality. I can give you their powers. They're gone. There's nothing we can do to stop it. The reality is already collapsing, but I can take their power and knowledge and grant it to you.
Like I said, I don't want anything other than for you to stop him. So extra houses and more powers? You're powerless yourself to deal with this. I wouldn't say I'm powerless. would do I can't grant you my power. What do you expect in return? Just that you stop him. I don't want my realm destroyed any more than you want yours destroyed. So is the extra house that's coming from this other realm? or The other realm's destroyed, Ammonok.
Right, he's giving us powers and houses from the other realm. I never said anything about houses. um I'm pretty sure you did. I said power. I did. ah Potato, tomato.
but All right. like this is a threat there Because this a threat to me too. I'm not doing this for you. I don't expect you to.
I'm counting on your desire for self-preservation. And I, you defeated me once. I believe you can defeat him. Do I get to choose? So, so by double my power, except, what exactly do you mean? I, I'm gonna- And they're a version of myself, like, what happens? And what is the point? What exactly? Where are we going? What do we need to do? I imagine we would hunt down Vecna and murder him. How?
i get He's an Elder to God. and i don't have I don't have those answers. All I can do is give you power. So regardless, we get all this power and we may not even necessarily. The one that you don't know is named Tasha um steps forward um and she says, actually, I might be able to give you a little bit of insight, though I can't say I don't know much, but you're going to meet me again. But it's not going to be me. It's going to be ah a different me from your world. And she doesn't work for Happy Jack like I do, but she's going to help you.
What? Does she know she's related to you? We're not sisters. We're alternate realities. So basically, you're the same person. Does she know you're related to her? I don't know what she knows. I just know she's working on the same problem that you guys have. Okay, and i get I guess next thing to fuck with us, you're gonna put us in a time loop?
i I... What? What are you talking about? I accept Happy Jack. And suddenly, um yeah you gain the power and memories of your alternate reality self.
um you know Obviously, we're not going to deal with that right now on your character sheets, but yeah. yeah And all of a sudden, from Ashu's feminine voice, you hear a man go, oh, what the hell?
like um line i think that's a funny place to end the episode um because presumably the other two of you are going to accept it you know like oh my god fuck yeah Yeah, Happy Jack kind of does this motion where he like claps his hands together. You guys find yourself back in the street outside the now normal door um with the minds of your alternate self dwelling within you. Amberknock, you have your own unique thing going on um that we discussed. But that is what's happening. Actually, Amberknock, you don't... If I remember right, you said you don't feel any different at the moment. No. Yeah.
So yeah, there's that. But Slurm and Hashu, you definitely have another presence in your head. um At the moment, they are two separate entities. If they merge fully, that's up to you guys. um the The process can merge you together smoothly.
However, you know, yourselves may want to resist. So it's up to you guys how that plays out. For our audience, we are changing this into a Gestalt campaign. And, you know, for some reason, Eric is also going to be that. um But I'll figure that out this later here. Well, you know, I was hoping he was going to show i was hoping he was goingnna show up tonight and he was just going to come with you all. But

Transition to Gestalt Campaign

we'll figure that out later.
Yeah, he had to take he got detained after we left after we left the Crip. We just didn't find him. Yeah. So he actually followed behind us with. Yes. Well, he is all weird and sneaky. So, um man, i I was hoping he was going to show up because I was just going to have him suddenly show up standing right behind one of you. um You know, in a creepy manner, but like I was here the entire time. You didn't see me kill a guy, but fucking holy people.
Yeah, so um hey i i am that so what you'll need to do actually is level up both your character sheets to level 11. I didn't think about this before, but you you are at level 11 now. um So you know both your versions. And then do that sooner rather than later so I can then merge your sheets into one sheet. okay And I think we are done for the night. um I was your dungeon master, Ron Bjork.
um And if you are watching this, which you're not, because I can see that we don't have any other viewers. um But if somehow you were watching this, you can also listen to us on podcast form, on IDM roleplay, and send us an email. Leave us a five-star review. I realize we've never once asked for that.
um So that's how we like get more listeners so apparently on iTunes and all that other crap. We just want you to listen. We knowt we we we just want listeners. You can hate us. It's fine. We just like i like star us all you want, but as long as you're listening to us.
Oh, I was going to tell you, we do have a new subscriber. um I don't remember if I brought this up. Oh, wait, no, we did bring it up, maybe in in text form. um I have no idea who this person is, CeliaMarta11. Thank you, Celia, for subscribing to whatever the fuck this is. We love you. And um Frank. Hi. What's up?
You may sign out. Okay. Hi, but bye everyone. I was, was Frank. I am playing Amber knock. That's backwards. Um, you can find me on social media. Look hard. i believe that's correct Um, try to catch us on Sunday mornings, uh, for game time with me on the IDM role played at twitch or whatever.
I think it's like forward slash id and roleplay. Anyways, so yeah, catch us there. We're on Tuesday nights for our D&D livestream. Yeah. Okay. Bye. Hey, it was good. I'm excited about next, next session. It was good to play along the storm.
A few months later, in the closet of the basement of Danger Noodle's house resides the ghost Numi, who's taken up residence there. She settles down to read her book, a gift from Danger Noodle.
The Coiling Shadows, deep within the jungles of... Cooth? Is that how you would say that? Ch-loot? Ch-loot? Ch-loot? Okay.
Oh, there's names in here that we're just gonna invent. The Coaling Shadows. Deep within the jungles of Cluth, there were these dense canopies bottled out in the sun of the... What the hell? Deep within the jungles of the Cluth, there were dense canopies bottled out the sun and the air hung thick with humidity.
There was a hidden temple, only known only to the Yuan Ti. It was a place of secrets, where ancient rites were performed under the watchful gaze of their god, Sif. Few outsiders ever ventured there, and none have returned, none except for Arak. Arak was a hunter from a distant land, lured into Cluth by tales of riches hidden in the jungle's heart. come to He had come seeking gold and glory, but instead, he found Neshrath.
Snessra was a Yuan-ti pureblood, her beauty as dangerous as the venom that coursed through her veins. Her eyes, silted like a serpent, glitthered glittered in the dim of the light of the temple as she moved silently between the towers and stone pillars. Her skin, a pale green that shimmered in the torchlight, was cool to the touch. Her hair was black, foiled like a nest of vipers down her back.
eric had seen her first envision, one had called to him in his dreams, pulling him deeper into the jungle until he stood in the temple's entrance, unable to resist. You should not have come here, Nesra whispered.
when she first found him, bound in the vines, weakened by days of wandering. Her voice was soft, almost soothing, but there was a sharpness to it, a hidden danger that sent a shiver down his spine. Eric had tried to speak, but his throat was dry, and all he could do was watch as she circled him, her movements slow and deliberate, her fingers brushed against his cheek, and he flinched at the coldness of her touch.
I can sense your fear, she said, her lips curving into a smile. But there's something else too, something deeper. You were drawn to me, weren't you? she He couldn't deny it. From the moment he had stepped into the jungle, he had felt her presence, a pull that had led him here against all reason. There was something about her, something forbidden, something dark that called him into his into the way he had never known before.
Yes, he rasped, his voice barely a whisper. I couldn't stay away. Her smile widened, revealing sharp teeth. You're not like the others who've come here seeking treasure. You came here for something more. Eric nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he was playing some dangerous game, but he couldn't stop himself.
The pole was too strong, and the way she looked at him with those cold, slitted eyes made him feel as though he was seen seeking sinking deeper into her coils. With every passing second, Neshra leaned closer, her cool breath against his skin. You know what I am, she said. What we are. Her hand slid down his chest, resting just above his racing heart. And yet you stay.
I, his words caught in his throat as she pressed closer, her body coiling around his. Her skin was smooth, her touch almost hypnotic. I could kill you now, she whispered, her voice as soft as it is. I could drain the life from you with a single bite and no one would ever know. Eric breath hitched.
But even as fear gripped him, there was a strange exhilaration that surged through him. He knew she was telling the truth one strike, and his life would be over. But in that moment, he found he didn't care. There was something about the way her body pressed against his, the way her voice wrapped around him like a coiled serpent that made him want more.
Then why don't you?" he asked, his voice already desperate, despite the pounding of his heart. Nesha's eyes flashed with something unreadable, and for a moment, the cold, calculating mask she wore slipped. Because, Hunter, she said softly, some desires are stronger than death. With that, she kissed him.
Her lips cool and smooth, like the surface of still water. The kiss was both intoxicating and terrifying, as though he was being pulled into a dark, endless abyss. Her but her body coiled around him, tightening just enough to remind him of the power she held, but never enough to hurt.
When they finally broke apart, Eldric was breathless, his mind spinning. He knew he was in too deep. This was no ordinary encounter, no fleeting affair. He had fallen into the brace of a serpent, and there was no escaping now. Nesra's fingers traced his jaw, her eyes locking onto his. He'll stay with me, she said, her voice a command and a promise all at once. You belong to me now.
Elric nodded, his fate sealed. He had come to Cluth, seeking treasure, but he had found something far more dangerous, love, wrapped in the coils of a serpent. And so, the hunter stayed, bound not by chains, but desire. In the heart of the jungle, hidden from the world, Elric and Nesra, Eshra's love grew. A forbidden passion that defied the gods themselves,
And though he knew that one day the serpent's bite might come, he was willing to face it. For in the arms of a yuan-ti, even death was sweet.
Oh, that's a lot of reading. My dyslexia, my my dyslexia for a bit was going.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Fox Soul Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license, Creative, licenses by 4.0. The night is over, and have a great day everyone.