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Episode 710 - Where Would Goku Place? image

Episode 710 - Where Would Goku Place?

War Rocket Ajax
1.2k Plays1 month ago

We took your listener questions this week, including one looking back at the ol' Panel President list!

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He's got more Rocket Ajax to bring back his body!

Host Introductions and Podcast Theme

Hello everybody and welcome to War Rocket Ajax. This is the internet's most explosive comic book and pop culture podcast and we are your hosts. My name is Chris Simms. With me as always is Matt Wilson. And Matt, if if the purge was real, my mask would be a Goku head. beautiful like ah Like a full mascot Goku head.
I think that's a good call and appropriate for you. Very appropriate for me. I think I would go with like base form Goku.

The Purge Mask and Goku Discussion

Cause I think like, you know, I would want the irony of like big smile Goku, not like the focus of a- Wait, Goku when he's not in any Super Saiyan form is base form.
I mean, like I don't know if that's officially what it's called, but I'm just... Oh, okay. I thought that was maybe the official term. Well, the action figure that you got me is, is Goku a Saiyan raised on Earth. Okay, yeah. Not super. Not super, just Saiyan.
Yeah, just, I mean, yeah, he's a Saiyan. Goku, Goku, just sayin'. Just sayin'. There's definitely a Dragon Ball podcast called Just Sayin'. There has to be. There has to be. If not- I talked about doing a Dragon Ball podcast, and and they came up with the name, and it was great, and I don't want to reveal it here. If if there's not a podcast called Just Sayin', I think we've created another podcast we have to do.
Yeah, we'll add that to, uh, to more power and neighborhood watch and talk to the hand. A lot of our, a lot of our podcasts that we are never going to do are about anime. And it's just the title we can all, all it is is we came up with a title. Um, there is not, oh, okay. There is a podcast called we just saying, okay.
There's actually several. There's several. There's several. Then we're free. Yes. ah My mask as established through the first Purge movie would be of my own face. Okay, I have questions. Would it be like a Mission Impossible mask that was just your own face?
Or would it be like, like a mascot version of you, like at the beginning of, of Saints Row, the third, when Johnny Gap puts on a Johnny Gap mascot costume? Kind of like that. I mean, the way it looks in the first Purge movie is it, it's these kind of like, almost like Mardi Gras masks that they wear to celebrate that it it's Purge day.
Okay. And so, and the leader who's the only, well, no, a lot other members of that group of purgers take their masks off, but you see the leader like wearing his mask and then he takes it off and his mask looks exactly like his face. it's Interesting. but That's what I would want mine to look like. Like Erica actually did some art for the purge version of friends till the end.
where it's the three of us, but we're in Purge masks.

Purge Movie Conversations and Listener Questions

and ah the one of like I'm in a mask like the one in the like the ones in the first movie. Erica and Benito were in masks that are from later movies. But like pretty much the mask Erica drew is the one I would i would have.
that's That's good, that's good. In case it's not obvious, I recently listened to you and Erica and Benito talk about the the first Purge movie, which is not the first Purge. Which is a different movie. Which is a different movie, so you have to call it the first Purge movie. The original Purge movie is what I kept calling it. Purge the original movie. That's right. Purge the motion picture.
Well, this is not friends till the end. This is- No, I'm never going to watch those movies. This is War Rocket Day, Jackson. What we're doing on the show this week is taking some listener questions submitted by you, the listener. Oh, i said I thought it was me and I was panicking.
So we will get to that in a bit. But Chris, before that, we do have some business to take care of.

Patreon Support and Benefits

Our first bit of business, Chris, is thanking our supporters over on Patreon. That's right, Matt. These are the listeners of this very show that have gone down to 710 Gimmick Street. And you know what's there. I know what's there. The fire station was at 709. Yeah. So this is across the street from the fire. This is a new block. Yeah. It's the Gimmick Street.
water department. Sure. We're in the municipal district. I guess so. While you're ah making sure that everything's fine with the Gibbins Street Reservoir, which has not been poisoned by murder clowns in over six days. Yeah, there's a there's one of those boards that says, no poisonings in blank, fill it in days.
While you're going down there to check it out, you can also take the very device that you're using to listen to the show right now and go to patreon slash War Rocket Ajax, where you can kick in as little as a dollar a month, just one dollar per 30, 31, or even 28 days to help us pay our water bill at and at the gimmick street aquifer and water department. That's right. And most importantly, pay those gimmicks. They keep sending them mail call bills because folks, they do keep sending them. They do. It's true. Chris, we do have a couple of new patrons to tell you about this week. Uh, cut man, Dan cut man, Dan. That's a fun name. Yeah.
ah Chad no, is that like a cut man like like it like boxing Or like a cut man like in Mega Man? I'm clear It's probably more like a cut man like in Mega Man now that you say that I'm thinking about it. It's probably that ah Chad Stenberg, I think Chad Shawn slooter Thank You Shawn and mere the space station It's spelled with a ah Y instead of an I Oh, that's cool. Yeah. So one of the gifts that was given to the Lord Jesus Christ by the... That was myrrh, which has two R's and an H. Okay. Thank you, Myrrh. If you would like to be like any of those fine folks and help us out here on the show, ah you can do that by going to patreon slash warrockandajax. And as Chris said, kicking in as little as a dollar a month to support this show.
every single week to support every Story Ever specials, to support comics catch up, and movie fighters in snack situation. All of those shows are made possible by your support on Patreon. And as a patron, you get every single one of those shows totally ad-free. You get your own feed on Patreon where I post ad-free versions of every episode ah that we release.
You can also get at various levels of the Patreon bonus content, which includes bonus audio that we record, outtakes from the show, writing that Chris and I have done over there. There's lots of cool stuff over there on the Patreon ah that is exclusive to the Patreon and that you should check out. I think it is definitely worth that five bucks a month to get that stuff.
At the $10 level, you get line stepping privileges for currently every story ever. Submissions for Thursday Night Raw are closed, but whatever our next segment similar to Thursday Night Raw is, you will have line stepping privileges for that.
And then above that, you can get physical rewards, which include t-shirts. Um, we are in discussions for the design of the 2025 or rocket Ajax t-shirts. So stay tuned. Um, we, we will be finalizing that very soon and sending that out to people at the t-shirt level. So if any of that sounds like your thing, like your cup of tea, like something that would be of interest to you.
um Head over to Patreon and help us out. If you're unable to help us monetarily, which we do understand could be the case, ah you can help us out in other ways. You can leave us a five-star review on the podcasting app that you use. That would help us out a whole bunch. Or you could just tell your friends and family about the show, spread the word about the show, give us some word of mouth, which is the best way to promote a podcast, and maybe then your friends and family can back the Patreon. And that would be great. We would really, really appreciate that. We have an ongoing promotion, I guess you would say, for the Patreon, where um if we reach 420 patrons, paid patrons, we will do an editable and record some bonus content. We are currently at 399, so 21 more people.
on the Patreon would get us there and we would do it. And i I don't know why people aren't climbing over their couches to make this happen. You would think they would be. It's a great offer. You should go join the Patreon to to do that. All right, Chris, now that we've thanked our patrons, it's time for some checks and recs. Let's do it.
Chris, what would you like to check in with this week?

Chris Reads One Piece

Matt, I've got an update for you. on Let's hear it. On my One Piece Odyssey, which is not me playing the video game One Piece Odyssey, which I do own, but which i I started and then I was like, I feel like I don't have the context necessary for this. I was going to say it's One Piece Odyssey Lowercase O.
but I think odyssey the word Odyssey always has to be capitalized because that's a guy's name. Well, it's the derivative of a guy's name. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It comes from a guy's name. Also, you got to capitalize the O map. it's it's It's One Piece. it's It's the title of the thing. I bet the other, I bet a different, oh please could please go ahead. Okay. I am up to chapter 220 in One Piece. Here's the thing.
Matt, it's dumb.
It's really dumb. And in a way where I'm honestly not sure if it's the kind of dumb that rules, or if it's the kind of dumb that's just dumb. is it but So it's dumber than Death Note. Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, Death Note's many things, but I wouldn't say Death Note's dumb. Death Note does establish rules, and very rarely reveals that there was a rule that you didn't know about that is the reason something is happening. One Piece does that literally multiple times a chapter.
and Okay, so you've read a little bit of One Piece, right? I know you haven't read a lot. A little bit. A very little bit. I've mostly seen like the animated show, like the anime, more than reading the manga. Right. You are aware that there is the main character, Monkey D. Luffy, did get superpowers from eating a specific varietal of the devil fruit. He ate the gum gum fruit, which turned him into a rubber man. How many kinds of devil fruit would you guess there are? I would but i would suspect probably a lot. i I would think it's probably like the various colors of kryptonite were at one point. That that is that is correct.
Matt, um but my thing is when you say a lot, I don't think you know what a lot is. Okay. Because 220 chapters in and the varietals of Devil Fruit still unknown because they're just introduced seemingly at random. and it's Here's the thing. Is it any dumber then saying, oh, this person's a mutant and this is their mutant power. Probably not. But the fact that it's a different kind of thing every time is bugging me.
And they're also very weird. Like I posted on on Blue Sky about there's a ah gun that ate the mutt-mutt fruit and turned into a dog.
that was also a gun that shot exploiting baseballs. How did the gun eat a fruit? I'm glad you asked, Matt. I'm very glad you asked because it has explained that the gun was able to eat the fruit because of new technology. Oh, that makes sense. New technology. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. New technology. That's it. Now, this gun, dog,
like Never performs a function of a dog. Only is kind of a gun. Interesting. There's no reason for it to be a dog. And look, look, obviously that rules. Is it a dog or is it a gun that walks? it Well, it's it's a gun that is a dog. Matt, i don't I can't make this any anymore clear. Okay.
Here, I will send you a picture. People can go check out my Blue Sky account at the if you want to see it. Scroll down a little bit. ah know i Maybe I saw it and had no context for it. I mean, what context could there possibly be? Great point. Excellent point. ah let's let's How can I copy link to post? Here we go. here i'm just going Oh, I found it. I found it.
Yeah, I don't know, man. It's a gun that's a dog. This is not what I pictured when I thought of gun. Well, it's it's meant to be a flintlock. Oh. Yeah, you can see like that's the handle there at the end. Yeah. And that, yeah. Anyway, it shoots exploding baseballs. And it's like, okay, cool.
But are we doing a narrative here, or are we just making shit up? Because there is a difference. I don't know. I don't know, man. The Baroque Works arc, which I just recently completed, I believe, is...
It was a bit of a slog at times to get through. And I'm trying to focus on the fact that there's stuff that comes before that that I like a lot. And I know that something that goes on for a thousand chapters has dips and and you know peaks and valleys. I hope I get to Luffy, like back up to the level of Luffy hitting a dude with the fucking Rainmaker because he was mean to a dog. Because that happens like a hundred chapters ago and was very exciting.
Yeah, but yeah, Baroque works kind of like if that one comes in on the every story ever list, kind of a thumbs down. It's not making the top half for sure. Uh, so that's my one piece update for everybody.

Matt's Comic Book and Feedback Request

Uh, Matt, what have you been up to this week? What are you checking in with? Chris, a very important package ro arrived at my house yesterday.
as of the recording of this episode it is all of my copies my print copies of the collected issues one and two of imposter syndicate yes they have been shipped they are out there if you back to the zoop campaign you should have your book or it should be coming to you very soon and Now I'm in the position of, what do I do with this? If you backed the Zoop campaign for Imposter Syndicate and you have your book and you read it, I would love to hear what you think of it. I know it is risky to solicit feedback. um I understand what I am doing right now. I would like to hear, though, people's thoughts about the book and
if and how they would like to see more of it because it, the two issues, like the, this 44 pages of comics that I have done along with Rodrigo Vargas, who did incredible, incredible art, Antonio Ramos Wong, who did the colors. And then there's also an alternate cover by the aforementioned Erica Henderson. Um, three time last winter.
Yes, ah and stunning cover from Erika, incredible cover and interior art from Rodrigo and Antonio. um But I want to make more of the comic. The second issue ends on a cliffhanger for a reason because the intent is for this to be at least a miniseries and ideally like an ongoing concern and ongoing story. So i i'm I'm trying to figure out what I can do to to make more imposter syndicate. I guess I have to go to conventions with it. I guess that's the thing I have to do. So in addition to telling me what you think of the book, um also tell me what conventions you would like me to go to.
Because I suppose that's how I have to get into the hands of editors or or get editors to look at it. um i've I've thought about mailing it or sending digital copies to some editors, but I'm sort of not quite figuring out who or where I could do that. I've done the whole send a book to images, submissions, email in the past and and had little luck um with that. So feedback, guidance, and recommendations for ah conventions that I can go to ah where people will care about this. um Those are all things I'm looking for right now. I'm very happy that the book is done. I'm happy to have it. I'm happy um that I was able to do this project where I could pay the artists I work with and
and make sure that, you know, everybody who, who put in a lot of hard work into the book, uh, was paid what they deserved for that work. But now I want to do the next thing with imposter syndicate, because as I said, when we first were pitching the book, we're doing the campaign. and It's an idea I've had for a really long time and I've known where this story is going.
for pretty much that entire time. And I would love to continue it, but it feels like crowdfunding in issue three is not the right move, um at least not right now. So i you know I would love to hear from folks about what they think and where we can go from here.
Chris, let's make some recommendations. What do you have to recommend? Matt, well, first of all, I will recommend Imposter Syndicate. It's a really good book. Thank you. I read those first two issues, and the art's incredible. Love the story, obviously. It's it's definitely a quality comic, and I like it a lot. As for my non-nepatismic recommendation,
oh I will say this, my ongoing efforts to turn this into a tabletop and board game podcast will continue until morale improves. Which will probably be a while. Yep. You got it, bud. So I would like to recommend another game that I think is ah one that's easy to pick up.
ah easy to play, ah kind of a crowd pleaser, ah and very simple if the people that you're playing with are already familiar with oh board games, tabletop games, or especially deck builder games. And that is ah the I guess you would call it the realms family of games because there's a star realms and hero realms. Star realms obviously is sci-fi themed, ah hero realms, fantasy themed. Otherwise it's basically the same. Yes. The classic Sierra adventure game, star hero dichotomy. Yes. Yes. Very much. There was also police, but let's forget that.
Police realms? There was police quest. There was hero quest, star quest, and, or it was space quest, I think, and hero quest. What's that one, what's that one video game? Wasn't Kojima did it? Police knots. Police knots, yeah. About cops who are also astronauts. Yeah. You know, that, that movie, that movie Dog Man is coming out. Oh, where the dog is a cop. Yeah.
Yeah. Ted Anderson told me about it and he was like, Oh, it's a, it's a cop and a dog are like caught in an explosion and the cops head is destroyed and the dog's body is destroyed. So they put the dog's head on the cop body. And now he's got like all of the best parts of dog and all the best parts of cop. And I was like, first of all, I can tell you the best part of a dog is not the head.
That's where the, that's where the brain is. Second of all, it sounds like they just ruined a perfectly good dog. Made it a cop, yeah. But yes, the great thing about these games, very simple ah deck builders, very easy to ah explain, ah very portable. um AC has actually like, you know, we've gone out to restaurants and AC has been like, oh, let's bring a let's bring a game.
and we have sat at a restaurant playing this game, which does make me feel like I'm back to being a annoying gamer in high school. But, you know, everyone seems fine with it, and I have a lot of fun playing games with my wife. The great thing about them, though, is that there is a lot of expandability. ah The base game is great and relatively inexpensive and relatively small, very small footprint on the shelf. But ah with hero realms in particular,
you can get classes that are fun because they come in like they come in like booster packs, like that kind of packaging, but it's all it's it's not collectible, it's all the same. So if you're like, oh, I want to play a thief in this game, you just pick that up, it's like $6, and you have a new starting deck. ah So all it does is change the 10 or 11 cards that you start with, but you can then get an expansion that turns it into a co-op game with like a campaign. ah With Star Realms, there's a bunch of expansions that ah do kind of the same thing, but also like add a bunch of different mechanics to it. And, Matt, particularly relevant for us, ah there is a Star Trek version of Star Realms.
ah which does not capture the feel of Star Trek because it is essentially just a full reskin of the main game, which I think is fine. ah But it does have all your favorite Star Trek ships, that's right, including the D. And ah the the card for the Enterprise D does say,
that it is ah like the little flavor text on it is that the ah the Enterprise D is a ship that has been captained by such Starfleet luminaries as Captain Jean-Luc Picard, ah William T. Riker, and that's right, Edward Jellico, that motherfucker. Oh, Edward Jellico. What a hard ass. Fucking hate Jellico, man.
Listen, when do you need a hard ass, when you need an actor who's gonna play a hard ass, you get Ronnie Cox. Hey, get it done.
a Piece of shit. Jellico. Anyway, ah check out Star Realms, check out Hero Realms. ah I've ah played it a bunch of times with AC and with our friends, and it is a an absolute enjoyable hoot of a time. We actually started playing the the campaign version of Hero Realms last week and had a a blast doing it. Matt, what is your recommendation? My recommendation is a show that you can watch on dropout Classic Chris and Matt.
Yep. A tabletop game and a streaming television series. it's It's currently in its second season, but I only recently started watching it because I'll be honest, I didn't know what it was going to be. It's called Very Important People. It's hosted by Vic Michaelis. And the idea of the show is that it's a talk show where improvisers, other comedians are put into extensive makeup.
that they are not told what that makeup is going to be. And then they are shown what they look like, and they have to come up with a character on the fly for Vic Michaelis to interview. That's fun on its own. And what the various comedians come up with based on the makeup that they get is great.
it does seem like some comics, some of the improvisers get way more makeup than the others. And I don't quite understand what the calculus is there of like, we're going to put a full body prosthetic on this person, or we're just going to put some like fake acne on them. But so some people get like, some people get like a costume and some people are full Cardassians.
Yeah, like there's an episode like Ify Nwadiwe gets um and a full alien outfit where even like his eyes are covered. Like his whole head is covered, including his nose. I don't know how he could breathe in that thing. And, but others, yeah, like it's, it's straight. It's strange. The like various levels of makeup that are going on there, but I'll tell you my favorite thing about the show. My favorite thing about shows recently, comedy shows recently, is when a person plays a version of quote unquote themselves, but then that has lore attached to it. And the Vic Michaelis who hosts this show calls themselves Vic Michaelis,
But from Jump Street is a totally different person who is a character who has like a stepdaughter and hates their job and is married to a much older man. And it goes on and on and on. Like there's all this like building lore about ah in in scare quotes, Vic Michaelis, which is reminiscent to me of Tim Heidecker and Greg Turkington.
yeah from yeah on the cinema at the cinema. And I will just eat that up all day. Like, as soon as I finished the first season, I went and found a Reddit post where someone had compiled everything about the character of Vic Michaelis, who the host of very important people. Like how they desperately want to work for MSNBC.
That shit's so funny to me. Yeah. Like, developing a lore about the character version of yourself. Oh, I love it. I love that. If um I was gonna pick a a dropout show that I knew you would like, it would be um, actually. ah But if I was gonna pick a second one, it would have been very important people. And uh, Vic Michaela's lowkey dropout MVP. I love them. No kidding. No kidding. Like,
They do this thing on very important people where they will just kind of like redirect the conversation or add something new to the guest's character that is like so subtle, but perfectly a very important people. I love it. Um, I like them actually too. There's too much of them actually, if I'm being honest, it's like, there's a lot of it.
Uh, because it's, it's, I'm sure it's the easiest dropout show to make. Right? Shots fired. Shots fired. No, I don't, I don't mean that in a derogatory way, but it's just a straight up game show. You know, like it doesn't require all of the additional production that like a game changer does. That's true. know I imagine Game Changer has gotten exponentially more complex to make oh in every season. The recent seasons where it gets so complicated and they're doing such like intense, wild things on that show, I can imagine that Make Some Noise is not especially hard to make because it's just give people a prompt and then they improvise. but
Interesting tie-in to my recommendation, there is a card in the Star Trek Star Realms game called Beacon of Kales. You know, Kales, the Klingon god who murdered all the other gods. And every time one of us would say, to AC and I were playing it when we were over at a friend's house, and every time one of us would say, Beacon of Kales, they thought we said Vic Michaelis.
So put Vic Michaelis in Star Realms. that's my That's my demand of Wise Wizard games. Makes perfect sense to me. Love them. Alright Chris, those are our checks and recs. It's time to talk about some comics. Let's do it.

Comic Recommendations and Reviews

The Textures Choice winner for this week, Chris, is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles number six.
I had not been reading this before now, but I just hopped in with this issue because our former boss and coworker, Andy Currie, is now not the sole credited editor on the book, but one of the credited editors on the book and is soon to be the sole credited editor on the book.
um Let me say this straight out of the gate. um This is written by Jason Aaron and has art by ah Juan Ferreira. This thing is beautiful. Yes. yeah Holy moly. like yeah it's It's a gorgeous book. It feels like every page could be a pinup. Juan Ferreira is killing it on this book.
I was not prepared for for how beautiful it was going to be. And I think Ferreira is doing art, like pencil art and colors, because there's no credited colorist. Yeah, it's it's just art by Juan Ferreira. And it does an amazing job of making the four turtles distinct yeah in ways that are beyond the ah the color of their masks.
Well, it does that thing that I love that the cartoon didn't actually do. But if you bought the toys, each turtle was a slightly different shade of green. Yes. And this also does that. And in fact, I think the four turtles are the shades they were in the toys. Entirely possible. Yeah. Even beyond that, like the the acting.
of the the way that they stand is really good. Like there's a really good ah double page spread with a panel where ah the turtles are kind of in the middle of Times Square being held at gunpoint by cops. And everyone's attitude is very evident from the way they stand. Like RAF stands like RAF. Donatello has been going through it.
in a really fucked up way. Yes. Well, okay. Splinter is dead in the story. um people but one Well, he's kind of dead. Like he's quote unquote dead, but he's also narrating this story. Well, they've they've been dead before. Yeah, they've all been dead before. Yeah. I mean, they were, you know, they they used to be people in Japan and like they were real people.
in Japan who were reincarnated as turtles and a rat. That's true. So Donatello is doing one of those things where he doesn't believe that Splinter is dead. And so he's carrying around this rat saying that it's Splinter. And it's sad. It's it's a real bummer. Like, yeah, Donatello was really going through it. And then the other three are like, incredibly fractured. Yes. Like, because this is what I love about this story, the foot has taken over the whole city. Yeah, the footcliner, now the cops. They're everywhere. ah Now, I know you said you jumped on with this issue. Did you read the the previous ones? Did you catch up or did you just jump on?
I just jumped on. I want to go back and read the previous ones now and and will. Highly recommended. I didn't feel lost. Well, this one took me to jump on with because it's the first four issues are all about what the individual turtles have been doing. The fifth issue is about Casey Jones and kind of the status of New York. And the sixth issue is them coming back to New York. So it is it is the one to jump on. But when I say Donatello has been going through it in a really fucked up way, buddy, Donatello has been going through it in a really fucked up way. ah Fair enough. TMNT number number four for that.
But also, the whole situation there's a whole situation here with Michelangelo and ra Raph, where, like, Michelangelo had a TV show? Yeah, ah when you catch up with Michelangelo, he's in Tokyo and is a big star, like, basically doing a like a common writer or super-sentai show, where where he is the star. That's incredible. Yeah. But Raph ruined it for him.
And so now they are like the most at odds I've ever seen the turtles be. Yeah. No, but there's a lot of drama and it's really good. It's one of those things that were like, it's played very much as this is a family. So they're not going to split up, but they are as fractured as they've ever been. And, and Leo is just trying to keep the peace and it's It's one of those things where like every time he steps in to try to keep the peace, Raph and Mikey are just like, shut up. And it's perfect. It's like the perfect dynamic. We often talk about comics that aren't as good as you want them to be. yeah Like the disappointment of like, oh, this should be really good. But it's not.
And this is one of those rare comics where it's exactly as good as you want the Jason Aaron Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles run debate. Like it's, it's exactly a Jason Aaron TMNT comic. I'll tell you, the art elevates it so much. It's absolutely gorgeous.
There is a panel of just the turtles coming out of the sewer onto the street that I would buy as a poster. It blew me away. The art in this blew me away.
Good stuff, good stuff. do You say elevates, but it's not like the story's bad. No, but I think the art... I do think that's what the art does. Yeah, no, the artist, it really is firing on all cylinders. ah I don't think Ferreira draws the last like like couple of issues, but I do you think he's the like ongoing artist, I think. Yeah, Chris Burnham draws the Donatello issue, which is obviously great. Cliff Chang draws the Leo issue, also amazing.
That's good. Man, what? if i ah here He draws the second one, which is the, the Mikey issue. Uh, they're pulling out all the stops with the the artists they're getting for these books. The first issue is raff in prison and it's Joel Jones. Yeah, so those are all great. A truly incredible, uh, like murderers row of artists, but I think Farah is, uh, yeah. Derek Robertson does the Casey Jones issue. It's all good.
It's a fucking killer cast. I think Ferrer is the ongoing artist. I hope so. Cause he's great. All right. Moving on. Um, Chris, you wanted to talk a bit about the rise of the power company one shot from this. Do you remember the power company? Yeah, dog. I do. Uh, and I'm shockingly not the only one. This is, is billed as a DC black history month offering. And I think that the,
deal with the new power company is that it is going to be all black characters. ah So there's Josiah Power, obviously, ah there's ah the Green Lantern from Far Sector, Cyborg,
Black Lightning's in it, but I don't think he's going to be in the cast. And then a signal from Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's run on Batman. And a guy that I am unfamiliar with who has Black Adam powers, but his costume is white. And I think might have been might have been a priest character from that run. The priest run on Black Adam. Is the the Batman from Future's End in this too?
I think so. it's This issue has a couple of different stories. Brandon Thomas, ah Zapora Smith, John Jennings, and Vita Ayala, who, by the way, ah lost a bunch of stuff in the LA fires and there is a GoFundMe for a Vita Ayala that you can find and ah we would definitely recommend ah contributing to that if you can. She does the the Batman and the Signal ah story.
And it is a little bit, I think she's she's named, or ah the Batman is named, but it's a little unclear. I wish that story had a little bit more of like, here's who this is. like I don't think the words Duke Thomas are in this story, you know? yeah But it is an intriguing cast, and that's a solid cast for ah a power company reboot. I always thought the power company was great. The idea of a,
corporate superhero team that did exist as a corporation but that also like was doing superhero stuff pro bono because that's good PR and saving people is good PR. Like I think that's that's an interesting idea. What I was surprised at with this is that it's not a full reboot.
It's like, yeah, you remember The Power Company? That 12 issue series that Kerbuzik wrote in the mid 2000s? That, all that happened. Yeah. Oh, did you mention Vixen? Vixen is in this too. Oh, Vixen's in it. Vixen's in the, in the, uh, the story too. Yeah. Uh, but it's, it's good stuff. Uh, there's really intriguing stuff with like Josiah Power. I think in a,
cool and relevant way being like, hey, I was a corporate guy, and that sucked actually. Yeah. And I should be a better person than like, if I'm going to do this, I should not have a corporate mindset, which I think is 20 years later, kind of the way you got to go with Josiah Power. Yeah, it looks like the Story is continuing in a what I assume is a new black lightning series ah It definitely tied also to some new black lightning stuff and it also promises that the power company will return so never the end Yeah Yeah, I hope we get a new power company out of this because I would love to see this cast ah these writers these artists
really jump on again i always thought it was a good idea and i would love to see where they go with it and i'd love to see uh the far sector green lantern uh nothing but respect for my green lantern show up more in the in the dc universe uh one last book that i wanted to talk about a little bit is x-men number 10 this is the uh jed mckay x-men book the one with Cyclops' team up in Alaska and the X-Men who love cops. Okay, Chris, you'll be happy to know that there are no, there's no like loving cops going on in this issue. They're not showing any cops around their headquarters or anything. Um, this is by Jed McKay with art by Netho Diaz, by the way, which is very similar to the art style of the book up to now. It's, it's very in line with the Ryan Stegman art.
So it feels like, Chris, it kind of feels like we should love this. Okay. Because what this is has eventually become is the X-Men versus the US federal government who wanted
want to try to make the X-Men leave the country. It's, ah you know, it's, it's that classic X-Men conflict of, you know,
government oppression against mutants, uh, generally. Um, but this is, this, instead of like, uh, you know, Henry Peter Gyrick or, or whoever, um, there's a, there's a new guy here and, uh, his name is Lundqvist.
And Cyclops does some of that Cyclops shit where he he he talks about how he's going to ah do some brinksmanship. And if anyone, if if he dies, if the government assassinates Cyclops, he's going to send all of his Omega level mutants to Washington, DC, and they're just going to wipe out like all of the infrastructure of the federal government. And there won't be a government anymore. And this Lundquist guy is like, all the mutants will be dead in a year if you do that. And Cyclops goes, well, good luck doing that without a government. Good luck doing that without any functioning government at all. He says, how long until states was in to succeed?
For foreign powers come sniffing around landing troops to render emergency aid and never leaving and it's it's like it's good It's it's like the stuff we like about Cyclops, right? And yet it doesn't hit for me the way I want it to And I'm not quite sure why But like It's a similar feeling we had when we read that first issue where it was just kind of like, even aside from the stuff with the cops, like where Cyclops was showing the cop around, like it just didn't quite click. And there's still something about this where it just still feels that way. And that's, i you know, that's really frustrating to me because I i love
a lot of Jed McKay's other comics. I love a lot of Jed McKay's other Marvel work, but for whatever reason, his X-Men run, this X-Men run is just not, it's just not there for me. Like it's like, this is the, one of the most, most like prime examples of the thing I was just talking about with Jason Aaron's TMNT where it's like,
I should like this. Yeah. Like this should be like, we've, i we've left McKay's stuff on, on virtually every other book, but the X-Men stuff is not hitting. You know, like ah another part of this issue is, is, you know, when this Lundquist guy shows up and he's like, Oh, you're going to give me everything I want, right? You're going to surrender.
And Cyclops is like, no, actually, I'm going to unleash the Hellions on one of your bases to show you what we could do. Like, I should love that shit. I should be loving that. yeah You know, it's wrong for me to not say that, like, part of it is just like, it's hard for me to get on board with the post-Krakow era of X-Men.
it It does like everything about it feels like such a step backwards. And like, yeah, it's a step backwards to like to stuff that we like. But and yet, Crico Crico was such a step forward. And it felt like such a like, wow, this is like, like, we've talked about how much House of X is when like, is the last time we were like, holy shit, comics were so comics are so good. And this just ain't that. And, and I don't think it's I don't even really think it's Jed McKay's fault. I think Jed McKay is trying his best to make a good comic, but it for I'm just not connecting with it the way I want to. Yeah, Ben. Let's connect in the way we do want to, Chris, by taking some listener questions.
Chris, our first question comes from our Discord from Michael Haida. And I think this was actually prompted by the Gordies. Michael asks, what would Absolute War Rocket Ajax be? Would it still be a podcast? Interesting, interesting, interesting. No. In order to be more relevant. More modern. and More modern.
Cause look, this this show... 16 years going on? Yeah, yeah. Jesus Christ. 16 years. it would It would be like a Twitch stream or something, right? I was gonna say it would be a Nebula video essay. We would have to get on Nebula, but yeah. Well, I mean, Matt, it's it's an absolute, it can do it can be whatever we want. We're re-imagining.
We don't have to get on Nebula. We have a podcast. Here's, here's the other thing about it. So, so part of absolute, I feel like is it's still recognizably the characters while stripping out some key elements of what those characters are, right? right Like Superman didn't come to earth as a baby. Right. Batman only has one dead parent.
ah ah Wonder Woman was it didn't come from Paradise Island. Came from Hell Island. Came from Hell Island instead. So what is the major element of War Rocket Ajax that we remove for absolute? And I think I i think i have my answer. ah Is it that we're no longer Southern? Some people guessed that, but I think that is I mean, Superman's still from Krypton. i i don't I don't think that's it. That's not that's not it for me. okay ah People are going to think this is a wild pull, but I think this is true. I don't think the show's about comics. Interesting.
it Because there's nothing less relevant than comics. ah Exactly. I think the show is about just kind of general pop culture that we like and not so specifically about comics like the show is now. um There's also, is is yours that we're not Southern? i I think ours is that instead of having a Sailor Moon tattoo. I only have a Dragon Ball tattoo. but Okay. All right. And i you have less tattoos than I have more tattoos. You have more tattoos. we Okay. I have one, two, three, four, five, six, six tattoos. So we each have three. Perfect. Perfect. This follow-up question from CJ Kral. How thick would Chris be? ah Absolute Chris. All man in a yard wide.
Yep. And how big is Matt's sword? Well, I don't think I would call it a sword. I would call it more of a... Slab of raw iron. That's gonna get me every time, I think.
ah Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene on our Discord wants to know, y'all think that folks in the DC universe use BCE to refer to the before the crisis era?

Nostalgia Chat: Cartoons and Cereals

but So are people in the DC universe aware of the crises? that that That is the thing that I think breaks the premise of the question. Yeah.
Yeah, like I don't know they don't remember on infinite earth. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They would have to remember and I don't think they do. But it is fun to think about. It is fun to think about. ah We actually got this question from somebody on blue sky and somebody on discord, which is wild. P tizzle the Bizzle Dizzle.
asks what our favorite Saturday morning cartoon was. And so does Hubert Vigilla on Blue Sky. TMNT was a big one when I was but a lad of five. Yeah. ah And, you know, obviously X-Men Batman was, Batman wasn't a Saturday morning cartoon, but like, are we, are we talking about like more in the comedy vein then?
I don't know, I think if it just aired on Saturday morning, that counts. And Batman aired on Saturday morning sometimes. Yeah, but I know Batman Beyond definitely did. But that was like 18. Yeah, I tend to think of TMNT as an afternoon cartoon.
Like an afternoon after school cartoon. But it was on Saturday mornings, for sure. Yeah. Uh, yeah, I can only think of ones that I absolutely did not like. Such as? Life with Louie. Uh, my favorite, my favorite through and through to the point where I bought a book about it was the tick. Yeah. Yeah. No, that was, that was good. That was good. Yeah. And that was definitely, I loved the tick cartoon. Um, it,
It's like top shelf, top notch. When I was smaller, cause I was like middle school when the tick was on, probably. When I was smaller, my favorite Saturday morning cartoon was Captain Inn. Right. Cause that was, you you got to see, uh, got to see the video games that just apparently people in complete isolation were making stories about. Right. ah The Megaman who didn't look anything like Megaman. Yeah, and had a weird voice. And had a weird voice. with Simon Belmont, who was totally self-involved in vain. Character assassination. King Hippo, working for Mother Brain. But Samus and Little Mac aren't in it. Yeah.
um A Talking Game Boy for some reason. Why didn't they put Samus on it? I don't know. A Pit from Kid Icarus. Again, don't know why. Oh, you know yeah you know what I liked more than Captain N? The Super Mario Bros. Super Show. Yeah, that that was much more accurate. That was good. That was good. But I did watch a lot of, I watched Captain N.
like every every Saturday. In addition to Favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon, P. Tizzle the Bizzle Dizzle wants to know if we had a favorite cereal growing up. ah I mean, I've talked about this before. I like boring old man cereals. My favorite cereal growing up was Crispix. Mine name was Cinnamon Toast Crunch. how how How our tastes have changed?
I still love cinnamon toast crunch. Yeah, but like i I feel like between the two of us, I am now much more of the sweets enjoyer. Yeah. Yeah. the The only cereal I really eat now is Cheerios, and I don't eat it in the morning. I eat it like as a snack in the evening sometimes. A little treat for yourself? A little treat. Have some Cheerios.
Oh, and Hubert Vigilla has a question. Are there any Saturday morning kid shows that only you seem to remember? Life with Louie. Oh, people remember Life with Louie. Why would you make it is my question. i Okay. You know what? I hate it. Okay.
i I understand not understanding life with Louie, this like weird nostalgia cartoon for children. ah Based on the ah standoff of Louie Anderson, and in which the main character was a an awful little child, Louie Anderson, with a terrible Louie Anderson voice. And I say that like, ah no disrespect to actual Louie Anderson, but like, who looked at that dude's stand up and was like, let's make a
cartoon for children. Like that set in like the 1960s. Yeah. Bizarre. That's, that's the thing I don't get about it is that it was like this like 60s nostalgia show. Very weird. Very weird. Like what child would like that? But, um,
Do you remember the Howie Mandel cartoon? Oh, Bobby's World? Yeah, it sucked. Bobby's World. That sucked. Bobby had the most obnoxious voice. And I think Howie Mandel did it. Yeah, because it was that, like, the the Bobby voice was a bit from his act. Because that was, like, the worst he could do. Yeah, that's right. Awful. Awful. Truly terrible. But my my answer for a show only I remember is Camp Candy.
Wow, yeah, that's a that one. I don't even remember that one. I only remember seeing ads for it in old comics. I watched Cap Candy because I loved John Candy. You but you may not know this about me. I was a child who was a weird comedy nerd. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. And so they made a cartoon about John Candy and I was like, that's for me. And I watched it. um And it wasn't very good.
They also made a Camp Candy comic. There was a Marvel comic of Camp Candy. From Star Comics? It was straight up Marvel Comics. Okay, that's wild. Yeah. That's wild. To remind myself, I don't think it was very good, but, and I don't think John Candy voiced himself, which is disappointing. One of a long line of cartoons about celebrities of that era where the celebrities didn't voice themselves. like Nobody voiced themselves on Hulk Hogan's Rockin' Wrestling. Right, right, right. Not even Ronnie Piper. Yeah. Bizarre. Yeah. The Uncle Phil slash Shredder did Junkyard Dog on that show. And Brad Garrett was Hulk Hogan. That makes me feel like Brad Garrett's probably racist.
I don't know that, and that's not fair, but that is now a thing, I believe. Let's look at it. I don't think I have one that no one else remembers, because everyone remembers everything. But I do think, first of all, the number of cartoons for children in the 80s and 90s that were based on R-rated movies is insane. Yes, true.
There was a Rambo show where Rambo had a full Sailor Moon transformation sequence. Uh-huh. We've done podcasts about it. Yeah. it but I don't think anybody would remember remember it if we... i Well, Sean Baby and people would, I guess. but Yeah. yeah we've We've definitely increased awareness of that Rambo cartoon. The one that always gets me though, and I know we've talked about it before, is the Conan cartoon.
where they made like a cartoon for babies, like for kids, about Conan, a character who only fucks and kills. Very similar to the Highlander cartoon that took out the element of Highlander where people will get their heads cut off. Do you remember cops? Yes. The central organization of police specialists?
There was something about the animation style of that show that fascinated me. That was a, that show was, I was into it. I'm not going to lie. I was into it. Same. Definitely a, a weird show to be into, but I did like that the guy's name was like, his last name was Vess and his nickname was Bulletproof.
Uh-huh. So his name was Bulletproof Vess? Right. That's, that holds up. That's a good, that's a good bit. I just remember there being a bad guy on that show who had like a glass top of his head. Uh-huh. And so you could see his brain.
And that was on a children's show? Did you see that guy's brain? I'd love to see brains on children's shows. They were fighting crime in a future time. They sure were. And that's like the brain... G.I. Joe was cops, which is somehow a worse premise than G.I. Joe. His brain went all the way to the top of the... ah i In my memory, his name was Chrome Dome, but clearly that's not right.
Okay. Oh, his name was Dr. Bad Vibes. That should be your new nickname. Let's retire the Grassman. And now I'm Dr. Bad Vibes. And now you're Dr. Bad Vibes. All right. I feel like that puts me in a bad light, but sure. Moody Kittens on our Discord wants to know if you've got a favorite LEGO set?

LEGO Sets Appreciation

Like current or? I would imagine so. The Daily Bugle's really good. Yeah.
Benito and I, a lot of pictures as you were making the Daily Bugle set. I sent you a lot of pictures of the X Mansion too. Yeah, that's true. The X Mansion is good. i I think like, also both of those AC got for me. So like the those have very much a like, there's affection attached to them. Sentimental value. Sentimental value to those. ah Because the the purest act of love is to get someone a $300 Lego set, I think.
um But yeah, Daily Bugle's really good. I think of the Marvel sets, I've built the Daily Bugle, Doctor Strange's Mansion, the X Mansion, and AC-built Avengers Tower. And I think of the Marvel sets, Daily Bugle is is far and away, like the most fun for a fan, just because of the amount of like obscure characters and like fun little in jokes and like the structure of the building is really cool. Like Peter's got an office, but it's like in a storage closet behind a bunch of boxes. Uh, it's, it's a really, really good set. And also it was a really great Christmas present that, uh,
that she reverse heisted into the house. Based on the photos you sent, I thought it looked really, really fun. Yeah. Rivendell is also really good, but like Rivendell is, Rivendell is a really good set, but it's also like, this is the place where they go and, and people just kind of like sit around a table. Baradur, again, AC built Baradur and it like looks super cool.
oh But, like, they never go to Barad-dur. So, like, they they need to make, like, a Helms Deep or a Pelennor Fields. I guess probably what they wouldn't do Pelennor Fields. But they need to do, like, a Helms Deep Lego set with ah with that one oh Olympic torch, fork, who blows up the wall. Yeah. Minas Tirith? They could do Minas Tirith. Could do Minas Tirith.
They want to get wild. They could do Minas Morgul.
All right. Our next question from Discord. This is a two part question, but I'll make them one from the true Elec and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

Favorite Muppets Discussion

Who's your favorite Muppet and who's your least favorite Muppet? Favorite Muppet's Gonzo, obviously. Yeah. It's hard. It's hard not to say Gonzo, right? Yeah. Like, I mean, that's,
ah Sorry, but you and me are gonna have the same answer as our all right thinking people. Like, I love other Muppets. I love Kermit. I love Miss Piggy. I love Fozzy. But it's Gonzo. It's Gonzo. He is like, when I was a kid, but like I described myself as a weirdo, because that's what Gonzo was. Yeah.
I like that Gonzo is sort of a mystery. What is he? An artist. Yeah, he's an artist. There's a lot about Gonzo that is just unexplained and that's honestly great. Yeah. um Do you have a least favorite Muppet? I honestly don't care for Robin. Robin Kermit's nephew? Kermit's nephew, yeah.
for any particular reason. Like, why? like dude Like, looking at Robin, like, do we need this? Kind of like Scrappy Doo. Yeah, I mean, not like, you know, annoying. He's not a way but like he's not annoying like Scrappy Doo yet. I'm trying to think of like, if there's... I mean, I generally like... I like a lot like pretty much all of them the same amount. And then it's like Kermit, Piggy, and Gonzo.
You know? Yeah. If you want me to say an obscure Muppet that I love, Guy Smiley. Oh, word? Oh, word, yeah. Shocking.
ah I do. I like Guy Smiley. I will say, where was Sam the Eagle on January 6th? That's my question. my My answer for at least my favorite Muppet by default, I think, is Sam the Eagle.
But they also need him. They they like they they need ah they need a straight eagle? Yeah, they need they need somebody there to be the uptight bad guy sometimes. so So I understand why he's necessary, but also like, I don't have to like him.
so I think I would settle on on Sam, the eagle. Interesting, and interesting, interesting. Our buddy Ben, FransfordNantoo on Blue Sky, says, related to the question about the favorite bad episode of Star Trek, what is the most next generation episode parentheses complementary?

Star Trek TNG Episode Analysis

And what is the most next generation episode parentheses derogatory?
ah This is the only question that I saw before we started recording. Yeah. oh And I've been thinking about it in the hours since. oh And I think I have my answer. Okay, let's hear it. The most Star Trek episode, TNG episode, complimentary, I think is Measure of a Man. That that tracks, I can see that. it it's ah It's about data.
which is which is inherently very Star Trek The Next Generation. ah It's got a big morality play. It's got a woman who is like passionately horny for for Picard and Picard being real uncomfortable about it.
yeah Yeah, it's got a great speech. It ah sets up continuity that comes back later. ah Data's Day is ah a sequel to that, as is like a lot of the the stuff from ah Picard that i'm probably I don't really want to talk about because it sucks. But like yeah, like it's I think that's the most next gen. It it has ah Riker do it like saying a pithy line and immediately regretting it.
Right? but Riker being forced to do a job he doesn't want to do, which I think is Riker all the time. Pinocchio is broken. His strings have been cut. I feel like that's when they kind of were still writing Riker as basically Kirk. Yeah. Like first and second season, Riker is is just straight up Kirk.
Yeah, I mean, that's like, that's that's his character function. Because it doesn't make sense for the captain of the ship to be the man of action. Yeah. My answer for this is kind of obvious. But I think it's right. Okay, the the most TNG episode of Next Generation Complementary is the last episode. All good things. Yeah. Because it has The early episodes era in those uniforms with Tasha Yar, it has segments set in the future. It has um all kinds of stuff about complicated character relationships, particularly the Troy Worf relationship. It features a character um being tortured and not understanding what's going on, which happens to Picard.
and trying to convince everyone that something is happening and they're like, what are you talking about? It has a weird science puzzle with the anomaly that keeps getting bigger as they go further back in time. um And it has Q. Yeah, that's the all all oh good thoughts, all good things. All good things. Oh, and it has a poker game. And it has a poker game at the end, yeah.
Yeah. So what is what is your most TNG episode derogatory? Buddy, this one's a slam dog. Hit me. The first duty. Derogatory? Yes. Interesting. Because it's a like not not a bad episode.
i Also, I swore that I knew what your answer to that was going to be, and ah it's not what it was. Oh, interesting. ah No, like, not a bad episode, but it is the most next-gen in a way where it's like, I don't care about any of this. It's about Wesley. Yeah. ah It's a weird, like, you know, it's a morality play. It's got it's got a great speech from Picard.
Uh, it's got Booth be the groundskeeper. It's got the Starfleet Academy. So it's all like, there's no, there's no alien stuff. It's all Starfleet bullshit. It's all Starfleet. Yeah. Yeah. Which is very next gen. I love that episode, but I don't think you're wrong. yeah Yeah. No, like it's, it's I feel like it's this one or the one where the traveler comes back and recruits Wesley to be a fucking tweet sauce hotra You know what? That episode is not very good. Yeah. well i I finished the entire show. Marlene and I have now finished the entire show. And I forgot how kind of bad season seven is. Or do you mean kind of great? It's kind of bad. Every episode, like sincerely, every other episode is about some crew members family.
Yeah, like family members we've never heard or seen, and heard about or seen before. but Like, there's an episode about Jordy's mom. There's an episode about Troy's dad. hu There's an episode about um like, there's more family members who appear at that I'm not thinking of. Data's mom? Data's mom, that's right. Isn't that one?
is it season seven There's so much just like, I don't know, let's ah let's bring in a family member. Dr. Crusher's grandmother, perhaps? but Yes, all of Dr. Crusher's, all of the ah the women in Dr. Crusher's family.
um season seven is is a steep drop from the highs of seasons five and six, I would say. Disagree. It really picks back up in the finale. um My answer for the most TNG episode derogatory, which again, might be an obvious answer, but I think it's correct. It's shades of gray from season two, which is the clip show. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean but by volume that's the most TNG. By volume. And also it is an episode about like a weird unexplained virus that has to be solved by like medical trickery and it's all about Riker being haunted by his memories.
Yeah, is that the one you thought I was gonna say? No, the one I thought you were gonna say was The Child. See, that one's that one's arguably the worst episode of the series. Oh, I have a different worst episode, but but it's it's in the mix, yeah. But like it's like part of the reason that I think it's it's the worst. like I don't think it's it's it counts as being very next generation, because it's it's a recycled script. Right, it's- From phase two.
Yeah, like there are worse episodes that are bad because they're not exemplary of next generation. My nominee for worst episode of the series is Code of Honor, which is like the fourth episode, which is bad, one, because it's it's um sort of racist. It's also bad because it doesn't quite feel like next generation yeah would eventually feel.
another potential word worst episode. But bad good is up the long ladder with the space Irish. That was bad. It comes around to almost being good. Yeah, because it's bad. So well intentioned that goes around to being bad. And then it's so bad that almost looks right back around to being good. I love up the long ladder. It sucks.
Scott HPDX asks on Discord, which comics creators could win the Royal Rumble?

Comics Creators in the Royal Rumble

Hmm. Hmm. Now is this just a Royal Rumble of comics creators or are they in there with like professional athletes? Are they in there with like, yeah, like Seth Rollins or whoever? My first thought is Carla. Hmm. Interesting. Interesting. Yeah. Like I can,
There would be some there will be some deviousness involved in that. Yeah, Karla Pacheco. I think any e-commerce creator we pick, except for maybe Jeremy Whitley, who I think could could muscle out potentially Greg Rucka, is going to have to use cunning and deviousness to win. Yeah, but Jeremy Lips. Jeremy Lips, yeah. That's like, here's the thing.
If it's a Royal Rumble with all comics creators, that's a very different thing than the Royal Rumble, because the worst pro wrestler I think could probably kick the toughest comics creators ass. I don't think I'm going to make anybody mad by saying that. Right? like I mean, i I think you're right. Yeah. If your job is working out and then performing athletics, then you that you're probably tougher than someone whose job is writing or drawing. I mean, I think there are comics creators who are tough, stronger than you might think. Like, like Phil Jimenez looks like a guy who works out. Yeah, yeah. No, a lot of comics creators work out. A lot of comics creators are in shape. but
It's not their job. It's not their job, yeah. Yeah. Like, like i i like i I have always said, like, I think Scott Snyder's got some, Scott Snyder got a lot of fight in him. I think. Right? Like, we know that about him. I don't think, honestly, I don't think any of them could win. I think some of them could get, like, the best they're gonna do is get some eliminations.
I think there are quite a few who would do who would have a better performance than, say, the Drew Carey performance. Right, right, right. Drew Carey who eliminated himself when he saw Kane, which was the smart move. Yeah. you don't think there was it You don't think there was a chance that Drew Carey was going to win the Royal Rumble and go on to main event WrestleMania?
Which I was that 16 or 17 that he would have made event exhibits 17. That's a very different history ah It was it was 2001. Yeah, so that he drew carry in the main event of WrestleMania 17
against the rock. I need this rock more than you could possibly imagine. Someone please recut the My Way promo with Drew Carey. The one good use of AI would be the My Way promo with Drew Carey doing it. And then at the end he says, ah now remember, ah closest closest bid without going over wins. I'll tell you the second name that came to mind was Chip.
Because Chip would come up with something. You think he could scheme his way into it? He would play mind games. Interesting, interesting, interesting. But I think you're probably right that very few comics creators could actually best pro wrestlers in there. I've been at a con. And I've seen comics creators have been like, wow, that guy's, that you know, RIP, but John Cassidy.
I was like, when I yeah saw him at a con, I was like, wow, he's like, he's tall. He's in shape. I've never seen a comics creator and gone, oh, in person, that dude is even more jacked, which happens every time I've seen a pro wrestler. I brought up Phil Jimenez, just a name off the top of my head. So I went and looked at his Instagram.
I think Phil Jimenez might do okay. I'm looking at that picture of him in a tank top. He's pretty jacked. That's a pro wrestler build, man. Yeah. I'm looking at his Instagram. oh His first one is a je is a gym selfie. Yeah. Phil Jimenez is good looking. He is jacked. Not almighty. That beard with the gray.
That's like not fair. That dude, that damn, that dude is jacked. Yeah. Hey, Phil, you, you're good at drawing. You don't have to do all that.
ah Yeah. Phil, Phil might fill him in as might do it. Honestly. Like I, I think I'm looking at him and I'm like, can we get him a developmental contract? Can we get him down full sale? Yeah, man.
ah Matt McGrath at asks, hypothetically, if you were to revive panel president for one more entry, where would Goku place?
Uh, here's the thing. Um, I've, I've said this before, uh, that if I, if I had my, my dragon ball wish, but I couldn't use it to actually like change anything important.
ah Two of my wishes would be ah that Goku was as good a character as Superman and Superman comics were as good as Dragon Ball. Because neither of those is true. Goku is a fascinating character. I like Goku, but Goku is not even my favorite character in Dragon Ball. like True. Who is your favorite character in Dragon Ball? Gohan.
go ahead okay I thought you might say Vegeta why Matt mean you tell me why you thought that because Vegeta's Vegeta's an interesting character Vegeta is an interesting character Vegeta Is the only character I've ever seen have a redemption arc without changing or making up for anything he did? Absolutely, yes. We just decided, like, very Randy Orton-esque, we just decided he's a face now. Well, his behavior ch- he stopped trying to kill Goku. Eh!
but Mostly. sleep Like, he gave up on conquering Earth. Yeah, for that's true. For the planet Saiyan. Yeah, he did. Vegeta was involved in several genocides. Oh yeah, absolutely. And like eight people. Like he's introduced and he's like on a planet of like lizard people that he has just murdered with Nappa and he's like eating, like roasting them over a fire and eating them. Like Vegeta's a full cannibal. And they just like, none of that's ever addressed.
All right, I'm looking at the panel president list now.
I'm not sure Goku goes to the top 10. Ah, God, it's been a hot minute. Look me to the panel president list. I haven't seen it in a minute. It's on the wiki. Yeah, I'll link you to it. Number 10 is Sailor Moon. And I don't think Goku goes above Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon's a much better character than Goku.
Like a much, ah honestly, a much more complex character, even. I don't think he goes in the top 100. I think Dr. McNinja is a better, like, character than Coco. He might go above Ninjak, but above Ninjak we have Raphael. There's no way Coco goes above Raphael. In fact, right below Ninjak we have Michelangelo. What were we on when we made that decision? Oh, we we had to, like, flip a coin but between Michelangelo and Raphael. I remember.
Yeah, I think, I mean, he's as a character.
but i mean He's about as good as Aunt May. Maybe probably not as good as Aunt May. I'll say this. Goku is an enigma in a way very few other characters are enigmas. The fact that Goku doesn't know
that children, Goku doesn't know about kissing, but he has children. Yes. And when Goku, like that's literally what Vegeta says. When Goku's like, what are they doing? Vegeta's like, you have two children. Yeah. And Goku goes, what does that have to do with kissing? Now I did get a zine for Christmas.
I got a fan comic called A Matter of Pride. that The premise of that comic is that that's Goku fucking with Vegeta in order to get his Saiyan pride oh to convince him to ah fuck him. And, beautifully drawn comic, by the way. yeah This is a gift from any Kraton. And honestly?
I need one panel of Goku being like, I was just fucking with him. And then i and then Goku becomes like, he moves up 15 spots on the list. um I think Goku would go above Ultimate Aunt May, who's at 229. Yeah, that's that's I think that's fair. Goku's probably more interesting than Ultron, but he ain't better than Omega Red. He ain't better than Omega Red. Omega Red's got a mutant death factor.
And I don't think he's better than Maggie Sawyer, so he would go on the list at 226. Yeah. Above dodge from lock and key. You can put that, you can put that in ah at an asterisk. Uh, Goku was number 225 and a half. That makes it officially, that makes, well, that makes it unofficially 550 entries on the panel president list. We got a lot, we break a lot of characters for that. Holy moly. Yeah. I didn't realize we did that many.
We did a lot. All right, here's our next Discord question. Gohan's in the top 100, for sure. Gohan might be in the top 50. StokoldHCC wants to know, hey, how come they didn't just put Jimmy Carter in a Lazarus pit? Great question. That is a great question. ah I would say that um as the only president in the history of the United States of America who has the potential to go to heaven,
That is true. I would not deny him that eternal reward. Right. Let let let Jimmy Carter rest. Yeah. ah and Very accurate. The only president in American history who might see the light of heaven. That includes Lincoln, by the way. Sorry, Abe. Yeah, I don't know. I think Abe might have had some bad opinions.
yeah what He had a really good opinion. He had one really good opinion. Yeah. ah Ted Anderson. You might be the first president who had a good opinion. The previous 15? Eh. Ted Anderson asks, you guys like ramen? Not at the instant stuff, the real kind. Oh yeah. I um am famously the anti-bonito in one regard. In that I don't like soup.
benito Benito, to my ah knowledge, only eats soup. It's certainly the only thing that he publicly speaks about eating. Yeah. I don't love soup, but um I do like ramen.
so but That's my soup asterisk. Now, I tend to prefer the ramen that is ah ah the drier ramen, the kind that has like chili oil and not broth. Yeah, that's that's my preference as well. like I like a ramen with broth just fine, but like I love... there's a Ramen plays back in Durham called Dashi, that they do an incredible chili oil and pork belly ramen that is ah so good. Yeah. i My favorite part of ramen is usually the pork belly, if there's pork belly in it. Yeah, man. Yeah. Pork belly good. Yeah. Yeah.

DC Webtoon Content Inquiry

I don't really know what this question is asking, but Chris, maybe you know more. King of Doma wants to know, ah thoughts in general over DC's output on Webtoon, if any? No idea. i I have no awareness of it to speak of. Yeah, I have not read a i have not read a panel of a Webtoon thing. Yeah. I know that there is some kind of controversy with webtoon and treatment of creators. And I also know that there's like a, they're doing a dimension 20 thing. Uh, so I'll read that for sure. Uh, but I, I had like a, like they had a big setup. It had to have been at heroes con, right? Do you remember their big setup where they were like giving away like,
rocks, glasses and, and yes, I still, I still have my, my tumbler somewhere around here. Webtoon glass, which that was at hero's con as I recall. Yeah. But they, I remember them having set up, set a bunch of cons. Yeah. But I mean like that was the one that like, I actually like went up to and that they were like giving away stuff. Yeah. I don't know if they were giving word away to everybody or just to creators. Well, they had like a little lounge.
They had a little lounge with like like bottles of water. and Yeah, and they would bring you in there, if you were a creator, they would bring you in there and like talk to you like it was a Scientology inventory. Right. um Which weirded me out. Yeah, no, like it screamed venture capital. Or cult. Same thing.
But yeah, but um I got my tumbler, I got my little glass ah either way. but I'll take free drinkware anytime it's available. i've I've gone and looked at what DC has put out via Webtoon. There's Batman Wayne Family Adventures.
ah There is Vixen NYC.
There is Zatanna and the Ripper and Red Hood Outlaws. Hmm. Well, that one I'm not going to read. Yeah. Um, I do not. I'm, I'm unfamiliar with any of the creators. If any of them are good, let us know. Yeah. I like reading good comics. Yeah. I mean, Wayne Family Adventures looks like it could be fun. Yeah. I mean, like I, I like those characters. Yeah.
But otherwise, no opinion. and and Uninformed, largely, on that.
ah Ashley Buchanan has this question for us. After listening to the Morbius movie fighters episode, do you think there is a comic book villain who could carry their own movie slash franchise as the lead? The closest chance I feel is Magneto, but even then, why not just make it an X-Men film? Correct.
Great question. i I said something very similar to that on Blue Sky about the Craven movie. Essentially saying, nobody wants a Craven movie that isn't a Spider-Man movie. Yeah, that isn't at least Craven hunting Spider-Man. Like, who gives a fuck about Craven by himself?
And I ended up deleting that because I got quote posted by someone who I won't name, but who I thought should know better. ah who Who was like, no, it's just that the movies were bad. It's just that the movies are bad. It's not that nobody wants that kind of movie. I mean, yes, the movies are bad, but also nobody wants that movie. They are both true. A thing that I think A thing that I think like some people don't get, which is weird, is that a good villain and a good protagonist are two incredibly different things. And sometimes there can be overlap, but like a good villain
like is made to fun like is made for a function in a story, to like literally to perform a narrative function. And usually that function involves being in contrast with something. Like Batman's got a great roster of villains. Spider-Man has a great roster of villains. None of them are particularly interesting in the absence of Spider-Man or Batman. Like the Joker minus Batman is not interesting.
Yeah. And they did two movies about that guy. And everybody hated the second one and they should have hated the first one. Should have hated the first one. And I don't understand why people liked it. A solo Magneto movie after, like if they had men made X-Men and X-X2 and then made like X-Men Origins Wolverine and then made If X-Men Origins Wolverine had been successful, like a huge hit, hu they could have made a Magneto movie with Ian McKellen. And I think put would have been it people would have been interested and would have seen it. Like, honestly, X-Men First Class is kind of a Magneto movie. Yeah, like all the parts where he's like hunting down all the Nazis and that are pretty good. But like, also,
With that, like look, do I enjoy watching Michael Fassbender as Magneto hunting down Nazis and stabbing them with their own knives? Yes, absolutely. But there is kind of a thing where it's like, when are we going to get to the X-Men factory? Sure. But I think people cared enough about Magneto, and Magneto was a nuanced enough villain that there could... A Magneto solo movie was conceivable, right? Yeah.
By the same token, like the the example everybody brings up when they're like, oh, but but the Venom movies were successful. Well, the Venom movies were were successful because one, they were dumb fun, right? yeah They weren't successful because they were good. They were successful because they were dumb fun. And two, because Venom became a protagonist. Yeah, Venom hasn't been a villain since 1996. Yeah.
The only other villain that I could imagine carrying their own movie. Well, there's characters who are like who like walk that line between villain and anti-hero, right? Like Catwoman.
like the The solo Catwoman movie did not turn out well, but it could have. It could have, yeah. The only straight up villain that I could foresee there being a movie about and it kind of working is Dr. Doom. Well, that that was the thing that I was going to talk about. Like, who's the best villain in comics? Dr. Doom. Are you interested in a Dr. Doom story that doesn't involve Reed Richards or the Fantastic Four or like Dr. Strange or any like any heroic counterpoint to Doom. Like, are you interested in that story? i But see, here's the thing. I have caveats to a Dr. Doom movie particularly particularly working.
the The big problem for Morbius and Craven, and to a degree Madam Web, is that those all of those movies put the cart before the horse.
The only way a Dr. Doom solo movie works is if you do the Fantastic Four movie first. yeah You have to do the Fantastic Four movie first to introduce the heroes and introduce Doom as a protagon or as an antagonist. Then, after that, you do a Doom movie where it's Doom versus the entire Marvel Universe.
but it it can be from Doom's perspective. that's That is what was maddening to me about the Suicide Squad movie. is yeah The reason we got Suicide Squad in the 80s was because it was post-crisis and ah the modern age of comics was happening and DC had a glut of characters that they were never going to use again.
right like you know like nobody gives a shit about Captain Boomerang anymore or whatever. And so like you had all these characters who had been established and then the gimmick was that like, oh, these guys could die. Cause we're not interested in using Plastique. Like we have too many villains. And then you get this Suicide Squad movie where it's like, first of all, it's like the first time we're seeing any of these characters.
Like we got, like you're telling me that we're seeing not just a Joker, but a Harley Quinn, like before we really get Batman, before we see really see Batman doing much of anything. Okay. Sure. That was after Batman versus Superman, right? Yeah, but, but yeah, they didn't find any fucking supervillains in that, in that movie. Lex Luthor, I guess. But like, but like, I mean, well,
The idea of introducing Batman by having him fight Superman. The only way that works is if you have a universe. that's like that's The DC universe was around for 50 years before we got Suicide Squad in comics. And I know there's a Silver Age Suicide Squad. It's a very different thing. But like you need like it needs to be established for it to make any sense.
But you say Dr. Doom, I think you gotta go the other direction. Okay. I think you gotta go with like a superior foes type of thing or like the enforcers and you do a movie about like what it's like to be, you have to acknowledge that these guys suck, right? You have to acknowledge that these are like the clock punchers. These are the blue collar super villains for whom it is a job. I think you could do that. But I think that's a TV show.
I think you could do a movie if it's like, you know, like I think you could do like a one last job, one last heist movie with, I mean, I think you could basically do superior foes or you could do like modox 11, which are kind of like, you know, kind of based on movie and TV ideas anyway. Yes. i For me that like, when you say like,
superior foes I immediately my immediate thought is that's a TV show, but I Could see it working as a movie Potentially, but but the point is I think we're making to some degree the same point. I think you have to establish the heroes first Before you can go and make Movies about the villains. And yeah, yes there there are spider-man movies but these versions of Craven and Morbius aren't in those they're They're not shown as in in relation to Spider-Man at all, right? yeah So like, why do we care? Yeah, man, why do we care? And and I think the audiences have have made that abundantly clear in their reactions to to these films. I am glad audiences rejected the absolute cynicism of, Morbius is just good as Spider-Man, right?
Tom Bernard on Blue Sky says, 50-something comics fan here with a Karl Marx-shaped hole in my knowledge base. Where do I start? um There's a bunch of books from Fanographics that are called like the Karl Marx Collection. Just get any of those. Yeah, I think any Karl Marx volume from Fanographics would work. I know people are going to want to start with volume one.
But I, you know, a lot of those, there's like, what, 30 something volumes of the Fanta graphics Karl Marx stuff. Yeah. And so some of that stuff is out of print. Now, just any Fanta graphics Karl Marx volume that you can find is going to have good stuff in it. Yeah. Like, like you, those stories have no continuity. You can just pick them up and read them.
Uh, and it's, it's easy like your library could either has them or can probably get them for you. Uh, yeah, just go read one.

Comic Distribution and Digital Future

They're good. Like the starfish asks on discord thoughts on the diamond bankruptcy and what are your ideal hopes for comics future? Boy, I don't know. I am glad that I do not have a job where I have to deal with that.
I saw that news and I was like, God, if I was still like doing the order, cause I have nightmares still about doing the order. Like that is one of my like stress dreams is I will have a dream where it's like the last day of the month and I haven't started the diamond order yet and I've got to do it now. Yeah. Classic stress stream structure. Yeah. Uh, it's like, I don't have them about school. I don't have them about writing.
I only have them well when I was working in the comic book store and dealing with Diamond. As far as hopes for comics future, they're twofold. One is that there is no longer a distribution monopoly, which it does seem like it's moving and things are moving in that direction. But the further we get away from a totally allowed monopoly on comic strips distribution, the better. Second,
I would love, love for there to be an actual digital comics storefront that works. Yeah, man. We used to have one. We used to have one and it was great. And then they got ruined and it sucks now. And there are other players out there There's global comics and some other things, but just a good digital comic storefront that works would be so nice. I i hope comic bookstores are able to weather this because comic bookstores have been dependent on and tied into that diamond monopoly for so long. I hope that they are able to come out with with a better option for better comic bookstores.
i like i like comic book stores, I like that they exist. I do miss the real convenience of Comixology, but like going to a comic book store is something special because everyone who works there is usually like pretty passionate. If it's a good shop, if it's a bad shop, we've all heard horror stories. But ah I hope things get easier for the good comic book stores to continue existing and being a place
where you can get stuff that you can't get anywhere else. And that you can like, that they are able to become like hubs of the of the community again. Because I think having real life ah IRL physical hubs of the community is good. And that's it. ah Chris, time got away from me. we've been We've been answering questions for an hour, so we're done now. If you would like to send us a listener question, you can do it.
in a few different ways. You can email one to us at our email address, which is That is also where you can send every story ever lists or get in touch about anything else, like potentially sponsoring the show, if that's something you would like to do. You can send questions to our Blue Sky, which is, on Blue Sky. We're on Tumblr at warrocketpodcast dot.tumblr
And you can join our Discord. um You need an invitation to be a member of our Discord, but if you ask us nicely for one, we will send you one and you can join over there and be one of the people who asked questions on the show, on the Discord.

Podcast Community and Engagement

Our website is It has every episode of the show we've ever done. has all kinds of information and archived stuff about the show, including the panel president list, which we brought up on this episode.
and much more. If you want to find me and my stuff, go to to find links to my comics, my books, my other podcasts, and my social medias. Chris, where can people find you? They can go to That is my website. It's got ah some things that I've written, including some things about Star Trek. ah There are also some comics there, including some that you can read for free and links to where you can purchase them. ah Things like the Downset Fight 10th Anniversary Edition.
Yeah, go go check it out. Links to all the stuff that I do can be found at that website. Thanks for listening, everybody. We'll be back next week. Yeah, ah thanks for sending in questions. Thanks for ah for listening and inviting us into your homes. We will be back next week with another show. Do not forget in the meantime that Black Lives Matter. Trans rights are human rights. As are abortion rights.
Drag is not a crime. Diversity is not the problem and cops aren't your friends. And we love you. We love you.