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Sit down and hear about our fishing trip over last weekend and what else has been going on in the shop.

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All right, here we are. And we're back. You like that fade in? Yeah, I did. You sure about that? You sure about that? You sure about that? I'm sure. Well, we're back. Before we get into the show, I want to thank our sponsor, Haefla.
Hayfla offers a wide range of products and solutions for the woodworking and furniture making industries from hinges and drawer slides to connectors and dowels, sandpaper, wood glue, shop carts, and everything in between. Exclusive product lines such as looks, LED lighting, and Slido door hardware ensure that every project you create is built to last. Learn more at Check them out. I should know that by heart at this point.
I kind of know once you get to the looks, led lighting and Slido door hardware. Yeah. That's like some of the books that we used to read Hunter. You know, once you start, like you could rattle the whole thing off. Yip snap. Yap was a, you could probably just do that one off the cuff.

Eye Injury Experience

It was a busy week. Yeah. It's only Wednesday. I know. Um, so where do we leave off? Oh, so last week we had the short little 20, 15, 20 minute episode. Sorry about that. We were going fishing. Yeah. Um, you know, we, we finished our install on Thursday. Um, and then I had that eye doctor appointment. So we finally had until three 30 or so. Yeah. You almost took one out.
Yeah. Eyes all better. Friday. So, well, so I went to the doctor, you know, they, they numbed my eye and then I'm not sure if he put dye in it, but anyway, he looked in there with the, you know, fancy thing that you put your, you know, you put your chin on that thing. He couldn't see anything. He, he managed to flip my lid inside out. I don't know how the hell he did it because my lid was so fat. It was like literally like a half inch thick.
Um, I didn't see anything, but yeah, I had a real bad corneal abrasion. Um, like the whole, basically the entire top half of my eye was all, uh, he said there, there was no epidermis or whatever left. So the whole top layer was gone. So every time I blinked, it was just like rubbing on raw eyeball. And you blink a lot. I guess. And then when your eyes irritated, you blink even more.
Yeah. So I guess I had something in there. I was blinking a lot after it went in my eye because that's what they tell you to do. They're like, try and, you know, blink your eye to, you know, it'll work its way to the corner of your, your eyeball usually. Um, so I don't know if doing that irritated the eyelid and the eye or the eye drops were the culprit. I don't know, but it took until probably
Sunday or Monday for my eye to be, um, my eyelid to be back to normal Friday, you know, Friday wasn't too bad. I was able to drive without, you know, any real issues. Yeah. Everybody thought it looked bad, but they didn't see it on Thursday. Yeah. Even just the color. I mean, my eyeball was so red. Yeah. Yeah.
the best was at the install when, um, you know, told the, the girl Perry what had happened. And then, uh, the owner Elliott showed up and he had, he thought he, she must've said something to him and he thought it had like just happened. And he like came outside. He's like, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a first aid. You gotta flush your eye out. I'm like, this was yesterday. Yeah.
Uh, you know, um, I have to interject. I'm having a, what is it? It's good. Yeah. It's good. What does that mean? Big hug. It means hi. Let's see.
Yeah, it's, it's particularly good today. Oh, they have two Alto pods. They have Alto Onise, Oniche, O-N-I-C-E, Oniche, and Alto Umbrato. What is Umbrato in which? Umbrato.
Amber. Oh, it's all Amber. Alto is tall. You know, in Spanish it's tall. Oh, maybe I'm confused. I get my Spanish and my Italian confused sometimes. Yeah. And brato means bronzed. Bronzed? Yeah. Let's see.
What is Alto in? What is Italian Alto in English? It translated Italian Alto to Turkish. Oh, I got high. High bronzed. Yeah. Alto could mean high in Spanish too. Yeah. You know, it's like anything. There's multiple, depends on context. Exactly. Have you seen that there's a couple of good, um,
There's a couple of good like reels going around where it's like in French mure is like means like six different things and then they put them all into a sentence and have like a thing say it, like a translate, like a Google translate. And it's basically just saying the same word over and over again.
Yeah. I mean, we take it for granted, but English is supposed to be one of the most difficult and convoluted languages to learn. Yeah. I think it is the, it's, it's the most difficult for sure. Yeah. That's why we demand everybody speak it. Yeah. So, um, the fishing trip.

Weekend Fishing Trip

Yeah. So we went away Friday, Saturday, came home Sunday.
It was a good time. Yeah. We left about 6 a.m. Right. Yeah. We left. Yeah. Six o'clock on Friday. Um, and we got there. What? About 11, 15, 11 30. Yes. We stopped, stopped what? Once twice, twice, twice. Yeah. We took Willie came with us. Yup. Yes. It was the three of us driving. Will drove out to, uh, to Rob's house. We met there.
Um, and then we met up with, uh, Adam from three dot. Oh yeah. Yeah. We all, so we got, we got up there. We stopped at the tackle shop real quick. We'll have to grab a fishing license. Um, and then we drove to the first spot
And Adam met us there. He got there probably, I don't know, about only about 10 minutes after we got there. So we got suited up. We went out to the river, fished a little bit. I saw a couple of fish.
in this real, there's a little, real still section behind this island. And there was like two or three steelhead in there, but they were real beat up. You know, because they're what's called dropbacks. So what happens is that they come in from Lake Ontario and they go all the way up typically to the top of the river to spawn because a lot of them were born in the hatchery and the hatchery is way up there. So they always try and go back to where they were born.
So they go up to the very top of the river, they spawn, and then they're totally drained from the trip all the way up there and from spawning. Then they have to go from the top of the river all the way back out to the lake, which I think is like 15 miles or something like that total, 15 miles of river. So by the time they get all the way back, they're like,
totally shot and beat up and they kind of look like a zombie salmon. When the salmon come into the river, they get real ugly. They're ready to pass on to the other side. Yeah. If they get back to the lake, they'll recover fully, but they just have to get back there. So the idea is that they're trying to eat as they go back to regain the strength.
So yeah, so we fished at that little spot, that first spot for a little bit, and then we ended up going, that was like towards the bottom of the river. Then we ended up going all the way up to the top of the river, to the very, very top of the river, where there's a cutoff, where you can't fish any further.
like the reservoir property, because there's a reservoir at the top of the river, Lighthouse Hill, they call it. And that's where they control the flow of the river. So they'll release the water and it changes the flow. So same thing, we fished there, it was hot.
Yeah, first day was like 80 something, right? Yeah, I think it was topped out at like 86 degrees. I got a little bit of sunburn. My arms are still sunburned. Yeah, I have like a hat tan.
So we fished there for a little while. That's a really nice area. It's the upper fly zone, they call it. So there's the lower fly and the upper fly, and they are only open certain times a year. They have additional restrictions. It's fly fishing gear only and no spinning or center pin. I don't know if a center pin... Does that count?
I don't think it does because I think it says that your line has to be floating line. And I don't think you're allowed to use sync tips or anything, which is a good thing. I wasn't using the sync tips at that point. So yeah, we were fishing around there. We were working our way up river and so we're all fishing and while Willie went up river and disappeared for a little bit and he came back and said, you know, I saw a bunch of fish.
So we all walked up there and there was one guy fishing at the very border of, you know, like the cutoff point of where you can't fish any higher. And he was, that's funny. I just got that Bel Air compressor, the textures. You know, he's swinging his fly down river and you could see a bunch of steelhead just sitting in this real calm water.
Probably. I mean, I saw like three at a time. I don't know how many you guys were standing there. I saw three too. Yeah. I went down there and tried to catch them. But, um,
You know, when they see you, it's hard to catch them. So if you see the fish, typically it's going to be tough to catch those fish. I think that was the first time I even saw the fish. Oh, yeah. Because last year, I don't think I even saw a fish. No, I mean, it's hard. The thing about the upper fly is you can stand back on that bank and look down into the water.
And when you're in the water, it's hard to see the fish through the water because the angle just isn't that good. It's much clearer when you're standing up higher. So yeah, we don't have any luck there.
So then by that point, it was probably, I don't know, two 30. We knew that we could check in at three. So we, we drove to town, stopped at the burned area, which is like the equivalent to like a, like a Cumberland farms kind of place, you know, convenience store, and grabbed some stuff. And then we drove out to Douglas and Sam run. We picked up our fishing passes, went back to the house,
And, uh, you made pizza. Yeah. Yes. We've got everything unloaded. I had, I had made, uh, pizzas, which didn't turn out. The oven really wasn't hot enough. No. Um, and the, uh, you know, I tried a new recipe on the dough, which I shouldn't have done. And I had a couple of new pans, which was a bad idea.
So they were underwhelming to say the least, but they were tasty. And, you know, like good pizza always is, it was better the next day. Yeah. I had a couple of cold pieces next to. I, I love me some leftover pizza.
So yeah, we ate some pizza. Keith showed up, Blackthorn Concepts, right? About right before the pizza came out, I think. Yeah, about 6.30 he got there. Keith had to work, so he came up a little bit later. So yeah, we hung out, we had some pizza, we drank some beers, shot some pool, played some pool, listened to music.
you know, talked about a breadth of topics. Oh, yeah, we had some great conversation. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was a lot of good conversations all weekend. Even before, yeah, before, while the pizza was cooking, we were freaking, we did some deep dives. That might've been my favorite part of the trip. I mean, yeah, because you don't get to do that very often. It doesn't,
And it doesn't always flow like that. No, everybody's, yeah, everybody was jiving, you know, it doesn't always work out that way. Yeah. That was one of those rare instances where, you know, it just worked. Click. Yeah. Where, you know, we're all relatively intellectual or at least pseudo-intellectual.
You know, some of the guys I used to fish with like real dummies, you know, like can't have meaningful conversations about things, you know, because they're kind of, that's, that's kind of a funny thing. You know, if you think about, we're all tradesmen and we're all kind of like blue collar guys and we're all fishing. But the conversation was, was pretty high. Yeah. Yeah. We weren't talking about titties and beer.
Not that it didn't come up, but it was a little more intellectual than that. Yeah, it was very good. Very good. So then Saturday, as always, I'm the first one up at four o'clock. Stick into my regular schedule. We went to bed. It was like 11 o'clock. Yeah. Three hours past my bedtime. Everybody was shot. So we all, so yeah, so I woke up.
make coffee, I'm hanging out and must've been about 6.30.
There was still nobody away. So I got geared up. I went out to the river, left a message in the group chat that said, you know, I went down to the river. I'm moving up river and fished for a little bit. I used my new rod that I got last year that I hadn't used yet, which is like this giant 13 foot six Bay rod. You were looking good. I was watching you. Thanks. I had never fished with a spay rod before. Um,
So I only knew what I had learned from watching videos on YouTube. So I'm trying to figure that out. So that was nice. Always best to be by yourself when you're trying to figure that stuff out. No fear of judgment to
But like on Sunday, like where I was standing upstream from you three guys, I could really see what was going on. With spey casting. Yeah. Yeah. It was looking good. It's interesting because like regular fly casting, everybody knows like the false casting and everything, which it's not really something you do up there because just the style of fishing. That's more of like a dry fly fishing technique, but
It's a similar where you have to do a back cast where the line goes behind you. And then if the difference between fly fishing and
Like regular spin fishing or bait casting is, when you're fishing with fly line, the fly line is what actually loads the rod, makes it bend back and, you know, you get that catapult effect. Whereas with regular fishing, it's the weight of the lure that does that. That's why you're able to cast these tiny flies that don't weigh anything. Like literally like a dry fly weight, you could put it in your hand and you wouldn't even know that it's there. Especially. And I only used one of those little weights.
Yeah, like dry flies, you don't use any weights. Like you literally just have this fly that weighs a 50th of a, I don't know, weighs two grams or something crazy, you know, with these tiny little hooks. And you could cast it a hundred yards if you wanted to, if you had the ability to. Yeah, I couldn't. So it's the line itself that loads the rod.

Fly Fishing Deep Dive

Now with spay casting, the line loads a rod also, but you use the water as
Does it load the... Like the line on the water is what loads the rod. So you don't have to back cast, the line doesn't have to go behind you. Typically it does a little bit, but it doesn't have to be in the air. It's actually the water itself that loads the rod and the line is so short and heavy that you can really fling it out there.
So like the entire fly line is out of the rod. Basically when you're, when you're casting with a spare rod, you know, the, which is, so my, my shooting head is, I think like 14 feet long, whereas like a fly, typical fly line, I think is like 60 feet long. Wow. And you know, they have a tapered section and a, and a butt section and all that, but I don't know at all that, that well to, you know, get into the specifics of that, but
Oh, goodbye. You had a couple of nibbles. Yeah, so Saturday, everybody ended up coming down. We fished together for a while. And then while Willie's buddy, wasn't him Colin? Yeah, Colin and Henry. The son Henry, we're up there. So they kind of ended up breaking off and fishing together and then Rob, Adam, and myself.
went way all the way up river and Keith, um, he attempted of river crossing, but he didn't have cleats. So I think it was a little bit too precarious. I slipped on the way back. Oh yeah. I forgot about my hat. Yeah. I had the big, it went down that night actually, but it was like a golf ball size.
Not on my shin. I didn't even know it. Yeah. It might even been bigger than a golf ball. Yeah. It was, I mean, those rocks, you know?
Yeah. When it gets you is when, um, when you're lifting your foot to step up onto a rock, but you just never find the top of it. Like a rock just keeps going up. That's what happened past where you're, where your came down crack. Oh yeah. So where the three of us were all way up river. And I get a voice memo from while Willie said, Oh, we're at Joss's hole and, uh, we're catching small mouth.
So we said, oh shit, we're going to hightail it over there. So you ended up crossing back over and Adam and I walked all the way down river. Like five miles you guys walked. That was, yeah, well from the top of the river down to there was probably about two and a half miles. So we walked all the way down.
And I wasn't even, I thought I knew where Joss's hole was. And it turns out I did, but we kept walking. I'm like, where the hell are these guys? I'm like, how far is this? So, you know, they have signs on the trails that say like, oh, this is the flats, Joss hole that way. So we finally saw a sign that said the flats.
And I was able to get service real quick and pull up a map and see that Joss Hall was on the other side of the river downstream a little bit from the flat. So we found a spot, we crossed on like a real wide section of river and it was probably 150, 200 feet wide right there. So we crossed the river and found those guys and
Henry, man, the high hooker. I think he had already caught maybe one or two. So Will caught one before we got there. And then when we were there, Henry caught two.
And then, you know, by that point, it was getting pretty late. It was. Oh, wait, it wasn't getting late. Henry's only nine years old. You should. Yeah. Yeah. Henry is nine or ten. Great kid. Very funny. Yeah. So I think it was.
I'm trying to think of what time it was by that point, two o'clock or something. Let me see, I could probably got a good piece of together through text message because we ended up calling it for the morning. Let's see.
That was at 11 that I got the message from Will. So we probably got up there, let's say 12. So yeah, it was probably one or two o'clock. We said, all right, we'll go back to the house for a little bit. So we had to trudge up the mountain.
through the parking lot down the street to the house, which is actually the easy route. But right there, it's like you got to go up this huge set of stairs that they built to get back to- It's not easy. No, because the river's down off these cliffs kind of. So yeah, we go back to the house, hang out for a little bit, and then
We ended up going back out. Yeah, you guys went back out. Me and Keith stayed in. Oh yeah. No, no. On Saturday? When we got back, you guys came back a little bit afterwards. Oh. Cause I, cause I, my, um, what's your McCall, what do you call those togs that you wear? Waiters? Yeah. My waiters, they filled up water.
Well, when we came back at like two o'clock or whatever, you and Keith had gone to see the lake. Oh, that's right. That's right. Keith and I drove up to Lake Ontario was literally less than five minutes away. Yeah. Yeah. So Douglas and salmon run is the very first part of the river. You have the, the lake, then what they call the estuary, which is like, you know, where the river dumps into the lake and then it's DSR. So it's the very bottom of the river.
But yeah, we went back out. You stayed, but I think Keith came out. Yeah, he did. Yeah. So we fished around a little bit and man, it was so windy. Oh, that's right. Yeah. We knew it was supposed to rain at about five o'clock. So we got out there probably about four o'clock or something and fished a little bit, but the wind was brutal. You know, you could only cast, I mean,
like you couldn't cast upstream at all. You could barely cast like across stream. Yeah, go down. Yeah, which if you're trying to drift, you really can't fish that because you have to cast either upstream or across.
So I'm trying to swing, you know, swing flies and I was just fished out at that point. So Will and Adam are like they're fishing all over going up at this thing. Keith is just hanging in one spot trying to figure out his rod is all whacked out. He said he was losing the top of his rod. Yeah. So I fished around a little bit. I went I went downstream and crossed over to this island and then came back up and then I looked at Keith. I said, I said, I'm ready for a beer.
So we ended up going back and so we got back to the house, which is we were fishing like right, just right outside the house basically. And literally the wind switched direction and the temperature dropped 10 degrees. It was crazy. Yeah. Like it was blowing straight downstream. It started blowing right straight upstream and the temperature dropped like 10 degrees. And then so Will and Adam came back and then it just started to downpour.
Yeah, every rain pretty hard for a while there.
Will brought in some nice juicy steaks. Yes, we're hanging out. And then Collin and Henry came by. Will brought all these nice porterhouse steaks and potatoes. And yeah, Rob grilled them up. We had steak and potatoes and potato salad and macaroni salad and mac and cheese.
Blue cheese on the steaks. It was a feast. Yeah, it was good. I love a good steak. I don't eat steak very often just because I'm too cheap. It's been years and years for me. Man, it was good. They were good steaks.
They were grilled up nice. You know, they had a nice little bit of char on them. The grill didn't really get hot enough. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know, I didn't want to, Keith was like, close the lid. I'm like, no, then you got to, then you bake them. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, there's no lid in like a restaurant, you know, no lid at all. He was holding his phone over the grill. Yeah. I mean, you want that thing like 800 degrees. Yeah. No, it was not even half that. Yeah. They were good though. Yeah. I could feel it. You know, it was like, I got that nice little sizzle at first, but then with, with
The whole thing covered with meat. It just could. Yeah. Couldn't handle it. Probably had some janky grates on it. You know, hold the heat. Yeah. I couldn't, couldn't even really get any good grill marks on there. No, they were good though. Yeah. So yeah, I think, did we play pool on? No, it was, it was a round table discussion at, at the kitchen table. Oh.
Yeah. I don't even remember. Everybody was pretty tired. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it takes it out of you. I mean, we walked like seven miles on Saturday. Yeah. Um, I think it was 14 miles total for me Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
It's, and it's hard walking it, you know, and even just standing in the river, you don't realize it, but you, you're, because you're standing on slippery rocks, the water's shooting past you.

Fishing Trip Meals

You gotta, yeah, you gotta brace yourself against the water. Every time you twist and turn, you kind of feel like you're going to lose your balance a little bit. You're walking around in waiting boots and waiters and, you know, carrying a bag and with a rod, you know, try and walk through the woods with a 13 foot, six rods, you know, you gotta,
Excuse me, watch where the hell you're going. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I guess, yeah, we all kind of turned in early on Sunday. Yeah. About Saturday, Saturday. Yeah. What about 10 o'clock? Yeah. Which was late, but so Sunday, same story. I'm like, all right. I'm like, everybody's going to be up early today. We're going to get out there and fish a little bit before we got to leave. Cause you got to check out by 10. Um,
So I'm up. I'm drinking my coffee. I went downstairs. I got my rod set up because I, you know, I, uh, what was it? Saturday night, I ended up bringing my single handed rod because I figured out I'm going to be done with the spay rod. So Sunday morning, I had to change a heart. I went downstairs, set up the spay rod with what I was going to use.
And I don't think anybody got up until 6 30 or something. Yeah. Yeah. I got up at four, went to the bathroom. I said, well, let me lay down just for a minute. Death sentence. Yep. Uh, we got up, we went in and we went out. That was, uh, yeah, we had plans to go like up river and fish and then come back and pack up and then
then either leave or go park and keep fishing because we've got to be out of the house in the driveway by 10. So what we ended up doing is packing everything up and then we didn't fish, we packed everything and then left and went fishing. So Keith ended up just leaving and the four of us went and parked in the DSR parking lot, which is literally like
an eighth of a mile from the house. Almost the next house. Yeah. I think, yeah, there might be one house in between. But like if there were no trees, you could see, you could see the place. So we parked there. We walked down to that same spot, Joss Hole, that we finished that on Saturday, Saturday afternoon. And we fished for probably 90 minutes or so. Yeah. It was, it was cold. It was a lot colder.
Yeah. The water was running faster. Yeah. Cause you know, we had all that rain overnight or rain about an inch. Um, and I didn't even think about the temperature. I was still just wearing basketball shorts under my waders and I had a, just a hoodie on.
Yeah, I, I didn't have my hat and all I had was that little like over shirt. And I saw that I was a little chilly at times. Yeah. Yeah. I was weighted out pretty deep, like weight about waist deep. So it was, I mean, the water was cold and the wind was just blowing down river real hard. So yeah, we fished there for a little bit. Both Will and I both had some bites, but couldn't connect.
Yeah, but all in all was a good trip. I mean, I'm already looking forward to going back again. Yeah. So we're talking about doing a little bit of a longer trip next year, maybe like a Wednesday to Monday. Yeah. Wednesday to Sunday. So you can have some relaxing travel days. Yeah. So you know, you get up there, you can unpack, just kind of chill.
Yeah. It's just, you know, you really only get to fish one day Saturday because Friday, you know, you fish a little bit, but it's the same thing. You had to drive up there. You got to unpack the stuff. You know, you're already, you're tired and the day's half shot. I mean, the morning is the best time to fish.
So if you could fish Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, then you stand a better chance too. It just takes a while to find your groove, especially, you know.
probably make it up to this place once a year, maybe twice a year. My second time fishing. Yeah. I don't remember how to, you know, what to, what I'm doing or, you know, how to read the water, you know, gotta get back into the swing of things. I did learn how to tie that knot though. Yeah. This trip, the improved clinch knot. Yeah. So I feel pretty, pretty good about myself now.
Yeah, I didn't lose, I didn't lose too many flies. Yeah, I only lost one. I lost some good ones though, some big articulated flies. What was this? NRS.
So yeah, it was a good time. We had a decent ride home. We left, I think, what about 11 o'clock? Got home about four 30 took some, uh, missed an exit, took an exit to try and find somewhere to P couldn't find any place. So it would have been a little bit less probably, but, but the way there and the way back, I mean, both, we had some dickheads to deal with on the way home, but not bad. I mean, we really didn't hit any bad traffic or anything. No.
We were lucky this trip. Yeah. Traffic wise. Last time on the way back, it was like snowing and raining and.
I think I learned a little bit about the food this time. So, you know, I think when have it dialed in a little bit better next time snacks and food and stuff like that. Yeah. I think like the food, we were at a good, but yeah, snacks a lot. We had a lot of snacks because you bought a lot of snacks. And then I brought like granola bars and stuff, which like, I think I might've been the only one eating the granola bars. Cause I went home with about
Yeah. Too many snacks. Yeah. Um, the, the other guys, I don't know. I think maybe they were a little shy to eat this. Just grab snacks. I don't know. Maybe like everybody ate them when I put them out in balls that time. Yeah. Yeah. I mean me, it's like when that stuff's there, I'm getting, I'm needing it, you know, but there's only so much you can eat. I know. Oh man. The Syracuse style chips. Those were good. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, uh, I think we're going to have even better time next year. Yeah. I mean, even just like a more composed breakfast and lunch would be, uh, that's, that's the one thing I thought of you like some lunch fixings, you know, like even some nice cold cuts and, and rolls and things like that would be nice. Yeah. Um, so then we could have a lunch.
Yeah. Adam brought a bunch of soupy, which is this, uh, so prosciutto kind of thing. It's a, a Rhode Island, uh, westerly Rhode Island kind of thing. Some like a, their take on a soap. That was good. Yeah. We had some, uh, smoked trout from Brad. He sent up a trout. Yeah. That was good. Um, so yeah, all in all, it was a good time.
You know, it was funny. I couldn't find the pan. I was looking for it when I wanted to reheat my pizza. It went cold. Yeah. Turn around. There's a pan on the stove. Yeah. Well, it's a good thing that Adam put the pan on the heat and then, and put some butter in it to cook those sausages. And then it like went up in smoke. Yeah. It was crazy. Yeah. Oh yeah. We got to bring oil next time. Yeah. I thought about it. I brought the butter.
Yeah. Yeah. So like a condiment thing is, is probably essential for going to be cooking and eating lunch. Yeah. Yeah. I wouldn't mind like at least one breakfast, like a nice breakfast, you know, pork or leg and cheese.
Yeah, definitely like some eggs and potatoes and a variety of meats. Problem is that, you know, you got to wake up and go fishing. So if you're going to eat breakfast, so you're going to be after or before.
Yeah, it's got to be like a normal four o'clock day. You know, getting up at four, making breakfast. One guy's got to get up at four. Even next, cutting it close. Make breakfast. Cause then, you know, eat breakfast like that. Everybody's going to, you're going to go two rounds in the bathroom. Going out to the river. You don't want to be stuck out there.
Not with the number two, Colin. Number one's fine. That's fine. You find a spot for that, but yeah. Yeah. So maybe like it would be a Sunday breakfast. Maybe that could be the tradition.
Yeah. Or it's something that's like you could put in the oven. Yeah. I mean, you want to sit down and kind of enjoy it. Maybe, maybe it could be brunch. Yeah. Maybe it could be a brunch. I mean, if you have a plan, you know, and everybody gets up and gets out on the water by six 15, six 30, you know, he's like till 10, go back. Brunch is at 11, you know, have something that's, you know, fairly easy to make. Doesn't, doesn't require a lot of work. Cook it up real quick. Eggs, eggs to order.
egg casserole. No, you can do omelets. Yeah. Um, yeah. And then, you know, so you eat 11, 12, you know, go back out one o'clock, fish till four or five about a day. Yeah. I have to, I have to bring up an egg pan though. That, that, that one pan there was definitely not as suited for eggs. Yeah. I mean, if, if there was any real cooking going on, I would, I would want to bring all the right stuff because
Well, he's solving the stakes with one of those little white. I'm like, no, no, no. I'm like, I brought salt. There's not enough salt in that entire thing for seven steaks. Yeah. Yeah. I'd like to make a dinner next year too. Yeah. Yeah. That's the other thing. You know, it's more opportunity for everybody to cook something. Yeah. Yeah. That's half the fun.
Oh yeah. Um, yeah, it's nice to reminisce a little bit. Uh, it was just this weekend, but it seems, you know, when you get back into your routine, it dissolves away very fast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Monday we worked from home.

Back to Work: Shop Challenges

We had a bunch of computer stuff to catch up on. Um, yesterday we were in the shop picking up the pieces after the install and everything, you know, cleaning everything up.
And today we were at, uh, family. Yeah. I'll go ahead and run extended install today, um, which hopefully will be done with the install soon. And, uh, let's see what we do yesterday. Bunch of, you did some more design work. Yeah. Pulling, pulling those bids and trying to, trying to land another gig.
Yeah. Um, wrapped up the, uh, bank kept fronts for Jim Jamal with the edge bander. You know, we're still having issues with the compressor, obviously. Yeah. If anybody's got one, the compressor is too small. I'm not sure we did talk about that last week, I think. Great. Yeah. I think we mentioned it. Yeah. So we've been, you know, researching compressors. Um,
It looks like we're probably going to end up with like something like seven and a half horsepower. 80 gallon. Yeah. Um, 20 CFM, 20 and change CFM. Uh, because the edge bander sort of maxes out, excuse me, at about 17.6 CFM. That's like the going to be the on the high end, the highest, the highest reach of air demand.
Yeah. Then, you know, you want to count for some loss in the hoses and stuff like that. Yeah. You know, and that's kind of where the next level down compressor tops out. Yeah. Like a five horsepower, you know, you get something that's like, I think the, the QT 54 was like 15.7 CFM at 175 PSI. Even the ones that are like closer to 17 that's, that's stretching it.
Yeah. Like I don't want to have just enough because that doesn't leave any room for error. Right. So yeah, it looks like that's, we're going to end up with probably get some three phase going to be the best.
probably 80 amp circuit. Yeah, that's huge. Yeah. Three full 80 amp breaker is going to be like frigging 90 bucks probably. It never ends. I know. And then, you know, we're going to have to run new three quarter inch lines. We'll do one to the, uh, laser one to the edge banner, which that's, you know, another 400 bucks in material.
So, you know, we're looking at another five grand. Oh, God. They take credit cards. We have to open a new credit card. We want to go that route. Oh, God. Yeah. So, yeah, another hurdle to jump. Yes, I know I'm called looking for me. Yeah. Um,
So yeah, we'll get that sorted out. You know, right now it'll run. I was actually, I got it to work, like turn the sprayers off and what else? It turns something else off, I thought. You just have to wait. Yeah. Well, I was having issues running it full eight footers. Oh yeah. Oh, that's right. It seems like the compressor now is like maybe not working as well as it was. Yeah. Like something happened. Like we were having no problems with eight footers.
Right. As long as it had enough juice. Right. And, uh, I actually turned the threshold down on the compressors, like bump the pressure up. So now it's making like 135 or no, 150 pounds of pressure and it kicks on at 110 pounds. Um, and that's before the pig tanks. So we should have, you know, regulated to like a 120 at the
where the air is going into the system and then it's regulated down to 90 at the machine for a while. 6.4. What if we moved the pig tank over to the front of the machine and put like a three quarter inch hose on it? Well, the inlet of the
Machine is only three eighths. Oh yeah. My concern with that is that tank likes to collect water. Yeah. And you really don't want the water. Yeah. We want that filter in there. Yeah. Oh, I had that little water separator. I took that off because I feel like that was stifling the flow.
And then I turned off the cleaning solution and the anti-stick solution. Yeah, because that's those, yeah, it aspirates the, or whatever, atomizes, aspirates. Yeah, atomizes, I think, is better. The solution onto the material. And then I was able to get them
I mean, what happens is the, when the machine senses there's not enough air pressure, it actually stops the machine. But then you're able to clear the air and run the piece.
through the rest. So even if it stops in the middle of pre milling, it'll, it'll mill the rest of it off. It'll put the edge banding on, but then the, you know, like the back trim, it seems to miss the back trim for some reason. And it doesn't scrape like as, as nice as it would. I think maybe it, maybe it might even shut off the scrapers for all I know, but it will, it will spit the piece out with a piece of edge banding.
And what I ended up doing is running them through and I had like four of them that did that. And then I pulled the glue pot back, locked it, and you can set it to run without tape and without glue. So then it just ran through and trimmed and buffed whatever was left over from those pieces.
you know, we are, are able to make it work for now. Um, obviously it's not very productive, but till we hit the lottery. Yeah. If you're doing long, if we're doing long pieces like that, I mean, typically the pieces aren't going to be eight feet long. No, you're typically, you know, 30, 31 inches is going to be cabinet side. Yeah. Just for like big tops and stuff like that. Yeah. So, you know, another thing to figure out.

Listener Visit Experience

Yeah. I mean that edge banders
It's going to be like the cornerstone of a certain section of our jobs. Yeah. I mean, that's our goal. Yep. Um, met a nice, uh, listener of the podcast today. Jeremy stop by. Yeah, that was pretty nice. Yeah. Yeah. He's a vintage machine collector, a woodworker software engineer. Yeah. He's got his, uh, he wears many hats. Yeah. Like most of us. Yeah.
It was nice to meet a listener. Yeah. He says he's going to start a YouTube channel. That's pretty cool. Yeah. I gave him credit. It's not for the peanut heart. No, not at all. Not at all. He may change his mind after he gets into it. Yeah. Yeah. We'll see. We'll have to keep, keep informed on that. Yeah. Well, give him a shout out when he starts the channel. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely.
Yeah, wrapped up some doors today for a client that we built that like knockdown lamello cabinet that we had to get up the stairs. Yeah. Yeah. And over the balcony. Yeah. They reached out and he actually, he's a bit of a tinkerer himself. He built that frigging bed out of the pipes. Yeah. Oh yeah. That was crazy. He had to get like reverse, some reverse threaded parts to cause we're looking at it. We're like, and we had to, uh,
We had to move the bed back. We were like, man, this thing's freaking heavy. We were talking about, he's like, oh yeah, I built that. I'm like, wow, that's pretty cool. So yeah, they sent over drawings and I'm like, man, this is like. Luxury. Too good. Just some simple, solid slab, MDF doors, you know, double refines, MDF. Cup and size, it was like two 12 by 22 and two 12 by 48.
cut them, sanded the edges to 320, glue sized them, sanded the edges back, you know, to 320, sanded the faces real quick at 600 just to smooth them out. And that was that, board the hinge. Hinges came today, board the holes. So those are ready to go. I shot them an email and told them, you know, we'll be here tomorrow.
Got the slides today for that nightstand job. I'm going to be building a couple of nightstands going out to Park City, Utah. Park City, nice place. Little white oak plywood, edge banded with a solid oak, you know, mitered beveled face frame, inside drawer face with push to open drawer slides. Little baby slides. Yeah. You know, three quarter inch, pre-finished plywood drawer box.
Yeah. And going to ship them up. Yeah. So box them up, send them a UPS out to Park City. They'll have a French cleat to hang on. I went skiing in Park City once. It's supposed to be real hip. It was. It was back in the eighties. I think it was the eighties. Yeah, it was the eighties. Man, that was a long time ago.
Yeah. It was only around for about a split second, 23 months. Yeah. Might, might've been right either right before 11 months. Sorry. Right before you were born or, uh, you know, maybe during your first year on the planet, I was skiing in park city, Utah. All I had was February through December of 89. Yeah. Um, yeah, it was a interesting time back then. Yeah. I bet.
So tomorrow we'll be in the shop, we'll be working on getting the stuff ready for that extended install we've been doing.

Upcoming Projects Discussion

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. And then we'll pack up the van and Friday bright and early, we're back out to the Hamptons.
Yeah. I'm getting my, uh, my, my root, my fake root put in tomorrow by the dentist. Oh yeah. Yeah. I'm going to get an implant too. And it's, she says that after they put that thing in tomorrow, it takes three months to heal.
Probably got to like get in there real solid and then. So you're just going to have a post or they're going to put a cap on it. No, it's, I think it's just a thing. I don't know. Um, it seems uncomfortable. Just like a metal post sticking in there. I have no idea. I, she said it's like a root, you know, consider it like the root. I said, can I eat? She said, yeah, you just don't eat anything. What's like that's jagged or any rocks.
Um, but, uh, no everlasting gobstoppers. Yeah. So I was joking around, you know, I said, well, can I work on Friday? Jeff says, can he work? And she says, yeah, but don't do any heavy lifting. Well, that's how we got to move that yellow cabinet. That's what's so funny. Just don't grit your teeth. I mean, what is she things going to happen?
So yeah, we'll go out there. You know, worst, worst case scenario. We'll look at staying out there Friday night and wrap it up Saturday morning, but we bring it sleeping bags. We'll have to find a place, bring overnight bag though. Thank goodness it's off season. Yeah. Even if we got to drive out mid Island, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's not that bad. Better than driving four hours or drive an hour. Oh yeah. Oh God. We'll go stay at the Ron Concomo holiday. Yeah.
Wouldn't that be funny? We should do it just on principle. That would be funny. Well, ask Corey, we'll stay in Patchogue. We'll just sleep at his shop. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so yeah, it'll be good to get that stuff all done. You know, it looks like we're going to be building the barn doors for out there so we can get some more measurements. Um, and you know, see if we get deposit on that and start, start working on that, you know, next week. Yeah. Yeah.
So those would be two layers of three quarter inch exterior MDF with a V-groove. So we'll do, we'll use the track saw to make the V-groove, you know, that way they're one piece, super stable. I like that idea. Yeah. They didn't want any battens on the front. So doing that a solid.
You could do them on the back too, I guess, but they didn't want any battens. Plus it's just a cost saver, you know, trying to keep costs down on it for them. Yeah. They wanted something that was very, uh, cost efficient. And it was going to be painted anyway. So, um, uh, we'll prime it and deliver it primed and then they can make a decision on color and have the painter painted out there, which is always a good deal for us because it's only willing to do half the painting. Yeah.
Um, so yeah, I don't know. I think that maybe that's all we got. That's it. Well, we appreciate you listening. Yeah. Listening to a play by play of the entire fishing trip. Not sure how interesting that is, but it depends what your interest is. I may, we may have, uh, um, urged people to plan their own fishing trip to Pulaski up to the salmon river. Yeah. It will raffle off an entry into the secret society of
Yeah. That, that would be some gift to like bring somebody up there with into the house. Yeah, man. We really had to vet this person. Well, that's the other thing. Forget about, forget about the monetary value. I mean, you'd have to be, yeah, you'd be privy to all sorts of information and conversations.
Well, I don't know if we could, we could allow somebody in into the back door that way. Probably not. No, no.

Closing Remarks and Support

Some things just have to stay behind closed doors. Yeah. What happens at the river lodge stays at the river lodge. Yeah. Well, we appreciate you listening and take care. Yeah. We'll see you next week.
As always, Rob and I, thank you for tuning in and we'll see you next week. If you want to help support the podcast, you can leave us a review on Apple. Appreciate your support. Thanks for tuning in.
You sure about that you sure about that