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Introduction and Sponsorships

Jeffrey Krug
The American Craftsman Podcast is sponsored by Hayfla. Hayfla offers a wide range of products and solutions for the woodworking and furniture making industries. From hinges and drawer slides to connectors and dowels, sandpaper, wood glue, shop carts, and everything in between. Exclusive product lines such as looks, LED lighting, and Slido door hardware ensure that every project you create is built to last. Learn more at Additional sponsorship provided by Ridge Carbide.
Jeffrey Krug
When you need the right saw blade for the job, put your trust in Ridge Carbide Tools. For over 50 years, Ridge Carbide has been producing industrial saw blades designed with the exact specifications for the cutting results you expect. Before you buy, call us and we'll help you determine the right tool that meets your needs and your budget. After the sale, Ridge Carbide provides sharpening services for all your saw blades, dado sets, router bits, and jointer planer knives.
Jeffrey Krug
Located in Kansas, rich carbide tools provides high quality products with outstanding customer service at a fair price. What are you cutting? Enjoy the show.

Missed Uploads and Podcast Status

Jeffrey Krug
Jeffrey Krug
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the show.
Jeffrey Krug
I feel like it's been a long time. Yeah, it has been. I think... We did miss two weeks. Yeah, we did miss two weeks. Rob DeMarco messaged me. He's like, no podcast this week? He's so... There was a couple of weeks where like it didn't upload. ah So I scheduled the upload, you know, usually the day after we recorded the same day. So that it comes out at five o'clock on Friday.
Jeffrey Krug
And, you know, sometimes it seems with this Zen caster, there's been glitches where it just didn't go up. And a couple of times Rob was like, oh, yeah, he's like, I noticed that. And I was like, God, let me know. Like, so if you see that it doesn't go up, just let me know. So he was like, oh, no podcast. I said, yeah, we we didn't record. It was great seeing him and Corey. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

TV Shows & New Series

Jeffrey Krug
Rob's great guy. He I put up a little thing on my Instagram was a Billy Bob Thornton kind of a part in this show that I just finished watching called Land Man. It's a new it's the same guy who did the Yellowstone
Jeffrey Krug
but Okay, I never watched that. Yeah. Yellowstone, I didn't think was great. But the the same exact director, ah writer also did 1883 and 1927, which are like precludes to Yellowstone. Those were really good, in my opinion. Yellowstone seemed very far fetched and like kind of like, a ah like a soap opera.
Jeffrey Krug
That's what I've heard like a soap opera for men. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Because there's a little T and A in there and there's a lot of like drinking and a lot of it is just like you know people are getting killed and there's like no rhyme or reason, like how how can this work? It's completely lawless. Right, people in jail. It's not the Wild West and they're acting as if it is. Because that takes place in present day, right? that takes So 1880 or whatever those ones are, that basically is their journey to where they got to this land in Montana. Like the the these people's ancestors. Yeah, how they sort of worked their way west and ended up where they were. And now modern day, they're sort of holding on to their property
Jeffrey Krug
uh with everything that's going on in modern day america and you know higher taxes everything you know how it is uh so the same guy i think sheraton is his name sheraton something i think uh he's done this deal with uh this new show that's on paramount plus and it's uh starring billy bob thorin and the the name is landman And ah if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I have a kind of a negative opinion about all the windmills.

Windmills and Clean Energy Debate

Jeffrey Krug
You know, we I don't know, we might lose two or three to the two to three of listeners we have. But I, I just think it's just like
Jeffrey Krug
When you know how much energy it takes to create concrete, because you burn tires to mix to make cement, you can burn other fuel. yeah But a lot of cement tires, a lot of cement ah factories burn tires to get the heat to create Portland cement. So there's ah it's not there's nothing clean about cement. And when you think about all the cement that has to go in,
Jeffrey Krug
into ah the footings in the bottom of the ocean and how much energy all that takes. Then you have these windmills that last maybe 20 years. Anyway, Billy Bob Thornton gives this whole spiel about how they're not clean energy. And it was sort of like right up my alley. you I'd be interested to see like the, you know, that's like using Ziploc bags or using a reuse, you know, you make your kids lunch every day and you put their sandwich in a Ziploc bag or you buy like a Tupperware and you wash it every day. Same thing. I'd like to see a comparison for like something like that and like or like and like a windmill like okay, so you use say a hundred and eighty
Jeffrey Krug
thin, super thin Ziploc bags and they get thrown away, or a Tupperware that lasts you all year, and maybe two years, but you have to wash it every day. So you're using the water and the soap and all, you know, I'd like to see like a comparison of, and same thing with the windmill, like you're using all that energy to produce the windmill and get rid of it when it fails versus burning fossil fuels or whatever.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, i I think my I'm always leaning towards nuclear energy. Oh, yeah. I mean that so for me, it's just sort of like it's it's where's the common sense, right? Because the the nuclear plants that that are that we're using today are, you know, 40 year old technology, maybe 50 year old technology. So think of what you could do today. It's just like,
Jeffrey Krug
But yeah, and we just um did like fission where it created more energy than was input for the first time a couple years ago. Exactly. So I look at windmills and I'm like, okay, to produce one of those one of those blades which are made out of fiberglass, which are not recyclable in any way, and they don't biodegrade, and they um they have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years tops in a perfect world.
Jeffrey Krug
So those just go into a landfill and they're gigantic. I mean, I think one of them is something like 200 feet long. You know, one, one of the blade. Yeah. One blade.
Jeffrey Krug
And I got to think the ones that are out in the ocean, you get a crazy hurricane, they're not going to splinter. So that's just what happened actually recently. A bunch of them broke apart or at least one of them broke apart off the coast of Nantucket and littered the beach with all this like fiberglass. So to me, it's just sort of like there's There's other places to look. i mean it's not like You're not creating energy out of thin air. you're You're creating this big, gigantic structure and then all the work to get this structure to the point of where it's going to live. and anyway So Billy Bob Thornton does this whole spiel on it, which I thought was awesome.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, he didn't obviously write that he's an actor, but it was just delivered really well. And so I shared that. And I guess ah Rob DeMarco is watching the same show. He's like, that's a great show. He'll never top Sling Blade. That was such a great movie. You know, I thought that was a great movie, too, because I saw it. I saw it when it came out. That came out what in the 90s or the 80s?
Jeffrey Krug
I think it came out in the very early 90s, probably like 93 or something like that. 92, 93, that's when all like these these um ah well indie movies or whatever they call them, ah low priced movies, I forget what their definition was.
Jeffrey Krug
And I only know that because I just listened to an interview with Quentin Tarantino recently with and another director, the guy that he worked at the video store with, because they both worked at video stores. Oh, somebody was telling me about that. Maybe it was you. Really good. Really good interview. Oh, yeah. I think we were talking to Ed and it came up. Yeah, probably. Probably. So um Anyway, ah so I thought Sling Blade was a great movie. And I'm gonna say 10 or 15 years ago, the boys, my wife is somewhere and it's just me and the boys. And I'm like, I got a great movie, you guys are really gonna like this. So we put in Sling Blade. they' like And it's like 10 minutes later, like, this movie really stinks, you know? man They couldn't get into it. And in my mind,
Jeffrey Krug
It wasn't as good as I remembered it. So try to watch it. Try to, if you get a moment, try to watch it and see what you think now.

Meetup and Social Gatherings

Jeffrey Krug
It's been a couple of years. I watched it like as a kid, you know. yeah because It used to be like a big TV movie. Like it was on TV quite a bit. um That was like I saw something about the Shawshank Redemption. Remember when that was on TV every weekend on TNT? yeah Like every weekend they were like, TNT is the Shawshank Redemption channel.
Jeffrey Krug
I thought that was ah a great movie. A lot of ah a lot of a spoofs on that, I think, with a Family Guy and oh yeah stuff like that. yeah Yeah, so we had the... ah This is our first episode post holidays. We had the meetup. That was, what, two weeks ago?
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, nice place. That place Grimberg beer was good. Yeah, I had three beers over the course of about three hours, maybe four hours really. So it was fine. But the first two beers I had, I think they were like called the warlock or the spider or something like that was a dark beer. And Oh, yeah. And I didn't try that. I think it was only 5.6%. But it might have been 6.5 5.5 or 6.5. So I guess that's a big difference. But after two of those beers and they're full pints. I was like, wow, I'm feeling that. Yeah. That's easy to forget. Like you're like, Oh, I had three beers, but really it's like you had 48 ounces, which is four beers. Yeah. Yeah. So then the last beer I had was only a, they call it a session beer. And that was only a four, 4.0% alcohol. Was that the Mexican lager one? Yeah. That was good. Yeah. I thought so too. Yeah. I had the, um, first I had the,
Jeffrey Krug
ah the Merton, the Oktoberfest, that was good. Then I had the Pale Ale, which was good. I love, I like hoppy beers, but you can't drink them like all night. um And you, oh man, if you wake up hungover with like that that taste in your mouth, it's bad.
Jeffrey Krug
And then I switched over to that Mexican blogger, which was good. Yeah, it was good. It's a nice place. yeah you know it's It was really easy to park, too, because I was wondering where we're going to park there. But it was ah really nice. Yeah, yeah when I tabbed out, she was like $26. I'm like, man, I haven't been out in a long time. like this It seems so cheap. That's what I that's what i was thinking.
Jeffrey Krug
And, uh, I think mine was like 19 bucks for three beers. And I was like, wow, that's not bad at all. Yeah. So, yeah, it was a good time. And, uh, so John went, Ed went. Yep. Ed, uh, at John's was there, was there. It gave me a lighter. Keith, his wife, uh, Walter, Steve, um, Cooperstein, um, uh, Corey and Rob.
Jeffrey Krug
Who else? Oh, Manny and Denise. um ah Do you remember um remember the the guy's name who came from ah Pennsylvania? Oh, yeah was it Anthony? It was Anthony. yeah Yeah, super nice guy. He looked really familiar, but i had I don't think I've met him before. Yeah, he's a super nice guy. I didn't get a chance to talk to him. I talked with him. Walter was talking with him. And I think John john ah does the web work for for Jeff and i I. I think John was talking to him for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a client.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, I like working with John. He's ah one thing I like is he's like me where he's like super responsive. Yeah. I emailed him on New Year's Day and and like people are like, oh, I can't work on. It's like it's not work for me. I'm just sending like an email. Like if something pops into my head, I want to like get the thought out and get, you know, any like email me back, you know, and doing stuff. And, you know, we just bounce back and forth. And it's like,
Jeffrey Krug
You email me with something to do, I do it, and then give you the next thing and back and forth. Like, that's how shit gets done. Yeah, I can't, like, I never sit on ah an email or a text. You know, I'm better with text than I am with email. Yeah. um But yeah, usually, and i I was talking with John, I think, as well on New Year's Day, we because we're, we we have a Shopify store now at today's craftsman. And ah and I'm setting up my Shopify on the John ah john Peters Longview Woodworking.
Jeffrey Krug
And so John was over at the shop my shop yesterday. We spent a good few hours in the upstairs studio.

Support for Longview Woodworking

Jeffrey Krug
He's a great photographer. ah He's got a good setup. you know And the cool thing, so when I do photography, especially if I'm shooting artwork, I'll shoot the same thing like 25 or 35 times. And then in post, I'm trying to remember or think which one looks the best. And it's just a disaster.
Jeffrey Krug
And literally, John just edits everything. So he only had one image of each of each image. Well, only you know what I mean? But he he gets it nice and square. The idea is to create um ah reproductions of different paintings. Right. So like I have the bikini girl series. I'm gonna maybe do like beach towels that have bikini girls on them. Water bottle be cool for that. Yeah, water bottle. I put up like a Nalgene, you know, Nalgene bottle.
Jeffrey Krug
Okay. Yeah, I have to look at that. It's like, you know, the 32 ounce I put up like a today's craftsman one. Cool. That's a cool people who don't drink coffee. Yeah, smart. There's a lot of cool stuff on a printful there. The one thing I didn't see I was hoping to find was ah like a serving tray ah serving tray is sort of like a perfect, perfect size to put like a painting on.
Jeffrey Krug
Let's take a look. So, so then John and I went mountain biking and it was cold. Yes. It was like 20 degrees. It was freezing. I was surprised. I, you know, cause I'll kind of go mountain biking anytime. So I gave John every out. I was like, are you sure you want to go? He's like, no, I definitely want to go. And he could ride. I was impressed.
Jeffrey Krug
That'd be home decor. Yeah. That's what I, that's, I think where I looked and I did a search in the search bar tableware.
Jeffrey Krug
we get our own soap and soap. That's what everyone needs. Today's craftsman hands and Jeff yeah saying that we can get yoga pants. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, they have all kinds. I mean, sneakers. Yeah, I don't get the sneakers. I saw a one piece bathing suit. and I was like, are people really going to face masks, we could get ready for the bird flu. Come into a town near you.
Jeffrey Krug
Hair accessories. They're not talking about bird flu now, are they? Everybody's talking about there's a lot. Yeah, somebody died in Louisiana from bird flu. Oh my god. Yeah. Headband. It's crunchy. But you didn't see, a you didn't see trays, right? No. yeah So we have the wide mouth plastic bottle. This is different from
Jeffrey Krug
The view that I was here we go. This is actual Printful website in case anyone's looking for a ah good show to watch So I just mentioned the one land man. I think that's worth watching if you have Paramount Plus and On um on Hulu, I just started watching something called the old man with Jeff Bridges I've heard of that. Yeah, I like Jeff Bridges. Yeah, I like Jeff Bridges as well I mean, he's funny because he almost almost always has the same look. Yeah, because if you go back to Starman, like one of his first films, he has that same sort of expression. But I've always liked, you know, it's sort of like he's he kind of plays the same person. Yeah, it's like, um Jack Nicholson, or um what's that other guy? ah
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, Anthony. No, not Anthony. Christopher Walken. Oh, yeah. Christopher Walken. You know, type typecast. Yeah. Where it's like they write the part and they're like, OK, we know we're writing it knowing that Jeff Bridges is going to play this guy. Yeah, I think you're right. It's a good show. It's um he's a retired CIA guy and.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, ah I kind of get into like a hibernating thing in the winter time, I'm sort of done working by like 730. And I just will watch something, some kind of show for an hour or two. ah And that's how I get by the winter. It's like, especially right now since it's so so cold.

Daylight Saving Time Discussion

Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, and it's still, you know, dark pretty early. The nice thing is the days are getting longer. Yeah, we gained 40 minutes this month. Oh, really? Okay. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
I heard they might get rid of daylight saving time. Yeah, I would like to stay in daylight saving. And that's where it's ah where it's darker earlier. um I'd rather get up when it's dark and have it stay lighter later. I think that's Yeah, I think that's what are we in daylight saving? Bring forward and you fall back. Right. So which one is it's when you spring forward.
Jeffrey Krug
So spring forward is when you you have those days that are super long.
Jeffrey Krug
Which is daylight savings. Daylight savings, blah, blah, blah. 2 a.m. Yeah, begins 2 a.m. on the second Sunday in March. Yeah, that's what I want. I want to stay in the spring forward. Yeah, because I don't mind getting up when it's dark. You get up when it's dark no matter when. Yeah, 365. Yeah. I want to come home and it's light.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. they want to They want us to stay in this time where it's... No. Yeah, that's getting rid of daylight savings. Oh, okay. Daylight savings is the period between spring and fall. Okay. Yeah. um Right now, we're out of daylight savings. So, wait a second. What'd you just say?
Jeffrey Krug
Daylight savings is just that six month period between March and... And they want to stay in daylight savings. No. They want to get rid of daylight savings. So it's like this. I think there's a confusion there because I think most people would want a longer day. Oh, yeah. I think wow you think the government cares about everybody. I don't think the government cares about anything. You're making a lot of assumptions there. I know. I know. They're like, how can we make everybody's life a little bit worse?
Jeffrey Krug
I want to mention one other show ah before I forget, just if you've never seen it, which is, there's a good chance you already saw this.

Film Recommendations

Jeffrey Krug
ah There will be blood. ah Daniel Day Lewis. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's about like the oil guy. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah. That's a great, great movie. Oh, I know. I would so I got into a Quentin Tarantino kick after listening to this Joe Rogan ah podcast and So ah he's got a either it's somebody else's channel or art it's his own channel, where he does ah kind of like little ah reviews, like he'll play 10 minute, it's like a 10 minute, 15 minute long video. And he just talks about why he likes certain video, certain not videos, but certain movies. And he did, he did, there will be blood. And I saw that, but it was a long time ago. And again, it's just like, and he even says during this review, he's like,
Jeffrey Krug
This is the type of movie you need to see twice. Right. And and it makes a lot of sense. So now I'm thinking, oh, that but that's also the type of movie my wife sort of begrudgingly watched once. Yeah. She's not going to really want to watch that one again. I like those like long, heady kind of movies. Yeah. You know, yeah. I don't want to watch a 70 minute rom com.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, they're the worst I can't watch. And if it's predictable, I can't watch it. I'm with you 100%. I like a story that you can get law and I'm not looking for like, the you know, everything to wrap up, you know, like in a perfect bow. And that's usually ah that's usually what those rom con videos are. I just and they're so unrealistic. Well, but okay, this is another thing like because Laurel was talking about ah some movie and Ryan Reynolds was in it. And I used to think okay, I like Ryan Reynolds fine. But now I'm like over like predictably cute guys. Like I'm gonna be cute funny. I'm gonna act cute. Yeah, and it's just like, I'm like, I don't know. Maybe i I just can't stand it now. I almost like we sense like an expectation that you're gonna be cute.
Jeffrey Krug
I saw I'm almost repulsed by it. I look at now I can't stand Ryan Reynolds, right? Maybe because he's a multimillionaire. Yeah, I think he's the guy from ah Deadpool, right? Yeah, but he's also he's also I think done something with um like a phone company where yeah, oh yeah mint mobile. Yeah, I think he owns it. I think he owns that. And ah I think he owns a soccer team with the guy from sunny in Philadelphia. Wrexham, whatever, something like that. Yeah. yeah But yeah, i don't I don't like that ah cute funny stuff. and And I don't like it when I see it in like YouTube videos. Like I can't stand, um now I'm going to step on more toes. I just can't stand like cute funny woodworkers. Oh, yeah. You know, i I know you like him, but I watched like a couple Lincoln Street videos. I don't like him. You don't like him? No.
Jeffrey Krug
I think he's a good businessman. Yeah. I don't think he's a very good woodworker. I don't, but I don't think he claims to be. No, but like, why are you making woodworking videos just because you can make money doing it? Yeah. That's what irks me. you know Find something you're good at and do that. i hear you Plus in woodworking, there's just no you don't make money in woodworking videos. you make money if you If you want to make videos, you make money in finance and real estate videos. yeah like the The CPR rate in woodworking is super, super low. But like I can look at people who are making videos, and if I can get some value from it, like
Jeffrey Krug
So like I'll look at John's videos and kind of like think, OK, what can I learn from this? That's why I watched one. It was like um he he made ah like a coffee table using all like super simple tools like a circular saw. So like I'll look at that and think, OK, maybe I should be doing something like because my my project videos sometimes they do OK, but mostly they tank. Yeah. But the good thing is.
Jeffrey Krug
The people who watch my videos seem to buy my plans. are That's what happens. People buy the plans and watch the videos because it's really geared towards a large variety of woodworkers, but mainly geared to the person who's kind of just getting into it. yeah If you've been working, if you if you're a very competent woodworker, you might just, all you have to do is look at the picture of what I've made and be like, okay, I can figure out

Woodworking Video Styles

Jeffrey Krug
how to make that. yeah um So I'll look at John's videos to get some ideas, some camera angles and things like that. ah So I like John, there's just other, there's a couple other woodworkers out there just sort of like, I don't know, the cue thing just bugs me. I can't stand like... Or like the slapstick. I i hate well that. I throw that in with cue. Yeah. Like, so this is the other thing.
Jeffrey Krug
Woodworking isn't exciting. It's not rock and roll. It's not funny. It's like it's like that you're saying. you know There's nothing to it but to do it. You put your head down and you do it. like yeah you got to If you build something, there's nothing entertaining or funny or exciting about the three and a half hours that you actually have to sand to make this thing look good.
Jeffrey Krug
And so when I'm, I mean, I don't put a video up of me saying I'm standing here for three hours, but I'll say like, Okay, now you have to, you know, put the time in and sand or whatever. I'll show a little bit of sanding. um But yeah, i I couldn't try to make a video that was trying. That's just not me. I'm not funny. ah I'm having fun times making my art videos. Yeah, I've been watching those. The last so they're like all one cut. I didn't watch the big frame, the big frame one yet. But That's what ah so that I feel like I'm finding my voice there where I'm trying not to I'm just trying to like let you be in the studio with me and not really um Overthink it. Yeah, just trying not to overthink it. It's all like one shot. Sometimes I'm just holding the camera a lot of times I'm just sort of walking around and and getting stuff done Because I know the the woodwork the woodworkers who are tuning in Already know how to do it
Jeffrey Krug
And the people who are tuning in, who who potentially are artists and don't have all this stuff, they they they can't grasp the whole thing. So they'll just like get certain little parts and like, Oh yeah, that's my takeaway. But at the end of it, they'll see like, okay, this is how it got done. or yeah But I'm enjoying doing that. And if it were up to me, I would spend my whole day making like art images.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, and I think like people want that sort of um underproduced isn't the word, but they don't want like overproduced, you know, like watching that guy John's video, I was like, this is just like to it's like watching like a it's like reading a textbook, you know, yeah, but but it's not it wasn't that informational, but it felt like very sterile, very sure you know like I like he was just like going off of a ah script you know they're totally scripted are there any um woodworkers that now it's funny because we probably both don't watch that many woodworkers these days not really ah but like I like mark
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. ah Wood Whisper is great. Macromona is great. Yeah. Mac. Macromona is like he makes me feel like I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Yeah. Yeah. He's amazing. I haven't seen I think most of his like build like real deep build videos are probably like in the Wood Whisper Guild now. Yeah. But he used to you know build in like the ah high boy. I mean crazy stuff. Hand carving flame finials and you know I mean he's got some serious chops.
Jeffrey Krug
And not just there, I mean, his mechanical yeah abilities and building that sawmill, just the machinery that he has and having to maintain that machinery. yeah like I could use that machinery, but i I wouldn't want to maintain it. I couldn't even use it unless I but i had a quick lesson on it. yeah but um But that's it's I don't know exactly how much property has, but it seems like there's a decent amount of property now. Yeah, he's definitely got, yeah. I don't know you know if it's 100 acres or 20 acres, but it's ah it's a lot. Yeah. and And for that kind of property and ah and the things that he wants to do, having that machinery makes it possible. Yeah. But also having the skills and ability to ah maintain all that stuff and store all that stuff. and
Jeffrey Krug
You know, yeah he made all the flooring for his house. Yeah, that's pretty wild. Like milled the logs and ran it on the Mulder. That's crazy. I mean, his videos um and Mark's videos are just they don't feel scripted like that. You know, well I think Mark is and is really good on camera. Yeah. The funny thing is Mark describes himself as an introvert. You would never guess that by watching his videos. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
But I've known that. I know that from either hearing him say that on a podcast or him saying it on his YouTube channel. But he he I think. Well, I watched his video recently. I showed you because you sent me and I had already about the frame. ah Yeah. Yeah. The frame one I didn't end up watching. But ah the behind the scenes. I'm more interested in the behind the scenes stuff. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
um But like he he really has got it going on with ah his whole his whole tech side. Yeah, he's got an editor. Well, the way he's shooting everything. Yeah. So, I mean, I'm pretty low tech on this side. Yeah. You know, it doesn't pay to be any more high tech until it pays to be more high tech, you know. I agree. It's all about return on investment. I do think, well, the there are a lot of big channels too that are only shooting on their phones.

Quality of Audio vs Video

Jeffrey Krug
Jeffrey Krug
So that's what we shoot on. If you don't know already, we shoot with the iPhone 15 and a Bluetooth mic set up. I think the quality is really good. I think I would say, and I always go back to this, if we had a big shop with north facing windows, that would be great. It's northern light. But I wouldn't want to be moving lighting all around. I think it kind of takes away. Yeah. I mean, you could do a lot of color correction in post too, but that's a whole other that's a whole nother thing. And I think a lot of people are consuming videos on their phone. Yeah, I mean,
Jeffrey Krug
I would say the majority of YouTube videos that I watch are on my phone. I think audio is more important than video. As long as you're in 1080, because everybody watches in 1080, nobody watches in 4K. 4K is good because you can right you can get tight and and still maintain the resolution. um But everybody now has AirPods in or whatever. What do you think of the sound quality?
Jeffrey Krug
on ours. yeah um See, I don't watch our videos with headphones in. Okay, because you probably watch them here at lunch. Or on my phone. Yeah, just like on my phone. So what do you think of the quality with just watching on your phone? It doesn't seem bad. Yeah, I mostly watch. Well, yeah, I would imagine most people do use earphones because a lot of people are probably watching in public places.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, and like even at home, everybody's on their own device. and yeah you know but show you don't want like I always get annoyed when somebody's watching something in the living room. ah Especially if it's like Instagram reels and and yeah it's like 30 seconds of this, five seconds of this, three seconds of that. Yeah, it's crazy. Definitely trying to trying to limit myself. I haven't been posting a lot to Instagram. ah I ah should. I don't know. There's not a lot of incentive to post to Instagram right now. No, there's zero.
Jeffrey Krug
right right like ah yeah i mean i I have worked with companies ah where you know you get paid for reels and stories and all that stuff.
Jeffrey Krug
I think I'll probably do more of it in the spring when I start working more outside. Yeah. um Like I'll probably start thinking about coming up with some ideas with Jonathan Green. I'd like to do a rehab on your lawn. Yeah, I'm for it. Yeah, we could do that. We could do that on my channel and maybe this channel too.
Jeffrey Krug
um But yeah, I just ah just can't get into, it's just not a big incentive to. And there doesn't seem to be like a lot of crossover. Like if you post on Instagram, like they're gonna go to your YouTube channel, you know? Yeah. It's like they're two separate entities. The only time I got any and hes anything like helping a main video was when I had that YouTube short blow up.
Jeffrey Krug
And then I put a related video link to it. And then people would go to that. But that was millions and millions of views. and And even then it was a very small number that actually went to the main video. It's a lot to get people to click on anything, I think. Yeah. Even like subscribing, like I have a bunch of channels I watch that I don't subscribe to. Oh, most of the channels I watch these days I don't subscribe to just yeah because why would you? they come They're going to come up on my feet anyway. Right. So.
Jeffrey Krug
I know that like our subscriber. um I'm surprised ours hasn't built over 10,000 yet.

Subscriber Growth

Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it's it's ah seems to be growing a little more steadily now. Like I think we picked up like about 400 subs in the last two weeks, which is pretty good. Good. I gave it a few plugs in my last video. I don't know if that goes over or not. But see what what the graph looks like. How about New Year's do you have any resolutions?
Jeffrey Krug
No, I'm not a big resolution guy. I'm doing dry January. That's about it. Picked up 670 in the last month. There was a spike on, we picked up like almost 90 subs. It looks like, I guess I got to click on it. Saturday? Like maybe a couple of days ago. Yeah. So maybe that's it. That might've been the video because I was talking about the blades. Yeah. I watched that video. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
I had to go back and like reshoot some things. I i always get my technical stuff wrong.

Video Editing Challenges

Jeffrey Krug
I'm like, Oh my God, but i I called that the wrong thing. ah That's my thing. I don't remember the names of anything. i'm oh yeah That's the blade with that flat blade, ah you know, that's got a, you know, and and then the the difference between saying grind and ground, you know, use it trying to use the same ah correct grammar. Yeah. Flat ground, flat grind blade. Yeah. Yeah. flat grind sounds weird, but it's probably correct. ah Well, yeah, I don't know. The tooth is flat ground, but is the but it's a flat grind blade. and I don't know. I don't know. That's the other thing, like, you know, that's real life, and you know, sometimes mixing things up. And like, if you cut all that out of your videos, it's just totally fake. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, no, I agree. i I we just shot a video on card scrapers. I think that's a good video my finger. We got that on video, too. Yeah. You know, some people would they're like, oh, I got to wait and reshoot when i I don't have a bandaid on my thumb. Yeah, no, i I definitely I definitely agree with that. I have to. Thinking of what I have to shoot, I have to do another veneer project, do one more.
Jeffrey Krug
I like working with Veneer. Do a tissue box. I need a tissue box holder. Do you really? Yeah. Maybe I will too. For that kind of box. um That's a good idea. That's a good idea because it's a beginner project. Yeah. And it's it's cold and flu season. Yeah. Oh, that's a great idea. Do you have a couple extra of those?
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, yeah, I can give you one. Okay, yeah, I'll take one. That's gonna be my project. Because I look for them online and I can only find them for like Kleenex style, which is the slot in the top, which I hate those kind of boxes because it always falls inside and you can't get to it. So what do you want it open just like that? Or just Oh, yeah. Exactly open like that. So it's got like a half moon on both sides. Yeah, it could be in a little bit. So covers the box. But yeah. And that's probably a standardized box.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, yeah. I mean, puffs is probably the number two. Is this going to be a bottomless box? So it just fits over it? That was my thought. Yeah, so it's easier. Yeah. ah Definitely don't does doesn't need a bottom because you could make it difficult. Be like, Oh, I'll put a magnet or whatever. Yeah. I just that's a great idea. Because usually the tissues sit in one spot anyway. You know, it's like you're moving it around. I can't forget that. You just like saved me because I'm thinking, Oh, what should I make? You know, because I don't have any space for anything. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
i I made those Donald Judd chair and that video just flopped. Really? Oh yeah. I think that that video just died. And I occasionally get, um you know, that's the most uncomfortable looking chair ever, which it is. If you know anything about furniture, like, you know, it's a famous chair. I know. So somebody was, somebody just wrote me some nasty comment about it. And I forget what they had said, but I, I, I replied, um I replied, Well, it's, I think the originals are somewhere like, I think I said is his artwork and his chairs are now worth millions. So, you know, it is what it is. Right. And he's like, Oh, so now you're calling it artwork. And I said, Well, maybe it maybe it doesn't stand up to your Thomas Kincaid collection.
Jeffrey Krug
And he's like Thomas Kincaid. He couldn't hold a candle to Thomas Kincaid. And so Thomas Kincaid is this, he did a thing called the Master of Light. Like if you type in Thomas Kincaid, super, super famous for all the wrong reasons, like, um you know, like, there he is. Oh, God. Yes. No, no, no. but What above it? oh So that's a Thomas Kincaid painting. ah He looks like a Bob Ross. ah Yeah, they're just So anyway, he passed away a couple years ago. I don't know what of. But. He would he does not look like a painter. He would sell on QVC and they would print pillowcases. And I mean, he's probably he was probably he was probably super wealthy when he passed away. And his estate is probably still super wealthy. Yeah, this is all stuff that would be on it's like a Christmas card. Yeah, exactly.
Jeffrey Krug
No, these look like these look like AI paintings. They do right. But these are like 20 years old now because he passed away probably 10 years ago. Anyway, um once he said that, i was that's a that's such an obscure dig.
Jeffrey Krug
ah yeah But he got it. He probably had to look it up. Yeah, I think he yeah I think he said something like um ah this. Donald Judd couldn't hold a candle to Thomas Kincaid or something like that. I mean, I'm not saying these are technically bad, but I mean, it's pretty lame. That's what I think. I mean, like this isn't like who was the guy that did like those um those, um you know, was it this American life? I know who you're talking about. Yeah, but he was actually. um This is like a knockoff version of that. Yeah, I know exactly who you're talking about. ah Is that what it was called? This American one? No.
Jeffrey Krug
He's a famous American painter. Yeah, I thought he did some of the covers. It could be just... I don't know why the hell this American life is. I know exactly what you're talking about, though. He did the thing where it's like a... It was all about 1950s home. Yeah, yeah. I know exactly what you're... Yeah, it's not him either.
Jeffrey Krug
There he is, top. I see I can remember a painting. Artist, third over. No, right there. That's him. Click on that. Oh, Saturday Evening Post. That's what it was. What's the name of that? Norman Rockwell. Man, that's like one of those, how do you not remember that? Yeah. Yeah, he's like a knockoff Norman Rockwell. Yeah, but not as good.
Jeffrey Krug
I think Norman Rockwell actually, like I like that. I guess these are more like people pieces. Yeah, I actually like I actually like Norman Rockwell. I think he like no these represents a ah ah time in history. Yeah. um So it's it's based around, so you know, like a reality where. This guy's stuff looks like if you went to buy a painting at home goods, that's what I'm talking like. That's what it would be. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah. So so the the way we got here was I was.
Jeffrey Krug
going back to those judge chairs. And I still will make a game table for that. Because I think in the right, in the right house, my problem is I don't have any space for furniture anymore. Like I don't have any, any other, I don't have any place to put anything. And I'm giving, ah I'm giving Jack all this stuff as I make in Texas, I don't need any more furniture. So eventually,
Jeffrey Krug
the the other boys will have a house or something or a place and they might want the chairs with a game table because I think it's great. I think those chairs are great. for playing checkers or chess. Yeah, we're kind of leaning forward and focused. Yeah, but you don't want to, you don't want to like lay back. in ocean No, it's just a pretty straight up. Yeah, I did think actually, I don't know if I mentioned it here. I might have mentioned it to Walter. I thought about setting the tracks up on like a three degree angle and cutting the back at the like an inch above where it connects to the seat and flipping and flipping it around and putting it back with Domino's.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. And maybe putting a spine. I still might do that. Maybe cut an inch off of the back leg so that you tip the seat back a little bit and then also. Oh, yeah. Because you kind of want to be yeah like 100 degrees and then tip back five degrees or something. That's a good idea. Yeah. I mean, that that could actually work. And then if I put a spine, I could have that spine come out like an inch or something in the back to help support it so you don't fall backwards. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Something like that. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah, so we got scraper video coming out Saturday. I think that'll be a good one. Yeah, I think so. I'm looking forward to editing. I'm going to edit that when I get back to the shop today.

Workshop Safety Tips

Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, you got to be careful of setting those up. I went right through the Band-Aid too. Yeah, I was. I've never done that before. I was kind of waiting for you to get a cut just to when yeah I was like, man, that metal looks pretty sharp. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
picked up some new cards from DFM tools. Yeah. And I so Jeff says in the video, I've never I used a scraper a little bit at the shop I worked with worked out way back in the 80s. But then somehow I just I just picked up a habit of always using a razor blade.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it's nice to get more real estate to you know, oh 100% and you can bend it. I feel sketch do you use a ah utility blade? Yeah, yeah, I feel a little sketched out holding it. Yeah, because I've cut my slip. For sure. When I use a utility blade to like, ah cut things out. ah Up in the art studio where I'm cutting out like stencils and stuff. I always tape one side of the blade. Yeah. And that makes a big difference. I don't really like exacto knives. I like working with a utility blade, not in a knife. I just feel like I have more control. I really like those narrow blade snap off knives that I have. So I got a $25 Amazon gift card from, geez, I don't know, want somebody, one of my kids maybe. o And I'm definitely going to buy that. I'm going to buy that and I'm going to buy that little saw. Oh, yeah, I love that thing. Yeah, that's those are two things. And and I'm probably going to buy that burnisher even though that's more money. Yeah, that's something I could use. Yeah, the acuber. So it's like ah has three angle settings, five, 10, 15 degrees, and it burnishes both sides of the the scraper at once. Yeah, it worked good. Yeah, I mean, you know, once you initially set up the scraper, which takes I mean, what did it take?
Jeffrey Krug
10 minutes, 15 minutes. And we were shooting a video. If you're doing it on your own, it wouldn't take any time at all. Yeah. And, you know, if I had gone to the file first rather than going right to the stone and it would have been faster, and it's always slower when you're filming stuff. But in a half hour, you could have a ah brand new scraper fully set up. I think what turned me off of the scraper is trying to use that burnisher. Yeah. And it's just not.
Jeffrey Krug
just not really working. And, and then um I guess I saw you using and I thought, man, we should make a video on that. And that's sort of like the value in that video, because I'm going to use that video to help me in my shop. There's a lot of videos, a lot a lot of it is, ah is like really selfish on my part, because I'd like to know a little bit more about this. all I'll just have Jeff make a, I'll shoot Jeff talking about it, and I can refer back to it when I need to know more about it.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, it's a good metric for what might be a good video. Yeah, it's true. That's true. So if you end up doing the um ah that other spray system that you were talking about, yeah, good video. Hopefully that call goes well on Friday. He said that um the higher ups, it's a little harder to get air assisted airless because they want to push what they sell the most of, which is airless.
Jeffrey Krug
And I'm thinking to myself, shouldn't you kind of push the stuff that you sell less of so that you sell more of it? Well, the funny thing too, is I think the videos that we make are so helpful to the consumer. Yeah. Because they're going to get, a they're they're basically going to get instructions in video format. And that like that's what anybody does. When they buy a tool they don't understand, the first thing they do is go to YouTube. Yeah. And it's like, okay, how do I put this together? ah What are the little things that I need to know?
Jeffrey Krug
And like I've made videos on, on tools and those videos, those videos are actually evergreen tools videos too. yeah

Efficient Painting Tools

Jeffrey Krug
They do well. ah I did, ah I catch some grief for this one too, because I, ah I did a video on the ah Wagner ah thing, which worked great for me, but so they reached out to me and I got paid for that. But it, you know, the problem with it is it's not a pro thing, yeah but it worked. I painted my whole barn.
Jeffrey Krug
before lunch, you know, i i I was all set up, I sort of had my ladders ready and everything, or not my whole barn, but three sides of it. And um I was using aluminum underneath the shingles. yeah So just like a, so I could spray it. And it was funny, like my motivation there was I had recited the barn.
Jeffrey Krug
And like the red barn's been there before the house was there because the the barn used to be in the front yard and the builders who built the house put it in the backyard. okay And so I had to replace the siding and the upper part and I had to do some lower are renovations. I remember that video. That's going back a while, right? Yeah. So I put up this hardy board siding and it was like kind of a blue color.
Jeffrey Krug
And all of a sudden, at like yeah different primary yeah it was like it looked like a different building and I just didn't want the i didn't want the attention. So I was like, I just want to get this thing read again. And I literally just went out there, painted it in like no time. It was like 11 o'clock in the morning. and I was almost finished. Yeah. And that video is helpful to somebody. It doesn't have to be, you know, not every video has to be for Well, that's the thing that so people don't go into the cleaning and I did I said this thing's a pain. They asked to clean I said so when make sure you're done with it, you know, don't don't try to clean it like do your whole job. You got a phone call? No, it's just a stupid text. Text from my ah I told you I was seeing a dietician. I saw him twice. It was it's like this app called nourish. I was getting um
Jeffrey Krug
Instagram ads like crazy like you could see a dietitian for you know covered by 99% of insurances blah blah blah I'm like wow I'm pay for insurance so I might as well try this why not so I had two appointments and then they were like oh yeah your insurance isn't gonna cover it sorry what do you want to what do you want to do with uh so what why would you go to a dietitian um just the just for accountability So it's like if you wanted to, to be a really good runner, it would help you to have a coach. Well, I'm all about the science of exercise. I think I was telling you when I, when I used to race bicycles, buying a heart monitor,
Jeffrey Krug
changed. That bought me from like, that bought me from like the middle of the pack up to like the top five, because you couldn't lie to yourself,

Intermittent Fasting and Dietary Habits

Jeffrey Krug
you couldn't be like, Oh, I'm tired now, because my heart would be like, No, you can still go. Right. And so I would train with this guy, Joe G of auto, Joe would always beat me by one or two places. ah But we train with these heart monitors.
Jeffrey Krug
And so now, ah my son Michael has got me into this thing where I'm doing the intermittent fasting. Yep. So basically, I don't eat anything after seven o'clock, I had some popcorn last night, so that was a cheat. um And then I and then I don't eat until 12.
Jeffrey Krug
And I feel a huge amount of energy difference. Oh, yeah. Try to go till dinnertime. You'll feel even better. I'm going to do that. And so he started off with a 72 hour fast. And Michael's like in amazing shape. he's he doesn't have He doesn't have any extra weight on him. And he did the 72 hour fast. And he's just did this whole clean eating thing. So what is your what is your what do you eat? like what do you What do you want to do?
Jeffrey Krug
ah Well, you know, like as I've gotten a little bit older, like say over the last seven years, you know, it's just, it's getting harder to keep the weight off. So what do you, but how do you, everybody's made, everybody's built different. So I was a skinny kid. I was the kid who like graduated high school at like 102 pounds. You know what I mean? No, I was always heavy. Um, I'm like, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm probably like 220 right now, but I was down to like 170 at one point. So I would love to be sub 200 again.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, what do you eat? thats so So what do you think you're not exercising? Well, you need to be in caloric deficit to lose weight. So then it also, you don't eat any sugar. No. I mean, I've been off the wagon hard for the last, yeah well I'm back on this week, but yeah, for the for two weeks there, I was eating everything in sight. Yeah, same. I feel like hell. So you don't eat carbohydrates?
Jeffrey Krug
Because that's sugar. Everything turns to sugar. Yeah. Well, it's not zero carb. it's ah you know So you have your macros. It would be like, let me see what but it's at now, what the percentages are. It's like ah new macros.
Jeffrey Krug
So I want to be at 35% protein, 55% fat, 10% carbs. OK. And you're doing that. You're sticking with that. i This week, I'm not like tracking it super close because I'm just trying to get back into the beginning. It's like anything. If you try and go too hard in the beginning, yeah you might not do it. That's what everybody does January 1. They all join the gym. and then they theycole i think I think they call it the second or third week in January, like Quitters week. yeah So yeah do you do any um do any aerobic exercise?
Jeffrey Krug
No, I mean, I was riding the bike, but not in a while. You know, it's a nice thing to do. It's going to be hard with your time is just a hill walking, just going to hardshorn woods and hill walking because you don't need anything but a pair of shoes. But it's hard to you could do it at night. It's hard to do in the wintertime in a flashlight. Nobody wants to do that. um But there's nothing like walking up hills. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
And it's fun. You're outside like I can't do a try. I can't do a um at night in the winter, though. I don't think that's very fun. No, I agree. ah yeah If you go out with a if you have a friend or two, it's more fun walking in the woods by your because I went mountain biking and came home.
Jeffrey Krug
it dark yesterday or the day before. It's a little weird being in the woods by yourself. ah even Even with a flashlight. you knows just yeah i A deer scared the hell out of me. Like holy cow. We don't have any bear or anything. so And bear generally. they see him Uh, you know, they saw one in my neighborhood two years ago, but haven't seen one since. I heard ah back in the fall that they had seen one in Hardshore. Really? Yeah. But Black Bear, Black Bear in New Jersey are pretty small and they're pretty skittish. You know, it's not really something that you really got to worry about. Yeah, I'd still be. I'm afraid of a raccoon. I feel like any animal. I think a deer kicked the shit out of you wanted to. Oh, yeah. I mean, any animal, animals animals are just strong. I mean, think about it. They're just in the woods with
Jeffrey Krug
with nothing but, you know, thick skin and fur. Yeah. And they're outside all the time. Oh, yeah, I mean, ah you know, so I grew up deer hunting and and you might shoot a deer and it will would have been like hit by a car and have like ah a leg that was like all, you know, and they just, they're tough. Did you butcher the deer? Yeah. So you know how to do all that? Yeah, I mean, it's been forever, but... Did you really enjoy hunting? ah Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it's like, sounds like something that would be hard to stop once you started it. Yeah, it's a lot of work. It is a lot of work. It's like anything, you know, a time. Yeah. A lot of time at your whole it's a whole day. You know, you can't just unless you live if unless you have property or that you live on. You know, you're traveling. If I wanted to, you know, I would have to drive out to my parents an hour. All right. And then, you know, we're not hunting right there.
Jeffrey Krug
So, you know, you're talking about all the travel, you got to buy all the gear, all the, you know, it's gets expensive. So let's get back to what you're so what's your goal then for ah getting into shape? What do you you're going to get my eating back back on track? And do you eat before noon? ah Yeah, right now I'm doing breakfast, lunch and dinner. All right. I mean, I don't have any particular signs. I It's like you said, it's like calories in calories out kind of thing. Yeah, that's the gist of it. Yeah, I just feel better when I don't eat. You know, like non complex carbohydrates or whatever. I've noticed that by cutting out a lot of carbs, I feel like I breathe better. I think that that could be a gluten thing. I don't know. Yeah. ah The difference between me going for a bike ride in the morning, if I like eat
Jeffrey Krug
Like, uh, whatever Taylor hand sandwich or even just some butter toast and not eating anything is night and day. Like the way I'm breathing in the going through the ah going up hills and stuff. Yeah. Like if I eat something that's like bread, I'm, I'm wiped out afterwards. I'm tired. You get that insulin spike and then you crash, you know? Yeah. But like if I, so I eat, I've been eating cottage cheese and blueberries. Like that's my breakfast. I don't feel,
Jeffrey Krug
tired after eating that. I got to get it. I got to get into the ah cottage cheese thing because I like cottage cheese. I just never have it. It's like, I guess it doesn't last long when we get it. And then I forget to get it. or My wife doesn't drop, you know, she does most of the the ah food shopping. Yeah, and she just doesn't pick it up. So yeah, we do a ah we have a shared note. So anytime I think of something, I just put it on there. And then my wife has it when she goes.
Jeffrey Krug
That's great. Yeah. And so your wife does all the food shopping? Yeah, we used to do it together, like before COVID. But then during COVID, it was like, well, only one person really should go. So she she went and then it sort of just stuck. Just stuck. Yeah. My wife, I think she likes it. She likes to get out of the house. And yeah, sure.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, that's what happens when you have kids. It's like you need a break. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
I think um my wife knows how to shop like for value. So she goes to like three different stores. Yeah, we do too. She goes to Trader Joe's for certain few things. ah Shop rights got the best price. Not sure. Yeah. Shop right has the but best prices. Sometimes she'll go to to stop and shop.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, yeah, over by Kohl's. Yeah. Yeah. And then in in a dire situation should go to food town. That place is the worst. Oh, God. So expensive. And the selection sucks. i Everything about it. Yeah. You know, they were going to put a Trader Joe's over where they put over where the Goodwill. Yeah. over They were going to put one there. I had heard about that. Yeah, that would have been great. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
and Instead, um I like Trader Joe's but you can't just shop at Trader Joe's like if you if you use paper bo bounty paper towels, they don't have no, you got to use Trader Joe's paper towels and they suck or toilet paper or whatever. They don't have you know, name brand soap or you know, yeah, they have a couple they have a few good things there but not a yeah, you have to shut that's what my what that's exactly what my wife says. Yeah, they have great like snacks and prepared foods.
Jeffrey Krug
yeah like but and the stuff you shouldn't be in like ah french fri yeah we got an air fryer ah yeah i got an air fryer for christmas that was one of my gifts haven't used it yet but everybody's using it and they love it and um It is great for, for stuff. Do you use one of those? My wife does. Yeah. Yeah. That, that seems like it would make it really easy to eat

Air Fryers for Healthy Meals

Jeffrey Krug
clean. Like you just, um, air fry some chicken. Yeah. Air like fish tacos. Yeah. You could just air fry some white fish. If you were going to make fish tacos, what kind of fish would you make use? Uh, probably
Jeffrey Krug
What about um catfish? You wouldn't use catfish? ah You could. ah Sometimes that's really inexpensive and like yeah and and I think pretty good. It's a good whitefish. I don't eat a lot of fish at home. It's just like you got to get it and cook it, right? yeah And my wife doesn't really eat fish. so okay and you know I would have to eat it or it would definitely go bad. yeah You don't want to eat fish the next day. You can do it, but it's not great. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
I don't mind. I'll eat leftover fish. People are like, I never eat leftover. I got a pretty I got an iron stomach. You know, you just check it out. Make sure it's all right. Yeah. They say like I forget three to four days with leftovers, but. Yeah, I don't think I'd go more than two days with fish. No, no I mean, you'll know when it's bad. Yeah. Yeah. I fish. I'm sort of like but I'm not really into leftovers. Shrimp, yes, but not fish. What else is going on? Anything? ah Not really. Just get back into the swing of things. of Work seems to be picking back up. but You know, just a slow time of year, yeah slow communication. Well, everybody's getting back into it. they They'll start ramping up. I'm going tomorrow up to North Bergen.
Jeffrey Krug
ah a the The oak job, we shot the video that had like the cross hatch doors that were on wheels. Remember we... yeah um Same building, like a re-facing job. She wants to re-face the kitchen. Same building or same client? Same building. Oh, wow. So like a neighbor. That's good. Yeah. So word of mouth. Yeah. That's great. Yeah. Yeah, Donna, who we did the oak stuff for, she's great. she She sent me a Christmas card. Oh, that's nice. Only person to send me a Christmas card here, aside from like a supplier.
Jeffrey Krug
Everybody else on the shit list. Did you do you send out Christmas cards? No. Yeah, we well, we did for years as the kids were growing up. And then as they got bigger, I think it's been like two years that we haven't sent them. And once you sort of stop sending them out, then you get less and less and less. Yeah. Which is I get them from, you know, just a couple of friends. um ah Yeah. My mom, you know, my parents, my sister, my wife gets them from clients.
Jeffrey Krug
But that's really it. Cool. Well, I'm excited to get to work on this tissue box now. Yeah. I have some macos or ebony. I know you probably got to use. I have. Yeah, I got it. I'm going to probably make a few. ah It would be cool to do laser cut like quarter inch MDF. Then it'd be super easy to put together. So cut everything out. Wait, laser cut like quarter inch MDF and then you just glue it up and then just veneer the outside.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, I'm just going to use half inch plywood and do that just because ah first of all, I don't have a laser. Well, I mean as like a product, you know, oh you sell it as a kit. Oh, yeah, that'd be cool. You could do that here once we' I'll make it and then ah we'll do that. That it'll be interesting to see what what GL Veneer thinks of that. Yeah, they might like it. So. I think.
Jeffrey Krug
I think it might be a good video because it's sort of entry level. Yeah. And I think you and I were talking about this off off camera. The veneer videos do not do well. But they but people are still building the furniture. I'm still selling veneer plans. I don't know what the stigma is. And so Jeff and I were going back and forth. What is it? You know, like, why?
Jeffrey Krug
So one of the big things is, well, why not just use plywood? And my answer to that, it's like so obvious, I can't believe I have to explain it. And the reason is, you can ban the edge. So you build this thing out of plywood, you build everything with butt joints, screw it together, staple it together, then screw it together, make it even easier, sand everything good, and then veneer the box. If you don't do that, then you have to build the box with miter joints.
Jeffrey Krug
And then when you ban the edge, you're going to see that seam where you've banned the edge. Yeah. And it's just sort of like. You can't believe how many times I get the comment, why don't you just build that with walnut plywood? I'm like, do I have to explain that again? I mean, yeah, I think the veneer seems like high risk for people who haven't done it. You know, it's so and like to me, it's like you can hide so many sins with it just because you can just throw things to as long as you're working with decent plywood and you're filling your voids.

Veneer vs Plywood in Furniture Making

Jeffrey Krug
It's sort of like you just built and you can even refinish like I've had pieces of furniture that were basically a box and I just They were you know, they had been beaten up over the air So I just sanded them down filled them and veneered over them and it was like a brand new piece of furniture. Yeah Yeah, and like people are worried about like ah veneer is gonna be like a weaker than like a solid, even a solid wood piece of furniture. Yeah, but like, what kind of abuse is this stuff going through? You know, yeah most of the stuff in your house is veneered. Exactly. and what Unless you're buying good furniture.
Jeffrey Krug
it's probably plastic veneer, you know, ah yeah, there's a lot of like yeah like a crappy laminate. Yeah, crappy laminate. But ah like if you get decent good bit century modern furniture, that's probably 80% veneer. Yeah, you know, you've got usually it's like some nice, nice ah design of solid wood, cradling some kind of veneered box. Yeah. Often that's the case. Yeah. With a lot of mid-century, the only solid wood in the whole thing is the legs. Yeah. Maybe ah maybe there's a solid wood face face frame. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. So I don't know. i ah i I don't get all that excited about doing the veneer projects because I don't get a lot of views.
Jeffrey Krug
but I do like veneer and I love mid-century modern furniture and I like just simple clean lines and it just lends itself to it. It's sort of like the box is almost like a canvas and the painting is the veneer. You know what I mean? It's sort of like that just it's the pedestal for the veneer so you can show off these different woods and different grains. So. What species are you working with this time?
Jeffrey Krug
um I still have ah eucalyptus. So I have the dark eucalyptus. What would you like? a Eucalyptus or a light? ah Probably something dark because it'll go in my kitchen. Okay. um have You know, I have those black. I'll use walnut or eucalyptus. And or maybe I'll make two. Or maybe I'll make three because I'll put one in my house. um Yeah, it's kind of thing where the hard part is going to be just making the template for the for the front and the top.
Jeffrey Krug
So that does have me thinking what do I do with the end grain like it's painted white or black or you could just contact a little piece of veneer on there. I guess you're right and then trim it and then do the just ah that one joint. Yeah, but if you do do one first trim it and then do the other one and then join it together afterwards. Uh,
Jeffrey Krug
join those parts together, then veneer the whole box. So oh do it while they're unassembled. Yeah, assembled. Yeah, then assemble them. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that'll be easy. Actually, that's good. And what I could do then is to tone it. Oh, yeah. So you have like a lighter color on the inside. Yeah, that'll be nice. It's great idea. Nice. Well, at that, we're gonna cut you guys loose.
Jeffrey Krug
All right. Thanks for tuning in. See you next week.
Jeffrey Krug
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Jeffrey Krug
It ain't no shame but there's been a change.