Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it's nice to get more real estate to you know, oh 100% and you can bend it. I feel sketch do you use a ah utility blade? Yeah, yeah, I feel a little sketched out holding it. Yeah, because I've cut my slip. For sure. When I use a utility blade to like, ah cut things out. ah Up in the art studio where I'm cutting out like stencils and stuff. I always tape one side of the blade. Yeah. And that makes a big difference. I don't really like exacto knives. I like working with a utility blade, not in a knife. I just feel like I have more control. I really like those narrow blade snap off knives that I have. So I got a $25 Amazon gift card from, geez, I don't know, want somebody, one of my kids maybe. o And I'm definitely going to buy that. I'm going to buy that and I'm going to buy that little saw. Oh, yeah, I love that thing. Yeah, that's those are two things. And and I'm probably going to buy that burnisher even though that's more money. Yeah, that's something I could use. Yeah, the acuber. So it's like ah has three angle settings, five, 10, 15 degrees, and it burnishes both sides of the the scraper at once. Yeah, it worked good. Yeah, I mean, you know, once you initially set up the scraper, which takes I mean, what did it take?