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Jeffrey Krug
The American Craftsman Podcast is sponsored by Haefla. Haefla offers a wide range of products and solutions for the woodworking and furniture making industries. From hinges and drawer slides to connectors and dowels, sandpaper, wood glue, shop carts, and everything in between.
Jeffrey Krug
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Jeffrey Krug
When you need the right saw blade for the job, put your trust in Ridge Carbide tools. For over 50 years, Ridge Carbide has been producing industrial saw blades designed with the exact specifications for the cutting results you expect.
Jeffrey Krug
Before you buy, call us and we'll help you determine the right tool that meets your needs and your budget. After the sale, Ridge Carbide provides sharpening services for all your saw blades, dado sets, router bits, and joint or planer knives.
Jeffrey Krug
Located in Kansas, Ridgecar by Tools provides high quality products with outstanding customer service at a fair price. What are you cutting? Enjoy the show.

Bookstore Repair Story

Jeffrey Krug
All right, welcome back to the show. What's going on? Not much. Got to apologize to listeners for missing last week. We were under a big time crunch last week, so no podcast.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, i kind of forgot what we were doing, but the week just kind of got away. Yeah. um So we filmed about the pencils. I forget. Oh, I was just catching up on office work because we've been on site with that stupid repair job for yeah two weeks.
Jeffrey Krug
We're going back there tomorrow. You're going to finish up? Yeah. I was waiting on the client to just decide on final final stuff. So I don't even remember if we talked.
Jeffrey Krug
I think we may have talked about it on the podcast, but... ah Bookstore in Asbury Park. She paid this guy to build um basically like, let's see, 721 feet, say like 60 linear feet of bookcases.
Jeffrey Krug
It's all Baltic birch, no edge banding, nothing, no face frames. She paid this guy. I don't know how much she paid of it, but the original contract was for like 40 grand. Wow.
Jeffrey Krug
ah The cabinets are all out of square, like a minimum of 316. That's the most square cabinet is 316 out of square. Wow. Yeah. So is it finished?
Jeffrey Krug
um So there's three sections. We're finished with two. No, but is there a finish on the Baltic birch? No, it's going to be painted. So this guy came in, built these things out of square, no finish on them, no edge banding.
Jeffrey Krug
Was he planning to put edge banding on? are No. So he just did this half-assed job yeah and got paid and left? Yeah. I think he got kicked off the job at a certain point because he had only installed one of the three sections.
Jeffrey Krug
And they're not adjustable shelves or just bookshelves? Just fixed, yeah. like you know So they're all in dados, and obviously he did the dados just by hand with like a straight edge or something. like bookcase to bookcase, the shelves don't line up. Oh my God. So we're trying to fudge stuff. And and you know, so it's seven 36 inch long, 36 inch wide, seven units.
Jeffrey Krug
By the time you get to the seventh unit, three sixteenths out of square, you're fricking in space. So are you attaching face frames to the existing bookshelves? No, we're just making do with what's there, you know?
Jeffrey Krug
Wow. So we added a countertop to try and hide some of the stuff and, you And are you going to finish it? No, she's she's painting it or having somebody paint it.
Jeffrey Krug
Okay. Yeah. And ah it's a commercial store or something? Yeah, bookstore. Oh, wow. Yeah. In Asbury Park. How'd you get this job? A guy on Instagram, Noah, who I chat with now and then, he's down in Tennessee, so he it's like six degrees of separation somehow. He knows this woman.
Jeffrey Krug
He's like, you're in New Jersey, right? I was like yeah. He's like, I have a friend who ah you know got screwed on this job. She's looking for somebody to repair it. and i was like yeah, I'll go take a look. Bookstore, huh?
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. Wow. ah Yeah, like new used books you know where you can go in and sell your books or... Is that the heart of the business? Selling used books? selling um I don't know if the main thing is new books or the main thing is used books. but How big is the space?
Jeffrey Krug
It must be, let's see, 15 feet wide and 45 feet long, maybe. That's probably pretty big rent in Asbury Park. Yeah. Wow.
Jeffrey Krug
I mean, a store like that might do well in Asbury Park. I don't know. yeah I always look at people going into commercial ah spaces like that with a little bit of trepidation because i'm like, wow.
Jeffrey Krug
It's a little off the beaten path, so I'm sure her rent isn't. It's not like it's like on Cookman or something. it's It's on a side street off of Main Street. um It's not in the middle of nowhere, but... I think when we started the gallery in 1999, our ah rent might have been 900 or 1200 for about the same size space.
Jeffrey Krug
I was like, ah up 15 by 35. ah So but then it it just climbed and climbed and climbed until it got to be so expensive. We just thought we don't need to do this anymore.
Jeffrey Krug
And the town just got more and more difficult to do business in because It was literally like ah just it was it was so offensive, the parking ah parking meter yeah people.
Jeffrey Krug
Like you would park if you didn't get ticket. were one minute over. Yeah, you would just get tickets. So we would have clients come from Philadelphia or from very far away and buy a painting and then get you know a $35 ticket or whatever it was. It would just sour the whole experience.
Jeffrey Krug
And we would get emails or phone calls from our clients. Oh, we love visiting the guys. Too bad we got a ticket. Probably won't be back for a while. you know And it's just like the town just shot itself in the foot. And I never go to Red Bank because in it's just like a ha ah don't need anything out of Red Bank.
Jeffrey Krug
i Asbury's a little different. Asbury's got a little bit more going on. Yeah. Like Red Bank is very, I feel like ah kind of sterile where Asbury, at least there's like some quirky kind of stuff. You know, like Red Bank, the stores are just like It's like yuppie stores. yeah Asbury, there's like some kitschy kind of places where.
Jeffrey Krug
When we started in Red Bank, it was still pretty cool. And we just saw it change for the worst over the years. just like it became, um I forget,

Local Business Challenges

Jeffrey Krug
like, ah You know, just ah almost like mall stores. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
I forget the names of them, but the popular, popular. Yeah. Urban Outfitters on the corner. Exactly. Yeah. You know, that could be some cool independent store. Well, they were. When rent is $5,000 a month or eight for that spot.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, it's got to be $15,000. Yeah. Well, do you remember like Funkin' Standard and yeah all those, like like Jack's Music? Jack's Music is probably still there. because I think it is, yeah. Jack owned a lot of real estate.
Jeffrey Krug
So Jack owns the building. so he's And I think he probably rents some of the building out. I think he has an apartment above it. yeah So the the people who really made out in Red Bank are the people who owned real estate in Red Bank.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, because in the 70s, Red Bank was rough. Oh, when we moved to this area... We moved here, think maybe 94. We tried to go get something for dinner in Red Bank and you couldn't really go to a restaurant. There was just like nothing there.
Jeffrey Krug
And we would we would go to like ah the Olive Garden in places like on Route 35 because we just couldn't find like a good little restaurant. Yeah. But then it all exploded and Atlantic Highlands got good restaurants.
Jeffrey Krug
ah Didn't one of your buddies open up a restaurant in Highlands? Highlands. Is it open yet? Yeah. It's been open for, shit, it might be two years in in the fall or maybe a year in the fall.
Jeffrey Krug
Have you gone? No. What's the name of it? ah It was called Saltwater Social, but now I think it's just called Saltwater. Now, is that a bar, too, or just a restaurant? They have a bar, yeah. Oh, wow.
Jeffrey Krug
So they have a liquor license. Oh, yeah.

Food and Dining Preferences

Jeffrey Krug
That's where the money is, I would imagine. Yeah. Yeah, mean, your markup on liquor is 1,000%, whereas food, you know, you're lucky if your food cost is 30% of your plate cost.
Jeffrey Krug
late cost Yeah, no, I know. it's um My kids will still go out. like I barely go out to eat. Laurel and I will go up we'll go out to lunch sometimes. But even then, I'd rather buy good ingredients and cook at home.
Jeffrey Krug
yeah um A lot of it is you go out to dinner and you just it's so damn expensive. And if it's not great, you're sort of like, wow, what did I just spend my money on? Yeah, I was thinking, like last time I went out to dinner in Red Bank, we were going to a show at the Basie.
Jeffrey Krug
It was like our anniversary or something. And we went to... um Man, you hear the helicopter? I don't know if it was not Robinson Ale House, or maybe it was. But it was one of those restaurants right there on... Monmouth?
Jeffrey Krug
ah No. Broad? Broad Street. And ah just not that good, you know? And expensive. Yeah. Like, just like regular... It's not like it's like a fancy restaurant. Just like a regular, casual kind of place.
Jeffrey Krug
And expensive for food that was just, like, mediocre, you know? Well, you probably have a um a pretty um earned opinion too since you were in the food industry. And you probably kind of sometimes get a feel of what might be going on in the restaurant.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, yeah. um But like I'm pretty easy to please, you know. It's like the standards, they're not that high. It's just that the bar is so low. Okay. you know like I don't know. I feel like a lot of places misrepresent what they what they actually are too. you know It's like this place is probably getting the food from Cisco.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, that's the thing. The idea of like going to a place to eat food that just comes right off the 18-wheelers. My daughter's at that age where like sometimes her and her friends will go to Applebee's. I'm like, oh my gosh.
Jeffrey Krug
I would never go to Applebee's. Yeah, I went to Applebee's one time in my memory like in in the last decade or more and it was i forget what it was ally was i think maybe she had to go out of town for work and i had hunter and we were here and i was like oh i was like you want to go get dinner like that's like a time where i would go out to get dinner you know or if we're like out somewhere you know out out of town um And i forget, we tried a couple places, but like everything was close and that's where we ended up.
Jeffrey Krug
And man, was it just as bad as I was expecting. Oh my gosh, yeah. The best thing to do, especially with like, when you're just with one or two of your kids, is a pizza parlor. Yeah. Because...
Jeffrey Krug
Pizza is never as good when you get it, when you pick it up in the box. The box ruins pie. So when you go to the pizza parlor, it's like perfect. It's not expensive.
Jeffrey Krug
it's It's really casual. but yeah ah Walter and I stopped at the pizza parlor right over here, ah Julian's. Is that the name of the place? Oh, Julio's. Julio's. Yeah. ah after um After the meetup we did in January.
Jeffrey Krug
And the pizza's great. Oh, yeah. They're really good. They have one on First Avenue, and at Atlantic Islands, too. It is good. And it's great going there, but you pick the, you know, sometimes when you're when you're like picking ah a pie up for a Friday night, whatever, we rarely do that. So it's kind of nice when you do, but still ah the pizza box just ruins the pizza pie. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
And there's something about like, so they already cooked that pie. It sits in the thing. And then when you order a slice, they put it back in the oven. It's just so much better, like reheated like that. It really is. And there's something about the vibe, like a Jersey pizza spot, you know, the boot, the, the bent lamination booth with the Formica table, you know, the brown wood.
Jeffrey Krug
yeah and you've got the spices over there, the hot pepper or the oregano if you want to use that. Do you ever go down to the boardwalk off-season just to grab a slice? No, I haven't been to a boardwalk in ages.
Jeffrey Krug
Really? Did you ever go to, I'm sure you've been to the Seaside Heights boardwalk. Oh, yeah. Yeah, why I worked down there. You worked down there. What'd you do I worked at a restaurant. Seaside Heights? Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
So you commuted down there from? From West Windsor, yeah. and And then like, you know, in the summertime, I lived there. You lived in... In Orly Beach. Wow. Which is the next town north. That must have been a wild time. Oh, yeah. It was during the Jersey Shore thing. And I worked at the restaurant nightclub where they filmed Jersey Shore.
Jeffrey Krug
we would break down the dining room and MTV would come in and set up all their monitors. People there with the headphones, watching the monitors. They camera crews going around. I was 20. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So we should so they used our employee bathroom because obviously they're whatever...
Jeffrey Krug
vip they didn't want to use the regular bathroom so we i used to go to the nightclub after work i was only 20 at the time so we shared we didn't share but they used our employee bathroom which is the bathroom that we would use so we'd be in the back standing in the kitchen shooting the shit waiting to use the bathroom and what were they like off of camera uh you know like some of them were cool some of them were not cool at all really yeah Yeah, that was a wild time. that Oh, yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
I mean, what great time be 20, 21, 22. great place. Yeah. twenty twenty one twenty two a great place yeah Wow. Like, so we got employee pricing. So anything that you wanted was $2. Wow. So you go to the nightclub and you get, i at that time I was drinking like Belvedere dirty martinis, you know, big rocks glass like this, two bucks.
Jeffrey Krug
Wow. Shots. Let me get 20 shots, 40 bucks. So what would you do? There was no Uber back then. Would you drive? Would you walk home? Uh, you know, sometimes I mean, Orly beach is so close. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
um Yeah, so yeah, I mean, I definitely drove sometimes or, ah you know, ride bike. Bicycle. bicycle When you're young, riding a bicycle around with a buzz was a lot of fun. Oh, yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. um And when I lived in Highlands, you know where Chilangos is? Sure. You know, he's got that catch a pack, patch, patch of cactuses. so I've crashed into that.
Jeffrey Krug
That's so much fun. you know, because the, the sidewalk, you know, there's like an apron there. So it kind of goes up and curves around like a telephone pole. So, you know, you had too many. Yeah. That's a little tough to navigate. Boy, those are good times.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. You got to do that stuff when you're young because you can get away with it. Yeah. Like if you try to do that now, you'd be hurting for three days. Yeah, and it's like, you know, get it out of your system then. yeah Remember the good times and just, you know, that's that's one of the reasons why i i thought I was going to be in the restaurant industry forever.
Jeffrey Krug
I loved it. I really did. And I went to school for hotel restaurant management. But, like, you start to look around and you look at the dude who's my age or your age or 10 years older or 15 years older and they're still living that lifestyle and working in restaurants. Like, I was happy to, like, leave that behind me.
Jeffrey Krug
ah Michael was telling me they went to a a new bar in Highlands. might be the What was the name of the bar that you just said? Saltwater Social? Might have been that. I think it's called Salt by Big Mike or something. now Okay.
Jeffrey Krug
It sounds like that might have been the place. Anyway. It's on Bay Ave. They said that there was a bartender there who was great. They said he was about 51 years old and looked like he was like 35 in great shape, just a great personality.
Jeffrey Krug
Saltwater by Big Mike. Huh. I don't know. I'll i'll ask them. Walter was there too, so he probably will hear this podcast and and let me know.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, i um I used to work in that building before Sandy. It was called Twin Light Tap House. um Great place. I love that place. I wonder what will happen to Highlands. You think it'll continue to sort of gentrify?
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, I think so. It's tough, though, because where do people live? I mean, there's a lot of there's a lot of industry there around the water. Yeah. That people have lived there forever.
Jeffrey Krug
The clam plant. Yeah. Yeah, I, when I, when my kids were growing up, one of the kids who ah Walter played baseball with, his father was a professional clamor.
Jeffrey Krug
And, you know, we would just talk about the, he said, there's definitely sharks. There's definitely great whites. Oh, yeah. In the, um in the Raritan Bay. He goes, if you've got seals in the Bay, you've got great whites in the Bay. And all the bunker, you know. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
but There's a lot lot of life in that bag. Yeah. My buddy's dad, my buddy Anthony, ah you know, his dad did multiple things, but he was a bayman. Like, he was a bunker fisherman.
Jeffrey Krug
So they would go out and net bunker, and, like, that was his job. So they're saying that that is sort of the downfall of the bluefish right now is that the bunker industry is just like taking all these bunker for things like oil.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, for bunker oil, for cosmetics. Yeah, yeah, Menhaden oil, they call it. Yeah, there's all kinds of gigantic ships that just come and scoop up all the bunker. Huh. And I was talking to Matt over at Jasper Hardware, who's a big fisherman.
Jeffrey Krug
That's what I love going to Jasper Hardware for. I'll see Matt. I'll see Brian or Jack. And Matt is really into fishing. And he's like, oh, yeah, the bunker. Those bunker fishermen, they've just taken everything. and It's killing ah it's killed in the bluefish.
Jeffrey Krug
yeah because there's no limit on bunker because they're so plentiful. But that's the thing. and So there's no limit until there's so there is. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you see with the commercial fishing, you know, that's like...
Jeffrey Krug
like fluke you know the commercial boats can take like a a 14 inch fluke or something but meanwhile the the uh size minimum for a regular person's like i don't know what it is now 19 inches 20 inches something like that well the slip for for striped bass is crazy it's three inches it's got to be between 28 and 31 inches yeah and then there's a slot slot fish which is like whatever 40 to 40 oh is that right yeah Yeah, it's, but we we caught some big stripers. I think it might have been in the spring last year.
Jeffrey Krug
We couldn't keep any of them. They're all too They're the breeders. You don't want to eat those big ones anyway. But they were literally like an inch over. Yeah, yeah. You know, it's just sort of like, you didn't want to risk it. Yeah. Yeah, I like striper, but I usually would keep one a season.
Jeffrey Krug
And I would fish like a couple times a week. Really? Are you going fish more, you think, this year? Yeah. ah Probably not. I mean, I wish, but probably not. Yeah, I feel the same way. It's hard. I mean, you got to fish early in the morning late at night. Not late at night, but you got to fish the morning or the evening.
Jeffrey Krug
So it's like I'm kind of tied up. Yeah, that's the thing with time. It's funny, thinking about time, I feel like I may have come up with a schedule that I can stick with. It's easy to stick with this schedule, because we're sort of like, it's very routine. I come over here and i shoot one day, or shoot a couple hours in one day, and that video goes up every Saturday.
Jeffrey Krug
It's different when you're building a project, because I'm kind of teaching a lesson, So I've decided, we'll see if I stick with this, that I can build six pieces of furniture a year, one every two months, which I think would be great at the end of the year to have six new pieces up on the up on the portfolio for people to build.
Jeffrey Krug
yeah um And so that would give me enough time to have Brian make the plans, enough time to shoot, build, and edit the video like a woodworking lesson,
Jeffrey Krug
And then I would probably try to post an additional ah two or three videos just on ah maybe certain aspects of the build, or just shop projects like a router, a router bit drawer or something like that.
Jeffrey Krug
And then use that video to give a plug to the plans or the next project that I'm building. But I've been trying to come up with this some kind of a balance. for what I'm doing and kind of keep it in line with what I'm doing here.
Jeffrey Krug
And I think that that might work. And I'm almost done with this. Well, I'm done with the project. I'm just going to edit it now. And i I'm waiting for Brian to ah finish up the plans. But if I am able to post that video on um on this weekend or the following weekend, that'll set me up where I've got two months to build a piece of furniture and make ah and make a woodworking lesson about it.
Jeffrey Krug
So we'll see. Yeah, I have two points. I started this, I'm only on day two, but like a planner and actually like writing down everything that I have to do and even like mundane stuff. And just like, and I have it all color coded, like personal office, green street in the shop.
Jeffrey Krug
Today's craftsman is like, you know, they're all their own colors. And like, there's something about that dopamine of crossing something off a list. Even if it's like as mundane as like load the dishwasher. i Every morning I load the dishwasher.
Jeffrey Krug
I put it on the list and I cross it off. And it's like, it's helped. I can see just over two days, like it helps me get more done because it's like, if it's written down on the list, it's like, I got to finish that list.
Jeffrey Krug
I totally agree with that. I used to do that. i used to keep a physical journal for working out. And it was great because you would just write those things down and cross them off. And maybe in the beginning of the week, you would put down ah few goals for the week and to be able to cross them off. So that's a good idea. I might, I need to do that because I'm getting way off schedule. And sometimes,
Jeffrey Krug
i get i I get started on something and it's really not the best place to put my time. yeah and i need to be more And need to be more critical about those ideas. Like, wait, is this really a good use of your time?
Jeffrey Krug
you know So I'm probably not going to, i was trying to post videos on my art channel, but I'm like, that's really not a good use of my time because there's not a big audience there. Maybe I could do one video a month and only do a painting video because I do have a lot of people who want to just paint. Yeah. um I was talking to Steve Ramsey and Chad ah Reynolds over at Stephen Chad, you know, Steve from Woodworking for Mere Mortals. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
And I was explaining to them, a lot of people just would like to paint, but they just don't know how to get started. And the problem with painting is most people think that if you want to make light green, it's it's green and white, where you've really got to put you know some reds in there and some yellows. And that's how you sort of um change from a very kind of Disney-colored painting yeah to an actual color.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, because if you look at at real things, they're not these just like color and it's either light or dark version of a primary color. people If you look at a lot of bad paintings, they sort of resemble like ah saltwater taffy.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, it's just those kind of colors, those sweet kind of colors. where people can learn to paint just by you know looking at a horizon and and painting sort of a gray and a lighter gray to create a landscape of water.
Jeffrey Krug
But if you if you take those colors and you sort of knock them down with some browns and some blues, you're going to get a much more realistic and interesting painting. So I might make some of those paintings, but like only once a month.
Jeffrey Krug
and then um And then I'm really excited ah to do this these videos with John on the Two River TV because it's nice to team up with John. yeah ah John just put together this really nice website.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it looks good. and um And just to be teamed up with somebody who's excited about it'll be fun. Yeah. Before I lose this thought, it was about Two River. You were talking about the furniture um like every every two months.
Jeffrey Krug
Have you thought about like building a piece and then putting it into like, say, Salt Design on River Road? And then you go as Two River TV, you get to interview them, talk about the place, and then your piece is there and somebody can come buy it.
Jeffrey Krug
I'd like to do that. the I'd like to slowly work that into the whole but whole thing because one of the dilemmas with what I'm doing is I'm making a piece of furniture that I don't need and really don't have the space for. yeah The funny thing is my wife gets very possessive about these pieces of furniture because we have all these kids.
Jeffrey Krug
She's like, Walter's going to want that or Michael's going to want that. You can't get rid of that. Olivia will want that one day. But if you're getting a check for it's just going to be all about that too. Exactly. But I'm just sort of like, I don't want to trip over these things and I don't want to take care of them because once I'm finished with them, I'm finished with them. yeah you know' sort of like So that's definitely that's definitely something to consider down the road too. Like make something has a purpose, you get paid for it. Yeah, because it's on consignment. It leaves your possession.
Jeffrey Krug
yeah It goes, lives somewhere else. It's out of the way. If it sells, good. If not, well, it's out of the way. That's something like, I think once we have a tre track record of the video with consistent uploads like we do here, and we start to build that subscription number, then that'll give me more confidence to ah kind of approach somebody like Salt Design say hey, do you want to do this?
Jeffrey Krug
right now ah but Right now, I just want to kind of get more videos up. Yeah. Yeah. Are you guys going to do like targeted advertising through meta? you know You can target people in a very hyper-specific region.
Jeffrey Krug
Probably, especially that's where John comes into to play because he'll be all about that.

Local Media and Content Creation

Jeffrey Krug
i think It's funny, I was listening to an interview with somebody recently.
Jeffrey Krug
And they were talking about how local news, like podcasts are huge right right now, but they're saturated. and the But they were saying that podcasts and videos focused on the local level will start to do really well because there's just not a lot of local news.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, there used to be and it's all gotten drowned out by because now everybody has a soapbox for global everything, you know. So I think ours will be a focus on sort of like arts and entertainment, what's happening kind of thing.
Jeffrey Krug
And then hopefully we can hook up with a ah builder and maybe just do one building show once a month. the idea would be to walk through ah new construction to like the final floor plan, or at least, you know, follow the follow the build with um with a builder who likes to talk about their work and show off what's going on.
Jeffrey Krug
Because I think that would also open up the potential for sponsors. Like I could see somebody like Anderson renewal or somebody yeah big like that. pla There's also the opportunity for a lot of local ah advertisers if we can get if we can show that the analytics in the area are are really ah working on the local level yeah yeah and if you go to like a web newsletter you know there's a lot of I mean that's any newsletter you look at now I don't know I mean just in general, but anytime I've ever looked at one, they're like 60% advertising.
Jeffrey Krug
you know It's like 60% ads, 40% content. like ah a newsletter A local newsletter might have like five articles and it's like 20 pages long. you know well And most of it is just like... Do you read any of them?
Jeffrey Krug
No, I mean, I've flipped through them before. I've i've been approached to advertise in them. Do you think it would be any good? Uh...
Jeffrey Krug
Maybe. I mean, I'm so small that it's like I've always been busy enough where I really didn't have to advertise like that. And then it's like if you do hit like a slow spell, well, it's already too late. You know, it's like if you put out an ad now, it takes months to for these things to sort of come to fruition.
Jeffrey Krug
um Like I looked at advertising on the C-Streak, which I think would be a great spot. Yeah. But it is prohibitively expensive. Wow, that makes sense. Wow. So they but I wonder who's running that. I guess it's an ad agent, like a marketing agency. Oh, yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
That's a good idea. Although it's funny because I don't see myself looking at a C-streak. I guess I would. Yeah. Everybody's got their nose in their phone or their laptop, you know, so it's like.
Jeffrey Krug
I don't know. You have to be there every day for a month, you know, and hope that the guy that's commuting or the woman that's commuting looks up at some point, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's interesting talking about the specs on thea the videos that we've done for quick screws. Like you were talking about that. And was like, wow, that's really, those are really good stats. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
And it I've, I'm um working with Waterlox and Biloxygen for this bench build. That's sort of my idea too, is to hopefully get like three sponsors and stack them up for each build. yep And it shouldn't be too hard to get one more.
Jeffrey Krug
And I'll talk to Waterlox and see if they want to join the website like Biloxygen has with affiliate links. um But looking at... at Waterlox, if I go to their page, their Instagram page, because they they were sort of radio silent for a couple of years.
Jeffrey Krug
And if I go to their Instagram gra page now, it's like

Collaborations and Sponsorships

Jeffrey Krug
most of their posts and videos have a few hundred you know, views, maybe a thousand. Here's one with 1200.
Jeffrey Krug
So the last few videos that I did where I tagged them and, i you know, you hit that little thing partner. Oh yeah. yeah co collapse Collaboration. One of them has 12,000 views. One of them has 281,000 views.
Jeffrey Krug
There's another one I thought it somewhere. I can't find it now. But anyway, it just shows you like everything that they have. It's like 500 views, 300 views. So it makes sense to to connect with somebody who's got a good-sized following who's producing content. Yeah. um Because to try and do it organically on your own, is it's really hard. and Well, my issue is like, I want somebody like Waterlox to say, okay, we're in it for a year.
Jeffrey Krug
Because then it just makes it easy. you're not like changing it up. I don't want to use Waterlox in one video and then Total Boat in another video. you know For fine woodworking, for like ah one-off pieces of furniture, I've always used Waterlox. So I'm comfortable doing that.
Jeffrey Krug
Of course, I've used other finishes. Like if I'm in a pinch and I just want something to dry fast, I'll shoot it with lacquer. yep That's always quick. Or I'll do that trick of, you know, shellac and a waterborne lacquer. Yep.
Jeffrey Krug
So. Plus it gives you time to develop, you know, you can deliver more if you have a year, right? to build this thing. You know what i mean? um That's like quick screws. I think we we got a lot done in four weeks.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, like we we built a big buzz in four weeks. if we had If we had three months or six months or a year, think of how big of a buzz we could build. Yeah, and it just makes it easy because then you're connected to them and like you have a big sign on the back wall that says quick screws and it's just, it's connecting those, it's connecting the they the the episode or the show and that sponsor together. It's like I always say with ah this old house, it's like I think of this old house, I think of Menwax. It was always handin hand in hand.
Jeffrey Krug
So it's sometimes hard to get that across to it's not hard to It's not hard to get that across to an owner, but it can be hard to get that across to like an ad agency. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Because they're just a lot of them are in it for the short term. like You talk to one person and they're not even there six months later. Yeah, and they could find someone to do it for free who might get like big numbers in terms of views, but they might be very low quality,
Jeffrey Krug
you know like the um like the people who are watching our videos are real potential customers. That's what you might get somebody who gets more views, but 90% of the people watching are never going to buy this thing, you know?
Jeffrey Krug
And they're, and like, you know, we're working with brands that we, that we actually use that we actually like, you know, it's not like quick screws came to us and we're like, Hey, no, we went to quick screws, you know?
Jeffrey Krug
Um, which is funny when we get comments like on the funnel head, people are like, oh so you're just trying to sell screws. It's like, And you know, you don't try and explain it's like, no, we approach quick screws with the idea of them advertising on the channel. You know what i mean?
Jeffrey Krug
Those screw are awesome. Yeah. I was trying to shoot a video to make the wood split in my shop too, and I couldn't make the wood split on either screw. Yeah, I mean, I've done it before. you know It's one of those things where... I've split wood plenty of times, but I'm not trying to.
Jeffrey Krug
But I was trying... you know So I was using the regular... Just a regular screw. And then I was using the the funnel head screw, and I couldn't get any of them And um I was used ah Poplar. I used Sapele.
Jeffrey Krug
ah wonder if you went just into the edge... Like of just one board like went into the edge like this and drove it under the surface if you could get it to split that way. Yeah. Because that, it I mean, it always splits like that. I know. i've had I've had wood split on me all the time. Yeah. ah For some reason.
Jeffrey Krug
I thought, oh, I'll make... It was like last week. I thought, I'll make a quick reel on quick screws. None of the wood would split. So I was like, I gave up. Yeah. Yeah, I do like those screws a lot. I still have to... um What I need to do is take all of the Torx screws, and don't know if I'm going to bring them all home. or I really don't need that many screws.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, that's my big issue because I worked for PowerPro for maybe a year or more. ah like their screws, um but so many different size heads. There was like three different size drivers.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, we looked at PowerPro when we switched. so I think we I gave the backstory before, but we used to use Fasco fasteners. And the reason I went to them is because I was able to find one inch to three inch all with a T20. Okay.
Jeffrey Krug
okay And I looked at PowerPro, couldn't do it. I looked at U2 fasteners, couldn't do it. So we went with Fasco. Now with quick screws, I go from six by three quarter to three plus all with a square number two. Yeah, that's nice. Yeah. I hate changing my driver.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, yeah, you see, I have six drill drivers hanging off of my thing. yeah I got one with a Phillips. I got one with a, now a square. I have one, two different size countersinks. So long number two for pocket holes and a posi drive number two.
Jeffrey Krug
So it's like, how many more can I add? i had a um It made me think, I was just thinking about your shop. was like, can we um figure out a way to shoot a video on how to use a power feeder to make all your rips? Yeah, I heard it's actually better than a saw stop. Yeah, it's safer. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
I like how he was like, we're talking about stumpy nubs. he yeah He was like, I haven't tried this, but I heard that you could put it on a joiner. right. ah I clicked on that video. I watched it. I thought, okay, maybe somebody else came out with SawStop technology. I know the patent has run out, whatever.
Jeffrey Krug
So don't... you know That clickbait thumbnail totally got me. But then I watched it because i was like, really? You're going to use a power feeder every time you need to make a rip? Yeah. like I mean, we do... like I wouldn't call what we do clickbait. It's like you need to make a thumbnail and a title that's enticing. But like what he does...
Jeffrey Krug
His title has nothing to do. It's like so out of left field. i just i was I was thinking the whole time I was watching this, we should just like make a three-hour long video of how long it's going to take to set up a power feeder on the table saw.
Jeffrey Krug
like That just doesn't make any sense to me. Yeah. And then, you know... ah I was trying to set you off little bit. I mean, I've seen them used on joiners. And at first I was like, wow, that's a great idea. But, you know, the joiner is a very nuanced machine. You need to know when, like, if you have a power feeder pushing it down to the table, it's going to come out dressed, but it's not going flat.
Jeffrey Krug
You need to know when to push. you know like You only push with a certain amount of pressure. You can't push it down flat to the table. Otherwise, you're pushing the spring out of the board. That defeats the whole purpose. Yeah. yeah now um I don't know.
Jeffrey Krug
That was funny, though, that video. I was thinking, like holy cow, there's no way you could set up a a power feeder on a table saw like all the time. like Every time. cause like I was, i was just making just in my shop and I probably, so you know, changed the the fence and the height of the blade, you know, six times just doing a little thing. I was making the clips, the little buttons to hold the, um,
Jeffrey Krug
to hold the bench seat down. And I'm thinking like, I've just changed so many little measurements on this table. So imagine I'm trying to set up a power feeder every single time.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. I mean, like you if you see my mount, it's pretty easy to adjust the location of it. But the problem is that you need to attach it to the table saw. There you go So it's either taking up the front, the front left corner or the front right corner.
Jeffrey Krug
And then you're limiting your fence. Yeah. And you're limiting your outfeed or your, your waste on the, on either side of the blade somewhere, you know, you're taking up, like I've at Tom's shop, you'll see we're going there on Monday.
Jeffrey Krug
He has a saw that set up a dado saw with a power feeder because all it does. But that makes sense. Is put grooves in cabinet sides. That's it. But if you had one table saw, unless you have a magnetic base.
Jeffrey Krug
Even then, I don't know if the magnetic is going to work with a, I think it, don't It has to be a cast iron top. Yeah, and even then, I don't feel like the magnets are going to be strong enough. They have ones that that are. yeah all right ah They're insanely expensive.
Jeffrey Krug
Okay. So that there you go. I mean, I'm just... I thought that that was sort of a silly thing, but... the I think it's got like 500,000 views. Yeah. Must have made some decent money.
Jeffrey Krug
That analogy, like, oh, this is as safe as a, so you know, it reminds me of like, if the vet tells you like, yeah, you know, if you get your dog fixed, like the odds of testicular cancer are basically none. It's like, yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
but If you don't use the table saw, your odds of getting cut are also zero. So my friend, well, actually Jack's friend, but I'm friends with Billy. My friend, Jack's friend, Billy, was bit by a dog in Hartshorn Woods yesterday.
Jeffrey Krug
And um they Jack called me and Billy was in the background because of their roommates. And um because I got bit by a dog about a year ago and he was asking me. I remember that And... ah they didn't think too much about it because they just didn't think about it. And the only reason why I thought about it is because ah in the back of my my mind, I heard my wife's voice saying, I hope you talk to the police or the park range or something.
Jeffrey Krug
Anyway, so I did talk to the police because it just happened to be a policeman in the parking lot. And because of that, the dog, they They got the history of the dog and the whole thing.
Jeffrey Krug
But if you don't do that, you have to get rabies shots. And you have to go and they're expensive. And and you have to go if you don't get the history of the animal, it's a real hassle. So, of course, they didn't do that.
Jeffrey Krug
And then on the way back from the park, they said, you know, let's just go to the urgent cap care. And that's when Billy found out that you really should go in to get rabies shots. and You have to do it like every whatever the schedule is.
Jeffrey Krug
And it's going to cost this much. Don't they like shoot those in your stomach or something? I'm not sure. i don't know that whatever it is my sister had to do it because she got bit by some animal. And ah anyway, they know the name of the dog, and it was a couple, and the dog wasn't on a leash.
Jeffrey Krug
So I said, I don't know. That really chaps my ass when people, you know, like... Me too. it's Your dog is an animal, and even if it's the best dog in the world, never did anything wrong, there is a chance that if some dogs just freak out.
Jeffrey Krug
So I said to him, said, do you know the dog's name? And they said, well, we know the name dog's name is Maya because they kept saying, maa Maya, Maya, Maya is such a good dog. She doesn't bite anybody. I guess they didn't realize that it broke the skin until he got home maybe, then he looked.
Jeffrey Krug
Like, I didn't know that the dog broke my skin until I rode a little, you know, a couple hundred yards away from the dog, pulled up my pant leg. I was like, holy shit, I'm bleeding. And I wouldn't have even cared.
Jeffrey Krug
But then again, i was like, man, it's just this whole hassle. yeah And so anyway, i don't know what made me get into this whole analogy or this whole thing.
Jeffrey Krug
I was talking about um if you get your dog. Oh, yeah. There you go. Speaking of which, my dogs, his balls are, he's, how old is he?
Jeffrey Krug
He's like 14, 13. They've, ah he's got to go to the vet. They've grown. Wow. A lot. Wow. We never got them fixed. So what do you do about that? yeah I guess you'll find out. Yeah. It's like Larry David, Longbow Larry. I don't know if you ever watched that episode. Oh, yeah. He's a riot, man.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, my God. Yeah, Larry David's great. He is too funny. um Yeah, I mean, moral of the story, it's like if you get bit by an animal, you have to kill that animal so that you can take it to the doctor and make sure it doesn't have rabies.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, no. ah but it does It really gets me aggravated, too, that whole idea of ah people who walk around with their dogs off leash. And sometimes, you know because I'm riding a bike, so you'll get some...
Jeffrey Krug
hikers who just don't like you just because you're riding a bike. And then you'll get some hikers who don't like you because you're riding a bike and they have their dog that's not on a leash. And I'm just like, holy shit. Why are you giving me that dirty look? You're walking around here with your dog Not on a leash. Yeah. And you're right. A dog isn't, you can't trust what that animal's going to do.
Jeffrey Krug
It's, it's like an animal's an animal. Yeah. You know, it's, it's crazy. That's like those like chimpanzees and stuff, um you know, like one day you're teaching a sign language, the next day it rips your whole face off and kills you.

Pet Safety and Incidents

Jeffrey Krug
those people with those chimpanzees, they're out of their freaking minds. Yeah. The best is like, I know you don't have a dog, but like if you take your dog to like the beach and then you got somebody ah somebody else's dog running up to your dog, you know?
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. You don't know what's going to happen. No. I mean, my dog might bite your dog. Your dog might bite my dog. I just don't want, I don't want either of those things to happen. Like I came to the beach. Yeah. Yeah. And like, if you don't think I'm not going to kick your dog in the head when he tries to bite my dog,
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, my God, that's so funny because I was ah hiking and in Huber Woods. It was the wintertime, so I had a very ah long field of view, and I saw this brown thing running through the woods.
Jeffrey Krug
I was like, oh, shit, that's a dog. and And this is shortly after I'd been bit by a dog. So my feeling is if you don't have a stick, you don't really have a good defense against a dog, but if you have a stick, you've got a lot. Oh, yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
So I had enough time to kind of look around and I grabbed this stick and then I could see the dog still running like full bore. And I can see that there's an owner and the dog gets maybe 10 feet away. And I'm holding stick. I said, I was like swearing. was like, you want to, you want want to get fucking killed you know and um and the dog's like looking at me like holy shit you know and i'm and i'm just like this guy means business yeah and then i just i just kept like charging at him like you know like screaming like i'm gonna you know anyway um next thing you know the owner's there and she's looking at me like who's this guy
Jeffrey Krug
And you got to put your dog on a leash. There's no way in the world that this is fair to anybody. I said, if this yeah if my daughter, but if it was my daughter here, she would be screaming and running. And more than likely, your dog would probably tackle her because your dog would get excited. Yeah, it's just like a natural instinct. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
So I can't stand that. Or like imagine like a little kid like my son, a six-year-old kid. you know Yeah, they're small and the dog's just going to. He gets scared of dogs that he knows. Like my sister-in-law's dog, who's a bigger dog. He still gets nervous. And the dogs can sense that. They feed off of that. They can sense that, and then they'll tackle you. Because it's all about this hierarchy with dogs.
Jeffrey Krug
And I know a few... well, they're women now, but I knew them when they were, you know, when we were kids, uh, who got bit in the face by a dog and had like a scar on their face.
Jeffrey Krug
I know two women who Rob's wife, Andrea got bit by one of the dogs. terrible Yeah. Yeah. So like, like their dog, you know? Yeah. Well, these weren't their dogs. uh, um I'm not going to say their names. But that's how it is. like but you know You could own a dog for years and and have a total amicable relationship, and then one day the dog just bites you in the face. I mean, that happens. So...
Jeffrey Krug
ah Why don't you think your dog might attack some random person in the park? That's crazy. But both of these women have, they're not disfiguring. They were pretty girls, whatever, women. But they always had this, what you could call a disfiguring scar.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, they didn't need to have that. And it's like, it's insane. And just like the trauma of being bitten by it. You know what i mean? but Well, I have to say, since I've been bit by a dog, I look at dogs differently because it really hurt.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, i was like, holy shit, that little pinch, you know, and I'm used to getting my fingers hurt in the shop or whatever, you know, banging your your shin against a piece of wood or something like that.
Jeffrey Krug
But I just was like, wow, it's like four days later. And this dog bite actually hurts, you know, and meanwhile, i was just going to ride home. I'm glad I didn't because otherwise I would have been doing that whole, you know, rabies treatment. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, man. So anything else going on? What's what's but your next project? ah So we're working on this island still. I just got word today that they haven't even started demolition. They won't be starting it for like until the end of next week, it looks like.
Jeffrey Krug
um Or no, a week from yesterday, two weeks from yesterday. So a week from this coming Monday. So we got some time on that. I realized that ordered the drawer boxes the wrong size. So that's good. Those will take a week to get here.
Jeffrey Krug
um So we got that. We got that big refacing job in the shop. So that's like 44 doors and drawers. Leilani got all that scuffed up. So I got to start spraying color on that. Can we shoot some video about... I figured that'll be... Yeah, maybe that'll be the job. Maybe not the first coat, but maybe the second coat. All right. So I'll work ah work out any kinks on the um the first coat. All right.
Jeffrey Krug
And then... So that'll probably be two or three coats. Got that. Salt boxes should be starting soon. So they didn't they didn't sell out this time. um Gave it like...
Jeffrey Krug
almost a week and only sold 240. two hundred and forty And the other ones, other times they sold out in like 15 minutes? Yeah, the one time, i think maybe it was the last time it took like 20 hours or something.
Jeffrey Krug
So I guess maybe the novelty has kind of worn off. I mean, we sold a lot. Sold a couple thousand of them, like yeah close to like 3,000 boxes. So that's a lot of boxes. Will you have an extra one? I might want to do that thing we've been talking about. I was thinking too about milling up some of that Sapili because we were talking about Sapili.
Jeffrey Krug
It might be cool. While I'm making them, I always make... make some other ones, you know what i you mean? Make a couple out of sapili. Just some sapili you have hanging around here? Yeah. Is it, you going be able to get two pieces out of one? Like what's your, are you going to resaw it? It's five quarters, so so I should be able to get three eights. What's that, eights? Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Okay. Yeah, that'd be good if you can get two. Yeah. Otherwise, that's a lot of waste. Yeah. Would you re-saw that on the table saw the band saw? ah It depends on how thick it is. if i can I like to like re-saw part of the way on the table saw yeah and then cut it on the band saw. It just sure follows that eighth inch channel because our band saw sucks. yeah no hear you I'm the same way.
Jeffrey Krug
I've done the same thing where i'll I'll re-saw it on both sides cut the center out. yeah I need like a setup like Matt Viz with the power feeder. yeah That's sweet. Yeah, his shop's real. I definitely want to do the shop tour series. That'll be fun. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
His shop's looking amazing. Yeah. He's got that new doublehead 37-inch time saver. I love it. The fact that it's the old green one. Yeah. I think it's like an 87 or something. Aren't they like gray now?
Jeffrey Krug
Gray, red. Yeah, gray and red. Okay. um You know, it's like a light gray, dark gray, and a red. Coolest logo ever. Yeah. think i don't I don't, they have like, it's different now. It's sort of just like a silhouette of a guy.
Jeffrey Krug
Back in the day, i always thought that was the coolest logo. Yeah, it's like the, ah what's the, that guy, Atlas. Yeah. Carrying the. Yeah. But he's got a clock. And he's, I thought he's whole, he's pulling one of the, um, he's pulling one of the, I think he's pulling the minute hand in the time saver. Oh, is he? I thought he was carrying a clock like Atlas.
Jeffrey Krug
No, I'm pretty sure it's, um, I'll let you do first. You'll be quicker than I am. ah Maybe.
Jeffrey Krug
We're looking for the, uh,
Jeffrey Krug
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. Yeah, it's so cool because it almost is like a metaphor of life almost. He's pulling both. Is he pulling both? Yeah, I mean, this is the new one.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, the original and so cool.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, i mean, this is what the new ones look like. Yeah, yeah, they they look pretty cool.
Jeffrey Krug
up old type old time savers logo yeah the old ones were definitely super cool oh i just had it clicked on something accidentally uh it was it was pretty similar see yeah that's it yeah yeah i just thought that was cool
Jeffrey Krug
When I was working at the woodworker back in the 80s, my boss was thinking about buying one. um don't think he ever did. i mean, they are... ah pricecy to their name oh yeah time saver i mean you saw standing that but bingo yeah that was nice it's you know and rob and i would always like we were it's like one more it's like it's probably fine it's like listen 30 seconds here is going to translate to 20 minutes on the bench so for sure and it did it's no work you stand there you stick it in i mean you feel you almost feel bad you're like i'm not doing anything but it's like you're you're getting so much done in such a small amount of time
Jeffrey Krug
That saved me so much time because that that board, that bench top really has a twist in it. But with the little pressure, it goes away. So those little wooden clips will pull that right out of it.
Jeffrey Krug
And with when it was, it was like a heavy seven eighths when we started. At that point, wouldn't have pulled it out. I think right now it's ah like a true three quarter. Be nice to have that project finished. I tell you what, that Paducah looks nice when the finish hits it.
Jeffrey Krug
but Oh, yeah, I saw when you put the water locks. Yeah, that really just pops that green. It's just going to go very, very dark, though. Over time, it'll just be like a dark brown. Yeah. Kind of almost reminds me of Purple Heart after, well, maybe Purple Heart goes really dark. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
And it's like a true brown, you know. I don't think we talked about what we shot today, RTM, staying from Enduro. So they sent out a ah door to match and a raw drawer face.
Jeffrey Krug
So we went through and picked out the match and mixed it, stained it, top coated it. looks good. It's cool system, you know. So basically it's a box with 109 different stain samples.
Jeffrey Krug
one side is Oak, one side's maple, or they have maple and alder. But you ever work with alder? No, but a lot, like you said, a lot of people out west do it. In the Midwest, yeah. In the Midwest. Remember Mark Spagnuolo used a lot of alder. Yeah, it's cheap, you know? Yeah, but when he was in Arizona, I think. They called it poor man's cherry. Okay. no But now cherry is so cheap that you don't have to use alder.
Jeffrey Krug
um I tell you what, if Lewis was closer, I'd just go pick up some boards because I'd like to make hive boxes out of cherry. Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, what I was saying is it's ah so you have like 109 samples in the box. So like what happens to me is I'll go meet a designer or homeowner and they're like, well, I kind of want to like go close to the floor color.
Jeffrey Krug
So I have this box. We can pull out the samples. We can look at it. We can spread them out on the floor and then I can get a decision that day signed off RTM number 45. Yeah, there's no questions asked.
Jeffrey Krug
All the time I get in emails like, ah okay, we want to try and match this. And then it's like, okay. And then I'm in the shop for three days dicking around. You've come in before. And it's like, I've been trying to match this thing for three days. You should use that floor sample because we still have to shoot like the last minute of the video. We're just waiting to waiting for the finish to dry.
Jeffrey Krug
So you should use that floor example. like you just I did say that. You didn't say the floor though. I don't think you did. coach war i did but I said cabinet door or floor. Maybe. Maybe. You might have. We could reinforce the whole.
Jeffrey Krug
It's like I said before or whatever. Just because when you said the floor just now, i visually saw those swatches on the floor and like, okay, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
You know it's a good visual point. Yeah. You know, to have these physical samples and you can make samples yourself, but. How long is it to take to make 109 samples? Then you need to buy 109 different stains. Yeah, forget it.
Jeffrey Krug
did you Is that something you have to buy? that um The box? Yeah. yeah So for the full setup, I think it's like maybe like $1,000. But that gives you a quart of each of those colors. okay The box, um I think it comes with... ah Maybe some other stuff too, but yeah. So for like a thousand bucks, you're set up with like a lot of material.
Jeffrey Krug
And then you just, you know, you'll probably find that you use more of certain of those bases, you know, like how often are you making like a red blood red stain like you saw in there or green? yeah It's going to be like, just like, ah you know those small handful of what you usually use.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, and you can make, you can make, like we made eight ounces. You can make, I mean, as small as you can measure, you can make a tiny bit of stain or you can make a gallon. You can make five gallons, whatever.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it's good. So that's going to be Saturday's video. Even if you don't. So like, I've never mixed this stain either. What I do is I just use the sample and then I call up. united it finishes and they call up general finishes and they say hey jeff needs five gallons of rtm number 45 and then they ship it to me that's nice yeah so for me it's mostly about having a match yeah and being able to have it in writing that this is the color you know there's no well it doesn't really look like what we thought it's like well no we looked at it yeah in person yeah now that's good that's invaluable for sure
Jeffrey Krug
so I think that's all we got for you guys. We're going we have to shoot the rest of this video from last, the last scene. Um, but yeah, thanks for listening.
Jeffrey Krug
was going to I was going to say watching. See you next week. See you next week. If you enjoyed this episode, please tell a friend or share it on social media. You can leave a review of this podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
Jeffrey Krug
And don't forget, today's Craftsman YouTube channel has an upload every Saturday morning at 8.30 a.m. m Eastern. We'll see you next week.