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Jeffrey Krug
The American Craftsman Podcast is sponsored by Hayfla. Hayfla offers a wide range of products and solutions for the woodworking and furniture-making industries. From hinges and drawer slides to connectors and dowels, sandpaper, wood glue, shop carts, and everything in between. Exclusive product lines such as Lux LED lighting and Slido door hardware ensure that every project you create is built to last. Learn more at
Jeffrey Krug
Additional sponsorship provided by Ridge Carbide. When you need the right saw blade for the job, put your trust in Ridge Carbide tools. For over 50 years, Ridge Carbide has been producing industrial saw blades designed with the exact specifications for the cutting results you expect. Before you buy, call us and we'll help you determine the right tool that meets your needs and your budget. After the sale, Ridge Carbide provides sharpening services for all your saw blades, dado sets, router bits, and jointer planer knives.
Jeffrey Krug
Located in Kansas, rich carbide tools provides high quality products with outstanding customer service at a fair price. What are you cutting? Enjoy the show.

Weekend Reflections and Minimalism

Jeffrey Krug
Jeffrey Krug
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the show. We're here. What's today, Tuesday? Tuesday. Yeah, after the big weekend. Yeah. ah Long, long weekend. Did you work at all?
Jeffrey Krug
No, I popped in a couple of times to grab some stuff, but that was it. Drop some stuff off. So Friday is just a total ah rest and relaxation day. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I did some little odds and ends. Nothing crazy. Friday was like um but put up the Christmas tree. Oh, wow. But we did that sort of later, like around like dinnertime. But we We don't have a lot of stuff. Like it was the Christmas tree and a box of ornaments and that was it. That's great. Yeah. Less is more. My wife is on this, uh, just cleaning everything out mind right now, which is great. She's just go getting rid of old clothes. The hardest part is pictures finds these pictures where, you know, the boys are all one, two, you know, it' just, and and then you find yourself looking at the pictures and you're like, wow, the house was different. And, Yeah, you got to get like one of those little scanners that like it passes through, you know what I mean? Not like a flatbed scanner like that. Yeah. And then you could just scan them all and then just... Yeah, I know. I know. It's a weird thing. You keep some. Keep some.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, anyway, so that's that's good that you don't have a lot of junk. We we don't have an addict that's easy, easily accessible. So it has one of the pull down doors and it's yeah, and it's it's not it's not like you can walk around and add I can you have to be careful because there's only plywood in a few very few areas.

Home Decluttering and Attic Challenges

Jeffrey Krug
But we have junk up there and so that just has to get moved out to I mean we're just. We're just trying to have less and less stuff so that's good for you that you don't have a ton of Christmas stuff yeah yeah we have same thing pulled downstairs for the attic it's in like the hallway upstairs and my house is like a twelve on twelve and it's a small house so the attic is.
Jeffrey Krug
It's the same size as the footprint of the house, but the ceilings get real low, real fast, you know? Do you have cold air coming down from your attic door or do you have like an insulation thing there? ah So somebody built like a box. That's what we have. yeah's I was going to say the same thing to you. And then I just have like a piece of lath that i I prop it open with.
Jeffrey Krug
Okay, yeah. Ours is like a box with styrofoam on the inside, like two inch styrofoam. Ours doesn't have that, um but there is insulation, like there is plywood on the floor, but somebody put that insulation like all over the floor, just like sitting there. Oh, okay. Yeah. My sister was actually just talking to me. She's like, we have all this cold air and I said, Oh, well, we have like this insulated box. It just goes over the door. yeah You know, you push that out of the way and it really makes a big difference.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, mine's actually on like a hinge. So it's hinged on the backside. Okay. So when you're coming up, you could push it up. And then I just stick, like I said, a piece of lath. So yours is a wooden box. Like a plywood box. oh Mine is just a cardboard box with like two inch styrofoam. Okay. Stuck to the inside of it. In fact, it's I need to like, do a little more taping to it. I noticed it last time I was up there. But makes a difference. Yeah. Oh, yeah. In the summertime too. Yeah, for sure.
Jeffrey Krug
So that's ah that one of the areas that we have to just get get rid of junk. That's the kind of place where like if you've got to do work, it's like... That's the problem. You just pay somebody to do like do the attic stuff. Oh my gosh. If you want to do plywood on the floors, you've got to rip it all down to 32 inches so that you can get it through the door, and then it's you know so you can land on the rafters.

Crafting a Shop Flat File

Jeffrey Krug
and Talking about ripping plywood, I want to make a flat file, and I think it's going to be a good project for the Stree Big. i'm going You know what a flat file is? ah Like ah the small drawers that you can pull out to have like... Yeah. So ah the idea is that I would make the drawers... but Is the plywood 32 and a half, 48 and a half by...
Jeffrey Krug
by 96 and a half typically okay so you have a little bit more depends on the brand and you know like melamine is an inch over okay so the F is an inch over for the drawer bottoms I want to use half inch pre-finish And the idea is I'd get three drawers that out of each sheet. So 32 by 48. And maybe I would do like 31 and three quarters by 40 47 and a half, right. And so I would rip those i I'd have to do the math and figure out how many drawers but let's just say I want nine drawers ah each three inches deep. Because I don't just use paper I put like little things in there like paintings and stuff frame paintings. And then I would
Jeffrey Krug
take that piece of half inch plywood and then build a frame. So let's just say that the piece of plywood is but just for, for conversation's sake. Let's say the bottom drawer is 32 by 48. Exactly. I would make the drawer frame 30, um, I would make the drawer frame outside measurements.
Jeffrey Krug
forty seven 47 by 30 by 32 right so it'd be flush in the back but i'd have a little ear sticking off the side and they run in grooves and they would run in grooves so that's exactly how i'd made you see cori just did an edge bander edge banding storage cabinet just like that I did see that, but I didn't see, yeah, actually now that you're saying it. He didn't have like a drawer, it was just a sheet. Just a flat, his is just a flat, yeah. So that's why I didn't put two and two together. I did see that story though, because he had it hanging on like that little pegboard stuff before that. Yeah, but you're never supposed to hang your edge banding. Oh really? And why is that?
Jeffrey Krug
because it'll get a memory. OK, that makes sense. You know, if you're using wood, it's not as big of a deal. But with PVC edge banding, you should never hang it because it'll get a memory and then it'll feed. It'll feed poorly. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. So anyway, that's a a project. I don't know what got me onto that organizing. I don't know what got me onto the the street big and the um ah you were saying it would be a good um street big project. Yeah.

Pricing and Material Choices in Woodworking

Jeffrey Krug
ah One sec. Let me take this.
Jeffrey Krug
I'm just going to pause this.
Jeffrey Krug
All right. Sorry about that. It was my my new pheasant haul rep. Good. Good. You got some material delivered? um So i I'm working on a price for a commercial job. I was just telling you, John, and it's like,
Jeffrey Krug
it It's going to be like 75, 85 sheets of laminate laid up. So there's no chance I'm going to do that. No. So he just got me the price. Vertical grade, 423 a square. ah Horizontal grade, 471 a square. So pretty inexpensive. I'd say yeah that's a great job for this tree big. Oh, yeah. that's That's going to make it like just so much easier.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, just hacking up rectangles. Yeah, that's the Stree Biggs specialty. Yeah. Got some in my freaking eye. Well, that's what made me think about it. I was thinking I want to get ah a flat file and then I thought, oh, that's a perfect job to to make a lot of cuts over here and then bring it back to the shop.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, we priced out one for somebody wants for like a tile showroom or something, but they wanted it like really nice and it was it was expensive. Yeah. Yeah, I think that I think that this will work really well because then I would just make the box out of three quarter inch plywood. And then I would just ah for the for the drawers, I would just put ah sticks of half inch by three and a half inch plywood or whatever it would be to figure out the math.
Jeffrey Krug
And then that would create the runners. And then you just kind of stack them up, giving a little room in between. So the pre-fin would slide along those grooves. So I wouldn't be cutting dados. I would be making dados just by... Right, just tacking on strips. Just tacking them on with some glue and you'd be fine to go. And the bottom one, I'd probably just put a small piece of like quarter inch or something there so it could float on top of that. So it wasn't just...
Jeffrey Krug
just on the the entire surface of the bottom of the drawer. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, because that one would be that's a lot of friction. Yeah, it's a lot of friction. But ah that would do that would give me a lot of storage. And it would also give me a the idea is to have a work table with as much storage as I can get. You think a 48 inch span that half inch would I don't think so because I think the drawer frame would hopefully... Would you make that out of like poplar? Yeah, so I was thinking three quarter inch poplar. I use cherry at the prices. Yeah. Actually, a great cherry is like 99 cents a board foot. I actually wanted to ah talk to you. i'm I'm going to order some cherry because I'm going to try to build everything out of cherry this year.
Jeffrey Krug
For two reasons, one, it's really nice to work with and two, it's really inexpensive. Yeah. And and it looks great. I mean, I never, I don't have any problems with working with cherry, like with white oak, you get splinters. It's just.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, you always get to the like the last step of white oak where you're breaking edges. Yeah, and you end up with the sandpaper under this huge um splinter, you know, and then it breaks so it wants to break off where you have like just a little um section of grain that wants to lift up and it's just yeah and som kind of fixing it up with a little CA glue and all that. Yeah, which is a nightmare CA glue and tape. Cherry is just the nicest wood to work with. It does have a very specific kind of look to it, but I like that. I don't think I would like it as a as um like a full kitchen maybe, maybe just because that's now dated. Yeah, I think it depends, you know. Like, I like my kitchen. At first I was like a little bit, ah I don't know if disappointed is a word, but I wasn't liking the way the colors looked, but now that everything is all together,
Jeffrey Krug
I have the the gray bases, the lighter green uppers, and then just

Thanksgiving Traditions and Food Discussions

Jeffrey Krug
white, a warm white wall. And there's a lot of wall and the wooden table and, you know, i think it looks great. Thanks. I mean, I, I don't know if you saw the, if you watched the video we posted on Saturday, you got a little bit of a glimpse. It wasn't a very long shot, but I think we had a shot of you just bringing that one window casing. yeah yeah Yeah. But it looks really good.
Jeffrey Krug
and the table How did the table do for Thanksgiving? Great. and I did what you said. I used some soapy water. and I hit it hit the top with ah steel wool and then I used steel wool and wax and did the hole from the edge all the way the base everything nice and it was there were some rough spots where the oil had polymerized you know because I wasn't going under there wiping it I was I had a lot going on but nobody's feeling up every square inch of it nobody is and it's gonna get beat to hell
Jeffrey Krug
When you do a project for yourself, you can take those kind of liberties. I mean, when I'm doing something for a client, I sort of go a little overboard. Yeah, because if they find that, they're like, what the hell, John? Phoned it in on my thing. But if somebody else finds it and they say, hey, they're probably not going to say anything to me. But even if they did, I'd say, well, you know, yeah, yeah it's my table. And yeah, and this is just the beginning because it's going to get beat the hell out of the next. yeah I mean, our kitchen table is a ah it's a pedestal. um Well, it's not a pedestal. It has four legs, but it's sort of like there's they're sort of inside the table. There's a big cantilever on the table, but still the chairs get smashed into those legs and they're all kind of rounded over and they're made out of.
Jeffrey Krug
I think they're made out of white oak. The cross bars are ash because I had it and the ah the legs are oak and it used to be a hickory top and then I replaced the top with cherry. You can't even see the base. it's It's a small room and the base is so much smaller than the cherry top that you really don't see it. Yeah, it's it's nice having you know a table and and it it looks really nice now that it's uncovered because I had this this gaudy green, you know, like one of those vinyl not vinyl, but ah I know what you're talking about. It's like a like a picnic table tablecloth. Yeah, that has sort of like that felt on the back. You know, I had that on it because I you know, they my wife and son kept at when can we use a table? I could use a table. I'm like the finish has to cure. I'm like, I'm just going to buy a tablecloth and put it over top and then and then we can use the table. So then ah Thanksgiving morning, I finally took it off and it was like, wow, I got this nice table in the kitchen now.
Jeffrey Krug
That's great. ah's go i mean um It must be really nice to sit and have coffee at the table. and Yeah, we sit you know yeah played um shoots and ladders and yeah eat dinner. I think that ah a table a kitchen table and a dining table are probably even more of a kitchen table. is ah ah really important thing in a home because so many things happen at that table. You know, you're eating there, you're having conversations there, you're visiting there. It's ah it's definitely nice to have something solid. Yeah, and it's all, you know, the bench is all flip flip open storage on the inside. We don't even have, there's only stuff in like two or three of the, I keep wanting to call them drawers, the
Jeffrey Krug
but whatever cabinets and there's one, two, three, four, there's six of them. Wow, that's great. Yeah. That's really good. You know, like we used to keep the paper towels in the basement because you buy like a pack of 24 paper towels. Where the hell do you put 24 paper towels? So they sat in the basement. So when you need a roll of paper towels, you got to go in the basement. Then you end up bringing up two and then one sits in, you know, out in the open on the counter. And so now I have one cabinet in the bench. It's just full of paper towels.
Jeffrey Krug
Have you noticed the table get a, is it much darker than when you built it, you know, a month ago? No, because it's been covered up. Oh, there you go. Yeah. That's the other beautiful thing. That's going to get a really deep, dark, yeah dark color. That's great. Oh, I took a video but I never posted it of um Laurel using this, the salt cellar. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was a great like shot. She's like, you know, she's just going nuts in the kitchen doing like the last two hours of prep.
Jeffrey Krug
because she like makes a turkey and then does all the the all the different sides. And she's just sort of like oh like a magician in the kitchen, like going over. What are the what are the sides that you guys do?
Jeffrey Krug
Um, well, obviously stuffing and mashed potatoes. Uh, she does some kind of a green bean thing. She does the, she does the sweet potatoes with the marshmallows on them. She does the, Oh, shit. What's the name of those things? They look like little heads of lettuce, Brussels sprouts, um,
Jeffrey Krug
Mushrooms, you know, just like sauteed. Yeah. Yeah, I did stuffing mashed potatoes. Well, I did palm puree. If you're a foodie, ah Joel Robuchon, his palm puree recipe, eight sticks of butter in that. Wow. Yeah, it's good. ah Sweet potatoes. I say stuffing, green beans.
Jeffrey Krug
Jeffrey Krug
So me, I thought I heard a ringtone. Yeah. ah Yeah, I think that's all I did. What's your favorite side? I like stuffing. Me too. Yeah, stuffing stuffing with gravy. And I like the mashed potatoes. And yeah, I do like Brussels sprouts too. I like Brussels sprouts. Yeah. I feel like you know like stuffing is weird to eat any other time on Thanksgiving. You don't do stovetop stuffing ever throughout the year? No. When we were a kid sometimes, yeah, every now and then,
Jeffrey Krug
my my wife will do. See, I don't eat the thing is I don't eat bread. Oh, there you go. Normally. So do you eat? So you don't need any sugar. yeah No sugar. No, I eat sugar this weekend. I'm hurting. Wow. That's that's quite an achievement to not have someone so when so you you're avoiding carbs completely then. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
So do you mind me asking like what's your usual day?

Coffee Preferences and Fasting Considerations

Jeffrey Krug
um So breakfast is cottage cheese. Okay. Lunch is almonds. Dinner. ah Usually i'm I'm eating chicken thighs in some form or fashion. Sometimes in like a salad or I eat these. It's sort of like You know, not the best. It's kind of like keto, like junk food, but like they're zero net carb tortillas. So I might have like a wrap with like, you know, chicken thigh in there, whether it's grilled or it's a lot of discipline. I'm impressed. Yeah. Now, does your wife eat the same way? No. So that makes it really difficult. hu What do you guys do? You you don't eat the same dinners. on No, I mean, sometimes, but
Jeffrey Krug
you know, she works. ah She works nights, two days a week. So really, it's just Monday, Wednesday, Friday that we're even home for dinner at the same time. Okay. And the weekend. um But like, yeah, like if I was cooking for the three of us, it would just be like a protein and like a vegetable usually. All right. And then she might make like some rice or something for her and owner. her And you always on top of that. You always drink your coffee black. ah Yeah, sometimes on the weekend, I'll put some Stevia and and like half and half in it.
Jeffrey Krug
All right. But it just ah coffee with milk doesn't really agree with my stomach. Like if there's something about that combination that just, I don't know, it's not like really bad, but I can't have that like daily. Okay. I'm trying to drink my coffee black. I'm trying. I mean, I do eat a lot of sugar. It's not I don't have a sweet tooth, but I will eat carbs. Yeah, sugars in everything. And I used to put honey in my coffee. Now I'm not doing that.
Jeffrey Krug
I'm just trying to drink it black. um But you you drink like Maxwell House or something, don't you? I drink really shitty coffee. yeah You got to get some good coffee. Yeah. Then it'll it'll taste better. Yeah. I mean, you drink this stuff black. Yeah, I know. um and i do and I'm drinking that shitty Maxwell House black now, too. um yeah I don't mind it. I don't know. ah i would like I would like to drink better coffee. but I don't know. Go over to Fair Mountain in a... Yeah, I know. Right over Atlantic Islands. now I've got ah been there once or twice. They have great coffee. That or Jersey Shore coffee roasters in Leonardo. All right. Is that what you do? and No, you don't do that. No. um I was getting it from Aldi, which they had really cheap, single-origin, organic coffee. And um they seem to have stopped carrying whole bean coffee. So... I just ah ordered a couple bags from Amazon actually ah like Amazon's brand coffee. Yeah, I don't know. I might I might look into that because it's one of those things like you.
Jeffrey Krug
you sort of take care of yourself in little areas of your life, you know, like do things like that are special, you make it a little bit nicer. And coffee is one of those areas because I really don't drink that much. And like I used to look forward to like a nice IPA. I don't really enjoy those as much as I used to. um So maybe coffee is a where I'll spoil myself.
Jeffrey Krug
Matt Vizz is a... I know he is. When we went fishing, he shows up with a ah big sustainer. he He takes it with him everywhere. In there, he's got a scale and the... ke the ah What do they call that thing? ah You know, the pour over thing. Oh, Rick.
Jeffrey Krug
I know you're talking about that cold brew deal. It's not cold brew. It's just for regular coffee or over. Yeah, Chemex Chemex. Yes, that's right. Chemex and he's got the kettle like a real nice expensive kettle and he's got his little grinder and his beans. But that's cool. yeah yeah It becomes like a whole it's a ritual. ritual yeah Yeah, that's nice. Have you ever thought about fasting? Yeah, I have. I've done like 24 hour, but nothing crazy long.
Jeffrey Krug
I was talking to my cousin Dave on the way over here and he just started 18 hours ago, a 72 hour fast. And that's something, I don't know about 72 hours, but I'd like to and'd like to try that. You could do 24 hours without blinking. Yeah, 24 hours I could easily do.
Jeffrey Krug
um Because I used to do intermittent fasting, which I would just eat one meal a day and I did it for years. And and that it's something that i I want to start doing again, but like so I would start I would eat it like from five until say eight o'clock was the only time of the day that I would eat 5pm to 8pm. So you could easily go, you know, let's say you ate dinner at five and we're done at six, you could easily go to six o'clock the next day. Yeah, yeah, I totally agree.
Jeffrey Krug
I think that 24 hours is easy. I think that 48 hours is doable. I think that 72 is a is a tough one. Yeah, but um but apparently there's all kinds of health benefits from it. And something I'm thinking about. So that's what just water, water, sometimes bone broth. And I feel like that's kind of doesn't count. Really? I mean, that's food.
Jeffrey Krug
Um, yeah, but it's, it's not, you know, it's mostly water. And some people say you can have black coffee. Hmm. Coffee, I could see maybe because the there's very little nutrition, a bone bone broth. Yeah, you take a bone broth out of the fridge. It's solid. Yeah, you're right. It's all full of gelatin, yeah collagen and no, you're right. You're right.
Jeffrey Krug
But something to think about. yeah I don't know. i'm I'm just thinking, I'll see how he does. He's a pretty disciplined guy. So ah I'm sure he'll do it. I'll be interested to see how he feels afterwards. Apparently ah ah Dana White did a whole big thing on like the positive aspects of doing a of doing 72 hour fasting. And some people do it like once a month, some people do it once every six months. He doesn't look like the healthiest guy, Dana White. Really? I think he looks like he's in pretty good shape. He's not that young. A lot of those guys, I mean, a lot of those guys are in pretty good shape. ah But again, I think they're, they're all they're obviously all pretty well off. And I think their, their work sort of depends on their physicality. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like if you were like an actor,
Jeffrey Krug
You got no excuse but to stay in shape, you know what I mean? Like if you had if you had a personal trainer and a nutritionist and ah this and that. I think for an actor, but you like I look at- Or like an athlete, you know. I look at like Joe Rogan and I'm like, that dude is disciplined to to work out as much as he does. so And he's the guy who got me into the cold plunge, which I didn't do yesterday, but I did the day before and how to break the ice to get into

Cold Plunges and Exercise Routines

Jeffrey Krug
it. It was cold yesterday.
Jeffrey Krug
It was cold yesterday, but I did something yesterday. I think I just worked all day and I just like I can't get into that thing. um But I did it. I must have done it on Sunday. And then i I went right from the cold plunge right into working out. But then it just took I couldn't get warm and I like took me forever to get not forever but it like took me like 40 minutes to get warm enough to convince myself I needed to go out to the barn to do some work because your feet get cold out in the barn. ah yeah So I rotate, I have a, I heat my barn. So the barn is is roughly 16 by 32 inside. And I heat the entire downstairs with one eight foot long oil filled baseboard. 220 power goes to it. It does a nice job. You walk in there and you can feel the difference.
Jeffrey Krug
And then in the winter time, I'll rotate my shoes. So I'll just put a pair of shoes on top of that. seat now I put it right on top. It's right on top. Especially like lately, I've just been standing at the lathe turning all those mallet handles. Oh, yeah. That's when you get cold. Yeah, your feet get cold and just, but you know, every every ah fourth or fifth handle, I'll go and switch my shoes out. That's like when you go fishing, when it's cold, you know, you're when you're standing in the water, you're freezing.
Jeffrey Krug
And then when you're walking to the next spot, you're sweating. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's like snowboarding or skiing. Like if you have to going down the hills, one thing, if you have to walk up the hill or walk anywhere and you got all that clothing on and ah you're, you know, you're trying to walk in those sort of length, ah those, uh, I don't know, big boots or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. You can't like lift your knees up real high.
Jeffrey Krug
Years ago, this was before Laurel and I had any kids. We were out in Colorado. And we we were, she was skiing, I was snowboarding. And she she wanted to go down some way. And so I was like, okay, we started to go down. And then I was like, wait, I don't really think this is cool. And then eventually we decided like, no, we're not gonna find anything. And this is not like New Jersey, this is Colorado, you know?
Jeffrey Krug
So I said, we're gonna have to we're gonna have to backtrack out of here. And it was so much work to try to move like, might have been 150 yards uphill in deep snow. Yeah, I was like, wow, never again. But just pouring sweat, you know, in Colorado,
Jeffrey Krug
depending on the time of day and the time of year, it can get really warm on the mountain. So you're sort of dressed for the chairlift. But then when you're on the mountain, it's not so bad. And then when you're actually walking up a hill in ah three feet of snow, it was ah quite a workout. Yeah, and then when you start to sweat, then you get cold. Yeah, because you're wet. Yeah, when we were in Pulaski in March,
Jeffrey Krug
You know, it had snowed like six or eight inches and then we remember trudged through all that snow. We walked all the way down, we crossed the river, walked all the way down river like two miles and like my hips were killing me when we got back.

Fishing Trips and Nature Experiences

Jeffrey Krug
You know, because you're trying to lift your feet and you're in waiters and waiting boots and you got to lift your legs up above the snow, you know, so you're high stepping for four miles. And you guys didn't catch anything? ah ah No, no.
Jeffrey Krug
I remember that trip. I was like, oh my gosh, she's like these guys are getting snowed on. Yeah, no regrets. No, that's nice. You got good company, good food. Yeah, I'm ready to go back. And you're going to stay at the same place? Oh yeah, that's this that's the only spot to stay, is that exact house. Why do you go at that time of year? It seems like nothing's ever biting at that time of year. ah Well, that's the hot steelhead bite. It's the dropback season.
Jeffrey Krug
And why don't you go for a different species that might be more ah that might bite more? ah Well, you know it's a crapshoot as to like the weather and the day. And you know so they're always biting the day before you show up and the day after you leave. um And also, like a lot of it is inexperience. you know It's it it could be a really um high producing fishery if you know what you're doing. But if if you don't know everything, it's a lot harder. Sure.
Jeffrey Krug
um you know You can go in the in the fall and fish for salmon, but you're going to be shoulder to shoulder. yeah We go, and the one day, we saw one other person. That's nice. One person. Yeah, that's nice. So it's a trade-off. You want to catch more fish or you want to be... So it's you, Matt, and Willie.
Jeffrey Krug
ah This year was me, Matt, this while Willie Willie's buddy, Matt. um You know, previous year's Adam from three dot when Rob Keith from Blackthorn.
Jeffrey Krug
ah Year before that, my buddy, Anthony and his brother, Austin went. So that's a rotating cast of characters. Nice. Yeah, it's um I never commit. and You've invited me once or twice. now vote And I've always been sort of like thinking, man, I like to be on the river. But then I'm like, wow, it seems like it's going to be really cold up there. Yeah, you know, it's not it's not too bad. Like, as long as you prepare. Yeah. You know, I bought those electric hand warmers ah before the trip this this past year. Those things are great. I've heard good things about. them Yeah. they're Just like a little battery pack. they I mean, they get so hot that you could like burn your skin. I feel like. Wow. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
What else is going on? I've just been a bunch of work. A little slow right now. You know, it's that time of year. I think with the election, things were slow too. Sure. um But now, I've been in that big commercial job. I just, I priced out, where is it? This. I sent that out like a week or two ago.
Jeffrey Krug
crazy wet bar curved ends with functioning doors, brass and glass shelving on the top. It's a pricey, pricey piece. And I just sent them a ballpark figure round number. And they emailed me back today they said can you put it on letterhead with some more details. So yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
That'd be a fun job.

Future Furniture Projects and Wood Choices

Jeffrey Krug
that look That would look great. Yeah, it's red oak. And I'm sitting on a whole pile of red oak. Dude, you're like ready to give that stuff away. Yeah, I was. I've been trying to give it away. I know. It's so fun. Yeah. that's what That's what made me think about the ah the cherry because I was thinking like, I want to make a lot of solid wood furniture. And I was like, I don't want to spend a lot of money on it.
Jeffrey Krug
And I was like, well, maybe i'll I could make it out of red oak. Jeff's got a bunch of red oak. But then I was like, I just don't want to make it out of red oak. Yeah. And the problem with the red oak I have is it's four quarter. Okay. um Which not the end of the world, but I just like I like working with five quarter. Really? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'd probably want to get some five quarter and some eight quarter.
Jeffrey Krug
So if if I were to order that through Lewis lumber, how much how much do I have to order? What's the minimum? The minimum for delivery is 1000 bucks. 1000 bucks. Okay. Yeah. So I'll wait until you need to order some some lumber.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, might be a while but I'm not in any rush. But I don't want to spend $1,000 at the same time. I don't mind spending $500 because $500 worth of cherry would keep me busy for a long time. And I ah just like the idea of how inexpensive it is. Yeah, well, an issue with ah Lewis is that you're gonna have to buy a pack of each. So if you want a quarter, you gotta buy a whole pack. Okay.
Jeffrey Krug
And, and, you know, so it's going to be, you're going to have to get like, say two or 300 board feet, a five quarter. And, you know, maybe you can find a pack of eight quarter. That's 200 board feet, a hundred, hundred yeah you know, so you're going to end up with like five, 500 board feet.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, okay. Well, maybe I'll just jeez, there's no way I'm going to go to Monteith and buy boards of cherry. Oh, god, I they're probably getting well, like $7. And the quality is just not as as nice. Yeah, no, I can't do that. Yeah, you got to pick through the boards over there. Whereas what shows up from Louis or O'Shea is just all good.
Jeffrey Krug
The poplar for the sauna, I've been picking through that for little things. I mean, I i milled most of the material that I need for the shiplap and who knows, maybe that's a good January project.
Jeffrey Krug
but I have a bunch of boards that I didn't mill because they were just really, really wide boards. Some of them are like 14 inches wide. I remember seeing some of them, yeah. I was just like, I don't need to deal with this one yet, you know, I'll keep it around. I just basically milled up all the material that I need, plus a little bit more. And I put the rest on the lumber rack and Well, we'll see if I, you know, hopefully get to that, then I'll use it for benches or something like that. But it's nice material. Yeah. Yeah, their stuff is nice. It really is. um Did you price out like the steam generator or not the steam generator, but like the heating thing for the

Sauna Benefits and Stretching Importance

Jeffrey Krug
sauna? How much does that store? It's like 900 bucks around. It's not too bad. My sister-in-law was talking about a sauna. I was like, oh, my buddy John spilled the sauna.
Jeffrey Krug
i I think if I had the sauna, then I probably would have gone into the ah cold plunge yesterday. it was just It was just the idea of trying to figure out how to get warm afterwards. I mean, a hot shower doesn't even do it because you really got to get your your um your your core temp back up. yeah it does it it does feel good though I went in for a full like three minutes and 15 seconds and it was the first really cold cold punch that I've done in a long time because I was just using the water out of the tap you know basically maybe that's 40 48 degrees or whatever ah because it is water well water
Jeffrey Krug
ah but this man that first like breaking the ice and getting in there I was like wow it took me a minute to catch my breath but then uh after about the first minute I was like okay but when three minutes came along I was ready to get out and that's like the best time to work out because then you just go right into like bench press and you just warm right up you don't feel like stiff now you feel like you feel like super strong as soon as you get out of the water you just feel like feel good feel like my joints would be like, you know, like kind of like locked up.
Jeffrey Krug
you You would think that but it's like a gives you a good feeling gives you and that's the other thing I'm trying to do now is um more moving exercise like ah Like compound movements like you had more aerobic type thing. I follow this woman who is um She's not like one of these knockout influencers who's just like super hot ah Working out she's actually ah See, somebody's definitely in shape, but she does these exercises where she does these moves. You're like, wow, it looks so easy when she's doing it. And then you try doing some of those movements. And after about two minutes, you're like, holy cow, I'm dying here. Oh, yeah, it's like yoga. That's what I'm that's another thing. Yeah, I gotta start doing something like that. Because I'm just so stiff, you know, you don't stretch at all. Not regularly.
Jeffrey Krug
or Or in any sort of regimented structured way. So even if you like so neither do I until like last week ah and then of course you know a couple years ago I stretched for you know ah like a one or two week stint of time. I can't get over how stiff I am like.
Jeffrey Krug
just trying to touch the floor. you know trying Eventually, you can do it, but like in the beginning, you're like, wow, this is really... um i'm For how stiff I am, I'm pretty flexible. like I can get you know i can get like this flat on the ground you know ah pretty easy. but yeah i'm just like If I drop something to bend over and pick it up, it's like I feel how how tight I am.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, that's the thing like if you can just get into like, if you're not going to ride because now it's getting dark and cold. Yeah. I'm thinking that I'm going to have to find something else to do because it's, it's just mentally, it's too much to overcome, you know? Yeah. It's.
Jeffrey Krug
at At that time of the morning, it would be. yeah If you're able to go out at 10 o'clock in the morning. Not a chance. I know there's no chance. Not even on the weekend. But it's like nice. 10 o'clock if it's 35 degrees and it's sunny out. Right. That's really nice. Yeah, but at five in the dark. That's like insane. Yeah. But what you might want to do is get into just like a 10, 15 minute just stretching routine where you can listen to the radio and just stretch.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, what I need is like something I need someone to have already figured out what I'm going to do. And then I'm just going to do it. You know what I mean? Like if it's up to me where I got to like sit down and be like, okay, I need to stretch this and I'm going to do this stretch. And then I need like a, like a plan. Like I need somebody to give me a plan and then I could just do it. Oh, next time this, uh, this influencer comes up on my Instagram, I'll, I'll forward it over to you because, um,
Jeffrey Krug
You'll see she's like really good. So she must be like in her 40s. And then she works out with this other woman who's I think 70. You she doesn't look 70. And ah they just move effortlessly. Like the way they move around. And I follow this other guy. I don't he he's got to be in his late 60s or 70s. And he's another guy he just looks like a I don't know he just like floats around like it's like effortless the way he moves around. I think that's what it is. It's all about
Jeffrey Krug
Consistently moving around motion is lotion. Yeah That's what they say is how would they say Yeah, well, that's like Ali's grandfather. So we found out Thanksgiving morning He went down to South Carolina to see his sister and he was with his other sister who lives up here. They were in a car accident Wednesday night oo car like flipped over they had to cut him out of the car. He's in his 90s. Oh my god. He's fine Wow. But he's another one.

Aging Gracefully and Humorous Incidents

Jeffrey Krug
He's always walking, doing yoga, this and that. You know, he's getting old and he's, you know, getting a little, he's losing his marbles a tiny bit. Nineties up there. Yeah, like, I think he's going to be 93. Jeez. You know, if he was just like sedentary, he probably would have died in a car accident. He would have broke. Yeah. He just would have broke. Yeah. I was amazed. 93, they cut him out of the car and he was like released from the hospital.
Jeffrey Krug
no No overnight stay. no you know That's wild. Yeah. Did you want to talk about the accident that that you you had in your family recently?
Jeffrey Krug
uh no car accident but my wife yeah did we ever mention that yeah yeah we talked about that i didn't know i was supposed to mention that or not mention that oh yeah um last night so my wife started a another uh season of soccer last night so she left at like 8 30 their game was at 9 30 she woke me up in the middle of the night when she got home She's like, I wasn't gonna wake you up, but I hit a deer, everything is fine, the truck is fine. I'm like, why did you wake me up then? Oh my gosh. It must have been, had to have been 12 o'clock or something. So you didn't fall back to sleep? I did. Oh wow, okay. But I didn't think I was going to. Like, why did you wake me up? If everything is fine,
Jeffrey Krug
And the truck is fine. Is everything fine? Is the truck fine? Yeah, I went out there this morning and gave it a once over. I didn't see any. The truck is fine? Yeah. From hitting a deer? Apparently, like they saw the deer. she was ah Her sister was with her.
Jeffrey Krug
How the deer ran across the road, they stopped, and then they thought it ran away, so she started driving again, and then it ran out front, and then she said they just like bumped it or something, but... Yeah, okay, then. That's nothing. But like, why wake me up? Just tell me in the morning. That's so funny. Yeah. Because you here hit a deer. if If my wife woke me up and said, I hit a deer and everything's fine, the truck is fine, I would be out looking at the truck because... Yeah. there's no way. There's nothing but me, you know, because you hear the deer. ah First thing I think is like the deer is going to hit the windshield. Yeah, whatever. So but you got lucky. Yeah. So so so Ali's driving the truck now. full time Yeah, for Yeah, it's been a while now been since before Halloween, because the car is completely totaled. Yeah, it's gone. It was totaled. Yeah, like a week after
Jeffrey Krug
It happened. They totaled it. That's such a hassle. Yeah. But I figured, you know, like why, why spend the money on another car? I'm already paying 800 a month plus insurance on the van. Well, I totally agree with you. So we have.
Jeffrey Krug
We have the two cars, but the boys are using them. And um Walter's looking at a car right now. Michael's, they're they're probably going to buy cars, and then we'll just have these cars, because Olivia's 16. So it'll be, before you know it, she'll be using one of those cars. Yeah. So we just have my truck. That's like our one nice vehicle. And we both work from home. So they're like, why would she why would we get her another car? So she just uses my truck.
Jeffrey Krug
if if one of the the other cars are home she'll often take one of those because she doesn't like to use the truck she doesn't like to park it if she has to worry about like getting in a tight spot yeah it is like you don't want to go to like shop right yeah she's like i don't want somebody to hit the truck or whatever or or uh she

Driving Memories and Infrastructure Costs

Jeffrey Krug
doesn't want to park too close to somebody i mean i'm very comfortable with that truck it's not a big truck it's just a regular full-size pickup truck but she feels like it's kind of big Yeah, it's like the van. like The van is pretty big and I drive it like it's ah like a compact car. Well, before I had the pickup trucks, I had a ah Chevy, is either two I guess it was a Chevy 250, which is a full-size, it's a long van. And that's before any kind of backup camera any kind of backup cameras, everything was done with your mirrors. And i used to and that that was ridiculous because
Jeffrey Krug
I would drive the uh I would have to take the boy somewhere and Laura would have the car and so it'd be one of the kids would be in the front seat and the other kids and maybe even their friends would just be sitting on a five gallon bucket just rolling around the back of the van and I'm thinking like oh my god this is like This isn't right, but I don't care. You know what I mean? Yeah, my dad had a van. You know, he had an econoline because he he owned a ah like a commercial janitorial company. And we'd sit on a five gallon bucket on in the back. Yeah, you have to like brace yourself a little bit here and there. And the driver has to. But there's nothing safe about it. I mean, that's. the Oh, yeah. If you get an accident like you're going flying. Yeah. And so that was the the kind of the funny thing with that. And then.
Jeffrey Krug
When my son Jack got his license, if there wasn't there wasn't a car around, like if my wife was using the car or whatever, he would take the van. So he would be driving my white van.
Jeffrey Krug
to ah to South to ah you know, Middletown South High School. And it had a big speaker in it. So it'd be him and all his friends in this like, you know, they they called it the rape fan. Yeah, yeah that's what it looked like andy on the side. Yeah, it just it looked really suspicious. But there's some some funny memories of those guys driving that truck around.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, I get kind of sick of driving the van. Like, I wish that I had my truck back, but, you know, it is what it is. I don't drive a lot. I was driving, so I drive about 500 miles a month and I was paying five, I'm paying 500 a month for my Tacoma. So that's a dollar a mile. Like, yeah it's really not a very smart way to spend your money. No, you have the work van. You don't need it. Yeah. You know, that's that's how we feel with this. It's ah we between the two of us, though,
Jeffrey Krug
I think we've had that car now for ah Maybe maybe nine months eight or nine months and it has about eight or nine thousand miles on it So it's got some miles on it. Yeah, but we didn't have that car For a good six or seven weeks when it when it got rear-ended It went in the shop and it took so six or seven weeks to get it back. Yeah, and in that time we had a loner and We went to Vermont we went to maker camp
Jeffrey Krug
We went to a, we probably put 2,300 miles on that, on that loaner. Do they say anything or no? No. yeah They're just going to turn around and sell that thing next year anyway. you I had to pay, uh, they just sent me a bill for $38 and easy pass because you use their easy pass. Okay. So that was all, you know, that's pretty good. I do that in fricking one trip sometimes.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, that's because you're going like if you go into the city. You go over like the GWB. What is the GWB now? $17 or $13? Yeah. I remember when it was three bucks. Yeah. And you had to have like three singles. Like this is way before easy pass. You had to have $3 in your car. You're screwed. Like I'm going to the city. I need three bucks.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, like for me to go to like the Hamptons or even like just going up North Jersey sometimes, I mean to the Hamptons is probably like in tolls, ah like close to 50 bucks round trip. Yeah, that's crazy. You got to wonder where's all that money going? Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
I mean, there's a lot of road work, but still, I mean, the money that I think the GWB was like they were supposed to remove the toll once the bridge was paid for. And now it it that thing we were talking about at one time, like the revenue that it brings in in one year. Let me see if I can pull it up.
Jeffrey Krug
Yearly revenue, George Washington Bridge.
Jeffrey Krug
While the GWB is projected to collect $805 million dollars in tolls in the upcoming year, about $130 million dollars in operating and maintenance costs will mean the world's busiest bridge will generate net revenues of $676.8 million. That's from 2017. Wow.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, annual revenue. This is from 2023. George Washington Bridge number two. Oh, wait. ah George Washington bridge Lincoln tunnel Holland tunnel Gothel's bridge Bayonne bridge and outer bridge crossings Network is primarily managed by the Port Authority Blah blah blah toll network is said to bring an impressive 1.68 billion a year It's crazy.

Challenges of Commercial Driving

Jeffrey Krug
Yeah That's wild And you know as a commercial vehicle, I think it it cost me more. I'm sure it does. Yeah, I
Jeffrey Krug
I mean, I'm sure you're paying you're paying more and every on every road. And then New York, I can't drive on the park oh on the parkways. Which is a real hassle. Yeah, because I can't find a GPS that works that will take me.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, I'm surprised that somebody's not doing that you figure you would think that that'd be a ah real niche area that somebody would fill. Yeah, like it should just be a setting in ways where it's like commercial plates. Okay, you know, this weight range. yeah I'm not a tractor trailer. So, you know, like I can find a GPS for tractor trailers, but then it takes me ways that I don't have to go. Yeah, okay you know, because they're assuming that you're 12 feet tall and blah blah blah and you know, 20,000 pounds or whatever. um The van is not huge, but it just has commercial plates. Yeah, it's too bad you have to, I guess because your your van is wrapped. Because there's a plenty there's plenty of sprinters on the road that just aren't wrapped that are like ah
Jeffrey Krug
that are regular vehicles, you know, people. um Yeah, ah even like you can't drive a panel van on the on the parkways in New York, even if it has passenger plates. Really? Even like, like, so these people have like these camping. um That's not a panel van, though.
Jeffrey Krug
Okay, these camping printers, they're not panel vans? No, because they have went all the windows and stuff. Oh, okay, I got you. That's why if you ever if you ever drive around on these parkways, you'll see all the vans with a little porthole window. That's just to get away from. That's how you get get around it, yeah. Cool. Anything else going on?

Upcoming Video Content and Editing Insights

Jeffrey Krug
ah Not really. We got a video coming out Saturday, ah head to head.
Jeffrey Krug
comparison of two saw blades, sort of not as exciting of an outcome as we thought. but Yeah, it was tough and I screwed up on one of the shots really bad. I missed one of the rips. I'm like, Jeff's making the rip and he's like a quarter of the way into it. i'm I'm looking at my phone and I know that it's not you know that it's not red.
Jeffrey Krug
And so it's like, well, maybe I should turn it on now. I'm like, there's no reason to even turn it on. So then we tried to figure out, can we reshoot it with it? But the only cherry board we had was like six inches long. So I, I don't know. I think we just, I think we just, uh, just use the footage from the other blade. Yeah. We just use the, that's the tree. Like it's red. It's like, well, it's an optical illusion. Cause it's spinning. Yeah. Maybe I could do that. Actually. I didn't really think of that. Oh no. The blade is red. Can't do it. Yeah, I don't know if you'll notice though, with it spinning like that. Maybe not to figure it out. The outcomes weren't that much different. So the the funny thing is, I could hear the difference in in the, in the blade, what's the name of that blade? The 10 Ryu. Yeah, the 10 Ryu. That blade just sounds sharp. I could feel it too. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if we
Jeffrey Krug
I know that you explained that a little bit at the end of the video. We'll see how it comes across. I was thinking, I started to think, how I'm going to edit this one. I think people will be interested to see you know if there's a distinct difference. like I think the concept is good.
Jeffrey Krug
and um you know, just because we're not getting you it doesn't make it any less good if you don't get the outcome that you were hoping for. That's true. It's not like it's not like a total setup where somebody's just pushing a blade and they're, you know, we're like, yep, the Diablo is crap. Yeah, exactly. And I do think the I do think we should do like an extensive trim series because I was hoping that the last video would have done really well.
Jeffrey Krug
There wasn't, you weren't, it wasn't like how to trim. So we weren't seeing like an open casing and then you were trimming it out. You're basically explaining to somebody how to do it. Right. So or how you did it in this situation. But I i don't know, maybe the thumbnail because I used my thumbnail.
Jeffrey Krug
Because at the at the last minute, I thought, Okay, well, I can't really see the casing and in the one that john did that with the white background. so john So john did the one with the red letters. And then i i I called you or I texted you Saturday morning, I said, What do you think should I do the I sent you a one essential switch switches out. And I thought maybe because you could see the casing. Yeah, the one where I was like lifting it up. Yeah, but that might help it. But then um it didn't do very well. So then I switched it out and I used john's thumbnail. And I what I like about um thumbnails that john's making is it seems like they're all sort of more cohesive. Yeah, since it looks more curated. Yeah. So like if you look at um if you look at a lot of youtubers, they you can almost tell
Jeffrey Krug
what channel is just by the color schemes of the thumbnail. So maybe continue with that. So yeah, I took those pictures of you holding those two saw blades up. And I'll send that over to john and see what he can come up with and a link to the Lydia or not a link to the video, but he he already has the ah the ability to see it. So we'll see. Hopefully I'll get that up there by Thursday. So yeah, ah if you're listening to this, go check that out tomorrow morning at 830 every Saturday.
Jeffrey Krug
That's it. All right. Well, we'll talk to everybody next week. See you guys.
Jeffrey Krug
if you enjoyed this episode please tell a friend or share it on social media you can leave a review of this podcast on spotify or apple podcast and don't forget today's craftsman youtube channel has an upload every saturday morning at eight thirty am m eastern we'll see you next week
Jeffrey Krug
no shame, but there's been a change.