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Jon updates us on his sauna progress and Jeff and Jon both discuss their ongoing kitchen renovations.

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Jeffrey Krug
The American Craftsman Podcast is sponsored by Haefla. Haefla offers a wide range of products and solutions for the woodworking and furniture making industries. From hinges and drawer slides to connectors and dowels, sandpaper, wood glue, shop carts, and everything in between. Exclusive product lines such as Luxe LED lighting and Slido door hardware ensure that every project you create is built to last. Learn more at hafla Additional sponsorship provided by Ridge Carbide. When you need the right saw blade for the job, put your trust in Ridge Carbide tools. For over 50 years, Ridge Carbide has been producing industrial saw blades designed with the exact specifications for the cutting results you expect. Before you buy, call us and we'll help you determine the right tool that meets your needs and your budget. After the sale, Ridge Carbide provides sharpening services for all your saw blades, dado sets, router bits, and joint or planer knives. Located in Kansas, Ridge Carbide Tools provides high-quality products with outstanding customer service at a fair price. What are you cutting?

Virginia Road Trip Insights

Jeffrey Krug
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Jeffrey Krug
Jeffrey Krug
Jeffrey Krug
and we're back right good to be here yeah just getting back from a road trip yeah how was it It was good. We were up in, I guess, down in Virginia, checking out JMU. My daughter's only a sophomore, but we're just trying to kind show. of two things. Get her out of the neighborhood for a little while, just because they're off school this week. Too much time with friends is too much time with friends at this age. Yeah. All I did was get in trouble. Yeah. And she's a pretty good kid, but it's just still too much time. And just a motivator. And we looked at, we first looked at Udell. And then we went down to Virginia. And she really liked the JMU campus and the town's really nice there. So our hope is that it's a motivator for her to, just to see what's out there. Like, oh, okay, something to work towards. And there's more to life than, you know, just the immediate, your immediate surroundings. So I think it did the trick. Those were two big schools from, you know, my high school, like kids going to Delaware and JMU. I liked, I don't want to talk down anything, but I just like, I like JMU better. Yeah. I haven't been down to Delaware probably since say 2010, something like that. And just like, not like a really nice kind of campus. I feel like it's kind of. The town. I mean, I just felt like of virginia and you got to remember so my three sons went you know they went to school and it's just different having boys and the town of uh you know in virginia there it's just a very safe pretty town and i didn't get that same feel from it's a little ratty once you get out off campus yeah that's what I kind of felt and I'm like well this looks really nice there's a lot of young kids walking around doesn't look like anybody's getting into trouble looks like they're having fun and so it's just it's a good experience so again that's not we're not saying that's where she's going she's not saying that but it's really a motivator for her to think oh it's you know i i do have to focus on my grades i have to start thinking about the future and i think that worked did you guys do like uh official campus tours you just kind of went on your own official campus tours so it was like a two-hour deal so when we weren't on tour we were looking around the town and doing that kind of thing. And it's nice, but I don't like to be away from my routine. So it was nice to get back.

Home Improvement Adventures

Jeffrey Krug
We got back yesterday at like three o'clock and I immediately went out on a bike ride. It was like 82 degrees here yesterday. I rode yesterday morning in a t-shirt. Unreal. It was nice. Yeah. Did you ride today? No, I've been doing Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Good. Just to try and keep it realistic. It's a lot to put on yourself to try and ride five days a week. An hour or 42 minutes or 45 minutes or something? I do a half hour. Nice. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, well, everybody knows I love bike riding. It's changed my life the last two years. I mean, it's really gotten me into the best shape. So when we were there, first thing I always look for is a gym. And they had a pretty decent gym. So I don't really like stationary bikes. I do like it if they have like a sauna and a large swimming pool where you can swim laps, but really they only had the gym. So I was able to get up and work out a little bit before the day started. Sauna's nice. There's a place in Middletown now hot works over by um Jersey Strong Gym or whatever do they sell them or you go there no like you go there it's like a subscription yeah but I'm not leaving my house to go to a sauna no that's my son Michael does yeah uh yeah that's why I'm building a sauna started started last year around this time well you're building it you're in the process yeah i've got some of the uh i've got the milling done i just i gotta buy the heater and actually just do it every time i feel like i'm gonna do something my wife is like oh we should really do that thing and so that puts the sauna on hold and yeah and you don't want to be like well i'm going to build my sauna yeah over your suggestion and the things she's suggesting are things that actually need to be done yeah you know they're going to make the house nicer they're going to you know just a comfort level so how are you coming along with your kitchen boy the beadboard is really nice yeah uh and you know my wife's my wife pointed to another bank of cabinets and she's like we should get rid of those too i'm like you can't get rid of all these things everybody so uh so anyway i i where i took the cabinets down i am going to put one shelf up and then we're another area. Floating shelf? Are you going to do the... I'm going to do a thing with little brackets underneath it. Because I have some floating shelf hardware if you need it. Do you really? Like stuff I bought, wrong size, stuff like that. So you drill a hole in the shelves or something? Yeah, it has like a router template what kind of weight can you get on those uh quite a bit really yeah i might talk might want to talk to you more about that yeah i have a couple i think i have two of one size and then one of another man these freaking kids shut up out there but they're out in the front of the building yeah it sounds like like they're right in the shop. I know. That's funny. Well, I guess school just got out. No, they're right in front here. My God. We would have gotten smacked when we were kids. Oh, you were doing worse than this, I'm sure. Yeah. 100%. Speaking of kitchens, what's going on with yours? So we went countertop shopping on Monday. Went over to Stoneworld, kind of near you. All right. Cooper Road. Really? Okay, yeah. Right next to the graveyard. Yeah. And, you know, initially I thought I was going to go with Quartz because I'm thinking, Oh, that's like the cheap way to go. You know, it's a synthetic, whatever we're called. Is it cultured? I don't even know. Something like that. Um, and he was like, you know, he's like, it's the same price as like granite. I'm like, Oh, all right. So we looked inside at the, uh, quartz and I want something honed. So like a, it's like a low, low luster, you know, not polished because I'm going with dark and you know, you'll just see everything. So we looked and it didn't really see anything. He said that, you know, the quartz, they don't make a lot in, in a low luster. And so we went outside and looked at the natural stone and saw this slab. And I didn't know what it was. And went and looked at it. I'm going to tell these kids to fucking leave. Are they ready for your door or something? Uh-oh, Jeff's going outside. He's going to get. He actually just went out and yelled at the kids. How many were there? What were they doing? Just. Yeah, they were just kind of like planted right in front of your door they're just hanging out on the planter oh my god that's funny okay so you're talking about the uh the stone and natural stone oh yeah so we see this slab dark uh and it has like some like green veins. And I'm like, that's pretty cool. And I had the two pieces of hardware and the two paint chips. And I held it up, and I thought it was really cool. So it's black soapstone, and it has these green veins. I'll show you a picture. What kind of turnaround time is something like this he said like three or four days wow that is nice looking stuff yeah so i like that i think it's a nice yeah nice combo yeah uh cool thing about soapstone is that you know if it gets scratched you can kind of like sand it and oil it goes away. That's great. Yeah. So do you want to tell me how much they are? $100 a square foot installed. And so how many square feet? About 58. All right. So like you said, it's about $6,000. Yeah. No, it sounds good. Yeah, I mean, you know. Is Ali happy with him? Yeah. Nice. Yeah. And so that's not going to get done before Thanksgiving, no way. Oh, yeah. Oh, really? So three or four days from the time they template. I thought you said three or four weeks. No, no, three or four days. Okay, so they come by and are all your cabinets in? So we went there Monday. Then I went back Tuesday. I put a deposit down. I didn't want to lose those two. They have two sequence slabs. Gotcha. So I put down like a 50% deposit and I need to set three cabinets and then really I'm ready for templating. So this, this weekend, I'm thinking that maybe tomorrow I'm going to stay home and work, um, and get it to the point where, you know, I can call them tomorrow afternoon and be like, listen, I'll be ready Monday morning. That's pretty exciting. So you think you're going to have your whole kitchen done by Thanksgiving? Uh, I'm sure there's going to be a punch list list but yeah so i uh i roped jackie into coming in monday to help me out to paint the doors nice uh because that's a big time suck for me and i just you know i like spraying like the actual spraying part there's a lot of prep in between yeah and just like the set up the gun clean the gun stir the paint blah blah blah sand yeah that's the tough one um like the spraying itself i'm fine with but it's all the other stuff um i like those doors i like that detail on that door yeah it's called savannah yeah that's nice and it's a solid door yep and are your are your cabinets inset are those doors inset no No, it it's all frameless. Oh, that's right. Frameless. So that means, yeah, that's funny because I'd actually like to do a video on, I said something about this to you and you said a better video would be? How to make your frameless cabinets look inset. Okay. So how do you do that? So you pull all your fillers flush, you pull all your light rail flush, your facial flush, all that so that the door is sitting within your, you know, all these moldings. That's how any of the kitchens that you've seen that I've done are all done that way. So yeah, that would be a good video. Yeah. How hard would it be to make two, like, mock cabinets and make that video? Well, you have all the other components that you got to make. The filler, the light rail, the panels, the... A lot of work. It is a lot of work. So it really doesn't make sense unless you're doing a job. Yeah, because, you know, if you're going to mock it up, it's gonna be half assed. And then yeah, why spend all that time to do it half assed or just wait until. So the the color of your cabinet is Kelly green is did you say the uppers are Kenny bunk for green, okay, and then charcoal slate for the base cabinets. all the interiors are natural. Yeah, it's pre-fin. Yeah, that's nice. Adjustable shelves? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mostly have rollouts. Down below? Yeah. What do you think of just drawers? drawers. Now Now, you you have have doors doors that that open, open, then then you you have have rollouts rollouts behind behind those those doors. doors. Mm What-hmm. What do do you you think think of of just just drawers? drawers? That's That's nice. nice. I I like like the the aesthetic aesthetic of of drawer over doors. So then why didn't you do that? That is what I did. I thought you said you did doors with rollouts. Yeah, yeah. I like the look of, here, I'll pull up my kitchen. Oh, you like doors over drawers? This is a drawer over doors. Oh, gotcha. Okay. So this has two rollouts inside of it. But if this was three drawers, I don't like the look of all drawers everywhere. I do. Well, I think that drawers, because now you have to open the doors and then pull. So just from having four kids who beat the crap out of everything, they beat the crap out of the insides of those doors because they're not patient enough to let the doors open fully. And then they slam the rollout into the back of the door. Oh, yeah. You'd have to really be. Because I you'd have to. The door could be, you know, could be like this and you still wouldn't hit them the way i have them set up but okay but you know what i'm talking about yeah oh yeah that's why i like drawers so whatever i do my kitchen i'm just doing drawers only drawers and i'll put them on um you know the seleche rack and pinion sliders i I think that'll be great. But then it seems pretty easy to build that cabinet too. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so here I have two rollouts. This is cutlery here, flatware, two rollouts. Sink is just open. Garbage pullout, two corner Le Mans units here. Spice pullout. These are just one adjustable shelf, shallow. Where's your oven? Right here. Okay, gotcha. So you got the triangle. Yeah, so then I got, come on. Just two shelves, one shelf, two shelves. This is open on the bottom. Right now I have like coffee maker and stuff in here. Only problem is when these doors open, it's going to be inaccessible. So really coffee maker is probably going to go over here on the counter. And I'm thinking maybe we keep like large kitchen appliances in here, mixer, instant pot, stuff like that, blender. And then when you need it, you just pull it out. On top of the cabinets, you have how much space is it between the top of the cabinet and the ceiling uh five inches i think so i have a fascia and a crown that goes up to the ceiling okay yeah and then over here i have a pipe so i gotta build like a little soffit around it yeah i'm gonna try and tie it into the I made it so that the top of the cabinet is below that pipe. That way I can try and tie in the fascia or whatever. Yeah. So it's all sort of the same. I was thinking about maybe doing a couple open shelves here, like maybe out of walnut or something for plants.

Autumn Lawn Care Tips

Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. Every shelf is going to gather something. Yeah. I'm for like less is more. That's just me. Yeah, my wife has a lot of plants and some of them are going to have to be relocated. So I'm looking for... Places to put them. Yeah. Cool. What else is going on? I guess you didn't do anything with your lawn. No. This spring. We haven't had rain in forever, but when we were going to do the aerating, we had all that rain. Then it was maker camp. Yeah. There's no rain. There's no rain in the forecast. Yeah. You know the little pond on East Road and the trail? East Road and Belford. Okay, yeah. And the Henry Hudson Trail, there's like a little pond on either side. The one side I saw yesterday is about this big. It's unbelievable. And there's no rain. I said to my wife the other day, I said, I've never really thought about forest fires around here. But I'm starting to think of them now. Yeah. Because it's so dry. I was doing a leaf cleanup, and it was so easy because the leaves are just like... So dry. They're so dry, yeah. Yeah. What's your opinion on mulching leaves into the lawn? I think if you don't have a ton of leaves, that might work. But if you've got a ton of leaves, the leaves are just going to cover the lawn and kill the lawn. Even if you mulch them? Like I said, if you've got, I mean, if it's going to be like a thick layer of mulch over top of your lawn, there's not going to be any light that gets into the lawn. But I know what you're talking about. So I'll do that to some of them i'll clean up most of them and then i'll go over it with the mower because they end up blowing around and more end up falling and yeah so what i've been doing is i i always work with the wind because most of the most of where i put the leaves is on the north actually the, the south side of the property. It's all woods. So if I get a north wind or northwest wind, I'll blow all the leaves towards there. But eventually you get the leaves get to be so big, you have a line of leaves that's four feet tall, you're not really moving them anymore. Yeah. So what I do now with the with the ride on lawnmowers, I, I use it like a tank and just push all the leaves towards the woods and then it's less than I blow those. And again, you got to work with the wind. If the wind's not behind your back, you're never going to be able to do it. Yeah. And I get like a spot where my, where the corner of the fence is where I can like never get them out of that corner no matter what that's because with the highway i feel like the wind is always coming down the highway and um and it just swirls right there and a lot of men i'm going over the fence which i don't care yeah you don't care that yeah are you using a backpack blower no i have an ego okay so you're using pretty small handheld blower yeah does that work work for for you? Yeah, it's pretty good. It's like the relatively powerful one that they have. All right. 600, whatever. Yeah. I forget what they call that now, too. Is it CFM? Yeah, CFM, yeah. I just got an email from this company that wants to send me a lawnmower that's one of these robots. And I was like, that might be perfect for you. I mean, I'm going to try it. It depends. I gave them a price because they want an eight-minute dedicated video on YouTube and three 60-second shorts.
Jeffrey Krug
So I was like, that's a lot of content. So I just gave them a price. And if they go for it and give me the mower, then I'll do it. Cause I'm actually kind of curious anyway, but I would just pick an area of the lawn. It's not going to be able to do the whole lawn. Is it a well-known brand or it's just some, I'm not familiar with any of them. I know huskavarna makes one yeah they've had those for a long time and they're good because he i don't know they use them to you know cut those steep hills and stuff like you know when there's like an overpass yeah uh this one is um ant bot uh a-n-t-B-O-T. Yeah, it doesn't look really, it doesn't look super strong. It's the most powerful one they have. The most expensive one is $1,300. That's pretty cheap. That's what I thought because I was watching, you ever see, is it 1806 Stonehouse? You've told me about it. Yeah, he's cool. I like that guy. His whole family seems really nice. Upstate New York. I guess they gave him one of those mowers. And he's like, yeah, it took a week for it to like cut my my lawn. lawn you You know, know it it just just kept kept happening happening to to go go back back to to the, the it he goes, goes but but it it did did a a good good job. job yeah Yeah. but But i I can't can't imagine imagine it it doing doing my lawn sticks like it hits a stick forget it i feel like my lawnmowers always getting clogged up a grass underneath you know like i have to like if it's wet yeah for yeah so i don't know i mean i i'm i was thinking maybe your lawn or my mom's lawn like my mom's lawn is two areas that are sort of i would say 40 by 100 not 40 by 70 maybe and they're like perfect little squares like her whole her whole like neighborhood is like that and i thought well maybe that that would be a place but you know the thing parks itself and charges yeah that's pretty cool but you know nothing's free it's an obligation got to make a video got to talk to the camera about something i don't really care about we're gonna make you download whatsapp to talk to them oh yeah so i got another email from yio soul they've been trying to send me a stationary bike for a couple years oh really yeah it's like a fake peloton you You know, it's got like this big, a huge screen on

Sponsorship Offers and Product Reviews

Jeffrey Krug
it. Wow. But it's not, you know, you look into it, it's a piece of junk. So they want to send you one? Yeah. But then, you know, I respond to the emails because I'm just like, I'm like, all right, what do you want in an exchange? Because if it's, if it's something easy, I'll take the stupid bike, you know? But they, you know, they, it's weird. Like they don't get back to you well that's what i like because they send out 10 000 emails you know yeah that's what i like about uh lucas at um uh 1806 stone house he's like he's like yeah if we feel like we can take this thing that they're giving us and sell it and then invest the money back into the house and the channel and the content because then we do it because he's always like he's getting free bicycles he's like yeah he shows off the bike and then he sells it yeah and then he you know buys a couple of you know bats of insulation or whatever that was like uh i think i think it was today's craftsman it came in through the website so i'm not sure sure. They've emailed a couple times. They're like, hey, we have a helical head planer. And I'm like, okay. I'm like, what do you want? What do you want? I'll take the planer, but what do you want? Is it an Instagram reel? Because I'll take it for that. Sure. Not a YouTube video, but if you want to send a planer over here and make a real that's fine then sell it for 200 bucks yeah well i'm sure um did they ever contact because i don't go on the instagram did they ever send anything on instagram no we don't get any propositions on instagram i probably will change though eventually yeah anything else going on well still we're still working on the boxes. I wrapped up the reception desk today. All the parts are out there. I just got to clean them up. I actually got to edge band one thing. Then that's done. Maybe we'll deliver that, install it Monday, Tuesday, maybe Tuesday. I don't like a Monday install. Just because you want to get back in the shop and i just don't want to start my week with an install i hear that then it's like i feel like i want to load the van on friday and then i don't want to do that because i need the van to work on my kitchen so i'm working on well not it's not exclusively what i'm working on but i'm still playing around with the handles and coming up with a good system for that.

Crafting Handcrafted Mallets

Jeffrey Krug
Oh, for the mallets, yeah. When are they going to ship? The 5th of December. Oh, I'm like, wait a minute. I'm like, it's the 7th. So Walter, I think, gets the brass tomorrow. And so he'll be cutting. So I'm doing prep work. They sell out? We sold a bunch of them. I think we'd only sell maybe five more. Because they're actually a lot of work to make. Oh, yeah, I know. I think we only want to sell like 35. And I think that we're close to that. And sometimes, so like I'm tapping all the handles. And sometimes I'll crack the handle because I'm tapping the threads. Yeah. So I make a, you know, I make a bunch of extras and and I'll start posting some more content about that. Like, I'll probably do a video with me and Walter starting in Walter shop, having him make one of the heads. I think he's going to cut four or eight heads at one time. I'm not exactly sure how he's going to, he's gotten really busy. He's doing a ton of work. So he's yeah. So he was sort of like, okay, I will make this many and then we'll just take a break. I don't think we're going to put any kind of mark on him because the more we look at it, we're like, it kind of makes it look funky. Yeah. And it's like, because it's a round object, like where do you put, you know, and you have to try and register them all into the same spot. Yeah. And it's just like, you know, we did like a, I just did a couple little mock-ups with just a pencil on a handle. And I'm like, I just like simple. I could see it maybe on the end of the handle, where it's cut. I don't see it there. Something really small. We're probably not going to put anything on the thing, but Walter's going to make a nice card and a nice box, or get a nice box and that but yeah the plan is to get them all shipped out by the fifth and um so i don't turn them until the mallet is ready because i turn them to the mallet right and then i usually uh kind of sand where the mallet and the and the wood meet so what do you think So what I'm doing is I am tapping a 3-8 bolt. Like an all-thread? Yeah, all-thread into the handle an inch and a quarter. I think a full inch and a quarter. It might be an inch and a half. And so I'm tapping that in there. So that's cutting the threads. And on the handle, I'm then going to go when I when I find when I put it in for its final time when I thread it in, I'm going to use an epoxy. What would you use for an epoxy? I don't want to just use like a five-minute epoxy. I'm like a West Systems guy. I have West Systems, and I've used that a lot. Just because it's a decent amount of force. Yeah. You're not worried about if somebody breaks a handle and not being able to replace it? I guess you could. Oh, I could replace the handle. You just have to clean the threads up, but that's not a big deal. You just run a nut on there a couple times. Yeah, I would make a new handle, but what I wouldn't do is... What I wouldn't want to do is... So then what about threading the threads into the brass? Would you use anything like a Loctite on that? Well, the way that my mallet is, I think the threads are in the handle and they thread it into the brass. They do. Yeah. So the threads, it's, and that's how it will be on this. So they're epoxied into the handle and then there's, cause yours comes apart. Yeah. It can come apart. I'm wondering if I want to add a little Loctite so they don't come apart. Uh, I don't know. Yeah. I don't see any reason why it needs to not come apart. Yeah. And I guess if somebody wanted to give it started to loose, you could always add the Loctite. anybody Anybody could could doctite do that yeah i mean i i've never had an issue with mine loosening up all right yeah who knows so anyway that's that's one of the things that i'm working on and uh yeah just getting back into the game i wanted to ask why why do you you're so you're drilling first and then you're turning it and then drilling it again i'm just drilling so i'm i'm drilling in both ends because i want to get a perfect center mark and so that's why i do that like uh like 30 second hole that's only like a 16th of an inch deep so that's just to center it on the lathe then i what i want to do is um yeah why am i turning it a little bit you mean yeah because i don't want the big well maybe i don't need to do that now that's before i started to to cut a 45 degree off of the ends. So I didn't want the square to be right up against where I didn't want the wood to be square right up to where I start turning. Oh, yeah. Because I didn't want to jump or grab. So I wanted to have it worked down a little bit. That was the main reason for that. But now I'm, to make it a little bit easier to turn and faster, after I drill the holes, then I rip a 45 off each. Like an octagon. Yeah, so it's an octagon. And then I just have these little jigs and just turn. So they're all pretty much the same, but they're all a little bit different. There's no real. And then if I ended up having to make a bunch of them them then we'd figure out a way to make mechanize it but right now we're just like okay it's kind of fun to go and just turn a few and not really think yeah yeah i was uh drilling and hinging lids yesterday i saw that you put up uh you put up a story yeah not a story uh short yeah um yeah because i thought that was a cool you know you get the you know i i figured it out after i couldn't figure out how to get the original sound and the music they they so on green street i have one control and on today's craftsman i have another control like the editing and the real it's it's all all different different. it's It's crazy crazy. yeah Yeah. and And I i find find that that, um um, because cause i I have have green green street street, i I have have the the pot pot, the the podcast podcast, i I have have today's craftsman. I have my personal account. They're all different. All really. Yeah. Like sometimes they roll out features and it's only on one, like the, so the stories will look different, you know, like the, the user interface for stories is different and messages. It's crazy. Yeah. I can't stand how, how things, when you think okay i got five minutes i'll put up a reel and then they change something like wait i gotta learn about this now and then i i think i know what you're talking about though it's like that you have to click on that little button that gives you like a little slider yeah used to just click on the the music and then there would be a vault like a volume control. Now it's like in a totally different menu. So what did you put the music on? I did night by night Steely Dan. Oh, I remember. But what level? I just kept it at 100. But I wanted to have that pneumatic sound in the background too. So what I end up doing is I I'll usually put the music at like 20 or 30 and then i'll put the the camera audio at like 60 or 80 that's what i was going for but i couldn't figure out how to get that i couldn't find that menu so i just posted it and then i figured it out afterwards all right because i know that um i just try to turn the volume down because, like stories are always 100%.

Social Media and Video Hosting Challenges

Jeffrey Krug
Like the music in a story is always 100%. I don't think you can turn that down. And I feel like if you're not aware of it and your phone is up, it's like, holy cow, what was that? That's their problem, not mine. The audience problem. Yeah, the viewers problem. Yeah, I'm not the most well-versed at the whole Instagram. I'm terrible at Facebook. Full Steam, he's good. He posts a lot. I think he's probably very good at Facebook, too. He probably understands it because I don't understand it at all. Yeah, he's big on Facebook. I would love to talk with him because although I probably wouldn't retain it, but I know that you were saying that he's turned that into like a business. Yeah, that's like his full-time gig now. Wow. We should really talk with him because I don't know how to do that. Sometimes I make money on Facebook and sometimes I don't. And I've heard other people make a ton of money on Facebook. Yeah. He's on all the platforms too. You know, I think Twitter now apparently is going to start paying people. Well, I was wondering if Twitter is going to become like a, platform, or maybe it already is, for videos like YouTube is. I don't know. I've had a Twitter like over the years, but it never used it, really. I'm not on it. I'm not on, well, it's X now, but I'm not on it. Because I'll get people sending me like links to X and I can't see it because I don't have an account. Yeah, make sure to try and log in. Yeah. That's like TikTok. When somebody sends me a TikTok link, I'm like, why? Yeah. Because then it's got like the bot check. You got to line up a puzzle piece with a thing and blah, blah, blah. And it's asking you to log in. But I don't want to be like yeah i'm not opening that i i don't open it i just i often just don't i'll just like i don't have i'm not on i'm not on twitter or i'm not on x but now i'm thinking it might be a good thing to do just because just like we were talking with john it's like uh you know youtube can't be the only game in town forever. I mean, it's, it is now and it's probably going to be for a long time because of the search between Google and, but it can't be like that forever. There's gotta be something that's going to compete with it. We were saying like, out of all the platforms that pay creators, YouTube is the best. And so somebody is going to have to come along because think about it. You've got all these people creating this content that's being consumed. And the biggest winner is the platform itself. So there's your motivation. And with, I'm not even familiar. I'm not even familiar with how X works. Like, I don't even know what it looks like. If you, like, I know what YouTube looks like. It's like a vertical timeline, I believe. It doesn't look like, because I know what the homepage of YouTube obviously looks like. And Facebook. Twitter is like vertical. Like, you would scroll this way and it's just posts. They don't even have something for your PC? I think it looks the same. I'll pull it up. I don't see Twitter being the next. You see something else coming along? Or you see nothing? Facebook? The problem with facebook is you can't search it it won't um there's no like i have to like log in to yeah don't worry about it yeah i just i feel like if twitter was going to take off it already would have and it's now it's doing worse than it was back then so huh yeah i don't really know much about it i i just know that the thing with the big thing with youtube is you can search it yeah so if i'm like okay milwaukee drill like i can't do that on facebook i don't know if you can do that on twitter uh i can't do that on instagram like you can't so like yeah you're you'd be like searching hashtags yeah i feel like youtube is is so deeply ingrained into people's media consumption that you know it's like a giant that can't fail at this point it's like t it's like cable tv you know yeah well i i mean i think like i said i think there's some good things about that. And the fact that, you know, the fact that you can search, the fact that they do take care of their creators to some extent. The bad things are, it's the only game in town. They do have all the power. If you screw up somehow and put a copyright thing on, you don't really realize there's no recourse for anything. You can lose your channel. Just like you can lose your instagram uh that's the thing i don't like about any of these platforms is you put all this work into it and one day it can just be taken away yeah yeah it's free to post you know you don't have to pay to be on the platform that's one of the greatest things about youtube and that like that's another thing we were talking with john about uh yeah they're hosting you know probably trillions of gigabytes worth of data free yeah you know if you had to pay for that on your own yeah i didn't realize you had to pay for uh vimeo i didn't i didn't know anything about that because we were talking about some of these uh some content creators put up classes right I so uh like don't i don't. know where Mark puts his. Do you? From the Woodworkers Guild? Oh, Wood Whisperer Guild? I think it's... I don't know. But you don't think it's a Vimeo account? I don't know. So for a terabyte of storage on Vimeo, it's $25 a month. Well, I mean, that's not too bad if you were to create classes. You know, a terabyte is pretty good. That's a lot of space. Well, yeah yeah i mean uh our videos are a couple gigabytes each yeah so a couple gigabytes is a it takes a lot of gigabytes to reach a terabyte yeah it's a thousand thousand gigabytes yeah so what i'm saying is if we had um if we had say say, four furniture builds where, like, we built something from start to, like I do on my channel, maybe even way more in-depth, you could do that for $25 a month. That's not bad. Yeah, I guess you'd have to have a lot of videos up there to... You have to. I mean, is that what they're counting as? I mean, so they're saying like, so let's say the video that I upload tomorrow, if that's nine gigabytes, then I've got, you know, 999. i I mean, mean that's that's a a lot lot of of video video. yeah that's a lot of video for 25 bucks a month that's not a big investment at all two terabyte bandwidth a month yeah because we used it for the pod for the podcast after show um i found it weird i don't know well if you're not getting anything but if you're selling if you're selling courses

Software Tools for Cabinet Design

Jeffrey Krug
and it and you know you have a couple people paying for these courses whatever they are but i mean you can look in and just kind kind of of gauge what the Woodwurst Brothers Guild is or what Four Eyes Furniture Designs, I think he does that. Really? He's got some nice furniture designs. You can go to his channel, you'll see. I've seen them, yeah. But no, but you'll see what, the prices are pretty high. Just like all mid-centurycentury ripoffs. I'm not saying they're not. I'm not saying, but I'm saying that I'm saying that the courses are maybe they're, they're either 170 or 270. And so, I mean, there's your, your cost is covered, you know, and more. Yeah. There's platforms, too, that are, like, made specifically for, like, I'm doing, like, a Mosaic. I bought a Mosaic training course, and it's, like, broken up into chapters, you know. Really? How much is it? It was, like, 500 bucks. Now, is Mosaic that much different than SketchUp? Yeah, it's completely different. It's SketchUp-based, but it's totally different. What makes it different? Well, SketchUp is just, well, I don't have, I'm not a SketchUp user, but, so here's Fusion. So this is something I drew. If I want to do Fusion, okay, here's a blank screen. If I want to draw a cabinet, I have to draw the whole cabinet. So I got to go, you know, rectangle, I draw my side 20 30 and a half by three quarter, then I got to pull it out. Whatever 24 inches. Then I got a cabinet size. Okay, mosaic. Here's mosaic. I want to put a cabinet right here go to products oh i want to have uh i can't can you design a piece of furniture in mosaic though uh there's ways but three three drawer bank i can just grab it and pull it over here and drop it in wow well went went in in the the middle of a cabinet. But you can can you drag and drop that? Okay. Yeah, yeah, draw it right here. And you can move that if you wanted to easily. Oh, yeah, I can make it wider. And the measurements are changing? Yeah, as you do that. And then that'll you can have that go straight to your CNC you just or can optimize it for the panel saw. It'll give you the size of the doors, how many slides you need, how many shelf pins you need. Wow, that makes things a lot easier. Jeez, I didn't know anything about it. Yeah. So something like this, I could draw in, say, an hour. If I had to draw this infusion, forget it. And so you know, so you have all that and then you can go here, cut list, and it gives me all the parts. Countertops. I don't have countertops drawn in, but. So every time you go to design a kitchen or a piece of furniture. Piece of furniture I have to do in fusion. Okay, so like that island? The island that you're, you know, the thing that you're making that you're delivering on Monday or Tuesday. Oh, the desk? Yeah. You'd have to do that in fusion? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, because it has like, I mean, there's ways to do it. This is the drawing and this is quick and dirty. This is a drawing infusion. There's ways to do a lot of this stuff in mosaic, but it's beyond my skill set at this point. Okay. But you could never draw like your trestle table in mosaic. No. You couldn't do that. Maybe there's somebody somebody who could pull it off but it wouldn't be worth the trouble to do okay mosaic is for cabinets okay you know closets cabinets but geez i mean that just that cuts your time down like yeah cool yeah so i'm working on price this out today a a little mudroom. They wanted this, they were going to use this CB2 things. They come in these units, but they discontinued them. And she was like, hey, you want to price it out? I'm like, yeah, I'm like, I'm not going to be anywhere near the CB2 price, but I will. What is CB2? Crate and barrel two. It's like, they're're i don't know if they're more where's the client rye new york oh wow out near where i just was was that after the podcast last week yeah i think i went out there on last friday yeah i think so too that was uh mamaroneck new york um it's like new rochelle north of there oh was that for the beds yeah how'd that go great they just took him off the truck yeah i pulled up he rustled up like about 10 or 12 guys and they just took it all out did you have them packed any certain way or uh yeah we had everything wrapped in like that eighth inch white foam you know that that little packing material yeah and uh you just went by yourself yeah nice only thing is like gps in new york is brutal for commercial so if you're listening to this and you live or work in new york and you have commercial plates let me know what gps you use because i can't find one really so i can't go on any of the parkways yeah that's tough that makes that makes it so much more difficult yeah so on the way back i'm like i'm just gonna stay on 95 and i'm on 95 then next thing you know i'm on 295 and i'm like where the hell am i then it's like get on this parkway and i'm like i can't go on there so then i'm on 495 then i'm going through the midtown tunnel and then the lincoln tunnel and so yeah that's a nightmare it was i was shot i got back to shop at like one what's the benefit of having commercial plates on your truck uh well you can't have like a wrap like that if it's if plates.

Navigating NYC with Commercial Plates

Jeffrey Krug
All right. Also, it's not, I don't want that personal liability. You know, it's all on the business. Okay. Well, when I had the van, I didn't have commercial plates on it. I used to use it everywhere. Yeah. It was a full size, you know, I think it was a Chevy 1500. It was a pretty big van. It wasn't as big as your van. Did it have windows or was it a panel van? All panels. Yeah. Windows in the back. Back windows. You'd be surprised. These days, they're pretty... Even like, you know, I have buddies that I worked with that just drove like, you know, E250s, fords with with windows they get pulled over all the time huh yeah never got pulled over once yeah you know and i mean well these guys were spanish so that uh-oh makes it a little more likely to get pulled over you think so yeah i mean all the time this guy would get pulled over felix that's too bad anyway anything else going on what else you're working on um that's really it right now so we got a video coming out tomorrow on nail guns yeah and uh i guess uh you know i'll get that edited edited tonight and see how that goes. Yeah, we got our new web guy helping us out a little bit. Yeah, it'll be fun. I'm going to send, I'll send John a bunch of images and hopefully it comes up with some kind of a thumbnail that will result in a million views overnight. Yeah, or at least, 50 000 would be nice i was but i was surprised that the drawer video didn't do better but i think um it's it's still doing well i think people are going to use as a source yeah i mean for so we only have 7 300 subs even if a video gets a thousand views i think relatively for for the number of subs, that's like really good performance. Yeah. I agree with that. So if we're hitting 2000, 3000, we've got ones going up over, you know, significant. We regularly have ones going over 10,000. I think that's pretty good. Yeah. I know that build videos don't theoretically do well, but it would be good to, I'd like to do building a cabinet just to make something really straightforward so people could use that as a source. You use three quarter inch backs on all your cabinets? It depends. If I'm having them CNC cut, I do. Okay. Just because it's just easier to have it all done in one one thickness yeah well then everything is optimized you know because there's no oh well the backs are on these half inch sheets and if you're doing them not on a CNC you're gonna use half inch yeah usually because a little bit lighter that's it yeah just a little bit lighter you're not really saving any money not really half inch and three-quarter there's maybe a slight difference sometimes depending on the material half inch might be more yeah cool well i um i don't know what i'm working on i'm working on a couple of things but nothing that i can really think of what are you going to make your shelves out of in your kitchen the they solid solid wood or are they going to be painted? They're going to be painted. Laurel doesn't want any kind of wood in there. Oh, so you're not doing wooden tops? I thought I was going to. Because painted tops are the worst. Oh, yeah. No, you can't do that. That's what they're going to be. Oh, my God. god there's Yeah, no um there's yeah that's that's what what they're they're going gonna to be be. i just sort of gave up i mean maybe i'll put something i don't know what i'm gonna do you know like i because i said well why don't i just do uh why don't i do wood with painted uh you know whatever not grommets uh you know supports supports. But she's like, no, I don't want any wood. I want everything to be painted. I was like, well, it's going to get kind of beat up from the, you know, she's short. Might have to use some Enduro 2K. There you go. Oh, so when is that coming? I think it shipped out yesterday, so we'll see. Yeah. Shouldn't be too long. Yeah, so we're going to shoot a video on that. Yeah. Maybe that'll be next week's video. Yeah, that'll be good. I got to get that door painted anyway. Yeah, that'll be good. And next week, I'm not anywhere, so it'll be easier. I can shoot the video earlier in the week, so it's not such a rush to get it edited and all that. I know that you got a delivery. Yeah, that'll have to be a two-day shoot too because we've got a prime and then we've got a... All right. Sounds good. Yeah. Cool. Anything else? I think that's all I got. Yeah, I can't think of anything. Well, thanks for listening. Talk to you next week. See you next week. If you enjoyed this episode, please tell a friend or share it on social media. You can leave a review of this podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. And don't forget, today's Craftsman YouTube channel has an upload every Saturday morning at 8.30 a.
Jeffrey Krug
<unk> see you next week
Jeffrey Krug
lost name call son ain't no shame but there's been to