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Jeff and Erik, of Colonial Saw, sit down and discuss the day's video shoot as well as whats going on in the shop and at Colonial Saw. Thanks for listening.

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Jeffrey Krug
The American Craftsman Podcast is sponsored by Haefla. Haefla offers a wide range of products and solutions for the woodworking and furniture making industries. From hinges and drawer slides to connectors and dowels, sandpaper, wood glue, shop carts, and everything in between.
Jeffrey Krug
Exclusive product lines such as looks LED lighting and Slido door hardware ensure that every project you create is built to last. Learn more at Additional sponsorship provided by Ridge Carbide.
Jeffrey Krug
When you need the right saw blade for the job, put your trust in Ridge Carbide tools. For over 50 years, Ridge Carbide has been producing industrial saw blades designed with the exact specifications for the cutting results you expect.
Jeffrey Krug
Before you buy, call us and we'll help you determine the right tool that meets your needs and your budget. After the sale, Ridge Carbide provides sharpening services for all your saw blades, dado sets, router bits, and joint or planer knives.
Jeffrey Krug
Located in Kansas, Ridge Carbide Tools provides high-quality products with outstanding customer service at a fair price. What are you cutting? Enjoy the show.

Welcome and Guest Introduction

Jeffrey Krug
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back. Man, I hit that on the nose. Oh, can't see. The levels. I hit him on the nose. You're a perfectionist. Wait a minute. That's not John. hey John?
Jeffrey Krug
Do I need to talk about the New Jersey accent? Do we have Jersey accents? Depends on how much i guess how much alcohol you consume, right? And depends on, yeah, how fired up we are.
Jeffrey Krug
ah This may be of a familiar voice to some of you. have Eric Delaney here from Colonial Saw. John had to to split little early, but... Well, we... we kept them occupied all morning yeah yeah so we've been on a uh let's see <unk> we're on hour five now five hour shoot um flew by though yeah oh yeah it always does um yeah like you know john and i will shoot we'll sit down we'll do the podcast the next thing you know it's been like four hours it's just gone by so we're in um we're on a multi-location shoot today
Jeffrey Krug
That's true.

Multi-location Shoot Insights

Jeffrey Krug
So we were we started the day down in Long Branch, New Jersey. Took a ride down Route 36. Saw a nice sunrise over the ocean. It was spectacular. Yeah. I'm only used to seeing big lakes, not oceans. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
I mean, they look pretty much the same.
Jeffrey Krug
um Started out down at Thomas Charles Cabinetry in Long Branch. My, not alma mater, but place where I used to work.
Jeffrey Krug
but would be the right word for that um i don't know there's got to be something stomping grounds yeah uh so basically the idea for this video that we shot today is um comparing streabig sliding table saw cabinet saw and uh cutting all the same parts out of the same piece of material yeah making one product out of one sheet yep yeah one cabinet one sheet um head to head to head to see you know what the differences are the time differences the body motion differences all that stuff yeah material handling safety yep ease of use so i can't wait for john to work his wonders and put out something that's impressive yeah
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, John is, he's great at editing. I mean, I was saying before, because we shot a edge banding video too. um Like sometimes we'll shoot a video and I'll be thinking to myself like, man, i don't know how he's going to make this work. Like, you know, sometimes some days you're just off, you know?
Jeffrey Krug
And ah I watched the video and I'm like, hmm, like, I guess John does know what doing because he made it seem like Well, I think it's because he yeah he anticipates during the shoot.
Jeffrey Krug
So you'll see him moving. so and people And you don't notice it when you watch the show. I'm able to watch on Saturday mornings when the wife takes the dogs for a walk. And I still want to have my second cup of coffee. i'llll I'll watch you guys' to show.
Jeffrey Krug
ah His movement is natural. So you're not getting the motion sickness or the seasickness or the whiplash. And at the same time, he knows where to be. So I think it's a combination of his experience. And then you guys have now started to have worked together long enough, you know, that you get a feel.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. And what he does a lot of times is like, let's say I go rambling on about something that doesn't really need to be in the video. He'll cut to B-roll so you don't see me talking anymore and then just cut out a whole section and then start back up where it starts to get relevant again. And we just lose this part that really didn't need to be there.
Jeffrey Krug
But you don't even know. it just It's a natural flow. It just seems like the same. Like, I never stopped talking. The magic of editing. Yeah. ah i you know I edited a couple things over the years you know when I was doing like Green Street YouTube. it's It's not for me. it's It's tough.
Jeffrey Krug
I don't have the eye for it. Yeah. Your attention to detail. Now, shooting a video, that's... You're good. Well, thank you. Um, I know the work that it takes to frame the shot.
Jeffrey Krug
You have to pay attention to background details. You have to pay attention to audio. If you don't, you know, good video or great video and bad audio equals bad video. Oh yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
So knowing it's how long it's taken me to get, I wouldn't say I'm good, but proficient or solid at doing videos, the editing portion. No, I'm,

Shop Challenges and Maintenance

Jeffrey Krug
kudos to John and the magic that he works. I can't i couldn't do it. Yeah, like you were saying, in the background, you know I see a distinct difference in our videos since we moved from the workbench over to over here with the miter stall. Like the whole shot looks better, not because of what's happening in the background, but it has to do with the proximity of the wall to me.
Jeffrey Krug
With the wall being closer, we get a better shot than we did when the wall was, say, 12 feet away. Lighting or sound? or I think it just has to do with the focus and all that stuff. it just um I don't know. The shots just look way better now that the wall is like a couple feet from from my back. It has to be framing.
Jeffrey Krug
ah Yeah, I guess. It looks good. in a new sign and all the accolades sitting up on the shelves. Yeah. That, that, uh, sign that was fun to make. You know, I threw that together in a couple of hours, um, on like Friday or yeah, Friday, ran to Lowe's just found the closest spray paint colors I could,
Jeffrey Krug
And so I cut it out. spray bombed it with primer, did it with the color. So what I did is I cut out that oval and I actually engraved the outline of all the letters okay onto that oval so I would know where to glue them back. you know So then I cut all those out individually, painted them, and then I had the outline so I could line them all up. Because that's the thing. like You cut out all these pieces then you have to make them straight. you're going to space it correctly orientate them.
Jeffrey Krug
That was brilliant. Yeah. I don't know where I picked that up, but... ah yeah I'm sure you made a mistake somewhere along the line. Oh, yeah. Yeah, i actually, um some of the, so I like pin nailed some of the pieces on the bigger pieces.
Jeffrey Krug
And I had spots where it mushroomed big time and but you can't tell. No, camera looks great. Shop was clean. It looks clean today. and And we're trying I was here yesterday. So Friday, give you guys a little bit of a shop rundown.
Jeffrey Krug
Thursday, actually. So we were ah Wednesday, we were on that ah bookstore, I was telling you about that the bookstore repair. That was our last day where we're gonna go back for one more, she added a couple things, we're gonna do some flex molding and stuff and wait for that to come in.
Jeffrey Krug
um Thursday, I was back in the shop, I did some office work. And I was going to get into painting all these doors. I have 48 pieces out there to paint for a refacing job. So I had four gallons. So I boxed it all into a ah five gallon bucket, mixed it.
Jeffrey Krug
I'm getting ready to to get the sprayer set up. So I'm rinsing out a couple of things in the sink and ah turn and the toilet is overflowing with white.
Jeffrey Krug
I'm rinsing out like white. It's the paint is called pompous grass, like a pinkish white. the toilet is just overflowing with this white water, like flooding the whole floor. And I'm like, what the hell?
Jeffrey Krug
So obviously I stop, stop what I'm doing. I grabbed the, the shop vac. I'm ripping the bag out, ripping the filter out. I'm getting in there sucking up the water. So I figure, you know, I don't know, maybe the, it was I couldn't be the toilet was clogged because you know, it wouldn't, the sink wouldn't overflow the toilet. So the drain is, is clogged somewhere.
Jeffrey Krug
And it's just taking the path of least resistance. So this is like, say 9am. I'm just getting ready to paint. So i run to Lowe's, I get a snake, I get some drain opener. So then I'm opening it up.
Jeffrey Krug
the clean out, I'm sticking it in there. I'm snaking down through the toilet. um No luck plunging the toilet, you know, just to see if maybe the air will push something through.
Jeffrey Krug
And so ah next to the bathroom is this room over here. And that used to be the women's bathroom. Okay. So we had three toilets. We had one under the stairs over there. the men's room and the women's room.
Jeffrey Krug
So when we moved in, all of that had to be rehabbed. So we figured, okay, we'll have one bathroom, we'll just ah close off the other stuff. So this just has a toilet flange in the floor that's capped off.
Jeffrey Krug
So I opened that up. Or while actually what I realized is that was overflowing out of there also. So I had all kinds of stuff in there. Did it smell?
Jeffrey Krug
It didn't smell. That's the thing. Really? so So then I go in there, I take the cap off of that, and I start to snake there, and no luck. So I texted him. i Finally, I texted my plumber at, like say, 2 o'clock. I said, hey, Mike, don't know if you're around. That's five hours later. Yeah, I don't know if you're around, but I have a clog at the shop. I said, I can't get it unclogged.
Jeffrey Krug
He's like, oh, he's like i'm on ah I'm roughing in a restaurant. He's like, i'm not I won't be available until Saturday. I'm like, oh, fuck. So... I cleaned up here, went home, and then ah he texted me about five o'clock and he said, Hey, he's like, I just got done.
Jeffrey Krug
He's like, I'm gonna go get my drain, drain cleaning stuff. I'll meet you over there. i was like, Oh, thank God. So I met him over here about 536, six o'clock. And we were here till about 730 almost eight o'clock.
Jeffrey Krug
Nice short day for you. Yeah. So I didn't get anything done. All I got done was messing around with the frickin drain. I got the paint mixed but big deal. um So he snaked it 26 feet. He hit something, which is one foot longer than the 25 foot snake I bought.
Jeffrey Krug
I mean, he's got an industrial snake. Um, So he snaked it and then we threw the camera down there. He's got, you know, a little a camera on a reel so that we looked at the whole line. We went all the way to the street.
Jeffrey Krug
So there's a lot of sediment in there. It's all cast iron. So it's it's just build up over time. Yeah. So there's a lot of sediment. um There is a couple of flat spots. There's a small area back pitch over here.
Jeffrey Krug
So we jetted it, not like a not like truly jetted, but it's like a this like bladder that you hook up to the end of a hose and you put it in there. So it it and makes it a more pressurized stream. So we blew it out a little bit and looked at it again.
Jeffrey Krug
And you know there's not really anything that we can do other than have it snaked and jetted every now and then. So this is going to be ah routine maintenance. Yeah. um Now it hasn't happened since we first moved in.
Jeffrey Krug
We hadn't even moved in yet. We had the the electricians working here. First day he clogged the toilet. Like we showed up and we brought toilet paper.
Jeffrey Krug
Like Mike had just put in the toilet, my plumber. And we brought, you know, toilet paper over. And it was like he used like a whole roll of toilet paper, this electrician, in the first day and clogged it. So Mike had to come pull the toilet, snake the drain. His own plumber. Yeah, cost yeah ah my plumber.
Jeffrey Krug
The electrician. Oh, the electrician. we had to pay to have it snaked because the plumber clogged it. Now, we had the line snaked when he did all the plumbing work initially. So they were snaked. He installed the new toilet.
Jeffrey Krug
Electrician clogged it. Gotcha. So that was like, say, November 2022. That was the last time it happened. So a little over two years.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. So when your electrician comes, hide the toilet paper. Yeah, no, we don't talk to that guy anymore. Well, I mean, they were eating McDonald's for breakfast every day and getting like huge subs for lunch every day. It's like, what do you expect?
Jeffrey Krug
You pay them the work not to go to the restroom. Yeah, well, it was a barter and we lost out on that too. But that's ah that's a story for another time. part of ah learning wisdom, right?
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. um So that was my Thursday. So oh so I was getting to to why I was here yesterday. So Friday, I got in, I got two coats sprayed on all these doors, um which was good. It's coming out nice.
Jeffrey Krug
And ah so I left the place like a wreck on Friday, you know, because by the time you finish spraying, you got to clean the sprayer, you got to clean the guns. You're tired from spraying, wearing the respirator all day.
Jeffrey Krug
So I kind of left it a mess. So I popped over here yesterday with my son and um cleaned up for about 45 minutes, you know? Yeah, but I've been here a few times. Your shop's never dirty.
Jeffrey Krug
Everybody says when they come in, they're like, wow, it's so clean. And i always feel like it's such a wreck. and We're not on camera, but I'll show you after the ah episode pictures. I've been in thousands of shops. You're clean.
Jeffrey Krug
so Thanks. I mean, we saw Tom's shop was clean, but man, was jam-packed full of stuff. Yes, there wasn't anywhere to walk. There was no room to walk. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, most of the benchtops were full full of stuff. Oh, he had at least two jobs going on. Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey Krug
And he has no space. No. No, that's ah it's sort of a weird shape. You know, it's very it's not too narrow, but it's narrow and long. um And you have the office there that makes the front kind of like a bottleneck. it's a pinch point.
Jeffrey Krug
Mm-hmm. and Yeah, whatever that roll-up door is, that's his material raw material storage. He has the slider, and he has his bander, and then you're right. There's no U-shape flow because as they do all their buildup and assembly, it's tough. yeah But that's the building that he has. and Finishing is in the back, so everything's got to go back there. And really, you can only put that around one side of the booth. The other side has like the um the joiner, the planer, the wide belt sander, so it's really only one access point and one exit point.
Jeffrey Krug
ah one entrance one exit to the back it it used to get yeah pretty jammed up it's nice having your own shop yeah yeah the one thing i have to figure out is um i'm getting a lot of stuff settling on my painted parts because obviously the booth is invented um So I'm thinking I want to build like just like a little room right here where that clamp rack is to just to keep my drying racks inside when I'm painting just so that I have that coverage on the top.
Jeffrey Krug
Because it's not vented, it's just kicking up all kinds of stuff and it just wants to settle down on the painted parts. I'm glad I don't finish. Yeah, it's... um The spraying itself, I enjoy. It's all the other... theuffing The the...
Jeffrey Krug
the trying to, you know, store the parts while they're wet. And, you know, it's just, those are the parts that suck. What are you doing when you're spraying? You get music going or? Um, I usually start out with just my, i I have AirPods. So I put those in with noise canceling because I like to hear like the sprayer and everything.
Jeffrey Krug
Okay. Um, so I can, you know, hear to make sure that I don't have any like air issues or anything like that. And then, um, once, once I'm in it for a while, then I'll usually put on some music.
Jeffrey Krug
gotcha But the drone of that fan is just brutal. At least you're smart enough to wear respirator. Yeah, I mean, I feel like Saturday I felt sick just from like breathing that like recirculated air all day.
Jeffrey Krug
I can't imagine. Like sometimes I'll spray like one part without putting it on and I always regret it. I always feel it. You get the headache, right? and And like dry, like you feel like there's like stuff in there, but you can't get it out.
Jeffrey Krug
It's, a yeah, it's, that stuff's no good. And I'm spraying water-based stuff. know, there's guys out there. It's environmentally friendly. Yeah. Spraying conversion varnish window mask.
Jeffrey Krug
I think of all the auto body places that spray. here But their what do their lungs look like when they're 50 and 60 years old? Yeah. And the 2K stuff, like the catalyst is terrible for you.
Jeffrey Krug
um Yeah. I mean, it's all bad, but yeah, I would love to not have to finish anything. I just haven't been able to find, you know, someone that will work with my sort of workflow and, you know, just take the word custom out of your description.
Jeffrey Krug
Melamine only. Sorry. I mean like doors and stuff you can get by painted, but like you always have to produce fillers, facial board base, you know, all that stuff. So you're always have to paint something. That's right.

Project Discussions and Anecdotes

Jeffrey Krug
We're going to be doing a, a, a carving for St. Anthony's where we've done a bunch of work. Um, Walter's going to do the CNC work, working on getting um getting it 3D modeled right now, which has proven to be pretty difficult. It's a, um see if I can pull it up.
Jeffrey Krug
is ah Is this your most exciting project you get coming up in the next few months? It's definitely pretty interesting. It's a, um so it's their crest.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, that's cool. Yeah, so it's ah it's basically like a crest. On the inside, there's ah it's an ice boat and some mountains. It's sitting on ice. There's some, like, how many sides are on those stars?
Jeffrey Krug
Eight-sided stars. There's, like, a hat, and it says Gaudium... Is that et? i don't know. Et caritas, which means um something about caring. I forget. we We did on the confessionals we built, one of them says Gaudium and the other one says caritas, which is Latin.
Jeffrey Krug
um So it's going to be on basically this like oval shaped. Let me pull it up. So at least um but you can see what I'm talking about, Eric.
Jeffrey Krug
Let us have everybody else visualize it. it's um It's like imagine like a shield almost. So it's going to be there's going to be this convex shield and this is going to be coming out of it and it's going to be at the top of the um at the top of the altar.
Jeffrey Krug
So this is, that's where it's going to go. There's these three arches. That's a great space. Yeah. So we did that altar rail. We did these statue bases back here. And then we actually recently just did this flex molding on these. i don't know what you call that kind of ceiling where it sort of the corners, all cathedral to the peak.
Jeffrey Krug
and don't I don't have the word for that. Yeah. It's an arched. There's some old basketball courts that have that. It's a beautiful church, but yeah. Okay. So it's going to be on something like that. ah That's awesome.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, that's just painted on there. But so it's going to be, we'll 3D carve it in probably HDU foam. Okay. And then I'm going to paint it. It was, I was like, so um I figured that, you know, you'd have the guy who painted all the other stuff, paint this. And he's like, I actually wanted to see if you would paint it. And I'm like, I guess.
Jeffrey Krug
You don't like to say no. No, yeah we were just talking about that. I'm a yes, a bit of a yes, man. But I wouldn't say I'm too... not Not to the point where it's a problem.
Jeffrey Krug
You don't get walked over, but right you're too nice. That's true. Not nice to a fault, but... I'm on New Jersey level nice, you know? you like I'm not going to seem too nice, but I am being nice.
Jeffrey Krug
You're really nice. You only dropped one F-bomb so far.
Jeffrey Krug
I don't want to lose too many listeners. Yeah. So yeah, that's going to be like a lot of hand painting. There's going to be like some gold. ah No, thank you. Yeah. But I like i'd like to see the work when it's done. That's going to be impressive. Yeah. I mean, luckily, it's all going to be 3D. So like, it's not like I'm like having to paint like a painting. You know, I'm just sort of following what's there.
Jeffrey Krug
And it's going to be like 20 feet in the air. So yeah, you're painting by numbers, but still. Yeah. how many different color changes are there going to be? there It was quite a bit. so it's You purge your guns. and I might have to recruit my wife because like I told you, she's um out right now because she had ah shoulder surgery and she's pretty good artist. So get some free labor.
Jeffrey Krug
It's not free. Nothing's free in life. That's true. It'll cost you something. Like, you know, I figured, know, you're pretty bored. So I, I, uh, I brought you this to paint, but just to let you know, I got to take it. It needs to be done by the end of the week.
Jeffrey Krug
Good luck with that. Let me know how that works out. I guess I'm going to prime it with like a high bill primer because the HDU is pretty thirsty. And then, um, probably paint it with, uh, I don't, it could probably use like acrylic and then I could probably just top coat it with a clear, you know?
Jeffrey Krug
And how ah far up will that be? It's pretty high. It's it's a good 20 feet.
Jeffrey Krug
So you only have to paint it good enough for somebody who's under 40. Yeah. i see it And, you know, only the priest is on the altar itself. So the parishioners never go past that altar rail. um I mean, I'm most worried about what the priest thinks of it anyway. Not really the parishioners, but... Is he the one that signs the check?
Jeffrey Krug
uh well the treasurer does but he gives the final actually no actually he does sign the checks father al he's a good guy um he's been great to work with we've done the altar rail there we did the confessionals we did um the statue bases the ceiling
Jeffrey Krug
a bunch of stuff um Oh, we did the back altar, like the where the um you're you're in the whole worship section. Yeah. Did you grow up Catholic?
Jeffrey Krug
No. Okay. The um it's it's hard to see in this picture. But beneath the cross there, we did this whole gold thing where the tabernacle sits.
Jeffrey Krug
um It's cool stuff. I'm not religious, but you know, it's, there's like real ah significance for people having this stuff in the church. So it's nice to build stuff where, you know, sometimes we build stuff for people with a ton of money. And it's sort of just like, you know, like, if I was spending like $40,000, it would be like the biggest purchase of my life. And I'd be like, you know, worried about it and excited for it. And sometimes we'll put something in and people are just like, Oh, yeah, it's nice. so you know for the For the church, it's very special. So it's it's nice to build something that has significance. on
Jeffrey Krug
It's more than an emotional attachment or a financial attachment. It's a personal impact. Yeah, I've like ah met people and just somehow the conversation got to like that I made stuff for St. Anthony's. They're like, oh my God, they're like that's my church. they like It's been so amazing. to And it's like, wow.
Jeffrey Krug
you know, that's nice to, to get feedback like that, where something you built has had a real impact for somebody. Oh, for sure. For sure. What else should we talk about as far as today?
Jeffrey Krug
Um, we had five hours of shooting, traveling. Yeah. Um, we built, I didn't build, I get to sit and watch. I just get to chime in on the color commentary. Yeah, so we can talk about the the video. i'm I'm trying to think of where we left talking about going to Tom's.
Jeffrey Krug
So Tom, we had Tom cut on the slider. We came back here, and ah and I cut on the cabinet saw. And man, I haven't done that in like a a really long time.
Jeffrey Krug
like to Define long. How many years? ah At least two full years. ah Because when we moved in here, we bought the slider. And that was... ah that was 2022 the end 2022 before that we were breaking everything down partially with the track saw anyway so it was like i haven't cut a sheet like that in probably three and a half four years maybe more you know just a full sheet on the saw and you're definitely older stronger and fitter right
Jeffrey Krug
I'm definitely older. um Definitely not stronger and definitely not fitter. So, I mean, that definitely added to it. I mean, and how many more times can I say definitely ah that added to it?
Jeffrey Krug
But I was saying like, that's probably a big reason that my back hurts because just trying to wrestle those sheets around ah all that weight and using your back as this lever. It's just terrible.
Jeffrey Krug
What 80 pounds, 90 pounds for a sheet? Yeah, the melanin is heavy. You know, if I used to lift those up onto the saw by myself, I wouldn't do it now, you know? well it's not worth it.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. you're You're a small company. Mm-hmm. Or you are the company, and if you're not working,
Jeffrey Krug
your bills still come. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Some people don't ah understand that. that's That's the hard part is, um you know, you have to think about these things before they happen.
Jeffrey Krug
So I've been I've really been um babying myself, you know, back, back in the summertime, like my back was really, really hurting. So over the past couple months, I've really been trying to take it easy. I've been moving slower. I've been trying to when I'm lifting something, I'm thinking about the muscles that I'm using using my legs trying to like squeeze my core, rather than just like, you know, use your back.
Jeffrey Krug
And when you get into it, I mean, I've been I started doing construction, um say, like 13 years ago, wasn't thinking about that stuff ever lifting two sheets of three quarter material at a time.
Jeffrey Krug
And just young and dumb. Yeah. um and those that damage doesn't always rear its head until five years later, 10 years later. So um what I'm feeling now could be from back then it could be, you know,
Jeffrey Krug
You know there were times where I was here by myself and I had to lift, you know, 25 by nines and get them from flat to standing or something, you know. Yeah. I had a stack of material fall.
Jeffrey Krug
um Cameron, who you met, didn't show up, you know, and did I didn't hear from him. I had a Richelieu delivery came of of all these sheets of Egger five by nine and ah had to get them up on the a-frame so got them up and i had to move like one more sheet and the last sheet caught the corner of the stack i had on there and pulled it all off of the a-frame all fell hit the ground luckily i wasn't underneath of because it probably would have killed me i mean that's if if it was 10 sheets that's a thousand pounds oh easily um or broke my leg blew my knee out whatever and
Jeffrey Krug
cracked all the material down the middle. So I had to buy all the material again. i mean, it was it was bad. That's not a good day. And a five by nine, you know, so I use that panel lifter today on the four by eight.
Jeffrey Krug
I'm too short to use. iify by nine I'm only five foot eight on a good day. No form shoes. And if it's on something, you know, that thing's over my head, I can't push 100 pounds one arm No, you try you don't i don't have the time to work out to get to that point.
Jeffrey Krug
So I'm pretty much screwed on that unless I buy a vacuum lifter. But you know, I don't want 15 grand. Yeah, I don't want to spend that. want you to buy a return conveyor for the edge bander. Yeah, that'd be nice.
Jeffrey Krug
then I don't sell those. I just don't I don't want have to catch on parts on an edge bander next time I come. Yeah, so I can I can do three parts on there by myself, but it gets a little it gets a little hectic. You know I can get i can get three parts in and get the last part coming out and get back to the infeed.
Jeffrey Krug
And but you have to move fast. Correct. And the banner right now is on speed one. It does have a speed two. That was probably what, six meters, seven meters per minute. I forget what the stats are, but yeah, it moves quite a bit faster in second speed. and You know, it's it's it's already so fast that usually we just run it in the first speed. I feel like you probably get a better quality, um but I don't know. Maybe you could speak to that. Well, on edge banners, I could speak forever, but but the faster you go, you need more robust stations because they need to be able to move faster. That's called your panel gap so that you can feed more parts through it. yeah When you feed more parts through it, all sudden you get more parts coming at you. So then all of a sudden,
Jeffrey Krug
then it necessitates a return conveyor because because as you feed parts, you need a way for you to continue to feed parts. But even when you add a return conveyor onto an edge bander, at a certain point, you have to de-stack the parts that are coming back at you. right But it is nicer when you can reduce that panel gap because now you're doing things quicker and then everything can just sit on the return conveyor as a buffer.
Jeffrey Krug
But you don't run the edge bander enough to really put that on the wish list. No. um Yeah, when I hear the guillotine go off, that's when I know I can send another part in.
Jeffrey Krug
It's actually that's a little bit after the light, you know, the light goes off. You know, once it's out of I think once it's out of pre mill or once it's out of glue is when I can feed another but I just wait to hear that audible thing.
Jeffrey Krug
Just give it like that half a tick more. So the interim, it can properly cycle. Yeah, just, you know, because we had issues in the beginning with like overloading the machine in terms of air. I think I've just been a little, you know running a little bit scared ever since then.
Jeffrey Krug
But that was before we got the the compressor. So we we set that machine up on a 24-gallon Chicago pneumatic.
Jeffrey Krug
compressor you know about this big that's impressive because air edge banners take a lot of air yeah 17 cfm is max um consumption for that so we got bad we got a bad spec sheet from adwood that said we needed two cfm two i think it was a bad translation between bar or whatever the Spanish spec was in to, you know, what we use here in terms of CFM.
Jeffrey Krug
um But yeah, it was, it was pretty bad.
Jeffrey Krug
Crashing stations. Yeah. um So yeah, we had a lot of errors thrown where stuff was getting, and it so it was me, Brian, and um oh man, I can't think of the guy's name from RT. Really nice guy.
Jeffrey Krug
It'll come to me. But yes, we we were running a job. So the the edge banner got like a little bit delayed. And we had this job and we bid the job knowing that we were going to have the edge banner, we had to get the job out, we have material delays anyway.
Jeffrey Krug
So it was like, no, we need to run this. Oh, I thought the I thought this, the clock stopped. I was like, Oh, crap, we're not recording. um We had to get the job out. So it was like, okay, we're running this job for the setup.
Jeffrey Krug
That was your training. Let's run a job. That's our training class. Yeah, it was half mil, one mil,
Jeffrey Krug
and two mil in seven ace and um inch and five ace. So that banding and stuff that the white with the with the wood grain that you saw, that's what we were running. It was a commercial job for some- So changed material thickness and edge banding thickness. So that would have- Three times. Ideally, that would have been a great training if you had yeah the right air supply. Right.
Jeffrey Krug
So um we basically had to do one panel at a time. you know We had to put in a panel and have it exit Because you have that blow that last blower at the end.
Jeffrey Krug
or I don't even know it's a blower. You have the spray. You have the cleaning spray right at the end. And that used a lot of air. um Cleaning agent. Yeah. So it was it was rough. Then we got the Quincy.
Jeffrey Krug
And because of the startup draw, it was throwing an error on the edge banner. Because it was pulling too much power. They're on the same panel. So then we had to, that was a whole other thing to figure out. Soft start.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it's always something. there you The dryers work because that's the next problem with an edge bander is moisture. The seals hate, hate moisture in the lines. So before we had the dryer that I have now, we had just a Harbor Freight one, which is rated to like, I think it's 25 CFM.
Jeffrey Krug
My compressor is 22.6, think. and when we run the laser, basically I run like say 60 to 75 PSI all day for like 10 hours.
Jeffrey Krug
So the air assist on the laser runs all day. So imagine consuming 75 PSI for 10 hours. That compressor is running like crazy. It's making a ton of water. yeah So that thing couldn't keep up and um ended up getting water into the edge bander that destroyed the, um,
Jeffrey Krug
what was it, the pressure sensor or something? So the edge bander stopped like working altogether, to replace that. So then I spent $3,000 on a on real dryer.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it all if you don't, you're going spend tens of thousands on other parts on the edge bander. Yeah, and luckily, like, you know, um Brian's not with RT anymore, but like have a good relationship with Brian. And I was able to just call him and be like, hey, man, like the bander's not working. Like, and he was able to like walk me through it. You know, if I had to call a tech out.
Jeffrey Krug
A, it's the downtime, which is the real cost. And then you're paying whatever. I mean, to get somebody out here from ah RT for a day, it's a lot of money. Well, the industry min industry minimum is going to be 75 to $95 an hour.
Jeffrey Krug
plus travel hotel that's travel yeah on site time will be anywhere from 120 to 160 depending on who your supplier is not including mileage dinner well that's per diem yeah hotel so no you're to get somebody out to service your edge band or depending on where technician is located a minimum of a thousand dollars just to get on site to show up then ring your doorbell.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. And then parts and then you know that they don't have the parts in the truck. So then they have to order the parts and then they got to come back. So luckily, I was able to order the um I called Adwood and the guy over there.
Jeffrey Krug
know if you know anybody over there was named Michael, I think he was like, Listen, he's like, you know, we can order this from Spain, but it's going to take two weeks and it's going to be like 400 bucks. And he's like, you could probably just look it up and find it online.
Jeffrey Krug
So I looked it up. I found it. I ordered it for a hundred bucks, put it in. I ended up still having some issues. Josh, that's the guys from RT. I knew I was going to figure it out. josh I was able to call Josh and be like, Hey, listen, like I replaced it, but I'm still having this issue. He's like, just tweak this one thing fixed.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, beautiful. Yeah. The better you get at taking care of your equipment, the less gray you'll become. Yeah. Oh, yeah, i'm getting there. I shaved my neck last night, but it's like all white.
Jeffrey Krug
Wait till you hit 40. I'm getting there. What did I just turn? 36. Yeah. 40 not only do your eyes go. I had LASIK. um my head I might need a touch up, though. Your hair goes and whatever doesn't go turns gray. so Well, yeah, it's... it's a It hasn't been fun getting older.
Jeffrey Krug
The past couple of years, I've definitely felt the ah the age creeping in. It's better than the alternative. That's true.

Video Success and YouTube Strategy

Jeffrey Krug
So you talked about the off-site video.
Jeffrey Krug
You talked about the Edge Bender video. I'm most excited, of course, selfishly on why I'm here is to have John do his magic and put together the video because everybody in your audience...
Jeffrey Krug
they use one of these three cutting methodologies. Yeah. You know, we, it, it probably would have made the video too long, but like a track saw would have been, I mean, I think that's sort of like, um, if you're in the market for a street big odds are you're not cutting with a track saw, you know, that's sort of like, so you'd go from like track saw to cabinet saw, maybe to slider or from cabinet saw to street big.
Jeffrey Krug
Um, but that would have been interesting to see how long it would have taken on a track saw. oh without tipping off the viewers to the future video 20 minutes probably uh oh even more i think more so we knew the cabinet saw was the longest and then proved that and we'll see what the final edit is and probably the the most whacked out you know those parts aren't great and the cut quality that's another thing that we didn't really talk about um
Jeffrey Krug
you know, the cut quality on a cabinet saw, you know, you can get equal blades for say a street big or, you know, street gonna have the option for scoring, which you're not going to have on any cabinet saw. There's, as far as I know, there used to be an add on that you could put on cabinet saws that gave you scoring with a smaller main blade.
Jeffrey Krug
um But as far as I know, there isn't a cabinet saw out that has scoring. Nope. It was called modulus. If you remember. Okay. Okay. That's a time warp that dates me. I've only heard about it. It's called Modulus, and you're right. it was like a six-inch blade belt to a little scoring blade.
Jeffrey Krug
I don't understand why um it hasn't been become a thing, you know? Because very few people work with melamine. Generally, you're getting laminate for frameless material, and then you need the accuracy. You know, a slider gets you close.
Jeffrey Krug
You had a slider, but it wasn't as accurate as... Well, that thing was a heap. Well, it was used. Yeah. But... you're still operator dependent versus the Streebig, which is less operator dependent.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. Um, we talked about it out there. I forgot to mention it in the, the closing segment of the video, but you know, we shot that video with Cameron. That was his first time running that saw 45 minutes of training, 45 minutes. That's nothing. 45 minutes in the shop is a blink of an eye.
Jeffrey Krug
Um, and I could give him a cut list and, you know There's still operator error that can be injected, but the you know the machine is so simple and so accurate that as long as you're setting your stops to the right dimensions, your parts are going come out where they're supposed to be.
Jeffrey Krug
You just have to make sure you move the stops out of the way, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. We lost one like that. I think this one even has like a little score in it. But no, it's hard to make a mistake. It's usually user inflicted. It's not saw related or skill related.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. I did something a couple weeks ago that I wish I had filmed. So we were doing that repair at that bookstore. I was here early in the morning trying to get something done to bring parts ah down there to Asbury.
Jeffrey Krug
and I was cutting tapers on the street big. really We had some toe kick that, you know, it's for like a baseboard heat. So was tall, like eight inches, say, and the floor was way out. So I was cutting it like, say, like a three eighths inch taper. were scribing on the let's street it Yeah. So I cut the piece to say, say i needed it to be eight and seven eighths on one side and eight and a half on the other side.
Jeffrey Krug
I cut the piece to nine inches. I put it on the saw. I put the tall end where the stop is on the mid fence. yeah And then I stuck three ace worth of shims on the other side.
Jeffrey Krug
Made the cut. Perfect. It doesn't just make good... Well, to I always tell people at the saw to make a and perfect 90 degree corner, you need really good straight lines.
Jeffrey Krug
So if you can make a perfect 90 degree corner, that means you can make a straight line. So yeah. It's watching your... ah oak video a few weeks ago the uh oh the slab yeah yeah yeah that was cool because walnuts yeah i mean man and it cut through that like nothing mean that was an inch and three-quarter thick well that's not the hardest one in the world but no it's an industrial five horse motor yeah you i'm sure you could bog it down if you had a dull blade or you went too fast but oh you made it look like a cut like a like a hot knife through butter
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. um One thing like that I really felt, the whole process of cutting on the cabinet saw and even cutting on a slider, it's so physical. like you really it's You're really exerting yourself. um and you're sort of like When I'm making those cross cuts, so like let's say I rip to 24 and then I need to cut my sides to 30 and a half.
Jeffrey Krug
That cross cut you're really tensed up focusing on keeping everything tight against the fence. The street big is just so casual. you know it's it's There's no wasted movements.
Jeffrey Krug
Tom gave his classic analogy of Fred and Ginger on the on the slider. But as um fluid as you may get on the slider, it's a very tense movement.
Jeffrey Krug
operation it's not a dance it's a wrestling match yeah yeah exactly that's a good analogy and the streebig is really like you're just relaxed you know and like when you finish your cut you just you know just pull the head up a little bit and it goes up on its own and i mean it's just really it's a dream to cut on what's the um highest amount or the most amount of sheets you've cut in a day on it um
Jeffrey Krug
i don't know off the top of my head.
Jeffrey Krug
Probably a couple dozen. I'm not sure.
Jeffrey Krug
think that's what we have to capture. I could. I mean, i haven't cut as many as I could cut. I just haven't had big jobs like that. I've had a few big jobs cut um by those CNC guys just because of timing and everything. but but But you can get into a wall paneling job or some other unique application where you don't have any machining and leverage the benefits of a CNC. Oh yeah. You can always cut faster than you can route.
Jeffrey Krug
Yep. So, you know I think this video will be a success. a success success success and ah you know The inspiration, kudos to you and your video from a week or two ago so that you know sped up version. That's where we got the idea from in our conversations.
Jeffrey Krug
But I think this video will be a testament to the speed, ease of use. I think the next thing we'll have to tackle at some point will be a capacity. That'll be a big improvement.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, I mean, I think, like, let's say you get, what what would you say is, like, the average sheet time on a CNC? Six minutes? Is that, like, sort of the industry? Yeah, that's a good rule of thumb if, you know, as long as you don't have a tiny drill block or you didn't buy something, you know, 21 spindles. Right.
Jeffrey Krug
But ah a normal five in the X, which is the standard or seven in the X, ah six minutes is about right. And then, you know, you get a minute or two to load and a minute or two to offload. So six sheets in an in an hour is usually about the norm.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, so I mean, I think realistically with a Streebig, a lime boring machine and a construction boring machine, you could do it in about twice the amount of time.
Jeffrey Krug
Compared to compared to a CNC
Jeffrey Krug
cut bore cut lime drill and construction bore
Jeffrey Krug
Maybe even less.
Jeffrey Krug
The difference is you can stack cut on a straight bake. Yeah. So adjustable shelves, non-machine parts. So depending on the quality and the capability of your optimizer, you might be able leverage.
Jeffrey Krug
There are some other cheat codes. If you don't do full system holes top to bottom, you But then again, that also benefits the CNC as well. Yeah. So theyre depending on how your correct construction methodology, but you've already looked at going to CNC and you haven't pulled the trigger. It's a big investment.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, I mean, you really need a lot. That's what i'm that's like sort of the point I'm getting to is like, you need a lot of volume to justify the CNC. Because if I cut my time in half, but the investment is so high, it takes a long time to pay, you know, to to justify that investment. Well, bookend the range of CNCs you looked at, not the brands. We don't want to put people against each other. But what was the low price point and the high price point?
Jeffrey Krug
So... so probably go as low as you know and this is like let's say just the router say somewhere in the range of like 75 or 80 and then up to 100 and maybe it was like 175 something like that so you're you're basically double so entry levels 80 and a really nice one's 160 that's 1600 to bucks a month
Jeffrey Krug
yeah on on a lease payment. That's if you're getting a really good rate too. Yeah, those are maybe pre-COVID rates, probably 0.023 or 0.024 for a rate factor.
Jeffrey Krug
oh yeah the when you look at the CNC, it's either to have the additional capacity so or you're doing enough work that, yes, the time savings gives you back your freedom. so yeah Simple ah ROI.
Jeffrey Krug
You take out what your monthly nut is, but but but most people don't realize you said the CNC, but you went down that rabbit hole last year. Then you need a new dust collection.
Jeffrey Krug
You generally need to upgrade your software. Then you need to buy a bunch of tooling so it's not just 75 80 plus the six or 160 there's an additional 15 or 20 percent oh yeah and ancillary costs the um the electrical demand is insane like the strebig it's just a five horsepower this is 208 three phase you know it's nothing crazy talking with a cnc you're talking about 100 amps required for this this machine with the pumps everything or more 12 to 16 horsepower spindles a lot of juice yeah um
Jeffrey Krug
So, I mean, you're talking thousands of dollars in electrical work, the the setup time. So I know a lot of the CNC manufacturers want several days of setup.
Jeffrey Krug
I mean, the street big we set up and we're cutting in half a day, like from unloading the truck to having it running. youll You'll eventually get there. But what's nice in the story that we're going to be able to tell here and why we're partnered is...
Jeffrey Krug
even when you do get the CNC, it's not if it's, war or when, uh, is the story you want to hopefully continue to tell is, okay, now that you have the CNC, what do you use a street big for? Right.
Jeffrey Krug
It's everybody always thinks CNC is the easy button that it's the cure allll silver bullet, but it's not. So, uh, That's the nice thing about your platform is you'll be able to educate your audience as you continue to learn and get wiser about that. to Say, okay, this is what I've learned from this and this is my next step and this is why. and It makes for a great story.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, like undrilled parts. Cutting them on the street big is faster and the tooling life is longer and you know all these different things. 25 cents a sheet to cut it is a dollar a sheet to route it.
Jeffrey Krug
Wow. That's crazy. Yeah, so if you're doing 60, 80 sheets a week, you're right. Your tooling cost is a lot more. Yeah, and you know someone who's going to operate program and operate a CNC, think about the cost associated with that versus giving someone a cut list and saying, go cut this on the StreeBig.
Jeffrey Krug
And you know you don't need to have all this training and all this experience. and And you can't crash the StreeBig you can certainly crash the CNC and then you got to take your spindle out and send it in.
Jeffrey Krug
Not always. sometimes Sometimes you get lucky enough. It just needs to be re-trammed. Yeah. But not always. ah You hurt the bearings and then yeah, spindles 10 to 20 grand. Oh my God. Yeah. I was talking to ah Tom from Anderson about they, you know, they have, I forget what their policy is. You know, you send in your spindle the first time and it's like, okay, we'll check it out. and then the second time they're like,
Jeffrey Krug
ah Yeah, you're going to be charged for that. ah it's the It's the heart of the machine. he It's doing all the work. And yeah, they're mostly ah Italian.
Jeffrey Krug
So Italian usually equals expensive. ah <unk> Not always. HSD, that's the brand. yeah That's who's on almost 80% the.
Jeffrey Krug
the routers out there. Yeah, that was pretty universal. um Even like some of the lower end stuff, HST spindles. And they're great spindles. so And that's BSE that is the manufacturer that? Well, not many, if they they own them.
Jeffrey Krug
but Okay. All your big suppliers will own subsidiary companies. So we'll put on that's the green hat. We'll put on a blue hat and say you're a Home Ag. Home Ag uses Benz spindles, just like you've heard of a Benz aggregate, like a C-axis, you know.
Jeffrey Krug
Some type of aggregate goes on a CNC. Well, Home Egg owns Benz. So, of course, Home Egg doesn't use HSD spindles because they don't want to support their competition. They put a Benz spindle on instead of HSD. Right.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. um I saw a CNC up on Marketplace the other day. i forget what it was. but I always keep my eyes peeled, but I'm in no big rush.
Jeffrey Krug
you know well There's not a big Atlanta show this year. There's the smaller Vegas show. Will you go out to that? ah is that Is it in August as well? July.
Jeffrey Krug
Last week of July. Maybe. Maybe I can talk my way from going to Vegas that time. I asked her if she wanted to go to K-Biz. and she you know wasn't She's like, what am i going to do? I'm like, I don't know. You've never been to Las Vegas. You can go to Las Vegas and see it.
Jeffrey Krug
um She's recovering, so and maybe in and the July she'll want to go. Yeah, well, she's not doing anything anyway. That's the thing. I thought it would be perfect. True. yeah If you're laid up, you might well laid up in Vegas.
Jeffrey Krug
It's not like she can't walk. That's true. just can't use her right arm, really. I mean, now she... she Just have her play left-handed slot machines. Yeah. She actually cut my hair yesterday. i was I'm like, you think you can cut my hair?
Jeffrey Krug
I was getting pretty scraggly. you know She cut it like right before the surgery, but... She won't let you use a Flobie? What is that? Oh, man, I just dated myself. is that like the vacuum thing? Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think we might have talked about that the last time.
Jeffrey Krug
Because I think that was when John started cutting his hair by himself. i don't know if he's still doing that. If he is, he got pretty good. No, I pay a girl.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, ah it's nice having, you know, like your own personal hairdresser. but hey You stay nice and clean and trim, and that'd be a luxury. I go every three weeks. It'd be nice cost avoidance for me. Oh, yeah. Man, my wife's haircuts are expensive, too.
Jeffrey Krug
I don't know. it probably cost me like $100. Oh, no. I like high and tight. It helps me hide the grays.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, she did pretty good. She was using her left hand with the clippers, which is some it was impressive. i was like I was a little nervous at first, but... I'm like, listen, I'm going to be wearing a hat. It's really just the sides I'm worried about. I'm not worried about the top.
Jeffrey Krug
That's a nice luxury, though. Yeah, right in the ah right in the kitchen there. And how often do you get your hair cut? probably once a month. Okay.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. Normal. Yeah. Yeah, it depends. um But she did my hair and my son's hair right before the surgery. But, you know, it's getting long. um So i I don't know when this video is going to be out. Probably have, you know, I don't think it'll be out this week because we'll probably have some time, you know, going back and forth, maybe showing you guys what we have and tweaking it and that. But maybe maybe next week.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, looking forward to it. Yeah. Yeah, it should be a good one. I'm excited to see what John does with the... I won't call it time lapse, but like the we're going to obviously speed up the cutting because I don't think anybody wants to sit through real-time cutting a sheet on a cabinet saw.
Jeffrey Krug
you know so watch they might They might enjoy you watching struggle on a cabinet saw. you can um You can speed up the YouTube videos on your own, but... um Yeah, like a picture-in-picture kind of thing where we have...
Jeffrey Krug
everything being shown at once. and we want We want apples to apples to apples. Comparison. Bananas. We got Tom in there. Apples to apples to bananas. Yeah,
Jeffrey Krug
yeah it was good going over there. Seeing Lou, everybody um brought back memories. What a commute. Nice little ocean, uh, Oceanside Drive. Yeah, but this is, you're closer now to this shop though. Oh yeah. I could spit on this place for my house.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. Yeah. This is the perfect distance. Yeah, I would give up i'd give up the scenery to be closer. Oh, yeah. And the parking is much better here. in the summertime, i wouldn't I wouldn't want to fathom how.
Jeffrey Krug
No, I mean, you saw his where his shop is. Like, you can't park anytime. No. So I was lucky enough to sort of earn a um a senior enough...
Jeffrey Krug
position where I could park I would park like next to Lou, you know, like, in the unless Tom's wife was there, then I would relinquish my spot. But for the most part, I had like a spot in the driveway.
Jeffrey Krug
And I should I was always there early. So I, know, I get my spot. Yeah, no, thank you. Some days I would show up in the neighbors were parked in in the shop parking. That's what tow trucks are for.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. A lot of cabs park on that street. um But that's besides point. What do you think? You anything else? what What are you doing while you're in town? Videos.
Jeffrey Krug
You guys inspired us. We've been up in our game when it comes to YouTube videos. So I'm in town today and tomorrow to our state, I should say. to get some more application videos. So as we refresh our, we did our main website last year.
Jeffrey Krug
And then of course, anything that goes on YouTube is what feeds your own personal website. So now we have to get all of our YouTube videos, either refreshed, updated, edited. So on the Streebig side of things, since that's really the primary connection, or the majority of our relationship is between Green Street and Colonial. There's also the Lamello connection as well, is to,
Jeffrey Krug
Add additional application pages. So I'm in town to see a truck body place. So where they make like the Penske trucks or Ryder trucks to talk about the benefits of the stripping for them. Awesome additional testimonials because everybody goes to YouTube.
Jeffrey Krug
I mean, that that's where everything is. And it's a lot cheaper to put up a YouTube video. It's a lot of work. Yeah. So how how you and John do this every week. No, thank you. ah Once a quarter and I'm in the middle of that binge right now. that I feel like I'm rushing for a frat or something. but ah I'm going to tape 40-ounce beers to your hands when we turn off the mics.
Jeffrey Krug
I need it. I need it. But no, and in town to get that. And then no home next week and then Toronto, I think, the following week. so I don't travel like I used to. i'm not on airplanes every week, so the wife...
Jeffrey Krug
enjoys coming home a lot more. like that That would be rough every week. No, that no more. I love the status, but no, I don't need to fly like I used to.
Jeffrey Krug
I do like, you know, I like the idea of traveling, but it's, ah it's sort of exhausting. Well, when you're traveling to go on vacation. Oh yeah. No problem. But flying, to even that, even that sucks.
Jeffrey Krug
It does. But you know, you're, there's a, there's a means to the end. There's a reason for it, but, No, here for here this week, luckily it's the one of the few places from Grand Rapids I can fly direct. Come in, shoot some video. You know, today was good. It was, we could do some work together for you and for us and, um, do some more tomorrow and then heading back home.
Jeffrey Krug
Nice. Yeah. YouTube is, um, you know, was, uh, saying to you before, like YouTube is so important, I think for, um I mean, every company that's selling things to people, like that's where people go to find out about your product is YouTube.
Jeffrey Krug
They go to your website, but, you know, we look at all that stuff with a little bit of a, um A little bit of a suspicion. you know Obviously, everyone is going to show their product in a light that favors the product. 100%. So we want to see third-party content.
Jeffrey Krug
yeah Yeah, that's why if you go to our site, there's architectural millwork. When I go to Toronto, I'm doing doors. So companies that do door skins. We have plastics now. So all application-based.
Jeffrey Krug
oh furniture, cabinet making. So I have to go through the whole list, but for every page, we want a dedicated video for that application as well a testimonial. So it's not just us bragging about how great a street big is or leveraging to strictly, hey, the guys at Green Street love their side. Yeah, some guy that cuts plastic, he doesn't know who we are or care or, you know, it's not relevant.
Jeffrey Krug
So no, we're looking to continue to expand solid surface. We recently had that video done. So no, it's We don't do a tenth of videos that you do, but holy mackerel.
Jeffrey Krug
Big appreciation and understanding on the work that you and John put in. Oh, yeah, the appreciation's all mine. um What I thought was cool that you guys put up was ah like a GC who brought a Streebig to a job site.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, yeah. What was like a hospital build or something? Oh, I lost their name. Yes, they have six or seven Streebigs. So what they'll do...
Jeffrey Krug
is bring they but they buy they bought the model above you the standard oh they have multiple standards and yes they'll do a big hospital build and they put an on-site workplace that's crazy so whether it's not just for cutting plywood or melamine they'll cut gypsum they'll cut sheetrock on the saw wow they just beat the snot out of them and then after they've been to enough job sites they retire a saw and they buy another one it's right off Yeah, it's probably about right. It's probably they do, they put it on a job site for six months or a year for a huge build, move it once or twice, and then after five years, the machine's depreciated, they sell it, and then yeah they add another one. But that's a company based out of Illinois, Southern Illinois, that has locations throughout. and Yeah, they ship them, and we don't even have to install them.
Jeffrey Krug
They have so many, and they've done it for so long with us. Yeah, that's cool. But yeah, generally, it's a new saw going to some ah their ship to address is always some new place.
Jeffrey Krug
So that's, I saw recently too. um I guess there's like a cutter that you can do miter folds. Yeah. So on the next model up, you have the ability to order it with a different arbor and a different shroud so that whether you're working with ACM and you need to do grooves and If you're a solid surface company and you to do V-Groove coves, you have that capability.
Jeffrey Krug
So you can put all different types of tooling on there. Yeah, that's cool. Is that something that you can like change out? Can you go back to a circular blade? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. 10 minute change over. Wow. So even your saw, you have the ability to modify it.
Jeffrey Krug
So if you wanted to put a dado on there, you could. So maybe a future video idea. Yeah. That'd be cool. you have to have depth control. you have to have a different door. So there's some modifications that need to be done, but you could retrofit.
Jeffrey Krug
How is the, um I forget the acronym, the automatic. The ACS. yeah Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Automatic crosscut system. Are you guys selling any of them? Quite a few. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
We've got a couple of dealers that have really embraced it. It's really popular amongst the Amish gun come companies that have street makes. That's where we've seen the most immediate impact and success.
Jeffrey Krug
Imagine, like, you know, so I i don't want to spoil the video, but imagine how much faster the cutting would have been with that, you know? Because if you probably if you go back and look at the foot and, like, break it out in the footage, 25% of the time has to be, like, dialing in the stop, you know?
Jeffrey Krug
but And you and you have you know you're a little more anal on the street big because you have 5,000 coarseness. So I'm like you know getting it right dead on. Not close enough. With a slider, you're just like, okay, 24, lock it down.
Jeffrey Krug
No, it's 24 and a 64. Right. 23 and 15, 30 seconds or whatever the case might be. But and no, you're right. you have that When you have that control, you want to leverage it.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah. And maybe we could have taken a minute talk about it and wrap up. but i Hindsight's always 20-20. Yeah, but ultimately, I think side-by-side videos.
Jeffrey Krug
That was the whole purpose of today's visit. was to let viewers, you know, let them educate, provide information, make them informed, and then they'll see what the obvious choices are. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, I think it'll be good. um But folks, we' we'll leave it at that. Oh, I thought I said two hours. Only one hour. That would have been crazy. ah Yeah, thanks for listening. Thanks for... Appreciate you having me again. Yeah, it was good.
Jeffrey Krug
ah Good luck at the rest your stops. And we'll we'll talk to all y'all next week. Take care.
Jeffrey Krug
If you enjoyed this episode, please tell a friend or share it on social media. You can leave a review of this podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. And don't forget, today's Craftsman YouTube channel has an upload every Saturday morning at 8.30 a.m. m Eastern. We'll see you next week.
Jeffrey Krug