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2X the Peters. (Bad audio again *facepalm*) image

2X the Peters. (Bad audio again *facepalm*)

S4 E47 · The American Craftsman Podcast
333 Plays1 month ago

Not sure what Zencastr problem is but the audio recorded off of my laptop again instead of our microphones. I doctored it up a bit, hopefully it's not too bad. Joined by Walter Peters this week of MW Machine Co.

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The American Craftsman Podcast is sponsored by Hayfla. Hayfla offers a wide range of products and solutions for the woodworking and furniture making industries. From hinges and drawer slides to connectors and dowels, sandpaper, wood glue, shop carts, and everything in between. Exclusive product lines such as looks, LED lighting, and Slido door hardware ensure that every project you create is built to last. Learn more at
Additional sponsorship provided by Ridge Carbide. When you need the right saw blade for the job, put your trust in Ridge Carbide tools. For over 50 years, Ridge Carbide has been producing industrial saw blades designed with the exact specifications for the cutting results you expect. Before you buy, call us and we'll help you determine the right tool that meets your needs and your budget.
After the sale, Rich Carbide provides sharpening services for all your saw blades, dado sets, router bits, and jointer planer knives. Located in Kansas, Rich Carbide Tools provides high quality products with outstanding customer service at a fair price. What are you cutting? Enjoy the show.
ah I totally missed my cue on that one. Welcome back. That's a dead, right? And I can't even... There we go. Okay. I got the mics. Are we recording on the mics this time? Yes. Should be. No way of testing that, right? No way.

Walter's Business Journey

I double-checked before we started. so yeah Last time we were not. So sorry about that. Walter's here with us. My son Walter. Yeah, welcome back. Yeah, thanks for having me. It's been... ah What, you were on right before you started MW or right after? it was it was It was after, but I didn't really start working until probably two or three months after that. I was still at timber when I came over here and recorded when we lost. Okay. Oh yeah, because maybe you told us afterwards or off?
off a, I wouldn't say camera, but, or maybe we're just renovating the shop. You weren't working in there yet. No, I think that was pretty much done because that must have been in like a March, maybe March or April that I came on. And then I think I was out of timber by May. Oh, so it's been two years then. No, no, it's just been it's been about like ten months oh been yeah yeah no I'm i'm not officially like a year into the business as an entity since, you know, real December. So I'm on the second year now. Nice. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. Do a lot of cool stuff. Yeah, I want to get busier. I'm like in a real slow period.
It's a common thread with a lot of business owners I talked to. I was talking to a designer today that said the same thing. I think a lot of it has to do with getting out of the holidays too. I think we should start picking up the next two weeks. Yeah, everybody is used to that though. it's It's been more than that. I know other cabinet shops that are slow. I mean, some people are are still super busy, but I don't know.
I know people that are slow. Yeah. Yeah. I, I was really busy from like August to November. I was really busy and I was doing really well in October and November and uh, middle of December, I just kind of hit a slow period and a lot of my jobs, like you know, you've been doing some 3d printing for me, they take a while to So it's a long time before you get paid. So if you're like, um you know, stretching four or five weeks between, you know, a couple of checks that you're really counting on. That's where it it really sucks. Yeah. Yeah. I've been having a hard time getting them across

Communication Challenges

the finish line. Like, um, I'm involved with bidding all these jobs and I have jobs that are confirmed, but like just getting them to that point where it's like, all right, we're ready to start.
that's been a difficult part yeah and my like my thing right now is i'm trying to get quotes out the door like really fast get the work done faster i spent probably half a day on uh, someday last week, quoting out a whole family of parts and a whole bunch of quantities just to not even get a response back from the person. And I mean, they're really, I'm a one That's man show. been a So my pricing is pretty competitive. difficult part. Um, so, you know, that that's like tough sometimes cause that's, you know, three and a half hours calling vendors and putting together quotes and, you know, running your numbers and then to just not hear anything is tough.
That's the best. And then you send a follow-up email a couple weeks later and they're like, oh yeah, it just was too much. You're like, thanks for letting me know. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, the ah the the lack of communication is can be very frustrating. and Yeah, where like on the other end, like ah the guy I'm working with right now, the company I'm working with right now, they, they called me a lot. Like they called me on Christmas, which is crazy. Christmas at 5 PM. I know you're eating right now, but yeah. And they're like, you know, and they're probably the mid forties, you know, husband, wife, company.
so i was like shit people you're calling me on chris know did you pick it up i did pick up Because I was like just kind of curious and yeah Yeah,
that yeah yeah yeah like I would never I would never do that but I think that's because I'm a younger guy and I'm working by myself like there's no way if I was like 10 person operation in a big building that someone would call me No, maybe like a text if it's like if you already have a rapport with the person then it's like you already have like a friendly thing it's one thing to sound text but a phone call is never could you a text and a phone call yeah oh yeah' text would be like hey i know it's christmas i hope we can talk tomorrow Yeah, a phone call is like, oh shit, I got to pick up the phone because something happened. did Yeah, yeah, exactly. They're like an email, like I'll email people at nine o'clock at nine o'clock. I don't, an email attacks, I don't care, you know, but yeah, calls a little little crazy. Yeah.
I got a, I don't, I don't respond to some people who call me who don't text me first. I mean, I'm not being a jerk, but like if I kind of know somebody and in my mind it's a history of like, oh, this person's always kind of asking me for something that generally requires my time and I seem to never get anything back for it. So I got a phone call, I got a message like a week ago and it was sort of like,
Hey, I know that you're doing good because I watched you on Instagram and I want to dance. It's something like, tell me what it is. And so, of course, I didn't respond because I know yeah if I call back, it's like I'm going to be in some kind of a hole or I'm going to have to waste my time selling somebody now. This way, you know, if they want me to do something or if they have something, they really want to talk to me about texting. Now, that's not how it is with like friends. This is like somebody I haven't talked to in like two years, you know, inmates.
yeah It's just, that's sort of getting set up. I just won't allow myself to get set up at all anymore. And that's sort of like, I have, a at the top of my daily list, it's like, says today's list, dot, dot, dot, always say no. Which is like, you know, it's sort of the reverse, everything's supposed to yeah have yeah you know be positive and say yes to everything.
but you'll get people say, oh, we'd love to send you this thing and you don't have to do anything, but talk about it. I'm like, that's work. You know, especially if it's like a, a product I don't know or you like, so I get things and I'll look at it. and I'm not that abrupt. Like always say no, but I don't, I don't look at it and be like, Oh, that's cool. That's a cool little thing. I want that crummy tool that I'm never going to use. And now I'm obligated to say it's good.
So I just don't care. Yeah. Hey, I hate when you get like a voicemail. It's like, Hey, Jeff, I had a question for you. Just give me a call back when you get a chance. It's like, I'm not calling you back. That's what's the question. Yeah. What's the question? Either text it to me or, or, you know, give me some hint in the voicemail. I have a a friend who I go back all the way to high school. There's an electrician and, uh, I'll always text him like I would never call him other question but i'll open it up a wall or i'll do something i'm like oh man i know that to could answer in this in like two seconds
But I'm not going to call him and I'll just text him a picture or a short video or something. Because then he can answer when it's convenient for him. Exactly. So we just shot a video cutting up a slab on the street bag. Yeah. That was pretty cool. Yeah.
it will be not I'm hoping I can like get that done this year. I think what will happen is you'll probably fill the cabinets. We can probably get some drawer spots. I have it all like drawn up. and We can probably do that here and make some real videos of that because we're just talking like two boxes.

Innovative Desk Project

Yeah. Yeah. One. And then just like a leg, right? Yeah. know The only thing that's a little annoying with this one or might be annoying for whoever is I want to put some, uh, I'll make all the templates and stuff, but I want to put like some Dal Hole registration and some inserts because my idea is like, I want to be able to to move around with this desk like really easily for, you know, my, the next couple of years of my life, you know, so apartments or shops. or whatever of desk to be able to come apart in like three different components. And then I'm going to have, like for the floating lag, I'm going to have a base plate laser cut. That just stays in the lag. That way it's easy to just click into place. But I don't, that's probably not a huge deal.
No, I mean, you could do threaded inserts and screw up through the little drawer base up into the top. Yeah, just when I get an Allen key assembly or something. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Because that'll make it nice for just if you ever have to move or do anything, you know. What about the hardware? Do you want to make hardware? I'm going to definitely machine the hardware and I'm going to do it off of the desk that you have upstairs. I was going to say that's cool. Oh, yeah, I've seen that desk. as neat and it would be like a walk in the park machining wise because it's pretty much that would be like a one-up in the vise flip it surface it from whatever edge detail you want and then you know probably you know quarter 20 threads in the base I think that's aluminum hardware because when I bought the desk so this is a mid-century modern
it's a large desk it's got to be thirty six inches deep It's pretty big. I bought it for $95 and I ah ended up ripping the front edge off of it because the veneer had come off the front edge. I ripped off the front edge and the two sides, front back two sides and re-venered it with 1.8 inch thick or yeah eighthan thick rosewood veneer because I had some. I wouldn't do that today but I had some and it it worked out well and they're just butt joints because maybe it's a little less than an eighth of an inch, put a little round over on it. Attached, got edge banding with contact cement, just using like a hammer and a mo a hammer and a block of wood to take that bond. And this is more than 20 years now, totally fine. Stripped everything, stained it,
even though it's walnut, I stained it walnut again, sprayed it with lacquer, and it just looks really good. It does need to be kind of freshened up again because, like I said, it was 20 years old. So now it's in the studio, but it was in the house, and Walter beat the shit out of it. Walter, Michael, and Jack beat the crap out of that desk. So the top needs to be kind of redone. But the hardware is aluminum, and when I took the hardware off,
It was very yellow. So a combination of maybe the lacquer yellowing, being in a smoky environment because it smelled like smoke when I got it too. So I stripped that with zip strip and also just sanded it and then waxed it and it looks pretty good. it's not So that's a good finish for aluminum as wax.
Yeah. Uh, that little white melamine, uh, built that reception desk. I think we shot something on it. Yeah. Uh, I did the aluminum rails in there for the pen to flex. And, uh, that's what I did is just waxed it. Uh, just care. All right. So just raw aluminum with a wax on it. That's pretty cool here because my, the whole thing, uh,
with doing hardware or hinges and trying to get into that is I don't really want to deal with finishing, but if it's just wax, that's pretty easy because I think he gets scotch brite, aluminum. It's amazing how delicate of a scratch so quick. Like if you're sanding something that's aluminum that's like four-sided when you flip it like that side is ruined if unless you're putting it down on something that's perfectly clean you know it's so soft. Yeah so if I could just wax it though that would be like that was an idea too like while I've been slow I've been doing a lot of product stuff and getting it cut that'll kind of be my gateway that like custom hardware because I'm like okay I have a reason that maybe I'll use it for my desk and then if people want it
How are you going to clamp that? My question was on actually, how are you going to clamp all those surfaces? Because it's pretty organic. So then they call that soft jaws. So you take the hard jaws out of a vise, and you put in two blocks of aluminum. And then usually, it'll take like ah for that, it's probably like a 3-quarter inch parallel. And you clamp the vise at your dimension, and you just project a drawing of that.
profile onto the aluminum soft jaws of the vise and then you cut that profile into the actual vise jaws. Okay. So they're like a consumable. Some people make them. I buy them because I usually just don't, you know, just don't have enough time to make them. And yeah, they just go right on the, the CURT vise that I have. And yeah, you just extrude that down and you can build registration into it so you can put them back on and find your position again. That'll be pretty easy. That'd be a good video, I think, too. Because we could start that video up in the studio. Yeah. I'm going to talk about that desk and then go and shoot you either for your channel or combination or whatever. Yeah, the combination. Yeah, that'll be good. Because I'm trying to do more content this year. Because I want to get into products at the end of the day and the real common denominator between everyone.
doing well with products is they all have a YouTube presence. And even if it's like 20,000 subscribers, which is a a lot, but in the grand scheme to YouTube, it's not a ton of subscribers, you know, or 10,000, 20,000, whatever. But yeah, just that'll be a good thing for me to film. So I'm making a video right now and that'll probably be the next one. nice Yeah. I don't, I don't think subscriber counts are building what they used to because I don't feel like YouTube really offers up subscriptions that much and I tend to not
not to subscribe to anything because they're just feeding me stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Like I, I, I'm guilty of that too. And we've talked about it. Like I watch all these channels and I'm not subscribed to you. I think it's really like you have to ask. That's the only way people subscribe is if you ask them to subscribe, we should just put a little graphic in the video. Let's do that. Like maybe after the ad rolls, just like a little thing says, you know, subscribe, like a little logo thing, whatever there's that, that,
proposal that that company sent me that I sent over to you that we're not going to do. This is like some company that makes, uh, really make you appliances. You've never heard of them, yeah but they did say, cause I said, I'd like to do a video on today's craftsman channel or double it up. And they said, we only work with people with over overwhelming subscribers. I thought that was BS. Yeah. I mean, that's a very small number of people. And my feeling is I know people who have,
100,000 subscribers, or I've seen them, and they get way more views than my channel does. yeah Just because I have that many subscribers doesn't mean I'm getting a million views. I wish that was the case. I and just don't think YouTube works that way anymore. Yeah, like we I think we have a pretty good ratio of subscribers to views. right yeah I do. And I also think that we work pretty hard to keep our subscribers tuning in each week by really by, by posting every Saturday morning yeah at the same time. I think that's a big, a big thing. Yeah. Yeah. but Like I, a couple of the channels I follow, uh, do that where it's like they post at the same time all the time. So you just get into it. It's not even, uh, something that is kind that you're conscious of. You just, it's like, oh, atomic shrimp has a new video and you just watch, you know, yeah it's just there and you just watch it.
I'm trying to do that with my channel. 1030 looks like a good time in the analytics on Wednesdays. That gives me enough time to do what I'm doing for today's craftsmen, do what I'm doing for the art channel and then have enough time to like after the week, cause I'm kind of working through the weekend to kind of get it all done and get it up on the main channel for, for Wednesday at 1030. But today I couldn't meet that deadline. So I didn't post.
until quarter after 12, but the video's done really good. That's good. Um, it, it was one out of 10 now it's two out of 10, but we'll see how it's, uh, and it's a veneer video, but, um, which generally don't do that well, but I think this one might be because it's, uh, doing a little organization and kind of making the shop nicer. So it's, I don't know, that might be an appealing thing. The jigsaw video did good. I think we had a good,
combination there, good thumbnail, good title, good video subject. I was surprised because. I was a little lost on that, baby not lost, but I was like, okay. Like, like as soon as you started cutting, I was like, okay, we kind of know. Yeah. And then it was like, ah it was a lot of cutting and I was cutting it down. yeah I mean, I think, I think you would start to cut and then I would fade it and it'd be the end of the cut. And then when you, when you changed,
the oscillation. Uh, I think you started the first cut and I only put in the last couple of seconds on the last cut because I was like, okay, this is a lot, but it's good. Yeah. People, I was surprised. I think it's a 10,000 views. Yeah. Uh, yeah. Last I checked it was a 10,000. I thought maybe it would keep going, but seems to have tapered off. Yeah. Um, and had a pretty good, uh, retention too. That's good. Yeah. So we'll see. I think 10,000 views or,
your kind of channel it is really good because you got to imagine like it's a really niche audience. It's not like you're making, you know, like world news or entertainment style video or cooking videos. There's not, ah in the grand scheme of things, there's not a lot of people that are doing this kind of stuff. So 10,000 eyeballs is huge. Yeah, and it seems like the the channels, like the woodworking channels are pretty saturated. Like there's like a lot of woodworking channels. Well, to for me, like I watch a lot of it, not a lot of it, but I kind of browse it. Like I don't, I never watch someone's full video. I just sort of click around and it seems to be like a a game between
the top 10 people of like really crafty titles and thumbnails and background story that kind of evolves through the whole video. It sort of climaxes at the end. you know It's more of like a like a film.
know yeah ah yeah i've ah you know Every now and then I'll watch like these videos that are about like you know are you having a YouTube channel. And they're always like, yeah, storytelling. it's like Yeah, that's cool. But like I want to learn about woodworking, like how to be a better woodworker or about a new tool or whatever. um Like there's a place for both, I guess. But I feel that we're in like a really strong position for just like instructional information. That's what I like because I watch some of those channels where it's just like these some of these getting built and it's like this inner story that kind weaves in and weaves out. And I'm like, I don't care.
And um I think that what we're trying to do is help the guy in the field or the guy in to the shop kind of get a better understanding and wrap his head around something and get the job done for the client. And I think the value in that is like we work for these different hardware companies and and the the companies that we've already worked for is like, okay, you're going to get a better understanding because you've watched this five or 10 minute video and you don't need to never know the name of my dog or that my wife works over here or whatever to help.
<unk> know there's There's a place for those videos. I think the people who are watching those videos are general network workers. I think that they're just looking for entertainment. You know what I mean? They're like watching something get made. yeah i think I think the value in our channel will be the people who are actually building stuff.
yeah that video you sent me last night the australian guy yo robin's a cool guy the video is good but it could have been could have been a quarter of a quarter of the lake yeah it wasn't it was ah there was a but huge story arc about how this is his first job where he was going to make money and blah blah blah blah blah Which is cool.

Enhancing YouTube Content

Well, you don't give a shit about that. not you don' I put it on double speed. something i can't watch this I'm like, I want to watch it cause John sends to me, but I'm like, is this is going on too long. i want I didn't watch the whole thing either, but I really liked Robin and i he's got a nice way in front of the, um, the camera and all. Um, but I was also looking at it from a shop selfish point of view saying, you know what? We need to dig a little bit deeper into the melamine side of things.
For two reasons, one, I don't know much about it, and I do have a use for it, whether it's now or five years from now or whatever. Or at the same time, I think a lot of people, ah a lot of other people are thinking that way. And if we can create a video that they can go to without the backstory that gives them the meat and potatoes in the first five minutes. And then if they get the meat and potatoes in the first five minutes, they stick around for nuance in the last five minutes. Because there's so much to nuance, so like this video that I put up,
Today, it's basically I skin the doors of my tool cabinet and fly with them beneath them. But then I went into, I went into, I sealed the veneer first with shellac. Then I talked really quickly how I use a china bristle brush and how I clean that. It's nuanced, but it's really helpful to anybody who's going to do it. right And so you know this is what I'm doing and this is why I'm doing it.
so maybe 60% of the people clicked out after four or five minutes. But the remaining people got the information that will help them with that project. keep them moving forward in their woodworking journey. Maybe someone a little more advanced didn't get much out of the first 60%, but then they stick around and then they pick something up. I pick stuff up off of super beginner level stuff sometimes. you know Just one little tidbit can change the way you do something in the shop completely. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. It's good to be open-minded.
Yeah, that's fine. I haven't done any woodworking in a while, but I agree. There's always like little things I'll see on Instagram that kind of stay in the back of your head. Yeah. Yeah. I don't use like the save feature. Like I should, like I should use it, but I never go. So I would say things and never, never go. Right. It's like, how do I even get to that? What did I see do a kid? I've seen it before.
but ah full speed one he he drill the hole with a thing around a hole, he was using a hole saw in the ceiling and he used like that tray or whatever and he drilled a hole in something else first. So all that. Oh yeah. They make, they make a thing. I was, I was telling him they make a thing for that. Yeah, but he kind of made his own thing I thought.
Yeah, it's, I mean, it's made to do that. It has two little, basically it's a bar and it has two little cutters that stick up and they're adjustable. Okay. So you cut it, you know, if you have a six inch can or a four inch can or three and one 16th, you set it to whatever you want. It's got that ring around it already. and you got Yeah. It was good know to catch all the, she dropped out. Yeah. Yeah. She dropped out. So I thought that was a takeaway that not that I, um, not that I'll be doing that anytime soon, but thought yeah that's pe and the ask is that joe hols and she rock the florence like i was in nightmare Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm working overhead with sheetrock. I have one of those, uh, the thing I was just talking about, but a whole saw cuts a lot nicer than that project with, and I thought, Oh, maybe I'll just,
bit something with Maybe I'll cut a hole with a whole saw and then rip it and then join it back together. And then I thought, it's not really going to work great for the openings that the tissue box has. So now I'm thinking maybe we cut something on the laser. Oh, a little template. Yeah. Just make a template and use the router. gri That would be a good way to do that. And then we can even sell that template. Yeah. Because I think it'll be good once we figure it out, bang it all together, cover that with walnut and hair oning nice yeah
and it's just five-side box it just jumps right down Bring that over next month. It's tissue season, that's for sure. I'm just feeling better like within the last, I don't know, week or so. I was like, Ted, like a nagging sinus thing. It was brutal. Well, you've got Hunter in school. Yeah. Well, this was while he was still off. Oh wow. Yeah. Cause he was off for, uh, well, I guess baby maybe, maybe it was back to school. I don't know. But yeah, it sucked.
I've been I've actually been a good exercise routine. I haven't worked out prior to this recent stint since like High school maybe early college so i I've been exercising and doing the sauna a lot. I'm going over to East Point, you know, or East point is oh yeah Yeah, it's a cool gym. It's super low key. It used to be like in a different section of that, I think. And then they kind of moved it. Yeah. So I've been going there for two months now. And that's nice because otherwise, I i think it's i think it's nice when you're like just doing stuff in a shop, too, to be lifting weights. Because a lot of times, I'm like leaned over in a weird way with my head in the machine looking at an indicator or just like stuff like that picking things up. So it's kind of counteracts some of that wear and tear.
Yeah, Keith and I. So Keith helped me out with that install on Friday and we carried all that stuff up to the second floor. And I mean, you saw that bench and anybody who watched or who's going to watch the video that comes out this week, I think it was big. oh It was, you know, over eight feet long, 24 inches deep. You didn't carry with the drawers in it.
Well, we had to leave the middle drawer in that had the dock drawer. Um, but you know, the, the stairs went up and turn. So you got to lift it up over the thing. I texted Keith on Saturday. I was like, are you sore? I was like, so I was, I was hurting on Saturday. i believe it yeah That's so physical that's the the hardest I've had to work physically was when I was at New Horizon. And I wasn't really that.
great when I was there so I was just muscle so I was just doing that stuff pretty much the whole time I was there and that was brutal you know like center portions of bunk beds and laminated MDF and you can't drop it either like you really can't drop it and you have to be really like methodical about how you put things down and I think yeah it gets to your installs they're going upstairs because you can hit the wall and damage the wall so much to think about I, yeah, I hate it sauce. Yeah. Um, the next job we're going to get started. I'm supposed to be getting paid today, but we're getting awfully close to the end of the day. Um, it's that mudroom Island I've been talking about. So it's just like a 60 by 60 Island just sits in the middle of the room. So I'm like, this is great. You know, we'll just go put it back together. What's, what is that going to be again? Um, yeah, let's see. i I'll pull it up on the screen. It's a, it's got like a little bench integrated into it.
I like how it shrinks my screen when I have. So that's the two days, so. Oh, yeah, OK. What are you making that out of? A briefing HDF, and this will be veneer, you know, and MDF for the window veneer. Is there a video there or you don't want to deal with the build video? That's cool. We could. What what aspect? I don't know.
bench, maybe you're going to connect that later. It's all going to like. So it's four phase frames. You see, this is one phase frame. OK, this is one phase frame. That's another. So is it going to go? Is it going to get delivered in one piece like that? No, so he'll show you. so So it's five cabinets, six cabinets. OK.
and what's the talking of it That's by by other just a stone top yeah cushions are by somebody else the the idea of the cushion things a little odd like Little bench depends I guess the I guess the top isn't gonna overhang over that bench And I guess it'll go maybe a little bit into the a little bit just like ah That's how I have it your own
that go Ryan York yeah about 90 minutes you know you don't have to go that's not on the island no that's like New Rochelle like up okay north of you know Yonkers

Upcoming Mudroom Island Project

through a designer yeah
So this will get like hampers. And then this is just a shelf, shelf, shelf, shelf, three drawers.
So, so you're going to install that, you're going to install that with. That'll be Leilani and I. No, because it's all individual parts. So it's just five little cabinets. Well, you know, eight cabinets.
This is from Rejuvenation I want to say something that they expect. Can you you sent me a picture of that kitchen as is? Mm-hmm You don't can you send me a mock-up because the as is is sort of confusing I think I sent you I say these you sign that It's an email Okay, I thought it was a text, was it an email or a text? I say an email and then I texted you the pictures of it of the existing. Okay, so is it just the two panes? This and then... So if this is the one, it's a galley kitchen, this is one side and then that's the other side. Okay, so it's four panes and are you gonna make those doors or are those doors also being made by new doors? They'll be new doors.
And so your only thing too is to put the panes in the glass. Oh yeah, put the glass in the doors. Yep. Oh yeah, put the glass in the doors. So you're going to do that and how you're going to attach the glass to the... Let's use like little Z clips on the back. And will it all, will you have those measurements out or you're going to have to mill the back of the door a little bit or it should already be pre-milled?
They make doors that are made that are already panels already cut out that are ready for glass. Okay. So what would be the part of the video making that cabinet? It's going on the doors. How do we, you know, the kitchen, I'm not making anything no while making a new cabinet above the fridge, but that's it. Okay. But how do we get the potential sponsor for the company that makes the glass interested? Yeah. Um, I mean, they're not just honored to be on the channel.
Yeah, I don't know. I have to think about that. Yeah. I mean, their prices on glass is pretty crazy. Is it higher than everybody else? It was about four times higher than a local place. Oh, okay. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Some of this stuff is really good though. Yeah. I mean, I purchased stuff from them before. Yeah. We're talking about index. I wasn't not i just couldn' recover the name i bought a brass plate for my key plate on our door and it's it's nice and it was more expensive but it's nice. looking I went to the hardware store and bought one for like $39 and my voice was like, you can't get that one. How much was that plate? I believe it was like maybe inch piece of brass.
I bought that brass mesh. I think it was like 1100 bucks a sheet. They wanted me to do videos on that forever, and im like I don't have a job for that. Yeah, it's it's hard to cut, too, like you have to cut it with like a grinder. I was going to

Selling on Etsy

say. Or I guess a non-ferrous blade in the table saw, but it's woven, so it's it kind of like wants to come apart. but I use a track saw and just like destroy the place. I'm like, wow, whatever. It's pretty tough stuff. Yeah.
And you didn't have to, did you buy a whole sheet of that? You had to buy a cup. a large piece because it was just a small piece you needed, right? No, we built these cabinets. The pieces I used on these acorns were left over. We built these mid century cabinets that had them in the doors. Oh, that's right. The client was like, yeah, we found this. It's pretty cheap on Etsy. And they sent it to me and it was like for like a three by three sample. It was like twenty dollars. I'm like, yeah, no, I'm like, you got to change the size. The funny thing is sometimes I don't know if you'll hear about it now, but I remember seeing a story where
some couple bought like furniture for their home and it turned out to be like doll furniture. Oh God. You know, they're like, what? Well, yeah, doll house furniture. I've been, I've been throwing some things on Etsy just to sort of just experiment. Cause I just got sucked down the drop of a watch and he's like, I did six figures in Etsy this year, you know? Um, and so I've been like just throwing little things on Etsy just to see just kind of an experiment. and i see stuff on there and I'm like how could you ever make money and making a side table for $175? They're not making money that's the thing. But I don't get why anyone would do it then. Well it's people who do it as a hobby I think and they're just like well if I can cover the material then I can keep doing this for forever. Yeah I guess but it's like
I still, and I feel like you you lose money at $200 every time you ship. Shipping is the hassle. I mean, that's what I love about this thing with Printful. Have we sold anything else other than just a couple sweatshirts? ah No, that was it. Just the two sweatshirts. We should make a coffee cup like this one. yeah but That's a nice size.
i like that better than the metal ones think i sold one coffee cup now two two coffee cups with the stars Somebody messaged me today on Instagram and they said, where can I get the t-shirts and sweatshirts? I sent him them a link but they didn't buy anything. I think the prices are really good too. Well Jack, my son Jack is like, I can't believe that sweatshirt is only 30 bucks. It's really comfortable. yeah I like it. I can't believe I got paint on it already. like good but it's It's really comfortable. I'm wearing a lot.
Yeah. Yeah. I hate when you buy something, it's like a weird fit or like I'm just, I don't know. Sometimes you get a t-shirt and like the collar is really tight. I want to get sweatshirts for MW Machine Co, but there's a, there's a guy in Long Ranch, a company who did my business cards and they're like really nice business cards, like very thick and textured. And, uh, every time I give them up, people are like, oh shit, these are awesome. Uh, and they make sweatshirts and they've been order minimum is like eight.
But I'm sure just knowing them, it's like a nice way. I want to get like a 1620 or like, uh, like a real like crazy sweatshirt. Cause then I would sell it direct to my website because I'm like, well, if the sweatshirt's like $85, you know, I'll go to the, the Hasselow shipping it and bagging it.
I have to say though, like a machine company, I think we've come up with some really cool graphics. It kind of lends itself to that. Like MW, first of all, I like the way your MW machine code looks, but it's not like it implies heavy metal, but there's maybe a a little bit of that. like an industrial yeah like I think you can do some really cool graphics and I think maybe get some good fitted shirts.
And there'll be people like, yeah, I want want that. And then you can almost, because you're in a good shape, you can be like almost in a model for your shirt. Yeah. That's compressed air. I couldn't figure out what that was. Sounded like a shopping bag. Yeah. as As I do more products, I'll do that. I'll probably go over to Shopify too. like One thing I want to do that I think would be like low hanging through is make really nice base plates for all the routers.
like me
Dyson laser laser markup or whatever because like the McKee the baseplate that comes with the Makita router and the Bosch routers are like super sketchy in my opinion. Can you do Delrin? Could do Delrin, yeah. Because the issue is like the ones that they use they're hard plastic and they scratch everything even though it's plastic. I think aluminum would would be even worse. It would probably scratch the hell out of the surface. Anodized aluminum you think though, something with like a really nice coat on yeah that's Yeah, but maybe it could be Dalaran, that would be probably better. would You would do a machine Dalaran in your thing? Yeah, people cut Dalaran in plastics all the time. Just a different kind of bit, right? I don't even know if it's a different bit. I had one Dalaran job come in and I totally like priced myself out of it because I didn't know how to really buy it.
Would you be cool ah with a lubricant with ah with a liquid lubricant or would it just let it fly? I don't know. I've never cut it. I think you can cut it dry. A lot of people cut steel dry. It's kind of all over the place.
Um, but yeah, like I want to do more of those products. I'm also doing this for a week. I saw. Yeah. I was wondering if that's what it was. We're going to do that thing. We're always going to talk to our pastor because so they do a thing called dinner church and they feed the people of red back. It's amazing what they do. And so we figured we'd come up with some kind of a food oriented thing that can either Either they have an eBay store. I don't know how we figured out, but basically our audience, people, anybody can bid on it. And a hundred percent of the proceeds would go to this dinner church as a fundraiser. So my feeling is he would make the Perot beef cutter. You've got the salt cellar. I would make the, um, the cutting board, or we use the one you have.
And then I could just watch you guys work. I would make ah like the salatons, those cherry salatons are really nice. And that's like three or four products. And I would just do a real overview video of everything getting made, kind of like Made in America. That's a cool thing. And the idea is that someone who's a foodie would be like, okay, this is great products made in America for a good cause.
I'm going to donate a ton of money because it goes to a good cause and that's really what it is. It's not a money maker for us. It's just good will, yeah you know, and, uh, and kind of fun, you know, it's kind of fun to get your name out there and, and do a project like that. So would it be a, it would be a package or they would each be individual.

Charity and Machining Projects

I think it'd be a package because I could see, I could see like what happened was little took the, um, cutting board that you gave me.
And she put the salt box that you made and my, um, my role of the rolling pin. That's right. And the rolling pin is like, Oh, that looks really cool. I can see that as a package. And there's so many foodies and in this area, there's art churches in the most fluent area, but, um, there's still a fluent people who go there, which I don't know the type of people would bid on something like that. but think a lot of sui people are and to be more aff fluent
because they could for food yeah i don't know if i would do them as a package I think I would might do them separately. ah You get more money separately. I was kind of thinking that, yeah. because i thought you get I don't have a hard opinion. You get a separate bidding, whereas there might be something that people really want, and your more serious bidders will go after one item, where something else can fill a spot for a certain demand. I would let Laurel decide that.
because even if we even if we don't agree with what she's doing. And you know, like if it's a package, it's going to fetch more money. So more people might drop out as it gets, you know, let's say it's 500 bucks. Like people are going to drop out. But if, if the cutting board is at a hundred and people might keep bidding up, you know, I don't know where we get, I don't know how the options.
maybe the church Do it on Sunday. Right after Eucharist. no i read one five dollars right i um I don't know if thought the church has an eBay account. I don't know how that would look. They could do like a, I don't know, is the is there like a vest? to be like a ah I think it would all be online. We never even see the physical product. They would just see it, you know, in pictures.
And so we would stage good pictures and all the traffic would come there through video, Instagram, YouTube, whatever, and then it would get shipped out. But as far as who has the eBay account, maybe the church has one. Do you know what I mean? So the bidder knows that 100% of it is gone.
little tree in my Instagram or whatever. But we're still, I haven't even talked to the yeah church about it. It's kind of like we're all
i thought this was like a real plan between youtube was it'll happen yeah That's how I kick off my video. I do a YouTube video. I'm making this for an upcoming video. Oh, did you do that? Yeah, cause i miss but that's fine. I'm making five from many anybody. But the next thing is i'm giving um I'm doing two for the guy who has this like Polish catering company. he was like I was like, hey, I'm going to make one of these again. So while I'm making one, I'm going to make probably five. because Instead of using like a shitty cookie cutter from China, I'm going to actually get like a real steel wool die made in Pennsylvania and get this circular portion. It'll be like a 40,000, like real stainless blade. And he was like, yeah, I'll buy a couple if they're, if they're good, you know, so I'm going to give one to him and let him like test it, get some cool photos of him.
using it, because I need like, I just, I'd like to get kind of more in that world, you know, have something that I can, almost like a softbox thing. Do you have, do have good footage or photos of the, the, the cutter in use with food? No, never. I'm sorry. I don't even know how to use it. Also, we should talk with Casey about that, because Casey might know. That's when Casey, that's like everyone who's ever come to the shop. I always have parts, kind of how people are coming by
He's like, wow, this is really crazy. you know so We should shoot a video with Casey and one of his chefs doing the mushrooms at the farm or something. He's always up for that, making content. Yeah, just ah a pierogi is like a really niche. Not niche, but you know it's like a lot of people make them like. Yeah, a lot of pierogi sounds like it would be. Yeah. Yeah, totally. I totally could see that. I had an idea of like tongs, but not like tongs, more like tweezers. like A lot of chefs now use these like big ass tweezers
as like tom i don't know how you can machine that though I think a lot of that stuff is like spring steel that gets like like yeah but like he could still do like like there's a lot of stuff where I would have it just like water jet like where it's like when I did those um the for you know you know cure us tools things The back portion of it, I was like, I could make you this, but it's so it's like not efficient for me to make you this. You just get a laser cut. I'm happy to do that with something that's... I thought that, and then maybe like wood scales? Yeah. Let me see if I can... um
also think that knife thing again would be fun to get you down the road yeah the nice game is pretty competitive It seems like but I would like to do it. I've always been The CNC knives are really cool the guys are making You know, the other thing too is we can get good footage of the Peroni cutter with Peter Yeah, Peter's like really into food. We get in his kitchens like really good for it Well, I want to make it like a sub company because there's a lot of restaurants around here. Just equal to i be be neat
But the funny thing, so like that's $11, right? Yeah. yeah So the funny thing is like, I had a guy email me the other day and he's like, he's like, uh, Oh, I just, you know, bought this razor, this like safety razor. I want like a custom brass handle. I was like, that'll be $750. Yeah. Well, I was like, I was just like, dude, I can't, I can't do anything for less than $400. You know, it's like almost impossible to do anything for less than $400 and make any money. And he was like, yeah, I was looking to spend maybe at most fifty
not even the she been like that's what this phone call cost Yeah, well I have the new client questionnaire on my website So it's like if you call me it says if you're a new client go to the website fill out this thing and the like last question is your budget and I give the analogy I'm like you know, like imagine you're out to dinner and ah You know, I'm like talking about a sommelier most people filled this out probably know what that is like, you know, the sommelier could recommend a bottle for you that cost a $50 or $5,000 and they're they'll both be good. You know, I don't know. Maybe I can pull up the the thing and read it because I'm not going to do it justice. But, you know, it's basically like if you don't give me a budget. Yeah. How can you? How can I design something for you? All right. Give me a second here. I'm pulling it up. I say.
Although you may want to keep this information secret, it's crucial to our design process that we have an accurate idea of our client's budget. Here's an analogy that may help explain. You're out to a restaurant and you'd like a bottle of wine. You tell the sommelier what you like and what you may be eating so they can choose a proper bottle for you without giving the sommelier an idea of how much you're looking to spend. There's no way they can do their job effectively.
They may have a $50 bottle, a $150 bottle, and a $500 bottle that all fit the bill. The Sommelier wants to pick the best bottle for you. So that we may design the best piece for you. What is your budget? Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. I like that a lot. I'm like, one of the things I do now, that people, I think at the beginning really tried to push me to do, to give like an on the spot price. And I always tell people, going to like sit down and get a quote from material, figure out what it's going to be on my end of the program. But yeah, I notice that like anyone that calls me from ah like a Google listing is 90%. It's always usually there's just like a ah terrible
customer you know that I they just don't take on. yeah Really, anyone that's not a business is really hard to work with. but I think I've done one job for someone that's not a business. It just never works out, especially car guys. you know Car guys, are the this thing that drives me nuts is I'll sometimes get calls from like really young, like guys my age and they're like, Hey, there's this thing I need for my car. Uh, I can buy it here for $350 on this website. Do you think you could beat that? And I'm like, there's no way. Cause they're making those by the thousand, you know, and selling it for that price. And they, they had it figured out. So it's just like plug and play. Um, it's the custom people are really detached from like what is like truly custom and like what it,
takes to actually make something. That's like what's gotten me lately is I'm doing a lot of really custom work. And the weird thing is, is it's like hard to draw the line where like, it's not my responsibility to like be your engineer and like figure out the solution. For the most part, it's like my job to hit a spec, you a really accurate spec. So what I'm like, I'm trying to get more into the products. And as far as like the job shop work, I want to just be working off of step files and prints because whenever it's something that you're kind of drawing it's like it's got to work and then if it doesn't work it's it's not usually a good thing but it's like how much can you control that at the end of the day you know yeah yeah it's like you're never gonna be compensated for all that time exactly it's like you're never gonna make up that time so like the the molds and doing right now for those people are like ah maybe you could drive down here and and look at our situation and see how you could integrate and I'm like
No, I give you a drawing and if you approve the drawing and it it works for you, it's what you need. I just make it to the spec of the drawing. That's kind of how it goes. so it's Yeah, I'm trying to get more away from that kind of like ultra custom stuff.
Yeah, or just be upfront and say, listen, you know, if I need to design, you know, do design work and, and revisions, it's billable per hour at this rate, you know? Yeah. That's what I've been doing. And it's nice to, I'll just call it a change order term over at timber change order. Yes. Change orders are 10 and 10, 10% on material, 10% on labor. Yeah. Um, so.
Yeah, but the products will be cool as they start to go. The mallets were awesome. Like, we could just do mallets all the time and stuff like that. Like, that was a great job. You can probably do another one of those. Yeah, I still have another six feet of brass in the shop. So I can just kind of do them whenever. So maybe that would be something to do soon. That would be cool. I'd like to also come up with another design for a mallet just to change it up a little bit. Yeah, I'll probably do another 30 the way they are and then change it a little bit.
Those are fun to make them. I enjoyed doing that. That was fun. Cause it was like little elves out in the shop the day we delivered them around the shop together, packing them up and put that story on Instagram. Yeah. So they could go from Leonardo, Jersey city to Trenton to Kingsburg. That is crazy. Yeah. Well, just, just went all over the world before it came like.
few blocks down the road. Yeah, I couldn't believe that. Um, I haven't used it yet. I moved it today from over there

Reflections on Craftsmanship

to over here and I was like, I haven't used this. I don't think anyone's used this like at all. I, you know, I have like that style of mallet and it's the kind of thing that only comes out every so often, you know, I plan on using mine more once I, once I start to do some more solid wood work, uh, you know, basically chisel work.
But this next project that is going to be solid wood isn't going to have any chisel work. It's all like lap joints and hand plane. It's the bingo. It's going to be heavy. It's a bench. Real simple. Just like two lap joints and a piece of wood, you know, kind of top. The boards, I've had these boards for probably 30 years. I was going to say it looked really ah brown. Yeah. They've just been kicking around the shop.
I bought them when I built this, I called it a, I think I called it like um an entrance desk or a writing desk. It was basically, I built it for the gallery. So when people came into the gallery, they had a signing desk. You want to call it that a screw drawers. And basically it's, let's say it's a 22 inch wide desk. That's five feet long. And it's basically a box. It's all dovetail together.
And then as sliding dovetails for the Jordan Vider. So that's three drawers. The drawers are all made of one board. So all the drawers, you know, consecutive grain and all those, hand all those dovetails were hand cut. And I remember cutting those and said, holy of shit, this is a ton of work. I ended up cutting the dovetails with a sawzall. They look good. I mean, I look at that sometimes like, I don't know how I have the patience for this because I, to cut that many dovetails again is it thick it was like seventy eight
so europe Yeah because the thicker they are the the more time they take. Oh yeah it was a ton of work and there's not a lot of I'm sure that there's a little bit of epoxy and sawdust here and there but it's not bad at all I mean it's that's a good piece of furniture someone's gonna get that piece of furniture whoever gets that one whatever one of your kids gets that one and it's getting a good uh getting a good piece someone's gonna get nanny's table so I made a table Geez, like 30 years ago, again. And the base, I made a plywood base, and then I had it fabricated at Central Metal Fabrication. And then I had it grind all the wells and all that stuff. And then the top is eight-quarter white oak. And so Nanny asked me if if I want that. And I said, yes. And apparently Will's already, my brother Will already has dibs on that big colorful painting on the back wall. I didn't say anything, but i was like oh man hope that doesn't cause war
i don't want it but I can see like Jack or somebody wanting that. I just assumed that I'm going to get screwed out of all this. It's funny that he says that. I'm just waiting to do it. But I can make my own chip, you know, I'll figure it out. That's true. Well, the table suite, that table suit as a profile of the table is really cool. The bonus on that table is it comes with the six chairs. So the chairs are amazing. So the chairs are made by Peter Tischler.
I use a woodworker back and that I knew like 30 years ago. And they're solid Babinga. They might have, they might have rosewood like details, like a tiny little bead of rosewood. And it's all mortise and tannin. I mean, these chairs are amazing. What style of chair? I don't know. I don't know, but the backrest is nuts. So the back are laminates. Yeah. They're like little strips. I'll send a picture. We'll have to put it up. I'll send a picture.
and we'll put it up on the Today's Craftsman Instagram so so people can see it. They're really nice. So Peter got out of the woodworking thing. Smart man. Yeah. well He was making studio furniture. Okay. So he would go down to like the Philadelphia Furniture Show and all that stuff. And then I just knew him, but then I got out of the furniture game because I got into the art. I got into the art gallery and when once I opened the art gallery,
But the last piece of furniture that I made was that writing desk, because then after that, it was just all furniture and frames, not furniture, paintings and frames. That's all I made for like almost 20 years. And then I started making furniture again when I made that table and made the first YouTube video. And then that kind of got me hooked to going back to woodworking.
Yeah. Speaking of studio furniture, um, we're still, we still got to figure out when and all the details, but so we're going to build a piece of furniture and then, um, somebody's going to win it. Yeah. That'll be interesting. Exciting to see. Are you happy with the design? Are you 100% sold on it? I haven't, I haven't tweaked. Um, I wonder if we want to make like a little model, like full size model of plywood to see what we think.
So that's, that's at full height. Yeah. So, um, okay. We can just say what it is, right? Yeah. Okay. So I made the, it's a Nakashima entrance table and I made it for a client about four or five years ago. I like it as an entrance table at 30 inches tall and the front is both.
ah please a big part in the vo the reason why that design is successful. And then we thought, okay, to make it a little bit simpler or maybe more accessible because more people could use a coffee table than an entrance table, we can shrink it down to, what is that, 20 inches for a coffee table? 18 inches or something? Yeah, yeah, I forget what I added up. So anyway, I'm wondering if it looks a little squat there, but maybe we can shake those bottom legs. That was my thought. I have it at 16.
So we shift those bottom legs. What about bowing both sides? I think we bow both sides, for sure. the and So I think it will work. The downside about a coffee table on a base like that, bowing the sides will help. But a base like that, what do you call that kind of base? It's more tippy than a regular base, is what I'm getting at. Well, so this is as wide as the top is. But still, the corners yeah makes it tippy. But I don't think it.
If somebody, like if somebody sat on that table on the corner, it'll fall over. If they have four legs coming down and they sat on the corner, it would not. Yeah. I mean, we could always put these down here too. I think that would look ugly though. I thought about that. Yeah. I think we'd go with that. I'm kind of, I'm liking it. So those, those bond stretchers. Yeah. This needs to be shaped a little bit. Yeah. We shape them down. Same thing here. Same thing down. Exactly. Let's just do that. So are you,
are you feeling that the um in that lab joint here we have to drill a hole to put a dowel so we're screwing into cross grain so we're screwing into long grain we're not screwing into head grain because we're going to flat pack it so at the bottom at the bottom of the lab joint in the in the center base right about three quarters of an inch, right where your cursor is, we drill an inch and a quarter hole. And I actually would have to come down for it. Oh, i see I know. I know here's hole where it's going to be covered. Yeah. And then you put a gallon there and that way you're drilling into it. That way you're, you're screwing it to long grain, not end grain. Yeah. I've always done that. We don't have to flat pack it either. Okay. Well, I'm just saying, I think I, in this one,
on the video of this one that I've made, it's actually an inch or an inch and a quarter down, reinforcing that point going yeah yeah at six inches because that's pretty, pretty wide. I didn't want it to break. Yeah. That's, that's sort of my fear with flat pack is if you're going to flat pack it, it needs to be, um, loose enough where somebody can get it together easily. Somebody who doesn't build furniture that're not work and then it it could, uh, and you want to like glue that. and you know okay think you're gonna ship that
like a cra make print yeah So the idea is, we didn't talk about what the idea is, basically it's like ah like a raffle. So you might spend 25 bucks and get entered to win this piece of furniture that, I mean, this is a $7,500, $10,000 piece of furniture. So you could spend 25 bucks and yeah we'll we'll cap the entries at however much it'll cost to cover you know us building it and shipping it.
So let's say it's a thousand entries or something. That's 20. That's 25 grand. That'd be nice yeah we' be nice. We'll figure it out. But let's say, let's say it's capped at a thousand entries. So if you buy one entry, you have a one in 1000%. Yeah. So you're not spending 10 grand, but I'd spend 25 for the chance. nice thing is we don't have There's not much to lose. It'll be a fun project. to get videos But I think ah you know it's a cool idea to build upon you know where we could be building cool furniture we want to build and people could have the chance to win this really cool furniture for a small amount of money. Maybe they get the plans with the price of the brothel. That's what we were saying like remember saying. So this was inspired by um
I entered to win a K-Truck. And, you know, so you go on the website and you could like buy a t-shirt for two entries or, or you can buy like a digital poster or whatever. There was all different things you could buy to get entries. So it could be like you go to the website and buy a hoodie and you get one entry where you buy the set of plans, you get one entry and they'd be priced accordingly to, you know, cover the cost of whatever it is plus the entry fee. But yeah, did that, did that i expire that? Yeah, some dude in like Wisconsin want it. Can you even drive a K-Truck around here? Like with the registration? Yeah, they have to be 25 years older. 25 years or more old. Really? Wow. Yeah, I've been looking at them like crazy. cause The prices are so inflated. It's crazy. Yeah. Just looks like it'd be fun. especially it's going long branch every day yeah
Pretty, pretty easy. I'm driving my truck again because my wife's not driving with the shoulder. Yeah. Yeah. I miss driving it. Yeah. It's a nice truck.
Well, I think we're, uh, we're up over an hour here, so might as well call it. call it an episode. Yeah. All right. See you guys next week. Yeah. Thanks for listening. And, uh, yeah, we'll see you next week. A docking drawer video is out tomorrow. Yeah. No. Yeah. Wait. Well, this, this comes out Friday. Oh, that's right. Yeah. So if you're listening to this tomorrow, there will be an episode on the docking drawer. All right. Talk to you next week.
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