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Jeffrey Krug
The American Craftsman Podcast is sponsored by Hayfla. Hayfla offers a wide range of products and solutions for the woodworking and furniture making industries. From hinges and drawer slides to connectors and dowels, sandpaper, wood glue, shop carts, and everything in between. Exclusive product lines such as looks, LED lighting, and Slido door hardware ensure that every project you create is built to last. Learn more at
Jeffrey Krug
Additional sponsorship provided by Ridge Carbide. When you need the right saw blade for the job, put your trust in Ridge Carbide tools. For over 50 years, Ridge Carbide has been producing industrial saw blades designed with the exact specifications for the cutting results you expect. Before you buy, call us and we'll help you determine the right tool that meets your needs and your budget. After the sale, Ridge Carbide provides sharpening services for all your saw blades, dado sets, router bits, and jointer planer knives.
Jeffrey Krug
Located in Kansas, Ridgecar by Tools provides high quality products with outstanding customer service at a fair price. What are you cutting? shame Enjoy the show. the chain
Jeffrey Krug
ah All right, welcome back. It's already Monday. I know.

Holiday Plans and Podcast Break

Jeffrey Krug
I guess a little little bit of housekeeping before we get started. Next week, we're not going to have a podcast.
Jeffrey Krug
don't I don't think so, but you never know. Yeah. Well, it'll be a good surprise if we do. There you go. It's possible, but next week is Christmas. That's right. Monday, um my daughter doesn't even have school next week, not even on Monday.
Jeffrey Krug
ah i'm sure I'm sure Hunter doesn't have school. I thought they had school on Monday, but not Tuesday. I'm pretty sure that Olivia does not have school on Monday next week. It's a super long holiday. Yeah, it's like two full weeks almost. Let me see. I have the lunch menu here in my... Are you going to work or are you going to take a break? Oh, wow. Yeah, they are closed. Two full weeks. Not two full weeks. They go back to school on Thursday though. Oh, they do. Of the following week. So that's the January 2nd? Yeah. Okay. So second and third day of school.
Jeffrey Krug
um That makes for a short week. that's Yeah, nice. I'll probably work I'll definitely work Monday and then Sometimes I come in Christmas Eve. You don't have anything going on until the night the evening so Christmas Eve is at your home ah No, so we go to my sister-in-law's for Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day. We'll be at my house. That's nice Yeah, it's nice. You don't have to travel on Christmas Day. Yeah um we did last year did the year before and We're not traveling at all. This is like one of the first years that we're not going up north. it's It's just that we end up getting home very late. It's an hour and 20 minutes. And then you're sort of beat trying to get Christmas Eve ready ah for the Christmas morning. well a We really don't have to do much. But back in the day when the kids were little, Laurel and I would be up forever trying to. You want to have a couple drinks so yeah you know when you're out, yeah too, and then you've got to drive. and So this is going to be a very relaxed, ah
Jeffrey Krug
ah Pretty laid back. i'm I'm actually so my house sleeps in even on Christmas night. I mean, everybody's older when the kids are little they're up at crack of dawn. But now everyone sleeps in some weather permitting. I'm hoping to get a bike ride in before before like everybody gets up. Your kids don't seem like sleeping in kids.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, they're not my wife and my daughter will sleep in. um Walter and Michael are relatively early, but they're not up early like I am. I'm up early. I just I just got to get out. ah I just can't sit there with my.
Jeffrey Krug
Uh, my eyes open, you know, so I get up and then inevitably I do a little computer work and then I'm like, okay, if the weather's right, I'm going to ride.

Mountain Biking and Fitness Discussion

Jeffrey Krug
And, uh, I went, so but let's go talk about bikes. Cause we never talk about bikes on this podcast. It's been a couple of weeks. My cousin, Dave, who, uh, I used to mountain bike with when we were kids back in the eighties.
Jeffrey Krug
He came out ah last week and we went on a ride and he's at a place in his life where he's doing a lot of exercise. So he's got all this, you know, he's got the the Apple watch and all this stuff. So we went on this ride and we stopped for a minute and goes, wow, my heart's at 155.
Jeffrey Krug
And so I was like, Oh, great, you're getting a workout. And he's like, Oh, definitely, I've been getting a workout the whole time. And what a lot of people say about these pedal assist bikes, not to be ah not to be confused with electric bikes with a throttle, these bikes do not have a throttle, you have to pedal.
Jeffrey Krug
is ah a lot of serious exercise people are using them to stay in their hard zone for like two and three hours because with a regular bike, you blow yourself out, you just blow yourself Yeah, like if you come up to a hill on a mountain bike, be especially a mountain bike because you're dealing, you're dealing with a trail, right? You see, you have to put 100% effort in.
Jeffrey Krug
you could your your heart could like just max out honest on ah a fairly short hill where with the pedal assist, you can sort of, you you can up your assistance. you know I'm like, okay, I wanna keep my heart at you know between 140 and 160 for a certain amount of time. So it's it's really great for for like scientific training. yeah And and it back in the day when I used to race mountain bikes,
Jeffrey Krug
The thing that totally changed my my training and where I was placing in mountain bike races was getting a heart monitor. But I'm going back 30 something years. So I don't know where that is anymore. I don't know where the heart monitors or even if it would work. um But I used to do interval training and then you would you know you would train with your heart. I think back then I was training with my heart between 160 and 180.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, that's pretty high. And then you would do you would do sprint training. But it it was a psychological thing because instead of saying, Okay, I'm kind of tired now, you'd be like, Oh, maybe I'm not tired because my heart's telling me I'm not tired. So I'm going to push it a little bit harder. So anyway, something to think about. What's your do you have a low resting heart rate? It's around 60. Yeah. What about you? Mine's low. I have bradycardia, which is like low heart rate. Wow. Yeah. And what is that?
Jeffrey Krug
Uh, it could get down into like the, like, it's, it's been below 50. Wow. Yeah. Wow. That's really low. Yeah. They're like, what do you run marathons? I'm like, look at me.
Jeffrey Krug
I only run if I'm in danger.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it's funny. So anyway, that's um a little bit of my um mountain biking. What else is going on? ah Not much. I didn't do anything this weekend. you know It's Monday, obviously, and you know you come into the shop. How was your weekend? What'd you do? I'm like, I didn't do anything this weekend. No work. No.

Superhero Movies and Family Entertainment

Jeffrey Krug
No, I stopped in the shop ah yesterday, Sunday, and just checked on that glue up. But that was it. Kind of sat around. We watched ah the new Venom movie on Saturday.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, really? Yeah. Is it on? ah What service is it on? ah We had to rent it on Amazon Prime. Okay. Yeah. And what did it go for 19? 2499. Yeah, see, I won't do I can't I see 1999 that I won't even do that. Yeah, on a Christmas day, I would do it. But it was it was 20 to rent 25 to buy. So I just bought it. Really? Yeah. So you'll watch it more than once.
Jeffrey Krug
No, I won't. but Hunter will. Oh, yeah. That's the only reason I watched it. The superhero movies are not my thing. I agree with you. I'm totally not into the superhero movies. Yeah. I hate like comic relief that, they you know, that they use and it's just not my. So these aren't really superhero movies, but like super bad. No, that wasn't super bad. What was it? What was the one where it was Red Mist was the ah the villain? I don't know. was It it was sort of ah It was sort of a play on, uh, like a spoof movie. Yeah. More like that. I forget the name of it, but it was, it was pretty funny. It had, it had the, it had McLovin in it from super bad. Oh, ah um, I know what you're talking about. That was a funny movie. Uh, kick ass. Yeah. Kick ass. Yeah. That was funny. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not really, and they're so predictable. That's the whole thing is, uh, you know, if I'm going to,
Jeffrey Krug
allocate two hours of my life to sitting down and watching something. I don't want it to be predictable. yeah I want it to be as unpredictable as possible. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I had a pretty lazy weekend too. we We have a fireplace in the house, which we don't use all that often. ah But it's nice when you do. yeah I mean, a fireplace is great.
Jeffrey Krug
We can't really use it on a windy day because wind will come down the chimney sometimes and blow smoke into the house. yeah So that's something to consider. I kind of look at the forecast and see what's going on. we also don't have a lot of firewood because I've taken a lot of trees, just trees that have fallen down and bad trees down over the years and now I'm starting to run out. So now I'm going around cleaning up the woods with that little that little Milwaukee hatchet. Did you get a ah ah small handheld chain? So I thought you were no but you were thinking about, I thought some company was thinking about giving you one. once
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, I remember that, but I don't know what happened. So handy. So the thing I like about this little Milwaukee one is it's it has steel bucking spikes.
Jeffrey Krug
So I have a green works too, but that's like a big saw that you really need two hands with. And I think that has plastic bucking spikes, which are basically useless. Yeah, right. So the the little Milwaukee, you can work with you you can operate with your right hand and you can handle the material with your left hand so you can hold the stick over your wheelbarrow and just cut it into nice little 16-inch strips or whatever. And so i I just go around. It's like nice therapy. Go out there, fill up. I have one of those two-wheel wheelbarrows, so it holds a lot of material. Oh, yeah, that's what I have. And just ah filled up a bunch of bunch of two-wheel barrels, and we had fires Friday and Saturday. Why don't you go to a two-wheel wheelbarrow? There's no going back to a single wheel.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, you're right. I have i have a few wheelbarrows and all the other ones have one wheel. You can carry two to three times as much crap. I always reach for the two wheel. So it's like the only time I don't use it is if one of them's got a flat, you know, one of the tires is flat or something like that. That's actually a terrible thing. You ever load up a wheelbarrow and not really pay attention until you you look at like, oh, it's full of ah all the soil and it's got a flat tire. Oh my God. No.
Jeffrey Krug
um totally Well, that all you do is you grab your compressor and bring it out there and fill it up. Yeah. I seem to have to do that with my lawnmower lately. And in in fact, we were talking about um ah we were talking about who's the guy that you did some metal work with.
Jeffrey Krug
Uh, Austin. Oh, yeah. So, um, his father owns the, uh, owns the Instagram. I don't know if he has YouTube channel, does he? Popo Ridge. Uh, I don't know. He might. So I follow him on Instagram and just, just in the subject matter of flat tires, he did a post on something called flat out.
Jeffrey Krug
which is a way of fixing a flat. And have you ever used Fix-a-flat? Is it like a slime? It is. Yeah. So Fix-a-flat doesn't work for anything, in my view. It works for a little while. I saw, ah I don't know his name from Popo Ridge. ah um Oh, crap. dress ah Travis. Travis.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, I saw him put a post up apparently. ah He they get a decent amount of flats on their tractor. And he was talking about this flat out. And you can get it over at a track track to supply. And I put that in my trailer track my trailer tires, which are all dry rotted. They're terrible. They're like maybe 13 years old.
Jeffrey Krug
They're great. It's been whole. I did it in the spring. They still have. They still. The only thing is you need to remove the valve to get the stuff in there. Oh, yeah. It's like doing a bike tire. It's like doing it. It's like, well, do you have ah tubeless tires now? they're your Tubeless ready, but they have to. Yeah. Same thing with. ah So like our mountain bikes are my bike. I've already done it where you just basically put the. um You put this material into the tire and then when you get a little pinhole or whatever.
Jeffrey Krug
It fills it. So same yeah, same concept. But it works great. And now my lawnmower gets a flat all the time. I'm thinking maybe I need to do the ah flat out. Yeah. Yeah, they had those run flat tires for cars, too. I don't know if those are still a thing. I don't know. I've never used it. But a friend of mine who mountain bikes, he has he has like a sponge that he runs in his tire now. And I said, it sounds to me like you're describing a pool noodle.
Jeffrey Krug
He goes, Yeah, that's pretty much what it looks like. And so is that if it goes flat, it's you can still run on you still ride. Yeah, so it's not optimal to go for a ride on that. Yeah. But if you're out in the woods, you know, if you're five miles in the woods and you get a flat, you're not, you're not out. Yeah, that sounds like it would suck.
Jeffrey Krug
it would. And I've had that happen worse than that, though, is breaking a chain and not having a chain tool because once with a flat, you know, if your front tires flat, you can kind of ride it a little bit here and there. If your chains broken, you're kind of out of luck. Yeah, like what's worst case scenario you you ruin your rim? Yeah. What's a rim cost?
Jeffrey Krug
I wouldn't want to deal with it. A couple hundred bucks probably. It's actually pretty hard to ride on a flat tire too. So I do have a little patch kit with me and I've plugged a tire. in the woods. So in my in my toolkit, I do have a chain tool. I do have I do have a plug. You know, it's the same way you'd plug a car tire with like a co2 thing. So I have the co2 thing. I have a bottle of sealant. And then I have the plug that you drive into and you pull out just like you would have the car. It's like a gummy little bitch to get in. I've done it out in the woods. Have you done it on like on your truck though? So
Jeffrey Krug
I haven't done it on my truck. My brother and I, so my brother did it. I kind of watched my brother. Like pushing that thing into the tire is really hard. Yeah, he did it. Especially when it's flat. Yeah, he did it in ah in a, it wasn't a truck. It was like a minivan. We were out in Ohio and I guess my mom had a flat or something. I remember him doing that. So you have to ream that in there. Yeah, I've actually taken a drill bit and just like drilled, drilled the hole out. And then did you have to replace the tire? No. So did you bring it to the shop ever? No. Really?
Jeffrey Krug
Theoretically, I think you're supposed to bring it to the shop and then they patch it from inside. yeah I don't think they do that anymore. Really? Yeah, they probably don't want to deal with any kind of ah liability. Yeah, I've had tires that have patches that I've ridden for Mile like thousands of miles So I have a little channel news Probably one of the worst things that I've done in YouTube over the past decade or more is post things to my channel that are not related to woodworking. That's like the worst thing you could do. And I've known that forever, but I just... Well, think about it. It's like going to a fishing channel and seeing a cooking

YouTube Channel Strategy and Audience Feedback

Jeffrey Krug
show. Yeah. i See, I like to invest in the person. It's not 100% about the content. I think you're a rarity because
Jeffrey Krug
I think that i I'm more passionate about making like art projects than I am woodworking. I like them both. But I get like excited about like a like a process or working with a ah certain graphic or something like that. That's more art related. And so I will post that to the woodworking channel. And it's like the worst thing you can do because first of all, you get a ton of comments.
Jeffrey Krug
what What is this shit? You know what I mean? ah Because it's a lot easier to like a piece of furniture. Like if the craftsmanship is halfway decent, at least you can like that. But with our, everybody's a critic. yeah You know what I mean? and And especially the type of art that I like.
Jeffrey Krug
ah most people don't really care for. are are They'll look at the kind of art that I like and they'll be like, oh, anybody can make that. Like we were talking about the color field paintings of Barnett Newman last week. So anyway, with that being said, I finally ah decided to take all the art videos and you just go... The other thing too that makes it easy is you go to the analytics and you can say, okay, what kind of views has this video... received in the last six months. It's like, okay, over the last six months, this video has gotten four views, and has made, you know, half a penny. So I'm like, well, what's the downside of taking this off the channel? So what do you just unlist them? Are you I'm making them? I'm making them private for now.
Jeffrey Krug
Um, and so I'm not doing them all at once because it's like a hot, it's a headache. Yeah. And I'm also kind of going through them and seeing which ones have value. And I, I used to have a second channel or I know I'm not used to, I do have a second channel that at one time was called like the John Peters art channel. Then it was called builders notes, where I would talk about the project.
Jeffrey Krug
And then I didn't, I think I called it shop talk or something. Anyway, I just changed that to john Peters art classes. And look the name I got from my wife because I said, What should I call this channel? She goes, Why don't you just call it art classes? It's simple. And it is what it is. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
So on that channel, it's going to be fun for me because it's like no pressure. I don't expect to get any views. But at the same time, there are a handful of people who like to see those videos. And they actually make art for their homes based on the stuff that I'm talking about.
Jeffrey Krug
And so for those, for those viewers, and for me, it's like a fun project. And I went out today and just shot two videos just on things that I was doing. So that all came to fruition. We talked about that last week. Yeah, we I've been thinking about it. I've been thinking about it. And then after that, I was like, and and I listened to our podcast. I don't listen to all our podcasts. But sometimes I'm like, what the hell did I say there?
Jeffrey Krug
I, uh, so when I publish them, I, it, you have to go to this like preview thing. And then, so like I'll listen to it while it's, you know, I don't usually get through the whole thing, but yeah. So it's kind of nice to.
Jeffrey Krug
Realize you didn't say anything like totally like I try to edit myself Like I try to make sure I'm not gonna say anything. I'm gonna regret. Yeah The nice thing about making videos is we can always edit that out Here i I don't want to have to call you like on a Thursday. Hey Jeff, can you search that video at that time? I said that one thing Yeah, people would be like, oh man. It was so funny on the podcast when you guys were talking about XYZ. I'm like, I don't remember that Yeah, it's hard to remember anything. Yeah So anyway, that's what I'm excited about. i yeah I shot two videos and I posted one. So what ah i I don't know if you saw that video where i are a of I talked about it, where it's just a grid of squares oh yeah and I'm painting them. So that video had like no views on my channel. So I pulled that video off. I don't i don't remember a video. I remember the stories you were doing where where you'd pick a color every day. Yeah. So i was the plan was to
Jeffrey Krug
to just stick with that and almost let the Instagram viewer decide what square I would get painted. But then I just lost interest. ah's fair And then I lost interest in making any any um progress on the painting because I felt like every time I painted a square, I liked the painting less because I just liked the open space. And then I thought, well, I got to go through with it and just finish the whole thing. so ah So even though I stopped posting to Instagram and I stopped posting to YouTube, I figured, okay, I'll finish it off and I'll give a little um pretext.
Jeffrey Krug
to this video on the new channel. And um like I have to make a frame for a painting that ah Francis Cunningham gave my wife. I'm not going to make another frame video for my channel because that's just like another thing that my woodworking viewers don't want to say. Yeah, it's another you know, but the but the art viewers I think would want to see because Part of making the frame is I have to mount eighth-inch masonite. And so you I want to be able to mount it and so that the painting can be floated in the frame. And so I think there's a few hardest people out there who would want to see that. So that'll be something for the channel. Nice. And that's the whole idea, is getting something done while you're making a video, right? It's like making a video for the sake of making a video never worked for me. Yeah. there's yeah it It seems like most people, that's how they're operating.
Jeffrey Krug
I think they are. I think they are. I caught a little, well, I didn't really catch grief. I got one comment on my Instagram because I ah posted a video this week saying, how will your projects age? And in my Instagram story, I said, are you making video? Are you making are you making projects to last? Are you making projects for views?

Epoxy Tables: Trends and Critiques

Jeffrey Krug
Which is a true thing, right?
Jeffrey Krug
and um I mean, like for me, it always goes back to just looking at like good furniture design. like just It's as simple as shaker furniture. yeah you know All these years later, it's still good. And and i I don't have any problem with the people making epoxy tables or the fact that their videos are really popular. But I do have a problem with the fact that they are going to fail. And nobody seems to really be saying that on YouTube because I'll i'll search.
Jeffrey Krug
do epoxy pore tables fail, and really nothing comes up. Maybe we're going to make a couple. Well, I've said it before. I mean, a hairline crack in that super polished surface is a failure. Oh, yeah. And it's a callback. and so Well, these people aren't making client pieces. Yeah, but although I've seen some people, well, they claim that they're client plea pieces, maybe not.
Jeffrey Krug
I think the motivation there is actually the epoxy companies are probably giving or sponsoring a big portion of those videos. Yeah. I mean, epoxy is not cheap. I know. It's a lot of money. It's, ah I mean, we're talking like $1,000, $1,500 for some of these pours. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's like, you know, you figure 100 bucks a gallon for epoxy. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, John's wearing a total boat sweatshirt. Well, I do like the gleam. I do like gleam and I'd use a few. ah I like to fix so a lot. Yeah. ah We had some. I think maybe you gave it to us. yeah I'm not sure if we ever used it for the right for the right ah project. It's great stuff. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
And I like epoxy. I just don't like it. I don't like a big thick pore of epoxy in between two pieces of walnut. Yeah, I just don't get it. No, it's just not good. it's and And that's the whole thing with furniture, right? i think I think people are trying too hard today with YouTube to make furniture for a wow factor that That's the difference between furniture and art. right you know you put Art can be delicate because it's on the wall and it's really not serving a function. Furniture needs to serve a purpose. And if it can't serve the purpose, then it's a failure. That's just how I think about it. yeah the The big thing, I don't know if it's still big, but like people doing these like river tables where they're putting like you know all kinds of stuff inside of it, like
Jeffrey Krug
coffee beans or like cigars, empty shell casings, yeah seashells. It's just so gaudy. Do you know what's really the grossest ones? Are the ones that are supposed to look like ah the waves rolling up to the beach? I mean, that that to me is just like... It just doesn't get much worse. Yeah. Because it's such an in stark contrast to the real thing. you know and What's the use for it? I mean, you know they're not using that as a cheese board, are they? I don't know. They're putting their Hormel pepperoni and cracker barrel cheddar cheese on there.
Jeffrey Krug
ah Honey, bust out the easy cheese. Cheese whiz. Oh, my God. That reminded me of that. I was thinking of those hors d'oeuvres from that Joe Frank episode. Oh, man.
Jeffrey Krug
That's the kind of listen to more of that I listened to quite a bit. You know, it sucks that you can't really get it anywhere but YouTube you can sign up for that like ah website, but it costs money. It does cost money. ah Yeah, you have to listen to it on YouTube now, but Jeff and I were listening to it and I'll never do it justice, but The the actor Larry about Larry block who was a real actor ah He's passed away and so is so is Joe Frank now But they they get into this kind of funny argument like Country Club versus Country Club Yeah, like whose Country Club is better and it's they're actually talking about something else but it it all comes down to the Country Club and it's like
Jeffrey Krug
It's like a married couple like sniping at each other. Funny as could be. It's definitely dark humor, though. Yeah, yeah. It's just it's, it's good to look like it's got a great sound, you know.
Jeffrey Krug
I mean, that guy was way before his time because that stuff is like all starting in the mid to late 80s. And I found him and if you're driving, it's it's definitely something you're only going to enjoy by yourself too. You can't really listen to that with anybody because you're in your own head. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
It's not like... It's like something you would listen to with like with your eyes closed and the lights off. Yeah. Well, I found when I was driving, like I would feel like I was like in a different place than everybody else around me. like Because you're just he he mixes in these really great beats. Yeah. A lot of this atmospheric sort of ah sound.
Jeffrey Krug
Also, also a lot of the conversations are happening through a phone. So yeah there's ah such a voyeuristic quality to it. It's funny as can be. I put it on when I'm like drawing or like bidding work. So you still listen to it. Oh, yeah. Oh, cool. Yeah. I feel it like it's a success whenever I turn somebody on the Joe Frank because it's a small crowd. Yeah. it's I mean, it's it's good.
Jeffrey Krug
it's really yeah but you know again i don't like marvel movies and most people like those so that's the thing i don't think most people would like it i try to get my kids into it and they still haven't they haven't reached it my wife is like what the hell is this crap i i think i i i mentioned it i had this one guy work for me when years and years ago, and he was like in his ah late teens, early 20s, and he got hardcore into it. He he got he got so into it, and he was a computer guy, so he was able to record all these things, and he was originally recording them on ah um like a ah you know a cassette deck. Oh, wow. Then he started to record them on digital, and I have some of them, but now I don't even have a CD player. There's probably a way that you can get them to download. I know you can download YouTube videos,
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, you can you're right. Yeah, but but his whole library like he's got an extensive library. And so what we're getting on YouTube is just a taste. Yeah, because it was like a what a weekly show. It was a weekly show. And then I think he was just doing his own thing. So it was out of KCRW. And um that's Santa Monica, maybe. I don't know.
Jeffrey Krug
Anyway, really, really well done. So if you if you think you're into that kind of thing, do a ah Google search on Joe Frank on YouTube or whatever and take a listen. Yeah, Jeff and John are fucked up just like these like little vignettes of weird situations, like picture, right? Yeah, really paints a picture. Yeah. Yeah. And if you're, you know,
Jeffrey Krug
I don't know. I don't know how to explain it, but I liked it. Yeah, cool. Cool. um I forgot what got us on to talking about that. Me need me too. um I forget. We just shot two videos though. Yeah, wish well, why don't you tell about the drill? Yeah, so I got a mag drill sent out by a company called Garvey.
Jeffrey Krug
which um seems like sort of like a vivore because they so they sent me originally they sent me an email and there was this whole list of stuff and I'm looking at them like why did they want to send me they're like you know you could pick something out of this list I'm like why do they want to send me any of this stuff it was like an espresso machine and a a kids like you remember power wheels yeah like power wheels ah all kinds of random stuff Um, they were, they were, uh, messaging me on or emailing me on green street. So I'm like, I don't know. I'm like, you want to send me that espresso machine? Cause I was, I'm like, Hey, you know, whatever they want to send something fine. I'll make a stupid video for the green street and YouTube. Nobody goes there anyway. So they're like, Oh no. They're like, that doesn't really fit with your channel. I'm like, okay. I'm like, none of these fit with my channel. And they were like, no, no, you gotta go to the bottom. There's another tab. It's tools. So it was like, uh,
Jeffrey Krug
I forget. a lot of Nothing was even borderline relevant to like woodworking. That was the closest thing. and I had been um not so much thinking about buying one, but thinking about the fact that it would make it a lot easier to drill holes in ah the shaper specifically is where I wanted to put holes.
Jeffrey Krug
and um So I was like, yeah, I was like, send me the mag drill. Because it you know I actually have a use for it. like I've wanted to drill holes in the shaper for a long time. And this will make it a lot easier. Drill and tap, yeah. Yeah, you can you can um make a block, drill a hole in the block on the drill press, and then use that. And you know it'll work fine. Cast iron is not hard. But you know if they're going to send it, I'll try it out.
Jeffrey Krug
and work pretty good. I thought I was I was impressed with it. Yeah, it's loud. I mean, the motor didn't sound nice. It sounds like a corded drill. You know, corded drills always sound. Yeah, it sounded a little rough. But the magnet is strong. Yeah, pretty. I was pretty impressed.
Jeffrey Krug
So that'll be our video on Saturday. Yep. Then we we shot another video, which we may shoot a different video. We'll say, I think that's not bad, that video, but I think it's pretty good for the, especially for the week, you know, that's true. I chose the holiday week. Uh, I, um, I don't know if I'll be posting anything. It's Monday, so I haven't really thought of anything. Uh, I, I would like to post something every week, but I don't think I'm going to do that. We were talking.
Jeffrey Krug
about buying a big bundle of cherry going into the new year, I'd like to do that. Yeah. Well, you know, we can figure out, you know, how that makes economic sense. ah Because I want to build at least at least nine pieces of solid cherry furniture next year. ah And I'm saying solid cherry because cherries inexpensive.
Jeffrey Krug
cherry projects on my channel always seem are on my website seem to sell the most. Anything that I make out of cherry, I think it just photographs well. Yeah. And I do think it's timeless. I mean, you make you make a decent piece of furniture with that's not not so specific. Anybody can make it. And that's really what a lot of I think ah People with small shops are just looking for an idea to make something. yeah right they they They only have you know maybe a Saturday or a Sunday in the shop. And they're not at the place where they're designing yet. And they're just looking like, OK, if I'm going to put the time in here, I want to make something that's going to look halfway decent when it's done. Yeah, give me the give me the ah the Cliff Notes you know so I can just make it and make it fast. Yeah, and have something. And that's the and I've said this before, too.
Jeffrey Krug
I think one of the hardest things is designing something that looks halfway decent, because an eighth or a quarter of an inch is the difference between something looking really clunky or something looking good. Yeah. I was over at Monteith this morning. I was shocked at the lumber prices. So expensive, right? Yeah. Now, did you talk to Eddie? ah He was there, yeah. All right. He's always like, oh, Green Street, is that you? I'm like, and we met about half the time. Maybe not that many, maybe three times. but He's a guy I've been seeing you a while It's it is so expensive. and I mean after buying that
Jeffrey Krug
that ah Poplar a couple of months ago, it's just hard to spend, you know, it's hard to spend like 200 or 300 bucks on a couple of boards. Yeah, because you could spend just a little bit more and get so much more and the quality is so much better. Well, that's the thing if so you think that will probably probably end up going five quarter not you definitely don't want to do four quarter. No, five quarters fine because you can always bring it down a little bit. Yeah. So Now, what will the ah what will the price be for five quarter cherry? And what what what a selection do you like? Five quarter cherry is probably like three bucks a board foot. And what grade?
Jeffrey Krug
Usually select them, better if we're getting it from Louis, select them better. Okay. Which is, it's not like an official, it's like an FAS, but there's some leniency with lengths and widths and stuff. I wonder what, I wonder what widths, I mean, I couldn't get over how wide the the poplar boards are. Oh man, we've gotten from O'Shea in the past, we've gotten cherry boards that were like 18 inches wide. Wow. Because those logs would typically go to a veneer mill. Okay. Like a real big log like that. Sure. They could put it on a rotary cutter and cut.
Jeffrey Krug
you know, enough veneer for freaking 100,000 skids of plywood. Sure. ah But nobody's buying cherry veneer logs. so So that's why. That'll be great, actually. I definitely want to look into that. So so here' the cool thing about Lewis is you get to pick your pack, too. So like they could say, oh, we have these these different packs. And they'll send you a picture of the end of the pack. And you could see what size the boards are. So it's about a three hour drive from here? Yeah, let's see.
Jeffrey Krug
that place That place is really cool. Do you think they'd want to shoot a video? Oh, yeah. Lewis Lumber Products, 30 Main Street, Hughesville, Pennsylvania. If you ever went out to see Walter at school, you you probably were right up the street. Yeah, I did. Directions.
Jeffrey Krug
This says three hours and 35 minutes. That doesn't sound right, though.
Jeffrey Krug
Maybe it has to do with the time of day. But maybe it is. That's a decent amount of driving. Yeah. And what's it a minimum of $1,000 for delivery? Yeah. And what do you think? What do you think a pack of cherry is? I guess we would have to figure out the board feed of that. Yeah, it depends. But you could easily get a pack, you could get one pack and have it delivered. That would be like that might be less than $1,000 a package right now. ah It depends on the pack. You know, some packs are, you could have a pack that's 100 board feeder, you have a pack that's 500 board feet, but you have to go you have to hit the $1,000 mark. Yeah. Okay. You have to and so no matter what is in the pack, you have to be $1,000 or more. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
All right, well, something to, you should definitely start thinking about that. I mean, ah although I don't, it doesn't seem like you really have a call for any cherry. No, no, I just blew through all the cherry that I had for years. You know, stuff that was for my kitchen. Yeah, I saw that. Just doing that cabinet and also you did that project. ah Yeah, what the hell did I make out of cherry? Something pretty recently. Oh, the table.
Jeffrey Krug
That's right, your kitchen table. Yeah, that's where I used it all. So I have some, but not a lot. What about red oak? I think 2025 is the year of red oak. yeah I got plenty, you could just have it. It's funny, red oak for me is like, I'd rather have just about any other wood. I think if you're going to stain it like a medium brown or darker, it's totally fine. but just can't stand like that. The cathedral ing grain. Yeah, just you don't really seem to get that as much in white oak. Or maybe the white oak that I'm picking because I'm usually going for a quarter sauna riffs on. Yeah. But I'm i'm staying away from white oak because it's so crazy expensive now. Yeah, it's also like too trendy. Yeah, it's funny how things fall in and fall out.
Jeffrey Krug
When I was younger, cherry cabinets were like all the rage. Well, you were going to build your cabinets out of cherry. Yeah. And did you decide to paint them to save money? No, ah to save time. To save time. Yeah. Because if I was to do that whole kitchen in grain match, solid cherry doors, ah I would still be building them.
Jeffrey Krug
So do you have a lot of plywood left over from that project? Because you originally were going to build the cabinets? I have some. Yeah, it it's all Garnica. Yeah, it's nice stuff. We used it for the banquette in my kitchen. and We've used it here and there for some jobs. So if you're going to if what is your what it would be your favorite plywood to use three quarter inch? I like pure bond. You like it better than Garnica? Yeah, buy buy a lot. Really? Yeah. Why?
Jeffrey Krug
found that the Garnica doesn't stay flat. Okay. Do you think that's the poplar core? ah pure bonds poplar to I just I don't know it. Garnica is very light. It is light. So it's a poplar core and it weighs less than pure bond, which is a poplar core. So something there is not computing, you know, is it? I know they have the the plantations are they growing too fast. So the Poplar is very, ah what's the opposite of what's the oppositeset of dense? Very porous or something, you know? maybe Because it's it's like noticeably lighter. Well, where is Purebond getting their ah Poplar from? Because Garnica is coming from Spain. Yeah. um Must be, I don't know if Purebond is made in Canada or made in the USA. I think it might be Canadian.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, poplar, it's funny because we have a a lot of poplar out here. Yeah. I mean, and it's an amazing tree, how big it's probably the biggest tree in the forest. And it just drops all its limbs. Yeah. Have you ever hiked in Hebrew woods? um Is that the one down the street from you? Yeah. Like, yeah, ah yeah because we would fish that little pond. OK, yeah, it's fun, right? You go down that gravel gravelly hill. Did you catch anything? Born there. ah Just like sunnies, probably. There's some bass in there. Yeah. There are some bass in there.
Jeffrey Krug
if you go ah If you hike those woods, you'll see huge poplars. And what's really fascinating about just a a normal or a ah typical forest, there are there are some places in Huber woods that are just total evergreen and and no hardwoods at all. Just for like a an area of like the size of like two or three football fields. And then like on the outskirts of that, it's all hardwoods like Oaks and cherries. There's a few cherries in there. You don't see that many cherries. No, Pennsylvania is that's cherry country. Is that right? It it seems like it would take a long time for a cherry tree to grow.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, yeah, I don't know. We have a cherry tree in our yeah yard. It's just all kind of funky, pretty funky looking cherry tree. It burns great. um But it doesn't seem like it's really grown where the maple trees like the maple trees. We have a lot of maple around here, too. Yeah. The maples and the poplar just grow like weeds, especially the poplar. Yeah. Yeah, they're just so tall and straight.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it's pretty cool. Pretty cool. We had a, um like a tulip poplar. Isn't that the same thing? grown Or maybe, well, it it like had these flowers that like looked like lilies. Yeah, but isn't that the same thing as every poplar? Oh, is it? I don't know. So tulip tree, poplar, I think they're exactly the same thing. okay We have an Osage orange. Oh, yeah. You see those? Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
So they used to use those to border properties. You ever see yeah ever see a um like a ah like a young branch on an Osage orange? It's full of thorns that are probably two inches long. ah right Like a black locust. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, I think worse worse than a black locust. And they so they would do that for like natural fencing for cows and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah pretty neat. Yeah. So those like the fruit was eaten by these giant sloths like way

Osage Orange Tree: History and Uses

Jeffrey Krug
back, you know, whatever 10,000 years ago, and now they have orange. Yeah, they have no natural nothing eats those.
Jeffrey Krug
So they now they I don't think they spread as much because they were before they were eating them and then they you know yeah the seeds get spread around. That makes sense. because So on the corner of our property, we have all these... They look like a grapefruit.
Jeffrey Krug
That's what it is. Yeah, it's like a big green, yeah right? Yeah, I should say it looks like a grapefruit just because of its size. It's about the size of a grapefruit. And they're kind of bumpy, right? They're bumpy. So when my kids were little, they everybody called them monkey brains. And they used to have to wait out by the bus on that corner. And so they would, you know, throw them at each other. oh No, they throw them into the road hoping that somebody, you know, hoping to car will run over it. You know, it's kind of one of those funny things. but ah Yeah you don't see too much many of them. We have one on the corner of our property and I know where one is over by Hartron Road because this time of year well not it's actually a little late now but like six six weeks ago therere they're all over the place. where I think they have them um um on Portland right next to the golf course.
Jeffrey Krug
I think you're right. Yeah, down closer. Yeah, down towards me. Down towards you. Yeah, I've seen them there because they they just hang out. Yeah. Now, I have seen one or two picked apart. And that makes I was wondering if a squirrel was doing that. Yeah, maybe because I think it's like a really astringent kind of um a taste. Have you ever seen the wood? Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's neat, right? Yeah. That yellowy orange kind of it's kind of similar to locust.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, it's darker. It's a lot darker. Yeah. Yeah, we priced out a door job in locust. Where would you where would you have gotten the locust? It was hard to find like a decking supply place. Because that's kind of a common use for it. It's not a very commonly used wood.
Jeffrey Krug
No, it's, did you ever burn locust? It burns great. Oh, really? Oh, it's it's so easy to split too. It's such a hard wood. you know So that's what you use for fence posts, things like that. Super ah bug resistant. Yeah, super bug resistant. I i went to, where was it? It was up in Vermont. I shot a video on Vermont Glove a couple years back.
Jeffrey Krug
And Peter and I went up to ah my, you know, my buddy Peter Hagberg. Went up to interview Sam, who's who owns the glove company. And we ended up eating at his mom's house, who owned Vermont Creamery, I think. Oh, wow. ah Anyway, really cool people. And we're we had this just kind of a fun, like all kinds of stuff for dinner, right? We bought mushrooms up from Tube River Mushroom.
Jeffrey Krug
And it was one of these great nights just hanging out drinking a lot of wine, but huge table made out of a black locust tree that was on their property and a ah local woodworker. And it was full of Dutchman joints, because there were areas and when I say Dutchman joints, I'm not saying butterflies. Yeah, it was like where there was a ah big defect in the in the tabletop. And the guy just chiseled out a big rectangle and filled it with ah it was awesome, like What a a ah waste of not putting epoxy in there. i Well, that's what I mean. It was a perfect example of like, I think epoxy has its place, like for filling things with sawdust and are epoxy and sawdust. I'd rather use a Dutchman, but epoxy and sawdust will work, you know, in some cases, but definitely not a big river of epoxy. Yeah. god Like that table, that table will get used for decades and decades. And there's going to be so many great memories
Jeffrey Krug
at that table where I mean my feeling is what you the minute you slide a plate across an epoxy table it's shot oh my god yeah imagine like you know you like meet some girl this obviously a different life meet some girl and you're like all right yeah gonna do thanksgiving with my parents this year and you never met them before and you go and they have like a epoxy river you're gonna eat thanksgiving dinner off of What ah an absurd idea. Imagine eating Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas dinner. Got this big turkey, the poinsettia flower, and it's an epoxy river table. it's That's fucking crazy. It's totally insane. It doesn't make any sense unless it's like a cartoon world. Yeah. That's how it makes sense. That's something that you know Shrek or somebody, not Shrek, one of those, I don't know, one of those shitty Disney movies, you would see that.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, or like the Mad Hatter or something. Yeah, or maybe like a ah more, um you know, the Johnny Depp version of Willy Wonka, you know. But I guess you know how we feel oh my go about epoxy tables. Speaking of the Mad Hatter, so ah your kids went to the school, went to Leonardo Elementary? Oh, no, they didn't. They went up there. Yeah. so Hunter's school is one of the only elementary schools in the state that does a play. like a full They do like a full feature length that's awesome play. yeah So the first graders, they don't get to do a speaking role. So Hunter's a flower. It's it's Alice in Wonderland. cool And apparently in January, he's got practice twice a week from 6 to 8 p.m.
Jeffrey Krug
I'm like, what is this Broadway? He's a flower. He's got to be there though. Yeah. He's on the stage. Apparently it's really good. I haven't gone. My my niece has been in it. but she's She's in it again. I think this is her last year at the elementary school. So I'll be going this year, but apparently they do a really good job. Well, you're going to laugh when I tell you the movie that I just saw. I just remembered it now and I actually liked it. Wicked.
Jeffrey Krug
Oh, the new one. The new one. Yeah. So my wife said, oh, Olivia wants to see wicket. We can take her to the to the one over here in Atlantic Highlands. It's like half price on Wednesdays or something.
Jeffrey Krug
and I didn't even know what it was. I didn't even know the movie. like We were like five minutes into the movie and I turned to my wife and said, is this the movie? ah Wait a minute, is this Wizard of Oz? Yeah. and It was really good. It was really well done. and I thought, wow, these people who who do this singing and dancing, they are just that's pretty wild. like I can't imagine having the energy or the I think it's really cool. like It's just not me. to Yeah, to be that into it. To be that into it and that talented and work that hard to be able to sing and dance yeah and all that. I mean, it's impressive. I don't think I've ever even seen because you know Wicked has been... Yeah, it's a Broadway show. Yeah, haven't I don't even know. It's about the Wicked Witch, right? Yeah, it's it's a whole different take. It's like a prequel. That's what it is, really.
Jeffrey Krug
I'm just noticing there's water dripping down the wall right there. One more thing. At least you don't own the building. Yeah, fuck it. But yeah, I think that you guys would enjoy seeing that. It's one of my favorite Christmases, and we can probably wrap this up soon, but it was probably the year that Elf came out. Oh, god, so funny. Yeah, and I think Elf came out, and I think it might have been right around one of the Star Wars. I don't know which one it was, but we had we got a TV for Christmas. So I went out to Costco and I bought a TV. The kids were little and it was just like a laid back Christmas and we just watched movies and ah we watched at least those two movies. So if you're going to watch a movie I think you can probably get wicked on Amazon now probably if not now soon. Yeah it's a fun movie. I don't know if if ah your family would like it or not but I
Jeffrey Krug
My wife would probably love it. I don't know if Hunter would be into it. I'm i'm not sure I would be into it, but maybe. Well, I'll have a couple glasses of wine. Yeah, this is great. What's your opinion on Christmas music? I love the oldies. Yeah, me too. I love the oldies. Nat King Cole, ah Bing Crosby. Although, I'm not I could, like the Ramones. Merry Christmas. I don't want to fight tonight. I don't know if I've heard the Ramones. Beach Boys Christmas for me is a classic. Okay. i I know I could go for it. I probably have heard it, but don't recall it. Oh yeah. They have a whole album. It's really good. Okay. I'm up for that. um A classic one is the Pogues. um Shane McGowan. Shane McGowan? Is that his his name? ah I know of the Pogues, but... So that's the song. um Fairy Tail New York.
Jeffrey Krug
You know, I heard it. I probably it's ah it's a classic. It's like a classic Christmas song from the 80s. And um I still I actually my daughter gets me to like things. Yeah. ah Maybe I you know, I think about it because she's like she's now listening to Mariah Carey's.
Jeffrey Krug
I was going to say, is Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas? Is you a classic? Well, it's old enough now, no? Yeah. Well, because I listened to a playlist called Classic Christmas and it's on there. I was like, I don't know if this qualifies because you're like next to Nat King Cole and. Bing Crosby. Right. All the other guys. um I don't know. It definitely brings up some memories for me just because it's been around long enough. So maybe that makes it classic. Yeah, it's got to be what, close to 30 years old now, maybe more? What's the dude from Wham? What was that guy's name? Michael, I forget his name. Michael McDonald's? No, from Wham. It was like a band. I forget the name. I don't know. He just died a couple of years ago. I don't know. Anyway, he's music i don't know a lot he's got a pretty popular Christmas song out there that my daughter listens to.
Jeffrey Krug
I get down with like the Michael Bublé, Christmas songs are good, Frank Sinatra's got some good ones, Demar and... Oh, Demar and just cracks me up because he was such a partier. yeah the The fact that he and Jerry Lewis ah hated each other, didn't they hate each other or something like that? I think I've heard that. Did you see that did you see the...
Jeffrey Krug
there's There's like a Instagram reel where Jim Carrey goes and meets Jerry Lewis and he goes up to Jerry Lewis and he like introduces himself and Jerry Lewis looks at him. Bye bye. See you tomorrow.
Jeffrey Krug
Jeffrey Krug
Jerry Lewis looks up from whatever he's doing up at Jim Carrey. And he's he's kind of like trying to figure out who he is. And Jim Carrey's like, yeah, you fucked my mother.
Jeffrey Krug
And Jerry Lewis just starts laughing, you know what I mean? And it was funny because I think Jerry Lewis has passed away a couple of years ago now, right? I'm not sure. Anyway, it was just funny to see them laugh. And so, ah you know,
Jeffrey Krug
so late in his life, kind of really getting the joke and and laughing because he he was pretty old at the time. Yeah. Speaking of Jim Carrey, I watched ah like a mini documentary on YouTube. There's a ah

Transcendental Meditation Documentary

Jeffrey Krug
channel. I forget what it's called. He's two like Swedish guys. It's been popping up my feet a lot lately. So I've been watching them. They kind of like travel around to different places. They're just like people, people, people, pieces kind of, you know, and they went to ah the place in Iowa where the Maharishi had the transcendental meditation, like ct Cult I guess. Yeah, that was that was a whole wasn't their whole documentary on Netflix about that recently. Maybe I don't know um But like yet Jim Carrey was one of the people that went there Oprah ah Who else did they show Lady Gaga forget but the whole idea of transcendental meditation Doesn't sound I mean doesn't sound like you need to be part of a cult to do it.
Jeffrey Krug
I don't, I don't think so either. I feel like it sounds like a lot of those people are searching for something. Yeah. You know, they're just like, something's not hitting it for them. yeah i mean Like, I don't know. I I heard another thing where some of the richest people are some of the most miserable people. And they were yeah talking about um like Howard Hughes. There's a really good document. Not that there's that movie that Leonardo DiCaprio was in. I forget the name of it. But he he plays Howard Hughes. Howard Hughes kind of went crazy towards the end of his life where he was totally obsessive compulsive, like, you know, just totally like out of it.
Jeffrey Krug
um But yeah, i don't i i think ah I think some people probably are just like, I don't know, they're just trying to figure out what the hell makes them happy. Yeah, more money, more problems, right? Yeah, I mean, there's something to be said where it's nice to have enough money where you don't have you can sort of like plan your day. Yeah, there's definitely it's definitely a bell curve, you know, money and and problems.
Jeffrey Krug
Yeah, agreed. I mean, if you're smart enough that you can keep things simple and just like the smartest people are people who use money to allow themselves to have a simple life. Yeah. Because the more shit you have, the less time you have and at any, at any place really. Yeah. So. Unless you, yeah, unless you have money where you could pay people to manage all your stuff. But even then, then your people, like every person in your problem, you got every person has their own problems. Now you have their problems. Yeah.
Jeffrey Krug
you know, that's always like been my thing with having anybody work for me, like, it's like everybody, you you know, anybody who works for you, you know, comes with some sort of baggage, you know, so I've always loved, I had one or two people work for me, and they've been great. And then I've had other people work for me for a very short while, because I realized I don't want these people that much further in my life. Yeah, I hear that. and Because life's complicated enough.
Jeffrey Krug
Well, at that. We'll see you either next week or the following week. I guess if we don't talk to you, have a Merry Christmas. Yep. Joyce Kwanzaa, happy Hanukkah. And... best ofus Festivus. Festivus. I don't know what the official Festivus greeting is. I don't know either. Festivus, Festivus. Festivus for the rest of us. Yeah. I remember that part. Train for the feats of strength. Talk to you soon. See you.
Jeffrey Krug
If you enjoyed this episode, please tell a friend or share it on social media. You can leave a review of this podcast on Spotify or Apple podcasts. And don't forget today's Craftsman YouTube channel has an upload every Saturday morning at 8.30 AM m Eastern. We'll see you next week.
Jeffrey Krug
It ain't no shame but there's been a change