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Speedway Stories and Cold Blooded Conversations

Nonsensical Network
17 Plays4 months ago

Our brand new show on the network hosted by Wally in its 1st episode is all about Motorsports and Reptiles check it out yall



Introducing Chris and His Show

Welcome everybody. We have a new show tonight. Chris, how you doing, sir? Good, Jeff. Thanks, guys, for having me the on just bringing my own show to the podcast and stuff with you guys. Hell, yeah. So before we get started real quick, I'm going to do a little. Oh, my gosh, I'm having.

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mouth sucks. As you see at the bottom of your screen, bio slash nonsensical network. You can find everything we do, including our merch, nonsensical underscore nonsense at And you can spread us on you. um So Chris, kind of give me a download real quick of what you're going to be doing on your show here.
Well, on this show, we're going to talk a little bit about motorsports drag racing, dirt track racing, basically anything with horsepower and wheels. And of course, got to have the other expensive hobby. Most people get, I have reptiles and stuff talking about snakes, bearded dragons, all different types of animals that's in the reptile community. That's cold blooded. So give them everybody a little bit of variety. I got to admit I'm not the reptile guy, but I am so down for the horsepower.
Oh yeah. what um Out of out of but all the motorsports racing, what's your favorite?

Passion for Motorsports and Collaborations

Talking tractor pulling and drag racing, man. Those are my two. I grew up nothing but all around those two sports, so it's in my blood. The best tractor pulling on the planet, I gotta say. and and I hate to say it happens out of Germany. Those guys are fucking nuts. Oh, I've been, I've been following a page on Facebook. It's a called Norwegian truck ah truck and tractor pulling association, man. Those modified tractors were those giant turbines. They look like overgrown fans. I mean, it is insane. The horsepower they're putting out compared to here in the States. Yeah. You're you're talking like I saw a guy the other day, he's got four.
Bell helicopter jet motors. Yeah on a tractor and the wheels are like four-inch Yeah, it's it's crazy the way I mean with when truck and tractor pulling with especially that modified class here like here in the States you wouldn't think With four or five engines sitting on basically what I call go-kart wheels can withstand all that weight on them But they do I mean it because it's distributed out for axles um know what they're using for axles but Jesus They're spindles. That's all they are. Yeah. It's one of those things where the first time I saw it, I was like, there's no way this is a real deal. Yup. But it's insane. So as Chris, you said, you know, we're going to be talking here on here. I'm going to come up every once in a while. Unfortunately, Mondays are my busy day. But we're going to have Glick up here with Chris. So it's going to be the two Chris's talking motorsports.
um I'm going to try every once in a while, and it's a hard sell because of the time. Right. And the Monday. But our buddy Benji, huge Formula One guy. Thank you. He was on Jeff's garage for a while. And then Formula One season started, and he's like, dude, I'm going to be few and far between. And I was like, I got it. I can get it.
um I don't watch. I do like NASCAR truck series, but I can only watch like maybe 15, 20 minutes and I'm like, okay, what else is on? Well, the thing is, Jeff, with the Craftsman student with like the truck series, it's like anything else.

Motorsports Experiences and Car Builds

like just start out there like going to a baseball game. Watching them on TV is as exciting when you actually get to see it live, man. I mean, it's a night and day difference of because you don't have to deal with the commercials. Because I got to go here up to Lexington i watched the and got to see up at Mid-Ohio the craftsman truck the second year that they came there, man. That was like the greatest experience ever. I used to date a girl that lived close to Mid-Ohio. And because they built the track after the house,
you know, her grandparents built the house, you know, well, well before mid Ohio Raceway showed up, they have lifetime track passes. That's freaking awesome. I could take anything and they they're not car people.
So when I was dating her, I took my YZ FR6 on the track. I took my S10 pickup truck with it. I had a 327 Corvette motor in it. Took it on the track. I've taken- Oh, you had that at the career center, didn't you? Yeah, I had that- I remember that. Yeah. It's one of those things where it's like, I think they had over 400 hours of track hours saved up that they just weren't using. Wow.
and it was in my girlfriend's like we were talking about it doesn't bother you guys living so close to the track she's like not really we just ignore it and and and then she brought up that she had track passes and i was like what were track passes i know what we're doing this weekend oh yeah that's like game on Like really? I said, oh, really? Well, I'm saying that's the thing we're dealing with here with. Well, you remember pacemakers. People are still bitching and complaining about that drag strip, even though that track was there before all that stuff. We're still having ongoing. We're still having ongoing battles with that bullshit. So I've been I've been told I was towed away from track that track. I have to write out right after high school, I built
Well, right before high school, when I was 14, I bought a 69 Chevelle. No motor, no no transmission, only one door opened. And by the time I was 18, I had it on the road with a little over 850 horse. And I took it on that track. And I did roughly about eight passes. And on the ninth pass, I rolled it. Oh, damn. I rolled it so well.
And the the car was set up perfect. A guy came out of the crowd and he said, I'll give you 30 grand for the car right now. I said, dude, it's fucking sold, dude. It's trashed. He's like, I want the motor. And I called a buddy of mine. I called my cousin and I said, dude, come get me. He's like, what happened to your fucking car? I said, oh, it's sold and trashed.
And what, you know, Dom, yeah ah Dom Hicks came and picked me up and he's like, what, where's your car? I said, there it goes on that flatbed. ah up I'm going to go. And I went and picked up a, a, I picked up an 86 Silverado dual and drove it for about eight months. And then I sold it. yeah i get more love for the navy I'm getting ready this winter, me and the boy and my cousin, I got a 97 Mustang. I'm joining the LS world. We're going to LS swap it.
um God bless you. Now I will be disappointed if you don't put on the back window, built for tough with Chevy stuff. We're already getting it made. I love it. God bless it.
well We here with well with these builds and stuff. I mean it's that's another thing I'll talk about on this channel too is I mean you break down a budget when you're a budget building GM is honestly I'm a diehard Ford man But GM is the way to go for performance and everything out there. It's honestly is bang for the buck bang for your buck not to mention write re liability You know the reliability of the LS the The problem with the coyote motives comes down to one simple thing. money If you look at it ru wrong, it won't run. Well, big thing of it is, it's going to cost 10 grand to kind of swap this thing. And I can have two grand and I'll swap it and be right and right back on the road when it's all done. Now, are you going to put it up on YouTube if you of the bill? It'll be on my YouTube channel. So, yeah.
Real quick, do me a favor. Well, you're on the phone right now. I'll send you a link. I'll send you a link for it. And we'll we'll add it here to our brand. We we can drop stuff out you um like that. And people can actually watch. um Back to what we're doing here, what you're going to be doing here on the show.
You can do full breakdowns or you're going to do just kind of updates. Cause I know one of the updates I saw and I don't, I have to check on it, but from my understanding, Frankie Muniz is now a part of NASCAR truck series.

Celebrities in Racing

Yes. That's the truth. um He got a full, he got a full ride. He's going to be racing the truck series next year. I'm fucking in.
I mean that's amazing. I just hope he has success at it because I mean a lot of these Stars that try to go into the racing community. I mean that they're just doing it for clout there's been very yeahless but theres But I think he's There's a few that's made it. Yes, but I mean like some did it. Oh, he's Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves on a team now he did uh He actually was part of an indie team for a while. Oh, really? Yeah. back in Back in the early 90s, late 2000s, early 2000s, he was actually, ah I think it was part of our answer juniors team back in the 90s. I, he's got a documentary on Netflix ah about, I think it was Honda. I can't remember the team, but he he was talking about the team with the owners. They got it for a song and dance. Um,
i can't remember I can't remember what it's called. It's an interesting documentary. As much as I, like, for non-motor sports people or non-car people, it's kind of... it's it's a lot over people's heads. Right. Keanu makes it interesting.

Podcast Management and Technical Challenges

I can't remember what it's called.
oh he may He makes stuff the interesting, period. I mean, just just him in general, the way he is. I mean, he's one of my favorite actors. I mean, and person down to earth. I mean, you couldn't ask for a better person when it comes to stuff. So, but yeah, when I did on this per on the show, I'm going to have some guests. I've already got like seven or eight people already since I did a Facebook post about this that are willing to come on the show and stuff. So.
So, yeah, Mondays, I got our our show schedule. I added you to the schedule. Mondays, speed word stories and cold-blooded conversations. And men caring for men, one right after the other. ah Tuesdays, we got Glick's House of Music, where he's actually interviewing. He's doing really well with it. Interviewing musicians. Wednesdays, we do what the fuck news. but Every other Thursday, cash is corner. Fridays, we do nonsense and chill, our movie show. Saturdays, nonsensical nonsense, our open door challenge. ah And Sundays unnecessary roughness and occasionally Jeff's garage as I Unfortunately, I'm so busy right now Sundays. I just want to fucking pass out Hey worst case scenario if you need me to man, I'll jump in for you on Sundays before I go to work So it's it's one of those things. we I try to go. I don't want to go live too early, but I don't want to go live too late Um, well as long as it's before I leave at 10 o'clock at night, it's all good. Oh, yeah well be Way before then. Yeah, yeah, that's my bedtime
saturdays the The problem I have with our Saturday show, it is six hours, almost nonstop. It's hilarious, but it's like, oh my God, I want to go to bed. Oh yeah. but Especially after you got a busy day and all you guys, you know, jump on and everything else. You're already had a long day, but, but I mean, still, it's a good time. I, i yeah as you've seen, I jump in the chat most of the time. So, yeah. Well, you know, and like, uh, Blake, we, we had a bit of an issue today where we got it fixed already, but, uh, Blaze and I show, uh, nonsense chill got blocked because of one of the ads we played.
Well, we gotta be ad off of Creative Commons off of YouTube, which is kind of weird. We've already got it fixed. It should be fixed by tomorrow. um But, you know, like I said, I'm really curious on how how when you do this show,
You're going to bring in the two subjects together because let's be honest, they're not two subjects that necessarily go together unless you put snakeskins, you know, steering wheel on cover. but Yeah. Or snakeskin seats. But it's going to be interesting. And I you know the one thing I love about all of us doing the shows, it is one of the greatest outlets for us all. um And, you know, we have all the shows every day of the week and Obviously we're constantly adding more. um'm I'm really curious on on how you're gonna Put your spin on it, you know that the beauty of it is ah once you're up and running ah Where you can actually use the StreamYard properly and all that stuff and set up your own studio it it's so easy once we get rock and rolling and yeah Of course the more eyes and ears we have on it. God willing Greek don't rise. Everything's gonna be great.

Racing Classes and NASCAR Insights

Oh, yeah. Yeah. My next thing is is getting a laptop to make things a little easier instead of using the phone. yeah the problem The problem with using the phone is really hard to set up the studio. We were talking about that today. Setting up the studio on the phone, it can be done. But oh, my God, it's such a huge pain in the ass.
yeah i was looking I was looking through earlier today about everything when Glick messaged me, and I'm like, yeah, I got to get a laptop. This is an insane what all you got to go through just using a mobile device. It's like, no. ah Well, the funny thing is when Glick and I started the the show, you know, this is four years ago. Good Lord. Four years ago, when we started, we started on an app called Haps, where and...
Glick went out and bought a laptop. I had very little money at the time, and I was using my phone, but I couldn't see Glick because the front-facing camera on the phone that I was using did not work. Oh, geez. So, and like, I would stare at the back of my phone and hope and I was in the brain. And, you know, obviously, now I went out. I've bought in three different laptops since then. um But, you know, the beauty of doing the shows, especially on a laptop, is we constantly, Saturday nights are hilarious because we'll, you're blazing, I'll sit there and start playing with AIs and, and throwing up memes, making fun of each other. That's the beauty. Oh yeah. You get the, you get the nice little mixture. Well, then you can do like some highlight reels or whatever, you know, kind of throw in of things or.
Like you said what the memes and stuff to it kind of it kind of sweetens the pot a little bit when you got there little extra you can do on your show to kind of keep everybody's attention to so oh exactly it helps one of one of the especially with a show like what you're doing and and what i do to show the audience occasionally especially here on youtube and rumble um to show them the the video, a video of what you're talking about, you know, you know, there, there is a difference. And a lot of people don't realize we're doing formula one and formula, what was it? Formula three. Yeah. ah You know, um, and it's not, believe it or not, it's not a huge difference. Um,
with the exception of, it's mainly down to horsepower, from my understanding. It's basically with Formula One, Formula Three, Formula One's like put in past aspect of like drag racing. It's like taking a top fuel car and going with a top alcohol car, you got almost three, almost 2000 horse difference between one runs on alcohol, the other is nitromethane that'll burn your firm a mile away just smelling it when it's running. I mean, but that you have the cubic inch limits and stuff on them and everything. I mean, every class, they got different stuff. So well, and and as we all learn from from days of thunder, when it comes to formula, the more money you got, the better you do. Oh, yeah.
yeah That's in any where sad part is this day and time the more the deeper your pockets is the further you're actually gonna go and that's in anything though And that's the sad part formula three is a little bit less um about the money right about the racing which for me, you you know, if I mean if I had a a Choice, hey, I wouldn't write run formula one because that scares the shit out of me. Uh, but if i was going to if I had to choose to win through, I would run Formula 3 like if I had a team, you know, because the deep pockets you need to run Formula 1 is just ridiculous. You're talking hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Yep. ah And you have to have either
you know, own a brand like Ferrari or own a brand like, you know, Maserati, I mean, all that should be in BMW. I mean, like that's, and I mean, that's the thing is, well, that's just like when NASCAR, I mean, people talking about it. Yeah. They're actually, those motors are all identical motors. It's just the skins of the chassis that makes the brand.
Yeah, and that's that yeah i like I think that's why I like NASCAR a little bit. I wanted to ask you your thoughts on last year's Le Mans, where they had that NASCAR car from Chevrolet, that Chevy NASCAR, that was stomping. I mean, it would it's it's a weird ranking system because they run like six classes at once on 24 hours Le Mans, but they they had that NASCAR cup car that they modified for that track, um, that was beating the dog shit out of Ferrari, but it wasn't in the same class. So it didn't matter. Right. But, but the thing is that it was actually that car in that class, I think was Mike, not even three and a half seconds off actually the track record for Le Mans last year for what it was. blew my mind Yeah, it was insane. yeah I mean, it was cool to see something different other than your,
You know, your four DTS, everything else out there. And I mean, a while, a while back, I was, I was contemplating with the concept of moving to France. And one of the first thing that I was going to do is go buy tickets to the fucking Le Mans because I'm like, if I can be at Le Mans for 24 hours, holy shit, that'd be amazing. Especially looking over in the NASCAR cup series. But I was talking to a buddy of mine that went to that race. Really? That that NASCAR car was so loud compared to all the other cars. He could not sleep.
Well, they were well, they were running. They were running open headers. And Jeff, how do I um send somebody the link for our the john the watch the podcast to watch the podcast? ah Basically go onto YouTube and you can send it over where they can watch. What we usually do is I actually. um When we go live while the rather the intros plan, we pop we shared on Facebook and whatnot. So it's on my Facebook page.
there I was able to get it. Sorry, I had to cut the phone out. But yeah, and basically, it was a NASCAR motor with the Le Mans suspension set up underneath that NASCAR. and I mean, it the way that thing moved. Yeah, it was it was insane. it Like, I don't watch a lot of motorsports, but that the fact that they had that NASCAR in there, I wanted to see how well it would do.
And I, you know, I ended up watching, you know, they had the whole thing live on YouTube. And it was just eating the dog shit out of everything else on the track. I love that. I love that. One one when they icon the highlight one of the biggest highlight was is when it put Porsche two laps down in their class, it actually put a Porsche. The only problem I had with it is, and I get it, it was kind of like a test thing. It was like, it was an exhibition class for that. But now that they proved they can do it,
God, I hope they do it next year or this year. Well, what it is is they're trying to bring more people. to relate more to that side, bring the NASCAR crowd in, because a lot of people are of getting away from NASCAR, because it ain't the same like it used to be. My personal opinion- All sorts of new regulations on NASCAR. Well, when I'm sorry. i A lot of people may disagree. When Dale died, NASCAR died. I mean, it in my eyes, it kind of went away from- Not long after. Yeah. It wasn't too long after that. It was like a couple of years, NASCAR got away from what it actually, the grassroots of what NASCAR was supposed to be.
Well, and the the problem I have with NASCAR, ah as much as I loved NASCAR growing up, you know my brother-in-law, huge Jeff Gordon fan when Jeff Gordon was a rookie and and years after.
As much as I like watching NASCAR, I'd rather be there because I could make four left turns. How hard can that be? Granted, I can't do it at 200 miles an hour. But yes you know yeah yeah I think that's the biggest problem in NASCAR. You put it on a road course. Oh, I'm fucking in. I like what they've done. They've got three or four. That's what I like about Watkins Glen and then and everything else because they're using the road course. I mean, that kind of made everything open up to really test a true driver. Yeah, because let's be honest. If you practice enough, you could easily do
whatever it is, 180, 200 miles an hour, around four curves. it's what it's It's more of a rhythm and endurance than it is a skill. Yeah. I'm saying there's no skill in it. But, and I agree, NASCAR is cool. You know, the off-road truck racing on the... What is that called? that What do they use? The ah ah trophy trucks? And they... It's... ah They use trophy trucks, but they're, it's, ah it's, it's actually, it's actually a version of core racing, except they're doing the asphalt race in Northland is what they're doing. It's the same thing. I mean, I mean, it's neat, but yeah, that's my cousin that actually just commented that we just got done. We're in the process. He's got a Colorado week for a rough truck that we put an LS in. So yeah.

Performance Builds and Motorsport Coverage

but yeah
It's it runs good Those ls motors you they're they're so Available and so it i'm not saying it's easy to swap but it's not difficult if you have at least a mild common knowledge of Hooking up a motor. It's not that fucking hard No, the hardest part is the ecu, you know, uh But it it is it's one of those things it's like
Racing in general, i I would, I think one of the things I, if I had a choice to do stadium truck series, there it is. There it is. super stadium Yeah. I knew it was one of the two. yeah um I'd like to do rally. I think that would be fun. Yeah. The ESU is a cakewalk. I mean, it I would rather stand in line for a beating than do wiring.
why Well, it we found out we found out that we found out that actually ah It's not really that bad. He, he figured out the wiring and everything else. We got originally a simplified wiring harness and he ended up taking a factory wiring harness, got a diagram, put it down to where it needed to be. Thing runs great. I mean, it just does a few things done to it. And that's it. So, but and and what for like an extra couple of grand, you can take a stock LS and put in. And like I said, for like less than five grand, get it up to 900 horse without even trying.
Well, the saying of it is, like I said, you can on a budget vote for about three grand. That's this is even with a turbo kit or nitrous kit, everything else you can ease it easy, get thousand horse out of a motor and that's not bottom in on those things. So yeah, it's, it's one of those crazy, simple things that doesn't take long to do. Um, you know, the the beauty of anything automotive,
If you have a mild knowledge of tools, oh, I think he dropped off. If you have a mild knowledge of tools, you can easily set it up to run anything just like the big boys, so to speak. As soon as he pops back up. Yeah, there he is. Dumb phone. I hit the wrong button. That's all right. Happens all the time. Well, believe it or not, once the more you're on and the more you start playing, especially when you get the laptop, it gets easier and easier. ah um But, but now are you going to go to events and kind of do like the man on the street kind of thing at the events too on here? Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to try to bring some live footage when I go to the track or go to rough truck events and everything else kind of do, do some live stuff, get some interviews with some of my buddies that are in the racing that I go and show, give you a walkthrough on their trucks, their drag cars and everything else.
There's one guy I'm trying to work on getting, and I don't know how his schedule is. Cause he signed a monster truck deal to run his rough truck for the winter series. So I'm going to try to get him on here a couple of times and talk about his racing career and stuff. It's a good friend of mine. So Blaze just sent me a photo. He's watching. Awesome. But yeah, it's one of those things. It's like the, the beauty of automotive, any automotive racing or Even if you go and and if you're sitting there hanging out ah at a demolition derby, live is awesome.

Hobbies and Humor

Oh, yeah. On TV? Not so much, but it's, you know, if it's on, yeah, mine as well. one of One of my favorite things to watch on YouTube, and it's kind of dumb, and I think I only watch it because I can't do it here, is Mudfest. Oh, yeah.
You can get guys out there and they build ridiculous trucks. And then they they try to beat the... what it's it's It's like a ah ah tenth of a mile mud run.
Oh, yeah That and yeah, because the rednecks for paychecks does a big big huge event all over they've got that bounty mud hole and it's like The last one I seen on youtube. Oh, they had a $10,000 bounty on this hole that hasn't been beaten five years and a guy in a samurai with a Cummins and custom built chassis he uh beat the bounty hole with it. And I mean, he was going up against guys that had multiple tractor tires, everything else. And he actually made it through. This was a couple of years ago. I seen that. Well, what was it? There was a I was watching it one night and they had a an episode. they It was the truck that broke the Internet. ah It beat that one of those bounty holes where it was. I can't remember the name of the truck, but it was fucking massive. Oh, yeah.
Okay. Okay. I don't know who said that, Connor. But, yeah, like I said, so you're going to do Mondays starting around 6, correct? Yep. We'll try to 6. Late at 6.30 mostly. I'd like to try to get a ground base. It'll probably be about 6.30 for the first few shows, you know, get it going and everything, and then we'll jump into the hour-long stuff probably.
go from six to seven and everything and get just get it started and give a variety of stuff about the motorsports world and reptiles and stuff like i said i've been working on and already getting some guests line up to bring on the show talk about their their side of this reptile community their side of the motorsports community i mean just bring some people on talk about their experiences and stuff so well you know and the the beauty of the the the motorsports thing it's endless it's it's not it's one of those year-round things unlike oh yeah somebody watching football uh which is a seasonal but and and the reptile thing the yeah not my forte not even remotely
Uh, I did date a girl that owned a boa constrictor and I dated her for about a week until I found out she owned a boa constrictor I was like I got I got a bounce and you wouldn't work then you wouldn't want to come visit my house. Jeff. I got a mini zoo. So you're You're like that dude from fucking roadhouse. It's got the bus that's full of fucking snakes. Nope. Not doing it. Not doing it. Nope. Can't do snakes. Yeah, kind of in a way But uh Unfortunately, we're going to go because Connor's getting ready to come up, men caring for men because it is Monday.

Show Schedule and Episode Wrap-up

I'll swing over on there with him, jump in for a little bit too. so Yeah, we're going to jump up here. I'm actually going to jump out and jump right back in so Connor and I can start because Glick is unfortunately out of town and doing family stuff. So, you know, it is what it is. Mike gets in the way. So next Monday, you're going to be up at 6.30, correct?
Yes, sir. It'll be at 6 30 and we're going to start off with ah the first official show, probably talking about some truck and tractor pulling and drag racing. That'll be the, that'll be the, be the first episode, first show sit down, talk with. So, well, what I suggest, uh, uh, do what Glick did go get you a cheap, uh, laptop, you know, quite one that works, uh,
As long as the camera works and and it it runs that's how we started and that's my that's my plan actually this weekend coming up I'm gonna go I don't even own a mic anymore. I just use earbuds that they they cost me like three bucks. Yeah um And uh, but yeah, everybody stay tuned. We're going to go live on men carry for men here in a few minutes i'm gonna go and play the outro Uh, and then we will add this to stream yard. Um Later tonight i'll probably do it tonight or tomorrow And uh, so we'll see everybody then thanks for everybody watching. Thanks for listening And uh, you got anything to say before we go? Um, you everybody have a good night. Hopefully everybody will enjoy it and get more people to tune in and uh
We'll talk to you guys later. Thanks for tuning in tonight. We'll see you all at the races. Later. Hi, everybody.
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