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FriGay the 13th Horror Podcast
882 Plays8 months ago


It’s #PRIDE, darlings, and our 7th Annual Pride Episode is all ready for you. Listen as we chat about the state of the LGBTQIA+ community in our first segment— and in our second segment, you’ll hear us answering the fabulous questions you all sent in!

Have a glorious Pride Month, queers— we are proud to be in community with each and every one of you!

A proud, independent podcast

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Introduction and Show Details

Friday the 13th Horror Podcast is a proud, independent podcast. To learn more about the show, visit

Pride Shoutouts and Episode Theme

To all the queers. The queens. The gays. The transgender folk. less The The The vampires. Wait, Matty, what? The vampires. What? You're a very weird person, Maddie. Aw, thank you, s sweetie. It's June 2024, and it's time for our annual Pride episode. I am the writing on the wall, the whisper in the classroom. I'm Marjorie Greene, and I approve this message to save America, stop socialism, and stop China. Stay the pie, we honor thee from life to death.
Very real life. Doubters, the Doomsters, the Gloomsters, they are going to get it wrong. They are happy memories. Where are you gonna go? Where are you gonna run? Where are you gonna hide? Nowhere. Because there's no one like you left. What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now! Let's go! What are you waiting for, huh?
I want you to know that the movement we started is only just

Controversies and Real-Life Horror

beginning. sometimes that is but Now in Colorado, after a fundraising email from Colorado's Republican Party called for LGBTQ pride flags to be burned and described LGBTQ Americans as godless groomers. The subject line of the message, God hates flags, which echoes messaging by the fringe Westboro Baptist Church. That email was signed by Colorado GOP chair, Dave Williams. And the same message was also posted on X.
Welcome to Fregate the 13th Horror Podcast. My name is Andrew. And my name is Matty. And if you're new to the podcast, welcome to a special episode because this is our annual Pride episode. Usually, we're the horror podcast that talks all about horror in real life and horror in the media. And in a way, we're going to do that again today, but we're switching it up a little bit today. We're going to talk all about horror in real life when it comes to Pride and to the LGBTQ community and all that stuff. But in our horror in the media section,
We're switching it up a bit and we're gonna do it and ask us anything. Now, does that mean we're gonna talk a lot about horror cinema? Yes, because our listeners came in and gave us a ton of questions about mostly around the horror genre and and media. So it kinda just fits. yeah we we We asked for questions and you all gave us some and there's some there's some really great ones in here too. um So thank you to everyone for responding to our our call for questions. that We haven't done this in a long

Listener Engagement and Aging Reflections

time. you People, long time listeners will will remember
that we used to do a thing called Queerstions back in the day, which still is a funny fucking name, let's face it. That's still fucking funny. um But we haven't done it for a long time, and we thought, you know what? We're proud of our Pride episodes, quite frankly. They're they're always there're always good ones. And for this one, we thought, why not bring it back to you and to what you're thinking about? So we're we're going to open up ah first with just some some thoughts that that Andrew and I have, some questions that we put together on our own. and then we'll go into what you've been watching, bitch, and then we'll go into directly your your your questions to your listeners, so get ready to go.
Yeah, it should be fun. um Listen, let's be honest, Pride Month, June, beginning of summer, it's a really busy time. And I think this is going to be our only episode for June. So we'll get back to our regular schedule in July with our regular format. But um for now, I think this is going to be a really special episode and it deserves to be the highlight of June. Yeah, absolutely. So Andrew, um first of all, happy pride to you, Andrew. right And, um ah you know, ah the thing that I want to start with with us is this, you know, look, we're not young anymore.
Right. ah Don't say that. But it's true. We're not and look, we're not old either, but like we are certainly not young. You you are about to turn 40 yourself this year. I'm about to turn 42 in August. And like, you know, we are in that portion of our years now, this sort of in between phase. Some people call it middle aged. And that's I think I call it when you use your insurance the most. Exactly. That too. So listen, I mean, look, we've been doing this for a long time. And, um you know, I wonder for you, you know, now that we're in pride month, we're in pride season, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like, what are you really celebrating this pride? What do you think?
Um, I think for, from like a pride perspective, I'm just celebrating that. I mean, this sounds morbid, but I'm celebrating that I made it this far. Um, I think that like as a younger person, like I would say like teenage into my early twenties, I did struggle a lot with accepting my sexuality and not because, and not because anyone around me, like I had a supportive family. I had like all the things that you're, do you know, you're supposed to have to have like a healthy coming out. um And I did, but like just for me, it was it was tough to like get through those years because you know I come from a family of of suicide. I've had a lot of that in my family. And I think that like if I didn't have the reflection of how I saw suicide affect people, I don't know if I would have made it out of those years because it was a it it was a really dark time.
and I got picked on a lot and it just it goes to show like there's just there's just so much that you're you're thankful for when you get older that you're like wow I made it like I did it you know what I mean so that's kind of where I'm at right now as far as like pride celebration I think for me, I'm kind of just like, you know what? I think it's time to let the younger kids have that. think it's time to like I think it's time to like let them shape what that looks like for their generation. And it probably will look a lot different than what it looked like for our generation because there is a lot more out there for them. um and And so yeah, um that's kind of where I'm at. where What about you?
ah Yeah, thanks for sharing that. um I'm glad you made it out too. um I think for me ah in in this this this weird middling part of my life, um ah I'm really just proud to be myself. you know It's taken a long time to get there, which sounds very silly to say out loud, but I bet you and probably a lot of our listeners would would relate. yeah I think um you know you you spend a long time, I can't speak for straight people. um I just hope that they'll keep you know whatever they do out of my eyesight. Do you know what I mean? We don't want to see none of y'all kissing. I don't need to see that. I will tell you, I was walking yesterday in town and there was some guy just like like gnawing on his, I presume to be his girlfriend, like gnawing on her face. It was very, very fucking weird.
very, very weird. i had art they They really define all reason. you know i I had a couple. i would so I had a weird week last week and I had to get on the train in the middle of the day. And the middle of the day on the train is very weird because it's not not the usual time. And there was this commuters there was this couple And they they kept just like making out and then like switching seats and making out and then like switching positions and making out. And I was like, what are you doing? Wow. it's Like people are so weird. but Yeah. You know, i I think I'm proud to be out of that phase of my life, you know. And so what what I was getting to there was this. It takes a long time to get to know who you are.
and to get to know the the things that that make you tick, and to get to a place of emotional intelligence with yourself, and to come to grips with with your own being in this world. And I i think for me, i've I've largely done that in a lot of ways, and I'm really proud of where I've come from. um And you know, especially in in the last few years, like I've done the things I just never thought I would do. And, um you know, I think there's there's there used to be that line that people would say that it's something along the lines of like, yeah, well, I'm gay, but it doesn't like define me. It's not like it's not like the only thing about me. And I'm like, actually, it's a huge thing about me.
Like, it's not the only thing, but it is a huge part of who I am. Of course it is. right Because it describes who I love. It describes, in in a lot of ways, my politics. It describes, you know, my future. It describes my past. It's it's a gigantic part of who I am. And so I'm really proud to be, you know, ah ah a middle-aged gay man, you know, living in in Europe as an expat, making life work, doing it right, and figuring it the fuck out. Like, I've been through a fuck ton in my fucking life. And I'm really proud of where I am right now. And I hope that other people, when they think about where they are too now in their lives, I hope that they can say something along those lines too, you know? Yeah, for sure. I hope that, I just, I think that everyone deserves to get to a point in their life where they just feel a little bit more settled. You know what I mean? Yes. Yes. and i do Not every day is a struggle, basically.
So, I mean, Andrew, ah for for, you know, look, a lot of people are listening to the show and they listen to us for a long time. And so, you know, they sort of know our bag. But for some people, this might be their first episode. And and that's cool. if If it is your first episode of us, wonderful. You have 122 others to listen to um as homework for the summer. um But there might be some people who are wondering, why horror? Why is it a thing for us? What do you think?

Podcast Origins and Themes

I mean, I think it comes just out. I mean, we've told the story a million times, but it just comes out of like where we were at as friends at the time. And like, you know, we we we formed this podcast because every time we would get together, we would be like, hey, did did you see Chupacabra, the movie? I don't know. You know what I mean? Like something like that. And then we'd we'd talk about it. And then eventually we would get into like, well, did you see what fucking fuckface is saying on the TV? And then we'd talk about that. And then it was like,
you know um This makes sense. And like in the more that we go into looking at horror movies as a reflection of real life, it honestly makes so much sense. and i i just want like I don't want to say that we're the first ones, but like I'm so happy that we put two and two together and then said, like hey, this makes sense to talk about. And like, you know what I mean? and i And I really do think like I'm not trying to like pump our own wagons here or whatever, but like we really did come up with something special and I'm really proud of that. So I don't know. And horror has always been a part of my life. I've talked about it a million times, you know, grew up with it, grew up with my mom showing me horror movies from a very young age. So like a duh, it makes sense that I want to talk about it. I mean, how do you feel about it?
Yeah, I mean, you know, when when it comes to the horror aspect of just like who we are as individuals and who we are as friends, you know, podcast aside, like horror is just a genre that continues to make sense for us. Right. Because it is it's it remains a genre. I mean, you're're you're going to get a bunch of different things within within the genre, of course, like any other genre. But it remains a genre where the um where you view humans um overcoming adversity in extraordinary circumstances. right And and like if you boil down horror to a very simple and boring sentence, that's what it is. And that is what life is like for LGBT people too. And you know like look, I can't Speak for for the new generation i don't i don't know i know a bit of what what they're going through and i i think you and i keep a pretty good finger on that but i'm i'm nowhere near as good as i used to be. I can speak for our generation though and i and i can say you know what we went through very very painful times.
And you know now I think we're we're in a bit of an era where it's it's very cool to come out in high school and like you know you've got a lot of resources. And I'm not saying it's perfect, don't get me wrong here. But listen, it's one hell of a fuck ton different than when what the way it was for us. right And so like when I look at my own life and I think about sort of the horrors that I've been through just because I'm gay, and I bet you would probably do the same thing here too, Looking at ah at a horror film and watching someone survive it and watching someone get through it and become the final girl, the final boy, that's just always made sense to people like you and me. And and i think you know I think we knew that a bit before we started the podcast. like right I think it kind of made sense to us. But like once we got the podcast going and we really delved into
Everything I just sort of im motion around the room everything and like and we we we talked to all these people and we we met new people and we made these new connections and we got deep into horror. I think we we really came to to understand that our sort of hypothesis was so true. And you know it's it's not in a vacuum, it's because you know people like you, and I'm now gesturing toward you listeners, people like you have told us that it's true. So you know we don't feel so alone and hopefully you don't feel so alone with us either. And you know over to the podcast aspect of it.
I mean yeah I love our origin story because the origin story that you described there is like the making of a good podcast because what what makes a good podcast what is a podcast good not forced not forced for one but also like you know if there happens to be two people talking and it or more if there's more than just you know one host. It should feel like a conversation. It should feel like your friends are there with you in the room or like you're in their living room, having a chat or you're on the balcony, having a beer with them, you know, that sort of feel. And I, I think, and I hope, i and I mostly believe that you and I have done that with that with the with this podcast over the past six and a half fucking years.
It's crazy. It's fun to think about like how many people you know we've sort of like been in their virtual living room as corny as that sounds, or like on their virtual balcony with them. or you know We've had messages from people before who who contact us, you know not in times of like crisis, but in really emotional

Social Media and Future Outlook

times. And they contact us to let to let us know that like you know they live in the middle of fucking nowhere Oklahoma and there's like nobody else around and there's no gay bars is no gay people this kind of thing but like they like horror movies and they're like us and they found our podcast and they don't feel so alone and like that if if that's all that you and I ever do with this podcast if that's all that we ever do it's been worth it the entire time.
Yeah, no, I agree. And, you know, I'll just say something, you know, really quick about kind of like the the scope of like how social media has changed. Oh, my God. In just the six and a half years, we've been doing this so different, drastically seeing like a like a swift weirdness to me. um I think that what you were talking about is about two years out at this point and yeah i i love when people reach out to us and you know we've had a few people reach out to us recently and you know talk to us but like when we first started this and i would say for the first like i don't know for four or five years we have like a steady stream of people that were just like commenting and talking with us and like having a really good time on social media and then like as soon as twitter
did it did its thing or X or whatever, all of a sudden it was like we're talking into a void. And I just feel like we don't have, I don't want to say reach because that's ah that sounds like ah like a term that, it's like a business term, but like we don't have like the conversations we used to have with people. and yeah I'm really sad about that. and I get that. and and you know And if people are still on X and you know we still are and you want to reach out, please do because we want to hear from you. And like that's a big part of the podcast is like understanding that we are reaching people and that we are talking to people and not just to each other. Because guess what? If we just wanted to talk to each other, we would just call each other. yeah you know I think you're right, the and ah especially working in social media for the past five years. um like i've I've seen it change with our podcast, of course. I've seen it change personally and I've seen it change professionally. yeah and you know the the exit The X slash Twitter, whatever the fuck you want to call it anymore, it's
uh it's such a shame um because look like i i don't believe that elon musk woke up one day and was like i'm gonna be an evil person i i honestly don't think that i just think that he's a fucking he's just so full of himself he can't see beyond it he just can't And so and you know and so he he he got sort of chuffed up and he he made all these big boasts and he and he he said he was gonna buy Twitter and then it came down to, well, fuck, if I don't buy it, then all these people are gonna say that I'm a pussy, basically, which which is kind of what happened. And so he bought this thing, which was just a monstrously stupid idea.
and and he really did change what was a really wonderful thing and it sucks because you know like look. I don't care what anybody says like right wing people could be on it left wing people could be on it and everyone in between and on your circle yeah you you you found your circle and the only thing that stopped you from being on it is if you were a fucking pig. which a lot of these people were. And not just on the right side, but on the left side too. People saying stupid shit on both sides and dividing themselves even further. it's It's ridiculous. And so he just made it easier for everyone to do that. And of course people are like, no, I don't want to hang around here because why the fuck would I? You know open up you open up your feet and it's just a bunch of bullshit. And it's like, you know,
ah One of the things that that has also changed over over these past you know six and a half years, and um it's probably changed for you too, I can't speak for you, but it's like for me, like I'm just not into that anymore. i i am i look and it's I am like becoming like a docile old man now, it's kind of funny. But like I look at the rest of my life and I just think, I'm not going to be here all that much longer. right like i'm you know i've Hopefully, I've got a little but've got a lot more life to live. But like who knows? you know I'm 42. Maybe I'll make it to 84. So maybe this is by this is my halfway point. I don't fucking know. But what I do know is that with the time that I have left, um I want to make sure that I'm doing whatever I can to like bring people together.
you know yeah I am so, so tired of just the bullshit from everybody. like We need to move forward in this world in a way that makes sense. And that is for everybody. And like if you can't see the the the value of equality and equity in in in local government, in national government, in the world, in your business, in this thing and that thing, I don't know what to tell you. Like you need to get on the bandwagon, man. Like the world is moving forward. Where do you want to be as we move forward? Do you know what I mean? yeah Like, come on. Um, I just have one more thing to say about social media. And then I will have a question about that will bring us right back to pride and kind of round out the conversation. But like what I want to say about social media and what it's done to society. And I see so many people
online that are just trying to do something that will get them famous. And it is so sad. and it's like that I we we never started this podcast to become famous in any way, shape or form. ah were Were we going to try to use it to like get to people like Jerry O'Connell and people like that? Absolutely. Why not? I wouldn't wait. My God, yes. But like we never intended to like blow up or like anything. like Honestly, the the amount of listeners that we have stupefies me, if I'm being honest. But like the amount of people that get online
And all they do is fucking post hot takes or they say like things like, I've never seen a nightmare in Elm Street. Hmm. Like, okay, go watch it. I don't know. wait What do you want me to say? like yeah do do you Do you want to fucking meddle for that? Like, what do you want? There's just so many people out there that are just really trying so hard. And what I want to say to them is use that energy to go make some money. Thank you. Good. Yeah. um Well, I think, too, like, you know, I'm i'm just I'm i I would say while we're talking about things, things that we're proud of, like, you know, look, we are two gay dudes who have done our best. And like, and like, look, we're two gay white dudes. I get it.
And like we are two gay white dudes that have done our best to do whatever we can with our our creation, our little baby, our little podcast, to bring it to welcome as many different types of people to the show and to bring it to as many different types of people as we possibly can. We have stood up for what's right. We have been with the people that we need to be with. And we have welcomed different sorts of voices on our show. And I'm i'm really proud of that. And like, you know, like you said, like, my God, if anyone, if anyone ever thinks we did this to get famous, you're you're fucking weird. I don't know what to tell you. um we We were already famous, bitch. But like in our own minds, exactly. But like, I mean, beyond that, like I'm really proud that we're not that kind of podcast and like, let's face it, like listeners, you know, this you know, that you know this full well. There's plenty of podcasts that you listen to that I listen to that are like that. And it's just a bunch of shitty hot takes or 8,000 lists and things that, you know, aren't really all that substantive. And I hope that we have tried to, you know, uh, get around that and provide something different. So I'm, I'm proud of that too.
And then one last thing as we kind of talk about pride in 2024 is how are you feeling about the community at large? Like where where do you think we're at right now? Because I mean, even in our lives, a lot has changed in the community. And so I i pose to you, Maddie Zaretic, where do you think we're at right now? And where do you think we're going? That's a big question. It really is. Um, I can go first if you want me to. i I feel, um, I feel cautiously optimistic about where we are. I think, um, I think that we, uh, this is, I'm going to, I'm going to speak about this as a progressive, independent person. Does that make sense? Absolutely.
So like i you know I try to stay as independent as I can, but I do you know sort of designate myself as a progressive person when I think about politics, that kind of thing. And um if I had to describe myself politically, I would say I am a a gay, progressive, independent. That makes that makes sense. who is you know Obviously, i vote I vote Democratic pretty much all the time in in America, but not pretty much. I vote all the time Democratic in America. um But like I think you understand what I mean there. I am open to hearing, do you have a good idea here? Can we make it real? I don't really care who you are. like Is there something good for humanity that you can do? Whatever. Anyways, moving on from there. I think as that kind of person that we as as a queer community can get hung up on the wrong things sometimes.
and i think And I think that especially now, like this is not the time to live in theory, if that makes sense. like People don't live in a theoretical world where they're worried about exactly what this thing means or what that term means or what this thing does or what that thing does. People live in a real world and we have to do a better job going out and talking to people. And like i don't I know some people might hear that and go, well, it's not our job to do that, or we've been through enough. And look, I get it. And I don't disagree with you. But I'm saying, if you want to have a better life, and I want you to, and I want to have a better life for myself, I want a better future for the people ahead of us, for the people that will come later you know ah ah after us.
if you want that to be a reality, it's not going to happen by like yelling at people all day long. And it's not going to happen by like fucking not talking to people and not engaging. I'm sorry, but it won't. It just won't. You know, a great example of it is, um, you know, like, um, one of my brother in-laws who I really, really adore. And like, you know, when I first met him, I won't say his name, but when I first met him, you know, he, he wasn't ah anything of what I would call a progressive or a liberal. Let's just put it that way, right? And you know he will tell me, he he he tells me often, he's like, you know look, you really changed my mind on a lot of things. And you you really brought me to see another viewpoint with with the queer community and with this and with that. And like I really, I'm proud of that. you know The only way that that happened, it's not just because like he married my sister. That's honestly not not the reason why.
It happened because I engaged with him and because I'm friends with him and because we talked about things and because we you know sipped whiskey by the fire and talked about important shit. Do you know what I mean? And that's how we're going to win through conversations. We're not going to win through, I don't know, anything else. I just, I really believe that. So, I don't know, back back to my original assessment, cautiously optimistic. I'm optimistic for a good future for our community, but if we keep focusing on the wrong things and if we keep diverging away from talking to people that aren't exactly like us, we are not going to get anywhere. In fact, I'm i'm scared that we'll draw draw ourselves back.
Yeah, um i I this is an interesting thing to think

Personal Beliefs and Equality

about. And I've thought about it a lot, actually, because I recently made a mistake. OK. I accidentally watched one YouTube short. Oh, no. And the algorithm get you. Yes. And in the algorithm sent me into a weird place. I watched one short. I don't know how it even got into my algorithm. ti Was it like a conservative kind of short thing? Candace Owens. Oh, no. Andrew, why? What happened?
Well, I watched because because I'm just watching these shorts like as they come up So I don't know what this is. I've never seen this person before in my entire life. I Didn't know who Candace always ones and then I watched one video and then all of a sudden I was like, oh shit Wait, this is like the other way And then I like and then but then it it it's shifted my algorithm to where I was seeing that guy that goes on college campuses. And then I was seeing the um ah what's his face, the guy that looks like a mouse. I can't think of his name right now. ah But like ah Shapiro, sorry, Shapiro. Oh Ben Shapiro. Yeah. And so I started seeing all these videos and it it sent me it sent me a little bit into a spiral. But then like
because I was like how do we do like, how do we defeat this? And then like ah by the end of it, by the end of my like internal spiral, I just started to think like, no, it's okay because now you know what they're saying. Now you know what's out there because for a long time, and I think that you can attest to this, we did live in our own little bubble of what i coach we were talking about. That's the chamber all day long, all day long. And so like it got my brain like working again, you know what I mean? like as far as like it's It's weird to see what other people are talking about, especially on those kind of platforms where they're like speaking to college students and and stuff like that. and it But it does challenge you a little bit to think about, well, why do I think this way? like Why do I want to support the things that I support?
And so like while I think that like we as a community have the most representation and the most rights as we should as people that we ever have, yeah I think that like we're on the verge of something where we're either going to go really like we're gonna either really take off and we're really gonna be accepted as a community or we're really gonna tank ourselves. And I think that like, it kind of goes along with what you were just talking about as far as like, we have to be, how do I put this? We have to understand that our community and then people outside of our community exist and that we have to understand that they were not all brought up with the same way of thinking, the way the same information, all of the same things.
And then we have to accept that, hey, maybe we can still come to ah an agreement if that's not the right word, but well you can come to a ah level playing ground as far as like, hey, this is what I believe. Hey, this is what I believe. Let's now figure out like where we can figure this out. if I know I'm talking in circles a little bit. No, no, no, no. I think it makes sense. you know there There's something that that I try to remember that that i've I think I've finally learned in my life, and it's this. Do you want to be right or do you want to win? yeah and And I think it would it would do our community really well to think about this. And I'm not saying don't get loud. I'm not saying don't protest. I'm not saying don't stand up for yourself. like don't I mean, you're you're you're listening to somebody who literally sued a bar for discrimination. I was the first one to sue under that law in Illinois. right So like I know what it means to fight for yourself as a queer person. I know it deeply. I know it more deeply than others, quite frankly. So like I'm not saying don't do those things. Still stand up to hate. Bingo, of course. My God, yes. But if all we want to do is just be right all the time, we are never going to win. Because all we're going to do is argue, and and the point of the argument won't be even to win. The point of the argument will be to drag.
And like, is that really? I don't know. like I don't know for you, but that's not the way that I want to spend my days any longer. I don't. i I really do desire a life of peace and calm and like fun and goodness. And I can't have that if I'm constantly thinking about who I'm going to battle next. yeah And like, I think, I think that's the, and look, I think it's a natural thing. I think that that's how I used to really think about my life in a lot of ways. And I think that's common for a lot of gay people. I really do because of how we had to grow up. We had to grow up fighting for ourselves in ways proving ourselves. Yeah.
in ways that other kids, I mean, like every kid has to do that kind of, but it's different for us. It's, it's very, very fucking different because unlike those other kids, we had a deep dark, I'm putting this in air quotes, secret, right? That we had to keep at the same time that they didn't. And so imagine that, that thing inside of you festering and festering until you finally one day let it out. But you know, while while you were waiting for that thing to to occur for that glorious moment, so much trauma happened to you in the meantime, that all you can do when faced with those triggers for your trauma is fight. That makes sense for me about myself and about other gay people. yeah But what if
What if it didn't have to be that way? And it doesn't. And so we can still stand up for ourselves. We can still do what's right. And not just in America, all over the world, but we we can do this. We can help our brothers and sisters wherever they might be. But we can do this and also we can win at the same time. And the only way we do that is by changing hearts and minds. We can continue to do that over and over and over again. And honestly, like, I think that I've said this a lot in many contexts, but like, don't give those people your energy. Like those he fucking men, those people like Candace Owens, like Ben Shapiro, like Donald Trump, like all these people that are becoming famous for the things that they are saying. Bingo.
if you just stop talking about them, and I realize I just talked about them, but like if you just... It's different. It's different. If you just if you just don't give them the energy, they'll go away. Yeah, I agree. can I agree. there there There is another world that is possible, but the world that we are on the verge of of seeing created anew is really terrifying. And so like, you know, when when you ask the question about where are we as a community, like it's It's impossible not to come back to like, well, let's see how this election goes. you i mean like
it's um and you know we weve We've made a conscious choice on on the podcast to stop talking about politics so much. just because like i mean that's That's a lot for us to say for the podcast that talks about horror in real life. right But like we know in an in an election season, like there's only so much that you can hear. And frankly, there's ah only so much that we want to talk about anymore. And it becomes, like with with the 24 hour news cycle, it's the same shit every day. But but at the same time, like i mean i i just i I feel like I have to express this again. And I hope most of our listeners feel the same way. And if not, I hope that I can persuade you.
It is this, I know that times are fraught right now and I know that Joe Biden is not necessarily maybe your top choice for who you would love to see in the White House. I am here to tell you he is your only rational choice. That's it. And so for the love of God, if you want to see a future for any of us at all, and I really do mean that when I say that, like not just for gay people, not just for straight people, like for any of us, for your dogs, for God's sake, like Do what's right here and go vote for Joe Biden and like those are words that I didn't think I would ever really say like that But look at me now like we are at ah at an election that is so incredibly important for everybody. Oh Man, like I mean I i live I live 5,000 miles away from where I used to call home and I watch it and I watch it with a lot of sadness sometimes because it's just like I My God, from from this distance, you really can see how, um what's the word I'm looking for? howard how How contentious America really is, how awful it really, really is right now in terms of how people think about each other and how we think about you know the future of the country. And you know I really believe that and a ah world without America is is' not good. It's really not good. And trust me, as somebody who hasn't lived inside of it for you know three years now,
It is not a good thing for the world if we are not around. And I am deathly afraid, deathly afraid, that if Donald Trump wins the election, it will be the end. And it will be the creation of something new and sinister and not not good. I said earlier, you know Elon Musk, I don't think he woke up you know and suddenly was an evil man. I do think that Donald Trump is evil. Like, I do actually believe that. I believe he wants- He makes money off of being evil. Exactly. And and and he he wants us to hate each other. He wants us to not win because he wants power. And he wants to create some sort of insanity, some sort of insane calamity. And we we simply can't have

Pride Season Reflections and Recommendations

that. And we won't survive as a people, um as as ah as a queer people, if if he does. I really believe that.
Yeah. Scary times, scary times. Let's hope that I don't have to move. But look, all all that being said, I mean, look, we we talked about some really good things here. Like we sincerely, I'll speak for you, Andrew here. I'm sure you'll agree. we We really hope that this is a pride season, like none other for you and that you are safe and that you're happy, that you are You know, you can look at yourself in the mirror and know what a great person you are and that you can go out and help people do the same. Like if if there's any sort of thing that you can do this pride season different from others, I hope it's that ah agreed. All right. Well, that will be the end of quote unquote horror in real life, because I think we just talked about a lot of really hopeful stuff. So that's good. um But we will take a quick break and be right back with what you've been watching, bitch.
Let's all go to the lobby Let's all go to the lobby Let's all go to the lobby To get ourselves a treat And now it's time for everyone's favorite segment, whatcha been watching, bitch? Whatcha been watching, you proud little bitch? I was wondering what you were gonna say. ah Folks, if this is your first time joining us, this is the the segment of the episode where we talk about what we've been watching or listening or reading. It can be anything, horror or not horror. So we each bring four to the table and Andrew's going to tell us what he's watched first right now.
Okay, so the first one I'm going to bring is Pretty Little Liars Summer School on what Max, I guess it's called now. I can't keep track of the name changes at this point. Is it still HBO? No, it's just called Max. It's just called Max now. Do they have HBO shows? ah Yes. So like Hacks is on there right now and things like that. I just don't understand shit anymore, ma'am. um So this is the second season of the revamp of Pretty Little Liars. If you remember, I reported on Pretty Little Liars' original sin when we it first came out, and now we're in the second season called Summer School. um This follows our same characters. The unmasking of A, the killer, and happened in the first season, and this is kind of the aftermath of all of that.
And we find ourselves in a new ah horror series where the girls are now being hunted down by A's mother, um who is called Bloody Rose, I think is the right thing. Let's play on Bloody Mary. I think it's Bloody Rose. um And they're trying to figure out who Bloody Rose is. um I will say like this, I feel like they're I don't know. It's it's it's another one of those kind of like Riverdale-y shows, if you will. um And it kind of acted that way. So like, if you like that kind of thing, you'll get into it. um I'm still into it. The writing is a little top heavy. Like, that like what's the word I'm looking for? um It's a little heavy-handed. Well, no, it's just like, it's it doesn't sound like people talk. You know what I mean?
But um I'm still enjoying it. and'm I'm going to finish it out because I want to know who the killer is. um and And I like the main girl. I don't know if you remember, but like, do you remember Strangers Pray at Night? Kinda. Yeah. The main girl from that is the main girl in this. And so I do like her as an actress. I just feel like the show is a little bit like it's kind of how Riverdale happened. Like Riverdale was in a vacuum and it was a thing and then it kind of got off the rails. You know what I mean? Like yeah and it kind of feels like this is going that route. But I'm going to finish it out and we'll see. So that's my first one. Yeah. You know, with with Riverdale, I just wish I wish they would have just made up ah a pact to like make it
It's going to be this many seasons and that's it. yeah you know yeah like yeah After a while, I just I could not keep up with it. There was too much going on. um Anyways, my first one is this is I got to tell you about this. So I'm not going to say the name of the company. But, um, I saw a production of the crucible in Dublin. Oh my. And so I, I love the crucible big fan of it. I love Arthur Miller, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. Um, love the film with Daniel day Lewis and a bunch of the other, you know, wonderful, do you heavy stuff, heavy stuff though. And like, cool. And like, you know, you and I were in Salem last year, so it was really cool to be around all that sort of like, you know, Salem witch trial stuff. It was, it was neat. You know, you realize,
that we would have left for Salem in two days. Oh my God, that's crazy. That's so, that's so wild. was It was one year ago, actually a year ago. Um, but yeah, so I love the crucible. One of my employees, uh, was going, she's really involved in theater and she was going to see it and she said, Oh yeah, I'm seeing the crucible. I said, Oh no way. I love the crucible. So she told me about it. Tell me what to do.

Media Reviews and Opinions

And she's like, you know, it's an amateur company, but they're, they're, they're supposed to be really good. And it's part of the all Ireland theater festival, which is a, like ah a big competition that goes on. And so at the at the Abbey Theatre, which is in Dublin, of course, it's like the National Theatre. There's like a ah ah little stage called the Peacock Stage. And so this company did the Crucible. Now,
Look, I'm not going to say the name of the company because I don't i don't want to bring hell upon them. but oh no um like look if if you I'm sure you all know the story of the crucible, basically, right? But yeah if you've read the crucible or seen the movie or whatever, like you would know that there is the character of Tituba, who is a slave from Barbados. She is a slave to Reverend Paris. And ah Reverend Paris is the father of Betty and the uncle to to Abigail. right So very, very pivotal in the story because without Tituba, there wouldn't have been anything in the woods that the girls do. There's you know no sort of like ceremony or anything where Reverend Paris catches them. right So that brings you up to the tale.
Now, I just want to go back to the part where I said she's a black slave from Barbados. Got it? So so I'm watching this show and like in in in the movie, it's different. But, you know, in the in the in the play, Tituba, I believe she has either the first or the second line and she's really worried about Betty. And so she's in bed with Betty holding her kind of thing. So I'm watching this show. And first thing first, I'll just tell you this, I get to the theater, I show my ticket and he's like, Oh yeah, yeah. but And it's it's going to be this long. but but And I didn't hear it. And I was like, wait, how long is it? And your man told me three hours and 20 minutes. And I know I almost, I almost threw up. I was like, excuse me, three. I said, okay, fine. Three hours, 20 minutes. My goodness. There must be a dance break. And so then I go to get some wine and I'm, you know, I have a couple of glasses of wine. I'm like, I'm going to need this to get through it.
So I'm watching this thing open up and fucking Tituba walks out on stage. Girl, she is as white as though she just came from fucking, I don't know, Limerick or some shit. And I'm watching it and I'm like, I cannot believe you did not cast a black person for Tituba. Like, it is insane that they that they made that choice. Is she still have a Barbadian accent? Oh, she sure did. Oh, no. She was sure trying. And like her hair was kind of crazy. And like, look, the woman that was doing it was was doing her best. I don't know how else to describe it, did if you know what I mean. Like, I don't know what else to say here. But I was just like, whoever directed this, whoever produced it,
And by the way, the tickets were 25 Euro, so it wasn't like I was like going to a high school production here. um what were you What were you thinking? like what What honestly are you thinking that you thought it would be okay to cast a white person for the role of an enslaved person in the Crucible? That doesn't make any fucking sense. That doesn't make any fucking sense. And so she walks out on stage, Andrew, I know who it is because I know the play very, very well. I start laughing because I honestly can't believe it. And I am the only one in this theater laughing. And like I may have had half of an edible too. but Like I seriously could not believe what was going on in front of my eyes. But there it is. I will say I very seriously considered leaving after the first half. um But I was like, you know what? I've stuck with it this long. Let's just see how they choose to end it.
It was rough. I'm not going to fucking lie. It was rough, dude. It was rough. ah You, ah you would have seen me. We would have been in line and you would have said, how long is it? And they would have said three hours and 20 minutes. And I would have said, Maddie, I will see you at the end. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. You would have made the right choice too. But you know, like, look, it's one of those things where it's like, I had to remind myself it's an amateur company. Like if they're not professional, they're amateur, they're, they're part of a thing they're doing. it I wish they wouldn't have made that choice, but like, They're trying, I guess, kind of thing. It was just it was a very odd experience. I'm not going to lie. It's weird. Don't like it. All right. My next one is on to be it's a to be original, um which honestly, these to be originals are getting kind of Good, now I wish I had fucking Tubi over here. You know what? I want to say this to the people that make Tubi. Fuck you for not having it in the EU. Fuck off. There's a lot of good stuff on there, I gotta say. I know, I know. I get it. Let me, however, this is what I'll say to Tubi. Let me pay for you so I don't have to watch your ads, okay? Thank you. Wait, there's no paid option?
No, it's all that's weird. But also, do you ever want to say it like this? Do you ever want to call it to be like that when you say it? No. but to me Anyway, which my one in like to be my my next one is on to be. um It is called killer body count. Oh, wow. This is um by the same guy and I guarantee you haven't watched this yet, but it's by the same guy that did the slumber party massacre remake a couple of years ago. um And now I get this. I get this guy after watching this movie. um It's about a girl who has grown up in a very Catholic, very religious household, and she gets caught in the back room or basement of her church, kind of like being sexy with a guy. And they're teenagers, by the way.
And her dad sends her to like a conversion camp, essentially, like a like a not a conversion camp, like a ah religious like virgin camp, essentially. And it's guys and girls at this virgin and it's run by these this brother and sister. um And it's that's kind of the setup. And then like any time that anyone does anything out of sorts, like get sexy with each other, they get killed. That's on the basis of price of the product. But like what I love about this director, and you'll see it with the Slumber Party Massacre remake too, is that he does really does turn the lens on like the female slash male gaze. And like in this movie, I can tell you there are no boobs, but I can tell you every single man in this movie shows his butt.
Oh, yes. Oh, I'm watching this. um it's It's a campy movie. It's very over the top. It's very slashery. But like when I tell you like for for gay people watching this kind of thing. This is right up our alley. likes Let's be honest. like We finally get a little bit of a tits and ass ourselves. You know what I mean? but It was fun. All the guys in it are hot. All the girls in it are hot. There's a little bit of lesbianism in it. There's like a lot of blood and guts. The kills are actually pretty good. For example, there's one person that gets their head smashed in with a ah dumbbell weight, which is pretty cool. I think that this movie kind of has a lot for everybody in the horror genre. So if if you're looking for something, you know, um, I brought up slay before on this. That's also a to be original and now killer body count. Listen to be, um, I'm seeing you. i'm I'm coming in. I mean, I mean, look, you, you had me at, but, um, you know, as everything's good, but i take long time listeners will know that I am an ass man. Um, I think about, but at least 40 times a day at least. And so like, if I can see it on a screen, I'm, I'm much happier. Am I happier person?
Yeah, fun stuff. Yeah, yeah. Happy Pride. um My next one is Furiosa, which I saw at the cinema. um Big Mad Max fan over here, man. Big Mad Max fan. And Furiosa did not disappoint. um So, if you've not seen Mad Max Fury Road, you should probably see that before you see Furiosa, though you don't have to. You could watch them you could watch it after you see Furiosa for that matter. Furiosa is the direct prequel to Mad Max Fury Road. It literally ends at Mad Max Fury Road. and it is It's what's wonderful. i mean look
Everyone in the movie is great. This is an another excellent entry into the Mad Max franchise of insanity. I fucking love Mad Max. um One of my favorite things of all time. And Anya Taylor Joy is fantastic as Furiosa. Chris Hemsworth is really good as a new villain that you'll that you'll meet in it. And um I mean, look, it's it's one that you want to see at the big screen. I'm not going to lie. Like, you know, don't don't wait for this to come to your your home ah movie theater or whatever. I i't know I'm speaking like that, but your yourre your TV, basically, that's that's what I'm trying to say. So like, don't wait for that. If you can go to the theater to see it, go do that, because it's a big, big movie with a lot of noise and a lot of sound. And you're going to want to see that. The the only thing that I would say about this one is that they maybe use a little bit more CGI than the other Mad Max films have before.
um But that just sort of seems to be the way of things now with movies. I mean, I would imagine it's a way to save a lot of money for studios, I'm just guessing here. And so we'll probably see a lot more of that in the future. And we've already seen a lot of it now. um So that would be literally my only criticism. Everything else about the film I think is great. I think the characters are lovely and wonderful. It's it's an insane ride. You learn a lot about about the history of things. um And I loved it. I just had a great time. I saw it in the theater and just fucking loved it. So I hope you do, too. Cool. I'm sure like, um you know, honestly, like Mad Max is just not my thing, but like I'm glad that they are carrying on kind of this new generation of Mad Max that people really like. So yeah that's cool. Totally like it. My next one is one that I remember seeing previews for like two years ago and getting really excited about and then completely forgot about it.
It is the cinematic adaptation of the story, Dear David. Oh, wow, shit, no way. um If you remember, I think it honestly was our first Halloween special. You brought us the story. It would have been a long time ago, this. You brought us the story of Dear David, which people don't remember. um In 2017, a BuzzFeed writer, which When was the last time we thought about Buzzfeed? buzz Remember Buzzfeed? Remember that? When they almost took over the world and then they face-planned? They didn't. yeah um ah he One of the writers at Buzzfeed kind of put out some tweets and started this whole tweet thing about like this ghost that was haunting his apartment called Dear David.
So this is the adaptation. It is from Buzzfeed. It was it was Adam Ellis, wasn't it? Right. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. yeah Adam Ellis. So I don't know if you remember the movie Midnight Kiss that we did a couple of pride episodes. Yeah, I do. Yeah. Back. Do you remember the main guy from that? ah Yes. He plays Adam Ellis in this. OK, cool. And so he plays a Buzzfeed writer, obviously, who starts getting haunted. But they put a little new spin on it. And I kind of liked it, actually. But like. they put a spin on it to where Dear David is kind of an advocate against internet trolls, if that makes any sense. Interesting, okay. And because Adam Ellis had all this artwork out there that mostly people like loved and praised and he had so much admiration online, he would get these like, every once in a while, like, ever since you joined Bosefeed, your art sucks, like that kind of a comment. And he finally decides to like talk back at it and kind of troll the troll, if you will.
And that's when Dear David comes into his Twitter feed. And Dear David has no followers. You can't trace the Twitter account, like all this stuff. And then he starts seeing him in his apartment. dot That's kind of it. But what I what I liked up about the movie is like, he's he he is gay in the movie. So he has a boyfriend like it's it's fuck. Yeah, it it's a it's a It's not a great movie by any means and it kind of devolves by the end of it because like how far can you take a BuzzFeed string of Twitter things? but like yeah I liked it and I don't know anyone that's ever talked about it or ever seen it yeah ah it. Literally the only reason I knew that it was even available was
I went on my little, yes, I still have cable. I went on my little cable thing and it said like, new to stars. And it was like, dear David. And I was like, holy shit. I've completely forgot about this. I liked it. I do. I think it had some problems with like a little bit of like, heavy yeah they all do don't they they all do But I still had a good time with it. And you know what? This Pride season, I'm talking about gay movies. So that you know what's that's really good to hear. And I hope that I can see it over here because i I love that story and I would love to see it on the big screen. So I'm glad that you liked it.
Yeah. Um, my next one is called a man in full. It's on Netflix. It's fairly new. Um, have you seen, have you watched this yet? I'm guessing no, no I never even heard of it. Gotcha. So it is, um, it's a brand new show, like I said, on Netflix, uh, with Jeff Daniels. Um, I'm a, I love Jeff Daniels. I just, I think he's a really, I think he's really good. Um, very famous Michigan person. yes Oh, I didn't know he was from Michigan. No way. But it's based on a novel by Tom Wolf that came out in 1998. Tom Wolf is ah of just ah one of America's best novelists of all time, for for sure. um And a man in full is about this character. I honestly forget his name right now, but he's about this character that Jeff Daniels plays who is like this mega real estate mogul in Atlanta. Like he controls everything. He owns a bunch of shit.
And behind the scenes, no one would know how much in debt he really is to this particular bank that he's borrowed billions of dollars from. right And so this story is all about when the bank comes asking for him to actually pay. And so it turns into This showdown this it's almost like a western in a lot of ways it is so good i don't want to give but anything away because the ending is for sure a big old twisty ending that you're not expecting for sure so.
If you think you're going to watch it, deaf don't Google it. Don't look on social media. Just barrel through it like I did in like a day and a half and you will be cool with it. I think it's like six or seven episodes because it's like a mini series. I just thought it was great. It's really, really good. Jeff Daniels is at his best and all the actors, all the other actors were really good too. um And it's ah it's a crazy little story. You know, rich people are fucking weird. And this is a great story about that. So I highly recommend A Man in Full. Cool. Yeah, it sounds interesting. Sounds a little like a little ex-president that we may. Yeah. Right. Hello. um So our next one, we actually share. So we both watched this. I have not talked about it yet, so we can both talk about it. Yeah. um So this is the first omen, which you can watch with your Hulu slash Disney slash ah ESPN slash Discovery, right whatever they know now.
Um, subscription, but you can watch the first omen now on all those platforms. Um, do you want me to go first on my, I thought, or do you want to go first on my, I mean, I think we can probably kind of share together kind of thing. I mean, I i can tell you right off the bat, i I just was not a fan of this and I, oh, really? I loved it. Did you like it? Interesting. Yeah. I mean, like, look, the, the omen for me is never, the omen has never been my favorite. horror franchise anyway, really? Well, I think that you are so into the exorcist. It's hard to go into like both. You know what I mean? That is exactly it. I feel like you're either an exorcist person or you're an omen person. like you're it's it's It's sort of like two different parties. And I think like the the omen never I mean, the omen is fun to watch. Don't get me wrong. And I love to quote it because it's fucking so quotable. But like it's it's always seemed a little ham fisted to me really over a little bit over the top and like just like really heavy handed.
And that it's never appealed to me because of those reasons, basically. um And the first omen didn't really get me either. um And like maybe I need to go back and watch it again. I will admit, like I was really tired when I watched it and not in the best mood. And so like that that probably did color at least a little bit of what I was watching there. But in general, like I just didn't like it and the story. and I was like, oh what is going on? and Too much is always. and i just I don't know. It just didn't hit me right. Yeah.
Yeah. So for me, like I will say like for the first like 40 minutes of the movie, I was like, can we get on with it? Like, come on, like, let's go. That might have been part of it for me to be honest, it like because it did start really slow. But like by the end of it and by and we're not going to give anything away. So if you haven't seen it, we're we're not going to give any, you know, the the quote unquote twists if there are any in the movie away. But like by the end of it, I was like, I don't know. I was like standing up like fist in the air like, fuck Yeah. I don't know. um And like I thought that the main actress was really good, um especially towards the end of the movie. And I want to know, like, we're not going to give away the end of the movie, but there is something at the end of the movie that I'm like, wait, ah wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How does that fall into the overall omen? ah Yeah. See thing ah because there's something that happens that I'm like, that doesn't fit. That doesn't fit.
So I'm wondering if they have more of these movies planned? Because there could be? In the words of Johnny Cochran, if it doesn't fit, you must acquit, Andrew. yeah you must I will say, like Maddie, have you ever watched any of the Omen sequels? I know that I've seen them. that I don't really remember any of them. You gotta to watch the second one. The second one is really good. ah And then the third one with the guy from Jurassic Park. Sam Neill. is okay. It's pretty bad. Have you seen part four? Yeah, I've seen The Awakening, which was a TV movie. Not as good, but okay. I don't know. You know what? I'll tell you this. I'll go back and watch the first Omen.
like i i Like I said, I wasn't in a great mood. I was really tired. So I wasn't like paying like, you you know, like, like when you're watching movies like that, like you did you kind of have them on the background almost. yeah yeah yeah That's kind of where I was. So like, I'll give it another chance just to like, see if I'm really missing something here. But yeah, I don't know. We'll we'll see how it goes. And i I challenge all ah of the male species that are fighting over reproductive rights to watch the first omen because you get to see childbirth and you get to see it. its We sure do. that its It's a lot going on there. If you can't handle that, then you don't deserve to be talking about it. You you can't handle the truth, my friend.
Well listen folks, that does it for what you've been watching, bitch. Andrew brought us Pretty Little Liars, Summer School on Max, Killer Body Count on Tooby, Dear David on Stars, and we both watched the first Omen. I watched it on Disney and Andrew watched it on Hulu. And Maddie brought us The Crucible at the Abbey Theater, Furiosa, which you can see in cinemas now, and A Man in Full on Netflix. And hey, I'll just add one more little thing there about Furiosa. I was really disappointed to see in all the social media-ness and articles from Variety and shit that like apparently, because like it didn't do as well in the box office, by the way, in only one weekend,
um like They're already thinking about like not doing ah the plans for the next film. and like Andrew and I have talked about this before with our listeners. like You got to go see it in the movies, dudes. I don't know what else to say. like please Please do that. Please do it. If you're a fan of something and you want to see more, you got to go support it. like like Please. like This goes for all everything that we were talking about on the show. like Go see it in the cinema if you can. and If you can't, then rent it, of course, because that that eventually goes towards the gross too. but like Please go see it so that we can have more cool movies that people like you and me like. That's it. Off my soapbox. Cool. Well, we'll take another break and we'll be right back with your questions and answers.
anybody else want a whisy yeah
All right, look. Pay attention, everybody. Wadsworth, am I right in thinking there is nobody else in this house? No. Then there is someone else in this house. No, sorry. I said no meaning yes. No meaning yes? Look, I want a straight answer. Is there someone else or isn't there yes or no? Um, no. No, there is or no, there isn't. Yes. is All right, folks, and we're back now with our next segment for our annual Pride episode. This is our seventh Pride episode, Andrew, or sixth? What would it be? Six, I think. Six, I think. there's One of the two. um But we, as I said at the start of the episode, we thought it'd be fun.
to open it up to questions from all of y'all.

Podcasting Challenges and Network Dynamics

And so we're excited because we've got quite a few of them. We're going to get through as many as we possibly can here, and we'll just start going through them now. So the first one that we have here comes from from our our pals over at Podcast in the Woods, and they sent us five questions, and they're all really good. So the first one, Andrew, is this. um And it's it's great to start off with, which is, what is your favorite episode that you've done? Um, I'm in a group episodes on this. Um, but I, my favorite episodes are when we invite people on the show to talk about something that we don't have a lot of like, either we don't have a lot of experience or we want another point of view on. So like, I'm thinking of like the cruises are cruises are terrifying episode where we welcomed our friend Maria, um, the public education.
a public education one where we invited our our friend, the teacher, um like those kinds of things, like where we invite somebody on. And then the Pride episode that we did a couple of years ago where we invited all of our pod friends to kind of send in. like Oh, that was wonderful. Like what they were terrified of and what they're hopeful for. So like I love hearing from other voices other than just my own or or or yours. Sure. And those are but those are my favorites because I really do think that they get people thinking and they get people interested. And they also like Keep me interested interested to be honest. Yeah, those are my favorite completely agree I mean it's oh god but when when people ask this it's it's so hard to it's hard to choose because each one of them feels a little bit like it like like your little baby Yeah, um god if I have to like if i if I'm going really far back and
um One of my favorite episodes, of course, is our Chicago episode, all about Chicago. That was just so much fun to produce. um The movies that we talked about were Candyman and Stir of Echoes. So it's like two of our like favorite horror films, and they just happen to take place in Chicago. I really loved when we did that the Global Horror series. um So we did that last year. we we ended that The last one that we did would have been May 2023, I'm pretty sure, with Argentina. um but we we went everywhere. We started in Italy, we did South Korea, we did Argentina, we did Japan. Right, right, Andrew? ah No, we did we agree we did we did South Africa, South Korea, we did Mexico, Australia, and Italy. that That's what we did. correct yeah and And each one of them was so cool because like,
You know, it's one of the great things about doing this this podcast is that like we both of us watch films that maybe we wouldn't necessarily watch on our own or choose choose on our own. But like, you know, we have a theme. We have to find something that fits the theme. But then also like, I mean, there there's always concessions. Like sometimes Andrew likes one. Sometimes I like one or sometimes like, you know, both me and Andrew know like, well, I'm not a big fan of this, but I know that that Andrew is or like I'm sure you do the same thing with me, too. or like sometimes but sometimes we'll be like, well, you know, you take this episode and you give me the movies you want to watch. And sometimes I'll take the episode or sometimes we'll kind of contribute both. Like, yeah. And so like, you know, doing something like, like the global horror series was great because it was like, we had to go and like, find like, I mean, we, ah I'm never thinking about what horror film South Africa is putting out. Do you know what I mean? Right. So like that forced us to and that was really cool. So I really enjoyed doing shit like that. Um, I loved our monsters are terrifying series. Of course that was really fun. And I loved every pride episode that we've done. Every single one of them has always been a lot of fun. So I hope this one is too. All right. Skip the next one because it'll be covered in an upcoming question. Okay. Sure.
um So go ahead. Why why don't you go and ask me in the next one here. So if you still drink, do you have a drink of choice? Oh God. I don't drink as much anymore. That's for sure. I'm just older now and I can't handle hangovers nearly the same way that I used to. um So like for me, like I still drink and I still like a little bit of everything. um I can tell you what I can't drink a lot of anymore is tequila. I love tequila. I'm about go to Mexico in a week and a half and I'm dreading every minute. Yeah, tequila puts me, ah with tequila, I have a lot of fun, a lot of fun. And then I just can't stop having fun. Like tequila is like cocaine for me. It just like gets me going and I can't stop until like I pass out. So I try to stay away from tequila. I try to stay away from like some beers now and I don't drink as much whiskey, nearly as much whiskey anymore. So like usually what you're going to find me drinking is like beer or wine.
And it's mostly wine, and it's usually red. But I'm drinking a lot more white wine, too. I was just in Italy on a lovely trip and i went to Florence for the first time. And my friend Mike that I was with um is a big wino and just knows a lot about wine. And he took us to this wonderful place called La Vope Eluva, where the wine there is incredible. And I drink only white wine, which is not common for me. And it was the fucking bomb. so Yeah. So mostly for me, it's a long way of saying wine is my drink of choice. Cool. Um, yeah, I think for me, like, so I've been into this weird thing lately where I'm trying, I'm drinking a lot more of the, um, less alcohol wines. Like like they're like less calories, less alcohol. Um, it's because you can drink a lot of it and not get drunk. Yeah, night later I don't know if that makes any sense, but it absolutely does. um So there's a lot of these like ah half calorie, half ah alcohol rosés and white wines that I'm really into because you can drink them during the day and you don't get wasted. I love that. um But if I have to be honest with our listeners, my drink of choice for years has always been and it's very trashy, but I come from northern Michigan. It is vodka with fruit punch, crystal light and a splash of Sprite Zero. I can attest to that. I've been to his house, of course, many, many, many times, and it's always on tap for sure. yeah yeah um Andrew, what about ah tell me about the best and most frustrating thing about podcasting. Oh, God. I can tell you the things here.
The best thing is just doing it with your friend and like reaching people that you never thought you would. yeah the The most frustrating thing is getting it out to the people you want to get it out to. yeah fair enough The most frustrating thing is promotion um because you think that you just put together like, for instance, we put together a six a six YouTube series of these cartoons that I thought were the fucking funniest things I had ever seen. They were good, dude. I'm sorry, they were good. And it just got no traction whatsoever. By the way, you can watch us on our website,
And so like, those are the things that get frustrating to me. Like, yeah I think like we'll come up with like a really great skit and like, I'm going to be like, Oh, people are going to talk about this one. People are going to say something. And then like, it's like radio silence. yeah totally man But that's, that's where I'm at. um For me, the best thing is what you said too. It's just like getting it out there and and and the community continues and people get back to us and and we know that they listen. And especially look with like our new Patreon chat, that's been a lot of fun too. um So I love that part of it. We agree on that. On the most frustrating part, I will definitely say the most frustrating part for me in being a part of this podcast for as long as we've done it was the period that we were on a network.
And like I'm not going to trash anybody or do anything like that. That's not the point of this. Being on a network was not for us. It wasn't. And like Andrew and I are... um ahm I'm trying not to sound like like a total like asshole about this. but like you know we're We're smart people. we know we won We know what we want to do. We have a vision for our podcast. We know what that vision is. right and like and And it's been the same vision from day one. And like we've we've we've changed some things. We've enhanced some things. But like that vision continues. The mission of what we do is still the same.
And frankly, on the network, they wanted us to change that. And like, I think we, we, we push back every single time and we didn't agree with like the modes that they wanted us to do or this thing or that thing. And at the end of the day, we just kept reminding them, like, I don't know what you're thinking, but we are podcasters. We're not writers, we're not doing videos, we're not doing this, we're not doing that. We make a podcast, and that's what we do. And I don't know how many more times I can tell you this, but that's what we fucking do, and that's all that we wanna do, period. And like frankly, we do a pretty good job at it, so if you don't like it, fine. And in the end, they didn't like it, and that was the end of it. So it is what it is, but i I'll tell you, like if if you're a podcast if you're thinking about starting a podcast, or if you're a podcast and you're thinking about going to a network,
There are benefits and there are negatives. The benefits are that, you know, you'll get a little bit of money probably, or maybe not, but like we got a little bit of money from it and it helped us. So like, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for that. It allowed us to to do new things and get new equipment and, you know, just like kind of expand a little bit. And that was really cool. I'm very grateful for it. But there are negatives here too. You will have to give up things, you will you will be worried about your content and what they have access to and what they can do with it. but they'll they'll put ads on that you don't agree with. It's just, it's not a great experience. And ah Andrew and I have talked about this. I don't want to, you know, fully speak for you, Andrew here, but like, I never want to do that again. Like I, it's not worth it to me because we were so frustrated the whole time. yeah Like it was just like, whenever we talked about it, we would just get like pissed off.
And like like you know i I said it earlier, I just want to have like a life of peace, you know what I mean? So I have no desire for that. So I won't lie about it and I won't i won't you know beat her around the bush. That was the most frustrating part of this, for sure. Yeah, it caused a lot of strife

Personal Ghost Stories

between sure did both us and just in general. Agreed. I think we're happier people now, Andrew. Yeah, almost a year out. Yes. um um All right, the next one, I think we've we've talked about this a lot. So maybe just kind of ah focus it down to one thing. But what is a real life scary or spooky experience you want to talk to? Oh, man, I've got I've i've got a good view. And I know you do, too. We've talked about a lot of them Yeah. I mean, I just talked about the UFO story with me and my mom on the last episode or episode before it on the mothering episode. So like you you can go back and listen to that one. um For me, the ah ah the other one I'll talk about is um I think I'll talk about the one ghost that was in the house where where I live with my friend Courtney. Hi, Courtney, one of our big fans.
I lived with my friend Courtney for five years in a neighborhood in Chicago called Uptown, and we had a pretty cool apartment. like it was actually like it was It was cool. It was a weird apartment, but it was remember how big that place was, Andrew? It's fucking huge. Yeah, weirdest layout ever, but it was huge. Very, very weird layout, but it it was a big place. We had a cool backyard. It was a great place to have parties, that kind of thing. Um, anyways, uh, I think it was in like our second year living there. I can't quite remember. Um, Courtney started to talk to me about like, Hey, have you been seeing like weird shadows and weird lights and stuff like down the hallway in the kitchen area? And I was like, yeah, I have been. And like, she was hearing things too. And then there was one night.
I got into my bed and I had my lights on. I was i was getting ready to go to sleep obviously, but like I was like looking at my phone and like i I had like a clock radio back then. so i I fell asleep to the radio every single night or fall asleep to a podcast or something like that. right and so yeah i I was in my bed and I was on my side. I like you know pushed the button on the radio and I was laying there. And like you're listening to Delilah. I probably was. Yes. um But like, you know, I was in like a queen size bed and I never lay in the middle of the queen size. I'm always like on one side. I'm just I'm just that kind of person. So I was on my side of the bed, even though I was single as fuck. And um I'm looking at the other side of the bed and like looking at my phone at the same time. And I feel something cold in the room. And then I see something fucking sit on the bed.
like a depression in the bed, like someone was fucking sitting there. And I will never forget just looking at it and going, and like holding it. So I had pearls, like clutching my pearls and I couldn't move. I was scared to fucking death. I was probably more scared than I've ever been that right right there. And I just watched it. And I watched it for so long that I fucking fell asleep. Like my body just like put me out and that was it. but i'll never forget it it was it was pretty fucking scary and that was a ghost that we ended up calling jack for a while interesting um i've had a lot of spooky experiences in my life um i've talked about a lot of them on the podcast uh more specifically about my sleep struggles and in the past and everything and hey guys i figured it out i can't do melatonin that's what was fucking me up really
Yeah, I stopped taking melatonin. free not havingtonins Melatonin is it's weird. Like not everyone can handle it. Yeah. Um, but with this one is something that happened to me when I was a very young child. Um, I was at my grandmother's house in, uh, just outside of Lansing, Michigan, and I was visiting and my grandma bought me a, cause I'm a weirdo and I wanted like cash registers and like, Oh, I remember the story. This is a good one. Yeah. Um, and so my grandma bought me like an old timey typewriter. Um, and I was writing on it and I, you know, fiddling with the the ink and fiddling with like the paper. Cause it's all so complicated. and if probably are' Probably messing up the tabs. I bet you.
Um, and I was there alone. I think my grandma had just run to like the grocery store or something. I was only going to be alone for like 15 minutes. And, um, I felt like something, like I can't explain it, but I felt like a hand on my shoulder and I i thought it, I thought it was my grandma. So I just like turned around and there was nobody there. And I ran out of the house and I sat on the front stoop of my grandma's house until my grandma got back. and i told her what

Horror Movie Preferences and Challenges

happened and she was like okay like you know you're probably just freaking out and we went into the room that i was on the typewriter and there right above the typewriter was a human handprint in ink on the wall not my size much larger than my handprint what the fuck and We've never been able to explain it to this day. ah My grandma simply got, like all grandmas do, she simply got the Windex out and just washed it away and we never thought about it ever again. I wish she would have taken a fucking picture of it.
We didn't take photos back then. what he Do you know what I mean? like developed If you, if you had just had a fucking iPhone then like, bam, Oh, that's such a crazy story. Jesus. Yeah. Okay, cool. So thank you podcast in the woods for those excellent questions. The next one, Andrew comes from Henry Chivers. I think I'm saying your name correctly. Could be Chivers. Um, could be shivers too. If you know what I mean, shiver me timbers. Um, so Henry asks if budget wasn't an issue, what gay themed horror movie would you like to make? Good question. Cool. Um, I think that I would maybe want to do something with like, um, over, like there's something about overpopulation and gay yeah and gay people are like the solution. You know what I mean? like ive oh it's Crazy idea.
I would have to like i'd have to expand upon that more, but I've had this idea rumbling in my brain about like when the world is overpopulated, when and when do we start appreciating gay people more? And I think that that's something I'm toying with. So that I need to expand upon it more, Henry, but that's where I'm at. You need to write that one. Um, mine sort of loosely define like some themes that I would like to see in like a gay themed horror film, which are like small town, maybe like the one that I come from secret coven secret happenings in the town. And like, you know, maybe, maybe it's like less of a movie and more of like a little mini series or something. And like the main, the main character is gay and maybe like there's like a different thing in each episode so like maybe we deal with vampires maybe we deal with witches maybe we deal with aliens like who knows but like that would just be kind of fun for me like like thinking about it a little bit more episodically
like small town horror, yeah gay lead. Thank you. Yes. Like it. All right. Our next one comes from Michael Charland. and This is also asked by podcast the woods. Are there any horror movies that you will never review on the pod? Yeah, yeah there there are for sure. There because are. you've you You've mentioned before um the Serbian movie um or whatever it's called. Yeah, a Serbian film. yeah Yeah, because they literally fuck a baby in it and that's just not going to happen. So that's gross. That's never going to happen. I would say to like Andrew and I are not very much into like super gore. So like you're not going to see I don't think we're ever going to do saw on this. You know what I mean? I don't think we're ever going to do like stuff where it's like really deep body horror. That's just it's just not for us.
If we were ever going to do one of those, it would just be the original saw. Like we're not doing any of those. ceos Like it's not worth it. We're not going deep. And like, I don't know. Like, I mean, it's it's a hard question to ask because I think you and I do a good job of like staying pretty open. to things. But and that like there's very few things that I'm ever going to say no to. But like there are some things where I'm like, no, I just i just don't want to watch that. And like Gore is definitely one of those. i just It turns me off. I'm not into it. I don't think there's a whole lot to talk about with it, to be honest. And it's just it's not my fucking thing. So I don't know. that's that's not That's not the best answer to it. But that's the best answer that I think I think i can give.
I think the one series that unfortunately, um because I do like some of these movies, but um the movies that we will never cover will be the Jeepers Creepers. Oh, yeah. No, not going to happen. um Unfortunately, the creator of those is not a great person. So he's a pedophile, right? Yes. Yes. It always kind of amazes me, to be honest, when I see people like post about it and I'm like, ah you don't not remember. Did you not get the memo? Because maybe

Queer Horror Characters and Classic Monsters

you should read the memo again. Um, and then I'm not going to say never, but we've kind of, we've, we've said that we've we've kind of had some weirdness around Rosemary's baby that we don't really know how to cover. So um I don't know if we'll ever do that. It's not a never film for me, but it is kind of a weird one where I have to like do my homework. If we're going to do that, you know what I mean? Fair enough. Fair enough.
But, yeah, those ones. All right. um Next one is from Joshua Anderson. Thank you, Joshua. Long time listener. We've talked to Joshua quite a bit on online. um Who is your favorite queer character within horror? And he also says, I love you. That is a really I'm actually I'm going back to my to my diary right now in letterbox just to see I'm looking because if that's a hard question to answer. I think there's I think there's an awful lot of them. Do you want to go first on this? Yeah, I think I'm just going to go high camp on this one and say, Angela, Angela from the sweep Sleepaway Camp movies, because I love those movies, especially two and three. And I think Angela played by Pamela Springsteen is just so over the top and hilarious. Like ah you're never going to get better than that for me. So yeah, that's my answer. I mean, I i would say like.
it's It's tough because I'm like what like what when I think about like what what I would like about them the most is like, is it about their performance? Is it about what they actually do in the movie? Is it about like what they stand for? Is it what they stand for? Like there's there's so many different ways to like really really attack that. I would say that like one thing that comes to mind right now would be um would be stranger by the lake. Right? So not not thinking about the, I forget the main characters. I mean, I remember that the killer's name was Frank, but I can't remember the main character's name. um That movie was really, really bold. And I think, did we watch that for our first Pride episode?
I think so. I think it was that in Hellbent. I'm i'm pretty sure on Hellbent. I love Hellbent is so fucking ridiculous. I love it so much. That main character is so cute. so Yeah. and And forgive me, Frank. Frank is the name of of the main character in in um and Stranger by the Lake, and he falls in love with Michael, who is the killer. ah I think that's just such a bold movie and it's not just because like if they were like showing like real sex on on screen which was delightful to watch um but because like it's it was just so gay like it's like so in your face gay it did not care about anything else.
And I thought that it was just a a lovely thing. and it I also thought it was an absolutely chilling movie. And the guy who plays Frank was fantastic. So I think that might be one of my absolute favorites, but it's hard to choose one. It really is. Cool. Love it. All right. The next series of questions comes from our good listener, Stephanie Brie. Hi, Stephanie. We know you're listening. Um, so we'll skip the first one cause it's the same as what we just answered. um What is your favorite early era universal monster? It's a great question um because you know, we in in our monsters are terrifying series. We watched a good few of the of the universal monsters um and ah the the ones that that i that really stick with me for sure would be Dracula, of course, um just like so good. um And then, of course, thinking about ah the Wolfman, the Wolfman is a great movie.
and it's wild and weird and like the the the the the transformation from man to wolf is so cool especially for a movie that fucking old um but then also the mummy the mummy is such a great movie and like the the the way that the mummy is portrayed was so well done it's it's hard not to love it um and then kind i'm just listing them all off now aren't i it's You got to pick one. You got to pick one. If I if I have to pick one, I'm picking Dracula because that is just a fantastic movie. um What's his face? Bela Lugosi is absolutely ridiculous. And so is Renfield, too. So I'm picking Dracula. i I think of the ones I've seen, because as I've talked about, this is kind of a blank spot for me until I'm kind of forced to watch them. um And I

Travel Experiences and Horror Tournament

don't mean that in a negative way, but it's how it happens. I think I'm going to go Invisible Man. I think this man's great. It's so weird, dude. He's so insidious and so crazy. And if you don't if you've never seen the Invisible Man, I think he has the highest body count. So huge. And like ive there is that part in there where he is just like running around giggling and it is yeah fucking it's unhinged. So good choice. yeah Andrew, this is this. I love this question. What is the best? i mean I know mine right away. What is the best horror soundtrack just as a rock pop album to listen to?
The craft, the craft soundtrack. Yeah. Like I got to say like that, that fucking rocks my balls off. i I would absolutely agree with you. Um, the only, the only thing I will say coming in second place, like directly behind it. And i I put it in second place because it's not really a rock pop album, but the soundtrack to it follows. so It follows soundtrack is fucking out of this world. It's like a video game and and it makes that movie all the more scary and intense so fucking amazing soundtrack. Yeah, love it. All right. The next one is how many countries have you visited? Not counting the U.S. Wait, ah wait, we we have to count this up. um Andrew, do do some Jeopardy! music right here. well mine well mines Mine's much shorter than yours, so I'll go first. like what i' counting I have visited ah Mexico. I have visited or Roatan. I have visited um ah Italy and Greece.
And I have visited... Oh god, why am I blinking on the name of this island? The one in the... Grenada. And I have visited Grenada. okay Those are the ones outside of the US that I have been to. So how many is that? One, two, three, four, five, five. Okay, I think think I'm accurate here. Wait, let me count one, two, five or six. or Five, six, seven, eight. I've been to nine countries, nine total countries. And that's gonna be 10, I'll be in Sweden soon. I've never been to Sweden before, so that's gonna be really interesting. And then I'm gonna go to Croatia this year too, so that'll make it 11. And I think that's all the inter, oh, and then I'm gonna, you know, I i do like my um my solo Christmas trip every year.
Um, don't know where I'm going yet, but you know, what's on my list actually Morocco Morocco. Yeah. I mean, it might, it might happen. Like the food sounds amazing. It looks beautiful there. It'd be a very unique place for Christmas. So we'll see how that turns out. Um, the next one here is what is your favorite Linnea quickly film? Oh, God, there's so many. Like, I'm just looking at her filmography right now and I'm like, how do I even choose between all of these? I mean, I maybe like Return of the Living Dead, it probably. Yeah, this is God's Seven. This is a really good question. Or Night of the Demons. I really like Night of the Demons. Night of the Demons is an unhinged movie. It is fucking crazy. But she's good in it because she has the kind of total is I just want to look good for the boys. I mean, yeah, it is definitely hard to choose one. I would probably say Silent Night Deadly Night is definitely up there. Just a classic one. But then also, that I mean, like you said, how do you not love Return of the Living Dead? You know what I mean? So like it's hard to choose, but those would be my two, I would say.
Cool. Why don't you read the next one? Cause it comes from a very special listener. Oh, this one comes from my dear brother, Michael, one of our biggest fans in the world. And this is, this is a good one. Okay.

Horror Franchise Reboots

So Andrew, if you were to make a horror movie tournament, maybe maybe we can answer this one together. If you were to make a horror movie tournament, what would the four regions be named and what movies would be the number one seeds? That's a good question. All right. For me, I would, there would definitely have to be a slasher category. Okay. So wait wait I'm going to write these down. So we got slasher in one region. There would definitely have to be like a ghost character, like a ghost or haunting category. Yep. I agree with that. we we We have to have something from space too. It's like aliens, UFOs kind of thing.
Yeah, like sci-fi horror sci-fi horror. Yeah, that works. And then maybe like, um, um, like monsters. Yeah, I guess like, yeah, im like, uh, like, uh, what, what a creature features? Okay. Yeah, that works for me. Okay. So now with the top two seeds for each one of these, or no, no, just, just, just the number one seed. So slasher. It's got to be either Halloween or Friday the 13th. That's got to be the number one seed, at least. i And like i I think we've we've both just we you just express what both of our choices would be. Right. Yeah. i mean and So i so we're we're just going to put them both. are So so Halloween and and and Friday the 13th. And then for ghosts, I'm going to say this is this is tough, but I'm going to say the change lane is what is up there for sure.
the only one I would challenge you with is poltergeist. Oh, okay. Okay. We're putting two seeds in there, Michael. This is is how it's going to work. So we're going to put poltergeist in there too. Okay. Over in sci-fi, I think we just talked about one, the a alien, but also the other one that I would choose there, the thing. ah Yeah. Either the thing or predator. Oh, okay. We're going to put, we're going to put three there. I know that's not how the game works, but that's right. And then in monsters, This is this is tougher. ah Godzilla's got to be up there. I don't know which which Godzilla you're going with, but it's got to be in the game somehow. I don't know. villa And like, I mean, do you think like like Bram Stoker's Dracula kind of thing?
Would you call that creature feature? I mean, it's he's a fucking vampire. There's wolves and shit in it, you know? Yeah, I'll allow it. up So Michael, I hope that that answers your question, Duly. That's a good question. I like the way that that was styled. All right, Andrew, why don't you ask ask the next one? The next one is from Ken Bates. Thank you, Ken, for responding to our story on Instagram. I really appreciate it. um How do you guys slay so hard is his first question and then his other question is also what are your favorite horror movies from the 30s and 40s?
How do we slay so hard? It's a great question. I watched Buffy on repeat yeah um for 20 years. I often wonder this myself, right? um God, I mean, like, how do we slay so hard? um I think that we slay so hard because we are entirely ourselves. I think that one of the reasons why people like our show so much is because Andrew is himself and I am myself. We are two pretty different people. We're really good, dear and good friends. so And we come together to talk about this stuff. That's what makes our podcast our podcast, right? And we're not putting on like face like this is who we are. No, I mean, look, you go back and listen to some of our conversations. There ain't no face there. You know what I mean? So like we just do that. Like, I mean, do you agree with that? I would say. Yeah, of course. Yeah. yeah And then what's the other part of the question? Favorite horror movies from the thirties or forties. I think I just talked about some, right? Go ahead. No, no, you go over. Sorry. I would definitely say Dracula from 1931. Um, we also watched the most dangerous game. I forget what episode that was for. Do you remember?
Um, I honestly can't remember, but that was from 1932. Uh, we watched the mummy, of course, we watched the bad seed, which would have been from, oh, that's from the fifties. So not that one. Um, but you know, when we did the, um, when we did the monsters are terrifying series, like that was where we, we really delved sort of like into, into that era. Um, Dracula is the oldest film that we've watched. I'm fairly sure from 1931. And that would be my favorite from there. Cool. I'm just making sure that I'm that's a 60s movie. So never mind. um I think if I'm going to categorize the 30s and 40s, because we've watched so few of them. Yeah. um I think I got to go the most dangerous game. That one really ah took me by surprise. I didn't think I was going to like it as much as I did, but it's good. I liked that movie a lot. It's good. and it's It's fucked up. She was a fucked up little movie.
um Excellent. the Ken, thank you for that with that question, and thank you for um for asking why we slay so hard. The next one here comes from Eerie All Swords, and Eerie All Swords is new to the podcast, um but they've got a a pretty good question here, and they say, there seems to be a loosely defined canon of queer horror films emerging from the ongoing lively and vital discussions happening in various spaces. Are there any movies that haven't gotten enough attention or movies that have received too much attention in your opinions? I definitely have an answer for this, but you go ahead. um As far as like movies that haven't gotten enough attention, I think I'm going to go with what keeps you alive. Yeah. um I know we talked about that movie on the podcast, but it seems to have ah fallen off of kind of like the queer horror ah
bandwagon if you will yeah not really many people talking about that movie these days and i just i i literally own that movie i liked it so much so um i think there's that and it as far as like a movie that gets too much attention i mean this sounds bad because we talked about it at length when it when it happened but like Nightmare on Elm Street 2 is good you guys but it's not like the best film ever made so it's not we can stop now. but and you know i i think I think one of the things that that draws people to Nightmare on Elm Street 2 is of course the story but you know of course Mark Patton too. and like you know mark we've We've had Mark on the show. We did an event with mark like Mark. Mark's a cool guy. He's going through a lot of health problems right now too.
Um, and like, you know, I understand the draw because, you know, Mark is a, you know, a little bit of a, of a horror icon in in that way, but I agree with you. It's just night round on the street part two quite frankly. So it's it's a little bit too much, but I would add on to, you know, what gets too much attention. Um, I have made no, uh, I have not been bashful about my dislike for pretty much everything that Ryan Murphy does. I'm just not, I'm not into Ryan Murphy. And I think his stuff is too over the top. I think it's too. I think it's too inauthentic in a lot of ways. And like, I haven't watched American Horror Story and I can't tell you how long and I'm i'm okay with that, to be honest. Like, I just don't think he he does stuff anymore that that really is compelling to me. If it's compelling to anybody else, I never fault anybody for that, but it just it doesn't work out for me, in my opinion. And what's one that you think hasn't gotten enough attention?
I mean, I think I can answer for you. It's that one Icelandic movie that you always talk about. Oh, my God. I haven't thought about that in forever. um Roker, um which was cool ah in English is I'm remembering the Icelandic word for it, but the the um drift, I think drift or something, something like that. That was a beautiful movie. um And we watched we watched that for another Pride episode. I'm pretty sure I can't remember when that. Oh, we've never done it for the show. You just brought it up in what you've been watching, bitch. Oh, maybe we should find a way. Oh, Rift. Rift. it ri rift It's Rift in English. And it's a it's a beautiful movie. ah Just gorgeous. And I think it's really scary, too. um I'm not sure if it's still it used to be on shutter. I remember I think it's not any longer. um But if you if you're able to get it, it's called Rooker in in Icelandic and it's a rift in English and just a beautiful movie. um I really, really loved it. I'm glad you said that. i I honestly forgot about it.
Yeah, I know you really talked up that movie when you watched it. Gorgeous, gorgeous. um All right, we have two questions left. What are they? All right, from J.A. Sullivan, who is a wonderful supporter of ours, always talking with us on on social media. What are your most anticipated films of the year? And also she goes into saying, hope you're both doing wonderful and i have a great pride month. Thank you. j Thank you. Um, I'm, I bet I'm going to share one with you here, which is the new Beetlejuice, um, which I believe comes out in early 2025. I think September.
Oh, it's so it is this year. Great. Um, Beetlejuice rocks, man. I was just watching it again last night. Um, so seeing a new one is going to be incredible. I'm glad to see that they're bringing back, you know, the same kind of people that that's going to be awesome. So Beetlejuice is by far the one I'm looking forward to the most. Um, there's a lot I'm looking forward to. I'm just looking at a list right now of kind of like what has been announced and there's a lot of good shit. I think, I think the two that I'm most looking forward to is there as a movie made by um M. Night Shyamalan's daughter called. Oh, really? That looks really good. Um, and then Maxine, I think I saw the trailer for Maxine and it looks just like a Giallo film from like the 1970s.
I'm into that. i liked I liked X, I liked Pearl, and I'm really excited for Maxine. So that's kind of where I'm at. i'm I'm also really excited for Nosferatu with Bill Skarsgard and Willem Dafoe. That's going to be off the chain fucking good. I cannot wait to see that fucking movie. um There's the new Megan 2.0 coming out. That's going to be fun. if i mean if you If you don't like Megan, I don't know what to do with you. Like that movie was so much fucking fun. It was awesome. And then um what's the um the new sequel to It Follows is They Follow, right? Oh, I didn't know that actually. Yeah. that that that I can't remember when that's coming out, but it's it's called I believe that the working title for it is They Follow. I could be wrong. But as a huge It Follows fan, I am a devotee of that movie that is going to be fucking amazing. So I can't wait for that.
Oh, and talk the talk the talk to me sequels. I forgot about what they're going to do with that. So I know I'll tell you one that I'm not looking forward to. Andrew is um the exorcist deceiver because the exorcist believer, we talked about it. Well, I think it got canceled. It's happening. It's happening. Good. You know, it needs to not happen. They announced that Mike Flanagan is now taking the reigns of the hang you jesus god all the Exorcist. Thank you. Thank you, God. Thank you for that. I'm very pleased to hear that.
um All right, and our final question comes from Tencent Takes. If you could complete you could have complete control over it, what horror franchise would you reboot rebuot god re reboot as a transmedia property? And by transmedia, we mean across many platforms. I made sure to ask what he was what they were specifically talking about there. so like let's like Let's say it was ah a franchise where you could have a movie, a TV series, and a web presence of some sort. You know what I mean? Okay, okay. um Interesting question. um Boy, what would that be?
What would that be? I think I'm still not pleased with Hellraiser, to be honest. Oh, good. Yeah. I love the original Hellraisers. It's something that I've always thought could just be rebooted so, so well with like today's technology. Did you watch the new one? Yeah. And it just wasn't really my thing either. Oh, okay. And so like I think that would be one that I would love to see rebooted. That's just for me off top of my head. What about you? Oh gosh, this is a hard question. It is hard. I think that like, I'm trying to think of things that have like gone off the rails, but like, I don't want to keep retreading the same thing over and over again. See, that's it too. Yeah. like So if I had to pick like a franchise that I would maybe want to make my own.
I don't know. That's hard because I hate retreading like this whole, like like the whole new like strangers thing. Like I'm, I'm hesitant because I'm like, do we really want to redo this? If I had to take the reins of any franchise, maybe it would be poltergeist. I know I said that earlier in the episode. That could be interesting. I think like a new ah new take on Poltergeist, because let's be honest, when they redid it, it was really bad, yeah but um maybe like a new family, like a new take, like a new like way of thinking about Poltergeist. I think another one too that I i wouldn't mind seeing rebooted in like a very different way, and you're probably going to kill me from saying this and somebody else will probably kill me too, but like I have never been the biggest fan of Nightmare on Elm Street.
And it's primarily because I just think the way that Robert England plays Freddie is just too jokey. Like, I don't know how else to say it. It's never been my thing. I i would love to see it done again in a more sinister, more realistic way. I don't know. Cool. Be interesting. I'm one of the few people that actually don't mind the remake. So whatever. Yeah, fair enough. Fair enough. Well, folks, that is it for your questions um and really amazing ones, too. Thank you for sending that in. I hope that was fun to listen to our answers. It was fun to answer them, Andrew. It really was. Yeah, of course. Thank you so much, everybody that wrote in. um It really does show the community that we have and warms our little gay hearts in this pride season. It does. So that does it for this segment. We'll be right back with a game and to close out the show.
I don't know what you're talking about. You hate listen to her podcast. Wait, what? And you made us swear on our lives not to tell anyone. Jordan, is that true? I like your podcast, Alice. What is your pulled close to womb? Hanging out with your smartest and funniest friend. Did you just groan? No. When I said hanging out with your smartest and funniest friend. Like that! Like that! You just did it again! No, I didn't! First of all, a podcast takes a lot of work, okay? You have to organize a guest, you have to do a Google Calendar, and then you build a following! It takes a long fucking time! And I've been working on it for a while!
All right, that does it for episode 123 of Friday the 13th Horror Podcast. But before we go, we've got a list for you. This is a little bit different than our normal game. We decided to put together the quintessential top five queer horror adjacent. movies. So these are movies that may have horror elements. There may even be a horror movie, but maybe it's more of a horror comedy or something along those lines. And it's either ah queer adjacent or celebrated unabashedly by queer people. fuck yeah um And so we're going to go through your top five. We'll probably have some honorable mentions at the end. Maddie, what is your number five top queer or adjacent movie?
Yeah, so number five, I'll put in the boys in the band um or no, excuse me, not the boys in the band. I'll put in and the band played on. That's a fucking title of it. um And the band you've seen it and the band played on. um I think so. Yeah. And the band played on is based on a ah ah a book. I forget who can't remember the fucking author right now, but it's ah it's a very seminal book in the history of of HIV and AIDS in America. and And not just in America, really all over the world. um But I think it's important because, um you know ah and the band played on is is just seminal in the way that we think about the the the scourge of LGBT people in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s for that matter.
And you know this is something, of course, that we've gotten a handle on. And that you know there's the the the new technology and medicines for us now are completely different. Life is different now, not only for people who have HIV. They can live a full and happy life, basically, but also in in how we prevent HIV now. um But when those things didn't exist, it was terrifying, terrifying. and so like this is one that i think is you know it's a it's a it's a queer movie that is horror adjacent because it dealt with one of the scariest monsters we've ever had to deal with and that's hiv yeah good one my number five is clash of the titans 1981 wow
Um, I'm sorry, but if you did not have a awakening in your loins when Harry Hamlin was running around with his shirt off playing Perseus, I don't know what kind of query you are. And then ah to also have Dame Maggie Smith, uh, Burgess Meredith as I'm on, like they the list goes on and on. And honestly, isn't everything Greek just a little bit gay? And I'm talking about ancient Greece. yes Absolutely. Absolutely true. um Wonderful one. um My next one is um another AIDS-related ah entry. It would be How to Survive a Plague. and How to Survive a Plague is a documentary that came out in 2012. If you've not seen it, you need to go see it immediately. It's so important. um And it delves into, once again, the HIV and AIDS epidemic
in a really, really ah touching, authentic, and raw way. It dives down, gets right into it, and it's it's something really, really incredible. So I'll never forget the first time that I saw it, I bawled my eyes out watching it. And you know once again, that horror element is there in terms of both the oppression that we were facing as as a people, but also, once again, facing the great monster of HIV and AIDS. cool my number four is death becomes her um if you've not seen this movie it's a very queer coded and I was lucky enough to go see the musical that just came out and let me tell you that thing is gay as hell
and um death becomes there's you know this story about uh ever ever aging uh these women who are ever aging and they're kind of against each other they take a potion and they live forever but now they're stuck with each other yes love it god i love it um great choice my next one is angels in america angels in america mine are all about aids today sorry but you're so very depressed um I mean, look, it is what it is, right? I mean, come on. Sometimes, sometimes horror is is depressing. um Angels in America, which was a God, Angels in America was like the biggest thing in American theater for many, many years. so um It is a two part play written by Tony Kushner. um It is very long. If you see both parts together, it can be many, many hours.
um it's It's a play that requires really, really intense stage work um and and a lot of a lot of courage from from the actors. you know I think if we were to see um Angels in America now, I think it would be a little less like edgy and a little less racy than it used to be. But when it first came out, it was really making a big statement. um There was the HBO movie that came out in the 2000s. I can't remember when that movie came out, but that was a big deal. Meryl Streep was in it among um ah a host of of other amazing actors. So that's one in there. Once again, there are parts of of it that are actually kind of spooky and kind of scary. So Angels in America is one that's got to be on there.
All right, my number three is the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fuck yes. I mean, this was a formative movie for me, and it was definitely queer coded between um Luke Perry and um David. ah What's ah David from David Arquette? David Arquette, yeah. they were definitely queer coded in the movie and you know the late great luke perry and who can forget christie swanson and what a nightmare she became i will never forget that christie swanson was at a a fucking um fucking hog roast with my family like i'll just never i'll never forget that it's still one of the craziest things i've ever had happen
um My next one is Paris is Burning. um Paris is Burning is fan-fucking-tastic if you've never seen it before. And it is all about the ballroom scene for queer people in the 80s and 90s in New York. Um, the reason why I put this on here is sort of like a horror adjacent thing is that like Paris is burning deals with a lot of dark shit. It deals with drug addiction. It deals with people getting murdered. It deals with people like going through some intense things in their lives. Um, one of, I can't remember her name right now, but there's that wonderful drag queen in it. Um, who what like the best thing she says in there is like, if you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, then hooray for you.
And what did she end up doing? She killed her fucking lover, her ex lover, wrapped him up and mummified him in a carpet and put him in her closet for years. Like there is some serious shit in Paris is burning that you go through that is on this list for sure. Cool. My number two is Drop Dead Gorgeous. Yeah, great one. um you know Murder, queerness abound. I don't even know what to tell you about this movie and how much the queer community has embraced and empowered this movie over the years, even though it's very problematic when you watch it back.
Yeah, I can't help it. I fucking love this movie. It's one of my favorites of all time. And I think it's definitely queer coded between um the main character and and her friend. So I'm just gonna go with it. Yes. And then my final one there would be Heavenly Creatures from 1994. This is one of Peter Jackson's first film, Peter Jackson, of course, of of Lord of the Rings fame. um He did an awful lot of stuff beyond Lord of the Rings, people, you need to watch more of it. um Heavenly Creatures is a spooky, ethereal movie, definitely queer-coded all over the place, especially for 1994. Melanie Linsky is in this, fucking Kate Winslet is ah an amazing cast, amazing direction, and an incredible film. And this is one that has been a favorite of of of queer people for a really long time, like I would say since it came out. um So that's one that definitely needs to be on there too.
And my final one will be of no surprise to anyone. Clue. Oh yes. It's got gay characters. It's got Tim Curry. It's got a house full of murder. What else more do you need? A house full of murder. A house full of murder, Andrew. Do you have any honorable mentions you would like to mention? Um, some other ones that I wrote down here, like, you know, it's, it's hard because like a lot of them are sort of already in horror, but like not overtly queer, right? So like Haunting of Hill House, for example, like not overtly queer, but it's all over the place. Um, Hellbent, a horror comedy, which fucking love Hellbent. So, so good. Um, Knife and Heart. That's one that we did for, for a previous Pride episode. Um, you know, I put that on there as an honorable mention because like, but remember how much we love that movie? And it's like, it's,
It's like it's it's a horror movie, but not. It's just like it's like a crazy fucking dream. It's just it's an amazing, amazing movie. So those were a few that I had on there. On my honorable mentions, I had Beetlejuice because, of course, Beetlejuice is a little bit gay. um So I married an axe murderer. Love that one. um Cecil B. Demented, which is a John Waters film that we have not talked about. um And then finally, Labyrinth and The Never Ending Story, because those made. Those made my queer identity the thing it is. It's hard. It's hard for Andrew or me to talk about never ending story without crying. Like we start crying right away. It's so good. Well, folks, I hope you had a great time on our annual Pride episode. We sure did recording it before we let you go. Just a couple of things as always. If you want to support us, there's a couple of ways that you can do that. Number one, ah you can go to our website,
and you can click on support where you will see a link to our patreon where you can become a patron there you can become a patron for as little as one dollar a month we think it's a pretty good deal and you can also buy merchandise for us we promise there will be a merchandise refresh eventually this year we just haven't gotten around to it yet but those are two great ways that you can support one of your favorite podcasts Yeah, we will definitely commit to having a new merch by the spooky season. There you go. Um, and, uh, once again on Patreon, we do have a new function on there. Um, it is a chat. Uh, there's a chat for each episode and you can kind of engage with us. We're active on there almost every day. Um, thank you to our newest patron Russ. Russ just joined at the dollar level. So thank you so much for that. Actually, I should say the Euro level because
Oh, yes. He's coming from Europe, baby. Let's go. Coming in Dublin, Russ. Come on. And then if you can't support us monetarily, we totally get it in this economy. What are you going to do? But um you can also leave us a review. We haven't got a new review in a couple months. So where are you guys? Where are you at? Are you listening without reviewing? Because that could be. I know I see the numbers that have not reviewed us yet. They've been with us for a long time, Andrew. It's time for them to finally write that review. It's time. Yeah. There's a disparagement between the amount of listens and we get in the amount of, uh, in the amount of reviews we have. We, we watching yo ass, we watching it. and we We're going to find you if you don't do it. And then finally, thank you so much to every queer person out there that listens to this podcast and hope you have a happy pride. And of course we hope that you always get slayed.