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Arc 2 - Episode 1 - 99 Boca McGriddles on the Wall, 99 Boca McGriddles. Take 1 Down, Pass it around, 98 Boca McGriddles on the Wall. image

Arc 2 - Episode 1 - 99 Boca McGriddles on the Wall, 99 Boca McGriddles. Take 1 Down, Pass it around, 98 Boca McGriddles on the Wall.

S2 E1 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
107 Plays10 months ago

The crew head to the train station to find clues on who stole the mysterious Blue Orb.

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter the Riolu


Introduction and Technical Issues

Hey guys, before we get into this episode, I just want to let you know that the audio in this episode might be a little bit iffy here and there. The reason the episode ended up releasing so late is because when I was finalizing the edit for this episode, the episode decided to go and just absolutely get corrupted. So as a result, I had to do all the editing over again in a week, so...
We had to use our backup, and the audio in the backup is not as high quality as it is in our main recording through Zencaster. So, forgive us, I did what I could in the time I had to make the audio cleaner, but with that being said, let's get into the episode. Alright,

Meet the Hosts: Personal Anecdotes

it's time to ignore the depressing realities of life and play some dandy.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to A Path to Time. I am Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM. And sitting across from me is somebody who prefers the Windows phone over either Apple or Android. To me, Evelyn. Yeah, I am buying a new Windows phone for Valentine's Day for myself. And to my left is someone who is memorizing the entire Analects of Confucius.
Ah, yes. I don't remember any of them yet, but I'm working on it. I'm Eli, and sitting across from me is someone who actually has to come up with a line for now. Yeah, that's me. You boy, Shano. And I'm nowhere near the guy who's supposed to be sitting near me. But, um, there he is right now. How's it going? I'm Jake, and pretty good. Just got my- just ate my cheese steaks.
If you guys haven't heard the post game show, which was released a couple weeks ago as of this release.

Character Spotlight: Jake as Walter

Jake is our newest recruit who is going to be playing Walter for us. I'll just give a quick recap of why if you guys haven't listened to that but Walter ended up becoming more of a character than we expected so I decided a while back I was like hey guys maybe we should recruit some for Walter since he seemed like he's coming on a journey with us.
and so we held like some interviews and stuff and well here's Jake so uh yeah i was the only one who showed up you know you had to take what you could get uh believe it or not we actually didn't well no no no it was more of a character than you were anticipating we're over here along for the ride and we're like yeah walter's here and Eli's like what's a walter
Walter was an NPC so I consistently forgot about his existence.
during the last episodes this is true i have a feeling that yeah yeah because waltzer is ridiculously rich uh he's richer than that so much money yeah oh boy okay bruce should be the richest i i haven't written down here actually he has uh as of the last update he should have five thousand six hundred and sixty three poke it does that line up with what you got jake
Yeah. I think he had more than that because, well, not like now, but before when we were at the museum and the train, he paid for like everyone's tickets for everything because we were short on money. So he definitely had more than that at one point. I think he had around 9,000.

The School's Last Day and Mysterious Rift

All right, definitely. He had like 2,000 and we all had like 100.
And then everyone gave us all 5000 poke at the end of the last episode. Yeah, I had 30. Yeah, I don't. Right. You guys should have some money now, because if I remember at the end of last arc, there was Mrs. Now. Did you? I must have blanked out. Yeah, now you can't get a full present as an ATM anymore.
Since when have I ever paid attention? When have I ever paid attention or was prepared? This is the GM saying this. That makes me scared. Speaking of paying attention, I am going to take it upon myself to do an entire ARK-1 recap right off the top of my head. So no one needs to roll d4s this time. I am just going to jump right into it. Yes, phew. I already rolled my d4.
What did you get? I'm going to do you guys. What do you guys want to roll for it? I mean, if you guys want to do the one recap and you do a summer recap or anything for this one, so I was planning on so. Gosh, last episode you go. Alright, I'm going to give us a quick recap of the arc one finale. Go listen to the arc one finale.
Yeah, I don't know why you'd be here. There you go. Well, I could, I mean, I'd, yeah. Okay. So in Arkland, Arkland started, I believe it was the graduate. Yes. It was graduation day for Bruce, the Tyndaquil, Sammy, the Munchlax, Eve, Evelyn, Kukara, the Pikachu, and Walter, the Riolo. You guys on your back. That's how it started.
What do you mean? Yeah, you didn't start on graduation day. It was like a few days before. Sorry, not graduation day. No, no, no. Sorry. No, you're absolutely right. The last day of school. Sorry, graduation day is a little different. But graduation day did happen. So yeah, it was the last day of school and you guys were doing your last battle, battle class.

Aftermath: Nurse's Office and Home Activities

What did we call it? Survivability? No, it was battle class and then survivability.
Okay, yeah, you guys did battle class and then survivability and during your guys to survivability cost history. He had history final. It yes. That was a very important part. Once you guys were doing your survivability, you guys ended up going through the dungeon and you guys found a mysterious rift in the middle of the forest and you guys saw things that probably weren't supposed to be seen or comprehended by normal Pokemon.
Yeah we ate some wild berries. Don't forget about all the money we found. Alright you guys found a little bit of money. We ate some wild berries and was on a trip. And after that you guys ended up in the hospital.
and Mr. Dr. Sumo was there. He helped you get back to the, not the hospital, the nurse's office in the school. After you guys had a little bit of a discussion, you all went home and did your own things, but I try to think if there was anything meaningful in the meantime, other than Sammy not knowing how to make ice cream, because that certainly happened.
um kari tried to made spoiled milk berry soup i think yeah it was a bowl of spoiled milk with one berry and i remember that singular berry that was my favorite part that she just put one berry in the bowl it's her cheat day berries are pretty huge in the pokemon world
uh to be fair yeah i imagined like you had just like this big bowl and just had like one raspberry in there yeah yeah but i like it i can i can imagine that they like downsize them for like a bowl of cereal like here here's uh yeah you get you a berry like an apple
Eli ended up fighting his- well, training with his sister. He did not fight with his sister. He was training with his sister who is a Galarian ponytail named Arabella. Yes, I think one to accidentally call her Gabriella. It's Arabella. Gabriella instead of Arabella.
Her name is Arabella, and she is a Galarian Ponyta who is learning to use firemoves. And Bruce was training Arabella to use to move Ember, which did not exactly go that well. I'll be sure she doesn't do Ember that well after it ends. What? I'm sure you know how to use it. Nothing important there. Uh-huh.
After that, U4 ended up going to the
Oh, why can I not think of what it was? You guys met Mr. Dr. Sumo with Professor Farnsworth. Mr. Farnsworth, don't remember, who is a male Kangaskhan, which I did not realize at the time of creation is apparently unusual. So there's a male Kangaskhan. And he suggested you guys go and meet Blair the Absal in Volkenburg.
because they would know more about rifts and stuff and like space stuff so you guys went to volkenberg and met with no you guys did that and then you guys went to say goodbye to other families at which point welter was kicked out of his house is that when that happened yeah

Walter's Family Drama: The Burning House

Yeah. Walter found a note on his door saying that he was kicked, that Vince had kicked him out of the house and Bruce in turn burnt his house down, killing Vince in the process. He's alive. We have not seen the body yet. That is not confirmed.
Yeah, oh right I skipped over the entire graduation which happened you guys went to the graduation and the The principal a pink. This is when a barber and Hymer who makes bombs in her spare time Did not give two? craps about her the graduations spammed through it and you guys Got through that and once all of a sudden done
you who showed up no one because the time was wrong yeah the parents did not end up showing up except for Bruce's mom because Bruce was complaining so much about it after all of a sudden done you guys ended up going to volkenberg on the train you guys encountered a couple shops that were selling pierogies
And once you guys got to Volkenburg, you guys met Blair the Absol, who told you about a mysterious book called The LGM's Guide to the Galaxy by Dr. Hoodhoot, which was last seen in the Volkenburg Museum of Art and Music. Something like that. And you guys went there, saw absolutely nothing except for the fact that the book was stolen eight years ago. And which was around the same time that Bruce's dad went missing.
And you guys went back home after a Pelipper burst in and had some urgent mail for Walter telling him that Veronica was concerned and needed him home ASAP. So you guys went home and that's when you guys found out that Walter's dad had died. And from there Miss Flameback let you guys stay at her place for the night to figure everything out. And the next day you guys ended up finding out about Project Flameback.
And the fact that Bruce's dad was not dead, and Mr. Flameback has a ambition to find Mr. Flameback, who is still alive and is being tracked. And I believe that's where we left off.
It only bothers me because we set it up in one episode and then the next totally disregard it and I was like wow
That was pointless. I don't know. She's she's more of a formal figure. I always refer to her as Miss Flameback. Oh, yeah. It's just we as players forgot that we gave her a name. So we're like, no, no, she's just Mrs. Flameback. Yeah. Is that worse than beginning how Walter existed? Yes. Significantly worse. Wow. All right. Clearly. Walter will rise up. Do you guys have anything else to add on to this?
Oh yeah, when you said we saw he was dead, allegedly. Allegedly. We didn't see anything, but Veronica did. Fake news. Veronica, who is Walter's mom. Yeah, Veronica, who is Walter's mom, said that she stalled the police fire department. Whatever. Take him out in a black bag. Body bag. You know, she said she had an idea. She said she had to ID the body. She saw.
You know, she's all emotional. She didn't see straight. She didn't see straight. She didn't see his body. She saw them take him out in a black bag. Pretty sure that's what happened. I might be wrong about that. I mean, I just listened to the entire first season, but whatever. OK, well, maybe that's what happened. They bring them back. He is a ghost type.
Yes, he is a ghost. And from now on, you guys will be haunted by Vince's spirits. He comes back as the ghost terror type slacking. He evolved when he became a ghost. He's a. You know how. You know how primates next century said that they used to get so angry that they died and that's how you got annihilate. Yeah, that's it. Same thing goes for.
you got so angry that i'm pretty sure we know what kills them but yes the more you read the more you read for the ghost types and decks the more sad it gets oh yeah and then there's just some like drifblim not drifblim drifblim where it's straight up murder and anyhow uh do you guys have anything yeah they're just taking the child and then they're getting the heater
You really think that they're going and taking care of him like mothers? All right. All right. Yeah, I think we can actually jump on in. That was a really long recap and it was horribly jumbled, but it works. So with that, I think we can jump on in. No.
So I'm sitting down, I can't jump. But jump isn't to move. Jump is boring. Let us. All right. I'm trying to think of a jump related. Let's stomping tantrum on him. Sure, we'll go with that. Splash on in. But that's what you do after you dive on in.
So, you guys wake up. If I remember right, Bruce has an early riser, aren't you? Yes, but I think in this case,

Breakfast Discussions: Dreams and Rifts

Bruce is actually gonna be the last one to wake up. Or at least get up. I don't know, should I roll to see if Bruce actually got any sleep? Or... Roll car... Make that constitution. Constitution, which is a tough roll.
tough that is a nine plus one so it'll be okay all right you get some mediumly well sleep it's medium rare sleep oh why is that I was thinking it was like a steak
What does your sleep weigh other than pronounced?
For the sake of this not dragging on for 10 hours, you guys all wake up around 10 a.m. And Alfred the butler is outside the door, he's like, uh, I really hope you guys are awake, but breakfast is ready, everyone. If you guys would like some Boca McRiddles, we have a whole plate of them here at the table. And he's saying this to the door. You know, I was thinking that that's all you guys really eat, but then I remembered how many Boca McRiddles you have in this house. Like that's so much like everything is just filled with Boca McRiddles. I forgot about that.
Yeah, we don't have anything else. We got to have a balanced diet. Alfred is well in the pantry. That's true. Well, you guys have like five berries in the pantry. Put it on the book and the griddles. Walter's going for the food before Sammy eats it all again. OK, so you guys head out to the kitchen. It's impossible to eat it all. There's just it's like infinite book and McGriddles.
Yes, they're infinite. Not only is Mrs. Flameback in the tech company, she's also in the Boca McRiddle company. I never thought about that, but what if she's like secretly the CEO of Boca Burgers? No, she's just the top shareholder in Boca McRiddle. She was talking to her house all the time. She's on the board.
okay so you guys sit down you guys go no my son's friend like a literal board
Oh my goodness. Okay, so everyone's at the table. Uh, if Balta's mom and Arabella are there too, and uh, uh, Miss... Miss Veronica. Veronica is looking very tired, and she looks like she was crying recently. Had everybody sleep last night? Wow, Jesus.
i can tell how bruce was sleeping last night snoring i swear i was getting i swear i got better from my cold and then whatever hit me yesterday is just like hey you don't want to we're not going to let you talk when you actually really need to cool that's that's right i talked about it all day today all right that's really funny because i genuinely thought that was eli talking
I had a cough trap before I got here. That's the ironic part, right before I had a dinner. Oh, that's funny, actually. Okay. Anyway, we'll try that again. So, uh, had everybody sleep tonight? Yeah, that's good. That's great. Yeah, surprisingly well.
I want to go back to bed. I had such a weird dream. Like, I dreamed that I fell into a space-time rift, except I've never seen a space-time rift before, so it's just... At this, Arabella looked very quizzically at you like, it's just, what's a space-time rift? Mom will tell you when the time is right.
just like cocks her head and looks up at uh miss flameback who is sitting at the head of the table and doesn't really elaborate but has that look of like i'll ask you about this later walton walton just looks at him like if you've never seen one how'd you know it was one well it just didn't look it looked like a uh it just like looked like a hole in the fabric of
just in the middle of where I was standing and it didn't, it was glowing and it didn't look like anything I'd ever seen before. And I fell in and all of a sudden I wasn't in the same universe anymore. I'm just spitballing here. Did it look like a golden ring with a swirl in the middle or did it look like a big blue vortex or just a big crack in the sky? I think the crack is kind of what I saw if I remember correctly. Did it look like a whirl in the sky?
Yeah, it looked like a... Like, I was standing on the stage. Like, I was like... I was dreaming about being an idol and singing in front of a big crowd. And I was on the stage, and this, like, giant, glowing, bluish-white whirlpool opened up, like, a couple of centimeters behind me.
and i just like stumble and like as i was like walking back dancing backwards i just fell right into it um yeah both Arabella and at this both Arabella and Veronica look at you very quizzical
Like, they're very interested. It's kind of like something that's on the movie. You're just kind of, you know, portals, riffs are all crazy, the kids doing things, but we're adults now because we graduated high school. Yes, you guys are adults because you graduated. So Veronica, to ask, what's a movie? It's like the phrase you see every day. I think Mrs. Flameback would know.
I think we would all like this TV in this universe. There's the most advanced thing you guys got is the GBA. There's at least some kind of movie. I think you guys would have plays, but not like movies. And even if they were a thing, they're not like widely known. So, yeah. Yeah, even Miss Flameback looks at you guys a little bit quizzically. She's like, what do you think of a play, but I had to think of a play, but digital.
They don't know digital. They think of a play, but... Well, this playback does. You have like a 1920s level of technology, right? Variably. You guys have trains, but no cars. So my logic is that game or advances exist. So some kind of TV has to exist. We'll go with that. They have canonical game systems. Yeah, there's game systems. So there's something to play it on.
Technology in this world does not work the same as it does, IRL, so who knows. Maybe you guys will come across an LCV, or sorry, a Tube TV. Thank you. You don't have to play it. It plays itself. It's a good way to do it. Yeah, yeah. Like a video game, except you're not doing anything. You're just watching it go. It's like watching a streamer online, or something. Whatever. I don't know. That's not a thing yet. That's made out of things. What's online? I don't know.
What's a streamer? Is that a Pokemon? I don't know. The things that they hang on the ceilings for parties. You watch them out. Pretty. So, OK, at this, a misplaying back clears her throat, which is like, ah, those of you who I talk to you say, can you guys meet me outside for a minute?

Next Mission: Investigating the Train Station

And she stands up and heads outside and you can see. She don't know.
Yeah, yeah, she talked to all of us Yes, she talked to you for yes everybody, but Arabella and Veronica were in the lab Yep, we all own Walt is following ways got pokey brittle in his mouth
Okay, so she sees you guys, and she heads over to the garden, pushes in the tomato plant, the tomato berry plant, and the staircase appears. You guys all head downstairs, and he looks at you guys as you guys get to the bottom, and she asks, all right, so what's your guys' first steps? You guys said you guys wanted to go visit the bank, I think. Is that what you guys are planning to do next? I think we should get a plan going here.
And Mrs. F, we didn't really have a chance to talk about it. We literally just woke up and had breakfast. Well, we have our opportunity here, can't we? Also, by the way, fantastic breakfast. Thank you for feeding us. Of course. As you know, I am the top shareholder of the Boca Company, so I get free boxes of Boca every day. And as you guys hear,
You guys can hear a kuchunk upstairs, and she says, yep, that'd be another pallet of Boca Burgers being delivered. Pallet? Delivered, that'd be a big propeller. Yeah, it's like a group propeller. Yeah, we look outside, and there's four palipers holding ropes, and there's just like a one-ton pallet of Boca Burgers. Or Conkelder or something. A big Dynamax Palipper.
Okay, so that happens and yes, that's just a myth Much ancient Pokemon. It's not a myth. Have you ever seen them Pokemon get that big? There's no way that's real. I mean in that movie once called poke Zilla You guys in the movies
Alright fine, as long as they're Pokemonized versions of Mufis out Lalit. What? It's either Manketong or Primankong.
I think I'm more slacking. Oh, slacking. It's literally King Kong. Slack King Kong. Yeah. There we go. That was right there in front of us. So as you guys are having this discussion about movies, Ms. Flameback clears her throat again. Guys, focus, please. We have a mission at hand here. You guys are planning on going to the bank, yes? Honestly, I thought we were going to go to the subway first.
I mean, to get to the subway to go to the bank, so yes. Yeah, I think we should see if we can investigate the train station where the guy mugged us. Yeah, I thought that was our panel. It's more of a train station. That was scary. And I had to talk about there might be a lost and found. Maybe our items are there.
Oh, yeah, that's a good place to start. Yeah, I bet if you guys talk to the ticket guys there at the beginning of the gates, they'll probably have like a lost phone or something. Maybe you guys can... But if you got... Wait, hold on. Real quick, I remember you guys said that they fled into the tunnels, right? You guys are not planning on going on the tracks, are you? No. If a train comes at me, I'll just defense, girl. I think...
I do want to say I love how Sammy just has absolutely no idea how Defense Curl works. Because he's tried to use it by falling off a mountain, he's tried using it jumping off the stairs. Because stop a train just by using Defense Curl. He raises his defense by like 15%, not infinity percent. I'll just counter the train.
There's your daily Spongebob reference
Okay, so all of this aside, Ms. Blaineback's like, oh, yeah, guys, that's a great idea. Why don't you guys go visit the transportation and report back to me? We can move on from there. That's a good plan, actually. It's right here in town. It's not too far away. It takes no resources. Wow.
I'm all confused here. Why would investigating the train station help us understand space-time rifts? We're trying to find the orb that got stolen from me. We're trying to find the guy to mess up so we could beat them up. And I gotta find my Jennifer, my Riley. Yes, Jennifer. Man, that Jennifer's solid as a rock.
Take inspiration for that. I don't think I've said it.
Okay, well, the way I do inspiration is off of jokes. If you guys do good jokes, I give you guys inspiration. I guess I haven't explained that before, but... And I am a... I am a sucker for dad jokes, so... Oh, I got plenty of them. Alright.
Our stuff was stolen so if we're gonna try to get it back I don't think the lost and found is gonna help us but maybe No, but we might be able to find some clues on who the guy was or where he went
OK, I got to remember how many days. No, that was how we got last night that you guys faced. So we don't know what it looks like. We can't really go to Lost and Found because we didn't lose it. When we get there to see if we remember the guys, anything about the guy. We can't really go to the Lost and Found. We didn't really lose it.
Well, we also don't know if we've got stolen from either. There's no way to prove that we got stolen. Did the pierogi scandal see us? Are you asking me? No, I'm asking the group. I think we should ask, I think, the pierogi stand. Yeah, I mean, we could totally investigate and see if anyone saw, like, those group names were probably still there. They hang out there all the time. Are you sure they're going to help us last time we were there, we tried to steal one of their pierogi?
I tried to steal a pierogi. That's different. Yeah. All right, Sammy, you stay away while we ask. We got a whole bunch of things that you can do. I want a pierogi. Sniff out the guy. Just apologize to them. It'll be fine. There's pierogies outside. The pilipers just dropped them. Ricardo, you're right. If I apologize, they'll feel so relieved that I did that. They'll just give me free pierogies. You're right.
No, no. It's too poke. They're not gonna go after you for too poke. No, no, no. It's just too... I love Sammy's logic. If you remember, Hikaru, it's just too. You don't need to have any money. You can just give him two of anything. He said two teeth, two toenails? That's true. Two pet rocks. Two fingernails. I don't even have one pet rock right now.
That really rocked your world. Oh, very good. You already have inspiration. If you guys are trying too hard and just gonna throw dad jokes every single sentence, that's not gonna do it. No, I'm just getting it out of there so they can't use it. Walter, if you're gonna keep talking like that, you won't come up with this. Alright. You can stay here with your mom. You don't have to come with her. Oh, stop.
Wow, we finally got a player character, Drew Walter, and you guys immediately went to Dead Show. Miss Salty, I got the inspiration first. Yes. All right, guys, let's stop breaking the fourth wall and get on with the story.
Okay, so yeah Veronica you guys might need Tickets to get onto the actual platform itself if you guys want to any investigating. I Yeah, I already give you guys somebody I use some of the funds I gave you guys last time Actually, yeah, my name is Miss flame back. Definitely. I don't know Veronica definitely not for a second. I thought you said On the rails
Veronica's just saying this from the shadows as she watches. We've been bugged. No, OK. OK, so Veronica says, yeah, OK. You guys go do that and report back when you guys have some findings. Or if you guys don't, either way, come back here. He said Veronica again. Did I? Oh, my goodness. Yeah. Flame back. It's Miss Flame back. It's Bruce's mom. They say Miss Flame.
It's miss playing back. Yeah. OK, so yeah, she kind of shushes you guys out the door or up the stairs again. OK, so can we grab some of the food that was dropped off? You can see some you can see Alfred as you guys get up, you can see Alfred moving boxes inside. Do you want to attempt to steal some? Walter's going to ask if he can have some in the road. Oh, you're asking Walter?
I'm sorry, Alfred? Yes. I'm not good with names today. Yeah, Walter, go for it. Okay, so you woke up to Alfred, and what are you saying? Hey, since we're children and all, we don't get much money, do you think I can have some of this stuff or food for later so I don't go buy my own?
uh ready please sure you usually we have to throw away at least 90 of us so absolutely take some also i must remind you guys are all above 18 you guys are not children yes but i am doing like the cute dog eyes when i asked okay uh i don't know what you're trying to get out of this but roll
Ugh. Why am I roasting my D&D? Yeah, persuasion. Which is cute. Ironically. Should I use my inspiration? Dude, do your thorough inspiration what you want. How much is my inspiration? That's a 16.
Alright, and, uh, Alpha got a 6. I have a 0. Against you. So, so, uh, wait, what? I have a 0 modifier. Okay, so, Alpha is like, Alfred sees your puppy eyes and he's like, hmm, I took what you guys want. I've lost my British accent, apparently. Yes, just take all of it. We never use any of it. So, you have permission just to take as much as you want.
Okay, um, where's my back? I'm putting as many as I can. Okay. We each, uh, welcome McRiddles to our inventory. I'm going to say, yeah, I must say you can use up one slot that stacks up to 99. So yes, 99 poking McRiddles are there in total. What is the, what is the item?
I'm gonna say, because you guys are about to get 99 of them, it heals 1 HP. And... Okay. Yeah, to make it not too overpowered and you're... Everyone's taking 99. Yep. token the griddles. And I'm gonna say each one fills up your belly completely. I'm glad we did this.
Not gonna worry about food for a while So if you guys have done stuffing your bags with poke poke Poke bokeh bokeh McRiddles, sorry, I can see Jake wrote poke McRiddles Hey, you've learned this in

Hikaru's Quest for New Skills

day one. I can't spell It's how do you miss my bokeh to poke? only one of those letters is correct and
Where do you even see that? It's, uh... Oh, okay, so, yeah, you guys age up. 99, Bokeh McGriddles now, if you guys choose to do so. Thanks, Alfred. Need to just walk us off to the train station. Thank you so much, Alfred. And Alfred gives you guys a salute and he's like, uh, happy to help. Thank you so much. I'll probably have all these gone by the end of the night.
I like the idea, if anyone shakes, um, Sammy, just poke him, poke him, but both of my griddles just fall out everywhere. Because they're all in his fur. Um... Yeah, I took 99. One reason I took 99 is just, is so that, in case Sammy needs extra. Sammy's gonna go through those so fast. He's gonna be munching on them every scene.
Oh yeah, if I remember. OK, what are you guys doing now? Can I say probably a walking train station? Am I able to use Aura sense? Like can I sense Aura any? Oh, that's actually something. Yeah, actually, it's an ability Walter always had. It just never came into effect. Oh, where is I wrote that down somewhere in here? I'm about to slap the code on him if he doesn't take that off.
I already did. No, you didn't. Oh, well, I guess I just did an update for you. I'm trying to remember what the exact definition for that was. Oresense. Yeah, it was an ability. It was ability I gave Walter a while ago. I think it was very similar to like Detect Good and Evil for D&D. Pretty much. Was it? OK, I'm not finding it. Do you have a definition, Jake?
I can just pull up one. It's basically the same thing for everything. Okay, well, for the sake of time, Aura Sense lets you detect one specific thing as like an investigation role, but with advantage. It can be used one time for long rest. Alright. So you guys stuff your bags with Boca McRiddles, and you guys are now heading towards the train station. I'll leave it up to you guys.
Guys, I just remembered that I wanted to ask my mom something. Um, mine, if we stop it, mine, if we stop at my house for a bit, it's on the way. You know, that's, it is on the way. Yeah, sure. You know, they, they deserve to know everything that happened last night and that's crashing in her house. They deserve to at least some kind of an explanation. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Let's, uh, let's head over.
Okay, so you guys head there down the road. You guys arrive at the beach. The right is Hikaru's house, the beach side storefront house, and to the left is the train station. You guys head towards the right towards Hikaru's house. You guys are standing outside on the stand. You guys, are you all going in or is just Hikaru going in?
They should know that Bruce broke down the house.
Okay, so he used to be outside, and Hikaru was heading inside.
As you enter inside, you can see Quinn is destroying the stock as usual, and your mom is sitting at the front desk. And she's like, oh, hello, Hikaru, how are things going? I had such a wild night. A lot of stuff happened. Yeah. I wanted to ask you something, Mom.
Yes? What is it? I have tried French now. I was noticing that way, like more and more, less Scottish, more French, every word. Hikaru's dad gets a new tie every time he's on screen. Hikaru's mom gets a new accent every time she's on screen. Oh, it looks like I have one small cultural. She's going to be talking German soon. Well, yes, I do have a German accent too.
She's wearing a beret and holding a baguette.
But, um... Okay. Okay. Um... I'm sorry. Yeah, so I wanted to ask you, um, there's... I've heard that... I've heard that PB2 can learn a move called Folt Tackle. Um, would you happen to know how I could possibly learn that in the future?
Oh, I see. What tackle do you want? Hmm, but I have a place for you. In Volkerburg, there is a store that sells TMs that you might want to talk to them. I am going to look up whether or not Volkerkol is actually a TM. It's Volt Switch, I think I think it is. Usually you need to breed a Pikachu with a light orb.
oh that's not something we're doing on the show so um we're doing no breeding here guys sorry i'll just give her a light orb sorry about that this orb gives you the power you just gotta eat it so you see hikaru have you heard of the birds and the bees
I don't know what words these are, I just know- I just know about startling. Oh, I- I mean- Alright, Pidgeot and Beedrill. How are the Pidgeys and the Beedrills? Yes, I've heard of those.
Oh, I didn't realize you were actualist. Well, you see, I am not going to describe this. This is a kid from the show. So, go ask your parents. Oh, ho, ho. You are my parent. My auntie says holding up her barrette. Oh, right. I... Oh, I'm glad we came here.
Always a joy to see her. So unhinged, and I'm so here for it. Yeah, we are on a different kind of energy tonight. Alright, well I did a conversation immediately. It's all pent up energy. If you want to learn vocabulary, I suggest you... Let me read how you... I have learned...
uh possibly i'm trying to see how you learn it how's your sandcastle coming along uh yeah it's just fine uh yeah okay so uh yeah so he calls mom goes oh it's a uh teacher in the in the volkenberg museum not a museum the college of volkenberg there is a professor there who deals any electrical shenanigans i think it would be a good idea if you go there and talk to him
The College of Vulcans? Or is it the Vulcans? Yes, indeed. It is both. It is interchangeable. Alright. Okay. Noted. Thanks, Mom. Of course! Have fun on your adventures!
Hello everyone, I am Dakota, here to thank you for listening to our episode. Our show comes out every other week, Sunday morning. Go follow us on Instagram at pmvpathotime, at Twitter at pmvpathotime, at us through spread of the view, and our Discord where you can receive updates on the show and talk to us and give us ideas, such as the question of the episode submissions.
We don't have an episode of the quest... an episode of the question. We don't have a question of the episode's submission this week because nobody has been submitting anything. So, if you want to go to our Discord and submit a question of your own, it's probably almost guaranteed to make it onto the show.
But with that, we have to thank our music producers, thank you for Awakening, On the Beach at Dusk, Kicklion Shop, Beach Cave, and Spintus Cafe from Pokemon Explorers of Sky. Thank you for Apart from a Palace from Pokemon X and Y, and Ragged Mountain orchestral remake, which is what you're listening to now, but yours truly. And with that, back to the chaos.
Hey Sammy, should this sandcastle have eyes? I don't... No, it really shouldn't have eyes. I mean, unless you put them on there, did you put the eyes on it? Should it? Should it be trying to eat me right now? No, definitely not. No, if it's trying to eat you, you can run away from it. That's not a sandcastle. Why is there a fortress one now? There's so many. Bruce! Now why can't I touch him anymore? Do we have to go get him? What happened?
Yeah, I think Walter's getting attacked by Sandcastle. I'm gonna attack by Sandcastle. Uh, did she go near the ones with the struggle? Yes, there's a little- They told him not to. Yeah. It's a little tiny Sandigast. Dude, are you like invading another family's time here at the beach? What the heck are you doing? I'm about to get bullied and just kick over the Sandcastle. That Sandcastle's a person. Yeah. Do you not know that those are alive?
They're the ones here that we made. Why are those the ones over there? That's a family. Don't. So we created life? No. No. Ours don't have life. Unless it somehow bonds with a shovel for some reason. Would we be insulting them if we kicked over a sandcastle? I think so. I think they would not appreciate that. They might not appreciate it. Hey, here's your new girlfriend. Walter walks away.
Just sending it to the sand castles. As that happens, Hikaru steps outside and sees you guys playing the sand castles. Hey guys! That's a... Hey Hikaru, I was just about to have... I was just about to have Bruce bury me in the sand. How's it going? It's good. I have... I have another thing. My mom taught me how to hold me where I could go learn my signature move, bolt tackle.
Turns out there's a move tutor in Voltenberg. It might cost you a bit of money though. We'll have to see. Apparently it's a university professor.

Tracking the Orb with Aura Sense

I don't know if they...
Okay, so you guys, having made your sand castles and having got information on the move tutor at the Volkenburg College of Volkenburg, you guys head over to the train station, which is just a quick little walk across the beach. And as you guys get there, you get to the stairs going down. Can I do my oresense? Sure. What specifically are you investigating?
Um, thief like, um, emotions, like wanting to steal emotions, like emotions. Uh, that's not something you evil emotions. Okay. You're trying to actually sense. So you're trying to do basically a vibe check is kind of what you're doing on the area. Uh, trying to think about even something you can do. Uh, no. Okay. So the way to work.
The way I'm thinking Oresense works is you can use it to detect people's Ores around them. And you can do specific investigation checks on like the remotions or their intentions, et cetera. You cannot do this on something that is not there. Like the thief is not currently there. I don't know. Maybe the thief is there. Who knows? But you can do it on a specific. Oh, I got to do a specific.
Uh, yep, it's specific. It's an investigation role, so you have to use one specific thing to do an advantage investigation role on. Nevermind then. Alright, so you guys head down the stairs and you guys get to the ticket booth. The ticket guy says, uh, hello, welcome to the, welcome to the, the, the, the real beach subway. Where are you guys headed? Um, cool. I can't under...
You should have done the I can't understand your accent. There's your second SpongeBob reference for the day. We're first depending on how this is Saturday. You're welcome. So we actually just want to investigate some things here in the train station. We didn't actually really want to go anywhere right now, but.
Are you guys like a investigator? Are you police? What's your business here? Well, we got mugged here a few days ago and we wanted to see if we could figure anything out.
Do you got security cameras? Hold on, give me one second. And you can see the shape behind the glass turn around. And you can hear us. We've got two people here looking to get on the platform. They don't actually want to get on the screen. What should I do about this? And you hear the thing go.
Oh, they see! Okay, okay, okay. And he turns back to you guys, and... Uh, I can let you guys on the platform for... Uh, 10 poke a piece, and you guys have access to the platform, but I must stamp your guys' hands with red X's, and he picks up a stamp and holds his arm out of the window. Well, hold on, usually they just check your tickets when you get on the train. Well, I'm not giving you guys tickets, so there you go. Because we're not getting on the train.
You guys want on this platform or not? He holds out the stamp. Yeah, we do. Walter will do that. All right, poke first. Stamp next. Subtracting. Also, since he has stuck his arm. By the way, since he stuck his arm out, you guys can see it is a timer. That explains a lot. OK. So I take it you guys are all paying for your own tickets.
Yeah, tickets to get on the platform. Oh, I just realized my mic was muted. I was saying all these things, just try to argue this, and I just realized my mic was muted. You're fighting with bombs.
And as you guys go down she stamps each of you guys's hands. It's kind of like if you Well, I think you guys never getting the reference from you guys head down to the platform and As soon as he's out of view for the guy he licks them at all
classic okay uh sure he's not he's not letting it stain his fur sure so as you guys get down uh you guys have your pierogi stand uh one and done on the left and across the track this pierogi is two electric bill dollar we don't need you anymore we got our own food okay
Alright, but if we decide we want Progeys, the best thing to do is go to Progeys 2 Electric Boogaloo, because they don't even take money. That is true. You just take two grains of sand off the platform here. Give it to them. Just go in the garbage and grab two things out of it. Here's a banana peel. Here's a fork. I don't know. Here's two marks on my hand.
What if I just gave him- What if I just gave him two hugs? Would that count? Two fist bumps? Okay, I guess there's one way to find out. Okay. Do you want us to, like, roll investigation or something here now? I'd like to go and see if- Uh, what are you guys doing? I'd like to go see if the Cool Teens are here and talk to them.

New Leads: Paint Incident and New Friends

The Cool Teens are there! They're at the end of the tunnel past the Perogia Stance.
I don't know if you've said anything about this, but Walter looks a bloodhound. Can I look for... who had the gem thing? Bruce? Did you say Walter's a bloodhound? He looks exactly like a bloodhound. He does not look like a bloodhound. He is. He's a dog. He should have great sense. I don't know what blue bloodhounds he got in your area. I'm saying face. He's got those long ears and that snout.
He's based off of Anubis. I think Anubis was some kind of husky-ish thing. Okay, so his ears are on the top of his head, looking at this picture of him. Yeah, he's got his appendages, but his ears are on top of his head. I don't know. Can I get a scent off to look for Bruce's scent? He wants to smell you, Bruce.
Oh, okay. Uh, yes. I see what you're getting at. You're saying the sense that was on the orb and because the orbit can attract the dude basically. Okay. So are you using or a sense with this? Sure.
Okay, so normally I would have you will disadvantage because Bruce is directly next to you. So trying to find a vague sense of Bruce while Bruce is around would be difficult. But because we're using or sent your advantage will cancel out your disadvantage. So regular also use my inspiration. Didn't you use your inspiration earlier? No.
That's a good question. Uh, well, Walter would have had to have, you know, re-led this, but he has already done it. Yeah. So do I roll with advantage or not?
Yes, because you're using your inspiration aren't you? Yeah, well you can choose these I heard you roll two dice. Give me your highest number What am I adding with it your investigation which is smart? I'm smart. Okay, so I got a 17 so that'd be a 60 again success
Alright, 16. You can smell the scent, a vague scent of Bruce along with a glassy scent, which I don't think Glass has a scent, but you smell Glass, and it's down the tunnel to your right. Away from the Paroke stands. He does a full like, dog unto, like four legs and just points up with his head. I think we got him. Okay. Alright. I don't know if Sammy's still going through the cool kids.
Um, oh yeah. Is Sammy going towards the cool kids? Okay. So you were over by the cool kids. I don't remember. I specifically said what they were before. I don't remember. I know one of them was a spinda. One of them was a miracle. And one of them was a miracle. Yes. Because
Okay, a Joel tickets miracle, a spindra. I need one more. I'm gonna say a terror. Could make graffiti. Sure, let's go with graffiti. A crocker? Yeah, let's go with graffiti, because they are... they're painting a mural underneath. Oh, okay, gotcha.
Alright, so who are you talking to? Alright, Smir Ligel, because that's how I spelled it last time I remember that. So, Smir Ligel looks at you and, uh...
Uh, says, uh, hello. How can I help you? I was just wondering, I was here a couple of days ago. Actually, I think it was yesterday. Sorry. It's been a crazy couple of days. Uh, I was here yesterday and when we were here, I mean, my buddies here, you could see, uh, you know, they're over there. Uh, the last time we was here, someone bumped into us and, um, we think they might've stolen some stuff from us. And I just wanted to know if you knew anything about that.
If you were here that night, if you were here that night, or if you had seen what happened, I'm not accusing you of doing it. Oh, no, no. I mean, some kind of person bumped into us as well funnily enough, and they spilled paint everywhere. And you look at the ground and there is dry to pink paint on the ground. Like just a big puddle of dried pink paint.
Yeah, they bumped into us as well. I didn't get a very good look at them, but they were definitely on four legs. That's as much as I could figure out while I was trying to get paint out of my fur. And you see that her feet are completely paint. Now, on the four legs thing, did they look like they're naturally supposed to be on four legs, or were they like on four legs just to go faster, kind of like a monkey kind of guy?
I'm not supposed to know. All I know is they've ruined my fur. Now I have to deal with this. You're not supposed to know. She gestures at her legs. Okay. Uh, okay. Uh, yeah. Got it. Got it. Got it. Um, but they, they bumped anyway. What's your name? I never, Oh, uh, yeah. Uh, I'm Sammy pepperoni.
I don't know. Sandy? Hi, I'm Brusher. And this is over here. This spinda. This is Swirly. And this, she points towards the graphite eye, is Painter. And this over here, she points towards... Did I say Jolt again? No, I did not say Jolt again. And this one is Smallboy. Uh... Definitely didn't come up with that on the spot. You know what up, Smallboy? And I go for a little high five. His name should have been Big Man.
Sorry, you know, you're right. And this is Big Mac and she points towards the... She points towards the jolt check. It went up Big Mac and I go for high five. And... And he gives you a tiny little high five. Absolutely roll for... Absolutely roll for high five. 17. Not one incoming. 17.
Oh, he got a 16. You guys have the most perfectly synchronized, perfect hand. Hand slot? It's probably the size of my hand. It's a high five. Even though his hand is so tiny. I really want you to just squish him by accident. This is what everyone's listening for. Tiny bug, high fives.
My new book, High Five, is the perfect anime high five. And it's crisp, satisfying slap. It's a Finn and Jake high five, where they went around the world. Yeah, it's slap. All right, well, thank you, Brusher. Thank you, Painter. Thank you, Spinny. Spin, Spin, Spins. Well, I'm sorry, what was your name again? She looks at you. Yeah, it's Swirly. Swirly. I think that's what I was named for.
Did you tell I don't remember large numbers of NPCs too well? I appreciate the help of you guys. My family owns Pepperoni's Pizza downtown if you ever guys want to, you know, get a slice. I'm over there most of the time. Ah, good to know. Alright, thank you. And she bid to adieu.
Guys, I talked to those cool teens. They were pretty cool, but they didn't really have a lot of help. But what they did say is, um, the smear girl, smear, smear girl, whatever. Uh, she said her name was pressure. Mirror girl. Her name was pressure. I love that. And she, she was pretty cool, but she said that, um, they also got bumped into the other day yesterday. I keep, dude, it's been a while. Um, yeah, they also got bumped into yesterday and she spilled all her pain.
That stinks. That's kind of odd, considering that's miracle. I do want to. I mean, it probably. Sorry, I do. I do want to. Sorry, I just want to state, I believe during the night, I specifically said there was nobody on the platform, but I'm just going to say you didn't see them or whatever. I just realized that they were there.
yeah they were there you guys just didn't see them that's what i'll say hey um did i recognize that scent with the orb like have i ever smelled the same scent before uh yeah it smells like the orb itself yeah it smells like bruce there's definitely another there's probably another scent with the scent with the oh i see uh have i ever smelled that before or do i know what okay uh you you got a you got a 16 correct yes
Okay, yes, I will... I'm trying to think of how to word this. It also has... I'm gonna say you don't pick up anything extra because you were specifically looking for the scent of glass and brutes. So because you were not looking for anything extra, you do not smell anything extra. That's fair, I was reaching out with that one. Yeah, sorry, I had to think about that one for a second.
I was ready to type in whatever you said, like, Pokemon on four legs with... I was ready to type stuff out. Yeah. That's cheating. It's Walter's dad. I'm calling it. He's back from the grave. He's dead. He died. Uh-huh. It's like that one shot. That's why I was asking if they were on all fours for, like, natural reasons or to go fashion like a monkey guy would.
Honestly, we're not being surprised if it's Walter's dad. We just got to follow him around now. Sammy kind of looks at Walter. His little feelings are going. What's he doing over there, bros? Hey, Carl, you guys know what's going on? He's trying to track it. Walter just bugs it once. Nice sense on the orb to see if he can track it back to whoever stole it from us.
Oh, okay, okay. Walter's gonna try to find another way in besides jumping straight on the tracks. A different way into the tracks besides just jumping down. Because people are probably gonna yell at him if he does that. There is a service ladder that goes down into the tracks. You can see that. Is there no, like, bit of platform next to the track?
there is yes it's like a very narrow like two foot path uh two foot wide path uh enough for you guys to file through a single file perfect sounds like we got can multi try to
Yeah. I was gonna say, can we try to go down sneakily so we don't make a commotion? Uh, since you guys are looking at it, since you guys are looking at it, I want you... Who's first in line? Well, no, Walter said he was going down there. I want you to roll perception, which is beauty. All of us to roll perception? Just Walter. Just Walter, since he is first up there. Ooh, a drop of dice. I hurt. Uh, let's see, that is a 14.
Alright, by the 14th, you can clearly see there are pink footprints going down that path. Walter says, just relays that. Wait, like pink footprints? Like, I just talked to Brusha and she said her feet were all covered in pink paint. Ooh, maybe. Did they look like paint with claws or like what kind of footprint?
uh they look like uh dog footprints yeah she's kind of dog-like like you but um you're like different kinds of dogs wait a minute brusher has longer feet the ones that are there just look like stereotypical paw prints i got a question how far is this that's between each like painting a feet like this is a four set then another four set i want to see if they like investigation
I wanna see if they'll fall on Sprinkling or they'll just walk all the way down.

Tracing the Thief: Aura Sense Success

They're both smart. I thought it'd be nature because- Yeah. They're both smart. Oh yeah, they're both smart. They're the same thing. Twelve.
Well, sure, I'll give it to you. You can tell there is twice the number of footprints that there would be for a bipedal person. Whatever it is was on four feet and they were running very fast. All prints are spaced apart, but the pattern is for a four-foot Pokemon. Four-footed Pokemon. It's a natural four-footed dog Pokemon, basically.
And as you look down the path you can see that the pick paint starts to wear off as the footprints go down the path. As if like the paint started coming off the feet. Walter says let's go if people got any objections.
Alright, so you guys start heading down, you guys start heading down the dark tunnel. Everybody stay close. If a train comes, just jump onto the train. Just don't even- I'll just counter it. Don't guys, I'll counter it. Flatten against the wall. We're not on the tracks. Do you think I can- Hold on. You see how big I am?
Guys, can I use Flash? Waltie kicks out his instrument. That worked like a second. I don't have Flash, but I could try to use it. Sorry, this is a family-friendly show. No, no, move Flash! Alright.
Is that a facepalm game? What does it mean? It just goes, secret? Oh, you guys are going to hate me. Yeah. Yeah. Jake, take another inspiration for that. I actually like that. I feel like that's going to get a huge episode, though.
Oh, it probably will. We'll see. Uh, if it does, then it's exclusive footage. I don't see why it would get you. Okay. So I, I'm trying to think if that's what you could do. What moves does Hikaru know? Right now I have Thunder Shock, Tarm, Quick Attack, and Double Team. I don't think she needs to know the move. I think it's something indirectly like a peek as you can just zap its cheeks up. Like not make it like a lightning bolt, but just kind of like
Yeah, that's kind of what I'm thinking. I'm pretty sure every electric type can... Electric types can glow. Okay. I'm going to say this. For simplicity, you can generate lights with your cheek. I want you to roll a d20 with disadvantage and that is how bright your cheeks will glow. Okay. So I'm using... I think I've seen it in the anime where I like it. Bruce also blames on his back that he can... Oh my gosh. That's fair.
We didn't think of Bruce's fire. I completely forgot you were a Cyndaquil. Okay, hold on one second. I forgot you were a Cyndaquil. Either way, I want Hikaru to roll this real quick. Yeah. Two lights better than one. I got a six both times. Oh wow. Okay, so with a six, it lights the path very dimly. And as soon as you do that, Bruce's back catches fire and the whole place is lit up very brightly.
Well, no, yeah, yeah. Bruce naturally has fire in his back. He doesn't need to roll for something he does naturally. Fair enough. It's not like he's trying to get extra light like he's trying to get further than usual. If he if he wants to do extra light, that's different. But I'm already saying that he lights it up. Well, if you guys can see down the path and as you guys go down the path. Bruce, how are you going to steal my thunder like that?
He just sneezes and he completely outshines you.
Steal your thunder fine inspiration under but That's not something I can do right now Question this will have dark vision as a dog. No, none of you guys have dark vision inspiration
We can't remember it. I mean, you can even remember it. Let me take a look at the character. She is. So what is how much anywhere? You probably just put it. Yeah, I just type it anywhere. Also, like how much do you get when you get another 20 roll? It's what inspiration, let's say we roll any roll. Thank you.
I'm putting it below. By the way, I'm glad I used it, because my first roll for last time was a Nat 1. Oh wow, yeah. Yeah, I'm glad I used it. Alright, and as the Intrepid... Not Tria, the Intrepid... Quad. The Quad Squad. As the Quad Squad go down the tunnel.
Or whatever. As the squad heads down the tunnel, it's a darkness. This is where we're gonna end this episode. I've been Dakota, you're PM, you're DM, you're GM. I've been Evelyn, playing Hikaru. I've been Eli, playing Bruce. May not sound it, but I've been Sean, playing Sammy. You're right, I don't know who's been playing Sammy this whole time. And I'm Jake, playing Walter. Thank you, and I will see you next episode.